



防止ARP欺骗攻击的协议ARP欺骗攻击(Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing Attack)是一种常见的网络攻击手法,通过伪造网络中的ARP请求和响应包,攻击者能够欺骗目标主机,使其将数据发送到错误的目标IP地址。









三、安全ARP协议(Secure ARP)安全ARP协议是一种改进的ARP协议,旨在减少ARP欺骗攻击的风险。


只有通过验证的ARP 包才能更新网络设备的ARP缓存表,有效地防止ARP欺骗攻击。

四、网络入侵检测系统(NIDS)网络入侵检测系统(Network Intrusion Detection System)是一种被动监测网络中异常活动的安全设备。


一旦检测到ARP 欺骗攻击行为,NIDS会发送警报,通知网络管理员采取相应的防御措施,保障网络的安全性。




arp欺骗攻击的原理ARP欺骗攻击的原理ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是一种用于将IP地址转换为MAC地址的协议。





第一部分: ARP协议基础知识1. ARP协议工作原理当一个主机需要向另一个主机发送数据时,首先需要知道目标主机的MAC地址,这时候就会使用ARP协议来获取目标主机的MAC地址。

具体流程如下:1) 主机A发送一个ARP请求包,在请求包中包含了目标IP地址;2) 网络中所有其他主机都会接收到这个请求包;3) 目标主机B收到该请求包后,会向A发送一个ARP响应包,在响应包中携带自己的MAC地址;4) 主机A收到响应包后,就可以知道目标B的MAC地址了,并将此信息保存在本地ARP缓存中。


2. ARP欺骗攻击原理ARP欺骗攻击者通过伪造ARP响应包,向网络中的其他主机发送虚假信息,从而使得攻击者可以截获网络数据包并进行监听、篡改等恶意行为。

具体步骤如下:1) 攻击者首先要获取目标主机的IP地址和MAC地址;2) 攻击者伪造一个ARP响应包,将自己的MAC地址伪装成目标主机的MAC地址,并将自己的IP地址与目标主机的IP地址对应;3) 网络中其他主机收到该ARP响应包后,会将攻击者的MAC地址保存在本地ARP缓存中,并将其作为目标主机的MAC地址进行通信;4) 攻击者就可以截获网络数据包,并进行监听、篡改等恶意行为。

第二部分: ARP欺骗攻击实例分析下面以实例来分析一下ARP欺骗攻击是如何实现的。



简述arp欺骗攻击的原理和防范对策ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)欺骗攻击是一种网络攻击技术,它利用ARP协议的特性进行欺骗、中间人攻击或局域网内的ARP 缓存中毒。










3. MAC地址绑定:通过网络硬件设备的管理接口,将MAC地址与设备绑定,限制非法设备访问网络,避免ARP欺骗攻击者伪造MAC地址来进行攻击。


2. MAC地址过滤:设置ACL(Access Control List)策略,限制网络中不合法的MAC地址出现,只允许合法设备进行通信。

3. ARP缓存绑定:为网络设备的ARP缓存表添加绑定条目,将IP 地址与MAC地址进行绑定,确保只有指定的MAC地址可以响应对应的IP地址。



ARP欺骗的种类及危害ARP欺骗(Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing)是一种网络攻击手段,它利用ARP协议的漏洞,通过伪造和欺骗的方式,将网络中其他计算机的IP地址与MAC地址映射关系篡改,从而对网络通信进行非法的监控、劫持或伪装。















arp欺骗工作原理ARP欺骗,全称Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing,是一种网络攻击手段,通过控制网络中的ARP协议,使攻击者能够伪造网络中的主机MAC地址,从而欺骗网络中的其他设备。



而ARP欺骗攻击者会通过伪造ARP包中的源IP地址和源MAC地址,将目标设备的IP地址映射到攻击者自己的MAC 地址上。


ARP欺骗的工作原理可以简要概括为以下几个步骤:1. 攻击者在同一局域网中的设备上运行ARP欺骗工具,开始监听网络中的ARP请求和回复。

2. 当攻击者检测到网络中有目标设备的ARP请求时,就会向目标设备发送一个伪造的ARP回复包。


3. 在ARP缓存中,目标设备会将伪造的MAC地址与目标设备的IP地址进行关联。

4. 当其他设备需要与目标设备通信时,会通过ARP协议查询目标设备的MAC地址,但由于ARP缓存中已经被修改,请求设备会获得攻击者自己的MAC地址。

5. 请求设备将数据发送到攻击者的MAC地址,攻击者可以获得通信内容并进行进一步的操作,例如监听、截获或篡改数据。




ARP欺骗(Address Resolution Protocol spoofing)是一种网络




- 拦截网络通信:攻击者可以捕获、监视、修改或篡改目标设

- 中间人攻击:攻击者可以作为中间人,从而截获目标设备和

- DoS攻击:通过将目标设备的数据包发送到一个无效的地址,可以导致目标设备无法正常访问网络资源,从而造成拒绝服务(Denial of Service)攻击。

- 使用静态ARP表:在网络设备中手动配置静态ARP表,将

- 使用ARP防火墙:部署ARP防火墙来监视和筛选ARP请求

- 使用网络监控工具:使用网络监控工具来检测和识别可能的





ARP欺骗⼯具-arpspoofarpspoofarpspoof是dsniff下的⼀个ARP欺骗⼯具⼤概原理:两台主机HostA 和 HostB想要进⾏通信的流程,那么主机A将需要知道⾃⼰的ip,mac 以及主机B的ip, mac。

但是主机B的mac地址主机A是不知道的,所以主机A如果将他⾃⼰的IP与⼦⽹掩码进⾏ & 与运算得到⼀个ip1, 然后将主机B的ip与这个⼦⽹掩码进⾏相同运算得到⼀个ip2,如果ip1 等于 ip2,那么此时A与B属于同⼀⼦⽹。


每台计算机都有⼀个ARP缓存表,缓存表⾥⾯对应的有每⼀个IP地址对应的MAC地址 (MAC地址是指定计算机的标识,计算机会通过MAC地址进⾏通信) ,这个MAC地址是主机在和其他主机ARP通信时候的缓存,会时时刷新。



