



轮毂式电动汽车驱动系统外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译The wheel type electric car is a type of electric car thatutilizes a driving system。

There are two main forms of this system: the direct driving type ___。

This system is installed on the wheel hub of the motor。



main cer。


it allows for the ___。

making electric control technology possible。

As a result。

the wheel type electric car is expected to e the ___ electric cars.2.Advantages and disadvantagesThe wheel type electric car has many advantages。


it has a simple and compact structure。


it has high n efficiency。

which improves the overall performance of the car。


it has good ___。

it has a low noise level。


there are also some disadvantages。


the cost of the wheel type electric car is relatively high。


the maintenance costis also high。


the wheel type electric car has ___.The wheel type electric car has a simple and compact structure。



电动汽车的术语和英文缩写一、电动汽车术语1.电动汽车electric vehicle=EV 2.纯电动汽车battery electric vehicle=BEV 由电动机驱动的汽车。


3.混合动力电动)汽车hybrid electric vehicle=HEV够至少从可消耗的燃料或可再充电能(能量储存装置)下述两类车载储存的能量中获得动力的汽车4.串联式混合动力(电动)汽车series hybrid electric vehicle=SHEV 车辆的驱。


5.并联式混合动力(电动)汽车parallel hybrid electric vehicle=PHEV 车辆的驱动力由电动机及发动机同时或单独供给的混合动力(电动)汽车。

6.混联式合动力(电动)汽车combined hybrid electric vehicle 同时具有串联式、并联式驱动方式的混合动力(电动)汽车。

7.燃料电池电动汽车fuel cell electric vehicle=FCEV 以燃料电池作为动力电源的汽车。

8.辅助系统auxiliary system 驱动系统以外的其它用电或采用电能操纵的车载系统。


9. 车载能源on-board energy soure 变换器和储能装置的组合。

10. 驱动系统propulsion system 车载能源和动力系的组合。

11. 动力系powertrain动力单元与传动系的组合。

12. 前后方向控制器drive direction control通过驾驶员操作,用来选择汽车行驶方向(前进或后退)的专用装置。


13. 电池承载装置battery carrier为承放动力蓄电池而设置的装置。


14.电平台electrical chassis 一组电气相联的可导电部分,其电位作为基准电位。












二、研究内容1. 外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的原理和特点。

2. 电动汽车用外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的设计方法和计算机辅助设计流程。

3. 电动汽车用外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的性能分析与仿真。

4. 电动汽车用外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的实验研究。

5. 电动汽车用外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的优化设计。

三、研究方法1. 文献调研和资料收集:通过查找相关文献和资料,了解外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的原理、设计方法和计算机辅助设计流程,以及电动汽车用电动机的性能指标和应用要求。

2. 软件仿真技术:使用COMSOL Multiphysics或Ansys等软件进行电动汽车用外转子永磁无刷直流电动机的性能分析和仿真,验证设计的可行性和优化结果。




1. 直流无刷电机:直流无刷电机采用稀土磁材料,具有体积小、功率密度高、启动转矩大等优点。



2. 感应电机:感应电机具有结构简单、可靠性高的特点。



3. 永磁同步电机:永磁同步电机采用永磁体作为励磁源,具有高效率、高能量密度和大启动转矩等优点。



不同类型的驱动电机在优缺点和技术发展路线上有所不同:- 直流无刷电机的优点是体积小、功率密度高,但其换向损耗较大,转速范围相对有限。

- 感应电机的优点是结构简单、可靠性高,但在低速和高速性能不理想,电机控制要求较高。

- 永磁同步电机的优点是高效率、高能量密度和大启动转矩,但缺点是控制复杂,需要较高的电机控制算法和精确的转子位置传感器。







⎡u AN ⎤ ⎡ R 0 0 ⎤ ⎡i A ⎤ ⎢u ⎥ = ⎢ 0 R 0 ⎥ ⎢i ⎥ + ⎢ BN ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ B ⎥ ⎢ ⎣u CN ⎥ ⎦ ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 R⎥ ⎦⎢ ⎣iC ⎥ ⎦ ⎡L − M p⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 L−M 0 0 ⎤ ⎡i A ⎤ ⎡e A ⎤ ⎡u ON ⎤ ⎢i ⎥ + ⎢e ⎥ + ⎢u ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ B ⎥ ⎢ B ⎥ ⎢ ON ⎥ L−M⎥ ⎦⎢ ⎣iC ⎥ ⎦ ⎢ ⎣ eC ⎥ ⎦ ⎢ ⎣u ON ⎥ ⎦
α 为旋转因子,α = cos120D + j sin 120D
i Sβ

i Sα
⎡ ⎢ ⎡iα ⎤ ⎢ ⎢i ⎥ = 2 ⎢ ⎢ β⎥ 3⎢ ⎥ ⎢ i ⎢ ⎣ 0⎦ ⎢ ⎣
⎡ ⎢ ⎢ =⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣
I ref

