商务英语(BEC) 初级口试指导:人力资源

【 关键词 】 交际性测试理论 B E C p 口试 策略 【 中图分类号 】 H 3 1 9 【 文献标识码 】 A 【 文章编号 】1 6 7 4 — 4 8 1 0( 2 0 1 4) 2 9 —0 1 9 2 —0 2
交 际性 测 试 是指 通 过语 言 的 交 际活 动 来 测试 语 言 的运 用能力。 语言学家卡洛尔等人认为, 交际性测试是一种行为 测试 , 它 “ 在真实的或近乎真实的语境 中通过完成实际任务 来估测掌握语 言的程度” ,即 “ 借助语言办事 ,而不是通过 语言认识事物” 。
1 . 口试 命题 特点
语言测试的用途主要是辅助语言教学 , 对语言教学进行 阶段性诊断和指导 , 其次是选拔语言人才。剑桥商务英语证
书初 级 ( B E C p) 考试属 于后者 ,考 试 类 型可归 入交 际性 测 试 范围 。
面谈等 口头表达的能力。 口试项 目主要评估考生在商务方面 的 口头交际能力。内容涉及 E l 常商务工作 中的各个环节。
海市 还对节 能 和新 能 源公交 车 的运 营给予 补贴 。 可见上 海政
了原本横排座位 的空间。在早晚高峰的影响特别大 ,由于 车厢内空 间的减小 ,很多乘客反映明明没有多少人 ,可却
三 分析 与建 议
为研究此课题 , 我们进行 了问卷调查活动。 在6 0 0份问 卷样本中, 我们发现超过 3 0 %的市民认为上海环境不好 , 而 觉得上海环境一般 的市 民超过 5 0 %。 上海作为一个国际化大 都市 ,随着人 口、 车辆数量等因素 , 正面临着环境恶化的问 题。 上 海市 政府推 行 了 7 月起 限行 黄标 车 的政策 , 而上 海 的 公交企业在今年上半年淘汰了近 4 0 0 0辆黄标公交车。此举 加快了上海新能源公交的推广速度 。 市民对推广新能源公交 的态度是赞同的, 但有部分市民希望新能源公交票价不要过

1. 公司组织和部门:CEO(首席执行官)、HR(人力资源)、PR(公关)、IT(信息
2. 商务活动和会议:conference(会议)、seminar(研讨会)、presentation(演讲)、negotiation(谈判)、deal(交易)等。
3. 商务沟通:email(电子邮件)、phone call(电话)、meeting(会议)、report(报告)、memo(备忘录)等。
4. 商务文档:contract(合同)、invoice(发票)、proposal(提案)、agenda(议程)、business plan(商业计划)等。
5. 商务旅行:flight(航班)、hotel(酒店)、reservation(预订)、passport(护照)、visa(签证)等。
6. 国际贸易:import(进口)、export(出口)、trade(贸易)、customs(海关)、shipping(运输)等。

BEC商务英语工作人员职责一.考试需要的工作人员:1.主考官1名;2.考点主任1名;3. 试卷保管人员2-3名;4.每考场主监考、监考各一名(由考点主任负责安排);5. 口语考官2名(1名负责提问和评分,另一名只负责评分)6. 考试期间电路、音响技术人员1名;7. 各楼层值守1-2名;8. 引导员若干名(每考场配备1名);9. 侯考室留守人员1-2人;10. 卫生清理人员若干名11. 笔试试卷派发兼考场巡视人员每层1名;二.各工作人员的职责:(一)主考官:1.填写CSRN表格; 2.将平分卡寄会教育部考试中心;(二)考点主任1.每年12月核对资料,并确保:1)试卷、答题卡、评分卡数量正确,每考场有备用份;2)答题卡、评分卡上带有考生信息;3)磁带/CD质量完好,与听力试卷匹配;2.在报名截止日期前,上报报名信息(将报名表通过EMS寄往教育部考试中心);3.考前3个月,安排笔试的主、监考人员;并确保:1)主、监考与其负责的考生没有关系;2)主、监考人手一册考务工作手册,并熟悉内容;3)主、监考了解每项考试都要填写考生出席登记表;4)主、监考了解每项考试前都要核实考生身份5)主、监考了解考试期间有紧急情况可以向楼层值守寻求帮助4.检查考场,并确保:1)考前1个月,在考点注册地址以外的考场进行的考试,通知教育部考试中心;2)考前1-3天,检查并确保音响、录音设备(口语考试用)正常;3)考前1天,在醒目的位置摆放清晰的路标;4)考前1天,在考场外部显眼位置张贴考生须知(Notice to candidates);5)考前1天,确保考场内没有地图、图片、标语等资料;6)考前1天,在每考场配备一个静音钟表;7)考前1天,确保考桌上依次贴有考试号;8)考前1天,摆放考桌,使前后左右相隔1.25米;5. 口语考试前3个月,安排口语考试,并确保:1)计划好口语考试考官人数;2)避免让认识考生的人员担任口语考官;3)口语考试能将未考考生和已考的隔离开;4)提前制作出口试时间表(包括考官休息时间),5)考场有足够的包装箱,用以收齐当天的全部考试资料;6)口试当天,确保考生俩人一组考试,若考生为奇数,最后一场3人一组;7)口试当天,若考生迟到,在最后一组考生考前调整;6.笔试期间如有需要为各项表格签字:1)违规的考生经主考批准可继续作答,但应记录在MAL/ESOL,并由考点主任签字;2)暂时残疾或有困难的考生应填写在SC/ESOL,由考点主任签字,并通过教育部考试中心寄至剑桥;3)如有考生迟到,考点主任必须填写LA/ESOL表格,并通过教育部考试中心寄至剑桥;4)考点主任填写BEC考生勘误表。

