
出的 STM32 增强型系列 STM32F103 为高密度性能线的 32 位微处理器,其内核为 Cortex-M3,具有成本低廉、功耗 较低、性能较好、集成度高、便于调试等优点,在医疗、 工业、电子等领域得到广泛应用 [3~4]。STM32F103RCT6 最 大处理速度为 72MHz,兼有串行单线调试 SWD 和 JTAG 接 口,具有 5 个串口,可与迪文 DGUS 液晶屏进行串口通信 控制;具有 2 个 I2C 接口,可挂载 EEPROM 进行密码存储。 STM32F103RCT6 内嵌晶振,为提高时钟稳定性,外接 8M 无 源 晶 振 和 32.765K 晶 振。 另 连 接 复 位 电 路 和 电 源 指 示 LED,引出 JTAG 接口,进行下载和调试。
液晶屏支持 SD 卡,可使用画图软件设计界面通过 SD 卡下 载使用,使界面设计丰富和多样化。其硬件结构如图 2 所示。 ■■2.2 随机数产生
本设计中随机数产生为 0~9 的随机排列,以及 26 个字 母的随机排列。对于这两种随机排列均使用两两交换法,原 理简单易操作,且随机效果较好。将 0~9 以及 26 个字母分 别随机处理,在此以 0~9 的数字排列为例说明。
关键词:随机键盘;32 位处理器;液晶显示;密码匹配
0 前言
中国是网上支付使用大国,根据《中国互联网发展报告 2018》显示,到 2017 年底,中国网上支付用户人数达 5.31 亿,第三方互联网支付金额达到 143 万亿。从网银支付到 手机支付,互联网支付已经成为中国最主流的支付方式 。 [1~2] 目前密码泄露以病毒、黑客以及旁窥为主要原因。密码泄露 不仅会造成个人财产损失,某些平台账号的密码泄露也可能 造成他人的财产损失,如盗取社交软件密码骗取失主亲友钱 财。采用随机键盘能有效地避免密码旁窥和泄露,不仅能在 公共场合避免密码旁窥,也能有效防止通过记忆键盘点击位 置的木马窃取密码。当前已经有部分银行采用随机软键盘的 控件。

激光投影虚拟键盘的基本原理设计发表时间:2018-11-19T10:59:35.373Z 来源:《科技研究》2018年9期作者:于家泉刘俊杰[导读] 本文主要对激光投影虚拟键盘的基本原理、设计方法及测试过程进行了研究大连民族大学辽宁大连 116600摘要:本文主要对激光投影虚拟键盘的基本原理、设计方法及测试过程进行了研究,在功能模块上可分成可视化的虚拟键盘呈现、键盘输入信号的采集、图像信号定位编码及通信接口四部分,实际分硬件和软件两部分展开工作。
关键词:红外光;图像信号定位编码;STM32F103RBT一、激光投影键盘工作原理及制作步骤 1工作原理本设计采用小功率红色激光发生器作为投射光源,并以自主设计制作的键盘字模,覆盖于激光光源表面,激光透过字模将键盘图形投射到表面上,从而实现虚拟键盘的呈现工作。

基于STM32控制的智能键盘摘要:本设计选择STM32为核心控制元件,设计了用4个IO 口实现4*4矩阵键盘,使用C 语言进行编程。
关键词:STM32 矩阵键盘 ARM 显示电路1 引言随着21世纪的到来,以前的单个端口连接的按键已经不能满足人们在大型或公共场合的需求。
4*4矩阵式键盘采用STM32为核心,主要由矩阵式键盘电路、显示电路等组成,软件选用C 语言编程。
2 总体设计方案该智能键盘电路由ARM 最小系统,矩阵键盘电路和显示电路组成,在常规的4*4矩阵键盘的基础上,通过改进实现了用4个IO 口完成4*4矩阵键盘。
2.1 总体设计框图本电路主要由3大部分电路组成:矩阵键盘电路、ARM 最小系统电路、按键显示电路。
其中ATM 最小系统主要由复位电路和时钟电路组成。
电路复位后数码管显示字符“—” 表示没有按键,显示电路由STM32的PD0—PD7来控制数码管显示是哪个按键按下。
图1总体设计方框图STM32矩阵键盘电路时钟电路复位电路按键显示电路3 智能键盘设计原理分析3.1 STM32复位和时钟电路设计此电路主要是复位电路和时钟电路两部分,其中复位电路采用按键手动复位和上电自动复位组合,电路如图2(右)所示:其中14脚为STM32的复位端。
图2STM复位和时钟电路设计3.2 矩阵键盘电路的设计该电路的四个端子分别接STM32的PB12—PB15,电路如图3所示。

成绩课程论文题目:基于STM32控制的矩阵键盘的仿真设计课程名称: ARM 嵌入式系统学生姓名:张宇学生学号: 1314030140 系别:电子工程学院专业:通信工程年级: 2013级指导教师:权循忠电子工程学院制2015年10月目录1摘要 (1)2关键字 (1)3引言 (1)4 STM32控制的矩阵键盘系统方案计制定 (1)4.1 系统总体设计方案 (1)4.2总体设计框图 (1)4.3矩阵键盘简介 (2)5 矩阵键盘设计原理分析 (2)5.1 STM32复位和时钟电路设计 (2)5.2 矩阵键盘电路的设计 (2)5.3按键去抖动 (3)5.4 按键显示电路 (3)6程序流程图 (4)7 总体电路图 (5)8 软件仿真 (5)9 总结 (6)10 参考文献: (6)11 附录 (7)基于STM32控制的矩阵键盘的仿真设计学生:张宇指导老师:权循忠电子工程学院通信工程1摘要矩阵键盘又称行列键盘,它是用四条I/O线作为行线,四条I/O线作为列线组成的键盘。
2关键字矩阵键盘行列键盘 ARM嵌入式系统3引言随着人们生活水平的不断提升,ARM嵌入式无疑是人们追求的目标之一,它给人带来的方便也是不可否认的,要为现代人工作、科研、生活、提供更好更方便的设备就需要从ARM嵌入式技术入手,一切向若数字化控制,智能化控制方向发展。
4 STM32控制的矩阵键盘系统方案计制定4.1 系统总体设计方案该智能键盘电路由ARM最小系统,矩阵键盘电路和显示电路组成,在常规的4*4矩阵键盘的基础上,通过改进实现了用4个IO口完成4*4矩阵键盘。


1 系统硬件的设计1.1 系统总体设计本文提出的虚拟键盘总体设计一共由5个部分组成,分别是STM32F103ZET6主控制器、OV7670摄像头模块、激光键盘显示模块、一字线性红外光发射模块和2.8寸TFT LCD 模块。
图1中,选用STM32F103ZET6单片机作为主控制器,以求其能够达到满足模块需求的I/O 数量口和满足摄像头进行图像处理的高速工作频率,使其能够支持对摄像头的连接和图像的处理;选用OV7670摄像头模块作为键盘图案的采集,因为其具备红外光采集的能力和具有一定的视野范围,能够采集到键盘图像;选用激光键盘显示模块来显示键盘图案,是利用了激光具有相干性好、亮度高、传播距离远的特点[2],即使在外界环境光强较大时,也能显示出人眼可识别图形;选用一字线性红外光发射模块来作为手指触发按键的检测模块,它能够排除可见光以及激光的影响,做到更精准定位手指的位置;选择2.8寸TFT LCD 模块作为显示模块,显示模块不仅可以显示摄像头采集到的原图案,还能够显示经过STM32处理后的二值化图案,调试结束后,还可以使用显示模块显示手指按下的按键信息。

STM32开发板按键控制实验实验说明2STM32开发板按键控制实验实验说明通过按键控制LED灯的开关实验环境硬件:STM32F407-PZ6808L开发板STM32仿真器软件:Winddows764位操作系统内存8GBKeil5安装后需要添加32F4xx_DFP.2.7.0.packStm32CubeMx 安装后将STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0文件夹复制到C:\Users\Administrator\STM32Cube\Repository文件夹中。
找到PF10,由于是控制LED灯,设置为输出类型(GPIO_Output),同理,设置PE2和PE3类型,为GPIO_Input(3)对PE2和PE3mode进行设置依次选择【Configuration】GPIO 将GPIOPull-up/Pull-down设置为Pull-up(4)设置工程ProjectSettings-ProjectName设置为KEYToolchain/IDE设置为MDK-ARMV5通过向导,自动生成初始化代码,然后通过Keil5打开工程3.先编译工程在main.c中添加代码uint8_tCheck_Key(){if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE,GPIO_PIN_2)==GPIO_PIN_RESET||HA L_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE,GPIO_PIN_3)==GPIO_PIN_RESET){HAL_Delay(10);if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE,GPIO_PIN_2)==GPIO_PIN_RESET){return1;}if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE,GPIO_PIN_3)==GPIO_PIN_RESET){return2;}}return 0;}在main函数中uint8_tkey;key=Check_Key();switch(key){case1:HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOF,GPIO_PIN_10,GPIO_PIN_RESET);break;case2:HAL_GPIO_ WritePin(GPIOF,GPIO_PIN_10,GPIO_PIN_SET);break;}编译4.链接仿真器仿真调试然后按开发板上的复位键,测试。

