迈拉塔集成电子成分有限公司 Silicon 电容器安装说明书
Assembly Note Silicon CapacitorAssembly by reflowRev1.0 This document describes the attachment techniques recommended by Murata Integrated Passive Solutions for their Silicon Capacitors (including ones with SAC305 terminations) on the customer substrates for reflow process, as well as for flip-chip IPD (Integrated Passive Device) assembled by reflow. This document is non-exhaustive. Customers with specific attachment requirements or attachment scenarios that are not covered by this documentshouldcontactMurata(**************).1. Handling Precautions and StorageSilicon dies must always be handled with precaution in a dedicated environment for assembly. Regarding silicon capacitors, after opening of the packing, the remaining quantities have to be repacked immediately after any process step, in the same conditions as before the opening (ESD bag + N2 is usually preferred).For specific storage conditions, please refer to the dedicated Application Note « Storage and shelf life conditions». To avoid contamination and damage like scratches and cracks, our recommendations are:•Die must never be handled with bare hands•Avoid touching or scratching the active face with tools that are not adapted•Do not store and transport die outside protective bags, tubes, boxes, sawn tape•Work only in ESD-controlled environmentsPlastic tweezers or a soft vacuum tool are recommended to handle our Silicon dies.For more information about handling, please refer to the dedicated application Note "Recommendation to handle bare dies".Standard packing is tape & reel but silicon capacitors can be provided within waffle pack, gelpak or sawing frame. PleasecontactMuratafordrawingandreferences(**************).2. Pad Opening and Solder excessThe top surface of the Murata silicon capacitors is protected with a passivation. The finishing of the contact pads is in nickel gold (generally 5µm nickel and 0.2µm gold) conforming with the soldering process.Figure 1: Left side - Simplified view of a Si-cap pad for reflow; right side – SEM view of a Si-cap with SAC305 terminationsMurata recommends having an opening on the PCB substrate which matches the pads of the capacitor (size, position and spacing), what Murata calls “mirror-pad” – see figure 2, 3, 6 and 8.On the PCB substrate, the metal layer can be larger than the varnish coating opening size, but in this case, the varnish coating opening has to be mirror with the pad size of the capacitor. No need to change the metal landing pad of the PCB substrate, only the opening in the varnish coating needs to be adjusted with Solder Mask Defined design (see figures 6 and 7). These recommendations will improve the die placement, tilting and will avoid the contact between the solder paste and the bare silicon die – see figure 4 and 5.2.1. Solder joint after reflowFigure 2: SMD AssemblyFigure 3: NSMD AssemblySilicon capacitor solder process is specific. Solder paste must not be in contact with the side of the silicon capacitor. Side of silicon capacitor must not be in contact with the landing pad. Correct assembly can be checked with the leakage current level of the capacitor after assembly. Please also check Figure 17 for mechanical measurement procedure of the solder joint after reflow.Tilt acceptance criteria is defined by customer and target application. Please contact Murata for more information.Figure 4 : Example of mis-assembly dueto solder paste excessFigure 5 : Si-cap tilting examples, please note thesolder excess2.2. Solder Mask designOn the customer substrate, Murata recommends SMD (Solder Mask Defined) to control the solder flowing on the tracks. Customer must ensure the opening and placement tolerances of the solder mask remain compatible with the silicon capacitor pad dimensions.Please take good note of the difference between Si-caps with NiAu finishing, that need solder paste on the PCB substrate (left side of figures 6 and 8) and Si-caps with SAC305 terminations (or SAC305 bump) that require no solder paste, but only flux (right side of figures 6 and 8). Solder paste and flux deposition methods are described on Section Solder Mask DefinedFigure 6: Simplified view of SMD assembly from the side (only one pad is shown here)Figure 7: Examples of SMD designs, 2 pads on the left, 4 pads on the right2.2.2. Non Solder Mask DefinedFigure 8: Simplified view of NSMD assembly from the side (only one pad is shown here)Figure 9: Example of NSMD designs with 2 pads.Note : Varnish between the two landing pads can also be applied2.3. Pad openingLanding pads for the substrate and die pad dimensions for the Murata silicon die:Note: For RF and broadband design, please refer to application note “Design guidelines for transmission lines of UBB SiCap”0402M1000 x 50090250700Table 2: Landing pads for capacitors with four padsNote: For RF and broadband design, please refer to application note “Design guidelines for transmission lines of UBB SiCap”For components with a different number of pads, similar rules can be considered as a base. Please contact Murata for additional support.3. Pick and PlaceThe most common approach is with automatic equipment using vision assist to correct placement after picking but manual placement can also be done.Using a soft tip tool (like rubber) is particularly preferred for the die manipulation.For more details on tip tool selection please look at the dedicated Application Note “Recommendation to handle bare dies”.Please adjust the pressure force during placement to the capacitor size and solder amount below the component.0201M 600 x 300 100 150 200 0201 800 x 600 150 400 300 0402 1200 x 700 300 500 400 0402M 1000 x 500 260 300 280 0204M 500 x 1000 75 800 200 0603 1800 x 1100 400 900 800 0404M 1040 x 1040 300 850 240 0805 2200 x 1400 500 1200 1000 1206 3400 x 1800 600 1600 2000 18124700 x 360090034002700Table 1: Landing pads for capacitors with two pads4. Mounting Process Flow4.1. Silicon Capacitors with SAC305 terminationsThe bumps need flux to activate the soldering reflow. The following processes are compatible: 4.1.1. Flux dippingFigure 10: Assembly process by flux dipping on bumped capacitor with SAC305 terminations 4.1.2. Fluxing by stampingFigure 11: Assembly process by flux stamping on bumped capacitor with SAC305 terminations4.1.3. Fluxing by sprayingFigure 12: Assembly process by flux spraying on bumped capacitors with SAC305 terminations 4.1.4. Fluxing by screen printingFigure 13: Assembly process by screen printing of flux on bumped capacitors with SAC305 terminations4.2. Silicon Capacitors with NiAu finishingWe recommend placing the solder paste by screen printing directly on the substrate landing pads:Figure 14: Assembly process by screen printing of solder paste on silicon capacitor5. Solder print material and stencil printing recommendations 5.1. Silicon Capacitors with NiAu finishingSAC305 is commonly used and recommended but other materials compatible with the die pad finishing are also possible. Please contact Murata.Murata recommends using a type 6 powder size. Type 5 can be used depending on the customer PCB design and application. Type 4 is not recommended for 0201M and smaller pad dimensions. Depending on the die pad size, powder size can be adjusted. However, type 6 compared with type 4 limits the risk of tilting of the capacitor for smaller pad dimensions (refer to part 2).Alloy Composition Solidus Liquidus CommentsSAC305 Sn 96.5%, Ag 3%,Cu 0.5% 217°c 217°c EutecticSn63 Sn 63%, Pb 37% 183°c 183°c EutecticOnly for allowed applications AuSn Au 80%, Sn 20% 280°c 280°c Eutectic - High temperatureSnPb Sn 5%, Pb 95% 308°c 312°c High temperatureOnly for allowed applicationsTable 3 : Examples of solder print materials for reflowWater soluble and no clean flux can be used. In case of water-soluble flux, remove the flux immediately after reflow to avoid a potential issue of current leakage between pads.5.2. Stencil design rules in function of its gradeMurata advises in every case that the width of the stencil opening (referred as ‘W’) should be larger than 5 times the average powder size of your soldering material. This, in order to correctly fill the stencil pocket.Murata follows the IPC-7525 standard and quantifies the stencil grade based on ratio between stencil’s area ratio (AR), aspect ratio (AS) and thickness. Please look at the following formulas and tables to find the stencil grade we recommend.Figure 15: Definitions for stencil aperturePlease compare your stencil's desired thickness, aspect and area ratio with the following tables to define which grade we advise. Please consider the highest grade you will find from each of the three criteria.Table 4: Stencil grade selection criteria per Area ratio, Aspect ratio and ThicknessExamples of medium-high grade stencils include electroformed or laser-cut technologies.Examples of high grade stencils include plasma or medium-high grade with surface treatment technologies. For SAC305, a solder joint thickness of 40 µm +/-10 is targeted to limit the risk of contact between the solder paste and the side of the capacitor. Limiting solder joint thickness will also avoid an excessive tilting of the capacitor, especially for small components. Please contact Murata for other soldering materials and thinner solder joints.For example, below are some stencil designs advised by Murata (SAC305 type 6 with 50% of flux by volume):Stencil opening size (in µm) Stencil thickness (in µm)Stencil grade(roughness andopening profile)0201M 200 x 130 50 high0201 320 x 150 100 medium high0402M 260 x 240 100 medium high 0402 369 x 260 125 regular 0204M 750 x 90 75 medium high 0603 768 x 300 125 regular 0404M 250 x 750 125 regular 0805 400 x 960 125 regular 1206 500 x 1229 125 regular 1812650 x 3012125regularTable 5: Advised stencil designs per type for capacitors with two padsArea ratio (AR)Asepct ratio (AS)Thickness1.51.2 1.0110µm75µm0.660.50.4Note: Opening sizes are to be adjusted according to flux