



ann = year年(ann 也作 enn)
1.anniversary〔 ann 年,-i- 连接字母,vers 转,-ary 名词后缀;时问“转了一年”→〕周年纪念日,周年纪念
2.annual〔 ann 年,-ual 形容词后缀,…的〕每年的,年度的
3.annals〔 ann 年,-al 名词后缀〕编年史
4.annalist〔见上,-ist 表示人〕编年史作者
5.annuity〔 ann 年,-u- 连接字母,-ity 名词后缀〕年金;年金享受权
6.annuitant〔 annuit(y)年金,-ant 表示人〕领受年金的人
7.superannuate〔 super- 超过, ann 年→年龄,-u- ,-ate 动词兼形容词后缀;“超过年龄”→因年老而令退休,太旧的,过时的
8.superannuation〔见上,-ation 名词后缀〕年老退休
9.perennial〔 per- 通,全,enn 年,-ial 形容词后缀,…的〕全年的,四季不断的
10.semiannual〔 semi- 半, ann 年,-ual …的〕半年一次的。

结婚纪念日 周年含义中英文对照,

结婚纪念日 周年含义中英文对照,

1周年纸婚Paper Wedding
2周年布婚cotton Wedding
3周年皮婚Leather Wedding
4周年丝婚Silk Wedding
5周年木婚Wood Wedding
6周年铁婚Iron Wedding
7周年铜婚copper Wedding
8周年电器婚Appliance Wedding
9周年陶器婚Pottery Wedding
10周年锡婚Tin Wedding
11周年钢婚Steel Wedding
12周年麻婚Linen Wedding
13周年花边婚Lace Wedding
14周年象牙婚Ivory Wedding
15周年水晶婚crystal Wedding
20周年瓷婚china Wedding
25周年银婚Silver Wedding
30周年珍珠婚Pearl Wedding
35周年珊瑚婚(碧玉婚) coral(Jade)Wedding
40周年红宝石婚Rudy Wedding
45周年蓝宝石婚Sapphiye Wedding
50周年金婚Golden Wedding
55周年翠玉婚Emerald Wedding
60周年钻石婚Diamond Wedding



结婚周年纪念英语表达法Paper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年)Calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年)Straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年)Cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年)Muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年)Leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年)Silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年)Wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年)Iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年)Copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年)Woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年)Electric appliance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年) Pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年)Tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年)Steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年)Linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年)Lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年)Ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年)Crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年)china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年)Silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年)第一大典Pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年)Coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年)Jade wedding 碧玉婚(结婚三十五周年)Ruby wedding 红宝石婚(结婚四十周年)Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚(结婚四十五周年)Golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年)第二大典Emerale wedding 翠玉婚(结婚五十五周年) Diamond wedding 钻石婚(结婚六十--七十五周年)。



wedding anniversary,结婚一周年Paper wedding 纸婚、布婚结婚两周年Calico wedding 棉布婚Straw wedding 稻草婚Cotton wedding 棉婚结婚三周年Muslin wedding 羊皮婚Leather wedding 皮革婚结婚四周年Silk wedding 丝婚结婚五周年Wood wedding 木婚结婚六周年Iron wedding 铁婚结婚七周年Copper wedding 铜婚Woolen wedding 毛婚结婚八周年Electric appliance wedding 电器婚结婚九周年Pottery wedding 陶器婚结婚十周年Tin wedding 锡婚结婚十一周年Steel wedding 钢婚结婚十二周年Linen wedding 麻纱婚结婚十三周年Lace wedding 花边婚结婚十四周年Ivory wedding 象牙婚结婚十五周年Crystal wedding 水晶婚结婚二十周年china wedding 搪瓷婚结婚二十五周年Silver wedding 银婚第一大典结婚三十周年Pearl wedding 珍珠婚Coral wedding 珊瑚婚Jade wedding 碧玉婚结婚四十周年Ruby wedding 红宝石婚结婚四十五周年Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚结婚五十周年Golden wedding 金婚第二大典结婚五十五周年Emerale wedding 翠玉婚结婚六十--七十五周年Diamond wedding 钻石婚标点符号英语表达+plus加号;正号-minus减号;负号±plus or minus正负号×is multiplied by乘号÷is divided by除号=is equal to等于号≠is not equal to不等于号≡is equivalent to全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号<is less than小于号>is greater than大于号≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号%per cent百分之…‰per mill千分之…∞infinity无限大号∝varies as与…成比例√(square) root平方根∵since; because因为∴hence所以∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例∠angle角πpi 圆周率△triangle三角形⊥perpendicular to垂直于∪union of并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of总和°degree度′minute分″second秒℃Celsius system摄氏度{open brace, open curly左花括号}close brace, close curly右花括号(open parenthesis, open paren左圆括号)close parenthesis, close paren右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses括号[open bracket 左方括号]close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets方括号.period, dot句号,点&ampersand, and, reference, ref和,引用*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer星号,乘号,星,指针/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号//slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符#pound井号\backslash, sometimes escape反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~tilde波浪符.full stop句号,comma逗号:colon冒号;semicolon分号?question mark问号!exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)'apostrophe撇号-hyphen连字号-- dash 破折号...dots/ ellipsis省略号"single quotation marks 单引号""double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号&ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。



