







以下是店铺精心整理的BEC 商务英语考试流程详解,希望能够帮助到大家。




























★绝密·考试前严禁任何人翻阅全国外经贸从业人员考试国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试题册考试时间:2014年5月31日 09:30-11:30※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※考生姓名:准考证号:考点(考区):注意事项一、考生将姓名、身份证号、考试项目、考点(考区)、准考证号填涂在试题册及答题卡(答题纸)相应位置。












一、客观题(本大题有60小题,每小题1分,共60分)[1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分)Section ADirections: Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice.Mike: It would be nice to see you again, Mary. Are you free on Sunday evening?Mary: I’ m sorry, I’m not. I’ve got to visit my aunt 1 .Mike: Oh, that’s a pity. Monday’s difficult for me. What about Tuesday evening?Mart: Tuesday’s bad for me as well. I’ve got to go to a meeting.Mike: Wednesday then?Mary: No, Wednesday’s out for me, I’m afraid. I’ve got to 2 and do some work. I really must.Mike: Oh, that’s a shame. Well, I can’t 3 Thursday. What about Friday?Mary: I’m 4 sorry. I’ve got to go out for dinner on Friday.Mike: Have you got to? Can’t you get out of it?Mary: I’m afraid not. I’ve simply got to go.Mike: Well, it looks as if we’ll have to wait till next week then.Mary: Yes, I’m sorry, Mike. Look, I must go now. I have to meet Lisa in ten minutes. Ring me next week 5 .Mike: Fine. Try and keep an evening free for me.1.A. in the hospital B. in hospital C. in hotel D. in hostel2.A. stay in B. staying C. stay D. sleep3.A. make that B. make this C. make D. make it4.A. outright B. awfully C. really D. totally5.A. some time B. sometimes C. sometime D. some timesSection BDirections: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice.For international investors, the decision to invest in a foreign country, whether to establish or6 a plant or a sales network, or to purchase stocks or bonds, is a difficult one. Before they make the decision to invest abroad, international investors will have to make sure that theinvestment 7 in the host country is favorable enough. In other words, they will have to analyze and assess the possible 8 before actual investments are made. Therefore, international investors must take into 9 the economic, political, legal and social aspects of the host country to 10 possible risk exposure.6.A. access B. acquire C. account D. require7.A. climate B. climax C. climb D. client8.A. risk facts B. least factors C. risk factors D. list factors9.A. an account B. a account C. the account D. account10.A. maximize B. minimize C. maximum D. minimumSection CDirections: Listen to the tape and choose the correct translation for each of the sentences. This section accounts for 10 points.Each question will be read twice.11.A. 希望和你方达成交易。



商务英语专业四级考试 (BEC) 是一项由教育部主管,中国商务英语协会主办的全国性英语考试。


BEC 考试分为四个等级,分别是初级 (BEC Vantage)、中级 (BEC Intermediate)、高级 (BEC Higher) 和超级高级 (BEC Grand)。


BEC 考试报名时间通常是每年两次,分别在 6 月和 12 月。



备考 BEC 需要注重口语练习,可以通过多听、多读、多写、多说来提高英语水平。

此外,BEC 考试的成绩评定采用等级制,考生可以通过提交模拟试题等方式来了解自己的英语水平和等级水平。



bec备考攻略BEC备考攻略BEC(Business English Certificate),即商务英语考试,是由剑桥大学考试委员会举办的一项国际英语资格认证考试。


对于想要在职场中更好地运用英语的人来说,BEC 考试无疑是一个重要的里程碑。



BEC考试分为初级、中级和高级三个级别,分别对应于BEC Preliminary、BEC Vantage和BEC Higher。
































全国自考(国际商务英语)-试卷9(总分:92.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词组英译汉(总题数:10,分数:20.00) fairs(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:贸易洽谈会)解析:解析:trade意为“贸易”;fair意为“展览会,洽谈会”。

2.production approach(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:生产方式)解析:解析:production意为“生产”;approach意为“方式,方法”。 bulk(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:散装)解析:解析:bulk意为“散装的”。

weight(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:净重)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材常见商务词语表。

5.confirmed letter of credit(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:保兑信用证)解析:解析:同定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材第十二课单词表。

6.counter offer(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:还盘)解析:解析:固定译法,专业商务术语,详见教材第八课单词表。

7.specific duty(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:从量税)解析:解析:specific意为“具体的”;duty意为“税收”。

8.short-sea maritime transport(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:近海运输)解析:解析:short-sea意为“近海的”;maritime意为“海事的”;transport意为“运输”。








1. BEC考试报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人(包括学生、待业人员等)均可持本人身份证到当地考点报名。

2. BEC考试测试考生在听、说、读、写四个方面的语言交际能力,着重考察学生的应用能力与承受能力,并对考生的能力概况做出较全面、客观的评价。

3. BEC考试分为三级,BEC1为初级语言水平考试,难度相当于我国大学,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test)和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间;BEC2介于我国四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC3介于我国大学和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。

1. 考试同样分为四个局部(阅读,60分钟;写作,70分钟;听力,40分钟左右;口语16分钟);即总时间为166分钟左右(2.5小时)2. 四局部总分为120分,每局部为30分,考生的登记以4局部所得的总分为根底,并不需要所有的四分试卷都到达令人满意的水平才能通过考试。

