



产品特性支持8个10/100M以太网M12接口,2个1000M光口或2个10/100/1000M电口(M12)符合轨道交通EN50155标准,M12航空插头接口设计支持MR-Ring快速环网(自愈时间<20ms),兼容STP/RSTP/MSTP生成树协议支持QoS,基于端口的流量监管,WRR、DRR、SP、队列调度算法、报文的802.1p支持bypass功能可选满足工业4级电磁兼容性,IP54等级,无风扇设计产品概述MIES-5710系列产品是一款二层千兆工业以太网交换机,配置了8个10/100M以太网接口,2个1000M光口或2个10/100/1000M M12电口。

该交换机提供丰富的功能:支持MR-ring 环网协议,兼容STP/RSTP/MSTP、基于端口的VLAN、基于802.1Q的VLAN、QOS、IGMP Snooping、广播风暴抑制、端口聚合、端口镜像、端口状态管理等。






产品参数属性MIES-5710接口8个1O/1OOM自适应以太网电口,M12接口2个1000M光口或2个10/100/1000M M12电口以太网口速率和距离1O/1OO/1000M自适应双绞线,最大传输距离100m光口属性及传输距离单模1310nm,多模850nm;单模20km,多模550m(长距离模块可定制)背板带宽 5.6Gbps包转发速率 4.6Mpps包缓存区2MbitMAC表支持8K个MAC地址VLAN支持基于端口的VLAN(4096个),802.1QVLAN支持GVRP二层环网协议支持MR-ring(自愈时间<20ms)支持STP/RSTP/MSTP自愈环组网方式支持多组自愈环支持相切环端口聚合支持静态聚合支持LACP动态聚合DHCP DHCP Client DHCP Relay DHCP Server端口镜像支持流镜像支持本地镜像组播支持IGMP Snooping v1/v2/v3,MLD Snooping v1支持IGMP v3QoS 支持对端口接收报文的速率和发送报文的速率进行限制支持CAR(Committed Access Rate)功能支持每个端口支持8个输出队列支持灵活的队列调度算法,可以同时基于端口和队列进行设置支持SP、WRR、SP+WRR三种模式ACL 支持L2(Layer2)~L4(Layer4)包过滤功能,提供基于源MAC地址、目的MAC地址、源IP(IPv4)地址、目的IP(IPv4)地址、TCP/UDP 端口号的流分类NTP<10ms网络安全支持用户分级管理和口令保护支持802.1X认证支持RADIUS认证支持端口隔离支持动态ARP检测支持IP/Port/MAC的绑定功能管理与维护支持FTP/TFTP加载升级支持命令行接口(CLI)配置支持Telnet远程配置支持通过Console口配置支持SNMP v1/v2/v3支持系统日志,分级告警,调试信息输出支持Ping风暴抑制可分别对广播、组播、未知单播速率控制指示灯电源指示,接口灯指示电源输入电压:AC/DC85~265V支持过载保护,反接保护,冗余保护最大功耗:10W工作环境工作温度:-40℃~+75℃储存温度:-40℃~85℃相对湿度:5%~95%无凝露安装方式DIN 桌面式/壁挂式安装外形尺寸宽×高×深:180×73×248mm 防护等级IP 54防护等级,无风扇设计MTBF350,000小时质保期5年符合标准IEEE802.3:CSMA/CDIEEE802.3i:10Base-TIEEE802.3u:100Base-TIEEE802.3z:1000Base-LXIEEE 802.3ad:链路聚合IEEE 802.3x:全双工以太网数据链路层流控IEEE 802.1p:流量优先级IEEE 802.1Q:VLANIEEE 802.1w:快速生成树IEEE 802.1X:基于端口的网络访问控制铁路电气标准EN50155EMI 电磁干扰度测试EMCIEC61000-4-2(ESD)±8kV(contact),±15kV(air)IEC61000-4-3(RS)10V/m(80MHz~2GHz)IEC61000-4-4(EFT)Power Port:±4kV;Data Port:±2kVIEC61000-4-5(Surge)Power Port:±2kV/DM,±4kV/CM;Data Port:±2kVIEC61000-4-6(CS)3V(10kHz~150kHz);10V(150kHz~80MHz)IEC61000-4-16(共模传导)30V(cont.),300V(1s)安装图示订货信息产品型号规格参数MIES-5710M8个10/100M 以太网口,2个1000M 多模光口或2个10/100/1000M 电口(M12连接器),输入电压:AC/DC85~265V MIES-5710S 8个10/100M 以太网口,2个1000M 单模光口或2个10/100/1000M 电口(M12连接器),输入电压:AC/DC85~265V上海兆越通讯技术有限公司创立于 2003 年,是国家科技部创新基金立项企业;公司致力于工业通信的产品研发与技术创新,专注于工业以太网通信、工业无线通信、现场总线、光纤通信、嵌入式通信,目前已成功推出数十条产品线、几百种产品,已成为国内工业通信领域的品牌。

tnm4000工业交换机 参数

tnm4000工业交换机 参数

1. 端口数量,TNM4000工业交换机通常具有多个端口,包括以太网端口和光纤端口,以满足不同工业场景的需求。

2. 速率,交换机的速率通常以吞吐量来衡量,TNM4000工业交换机的吞吐量可能在不同型号间有所不同,通常会有各种速率可供选择。

3. 支持的协议,TNM4000工业交换机可能支持多种网络通信协议,包括但不限于TCP/IP、UDP、ICMP等,以满足工业设备之间的通信需求。

4. 工作温度范围,工业环境通常具有较为苛刻的工作条件,TNM4000工业交换机通常具有较宽的工作温度范围,能够适应不同的工业场景。

5. 防护等级,工业交换机需要具备较高的防护等级,以应对工

6. 管理方式,TNM4000工业交换机可能支持远程管理、WEB管理、SNMP管理等多种管理方式,以方便工程师对网络进行监控和管理。

7. 其他特性,如支持VLAN、QoS、环路检测、静态路由等功能,以及设备的尺寸、重量、供电方式等参数。


RS2010-2GF8GT-POE 工业以太网交换机使用说明书

RS2010-2GF8GT-POE 工业以太网交换机使用说明书









下联电口支持IEEE802.3af/IEEE802.3at标准POE 供电。


1.2.产品特点主要端口:提供千兆光口,千兆电口,电口支持10/100/1000Mbps自适应;电源特性:DC9-60V AC110-240V支持双电源输入,防反接保护功能;传输距离:电口0-100米;光口20km符合标准:IEEE802.3,IEEE802.3u,,IEEE802.3ab,IEEE802.3z,IEEE802.3af,IEEE802.3at 标准;安防抗扰:出色的防雷、防静电和抗电磁干扰能力,支持1路继电器告警输出;外观结构:IP40等级防护,高强度铝壳,DIN卡轨式安装,无风扇,低功耗设计;采用无风扇、低功耗设计,正常功耗不超过30W;整机更可达-40℃~+85℃的超宽工作温度范围。