content and type used.Note: Opening sizes are to be adjusted according to flux content and type used.For components with a different amount of pads, similar rules can be considered as a base. Please contact Murata for additional support.6. Reflow by soldering6.1. Reflow recommendations at regular temperaturesMurata recommends convection reflow but vapor phase reflow and infrared reflow could be also used.The reflow process must be carried out in accordance with the JEDEC J-STD-020-E standard for low temperature reflow like SAC305. For higher temperature solder pastes, like AuSn, please refer to the dedicated Application Note “Silicon Capacitors assembly by reflow with high temperature soldering material”.Figure 16: General reflow profile for regular temperature solder pastes (based on J-STD-020-E)0402M120 x 12040highTable 6: Advised stencil designs per type for capacitors with four padsPreheat/soakTemperature min (Ts min) 150°C 100°CTemperature max (Ts max) 200°C 150°CTime (ts) from (Ts min to Ts max) 60 to 120 s 60 to 120 sRamp-upRamp-up rate (TL to Tp) 3°C/s maximum 3°C/s maximumLiquidus temperature(TL) 217°C 183°CTime (t) maintained above TL 60s to 150 s 60s to 150 sTime (tp) within 5°C of the maximumtemperature 30 seconds max 20 seconds maxPeak package body temperature (Tp) 260°C max 235°C maxTime 25°C to peak temperature 8 minutes maximum 6 minutes maximumRamp-downRamp-down rate (Tp to TL) 6°C/s maximum 6°C/s maximumTable 7 : Recommended values for regular temperature reflowAccording to JEDEC J-STD-020E, the user’s peak temperature must not exceed Tp and the time tp has to be respected. Values included in the above table may vary with the soldering material.Flux removes tarnish films, maintains surface cleanliness and facilitates solder spread during attachment operations. The flux must be compatible with the soldering temperature and soldering times. In case of water-soluble flux, please refer to the solder paste supplier for the cleaning and flux removal. Flux residues could be responsible for current leakage or short circuits. For optimum results, clean the circuits immediately after reflow.6.2. Procedure for solder joint measurement (after reflow)Figure 17: Solder joint measurement protocolAs step 1, the zero level reference is made at PCB surface.As step 2, the gauge shows ‘Y’ as the thickness of the whole assembly.X represents the thickness of the silicon capacitor, including the silicon capacitor pad.One should subtract X as well as the PCB landing pad’s thickness from Y to get the measured solder joint.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMssss MM MMMM jj ss jj jj jj jjℎjj ii iijjMMMMMM=YY−XX−ss MM jjMMjj jj ll ppMMMM jjℎjj ii iijjMMMMMMRevision history1.0 22/03/2021 Document Creation C.MullerDisclaimer / Life support applicationsThese products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Murata customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Murata for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights.**************Assembly Note Silicon Capacitor Assembly by reflow 14。
Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 8:1Product Marking:Marking2R2 (Inductance Code)744383360227443833602274438336022B C(mm)B(mm) min.178,001,507443833602274438336022T e m p e r a t u r eT pT L74438336022Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-MAPI ofWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not guarantee any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.•To improve the solderability of bottom termination components please refer to appnote ANP036 on our homepage.•Make sure that you use the correct thickness of solder paste to avoid an insufficient soldering result. We recommend 100µm solder paste as a reference.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application may damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Electronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODEsAg003.0002023-03-31DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-MAPI SMT Power InductorORDER CODE74438336022SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODEsAg003.0002023-03-31DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-MAPI SMT Power InductorORDER CODE74438336022SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
通过个人计算机连接运行中的 CPU 模块进行在线操作(特别是程序变更、强制输出、运行状态的 变更)时,应在熟读手册、充分确认安全的基础上进行操作。 操作错误可能导致发生机械损坏事故。
2008 年 01 月 SH-080741CHN-A 初版印刷
3.4.1 SFC 图写入方法 .................................................................. 3 - 7 3.4.2 SFC 图删除方法 .................................................................. 3 - 19 3.4.3 步属性变更方法 .................................................................. 3 - 20 3.4.4 SFC 图的剪切/复制/粘贴 .......................................................... 3 - 21 3.4.5 SFC 图排序 ...................................................................... 3 - 24 3.4.6 SFC 图的再显示 .................................................................. 3 - 25 3.5 动作输出·转移条件创建 .............................................................. 3 - 26 3.6 注释创建方法 ........................................................................ 3 - 27 3.6.1 SFC 注释创建方法 ................................................................ 3 - 27 3.6.2 软元件注释创建方法 .............................................................. 3 - 29 3.7 块信息设置 .......................................................................... 3 - 30 3.8 块列表显示 .......................................................................... 3 - 31 3.9 SFC 相关参数设置 .................................................................... 3 - 32 3.9.1 可编程控制器参数的 SFC 设置 ...................................................... 3 - 32 3.9.2 块参数的设置 .................................................................... 3 - 33 3.9.3 SFC 程序设置 .................................................................... 3 - 34 3.10 变换操作 ........................................................................... 3 - 34
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standard UL924 & CAN/• UL Listed to standard UL924 & CAN/• UL Listed to standard UL924 & CAN/THE GOOD, BETTER, BEST LIST Isolite’s Product Selection Guide*Click the Product You Wish to View on EXITS & COMBOSCONTINUEDCLPChicago Approved LED Exit SignPGChicago Approved LED Edge-LitExit SignDurable 20-Gauge Steel Precision, Die-Cast Aluminum Housing withLaser Formed Acrylic LegendFrom 32°F to 122°F From 50°F to 104°F• City of Chicago Approved• CEC Title 20 Compliant• City of Chicago Approved• UL 924EDC-NYCNYC Approved EconomicalDie-Cast LED Exit SignELT2 with R8Edge-Lit LED Exit SignPremium-Grade, Aluminum Housing Precision Die-Cast Aluminum Housing with aFlawless, Laser-Formed Acrylic LegendFrom 32°F to 122°F From 32°F to 102°F• New York City Approved• UL Listed for Damp Location• UL 924• CEC Title 20 CompliantLP-CTMASteel Connecticut & MassachusettsCompliant LED Mobility Exit SignLPX-CTMAConnecticut & MassachusettsAluminum LED Mobility Exit SignECTMAConnecticut & MassachusettsCompliant Recessed Mobility Exit Sign Durable 20-Gauge Steel Durable, Extruded Aluminum Durable 20-Gauge Steel with White-BakedPowder Coat Finish & High Clarity AcrylicFrom 50°F to 113°F From 50°F to 113°F From 50°F to 113°F• CSA-US listed• Meets or exceeds UL 924 standards• CSA-US listed• UL 924• CSA-US listed• Meets or Exceeds UL 924 StandardsEU-CTMAConnecticut & MassachusettsCompliant Indoor Mobility Exit SignDurable 20-Gauge Steel with White-BakedPowder Coat Finish & High Clarity AcrylicFrom 50°F to 113°F• CSA-US listed• Meets or Exceeds UL 924 StandardsTHE GOOD, BETTER, BEST LIST Isolite’s Product Selection Guide*Click the Product You Wish to View on EXITS & COMBOSCONTINUEDHZEClass 1 Div 2 LED Exit SignHZCClass 1 Div 2 Exit & EmergencyComboEXPExplosion Proof Edge-Lit LEDExit SignDurable, Corrosion Resistant, GrayFiberglass & Fully Gasketed for Harsh &Hazardous Locations. High Clarity, ScratchResistant, Clear Polycarbonate FaceFully Gasketed, Die-Cast AluminumHousing with Impact ResistantPolycarbonate Lens Stainless Steel MountingFeet & Hardware Industrial Gray ColorStandardPrecision Die-Cast Aluminum Housing WithA Flawless, Laser-Formed Acrylic LegendFrom 50°F to 104°F From 50°F to 104°F From 50°F to 104°FLPDCCGDie-Cast Aluminum CustomGraphics SignTLCG2Thin Line Die-Cast Custom GraphicsLED Exit SignHeavy-Duty, Two Piece, Die-Cast AluminumAlloy Walls & Removable, Front Stencil Facewith Overlapping Light SealHeavy Duty, Two Piece Walls Constructed fromDie Cast Aluminum Alloy & Removable FrontStencil Face with Overlapping Light SealFrom 32°F to 102°F From 50°F to 104°F• UL 924• UL 924RL2LEDReliance Series Compact LEDEmergency LightEL16MR16 Emergency LightBUGHigh Performance LED EmergencyLightUV Stabilized, UL94V-O Flame Retardant,ABS Injection-Molded Thermoplastic5VA Flame Resistant, High-Impact Resistant,Thermoplastic in White or Black Finish5VA Flame Rated, Injection Molded AbsThermoplastic HousingFrom 50°F to 104°F From 68°F to 104°F From 50°F to 104°F125 Lumens per Lamp Lamp Option Dependent300-650 Lumens per LampTHE GOOD, BETTER, BEST LIST Isolite’s Product Selection Guide*Click the Product You Wish to View on EMERGENCY LIGHTINGCONTINUEDGNSDGenie MR16 Fully RecessedEmergency LightLMIGN2LED Compact Fully RecessedEmergency LightMIGN22nd Mini-Genie Fully RecessedCompact LED Emergency LightTextured White Powder, Coated Die-CastZinc Frame & DoorTextured, White Powder Coated, Die-CastZinc Frame & DoorTextured, White Powder Coated, Die-CastZinc Frame & DoorLamp Option Dependent561 Lumens407 Lumens per Lamp• LC: From 45°F to 85°F• NC: From 32°F to 102°FFrom 32°F to 102°F From 10°C to 40°CELS27-140 Watt Emergency LightELH120-360 Watt Emergency LightInjection Molded ABS Housing20-Gauge Steel Cabinet with Durable WhitePowder-Coat Finish20-Gauge Steel Cabinet with Durable WhitePowder-Coat Finish20-20-2With Internal Heater: 16°F to 104°F From 50°F to 113°F From 50°F to 113°FELL12-60 Watt Emergency Light20-Gauge Steel Cabinet with Durable WhitePowder-Coat Finish0-2From 50°F to 113°FTHE GOOD, BETTER, BEST LIST Isolite’s Product Selection Guide*Click the Product You Wish to View on EMERGENCY LIGHTINGCONTINUEDELEDArchitectural Outdoor LED LightOWLOutdoor Wet Location EmergencyLightDie-Cast Housing with Polycarbonate Lens &Mirror ReflectorQuality Pressure Die-Cast Aluminum HousingFinished in Durable Polyester Powder Coat1050 Lumens / 4000K CCT• AC Mode: 1530 Lumens• EM Mode: 600 Lumens• 3000K CCTHZLHazardous Location EmergencyLightFully Gasketed NEMA 4X Rated Fiberglass withHousing Durable Gray Powder-Coat FinishFully Gasketed, Die-Cast Aluminum HousingWith Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Lens0-20-2• Without Internal Heater: From 50°F to 104°F• With Internal Heater: From -4°F to 104°FFrom 50°F to 104°FRL2LED with LWReliance Series Compact LEDEmergency LightHZNNEMA 4X/IP66 Emergency LightHZZHazardous Location EmergencyLightUv Stabilized, UL94V-O Flame Retardant,ABS Injection-Molded ThermoplasticFully Gasketed, Die-Cast Aluminum Housingwith Impact Resistant Polycarbonate LensFully Gasketed, Die-Cast Aluminum Housingwith Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Lens125 Lumens per Lamp Lamp Option Dependent Lamp Option DependentFrom 50°F to 104°F• Without Internal Heater: From 50°F to 104°F• With Internal Heater: From -4°F to 104°FFrom 50°F to 104°F。