3. 分数分为5档,A(优秀),B(优良),C(及格),D、E(不及格)4. BEC考试所使用的材料尽可能属于真实事件中的节选,因此不存在偏见或者其他个性因素。



bec商务英语考试科目摘要:I.简介- 介绍bec商务英语考试科目II.考试科目及内容- 听力部分- 阅读部分- 写作部分- 口语部分III.考试形式及时间- 考试形式概述- 考试时间安排IV.考试难度及评分标准- 考试难度介绍- 评分标准说明V.备考策略- 听力备考- 阅读备考- 写作备考- 口语备考VI.总结- 总结bec商务英语考试科目正文:I.简介bec商务英语考试是针对非英语国家国际型公司员工的英语能力评定考试。



- 听力部分:主要测试考生的商务英语听力能力,包括对话、商务场景中的听力材料等。

- 阅读部分:主要测试考生的商务英语阅读能力,包括商务文章、商务信函等。

- 写作部分:主要测试考生的商务英语写作能力,包括商务信函、报告、提案等。

- 口语部分:主要测试考生的商务英语口语能力,包括商务场景中的对话、演讲等。


- 考试形式概述:bec商务英语考试采用计算机考试形式,考生需在计算机上完成听力、阅读、写作和口语四个科目的考试。

- 考试时间安排:听力、阅读、写作和口语四个科目的考试时间分别为30分钟、1小时、1小时和15分钟。


- 考试难度介绍:bec商务英语考试难度相当于英语专业八级水平,需要考生具备较高的英语语言能力和商务专业知识。

- 评分标准说明:bec商务英语考试采用欧洲共同语言参考框架(CEFR)评分标准,考试分数分为A、B、C三个等级,每个等级对应不同的英语能力和商务专业知识水平。


- 听力备考:考生可以通过收听商务英语听力材料、观看商务英语视频等方法提高听力水平。



全国国际商务英语培训认证考试(一级)CHINA NATIONAL BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE TEST (Level One)(CNBECT-1)试卷册(120分钟)———————————————————————————注意事项一、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题卡和答题纸上。




三、选择题的答案一定要填涂在答题卡上;听力理解(LISTENING)部分第一节(Section A)以及翻译和写作(TRANSLATING & WRITING)部分的答案要写在答题纸上,凡是写在试卷册上的一律不给分。