操作:攻击机IP:靶机IP:⽹关IP:开启路由转发,否者很容易被发现,如果想要达到断⽹操作,就不需要开启echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwrd进⾏正反向欺骗arpspoof -i eth1 -t -i eth1 -t这个时候靶机中⽹关的MAC地址会变为攻击机的MAC地址,使⽤ARP-a查看由于我们开启的路由转发,使⽤靶机ping 查看靶机是否可以上⽹可以上⽹,此时我们就达到了ARP欺骗的⽬的我们使⽤命令echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward将路由转发关闭,再次验证靶机是否可以上⽹靶机⽆法上⽹,断⽹操作成功。



ARP欺骗攻击分析及防范措施ARP欺骗攻击(Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing Attack),也称为ARP缓存中毒攻击,是一种常见的网络攻击手段。



一、攻击原理分析1.ARP协议简介ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是将IP地址与MAC地址进行匹配的协议,通过在局域网中的广播方式,发送ARP请求报文,等待目标主机响应,以获取目标主机的MAC地址。








攻击者利用这个过程,伪造一个ARP响应报文,并将报文中的目标IP地址设为请求主机的IP地址,源MAC地址设为自己的MAC 地址。

3.欺骗目标主机目标主机收到伪造的ARP响应报文后,会将其中的目标IP地址与MA 地址进行绑定,并将其存储在ARP缓存表中。




如何判断ARP欺骗ARP欺骗(Address Resolution Protocol,ARP Spoofing)是一种网络攻击方法,攻击者伪装成局域网内的正常主机,向目标主机发送虚假ARP响应,使目标主机将流量发送到攻击者控制的设备上。