MURATA 聚合物铝电解电容器 说明书
C90C.pdf 10.12.28
电压 (VDC)
Capacitance Value:电容值(µF)
6.8 8.2
82 100 150 180 220 270 330 470
2 4 6.3 10 12.5 16 D4
聚合物电容和 MLCC 解决方案
D4 D4
静电容量 公差
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美国Millitech公司产品说明书:FXA LSA VPS精密和普通固定衰减器、水平设置衰减器和变
Millimeter-Wave Technology & SolutionsS ERIES FXA/LSA/VPSP RECISION AND G ENERAL P URPOSE F IXED A TTENUATORS,L EVEL S ET A TTENUATORS, AND V ARIABLE P HASE S HIFTERSF EATURES:•Fixed attenuators 0 to 40dB•Level set attenuators 25dB•Variable phase shifters 0-180°A PPLIC ATIONS:•Test and instrumentation•Laboratory equipment•SubsystemsD ESCRIPTIONMillitech series FXA precision fixedattenuators are made using a rugged split-block design. These devices can be usedas the laboratory standard against whichother instruments or components arecalibrated. Series FXA general purposeand series LSA level set attenuatorsconsist of a section of waveguide with aprecisely cut resistive vane. In the level setattenuator, the micrometer drive sets thelevel of attenuation by movement of thevane.Series VPS variable phase shifters consist ofa waveguide section with a movabledielectric vane driven by a micrometer. Themicrometer-driven phase shifters have 180°phase shift range and are offered from 26.5to 170 GHz. If precise measurements ofattenuation are required, series DRA directreading attenuators are also available.Millimeter-Wave Technology & Solutions (/(&75,&$/ 63(&,),&$7,216Model Number FXA-42 FXA-28 FXA-22 FXA-19 FXA-15 FXA-12 FXA-10 FXA-08 FXA-06 General Purpose Fixed AttenuatorsFrequency band and range (GHz)K18-26.5Ka26.5-40Q33-50U40-60V50-75E60-90W75-110F90-140D110-170Attenuation at center frequency range(dB)*13, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40VSWR (max) 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.20:1 1.5:1 Power rating (W) (max)*20.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Precision Fixed AttenuatorsAttenuation across waveguide band --- 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40 --- --- Accuracy (±dB/%)*3 --- 0.7/4.0 0.7/4.0 0.7/4.0 0.7/4.0 0.7/4.0 0.7/4.0 --- --- Flatness (±dB) (max)*4 --- 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 --- --- VSWR (max) --- 1.05:1 1.05:1 1.06:1 1.08:1 1.08:1 1.08:1 --- --- Power rating (W) (max) --- 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 --- --- *1 – ±0.3 dB at center frequency. Please contact Millitech for attenuation values over full bandwidth.*2 – Higher power versions are available in all frequency bands. Please contact Millitech for details.*3 – Whichever is greater throughout the waveguide band.*4 – Flatness within the entire waveguide band.Model Number LSA-42 LSA-28 LSA-22 LSA-19 LSA-15 LSA-12 LSA-10 LSA-08 LSA-06 Level Set AttenuatorsFrequency band and range (GHz)K18-26.5Ka26.5-40Q33-50U40-60V50-75E60-90W75-110F90-140D110-170Attenuation (dB)*1 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 Insertion loss (dB) (max) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 VSWR (max) 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.5:1 Power rating (W) (max)*20.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Model Number VPS-42 VPS-28 VPS-22 VPS-19 VPS-15 VPS-12 VPS-10 VPS-08 VPS-06 Variable Phase ShiftersInsertion loss (dB) (max) --- 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 Phase shift range (degrees)*3 --- 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 VSWR (max) --- 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.5:1 Power rating (W) (max) --- 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5*1 – Micrometer reading vs. attenuation value available upon request.*2 – Higher power versions are available in all frequency bands. Please contact Millitech for details.*3 – Measurements are made at the lowest frequency of the waveband guide.Millimeter-Wave Technology & SolutionsM ECHANICAL S PECIFICATIONSModel Number FXA-42 FXA-28 FXA-22 FXA-19 FXA-15 FXA-12 FXA-10 FXA-08 FXA-06 General Purpose Fixed Attenuators A (in/mm) 2.0/51 2.0/51 2.0/51 2.0/51 1.6/41 1.6/41 1.6/41 1.6/41 1.6/41 Precision Fixed Attenuators A (in/mm) *1 7.26/184 6.08/154 5.32/135 3.98/101 3.31/84 3.12/79 --- --- B (in/mm) *1 0.93/24 1.30/33 1.30/.33 0.86/22 0.86/22 0.86/22 --- --- C (in/mm) *1 1.33/34 1.33/34 1.33/34 1.20/30 1.20/30 1.20/30 --- --- Model Number LSA-42 LSA-28 LSA-22 LSA-19 LSA-15 LSA-12 LSA-10 LSA-08 LSA-06 Model Number VPS-42 VPS-28 VPS-22 VPS-19 VPS-15 VPS-12 VPS-10 VPS-08 VPS-06 Level Set Attenuators/Variable Phase Shifters A (in/mm)*13.45/883.40/86 3.40/86 3.25/83 3.25/83 3.25/83 3.17/81 3.17/81 Flange MIL.F-3922/54-001*2/54-003*2/67B-006/67B-007/67B-008/67B-009/67B-010/67B-M08/67B-M06*1 – Please contact Millitech for dimensions. *2 – With #4-40 threaded holes.H OW T O O RDERSpecify Model Number LSA-XX-AØØØØ VPS-XX-AØØØØFXA-XX-ABBCØXX = Waveguide Band WR – number A = Flange Type R – round (not available in WR-42) S – square (WR-42 and WR-28 only) P – pin contact (general purpose fixed attenuators WR-08 and WR-06 only) N – nonstandard (not available for precision fixed attenuators) BB = Attenuation Values* 03 – 3 dB 06 – 6 dB 10 – 10 dB 20 – 20 dB 30 – 30 dB40 – 40 dBC = Attenuator Type G – general purpose fixed version P – precision fixed version (WR-28 through WR-10 only)*Custom attenuation values available upon request for general purpose fixed attenuators.。
Revision/版本Content/目录SECTION/部分Page/页码1 Scope/适用范围: (5)2 Model Name/型号:278697 (5)3 Standard Environmental Test Conditions/标准环境测试条件: (5)4 Detailed Specifications/详细规格: (5)5 Warranty period/保质期: (6)6 Assembly Drawing (all unit is mm, not in scale) /电池图纸(单位:mm) (7)7 Terminal Specification/引脚定义 (11)8 PCM Specifications/保护板规格 (11)9Battery Packing requirement/电池包装要求: (14)10 Appendix Handling Precautions and Guidelines for LIP Rechargeable Batteries: (15)附录聚合物锂离子充电电池操作指示及注意事项 (15)11. Disclaimer/免责声明 (17)12. Miscellaneous/其他 (19)1 Scope/适用范围:The purpose of this Document (“Document”) is to specify the specifications of the Lithium-ion Polymer (“LIP”) rechargeable battery with ATL Part Number _GB-S02-278697-010H_(“Product” or “Pack”) to be supplied by ATL to Customer under Customer’s purchase order and ATL’s confirmation relevant to the Product. For the avoidance of doubt, the specifications specified herein do not apply to any Host Device, apparatus, instrument, equipment or hardware device containing Product or Cell (“Host Device”).本产品规格书描述了ATL依据客户采购订单生产的可充电聚合物锂离子(“LIP”)电池的产品性能指标,ATL产品代码号_GB-S02-278697-010H_(“产品” 或“电池”)。
选择分析: 1. 安全认证 满足产品最终的销售和使用的地域的地安规要求。 2. 产品应用电压 保险丝的电压额定值≥有效的电路电压。 3. 最大故障电流 保险丝管的分断能力≥电路中最大故障电流 4-5. 结构尺寸(长、宽、高) 设计电路中的空间限制,安装方式 总结:满足上述要求 、结合电路特点初步选择型号。 6. 保险丝最小额定电流=正常工作电/标准类别系数 IEC标准规格:Imin =正常工作电流/0.9 UL标准规格: Imin =正常工作电流/0.75
例2:选择250V 50T 保险丝管,正常工作电流1A、机箱内温度80℃,电 路开机一次脉冲电流如下图正弦波形,脉冲电流ia=20A,持续时间 ta= 6mS,要求开关机寿命10万次。
I2T值计算:(1/2)ia2ta = (1/2)*202*0.006 =1.2A2S
7. 安装位置周区环境温度 额定值百分比-环境温度
最小额定规格值In修正: Io min = In/额定值百分 比。
例1: 在某一使用场合,实际稳态正常工作电流是1.5A,选一 慢断型,其应选的保险丝最小额定电流Imin.: 在25℃场合: Io min =实际稳态电流/0.9=1.5/0.9=1. 7A(IEC标准) =正常工作电流/0.75=1.5/0.75=2.0A(UL标准) 在80℃场合:查图表知承载能力为额定值的78% Io min =正常工作电流1.5/0.9/78%= 2.14A(IEC标准) =正常工作电流1.5/0.75/78%=2.56A (UL标准)
好利来(中国)电子科技 股份有限公司
金属铝 280g
标准 RS232 串口(9 Way D-Type) Modbus RTU 自动 9600 bps 或 19200bps
它既采用 DIN 导轨形式安装,也可以螺孔
安装,安装更便捷。基座包含 11 个槽位,其中
最左边 2 个槽位(1、2 槽位)固定用于安装 MC2020 电源模块,这是必须的。左边第 3 个
槽位固定用于安装 MC2030 网关通讯模块。其余 8 个槽位可以进行监测模块任意组合。
参数名 操作系统 操作系统 计算机硬件
支持模块型号 MC2030 MC2101 MC2201 MC2301 MC2401 MC2501 功能 组态管理 固件升级 组态下载 组态上传 查看数据
标准串口(9 Way D-Type)、公口 标准串口(9 Way D-Type)、公口 RJ-45 接口 B 型、母口 11 个微型 D 连接器(36 Way D-Type)、母口 2 路电源端子、11 组信号端子
使用温度(-10 到+65℃)、存储温度(-20 到+75℃) ≤95%无冷凝 串口通讯电缆、DIN 导轨、导轨拉扣、固定螺栓、空白便签条
压电式速度传感器、压电式加速度传感器、速度传感器、电涡流 传感器 位移、速度、加速度 1 路通道 1%FS 在软件中组态 >100KΩ 偏置电压测试 16 位 加速度(2-10KHz)、速度(2-10KHz)、位移(1-3KHz) 真有效值、峰-峰值、峰值 用户定义
在开关柜和开关的设计 和制造领域,施耐德电 气具有的关键技术使其 产品质量和技术优势得 到保证。
● 标准化元件的配置缩 短了交货和安装的时间
● 创新化设计、与其 它施耐德电气产品方案 的一致性可以给每个项 目再助一臂之力
● 施耐德电气的专家 与用户的亲密合作保证 对用户实地的安装要求 进行快速反应及有效的 服务
Blokset, 一致的、高性能的、经济的解 决方案
Blokset 的模块化设计可 以使安装成本合理化。
高质量高可靠性的产品 保证了供电的连续性和 系统的耐用性。
Blokset 是一种具有一 致性方案的产品: ● 对每项工程的技术 规范做出正确的响应 ● 安装简便,modular system ● standardised components ● fast manufacturing ● easy modifications
Functional design ● rationalised dimensions and layout inside the switchboard ● reduced footprint ● easy power and auxiliary connections ● easy installation upgrading at a controlled cost
● a modular structure for low-voltage switchboards, designed to meet local standards, practices and requirements.
● An intelligent system, ready to integrate devices containing advanced protection and communication functions for electrical distribution and motor control.
