泰克 THS3000 手持式示波器系列产品技术资料说明书

手持式示波器THS3000系列产品技术资料主要特点和优点主要性能指标100 MHz或200 MHz带宽型号高达5 GS/s的最大采样率,200 ps分辨率4条全面隔离的浮动通道600 V RMS CAT III, 1000 V RMS CAT II等级输入(BNC到接地)测量和分析21种自动测量波形数学运算和FFT频谱分析电压、时间、频率、功率光标测量应用功能TrendPlot TM记录测量数据波形通过/失败极限测试100屏自动显示屏记录程序易用功能6英寸(153 mm)明亮的彩色显示器USB设备端口和主控端口电池可连续工作7个小时应用嵌入式模拟和数字设计电源器件、电源电子和电源设计汽车和航空设计和维护工用设备设计和安装现场测试和服务产品技术资料4条隔离输入通道,简便地处理任何类型的混合信号输入。
准确地测量信号THS3000手持式示波器拥有高达200 MHz的带宽、4条通道和5 GS/s的最大采样率,没有任何其它示波器能够在这样一台便携式仪器中,提供如此高的带宽和采样率。
SKF CMSS 3000-SL 双点激光对焦非接触红外温度计说明书

SKF Infrared ThermometerCMSS 3000-SLHeavy duty, long range, dual laser sighted non-contact infrared thermometerFeaturesDual point laser sighting • Adjustable emissivity• 50:1 Distance to spot size ratio• T emperature range: -60 °C • to +1,000 °C (-76 °F to +1,832 °F)Exceptional battery life • High and low alarm• MAX, MIN, DIF, AVG temperature displays • Amber back-light LCD display • High intensity white LED flashlight • Heavy duty magnet in base of handle • Hard case• IntroductionThere are many uses for this hand-held non-contact, infrared thermometer. Rugged and easy to use – just aim, pull the trigger, and read the temperature in less than a second.Measures surface temperatures of hot, hazardous, moving, or hard-to-reach objects safely without contact.The non-contact thermometer senses the thermal energyradiated from an object with an infrared detector. When pointed at an object, the infrared detector collects energy producing a signal that the microprocessor translates as a reading on the backlit display. As the trigger is squeezed, the objecttemperature is continuously measured by the infrared detector. This allows for fast and accurate real-time readings.This instrument features an extended temperature range -60 °C to +1,000 °C (-76 °F to +1,832 °F); dual laser sighting; bright large amber back-light LCD display; Maximum, Minimum, Difference (MAX-MIN) and “Lock” function for continuous temperature scanning; programmable High and Low audible alarms; selectable temperature units (°C or °F); low battery indicator and adjustable emissivity for more accuratetemperature measurements.LCD displayEmissivity“Lock” function for continuous temperaturescanningLaser functionON/OFF Surfacetemperature Set valueof emissivitySelectedtemperature unit (degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit)Battery lowindicator Scanning in progressDual laser sighting and distance to spot ratioDual Lasers provides easy aiming and defines the target area. The target area is highlighted at all distances with two laser dot markers. Laser 1 indicates one point of the measurement spot on one side of the target area to be measured and Laser 2 indicates the location of the diametrically opposed point on the other side of the measurement spot. At the focal point, where the spot size is the smallest, the dots line up vertically, rotating as the CMSS 3000-SL is moved closer or further from the target.EmissivityEmissivity is a term used to describe the energy-emittingcharacteristics of materials. Most organic materials and painted or oxidized surfaces have an emissivity of 0.95. Inaccurate readings can result from measuring shiny or polished metal surfaces. T o compensate for this, adjust the unit’s emissivity reading, or cover the surface to be measured with maskingtape or flat black paint (< +148 °C /+300 °F). Allow time for the tape or paint to reach the same temperature as the material underneath it. Measure the temperature of the tape or painted surface.Hard caseA water resistant, dust-proof case which holds the unit (and magnetic stand) and measures 330 mm x 197 mm x 66 mm (13.00” x 7.75” x 2.60”) is included.SKF Infrared Thermometer CMSS 3000-SLDistance to Spot Ratio 50:1.2.4” @ 120”0.06 m @ 3 mT arget areaLaser 2Laser 1Focal point1.6” @ 80”0.04 m @ 2 m SpecificationMeasurement range: -60 °C to +1000 °C (-76 °F to +1832 °F)Operating range: 0 to +50 °C (+32 °F to +122 °F)Accuracy (T object = 15-35 °C, T ambient = 25 °C): ± 1.0 °C (± 1.8 °F)Accuracy (T object =33-1,000 °C; T ambient = 23 ± 3 °C): ± 2% of reading or +2 °C (+4°F) whichever is greater Update frequency: 1.4 Hz Wave length response: 8-14 µmEmissivity range: 0.95 default – adjustable 0.1 to 1 step .01Relative humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing Resolution (from -9.9 °C to +199.9 °C): 0.1 °C /0.1 °F Response time (90%): < 1 sec Distance spot ratio: 50:1Dimensions: 47.0 mm x 197.0 mm x 203.3 mm (1.85” x 7.71” x 7.9”Weight: 386.1 g (13.62 oz) including batteries Power: 2 x AAA batteries (included)Battery life: Typical 180 hours, min 140 hours continuous use (Alkaline, without laser and back light)Modes: Maximum, Minimum, Average, Difference (MAX-MIN), Lock (allows for continuous temperature scan)NOTE: Under an electromagnetic field of 3 V/m from 90 to 360 MHz themaximum error is ± 10 °C National Institute of Standards and T echnology (NIST), traceable factory calibration available.Ordering informationCMSS 3000-SL ••Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer,including quick start guide in standard languages (English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish), two AAA batteries and hard carrying case and magnetic stand.DOC-CAL CERT CMSS 3000, NIST Certificate of Calibration ••Accuracy (Watlow-Gordon XACT-CAL)Optional kits that include the SKF Infrared Thermometer, CMSS 3000-SLCMAK 400 SKF Basic Condition Monitoring kit • CMAS 100-SL SKF Machine Condition Advisor –CMSS 3000-SL SKF Infrared Thermometer –CMIN 400 SKF Inspector Ultrasonic Probe –CMAK 300 SKF Bearing Analysis kit• CMAS 100-SL SKF Machine Condition Advisor –CMSS 3000-SL SKF Infrared Thermometer –THEH1 SKF OilCheck–。
ESD3000 - 模块化手持检测器 电静电ichtet 测试说明书

