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1.What is this? It’s_____ V.

A. a

B. an

C. \

D. the

C. V在此处为专用名词,其前不用任何冠词。

2. There is _____ f in the word family.

A. a

B. an

C. \ D . the

B. f在此处作普通名词用,且为元音因素开头,故用定冠词an

3.This is my_____ book.

A. a

B. an

C. the


D. 单数可数名词用在句子或短语中前应加冠词,但其前有形容词性物主代词,指示代词等时,不用冠词。

4 ---______ your name Bob? --- Yes, I am Bob.

A. Am

B. Are

C. Is

D. Be

C. 此题的主语为your name 是物且为第三人称单数故选C.

5. I have a love dog. _____ dog is very clever.

A. An

B. A

C. \

D. The

D. 上文提到的物,下文再次出现要用定冠词the.

6. ---You look very beautiful. --- _____.

A. Ok

B. Yes, I am

C. Thank you

D. No, I’m not

C. 对于他人的表扬,要用thank you 回答。

7.Look at the wall. Some picture are ____ it.

A. on

B. in

C. to

D. at

A. On在墙表面上,in 指进入内部。另in the tree 指外来的东西在树上,on the tree 指树上与生俱有.

8.---_____you ____ a ping-pong ball?

A. Are need

B. Do need

C. Is needs

D. Does needs

B. need在此处为实义动词,且主语为第二人称,故用do构成问句。

.9. _____ my English teacher, Miss Miller.

A. She is

B. He are

C. This is

D. This are

C. 这是介绍人或物的句型,复数用these are.

10. Bob’s ruler is_______.

A. green

B. color

C. in red

D. a green

A. 颜色的单词用在be动词后作表语不必加a/an, 如作定语后跟名词单数则加a/an.

11.What do you like for breakfast? ___________.

A. Two piece of bread

B. Two pieces of bread

C. Two pieces of breads

D. Two piece of breads.

B. 不可数名词的数量用数量短语表示,其量词是可数的,故用复数。Bread没有复数形式。

12. I love the two ________(苹果树) behind our school.

apple trees. 由两个名词构成的复合名词短语的复数形式为前一个名词不变,后一个加s/es. 除man/woman 外。由man/woman构成的两者都要变。

13. There are 12 ______(女教师) in our school.

women teachers . 解析同上。

14. Maths _____ is my favorite subject.

A .am B. is C. are D. were

B. 有些名词以s 结尾,但不是复数,学科名词多属此类如physics 物理politics 政治。应把它们作为单数看。15.How many ______ can you see in the picture?

A. tomatos

B. tomatoes

C. tomato

D. the tomato

B. 用how many 提问时,其后接名词复数形式,而tomato后加-es .类似还有potato,hero 等。

16.My trousers _____(be) old, but this pair of trousers ____(be) new.

are is 主语trousers为复数因此动词用复数形式,但此类名词如与a pair of 连用时,动词与pair 保持一致。

17.There ____ a bag of milk on the desk and there _____ two pieces of bread on it.

A .is is B. is are C. are is D. are are

B. 数词或冠词+名词+of +不可数名词的结构中,由of前的名词决定该词组的单复数。

18. British people eat ____a lot, and they are cooked in different ways.

A. potato

B. potatoes

C. beef

D. chicken

B. 根据后句中的they可知前句中需要复数食品,故B 符合题意。

19. There are two baskets of _______(苹果), a bag of _______(梨子)and two bottle of ________ (水)outside the door. Who put them there?

apples pears water 可数名词使用数词或冠词+名词+of +可数名词来表达数量,可数名词要用复数。

20.Here_____ two photos of my sister.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

C 此句为倒装句,主语为two photos of my sister。

21.I like apples and I eat _______ for lunch. He likes bread but he doesn’t eat ____for lunch.

A. it it

B. they it

C. them it

D. it them

C. 人称代词用在动词后要用宾格,且apple为复数形式故用them,bread为不可数名词用it.

22. I have some bread in my school-bag.(划线提问)

How much bread do you have in your school-bag ?

对不可数名词的数量提问how much 后接不可数名词,而对可数名词的数量提问则用how many 后接可数名词复数形式如There is a book on the desk.----How many books are there on the desk?

23. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different ____.

A. classes

B. school

C. grade

D. age

A different后接名词复数形式, 故选A。

24. 4. —____ Wang Fang have two small eyes?

—No, she has two big eyes.

A. Does

B. Do

C. Is

D. Are

A 行为动词have, has的疑问句分别由do, does引导。have由do引导;has由does引导, 且has变为原形have, 故选A。

25. —Look, the girl has long legs.


right. B. Yes, she is. C. Tha nks. D. Good.

A 句意是“看, 这个女孩有一双长腿”,根据题意, B、C、D选项不合题意。That’s right.

, 译为“对, 正确”,故选A.

26.There are three _______ in my family.

B. person

C. peoples

D. child

A 本题考查名词单复数形式的运用。people的单复数同形;person的复数形式应是


27. —That’s my bag. Please ____.