2. 观察网络连接:使用Wireshark等网络抓包工具,观察网络流量。



3. 检查ARP缓存:在Windows系统中,可以使用命令"arp -a"查看本地ARP缓存,或者在Linux系统中使用命令"arp"查看。



4. 检查路由表:如果你怀疑存在ARP欺骗,可以检查路由表,观察与已知合法网关的路由是否被篡改。

在Windows系统中,可以使用命令"route print"查看路由表。

5. 使用ARP防火墙:ARP防火墙可以防止ARP欺骗攻击。









网络安全外文翻译--APR欺骗检测:一种主动技术手段外文翻译原文及译文学院计算机学院专业计算机科学与技术班级84010101学号2008040101023 姓名王冉指导教师高利军负责教师高利军沈阳航空航天大学2011年6月原文Detecting ARP Spoofing: An Active TechniqueVivek Ramachandran and Sukumar NandiCisco Systems, Inc., Bangalore IndiaIndian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, IndiaAbstract. The Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) due to its statelessness and lack of anauthentication mechanism for verifying theidentity of the sender has a long history of beingprone to spoofing attacks. ARP spoofing issometimes the starting point for moresophisticated LAN attacks like denial of service,man in the middle and session hijacking. Thecurrent methods of detection use a passiveapproach, monitoring the ARP traffic andlooking for inconsistencies in the Ethernet to IPaddress mapping. The main drawback of thepassive approach is the time lag betweenlearning and detecting spoofing. This sometimesleads to the attack being discovered long after ithas been orchestrated. In this paper, we presentan active technique to detect ARP spoofing. Weinject ARP request and TCP SYN packets intothe network to probe for inconsistencies. Thistechnique is faster, intelligent, scalable and morereliable in detecting attacks than the passivemethods. It can also additionally detect the realmapping of MAC to IP addresses to a fairdegree of accuracy in the event of an actualattack.1. Introduction原文The ARP protocol is one of the most basic but essential protocols for LAN communication. The ARP protocol is used to resolve the MAC address of a host given its IP address. This is done by sending an ARP request packet (broadcasted) on the network. The concerned host now replies back with its MAC address in an ARP reply packet (unicast). In some situations a host might broadcast its own MAC address in a special Gratuitous ARP packet. All hosts maintain an ARP cache where all address mappings learnt from the network (dynamic entries) or configured by the administrator (static entries) are kept. The dynamic entries age out after a fixed interval of time, which varies across operating systems. After the entry ages out it is deleted from the cache and if the host wants to communicate with the same peer, another ARP request is made. The static entries never age out.The ARP protocol is stateless. Hosts will cache all ARP replies sent to them even if they had not sent an explicit ARP request for it. Even if a previous unexpired dynamic ARP entry is there in the ARP cache it will be overwritten by a newer ARP reply packet on most operating systems. All hosts blindly cache the ARP replies they receive, as they have no mechanism to authenticate their peer. This is the root problem, which leads to ARP spoofing.ARP spoofing is the process of forging ARP packets to be able to impersonate another host on the network. In the most general form of ARP spoofing the attacker sends spoofed ARP responses to the victim periodically. The period between the spoofed responses is much lesser than the ARP cache entry timeout period for the operating system running on the victim host. This will ensure that the victim host would never make an ARP request for the host whose address the attacker is impersonating. Following subsection briefly discuss the current detection and mitigation techniques.1.1 Current Mitigation and Detection TechniquesExisting ARP spoofing detection techniques are discussed next sequentially.1.1.1 Secure ARP Protocol (S-ARP)原文This has been proposed as a replacement for the ARP protocol in S-ARP: a Secure Address Resolution Protocol. The S-ARP protocol is definitely a permanent solution to ARP spoofing but the biggest drawback is that we will have to make changes to the network stack of all the hosts. This is not very scalable as going for a stack upgrade across all available operating systems is something both vendors and customers will not be happy about. As S-ARP uses Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) we have the additional overhead of cryptographic calculations though the authors of the paper have claimed that this overhead is not significant.1.1.2 Static MAC EntriesAdding static MAC addresses on every host for all other hosts will not allow spoofing but is not a scalable solution at all and managing all these entries is a full time job by itself. This can fail miserably if mobile hosts such as laptops are periodically introduced into the network. Also some operating systems are known to overwrite static ARP entries if they receive Gratuitous ARP packets (GARP).1.1.3 Kernel Based PatchesKernel based patches such as Anticap and Antidote have made an attempt to protect from ARP spoofing at a individual host level. Anticap does not allow updating of the host ARP cache by an ARP reply that carries a different MAC address then the one already in the cache. This unfortunately makes it drop legal gratuitous ARP replies as well, which is a violation to the ARP protocol specification. Antidote on receiving an ARP reply whose MAC address differs from the previously cached one tries to check if the previously learnt MAC is still alive. If the previously learnt MAC is still alive then the update is rejected and the offending MAC address is added to a list of banned addresses.Both the above techniques rely on the fact that the ARP entry in the cache is the legitimate one. This creates a race situation between the attacker and the victim. If the attacker gets his spoofed ARP entry into the host’s cache before the real host can, then the real MAC address is banned. This can only be undone by administrative intervention. Thus we can conclude that wrong learning may cause these tools to fail in detecting ARP spoofing.原文1.1.4 Passive DetectionIn Passive Detection we sniff the ARP requests/responses on the network and construct a MAC address to IP address mapping database. If we notice a change in any of these mappings in future ARP traffic then we raise an alarm and conclude that an ARP spoofing attack is underway. The most popular tool in this category is ARPWATCH.The main drawback of the passive method is a time lag between learning the address mappings and subsequent attack detection. In a situation where the ARP spoofing began before the detection tool was started for the first time, the tool will learn the forged replies in i t’s IP to MAC address mapping database. Now only after the victim starts communicating with some other host the inconsistency will be detected and an alarm rose. The attacker may have made his getaway because of this delay. Also a spoofed entry learned as in the above scenario would have to be manually undone by the network administrator. The only solution to this problem is to manually feed the correct address mappings into the database before starting the tool or create an attack free learning traffic. Both of these are unreasonable due to scalability and mobility issues. An ideal example would be mobile hosts e.g. laptops brought in by customers or visitors to a company. This slow learning curve makes it impossible to install passive tools on a large network (1000+ hosts) and expect them to identify attacks instantaneously.The passive techniques do not have any intelligence and blindly look for a mismatch in the ARP traffic with their learnt database tables. If an ARP spoofing is detected than there is no way of ascertaining if the newly seen address mapping is because of a spoofing attempt or the previously learnt one was actually a spoofed one. Our technique will determine the real MAC to IP mapping during an actual attack to a fair degree of accuracy.The passive learning technique is also very unreliable. A new address mapping is learnt when ARP traffic is seen from them. Thus a switch ARP Cache table overflow attempt by the generation of random ARP reply packets per second with arbitrary MAC and IP addresses will just result in new stations being discovered instead of being reported as attack traffic. To overcome problems in earlier techniques, we原文present a new ARP spoofing detection technique. Our technique uses an active approach to detect ARP spoofing. We send out ARP request and TCP SYN packets to probe the authenticity of the ARP traffic we see in the network. The approach is faster, intelligent, scalable and more reliable in detecting attacks than the passive methods. It can also additionally detect the real mapping of MAC to IP addresses to a fair degree of accuracy in the event of an actual attack. A description of the technique in detail is reported in following sections.2 The Proposed Active Detection Technique for ARP spoofingThe proposed technique actively interacts with the network to gauge the presence of ARP spoofing attacks. We will henceforth assume the following about the network we desire to protect.2.1 Assumptions1. The attacker’s computer has a normal network stack. This assumption will hold for most of the attacks as “ready to use” ARP spoofing tools have always been the attacker’s most popular choice. If the attacker does use a customized stack then our technique will still detect ARP spoofing but will not