10x20x1,镀锡,带绝缘套,640A,长2m,截面200mm2¥1,976.8000 01064
适用5mm厚矩形母线,连接16-120mm2,最大440A¥24.8900 01068
适用20x5-30x10,2T和3T形母线,开口空间55x28,适用最大1600A/2000A¥372.5200 01069
系统盖罩组件,4线,一左一右,适用盖板01599和01555¥134.0800 01137
3,4,5线,适用3x(12-30x10mm)和2x(12-20x5mm)母线¥101.9000 01138
适用ISO-柜体VMS¥94.3800 01139
6x13x0.5,无镀层,带绝缘套,237A,长2m,截面39mm2¥369.3000 01050
3x9x0.8,无镀层,带绝缘套,162A,长2m,截面21.6mm2¥296.4000 01054
适用01495/01500¥36.6500 01056
带通气栅,3线带电缆或4线,290x1100¥354.4900 01011
供支撑封闭装置或槽边框使用,适用01495和01485¥45.6500 01017
适用01017和01495的组合体,封盖母线末端¥24.2100 01019
适用01017和01495或01485的组合体,封盖母线末端¥30.7600 01020
MURATA PRODUCT Lineup 说明书s 产品指南
MURATA PRODUCT Lineup Guides 静噪元件/EMI静噪滤波器电容器产品指南电感器 (线圈)电阻器振荡子声像机器用滤波器射频 元件/模块传感器热敏电阻电源声音元件陶瓷应用产品微型机电产品应用指南村田网站简介通信设备用滤波器p.26p.02p.16p.22p.23p.28p.30p.32p.06p.18p.22p.24p.26电容器电阻器通信设备用滤波器热敏电阻静噪元件/EMI静噪滤波器振荡子射频 元件/模块电源陶瓷应用产品电感器(线圈)p.12声像机器用滤波器p.20传感器p.22声音元件p.25LED照明全球网络●地区统辖●销售、研究开发●销售●销售、生产●生产●事务所03片状独石陶瓷电容器有关详细内容请索取个别产品目录,或请阅览网站。
/用途是电容器GRM (X5R, X7R, Y5V特性等)68pF–100µFGNM10pF–2.2µFGRM (C0G)0.1pF–0.1µFGRM (U2J特性等)LLL2200pF–10µFLLA/LLM (1GHz以上)0.01µF–4.7µFERB (1MHz –1GHz)0.5pF–1000pFGJM (500MHz –10GHz)0.1pF–33pFGQM (500MHz –10GHz)0.1pF–100pFGMA 100pF–0.47µF GMD 100pF–1µF GRM (C0G, U2J)10pF–10000pFGRM (C0G)5pF–47pFGRM (X7R)220pF–1µFGR710000pF–47000pFGR4100pF–10000pFGD型 10pF–4700pF GF型 10pF–4700pF GC型 100pF–330pF GF型 470pF–4700pF GB型 10000pF–56000pFGA2470pF–0.1µFGCM (X7R特性等)100pF–47µFGCM (C0G特性等)1.0pF–56000pF大容量型排容 (2组件、4组件)温度补偿用低ESL宽幅型低ESL多端子型低ESR型 (50V –500V)低ESR超微型超低ESR型适合于引线结合/芯片键合250V/630V/1kV/2kV/3.15kV低损耗型3.15kV 低损耗型250V/630V/1kV大容量型350V 大容量型2kV 大容量型安全标准认证品安全标准认证品AC250V型日本电气安全法基准品大容量型温度补偿用250V/630V 低损耗型中高压高频缓冲用高频光通信用高频去耦用高速去耦用频率控制/调谐、阻抗匹配去耦、平滑用汽车用(传动设备与安全设备用)中高压LCD背光转换器用中高压去偶、平滑用中高压相机闪光电路专用GCM (U2J)10pF–10000pF250V/630V 柔性端子GCJ (X7R)1000pF–0.47µF中高压汽车用(传动设备与安全设备用)交流电路静噪用中高压信息设备专用功能类型系列04GRM15GRM03GRM18GRM21GRM31GRM32GR4GA2ERB18ERB21ERB32GJM15GQM18GQM21GMA05GMA08GNM1MGNM21GNM31LLL18LLL21LLL31GJM030.6X 0.3GRM020.4X 0.21.0X 0.51.6X 0.82.0X 1.253.2X 1.63.2X 2.52.0X 1.25-4.5X 2.01.6X 0.8-5.7X 5.04.5X2.0-5.7X 5.04.5X 2.0-5.7X 5.04.5X 2.0-4.5X3.24.5X 2.0-5.7X 5.01.6X 0.82.0X 1.253.2X 2.51.6X 0.82.0X 1.250.5X 0.5GMA0D 0.38X 0.38GMD030.6X 0.30.8X 0.8GMD151.0X 0.50.8X 1.6LLL150.5X 1.0LLA181.6X 0.8LLA212.0X 1.25LLA313.2X 1.61.25X 2.01.6X 3.2LLM21 2.0X 1.25LLM31 3.2X 1.65.7X 5.05.7X 5.01.0X 0.51.37X 1.0GNM0M 0.9X 0.62.0X 1.253.2X 1.60.6X 0.3GCM151.0X 0.5GCM030.6X 0.3GCM18 1.6X 0.8GCM212.0X 1.25GCM313.2X 1.6GCM32 3.2X 2.5GR73.2X 1.6GCM2.0X 1.25-3.2X 2.5GRM GRM GA3GA3GA3GA30.1p1p 10p 100p 1000p 0.01µ0.1µ 1 µ10 µ100 µ4.5X 2.0GRM 0.01µF0.056µF0.1pF 0.1pF10pF100pF1800pF0.68µF10pF 10pF27pF220pF100pF 10pF 2200pF220pF470pF 0.1µF470pF0.01µF100pF 10pF10pF 1µFDC2kV AC250V 1000pF DC1kV DC2kV DC3.15kV DC630V DC250V Y3/AC250VY2/AC250VX1,Y2/AC250V X2/AC250V X1,Y2/AC250VDC250VDC1kVDC630V0.22µF 0.01µF 2.2µF2200pF0.01µF0.01µF10µF2.2µF 100pF330pF4700pF 4700pF 0.1µF470pF0.1pF 20pF10pF0.1pF100pF 0.5pF 100pF 0.5pF 100pF0.5pF160pF3.3pF1000pF1pF 1pF100pF1800pF2.2µF10µF10pF 10pF 100pF0.1µF100pF0.01µF10pF2200pF100pF1500pF0.47µF2.2µF 0.01µF470pF4700pF 0.2pF 33pF 0.2pF 1pF 0.01µF0.1µF1.0µF22µFDC350VDC250V DC630V0.01µF100pF0.01µF0.047µF0.01µF2.2µF 0.01µF4.7µF 0.01µF0.1µF2.2µF 0.1µF2.2µF0.1µF2.2µF1.0µF47µF47µF1.0µF2.2µF 220pF1.0µF0.1µF0.47µF0.1µF100 µF 10µF22µF4.7µF0.047µFDC3.15kV5pF47pF有关详细内容请索取个别产品目录,或请阅览网站。
MURATA LQM18FN_00系列芯片导线(芯片电感)商品说明书
CHIP COIL (CHIP INDUCTORS)LQM18FN□□□□00D REFERENCE SPECIFICATION1. ScopeThis reference specification applies to LQM18FN_00 series, Chip Coil (Chip Inductors).2. Part Numbering(ex) LQ M 18 F N 1R0 M 0 0 DProduct ID Structure Dimension Applications Category Inductance T olerance Features Electrode Packaging(L×W) and D: TapingCharacteristics *B: BULK*B: Bulk packing also available3. Rating・Operating Temperature Range –55°C to + 125°C・Storage Temperature Range –55°C to + 125°CCustomerPart Number MURATAPart Number InductanceDCResistanceSelfResonantFrequencyRatedCurrent(μH) Tolerance (Ω) (MHzmin.)(mA)LQM18FN1R0M00D1.0±20% 0.20±30% 120 150LQM18FN2R2M00D2.2 0.40±30% 80 120LQM18FN4R7M00D4.7 0.60±30% 50 80LQM18FN100M00D10 0.90±30% 30 50 4.Appearance and Dimensions■Unit Mass (Typical value)(in mm)5. Testing Conditions《Unless otherwise specified》《In case of doubt》Temperature : Ordinary Temperature / 15°C to 35°C Temperature: 20°C ± 2°CHumidity : Ordinary Humidity / 25%(RH) to 85%(RH) Humidity : 60%(RH) to 70%(RH)Atmospheric Pressure : 86kPa to 106kPa6. Electrical Performance7. Mechanical PerformanceNo. Item Specification Test Method7.4 Solderability The wetting area of the electrodeshall be at least 90% covered with new solder coating.Flux: Ethanol solution of rosin 25(wt)% (Immersed for 5s to 10s) Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5CuPre-Heating: 150°C±10°C / 60s to 90s Solder Temperature: 240°C±5°C Immersion Time: 3s±1s7.5 Resistance toSoldering Heat Appearance: No damageInductance Change: within ±20%Flux: Ethanol solution of rosin 25(wt)% (Immersed for 5s to 10s) Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5CuPre-Heating: 150°C±10°C / 60s to 90s Solder Temperature: 270°C±5°C Immersion Time: 10s±1sThen measured after exposure in the room condition for 24h±2h.8. Environmental PerformanceIt shall be soldered on the substrate. No. Item Specification Test Method8.1 Heat Resistance Appearance: No damageInductance Change: within ±20% Temperature: 125°C±2°C Time: 1000h (+48h, -0h)Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 48h±2h. 8.2 HumidityTemperature: 40°C±2°CHumidity: 90%(RH) to 95%(RH) Time: 1000h (+48h, -0h)Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 48h±2h. 8.3 TemperatureCycleAppearance: No damageInductance Change: within ±30%1 cycle:1 step: -55°C±2°C / 30 min±3 min2 step: Ordinary temp. / 10 min to 15 min3 step: +125°C±2°C / 30 min±3 min4 step: Ordinary temp. / 10 min to15 min Total of 10 cyclesThen measured after exposure in the room condition for 48h±2h.9. Specification of Packaging9.1 Appearance and Dimensions of paper tape (8mm-wide)(in mm)φ1.5±Direction of feed1.1m ax1.85±0.18.0±0.33.5±±0.12.0±0.054.0±0.11.75±0.11.05±0.19.2 Specification of Taping(1) Packing quantity (standard quantity)4,000 pcs. / reel(2) Packing MethodProducts shall be packed in the cavity of the base tape and sealed by top tape and bottom tape. (3) Sprocket holeThe sprocket holes are to the right as the tape is pulled toward the user. (4) Spliced pointBase tape and Top tape has no spliced point. (5) Missing components numberMissing components number within 0.1% of the number per reel or 1 pc., whichever is greater, and are not continuous. The Specified quantity per reel is kept.9.3 Pull StrengthTop tape5N min.Bottom tape9.4 Peeling off force of top tape Speed of Peeling off 300mm/ minPeeling off force 0.1 to 0.6N(minimum value is typical)9.5 Dimensions of Leader-tape, Trailer and ReelThere shall be leader-tape ( top tape and empty tape) and trailer-tape (empty tape) as follows.9.6 Marking for reelCustomer part number, MURATA part number, Inspection number (*1), RoHS Marking (*2), Quantity etc ・・・*1) <Expression of Inspection No.> □□ OOOO ⨯⨯⨯(1) (2) (3)(1) Factory Code (2) Date First digit : Year / Last digit of yearSecond digit : Month / Jan. to Sep. → 1 to 9, Oct. to Dec. → O, N, D Third, Fourth digit : Day(3) Serial No.*2) <Expression of RoHS Marking> ROHS – Y (△)(1) (2)(1) RoHS regulation conformity parts. (2) MURATA classification numberF 165to 180degree Top tape Bottom tape Base tape9.7 Marking for Outside package (corrugated paper box)Customer name, Purchasing order number, Customer part number, MURATA part number, RoHS Marking (*2), Quantity, etc ・・・9.8. Specification of Outer CaseOuter Case Dimensions(mm)Standard Reel Quantityin Outer Case (Reel)W D H 186 186 93 5* Above Outer Case size is typical. It depends on a quantity of an order.10. ! CautionLimitation of ApplicationsPlease contact us before using our products for the applications listed below which require especially high reliability for the prevention of defects which might directly cause damage to the third party's life, body or property.(1) Aircraft equipment (6) Transportation equipment (vehicles, trains, ships, etc.) (2) Aerospace equipment (7) Traffic signal equipment(3) Undersea equipment (8) Disaster prevention / crime prevention equipment (4) Power plant control equipment (9) Data-processing equipment (5) Medical equipment (10) Applications of similar complexity and /or reliability requirements to the applications listed in the above11. NoticeThis product is designed for solder mounting.Please consult us in advance for applying other mounting method such as conductive adhesive.11.1 Land pattern designingSoldering a b cFlow 0.8 2.50.7Ref low 0.7 2.0(in mm)11.2 Flux, Solder・Use rosin-based flux.Don’t use highly acidic flux with halide content exceeding 0.2(wt) % (chlorine conversion value). Don’t use water-soluble flux. ・Use Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder.・Standard thickness of solder paste: 100μm to 150μm.11.3 Flow soldering / Reflow soldering conditions・Pre-heating should be in such a way that the temperature difference between solder and product surface is limited to 150°C max. Cooling into solvent after soldering also should be in such a way that the temperature difference is limited to 100°C max.Insufficient pre-heating may cause cracks on the product, resulting in the deterioration of products quality.・Standard soldering profile and the limit soldering profile is as follows.The excessive limit soldering conditions may cause leaching of the electrode and/or resulting in the deterioration of product quality.ResistWDLabelHSoldering profile(1) Flow soldering profile(2) Reflow soldering profile11.4 Reworking with soldering ironThe following conditions must be strictly followed when using a soldering iron.Pre-heating 150°C,1 min Tip temperature 350°C max. Soldering iron output 80W max. Tip diameter φ3mm max. Soldering time 3(+1, -0)sTime 2 timesNote : Do not directly touch the products with the tip of the soldering iron in order to prevent the crack onthe products due to the thermal shock.11.5 Solder Volume・Solder shall be used not to be exceeded the upper limits as shown below.・Accordingly increasing the solder volume, the mechanical stress to Chip is also increased. Exceeding solder volume may cause the failure of mechanical or electrical performance.1/3T ≦t ≦T T : thickness of product11.6 Product’s locationThe following shall be considered when designing and laying out P .C.B.'s.(1) P .C.B. shall be designed so that products are not subject to the mechanical stress due to warping the board.[Products direction ]Products shall be located in the sideways direction (Length: a‹b) to the mechanical stress.(2)Components location on P .C.B. separation. It is effective to implement the following measures, to reduce stress in separating the board.It is best to implement all of the following three measures; however, implement as many measures as possible to reduce stress. Contents of Measures Stress Level (1) Turn the mounting direction of the component parallel to the board separation surface. A > D *1 (2) Add slits in the board separation part. A > B (3) Keep the mounting position of the component away from the board separation surface. A > C*1 A > D is valid when stress is added vertically to the perforation as with Hand Separation. If a Cutting Disc is used, stress will be diagonal to the PCB, therefore A > D is invalid.(3) Mounting Components Near Screw HolesWhen a component is mounted near a screw hole, it may be affected by the board deflection that occurs during the tightening of the screw. Mount the component in a position as far away from the screw holes as possible.11.7 Cleaning ConditionsProducts shall be cleaned on the following conditions.