上述这些设计都各有优势,它们在产品上都各自 发挥着自身的作用。 为了进一步优化系统、提高速度 和降低成本,本文设计了一种基于 STM32F103RBT6 芯片的 USB 键盘。
1 USB 协议简介 通用串行总线(USB,universal serial bus)是以 In- tel 公司为主制定的串行接口标准,具有高速传输速 率、即插即用和易于扩展等优点而被广泛应用。因其 相对低廉的成本和较好的性能适合应用于嵌入式系 统的设计中。USB2.0 被设计成为向下兼容的模式,比 如当有 USB1.0 设备连接到 USB2.0 主机时候,主机通 过分离传输的方式兼容它们。一个 USB 系统中,可以 同时存在 12Mb 全速模式和 1.5Mb 低速模式两种数据 传输模式,而引入后者是为了兼容成本更低的 USB 设 备,如键盘、鼠标和游戏杆等。 USB 体系定义了控制传输、中断传输、同步传输、 批量传输四种传输类型。而 USB 通信所有的传输都由 主机发起,因为它传输数据是采用轮询的广播机制, 该机制是采用“令牌包”-“数据包”-“握手包”的模式, 端点和来源的设备地址或者数据包的去向都在令牌 包中被指定,从而保证了响应数据包/令牌包的只有一 个设备。数据包:包括包结尾字段(EOP)、数据及同步 字段(SYNC)三部分,是 USB 总线上数据传输的最小 单位;端点:支持单双向的数据传输,是 USB 设备中 的可以进行数据收发的最小单元;管道:是主机和设 备端点之间数据传输的模型。USB 数据传输宏观看来 是 USB 功能设备和主机之间进行,微观来看是在 USB 功能设备的端点和应用软件的 Buffer 之间进行。
2.2 USB 接口设计 USB 通过一个四线电缆来通电与传输信号,其中 VBUS 提供 5V 电源为设备供电,D+与 D-则是一对差 分信号线。在 USB 主机上,D+和 D-都是接了 15K 的 下拉电阻到 GND,所以在没有设备接入的时候,D+、 D-均是低电平。在 USB 从机中,如果是全速设备则会 在 D+上拉一个 1.5k 电阻到 VCC,如果是低速设备则 在 D-上拉一个 1.5k 电阻到 VCC,这样主机便可以判 断是否有接入设备。 在 USB 接口电路 设计中,多设 计了一个引 脚 (PA8) 控制一个三极管的导通与断开,从而控制接在 D+信号线上的上拉电阻,更灵活地决定被 USB 主机 识别的时机。同时在此三极管后连接一个 LED,用于 指示工作状态。另外,使用的 USB 接头是 5pin mini usb,可支持连接外置设备的功能(OTG 功能)。USB 接 口的电路图如图 2 所示。

硬件部分主要为650 nm激光投射键盘、850 nm激光一字线发射器、150°广角摄像头、STM32模块、TFT彩屏等。
【关键词】C语言;数字图像处理;虚拟键盘【中图分类号】TP273 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-0688(2020)03-0076-021 概述随着电脑、手机、平板电脑等智能设备朝着体积小、可穿戴、功能集成度高的方向不断发展,键盘、鼠标等输入设备也随之改变。
stmf407 案例

stmf407 案例基于STM32F407的虚拟键盘案例一、前言STM32F407是一款功能强大的微控制器,其强大的处理能力和丰富的外设接口使得它成为许多项目的理想选择。
三、实现功能1. 虚拟键盘的数字输入与删除:用户可以在虚拟键盘上输入数字,并通过特定的按键进行删除操作。
2. 数据交互:当用户完成输入后,点击OK按钮,系统会将当前的数据通过串口发送到上位机。
1. 初始化硬件:首先,我们需要初始化STM32F407的开发板和寸电容屏。
2. 创建虚拟键盘:利用STM32F407的绘图功能,在电容屏上创建虚拟键盘的界面。
3. 检测用户输入:通过检测电容屏上的触摸事件,判断用户的点击位置,从而确定用户输入了哪个字符。
4. 数据处理与发送:当用户输入完成后,系统会将这些数据进行处理,并通过串口发送到上位机。
5. 安全与稳定性:在整个过程中,我们需要考虑系统的安全性和稳定性。

的 PA8 引脚,等待计算机识别到有设备接入,根据按 键的响应情况,调用 Joystick_Send 函数,芯片将自动 发送对应的数据到计算机;LED 闪烁任务是指大小 写、小数字键盘和滚动锁定键的 LED 指示灯的闪烁任 务。系统运行的总流程图如图 4 所示。
3.3 系统初始化 (1)Set_System(void),初始化时钟系统、使能相关的 外围设备电源。 (2)USB_Interrupts_Config(),配置 USB 所用到的中 断。 (3)Set_USBClock(),配置和使能 USB 时钟。 (4)USB_Init(void),是 USB 子系统真正的初始化函 数,定义 USB 请求实现、功能实现的函数指针。最后调 用 pProperty->Init()完成设备的初始化。 (5)SysTick_Config(),为程序中用到的精确延时作 配置。 3.4 键盘扫描任务 键盘扫描任务针对按键抖动和按键连击这两种 可能引起一些错误的情况做出相应的处理方法。 消抖处理:当按键的触点在断开和闭合时都会产 生抖动,这时触点的逻辑电平不太稳定,容易错误或 者重复执行任务。本设计采用软件延时 10ms 的方式 避开抖动时段:当有按键被按下,系统延时 10ms 之 后,如果按键仍在按下,则表示按键有效,这种方式可 以确保一次按键只响应一次。 按键连击处理:按键连击是指在一段时间内按键 被一直按着没有释放,按键反复响应。按键连击的解 决方法相对容易,按键按下到按键释放只让它响应一 次,释放之后才可以执行第二次。 按键扫描任务的流程图如图 5 所示。
【关键字】STM32F103RBT6;USB 键盘;CooCox CoOS;实时操作系统;矩阵式键盘扫描
0 引言 PS/2 接口是早期电脑上常见的键盘接口之一,随 着计算机时代的飞速发展,PS/2 接口键盘因为针脚容 易弯曲、细小难以对准、传输效率低等缺点逐渐被淘 汰[1]。自 USB1.0 推出开始,USB 接口因为具有传输速 率高、体积小、即插即用、共享式通信、热插拔等特性, 键盘开始采用 USB 接口的设计[2]。 目前文献上出现很多基于各种各样芯片的 USB 键盘,各有特色。例如有文献提出基于 CY7C68013A 芯片的 USB 键盘,该芯片是 Cypress 赛普拉斯公司研 发的第一款属于低功耗 EZ-USB FX2 系列并且集成 了 USB2.0 协议的微处理器,利用芯片上封装提供的 24 个 I/O 端口(包括 PA、PB、PD 这三组)设计了矩阵 式键盘,最后利用该系列芯片自带的 USB 开发包进行 键盘软件的整合[3]。另外有文献提到现在市场上很多 USB 键盘是在原来 PS/2 接口的基础上,增加了一个 PS/2 转 USB 芯片来实现 USB 键盘的数据传输,这种 设计容易造成硬件版本的不兼容,所以提出了一款基 于一套硬件结构并采用 ARM Cortex-M0 微控制器的 USB 键盘,直接采用 NUC120 系列内置的 SIR(USB 串 行接口引擎) 并使用外设的驱动库函数完成整个设计 [4]。 还 有 文 献 提 出 一 种 基 于 AT89C5131 单 片 机 和 CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)的 USB 接口用户专用键 盘,它可以满足用户自定义按键功能的要求。 AT89C5131 自带 USB 微控制器,可支持 USB2.0 协议 并兼容 USB1.1 协议。通过编写 USB 固件驱动程序和 CPLD 控制程序将硬件结构模块化实现用户专用键盘 的设计[5]。

本节将向大家介绍ALIENTEK MiniSTM32开发板的各部分硬件,让大家对该开发板的各部分硬件原理有个理解。
1.2.1 MCUALIENTEK MiniSTM32选择的是STM32F103RBT6作为MCU,STM32F103的型号众多,我们选择这款的原因是看重其性价比,作为一款低端开发板,选择STM32F103RBT6是最佳的选择。
128K FLASH、20K SRAM、2个SPI、3个串口、1个USB、1个CAN、2个12位的ADC、RTC、51个可用IO脚…,这样的配置无论放到哪里都是很不错的了,更重要的是其价格,18元左右的零售价,足以秒杀很多其他芯片了,所以我们选择了它作为我们的主芯片。