be able to predict the correct address mappings anymore. We will discuss performance in the presence of a customized stack in section2.5.2. The individual hosts we desire to protect on the network may use a personal firewall but at least one TCP port should be allowed through the firewall. This is to allow our probe packets (TCP SYN packets) to go through. This is a reasonable assumption as even if a firewall is installed some LAN based services such as NETBIOS etc are normally allowed through it for LAN communication.3. We assume that all devices, which we protect, have a TCP/IP network stack up and running.2.2 Terminology原文We now introduce the terminology used in the rest of this paper.1. Threshold interval: ARP replies to an ARP request must be received within a specified time interval. After this time has elapsed we will consider the ARP request to have “expired”. We will call this interval as the “Threshold Interval”. This will be administratively configurable on any tool using our technique.2. Host Database: This is the mapping of all legitimate IP and MAC pairs on the network verified and learnt by our technique.The ARP packets consist of the MAC header and the ARP header. Based on the value of the source and destination MAC addresses in the MAC header and as advertised in the ARP header we can divide the all ARP packets into 2 categories.1. Inconsistent Header ARP packets: The MAC addresses in the MAC and ARP header differ i.e. Source MAC address in MAC header! = Source MAC address in ARP header (in ARP requests/responses) and/or Destination MAC address in MAC header! = Destination address in ARP header (only for ARP replies).2. Consistent Header ARP packets: These are the compliment of the Inconsistent Header ARP packets. The MAC addresses in the MAC and ARP headers match in these packets.Note that Inconsistent Header ARP packets are guaranteed spoofed packets as such an anomaly is only possible in attack traffic. Based on the above classification we can further bunch the Consistent Header ARP packets into three groups:1. Full ARP Cycle: An ARP request and its corresponding ARP replies seen within the threshold interval.2. Request Half Cycle: An ARP request for which no replies are sent as seen within the threshold time.3. Response Half Cycle: An ARP reply generated without an ARP request. These three categories form the basis of our input to the ARP spoofing detection mechanism. The following subsection discusses the Architecture of the proposed technique in detail.2.3 Architecture原文Please refer to Figure 1 for the architecture discussion. We have adopted a modularized approach and have divided our spoof detection into the following modules:1. ARP Sniffer module: This sniffs all ARP traffic from the network.2. MAC - ARP header anomaly detector module: This module classifies the ARP traffic into Inconsistent Header ARP packets and Consistent Header ARP packets.3. Known Traffic Filter module: This filters all the traffic, which is already learnt. It will either drop the packet if the IP to MAC mapping is coherent with the learnt Host Database or raise an alarm if there are any contradictions. All the new ARP packets with unknown addresses are sent to the Spoof Detection Engine for verification.4. Spoof Detection Engine module: This is the main detection engine. We feed the Consistent Header ARP packets to it as input. The design of this module will be discussed in Section 2.4.5. Add to Database Module: Legitimate ARP entries verified by the Spoof Detection Engine are added to the Host Database by this module.6. Spoof Alarm Module: This module raises an alarm on detection of ARP spoofing by sending a mail, SMS etc to the administrator.Fig. 1. Inter-relation between various Modules used by the ARP Spoof Detection AlgorithmAs shown in Figure 1, the ARP Sniffer module sniffs all the ARP traffic in its LAN segment and passes it to the MAC –ARP Header Anomaly Detector. This module passes the entire Consistent Header ARP packets to the Known Traffic Filter module. The entire Inconsistent Header ARP packets are sent to the Spoof Alarm. This is done because the Inconsistent Header ARP packets are all spoofed packets as discussed earlier. The Known Traffic Filter module will remove all traffic coherent原文with the already learnt addresses by consulting the Host Database. If there is a contradiction in the ARP traffic for already learnt addresses then it raises a Spoof Alarm. All new ARP traffic is passed to the Spoof Detection Engine.The Spoof Detection Engine applies our detection algorithm to detect ARP spoofing. The newly seen Consistent Header ARP packets are input to this module. The engine now internally bunches these packets into the three categories discussed in Section 2.2 namely Full ARP Cycle, Request and Response Half Cycle packets. The detection algorithm applied by the engine will be discussed in the section 2.4. After applying the detection algorithm the Spoof Detection engine either sends the ARP entry to the Add to Database module or the Spoof Alarm module. The Add to Database module will add these verified MAC and IP address mapping to the Host Database. The spoof detection engine is discussed in detail next.2.4 The Spoof Detection EngineThe Spoof Detection Engine is the heart of the whole system. The three different ARP Cycle packets as discussed in Section 2.2 are treated in slightly different ways by the Spoof Detection Engine to detect an attempted spoofing. The Spoof Detection Engine works based on the following Rules:Rule A: “The network interface card of a ho st will accept packets sent to its MAC address, Broadcast address and subscribed multicast addresses. It will pass on these packets to the IP layer. The IP layer will only accept IP packets addressed to its IP address(s) and will silently discard the rest of the packets. If the accepted packet is a TCP packet it is passed on to the TCP layer. If a TCP SYN packet is received then the host will either respond back with a TCP SYN/ACK packet if the destination port is open or with a TCP RST packet if the port i s closed”.Rule B: “The attacker can spoof ARP packets impersonating a host but he can never stop the real host from replying to ARP requests (or any other packet) sent to it. The valid assumption here is that the r eal host is up on the network.”It should be noted that these rules have been derived from the correct behavior that a host’s network stack should exhibit when it receives a packet. To exemplify原文Rule A, let a host have MAC address = X and IP address = Y. If this host receives a packet with destination MAC address = X and destination IP address = Z then even though the network interface card would accept the packet as the destination MAC address matches, the host’s network stack will silently discard this packet as the destination IP address does not match, without sending any error messages back to the source of the packet.Based on Rule A, we can conceive of two types of probe packets from a host’s network stack point of view which we will use to detect ARP spoofing.a. Right MAC – Wrong IP packet: The destination MAC address in the packet is of the host but the IP address is invalid and does not correspond to any of the host’s addresses. The destination host will silently drop this packet.b. Right MAC –Right IP packet: The destination MAC address and IP addresses pairs are of the host’s and its network stack accepts it.We will henceforth assume that the attacker is using an unmodified network stack. The performance of our technique in the presence of a modified network stack will be evaluated in Section 2.5. Based on the above observation we will construct our own packets based on Rule A and send them on the network. We will use the address information in the ARP response packet sent by the host whose authenticity is to be verified. We will use the MAC and IP addresses used in the ARP response packet to construct a TCP SYN packet i.e. the destination MAC and IP in the TCP SYN packet will be the source MAC and IP address advertised in the ARP response packet and the source MAC and IP in the TCP SYN packet would be of the host running the Spoof Detection Engine. The TCP destination port will be chosen based on the presence/absence of packet filtering firewalls on the network hosts. If there is a firewall installed on the hosts we will choose the “allowed TCP port” (as in section 2.1) and if no firewalls are there then we can choose any TCP port. The rest of the header values in the TCP SYN packet will be set as usual.When a TCP SYN packet as constructed above is sent to the source of the ARP reply p acket, the host’s response will be based on Rule A. If the ARP response was from the real host its IP stack will respond back with either a TCP RST packet (If the destination port is closed) or a TCP SYN/ACK packet (if the destination port is open).原文If the ARP response had been from a malicious host then its network stack would silently discard the TCP SYN packet in accordance with Rule A. Thus based on the fact that the Spoof Detection Engine does/does not receive any TCP packets in return to the SYN packet it sent, it can judge the authenticity of the received ARP response packet.译文APR欺骗检测:一种主动技术手段维克拉玛苍兰和舒库玛南迪思科系统公司班加罗尔印度印度理工学院,古瓦哈蒂,阿萨姆,印度摘要. 地址解析协议(ARP)由于其无状态性和缺乏对发送者身份进行验证的机制,因而长久以来常被用于欺骗攻击。