正确方法如下:[A] [B] [C] [D]使用其它符号答题者不给分。



Part I LISTENING (25 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear five short sentences. Each sentence will be spoken twice. At the end of each sentence there will be a pause. During the pause, you are required to fill in thecorresponding blank according to what you’ve heard. Then write your answer on theAnswer Sheet.Example: Y ou’ll hear:Y ou’ll read: Mr. White will not be back before .From the sentence we learn that Mr. White will not be back before 5:00. Therefore you should write 5:00 in the corresponding blank on your Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin.1. The time Mr. Malay arrives at the airport is ____________.2. Mr. North’s extension number is _____________________.3. The unit price quoted is US$ _________________________ CIF, Puerto Limon.4. The former HR manager was _______________________.5. The destination address of the parcel is __________19, Copenhagen, Denmark.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will bespoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you mustread the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example:Y ou will hear:You will read: A. She will post it later.B. She could not contact the man.C. She’s not sure if the computer is fixed.D. She can’t send it right now.From the conversation we learn that the woman cannot send the new catalogue immediately. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Now the test will begin.6. A. A stereo repairman. B. A hi-fi salesman.C. A store keeper.D. The woman’s house keeper.7. A. W ord-of-mouth advertising is needed for this campaign.B. Commercials are needed for this campaign.C. W ord-of-mouth advertising is as effective as commercials.D. Commercials are more effective than word-of-mouth advertising.8. A. $96. B. $98.C. $100.D. $102.9. A. They are discussing about the price.B. They are discussing about the contract.C. They are complaining about the packing and shipping marks.D. They are complaining about the price.10. A. A check-guarantee card. B. A cash card.C. A credit card.D. A debit card.11. A. In a department store. B. In a bank.C. At the customs.D. In a jewelry store.12. A. She needs to apply for another visa.B. She will take part in a trade negotiation in a month.C. Her visa is still valid for her purpose.D. She wants to visit Philadelphia and Boston.13. A. She was selected for further interviews.B. She was recruited by the company.C. She failed in the interview.D. She will try another company.14. A. Accounting. B. Marketing. C. Security. D. Human Resources.15. A. Confused. B. Interested. C. Indifferent. D. Unsatisfied.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear two recordings. At the end of each recording, some questions will be asked about what was said. You will hear the recordings and questions only once.After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Task 116. A. The advertising agency. B. Radio commercials.C. The advertisement slogan.D. The plan for advertising campaign.17. A. Once a day. B. Twice a day.C. Every fifteen seconds.D. Every twenty seconds.Task 218. A. 22%. B. 9%. C. 60%. D. 40%.19. A. They complain about the quality of products.B. They complain about the price of products.C. They complain about delivery times.D. They complain about after-sale service.20. A. Increasing the volume of business in the European market.B. Analyzing the revenue of the company this year.C. Establishing three Asian distribution centers.D. Promoting the company’s products in Asia.Part II READING (55 minutes) Section ADirections: Choose the best answer for each statement from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21. Our company is going to _________ a new business this year.A. makeB. launchC. forwardD. manufacture22. In 2001, the business _________ of the multinational company reached 126 billion US dollars.A. amountB. quantityC. scaleD. volume23. The seller should make sure that shipment is to be _________ within 30 days after receipt of L/C.A. sentB. madeC. startedD. effected24. The _________ communicated in business interactions through facial expressions and themovements of arms, legs and hands are very important.A. verbal signalsB. nonverbal signalsC. contactsD. languages25. The exporters expect their distributing agents to _________ the products actively.A. improveB. demonstrateC. promoteD. display26. _________ at Medico Co., Ltd. is 1.8% this year.A. Sale growthB. Sales growthC. Selling growthD. Selling growing27. I regret to tell you that we cannot grant you _________ for our garden furniture in Sydney.A. only agentB. sole agentC. sole agencyD. only agency28. The car is sold with a twelve-month _________.A. guaranteeB. promiseC. certificationD. protection29. The annual turnover last year was US$28 million and the company made a large _________.A. interestB. profitC. benefitD. finance30. Because of the poor performance this year, the company has a lot of _________ debts now.A. outstandingB. collectingC. settlingD. clearingSection BDirections: Read the following passage. Fill each gap with the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Insurance is a device that has been developed to handle risks. Nearly everyone 31 risk of some sort. The houseowner, for example, knows that his property can be damaged by fire; the shipowner knows that his vessel may be lost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die 32 and leave his family the poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire, not every vessel lost at sea. If these persons each put a small 33 into a pool, there will be enough to meet the needs of 34 who do suffer loss. In other words, the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many. This is the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contributions are known as the 35 and those who administer the pool of contributions as insurers.The legal basis of all insurance is the policy. It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a named sum of money, called the premium, which is usually paid every year, the insurer will pay a sum of money or 36 for loss, if the risk or event insured against actually happens.The premium for an insurance naturally depends on how likely this is to happen, as suggested by past experience. If companies 37 their premiums too high, there will be more competition in their branch of insurance and they may lose business. 