(1) Cleaning temperature shall be limited to 60°C max. (40°C max for IPA)(2) Ultrasonic cleaning shall comply with the following conditions with avoiding the resonance phenomenon at the mounted products and P .C.B.Power : 20 W / l max. Frequency : 28kHz to 40kHz Time : 5 min max.(3) Cleaner1. Alcohol type cleaner Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)2. Aqueous agent PINE ALPHA ST-100S〈Poor example 〉〈Good example 〉ba(4) There shall be no residual flux and residual cleaner after cleaning.In the case of using aqueous agent, products shall be dried completely after rinse with de-ionized water in order to remove the cleaner.(5) Other cleaning Please contact us.11.8 Resin coatingInductance value may be changed due to the large cure-stress of the resin when products are coated with resin. In this case, take care when you select resin to prevent the deterioration of the product quality.11.9 Caution for useThere is possibility that the inductance value change due to magnetism. Don‘t use a magnet or a pair of tweezers with magnetism when chip coil are handled. (The tip of the tweezers should be molded with resin or pottery.)11.10 Magnetic SaturationWhen the excessive current over rated current is applied, the inductance value may change due to magnetism.11.11 Handling of a substrateAfter mounting products on a substrate, do not apply any stress to the product caused by bending ortwisting to the substrate when cropping the substrate, inserting and removing a connector from thesubstrate or tightening screw to the substrate.Excessive mechanical stress may cause cracking in the product.Bending Twisting11.12 Storage and Handing Requirements(1) Storage periodUse the products within 6 months after delivered.Solderability should be checked if this period is exceeded.(2) Storage conditions・Products should be stored in the warehouse on the following conditions.Temperature :-10°C to 40°CHumidity :15% to 85% relative humidity No rapid change on temperature and humidityDon't keep products in corrosive gases such as sulfur,chlorine gas or acid, or it may cause oxidization ofelectrode, resulting in poor solderability.・Products should be stored on the palette for the prevention of the influence from humidity, dust and soon.・Products should be stored in the warehouse without heat shock, vibration, direct sunlight and so on.・Products should be stored under the airtight packaged condition.(3) Handling ConditionCare should be taken when transporting or handling product to avoid excessive vibration or mechanicalshock.12.! Note(1) Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications with our productbeing mounted to your product.(2) You are requested not to use our product deviating from the reference specifications.(3) The contents of this reference specification are subject to change without advance notice.Please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specificationsbefore ordering.。
维纳尔产品手册01005 D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定,单相01006 D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V,卡接固定,单相01008 PROFIL 连接夹,三T型,64 x 46,连接500-1260mm201009 底槽,230 x 1100,3线01010 底槽,230 x 700,3线01011 底槽,290 x 1100,3线带电缆槽或4线01012 底槽,290 x 700,3线带电缆槽或4线01017 边框支撑架,用于01 495和01 48501019 末端盖,用于01 017和01 495的组合体,宽度230mm01020 末端盖,用于01 017和01 495或01 485的组合体,宽度290mm01021 D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,三相,螺钉连接01022 D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V AC,三相,螺钉连接01024 边框,封闭的,17x86x2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01025 预留空间盖,1100mm,只适于支架01 02601026 支架,适用12-30x5/10双T形母线,用于预留空间盖板01 02501027 多层铜母线,360A, 2m,3x20x1,截面60mm201028 多层铜母线,462A, 2m,6x20x1,截面120mm201029 多层铜母线,645A, 2m,10x20x1,截面200mm201030 边框,切口的,17x86x2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01032 连接夹, 用于母线 40 x 10,可用于1250A01033 连接夹, 用于母线 50 x 10,可用于1250A01034 连接夹, 用于母线 60 x 10,可用于1250A01035 多层铜母线,402A, 2m,6x15.5x0.8,截面74.4mm201037 槽边框, 17 x 36 x 1100,上/下,用于所有槽01038 槽边框, 17 x 36 x 700,上/下,用于所有槽01039 边框,封闭的,17x86x1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01040 边框,封闭的,17x86x 700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01041 边框,切口的,17x86x1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01042 边框,切口的,17x86x 700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01043 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 110001044 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 70001045 底槽,230x2400,3线01046 底槽,290x2400,带电缆槽,,3线带电缆槽或4线01047 螺拴连接夹,可插接,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M10x10,630A01048 槽边框,17x36x2400,上/下,用于所有槽01050 多层铜母线,253A,2m, 6x13x0.5,截面39mm201053 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 240001054 多层铜母线,134A,3x9x0.8,截面21.6mm201055 多层铜母线,166A,8x6x0.5,截面24mm201056 母线架盖01058 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,10和双T型母线01059 定位环-钥匙,E27/E3301060 多层铜母线, 930 A, 5 x 50 x 1,截面250mm201061 多层铜母线,1775 A, 10 x 80 x 1,截面800mm201063 多层铜母线, 462 A, 6 x 20 x 1,截面120mm201064 多层铜母线,645 A, 10 x 20 x 1,截面200mm201068 通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,5mm厚母线,440A 01075 多层铜母线,514A, 5x24x1,截面120mm201076 多层铜母线,800A, 10x24x1,截面240mm201077 防手指触电保护环,E27,塑料,用于熔断器座01078 防手指触电保护环,E33,塑料,用于熔断器座01079 多层铜母线,镀锡,带绝缘套,166 A,长 2 m,8 x 6 x 0.5 01080 盖, E 27,齿距41.501081 盖, E 33,齿距52.501082 盖, E 33,齿距50.001083 多层铜母线,134 A, 3 x 9 x 0.8,截面24mm201084 多层铜母线,245 A, 6 x 9 x 0.8,截面21.6mm201089 多层铜母线,320 A, 4 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面49.6mm201090 多层铜母线,402 A, 6 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面74.4mm201091 多层铜母线,455 A,10 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面124mm201092 连接夹,用于30 x 10的矩形母线,1250A01093 盖罩,228x200x8,30x5/10mm,双T型母线01094 连接夹,95-300mm2,可用于630A01095 多层铜母线, 640 A, 5 x 32 x 1,截面160mm201096 多层铜母线,1040 A, 10 x 32 x 1,截面320mm201097 多层铜母线, 760 A, 5 x 40 x 1,截面200mm201098 熔帽,D/E27/500V,陶瓷01099 多层铜母线, 1181 A, 10 x 40 x 1,截面400mm201100 熔帽,D/E33/500V,陶瓷01103 熔帽,D01/E14/400V AC/250V DC,陶瓷01104 熔帽,D02/E18/400V AC/250V DC,陶瓷01112 多层铜母线, 930 A, 5 x 50 x 1,截面250mm201113 多层铜母线,1395 A, 10 x 50 x 1,截面500mm201114 连接端子, 适用PE/N线,35 mm201119 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01120 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01121 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,卡接01123 多层铜母线,1600 A,10x63x1,截面630mm201125 多层铜母线,1775 A,10x80x1,截面800mm201126 接地母线,PE/N-,8线, 9x6.5x51.501127 接地母线,PE/N-,12线,9x6.5x77.501128 接地母线,PE/N-,16线,9x6.5x103.501129 接地母线,PE/N-,24线,9x6.5x15501130 接地母线,PE/N-,151线,9x6.5x100001138 母线架,60mm系统,3,4,5线,用于ISO-柜体VMS 01139 盖框,用于ISO-柜体VMS01141 母线加长连接夹, 95 mm,用于最大额定电流630A01143 接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,零线,蓝色01144 接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,保护线,绿/黄01145 母线加长连接夹,95mm,1600 A,双T型母线01152 梳形母线,1线,100A,齿距27mm,1m长01160 夹具, 用于10mm厚的多层铜母线01163 夹具导轨,2m,用于01 16001166 母线加长连接夹,12-20*5/10,最大630A01170 简化部件,适用于5mm母线,用于01 13801182 连接附件, 带插孔的端子,3 x 1.5 - 16mm2,尺寸0001184 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x24x1,800A,截面240mm201185 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型,41x36,连接400-800mm2,最大1600A01186 PROFIL 连接夹,三T型,101x46,连接1200-3600mm2,最大2500/3200A 01187 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,2.4m01188 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.45m01189 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.65m01190 双T型母线,额定电流1600A,3.6m01193 母线加长连接夹,150mm,适用于12-20x5/10母线01194 多层铜母线,6x9x0.8, 2m, 245A,截面43.2mm201196 多层铜母线,4x15.5x0.8, 2m, 320A,截面49.6mm201198 连接端子,16 - 95mm2,用于1线母线35mm201199 接线板,3线,带盖罩,95-185mm2,12x5-30x10和双T型母线01200 母线连接端子,15x5母线与70-150mm2缆搭接01201 母线连接端子,20x5-10与120-240mm2缆搭接01202 母线连接端子,25x5母线与150-300mm2缆搭接01203 通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线01204 标准铜母线,3.60m, 镀锡, 30x10,630A01205 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度25x1201206 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度40x2001207 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度50x3501218 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度63x4001222 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度80x4001223 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 3.60 m,无镀层01224 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 3.60 m,镀锡01225 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 0.45 m,镀锡01226 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 0.65 m,镀锡01227 三T型铜母线, 2500 A, 3.60 m,镀锡01228 连接端子, 16 - 95 mm2,用于3线梳形母线,前面连接01229 双T型铜母线,1600A, 3.60m,无镀层01230 通用母线架,3线,185系统,用于不打孔的矩形母线和异形截面母线01231 母线架,3线, 60mm系统 / 2500 A,用于双T型母线,不含末端盖01232 母线架,3线, 60mm系统 / 2500 A,用于三T型母线,不含末端盖01234 末端盖,用于01 231和01 23201236 封闭盖板,2400 x 48,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01237 封闭盖板,2400 x 76,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01238 封闭盖板,2400 x 106,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01240 接线板,3线,6 - 50 mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大300A01243 接线板,3线,35 - 120 mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大440A01244 母线盖,用于12 - 30 x 5母线,长1m01245 母线盖,用于12 - 30 x 10母线,长1m01249 双T型铜母线,1600A, 2.40m,无镀层01250 双T型铜母线,1250A, 2.40m,无镀层01251 母线盖,用于40 - 60 x 10母线,长1m01252 母线盖,用于双T形和三T形母线,长1m01253 多层铜母线,带护套,465 A, 长2 m,4 x 24 x 1,截面96mm2 01254 末端盖, 用于母线架01 47901255 多层铜母线,带护套,566 A, 长2 m,6 x 24 x 1,截面144mm2 01256 多层铜母线,带护套,860 A, 长2 m,6 x 40 x 1,截面240mm2 01257 接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线, 零线,蓝色01258 接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线 , 保护线,绿/黄色01273 多层铜母线,带护套,1985 A, 长2 m ,10 x 100 x 1,截面1000mm2 01274 母线加长连接夹, 2500 A,用于三T型母线,95 mm01275 母线加长连接夹, 2500 A,用于三T型母线,150 mm01284 通用导线连接夹, 1.5-16mm2,5mm母线,180A01285 通用导线连接夹, 4 - 35mm2,5mm母线,270A01287 通用导线连接夹,16 - 70mm2,5mm母线,400A01289 通用导线连接夹, 1.5-16mm2,10mm母线,180A01290 通用导线连接夹, 4 - 35mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,270A 01292 通用导线连接夹,16 - 70mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,400A 01295 连接件组,2500 A,用于弹性加长连接,三T型母线,3相01300 盖罩,用于01240中的单个端子01301 盖罩,用于01243中的单个端子01303 夹具,用于5-10mm的多层铜母线01318 展开式连接夹,95-185mm2,500A01319 展开式连接夹,用于最大30x20的矩形母线,750A01333 标识牌,用于带10个接线端子,15 x 64.5mm01347 母线架,3线,无末端盖,适合做中间支架01385 母线转接器, 63A, 81mm宽, 40mm系统01413 盖罩, 84x200mm2, 12-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01424 D0-条形盖, E18, 宽36mm01479 通用母线架,100mm系统, 适用30-60x10,3线01484 母线架,3线, 60mm系统, 630A01485 通用母线架,4线, 60mm系统, 630A01489 母线架,PE/N-,可单独安装,也可插接在01 500上01492 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,10和双T型母线01495 通用母线架,3线, 60mm系统, 630A,带内置螺钉孔01498 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,5,10和双T型母线01500 通用母线架,3线,60mm系统,630A01509 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x50x1,1395A,截面500mm201510 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x63x1,1600A,截面630mm201512 螺拴连接夹,10mm矩形母线,M5x8,360A01514 螺拴连接夹,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M8x8,490A01536 盖罩,54x130,用于最大70mm2的导线连接夹01541 磁环, 2 A, E 27, 粉色01542 磁环, 4 A, E 27, 褐色01543 磁环, 6 A, E 27, 绿色01544 磁环, 10 A, E 27, 红色01545 磁环, 16 A, E 27, 灰色01546 磁环, 20 A, E 27, 蓝色01547 磁环, 25 A, E 27, 黄色01548 磁环, 35 A, E 33, 黑色01549 磁环, 50 A, E 33, 白色01550 磁环, 63 A, E 33, 铜色01559 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,螺钉连接01567 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01568 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC,卡接固定01571 D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01572 D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC,卡接固定01573 端盖, 适用于01 495和01 50001574 端盖, 适用于01 48501583 多层铜母线,10x15.5x0.8,2m,455A,截面124mm201586 直压板连接夹,30x3001587 直压板连接夹,35x3001590 盖罩,54x200mm,12-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01608 双T型铜母线,1600A,2.4m,镀锡01609 双T型铜母线,1250A,2.4m,镀锡01611 多层铜母线,2.0m,5x24x1,514A,截面120mm201612 多层铜母线,2.0m,5x32x1,640A,,截面160mm201613 