Unit 4经贸英语文章选读ppt(董晓波主编)

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Part 1 Key Words and Expressions:
1. zero in 调整归零;瞄准具校正 Now, men, zero in your guns at that ship. 喂,伙计们,把炮口对准那艘船。 2. entail [ in„teil ] vt. 必需,使承担;[律]限 定继承 n. 限定继承,限定继承权;限定 继承的财产 Both processes entail tremendous difficulties of an experimental nature.这两个 作用均造成实验的巨大困难。
3. remedial [ ri„mi:diəl, -djəl ] adj. 治疗的;补救的; 矫正的 The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work. 孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正 常的学校学习中去。
评估培训项目时应注意:பைடு நூலகம்
Human Resource (HR) professionals and line managers also need to be aware that training is not the "cure all" for organizational problems. 人力资源专业师和管理经理也应当充分认 识到:培训并不能“治愈”企业所有固有 的问题。
A. Development of employee/management skills to fill a current need B. Employee relations/organizational problems C. Meet changing needs D. Career Development
The purpose of training is to support the achievement of organizational goals by increasing the necessary skills of its employees. 培训的目的是通过增强企业员工的必要技 能,来支持和促进企业达到既定的组织目 标。
Background Information
知识传递、技能传 递、标准传递、信 息传递、信念传递、 管理训诫
为了达到统一的科学技术规范、标准化作 业,通过目标规划设定、知识和信息传递、 技能熟练演练、作业达成评测、结果交流 公告等现代信息化的流程,让员工通过一 定的教育训练技术手段,达到预期的水平 提高目标。
Salary 员工工资
Lost productivity 生产力减少
The major question trainers need to address in cost-benefit analysis is, "What is the difference between the cost of no training versus the cost of training?“ 主要的培训策划者需要做深入的“成本— 收益”分析: 不进行培训付出的代价 VS 开展培训所需要 的费用
Lead-in Questions
• Why training needs analysis must be done before training programs are developed? • What is the difference between the cost of no training versus the cost of training? • What are the training or development needs of your employees ? • How do we conduct a training needs analysis? Which factors should we consider?
• A. Development of employee/management skills to fill a current need
• Trainee or intern training plans • Reduction in Force (RIF) placements • New Employees • New supervisors • Managerial competency assessments • Reassignments • Promotions
• D. Career Development • Employees' requests • Career enhancement plans
A Questionnaire(设制一张需求问卷)
1.What is the nature of the problem being addressed by instruction? 2. How have training needs been identified in the past and with what results? 3.What is the budget for the analysis? 4.How is training needs analysis perceived in the organization?
在培训项目展开之前,之所以需要有效的评 估,主要有4点原因:
1.To identify specific problem areas in the organization. 需要明确组织中存在的具体问题。
2. To obtain management support. Management usually thinks training is a "nice thing to do." 需要获得管理层的支持。管理者通常认为培训是 “有好处的”。
In still others, the goal is to prepare for requirements anticipated by higher level officials. 还有另外的一些情况下,培训的目标是为 高层管理者对组织预期的要求做准备。
Part 1 Training Needs Assessment
Gather data to identify needs
Determine what needs can be met by training and development
培训需求评估 的基本步骤
Proposing solutions
Identifying the Next Step
Part 1 Reading Comprehension
• B. Employee relations/organizational problems • Performance problems • Production problems • Safety problems • Inspection deficiencies
• C. Meet changing needs • New technology • New equipment or programs • Modernization of equipment • Mission changes • Laws and regulations
Conducting needs assessment is fundamental to the success of a training program. Often, organizations will develop and implement training without first conducting a needs analysis. 培训需求的评估是培训项目成功的基础。 但是,通常企业在开展培训项目之前都没 有进行卓有质量的评估。
3. The purpose of training is to reward excellent performance and to cure all for organizational problems. (F ) 4. Different organizations and particular needs lead to different time spent and the degree of formality of training program. (T ) 5. Trainers will have a valid sample when people come from a fixed section of the target employees for training. (F )
• Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
1.When everyone says “That was a good program”, it means that this is a fruitful training program. (F ) 2.Only when HR can demonstrate that trainging may improve efficiency on employees‟ jobs, the management will support training and not cut the budget of training program. (T)
Unit 4 Training 培训
Teaching Aims Background Information Part 1
Part 2
After studying this unit, you are required to: 1. Have a general idea of the training. 2. Understand the ways to maintain a good training assessment . 3. Understand a trainer‟s role and funtions in improving the efficiency of training. 4. Master the difficult words and expressions.
5.Who is available to help conduct the training needs analysis?
6.What are the timeframes for completing the exercise? 7.What will be the measure of a successful training needs analysis report?
In some cases, the need is immediate and the training remedial. 有些情况下,培训是急需的,对企业的某些问题 起到补救性的作用。
In other cases, the aim is to update and maintain professional knowledge. 其他的情况下,培训的目的是更新与增进员工的 专业知识、技能。
3.To develop data for evaluation. 需要为培训作数据更新。
4.To determine the costs and benefits of training. 需要确定培训所需的成本和回报,以便作 出比较。
Out-of-pocket 培训支出
Cost of Training