1. 介绍BEC口试的重要性和作用BEC口试对于提升个人的商务英语交流能力至关重要。
通过参加BEC 口试,考生可以有效地提高自己的商务英语交流能力,更好地适应多元化的商务环境。

商务英语考试BEC初级口试指导1.Award 奖品,获奖A: Are we going to decide the award recipients today? B: Yes. We plan to announce them next week.A:我们今天要决定获奖人吗?B:是的,我们方案下周公布。
2.Behind schedule 比方案延期A: How is the program going?B: We are away behind the schedule.A:工程进展得怎样?B:我们比方案拖期很多。
3.Monthly review 月审核A: Let’s have the monthly review this Friday.B: No problem. I’ll arrange the meeting.A:我们周五做月审核吧。
4.Bonuses 红利/奖金A: When are we going to distribute the bonuses?B: I heard it’s going to be next month.A:我们什么时候发奖金啊?B:我听说是下个月发。
5.Conclusion 结论A: Have we arrived at any conclusions?B: We have.A:我们得出什么结论了吗?B:得出了?6.Penalty 罚款A: What is the penalty if the deliveries are late?B: Each day, we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount.A:如果发货迟了的话,罚金是多少?B:每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。
7 .Phase review 阶段性审核A: Did we have any review for this phase?B: We did. There are still quite a few deliverables we need to work on again.A:我们这个阶段做审核了吗?B:做了,还有一些需要提交的文件需要重新修改。

1.Assembly line 装配线A: How many workers are on assembly line?B: Thirty nine total.A:装配线上有多少工人?B:一共39名。
2.Bar code 条形码A: Bar code is so popular these days.B: I know. Walt-Mart won't be able to do business without bar code.A:现在条形码很流行。
3.Capital asset 资本性资产A: What is capital asset?B: Any item which depreciates over time.A:什么是资本性资产?B:指那些随着时间的推移会贬值的资产。
4.Cost reduction 降本钱A: We made a lot of efforts on the cost reduction.B: Any realized savings?A:我们做了许多降本钱的努力。
B:有哪些实现的节约吗?5.Innovations 改革创新A: Is there any way to encourage innovations on the shop floor?B: Yes. We have incentive plans for innovations.A:在工厂里有什么方法可以鼓励创新吗?B:有,我们有创新的鼓励政策。
bor head count 人工数A: What is the labor head count in this plant?B: Two hundred and fifty seven.A:这个工厂的人工数是多少?B:257人。

