

IFP-100神港 通讯模块手册

IFP-100神港 通讯模块手册


在未断电的情况下作业,将可能因电击导致人身重大伤害事故!IFP-1001. 简介1.1 IFP-100简介------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.2 系统配置----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32. 型号2.1 型号----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 2.2 型号铭牌的表示方法-------------------------------------------------------------------- 33.各部位名称和功能--------------------------------------------------------------- 34. 设定------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45. 安装5.1 场所选择----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 5.2 外形尺寸图-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 5.3 圆形插座安装----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66. 导线连接6.1 接线端排列-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 6.2 导线连接实例----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77. 通信数据7.1数据形式------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 7.2数据结构------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 7.3数据设定过程-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 7.4读数据过程-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 7.5数据传送------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128. 规格--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139. 故障排除--------------------------------------------------------------------------141. 简介1.1 IFP-100简介IFP-100 是一种通信转换器,用来连接PROFIBUS主机单元(SIEMENS PLC,等),作为PROFIBUS-DP从机单元,进行数据交换。



产品的不断升级可能导致部分数据的变化,如有改动恕不另行通知电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)产 品 说 明 书(V1.0)通 用 型目录一、 概述 (1)二、 电气性能指标 (1)三、 主要技术指标 (2)四、 操作显示面板 (3)五、 接线方法 (4)六、 产品使用方法 (5)七、 产品输入输出信号标定 (6)八、 出厂恢复与辅助设置 (7)九、 错误代码列表 (8)十、 用户软件操作流程图 (8)符-oh-。




U0-U13按▲或▼键修改设置参数堵转测试:当发给执行器动作指令时,若在xx.x 秒都没有动作,将发出-E4-(或-E5-)错误代码,并停止xx.x 秒后,向动作指令的反方向动作2秒,然后再向动作指令的方向动作xx.x 秒,若故障消除,则清除错误代码且解除报警状态,继续工作。

若没有解除,则再停止xx.x 秒后,向动作指令的反方向动作2秒,然后再向动作指令的方向动作xx.x 秒。






2、在U5菜单时,U5与-oh -交替显示。


! 如何安装 ................................................................... 11
" 如何开始 .................................................................. 11 " 附件包 (≤ 7.5 kW) ............................................................. 12 " 机械安装 .................................................................. 14 " 电气安装 .................................................................. 16 " 拆除外接电缆的挡板 ........................................................ 16 " 主电源连接和接地 .......................................................... 17 " 电动机连接 ................................................................ 19 " 保险丝 .................................................................... 21 " 访问控制端子 .............................................................. 23 " 电气安装,控制端子 ........................................................ 23 " 连接示例 .................................................................. 24 " 启动/停止 ................................................................. 24 " 脉冲启动/停止 ............................................................. 25 " 加速/减速 ................................................................. 25 " 电位器参考值 .............................................................. 25 " 电气安装,控制电缆 ........................................................ 26 " 开关 S201、S202 和 S801 ........................................................ 27 " 最终设置与测试 ............................................................ 28 " 其他连接 .................................................................. 30 " 继电器选件 MCB 105 ............................................................ 30 " 机械制动控制 .............................................................. 33 " 电动机热保护 .............................................................. 33


• PID自整定(AT)的执行,请在试运行时实施。 • 为防止触电及发生调节仪故障,通电中请勿触及端子。 • 在实施端子锁紧或清洁作业时,必须在调节仪电源关闭的情况下执行。
通电期间作业,可能因触电而产生重大人身伤害。 • 在清洁时,请用柔软的干布。 • 应避免用硬物撞击和刮擦显示器。
控制方式制 PID 控制 PD 控制 ON/OFF 控制
加热/冷却 3
加热(反作用)动作 冷却(正作用)动作
报警 1
报警 2
K, J, R, B, N, PL- , Pt100, JPt100 S, E, T, C, 4 ~ 20mA, 0 ~ 20mA,
FC 系列数字显示调节仪 使用说明书
1 简介……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1)
2 各部分名称和功能……………………………………………………………………………………………(2) 3 设定……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(3) 3.1 拔出内部组件 ………………………………………………………………………………………………(3) 3.2 开关设定 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(4) 3.3 插入内部组件 ………………………………………………………………………………………………(5) 4 操作……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(6) 4.1 操作流程图………………………………………………………………………………………………….(6) 4.2 操作……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(8)



主机使用安定宝Contact ID通讯协议向接警中心发送报警信息,若主机接收到接警中心的确认信号,则以此报警成功,否则主机会重复报警(最多5次重拨中心电话)。报警信息由接警中心电脑软件进行显示及报警处理。
1234旁路 1#年 月 日 #
【1234】 【旁路】 【2】 【确认】 输入4位用户密码 【确认】

日本神港 JC-33A 系列通用控制器操作说明书

日本神港 JC-33A 系列通用控制器操作说明书


(1)PV测量值显示 (9)TX/RX通讯指示红色LED显示实际测量值 当处于通讯状态时,黄色LED亮(2)SV设定值显示 (10)A1报警1指示 绿色LED显示实际设定值或手动输出值 当报警1动作时,红色LED亮(3)设定值1指示 (11)A2/L2报警指示当使用设定值1时,绿色LED亮 当报警2动作或回路断线时,(4)设定值2显示 红色LED亮当使用设定值2时,黄色LED亮 (12)增加键(5)输出1指示 按此键增加数值当输出1工作时,绿色LED亮 (13)减少键(6)输出2指示 按此键减少数值当输出2工作时,黄色LED亮 (14)方式键(7)HB加热器断线报警 按此键并配合其它键使用可进入各级菜单当发生加热器断线或传感器断线时, (15)OUT/OFF键红色LED亮 按此键一秒钟可关闭仪表输出 ;(8)AT自整定指示 按三秒钟可输出百分比当处于自整定状态时,黄色LED亮(1) 仪表选型JC □- □ 3 A- □/ M, □JC SERIES D JCD (W96×H96×D100mm ) R JCR (W48×H96×D100mm ) 尺寸 SJCS (W48×H48×D100mm ) 1适用于JCD ,JCR 机种 序 号 2仅适用于JCS-23-A □/□机种 控制动作 3PID 控制(控制方式可以选择) 警报1(A1) A多种动作系统(动作方式可选择) RRelay 继电器接点,1a 1b (JCS:1a) SDC 电压输出(驱动SSR 用):12+20V 控制输出(O U T ) ADC 电流输出:4~20mA M多种范围输入系统(输入种类热电偶、电阻体可选择) ADC 电流输入:0~20mA ,4~20mA (JCS 可于M 入力中选择此入力) 入 力 V DC 电压输入:0~1V ,0~10V ,1~5V(JCS 可于M 入力中选择0~1V )A2 警报2(A2)(动作方式可选择) W(5A)等级:5A W(10A)等级:10AW(20A)等级:20AW(50A)加热器 断线警报 等级:50A DR Relay 继电器接点:1aDS DC 电压输出(驱动SSR 用): 12+20V 最大40mA DA 控制输出 加热、 冷却控制 (JCS 无)DC 电流输出:4~20mA 负荷电阻:最大550ΩC5 串行通信 RS-485LA 回路断线警报SM 设定值记忆外部切换功能(仅JCS 为附加特殊功能)BK 黑色IP 防尘·防滴(IP54)特殊功能(需指定) TC 外壳接线端子防护<注>:特殊功能并非每一机种均可指定采用,请参照各别机种详细目录。

神钢C-10VF 取扱说明书(中国)

神钢C-10VF 取扱说明书(中国)

■ 阅读“使用说明书”后,务必妥善保管,以便使用本产品的人员能够随时阅读。 ■ 使用的产品转让或出借时,务必将“使用说明书”随附于产品本体的醒目位置,以便新的所有者了解安全 正确的使用方法。 ■ 本“安全注意事项”所记载的危险、警告、注意并未涵盖所有情况。请仔细阅读使用说明书,并始终将安 全放在第一位。
不能用于压电方式的零件供料机。 请勿在放置可燃物、易燃物等危险品的场所使用。 本产品并非防爆型。可能会起火或燃烧。 安装产品时,务必进行可靠夹持和固定。 否则,可能会因产品翻倒、掉落、异常动作等造成人员受伤。 请勿在本产品上淋水。淋水、清洗或在水中使用,均可能会因异常动作造成人员受伤、触电、火灾等。 因配线作业等拆下护罩作业前,应切断输入电源。 外壳内有高电压,非常危险。
衷心感谢您选用 C10 系列控制器。 为正确使用本控制器,使用前请务必阅读本使用说明书。 本说明书也适用于维护时参阅,请妥善保管。 另外,请将其交给最终用户。

前言......................................................................................................................................................1 安全注意事项 .......................................................................................................................................2 配线......................................................................................................................................................5 面板基本操作 .......................................................................................................................................7



(7) 窗口 说 明
窗口编号 内容 设 定值1(SV1)
*此窗 口设 置第 一个 设定值 *设 置 范围 :传 感器 下限~传 感器 上限 *出厂 值为0
AT自整 定 2-1
*此 窗口设 置仪 表自 整定 功能 *当 处 于自 整定 期间,仪 表AT指示 灯闪 亮
*自 整 定结 束后,P,I, D,A RW参 数自 动 存 储
附: 在 高 低 温 控 制中,左边的DCL测试高 温区温度,右边的DCL测试低温区温度 再 温 湿 度 控 制 中,左边的DCL测试温度,右边的DCL 测试湿度
DCL: 左边
通 信 协 议 :Modbus RTU协议 通信地址: 1
通 信 速 率 :9600bps 校验 选 择:Modbus RTU方式 停止位: 1
(5)D C L - 3 3 A操 作 流程图
P V/ SV显 示
控制输出关闭功能 按 键1秒钟
输出 手动 操作 按 键3秒 钟
[主 设置 方式] 2-1[子设置 方式]
设 定 值1(SV1) AT自 整 定
+ 3秒
+隐藏 键 3秒
-1[辅助 设置方 式1]
[辅传助感设器置选方择 式2 ]4
W(50A) C5
互 感 器 电 流 :50 A RS -485通 讯
(2) 输 入范 围(用 户在仪表 内自由选择)
- 2 0 0 ~ 1 3 7 0摄 氏 度
- 1 9 9 . 9~ 4 0 0. 0摄 氏 度
- 2 0 0 ~ 10 0 0摄 氏 度