38 , if they make their premiums too low, they will lose money and may even have to drop 39 business. So the ordinary forces of supply anddemand keep premiums 40 a level satisfactory to both insurer and insured.31. A. is exposed on B. is exposed to C. is exposing to D. exposed to32. A. in an early age B. in early years C. at an early age D. at early ages33. A. sum B. quantity C. number D. count34. A. the little B. the few C. a little D. a few35. A. insurer B. insured C. insurance company D. beneficiary36. A. bill B. interest C. compensation D. price37. A. fix B. decide C. hold D. remain38. A. Despite of that B. But C. On the other hand D. Therefore39. A. across B. out of C. off D. away40. A. with B. on C. in D. atSection CDirections: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B and C, and mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Dear Ms. Jean,I am writing about the order for the clothes you placed with us three months ago and your letter of enquiry relating to it. W e are very sorry that we are having difficulty with the supplies of some of the clothes partly because of the strike here for the moment.It would be helpful if you would confirm receipt of the first package of Men’s Jackets and Men’s Jeans. W e have not yet received payment for these clothes, so we enclose a copy of the invoice with this letter. W e expect to receive payment in full before the end of the month.W e are having problems in supplying both W omen’s Sweaters and W omen’s Jeans. The former are completely out of stock at all our suppliers, so we have cancelled the order and advise you to order at a later date. Delivery of the latter clothes is being delayed because of the strike, so we need to know whether you wish to pursue the order or cancel it.W omen’s Jackets have been dispatched to you and they will be with you within ten days. Please make the payment for it before the end of next month.The other two kinds of children’s clothes are very popular. However, our usual suppliers are unable to meet this demand, so we have to find another supplier for these clothes. The Boys’Sweaters will be supplied to us and shipped to you very soon, but we are not so sure when the Girls’ Sweaters will besupplied, so we advise you either to cancel the order or to order at a later time.I hope this letter answers your questions satisfactorily. Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any further problems.Yours sincerelyHelen Bateman41. Another reason for the seller’s problems is that a fire took place in the factory.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.42. The buyer shall make the payment for the Men’s Jackets and Men’s Jeans this month.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.43. The delivery of the W omen’s Sweaters is delayed by the strike.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.44. The buyer will receive the W omen’s Jackets in ten days.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.45. The seller will deliver the Girls’ Sweaters to the buyer very soon.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.Section DDirections:Look at the tables and charts below. For each table or chart, there are four statements describing it. Choose the best statement from the four choices marked A, B, C and D tomatch it. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center.46. The price list of Portable DVD Players.NEWMAN Portable DVD PlayersModel PricePDP830 $105PDP833 $98PDP835 $122PDP838 $115A. Model PDP830 is more expensive than Model 835.B. Model PDP838 is more expensive than Model 835.C. Model PDP833 is less expensive than Model 838.D. Model PDP835 is less expensive than Model 830.47. The summer flight schedule.Flight Departure Time DestinationBA128 17:30 LondonCA838 13:10 ParisJA447 12:15 New YorkUA420 11:40 San FranciscoSA308 12:30 SydneyA. UA420 leaves five hours earlier than BA128.B. JA447 and SA308 go to the same continent.C. All flights except one leave in the evening.D. All flights except one leave in the afternoon.48. The sales volumes of cars in different regions.March June September DecemberA. In Region A, the sales volume in June is a bit lower than that in December.B. In Region C, the sales volumes are almost stable in the four months.C. In Region B, there was a sharp increase in September.D. In Region A and B, the sales volumes declined in June compared with those in March.49. The organization chart of a company.A. Mr. Bill Scattergood is in charge of interviewing job candidates.B. Ms. Mary Foresta is in charge of working out the company’s costs and profits.C. Mr. Carl Clinton and his team shall investigate possibilities for new markets.D. Ms. Shelly Mahon is in charge of storing the company’s products.50. The profits and costs (US dollars in thousand) of Star Trading Corp. in the past five years.A. The profit increased in 2002 but declined in 2003.B. The cost increased in 2004 and declined in 2005.C. Both the profit and cost increased in 2004.D. In the year 2005, the cost increased faster than the profit.Section EDirections: Read the following two passages. Choose the best answer for each statement or question from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneLeading German company Bosch Group announced on Friday its ambitious recruitment plan to hire 4,000 more workers in China in the coming two years. It also plans to invest a total of some 650 million euros (US$781.62 million) in China from last year to 2007. By 2004, Bosch had invested about 550 million euros (US$661.37 million) in the establishment and expansion of its Chinese activities.Under the recruitment plan, Bosch will increase the number of its employees on the Chinese mainland from the present 14,000 to 18,000 by 2007. “Over the next two years, we shall be hiring not less than 1,000 additional associates in our Diesel Systems division, 2,200 in Power Tools, and 600 at Bosch Rexroth. In other words, 170 associates will join our companies in China every month,”said Franz Fehrenbach, chairman of the board of management at Bosch (China) Investment Ltd.To help realize its goal of pursuing sustainable development through talent localization in China, Bosch launched a new graduate management training programme in the country earlier this year. The new programme is designed to build up the future management team of the company in China. Among tens of thousands of applicants, the first group of 44 graduates from Chinese universities has been selected. Beginning this year, they will start a one-year training programme at Bosch’s facilities in China before they are sent to Bosch’s facilities in Germany where they will work for two years on a variety of challenging projects.“As a company committed to the Chinese market and the development of its local industries, Bosch pursues sustainable development in China through the localization of technology and talents,” said Peter Pang, president of Bosch (China) Investment Ltd. “In order to build strong local management, engineering and research teams in China, Bosch is committed to train and to develop Chinese students and professionals.”“In the long term, growth in China can only succeed with highly qualified and motivated staff from within China itself,”said Fehrenbach. The graduate management training programme is the newest initiative under Bosch’s International Development Programme (IDP) in China. Bosch said it regards its 250,000 employees around the world as the most important asset of the company.In addition to the education of graduates, IDP has, over the past few years, helped to train many talented young Chinese professionals who already have two to three years of work experience. They were sent to Germany for a two-year programme soon after they were recruited by Bosch in China. For current employees, short-term foreign assignment opportunities are widely available. Bosch Automotive Diesel Systems, one of Bosch’s business units, has sent more than 80 Chinese employees to Germany for training since it was established in Wuxi in 2004.A global manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology, consumer goods, and buildingtechnology, Bosch founded its first trading office in China in 1909. In 1926, the first car service workshop opened in Shanghai. Today, all of the Bosch business sectors are present in China. The company operates via a holding company in Shanghai, 