MCU部分原理图如下:图1.2.1.1 MCU部分原理图上图中中上部的BOOT1用于设置STM32的启动方式,其对应启动模式如下表所示:表1.2.1.1 BOOT0、BOOT1启动模式表我们用串口下载代码,则配置BOOT0为1,BOOT1为0即可,如果想让STM32一按复位键就开始跑代码,则需要配置BOOT0为0,BOOT1随便设置都可以。

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Cust o mi z abl e V i r t u al K eyboar dIntroductionIt is becoming increasingly difficult for users to interact with the slew of portable gadgets they carry, especially in the area of text entry. Although miniature displays and keyboards make some portable devices, such as cell phones and PDAs, amazingly small, users’ hands do not shrink accordingly.To solve this problem, we proposed a Virtual Keyboard. This device will replace a physical keypad with a customizable keyboard printed on a standard A3 size paper whose “keystrokes” are read and translated to real input. This virtual keyboard can be placed on any flat surface, such as desktops, airplane tray tables, kitchen counters, etc. and can theoretically be interfaced with any computing device that requires text entry. This would eliminate the need to carry anything around and also prevent any chance of mechanical damage to the keypad in harsh environments if a simple lamination is used to protect the paper. In addition, buttons on this device can be reconfigured on-the-fly to give a new keyboard layout using a GUI we built in Java and then transferring that data to the device using a computer’s serial port.High Level DesignFigure 1: Finger shining bright red when passing through the laser planeThe Virtual Keyboard has three main components: the laser, camera, and printed keyboard. The laser beam is simply a conventional off-the-shelf red laser with a line-generating diffractive optical element attached to it. This assembly generates an invisible plane of red light hovering a few millimeters above the typing surface. When a finger passes through this plane, it shines bright red in that region.Figure 2: C3038 image sensor module mounted on a custom PCBThe CMOS camera continuously captures images of the region where the printed keyboard is supposed to be placed and checks these images for red color data above a specified threshold. The threshold concept works in this case because the laser shining on a typical human finger generates saturating values of red color data, which is very easily distinguishable from its surroundings.Figure 3: Comparing an actual keyboard with a printed keyboardLastly, the printed keyboard is simply a standard A3 size paper that contains a custom keyboard layout. After rigorous testing, we decided to use a black background and blue letters for the printed keyboard because our device doesn’t use its own light source. Therefore, proper contrast is necessary to distinguish the typing finger from the surrounding area in various lighting conditions. The actual programming of the printed keyboard layout into the device can be done using a serial port and a GUI we developed in Java. This GUI basically gives the user a blank grid of buttons and the user can choose to assign any button to any letter or number he/she desires.Software ImplementationThe software component was split into 5 main components:Implementing the I2C protocol to read and write registers from cameraReading values from camera to obtain 6 frames every secondProcessing the images to obtain a pressed keyConverting the pressed key into a scan code which is then transmitted using the PS/2 protocolSending serial data from a java application to update the array of scan codes in the Mega32Main OperationAt first we initialize PORTA on the Mega32 to take UV input from the camera and PORTC to communicate with the camera over the I2C interface. The baud rate is set to 19,200bps for serial communication. We then run the calibrate function on the camera, which looks at a black keyboard to determine a distinguishable value for red color threshold. Then we call a function