神港JC系列通讯说明书COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTION MANUALJCS, JCM, JCR, JCD-33A, C5No.JC3CE6 2005.04 To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, please ensure the operator receives this manual.WarningTurn the power supply to the instrument off before wiring or checking it.Working or touching the terminal with the power switched on may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock.1. System configurationRS-485 multi-drop connection communication (C5 option) (Fig. 1-1)(Fig. 1-2)Please use the IF-400 (sold separately) as a communication converter. 2. WiringWhen using communication converter IF-400 ? 9-pin Dsub connector: Connection: (Communication speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps)Host computerConnection: (Communication speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps)Shield wireConnect only one side of the shield wire to the FG terminal so that current cannot flow to the shield wire.(If both sides of the shield wire are connected to the FG terminal, the circuit will be closed between the shield wire and the ground. As a result, current will run through the shield wire and this may cause noise.)Be sure to ground the FG terminal. Terminator (Terminal resistor)Do not connect terminator with the communication line because each JC -33A has built-in pull-up and pull-down resistors instead of a terminator.-33AIt is necessary to set the instrument number individually to the JC -33A when communicating byconnecting plural units in serial communication (C5 option).Select a communication speed of the JC -33A in accordance with that of the host computer. ? For the instrument number setting and communication speed, refer to the instruction manual for JC -33A.4. Communication procedureCommunication starts with command transmission from the host computer (hereafter Master) and ends with the response of the JC -33A (hereafter Slave).Response with datathe master sends the reading command, the slaveresponds with the corresponding set value or current ?Acknowledgementthe master sends the setting command, the slaveresponds by sending the acknowledgement after theprocessing is terminated. ? Negative acknowledgement the master sends non-existent command or value out of the setting range, the slave returns the negative ? No responseaddress is set, or when there is a communication error(framing error or checksum error), or when LRC or CRCdiscrepancy is detected.Host computerCommunication timing of the RS-485 (C5 option)Slave sideWhen the slave starts transmission through RS-485 communication line, the slave is arranged so as to provide an idle status (mark status) transmission period of 1 or more characters before sending the response to ensure the synchronization on the receiving side.The slave is arranged so as to disconnect the transmitter from the communication line within a1 character transmission period after sending the response.Master side (Notice on programming)Set the program so that the master can disconnect the transmitter from the communication line withina 1 character transmission period after sending the command in preparation for reception of theresponse from the slave.To avoid the collision of transmissions between the master and the slave, send the next command after carefully checking that the master received the response.5. Shinko protocol5.1 Transmission modeShinko protocol is composed of ASCII codes.Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F), which is divided into high order (4-bit) and low order (4-bit) out of 8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as ASCII characters.Data format Start bit : 1 bitData bit : 7 bitsP arity : EvenS top bit : 1 bitError detection: Checksum5.2 Command configurationAll commands are composed of ASCII. The data (set value, decimal number) is represented withhexadecimal number, and ASCII code is used.The negative numbers are represented with 2's complement.(1) Setting command(2) Reading command(3) Response with data(5) Negative acknowledgementHeader: Control code to represent the beginning of the command or the response.ASCII codes are used.Setting command, Reading command : 02H fixedResponse with data, Acknowledgement : 06H fixedNegative acknowledgement : 15H fixed Number ofcharactersNumber ofcharactersNumber ofcharacters Number ofcharactersNumber ofcharactersAddress (Instrument number): Numbers by which the master discerns each slave. Instrument number 0 to 94 (00H to 5EH) and Global address 95 (7FH) The numbers (20H to 7EH) are used by giving 20H of bias, because 00H to 1FH are used for control code.95 (7FH) is called Global address , which is used when the same command is sent to all the slaves connected. However, the response is not returned.Sub address : 20H fixedCommand type : Code to discern Setting command (50H) and Reading command (20H) Data item : Data classification of the command object Composed of hexadecimal 4 digits (Refer to the Communication command table) Data : The contents of data (set value) depend on the setting command Composed of hexadecimal 4 digits (Refer to the Communication command table) Checksum : 2-character data to detect communication errors Delimiter : Control code to represent the end of command 03H fixed Error code : Represents an error type. Composed of hexadecimal 1 digit. 1 (31H)-----Non-existent command 2 (32H)-----Not used 3 (33H)-----Setting outside the setting range 4 (34H)-----Status unable to set (e.g. AT is performing) 5 (35H)-----During setting mode by keypad operation5.3 Checksum calculationChecksum is used to detect receiving errors in the command or data.Set the program for the master side as well to calculate the checksum of the response data from the slaves so that the communication errors can be checked. The ASCII code (hexadecimal) corresponding to the characters which range from the address to that before the checksum is converted to binary notation, and the total value is calculated.The lower 2-digit of the total value are converted to 2’s complements, and then to hexadecimal figures, that is, ASCII code for the checksum. Refer to the following example procedure. Checksum calculation example Main set value: 600 (0258H) Address (instrument number): 0 (20H)1’s complement: Reverse each binary bit. 0 will become 1 and vice ve rsa. ? 2’s complement: Add 1 to 1’s complements.20H50H0010 00000101 00001101 11111+[1's complement][2's complement][Hexadecimal][ASCII]5.4 Contents of the commandNotes on the setting command and reading commandPossible to set the set value by setting command of the communication function even when the set value is locked.Although the options are not applied, setting the items forthe options is possible by the setting command. However, they will not function.The memory can store up to 1,000,000 (one million) entries.If the number of settings exceeds the limit, the data will not be saved. So frequent transmission via communication is not recommended.When connecting plural slaves, the address (instrument number) must not be duplicated.When sending a command by Global address [95 (7FH)], the same command is sent to all the slaves connected. However, the response is not returned.The instrument number and communication speed of the slave cannot be set by communication function.Setting commandThe settable range is the same as that by key operation.For the communication command, refer to the communication command table of this manual. ? All commands are composed of ASCII.The data (set value, decimal) is converted to hexadecimal figures, and ASCII is used.A negative number is represented by 2's complement. When the data (set value) has a decimal point, a whole number without a decimal point is used. Reading commandAll commands are composed of ASCII.The data (set value, decimal) is converted to hexadecimal figures, and ASCII is used.A negative number is represented by 2's complement. When the data (set value) has a decimal point, the response is returned as a whole number without a decimal point.6. Modbus protocol6.1 Transmission modeThere are 2 transmission modes (ASCII and RTU) in Modbus protocol. 6.2 ASCII modeHexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F), which is divided into high order (4-bit) and low order (4-bit) out of 8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as ASCII characters. Data format Start bit : 1 bit Data bit : 7 bits P arity : Even/Odd/No parity (Selectable) S top bit : 1 bit/2 bits (Selectable) Error detection : LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) Data interval : 1 second or less (1) Message configurationASCII mode message is configured to start by [: (colon)(3AH)] and end by [CR (carriage return) (0DH) + LF (Line feed)(0AH)]. (See Fig. 6.2-1)(2) Slave addressSlave address is an individual instrument number on the slave side and is set within the range 00H to 5FH (0 to 95).The master identifies slaves by the slave address of the requested message.The slave informs the master which slave is responding to the master by placing its own address in the response message.[Slave address 00H (broadcast address) can identify all the slaves. However slaves do not respond.] (3) Function code The function code is the command code for the slave to undertake the following action types (T able 6.2-1). (Table 6.2-1) Function code Contents 03 (03H) Reading the set value and information from slaves 06 (06H) Setting to slavesFunction code is used to discern whether the response is normal (acknowledgement) or if any error (negative acknowledgement) is occurred when the slave returns the response message to the master. When acknowledgement isreturned, the slave simply returns the original function code.When negative acknowledgement is returned, the MSB of the original function code is set as 1 for the response.Slave address FunctioncodeDataError check LRC Delimiter (CR)Header (:)Delimiter (LF)(For example, when the master sends request message setting 10H to function code by mistake, slave returns 90H by setting the MSB to 1, because the former is an illegal function.) For negative acknowledgement, exception code (Table 6.2-2) below is set to the data of response message and returned to the master in order to inform it that what kind of error has occurred. (Table 6.2-2)Exception code Contents1 (01H) Illegal function (Non-existent function)2 (02H) Illegal data address (Non-existent data address)3 (03H)Illegal data value (Value out of the setting range)17 (11H)Illegal setting (Unsettable status)18 (12H) Illegal setting (During setting mode by key operation, etc)(4) DataData depends on the function code.A request message from the master is composed of data item, number of data and setting data.A response message from the slave is composed of numberof bytes, data and exception codein negative acknowledgement. Effective range of data is –32768 to 32767 (8000H to 7FFFH).(5) Error check of ASCII modeAfter calculating LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) from the slave address to the end of data, the calculated 8-bit data is converted to two ASCII characters and are appended to the end of message.Create a message in RTU mode.Add all the values from the slave address to the end of data. This is assumed as X.Make a complement for X (bit reverse). This is assumed as X.Add a value of 1 to X. This is assumed as X.Set X as an LRC to the end of the message.Convert the whole message to ASCII characters.Reading (Instrument number 1, SV)A request message from the masterThe number of data means the data item to be read, and it is fixed as (30H 30H 30H 31H).A response message from the slave in normal status (When SV=100)(Fig.6.2-3) The number of response bytes means the number of bytes of the data which has been read,and it is fixed as (30H 32H).A response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When data item is mistaken)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (83H).The exception code (02H: Non-existent data address) isreturned as contents of error.Setting (Instrument number 1, SV=100)A request message from the master(Fig.6.2-5)A response message from the slave in normal status(Fig.6.2-6)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiterHeader(30H 31H)Number ofdata(3AH)1224422(30H 33H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(46H 41H)(0DH 0AH)Number of charactersSlaveaddressFunctioncodeNumber ofresponse bytesError checkLRCDelimiterHeader Data1222422(3AH)(30H 31H)(30H 33H)(30H 32H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 36H)(0DH 0AH)Number ofcharacters(0DH 0AH)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeExceptioncodeError checkLRCDelimiterHeader122222Number ofcharacters(3AH)(30H 31H)(38H 33H)(30H 32H)(37H 41H)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiterHeader(30H 31H)Data(3AH)1224422Number ofcharacters(30H 36H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 34H)(0DH 0AH)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiter Header Data1224422Number ofcharacters (3AH)(30H 31H)(30H 36H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 34H)(0DH 0AH)A response message from the slave in exception(error) status (When a value out of the setting range is set)(Fig. 6.2-7)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (86H). The exception code (03H: Value out of the setting range) is returned as contents of error.6.3 RTU mode8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as it is. Data format Start bit : 1 bit Data bit : 8 bits Parity : Even/Odd/No parity (Selectable) Stop bit : 1 bit/2 bits (Selectable) Error detection : CRC-16 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Data interval : 3.5 characters transmission time or less (1) Message configurationRTU mode is configured to start after idle time is processed for more than 3.5 character transmission and end after idle time is processed for more than 3.5 character transmission. (See Fig.6.3-1) (Fig. 6.3-1) (2) Slave addressSlave address is an individual instrument number on the slave side and is set within the range 00H to 5FH (0 to 95).The master identifies slaves by the slave address of the requested message.The slave informs the master which slave is responding to the master by placing its own address in the response message.[Slave address 00H (broadcast address) can identify all the slaves. However slaves do not respond.] (3) Function code The function code is the command code for the slave to undertake the following action types (T able 6.3-1). (Table 6.3-1) Function code Contents 03 (03H) Reading the set value and information from slaves 06 (06H) Setting to slavesFunction code is used to discern whether the response is normal (acknowledgement) or if any error (negative acknowledgement) is occurred when the slave returns the response message to the master. When acknowledgement is returned, the slave simply returns the original function code.When negative acknowledgement is returned, the MSB of the original function code is set as 1 for the response.(For example, when the master sends request message setting 10H to function code by mistake, slave returns 90H bysetting the MSB to 1, because the former is an illegal function.) For negative acknowledgement, exception code (Table 6.3-2) below is set to the data of response message and returned to the master in order to inform it that what kind of error has occurred. (Table 6.3-2)Exception code Contents 1 (01H) Illegal function (Non-existent function) 2 (02H) Illegal data address (Non-existent data address) 3 (03H) Illegal data value (Value out of the setting range) 17 (11H) Illegal setting (Unsettable status) 18 (12H) Illegal setting (During setting mode by keypad operation, etc) (4) Data Data depends on the function code.A request message from the master side is composed of data item, number of data and setting data. A response message from the slave side is composed of number of bytes, data and exception code in negative acknowledgement. Effective range of data is –32768 to 32767 (8000H to 7FFFH). (5) Error check of RTU modeAfter calculating CRC-16 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) from the slave address to the end of data, the calculated 16-bit data is appended to the end of message in sequence from low order to high order.3.5 idle characters Slave address Function codeData Error check CRC 3.5 idlecharacters Slave addressFunction codeException codeError checkLRCDelimiterHeader2Number ofcharacters 22221(3AH)(30H 31H)(38H 36H)(30H 33H)(37H 36H)(0DH 0AH)How to calculate CRCIn the CRC system, the information is divided by the polynomial series. The remainder is added to the end of the information and transmitted. The generation of polynomial series is as follows.16 + X 15+ X 2 + 1)Initialize the CRC-16 data (assumed as X) (FFFFH).Calculate exclusive OR (XOR) with the 1st data and X. This is assumed as X.Shift X one bit to the right. This is assumed as X.When a carry is generated as a result of the shift, XOR is calculated by X ofand the fixeduntil shifting 8 times.up to the last data.Set X as CRC-16 to the end of message in sequence from low order to high order. RTU modeReading (Instrument number 1, SV) ? Request message from the masterThe number of data means the data item to be read, and it is fixed as 0001H. ? Response message from the slave in normal status (When SV=100)(Fig. 6.3-3)The number of response byte means number of bytes of the data which has been read, and it is fixed as 02H.Response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When non-existent data item is sent)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (83H). The exception code (02H: Non-existent data address) is returned as contents of error. Setting (Instrument number 1, SV=100) ? Request message from the masterResponse message from the slave in normal statusResponse message from the slave in exception (error) status (When a value out of the setting range is set)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (86H). The exception code (03H: Value out of the setting range) is returned as contents of error.3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data itemError check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(03H)(0001H)Number of data (0001H)(D5CAH)11222Number of characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Number of response bytesError check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(03H)(02H)Data(0064H)(B9AFH)11122characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Exception code Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(83H)(02H)(C0F1H)1112Number of characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data item Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(06H)(0001H)Data (0064H)(D9E1H)11222characters 3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data item Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(06H)(0001H)Data(0064H)(D9E1H)112223.5 idle characters Slave address Function code Exception code Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(86H)(03H)(0261H)1112characters7. Communication command tableWhen the data (set value) has a decimal point, remove the decimal point and represent it as a whole number, then express it in hexadecimal figures.Shinko command type ModbusfunctioncodeData item Data20H/50H 03H/06H 0001H: SV1 Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0002H: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 0003H: AT/Auto-reset setting 0000H: Cancel 0001H: Perform 20H/50H 03H/06H 0004H: OUT1 proportional band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0005H: OUT2 proportional band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0006H: Integral time setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0007H: Derivative time setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 0008H: OUT1 proportional cycle setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0009H: OUT2 proportional cycle setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000AH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000BH: A1 setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000CH: A2 setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000DH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000EH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000FH: HB (Heater burnout alarm)settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0010H: LA (Loop break alarm) timesettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0011H: LA (Loop break alarm) spansettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0012H: Set value lock selection (*1) 0000H: Unlock 0001H: Lock 10002H: Lock 2 0003H: Lock 3 20H/50H 03H/06H 0013H: SV high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0014H: SV low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0015H: Sensor correction value setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0016H: Overlap/Dead band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0017H: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 0018H: Scaling high limit setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 0019H: Scaling low limit setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 001AH: Decimal point place selection 0000H: XXXX (No decimal point)0001H: XXX.X (1 digit after decimalpoint)0002H: XX.XX (2 digits after decimalpoint)0003H: X.XXX (3 digits after decimalpoint)20H/50H 03H/06H 001BH: PV filter time constant setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001CH: OUT1 high limit setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 001DH: OUT1 low limit setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 001EH: OUT1 ON/OFF actionhysteresis settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 001FH: OUT2 action mode selection 0000H: Air cooling0001H: Oil cooling0002H: Water cooling20H/50H 03H/06H 0020H: OUT2 high limit setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 0021H: OUT2 low limit setting Set value 20H/50H 03H/06H 0022H: OUT2 ON/OFF action hysteresis settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0023H: A1 action selection (*2)0024H: A2 action selection (*2) 0000H: No alarm action0001H: High limit alarm0002H: Low limit alarm0003H: High/Low limits alarm 0004H: High/Low limit range alarm 0005H: Process high alarm0006H: Process low alarm0007H: High limit alarm with standby 0008H: Low limit alarm with standby 0009H: H/L limits alarm w/standby[–200 to 1370400.0[–200 to 1000176017601820800400.013001390[0 to 2315[–199.9 to 850.0[–199.9 to 500.08505002500750.0[–320 to 1800320033001500750.023002500[0 to 4200[–199.9 to 999.9[–199.9 to 900.0[–300 to 15009004 to 20mA DC[–1999 to 9999]20H/50H 03H/06H 0048H: ARW (anti-reset windup) settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 006FH: Key Lock selection 0000H:Key enabled0001H: Key Lock50H 06H0070H:Key operation change flagclearing 0000H:No action 0001H: All clearing20H 03H 0080H: PV reading Present PV (input value)20H 03H 0081H: OUT1 MV reading Set value20H 03H 0082H: OUT2 MV reading Set value20H 03H 0083H: Not used20H 03H 0084H: Not used20H 03H 0085H: OUT status reading 0000 0000 0000 0000 215to 2020 digit: OUT10: OFF 1: ON21 digit: OUT20: OFF 1: ON22digit: A1 output0: OFF 1: ON23 digit: A2 output0: OFF 1: ON24 digit: Not used (Always 0)25 digit: Not used (Always 0)26 digit: HB (Heater burnout alarm)output0: OFF 1: ON(When sensor burnout, 0: OFF)27 digit: LA (Loop break alarm)output0: OFF 1: ON28 digit: Overscale0: OFF 1: ON29 digit: Underscale0: OFF 1: ON210 digit: OUT/OFF selection0: OUT 1: OFF211 digit: AT/Auto-reset0: OFF 1: ON212 digit: OUT/OFF key functions election0: OUT/OFF 1: Auto/Manual213 digit: Not used (Always 0)214 digit: Auto/Manual control0: Automatic 1: Manual215 digit: Change in key operation0: No 1: Yes20H 03H 0086H: Not used20H 03H 0087H: Not used20H 03H 00A0H: Not used20H 03H 00A1H: Instrument information reading 0000 0000 0000 0000215to 2020 digit: Not used (Always 0)21 digit: Cooling action0: Not applied 1: Applied22 digit: A1 function0: Not applied 1: Applied23 digit: A2 function0: Not applied 1: Applied24 digit: Not used (Always 0)25 digit: Not used (Always 0)26 digit: HB (Heater burnout alarm)0: Not applied 1: Applied27 digit: LA (Loop break alarm)0: Not applied 1: Applied28 to 215 digit: Not used (Always 0)This is why the set value reverts to the one before Lock 3 when power is turned OFF.(*2) When alarm action type is changed, the alarm set value reverts to the default value and alarm output status is also initialized.NoticeWhen data setting is changed by front keypad operation, the data that is related to the changed item is also changed automatically as shown in Example 1 below.However, when the data setting is changed by communication function, the related data does not change as shown in Example 2 below. (Only the changed data is altered.) (Example 1) SV high limit: 1370SV: 1000When SV high limit is changed to 800 by the front keypad operation, both SV high limit and SV are changed to 800.(Example 2) SV high limit: 1370SV: 1000When SV high limit is changed to 800 by communication function, SV high limit is changed to 800, however, SV ismaintained at the same temperature 1000.8. SpecificationsC able length : Maximum communication distance 1.2km Cable resistance: Within 50 (Terminator is not necessary or 120 or more on one side.)Communication line : EIA RS-485 Communication method : Half-duplexCommunication speed : 9600bps (2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps) Selectable by keypad Synchronous system : Start-stop synchronous Code form : ASCII, binary Error correction : Command request repeat system Error detection : Parity check, Checksum (LRC), CRC Data format Start bit : 1 Data bit : 7, 8 Parity : Even, Odd, No parity Stop bit : 1, 29. TroubleshootingIf any malfunctions occur, refer to the following items after checking the power supply to the master and the slave.Problem: Communication failureCheck the followingThe connection or wiring of communication cable is not secure.Burnout or imperfect contact on the communication cable and the connector. Communication speed of the slave does not coincide with that of the master.The data bit, parity and stop bit of the master do not accord with those of the slave. The instrument number of the slave does not coincide with that of the command. The instrument numbers are duplicated in multiple slaves.Make sure that the program is appropriate for the transmission timing.Problem: Although communication is occurring, the response is 'NAK'.Check the followingCheck that a non-existent command code has not been sent.The setting command data exceeds the setting range of the slave.The controller cannot be set when functions such as AT are performing. The operation mode is under the front keypad operation setting mode.For further inquiries, please consult our agency or the shop where you purchased the unit.SHINKO TECHNOS CO.,LTD.OVERSEAS DIVISION::::Reg. Office Mail Address URL E-mail1-2-48, Ina, Minoo, Osaka, Japan P.O.Box 17, Minoo, Osaka, Japan http://www.shinko-technos.co.jp overseas@shinko-technos.co.jpTel :Fax:81-72-721-278181-72-724-1760。