简述arp攻击防范技术ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)攻击是一种常见的网络攻击技术,攻击者通过伪造或欺骗网络中的ARP消息,以获取网络中其他设备的MAC地址,从而实施各种恶意活动。

为了防范ARP攻击,以下是一些常见的防范技术:1. ARP缓存检测:网络设备可以定期检查其ARP缓存中的条目,以查找可能的ARP欺骗。


2. 静态ARP表:在网络中配置静态ARP表可以限制ARP攻击的可能性。

静态ARP 表中列出了每个设备的IP地址和对应的MAC地址,这样当ARP请求到达时,设备可以直接从静态ARP表中获取正确的MAC地址,而不是通过广播。

3. ARP动态检测:网络设备可以使用ARP动态检测技术定期监控网络中的ARP 活动。


4. 使用ARP防火墙:ARP防火墙可以检测和阻止恶意ARP请求和响应。


5. 网络隔离:将网络分割成多个虚拟局域网(VLAN)可以减少ARP攻击的范围。


6. 使用加密通信:使用加密的通信协议,如IPSec(Internet Protocol Security),可以保护网络中的通信免受ARP攻击的影响。








最早探讨ARP欺骗的文章是由Yuri Volobue所写的《ARP 与ICMP转向游戏》。



因此攻击者可将这些流量另行转送到真正的闸道(被动式分组嗅探,passive sniffing)或是篡改后再转送(中间人攻击,man-in-the-middle attack)。




那么网络上的电脑若将此伪造的ARP 写入自身的ARP表后,电脑若要通过网络闸道连到其他电脑时,分组将被导到00-55-44-33-22-11这个MAC地址,因此攻击者可从此MAC地址截收到分组,可篡改后再送回真正的闸道,或是什么也不做,让网络无法连接。

Ethernet分组,ARP欺骗会篡改分组标头中的Source MAC地址(绿色段)以欺骗网络上的电脑及设备简单案例分析:这里用一个最简单的案例来说明ARP欺骗的核心步骤。

假设在一个局网里,只有三台主机A, B, C,C是攻击者。


它只要收到两台主机洪泛的ARP Request,就可以进行欺骗活动。

2.主机A,B都洪泛了ARP Request.攻击者现在有了两台主机的IP、MAC地址,开始攻击。



arp欺骗投毒攻击原理ARP欺骗投毒攻击(ARP Spoofing)是一种网络攻击方式,它利用局域网上的ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)协议漏洞,伪造网络设备的MAC地址,使得其他设备将流量发送到攻击者所在的设备上,从而达到获取数据的目的。















为了防止ARP欺骗投毒攻击,可以采取以下几种方法:1. 静态ARP记录:将每个设备的IP地址和MAC地址手动添加到静态ARP记录中,这样攻击者伪造的ARP响应包就无法欺骗网络设备。

2. ARP防火墙:通过安装ARP防火墙,可以对ARP请求和ARP响应进行监控和过滤,从而有效防止ARP欺骗投毒攻击。



ARP欺骗(ARP spoofing)是一种网络攻击技术,通过伪装成

1. ARP协议:ARP协议用于将IP地址和MAC地址进行映射。



2. 欺骗目标设备:攻击者通过欺骗目标设备,使其将其发送的数据包发送到攻击者控制的设备。



3. 劫持通信流量:目标设备接收到虚假的ARP响应后,会将



4. 中间人攻击:ARP欺骗可以用于中间人攻击,攻击者可以





ARP欺骗的种类及危害ARP欺骗(Address Resolution Protocol spoofing),也称为ARP攻击,是一种网络安全攻击技术。



1. 单播欺骗(Unicast Spoofing):单播欺骗是最常见的ARP攻击类型之一、攻击者发送伪造的ARP请求,欺骗局域网内的主机将其自己的ARP缓存表中的IP地址与攻击者的MAC地址进行绑定。


2. 双播欺骗(Black Spoofing):双播欺骗是一种高级ARP攻击技术。



3. 无响应欺骗(Silent Spoofing):无响应欺骗是一种较为隐蔽的ARP攻击技术。



4. 重定向攻击(Redirect Attack):重定向攻击是一种特殊形式的ARP攻击,常用于中间人攻击。







网络安全的arpARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是一种用来完成IP地址和物理MAC地址之间的映射关系的协议,是实现局域网中主机之间通信的重要底层协议。







为了防止ARP缓存污染,可以定期清除ARP缓存,设备也可以使用一些防火墙或IPS(Intrusion Prevention System)来检测和拦截恶意的ARP请求。



为了防止ARP劫持,可以使用加密通信、使用VPN(Virtual Private Network)建立安全通道等方式,确保数据的机密性和完整性。


通过采取合适的安全措施,如静态ARP绑定、ARP防护工具、ARP 缓存清除和检测恶意ARP请求等,可以提高网络的安全性,减少ARP相关攻击的风险。



关于网络安全与局域网ARP地址欺骗攻击的介绍最近有网友想了解下网络安全与局域网ARP地址欺骗攻击相关的知识,所以店铺就整理了相关资料分享给大家,具体内容如下.希望大家参考参考网络安全与局域网ARP地址欺骗攻击ARP,全称Address Resolution Protocol,它是“地址解析协议的缩写。





对此可疑MAC地址报警,再根据网络正常时候的IP 一MAC地址对照表查询该电脑,定位出其IP地址,这样就定位出攻击者了。



当局域网中发生ARP欺骗的时候,攻击者会向全网不停地发送ARP欺骗广播,这时局域网中的其他电脑就会动态更新自身的ARP缓存表,将网关的MAC地址记录成攻击者本身的MAC地址,此时,我们只要在其受影响的电脑中使用“ARP -a”命令查询一下当前网关的MAC地址,就可知道攻击者的MAC地址。



实验三ARP欺骗工具及原理分析ARP欺骗(Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing)又被称为ARP 攻击,是一种网络安全攻击手段。


