PID 调节器
无刷直流 电动机
I phase
数字低通 滤波
M ref
ABS ( I a , I b )
1 k2
I ref

无刷直流 电动机
I phase

基于人工智能在永磁无刷直流电机驱动中的应用 毕业论文外文翻译

基于人工智能在永磁无刷直流电机驱动中的应用  毕业论文外文翻译

附录B:Artificial intelligence applications in Permanent Magnet Brushless DCmotor drivesR. A. Gupta· Rajesh Kumar· Ajay Kumar BansalPublished online: 25 December 209© Springer Science Business Media B .V. 2009Abstract Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC) machines are more popular due its simple structure and low cost. Improvements in permanent magnetic materials and power electronic devices have resulted in reliable, cost effective PMBLDC drives, for many applications. Advances in artificial intelligent applications like neural network, fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithm etc. have made tremendous impact on electric motor drives. The brushless DC motor is a multivariable and non-linear system. In conventional PMBLDC drives speed and position sensing of brushless DC motors require high degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, traditional methods of control require detailed modelling of all the motor parameters to achieve this. The Intelligent control techniques like, fuzzy logic control/Neural network control etc. uses heuristic input–output relations to deal with vague and complex situations. This paper presents a literature survey on the intelligent control techniques for PMBLDC motor drives. Various AI techniques for PMBLDC motor drive sare described. Attempt is made to provide a guideline and quick reference for the researchers and practicing engineers those are working in the area of PMBLDC motor drives.Keywords PMBLDC·Artificial intelligent ·Intelligent control ·Fuzzy ·Neural network1 IntroductionThe permanent magnet (PM) brushless DC (BLDC) machine is increasingly being used for various applications and its market is rapidly growing. This is mainly due to its high torque, compactness, and high efficiency. Permanent magnet brushlessmotors have found wider applications due to their high power density and ease of control. Advances in high-energy Permanent Magnet materials and power electronics have widely enhanced the applications of PMBLDC in variable speed drives similar to ac machines (Singh and Kumar 2002; Bose 1992). Recently, the PMBLDC motor has evolved as a replacement of the standard brush type dc machine in many servo applications due to its high efficiency, low maintenance and good controllability (Mohan et al. 1995). Several models of this drive have been presented and discussed (Putta Swamy e t a l. 1995).Moreover, PMBLDC motors are a type of synchronous motors means that the magnetic fields generated by both the stator and the rotor have the same frequency therefore, PMBLDC motors do not exper ience the “ slip” that is norm ally seen in induction motors (Hendershot and Miller 1994 ). The research is going on to identification of a suitable speed controller for the PMBLDC motor. Many control strategies have been proposed (Kaynak 2001; Miller 1989) in classical linear theory. As the PMBLDC machine h as nonlinear model, the linear PID may no longer be suitable. This has resulted in the increased demand for modern nonlinear control structures like self-tuning controllers, state-feedback controllers, model reference adaptive systems and use of multi-variable control structure. Most of these controllers use mathematical models and are sensitive to parametric variations. Very few adaptive controllers have been practically employed in the control of electric drives due to their complexity and inferior performance.The design of current and speed controllers for permanent magnet brushless DC(PMBLDC) motor drive remains to large extent a mystery in the motor drives field. A precise speed control of PMBLDC motor is complex due to nonlinear coupling between winding currents and rotor speed as well as nonlinearity present in the developed torque due to magnetic saturation of the rotor.The PMBLDC machines can be categorized based on the permanent magnets mounting and shape of the back-EMF. The permanent magnets can be surface mounted on the rotor or installed inside of the rotor (interior permanent magnet), and the back-EMF shape can either be sinusoidal or trapezoidal. The surface mountedPM (SMPM) machine is easy to build. Also, from the machine design point of view, skewed poles can be easily magnetized on this round rotor to minimize cogging torque. Typically, for this type of motor, the inductance variation by rotor position is negligibly small since there is no magnetic saliency. The interior permanent magnet (IPM) machine is a good candidate for high-speed and traction applications. It is noted that there is an inductance variation by rotor position for this type of motor because of the magnetic saliency.This paper will give bigger focus on the artificial intelligent applications to PMBLDC motor drives. In this paper, conventional and recent advancement of AI operation methods for P M BLDC drives are presented.2 Modelling of PMBLDC motorThe PMBLDC motor is modelled in the stationary reference frame using 3 -phase abc variables (Pillay and Krishnan 1989). The general volt-ampere equation be expressed as:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡+⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡---+⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⨯⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡c b a c b c b a c b e e e i i i dt d M L M L M L i i i R R R V V a a 000000000000Vwhere R , L , M are the resistance, inductance and mutual inductance of stator windings and x V ,x e ,x i are phase voltage, back-EMF voltage and phase current of each phase of stator respectively. The electromagnetic torque is expressed asFig. 1 Three phase back EMF function[]c cn b bn a an r e i e i e i e 1T ++=ωThe interaction of e T with the load torque determines how the motor speed builds up:dtd J B r r L ωω++=T Te where is L T load torque in N -m, B is the frictional coefficient in N -ms/ rad, and J is the moment of inertia, kg-㎡.The per phase back emf in the PMBLDC motor is trapezoidal in nature and are the functions of the spee d and rotor position angle (θ r ). The normalized functions of back emfs are shown in Fig. 1. From this, the phase back emfan e can be expressedas: E e an = o r o 1200<<θ()E E e an --⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=θππ6 o r o 180120<<θ E e an -= o r o 300180<<θ()E E e an +-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=πθπ26 o r o 360300<<θWhereωb k E =and an e can be described by E and normalized back emf function ()r a f θshown in Fig. 1. ()r a an Ef e θ= . The back emf function of other two phases bn e and cn e are defined in similar way using E and thenormalized back emf function()r f θb and ()r c θf as shown in F ig. 1.3 .Artificial intelligenceHuman abilities in controlling the complex systems, has encouraged scientists to pattern from human neural network and decision making systems. Firstly there searches began in two separate fields and resulted in establishment of the fuzzy systems and artificial neural networks (Giridharan e t a l. 2006). There are primarily three concepts prevailing over the intelligent control:• Fuzzy logic control• Neural network based control• Neuro fuzzy control (hybrid control)In the first concept, the controller is represented as a set of rules, which accepts/gives the inputs/outputs in the form of linguistic variables. The main advantages of such a controller are:Fig. 2 PMBLDC motor AI controllers scheme(1) Approximate knowledge of plant is required(2) Knowledge representation and inference is simple.(3) Implementation is fairly easy.The artificial intelligence mainly has two functions in PMBLDC motor drivesa. Artificial intelligence control—As controllerb. Sensorless operations—for variable estimationIn these the conventional controllers like PI,PID etc. are replaced or combined with AI controllers. All artificial-intelligence-based control strategies, such as fuzzy logic control, neural network control, neurofuzzy control, and genetic control, are classified as artificial intelligent control (AIC). Among them, the fuzzy logic control and the neural network control are most mature and attractive for the PMBLDC drives since they can effectively handle the system’s nonlinearities and sensitivities to parameter variations (Fig. 2).附录C 中文译文基于人工智能在永磁无刷直流电机驱动中的应用摘要由于其结构简单和低成本的原因,永磁无刷直流电机越来越受到青睐。