called "init_cam" which performs a soft reset on the camera before writing the required values to corresponding camera registers. These registers change the frame size to 176x144, turn on auto white balance, set the frame rate to 6 fps, and set the output format to 16-bit on the Y/UV mode with Y=G G G G and UV = B R B R. The code then enters an infinite loop which checks for the status of the PS2 transmitting queue and tries to process the next captured frame if the queue is empty. If not, the queue is updated and the PS2 transmission is allowed to continue.Image ProcessingThe getRedIndex function captures rows of data from the camera and processes each of them. We first wait until a neg edge on the VSYNC, which indicates the arrival of new frame data on the UV and Y lines. We then wait for one HREF to go by since the first row of data is invalid. At this point, we can clock in 176 pixels of data for a given vertical line in the Bayer format.Figure 4: Bayer color patternIn the mode where the UV line receives BR data, the output is given by: B11 R22 B13 R24 and so on. Since we only needed red data, we stored an array of 88 values in which we captured the data on the UV line every 2 PCLKS. The OV6630 also repeats the same set of pixels for consecutive rows and thus 2 vertical lines processed would have data about the same pixels. We considered optimizing this by completely dropping data about the even rows, but this was not going to save us anything since all our processing could be done between one neg edge and a pos edge (when data becomes valid again) of HREF.Since we don’t have enough memory to store entire frames of data to process, we do the processing after each vertical line. After each vertical line of valid data, HREF stays negative for about 0.8ms and the camera data becomes invalid; this gives us ample time to process one line worth of data. After each vertical line was captured, we looped through each pixel to check if it exceeded the red threshold found during calibration. For every pixel that met this threshold, we then checked if the pixel was part of a contiguous line of red pixels, which would indicate the presence of a key press. If such a pixel was found, we then mapped this pixel to a scan code by binary searching through an array of x, y values. If this scan code was found to be valid, we debounced the key by checking for 4 continuous presses, and then added the detected key to the queue of keys to send to the PC.I2C CommunicationA very big part of our challenge was to figure out the correct configuration to use to capture and process the images from the camera. The communication protocol was not easy to work with and there were a total of about 92 registers we could use to set up the camera. At first we considered using the TWI interface provided by CodeVision to communicate with the camera, but we were unable to do so. Thus, we decided to modify and use a version developed by Ruibing Wang, which uses a lot of the TWI settings provided on the Mega32. The protocol uses a 2-wire communication scheme, which is activated by a10kOhm pull-up resistor. The clock signal to the camera is provided by the SCL line, and the frequency is given by: 16MHz / (16 + 2 x (TWBR)(4TWPS)). We decided the optimal solution would be to satisfy the minimum requirement which was to set the bit rate register (TWBR) to 72 and the status register (TWSR) to 0. The rest of the code just followed the standard protocol defined by Philips. The camera registers could be written by writing a start bit, followed by a target register address and then the target data. We had no need to read from the camera registers except in the initial phase when we had to make sure we had the protocol working properly.Camera SettingsWe decided to use a resolution of 176x144 since that was the minimum required to detect an entire A3 size