网管型工业以太网交换机 WISE6800系列6电口/2光口网管型工业以太网交换机·冗余自愈以太网(全负荷状态下恢复时间 <300 毫秒)·支持 QoS, IGMP snooping/GMRP, VLAN, LACP, RMON,port, Trunking ,snmp广播风暴抑制功能·产品的工作温度范围可达-35°C ~75°C概述:WISE6800卡轨式交换机具有2个上联冗余的10/100Mbit/s的双绞线光口,可以组成自愈环网,提高系统可靠性。


WISE6800产品除了具有基于WEB网络管理系统外还可具有支持SNMP统一网管系统,对整个网络的交换机显现集中监控一.特点:a.高级工业联网能力:·即插即用,快速以太网环冗余技术(FAR-Ring,恢复时间<300ms)和RSTP(IEEE802.1W)能力·IGMP Snooping和GMRP用于过滤工业以太网协议中的多播流量·支持基于端口的VLAN、IEEE802.1Q VLAN和GVRP协议,使网络规划简单易行·支持802.3ad,LACP及Port Trunking ,最大化带宽利用·支持Qos---IEEE 802.1p/1Q和TOS/DiffServ,增加决定权·Port Trunking用于优化带宽利用·RMON功能提供有效的监视和预测能力·SNMP V1/V2C/V3适用不同安全级别的网络管理·支持IEEE802.1X和SSL,增强网络的安全性·支持SNMP网管协议,通过统一网管软件对交换机进行监控和管理b.针对工业应用的设计:·带宽管理能够预防不可预计的网络意外状况·端口锁定只允许授权MAC地址访问网络·端口镜像功能可用于在线调试·通过继电器输出可实现自动报警功能·数字输入接口可将传感器和警报与IP网络结合为一体·在线连接快速恢复(专利申请中)·冗余双直流电源输入·-35至75°C操作温度范围·长距离传输40km或者80 km·IP 40防护等级,波纹式高强度铝制外壳·DIN-Rail导轨安装·可通过Web浏览器,Telnet/Serial控制口,Windows组件进行配置·发送Ping命令以判断网络的连通性二.规格a.技术:b.接口:c.光纤:d.电源:e.机械性能:f.工作环境:g.通过认证:订购信息:LEC-3200LEC3200 19’@2U嵌入式通讯管理机Inte Atom N270嵌入工业控制器,带5×LAN,18×COM,1×DVI-I特点∙板载Atom N270 1.6GHz CPU∙最大支持到2G DDR2∙DVI-I显示,通过转换接头支持VGA显示∙电磁隔离保护∙5×LAN,10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45功能∙18×RS-232/422/485∙PCI-104插槽,4×USB 2.0∙交直流电源,开关控制,电源及IDE指示灯状态显示∙支持 Windows XP Embedded及Linux解决方案∙无风扇设计LEC-3200是一款针对产业应用所开发的高性能嵌入式工控机。

积成电子 iES-S2026B 系列工业以太网交换机 产品说明书

积成电子 iES-S2026B 系列工业以太网交换机 产品说明书
基本配置........................................................................................................................ 5 基本信息.................................................................................................................... 5 管理参数.................................................................................................................... 7 CSD 离线配置......................................................................................................... 12 其他配置.................................................................................................................. 15
1.2 装置特点
全面工作状态指示灯,提供各个端口的活动信号以及运行、告警信号指 示;
采用“前后面板显示,后面板接线”结构,适合电力行业使用; 全面符合 IEEE802.3 和 IEEE802.3u、IEEE 3z 等标准,并支持 VLAN
iES-S2026B 系列工业以太网交换机充分考虑了工业应用环境中的各种恶劣 条件和干扰因素,借助高性能的 ASIC 芯片,提供大容量的数据交换能力,实现 对 GOOSE、采样值等关键控制报文在拥塞情况下的无丢包、实时性要求,适用 于智能及传统变电站工业控制系统、综合自动化系统和电厂监控系统等多个领 域。

SICOM3000A-LITE 工业以太网交换机 硬件安装手册说明书

SICOM3000A-LITE 工业以太网交换机 硬件安装手册说明书






Copyright © 2019Kyland Technology Co., Ltd.安全使用须知本产品在设计使用范围内具有良好可靠的性能,但需要避免人为对设备造成的损害或破坏。
















博维亚讯RugNet IES1005工业以太网交换机产品说明书

博维亚讯RugNet IES1005工业以太网交换机产品说明书

RugNet IES1005工业以太网交换机产品说明书版本:V1.0博维亚讯公司网站: 博维亚讯客户服务中心:************博维亚讯客户服务中心传真:************博维亚讯总部接待处地址:北京市昌平区北京龙祥制版集团工业园2号院3号楼3层前言免责声明:由于产品版本升级或其它原因,本手册内容会不定期进行更新。








谨记以下几点安全提醒:不要将设备放置和安装在接近水源或潮湿的地方;不要在电源电缆上放任何东西,应将其放在不易接触的地方;为避免引起火灾, 不要将电缆打结或覆盖;确保设备接地良好,电源接头以及其它设备连接件应互相连接牢固,定期检查;请注意保持光纤接头的清洁。





2个可以组成电口自愈的100 Mbit/s电口。


2个可以组成电口自愈的100 Mbit/s电口。



提供24V 电源冗余,增强了网络及系统的可靠性。




设备参数◆ 2端口为100Mbit/s的光口,2可组环的电口,支持解环自愈功能。

◆ 4端口为10/100Base-T/TX的电口,带屏蔽RJ-45,支持自动协商功能。


◆系统传输距离:多模大于-20dbm,传输距5km单模大于-13dbm,传输距离0~60km◆系统冗余倒换时间:小于300ms◆存储转发速率:148810 PPS◆ MAC地址表:8K◆供电方式:18~36V冗余直流电源输入◆系统功耗:小于8W◆运行温度:-35℃~+75℃◆运行温度:10%~95%◆储存湿度:-45℃-+85℃◆ EMC:EN61000-6-2、EN55022、FCCpart15◆机械结构:142×55.4×120.5(高×宽×深)(mm3)◆ IP40防护等级,铝制外壳,无风扇设计◆ DIN导轨式或壁挂式安装AOBO 5系列自愈环工业以太网交换机产品简介:AOBO 5系列自愈环工业以太网交换机 通过奥博通信独有的ABRing® 快速自愈环技术,AOBO 5系列自愈环工业以太网交换机能够提供得到可靠冗余保护的通信连接,适用于更高可靠要求的工业应用环境。