永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,PMSM)
结合了直流电机和交流电机的优点,具有较高的效率、较好的动力性能和较低的维护需求,是ss DC Motor, BLDC)
直流电机(DC Motor)
交流异步电机(AC Asynchronous Motor)
开关磁阻电机(Switched Reluctance Motor, SRM)
轮毂电机(Hub Motor)
无位置传感器电机(No-position Sensor Motor)



无刷电机驱动的工作原理无刷电机驱动器(Brushless Motor Driver)是一种能够控制无刷电机转速和位置的电路装置。









1. 功率电路:无刷电机驱动器的功率电路主要由多个功率MOSFET和驱动电路组成。



2. 控制逻辑电路:无刷电机驱动器需要通过控制逻辑电路对电机的转速和方向进行控制。


3. 电源电路:无刷电机驱动器的电源电路负责为控制逻辑电路和功率电路提供稳定的电源。












以下是一份来自IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics杂志的论文摘要,介绍了一种基于磁场操作的无刷直流电机。

原文摘要Title: Design and Implementation of a Magnetically Operated Brushless DC MotorAbstract: In this paper, we present a new type of brushless DC motor that is operated by a magnetic field. Traditional brushless DC motors rely on electronic control circuits, which can be complex and expensive. This new motor design eliminates the need for electronic control by using a magnetic operation principle.The motor consists of a permanent magnet rotor and a stator with a three-phase winding. The motor is driven by a magnetic field, which is created by the interaction of the rotor’s magnetic field and the stator’s magnetic field. The mot or is designed to operate efficiently at high speeds and with high torque.We have implemented the proposed motor design and tested it extensively. The results show that the motor operates as intended and demonstrates improved performance compared to traditional brushless DC motors. This new motor design has potential applications in the automotive, aerospace, and robotics industries.译文摘要标题:一种基于磁场操作的无刷直流电机的设计与实现摘要:在本文中,我们介绍了一种新型的基于磁场操作的无刷直流电机。