paper on which the keyboard would be printed. At this resolution, we could capture at most 6 frames of color images per second. The camera output format was set to capture 16 bit UV/Y data, where UV had BRBR data and Y had GGGG data. The Y data was completely ignored.Figure 5: Screenshot of Java GUI to create custom keyboard layouts on-the-flyProgramming the EEPROMSince we wanted to be able to change the key assignments on the fly, we stored the array of scan codes corresponding to each key in EEPROM and turned on the RS-232 receive interrupt. We also wrote a java applet that was a simple GUI where the user can enter scan codes of the keys they desire and transmit it to the microcontroller through a standard COM port on the PC.Keyboard Output (PS/2)The code was structured using two timer compare interrupts where timer1 compare was used to start transmissions of each data byte and timer2 compare was used to reset the waiting. Since the protocol allows a range of frequencies that a computer would understand, we decided to use a clock time of 250 and wait time of 700. When the timer1 interrupt is fired, it transmits the bits in the following order when the clock is set to high: start bit(0), data bits, parity bit(xor of all bits), and a stop bit(1). If not, the clock state is updated. The rest of the code simply maintains a queue which would hold the elements to transmit as characters. The queue has a get and put method that updates the 2 pointers in an array. Hardware ImplementationThe three main components of our hardware design are as follows:Laser moduleCamera and its associated circuitryOuter casing for the entire deviceLaserFigure 6: Red laser module with a line-generating DOE attachedOur original plan, at the time of the project proposal, was to use an infrared laser to detect button presses using the CMOS camera, but we realized that user safety would be a major issue in that case. The user would never know even if he/she is staring directly at the laser and, therefore, there would be no way toprevent eye damage. In addition, we also realized that the CMOS camera we’re using (OV6630) is not very effective at detecting infrared light. Hence, we decided to use a Class II 635nm red laser instead.The laser module we bought came with a built-in driver; therefore, we didn’t have to worry about biasing the laser properly to make it operational. All we had to do was to connect the laser to a 3V power source, which we obtained using a simple 3V voltage regulator.Figure 7: Laser line generation calculationThe laser module also came with a line-generating diffractive optical element attached to it. However, since we didn’t know the fan-angle for this DOE, we had to experiment with various distances in order to obtain a line length of at least 8.5”, which was required to cover the entire width of our printed keypad. In the end, we had to place the laser at a distance of approximately 12.5” to obtain good results.CameraFigure 8: C3038-4928IR 1/4” Color Sensor ModuleFor this project we decided to use the C3038 1/4” color sensor module with digital output, which uses OmniVision’s CMOS image sensor OV6630. The two primary reasons why we chose this specific camera module were low cost and the fact that it is capable of outputting image color data in progressive scan mode. Progressive scanning was an important consideration for us since we don’t have enough computational power available on the 16Mhz Mega32 microcontroller to process entire frames at once; however, we can certainly process images line-by-line as they come in. After rigorous testing and a lot of research, we realized that we could work with only the red channel data from the camera and still be able to identify keystrokes accurately. Hence, we connected the 8-bit red channel output from the camera (UV[7:0]) to PORTA[7:0] on the Mega32.CasingThe hardware