• 在每台安装有TCP/IP协议的电脑里都有一个ARP缓存表,表里的IP地址与MAC地址是一一对应的。 找“主机A(IP192.1681.1)”的MAC步骤:
1、查自己的ARP缓存表,如果有,则成功,否则转向第二步; 2、发送目标MAC地址是“FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF” 向同一网段内的所有主机发出这样的询问:“ 的MAC
地址是什么? 3、只有主机B接收到这个帧时,才向主机A做出的回应,“的MAC地址是00-aa-00-62-c6-09”。 4、放在ARP缓存表中,以便下次查询。ARBiblioteka 欺骗概述什么是ARP协议?
ARP协议是“Address Resolution Protocol”(地址解析协议)的缩写。 在局域网中,网络中实际传输的是“帧”,帧里面是有目标主机的MAC地址的。在以太网
中,一个主机要和另一个主机进行直接通信,必须要知道目标主机的MAC地址。但这个目 标MAC地址是如何获得的呢?它就是通过地址解析协议获得的。所谓“地址解析”就是主 机在发送帧前将目标IP地址转换成目标MAC地址的过程。ARP协议的基本功能就是通过目 标设备的IP地址,查询目标设备的MAC地址,以保证通信的顺利进行。所以说从某种意义 上讲ARP协议是工作在更低于IP协议的协议层。这也是为什么ARP欺骗更能够让人在神不知 鬼不觉的情况下出现网络故障,他的危害更加隐蔽。