Accredited CalibrationQuality at EMC PARTNER is based on an ISO 9001 manage-ment system. This is the foundation for an ISO 17025 accredi-tation verified by the Swiss Calibration Service (SCS). SCS No. 146 is the accreditation number of EMC PARTNER AG. Locally accredited but recognized worldwide through affiliation with the ILAC organisationTHE ESD TESTING SOLUTIONPOWER AT YOUR FINGER TIPSElectrostatic Discharge (ESD) is the most common test procedure applied toany electronic or electrical equipment. Used extensively to test:›Commercial products›Industrial systems›Military electronics›Automotive electronics›Fuses and detonators›Railway electronics›Avionic equipment qualification›Telecom equipment›Electronic componentsThe easily changeable and fully calibrated discharge networks, quickly adaptESD3000 to the requirements of any new application.Light and easy to use.3EASIL Y EXPANDABLEESD3000 is designed with the user in mind. The modular design allows configuration ac -cording to customer wishes, addition of more networks when adding applications and easy extension from 16kV to 30kV using the same generator. Automatic network recognition means ESD3000 is always ready.ESD3000 + DMx ESD3000 + RM32 + DNxIncludedRechargable Long-life battteriesUp to 3 test tips (Sharp, Round, Corona)Charger & Firmware update cableHandy, robust carrying case4Discharge Modules (DMx)up to 16kV Air / 10kV Contact Discharges ESD3000 required Discharge Networks (DNx)up to 30kV Air- and Contact Discharges DM1 (150pF, 330 Ohm)DM2 (330pF / 2000 Ohm)DM4 (100pF / 1500 Ohm)DM6 (100pF / 1500 Ohm)DM7 (200pF / 0 Ohm)ESD3000 & RM32 required DN1 (150pF / 330 Ohm)DN2 (330 pF, 2000 Ohm)DN3 (150 pF, 2000 Ohm)DN4 (500 pF, 5000 Ohm)DN5 (500 pF, 500 Ohm)DN6 (330 pF, 330 Ohm)Available Extensions Available ExtensionsAVAILABLE MODULESCommercial & IndustrialIEC 61000-4-2 / ITU-T K.44ESD3000DM1 (150pF, 330 Ohm)ANSI / IEEE C63.16ESD3000 DM16A-C63H (150pF / 330 Ohm)ESD3000 DM16C-C63H (150pF / 330 Ohm)UL 991ESD3000DM32A-UL991 (100pF / 1000 Ohm)Component TestIEC 61340-3-1 / JEDEC 22-A114 / MIL-STD-750DESD3000DM6 (100pF / 1000 Ohm)IEC 61340-3-2 / JEDEC 22-A115ESD3000DM7 (200pF / 0 Ohm)AutomotivePSA B21 7110ESD3000DM2 (330pF / 2000 Ohm)ISO 10605 / SAEJSSI-IS/FORD AB/AC /GMW 3097ESD3000DN1(150pF / 330 Ohm)ESD3000DN2 (330pF / 2000 Ohm)ESD3000DN3 (150pF / 2000 Ohm)ISO 10605ESD3000DN6 (330pF / 330 Ohm)JASO D 001-94ESD3000DN32-CAR1 (150pF / 500 Ohm)Renault 32-10-001/D and 32-10-035/AESD3000DN32-CAR5 (330pF / 0 Ohm)MilitaryMIL-STD-883 / GR78-COREESD3000DM4 (100pF / 1500 Ohm)STANAG 4239 / ISO 14304 / MIL-STD-1512ESD3000DN4 (500pF / 5000 Ohm)MIL-STD-331C / MIL-DTL-23659D / STANAG 4239ESD3000DN5 (500pF / 500 Ohm)MIL-STD-1576ESD3000DN32-MIL2 (400pF / 150 Ohm)ESD3000DN32-MIL3 (500pF / 0 Ohm)5The original 30kV battery powered generator with a unique system of changeable modules. Flexibility and power combined.UNIQUE FEATURES Long life standard battery. Up to 8 hours on full battery charge. Readily available in any store.AA battery powered Add calibrated modules to maintain the system value. Unique modules and accessories for special applications. Extend testing capability Single key press switches polarity before and during the test.Electronic polarity changeErgonomic hand held tester without additional base unit. Program directly on generator.Compact solution6Technical Specifications7ESD3000 MODULES ESD3000M a i n f r a m e D M 1D M 2D M 4D M 6D M 7R M 32D N 1D N 2D N 3D N 4D N 5D N 6C A R 1C A R 5I N D 1M I L 2M I L 3A -C 63HC -63H U L 991IEC 61000-4-2✓✓✓ITU-T K20✓✓PSA B32 7110✓✓MIL-STD-883✓✓GR78-CORE ✓✓IEC 61340-3-1✓✓JEDEC 22-A114✓✓MIL-STD-750D ✓✓IEC 61340-3-2✓✓JEDEC22-A115✓✓✓ISO 10605✓✓✓✓✓✓DO-160 S25✓✓✓✓MIL-STD-461G CS118✓✓✓✓ GMW3100✓✓✓✓✓✓GMW3097✓✓✓✓STANAG4239✓✓✓✓ISO14304✓✓✓MIL-STD-1512✓✓✓✓MIL-STD-330C ✓✓✓✓JASO D 001-94✓✓✓Renault 32-10-001/D ✓✓ABD0100.1.2✓✓✓Special MIL ✓✓✓MIL-STD-1576✓✓✓ANSI C63.16✓✓✓UL991✓8ACCESSORIES FOR DIFFERENT MODULES ESD3000M a i n f r a me D M 1D M 2D M 4D M 6D M 7R M 32D N 1D N 2D N 3D N 4D N 5D N 6C A R 1C A R 5I ND 1M IL 2M IL3A -C 63HC -63HEARTH CABLE ✓IEC IECESD-VCP50✓IEC IECESD-TARGET2✓IECESD-TARGET2 DN ✓ISO ISO ISO ISOESD-VERI-V ✓✓O O O ✓O O ✓✓O O O ✓✓✓✓ESD-STAND ED2✓O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ESD-HCP-AUTO ✓ISO ISODM-EXT ✓MIL MILSAFETY-S ✓MIL MILTC-MIG24 ED ✓MIL MILESD3000 CNH12✓O O O O O OOPTOLINK ✓O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O TEMA ✓O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Overview ESD3000 | Modules | Accessories 91. ESD3000 MAINFRAME AND MODULES1.1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ESD3000 MainframeTo be used with modules all modules from this document are compatible Construction fully portable, no additional basic unitControl LCD and 6 menu buttons, 1 trigger button Maximum voltage 16 kV or 30 kV, depending on modules chosen Voltage steps 100 V - testDischarge polarity positive, negative, alternatingDischarge modes contact discharge (CD) and air discharge (AD)Discharge frequency CD max. 20 Hz, (pulse every 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 … 99 s)Discharge frequency AD ≥ 30 Hz or more, for ex. with DM1, DN1, other Counter pre-selectable, 1 to 29999Discharge detection selectable, count pulses or count discharges Holding time ≥ 5 sTrigger manual, automatic, remote Ramps voltage, polarityReporting with TEMA automatic report sequence, amplitude,polarity Dimensions for ex. withDM1 and tip 340 x 130 x 70 mm Weight mainframe 730 g, w/o battery pack and module Weight equipped 1050 g, with battery pack, DM1 and AD tip Power supply 10 x AA rechargeable batteries or mainsIncluded 10 batteries, mains adapter, ground cable 2 m, 3 test tips (AD, AD2, CD), carrying case, RS232 cable, E3Loader for remote control Requires at least a DM module, or a DN module + RM32ESD3000DM1Standards IEC 61000-4-2 (latest), ITU-T K.20,Other standards MIL-STD-461G CS118, DO-160 Section 25Storage capacitor 150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor 330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 0.2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 0.2 – 10 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.8 ± 25 %First I peak into 2 Ω CD 7.5 A @ 2 kV – 37.5 A @ 10 kV (± 15 %)Current at 30 ns 4 A @ 2 kV – 20 A @ 10 kV (± 30 %)Current at 60 ns 2 A @ 2 kV – 10 A @ 10 kV (± 30 %)Optional ESD-TARGET2Overview ESD3000 | Modules | Accessories10ESD3000DM2Standards PSA B32 7110 up to 16 kV / 10 kVStorage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor2000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD0.2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD0.2 – 10 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsFirst I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 – 30 A ± 10 %RC time constant600 ± 130 nsESD3000DM4Standards MIL-STD-883, GR78-COREStorage capacitor100 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor1500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD0.2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD0.2 – 10 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω<********–8kVI peak into 2 Ω (CD) 2.66 A @ 4 kV, 3.33 A @ 5 kVESD3000DM6Standards IEC 61340-3-1, JEDEC 22-A114,MIL-STD-750DStorage capacitor100 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor1500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD0.25 – 8 kV ± 10 %Current rise time into 2 Ω2–*********–8kVRC time constant150 ± 20 nsESD3000DM7Standards IEC 61340-3-2, JEDEC 22-A115Storage capacitor200 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor0 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD0.1 – 2 kV ± 5 %Current into short circuit 1. 7 A – 35 A ± 15 % into short circuit (< 1 Ω)Current waveform as per IEC 61340-3-2 into SC (< 1 Ω)Current ringing frequency11 – 16 MHz @ 0.1 – 2 kV into SC (< 1 Ω)ESD3000DM32A-UL991Standard UL991, paragraph 15.2.2Storage capacitor100 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor1500 Ω ± 5 %Discharge mode AD only, consists of DM+ and DM- modulesVoltage range AD 4 – 30 kV ± 5 %Rise time at 4 kV, 20 kV< 5 nsRC const. at 4 kV, 20 kV150 ns ± 20 %Overview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories1130 KVThese Extensions need the Module ESD3000RM32ESD3000DN1Standards IEC 61000-4-2,ISO 10605Other standards MIL-STD-461G CS118, DO-160 Section 25Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 1 – 32 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 1 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.8 ± 25 %First I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 A @ 2 kV – 112.5 A @ 30 kV (± 15 %)Current at 30 ns 4 A @ 2 kV – 60 A @ 30 kV (± 30 %)Current at 60 ns 2 A @ 2 kV – 30 A @ 30 kV (± 30 %)Requires ESD3000RM32Included in ESD3000RM32Detachable module for faster tr (<700ps)Optional ESD-TARGET2 DN, ESD-HCP-AUTOESD3000DN2Standards ISO 10605, GMW3100, GMW3097Storage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor2000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsFirst I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 A @ 2 kV – 