assembly for our device is designed to hold the camera at a fixed position such that it looks over the appropriate region of the printed keyboard. In addition, it also holds the laser module at a fixed position such that the plane of red light completely covers the area above the printed keyboard. In order to ensure that new custom-printed keyboards can be swapped in-and-out of the device while maintaining proper distances, we permanently attached a piece of black poster board of the right length to the assembly and mounted 4 photo-corners on it.Figure 9: Hardware casing for Virtual Keyboard deviceTestingKeystroke Accuracy:As a result of the limited viewing angle of the camera and positioning of the laser, we had to design and calibrate with various keypad layouts to make sure we could detect all of the buttons with reasonable accuracy. Our final design for the generic keypad and testing results (percentage accuracy) for this layout are given in Figure 3. For the testing, we tried 100 keystrokes per key and set the acceptance threshold at 70% for side areas and 80% for the central area. This means that if we can recognize a certain key accurately at least 70 or 80 times, respectively, out of the 100 times that it’s pressed, that key passes the test.Figure 10: Testing results for keystroke detection accuracyConclusionAlthough the final project was very satisfying, our results did not completely meet our expectations. The keyboard worked as we predicted but typing speed was minimal (about 60 characters per minute) due to limited processing capabilities of the Mega32 microcontroller.If we had more time, we would have liked to increase the theoretical maximum typing speed by possibly using another microcontroller in parallel or maybe even an external FPGA to do extra image processing. In addition, we would also like to include sound effects for keystrokes and a dynamic calibration algorithm which can be used to orient the custom-printed keyboard in any direction. This sort of functionality would require performing 2D image transforms on-the-fly, which is not feasible with theexisting microcontroller. Last but not least, we could certainly try to improve our current keystroke detection algorithm to improve typing accuracy.AppendixStandardsI2C-Bus Specification V ersion 2.1:Two wires in an I2C bus, serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL), carry information between the devices connected to the bus. Each device is recognized by a unique address and can operate as either a transmitter or receiver, depending on the function of the device. In addition to transmitters and receivers, devices can also be considered as masters or slaves when performing data transfers. A master is the device which initiates a data transfer on the bus and generates the clock signals to permit that transfer. At that time, any device addressed is considered a slave.PS/2 Keyboard Protocol:The PS/2 keyboard interface typically uses a bidirectional synchronous serial protocol, but for our implementation we do not need the computer (host) to communicate with the microcontroller (device). Therefore, for our purposes, the device always generates the clock signal and all data is transmitted one byte at a time. Each byte is sent in a frame consisting of 11 bits, in the following order:1 start bit. This is always 0.8 data bits, least significant bit first.1 parity bit (odd parity).1 stop bit. This is always 1.The parity bit is set to 1 if there is an even number of 1's in the data bits and set to 0 if there is an odd number of 1's in the data bits. The number of 1's in the data bits plus the parity bit always add up to an odd number (odd parity.) This is used for error detection. Data sent from the device to the host is read on the falling edge of the clock signal; the clock frequency must be in the range 10 - 16.7 kHz. This means