当涉及到表示“2 日”的英语后缀时,常见的有以下几种形式:
1. -second:这是最常见的表示“第二”的后缀。


例如,“Tuesday”(星期二)、“seconds”(秒)、“second place”(第二名)等。

2. -dual:这个后缀表示“双重的”或“两个的”。


例如,“bilingual”(双语的)、“dual citizenship”(双重国籍)等。

3. -bi-:这个前缀可以表示“两个”或“双重”的意思。


4. -two-:这个前缀直接表示“两个”的含义。



此外,还有一些其他的表达方式,如“second day”、“2nd of the month”等,用于更明确地表示“2 日”。

总的来说,英语中有多种方式来表示“2 日”,包括使用后缀、前缀和其他表达方式。







一、月份的英文缩写列表以下为月份的英文缩写及其对应的全称:•Jan: January(一月)•Feb: February(二月)•Mar: March(三月)•Apr: April(四月)•May: May(五月)•Jun: June(六月)•Jul: July(七月)•Aug: August(八月)•Sep: September(九月)•Oct: October(十月)•Nov: November(十一月)•Dec: December(十二月)二、月份缩写的使用示例1. 书写日期在英语中,日期一般采用“月份缩写+日”或“月份全称+日”的方式进行书写。

以下是一些示例:•4/15: April 15th(四月十五日)•Jan 1: January 1st(一月一日)•11/11/11: November 11th, 2011(2011年11月11日)2. 日程安排在安排或记录日程时,使用月份缩写可以使信息更加简洁明了。




[^3^]3. 会议记录在会议记录中,使用月份缩写可以使会议纪要更加简洁,并方便后续查阅。




三、注意事项在使用月份缩写时,有几个需要注意的事项:1. 缩写大小写月份缩写一般使用首字母大写的方式。


2. 缩写与全称的对应关系在掌握月份缩写时,需要记住其对应的全称。





英语的日期格式一、书写方面先看下面的两个例子:1. 1986年10月23日→October 23(rd), 19862. 2002年1月17日→January 17(th), 2002从上面的例子可以看出,英语日期的表达与汉语不同。

英语表达的顺序为\"月、日、年\",因此2004年11月8日就可写成November 8th, 2004,还可表示为November eighth, 2004。

另外,也可写成\"日、月、年\",8th November, 2004即the eighth of November, 2004。

1)“日子”用基数词和序数词都可以接受如:March 28th, 2009 / March 28, 20092)“月份”和“日子”可以换位英式:28 March, 2009美式:March 28,20093)缩写时容易造成误解,英式:“日/月/年”;美式“月/日/年”如:2009年3月1日英式缩写:01/03/2009美式缩写:03/01/2009两种方法都存在,英式写法的顺序比较受欢迎,国际使用较多。

二、朗读方面在朗读时,\"月份\"一般直接用英语读出;\"日\"则要读成\"the + 序数词\";读年份时,一般分为两个单位来读,前两个数为一个单位,后两个数为一个单位。

如:1982年读作nineteen eighty-two, 1900年读作nineteen hundred。


如:984年可读为nine eighty-four,757年读成seven fifty-seven。

另外,像2000年一般读成two thousand, 2001年则读成two thousand and one,以此类推,2004年应读成two thousand and four。