112.5 A @ 30 kV (- 0 / + 30 %) RC time constant600 ± 130 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DNESD3000DN3Standards ISO 10605, GMW3100, GMW3097Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor2000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsFirst I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 A @ 2 kV – 112.5 A @ 30 kV (- 0 / + 30 %) RC time constant300 ± 60 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DNOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories12ESD3000DN4Standards STANAG4239, ISO14304MIL-STD-1512, MIL-STD-330Storage capacitor500 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor5000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.7 – 1 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD3000 SAFETY-S, DM-EXT,TC-MIG24EDESD3000DN5Standards STANAG4239, MIL-STD-1512, MIL-STD-330Storage capacitor500 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.7 – 1 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD3000 SAFETY-S, DM-EXT,TC-MIG24EDESD3000DN6Standards ISO 10605, GMW3100Storage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsRC time constant300 ± 130Requires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DN, ESD-HCP-AUTOSPECIALESD3000DN32-CAR1Standard JASO D 001-94Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 10 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.8 ± 25 %First I peak into 2 Ω AD< 5 nsRC time constant300 ± 60 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DNOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories13ESD3000DN32-CAR5Standard Renault 32-10-001/DApplication testing airbag initiatorsStorage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor0 Ω ± 10 %Source impedance Rt< 30 ΩVoltage range AD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Requires the module is already integrated in RM32 ESD3000DN32-IND1Standard ABD0100.1.2, IEC801-2Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor150 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.7 – 1 nsRC time constant30 ns ± 30 %Requires ESD3000RM32ESD3000DN32-MIL2Standards special military requirementStorage capacitor400 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor150 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.8 ± 25 %Requires ESD3000RM32ESD3000DN32-MIL3Standard MIL-STD-1576Storage capacitor500 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor0 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Requires ESD3000RM32ESD3000DM16A-C63HStandard ANSI C63.16 (AD requirement)Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Requires-Overview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories14ESD3000DM16C-C63HStandard ANSI C63.16 (CD requirement)Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Requires-1.2. POWER, CLIMATIC CONDITIONS, SHIPPING WEIGHT, DIMENSIONSESD3000 mainframeMains adapter95 – 250 V (50/60 Hz)Power consumption ON < 20 VA, standby < 5 VATemperature range15 – 35 °CHumidity30 – 60 % non-condensingAir pressure86 – 106 kPaShipping weight 2.4 kg plus selected modulesCarrying case dimensions46 x 41 x 17 cmIncluded in deliveryUser manual with conformity declarationCalibration certificate factory calibration for selected modules2. ACCESSORIES FOR ESD30002.1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSEARTH CABLEApplication connection of HCP or VCP to ground planeImpedance 2 x 470 kΩLength 2 mConnectors 2 x banana plugsOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories15ESD-VCP50Application indirect ESD application as per standardSpacer in between10 cm wooden spacerCoupling plane50 x 50 cmApplication points one on each sideDimensions50 x 50 x 10 cmWeight8 kgIncluded 2 m earth cable (with 2 x 470 kΩ)ESD-TARGET2Standard IEC 61000-4-2 latestApplication current target for calibration of ESD generator Input impedance 2 ΩInput voltage max. 10 kV CDFrequency range± 0.5 dB up to 1 GHz, ± 1.2 dB up to 4 GHzCurrent range0 – 50 A standard, could be extendedTransfer function0.2 V / 1 A with 20 dBDiameter70 mmThickness40 mmWeight398 g including attenuatorFixing8 x M3 screws, included in deliveryIncluded20 dB att., 50 Ω coax. cable (1 m) with BNC out ESD-TARGET2 DNStandard IEC 61000-4-2 latestApplication current target for calibration of ESD generator Input impedance 2 ΩInput voltage max. 30 kV CDFrequency range± 0.5 dB up to 1 GHz, ± 1.2 dB up to 4 GHzCurrent range0 – 120 A standard, could be extendedTransfer function0.2 V / 1 A with 20 dB, 0.02 V / 1 A with 40 dB Diameter70 mmThickness40 mmWeight398 g including attenuatorFixing8 x M3 screws, included in deliveryIncluded40 dB att., 50 Ω coax. cable (1 m) with BNC out ESD-VERI-VApplication target for ESD DC voltage measurementInput impedance20 GΩ || 3 pFInput voltage range0 – 32 kVOutput voltage range0 – 1.6 VOutput connector BNCDimensions17 cm height, 5.5 cm diameterWeight433 gIncluded earth conductorOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories16ESD-STAND Ed2Application stand for supporting ESD gun, fixed point testHeight50 – 180 cm, adjustablePosition360˚ adjustableDimensions64 x 17 x 12 cm (packed)Weight 4 kgIncluded cable holder for calibrationESD-HCP-AUTOApplication coupling plane as per ISO 10605 annex FLength1500 mmInsulation distance50 mmTest level8 – 20 kV, as per standardDimensions180 x 120 x 5 cmWeight 2.2 kgIncluded EARTH CABLEESD3000DM-EXTApplication 1 m extension cable for ESD3000 modulesCompatibility DM and DN modulesCable length 1 ± 0.05 mWeight0.5 kg including accessoriesCan be used with DN modulesESD3000 SAFETY-SStandard MIL-STD-1512Application safety switch for testing explosive devicesVoltage max. 30 kV CDDimensions20 x 16 x 12 cmWeight 2 kg including accessoriesIncluded mains adapterTo be used with ESD3000DM-EXT, TC-MIG24 EDTC-MIG24 ED for testing explosive devicesApplication test cabinetVoltage insulation max. 36 kVEUT dimensions max. 30 x 30 x 20 cmEUT weight max. 5 kgSafety circuit door interlockSignal lamps red and green lamps built-inControl of signal lamps for example with ESD3000 SAFETY-SDimensions47 x 43.5 x 25.4 cmWeight8 kgIncluded connection cable 25pol/ESD3000 SAFETY-SOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories17ESD3000 CNH12Application Magnetic field loop for ESD3000 test system Loop diameter12 cmLoop current allowed> 100 ADischarge mode selection contact discharge (CD)Current at 15 kV setting50 A, with RM32 and DN1Current at 30 kV setting108 A, with RM32 and DN1Dimensions33 x 13 x 1 cmWeight0.2 kg including accessoriesRequires ESD3000RM32, ESD3000DN1or other DNESD3000-OPTOLINKApplication(insulating) optical cable ESD3000 - computer Length10 mInterface RS232, requires USB adapterBaud rate9600 bpsWeight0.2 kgIncluded tranceiver with mains adapterRequires USB-RS 232 ADAPTERUSB-RS232 ADAPTERApplication adapter between RS232 and USB interfac-esAdapter type Passive, no power supplyInput RS232 maleOutput USBCable length0.35 mWeight0.2 kgTEMAApplication control software for ESD3000 systemLicense 1 license for 1 generatorCapabilities with ESD3000Sequences, reporting, remote controlCompatibility Windows XP, 7, 8, 10Requires ESD3000-OPTOLINK, USB-RS 232 ADAPTEROverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories18THE EMC PARTNER PRODUCT RANGE Find further brochures on our website /brochures or contact your local representative for a hardcopy.LIGHTNING TESTSImpulse test equipment and accessories for aircraft, military and tel -ecom applications. Complete solutions for RTCA / DO-160 and EURO -CAE / ED-14 for indirect lighting on aircraft systems, MIL-STD-461 tests CS106, CS115, CS116, CS117, CS118 and Telecom, ITU-T .K44 basic and enhanced tests for impulse, power contact and power induction.COMPONENT TESTSImpulse generators for testing; varistors, gas discharge tubes (GDT),surge protective devices (SPDs), X / Y capacitors, circuit breakers,electricity meters, protection relays, insulation material, suppressor diodes, connectors, chokes, fuses, resistors, emc-gaskets, cables, etc. EMISSION MEASUREMENTSMeasurement of Harmonics and Flicker in 1-phase and 3-phaseelectrical and electronic products according to IEC /EN 61000-3-2 and 61000-3-3 . HARCS Immunity software adds interharmonic tests, voltage variation according to IEC/EN 61000-4-13, -4-14.IMMUNITY TESTSTransient Test Systems for all EMC tests on electronic equipment. ESD, EFT, surge, AC dips, AC magnetic field, surge magnetic field, commonmode, damped oscillatory and DC dips. According to IEC and EN 61000-4-2, -4, -5, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -16, -18, -19, -29.SYSTEM AUTOMATIONA full range of accessories enhance the test systems. Test cabinets, test pistols, adapters and remote control software, simplify interfacing with the EUT. Programmable PSU, EMC hardened for frequencies from 16.7Hz to 400Hz. PS3-SOFT-EXT complies with IEC / EN 61000-4-14 and -4-28.SERVICEOur committment starts with a quality management system backing up our ISO 17025 accreditation. With the SCS number 146, EMC PARTNERprovide accredited calibration and repairs. Our customer support teamare at your service!。

