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1.The reason for his success is _______ he worked hard. that

2.This is the third time __________ I have been here. that

3.She dresses well,but the trouble is________ the clothes she is wearing don’t go with each other very well. that

4.Einstein's most famous theory is ____ we call the Theory of Relativity. what

5.The suggestion________ students should learn some practical knowledge is

worth considering. that

6.The old woman was shocked by____ had happened to her daughter. what

7.He is a man with rich experience, from ________ much can be learned. whom

8.You will succeed in the end _______ you give up halfway. unless

9.You have no idea ______ anxious I have been for her safety. how

10.______ you go or stay at home won't make any difference. Whether

11._______ the day went on, the weather got worse. As

12.Living in a house _______ windows are made of paper would be horrible. whose

13.We were all very worried over the fact _____ you were ill. that

14.I will buy that apartment _______ much it costs. however

15.September 18, 1998 is the day __________ the little boy was born. when

16._____________ you don’t like him is no ne of my business. That

17.I want to buy some stamps. Can you tell me _____ there's a post office near here?


18.Mr. Smith has learned some Chinese ______ he came to Shenzhen. since

19.________ he is rich enough, still he spends very little on clothes and food.


20.He was driving at ______ I thought was a fantastic speed. what

21.He was in ______ a hurry _____ he forgot his keys. such …that

22.Small town ______ it is, yet it is very famous. as

23.Please keep reading the poem _______ you have remembered it. until

24.The only thing, of__________ I am not sure, is the idiom. which

25.I won’t tell him the correct answer ________ I know it. I don’t like him. Even

if/even though

26.A whole month had passed _______ she fully recovered. before

27.I hope to get such a dictionary ________ he is using. As

28.It is in the Beihai park ________ they first met _____ they had a heart-to-heart

talk. where, that

29.Could you tell me for _____ you have bought this fur coat? whom

30.Shenzhen is not the city _______ it used to be twenty years ago. that

31.My radio doesn’t work. I don’t know _______ the trouble is. where

32.Perseverance is a kind of quality—and that’s_______ it takes to do anything well. what

33.The baby may be saved _______ he is sent to hospital in no time. if

34.It was not yet 7 o’clock ______ he came back. when

35.His grandfather died of cancer on the afternoon of last Wednesday, _______ made

his family very sad. which

36.__________ you can imagine, he handed over his business to his son when he

retired. As

37.Is there a cinema around _________ I can see a film. where

38.September 18, 1998 is the day __________ we’ll never forget.that/which

39.The students ______ parents work in London speak English very well. whose

40.I’ll never forget the village _______ I visited this summer holiday.which

41.I’ll never forget the village _______ I was born. where

42.Is that the reason ______ he told me for his being late? which/that

43.Is that the reason ______ he was late? why