常用的结婚周年称呼结婚1周年 Paper Anniversary 称之为(纸婚)结婚2周年 Cotton Anniversary 称之为(棉婚)结婚3周年 Lea周年er Anniversary 称之为(皮革婚) 结婚4周年 Silk Anniversary 称之为(丝婚)结婚5周年 Wood Anniversary 称之为(木婚)结婚6周年 Lron Anniversary 称之为(铁婚)结婚7周年 Bronze Anniversary 称之为(铜婚)结婚8周年 Electric Anniversary 称之为(电婚)结婚9周年 Ceramic Anniversary 称之为(陶瓷婚)结婚10周年 Tin Anniversary 称之为(锡婚)结婚11周年 Steel Anniversary 称之为(钢婚)结婚12周年 Linen Anniversary 称之为(麻婚)结婚13周年 Lace Anniversary 称之为(花边婚)结婚14周年 Lvory Anniversary 称之为(象牙婚)结婚15周年 Crystal Anniversary 称之为(水晶婚)结婚20周年 China Anniversary 称之为(瓷婚)结婚25周年 Silver Anniversary 称之为(银婚)结婚30周年 Paerl Anniversary 称之为(珍珠婚)结婚35周年 Coral Anniversary 称之为(珊瑚婚)结婚40周年 Ruby Anniversary 称之为(红宝石婚)结婚45周年 Sapphire Anniversary 称之为(蓝宝石婚)结婚50周年 Golden Anniversary 称之为(金婚)结婚55周年 Jade Anniversary 称之为(翡翠婚)结婚60周年 Diamond Anniversary 称之为(钻石婚) 常用的结婚周年称呼。



十一的英文怎么写1~11的英语写法如下:基数词:1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 序数词及缩写:第1 first 1st 第2 second 2nd 第3 third 3rd 第4 fourth 4th 第5 fifth 5th 第6 sixth 6th 第7 seventh 7th 第8 eighth 8th 第9 ninth 9th 第10 tenth 10th 第11 eleventh 拓展资料:英语上数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词。



此外,在描述出生日期时也会用到序数词,比如:May-first (5月1日)。


主要缩写形式有:first→1st,second→2nd,third→3rd,fourth→4th,twentiet h→20th,twenty-third→23rd 其中1st、2nd、3rd为特殊形式,其它的基本上都是阿拉伯数字后加th。



八去t,九除e,ve 要用f替,ty将y变成i,th前面有个e。


2.十一的英语单词怎么写十一的英文:eleven英 [ɪˈlevn] 美 [ɪˈlɛvən]num.十一;十一个;第十一n.十一;十一个adj.十一的;十一个的1、I met some friends and stayed out until eleven or twelve.见了几个朋友,晚上十一点十二分才回家。

2、Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least.通常总共只有十一二个成员。



结婚周年英文称谓結婚周年结婚称谓英文称谓1周年纸婚 Paper Wedding2周年布婚Cotton Wedding3周年皮婚Leather Wedding4周年丝婚 Silk Wedding5周年木婚 Wood Wedding6周年铁婚Iron Wedding7周年铜婚Copper Wedding8周年电器婚Appliance Wedding9周年陶器婚 Pottery Wedding10周年锡婚Tin Wedding11周年钢婚Steel Wedding12周年麻婚 Linen Wedding13周年花边婚 Lace Wedding14周年象牙婚 Ivory Wedding15周年水晶婚 Crystal Wedding20周年瓷婚China Wedding25周年银婚 Silver Wedding30周年珍珠婚Pearl Wedding35周年珊瑚婚(碧玉婚) Coral(Jade)Wedding 40周年紅宝石婚Rudy Wedding45周年蓝宝石婚Sapphiye Wedding50周年金婚Golden Wedding55周年翠玉婚 Emerald Wedding60周年钻石婚Diamond Wedding含义:一周年称纸婚,最初结合薄如纸。




