Data Sheet Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Layer 2/Layer 3 Series SwitchesProduct overviewThe Cisco® Industrial Ethernet 3000 Series (IE 3000 Series) is a family of Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches that bring Cisco’s leadership in switching to Industrial Ethernet applic ations with Innovative features, robust security, and superior ease of use. The Cisco IE 3000 Series features:●Industrial design and compliance●Tools for easy deployment, management, and replacement●Network security based on open standards●Integration of IT and industrial automation networksThe Cisco IE 3000 Series is an ideal product for Industrial Ethernet applications, including factory automation, energy and process control, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs).The Cisco IE 3000 offers:●Design for Industrial Ethernet applications, including extended environmental, shock/vibration, and surgeratings; a complete set of power input options; convection cooling; and DIN-rail or 19” rack mounting●Support for Power over Ethernet (PoE) up to 15.4W per port●Support for Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) for the PoE+ capable devices up to 30W per port●Easy setup and management using Cisco DNA TM Center software and the Cisco Device Manager webinterface and supporting tools, including Cisco Network Assistant (CNA) and Cisco Prime LMS 4.2●Easy switch replacement using removable memory, allowing the user to replace a switch without having toreconfigure●High availability, guaranteed determinism, and reliable security using Cisco IOS® Software●Recommended software configurations for industrial applications that can be applied at the touch of abutton●Compliance to a wide range of Industrial Ethernet specifications covering industrial automation, ITS,substation, railway, and other markets●Support for IEEE1588v2, a precision timing protocol with nanosecond-level precision for high-performanceapplications●Improved ring resiliency with the support of Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP)●Transparent IT integration with the support of Layer 3 routing protocols (IP Services)●PROFINET v2 certification, with PROFINET conformance class B compliance●ABB Industrial IT certificationConfigurationsThe Cisco IE 3000 Series software, based on Cisco IOS Software, is a rich suite of intelligent services, supportinghigh availability, Quality of Service (QoS), and security features.The Cisco IE 3000 Series includes the products listed in Table 1.Table 1.Cisco IE 3000 SwitchesCisco IE-3000-4TCCisco IE-3000-4TC-E Cisco IE-3000-8TCCisco IE-3000-8TC-E Cisco IEM-3000-8TM=Cisco IEM-3000-8FM= Cisco PWR-IE50W-AC= Cisco PWR-IE50W-AC-IEC= Cisco IEM-3000-4SM= Cisco IEM-3000-8SM=Cisco IEM-3000-4PC=Cisco IEM-3000-4PC-4TC=Cisco PWR-IE65W-PC-AC=Cisco PWR-IE65W-PC-DC=Industrial Ethernet applicationsThe new Cisco IE 3000 Series is an ideal product for a variety of Industrial Ethernet applications:●Industrial automation: The Cisco IE 3000 is designed to support a wide array of Industrial Ethernetprotocols for automation. The Cisco IE 3000 features a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) form-factor design with extended environmental ratings, convection cooling, DIN-rail mounting, redundant 24VDCpower input, alarm relays, and surge/noise immunity. The Cisco IE 3000 software and configuration tools allow for easy setup, optimized for Industrial Ethernet applications (for example, EtherNet/IP). Multicast control, traffic prioritization, and security features are specified in default templates recommended for these protocols.●ITS: The Cisco IE 3000 supports ITS and other applications for outdoor video and traffic or transportationsystems control. The switch supports compliance to NEMA TS-2, a variety of gigabit fiber uplinks, and AC and DC power input options, while Cisco IOS Software supports critical ITS features, including virtual LAN (VLAN), QoS, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping, and security Access Control Lists (ACLs).●Substations: The Cisco IE 3000 is fully compliant to substation automation specifications, includingIEC61850 and IEEE1613. The switch supports high-speed ring recovery; fiber access and uplink ports; AC, DC, and a variety of power input options for the substation environments.●Other applications: The Cisco IE 3000 can be deployed in railway, military, Metro Ethernet, and otherapplications requiring unique environmental, form factor, or power inputs in harsh environments.Table 2 gives the features and benefits of the Cisco IE 3000 Series. Table 3 gives the hardware specifications, and Table 4 gives the power specifications. Table 5 gives details on DNA Essentials license support, Table 6 lists supported optics, and Table 7 provides safety and compliance information.Table 2. Features and benefits of Cisco IE 3000 SeriesDesigned for industrial applications ●Extended temperature, vibration, shock and surge, and noise immunity ratings comply to specifications for automation, ITS, and substation environments.●Compact, PLC-style form factor is ideal for deployment in industrial environments.●DIN-rail, wall, and 19” rack mount opt ions allow for deployments in a variety of control systems.●Variety of power input options covers a wide range of power requirements for Industrial Ethernet applications.●Up to 300 deployment configurations, supporting a range of access port densities, copper and fiber uplinks, fiber access ports, and power input, deliver flexibility in deployment.●Support for SFP modules provides uplink connectivity supporting 100BASE-LX, 100BASE-FX, 1000BASE- SX, 1000BASE-LX, and 1000BASE-ZX options.●Alarm relay contacts can be used for an external alert system.Ease of deployment, management, and replacementCisco DNA™Center enables centralized network management with automation and assurance features. Cisco IE 3000 Series supports DNA Essentials subscription licenses with 3- and 5-year term options.https:///c/en/us/products/cloud-systems-management/dna-center/datasheet-listing.html●Cisco Express Setup simplifies initial configuration with a web browser, eliminating the need for more complex terminal emulation programs.●Cisco Smartports templates provide the option to apply a default global or interface-level macro with a recommended configuration, allowing the user to easily set up the switch in a configuration optimized for the specific application.●Smartports templates for EtherNet/IP provide an optimized setup for these Industrial Ethernet protocols at the touch of a button.●Swappable Flash memory is ideal for quick and easy switch replacement. Memory can be moved from one switch to another, so a switch can be replaced without the need to reconfigure software features.●The Cisco IE 3000 can be managed by PROFINET based management tools. The IE 3000 has PROFINET v2 certification, with PROFINET conformance class B compliance.●Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) (v1/v2/v3) support allows for management using traditionalIT-based management tools, including CiscoWorks.●Device Manager allows web-based switch configurations.