电动车的电机的用途英文回答:Electric Motor Applications in Electric Vehicles.Electric motors play a pivotal role in electric vehicles (EVs), serving as the driving force that propels the vehicle forward. Unlike conventional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines, EVs rely on electric motors to convert electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy. This innovative technology offers numerous advantages, including improved efficiency, reduced emissions, and enhanced performance.Types of Electric Motors in EVs.There are several types of electric motors used in EVs, each with unique characteristics and applications. The most common types include:Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs): PMSMs are widely used in EVs due to their high efficiency and compact design. They rely on permanent magnets fixed to the rotor, eliminating the need for a field winding and reducing energy losses.Induction Motors (IMs): IMs are a simple and robust type of electric motor commonly used in industrial applications. They are characterized by their ability to operate at variable speeds, making them suitable for EVs with regenerative braking systems.Switched Reluctance Motors (SRMs): SRMs offer high torque at low speeds and are relatively inexpensive to manufacture. They are particularly suited for EVs used in urban areas where frequent stops and starts are common.Axial Flux Motors (AFMs): AFMs are unique in their design, with the stator and rotor arranged in an axial configuration. This allows for a more compact and lightweight motor, which can be beneficial for EVs with limited space constraints.Functions of Electric Motors in EVs.Electric motors in EVs perform the following essential functions:Propulsion: The primary function of the electric motor is to provide motive power to the vehicle. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, which is then transmitted to the wheels through a gearbox.Regenerative Braking: During braking, the electric motor acts as a generator, converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle into electrical energy. This energy is stored in the battery, extending the vehicle's range.Hill Climbing: Electric motors provide high torque at low speeds, enabling EVs to climb hills efficiently. The instant torque delivery provides a responsive and smooth driving experience.Noise Reduction: Compared to combustion engines,electric motors operate quietly, reducing noise pollution and enhancing the overall driving comfort.Advantages of Electric Motors in EVs.The adoption of electric motors in EVs offers several advantages, including:Efficiency: Electric motors are inherently more efficient than combustion engines. They convert over 90% of electrical energy into mechanical energy, compared to around 30% for gasoline engines.Emissions Reduction: EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, contributing to improved air quality and mitigating climate change.Performance: Electric motors deliver instant torque and can accelerate quickly and smoothly. They also have a wider operating range, allowing for more efficient and responsive driving.Maintenance Costs: Electric motors have fewer moving parts than combustion engines, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and increased reliability.Conclusion.Electric motors are the heart of electric vehicles, enabling them to deliver efficient, emission-free, andhigh-performance transportation. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced and innovative electric motor designs that will further enhance the driving experience and accelerate the adoption of EVs.中文回答:电动汽车中电动机的用途。



PM-DMPM实验系 统由PM-DMPM、控制 和驱动系统、测力计、 热散逸系统和电脑。
1. Test of Phase Current Wavt Tracking Performance
3.Test of Efficiency
Fig.11显示了外电机和内部 电机的控制和驱动系统效 率地图。可以看出这两个 外部电机子系统和内部电 机子系统有更高的效率, 在其额定条件下尤其如此。
A Control and Drive System for Permanent Magnetic Dual Mechanical Port Electric Machine Used in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
用于混合动力电动汽车的控制和驱动系统永磁 双机械端口电机
这篇文章讨论了两种电磁控制方案:均匀磁场和 非均匀磁场。对于非均匀磁场,分析和证明表明在 外部电机和内部电机之间没有电磁耦合。因此,对 于非均匀电磁模型,永磁DMPM可以被当做两个独 立的永磁同步电机,而且控制方式较均匀磁场容易。 FOC(磁场定向控制)被用作DMPM控制算法。 外部电机的功能是补偿发动机输出力矩与车辆要求 力矩之间的不同;内部电机的功能是补偿发动机速 度与车辆速度之间的不同。考虑到这样的原因,外 部电机采用力矩控制,内部电机采用速度控制如图 所示
作为一种在混合动力电动汽车 (HEV)方面新颖的电变量 传输(EVT),双机械端口电机(DMPM)最近研发。 在这片文章里,由逆变器单元(inverter unit)和控制单 元(control unit)组成的控制和驱动系统永磁 DMPM(PMDMPM)设计和开发。














外文翻译 ---永磁同步电机和无刷直流电动机

外文翻译 ---永磁同步电机和无刷直流电动机

译文:永磁同步电机和无刷直流电动机R. 克里希南美国弗吉尼亚理工大学电气和计算机工程系序言:永磁交流电机驱动器上的图书主要集中在机械的设计,并仅按一个基本的方式叙述了这些驱动器的控制和转换。




