anniversary n. 周年纪念日anniversary=nian(年)+vers(turn)+ary(表示集合名词)ann=年 annual adj. 年度的annual report/ income/production年度报告/收入/产量vers=turnanniversary=ann(年)+i+vers(turn)+ary(表示集合名词) n. 周年纪念日dictionary 字典vocabulary 词汇-ary也可以表示人secretary=secret + ary contemporary=con(together)+tempor(time)+ary(人) n.同时代的人 adj. 当代的,同时代的 contemporary writer 当代作家/adverse=ad(to)+vers(turn)+e (突然间旋转,大好的形式转变了) adj.不利的,有害的adverse circumstances 逆境 the adverse effects of the drug 药物的有害作用universe=uni(唯一)+vers(turn)+e n. 宇宙unique adj.独一无二的 uniform=uni+form(形式) n.制服 unite v.统一universal adj.全体的共同的universal agreement 全体同意 universal rejoicing 普天同乐version n. 译文,版本 English version说法(一种表述的版本) It’s your version of what happened.Verse n. 诗 prose=p(铺)+rose(玫瑰) n. 散文Reverse=re(against)+vers(turn)+e v.颠倒,翻转(turn sth. inside out or turn sth.over to show the back )reverse the collar Reverse the sheet of the paper回忆: Resist=re(against)+sist(stand) v.抵制,抵抗versatile=vers(turn)+atile adj.多才多艺的 a versatile cooka versatile truck一部多用途的卡车ile 形容词后缀mobile adj可移动的fertile adj. 肥沃的fertile land hostile=host(男主人)+ile adj.有敌意的 be hostile to the reformdiverse=di(away)+vers(turn)+e adj.各种各样的diverse culture backgrounddiversity n.多样性conversely=con(fully)+vers(turn)+ely adv. 副词相反得Some people think this report would destroy the reputation; conversely, it will give us a lot of free publication.Versus prep. 与……相对 VS. The match tonight is China versus Japan.总结anniversary adverse universe version verse reverse versatile diverse conversely versusVert=turnAvert=a(=ab,off)+vert v. 1.避免(事故)Invert v. (put sth. upside down or in the opposite direction) 使倒置,使反向Turn the bottle 与 invert the bottle/invert the orderConvert=con(fully)+vert(turn) v.转化 coal can be converted into gas.(同义词) transform=trans(across)+form(形式) .改变Transformerpronounce=pro(forward)+nounce(speak) v. 发音pronunciation n. 发音renounce=re(back)+nounce(speak) v.放弃 ,否认renounce his privilege放弃他的特权(privilege=priv(private)+i+leg(law)+e leg=law 例legal合法的 illegal不合法的deprive=de(off)+priv(私人)+e v. 剥夺deprive sb of sth.)回忆: liberal illiberal logical illogical literate illteratedenounce v.痛骂denounce sb. as a coward 骂某人是胆小鬼-ard表示人,有贬义bastard 私生子(condemn =con(together)+demn(damn) v. 谴责Most people would condemn any sort of violence)announce v.宣布,公之与众They announced their date of wedding to the public.Announcer 播音员Announcement n.宣布,通告proclaim=pro(forward)+claim(cry) v.宣布,宣告Proclaim the foundation of Chinaexclaim =ex(out)+claim(cry)v.呼喊She exclaimed in delight when she saw the present.acclaim.=ac(to)+claim(cry) v. 用欢呼声表示拥戴The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed.Reclaim=re(back)+claim(cry) 收回Claim n. (根据权利而提出的)要求V.claim 1.(根据权利要求)2.(没有依据的)声称总结: claim exclaim acclaim reclaim proclaim announce denounce renounce pronounce词根词缀第十八节labor n. 1.劳动 2. 劳工, 劳方skilled labor 熟练工人 labor relations 劳资关系laborious=labor+i+ous adj.