IP67 经过落地试验,抗震性 MIL-STD-810F 操作范围:-10~ +55℃;存储温度:-30~ +60℃
CE 2 节 AAA 碱性电池,用户可更换;电池寿命平均为 400 小时。 可设置为 15 分钟或 60 分钟后自动关机 风速、温度、大气压和相对湿度出厂已经校准;每一个 Kestrel 风速仪都 具有一个 COC 认证证书 5年
当设定一个参照物时,Kestrel 4500 能够自动计算侧 风、顺风和逆风风速,如果将其和 Kestrel 风向标装置组 合,就可以在数秒内建立一个记录气象数据的小型气象 站。
Kestrel 4500 是旋转风杯式风速仪,体积小巧,方便 携带。采用高精度轴承,轻量叶轮,可精确测量风速值, 即便是在风速很小(低至 0.3m/s)的情况下。如果叶轮 损坏,可更换。
Kestrel 4500 还可根据各传感器测量数据来计算出 风寒指数、热度指数、露点温度、湿球温度和密度高度。 风寒是人类对风速和低温的一种感觉温度,风速越大, 人类感觉温度越低;热度指数是人类对温度和相对湿度
Kestrel®4500 手持式风速仪(可测风向)
NK4500 特点: z 多功能 z 三行图表显示 z 可存储 1400 个数据 z 最小/最大/平均风速 z 用户可定义屏幕 z 小巧、坚固耐用 z 高精度轴承 z 操作范围广 z 叶轮可更换 z 高灵敏度温度传感器 z 背光显示 z 草绿色版本采用红色背景光,可提供照明 z 可选择语言 z 采用 2 个 AAA 电池供电 z 数据可上传至电脑

