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2013级2014-2015 学年第1学期


Part I Multiple Choice (每题2分,共计20 分) Directions: There are 15 questions in this section. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding

letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. Which of the following is half-fermented tea?

A Green tea

B Oolong tea

C Black tea

D White tea


Part II Filling in the blanks (每题1分,共计10 分) Directions: In this section, there are five items with ten blanks. Fill in the blanks and write your answers on your answer sheet.

1. The layout of an ancient architecture is ______, ______ and beautiful.


Part III Matching (每题1分,共计10 分) Directions: In this section, there are two columns, Column A is some English expressions and Column B is some Chinese translations. Match the following English names on Column A with

their corresponding Chinese translations on Column B. And write your answers on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

1. _____ Southeast the Peacock Flies a. 佛教

2. _____ Buddhism b. 豌豆黄

3. _____ A River Scene at Qingming Festival c. 刺绣

4. _____ The Book of Songs d. 相声

5. _____ pea-flour cake e. 钟楼

6. _____ the Hall of Supreme Harmony f.《诗经》

7. _____ Bell Tower g. 己所不欲勿施于人

8. _____ crosstalk h.《清明上河图》

9. _____ Embroidery I. 太和殿

10. _____ Do not do toward others anything j.《孔雀东南飞》

you would not want to be done to you

Part IV Translation (每题1分,共计30 分) Section A (每题1分,共计15 分)

Directions: In this section, you need to translate those Chinese items into English, and write your answers on your answers sheet.

1. 楚辞

2. 元宵节


4. 汉字


Section B (每题1分,共计15 分) Directions: In this section, you need to translate those English items into Chinese, and write your answers on your answers sheet.

1. Black tea

2. Goubuli steamed buns

3. Heroes of the Marsh

4. Nine Songs


Part V Writing(共计30 分) Directions: For this part, you need to write an essay to introduce one of the Chinese cuisines on the topic of “My favorite cuisine”(e.g. Anhui Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine). You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. The origin of the costume

2. The characteristics of the costume

3. Your opinion on this costume

My Favorite Costume

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