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I love all kinds of sport, but especially ThaiChi. My graduation dress was specially made for me by a dressmaker. What’s the difference?

ESPECIALLY: above all (principalmente) SPECIALLY: in a particular way or a particular purpose, only used with a participle, e.g., It’s a specially designed umbrella. (exclusivamente)

He looks older than me, but actually he is two years younger. Right now we’re sharing an apartment, but hoping to move soon. ACTUALLY: IN FACT RIGHT NOW: now

EVER: at any time in the past, present or future EVEN: used for showing that you are saying something that is SURPRISING.

Macmillan English Dictionary Longman Dicionárió Escolar American English File 4A
He runs very fast.
The driver was seriously injured.

Go before the main verb but after the verb to be.
I hardly ever have time for breakfast. (almost never) Liam’s always late for work. Karen realized that she was never going to learn to

Other common comment adverbs are luckily, basically, clearly, obviously, apparently, eventually, etc.

Most other adverbs go in mid-position, e.g.,
I just need ten more minutes. I almost forgot to go to class. I’m nearly finished with my work. She didn’t even say goodbye.

At the end: when something has finished, e.g., at the end of the class / movie etc. In the end: eventually, after a period of time or series of events or difficulties.
My parents will be here in half an hour. My parents will be in half an hour here.

Describe how much something is done, or modify an adjective.
Extremely, incredibly, very, etc., are used with

LATE: not being on time. LATELY: these days, nowadays, recently.
At the end of the class we always get the homework. It took me two years, but in the end I passed my driving test. What’s the difference?

He works very hard – he’s very persistent. It’s incredibly dark. I can hardly see anything.
What’s the difference? What is the meaning of these adverbs?

Sometimes, usually, and normally can also be put at the beginning of the phrase or sentence for emphasis. If there are two auxiliary verbs, the adverb goes after the first one.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Which give the speaker’s opinion Usually go at the beginning of a sentence or clause.
Unfortunately, the package never arrived. Ideally, we should leave here at 10:00.

He hasn’t found a job yet. He still hasn’t found a job.
What’s the difference?

YET: goes at the end of a phrase STILL: in the mid position
Have you ever been to the US? I’ve been all over the US– I’ve even been to Alaska. What’s the difference?
1. Time 2. Comment 3. Degree 4. Manner 5. Frequency 6. Degree 7. Time 8. Degree 9. Comment 10. Place
Correct the following sentences.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Made by Beatrix Xénia Szabó 05.05.2016

a word used for describing a verb (an action) –
e.g., he walks slowly, an adjective – e.g., it’s incredibly expensive, another adverb, or a whole sentence – he works very hard..

Adverbs in English often consist of an adjective with „-ly” added, for example „quickly”, „mainly,” and „cheerfully.”

Describe how somebody does something. They usually go AFTER the verb or verb phrase, however, with passive verbs they usually go in mid-position (before the main verb but after an auxiliary verb).

I’ve nearly done my homework. I’m on the last page. Sorry madam, do you know if there is a bank near here? What’s the difference?

NEARLY: almost NEAR: close
I would never have thought you were 40.

Usually go at the end of a sentence or clause. Place adverbs usually go before time adverbs. (PLACE, TIME)
She’ll probably come in the end.
Before the main verb.
1. Immediately 2. Unfortunately 3. Incredibly 4. Shouted angrily 5. Normally 6. Slightly 7. Last month 8. A lot 9. Eventually 10. Here
adjectives and adverbs and go before them.
▪ We’re incredibly tired.
A lot and much are often used with verbs and go
after the verb or verb phrase. after verbs, e.g.,
She liked very much the present. 1. Mark came last night very late 2. home. A young man was injured badly 3. and was taken to the hospital. She’s lazy a little bit about doing 4. her homework. I forgot your birthday almost, but 5. fortunately my sister reminded me. We luckily had taken an umbrella 6. because it started to rain just after we left. Jack has been apparently fired. 7.
HARD: very much, needing a lot of effort HARDLY: almost NOT
I don’t like when my mother arrives late for the dinner. I haven’t seen Larissa lately. She must work a lot. What’s the difference?
She liked the present very much . Mark came home very late last night. A young man was badly injured and was taken to the hospital. She’s a little bit lazy about doing her homework. I almost forgot your birthday, but fortunately my sister reminded me. Luckily we had taken an umbrella because it started to rain just after we left. Apparently Jack has been fired.
▪ My husband works a lot, but he doesn’t earn much.
A little/a little bit can be used before adjectives or
▪ I’m a little tired. ▪ We rested a little bit after the flight.