clock must be high for 30-50 µs and low for 30-50 µs.Ethical and Legal ConsiderationsThroughout the final project, we committed ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and closely adhered to the IEEE Code of Ethics. We placed an extra emphasis on the following points mentioned in the Code of Ethics:1.To accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment.2.To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist.3.To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data.4.To improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potentialconsequences.To maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others 5.only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations.To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, 6.and to credit properly the contributions of others.To avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action.7.To assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics.8.Since we were using a Class II laser device, we always made sure to keep the laser targeted away from other individuals in the Lab. In addition, we designed an enclosure for our device such that the laser would not be visible to the user.We did not have any legal considerations since we did not use code or algorithms from other sources, did not use parts regulated by federal agencies, and did not infringe upon any existing patents. Although a commercial product similar to our device, called the “Virtual Laser Keyboard,” is currently manufactured by a company known as I-Tech, we believe that we have significantly distinguished our product such that we will not encounter any copyright issues. The commercial product is not dynamically reconfigurable,uses a red laser to project a standard QWERTY keyboard pattern onto a surface, and uses an infrared laser for keystroke detection. Our product, on the other hand, uses a customizable printed keyboard, a red laser for keystroke detection, and custom keystroke detection algorithms.SafetyFigure 11: EM radiation absorption characteristics of the human eyeThe human body is vulnerable to the output of certain lasers, and under certain circumstances, exposure can result in damage to the eye and skin. Research relating to injury thresholds of the eye and skin has been carried out in order to understand the biological hazards of laser radiation. It is now widely accepted that the human eye is almost always more vulnerable to injury than human skin. The cornea (the clear,outer front surface of the eye’s optics), unlike the skin, does not have an external layer of dead cells to protect it from the environment. Hence, the cornea absorbs the laser energy and may be damaged. The figure below illustrates the absorption characteristics of the eye for different laser wavelength regions.Since we only used a Class II laser in this project and provided a proper enclosure for the device such that it isn’t directly visible to the user, special protection is not required for normal users. People with sensitive eyesight or other severe vision problems, however, might want to take some precautionary measures and should not use the device for extended periods of time. In addition, users are strongly advised not to look directly into the laser beam at any time.BudgetOur total budget for this project was $75.00, and we easily managed to keep our costs less than that.PARTCOST SOURCE Total $48.41--RS-232 Serial Port$1.00ECE 476 Digital Lab MAX233CPP--Sampled Red LED--ECE 476 Digital Lab Jumpers--ECE 476 Digital LabPART COST SOURCESurface mount capacitors, resistors--ECE 476 Digital Lab16 MHz Crystal Oscillator--ECE 476 Digital LabLM340T5 V oltage Regulator--SampledSlide Switch--ECE 476 Digital LabAtmel A TMega32$8.00ECE 476 Digital Lab40 pin DIP Socket$2.00ECE 476 Digital Lab8 pin DIP Socket$0.40ECE 476 Digital Lab635nm Laser$8.00Ebay9V Power supply--ECE 