商务英语人力资源部职责口语(2)Responsibilities of the HR Department 人力资源部的职责1) The primary responsibility for someone in a HR managerial position in the States, is to interview applicants to find new blood.2) During the interview, an interviewer should learn to ask and understand a few basic questions:a) Why did you quit your last job?b) What do you know about our pany?c) What are your personal strengths?d) What is your greatest weakness?3) HR personal must also deal with sick leave, vacation time and helping the staff members when they leave a pany.1)在美国人力资源部管理人员的主要职责是为申请者面试和招募新人。
2)面试中面试者应学会提问和理解几个根本问题:a) 你为什么辞去前一份工作?b) 你对我们公司了解多少?c) 你的个人专长是什么?d) 你最大的缺点是什么?3)HR人员还必须处理病假、假期并在员工离开公司的时候为他们提供帮助。
Gordon: Nice to meet you. How do you do?Molly : Fine, the pleasure is all mine.Gordon: You are too kind.Molly : Are you the applicant to fill the HR job?Gordon: Yes, I heard you could use some new blood.Molly : In the States we like to keep things fresh.Gordon: I see.Molly : Do you understand the duties of an HR professional?Gordon: Positively, yes I do.Molly : Alright, Mr. New blood, explain some of them.Gordon: An HR professional must conduct the interview, then follow-up by helping plan vacations, and deal with sick days.Molly : Anything else?Gordon: They help when a person is fired or laid off, right?Molly : Right, you are pretty smart for a new blood.戈登:很快乐见到你。

人力资源管理面试英文介绍English:In an HR management interview, I would begin by introducing myself and highlighting my educational background and relevant experience in the field of HR. I would discuss my knowledge of HR practices, such as recruitment, training and development, performance management, and employee relations. I would emphasize my understanding of the importance of aligning HR strategies with business objectives and the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with different stakeholders.I would also mention my proficiency in using HRIS systems and other technology platforms to streamline HR processes and improve efficiency. Additionally, I would talk about my strong analytical and problem-solving skills, which allow me to identify and address HR issues proactively. I would provide examples of how I have successfully handled challenging HR situations and implemented innovative solutions.Furthermore, I would emphasize my ability to stay updated with the latest HR trends and best practices through continuous professional development. I would mention any certifications or training programs related to HR that I have completed. I would emphasize my commitment to fostering employee engagement and creating a positive work culture.Finally, I would highlight my interpersonal skills, including my ability to build rapport and form strong relationships with employees at all levels of the organization. I would emphasize my experience in providing coaching and mentoring to employees to enhance their performance and professional growth.Overall, I would present myself as a well-rounded HR professional with comprehensive knowledge and experience in HR management, a proactive problem-solver, and a strategic thinker who can contribute to the overall success of the organization.中文翻译:在人力资源管理面试中,我首先会介绍自己并强调我的教育背景和在人力资源领域的相关经验。

12. 员工喜欢什么样的福利待遇?
a) 医疗保险,养老保险,年假是必要的福利待遇;
b) 某些福利如奖励性旅游,奖励性现金,公司车,生日礼物等都能够激励员工;
c) 员工希望灵活的福利,如休假可以累积或者折合现金等。
13. 如何激励员工的工作热情?
a) 有竞争性的工资和福利;
6. 你如何看待网络采购和邮购
1. 管理者的责任
2. 管理者的素质
3. 如何做一名出色的部门经理
4. 如何招聘管理者
5. 什么样的管理培训有作用
6. 怎么样提高公司的管理水平
7. 如何处理频繁迟到的员工
8. 如何应对员工的抱怨
9. 如果处理性骚扰问题
10. 如何合理应对加班工作
b) 员工可以获得升职的机会,可以在公司有长远的发展;
c) 舒适的办公条件,公平公开的公司文化
14. 如何减少合格员工的流失?(同上题)
15. 你怎样看待着装规范?
a) 着装规范完全取决于公司的性质,服务性质的公司诸如商店,饭店适合统一着装;
b) 幕后工作的人通常不必统一着装,但是要遵守一定的着装规范,例如穿着正装,不能过分暴露等等。
b) 绩效评估要和工资和奖金挂钩,以调动员工的积极性;
c) 绩效评估尽可能要以客观事实和工作成果为依据,以保证员工认可其公平性。
8. 解雇员工都有哪些注意事项?
a) 因为公司裁员而解雇员工要根据劳动法给予补偿;
b) 因为员工过错而解雇员工要有确凿的证据;
c) 解雇员工是个谨慎的决定,在某些时候,解雇员工比招聘一个员工更为昂贵,所以,招聘到合适的员工是避免解雇的第一步。

第一部分:个人介绍 (1-2分钟)
第二部分:问答环节 (3-4分钟)
第三部分:角色扮演 (4-5分钟)
1. 说话的流利程度;
2. 词汇和语法的正确性;
3. 对问题的回答是否全面和准确;
4. 在角色扮演中的表现和交流能力等。
商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理