KY3000温度自动检定系统使用手册北京凯航伟业科技有限公司KY3000温度自动检定系统使用手册第一章简介KY3000温度自动检定系统是由计算机、打印机、高精度数字万用表、 KY3000型低电势扫描器/控制器、信号源(选购件)、GP-IB(IEEE-488) 接口等组成的自动测试、控制系统,是集计算机技术、微电测技术和自动测试技术于一体的新型智能化计量标准装置,用于自动检定各种工作用热电偶、热电阻,配以适当的软件可以辅助检定温度二次仪表、膨胀式温度计。
优良的开关性能, 开关基片采用大面积敷银材料,寄生热电势长期保证不超过±0.2μV。
⏹参考端温度测量部分特点●检定廉金属热电偶(如K、 N、 J、 E等分度号)时,允许选择”参考端温度补偿”功能,提供三种可选择的参考端处理方法。

地球物理测量系统公司(在下文称之为 GSSI)保证从交给买方的交货日期起 12 个月内,
GSSI 的产品将不会出现材料和工艺方面的故障。除上述的限制担保之外,GSSI 拒绝 所有的担保(明确的或暗指的),包括任何销路的担保或为特定目的合理性的担 保。GSSI 的义务是被限定在修理或更换那些被返回的元件或设备上(已预付运输和保险费,
联邦通讯委员会(FCC)的 B 类服务(或顺从性)
该设备遵守联邦通讯委员会规则的第 15 部分。操作服从下列两个条件:(1)该设备不可 以引起有害的干扰,(2)该设备必须接受任何接收的干扰,包括可以引起不希望有的干扰。 警告:若用户对该设备的改变或修改没有明显地得到担负服务一方的同意,就可能取消这个 用户操作该设备的权利。 注释:该设备经过测试后发现,依据 FCC 规则的第 15 部分,它遵守 B 类数字设备的限制。 当该设备在商业环境或(居住装置)中操作时,这些限制被用来提供对有害干扰的合理保护。 该设备产生、利用和能辐射无线电频率的能量,如果其安装和使用与介绍手册的不一致,则 会造成对无线电通讯的有害干扰。然而,没有承诺在特定的装置中不出现干扰。 该设备必须配用屏蔽电缆,以保证符合 B 类的 FCC 限制。
交流电源:插上所提供的通用交流电源适配器,在 110-240 伏特,47-63 赫兹电 源条件下运行该系统。 串行输入/输出:这是一个标准串行连接,可以用它来建立 SIR-3000 与通用雷达 间的通讯。请参看第六部分:对于附加信息在 SIR-3000 上使用通用雷达。 以太网:该端口允许将 SIR-3000 连接到以太网,或连接到已通过以太网连接的 其他设备上。这将对未来的软件更新是有用的。 USB-B 和 USB-A:这些端口是用于连接到各种 USB 外围设备的,包括键盘、记忆 装置,以及打印机。将来的软件更新将允许你使用打印机。

分钟变换一次 。风速测试最
了三种款式的凯斯 特尔袖珍气
象仪 ,第 四种款式正在设计研
低为 0 7 . 英里 、 , 时 最高至 8 9 英里/J , 时 、 从个人角度来 说, 我认为, 凯斯 特 尔 30 00型气 象仪 应该 是每个狙击分 队——不论是军 队. 还是执法机构 “ 必带 ” 的装 备 。在远距离射击 中,风速往 往是关键性 因素 。此时更应携 带 凯斯特 尔 30 00型气象 测试
速, 而且还 可提供 温度 、 风寒指
仪。 就工作 日志而言 , 凯斯 特尔 图2 、第 六屏 幕 模 式 显 示 的 30 0 0型气 象 测试 仪 的作 用 是 2 数、 相对湿度 、 热应力指数 以及 相 对 湿 度 为 3 无法估计 的!除此之外 .我认
露点温度 所有这一切都 为狙 所有的功能。 自动关机功能可 为,若是世 界 上每 一 参加 比 = 位 击 手 寻 找 射 击 方 位 提 供 了 巨 大 以 有 效 竹省 电 池 能 量 — — 在 最 赛 的远距 离 射 手都 能 配备 上
播报 的气象 数据 ,然后 把它 们记 录在 日志上 这 从理论
图 1 、凯 斯 特 尔 30 0 0型 袖 珍 气 上 讲是很有 道理 的,但是在
始 转向开 发能 够测 量风 速并 象测试仪 配有硬 容器和绳索,便于 实 际应用 中,气候条件 是千 提 供 气 象 方 面 服 务 的 新 产 携带 图 中所 示 为第一 屏 幕模 式 变万化的 ,况且有时 我工作
3秒 钟 平 均 风 速 为 0. 0英 里 / 地 方的气候 与播报 的情况并 品。现在 , 他们 因生产便于携 带、 价格合理 的袖珍气象仪 而 小 时 。 不一致 。但 是有 了凯斯特尔

1. 高报,低报,STEL报警,TWA报警 这四个功能可以更改传感器的报警点,包括高报,低报, STEL报警和TWA报警。
注:STEL值前面说过是15分钟内的平均浓度,而STEL报警值 的设定略高于低报值,含义是当气体浓度超过低报值而 还没有超过STEL报警值时,只要15分钟之内撤离,就不 会对人体造成不可恢复的伤害。该功能的四个值均是根 据国家标准设置的,所以请不要轻易更改。
1. 操作模式 卫检模式:仪器自动连续监测 搜索模式:仅在激活采样时才会监测,处于此模式,看 到屏幕上显示“准备开始采样”,按Y/+开始; 当采样完毕时,按有功能键,屏幕示“停止 采样”,再按左功能键确认即可停止
2. 现场编号 设置此编号对仪器使用的每个场合进行唯一化标识
• 开机
按住模式键,当仪器响起报警声时,松开模式键,仪器进 入自检状态,自检完成后进入常规模式。
• 关机
开机状态下,按住模式键2秒,仪表会进入5秒倒计时, 此时继续按住模式键,直到倒计时结束,仪器显示屏熄 灭,才表示已关机,可松开按键。
2. 报警模式 自动复位:报警条件不存在时,报警停止并复位 锁 定:报警触发后不会自动停止,只能通过手动停 止
3. 蜂鸣器与指示灯 此功能可以设置报警时蜂鸣器,LED灯的状态
1. 清除数据记录 此功能可以清楚所有保存在仪器内的数据,且无法恢复,因此做 好备份前请不要随意操作。