FCR-13A-A M神港SHINKO神港温控器代理

FCR-13A-A M神港SHINKO神港温控器代理

相关阅读: /Controlproduct/view/id/363.shtml
等成效可供挑选。●文件组号可由外部设定,可设定7种技术法度典范,编号后便当的移 用。通过进程面板可设定当地或长途控制编制,在按键上可发动键庇护成效,安定、靠 得住。●抗干扰性:对于外表常常操作在工矿企业中,考虑到电网电压及作业现象的鄙 俗,在外表的软、硬件规划上均采用了需求编制,大猛行进了外表的抗干扰性、不变性 ,使之对作业现象的恳求下降为零,存在更广泛的操作价值。●摹拟变换输出成效:可 将实际值、设定值、控制输出值中任一量摹拟变换为DC4~20mA或DC0~1V,传输到 其它设备,满意无法进行数字通讯的体系恳求。●手动/自动编制切换:外表存在手动成 效,可酬报调剂输出值。并在切换进程中完成安稳过渡,不发生扰动。●外形尺度:S48×48×110mm;R-48×96×110mm;D-96×96×110mm(W×H×D)●选型:· 控 制输出:+
FCR-13A-A M神港SHINKO神港温 控器代理
深圳温控器 相关阅读: /Controlproduct/view/id/363.shtml
FC简纯挚真智能可编程调剂仪●单组可编程7步自力PID控制●简略可程式控制成效。● 供应多种输入暗号记号与多成效挑选。●供应1组多种动作警报输出的规范装备●外表精 度0.2%●采样周期0.125秒●模糊控制,PID自整定●可通迅,4路自力报警●通过进程 ISO-9001认证及CE、UL等安规合用于热措置、流量、压力等控制。FC系列智能数显调 剂仪:●FC系列智能数显调剂仪是一种高精度,高报价的通用型单回路控制器,存在独 霸精练,自在输入,双四位显现,模糊抗干扰PID自整定,多组PID参数设定,7段可编 程以及RS485或RS232C串行通讯口,外表的精度等第为0.2级,采样周期125ms。●智 能输入:用户可在独霸面板上自在挑选热电偶、热电阻、直流电压、直流电流的输入类 型。输入量程可随意设定。●疾速呼应、行进前辈控制:外表的基赋功Controlproduct/view/id/363.shtml