艰苦的,费力的 a laborious job 一份费力的工作elaborate=e+labor+ate v.详尽说明 elaborate on the truth of the matteradj.详尽的,精心的 elaborate preparationlaboratory=labor+atory atory,tory=场所,地点observatory=observ(observe)+atory n.天文台,观察台lavatory=lav(冲洗)+atory n.盥洗室,厕所(lav,lau =冲洗 lava n.岩浆 laundry n.洗衣店,待洗的衣物)factory=fact(do)+ory n.工厂(manufacture=manu(手)+fact(do)+ure n. v.制造,生产)dormitory=dorm(sleep)+i+tory n.宿舍( dormant adj. 休眠的 dormant volcano休眠性的火山)territory=terr(earth)+i+tory n.领土(terrific=terr(earth)+i+fic(do) adj. 极好的 terr=恐怖terrible adj.可怕的 terror n.恐怖 terrify=terr(恐怖)+ify(使动) v.恐吓terrorist n.恐怖主义分子 socialist 社会主义者collaborate=col(together)+labor+ate v.合作cooperate=co+operate v.合作,勾结cooperate with sb. cooperation n.合作in cooperation wiwh 合作,勾结colleague=col+league(联盟) n.同事(league n. a socialist league alliance n联盟 become stronger through alliance champion championship)respond=re(back)+s(弯弯曲曲的涟漪)+pond(池塘)v. 1.反应2.回答Correspond=cor(together)+respond(反应) v.相符合,相一至Coincidence=co(together)+incidence(incident) n.巧合Coeducation=co+education n.男女同校的教育Collapse v.1,倒塌 2,崩溃,瓦解Lapse =lap(大腿)+se(色)n.1,行为失检,失足,堕落2,小毛病v.衰退Collapse=col(together)+lapse(失足) v. 1,倒塌 2,崩溃,瓦解Elapse=e(out)+lapse(衰退) v.溜走,逝去Collection=col(together)+lect(choose)+ion n.收藏品Collect v.收藏 ,收集Collective adj. 集体的 collective wishes of people 全体人民的共同愿望Collective ownership 集体所有制Collectivism n.集体主义-ism=主义个人主义 individualism 唯物主义 materialism完美主义idealism现实主义realism资本主义capitalismselect v.选择elect=e(out)+lect(choose) v.选举recollect=re(again)+collect v.回忆Remember v.记得 I remember your name.recollect=re(again)+collect v.回忆 Try hard to recollect what you saw just now.recall v. 回想起 recall sth. To sb. This photograph recall the childhood to me. Remind v. 使记起 remind sb. of sth This photograph remind me of my childhood词根词缀第十九节warWar n. 战争Campaign=camp(营地)+aign n. 战役(规模较大) liaoshen campaignbattle n.战斗(规模小) bat=beat 打 bat n.(棒球)球棒,短棒 debate=de(强调)+bat(打)+e n.辩论combat=com(together)+bat(打)v. n.战斗,格斗(规模比battle 还小)conflict=con(together)+flict(strike 打击,攻击) n. 1.冲突,争论 The parties are in conflict since the election. 2. 战争,争斗 this is a serious dispute and could lead to armed conflict.Fight v.打仗 fight with/against sb. 例Britain fought against/with Us in thewar of Independence . fight for sth. 例fight for the freedom. Fight sth抗击灾难(与洪水,火灾等搏斗 ) 例They spent the whole night fighting the fire ↓bow n.弓 elbow=el(ell 旧时量布的单位,大概45寸)+bow(弓形状) 肘部rainbow n.arrow n. 箭,箭头sword剑lance 长矛freelance n.自由职业者bullet n.子弹 bulletproof adj. 防弹的 proof adj.防……的offensive weapons adj.攻击性武器offensive adj. 攻击性的offence=off(越过)+fence(遮挡,篱笆) n.1.违犯,违例 2.冒犯fence=fend 遮挡 fender n.挡泥板offend=off(越过)+fend(遮挡) v.1,违犯 offend against customs违反传统2,冒犯She was offended by his words.defensive weapon防御性的武器 defend=de(down)+fend(遮挡) v. 防御,辩护 defence n.防御 Offence is the best defence. Defendant n.被告电影爱国者<patriot>charge v.