●DHCP port-based allocation retains the IP address on a per port basis and simplifies the end-host replacement in an industrial setting.●HTTPS access●Embedded Event Manager (EEM) provides real-time network event detection and on board automation●Cisco Network Assistant (CNA) is a no-charge, Windows-based application that simplifies the administration of networks of up to 250 users. It supports the Cisco IE 3000 and a wide range of Cisco Catalyst® intelligent switches. With CNA, users can manage Cisco Catalyst switches and launch the device managers of Cisco integrated services routers and Cisco Aironet® WLAN access points. Configuration wizards need just a few user inputs to automatically configure the switch to optimally handle different types of traffic: control, voice, video, multicast, and high-priority data. For detailed CNA support information, please go tohttps:///en/US/products/ps5931/prod_release_notes_list.html●Cisco Prime LMS support. For detailed information, please go tohttps:///en/US/products/ps11200/products_device_support_tables_list.htmlAvailability and scalability ●Virtual LANs (VLANs) allow for logical segmentation for a network for optimal use of bandwidth.●802.1q trunking.●QoS classifies and prioritizes data, guaranteeing determinism for mission-critical data.●IGMPv3 snooping provides fast client joins and leaves of multicast streams and limits bandwidth-intensivetraffic to only the requestors. An additional querier allows this operation in a Layer 2 only environment.●IGMP filtering provides multicast authentication by filtering out no subscribers and limits the number ofconcurrent multicast streams available per port.●Per-port broadcast, multicast, and unicast storm control prevents faulty end stations from degrading overallsystems performance.●IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol support for redundant backbone connections and loop-free networkssimplifies network configuration and improves fault tolerance.●EtherChannel LACP support for quick recovery and bandwidth utilization.●FlexLinks for fast recovery.●Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is supported to create redundant, failsafe routing topologies.●Resilient Ethernet Protocol, scalable up to 130 nodes with a very fast convergence, 50ms.Security ●IEEE 802.1x with VLAN assignment, guest VLAN, and voice VLAN allows dynamic port-based security,providing user authentication.●Port-based ACLs for Layer 2 interfaces allow application of security policies on individual switch ports.●MAC address filtering prevents the forwarding of any type of packet with a matching MAC address.●Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol v2 and SNMPv3 provide network security by encrypting administrator trafficduring Telnet and SNMP sessions. SSHv2 and the cryptographic version of SNMPv3 require a specialcryptographic software image because of U.S. export restrictions.●TACACS+ and RADIUS authentication enable centralized control of the switch and restrict unauthorizedusers from altering the configuration.●MAC address notification allows administrators to be notified of users added to or removed from the network.●Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping allows administrators to help ensure consistentmapping of IP to MAC addresses. This can be used to prevent attacks that attempt to poison the DHCPbinding database and to rate limit the amount of DHCP traffic that enters a switch port.●DHCP Interface Tracker (Option 82) augments a host IP address request with the switch port ID.●Port security secures the access to an access or 802.1q trunk port based on MAC address.●After a specific time frame, the aging feature removes the MAC address from the switch to allow anotherdevice to connect to the same port.●Trusted Boundary provides the ability to trust the QoS priority settings if an IP phone is present and to disablethe trust setting if the IP phone is removed, thereby preventing a malicious user from overriding prioritizationpolicies in the network.●Up to 512 ACLs are supported, with two profiles: Security (384 Security ACL entries and 128 QoS policies)and QoS (128 Security ACL entries and 384 QoS polices).●Cisco standard and extended IP security router ACLs define security policies on routed interfaces for control-plane and data-plane traffic.●Dynamic ARP Inspection helps ensure user integrity by preventing malicious users from exploiting theinsecure nature of the ARP protocol.●DHCP Snooping prevents malicious users from spoofing a DHCP server and sending out bogus addresses.This feature is used by other primary security features to prevent a number of other attacks such as ARPpoisoning.●IP source guard prevents a malicious user from spoofing or taking over another user's IP address by creatinga binding table between client's IP and MAC address, port, and VLAN.●Support for private VLANs and SXP (SGT Exchange Protocol).High-performance IP routing ●Inter-VLAN IP routing for full Layer 3 routing between 2 or more VLANs.●Basic IP unicast routing protocols (static, Routing Information Protocol Version 1 [RIPv1], RIPv2 and RIPng).●Advanced IP unicast routing protocols (Open Shortest Path First [OSPF], Interior Gateway Routing Protocol[IGRP], Enhanced IGRP [EIGRP], Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 [BGPv4], and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System [IS-IS]) are supported for load balancing and constructing scalable LANs.●Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) for IP multicast routing is supported, including PIM sparse mode(PIM- SM), PIM Dense Mode (PIM-DM), and PIM sparse-dense mode.●Cisco Express Forwarding hardware routing architecture delivers extremely high-performance IP routing.●IPv6 routing (OSPFv6 and EIGRPv6) support in hardware for maximum performance.●Policy-Based Routing (PBR) allows superior control by facilitating flow redirection regardless of the routingprotocol configured.●HSRP provides dynamic load balancing and failover for routed links; up to 32 HSRP links supported per unit.●Support for 1000 multicast groups.