1、通用电气公司对员工 的价值观是什么?它如何 对待员工?
2、分析通用电气公司的 人力资源管理策略,并 谈谈对你的启示。
3、分析韦尔奇的人才 观及启示。
企业文化与价值观 是企业管理中最模糊的 领域,也是最具挑战性 的一环。它关系到如何 指导组织行为,有着难 以言传的价值和意义。
员工不满意 基本现象
虽然薪酬水平普遍高于当地企业的平 均水平 不满意的主要原因
■企业的经营绩效和员工报酬之间缺乏有机的结 合,没有形成组织——员工利益工同体。员工认 为企业是老板的,干得再好也不能得到相应回报。 ■现行的薪酬体系是建立在惩罚的基础上,介缺 乏有效的绩效管理机制。员工不能够体会到由于 绩效改善所带来的满足感和相应回报。 ■组织内部薪酬缺乏一致性和公平性。在不同业 务单位之间承担相同性质、内容和工作量的职位 之间的薪酬差异较大。例如销售部门的会计的薪 酬水平比生产单位高出20%。
• • • • 无论站还是坐,不能摇动和抖动 对话时目光不能游弋不定 要控制小动作 不要为掩饰紧张情绪而散淡
• 最优雅的礼仪修养是体现自然
• 必须首先学会面对的一种结果----被拒绝
• 仍然感谢这次机会,因为被拒绝是面试后的两种结 果之一。 • 被拒绝是招聘单位对我们综合考虑的结果,因为我 们最关心的是自己什么地方与用人要求不一致,而 不仅仅是面试中的表现。 • 不要欺骗自己,说“我本来就不想去”等等。 • 认真考虑是否有必要再做努力。

Cost cutting Your company has decided to try to reduce costs. You have been asked to investigate the possibility of cutting the financial costs of operating your department. ●Which are the areas where costs could be cut? ●What problems might arise from cutting costs? Customer complaints Your manager is not satisfied with the way staff reacts to complaints from clients about products or services. You have been asked to suggest how this could be improved. ●How the company can make effective use of will be available in the new office? ●What training will be needed for these jobs? Staff recruitment Your factory urgently needs to recruit a large number of temporary staff in order to fulfill an unexpected order. The staff needs to be ready to start work as soon as possible. ●What you need to do in order to find suitably skilled staff? ●What type of induction program the new staff will need before they start work? Modernization Program You work for a large company which has decided to introduce a program of modernization and improvement. You are involved in setting up this program. ●How to prepare staff for major changes within the company ●What other factors have to be considered when introducing major changes in a company Language Courses Abroad Your company has offered you the opportunity of attending a six-month English language course abroad. You have to decide whether to accept, and are therefore going to attend a meeting to find out more about the offer. ●What the advantages are of learning languages abroad ●What plans you will have to make for work and home if you go away for a long period Potential Supplier A potential supplier will soon be visiting you at your workplace. You think this supplier and the products or services they offer could be very important for the future of your company. ●What you need to find out about the supplier and the products or services before the visit ●How you could entertain the supplier the negotiations Foreign Business Travel Your company has decided that it needs to introduce a clear policy on foreign business travel. You have been asked to help draw up the guidelines. ●What the various reasons are why members of a company make business trips abroad ●In what ways a company might be affected if the number of foreign business trips was reduced Company Directory Your company is going to be included in an international directory of all the types of businesses operating in yourcountry. You have been asked to write a brief profile of your company for the directory. ●What information you will include about your company ●How the directory would be useful to companies。
BEC中级真题阅读精讲 第3辑T4P2 人力资源管理