冲锋 After the class, all the students charged into the playground 收费 How much does they charge you for repairing the car.n.掌管 in charge of /take chargeretreat v.撤退,倒着走decimate=deci(十分之一)+mate(在一起的人) v. 大批杀死roommate workmate classmate deci 十分之一例 decimal十进制 dec=十 decade 十年 centi百分之一 centimetre 厘米 cent=百 century 世纪massacre=mass(大量的人)+acre(英亩) n.v.屠杀slaughter=s(死)+laughter(笑声) n.v.屠杀hatred=hat+red n. 仇恨revenge=re(back)+ven(剜)+ge(割) n.v.复仇take one’s revenge on sb.例 We will take our revenge on the enemy.revenge oneself on 例. We will revenge ourselves on the enemy.blast v. 爆炸 blast a tunnel through the mountainn. 爆炸 Several terrorists have claimed to be responsible for the blast blow up v.爆炸explode=ex(out)+p+lode(矿脉) v.爆炸Burst v.爆裂 One of my bike tyres burstEven another bite will make me burst.catastrophe n.大的灾难(人为)disaster=dis(away)+aster(star) n.灾难(自然) asterisk 星号disastrous adj.灾难性的drought干旱volcano 火山floods 洪水typhoon台风wreck=wr(wrong)+eck(deck夹板) n. 失事(船)v. 使船失事 The ship was wrecked on the rock.词根词缀第二十节circle n.圆 v.环绕复习:diameter=dia(相对)+metre(长度) n.直径dialogue=dia (相对)+logue(talk) n.对话radius=radi(根,辐射)+us radiation=radi+ation n.辐射radical=radic(根+)al adj.根本上的eradicate=e(out)+radic(根)+ate v.根除circle n.圆,圈子 a wide circle of friends 一个广泛的朋友圈v.环绕Circu,circul,circum=circlecircul=circul(圆)+ar adj.圆形的,环形的a circular table 一张圆形的桌子 a circular bus route一条环形的共车路线circulate =circul(圆)+ate v.1.循环 Blood circulates through the body. 2.流传,传播The news of her death circulates quickly.Circulation=circul(圆)=ation n.循环,流传,发行量例 a newspaper with a daily circulation of more than one million.Circus=circu(圆)+(u)s n.马戏团,马戏场 -us名词尾缀 genius=gen(gene)+i+us天才Circuit=circu(圆)+it(go) n.电路It=goexit=ex(out)+it(go) n.出口transit=trans(across)+it(go) n.运输visit=vis(see)+it(go) v.参观initiate=in(内部)+it(go)+i+ate v.发动intitiate a social reforminitial adj. 最初的Initially adv.最初,开始 Initially,I opposed(oppose=op(against)+pose(put)) the project,but later I changed my minds.initiative n. 主动性 do sth.on one’s own initiative 主动做某事transition=trans(across)+it(go)+ation n.过渡the transtion from chidhood to adultcircumstance=circum+st(stand)+ance n.景况under no circumstance 在任何情况下决不Under no circumstance should you lend him some money.Surroundings 环境(物质环境) surround v. 包围 surrouding adj. 周围的Enviroment 环境(物质环境和精神环境) a happy family enviromentCompetitive atmosphereAtmosphere=atmo(atom)+sphere(球体) 大气,氛围 romantic atmosphereCycle=circleHemicycle n.半圆 hemisphere 半球Recycle=re(again)+cycle(圆) v.回收 recycle waste paperRecyclable adj. 可回收的Bicycle=bi(双)+cycle(圆)Bilingual schoolBimonthly magazineCombine=com(together)+bi(双)+ne v.联合,结合The two countries combined to fight against their common enemy.Triangle=tri(三)+angle(角)Rectangle n.长方形Rect=right,straight 正,直Rectangle=rect(直)+tangle(角) 长方形Correct=adj.正确的 v.纠正 correct spelling mistakesRectify v.纠正,整顿 rectify the stytle of workErect=e(out)+rect(正,直) v.直立,竖起Erect a tent at the edge of the field.。