476 Digital LabOV6630 CMOS Camera$25.03Electronics123PS/2 cable and USB adapter--Previously ownedPoster board$3.99WalmartWood--ScrapTotal$48.41--T ask DistributionNaweed Paya:Solder prototype board and C3088 camera moduleCamera implementationDesign and assemble hardware casingPS/2 communicationTesting and debuggingFinal reportV enkat Ganesh:Laser and camera implementationJava appletI2C communicationTesting and debuggingFinal reportAcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Prof. Bruce Land and the ECE 476 staff for their continual support, insightful comments, and suggestions which altogether made this project possible. We would also like to thank Ruibing Wang, an ECE M. Eng student at Cornell University, for his assistance in getting the I2C protocol to work. This protocol was necessary to communicate with the camera, and was therefore an integralcomponent of our project.In addition, we would like to reference two past ECE 476 projects. To get an initial idea of the camerasettings required for proper operation of the OV6630 camera using a Mega32 microcontroller, we lookedat the camera implementation in the project titled “Autonomous SearchBot” by John and Diego. Inaddition, we used the “Wireless Keyboard” project by Luke Hejnar and Sean Leventhal as an example toimplement the PS/2 keyboard protocol using a Mega32 microcontroller.第11页 共11页2010/3/13 10:38。

激光虚拟键盘的设计与实现蔡睿妍【摘要】随着计算机技术的发展和移动设备的普及,传统的机械式键盘已经不能够满足用户的需要,本文基于激光投影、红外激光定位和图像分析技术,提出了激光虚拟键盘系统的设计,阐述了其工作原理,建立了实验系统,验证了系统的可靠性和稳定性,实验证明,该系统不仅可以应用到移动设备中,也可以应用到医疗和工业控制领域.%With the development of computer technology and the popularity of mobile devices, traditional mechanical keyboard can no longer meet the needs of various users. This paper presents the design scheme of a laser virtual keyboard based on laser projection, infrared laser positioning and image analysis techniques. Its working principle is introduced. Experimental system is built. The reliability and stability of the system are verified. This system could not only be applied to mobile devices,but also be applied to the medical and industrial control fields.【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2012(042)008【总页数】4页(P875-878)【关键词】虚拟键盘;激光投影;图像处理;目标检测与跟踪【作者】蔡睿妍【作者单位】大连大学信息工程学院,辽宁大连116622【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN219随着计算机技术的发展和普及,键盘作为计算机的重要输入设备,一直以来扮演着不可替代的角色。

关键词:激光笔;激光键盘;失真校正;STM32中图分类号:TP399文献标志码:A文章编号:1006-8228(2018)03-27-04DesignandrealizationoflaserpendonSTM32portablelaser keyboardFangHaisheng,LiZhongzhi,FeiYuxiao,GuoJifeng(NortheastForestryUniversityCollegeofInformationan dComputerEngineering,Harbin,Heilongjiang150000,China)Abstract:Withtherapiddevelopmentofeducation,teachingdemonstrationismoreandmorecommon,buttheordinarylaserpointerisfarfrommeetingtheneeds. Inordertolettheusermaximizetheadvantagesofbodylangu agewhileteachingandpresenting,ontheinconvenienceofusingthemousetostudyalaserpoint erwithaportablelaserkeyboarddesignisnecessary.Inthi spaper,thetraditionalgeometricdistortioncorrectionalgorith misstudied,andadifferentanglecorrectionalgorithmisproposed.don this,asetofexperimentalapparatusisconstructed,andtheexperimentshowsthattheeffectisgood.Keywords:laserpen;laserkeyboard;distortioncorrection;STM320引言目前投影機在教育、培训、商务展示行业遭遇了“应用危机”,问题是在多媒体教学普及的过程中,普遍存在如何引进现代化教学设备和老师们的课堂教学习惯有机结合的问题。
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该虚拟键盘设备需要满足: 高亮度,可在正常室内照明环境下,显示出清晰的键盘图像; 高稳定性和安全性,可长
时间稳定运行,不对人体造成伤害; 满足低成本,便于推广的要求,从而替代传统的机
2 主控芯片的介绍
3 OV7670摄像头电路
SIO_C---SCCB 接口的控制时钟
由于采用了FIFO 做为数据缓冲,数据采集大大简便,用户只需要关心是如何读取即可,不需要关心具体数据是如何采集到的,这样可减小甚至不用关心CMOS的控制以及时序关系,就能够实现图像的采集。
方便的使用在单片机上,另外一个好处是,可以直接IO口读取数据,读出的数据可以直接送屏,也可以经过 MCU 简单处理;当然也可以不经过MCU,直接送到
HC-05 嵌入式蓝牙串口通讯模块(以下简称模块)具有两种工作模式:命令
应工作模式时能执行下述所有AT 命令,用户可向模块发送各种AT 指令,为模块
[1]刘火良杨森,STM32库开发实战指南 [M]机械工业出版社,2016
[2]王久鹏漆晶王小平. 激光投影虚拟键盘的研究与设计[J].电视技术,2016,04
[3]王芳基于微型投影及视觉感知的虚拟键盘技术研究[D] 杭州电子科技大学,2015。