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x32x1,1040A,截面320mm201614 多层铜母线,2.0m,760A,5x40x1,截面200mm201615 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x40x1,1181A,截面400mm201616 直压板连接夹,连接长x宽 32x4001617 直压板连接夹,连接长x宽 50x6301618 标准铜母线,12x 5, 2.4m, 200A, 镀锡01619 标准铜母线,15x 5, 2.4m, 250A, 镀锡01620 标准铜母线,20x 5, 2.4m, 320A, 镀锡01621 标准铜母线,25x 5, 2.4m, 400A, 镀锡01622 标准铜母线,30x 5, 2.4m, 450A, 镀锡01623 标准铜母线,12x10, 2.4m, 360A, 镀锡01624 标准铜母线,20x10, 2.4m, 520A, 镀锡01625 标准铜母线,30x10, 2.4m, 630A, 镀锡01626 标准铜母线,40x10,2.4m,850A01627 标准铜母线,50x10,2.4m,1000A01628 标准铜母线,60x10,2.4m,1250A01647 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,5,10和双T型母线01670 D-熔断器,gL,2A/500V,E2701671 D-熔断器,gL,4A/500V,E2701672 D-熔断器,gL,6A/500V,E2701673 D-熔断器,gL,10A/500V,E2701674 D-熔断器,gL,16A/500V,E2701675 D-熔断器,gL,20A/500V,E2701676 D-熔断器,gL,25A/500V,E2701677 D-熔断器,gL,35A/500V,E3301678 D-熔断器,gL,50A/500V,E3301679 D-熔断器,gL,63A/500V,E3301685 D0-熔断器,D01/gL2A,E1401686 D0-熔断器,D01/gL4A,E1401687 D0-熔断器,D01/gL6A,E1401688 D0-熔断器,D01/gL10A,E1401689 D0-熔断器,D01/gL16A,E1401690 D0-熔断器,D02/gL20A,E1801691 D0-熔断器,D02/gL25A,E1801692 D0-熔断器,D02/gL35A,E1801693 D0-熔断器,D02/gL50A,E1801694 D0-熔断器,D02/gL63A,E1801701 D-螺栓-定位部件,4A,褐色,E27/E3301702 D-螺栓-定位部件,6A,绿色,E27/E3301703 D-螺栓-定位部件,10A,红色,E27/E3301704 D-螺栓-定位部件,16A,灰色,E27/E3301705 D-螺栓-定位部件,20A,蓝色,E27/E3301706 D-螺栓-定位部件,25A,黄色,E27/E3301707 D-螺栓-定位部件,35A,黑色,E3301708 D-螺栓-定位部件,50A,白色,E3301709 D-螺栓-定位部件,63A,铜色,E3301715 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,2A E14, 粉色01716 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,4A E14, 褐色01717 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,6A E14, 绿色01718 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,10A E33,红色01719 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,20A E18, 蓝色01720 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,25A E18, 黄色01721 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,35A E18, 黑色01722 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,50A E18, 白色01724 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 2A, 粉色01725 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 4A, 褐色01726 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 6A, 绿色01727 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18,10A, 红色01728 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18,16A, 灰色01729 专用支撑簧,D01/E18,2-16A01730 定位套筒-钥匙,D01 - D0301741 螺栓-定位部件,2A,E27/E33 , 粉色01742 母线架,185mm系统,3-线,412x30x4001747 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M5,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01748 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M8,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01749 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M10,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01753 接线板,用于最大32x20的矩形母线01754 接线板,3线,带盖罩,150-300mm201756 盖罩,135x200x90,20-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01757 盖罩,270x200x90,20-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01759 展开式连接夹,长方截面母线,最大32x2001760 展开式连接夹,150-300mm201765 标准铜母线, 80x10,1500A,2.4m01766 标准铜母线,100x10,1800A,2.4m01767 标准铜母线,120x10,2100A,2.4m01774 母线架,12x5/10母线,3线 40mm系统01775 母线架,12x5/10母线,4线 40mm系统01783 空盖板,只用于0178401784 支座,适用于预留空盖板0178301788 D-磁环,E33, 2A, 粉色01789 D-磁环,E33, 4A, 褐色01790 D-磁环,E33, 6A, 绿色01791 D-磁环,E33,10A, 红色01792 D-磁环,E33,16A, 灰色01793 D-磁环,E33,20A, 蓝色01794 D-磁环,E33,25A, 黄色01823 母线加长连接夹, 630 A, 40 mm01827 母线加长连接夹, 1600 A, 50 mm01829 母线加长连接夹, 1600 A, 150 mm01831 双T型母线,1600 A,0.65 m01838 双T型母线,1600 A,0.45 m01876 母线架,1线,60mm系统,1600A01886 母线加长连接夹,(20-30)x(5/10)x150 ,630 A01888 带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于 30x20的矩形母线01890 带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于150-300mm2的导线01905 母线连接夹,夹子开口空间 31x2501906 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 51x21,连接500 - 750mm2 01907 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 64x21,连接600 - 900mm2 01911 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 64x36,连接600 - 1200mm2 01915 母线架,12x5/10,5线01917 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V01926 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 61.5 01927 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 124 01928 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 186.5 01929 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 249 01930 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 311.5 01931 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 374 01932 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x1000 01934 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线, 81x3601935 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线,101x3601936 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线, 51x3601945 盖,E27,宽52.5mm01979 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC01980 D0-条形盖,E18,宽27mm01981 D0-条形盖,E18, 宽54mm01990 母线加长连接夹,40mm01993 遮盖塞,E2701994 遮盖塞,E3301996 直压板连接夹,连接宽度 20 x 2501997 直压板连接夹,连接宽度 20 x 3001998 定位螺栓-钥匙,用于E27/E3302216 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02217 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02218 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02219 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02225 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02226 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02227 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带6路16mm2输出,双侧输出02228 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02229 干线分线端子,1路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02230 干线分线端子,2路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02231 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02232 干线分线端子,3路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02233 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02234 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02235 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02237 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带12路输出02238 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02242 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02243 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路25mm2输出,卡式安装02244 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02246 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02247 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,卡式安装02248 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,卡式安装02262 干线分线端子,1路2x150mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02264 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,单侧输出02505 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02517 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02521 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02522 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02526 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02527 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02531 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,螺钉固定02533 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,卡式安装,和导轨平行02535 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,卡式安装,和导轨垂直02538 干线分线端子,5路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02544 干线分线端子,3路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02562 转接夹子,2路,入/出螺钉02563 转接夹子,3路,入/出螺钉02564 转接夹子,2路,入/出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02565 转接夹子,3路,入/出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02566 转接夹子,2路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02567 转接夹子,3路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02603 干线分线端子,3路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02604 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02605 干线分线端子,5路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02606 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N蓝色02607 干线分线端子,5路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N蓝色,PE黄绿色02614 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,PE黄绿色02615 干线分线端子,3路输入,每路共4个端子以及1路N极带8个25mm2的端子03161 分离闸刀,尺寸 00,160A03162 分离闸刀,尺寸 1,250A03163 分离闸刀,尺寸 2,400A03164 分离闸刀,尺寸 3, 630A03173 连接端子,160 A,尺寸125mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03175 零线端子,160 A,2线,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03177 HLS-熔断器座,用于超快速熔断器,400A,尺寸110,1相,双侧带M10 03178 连接端子,160 A,尺寸125mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03181 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,800A03182 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1000A03183 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1250A03184 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1600A03185 分离闸刀,4a,1600A03193 连接端子,160 A,尺寸60mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03194 连接端子,160 A,尺寸60mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03195 连接端子,250 A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03196 连接端子,250 A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03197 连接端子,630 A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03198 连接端子,630 A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03199 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,三相,60mm系统,上/下端连接03213 零线端子, 630A, 双侧带螺钉M12,用于NH-熔断器座03214 熔断器,美标,J级,70 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03215 熔断器,美标,J级,80 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03216 熔断器,美标,J级,90 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03217 熔断器,美标,J级,100 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03218 熔断器,美标,J级,110 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03219 熔断器,美标,J级,125 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03220 熔断器,美标,J级,150 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03221 熔断器,美标,J级,175A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03222 熔断器,美标,J级,200 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03223 熔断器,美标,J级,225 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03224 熔断器,美标,J级,250 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03225 熔断器,美标,J级,300 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03226 熔断器,美标,J级,350 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03227 熔断器,美标,J级,400 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03228 熔断器,美标,J级,70 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03229 熔断器,美标,J级,80 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03230 熔断器,美标,J级,90 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03231 熔断器,美标,J级,100 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03232 熔断器,美标,J级,110 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03233 熔断器,美标,J级,125 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03234 熔断器,美标,J级,150 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03235 熔断器,美标,J级,175 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03236 熔断器,美标,J级,200 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03237 熔断器,美标,J级,225 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03238 熔断器,美标,J级,250 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03239 熔断器,美标,J级,300 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03240 熔断器,美标,J级,350 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03241 熔断器,美标,J级,400 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03350 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,隔板结构03351 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,螺钉M8,三相,隔板结构03354 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,隔板结构03355 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,压板连接夹,三相,隔板结构03359 隔板架,适用于03 350 - 03 35503367 母线架,5线, 40mm系统03369 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,直接挂接在母线上03370 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,直接挂接在母线上03377 隔板,适用于NH-熔断器座 03350 / 03351 / 03354 / 0335503384 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03502 NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸 