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History of the development of Apple Corp

苹果公司的起源The origin of the Apple Corp

苹果公司(Apple Inc. )是美国的一家高科技公司。由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗·韦恩(Ron Wayne)等人于1976年4月1日创立,并命名为美国苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer Inc. ),2007年1月9日更名为苹果公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比诺。

Apple Corp (Apple Inc.) is a high-tech company in the United States. It was founded in April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Lo Wayne (Ron Wayne) and named the United States Apple Com puter Inc (Apple Computer Inc.), and renamed Apple Corp in January 9, 2007, with the headquarters in California's Treasury Bitino.

苹果公司上市Apple Corp listing



In December 12, 1980, Apple Corp's public offering was listed. In less than an hour, 4 million 600 thousand shares were sold out and closed at $29 A share. At this closing price, Apple Corp executives generated 4 billionaires and more than 40 millionaires. They attracted more money than any first publicly released company (IPO) after the 1956 Ford (Ford) listing, and created more millionaires than any other company in history. Within five years, the company entered the world's top 500, the fastest record at that time.

苹果公司的衰落时期The decline of the Apple Corp 1985年4月经由苹果公司董事会决议撤销了乔布斯的经营大权,乔布斯几次想夺回权力均未成功,便在1985年9月17日愤而辞去苹果公司董事长职位,卖掉自己苹果公司股权之后创建了NEXT Computer公司。不久,windows95系统诞生,苹果电脑的市场份额一落千丈,几乎处于崩溃的边缘。In 4 months of 1985, the Apple Corp board resolution revoked Jobs's management power. Jobs had failed to recapture the

power several times. In September 17, 1985, he resresigned Apple Corp chairman position and sold his Apple Corp shares to create NEXT. Shortly after the birth of the Windows95 system, Apple's market share plummeted almost to the brink of collapse.

科技带领人类进步, 苹果手机发布会视频

Technology leading human progress, Apple Mobile Phone Conference

关于苹果手机About the apple handset

2004年,苹果公司召集了1000多名内部员工组成研发iPhone团队,开始了被郭峰为什么iPhone就是那么不一样列为高度机密的项目,订名为“Project Purple”,当中包括的幕后设计师Jonathan Ive。当时苹果公司的首席执行官史蒂夫·iPhone乔布斯从原本的重点如iPad的平板电脑偏离至转向手机。苹果公司跟AT&T秘密合作创造了一些硬件和软件设备—当时的Cingular无线网络—AT&T并给予苹果公司投资及很大自由度,在30个月动用了约$1.5亿美元。作为交换条件,苹果公司保证在4年内,在美国出售的iPhone 将交由AT&T独家发售。

In 2004, Apple Corp summoned more than 1000 internal staff

to develop iPhone team, and began to be so different from Guo Feng's why iPhone is so different.

Classified as a highly confidential project, it is called "Project Purple", including the behind the scenes designer Jonathan Ive. At that time, Apple Corp CEO Steve iPhone Jobs deviated from the original focus of iPad's tablet computer to mobile phone. The Apple Corp's secret cooperation with AT&T created some hardware and software devices - the Cingular wireless network - AT&T, which gave Apple Corp investment and great freedom, and spent about $$1.5 billion in 30 months. In exchange, Apple Corp guarantees that iPhone will be sold exclusively to AT&T in the United States within 4 years.