Kinco CD2(S)系列伺服驱动器使用手册20181224

Kinco CD2(S)系列伺服驱动器使用手册20181224
例子 4-1:利用进制切换,设置电子齿轮比分母为 10000........................................................................................... 17 例子 4-2:利用位单独调节,设置速度为 1000RPM 和-1000RPM.............................................................................. 17 第五章 驱动器操作指南与参数介绍....................................................................................................................................... 18 5.1 伺服驱动器选配电机使用指南(旧初始化流程,建议按照 5.3 操作)......................................................................18 5.2 试运转操作........................................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.2.1 试运转操作目的............................................................................................................................................................ 22 5.2.2 试运转操作注意事项.................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.2.3 试运转操作步骤............................................................................................................................................................ 22 5.2.4 试运转操作框图............................................................................................................................................................ 23 5.3 EASY USE 使用说明(用于设置重要参数与自整定)..................................................................................................24 5.4 参数介绍............................................................................................................................................................................... 32






















MICRO-COMPUTER BASED DIGITAL INDICATING CONTROLLERACS-13AINSTRUCTION MANUALPrefaceThank you for purchasing of our microcomputer based digital indicating controller ACS-13A. This manual contains instructions for the mounting, functions, operations and notes when operating the ACS-13A. To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, please ensure the operator receives this manual.Characters used in this manual :Number,/ -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9IndicationAlphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L MIndicationAlphabet N OP Q RSTUVWXY Z IndicationNotes• This instrument should be used in accordance with the specifications described in the manual.If it is not used according to the specifications, it may malfunction or cause fire.• Be sure to follow the warnings, cautions and notices. If they are not observed, serious injury or malfunction may occur. • The contents of this instruction manual are subject to change without notice.• Care has been taken to assure that the contents of this instruction manual are correct, but if there are any doubts, mistakes or questions, please inform our sales department.• This instrument is designed to be installed within a control panel. If it is not, measures must be taken to ensure that the operator cannot touch power terminals or other high voltage sections. • Any unauthorized transfer or copying of this document, in part or in whole, is prohibited.• Shinko Technos CO., LTD. is not liable for any damage or secondary damage(s) incurred as a result of using this product, including any indirect damage.Safety precautions (Be sure to read these precautions before using our products.)The safety precautions are classified into categories: “Warning” and “Caution”. Depending on circumstances, procedures indicated by Caution may be linked to serious results, so be sure to follow the directions for usage.WarningWarning• To prevent an electric shock or fire, only Shinko or qualified service personnel may handle the inner assembly. • To prevent an electric shock, fire or damage to the instrument, parts replacement may only be undertaken by Shinko or qualified service personnel.• To ensure safe and correct use, thoroughly read and understand this manual before using this instrument.Caution with respect to Export Trade Control OrdinanceT o avoid this instrument from being used as a component in, or as being utilized in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction (i.e. military applications, military equipment, etc.), please investigate the end users and the final use of this instrument. In the case of resale, ensure that this instrument is not illegally exported.Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death or serious injury, if not carried out properly .Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause superficial to medium injury or physical damage or may degrade or damage the product, if not carried out properly.1. Installation precautionsCautionThis instrument is intended to be used under the following environmental conditions(IEC61010-1): Overvoltage category , Pollution degree 2Ensure the mounting location corresponds to the following conditions:• A minimum of dust, and an absence of corrosive gases• No flammable, explosive gases• No mechanical vibrations or shocks• No exposure to direct sunlight, an ambient temperature of 0 to 50(32 to 122) that does not change rapidly, and without icing• An ambient non-condensing humidity of 35 to 85%RH• No large capacity electromagnetic switches or cables through which large current is flowing.• No water, oil or chemicals or where the vapors of these substances can come into direct contact with the unitNote • Do not install this instrument near flammable material even though the case of this instrument is made of flame-resistant resin.Avoid setting this instrument directly on flammable material.2. Wiring precautionsCaution• Do not leave bits of wire in the instrument, because they could cause fire or malfunction.• Use the solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve in which the M3 screw fits when wiring the ACS-13A.• The terminal block of this instrument is designed to be wired from the left side.The lead wire must be inserted from the left side of the terminal, and fastened with the terminal screw.• Tighten the terminal screw to within the specified torque. If excessive force is applied to thescrew when tightening, the terminal screw or case may be damaged.• When using a terminal cover, pass terminal wires numbered 7 to 12 into the holes of the terminal cover.• This instrument does not have a built-in power switch, circuit breaker or fuse.It is necessary to install them near the controller.(Recommended fuse: Time-lag fuse, rated voltage 250V AC, rated current 2A)• For a 24V AC/DC power source, do not confuse polarity when using direct current (DC).• Do not apply a commercial power source to the sensor which is connected to the input terminal nor allow the power source to come into contact with the sensor.• Use a thermocouple and compensating lead wire according to the sensor input specifications of this controller.• Use the 3-wire RTD according to the sensor input specifications of this controller.• (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5V DC, 1 to 5V DC, 0 to 10V DC differs from that of 0 to 1V DC.(+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5V DC, 1 to 5V DC, 0 to 10V DC: 9(+) side input terminal number of 0 to 1V DC: 10• When using a relay contact output type, externally use a relay according to the capacity of the load to protect the built-in relay contact.• When wiring, keep input wires (thermocouple, RTD, etc.) away from AC sources or load wires to avoid external interference.3. Operation and maintenance precautionsCaution• It is recommended that PID auto-tuning be performed on the trial run.• Do not touch live terminals. This may cause electric shock or problems in operation.• Turn the power supply to the instrunment OFF when retightening the terminal or cleaning.Working or touching the terminal with the power switched ON may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock.• Use a soft, dry cloth when cleaning the instrument.(Alcohol based substances may tarnish or deface the unit.)• As the display section is vulnerable, do not strike or scratch it with a hard object or press hard on it.ContentsPage 1. Model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51.1 Model ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51.2 How to read the model label ----------------------------------------------------- 52. Name and functions of the sections ------------------------------------------- 63. Mounting to the control pane l ---------------------------------------------------- 73.1 External dimensions (Unit: mm) ------------------------------------------------ 73.2 Panel cutout (Unit: mm) ---------------------------------------------------------- 73.3 CT (Current transformer) external dimensions (Unit: mm) --------------- 73.4 Mounting and removal to/from the control panel ---------------------------- 84. Wiring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94.1 Terminal arrangement ------------------------------------------------------------- 94.2 Lead wire solderless terminal ---------------------------------------------------- 94.3 Terminal cover ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 104.4 Heater burnout alarm output (W, W3option) wiring ----------------------- 105. Operation flowchart ---------------------------------------------------------------- 116. Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 126.1 Turn the power supply to the ACS-13A ON -------------------------------- 126.2 Basic key operations ------------------------------------------------------------- 126.3 Setup mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137. Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207.1 Main setting mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- 207.2 Sub setting mode ----------------------------------------------------------------- 217.3 Auxiliary function setting mode ------------------------------------------------ 238. Running ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248.1 Starting operation ----------------------------------------------------------------- 248.2 Control output OFF function ---------------------------------------------------- 258.3 Auto/Manual control switching ------------------------------------------------- 258.4 Indicating output MV ------------------------------------------------------------- 268.5 Auto-tuning/Auto-reset Perform/Cancel ------------------------------------- 269. Auto-reset ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2610. Auto-tuning ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2711. Action explanation ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2811.1 OUT1 action ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2811.2 OUT1 ON/OFF action ---------------------------------------------------------- 2811.3 Heater burnout alarm action -------------------------------------------------- 2911.4 Alarm action ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2911.5 OUT2 (Heating/Cooling control) action ----------------------------------- 3011.6 OUT2 (Heating/Cooling control) action (When setting Dead band) ----- 3011.7 OUT2 (Heating/Cooling control) action (When setting Overlap band) -- 3112. Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3212.1 Standard specifications -------------------------------------------------------- 3212.2 Optional specifications --------------------------------------------------------- 3513. Troubleshooting --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3713.1 Indication -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3713.2 Key operation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3813.3 Control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3814 Character table ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 391. Model 1.1 ModelS Non-contact voltage (for SSR drive): 12V DC15%AInput M1Non-contact voltage: 12V DC15%*1: Alarm types (9 types and No alarm action) and Energized/Deenergized can be selected by keypad.*2: Thermocouple, RTD, DC current and DC voltage can be selected by keypad.For DC current input, connect 50shunt resistor (sold separately) externally.*3: Supply voltage 100 to 240V AC is standard. When ordering 24V AC/DC, enter “1” after the input code.1.2 How to read the model labelThe model label is attached to the left side of the case.For Heater burnout alarm output, CT rated current is written in the bracket.(1): Model, Power supply (For 24V AC/DC, “1” is entered), Options(2): Serial number(e.g.)Relay contact output/Multi-range input(Fig.1.2-1)(2)2. Name and functions of the sections(Fig. 2-1)Display (1) PV indicator : Lights when PV is indicated in the PV/SV display mode. (2) PV display : Indicates the PV (process variable). (3) SV indicator : Lights when SV is indicated in the PV/SV display mode.(4) MEMO indicator : Lights when Set value memory external selection (SM option) is added. (5) MEMO display : Indicates the set value memory number. (6) SV display : Indicates the SV (Main set value). (7) Action indicators O1 (OUT1) : Lights when control output is ON or when Heating output (D option) is ON. For DC current output type, flashescorresponding to the MV in 0.25 second cycles.O2 (OUT2) : Lights when cooling output (D option) is ON. EV1 : Lights when Alarm 1 output is ON. EV2 : Lights when Alarm 2 output (A2 option) is ON or when Heater burnout alarm (W, W3 option) is ON. AT : Flashes while AT (auto-tuning) or auto-reset is performing. T/R : Lights during Serial communication (C5 option) (TX output).LOCK : Lights when Lock 1, Lock 2 or Lock 3 is selected.Key operations (8) Increase key : Increases the numeric value. (9) Decrease key : Decreases the numeric value. (10) Mode key : Selects the setting mode, or registers the set value. To register the set (selected) value, press this key.(11) OUT/OFF key : Switches control output ON/OFF or Auto/Manual control.To release the control output ON/OFF, press this key for approx. 1sec.