驱动电机定子转子市场需求分析1. 技术要求的提升随着电动汽车市场的竞争加剧,汽车制造商对驱动电机的技术要求也在不断提高。



2. 节能环保的需求在全球关注节能减排和环境保护的背景下,电动汽车作为替代传统燃油车的重要选择,受到越来越多消费者的青睐。



3. 物流和交通需求的增加随着城市化进程的加快和人口的增长,交通拥堵和物流配送成为当今社会面临的挑战。







T S2 I2  ̄A D P控制的 D P M 30k 4 S S M转子位置信号检测的方案 ;并讨论 了 置脉冲信号 电路 与 D P之 间 位 S
的接 t问题。 : /
关键 词 :电动汽 车 ;外转子双 凸极永磁 电机 ;T 30 F4 7 MS2 L2 0 A;位 置信 号检测
中图分 类号 :T 3 1 P 7 M 5 ;T 23 文 献标 志 码 :A 文 章编 号 : 10 —8 8 2 1 )20 9 —4 0 164 ( 00 0 -0 80
0 引 言
双 凸极永 磁 电机 ( S M) 随 着功 率 电子 学 和 DP 是 微 电子 学的飞速 发 展在 9 0年代 出现 的 一种 新 型 可
1 1/ 2 8极 外 转 子 D P 电机 介 绍 SM
11 结 . 构
图1 为一 台三 相 1/ 28极 外转 子 双 凸 极永 磁 电 机 截 面图 。图 中只画 出了 A相绕 组 ,i 相 电流 , 为 为 电机 A相 电动势 。定 子极 弧为定 子 齿距 的 1 / 2 ,即 1。 械 角 ,这样 可 以保 证 定 转 子 重 叠 角 之 5机
进 行 了系列 的理 论 和 实 验 研 究 。双 凸极 永 磁 电 机 的定 转 子结 构 外 形 与 开 关 磁 阻 电机 相 似 ,呈 双 凸 极结 构 ,不 同 之 处 在 于 它 的 定 子 上 放 人 永 磁 体 ,
转子无 绕组 和永磁体 。研究 证 明 D P 具有 控制 灵 SM 活 、动 态 响 应 快 、 调 速 性 能 好 、转 矩 电 流 比 大 、
极弧 ,可 有 利 于 电流 换 相 。 另外 ,任 一 相 定 子 绕
组所交链 的磁 链仅 与该相 磁导 成正 比。




1. 电动汽车领域:由于其高效能和高扭矩特性,外转子无刷电机在电动汽车行业中扮演着重要角色。



2. 家庭电器领域:外转子无刷电机在家庭电器行业中也有广泛应用,如洗衣机、空调、冰箱等。



3. 工业机械领域:在工业机械领域,外转子无刷电机具备高效、节能、稳定等特点,非常适合用于工业生产中的传输、驱动和控制等方面。


4. 风能产业领域:随着可再生能源的快速发展,风能产业成为热门领域。



5. 模型制造:由于外转子结构的电机具有高效率、高功率密度、长寿命等优点,所以在模型制造中被广泛使用。






【摘要】外转子双凸极永磁电机用于电动汽车驱动有许多优势,从控制的角度给出了基于TMS320LF2407A DSP控制的DSPM转子位置信号检测的方案;并讨论了位置脉冲信号电路与DSP之间的接口问题.
1.一种电动汽车驱动用外转子混合励磁无刷电机的研究 [J], 李优新;黎勉;王鸿贵;邓先泉;王杨满
2.EV驱动用DSPM电机的一种新型分段电流斩波方式 [J], 颜浩;陈世元
3.电动汽车用外转子轮毂电机的设计研究 [J], 雷良育;胡烨;宋志强;陈永飞;张辉
4.增程式电动汽车高效紧凑型外转子永磁同步发电机设计 [J], 王升平;吴柏禧;景玉军;郭美华
5.电动汽车用可变磁通外转子轮毂直驱永磁电机研究 [J], 刘建林;冯垚径;李芳;刘波;冯洲

bpmor电机 -回复

bpmor电机 -回复



第一步:什么是BPMOR电机?BPMOR电机,全称为Brushless Permanent Magnet Outer Rotor Motor(无刷永磁外转子电机),是一种采用永磁物质作为励磁源的电机系统。