防雷产品雷击中华人民共和国香港中环广场澳大利亚悉尼中心塔新西兰奥克兰天空塔各种接闪器3ERITECH ®SYSTEM 3000什么是 ERITECH ® SYSTEM 3000?ERITECH ® SYSTEM 3000 是一种技术先进的防雷系统。
该系统独一无二 的特征可确保可靠的雷电截获和控制。
ERITECH ® DYNASPHERE 接闪器为雷电放电提供最佳点,否则雷电放电会袭击和破坏未受保护的建筑物和/或建筑物内的设施。
ERITECH DYNASPHERE 以最佳的方式与 ERITECH ® ERICORE 引下线及低阻抗接地 系统相连,从而组合成一个完整的防雷系统。
ERITECH SYSTEM 3000 包含以下部件:• ERITECH DYNASPHERE 接闪器 • ERITECH ERICORE 引下线 • 雷电事件计数器• 为特定目的设计的低阻抗接地系统。
所有这些部件构成了艾力高® (ERICO ®) 六点防雷计划一个不可 或缺的部分。
虽然可以使用其他部件组合成混合系统,但是必须认识到任何替代品 的低效率代表着整个防雷系统的低效率。
引下线鞍座雷电事件4艾力高® (ERICO ®) 对防雷方法 进行了数年的长期现场研究。
在研究过程中,使用了实验室试验 (借助一些最大的户外试验实验室) 以及无数的研究项目,包括与业界知名科学家的合作。
艾力高 (ERICO) 致力于制定各种适合全球的防雷标准。
ERITECH ® SYSTEM 3000 从这种研究活动中得到了进一步发展,与先前版本的 ERITECH SYSTEM 3000 相比,凭借广泛的现场研究、领先的室内外高压试验以及计算机模型研究 支持,可为建筑群提供最 先进的革新。

采用高精度轴承,轻量叶轮,即便是在风速很小(低 至 0.3m/s)的情况下也可精确测量风速值(±3%)。如果叶
可采用 2 节 AAA 电池来供电,可更换,具有 2 种省电 模式来延长电池寿命。可选语言:英语、法语、意大利语、 西班牙语和德语。
上海瑾瑜商贸有限公司 上海市浦东新区浦东大道 2742 弄中环滨江大厦 1-1514 室 TEL:021-36320539 FAX:021-60897925 mail to:sales@
对于建筑工人、工程师、船员、飞行员、农民或热 爱户外活动的人,只需一个仪器,就能得到全面的气象 数据。对于夜晚黑暗使用环境,NK4000 草绿色版本还特 别增加设计了红色背景光,可提供照明。
每一个参数都可以三种格式显示:当前值、最小/最 大/平均值、图表。风速仪屏幕可以设置成同时显示三个 常用的参数。
0%~ 100%
5%~ 95%
0.1% ±2%(使用 24 个月后) 10~ 1100mBar(25℃) 750~ 1100mBar(25℃)
0.1mBar 典型 每年±1mBar
-2000~ +9000m
-2000~ +6000m
1m ±75m(温度在 0 和 37.8℃之间时) 直径 25mm,高精度叶轮和轴承,用户可更换叶轮 密封、绝热、高精度 电容式高分子传感器,安装在外面的薄壁电离室 单片硅材料气压传感器
轮损害,可以进行更换。 采用外置温度传感器,反应速度快,测量精度达到

NK3000 ( NK5918 )中文说明书
Mode Hint Icon Units of Measure
风速SPd 4m/s P ft/min, km/h f mph, kt,
最大风速SPd MAX<§ m/s P ft/min. km/h, mpli,
平均风速SPd AVG^ m/s, ft/min, km/h, mph,
温度dEG I GF
风寒chill CF
热力指数H.L CJ
露点温度 d.R A C f F。
Parker Legris:LF 3000 Push-In Fittings维护套装说明说明书

aerospaceclimate controlelectromechanicalfiltrationfluid & gas handlinghydraulicspneumaticsprocess controlsealing & shieldingParker Legris: Maintenance Kits for LF 3000® Push-In Fittings2LF 3000® Push-In Fittings• 40 years of expertise • Conforms to ISO 14743• Ideal for vacuum or pressure applications• Tried-and-tested longevity according to DI 2006/42/EC requirements• Materials with high resistance •Durability of product and equipment• 100% leak-tested in production • Full bore for optimum flow• Tube fixed during connection, preventing leakage•Excellent vacuum performance thanks to the patented sealing technology• Compact and aesthetic design: reduced dimensions for space-saving• Lightweight: reduced energy consumption of operating systems • Parallel threaded fitting with a patented captive O-ring seal • Maximum flexibility due to the wide product range•Date coding to guarantee quality and traceability Automatic sealing guaranteed, in both static and dynamic applicationsSilicone-freePrinciple of the LF 3000®Push-In FittingThreadsSealing and 100 % Leak-TestedThe quality of the sealing material, selected specifically for the application, ensuresexcellent longevity of the fitting.In this way, Parker Legris offers the bestreturn on investment on the market.Quality of Design• Unique and patented sealing technology• Rigorous selection of materials: NBR: ideally suited for compressed air EPDM: perfectly suited for food and beverage FKM: all fluids and high temperatures• 100 % leak-tested in the production processBenefits of Use• The lowest leak rate on the market, whateverthe temperature and length of use • Perfectly suited to primary vacuum • Full bore for optimum flow• Optimum gripping of tube guaranteedThe LF 3000® range, with its wide variety of shapes and configurations, allows you to find the perfect product to meet your needs and thus optimise the use of your equipment.Gripping ring: stainless steel Body : technical polymerRelease button: technical polymerSealing ring: NBR (EPDM, FKM on request)Adaptor:nickel-plated brassBSPP thread sealing: NBR O-ring BSPT/NPT thread: pre-coating• Manual connection and disconnection without the use of tools• Release button available in 5 colours, to identify different circuitsAll straight connectors are fitted with an internal hexagon for ease of assembly with the use of an Allen spanner. This enables assembly in restricted spaces.• Ideal for polymer tubing, even for soft tubing • Excellent tube guidance• No tube movement under pressure • Very compact solutionBSPP and metric BSPT, NPT and NPTF63102 06 001083102 08 00103000 71 0010605 12 1214R1/83109 04 10106R1/83109 06 10106R1/43109 06 13108R1/83109 08 10108R1/43109 08 13103LF 3000® Maintenance KitsØDCPart NumbersQty4R1/83175 04 10204R1/43175 04 13206R1/83175 06 10206R1/43175 06 13208R1/43175 08 1320ØDCPart NumbersQty4G1/83101 04 10206M5x0.83101 06 19206G1/83101 06 10206G1/43101 06 13208G1/43101 08 1320ØDPart NumbersQty43104 04 001063104 06 001083104 08 0010PART NUMBERS COMMON TO BOTH KITSADDITIONAL PART NUMBERS IN BSPP KITADDITIONAL PART NUMBERS IN BSPT KITØDPart NumbersQty43106 04 001063106 06 001083106 08 0010• 2 kits available: for BSPP products and BSPT products • A selection of 24 references covering the most-used products • Products available in the most common diameters: 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm•A kit contains more than 300 products and then can be completed according to your needs.Kit part number, BSPP version: 3150 00 01 57Kit part number, BSPT version: 3150 00 01 58This kit may be ordered just like any other Parker Legris product. We remain at your disposal for advice or more information. Visit our web site today: ØD1ØD2Part NumbersQty463166 04 0610683166 06 0810ØDPart NumbersQty43126 04 002063126 06 002083126 08 0020The essential tool to rapidly carry out the main maintenance operations and reduce production interruptions .+4M5x0.83199 04 19104G1/83199 04 10106M5x0.83199 06 19106G1/83199 06 10106G1/43199 06 1310BUL/0581/UK © 2015 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.Fluid System Connectors EuropeParker Hannifin Manufacturing France SASParker Hannifin CorporationCS 46911 - 74 rue de Paris35069 RennesPhone: +33 (0)2 99 25 55 00Fax: +33 (0)2 99 25 55 99 E d . 0 9 -2 0 1 5Europe, Middle East, Africa AE – United Arab Emirates,DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe, Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900**************************** AZ – Azerbaijan, BakuTel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – Belgium, NivellesTel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BG – Bulgaria, SofiaTel: +359 2 980 1344**************************BY – Belarus, MinskTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************CH – Switzerland, EtoyTel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00***************************** CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111******************************* DE – Germany, KaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, BallerupTel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, MadridTel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finland, VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500*************************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, AthensTel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hungary, BudaörsTel: +36 23 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, AlmatyTel: +7 7273 561 000**************************** NL – The Netherlands, Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, AskerTel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, WarsawTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – Portugal, Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, BucharestTel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, MoscowTel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, SpångaTel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo MestoTel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, IstanbulTel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, KievTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************Parker WorldwideNorth AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, OntarioTel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, ClevelandTel: +1 216 896 3000Asia PacificAU – Australia, Castle HillTel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, ShanghaiTel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, GurgaonTel: +91 124 459 0600***********************JP – Japan, TokyoTel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, SeoulTel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah AlamTel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, BangkokTel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, TaipeiTel: +886 2 2298 8987South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos AiresTel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Sao Jose dos CamposTel: +55 800 727 5374CL – Chile, SantiagoTel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, TolucaTel: +52 72 2275 4200European Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,FR, IE, IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU,SE, SK, UK, ZA)。