(12) Console connector :By connecting to the USB communication cable (CMA, sold separately), the following operations can be conducted from the external computer using the Console software SWS-ACS01M. • Reading and setting of SV, PID and various set values• Reading of PV and action status • Function change(10)(11)3. Mounting to the control panel3.1 External dimensions (Unit: mm)(Fig. 3.1-1)3.2 Panel cutout(Unit: mm)CautionIf lateral close mounting is used for the controller, IP66 specification (Dust-proof/Drip-proof) may be compromised, and all warranties will be invalidatedLateral close mountingn: Number of units mounted(Fig. 3.2-1)3.3 CT (Current transformer) external dimensions (Unit: mm)CTL-6S (for 20A) CTL-12-S36-10L1 (for 50A)(Fig. 3.3-1)754545+0.5045+0.50n x 48-3+0.50(*) When a terminal cover (sold separately) is used.3.4 Mounting and removal to/from the control panelCautionAs the mounting frame is made of resin, do not use excessive force while tightening screws, or the mounting frame could be damaged.Tighten screws with one rotation upon the screw tips touching the panel. The torque is approximately 0.05 to 0.06 N•m.How to mount the ACS-13AMount the controller vertically to the flat, rigid panel to ensure it adheres to the Dust-proof/Drip-proof specification (IP66).Mountable panel thickness: Within 1 to 5mm(1) Insert the controller from the front side of the panel. (Fig.3.4-1)(2) Insert the unit until mounting frame comes into contact with the panel, and fasten with the screw. Tighten screws with one rotation upon the screw tips touching the panel. (Fig.3.4-2) The torque is approximately 0.05 to 0.06N•m.(Fig.3.4-1)How to remove the mounting frame and unit (Fig. 3.4-3)(1) Turn the power to the unit OFF, and disconnect all wires before removing the mounting frame. (2) Insert a flat blade screwdriver between the screw frame and unit (3) Slowly push the frame upward using the screwdriver (4) Repeat step (2) and slowly push the frame downward using the screwdriver for the other side.The frame can be removed little by little by repeating these steps.(Fig.3.4-3)(Fig.3.4-2)Mounting frame4. WiringWarningTurn the power supply to the instrument off before wiring or checking.Working or touching the terminal with the power switched on may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock.4.1 Terminal arrangement(Fig. 4-1) • POWERSUPPLY: For a 24V AC/DC power source, do not confuse polarity when using direct current (DC). • EV1 : Alarm 1 output • O2/EV2: Cooling output (D option), Alarm 2 output (A2 option) or Heater burnout alarm output (W, W3 option) • O1 : Control output or Heating output (D option) • DC : DC current, DC voltage input(For DC voltage input, + side terminal number differs depending on the voltage input.) (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5V DC, 1 to 5V DC, 0 to 10V DC: 9(+) side input terminal number of 0 to 1V DC: 10• TC : Thermocouple input• RTD : Resistance temperature detector input • CT1 : CT input 1 (W, W3 option) • CT2 : CT input 2 (W3 option) • DI : Contact input (SM option) • RS-485 : Serial communication RS-485 (C5 option)4.2 Lead wire solderless terminalUse a solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve in which an M3 screw fits as shown below. The torque is approximately 0.6N•m to 1.0N•m. Solderless terminal Manufacturer ModelTighteningtorqueNichifu T erminal Industries CO.,LTD. 1.25Y -3Y typeJapan Solderless T erminal MFG CO.,LTD.VD1.25-B3A Nichifu T erminal Industries CO.,LTD.1.25-3 Round type Japan Solderless T erminal MFG CO.,LTD. V1.25-30.6N•mMax. 1.0N•m(Fig. 4.2-1)POWER SUPPLY+ 3A 250V AC 3A250V AC + DI2DI1COM YA(-)YB(+)SG DI RS-4853A 250VAC + +++DC 0 to 1V 4 to 20mA 0 to 20mADC4.3 Terminal coverWhen using a terminal cover (sold separately), pass terminal wires numbered 7 to 12 into the holes of the terminal cover.(Fig. 4.3-1)4.4 Wiring Heater burnout alarm output (W, W3 option)This alarm is not usable for detecting heater current under phase control.Use the CT (current transformer) provided, and pass one lead wire of the heater circuit into the hole of the CT. (Fig. 4.4-1).When wiring, keep the CT wire away from AC sources or load wires to avoid the external interference.(Fig. 4.4-1)In the case of 3-phase (W3 option), pass any 2 lead wires of R, S, T into the CT, and connect them with CT1 (13, 14) and CT2 terminals (14, 15). (Fig.4.4-2)Pass any 2 wires of R, S and T into CT.(Fig. 4.4-2)RS T5. Operation flowchartPower ONControl output OFF/Manual control Control output OFF (Approx. 1sec) Auto/Manual control PV/SV display mode (Automatic control)For 3 seconds after the power is turned on, the PV display indicates the input type, and the SV display indicates input range high limit value (TC, RTD) or scaling high limit value (DC voltage, DC current). (Approx. 3sec) Output MV indication[Main setting mode] SV+ [Sub setting mode] Auto-tuning/ Auto-reset+ (Approx. 3sec) [Auxiliary function setting mode] Set value lock+ (Approx. 3sec) [Setup mode] Input typeAlarm 1 hysteresisSV2OUT1 proportional band OUT2 proportional band Integral timeSensor correctionScaling high limitAlarm 2 hysteresisSV3Communication protocolScaling low limitAlarm 1 action delayed timerSV4Instrument numberDecimal point placeAlarm 2 action delayed timerDerivative timeCommunication speedPV filter time constantSV rise rateARWData bit/ParityOUT1 high limitSV fall rateOUT1 proportional cycle OUT2 proportional cycle Alarm 1 valueStop bitOUT1 low limitDirect/Reverse control actionOUT1 ON/OFF action hysteresisAT biasOUT2 action modeSVTC biasAlarm 2 valueOUT2 high limitContact input functionHeater burnout alarm value (*1) Heater burnout alarm 2 value (*2)OUT2 low limitOutput status selection when input abnormal OUT/OFF key functionOverlap band/ Dead bandOUT2 ON/OFF action hysteresisBacklightAlarm 1 typePV color[Key operation]• • • • + + : Press the key while pressing the key. (Approx.3sec): Press the key for approx. 3 seconds while holding down the key. + (Approx.3sec): Press the key for approx. 3 seconds while holding down the key. : This means that if the (MODE) key is pressed, the unit proceeds to the next setting mode.Alarm 2 type PV color rangeAlarm 1 Energized/ Deenergized Alarm 2 Energized/ DeenergizedBacklight time[Setting item]• PV display indicates setting item characters, and SV display indicates default value. (*1) CT1 current value and character are indicated alternately. (*2) CT2 current value and characters are indicated alternately. • Setting items with dotted lines (shaded) are optional, and they appear only when the options are added.Indication selection when output OFF OUT1 rate of change limit116. SetupSetup should occur before using this controller, to set the Input type, Alarm type, Control action, etc. according to the users’ conditions. Default values: Input (K, -200 to1370 ), Alarm 1 (No alarm action), Reverse (Heating) action If the users’ specification is the same as the default value of the ACS-13A, it is not necessary to set up the controller. Proceed to Chapter “7. Settings”. 6.1 Turn the power supply to the ACS-13A ON. After the power is turned on, the PV display indicates the input type, and the SV display indicates the input range high limit value (thermocouple, RTD input) or scaling high limit value (DC input) for approximately 3 seconds. (Table 6.1-1) During this time, all outputs and the indicators are in OFF status. Control will then start indicating the PV (process variable) on the PV display and SV (main set value) on the SV display. . While control output OFF function is working, the PV display indicates (Indication depends on the selection during “Output status selection when input abnormal”.) (Table 6.1-1) Sensor input K J R S B E T N PLC (W/Re5-26) Pt100 JPt100 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 20mA DC 0 to 1V DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC PV display SV display PV display SV displayScaling high limit value6.2 Basic key operations To enter each setting mode, refer to respective setting modes. or key, then register the value with the To set or select each setting item, use thekey.126.3 Setup mode To enter the Setup mode, press the PV/SV display mode. Characterkey for approx. 3 seconds while holding down thekey in theName, Function, Setting range Default value Input type selection K (-200 to 1370 ) • The input type can be selected from thermocouple (10 types), RTD (2 types), DC current (2 types) and DC voltage (4 types), and the unit / can be selected as well. • When changing the input from DC voltage to other inputs, remove the sensor connected to this controller first, then change for the input. If the input is changed with the sensor connected, the input circuit may break. • (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5V DC, 1 to 5V DC, 0 to 10V DC differs from that of 0 to 1V DC. (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5V DC, 1 to 5V DC, 0 to 10V DC: 9 (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 1V DC: 10 K -320 to 2500 K -200 to 1370K J R S B E T N PLC(W/Re5-26) Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 4 to 20mA DC0 to 20mA DC-200.0 -200 0 0 0 -200 -200.0 -200 0 0 -200.0 -200.0 -200 -200 -2000to 400.0 to 1000 to 1760 to 1760 to 1820 to 800 to 400.0 to 1300 to 1390 to 2315 to 850.0 to 500.0 to 850 to 500 to 10000K -320.0 to 750.0 J -320 to 1800 R 0 to 3200 S 0 to 3200 B 0 to 3300 E -320 to 1500 T -320.0 to 750.0 N -320 to 2300 PL0 to 2500 C(W/Re5-26) 0 to 4200 Pt100 -320.0 to 1500.0 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 -320.0 to 900.0 -320 to 1500 -320 to 900-2000 to 10000 0 to 1V DC -2000 to 10000 0 to 5V DC -2000 to 10000 1 to 5V DC -2000 to 10000 0 to 10V DC -2000 to 10000 Scaling high limit setting 1370 • Sets scaling high limit value. • Setting range: Scaling low limit value to input range high limit value DC voltage, current input: -2000 to 10000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) Scaling low limit setting -200 • Sets scaling low limit value. • Setting range: Input range low limit value to scaling high limit value DC voltage, current input: -2000 to 10000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) Decimal point place selection No decimal point • Selects decimal point place. Available only for DC input : No decimal point • : 1 digit after decimal point : 2 digits after decimal point : 3 digits after decimal point 13PV filter time constant setting 0.0 seconds • Sets PV filter time constant. If the value is set too large, it affects control result due to the delay of response. • Setting range: 0.0 to 10.0 seconds OUT1 high limit setting 100% • Sets the high limit value of OUT1. Not available if OUT1 is ON/OFF action • Setting range: OUT1 low limit value to 100% (DC current output type: OUT1 low limit value to 105%) OUT1 low limit setting 0% • Sets the low limit value of OUT1. Not available if OUT1 is ON/OFF action. • Setting range: 0% to OUT1 high limit value (DC current output type: -5% to OUT1 high limit value) OUT1 ON/OFF action hysteresis setting 1.0 • Sets ON/OFF action hysteresis for OUT1. Available only when OUT1 is ON/OFF action • Setting range: 0.1 to 100.0 ( ), DC voltage, current input: 1 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) OUT2 action mode selection Air cooling • Selects OUT2 action from air, oil and water cooling. Not available if the D option is not added or if OUT2 is ON/OFF action Air cooling (linear characteristic) • Oil cooling (1.5th power of the linear characteristic) Water cooling (2nd power of the linear characteristic)OUT2 proportional band Air cooling Oil cooling Water cooling SV setting(Fig. 6.3-1) OUT2 high limit setting 100% • Sets OUT2 high limit value. Not available if the D option is not added or if OUT2 is ON/OFF action • Setting range: OUT2 low limit value to 100% OUT2 low limit setting 0% • Sets OUT2 low limit value. Not available if the D option is not added or if OUT2 is ON/OFF action • Setting range: 0% to OUT2 high limit value Overlap band/Dead band setting 0.0 • Sets the overlap band or dead band for OUT1 and OUT2. + Set value: Dead band, –Set value: Overlap band Available only when the D option is added • Setting range: -100.0 to 100.0 ( ), DC voltage, current input: -1000 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) OUT2 ON/OFF action hysteresis setting 1.0 • Sets ON/OFF action hysteresis for OUT2. Available when the D option is added, and when OUT2 is ON/OFF control action. • Setting range: 0.1 to 100.0 ( ), DC voltage, current input: 1 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.)14Alarm 1 type selection No alarm action • Selects an Alarm 1 type. (Refer to “11.4 Alarm action” on p.29.) : No alarm action : High limit alarm : Low limit alarm : High/Low limits alarm : High/Low limit range alarm : Process high alarm : Process low alarm : High limit alarm with standby : Low limit alarm with standby : High/Low limits alarm with standby Alarm 2 (A2) type selection No alarm action • Selects an Alarm 2 type. (Refer to “11.4 Alarm action” on p.29.) Available only when Alarm 2 (A2) option is added • Selection items are the same as those of Alarm 1. Alarm 1 Energized/Deenergized selection Energized • Selects Energized/Deenergized status for Alarm 1. (See p.18.) Not available if No alarm action is selected during Alarm 1 type selection : Energized • : Deenergized Alarm 2 Energized/Deenergized selection Energized • Selects Energized/Deenergized status for Alarm 2. (See p.18.) Not available if Alarm 2 (A2) option is not added or if No alarm action is selected during Alarm 2 type selection • Selection items are the same as those of Alarm 1 Energized/Deenergized selection. Alarm 1 hysteresis setting 1.0 • Sets hysteresis for Alarm 1. Not available if No alarm action is selected during Alarm 1 type selection • Setting range: 0.1 to 100.0 ( ), DC voltage, current input: 1 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) Alarm 2 hysteresis setting 1.0 • Sets hysteresis for Alarm 2. Not available if Alarm 2 (A2) option is not added or if No alarm action is selected during Alarm 2 type selection • Setting range: 0.1 to 100.0 ( ), DC voltage, current input: 1 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) Alarm 1 action delayed timer setting 0 seconds • Sets action delayed timer for Alarm 1. When setting time has elapsed after the input enters the alarm output range, the alarm is activated. Not available if No alarm action is selected during Alarm 1 type selection • Setting range: 0 to 10000 seconds Alarm 2 action delayed timer setting 0 seconds • Sets action delayed timer for Alarm 2. When setting time has elapsed after the input enters the alarm output range, the alarm is activated. Not available if Alarm 2 (A2) option is not added or if No alarm action is selected during Alarm 2 type selection • Setting range: 0 to 10000 seconds 15。