13 subsidiaries, six joint ventures, and six trading companies.51.What’s the possible title of the passage?A. Bosch’s Investment in ChinaB. The History of BoschC. How Bosch Developed New Products in ChinaD. Bosch’s New Recruitment Plan in China52. How many additional associates will Bosch hire at least over the next two years?A. 18,000.B. 3,800.C. 1,000.D. 2,040.53. In its strategy of talent localization in China, Bosch __________.A. selects local talents and trains them in Bosch’s facilities in China and GermanyB. selects local talents and trains them in Bosch’s facilities worldwideC. selects talents worldwide and trains them in Bosch’s facilities in China and GermanyD. selects talents worldwide and trains them in Bosch’s facilities worldwide54. Bosch’s training programme covers __________.A. graduatesB. professionals with work experienceC. employees who are working now in BoschD. current employees, young talents who have worked for several years, and those who justgraduated from universities55. It can be inferred that __________.A. Bosch is facing an intense competition in ChinaB. most current employees of Bosch come from GermanyC. the headquarters of Bosch is located in ShanghaiD. Bosch puts much importance on employee trainingPassage TwoLogistics can be broadly defined as the time-related positioning of resources, ensuring that materials,people, operational capacity and information are in the right place at the right time in the right quantity and at the right quality and cost. It is the planning, organization, control and execution of the flow of goods from purchasing through production and distribution to the final customer in order to satisfy the requirements of the market. In international distribution terms this is the process of warehousing, transporting and distributing goods and cargo and the positioning of containers and/or equipment. It requires, therefore, an integrated and high-quality package of services in which the emphasis is focused on care of the cargo and provision of the most efficient coordination and management of the transport process.Today the world is a single integrated market place in which supply chain efficiency has become a competitive necessity. Manufacturers and retailers have sought cost savings and service improvements to enhance their competitiveness by supplying larger markets with fewer production and distribution centers.European Union is one of the biggest integrated markets in the world. Advances in information technology and the relaxation of customs barriers in Europe have greatly facilitated the emergence of new strategies in trans-European distribution. Gone are the national boundaries as barriers to quick distribution with their customs examination. Today, traders treat the 15 European states as a single market with no trade, distribution, culture or product specification barriers. Consequently, traders are outsourcing their non-core functions and entrusting the pan-European distribution operation to the logistic freight forwarder. This involves the freight forwarder taking over every subsequent function from production line to final delivery and focusing on supply chain management.A further industrial development is the move to product outsourcing and spreading points of manufacture and distribution throughout a variety of countries. Accordingly, the freight forwarder becomes involved in managing the flow of goods, from warehousing, picking and packing to inventory control and product repairs. A global network and heavy investment in information technology is required. Freight forwarders offer added-value services, logistics management and reliable information to their clients. In short the logistic operation involves the process of order acceptance to the stage of end delivery.The logistic freight forwarder focuses on intermodal services and tries to set a cost-and time-effective method of transportation for its customers and a single rate for the through transit. The freight forwarder concentrates on supply chain management and works towards forming partnerships covering parts of the supply chain with its major customers.Overall, the logistically focused freight forwarder provides value added services including inventory control, sorting, assembly, testing, badging, packaging, labelling and bar-coding. The benefits to the shipper include improved cash flow, lower running costs, reduced capital expenditure, released management time and flexibility.Therefore, a successful logistic freight forwarder must be well prepared to adapt to a changing global logistic scene and invest heavily in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and good quality, trained and committed staff. Undoubtedly, this is the opportunity for the big freight forwarder.56. How do manufacturers and retailers improve their competitiveness?A. By building more production and distribution centers.B. By shortening the supply chain.C. By improving supply chain efficiency.D. By applying new information technology.57. What is NOT involved in logistics?A. W arehousing goods.B. Transporting goods.C. Managing capital investment.D. Positioning of containers and equipment.58. Traders in European Union can entrust the pan-European distribution operation to the logistic freightforwarder because ___________.A. the national boundaries in European Union have been removedB. information technology becomes well developed and customs barriers are relaxed thereC. traders have good relationship with their freight forwarders in other European countriesD. traders want to improve the efficiency in their business operation59. The logistic freight forwarder ___________.A. tries to make transportation cost-and-time effectiveB. provides value-added services and saves the value-added taxC. takes part in manufacturing of the goodsD. invests a lot in EDI with the clients60. In what way can the freight forwarder help the shipper?A. Lowering running cost.B. Reducing management staff.C. Decreasing cash flow.D. Attracting capital investment.Part III TRANSLATING & WRITING (40 minutes) Section ADirections: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write the Chinese version on the Answer Sheet.61. Thank you for your Sales Contract No. 4845 in duplicate. W e’ve signed and enclosed one copy foryour file. The relevant L/C has been issued by the Bank of China, New York Branch. Upon receipt of the said, please arrange shipment and inform us by cable of the name of vessel and the date of sailing.Section BDirections: Write a memo of no less than 100 words according to the given information, and write it on the Answer Sheet.62. You are David Shaw, the marketing manager at ABC Company. On May 18th, you write a memo toall the marketing staff about attending a sales seminar.Time: 9:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m., May 25thPlace: The Crown PlazaTopic: Promotional Strategies in a Changing MarketChair person: Bill Andrew, a famous marketing expertThe entrance fees will still be paid by the company. You suggest all the marketing staff attend the seminar. Anyone who cannot attend the seminar should tell you no later than May 20th.姓名: 准考证号:……………………密……………………………封………………………………线…………………全国国际商务英语培训认证考试(一级)答 题 纸Part I LISTENING1. 2.3. 4.5.Part III TRANSLATING & WRITING61. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________62.填准考证后五位数字:得分评阅人 1 2 3 4 5得 分 评阅人 得 分 评阅人。