AKS 3000 Pressure transmitter说明书

Data sheetPressure transmitter for A/C and refrigerationAKS 3000Features Designed to meet A/C and refrigeration application demands without compromising control accuracyconcerning:Tough environment• Vibration• Shock during operation and transport • Humidity and ice formation• Temperature variations• Corrosive media like ammonia gases and salt mistConvenient performance• 4 – 20 mA signal• 1% typical accuracy• 0.5% typical linearity• Prepared for high pressure refrigerants Bar code for tracing of calibration dataConvenient performance• Compact design• Max. working pressure 33 bar <P< 100 bar• Digitally temperature compensationOptimized accuracy at -10 °C and 20 °Cfor suction line installations, see page 2• ¼ -18 NPT, G 3⁄8 A, G ½ A or 7/16-20 UNFFemale ensures tight pressure connection • All laser welded AISI 316L stainlesssteel enclosure• No soft seals• Enclosure: IP65• For use in ATEX zone 2 explosive atmospheres • UL approvedApplication• Fan speed control• High pressure control• Compressor capacity control• Evaporator pressure detection• Oil pressure controlAKS 3000 is a series of absolute pressure transmitters with high-level signal conditioned current output, developed to meet demands in A/C and refrigeration applications.AKS 3000 utilizes the proved piezoresistive measuring principle, which has been usedfor decades in Danfoss pressure transmitters.The pressure reference is a sealed gauge.This means that atmospheric pressure variations have no influence on regulating accuracy. A must in accurate low pressure regulation.All materials in contact with the refrigerant and materials for the housing are AISI 316L stainless steel. No soft gaskets, all environmental sealings are made through laser weldings only.AKS 3000 has a 4 – 20 mA output, and is available with spade terminals forEN 175301-803 plug.Thermal sensitivityOrderingOrdering standard060G1007: 0 – 10 bar (abs)060G1608: 0 – 25 bar (abs)AKS 3000 is calibrated to limit ambient temperature influence on the regulating accuracy.Pressure transmitters to be used at low temperature conditions, e.g. in suction lines, are calibrated at -10 °C and 20 °C.In this way control accuracy is optimized in a temperature range of -30 °C – 40 °C.Pressure transmitters for general use, e.g. atnormal room temperature, are calibrated at 20 °C and 60 °C.In this way control accuracy is optimized in atemperature range of 0 °C – 80 °C.Ordering standard(continued)Environmental conditionsMechanical charac -10 ˚C < Ta < + 85 ˚CFor other products not ATEX Zone 2 assessed, an ignition risk assessment has been conducted with reference to IEC/EN 60335-2-89 (commercial refrigerating appliances) and IEC/EN 60335-2-40 (electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners).For countries where safety standards are not an indispensable part of the safety system, Danfossrecommends the installer to seek a third-party approval of the system containing flammable refrigerant. Note: Please, follow specific selection criteria stated in the data sheet for these particular refrigerants.Dimensions and weightElectrical connection,Two-wire, 4 – 20 mA。
Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter 操作指南说明书