2.cxy 英语单词的含义
3.如何学习和运用 cxy 英语单词
4.cxy 英语单词的实际应用




cxy 是一个缩写词,全称为“cross-year”,意为跨年。



”("I and my friends attended a cross-year party and had a happy new year"s eve.")
要想学习和运用好 cxy 这个单词,可以从以下几个方面入手。




掌握了 cxy 这个单词后,可以在日常生活中尝试使用它。

比如,在描述跨年夜的活动时,可以用 cxy 替换“跨年”,让语言更地道、更丰富。

此外,cxy 也可以用于英语写作和翻译中,展示自己的英语水平。

总之,cxy 是一个实用的英语单词,掌握它有助于提高我们的英语能



10周年的英文简写标准Ten Years of English Abbreviations: A Decade of StandardizationIntroduction:Over the past ten years, the field of English abbreviations has made significant advancements in standardization. With the proliferation of global communication and technological advancements, the need for concise and efficient written communication has become crucial. In this article, we will examine the progress made in English abbreviations over the last decade and explore how it has influenced various aspects of our daily lives.1. Evolution of English Abbreviations:English abbreviations have a long history, but their standardization gained momentum in the past decade. Initially, abbreviations were created in an ad hoc manner, resulting in inconsistencies and confusion. However, the need for clarity and efficiency led to the development of standardized guidelines for abbreviating words and phrases.2. ANSI Standardization:The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) played a pivotal role in defining the standards for English abbreviations. ANSI established guidelines for abbreviating commonly used words and phrases in different domains such as business, technology, and medicine. This standardization has greatly contributed to effective communication within and across industries.3. Adoption of Abbreviations in Digital Communication:With the rise of digital communication platforms like email, instant messaging, and social media, abbreviations have become an integral part of our daily written interactions. The convenience and speed offered by abbreviations have made them popular among users of all ages. Moreover, the standardization of abbreviations ensures a consistent understanding of messages in these digital contexts.4. Abbreviations in Business and Finance:The business and finance sectors extensively use abbreviations to represent complex terms and concepts. Over the past decade, standardized abbreviations have become crucial tools for concise and precise communication in these domains. For instance, abbreviations such as ROI (Return on Investment), GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and IPO (Initial Public Offering) are universally recognized and widely used.5. Abbreviations in Technical Fields:Technical fields, such as engineering, computer science, and medicine, heavily rely on abbreviations to convey complex information efficiently. With standardization, acronyms like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CPU (Central Processing Unit), and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) have become internationally recognized and facilitate effective communication among professionals worldwide.6. Abbreviations in Academic Research:The standardization of abbreviations has significantly impacted academic research. Researchers across various disciplines use abbreviations to convey complex findings succinctly. Standardized abbreviations eliminateambiguity and ensure that research articles are accessible to a broader audience. Additionally, standardized abbreviations facilitate cross-referencing and citation practices.7. Challenges and Future Developments:Although English abbreviations have experienced substantial standardization in the past decade, challenges persist. The emergence of new technologies and industries constantly introduces new terms that require consistent abbreviations. Ongoing efforts are needed to continuously update and expand the standardization guidelines to accommodate these changes. Additionally, efforts should be made to promote the understanding and usage of standardized abbreviations in education and professional training.Conclusion:The past ten years have witnessed significant progress in the standardization of English abbreviations. From digital communication to technical fields and academic research, standardized abbreviations have greatly improved efficiency and comprehension in written communications. Continued efforts to expand and update these standards will play a crucial role in ensuring effective global communication in the years to come.。



“十周年”的英文是:“10th Anniversary”,缩写形式为“10th Ann.”或者“10th Anniv.”。






例如:“为了庆祝我们公司成立十周年(10th Anniversary),我们将举办一系列活动……”

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marriage anniversary一周年 1st 两周年2nd 三周年 3rd 四周年
4th 以上5th 6th 7th 除了123 其他都是在数字后面加thpaper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年)calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年)straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年)cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年)muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年)leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年)silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年)wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年)iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年)copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年)woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年)electric appliance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年)pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年)tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年)steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年)linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年)lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年)ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年)crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年)china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年)silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年)第一大典pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年)coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年)jade weddin... marriage anniversary
一周年 1st 两周年2nd 三周年 3rd
四周年4th 以上5th 6th 7th 除了123 其他都是在数字后面加th
paper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年)
calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年)
straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年)
cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年)
muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年)
leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年)
silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年)
wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年)
iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年)
copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年)
woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年)
electric appliance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年)
pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年)
tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年)
steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年)
linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年)
lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年)
ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年)
crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年)
china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年)
silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年)第一大典pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年)
coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年)
jade wedding 碧玉婚(结婚三十五周年)
ruby wedding (结婚四十周年)
sapphire wedding (结婚四十五周年)
golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年)第二大典emerale wedding 翠玉婚(结婚五十五周年)。