●VRF-Lite virtualization.Table 3. Cisco IE 3000 Series switch hardwarePerformance ●Wire-speed switching, 16 Gbps switching fabric●Forwarding rate based on 64-byte packets: 6.5 Mpps●128 MB DRAM●64 MB Compact Flash memory●Configurable up to 8000 MAC addresses (Layer 2)●Configurable up to 2000 MAC addresses (Layer 3)●Configurable up to 256 IGMP multicast groups (Layer 2)●Configurable up to 1000 IGMP groups and multicast routes (Layer 3)●Configurable up to 3,000 unicast routes (Layer 3)●Support jumbo frames up to 9018 bytes on Gigabit uplink port and mini-jumbo frame (system MTU) up to1998 bytes on both 10/100 and 10/100/1000 portsConnectors and cabling ●10BASE-T ports: RJ-45 connectors, two-pair Category 3, 4, or 5 Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) cabling●100BASE-TX ports: RJ-45 connectors, two-pair Category 5 UTP cabling●1000BASE-T ports: RJ-45 connectors, four-pair Category 5 UTP cabling●1000BASE-SX, -LX/LH, -ZX SFP-based ports: LC fiber connectors (single/multimode fiber)●100BASE-LX10, -FX: LC fiber connectors (single/multimode fiber)Indicators ●Per-port status LED: Link integrity, disabled, activity, speed, full-duplex indications●System-status LED: System, link status, link duplex, link speed, indicationsDimensions (H x W x D) ●Cisco IE-3000-4TC, Cisco IE-3000-4TC-E: 6.0”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (152mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IE-3000-8TC, Cisco IE-3000-8TC-E: 6.0”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (152mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IEM-3000-8TM=: 3.5”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (89mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IEM-3000-8FM=: 3.5”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (89mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IEM-3000-4SM=: 3.5”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (89mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IEM-3000-8SM=: 3.5”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (89mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IEM-3000-4PC=: 3.5”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (89mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco IEM-3000-4PC-4TC=: 3.5”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (89mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco PWR-IE50W-AC=: 2.0”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (51mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco PWR-IE50W-AC-IEC=: 2.0”W x 5.8”H x 4.4”D (51mm W x 147mm H x 112mm D)●Cisco PWR-IE65W-PC-AC=: 2.6”W x 5.9”H x 4.6”D (66mm W x 150mm H x 117mm D)●Cisco PWR-IE65W-PC-DC=: 2.6”W x 5.9”H x 4.6”D (66mm W x 150mm H x 117mm D)Weight ●Cisco IE-3000-4TC, Cisco IE-3000-4TC-E: 4.4 lb (2.0 kg)●Cisco IE-3000-8TC, Cisco IE-3000-8TC-E: 4.4 lb (2.0 kg)●Cisco IEM-3000-8TM=: 2.2 lb (1.0 kg)●Cisco IEM-3000-8FM=: 3.2 lb (1.45 kg)●Cisco IEM-3000-4SM=: 2.5 lb (1.1 Kg)●Cisco IEM-3000-8SM=: 3.0 lb (1.38 Kg)●Cisco IEM-3000-4PC=: 2.4 (1.08 Kg)●Cisco IEM-3000-4PC-4TC=: 2.5 (1.16 Kg)●Cisco PWR-IE50W-AC=: 1.4 lb (0.65 kg)●Cisco PWR-IE50W-AC-IEC=: 1.4 lb (0.65kg)●Cisco PWR-IE65W-PC-DC=: 2.6 (1.18 Kg)●Cisco PWR-IE65W-PC-AC=: 2.7 (1.24 Kg)Operating environment Operating temperature: -40C to +75C●-40C to +70C (Vented Enclosure – 40 LFM Air Flow)●-40C to +60C (Sealed Enclosure – 0 LFM Air Flow)●-24C to +75C (Fan or Blower equipped Enclosure – 200 LFM Air Flow)●-40C to +85C (IEC 60068-2-2 Environmental Type Testing – 16 hours)●Storage temperature: -40C to +85C●Operating relative humidity: 10 to 95% (non-condensing)●Operating altitude: Up to 13,000 ft (3963m)●Storage altitude: Up to 15,000 ft (4573m)Table 4. Power specifications for Cisco IE 3000 Series switchesTable 5. Cisco IE 3000 DNA EssentialsTable 6. SFP transceivers support for Cisco IE 3000 Series switchesNote: For DOM support and for first software release supporting SFP, refer tohttps:///en/US/products/hw/modules/ps5455/products_device_support_tables_list.html. *If nonindustrial EXT, COM) SFPs are used, the switch operating temperature must be derated.Table 7. Compliance specificationsElectromagnetic immunity ●EN 55024●AS/NZS CISPR 24●KN 24●IEC/EN 61000-4-2 (Electro Static Discharge)●IEC/EN 61000-4-3 (Radiated Immunity)●IEC/EN 61000-4-4 (Fast Transients)●IEC/EN 61000-4-5 (Surge)●IEC/EN 61000-4-6 (Conducted Immunity)●IEC/EN 61000-4-8 (Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity)●IEC/EN 61000-4-9 (Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity)●IEC/EN 61000-4-10 (Oscillatory Magnetic Field Immunity)●IEC/EN 61000-4-11 (AC power Voltage Immunity)●IEC/EN 61000-4-16 (Low Frequency Conducted CM Disturbances)●IEC/EN 61000-4-17 (Ripple on DC Input Power)●IEC/EN 61000-4-18 (Damped Oscillatory Wave)●IEC/EN 61000-4-29 (Voltage Dips Immunity, DC power)●IEEE C37.90 (Surge)●IEEE C37.90.1 (Fast Transients)●IEEE C37.90.2 (Radiated Immunity)●IEEE C37.90.3 (Electro Static Discharge)Industry specifications ●EN 61131-2 Programmable Controllers (EMC/EMI, environmental, mechanical)●IEEE 1613 Power Station and Substation Networking Devices●IEC 61850-3 Power Station and Substation Communication Networks and Systems●EN 61326-1 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use - EMC●EN 61000-6-1 Immunity for Light Industrial Environments●EN 61000-6-2 Immunity for Industrial Environments●EN 61000-6-4 Emissions for Industrial Environments●TS 61000-6-5 EMC Immunity for Power Station and Substation●EN 50155 Railway, Electronic Equipment on Rolling Stock (EMI/EMC, environmental, mechanical)●EN 50121-3-2 Railway, Electromagnetic Compatibility on Rolling Stock●EN 50121-4 Railway, Emission and Immunity of Signaling and Telecommunications Apparatus●EN 60945 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems●IEC 60533 Shipboard Electrical and Electronic Installation EMC●Marine Type Approval (BV, DNV, Korean Register, Lloyd Register)●NEMA TS-2 (EMC, environmental, mechanical)●ABB Industrial IT certification●ODVA Industrial EtherNet/IP support●PROFINETv2 support●Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS●IP20Hazardous locations ●UL/CSA 60079-0, -15 (Class 1, Div 2 A-D) (requires cabinet enclosure)●EN 60079-0, -15 ATEX Certification (Class 1, Zone 2 A-D) (requires cabinet enclosure)●IEC 60079-0, -15 (Test report only) (requires cabinet enclosure)●UL 508●CSA C22.2 No. 142Compliance marking ●UL/CSA●CE (Europe)●C-Tick (Australia/New Zealand)●KCC (Korea)●ANATEL (Brazil)●China RoHSOperating temperature ●-40 C to +70 C (vented enclosure operating)●-40 C to +60 C (sealed enclosure operating)●-34 C to +75 C (fan or blower-equipped enclosure operating)●-40 C to +85 C (IEC Environmental Type Testing, 16 hours)●Operational altitude: Up to 13,000 ftService and supportCisco is committed to minimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The company offers a portfolio of technical support services to help ensure that its products operate efficiently, remain highly available, and benefit from the most up- to-date system software. The services and support programs described in Table 8 are available as part of the Cisco Desktop Switching Service and Support solution and are available directly from Cisco and through resellers.Table 8. Cisco Services and support programsOrdering informationTable 9 gives ordering information for the Cisco IE 3000 Series.Table 9. Ordering Information for Cisco IE 3000 SeriesFigure 1. IE3000 base module dimensionsFigure 2. IE3000 expansion module dimensionsFor more information about Cisco products, contact:●United States and Canada: 800 553-6387●Europe: 32 2 778 4242●Australia: 612 9935 4107●Other: 408 526-7209●URL: https://Cisco CapitalFinancing to help you achieve your objectivesCisco Capital can help you acquire the technology you need to achieve your objectives and stay competitive. We can help you reduce CapEx. Accelerate your growth. Optimize your investment dollars and ROI. Cisco Capital financing gives you flexibility in acquiring hardware, software, services, and complementary third-party equipment. And there’s just one predictable payment. Cisco Capital is available in more than 100 countries. Learn more.。