国际商务英语等级考试(中级)试卷09.5I. Liste ning: 20% (听力,20 分Sectio n ADirections: Liste n to the tape and fill in the bla nks accord ing to the dialogue. This secti on totals 10 poi nts.Steve: I'm glad to see that you have (1) _____________________ some new products.They are very (2) ________________ . I hope we can do (3) _____________________ together as your products are (4) _________________ in our country.Li: Thank you! I 'm so glad to hear that. And would you tell me which ( 5) ______________ of the refrigerators you are in terested in?Steve: Sure. Here is our (6) ________________ . You 'find the required items, specifications and (7) __________________ all there. Now, I ' like to have your lowest quotations,CIF New York.Li: Thank you for your inquiry, Mr. Steve. Here is our latest FOB price list. All the prices in the list are subject to our final (8) _________________ .Steve: Good. I will look into the price list and (9) _______________ it with my colleagues. We can have further (10) _________________ later.Sectio n BDirections: Liste n to the short stateme nts, read the an swer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the stateme nt you have heard. This sect ion totals 10 poi nts.( )1. A. Why are there so many people at the cin ema?B. Have you bee n to this cin ema before?C. This movie is really very popular.D. I was glad to see you at the cin ema.( )2. A. Jessica has only been here for a year.B. Jessica has bee n here the Ion gest.C. Jessica has bee n alone for a year.D. Jessica felt homesick as she has bee n here for a year.( )3. A. I'll feel disappo in ted if you can 'come.B. I thought you would came.C. Any way you came.D. I didn 'know what to expect.( )4. A. He is probably a part-time student.B. He n ever goes to the En glish class at ni ght.C. The En glish course is only available at ni ght.D. He always goes to school alone.( ) 5. A. His apartme nt is not far from the subway stati on.B. The subway stati on is made up of stone.C. His apartment is quite far from the subway station.D. He threw a stone at the subway statio n.II . Reading & Comprehension: 40% (阅读与理解,40 分)Sectio n ADirections: There are ten in complete senten ces in this secti on. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the senten ce. Then write dow n the right an swer in the brackets for each sentence. This sect ion totals 10 poin ts, one point for each sentence.( )1 Customers have become less loyal to brands and are more willing to _________ to lower-priced coffee products.A. trade inB. trade forC. trade upD. trade dow n( )2 Toyworld is a profitable toy retailer ____________ in Seattle, US, with subsidiariesin over 30 coun tries.A. bas ingB. baseC. basisD. based()3 We have Julia n Mon tero, the Arge nti ne supplier of the wine we are importi ng.A. touchedB. con tactedC. li nkedD. con tacted with ()4 Bob and Tony are bus in ess and have arran ged to meet at the sales conference.A. delegatesB. customersC. associatesD. officers()5 Telecom muni cati on compa nies bel ong to the tertiary of in dustry.A. sect ionB. sectorC. areaD. part()6 Our products are of better quality tha n from other coun tries.A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. it()7 The price of the catalogue is aga inst your first order.A. removableB. replaceableC. rechargeableD. refundable ()8 An L/C should be established in our favor by docume ntary draft at sixty days 'sight.A. availableB. hono rableC. pay ingD. paid()9 We would like to take this opport unity to write to you the hope of establish ing bus in ess relati ons with you.A. atB. forC. withD. i n( )10 The goods are packed in cartons innerlined with ______________ material.A. water-provedB. water-protectedC. water-proofD. water-tightDirections: There are ten blanks in the following passage. You are required to choose the best one from the give n four choices marked A, B, C, and D. The n write dow n the correct an swer in the brackets. This sect ion totals 10 poin ts, one point for each bla nk.Before marketi ng yourself globally, it is importa nt to __________ 1____ your bus in ess is ready to deal with challe nges prese nted by the intern ati onal environment _____ 2 ______ Ianguage and cultural barriers, foreign laws, order fulfillment, and pre/post sales support.Language and Culture - Neither technical accuracy _________ 3 ____ perfect translationis sufficie nt whe n con sideri ng the Ian guage you will com muni cate through. It is importa nt to really understand how a Ianguage is used by the people in your _______ 4 ______ market.Regional Laws - All phases of product _________ 5 ______ are affected by regulations. The product itself, such as its physical and chemical aspects, is subject to laws _____ 6 _____ to protect con sumers with respect to purity, safety or performa nee. Product features such as packaging and warranties, advertising, sales promotion techniques are also subject to local regulati ons.Order Fulfillme nt - How will you deliver your products? What bus in ess part ners will you n eed to en sure smooth logistics of your product? Can you han dle your shipme nt costs? If you cannot _____ 7 ___ dema nd or en sure smooth delivery of your product, you are at risk of n egatively affect ing your bus in ess and its image. It is importa nt to find and qualify8distributors, and pay particular atte nti on to con tract n egotiati on and distributio n man ageme nt.Pre and Post Sales Support - ________ 9 _____ with your customers as well as your bus in ess part ners is an importa nt con siderati on whe n marketi ng and sell ing intern ati onally. Many bus in esses are able to meet customer expectati ons through strategic allia nces or foreig n distributors who deal with the local customer base on their 10 ______ .( )1 A. ensure B. assure C. reassure D. sure ( )2 A. excludi ng B. excluded C. i ncludi ng D. in cluded ( )3 A. so B. nor C. and D. or ( )4 A. local B. own C. target D. home ( )5 A. sales B. exhibiti on C. promoti on D. developme nt( )6 A. pla nned B. proposed C. supposed D. desig ned ( )7 A. meet B. run into C.encoun ter D. face ( )8 A. pote nt B. politeC. ethicalD. pote ntial()9A. ConnectionB. Communi cati onC. Li nkD. Con tact( )10 A. account B. part C. behalf D. marketSectio n CDirections : There are two passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. You should decide on the best choice. Then write down the correct answer in the brackets for each questio n or stateme nt. This sect ion totals 20 poin ts, two points for each questi on.Passage OneIn vest ing thousa nds of pounds in the recruitme nt and training of each new graduate recruit may be just the begi nning. Choos ing the wrong can didate may leave an orga ni sati on pay ing for years to come.Few companies will have escaped all of the following failures: people who panic at the first sight of stress; those with long impressive qualificati ons who seem in capable of lear ning; hypochondriacs whose absentee record becomes astonishing; and the unstable person later discovered to be a thief or worse.Less dramatic, but just as much a problem, is the pers on who simply does not come up to expectations, who does not quite deliver; who never becomes a high-flier or even a steady performer; the employee with a fine future behind them.The first point to bear in mind at the recruitment stage is that people don' change. Intelligence levels decline modestly, but change little over their working life. The same is true of abilities, such as lear ning Ian guages and han dli ng nu mbers.Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more negative features such as anxiety, low esteem, impulsiveness or a lack of emotional warmth. But data collected over 50 years gives a clear message: still stable after all these years. Extroverts become slightly less extroverted; the acutely shy appear a little less so, but the fun dame ntals rema in much the same. Personal crises can affect the way we cope with thin gs: we might take up or drop drink, drugs, religion or relaxation techniques, which can be have pretty dramatic effects. Skills can be improved, and new ones in troduced, but at rather differe nt rates. People can be groomed for a job. Just as politicia ns are carefully repackaged through dress, hairstyle and speech specialists, so people can be sent on training courses, diplomas or experime ntal weekends. But there is a cost to all this which may be more than the price of the course. Better to select for what you actually see rather tha n attempt to cha nge it.( )1. The purpose of this passage is to give man agers the advice that .A. Employers should select can didates for their pote ntial.B. Employers should select can didates for what they are rather tha n for their potential.C. Employers should select the newly graduated and send them on training courses,diplomas or experime ntal weeke nds.D. Employers should select experie need can didates to avoid spe nding thousa ndsof pounds in training.( )2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true ? ____________ .A. Absolutely, People don 'tchange during their working lives.B. Gen erally, people cha nge to a large exte nt duri ng their worki ng lives.C. Fun dame ntally, people stay the same duri ng their work ing lives.D. Normally, people don 'tchange at all during their working lives.( )3. What does a fine future behind them (line 3 of paragraph 3) means? ____________ .A. Some people will certai nly have a promisi ng future though they are n ot verycompete nt in their prese nt work.B. Some people don 'have any potential for their work though they are employed.C. Some people can have a bright future though they can 'do their work well.D. Some people have potential when they are employed, but never realize that potential.( )4. According to the passage, people's basic abilities like Ianguage learning and numeracy ____________A. change little over their working life.B. n ever cha nge over their work ing life.C. cha nge fun dame ntally over their worki ng life.D. cha nge profo un dly over their work ing life.( )5. The word deliver (line 2 of paragraph 3) means ________________ .A. to take goods to the places or people they are addressed toB. to give a speechC. to do what you promised to doD. to help a woma n to give birth to a baby.Passage TwoAsia n econo mies will con ti nue to expa nd rapidly in the n ext two years on the back offoreig n in vestme nts, exports and domestic dema nd, but will not be free of worries, accord ing to a recent securities compa ny econo mic report. Massive in frastructure spe nding, the ben efits of past investments and deregulation and growing regional trade will push along regional growth.The report tipped China ' gross domestic product to grow by 9.5 per cent in 1996 and 10.5 per cent in 1997, and Hong Kong ' to grow by 4.3 and 5.0 per cent. Singapore ' real GDP was forecast to grow by 7.6 and 7.4 per cent, Malaysia ' by 8.6 and 8.1 per cent, Thaila nd ' by 8.8 and 8.4 per cen t, I ndon esia 'by 7.3 and 7.1 per cent and Philipp ines ' by 5.6 and 5.8 per cent.However, all is not rosy, ” cautioned the report, which listed overheating as the region ' biggest challe nge in the short term and skilled-labor shortages in the long run.It cited stra ins from rapid growth that had begu n to stretch curre nt acco unt deficits and spur inflation in some regional economies, which could prevent their central banks from loweri ng in terest rates.This implies that econo mic vuln erability to un expected shocks will rema in high, ” the report said, forecasting a further tightening of monetary policy in countries such as the Philipp ines and Malaysia, and no sig ni fica nt eas ing in Thaila nd, Indon esia and China.Crosby Securities also cited massive new in vestme nt programs gen erated by dema nds on in frastructure such as power, telecom muni cati ons and tran sport which had fuelled over-heati ng.It said Asia would also face a bigger challenge from newly deregulating economies in Eastern Europe which offered lower costs and better-educated workers to foreig n in vestors.Asia ' main foreign investors should, however, continue to expand their presence in the region, the securities house said, noting new trends of intra-Asian investment.Singapore is shifting its lower value-added disc drive and electronics industry to Malaysia, which in turn is moving some of its garment-making and consumer electronics manufacturing to Indonesia and Thailand. Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore are increasingly in vesti ng in Viet Nam, Myanmar and Laos.Asia will ben efit from this trend in several ways, ” the report said.( )6 Asia economy will continue to grow because of ________________ .A. foreig n in vestme ntB. dema nds in Asia n coun tries.C. exportD. all of the above( )7 In the next 2 years, the highest economic growth will appear in ______________A. Sin gaporeB. Thaila ndC. Hong KongD. Chi na( )8 Years later, the problem in Asian economy may be ____________________ .A. too little in vestme ntB. too much in vestme ntC. not eno ugh qualified laborsD. mon etary in stability( )9 According to this report, economic changes in East Europe are ______________A. harmfulB. challe ngingC. helpfulD. useless( )10 The report is ___________ about the prospect of Asia n economy.B. pessimisticA. optimisticC. more optimistic tha n pessimisticD. more pessimistic tha n optimisticIII . Bus in ess Tran slati on: 20% (商务翻译,20 分)Sectio n ADirectio ns : There are ten terms in this sect ion. Tran slate the En glish terms or phrases into Chin ese and the Chin ese terms or phrases into En glish. Then write dow n the tran slati on on the paper. This sect ion totals 10 poin ts, one point for each term.1 particular average2 gunny bag3 Through B/L4 profit margin5 days of grace6 行业刊物7预定金8 空白背书9往来行10 不可抗力Sectio n BDirectio ns : Tran slate the followi ng five Chin ese sentences into En glish. The n write dow n the translation on the paper. This part totals 10 points, two points for each sentence.1我方将与银行作出安排开立保兑的、不可撤销的信用证。