ARP简介 简介
ARP Cache 在安装了以太网网络适配器(既网卡)或TCP/IP 协议的计算机中,都有ARP Cache用来保存IP MAC 地址以及经解析的MAC地址,如下图所示.
ARP简介 简介
ARP工作原理(以A向C发送数据为例) 工作原理( 发送数据为例) 工作原理 向 发送数据为例 1.A检查自己的ARP Cache,是否有B的信息; 2.若没找到,发送ARP广播请求,附带自身信息; 3.C A 3.C将A得信息加入自己的ARP Cache; ARP Cache 4.C回应A一个ARP信息; 5.A将C得信息加入 自己的ARP Cache; 6.A使用ARP Cache 中的信息向C发消息.
ARP欺骗 欺骗
典型ARP欺骗类型之三 欺骗类型之三 典型 伪造网关,欺骗内网计算机,造成断网. 建立假网关,让被它欺骗的计算机向该假网关 发数据,而不是发给路由器.这样无法通过正 常的路由器途径上网,在计算机看来,就是上 不了网,即网络掉线或断网了.
ARP攻击 攻击
ARP攻击主要是指 攻击主要是指ARP欺骗 攻击主要是指 欺骗 ARP攻击也包括 攻击也包括ARP扫描(或称请求风暴) 扫描( 攻击也包括 扫描 或称请求风暴) 即在网络中产生大量ARP请求广播包,严重占 用网络带宽资源,使网络阻塞. ARP扫描一般为ARP攻击的前奏. ARP攻击主要是存在于局域网中 攻击主要是存在于局域网中 ARP攻击一般通过木马感染计算机 攻击一般通过木马感染计算机
ARP欺骗 欺骗
典型ARP欺骗类型之二 欺骗类型之二 典型 截获网关数据,欺骗路由器的ARP表. 它通知路由器一系列错误的内网MAC地址,并 按照一定的频率不断进行,使真实的地址信息 无法通过更新保存在路由器中,结果路由器的 所有数据只能发送给错误的MAC地址,造成正 常的计算机无法收到信息.
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外文翻译原文及译文学院计算机学院专业计算机科学与技术班级学号姓名指导教师负责教师2011年6月Detecting ARP Spoofing: An Active TechniqueVivek Ramachandran and Sukumar NandiCisco Systems, Inc., Bangalore IndiaIndian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, IndiaAbstract. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) due to itsstatelessness and lack of an authentication mechanism for verifyingthe identity of the sender has a long history of being prone tospoofing attacks. ARP spoofing is sometimes the starting point formore sophisticated LAN attacks like denial of service, man in themiddle and session hijacking. The current methods of detection use apassive approach, monitoring the ARP traffic and looking forinconsistencies in the Ethernet to IP address mapping. The maindrawback of the passive approach is the time lag between learningand detecting spoofing. This sometimes leads to the attack beingdiscovered long after it has been orchestrated. In this paper, wepresent an active technique to detect ARP spoofing. We inject ARPrequest and TCP SYN packets into the network to probe forinconsistencies. This technique is faster, intelligent, scalable andmore reliable in detecting attacks than the passive methods. It canalso additionally detect the real mapping of MAC to IP addresses to afair degree of accuracy in the event of an actual attack.1. IntroductionThe ARP protocol is one of the most basic but essential protocols for LAN communication. The ARP protocol is used to resolve the MAC address of a host given its IP address. This is done by sending an ARP request packet (broadcasted) on the network. The concerned host now replies back with its MAC address in an ARP reply packet (unicast). In some situations a host might broadcast its own MAC address in a special Gratuitous ARP packet. All hosts maintain an ARP cache where all address mappingslearnt from the network (dynamic entries) or configured by the administrator (static entries) are kept. The dynamic entries age out after a fixed interval of time, which varies across operating systems. After the entry ages out it is deleted from the cache and if the host wants to communicate with the same peer, another ARP request is made. The static entries never age out.The ARP protocol is stateless. Hosts will cache all ARP replies sent to them even if they had not sent an explicit ARP request for it. Even if a previous unexpired dynamic ARP entry is there in the ARP cache it will be overwritten by a newer ARP reply packet on most operating systems. All hosts blindly cache the ARP replies they receive, as they have no mechanism to authenticate their peer. This is the root problem, which leads to ARP spoofing.ARP spoofing is the process of forging ARP packets to be able to impersonate another host on the network. In the most general form of ARP spoofing the attacker sends spoofed ARP responses to the victim periodically. The period between the spoofed responses is much lesser than the ARP cache entry timeout period for the operating system running on the victim host. This will ensure that the victim host would never make an ARP request for the host whose address the attacker is impersonating. Following subsection briefly discuss the current detection and mitigation techniques.1.1 Current Mitigation and Detection TechniquesExisting ARP spoofing detection techniques are discussed next sequentially.1.1.1 Secure ARP Protocol (S-ARP)This has been proposed as a replacement for the ARP protocol in S-ARP: a Secure Address Resolution Protocol. The S-ARP protocol is definitely a permanent solution to ARP spoofing but the biggest drawback is that we will have to make changes to the network stack of all the hosts. This is not very scalable as going for a stack upgrade across all available operating systems is something both vendors and customers will not be happy about. As S-ARP uses Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) we have the additional overhead of cryptographic calculations though the authors of the paper have claimed that this overhead is not significant.1.1.2 Static MAC EntriesAdding static MAC addresses on every host for all other hosts will not allow spoofing but is not a scalable solution at all and managing all these entries is a full time job by itself. This can fail miserably if mobile hosts such as laptops are periodically introduced into the network. Also some operating systems are known to overwrite static ARP entries if they receive Gratuitous ARP packets (GARP).1.1.3 Kernel Based PatchesKernel based patches such as Anticap and Antidote have made an attempt to protect from ARP spoofing at a individual host level. Anticap does not allow updating of the host ARP cache by an ARP reply that carries a different MAC address then the one already in the cache. This unfortunately makes it drop legal gratuitous ARP replies as well, which is a violation to the ARP protocol specification. Antidote on receiving an ARP reply whose MAC address differs from the previously cached one tries to check if the previously learnt MAC is still alive. If the previously learnt MAC is still alive then the update is rejected and the offending MAC address is added to a list of banned addresses.Both the above techniques rely on the fact that the ARP entry in the cache is the legitimate one. This creates a race situation between the attacker and the victim. If the attacker gets his spoofed ARP entry into the host’s cache before the real host can, then the real MAC address is banned. This can only be undone by administrative intervention. Thus we can conclude that wrong learning may cause these tools to fail in detecting ARP spoofing.1.1.4 Passive DetectionIn Passive Detection we sniff the ARP requests/responses on the network and construct a MAC address to IP address mapping database. If we notice a change in any of these mappings in future ARP traffic then we raise an alarm and conclude that an ARP spoofing attack is underway. The most popular tool in this category is ARPWATCH.The main drawback of the passive method is a time lag between learning the address mappings and subsequent attack detection. In a situation where the ARP spoofing began before the detection tool was started for the first time, the tool will learn the forged replies in it’s IP to MAC address mapping database. Now only after the victim starts communicating with some other host the inconsistency will be detected and an alarm rose. The attacker may have made his getaway because of this delay. Also a spoofed entry learned as in the above scenario would have to be manually undone by the networkadministrator. The only solution to this problem is to manually feed the correct address mappings into the database before starting the tool or create an attack free learning traffic. Both of these are unreasonable due to scalability and mobility issues. An ideal example would be mobile hosts e.g. laptops brought in by customers or visitors to a company. This slow learning curve makes it impossible to install passive tools on a large network (1000+ hosts) and expect them to identify attacks instantaneously.The passive techniques do not have any intelligence and blindly look for a mismatch in the ARP traffic with their learnt database tables. If an ARP spoofing is detected than there is no way of ascertaining if the newly seen address mapping is because of a spoofing attempt or the previously learnt one was actually a spoofed one. Our technique will determine the real MAC to IP mapping during an actual attack to a fair degree of accuracy.The passive learning technique is also very unreliable. A new address mapping is learnt when ARP traffic is seen from them. Thus a switch ARP Cache table overflow attempt by the generation of random ARP reply packets per second with arbitrary MAC and IP addresses will just result in new stations being discovered instead of being reported as attack traffic. To overcome problems in earlier techniques, we present a new ARP spoofing detection technique. Our technique uses an active approach to detect ARP spoofing. We send out ARP request and TCP SYN packets to probe the authenticity of the ARP traffic we see in the network. The approach is faster, intelligent, scalable and more reliable in detecting attacks than the passive methods. It can also additionally detect the real mapping of MAC to IP addresses to a fair degree of accuracy in the event of an actual attack. A description of the technique in detail is reported in following sections.2 The Proposed Active Detection Technique for ARP spoofingThe proposed technique actively interacts with the network to gauge the presence of ARP spoofing attacks. We will henceforth assume the following about the network we desire to protect.2.1 Assumptions1. The attacker’s computer has