TSC Carat5008E系列网管型工业冗余环网交换机配置手册(v1.5)

TSC Carat5008E系列网管型工业冗余环网交换机配置手册(v1.5)
TSC CARAT5008E 系列工业以太网交换机 配置手册 2.16 系统配置SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 23 2.17 单一端口配置PER PORT CONFIGURATION .................................................................... 24 2.18 环网配置RING CONFIGURATION.................................................................................... 25 2.19 QOS 配置 QOS CONFIGURATION ................................................................................. 27 2.20 IGMP配置 IGMP CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 28 2.21 安全管理SECURITY MANAGER...................................................................................... 29 2.22 配置备份 CONFIGURATION BACKUP ............................................................................. 30

工业网络技术与应用 第四章 工业交换机的配置与管理

工业网络技术与应用 第四章 工业交换机的配置与管理

4.2 交换机的访问控制
4.2.1 基于MAC地址的端口访问控制列表配置 步骤4:SCALANCE XM408交换机端口设置,web访问SCALANCE XM408交换机,选择
“Security”下的“MAC ACL”,进入配置界面 步骤5:SCALANCE XM408交换机端口设置,单击“Create”按钮,配置访问规则,
单击“Set Values”确认 步骤5:配置端口流控规则,配置端口1、端口3、端口5的规则
4.2 交换机的访问控制 4.2.2 基于IP地址的端口访问控制列表配置 网络端口控制-IP地址端口控制 实验验证:配置后可正常通信,端口3和端口5的网线调换后,不可正常通信。
4.3 搭建虚拟局域网
VALN 是把一个物理网络划分成为多个逻辑工作组的逻辑网段。这种技术可以把 一个 LAN 划分成多个逻辑的 LAN—VLAN,每个 VLAN 是一个广播域,VLAN 内的设备间 通信就和在一个 LAN 内一样,广播报文被限制在一个VLAN内。而属于不同VLAN 的设 备之间不能直接相互访问,它们之间的通信依赖于路由。VLAN 的主要作用如下:
工业交换机的管理与维护一般可以通过 RS-232串行口(或并行口)、web和网络 管理软件三种方式进行。
串行口管理 Web管理 网络软件管理
4.1 工业交换机概述
4.1.1 工业以太网设备 工业以太网设备包括传输介质和交换设备。 以太网电缆是从一个网络设备连接到另外一个网络设备传递信息的介质,是以太
第4章 工业交换机的配置与管理
工业交换机也称作工业以 太网交换机,是应用于工业控 制领域的以太网交换机设备。 工业交换机具有电信级性能特 征,可耐受严苛的工作环境,产 品系列丰富,端口配置灵活, 可满足各种工业领域的使用需 求。

网管型工业以太网交换机 JetNet 4010 4010-w 说明书

网管型工业以太网交换机 JetNet 4010 4010-w 说明书

JetNet 4010/4010-w 10口Web 网管型工业以太网交换机• 7个10/100 TX 电口和3个RJ-45/SFP Combo 可选端口(10/100Base-TX, 100Base-FX )• 支持Korenix Multiple Super Ring (Rapid Dual Homing, MultiRing TM , TrunkRing TM , RSR, SR)和RSTP支持VLAN, GVRP, QoS, IGMP Snooping V1/V2/V3, Rate Control, Port Trunking, LACP, 在线多端口监控• 32Gbps 交换性能, 8K MAC 地址列表• 支持CLI , Web, HTTPS, SSH 和JetView 管理工具• 高级安全管理功能包括,IP Security, Port Security, DHCP Server, IP 和MAC 绑定,802.1x访问控制• 支持E-mail 事件报警, Syslog, Digital Input 和继电器报警• 铝合金外壳符合IP31工业防护标准,拥有良好的散热性能• 冗余DC 12~48V 电源输入 (-48V 可选)• 支持-20~70°C 宽温工作环境,适用恶劣工业现场(JetNet 4010G-w:-40~70°C) 首页 > 产品信息 > JetNet > JetNet 4010/4010-w概述JetNet 4010是一款网管型工业以太网交换机, 配备7个10/100TX 电口和3个10/100TX RJ-45 / 100FX SFP combo 可选端口。

