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1.Science (小说)is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future.

2.Many people were killed in the (碰撞)between the bus and the car.

3.She is a very (温和) person, who never loses her temper.

4.The disaster has become (永久的)pain in people’s heart.

5.A bad cold kept me a (罪犯)to my room.

6.There has been a (有特殊意义的) improvement in the company’s safety record.

7.According to the American (宪法),presidential elections

are held every four years.

8.The books are (安排) on the shelves in alphabetical order.

9.The plane is taking off in ten minutes and it’s time to go (登机).

10.H e likes to observe the (现象)of nature.

11.T his time you did your homework (相对) better.

12.T he patient’s condition is (稳定的).

13.S he was trembling with excitement but her voice was


14.M y favourite (消遣) is chess.

15.T he eyes of a cat are (敏感的) to light.

16.D o you know when the French (革命) happened.

17.H e is connected with the Wangs by (婚姻).

18.Y ou look (可笑的) in those tight jeans.

19.T he (隔离) of infectious patients from other patients prevented the virus from spreading.

20.P arents should not give their children (无条件的) freedom.

21.A ll the slaves were fighting for (自由) in those hard days.

22.W ater can (吸收) and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature.

23.D oing morning exercises every morning (使…….受益) your health.

24.P eople of different (种族) may have different colors of skin,

hair and eyes.

25.T he population of the village has (减少) by 150.

26.T he union called on its members to (抵制)the meeting.

27.H e was (逮捕)when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

28.U ntil 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the

examinations, but such_ (歧视) is now disappearing.

29.T he boy often (分析) the causes of his mistakes after exams.

30.H e (伸手) out his arms to take the book.

31.D id you take part in the festival (宴会) last night?

32.W ill you go (商业区) with us this afternoon?

33.W e tried many times and (最终) we achieved our goal.

34.T he island is full of interesting (野生动植物).

35.S he had her supper and went to bed soon (随后).

36.A fter the earthquake, the (重建) of the city took them a

whole year.

37.H e was thrown into (失业) when the factory closed.

38.S he (坚持) on us going there by bus.

39.H e is my (前任) teacher.

40.O n (到达)at reception, guests should sign the visitors’ book.

41.T he mountain (延伸) for more than 10 miles.

42.W elcome to our city; the food and (住宿) here are first-class

to visitors.

43.I can’t (保证)that I will be able to help you, but I will try.

44.H er designs have a good (视觉的) appeal.

45.T he child’s reading (能力) was satisfactory for this age level.

46.W e want to see that this man get (公正) treatment.

47.H e had now and then to ask his friend for (指导).

48.T hey have (参与)in the contest to show their ability.

49.M y car is out of (汽油).

50.T hey have bought a new (打字机) recently.

51.T he (审讯) of the murder case lasted a fortnight.

52.H er furniture is in (储存) while she finds a new house.

53.D o you know there is a (联系) between smoking and heart