a normal network stack. This assumption will hold for most of the attacks as “ready to use” ARP spoofing tools have always been the attacker’s most popular choice. If the attacker does use a customized stack then our technique willstill detect ARP spoofing but will not be able to predict the correct address mappings anymore. We will discuss performance in the presence of a customized stack in section 2.5.2. The individual hosts we desire to protect on the network may use a personal firewall but at least one TCP port should be allowed through the firewall. This is to allow our probe packets (TCP SYN packets) to go through. This is a reasonable assumption as even if a firewall is installed some LAN based services such as NETBIOS etc are normally allowed through it for LAN communication.3. We assume that all devices, which we protect, have a TCP/IP network stack up and running.2.2 TerminologyWe now introduce the terminology used in the rest of this paper.1. Threshold interval: ARP replies to an ARP request must be received within a specified time interval. After this time has elapsed we will consider the ARP request to have “expired”.We will call this interval as the “Threshold Interval”. This will be administratively configurable on any tool using our technique.2. Host Database: This is the mapping of all legitimate IP and MAC pairs on the network verified and learnt by our technique.The ARP packets consist of the MAC header and the ARP header. Based on the value of the source and destination MAC addresses in the MAC header and as advertised in the ARP header we can divide the all ARP packets into 2 categories.1. Inconsistent Header ARP packets: The MAC addresses in the MAC and ARP header differ i.e. Source MAC address in MAC header! = Source MAC address in ARP header (in ARP requests/responses) and/or Destination MAC address in MAC header! = Destination address in ARP header (only for ARP replies).2. Consistent Header ARP packets: These are the compliment of the Inconsistent Header ARP packets. The MAC addresses in the MAC and ARP headers match in these packets.Note that Inconsistent Header ARP packets are guaranteed spoofed packets as such an anomaly is only possible in attack traffic. Based on the above classification we can further bunch the Consistent Header ARP packets into three groups:1. Full ARP Cycle: An ARP request and its corresponding ARP replies seen within the threshold interval.2. Request Half Cycle: An ARP request for which no replies are sent as seen within the threshold time.3. Response Half Cycle: An ARP reply generated without an ARP request. These three categories form the basis of our input to the ARP spoofing detection mechanism. The following subsection discusses the Architecture of the proposed technique in detail.2.3 ArchitecturePlease refer to Figure 1 for the architecture discussion. We have adopted a modularized approach and have divided our spoof detection into the following modules:1. ARP Sniffer module: This sniffs all ARP traffic from the network.2. MAC - ARP header anomaly detector module: This module classifies the ARP traffic into Inconsistent Header ARP packets and Consistent Header ARP packets.3. Known Traffic Filter module: This filters all the traffic, which is already learnt. It will either drop the packet if the IP to MAC mapping is coherent with the learnt Host Database or raise an alarm if there are any contradictions. All the new ARP packets with unknown addresses are sent to the Spoof Detection Engine for verification.4. Spoof Detection Engine module: This is the main detection engine. We feed the Consistent Header ARP packets to it as input. The design of this module will be discussed in Section 2.4.5. Add to Database Module: Legitimate ARP entries verified by the Spoof Detection Engine are added to the Host Database by this module.6. Spoof Alarm Module: This module raises an alarm on detection of ARP spoofing by sending a mail, SMS etc to the administrator.Fig. 1. Inter-relation between various Modules used by the ARP Spoof Detection AlgorithmAs shown in Figure 1, the ARP Sniffer module sniffs all the ARP traffic in its LAN segment and passes it to the MAC – ARP Header Anomaly Detector. This module passes the entire Consistent Header ARP packets to the Known Traffic Filter module. The entireInconsistent Header ARP packets are sent to the Spoof Alarm. This is done because the Inconsistent Header ARP packets are all spoofed packets as discussed earlier. The Known Traffic Filter module will remove all traffic coherent with the already learnt addresses by consulting the Host Database. If there is a contradiction in the ARP traffic for already learnt addresses then it raises a Spoof Alarm. All new ARP traffic is passed to the Spoof Detection Engine.The Spoof Detection Engine applies our detection algorithm to detect ARP spoofing. The newly seen Consistent Header ARP packets are input to this module. The engine now internally bunches these packets into the three categories discussed in Section 2.2 namely Full ARP Cycle, Request and Response Half Cycle packets. The detection algorithm applied by the engine will be discussed in the section 2.4. After applying the detection algorithm the Spoof Detection engine either sends the ARP entry to the Add to Database module or the Spoof Alarm module. The Add to Database module will add these verified MAC and IP address mapping to the Host Database. The spoof detection engine is discussed in detail next.2.4 The Spoof Detection EngineThe Spoof Detection Engine is the heart of the whole system. The three different ARP Cycle packets as discussed in Section 2.2 are treated in slightly different ways by the Spoof Detection Engine to detect an attempted spoofing. The Spoof Detection Engine works based on the following Rules:Rule A: “The network interface card of a host will accept packets sent to its MAC address, Broadcast address and subscribed multicast addresses. It will pass on these packets to the IP layer. The IP layer will only accept IP packets addressed to its IP address(s) and will silently discard the rest of the packets. If the accepted packet is a TCP packet it is passed on to the TCP layer. If a TCP SYN packet is received then the host will either respond back with a TCP SYN/ACK packet if the destination port is open or with a TCP RST packet if the port is closed”.Rule B: “The attacker can spoof ARP packets imp ersonating a host but he can never stop the real host from replying to ARP requests (or any other packet) sent to it. The valid assumption here is that the r eal host is up on the network.”It should be noted that these rules have been derived from the correct behavior that a host’s network stack should exhibit when it receives a packet. To exemplify Rule A, let a host have MAC address = X and IP address = Y. If this host receives a packet with destination MAC address = X and destination IP address = Z then even though the network interface card would accept the packet as the destination MAC address matches, the host’s network stack will silently discard this packet as the destination IP address does not match, without sending any error messages back to the source of the packet.Based on Rule A, we can conceive of two types of probe packets from a host’s network stack point of view which we will use to detect ARP spoofing.a. Right MAC – Wrong IP packet: The destination MAC address in the packet is of the hos t but the IP address is invalid and does not correspond to any of the host’s addresses. The destination host will silently drop this packet.b. Right MAC – Right IP packet: The destination MAC address and IP addresses pairs are of the host’s and its networ k stack accepts it.We will henceforth assume that the attacker is using an unmodified network stack. The performance of our technique in the presence of a modified network stack will be evaluated in Section 2.5. Based on the above observation we will construct our own packets based on Rule A and send them on the network. We will use the address information in the ARP response packet sent by the host whose authenticity is to be verified. We will use the MAC and IP addresses used in the ARP response packet to construct a TCP SYN packet i.e. the destination MAC and IP in the TCP SYN packet will be the source MAC and IP address advertised in the ARP response packet and the source MAC and IP in the TCP SYN packet would be of the host running the Spoof Detection Engine. The TCP destination port will be chosen based on the presence/absence of packet filtering firewalls on the network hosts. If there is a firewall installed on the hosts we will choose the “allowed TCP port” (as in section 2.1) and if no firewalls ar e there then we can choose any TCP port. The rest of the header values in the TCP SYN packet will be set as usual.When a TCP SYN packet as constructed above is sent to the source of the ARP reply packet, the host’s response will be based on Rule A. If the ARP response was from the real host its IP stack will respond back with either a TCP RST packet (If the destination port is closed) or a TCP SYN/ACK packet (if the destination port is open).If the ARP response had been from a malicious host then its network stack would silently discard the TCP SYN packet in accordance with Rule A. Thus based on the fact that the Spoof Detection Engine does/does not receive any TCP packets in return to the SYN packet it sent, it can judge the authenticity of the received ARP response packet.APR欺骗检测:一种主动技术手段维克拉玛苍兰和舒库玛南迪思科系统公司班加罗尔印度印度理工学院,古瓦哈蒂,阿萨姆,印度摘要.地址解析协议(ARP)由于其无状态性和缺乏对发送者身份进行验证的机制,因而长久以来常被用于欺骗攻击。