3个combo 可选端口可灵活便捷的增加光口连接,仅需要插入不同类型的100M SFP 模块,可选范围从2KM 多模到120KM 单模光口模块。

Combo 可选端口的设计,提供了更加灵活的端口组合方式,例如可以是8 RJ-45 端口加2个光口,或9个RJ-45 端口加1个光口。



三层工业以太网交换机参数MOXA PT7828系列简介PowerTrans PT-7828是一款高性能的3层交换机,支持3层路由功能的跨网络应用部署。

PT-7828严格满足变电站自动化系统(IEC61850-3,IEEE 1613)和铁路系统(EN5015/EN50121-4)的需求。

PT-7828可组建高性能的IEC61850-3/EN50155的24+4 G口3层千兆以太网和快速以太网骨干网络、冗余环网。

它具备24/48 VDC或110/220 VDC/VAC双隔离冗余电源输入的功能,在提高网络通信稳定性的同时还可以节省布线。

PT-7828模块化的设计为用户提供更加轻松灵活的组网方式,4 个千兆网口和24个快速以太网口让您在组建网络时更加灵活。


优势和特点•3层交换机技术,以进行跨网段数据传送• 命令行界面(CLI),可快速配置主要网管功能*•IEEE 1588 PTP V2(精密时间协议),支持精确的网络时间同步• DHCP Opition 82,用于以不同策略分配IP地址• 支持EtherNet/IP和Modbus/TCP工业以太网协议• 支持Turbo Ring,Turbo Chain (自愈时间< 20 ms @ 250台交换机),RSTP/STP和MSTP网络冗余• 支持多播路由协议PIM-DM/DVMRP• VLAN Unaware:支持特定IED收到的优先级数据帧•支持先进的VLAN Q-in-Q标记功能•IGMP Snooping和GMRP过滤多播封包• 采用IEEE 802.3ad,LACP优化网络带宽•支持带宽管理,确保网络稳定性•支持端口镜像功能,便于在线调试• 通过E-mail和继电器输出自动报告意外事件•采用RMON提升网络监监测和预测能力• 自动恢复连接设备的IP地址• 换线快速恢复• 可通过网页浏览器,Telnet/Serial console,CLI,Windows utility和ABC-01自动备份配置器进行配置网络安全特性• 用户密码多层安全保护,防止未经授权进行配置• SSH/HTTPS用于密码和数据加密• 基于802.1x口网络访问控制将交换机端口锁定,只有授权客户能访问该端口• 关闭一个或多个端口阻止网络流量• 802.1Q VLAN允许您在被选定的交换机端口间进行流量传输的逻辑分配• 安全交换机端口,只有特定的设备和/或MAC地址能够访问该端口• Radius/TACACS+允许您从中控室管理密码• SNMPv3提供加密授权和访问安全技术参数标准:IEEE 802.3 10BaseT,IEEE 802.3u 100BaseT(X) and 100Base FX,IEEE 802.3ab 1000BaseT(X),IEEE 802.3z 1000BaseSX/LX/LHX/ZX,IEEE 802.3x流量控制l,IEEE 802.1D快速生成树,IEEE 802.1W Rapid STP,IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging,IEEE 802.1p Class of Service,IEEE 802.1X Authentication,IEEE 802.3ad Port Trunk with LACP模块化机架式3层交换机系统,PT-7828协议:IEEE 802.1s适用于Multiple Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE 802.1w适用于Rapid STPIEEE 802.1Q适用于VLAN TaggingIEEE 802.1p适用于Class of Service协议:IGMPv1/v2,GMRP,GVRP,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,DHCP Server/Client,BootP,TFTP,SNTP,SMTP,RARP,RMON,RIP V1/V2,HTTP,HTTPS,Telnet,SSH,Syslog,DHCP Option 66/67/82,LLDP,Modbus/TCP,IEEE 1588PTP V2,SNMP Inform,NTP Server/Client三层交换:Static routing,RIP V1/V2,OSPF,PIM-DM/DVMRP三层交换的冗余:VRRPMIB:MIB-II,Ethernet-like MIB,P-BRIDGE MIB,Q-BRIDGE MIB,Bridge MIB,RSTP MIB,RMON MIBGroups 1,2,3,9流量控制:IEEE 802.3x流控,背压式流控交换属性优先级队列:4VLAN最大可用数量:64VLAN ID范围:VID1 ~ 4094IGMP组:256接口快速以太网:插槽1,2和3,可安装具备 10/100BaseT(X)(TP/M12界面),100BaseFX(SC/ST/MTRJ接口)或100BaseSFP类型的2/4/6/7/8口PM-7200快速以太网模块千兆以太网:插槽4,可安装具备10/100/1000BaseT(X)或1000BaseSFP类型的4/2口的PM-7200千兆以太网模块控制台端口:RS-232 (RJ45)系统LED指示灯:STAT,PWR1,PWR2,FAULT,MSTR/ HEAD,CPLR/TAIL模块LED指示灯:LNK/ACT,FDX/HDX,RING/CHAIN PORT,COUPLER PORT,SPEED报警输出:1路继电器输出,容量3 A @ 30 VDC或3 A @ 240 VAC电源需求输入电压::• 24 VDC (18 ~ 36 V)• 48 VDC (36 ~ 72 V)• 110/220 VDC/VAC (88 ~ 300 VDC,85 ~ 264 VAC)注:符合24/48/110 VDC EN 50155标准输入电流:(所有接口配备成光纤接口)• Max. 2.58 A @ 24 VDC• Max. 1.21 A @ 48 VDC• Max. 0.64/0.33 A @ 110/220 VDC• Max. 0.53/0.28 A @ 110/220 VAC过流保护:提供连接方式:10针接线端子反接保护:提供机械特性外壳:IP30防护等级尺寸:440 x 44 x 325 mm (17.32 x 1.73 x 12.80 in)重量::5900 g安装方式::19英寸机架式安装工作环境工作温度:-40 ~ 85 °C (-40 ~ 185 °F),-40 ℃冷启动最小电压100 VAC储存温度:-40 ~ 85 °C (-40 ~ 185 °F)相对湿度:5 ~ 95% RH(无凝露)安规认证Safety:UL 60950-1EMI:FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A,EN 55022 Class APower Automation:IEC 61850-3,IEEE 1613Traffic Control:NEMA TS2Rail Traffic:EN 50155,EN 50121-4注:请登陆Moxa网站,获取最新认证信息。



工业以太网环网交换机技术说明1.1 基本功能1)网络冗余•支持符合国际标准的IEC62439冗余环网协议,如果环网中个设备或链路发生故障,环网传输路径将自动愈合,保证主干网络数据信号不间断,自愈时间≤20ms。





•支持SNMP协议,通过网络管理及故障诊断,全流程的故障管理、主动的网络监视、批量的设备配置备份,实现网络设备统一监控管理4)防腐涂层•交换机表面防腐涂层满足“HG/T 4077-2009防腐涂层涂装技术规范”要求,•喷、镀金属层上加防腐浊涂料的复合面层,厚度≥300um;或富锌底漆的防腐浊涂层,厚度≥300um,涂层使用年限≥15年。