全国国际商务英语培训认证考试 考生报名须知
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商务英语考试(Business English Certificate,BEC)主要分为四个部分:听力、阅读、写作和口语。


1. 听力部分:听力部分是考生考试中的第一项任务,目的是测试考生的听力理解能力。



2. 阅读部分:阅读部分主要测试考生的阅读理解能力和词汇应用能力。



3. 写作部分:写作题要求考生写短篇文本、信函或报告。

4. 口语部分:口语部分是考试的最后一项,分为两个阶段。





21. If a higher percentage or broader coverage is required, the extra premium will be for buyers’ account. 22. Enclosed are the shipping documents you required and our draft for US$50,000. 23. It has been more than two months since we opened an L/C in your favor. We would like to know when exactly you can make arrangements for the shipment. 24. We are now writing to introduce ourselves as a major importer of office furniture. We would appreciate it if you could send us your latest catalogue for our reference. 25. Please extend the validity date of the covering L/C to 20 January 2008 and amend it to allow transshipment.
Part Ⅱ 阅读与理解(Reading and Comprehension)共40分
(本部分试题分三节,Section A、Section B、 Section C) • Section A共10分 由10题单项选择题组成,每题4 个选择项,主要是有关词汇及语法结构的用法, 要求应试者掌握中级词汇表内的单词及基本的词 语搭配,同时能正确运用基本的语法结构。 • Section B共10分 由以一般商务活动或日常生活 中情景为内容,篇幅在300词左右的短文中留有 10个空格,每个空格为1题,每题有A、B、C、D、 4个选择项。




商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。












考试等级BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为 BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为 BEC Van.),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为 BEC Hi.)。





















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序 模块 形 分值 时间

题 计分 数
1 听力
商务对话理解 20 25 商务短篇理解
10 10 55
20 20
10 10
笔 2 阅读 试 50
选词完形填空 陈述正误判断 55 图表信息阅读
10 10 55 55
口 能够在日常接待、会议安排、产品描述、业

务联系、价格磋商等商务活动中进行交流。 表达清楚、流畅,能够较好地运用会话策略,
八、语言能力要求 (2)
编号 3 4
能力 项目
阅 读
写 作
能读懂商务信函、广告、备忘录、便条、通 知、通用商务单证等商务材料,能运用有效 的阅读技巧,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实 和相关细节,并能够进行归纳推理。阅读速 度不低于70词/分钟。 能够在30分钟内完成不少于100词的商务写作 任务。涉及简历、备忘录、商务信函、通知 等应用文体。内容完整,格式正确,语言准 确,语意连贯。能够运用基本的写作技巧。
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本考试分为听力、阅读、翻译与写作、口语四 大模块。


注 意:考试中心开


际 运输中的风险、损失、险别
4 贸 质量和数量的表达方法 主要结算票据
易 包装与运输标志

其 合同的成立、履行、让与、违约救济
它 汇票、本票和支票
登 录 报 名
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编号 商务模块
商务 名片礼仪
礼仪 信函礼仪
宴请礼仪 谈判礼仪 文化差异与禁忌
国际市 市场与需求
3 场营销 消费者购买行为 分销
编 商务 号 模块
国 合同磋商的基本环节
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填 写 报 名 信 息
注 意:考生如果确认自己 填写的信息没有错误,就 可以打印报名表的信息。 如果对报名信息进行了修 改,需要重新打印报名表。 要保证打印出来的信息跟 网上的信息一致,这样到 考点确认的时候才不会出 现不一致的情况。
4 50
本考试要求词汇量达到4,500词,其中商务专 业词汇1,500词左右。
八、语言能力要求 (1)
编号 能力 项目

陈述,能掌握其要点和相关细节,并领会说 话人的态度、感情和真实意图。内容涉及日
力 常问候、接听电话、约会安排、招聘面试、
笔试总分为100分,成绩60分以上(含60分)为通过; 口试总分为50分,成绩30分以上(含30分)为通过。
被测试者须同时报考笔试和口试部分,笔试和口 试均通过的被测试者可获得由商务部中国国际贸易学 会颁发的证书。
国际商务从业人员以及有意从事国际商务工 作的各类院校学生和其他社会人员。
本考试是职业英语水平考试,是一种尺度参 照性标准化考试,评价被测试者在国际商务环境 中的英语应用能力。
由常设的“全国国际商务英语考试中心”负 责组织考务培训、命题、考试、阅卷和认证工作。 由来自相关行业和高校的专家组成专家委员会, 指导考试和认证工作。
考试时间:2012.5.12 报名起止日期: 2012.2.20—4.20
登 录 报 名
第一次 登陆指南
第二步:点击报名列表中“在线报名” 链接。如下图:
登 录 报 名
5 翻 能够翻译简单的商务信函、产品说明等材料, 译 译文正确。
编号 商务模块
工厂/公司介绍 事故报告
商 电话接听
务 来访者接待 工作岗位描述
办 邮件/包裹收发 求职面试
公 约见登记
办公设备操作 商务旅行和住宿安排
全国国际商务英语考试是我国商务行 业内继国际商务从业资格(外销员)、国际 货代员、国际商务单证员、外贸跟单员 和外贸业务员职业资格培训考试后的又 一个培训与认证考试。
本考试是对国际商务英语交际能力的测试。考试 结果可作为相关企事业单位人员招聘的参考和国际商 务从业人员英语能力的评价依据。本考试旨在统一测 试标准和操作规范,促进相关的教育和培训工作,提 高国际商务从业人员的职业英语水平。
10 20
40 50
翻译 3与
商务短文翻译(英译中) 1 10
商务应用文写作(英文) 1 20
2 30
前三个模块合计 100 120
62 100
序号 模块 形式 分值 时间 (分钟)
题数 计分
1 20
4 口语 口试 50
商务句子口译 (汉译英) 12
2 10 1 20