第三步:BPMOR电机的特点有哪些?1. 高效能:BPMOR电机的无刷设计消除了能量损失,因此具备更高的能量转换效率。


2. 高可靠性:由于采用了永磁物质作为励磁源,BPMOR电机的励磁系统更加可靠。


3. 高转矩:BPMOR电机能够提供更高的输出转矩,即使在低速或高负载的情况下,也能保持良好的性能。


4. 低噪音:由于无刷设计,BPMOR电机减少了电机运行过程中产生的噪音。


第四步:BPMOR电机的优势是什么?1. 节能环保:由于高效能的设计,BPMOR电机能够更有效地利用电能,减少能源消耗和碳排放。


2. 高精度控制:BPMOR电机采用无刷设计,电机转速和功率输出可以更精确地控制。

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外文翻译---电动汽车外转子定子pm无刷电机驱动器的比较————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:1Comparison of Outer-Rotor Stator-Permanent-Magnet BrushlessMotor Drives for Electric VehiclesK.T. Chau1, Senior member IEEE, Chunhua Liu1, and J.Z. Jiang2 1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China2 Department of Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200072, ChinaAbstract—In this paper, two emerging outer-rotor stator-permanent-magnet (PM) brushless motor drives, namely the doubly-salient PM motor drive and the PM hybrid brushless motor drive, are firstly quantitatively compared, which are particularly attractive for serving as in-wheel motor drives for electric vehicles. In order to enable a fair comparison, these two motor drives are designed with the same peripheral dimensions and based on the same outer-rotor 36/24-pole topology. By utilizing the circuit-field-torque time-stepping finite element method for analysis, their steady-state and transient performances are critically compared. Moreover, the cost analysis of these two machines is conducted to evaluate their cost effectiveness.Index Terms—Electric vehicle, Finite element method, Machinedesign, Permanent-magnet motor drive.I. INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, permanent-magnet (PM) brushless motordrives have been widely used in electric vehicles (EVs) [1-2].The doubly-salient PM (DSPM) motor drive and PM hybridbrushless (PMHB) motor drive are two emerging stator-PMbrushless motor drives which offer high mechanical integrityand high power density, hence suitable for EV applications [3].Their outer-rotor motor structures are particularly attractive fordirect driving of EVs, especially for serving as in-wheel motordrives for EVs [4]. However, a quantitative comparison of thesewo motor drives is absent in literature.The purpose of this paper is to newly compare two emergingouter-rotor stator-PM brushless motor drives, namely the DSPMand PMHB types. Based on the same peripheral dimensions,both motor drives are designed with the identical outer-rotor36/24-pole topology. By using the circuit-field-torquetime-stepping finite element method (CFT-TS-FEM) [5], thesteady-state and transient performances of both motor drives arecompared and analyzed. Moreover, the correspondingcosteffectiveness will be revealed and discussed.Section II will introduce the motor drive systems and their configurations. In Section III, the design and cost effectiveness of two motor drives will be compared. Section IV will discuss the analysis approach of these two motor drives. The comparison of their performances will be given in Section V. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn in Section VI.II.SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION MODES Fig. 1 shows the schemes of these two outer-rotor stator-PM motor drives when theyserve as the in-wheel motor drives for EVs, especially for motorcycles. Itcan be seen that these in-wheel motor drives effectively utilize theouter-rotor nature and directly couple with the tire rims. So, thesetopologies can fully utilize the space and materials of the motor drives,hence greatly reducing the size and weight for EV applications.Fig. 1. Topologies of proposed in-wheel motor drives. (a) DSPM. (b) PMHB The two motor drives configurations are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. It can be found that they have the similar three-phase full bridge driver for the armature windings; while the difference is the H-bridge driver for the DC field windings of the PMHB motor drive. Hence, their operation principles are very similar, except that the controllable field current of the PMHB motor drive. For both motor drives, when the air-gap flux linkage increases with the rotor angle, a positive current is applied to the armature windings, resulting in a positive torque. When the flux linkage decreases, a negative current is applied, also resulting in a positive torque. For the PMHB motor drive, it can accomplish online flux regulation by tuning the bidirectional DC fieldcurrent.When these two motor drives act as in-wheel motor drives and are installed in the EVs, they operate at three modes within the speed range of 0~1000rpm, namely the starting, the cruising, and the charging.•When the EV operates at the starting mode, it needs a high torque for launching or accelerating within a short time. For the DSPM motor drive, since its PM volume is much more than that of PMHB motor one, it can provide a sufficiently high torque for the EV starting. For the PMHB motor drive, the positive DC field current will be added to produce the magnetic field together with the PM excited field, hence it also able to offer the high torque for the EV to overcome the starting resistance and the friction force on the road.•When the EV runs downhill or works in braking condition, it works in the charging mode. In this mode, these two machines can play the role of electromechanical energy conversion, which recover or regenerate the braking energy to recharge the battery module. Furthermore, for the PMHB machine drive, it can fully utilize its flux controllable ability to maintain the constant output voltage for directly charging the battery, which is more flexible than the DSPM machine drive.