1.2 基本性能1)环境指标要求•良好的设备特性&安装方式灵活性,宽温、防尘、防潮设计;•工作温度:-40 ~ 85 ℃;•保护等级IP40,全封闭式金属钢质外壳,无需风扇散热,双路冗余电源供电;•可定制机架、导轨、壁挂安装;2)运行可靠性指标•在严酷环境可靠稳定工作:•抗冲击:200g,10s•抗震动:50g,5-200Hz•设备平均无故障时间MTBF>40万小时;3)抗干扰能力•抗电磁干扰:10V/m•抗静电浪涌:+/- 16KV•防静电:接触放电4KV,空气放电8KV,IEC 61000-4-2•防辐射等级:FFC part 15 class A4)通讯可靠性•快速冗余;•支持环网冗余技术,保障了网络通信的无扰动切换,网络自愈时间≤20ms;•环接点数量≮250个。

SIXNET 工业以太网交换机产品技术规格书

SIXNET 工业以太网交换机产品技术规格书

SIXNET 工业以太网交换机产品技术规格书(适用于能源管理系统的工业以太网通讯网络)SIXNET 近30余年的工业自动化产品设计、制造经验,使其充分了解各种工业场合的应用需求。


SIXNET 工业以太网交换机具有卓越的工业品质,低功耗、无风扇电路设计、宽范围工作环境温度(- 40℃ - 85 ℃)、美国军标MIL-STD-1275防浪涌保护以及严格的国际质量认证(包括危险场所2区防爆认证、DNV 船级社认证)等特性确保在各种恶劣工业环境现场长期稳定、可靠、安全使用。

技术特性1、 基本特性①、-40-85°C 的宽工作温度范围②、冗余电源供电,10-50V 宽电压输入③、MIL-STD-1275(A 和B) 军品级防浪涌和过压保护特性④、100万小时的平均无故障时间(MTBF)2、管理特性①、支持端口设定②、端口镜像功能用于网络状态诊断③、独有的Modbus 通讯实现网络设备监测④、支持优先级划分(Qos/Cos/Tos/DiffserV)⑤、广播风暴保护Rack Switches with 8-Gigabit Ports All-Gigabit Switch3、性能详述①、IEEE 802.3兼容性SIXNET工业以太网交换机严格遵守IEEE 802.3标准,支持10BaseT,100BaseTX 和100BaseFX以太网通信。


半双工使用背压流控(back pressure)技术,全双工使用暂停帧(pause-frame)流量控制技术。



④、Real-Time Ring TM技术Real-Time Ring TM 技术是SIXNET独有的专利技术,这项技术采用专有的高速算法以确保网络自愈时间最小。


IES618-4D 系列
8 口 10/100M+4 路串口网管型工业以太网交换机
◎支持 SW-Ring 环网冗余专利技术,网络故障自愈时间<20ms ◎支持 IEEE802.1Q VLAN 设置,有效控制广播域 ◎支持 Web、CLI、Telnet 管理功能 ◎支持 IEEE802.1p_QOS 功能
百兆电口:10Base-T/100Base-TX 自适应、RJ45 口 百兆光口:100Base-FX(SC 接口) 程序加载口:基于串口全局网管(RS-232),RJ45
告警端口:2 芯 7.62mm 间距接子端子
1 路继电器告警信息输出,
电流负载能力 1A@24VDC
串口 RS-232 信号:TXD,RXD,GND RS-422 信号:T+,T-,R+,R-,GND RS-485 信号:D+,D-,GND 检验位:None,Even,Odd,Space,Mark 数据位:5bit,6bit,7bit,8bit 波特率:300~115200bps 方向控制:RS-485 采用数据流向自动控制技术 负载能力:RS-485/422 端支持 32 点轮询环境(可定 制 128 点) 接口保护:RS-485/422 隔离电压 2KV,静电保护 15KV
EN61000-4-8(PFM),Level 5
冲击:IEC 60068-2-27 自由跌落:IEC60068-2-23 震动:IES 60068-2-6 质保 保修期:5年 认证 CE、FCC、RoHS、UL508(认证中) 产品最新认证动态请查询 3onedata 网站
IES618-4D 系列是最新一代多业务接入型网管冗余工业以太网交换机,具有集成度高,功能丰富,简 单方便等特点,代表行业内最高水平。支持丰富的工业运用所需的以太网交换机二层协议,支持自主研发 的 SWRing 冗余环网协议,自愈时间<20ms,保障了网络的实时性和稳定性。

TP-LINK TL-SG2008工业级交换机说明书

TP-LINK TL-SG2008工业级交换机说明书

物品清单1. 交换机2. 导轨件(标配,带2个螺钉)产品介绍安装手册工业以太网交换机TL-SG2008工业级产品外观产品尺寸TL-SG2008工业级产品外观拨码开关TL-SG2008工业级上面板示意图TL-SG2008工业级TL-SG2008工业级后面板示意图38.0(1.5)38.0(1.5)10.2(0.4)137.0(5.4)17.0(0.7)100.0(3.9)100.0(3.9)48.3(1.9)41.4(1.6)单位:mm(inch)TP-LINK工业以太网交换机专为在恶劣的工业环境下可靠稳定的运行而设计,并提供了一套经济有效的解决方案。

工业以太网交换机支持IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3ab协议,支持10/100/1000Mbps传输,全双工/半双工,自动翻转MDI/MDIX,自动侦听。

工业以太网交换机提供12/24/48 VDC(9.6 - 60 VDC)冗余电源输入,可同时接入三路直流电源,工作温度-40 — 75°C,金属壳防护等级IP30,在艰苦的工业环境中足够结实耐用。



交换机目前具体包含型号如下:80.0(3.1)30.0(1.2)1. PWR1/2/3电源指示灯 常亮:电源由该路输入提供 熄灭:该路输入未提供电源2. FAUL T指示灯 常亮:存在端口中断故障 熄灭:端口中断报警功能未开启 或已开启但无端口中断故障3. Link/Act端口指示灯 常亮:端口正常连接设备 闪烁:端口正在传输数据 熄灭:端口未连接设备4. 10/100/1000Mbps RJ45端口5. 散热孔6. 接地柱7. 电源输入P1接线端子8. 报警输出9.电源输入P2接线端子10.DC电源插座11.拨码开关12.RESET按键14.壁挂孔15.导轨座报警输出1*6接线端子台中的pin3/pin4用来输出继电器报警信号。

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