00 - 303518 母线式超快速熔断器座,400 A,三相,下端连接,M10螺钉03519 零线端子,160 A,双侧带螺钉M8,用于NH-熔断器座03520 母线式超快速熔断器座,160A,三相,上端连接,M8螺钉03521 NH-熔断器 gL, 2 A,尺寸 000, 500V03522 NH-熔断器 gL, 4 A,尺寸 000, 500V03523 NH-熔断器 gL, 6 A,尺寸 000, 500V03524 NH-熔断器 gL, 10 A,尺寸 000, 500V03525 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 000, 500V03526 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 000, 500V03527 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 000, 500V03528 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 000, 500V03529 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 000, 500V03530 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 000, 500V03531 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 000, 500V03532 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 000, 500V03533 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 00, 500V03534 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 00, 500V03549 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 1, 500V03550 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 1, 500V03551 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 1, 500V03552 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 1, 500V03553 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 1, 500V03554 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 1, 500V03555 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 1, 500V03556 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 1, 500V03557 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 1, 500V03558 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 1, 500V03559 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 1, 500V03560 NH-熔断器 gL,224 A,尺寸 1, 500V03561 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 1, 500V03562 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 2, 500V03563 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 2, 500V03564 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 2, 500V03565 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 2, 500V03566 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 2, 500V03567 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 2, 500V03568 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 2, 500V03569 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 2, 500V03570 NH-熔断器 gL,224 A,尺寸 2, 500V03571 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 2, 500V03572 NH-熔断器 gL,300 A,尺寸 2, 500V03573 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 2, 500V03574 NH-熔断器 gL,355 A,尺寸 2, 500V03575 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 2, 500V03577 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 3, 500V03579 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 3, 500V03581 NH-熔断器 gL,500 A,尺寸 3, 500V03582 NH-熔断器 gL,630 A,尺寸 3, 500V03585 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹, 拧紧在打孔母线上03587 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相, 螺钉M8, 拧紧在打孔母线上03599 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03601 NH-母线式熔断器座, 250A,尺寸1,单相, 拧紧在打孔母线上03620 零线端子,160A,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03623 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00, 三相, 40mm系统,压板连接夹03631 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00,三相,40mm系统, 螺钉M8 03654 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00, 三相,60mm系统,压板连接夹03656 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00,三相, 60mm系统,螺钉M8 03657 零线端子,250A,螺钉连接,双侧带螺钉M1003668 零线端子,160A,螺钉连接,双侧带压板连接夹03679 NH-条形熔断器座,尺寸00,160A, 三相, 压板连接夹连接, 100mm系统03692 铝接线端子,适用于尺寸00的NH-熔断器座03693 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm 03694 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,带触摸保护,40mm系统03704 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1, 三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm 03705 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相, 带触摸保护,40mm系统03727 压板连接夹,尺寸00,用于NH-母线式熔断器负荷隔离开关03757 零线端子,NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,螺钉M10,适用于NH-熔断器座03758 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03759 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03760 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03761 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03762 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03763 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03764 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03765 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03766 NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03767 NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03768 NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03769 NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,三相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03790 NH-母线式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,拧紧在打孔母线上03791 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸0003792 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 103793 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 203794 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 303795 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A, 尺寸2, 单相,螺钉M10,拧紧在打孔母线上03825 NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸 00 - 3,带皮胀圈03835 铝接线端子,70-150mm2, 用于尺寸1和2的NH-熔断器座03836 铝接线端子,95-240mm2, 用于尺寸3的NH-熔断器座03849 隔离开关盖定位锁,辅助安装03908 NH-熔断器 gL, 6 A,尺寸 00, 690V03909 NH-熔断器 gL, 10 A,尺寸 00, 690V03910 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 00, 690V03911 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 00, 690V03912 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 00, 690V03913 NH-熔断器 gL, 32 A,尺寸 00, 690V03914 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 00, 690V03915 NH-熔断器 gL, 40 A,尺寸 00, 690V03916 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 00, 690V03917 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 00, 690V03918 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 00, 690V03919 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 00, 690V03920 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 1, 690V03922 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 1, 690V03924 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 1, 690V03925 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 1, 690V03927 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 1, 690V03928 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 1, 690V03929 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 1, 690V03930 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 1, 690V03938 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 2, 690V03941 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 2, 690V03942 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 2, 690V03943 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 2, 690V03945 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 3, 690V03946 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 3, 690V03947 NH-熔断器 gL,500 A,尺寸 3, 690V03949 NH-熔断器 gL,355A,尺寸3, 690V05182 零线端子,陶瓷座,螺钉,63A05188 零线端子,带插孔的连接夹, 63A05780 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高30mm05781 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高35mm05782 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高35mm05783 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高40mm05784 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高40mm05785 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高45mm05786 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高45mm05787 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高45mm05788 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高50mm05789 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高60mm05790 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高50mm05800 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高30mm05801 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高35mm05802 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M8,高35mm08824 压板连接件,适用于PE-和N-母线01 93208825 卡接固定件, 适用于PE-和N-母线01126-01129和01926-01932 10877 PE-和N-母线,100A,40xM8, 1m10879 PE-和N-母线,160A,30xM10,1m30322 连接件组,1600 A, 3线,用于弹性加长连接,双T型母线30388 转接器,250A,用于Siemens 3VF330473 连接件组,1600 A, 4线,用于弹性带角度的连接,双T型母线30807 金属支承导轨,72mm宽,35x7.530894 螺钉连接件,M8,尺寸 0030930 金属支承导轨,35 x 54 x 7.531001 梳形母线,1 线,30mm2,齿距27mm, 长1m,无镀层,隔条31004 标记牌,20 x 9mm31005 熔帽,D01/E 14/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31006 熔帽,D02/E 18/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31007 连接端子,35 mm2,用于31 00131012 梳形母线,3线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31014 梳形母线,1线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31022 带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831023 不带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831024 梳形母线,1线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm, 长1m 31026 梳形母线,3线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm, 长1m 31027 末端罩,适用于3线梳形母线31028 连接端子,用于1线梳形母线,侧面连接31029 连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,侧面连接31031 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 14 / 16 A / 400 V,单相,用于叉型结构31032 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 14 / 16 A / 400 V,三相,用于叉型结构31033 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,单相,用于叉型结构31034 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,三相,用于叉型结构31044 连接端子,用于31 033和31 03431051 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,三相,带双侧框端子31056 梳形母线,3线,截面35 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31057 梳形母线,1线,截面35 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31070 D-条形盖,E27, 宽42mm31071 D-条形盖,E33, 宽57mm31072 D-条形盖,E27, 宽84mm31073 D-条形盖,E33, 宽114mm31084 末端罩,用于3线梳形母线,35 mm231085 连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,正面连接,6-50mm231086 标识牌架,适用于Triton31098 熔帽,E27,500V,塑料31100 熔帽,E33,500V,塑料31101 梳形母线,75 A, 1线, 1 m, 16 mm231102 梳形母线,65 A, 3线, 1 m, 16 mm231103 连接端子,6 - 25 mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31104 熔帽,D01/E18/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31105 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/1P31106 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8x31/1P+N31107 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/2P31108 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/3P31109 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8x31/3P+N31110 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/1P31111 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10x38/1P+N31112 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/2P31113 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/3P31114 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10x38/3P+N31115 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/1P31116 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14x51/1P+N31117 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/2P31118 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/3P31119 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14x51/3P+N31120 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/1P31121 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22x58/1P+N31122 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/2P31123 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/3P31124 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22x58/3P+N31130 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 1P31131 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 1P+N31132 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 2P31133 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 3P31134 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 3P + N31135 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14 x 51 / 1P31138 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14 x 51 / 3P31140 