•When the EV runs in the cruising mode or in the steady speed, these stator-PM motor drives will enter the constant-power region. This speed range usually covers 400rpm~1000rpm for the DSPM in-wheel motor drive. But for the PMHB motor drive, it not only can effectively extend its operating speed range up to 4000rpm which is enough to cover the conventional speed range requirement, but also can regulate its magnetic field situation which can make the power module working at the optimal operation point.Fig. 2. Configuration of DSPM motor drives.Fig. 3. Configuration of PMHB motor drive.III. COMPARISON OF MOTOR DRIVES STRUCTURES AND FEATURESThe two stator-PM motor drives structures are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. It can be seen that they have the same peripheral dimensions and the identical outer rotor, as well as the same 36/24 pole and armature windings. The major difference is their stators and field excitations. The DSPM motor drive is simply excited by PMs, which is located in the stator. But for the PMHB motor drive, it has double-layer stator and double excitations. Its outer-layer stator accommodates the armature windings,whereas its inner-layer stator contains PMs and DC field windings together to produce the magnetic field [6]. Their similar structures achieve many advantages when they serve as the in-wheel motor drives for EVs.•The outer-rotor nature can make the machine directly connect with the tire rim, which totally eliminates the mechanical gear transmission and processes high mechanical integrity. Hence, it reduces the power loss, the system complication, and the total cost.•These motor drives fully utilize the whole space, which makes them compact and effective. They arrange the stator to locate the windings and excitations, hence resulting in the robust outer rotor.•The concentrated armature windings with 36/24 fractional-slot structure can shorten the magnetic flux path and the span of end-windings, which lead to reduce both iron and copper materials. Moreover, this arrangement of windings can significantly reduce the cogging torque which usually occurs at conventional PM motor drives. Their different constructions also make them have distinct features. •For the DSPM motor drive, it has simpler structure than the PMHB one. Also its control strategy is simpler. But this simple structure limits its flexibility due to its uncontrollable airgap flux.•For the PMHB motor drive, since it fully takes advantage of double excitations (both PMs and DC field windings), it can offer flexible airgap flux control, including flux strengthening or weakening. In addition, the air-bridge is present to shunt with each PM, hence amplifying the fluxweakening ability. The corresponding field excitation inevitably causes additional power loss. Nevertheless, this reduction of efficiency can be partially compensated by the efficiency improvement due to airgap flux control. By properly tuning the airgap flux density, the efficiency can be online optimized at different speeds and loads.Fig. 4. Control strategies. (a) DSPM. (b) PMH B.Fig. 4 shows the control strategies of these two stator-PM motor drives, indicating that the PMHB motor drive has an additional flux controller to regulate the airgap flux.The pole selection of the DSPM motor drive is governed by the following equations:Ns = 2mk and Nr=Ns- 2k (1)where m is the number of phases, k the integer, Ns the number of stator poles, and Nrthe number of rotor poles. The pole selection of the PMHB motor drive is given by: sN=4mp and r N=2Ns/m (2)where p is the number of pole pairs of the DC field windings.Therefore, when the suitable parameters are selected, namely m= 3, p= 3, and k= 6 , the poles of these stator-PM motor drives lead to be s N=36,and r N=24 . It can be found that forthree-phase armature windings of the PMHB motor drive, all the other parameters can be obtained according to the value of p. Hence, the aforementioned equation (2) can be used to simply determine the other possible slot-tooth combination for the PMHB motor drive.IV. ANAL YSIS APPROACHThe CFT-TS-FEM can be used to analyze the steady-state and ransient performances of both machine drives. For each machine drive, the mathematic model consists of three sets of equations: the electromagnetic field equation of the machine, the circuit equation of the armature windings, and the motion equation of the motor drive. The electromagnetic field equation of both machine drives is given by [7]:where Ω is the field solution region, v the reluctivity, σ the electrical conductivity, J the current density, A the magnetic vector potential component along the z axis, and rxB andryB the PM remanent flux density components along the x axis and y axis, respectively.It should be noted that for the PMHB machine drive, the DC field current excitation is regarded as a component added together with the PM component as the magnetization.The circuit equation of the armature windings at motoring is governed by:where u is the impressed voltage, R the resistance per phase winding, i the phase current, Le the inductance of the end winding, l the axis length of iron core, S the conductor area of eachthe total cross-sectional area of conductors of each phase turn of phase winding, and ewinding.The motion equation of both motor drives is given by:where m J is the moment of inertia, e T the electromagnetic torque, l T the load torque, λ the damping constant, and ω the mechanical speed.After discretization, the above three sets of equations can be solved at each step. Hence, the steady-state and transient performance of both machine drives can be deduced. Fig. 5 shows the no-load magnetic field distributions of both machine drives. It can be seen that the DSPM machine has a constant field pattern, whereas the PMHB machine exhibits different field patterns at different field excitations (−350 A-turns, 0 A-turns, and +1000 A-turns). It verifies that PMHB motor drive has the flux controllable ability.Fig. 5. Magnetic field distributions. (a) DSPM. (b) PMHB with −350 