·当输入有小数点时,最小值为-199.9,最大值为 999.9。
| 符号 D
微分时间设定 ·设定微分时间。设定值为 0 时取消该功能。 ·设定范围:0~300 秒 ·出厂值:50 秒
| | 符号 C
| | 符号 C_B
| | 符号 A1
| | 符号 A2
| 方式键
| 符号 H□□.□, □ XX.X 交替显示
| 方式键
比例周期设定 ·设定控制输出(OUT1)比例周期。在开/关动作和电流输出时无效。 ·在继电器输出时,如果比例周期减少,继电器动作频率增加,则继电器 寿命缩短。 ·设定范围:0~120 秒 ·出厂值:继电器输出时为 30 秒;无触点电压输出时为 3 秒。
报警 2(A2)动作设定 ·设定报警 2 动作点。 ·设定值为 0 或 0.0 时取消该功能(过程上限和下限报警除外) ·未选择报警 2(A2)动作时无效。 ·设定范围:见表 3.4-1 ·出厂值:0℃
加热器断线报警设定 ·设定加热器断线报警的电流值。 ·当选择 W 特选功能时有效。 ·当主输出关断时,加热器电流值与上次主输出接通时相同。 ·设定值为 0.0 时取消该功能。 考虑到电压波动,推荐设定为加热器额定电流值的约 80%。 ·当报警输出时,自保持功能无效。 ·设定范围:W(5A):0.0~5.0A W(10A):0.0~10.0A

FC300 操作说明书(MG33A143)

FC300 操作说明书(MG33A143)
Operating Instructions
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300
FC 300 操作說明書
如何閱讀操作說明 ........................................................ 3
認可 ...................................................................... 4 符號 ...................................................................... 5 縮寫 ...................................................................... 5
供透過 DeviceNet Fieldbus 控制、監控和規劃傳動裝置的必要資訊。 - VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 MCT 10 Operating Instructions (VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 MCT 10 作業說明) 提供在電
腦上安裝和使用軟體的資訊。 Danfoss Drives 技術文獻也可在 /drives 網站上找到。 認可
FC 300 300 Operating Instructions (VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 作業說明) 提供啟動和運轉
傳動裝置的必要資訊。 - VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 Design Guide (VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 設計指南) 詳細說明關於傳動裝置及客戶



COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTION MANUALJCS, JCM, JCR, JCD-33A, C5No.JC3CE6 2005.04 To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, please ensure the operator receives this manual.WarningTurn the power supply to the instrument off before wiring or checking it.Working or touching the terminal with the power switched on may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock.1. System configurationRS-485 multi-drop connection communication (C5 option)(Fig. 1-1)(Fig. 1-2)Please use the IF-400 (sold separately) as a communication converter. 2. WiringWhen using communication converter IF-400 • 9-pin Dsub connector: Connection: (Communication speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps)Host computerConnection: (Communication speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps)Shield wireConnect only one side of the shield wire to the FG terminal so that current cannot flow to the shield wire.(If both sides of the shield wire are connected to the FG terminal, the circuit will be closed between the shield wire and the ground. As a result, current will run through the shield wire and this may cause noise.)Be sure to ground the FG terminal. Terminator (Terminal resistor)Do not connect terminator with the communication line because each JC -33A has built-in pull-up and pull-down resistors instead of a terminator.-33A• It is necessary to set the instrument number individually to the JC -33A when communicating byconnecting plural units in serial communication (C5 option).Select a communication speed of the JC -33A in accordance with that of the host computer. • For the instrument number setting and communication speed, refer to the instruction manual for JC -33A.4. Communication procedureCommunication starts with command transmission from the host computer (hereafter Master) and ends with the response of the JC -33A (hereafter Slave).• Response with datathe master sends the reading command, the slaveresponds with the corresponding set value or current • Acknowledgementthe master sends the setting command, the slaveresponds by sending the acknowledgement after theprocessing is terminated. • Negative acknowledgement the master sends non-existent command or value out of the setting range, the slave returns the negative • No responseaddress is set, or when there is a communication error(framing error or checksum error), or when LRC or CRCdiscrepancy is detected.Host computerCommunication timing of the RS-485 (C5 option)Slave sideWhen the slave starts transmission through RS-485 communication line, the slave is arranged so as to provide an idle status (mark status) transmission period of 1 or more characters before sending the response to ensure the synchronization on the receiving side.The slave is arranged so as to disconnect the transmitter from the communication line within a1 character transmission period after sending the response.Master side (Notice on programming)Set the program so that the master can disconnect the transmitter from the communication line withina 1 character transmission period after sending the command in preparation for reception of theresponse from the slave.To avoid the collision of transmissions between the master and the slave, send the next command after carefully checking that the master received the response.5. Shinko protocol5.1 Transmission modeShinko protocol is composed of ASCII codes.Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F), which is divided into high order (4-bit) and low order (4-bit) out of 8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as ASCII characters.Data format Start bit : 1 bitData bit : 7 bitsP arity : EvenS top bit : 1 bitError detection: Checksum5.2 Command configurationAll commands are composed of ASCII. The data (set value, decimal number) is represented withhexadecimal number, and ASCII code is used.The negative numbers are represented with 2's complement.(1) Setting command(2) Reading command(3) Response with data(5) Negative acknowledgementHeader: Control code to represent the beginning of the command or the response.ASCII codes are used.Setting command, Reading command : 02H fixedResponse with data, Acknowledgement : 06H fixedNegative acknowledgement : 15H fixed Number of charactersNumber ofcharactersNumber ofcharacters Number ofcharactersNumber ofcharactersAddress (Instrument number): Numbers by which the master discerns each slave. Instrument number 0 to 94 (00H to 5EH) and Global address 95 (7FH) The numbers (20H to 7EH) are used by giving 20H of bias, because 00H to 1FH are used for control code. 95 (7FH) is called Global address , which is used when the same command is sent to all the slaves connected. However, the response is not returned.Sub address : 20H fixedCommand type : Code to discern Setting command (50H) and Reading command (20H) Data item : Data classification of the command object Composed of hexadecimal 4 digits (Refer to the Communication command table) Data : The contents of data (set value) depend on the setting command Composed of hexadecimal 4 digits (Refer to the Communication command table) Checksum : 2-character data to detect communication errors Delimiter : Control code to represent the end of command 03H fixed Error code : Represents an error type. Composed of hexadecimal 1 digit. 1 (31H)-----Non-existent command 2 (32H)-----Not used 3 (33H)-----Setting outside the setting range 4 (34H)-----Status unable to set (e.g. AT is performing) 5 (35H)-----During setting mode by keypad operation5.3 Checksum calculationChecksum is used to detect receiving errors in the command or data.Set the program for the master side as well to calculate the checksum of the response data from the slaves so that the communication errors can be checked. The ASCII code (hexadecimal) corresponding to the characters which range from the address to that before the checksum is converted to binary notation, and the total value is calculated.The lower 2-digit of the total value are converted to 2’s complements, and then to hexadecimal figures, that is, ASCII code for the checksum. Refer to the following example procedure. Checksum calculation example Main set value: 600 (0258H)Address (instrument number): 0 (20H)• 1’s complement: Reverse each binary bit. 0 will become 1 and vice versa. • 2’s complement: Add 1 to 1’s complements.20H50H0010 00000101 00001101 11111+[1's complement][2's complement][Hexadecimal][ASCII]5.4 Contents of the commandNotes on the setting command and reading command• Possible to set the set value by setting command of the communication function even when the set value is locked.• Although the options are not applied, setting the items for the options is possible by the setting command. However, they will not function.• The memory can store up to 1,000,000 (one million) entries.If the number of settings exceeds the limit, the data will not be saved. So frequent transmission via communication is not recommended.• When connecting plural slaves, the address (instrument number) must not be duplicated.• When sending a command by Global address [95 (7FH)], the same command is sent to all the slaves connected. However, the response is not returned.• The instrument number and communication speed of the slave cannot be set by communication function.Setting command• The settable range is the same as that by key operation.For the communication command, refer to the communication command table of this manual. • All commands are composed of ASCII.• The data (set value, decimal) is converted to hexadecimal figures, and ASCII is used.A negative number is represented by 2's complement. When the data (set value) has a decimal point, a whole number without a decimal point is used. Reading command• All commands are composed of ASCII.• The data (set value, decimal) is converted to hexadecimal figures, and ASCII is used.A negative number is represented by 2's complement. When the data (set value) has a decimal point, the response is returned as a whole number without a decimal point.6. Modbus protocol6.1 Transmission modeThere are 2 transmission modes (ASCII and RTU) in Modbus protocol. 6.2 ASCII modeHexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F), which is divided into high order (4-bit) and low order (4-bit) out of 8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as ASCII characters. Data format Start bit : 1 bit Data bit : 7 bits P arity : Even/Odd/No parity (Selectable) S top bit : 1 bit/2 bits (Selectable) Error detection : LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) Data interval : 1 second or less (1) Message configurationASCII mode message is configured to start by [: (colon)(3AH)] and end by [CR (carriage return) (0DH) + LF (Line feed)(0AH)]. (See Fig. 6.2-1)(2) Slave addressSlave address is an individual instrument number on the slave side and is set within the range 00H to 5FH (0 to 95).The master identifies slaves by the slave address of the requested message.The slave informs the master which slave is responding to the master by placing its own address in the response message.[Slave address 00H (broadcast address) can identify all the slaves. However slaves do not respond.] (3) Function codeThe function code is the command code for the slave to undertake the following action types (T able 6.2-1). (Table 6.2-1) Function code Contents 03 (03H) Reading the set value and information from slaves 06 (06H) Setting to slavesFunction code is used to discern whether the response is normal (acknowledgement) or if any error (negative acknowledgement) is occurred when the slave returns the response message to the master. When acknowledgement is returned, the slave simply returns the original function code.When negative acknowledgement is returned, the MSB of the original function code is set as 1 for the response.Slave address FunctioncodeDataError check LRC Delimiter (CR)Header (:)Delimiter (LF)(For example, when the master sends request message setting 10H to function code by mistake, slave returns 90H by setting the MSB to 1, because the former is an illegal function.)For negative acknowledgement, exception code (Table 6.2-2) below is set to the data of response message and returned to the master in order to inform it that what kind of error has occurred. (Table 6.2-2)Exception code Contents1 (01H) Illegal function (Non-existent function)2 (02H) Illegal data address (Non-existent data address)3 (03H)Illegal data value (Value out of the setting range)17 (11H)Illegal setting (Unsettable status)18 (12H) Illegal setting (During setting mode by key operation, etc)(4) DataData depends on the function code.A request message from the master is composed of data item, number of data and setting data.A response message from the slave is composed of number of bytes, data and exception codein negative acknowledgement. Effective range of data is –32768 to 32767 (8000H to 7FFFH).(5) Error check of ASCII modeAfter calculating LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) from the slave address to the end of data, the calculated 8-bit data is converted to two ASCII characters and are appended to the end of message.Create a message in RTU mode.Add all the values from the slave address to the end of data. This is assumed as X.Make a complement for X (bit reverse). This is assumed as X.Add a value of 1 to X. This is assumed as X.Set X as an LRC to the end of the message.Convert the whole message to ASCII characters.Reading (Instrument number 1, SV)• A request message from the masterThe number of data means the data item to be read, and it is fixed as (30H 30H 30H 31H).• A response message from the slave in normal status (When SV=100)(Fig.6.2-3) The number of response bytes means the number of bytes of the data which has been read,and it is fixed as (30H 32H).• A response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When data item is mistaken)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (83H).The exception code (02H: Non-existent data address) is returned as contents of error.Setting (Instrument number 1, SV=100)• A request message from the master(Fig.6.2-5)• A response message from the slave in normal status(Fig.6.2-6)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiterHeader(30H 31H)Number ofdata(3AH)1224422(30H 33H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(46H 41H)(0DH 0AH)Number ofcharactersSlaveaddressFunctioncodeNumber ofresponse bytesError checkLRCDelimiterHeader Data1222422(3AH)(30H 31H)(30H 33H)(30H 32H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 36H)(0DH 0AH)Number ofcharacters(0DH 0AH)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeExceptioncodeError checkLRCDelimiterHeader122222Number ofcharacters(3AH)(30H 31H)(38H 33H)(30H 32H)(37H 41H)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiterHeader(30H 31H)Data(3AH)1224422Number ofcharacters(30H 36H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 34H)(0DH 0AH)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiter Header Data1224422Number ofcharacters (3AH)(30H 31H)(30H 36H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 34H)(0DH 0AH)• A response message from the slave in exception(error) status (When a value out of the setting range is set)(Fig. 6.2-7)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (86H). The exception code (03H: Value out of the setting range) is returned as contents of error.6.3 RTU mode8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as it is. Data format Start bit : 1 bit Data bit : 8 bits Parity : Even/Odd/No parity (Selectable) Stop bit : 1 bit/2 bits (Selectable) Error detection : CRC-16 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Data interval : 3.5 characters transmission time or less (1) Message configurationRTU mode is configured to start after idle time is processed for more than 3.5 character transmission and end after idle time is processed for more than 3.5 character transmission. (See Fig. 6.3-1) (Fig. 6.3-1) (2) Slave addressSlave address is an individual instrument number on the slave side and is set within the range 00H to 5FH (0 to 95).The master identifies slaves by the slave address of the requested message.The slave informs the master which slave is responding to the master by placing its own address in the response message.[Slave address 00H (broadcast address) can identify all the slaves. However slaves do not respond.] (3) Function codeThe function code is the command code for the slave to undertake the following action types (T able 6.3-1). (Table 6.3-1) Function code Contents 03 (03H) Reading the set value and information from slaves 06 (06H) Setting to slavesFunction code is used to discern whether the response is normal (acknowledgement) or if any error (negative acknowledgement) is occurred when the slave returns the response message to the master. When acknowledgement is returned, the slave simply returns the original function code.When negative acknowledgement is returned, the MSB of the original function code is set as 1 for the response.(For example, when the master sends request message setting 10H to function code by mistake, slave returns 90H by setting the MSB to 1, because the former is an illegal function.)For negative acknowledgement, exception code (Table 6.3-2) below is set to the data of response message and returned to the master in order to inform it that what kind of error has occurred. (Table 6.3-2)Exception code Contents 1 (01H) Illegal function (Non-existent function) 2 (02H) Illegal data address (Non-existent data address) 3 (03H) Illegal data value (Value out of the setting range) 17 (11H) Illegal setting (Unsettable status) 18 (12H) Illegal setting (During setting mode by keypad operation, etc) (4) DataData depends on the function code.A request message from the master side is composed of data item, number of data and setting data. A response message from the slave side is composed of number of bytes, data and exception code in negative acknowledgement. Effective range of data is –32768 to 32767 (8000H to 7FFFH). (5) Error check of RTU modeAfter calculating CRC-16 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) from the slave address to the end of data, the calculated 16-bit data is appended to the end of message in sequence from low order to high order.3.5 idle characters Slave address Function codeData Error check CRC 3.5 idlecharacters Slave addressFunction codeException codeError checkLRCDelimiterHeader2Number ofcharacters 22221(3AH)(30H 31H)(38H 36H)(30H 33H)(37H 36H)(0DH 0AH)How to calculate CRCIn the CRC system, the information is divided by the polynomial series. The remainder is added to the end of the information and transmitted. The generation of polynomial series is as follows.16 + X 15+ X 2 + 1)Initialize the CRC-16 data (assumed as X) (FFFFH).Calculate exclusive OR (XOR) with the 1st data and X. This is assumed as X.Shift X one bit to the right. This is assumed as X.When a carry is generated as a result of the shift, XOR is calculated by X ofand the fixeduntil shifting 8 times.up to the last data.Set X as CRC-16 to the end of message in sequence from low order to high order. RTU modeReading (Instrument number 1, SV) • Request message from the masterThe number of data means the data item to be read, and it is fixed as 0001H. • Response message from the slave in normal status (When SV=100)(Fig. 6.3-3)The number of response byte means number of bytes of the data which has been read, and it is fixed as 02H.• Response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When non-existent data item is sent)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (83H). The exception code (02H: Non-existent data address) is returned as contents of error. Setting (Instrument number 1, SV=100) • Request message from the master• Response message from the slave in normal status• Response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When a value out of the setting range is set)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (86H). The exception code (03H: Value out of the setting range) is returned as contents of error.3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data itemError check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(03H)(0001H)Number of data (0001H)(D5CAH)11222Number of characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Number of response bytesError check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(03H)(02H)Data(0064H)(B9AFH)11122characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Exception code Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(83H)(02H)(C0F1H)1112Number of characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data item Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(06H)(0001H)Data (0064H)(D9E1H)11222characters 3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data item Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(06H)(0001H)Data(0064H)(D9E1H)112223.5 idle characters Slave address Function code Exception code Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(86H)(03H)(0261H)1112characters7. Communication command tableWhen the data (set value) has a decimal point, remove the decimal point and represent it as a whole number, then express it in hexadecimal figures.Shinko command type ModbusfunctioncodeData item Data20H/50H 03H/06H 0001H: SV1 Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0002H: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 0003H: AT/Auto-reset setting 0000H: Cancel 0001H: Perform 20H/50H 03H/06H 0004H: OUT1 proportional band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0005H: OUT2 proportional band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0006H: Integral time setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0007H: Derivative time setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0008H: OUT1 proportional cycle setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0009H: OUT2 proportional cycle setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000AH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000BH: A1 setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000CH: A2 setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000DH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000EH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000FH: HB (Heater burnout alarm)settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0010H: LA (Loop break alarm) timesettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0011H: LA (Loop break alarm) spansettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0012H: Set value lock selection (*1) 0000H: Unlock 0001H: Lock 10002H: Lock 2 0003H: Lock 3 20H/50H 03H/06H 0013H: SV high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0014H: SV low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0015H: Sensor correction value setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0016H: Overlap/Dead band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0017H: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 0018H: Scaling high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0019H: Scaling low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001AH: Decimal point place selection 0000H: XXXX (No decimal point)0001H: XXX.X (1 digit after decimalpoint)0002H: XX.XX (2 digits after decimalpoint)0003H: X.XXX (3 digits after decimalpoint)20H/50H 03H/06H 001BH: PV filter time constant setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001CH: OUT1 high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001DH: OUT1 low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001EH: OUT1 ON/OFF actionhysteresis settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 001FH: OUT2 action mode selection 0000H: Air cooling0001H: Oil cooling0002H: Water cooling20H/50H 03H/06H 0020H: OUT2 high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0021H: OUT2 low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0022H: OUT2 ON/OFF action hysteresissettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0023H: A1 action selection (*2)0024H: A2 action selection (*2) 0000H: No alarm action0001H: High limit alarm0002H: Low limit alarm0003H: High/Low limits alarm 0004H: High/Low limit range alarm 0005H: Process high alarm0006H: Process low alarm0007H: High limit alarm with standby 0008H: Low limit alarm with standby 0009H: H/L limits alarm w/standby[–200 to 1370400.0[–200 to 1000176017601820800400.013001390[0 to 2315[–199.9 to 850.0[–199.9 to 500.08505002500750.0[–320 to 1800320033001500750.023002500[0 to 4200[–199.9 to 999.9[–199.9 to 900.0[–300 to 15009004 to 20mA DC[–1999 to 9999]20H/50H 03H/06H 0047H: AT bias setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0048H: ARW (anti-reset windup) setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 006FH: Key Lock selection 0000H:Key enabled0001H: Key Lock50H 06H0070H:Key operation change flagclearing 0000H:No action 0001H: All clearing20H 03H 0080H: PV reading Present PV (input value)20H 03H 0081H: OUT1 MV reading Set value20H 03H 0082H: OUT2 MV reading Set value20H 03H 0083H: Not used20H 03H 0084H: Not used20H 03H 0085H: OUT status reading 0000 0000 0000 0000215to 2020 digit: OUT10: OFF 1: ON21 digit: OUT20: OFF 1: ON22digit: A1 output0: OFF 1: ON23 digit: A2 output0: OFF 1: ON24 digit: Not used (Always 0)25 digit: Not used (Always 0)26 digit: HB (Heater burnout alarm)output0: OFF 1: ON(When sensor burnout, 0: OFF)27 digit: LA (Loop break alarm)output0: OFF 1: ON28 digit: Overscale0: OFF 1: ON29 digit: Underscale0: OFF 1: ON210 digit: OUT/OFF selection0: OUT 1: OFF211 digit: AT/Auto-reset0: OFF 1: ON212 digit: OUT/OFF key functions election0: OUT/OFF 1: Auto/Manual213 digit: Not used (Always 0)214 digit: Auto/Manual control0: Automatic 1: Manual215 digit: Change in key operation0: No 1: Yes20H 03H 0086H: Not used20H 03H 0087H: Not used20H 03H 00A0H: Not used20H 03H 00A1H: Instrument information reading 0000 0000 0000 0000215to 2020 digit: Not used (Always 0)21 digit: Cooling action0: Not applied 1: Applied22 digit: A1 function0: Not applied 1: Applied23 digit: A2 function0: Not applied 1: Applied24 digit: Not used (Always 0)25 digit: Not used (Always 0)26 digit: HB (Heater burnout alarm)0: Not applied 1: Applied27 digit: LA (Loop break alarm)0: Not applied 1: Applied28 to 215 digit: Not used (Always 0)This is why the set value reverts to the one before Lock 3 when power is turned OFF.(*2) When alarm action type is changed, the alarm set value reverts to the default value and alarm output status is also initialized.NoticeWhen data setting is changed by front keypad operation, the data that is related to the changed item is also changed automatically as shown in Example 1 below.However, when the data setting is changed by communication function, the related data does not change as shown in Example 2 below. (Only the changed data is altered.) (Example 1) SV high limit: 1370SV: 1000When SV high limit is changed to 800 by the front keypad operation, both SV high limit and SV are changed to 800.(Example 2) SV high limit: 1370SV: 1000When SV high limit is changed to 800 by communication function, SV high limit is changed to 800, however, SV is maintained at the same temperature 1000.8. SpecificationsC able length : Maximum communication distance 1.2km Cable resistance: Within 50 (Terminator is not necessary or 120 or more on one side.)Communication line : EIA RS-485 Communication method : Half-duplexCommunication speed : 9600bps (2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps) Selectable by keypad Synchronous system : Start-stop synchronous Code form : ASCII, binary Error correction : Command request repeat system Error detection : Parity check, Checksum (LRC), CRC Data format Start bit : 1 Data bit : 7, 8Parity : Even, Odd, No parity Stop bit : 1, 29. TroubleshootingIf any malfunctions occur, refer to the following items after checking the power supply to the master and the slave.• Problem: Communication failureCheck the followingThe connection or wiring of communication cable is not secure.Burnout or imperfect contact on the communication cable and the connector. Communication speed of the slave does not coincide with that of the master.The data bit, parity and stop bit of the master do not accord with those of the slave. The instrument number of the slave does not coincide with that of the command. The instrument numbers are duplicated in multiple slaves.Make sure that the program is appropriate for the transmission timing.• Problem: Although communication is occurring, the response is 'NAK'.Check the followingCheck that a non-existent command code has not been sent.The setting command data exceeds the setting range of the slave.The controller cannot be set when functions such as AT are performing. The operation mode is under the front keypad operation setting mode.For further inquiries, please consult our agency or the shop where you purchased the unit.SHINKO TECHNOS CO.,LTD.OVERSEAS DIVISION::::Reg. Office Mail Address URL E-mail1-2-48, Ina, Minoo, Osaka, Japan P.O.Box 17, Minoo, Osaka, Japan http://www.shinko-technos.co.jp overseas@shinko-technos.co.jpTel :Fax:81-72-721-278181-72-724-1760。