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22 x 58 / 1P31143 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22 x 58 / 3P31157 连接端子,6 - 25 mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31158 母线式条形熔断器式负荷隔离开关,用于D0熔断器,60 mm,63A/400V 31160 母线式条形熔断器座, 用于10x38 NFC 圆柱形熔断器,60 mm,32A/690V 31161 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,单相, 带双侧框端子31163 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25 A / 400 V,8 x 31 / 1P + N 31164 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25 A / 400 V,8 x 31 / 3P + N 31165 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32 A / 690 V,10 x 38 / 1P + N 31166 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32 A / 690 V,10 x 38 / 3P + N 31167 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50 A / 690 V,14 x 51 / 1P + N 31168 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50 A / 690 V,14 x 51 / 3P + N 31169 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,单相, , 带双侧框端子31170 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125 A / 690 V,22 x 58 / 1P + N31171 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125 A / 690 V,22 x 58 / 3P + N 31172 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,三相, , 带双侧框端子31173 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,单相,可替代01173 31174 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,三相31175 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,单相,可替代01175 31176 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,三相31177 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 4 A, 8 x 31, 400V31178 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 6 A, 8 x 32, 400V31179 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 8 x 31, 400V31180 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 8 x 31, 400V31181 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 8 x 31, 400V31182 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 2 A, 10 x 38, 500V31183 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 4 A, 10 x 38, 500V31184 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 6 A, 10 x 38, 500V31185 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 10 x 38, 500V31186 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 10 x 38, 500V31187 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 10 x 38, 500V31188 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 10 x 38, 500V31189 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 10 x 38, 400V31190 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 14 x 51, 690V31191 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 14 x 51, 690V31192 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 14 x 51, 690V31193 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 14 x 51, 690V31194 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 14 x 51, 500V31195 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 40 A, 14 x 51, 500V31196 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 50 A, 14 x 51, 400V31197 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 22 x 58, 690V31198 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 22 x 58, 690V31199 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 40 A, 22 x 58, 690V31200 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 50 A, 22 x 58, 690V31201 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 63 A, 22 x 58, 690V31202 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 80 A, 22 x 58, 690V31203 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 100A, 22 x 58, 500V31204 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 125A, 22 x 58, 400V31205 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 1 A, 10 x 38, 660V31206 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 2 A, 10 x 38, 660V31207 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 4 A,10 x 38, 660V31208 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 6 A,10 x 38, 660V31209 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 10 A,10 x 38, 660V31210 圆柱形熔断器 aR,12.5A, 10 x 38, 660V31211 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 16 A,10 x 38, 660V31212 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 20 A,10 x 38, 660V31213 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 25 A,10 x 38, 660V31214 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 30 A,10 x 38, 660V31215 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 10 A,14 x 51, 690V31216 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 16 A,14 x 51, 690V31217 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 20 A,14 x 51, 690V。
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PM/IS 10325/1/April 2020BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSManak Bhawan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,New Delhi – 1100021PRODUCT MANUALFORSQUARE TINS – 15 kg/litre FOR GHEE, VANASPATI,EDIBLE OILS AND BAKERY SHORTENINGSACCORDING TO IS 10325: 2000This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices & licensees to ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of certification under Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for various products. The document may also be used by prospective applicants desirous of obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.PM/IS 10325/1/April 2020ANNEX AList of Test EquipmentMajor test equipment required to test as per the Indian Standard2PM/IS 10325/1/April 2020ANNEX CScheme of Inspection And Testing1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped (as per the requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given in the specification shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the specification.1.1The manufacturer shall prepare a calibration plan for the test equipments.2. TEST RECORDS – The manufacturer shall maintain test records for the tests carried out to establish conformity.3. LABELLING AND MARKING – As per IS 10325: 2000.4. CONTROL UNIT – All the tins of the same type manufactured from the same material under similar condition of production in one shift (eight hours production) shall constitute a control unit.5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory which is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with paragraph 2 above.5.1 All the production which conforms to the Indian Standards and covered by the licence should be marked with Standard Mark.6. REJECTIONS – Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to ensure that there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016.3PM/IS 10325/1/April 2019Annexure ISampling Plan for Closures for Tins as per IS 10325: 20001.Lot – All the closures of the same type manufactured from the same material under similar conditionsof production shall be grouped together to constitute a lot.2.Sampling Size – The number of the closures to be selected from the lot at random depends upon the sizeof the lot and shall be in accordance with Table A.TABLE ALOT SIZE SAMPLE SIZE ACCEPTANCE NUMBERUpto 3000 50 23001 to 10,000 80 310,001 to 35,000 125 535,001 and above 200 -3.CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY3.1Each of the closure selected shall be tested for the requirements given in IS 10325. A closure failing tomeet these requirements shall be termed as defective. The lot shall be considered as conforming to therequirements if the number of defectives is less than or equal to the corresponding acceptance numbergiven in Table 1.5。
Declaration of Compliance for articles made of ceramic, plastic and metal intended to come into contact with food11.04.2018Hereby we confirm that our productItem name: Large Output MillItem No.: 06.5240.4500complies with the legal regulations laid down in the German Commodity Ordinance (or the respective stipulations laid down in the European Regulations on Plastic materials)as well as Regulation (EU)No 10/2011,the Regulation (EC)No 1935/2004,in particular Article 3,11(5),15and 17,and the Regulation (EC)No 2023/2006,in their relevant versions.When used as specified,the overall migration as well as the specific migration do not exceed the legal limits;the transition of metal ions does not exceed the SRLs (Specific Release Limits)according to Council of Europe Resolution CM/Res(2013)9on metals and alloys used in food contact materials and articles (effective 2013–1st Edition).The tests are performed according to the Directive 84/500/EEC,last amended by 2005/31/EC,to articles 17and 18of Regulation (EU)No 10/2011in conjunction with Annex III and V,resp.according to the …Technical guide on metals and alloys used in food contact materials and articles.The materials and raw materials used comply with the German Commodity Ordinance (or the respective stipulations laid down in European Regulations on Plastic materials)as well as the Regulation (EC)No 1935/2004and the Regulation (EU)No 10/2011,respectively according to the latest version.In the context of the quality assurance measures there was not found any indication of an incorrect utilization of substances evaluated.The following substances,subject to limitations and/or specification are used in the above mentioned product:Specification of the intended use or limitations:- Type(s) of food intended to come into contact with the material:- Intended duration and temperature of treatment and storage while in contact with the food:Mill consists of: Oak body; oak head with 18/10 stainless steel sleeve and black acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) axle drive; upper axle guide, discs and sleeve inside made of black polyoxymethylene (POM); axle and adjustment wheel made of stainless steel; lower axle guide in black acrylonitrile-budadiene-styrene (ABS); grinding mechanism in grey ceramic; discs, cover ring, spring and screws in 18/10 stainless steel. Also applies to 06.5240.9990.Description (material/optics)/ analogue items :any long-term storage at room temperature dry foodpolyoxymethylene/polyacetal (POM)formaldehyde (SML(T): 15 mg/kg)acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)butadiene (SML: ND, ≤ 0,01 mg/kg)acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)acrylonitrile (SML: ND, ≤ 0,01 mg/kg)material:name of substance/ CAS-No. (limitation):-Ratio of the area of the food contact surface to the volume used to determine the compliance of the food contact material or article:The following dual-use-additives are enclosed:There is no functional barrier used in the plastic material.This declaration is valid for the product delivered by us as specified above.Under consideration of the food contact conditions stated,the product complies with the stipulations of these Directives regarding the specified foods.The user shall verify himself that the product is suitable for the intended food beyond the stipulations of the Directives.The validity of the declaration is ending if the requirements are changed.This document was created electronically and is valid without signature.Name of the document: A01_06.5240.4500_EN_20180411_Large Output Mill_NF.pdfnone6dm²/kg for the plastic piece6dm²/kg for the metal piece WMF Group - a Group SEB company WMF Group GmbHVORSITZENDER DES AUFSICHTSRATES SITZ DER GESELLSCHAFT BANKVERBINDUNG Eberhardstraße 35Bertrand Neuschwander Geislingen | Steige Commerzbank AG Göppingen 73312 Geislingen | SteigeRECHTSFORM IBAN DE06 6104 0014 0160 3000 00GermanyGESCHÄFTSFÜHRER Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung BIC COBADEFFXXX Dr. Volker Lixfeld | VORSITZENDER REGISTERGERICHT telefon+49 7331 25 1Bernd Stoeppel Amtsgericht Ulm HRB 732253fax+49 7331 45 387 WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 78426351 USt.-ID.-Nr. DE 298 927 552email****************** St.-Nr. 62050|01224web GLN 4000530 00000 2。
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