A-turn. (c) PMHB with 0 A-turn. (d) PMHB with +1000 A-turns.V. COMPARISON OF MOTOR DRIVE PERFORMANCES Based on the same peripheral dimensions and the identical outer-rotor configuration, the two stator-PM motor drives are designed. Their corresponding design data are listed in Table I.Since the DSPM motor can accommodate more PMs than the PMHB one, its power density is 167% of the PMHB one. However, this merit in power density is offset by the high cost of PMs. From Table I, it can be seen that the DSPM motor utilizes the PM volume up to 502% of the PMHB one. Based on the present international rates, the PM material cost of the DSPM motor is US$116.3 as shown in Table II, which is much higher than the US$22.3 of the PMHB one. Hence, it leads to the total material cost of the DSPM motor is over 174% of the PMHB one. The corresponding cost per unit power and per unit torque of the PMHB motor is significantly less than that of the DSPM one. Thus, the PMHB motor is much more cost-effective than that of the DSPM one.TABLE IPARAMETERS OF DSPM AND PMHB MOTOR DRIVESArmature current density 5 A/mm2Armature phases 3Rotor outside diameter 270.0 mmRotor inside diameter 221.2 mmAir-gap length 0.6 mmStack length 80.0 mmPM excitation Nd-Fe-BPM remanent flux density 1.1TField excitation - DC field windingsRated power 3.2 kW 2 kWRated torque 34 Nm 20 NmRated voltage 380 V 220 VShaft diameter 70 mm 40 mmSpeed 900 rpm 0-4000 rpmPower density 122 W/kg 73 W/kgPM volume 284.8 cm3 54.7 cm3DC winding volume -230.2 cm3TABLE IICOSTING OF DSPM AND PMHB MACHINESItems DSPMPMHB machinemachinePM cost 116.3 USD 22.3 USDDC winding cost - 20.0 USDArmature winding cost 27.8 USD 27.8 USDIron cost 25.8 USD 27.1 USDTotal material cost 169.9 USD 97.2 USDCost per unit torque 5.0 USD/Nm 4.9 USD/NmCost per unit power 53.1 USD/kW 48.6 USD/kWBy using the CFT-TS-FEM, the electromagnetic characteristics of the two motor drives are calculated and compared. Fig. 6 shows the airgap flux density distributions of both motor drives, indicating that the PMHB motor drive can offer a very wide range of flux control (up to 9 times). Then, the flux linkage of the DSPM machine at full magnetization level is shown in Fig. 7(a), whereas those of the PMHB machine are computed at different magnetization levels with various field currents and shown in Fig. 7(b). It can be seen that the two motor drives have the similar forms of flux linkages, but have different amplitudes.Due to the use of more PMs, the DSPM motor drive can definitely produce higher torque than the PMHB motor one. Nevertheless, as shown in Fig. 8, the PMHB motor drive can utilize flux strengthening to achieve the torque up to 85.7% of the DSPM motor one, even though its PM volume is only 19.2% of the DSPM one. Also, since the PMHB motor drive inherentlyprovides low airgap flux density than the DSPM motor one while they have a similar tooth-slot structure, the PMHB motor drive can offer significantly lower cogging torque than that the DSPM motor one as depicted in Fig. 9. It also illustrates that the cogging torque of both motor drives is small due to the use of concentratedarmature windings with 36/24 fractional-slot structure.When the two motor drives run in the starting mode, their transient torque responses (normalized by the rated values) are compared as shown in Fig. 10. When they start a load torque of 40 Nm, their armature currents can still be limited to 2 times the rated value. It can be also found that the PMHB motor drive can produce much higher starting torque in the presence of flux strengthening at 750 A-turn.When both of the stator-PM machines work in the generation mode, their no-load EMF waveforms at different speeds are shown in Fig. 11. Because of uncontrollable flux, the DSPM machine generates speed-dependent EMF waveforms. On the contrary, the PMHB machine can uniquely achieve constant-amplitude EMFs by the use of flux strengthening at 250 rpm and flux weakening at 1000rpm, which covers all the constant-power speed range of the in-wheel EV drive. Hence, the PMHB machine can keep the constant output voltage for directly charging the battery.Fig. 6. Airgap flux density distributions. (a) DSPM. (b) PMHB.VI. CONCLUSIONTwo emerging stator-PM motor drives (the DSPM and the PMHB types) have been quantitatively compared. Based on the same peripheral dimensions and outer-rotor 36/24-pole topology, the two motor drives have undergone detailed performance analysis. Compared with the DSPM motor drive, the PMHB motor drive takes the definite merit of flux controllability, hence achieving better constant-power profile, lower cogging torque, higher starting torque and constant voltage generation over a wide speed range. Also, with the view of material cost, the PMHB machine is more cost-effective than the DSPM one to produce the desired power.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported and funded by a grant (HKU 114/06E) from the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong pecial Administrative Region, China.REFERENCES[1] K.T. Chau and C.C. Chan, “Emerging energy-efficient technologies for hybrid electric vehicles,” IEEE Proceedings, V ol. 95, No. 4, April 2007, pp. 821-835.[2] Z.Q. Zhu and D. Howe, “Electrical machines and drives for elect ric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles,” IEEE Proceedings, V ol. 95, No. 4, April 2007, pp. 746-765.[3] K.T. Chau, C.C. Chan, and C. Liu, “Overview of permanent-magnet brushless drives for electric and hybrid electric vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Industr ial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 6, June 2008, pp. 2246-2257.[4] C.C. Chan and K.T. Chau, Modern Electric Vehicle Technology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.[5] Y. Wang, K.T. Chau, C.C. Chan, and J.Z. 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