BEC中级真题阅读精讲第3辑T4P2 人力资源管理Human resource managementIt is nearly a century since the car manufacturer Henry Ford said, 'You can destroy my factories and offices, but give me my people and I will build the business right back up again.'(0) .....G..... But a few business theorists are beginning to argue that managing people well can add moreto the bottom line than anything else.Mike Manzotti, a leading American author in this area, has strong views about the growing importance of human resources in today's business world. (8) .............. A pany with high staff mitment, for example, has an assetthat its rivals find hard to copy.Research in Britain would appear to support this notion.A recent business school survey into the performance ofeight multinationals found that people management could be the most decisive factor in a pany's performance. Another study indicated the same thing in medium-sizedmanufacturing firms. (9) .............. After all, how can an organisation evaluate the mitment of its staff?For this reason, the researcher George Hessenbergargues that a scientific approach is needed. He feels that when HR professionals suggest changing an organisation's pensation structure or being more selective in recruiting,they are asking for things that require resources. (10)............Some new approaches are emerging that attempt to dojust that, including the scheme devised by consultants Couze Jordan. The scheme, which covers munication, recruitment, and use of resources, predicts thatsignificant improvements in these areas achieve an increase in shareholder value of up to 30 per cent.Another programme, launched by James Lester, an independent human resources expert, approaches the problem from a perspective that is designed to appeal to a wide range of managers. (11)..............Both, he argues, involve appropriate decisions being made about the allocation of resources within a particular budget.Lester's expertise enables him to carry out an organisational audit for his clients to identify which areas of HR are in most need of improvement. This is because there is no point in businesses spending large amounts without knowing if the investment is worthwhile. (12) ............. Lester's advice, however, is for panies to think twice before hiring people, since it is vital they assess whether they are getting value for money.A But thefindingsare inconclusive because of the difficulty of collecting reliable evidence.B He argues that the role of a skilled, motivated and flexible workforce has bee more significant as traditional sources of petitive advantage diminish.C For example, a monmistakeis to spend a fortune onrecruitmentto cover up for deficiencies in training.D However, most leading experts in the field believethat there is sufficient evidence to support this model of workplace dynamics.E Heparesthe positive use of human resources toeffective fund management, as this is something that senior executives can relate to.F He believes, however, that the only way they willgain approvalfor these potentially expensive initiatives is to have some data that demonstrates positivefinancial benefits.G In the light of this statement, it is odd that people management has taken so many years to move up the agenda.《Human resource management》,人力资源管理。

人力资源部门面试指导英语作文100字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Interviewing for a position in the human resources department is a unique experience. As a candidate, it is important to prepare yourself thoroughly and to present yourself in the best possible light. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your opportunity:1. Research the company: Before your interview, take the time to learn as much as you can about the company and its culture. This will not only show that you are genuinely interested in the position, but it will also help you understand how your skills and experience can benefit the organization.2. Practice common interview questions: Be prepared to answer questions about your experience, your qualifications, and your goals. Practice your responses so that you can answer confidently and effectively.3. Highlight your skills and experience: In the human resources department, it is important to demonstrate your knowledge in areas such as recruitment, training, employeerelations, and compliance. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have in these areas.4. Be professional and personable: It is important to strike a balance between professionalism and personality in your interview. Show that you are capable of handling the responsibilities of the position, but also convey that you are a friendly and approachable team player.5. Ask questions: At the end of the interview, be sure to ask the interviewer any questions you may have about the company, the position, or the team. This will show that you are genuinely interested in the opportunity and that you have taken the time to prepare.Remember, the human resources department plays a crucial role in any organization, so it is important to demonstrate that you have the skills, experience, and personality to excel in this field. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams. Good luck!篇2Interviews are a crucial part of the recruitment process conducted by the Human Resources department. It is important to prepare for interviews to make a good impression on theinterviewer and increase the chances of being hired. Here are some tips for success in an interview:1. Research the company: Before going to the interview, make sure to research the company and the position you are applying for. This will help you tailor your answers to fit the company's values and goals.2. Dress appropriately: Dress professionally for the interview. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. First impressions are important, so make sure you present yourself well.3. Practice common interview questions: Prepare answers to common interview questions such as "Tell me about yourself" or "Why do you want to work for this company?" Practice your answers in advance to feel more confident during the interview.4. Ask questions: During the interview, don't be afraid to ask questions about the company or the position. This shows that you are interested in the job and have done your research.5. Follow up: After the interview, send a thank you email to the interviewer. This shows your appreciation for the opportunity and can help you stand out among other candidates.By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in an interview conducted by the Human Resourcesdepartment. Remember to be confident, professional, and prepared to make a good impression and land the job you want.篇3Guidance for Human Resources Department InterviewsInterviewing for a position in the Human Resources department can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right preparation, you can impress your potential employer and secure the job. Here are a few tips to help you ace your HR department interview:1. Research the company: Before the interview, take the time to research the company and its HR department. Familiarize yourself with the company's culture, values, and goals, as well as any recent news or developments that may be relevant to the position you are applying for.2. Understand the role: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the role you are interviewing for and how it fits into the HR department's overall structure. Be prepared to discuss how your skills and experience make you a good fit for the position.3. Prepare for common HR interview questions: In addition to typical interview questions about your background andexperience, you may also be asked specific HR-related questions. Be prepared to discuss your understanding of HR best practices, as well as your experience with recruitment, employee relations, and performance management.4. Highlight your soft skills: In HR, strong communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills are essential. Be prepared to give examples of how you have used these skills in previous positions, and how they have helped you succeed in your career.5. Ask questions: At the end of the interview, be prepared to ask thoughtful questions about the company, the HR department, and the role you are applying for. This shows that you are engaged and interested in the opportunity.By following these tips and preparing thoroughly for your HR department interview, you can increase your chances of landing the job and starting a successful career in human resources. Good luck!。