FC 操作手册

FC 操作手册

JB-TGZL-FC18R型火灾报警控制器(联动型)操作说明书目录第一章系统简介 (3)1.特点 (3)2.性能参数 (4)3.外形尺寸 (5)4.兼容设备目录 (5)5.系统结构 (6)第二章安装 (8)1.安装过程 (8)2.接线图 (9)3.拨码开关设置 (13)第三章操作 (14)1.界面显示 (14)2.液晶窗口显示 (16)3.用户级别 (18)3.1登录 (19)3.2退出 (19)4.状态类型 (20)5.火警事件处理 (22)6.故障事件处理 (23)7.监管事件处理 (24)8.启动/反馈事件处理 (25)9.实时事件查询 (26)10.设备属性查询 (27)11.历史记录查询 (28)12.如何进行屏蔽/开放 (29)13.如何进行启动/停止 (30)14.如何进行测试/移动测试 (31)15.如何进行定位测试/定位恢复 (32)16.如何设置蜂鸣器音量 (33)17.如何设置登录时间 (34)18.如何设置移动测试时间 (35)19.如何设置LCD关闭时间 (36)20.如何设置时间 (37)21.如何进行系统检测 (38)22.如何保存配置 (39)23.如何修改参数 (40)24.如何新建/查看联动关系 (41)25.如何编辑/删除联动关系 (42)26.如何进行组分配/FRT分配 (44)27.如何查看帮助信息 (45)28.如何操作联动盘 (45)29.如何打开/关闭打印机 (46)30.如何替换设备 (48)页码:1/60JB-TGZL-FC18R型火灾报警控制器(联动型)操作说明书第四章维护 (49)1.日常检查 (49)2.应急故障处理 (49)3.可替代元件 (51)附录1 可编辑参数表 (52)附录2 设备可操作项一览表 (55)附录3 设备分组表 (57)附录4 联动关系编写规则 (58)附录5 输入法 (59)附录6 方便快捷的工程调试方法 (60)附录7 名词解释 (60)页码:2/60JB-TGZL-FC18R型火灾报警控制器(联动型)操作说明书第一章系统简介JB-TGZL-FC18R系列控制器包括:-FC1860型火灾报警控制器(联动型)1. 特点-符合国家标准GB4717-2005《火灾报警控制器》和GB16806-2006《消防联动控制系统》。


圈 1 F D 1A内部 开关 配置 C 一3
2 ・2 008
矗 誉 ≥ l l 玛 l }
F 列调, C系 i - 1 4 . , 仪在发动机排液恒温系 统中 的应用
DP i的位 2 位 1 、 设置 为O 、 、 O
或 直流电流等输 出:具有模糊 自整定 P P P O / F 等多种控制方式: I I D NOF D D
具 有 多种报 警方式 :具 有 串行通信 、变
F c系列调节仪的设计符合 u 等安 L 全标准 。通过了 I0 0 1 S 9 0 论证 、欧共体 c 论证等 。 E
系统 是发 动 机 性 能 测 试 中 的

个 很 重 要 的 系统 。图 2 所
示的控制原理图是一种成功 的解决方案 。在循 环泵 的作
用 下 发 动 机 排 出 的液 体 经 图 2 系统控锄 碌理 图 过过 滤器 流入水箱 再经 热交
得 的 出 1 体 温 度 和 进 1 体 温 度 3液 3液
9 等其他数值) 0C 。
调 节仪 内部 调试参数 表
(V 、P 2 等。 P1 V)
() 1 具有 多种 功能 可 以热电偶 、热 电阻 、直流 电流 或
电压等多种方式输入 :可以加热 /冷却
方式 控 制和 以继 电器接 点 、无触 点 电压
限值等 ,可以外部选择某一程序执行 , 也可作 7 步程序控制 ,能适用于多种控
制 对象 或生 产工艺 。 ( ) 过 多种论 证 5通
报警 2 动作类型

日本SHINKO神港温控器JC系列 中文选型说明书

日本SHINKO神港温控器JC系列 中文选型说明书





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PV / SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
PV / SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
+ MODE 约3秒 设定值锁定选择
主设定值上限设定 设定值
主设定值下限设定 设定值
传感器补偿设定 设定值
重叠区/死区设定 设定值
远程/本地选择 方式
输出关闭显示选择 选择项
主设定值上升速率设定 设定值
PV 上显示 OFF 无任何显示 只在 PV 上显示测量值
主设定值下降速率设定 设定值
输入异常时输出选择 选择
PV/SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
PV/SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
+ 约3秒 程序控制切换
仪表地址设定 设定值
波特率选择 选择项
通信协议选择 选择项
PV / SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
PV / SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
+ + MODE 约3秒 刻度范围上限设定
刻度范围下限设定 设定值
小数点位置选择 选择项
××××. ×××.× ××.××
PV/SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
MODE 约3秒 输出操作值显示方式 实测温度 操作值
(定值控制) (程序控制)
步剩余时间显示 实测温度 步剩余时间
开输出/关输出设定模式 开输出时间设定
外部设定输入上限设定 外部设定输入下限设定
第4步时间设定 第5步时间设定 第6步时间设定
主设定值 设定值
PV / SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
存储文件号选择 设定值
自整定执行/取消 选择项
主比例带设定 设定值
积分时间设定 设定值
微分时间设定 设定值
PV 滤波时间常数设定 报警3动作方式选择
报警1动作延迟时间设定 报警3动作延迟时间设定
PV滤波时间常数 设定值
主输出上限设定 设定值
主输出下限设定 设定值
主输出开/关动作间距 设定值
冷却动作方式选择 选择项
冷却输出上限设定 设定值
冷却输出下限设定 设定值
冷却输出开/关间距 设定值
报警3动作方式选择 选择项
29 30
※ 在控制范围内 SV

AT启动点 AT启动点
仪表通电,预热 2s PV/SV 显示方式

PV显示器 SV显示器
PV显示器 SV显示器

. .
刻度范围 上限值

. . .
刻度范围 上限值
PV / SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值

~ 地
报警 单 元电 源
加热器 电炉
报警 单元 热电偶

1 10000
1000 500
单相 地
报警单元 热电偶
仪表通电,预热2S PV/SV 显示方式
定值控制 程序控制
PV/SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
OUT1比例周期设定 设定值
手动复位值设定 设定值
报警1值设定 设定值
报警2值设定 设定值
报警3值设定 设定值
报警4值设定 设定值
加热器断线报警设定 设定值
M OD E (约3秒) 辅助功能设定模式1
106(特选功能 TC) 106(特选功能 TC)
100~240V AC 或24V AC/DC
OUT2 (DR,DS,DA)/ A2/程序组结束/ LA/P24
OUT1 (S/M 或 A/M)
W 或 W3
EA 或 EV 或
或 或

或 或
报警1延迟时间设定 设定值
报警2延迟时间设定 设定值
报警3延迟时间设定 设定值
报警4延迟时间设定 设定值
外部设ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ输入上限 设定值
外部设定输入下限 设定值
变送输出选择 选择项
变送输出上限设定 设定值
变送输出下限设定 设定值
PV/SV显示方式 实测温度 主设定值
手动控制 实测温度 手操值
实测温度 主设定值 约1秒 OUT
(*) (不亮)
定值控制的场合,控制输出OFF功能 程序控制的场合,启动程序控制
MODE (约3秒)
基本参数设定 设定值存储文件号选择
报警4动作方式选择 选择项
报警1常开/常闭选择 选择项
报警2常开/常闭选择 选择项
报警3常开/常闭选择 选择项
报警4常开/常闭选择 选择项
报警1动作间距 设定值
报警2动作间距 设定值
报警3动作间距 设定值
报警4动作间距 设定值
SV 上升速率设定
SV 下降速率设定
2008. 07 30