商务英语BEC初级口语课程精选1. What is important when selecting an employee?2 QualificationCertificates and diplomas do not stand for your entire qualification. Inpetent masters and doctors graduated from highly praised universities can be everywhere. We just cannot depend on them to make a profit for the pany. By contrast, interviewees with practical experience would bring us more benefits.2 ExperienceIt couldn’t be better if our employees are made of people who e from different cities, provinces, countries, and continents. Their different backgrounds could very well serve our purpose of diversification within the pany.2 Professional experienceIt might sounds curious but I’d really like to give the job-hoppers a chance to demonstrate their capabilities. Those so-called loyal staffs who stick to one particular pany as long as possible seem to be afraid of unfamiliar working environment.2 AgeIt has nothing to do with discrimination when we take the employee’s age seriously. As people gro w older, they tend to adhere to past practices and resist changes. Such a rigid guy should be excluded from our paying list.2 PersonalityEveryone has a unique personality, which is a wele phenomenon. If a group of staff members are similar intheir personalities, a lot of internal conflicts could be saved. But there’s also a problem to worried. This unit might bee a stagnant working place without vitality in the long run.2 CreativityWe attach great importance to an employee’s creativity. Mediocre Yes-man who is used to echo the views of others apparently belongs to redundant laborer. Such a guy wouldbe fired immediately when there’s a call to streamline the staff. As soon as we find an interviewee has scarce creativity, dismiss him promptly.。

1. 商务信函:包括询盘信、报价信、订单确认信、投诉信、道歉信、感谢信等,考察员工的书写规范、语法正确性、用词准确性等方面。
2. 商务电话:包括接听电话、拨打电话、留言、预约、咨询等,考察员工的口语流利程度、掌握商务用语的能力、表达清晰度等方面。
3. 商务谈判:包括定价谈判、合同谈判、售后服务谈判等,考察员工的沟通能力、应变能力、表达能力等方面。
4. 商务会议:包括主持会议、参与会议、提出建议、撰写会议纪要等,考察员工的听力理解能力、口语表达能力、写作能力等方面。
1. 书写规范、语法正确性、用词准确性、文体恰当性等方面给予综合评分。
2. 口语流利程度、商务用语掌握程度、表达清晰度等方面给予综合评分。
3. 沟通能力、应变能力、表达能力等方面给予综合评分。
4. 听力理解能力、口语表达能力、写作能力等方面给予综合评分。
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商务英语(BEC) 初级口试指导:人力资源
1.Asset 财富,资产,重要资源,重要人才
A: Mike is really an asset of our company.
B: I agree. We need to have an retain plan for him.
2.Business card 名片
A: May I have your business card?
B: Sure, my pleasure.
pany culture 企业文化
A: What forms company culture?
B: Values, beliefs and behaviors inherent in a company.
4.Job offer 工作聘任,聘任书
A: How many job offers have you got?
B: I got only two offers. Not like you, offers are lining up.
5.Job fair 招聘会
A: How did you find our company?
B: I met your HR representative at a job fair.
6.Notice 通知
A: If you want to resign, how long of a notice you need to give the company?
B: Four weeks of notice.
7 .Pay raise 涨工资,工资增长比例
A: How much was your pay raise last year?
B: I’m sorry. I can’t tell you.
8.Resume/CV(Curriculum Vita) 简历/履历书
A: Do you have a resume?
B: Yes,I’ll send you an electronic copy right away.
9.Promotion 提升
A: Did you get a promotion, Amy?
B: Yes.
A: Congratulation!
B: Thank you!
10.Resign,resignation 辞职
A: I heard that Lily resigned.
B: Relly? It’s a big loss of our company.