Kestrel® 3000 Pocket Weather® Meter3 OPERATION1. Slide o cover.2. Turn on . Press the center button ( ) to turn on the unit.4. S elect the units of measure . Press while holding toscroll through the units of measure.3. S elect operating mode . Press the right arrow ( ) to scrollthrough the measurements listed below. Press the left arrow( ) to scroll through the measurements in reverse order.The instantaneous measurements will be displayed. (SeeUnderstanding the Measurements section for more information.)5. H old mode . Press while holding to hold the measuredvalue on the display. The word “HOLD” will blink to indicate theHold Mode. Press while holding to exit the Hold Mode.This mode can be useful for taking measurements when unableto view the display, as within a duct. The Max and Avg WindSpeed Modes will continue to work as usual.Kestrel® 3000 Pocket Weather® Meter5Max Gust SPd MAX m/s, ft/min, km/h, mph, kt, B Avg Speed SPd AVGm/s, ft/min, km/h, mph, kt, B TemperaturedEG C, FWind ChillchillC, F Humidityr.h.%Heat Stress IndexH.I.C, F Dewpointd.P.C, F6. Turn on the backlight . Press to activate the backlight for 10 seconds. If or are pressed while the backlight is illuminated, the backlight will remain illuminated for another 10 seconds. Press while the backlight is illuminated to manually turn o the backlight.7. T urn o . Hold for 2 seconds to manually turn o the unit. The unit will automatically turn o if no buttons have been pressed for 45 minutes.UNDERSTANDING THE MEASUREMENTSWind Speed - average over the previous three seconds. The measurement will be accurate for air ow through the front or rear of the unit.Maximum Wind Gust - maximum 3 - second wind speed since the unit was turned on.Average Wind Speed - average wind speed since the unit was turned on.Temperature - instantaneous temperature of the thermistor, which is located at the end of the long coiled leads in the open cavity below the impeller. The exposed thermistor will respond quickly to changes in temperature when air ows past it. For fastest response, either hold the unit into the wind or wave the unit side to side for 15 seconds. Readings should be taken in the shade. Water and snow temperatures can be taken by hold the unit in the water or snow.Wind Chill - combination of wind speed and temperature, as de ned by the US National Weather Service. Wind chill is the e ective temperature on a human or animal at lowtemperatures due to wind speed. Wind chill readings will be the same as the temperature readings above 45ºF or below 3 mph.Relative Humidity - amount of moisture in the air compared to the amount of moisture the air can hold for the given temperature, represented as a percent. Because relative humidity is also a function of the temperature, the response time will be dependent on the temperature response time (see temperature section above). Readings should be taken in the shade.Kestrel® 3000 Pocket Weather® Meter7 Heat Stress Index – combination of temperature and humidity, as de ned by the USNational Weather Service. Heat stress is the e ective temperature on a human or animal at high temperatures due to humidity. Heat stress readings will be the same as the temperature readings below 70ºF.Dewpoint – calculated based on temperature and humidity measurements, as a measure of moisture content in the air. If the dewpoint is very close to the temperature, the air is humid. If the temperature and dewpoint are the same, dew will form. If this happens below freezing, frost will form.MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTINGEnvironmentalEvery Kestrel Meter is fully waterproof and oats, and has passed mil-spec drop testing. Storing Your KestrelAvoid storing your Kestrel where it will be exposed to temperatures below -30°C [-22°F] or above 60° C [176° F] for extended periods of time. Doing so may cause permanent damage. (Note that the inside of a car parked in the hot sun can reach very high temperatures.)Use of the Lanyard and CoverThe cover can be captured on the lanyard to avoid loss. First, remove the cord poplock. Then feed the lanyard end through the large opening in the over and out the slot. Replace the poplock on the lanyard.Replacing the BatteryWhen your display becomes dim or disappears, replace thebattery. Use a large coin to open the battery compartment.Use only new CR2032 coin cell batteries (available wherewatch batteries are sold). Wipe the battery clean of anyngerprints and insert the positive (+) pole up, angling thebattery downward and pressing it rmly into place. Whenreplacing the battery door, be sure to keep the black rubbero-ring seated in the groove on the case back.Why does the Impeller Appear Imbalanced?It is NORMAL for the impeller to oscillate as it comes to a stop. It is NOT imbalanced. Rather, it contains a very small magnet that responds to the earth’s magnetic elds. This does not a ect the accuracy of the wind speed readings because the magnetic eld applies both a braking and an accelerating force which cancel each other. The impeller has been calibrated to provide wind speed readings accurate to within at least ± 3%.High Speed UseAfter numerous hours of sustained operation over 25 M/S (~49 KT, 90 KM/H, 56 MPH or 4,923 FPM), the Kestrel will lose some accuracy due to wear of the pivot and bearings inthe impeller.Replacing the BatteryKestrel® 3000 Pocket Weather® Meter9Replacing the ImpellerYou may recalibrate the wind speed readings by replacing the impeller. Press FIRMLY on the sides of the black impeller housing with your thumbs to remove the entire assembly. When inserting the new impeller, be sure the arrow is facing the display side of the unit, and is aligned with the top of the meter. Press on the sides of the housing rather than the center.Taking Accurate Humidity, Heat Stress and Dewpoint MeasurementsThe patented system for measuring relative humidity allows for extremely fast and accurate readings. The sensor is located in the large hole on the rear of the unit. Even extreme and abrupt changes in the surrounding humidity will be measured within several minutes. To test this, place your hand around the rear of the unit. Within several seconds, the humidity will increase dramatically. After removing your hand, the humidity will quickly begin to decrease. Next, place your hand near the rear of the unit and wave the unit back and forth. The humidity will not change because the air ow is diluting the humidity from your hand.This example shows the importance of keeping air ow past the sensor while taking a measurement. If there is no natural air ow past the sensor, wave the unit back and forth. It is also reasonable to lay the unit down on a solid surface for several minutes to allow thesensor to adjust.Replacing the ImpellerSensors & CalibrationKestrel Pocket Weather Meters use precision sensors to measure the environment. These sensors have all been factory calibrated to NIST-traceable standards, and are accurate within the stated speci cations at the time of manufacture.The wind is measured with the patented user-replaceable impeller. It is mounted on a sapphire bearing that begins to measure readings in the slightest of breezes.The patented external temperature sensor is mounted on long, coiled leads that help to further isolate the bulb from the case. This ensures that the Kestrel is reading the airtemperature and not the case temperature, may be warmer if the unit was in your pocket or warmed by your hand.The patented relative humidity sensor is designed to adjust quickly to abrupt changes in humidity, and maintains this accuracy and speed in extremely low humidity conditions. The RH sensor is located on the back of the unit and is protected by a membrane. DO NOT puncture this membrane. It will damage the sensor and require replacement.For recalibration of the sensors, the unit may be returned to NK for factory calibration. The wind and humidity sensors can all also be eld-calibrated. To recalibrate the wind speed, simply replace the impeller. Visit for information on the RH eld-calibration kit. The temperature sensor does not need to be recalibrated.Kestrel® 3000 Pocket Weather® Meter 11BEAUFORT SCALEThe Beaufort Scale is a system for estimating wind force without the use of instruments based on the visible e ects of the wind on the physical environment. The behavior of smoke, waves, trees, etc., is rated on a 13 point scale. The scale was devised in 1805 by the British naval Commander Sir Francis Beaufort (1774-1857) and is still commonly used by mariners.KESTREL POCKET WEATHER METERS WARRANTYNK does not believe in “disposable electronics.” We know that Kestrel Meters don’t typically lead pampered lives, and we design them for years of performance in tough conditions. Every Kestrel is designed and manufactured at NK’s facility in Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, to be the accurate, reliable weather instrument you need for your application. If for any reason you are not satis ed with the performance or operation of your Kestrel meter in the rst 30 days, you may return it to your place of purchase for a full refund.We guarantee every Kestrel Pocket Weather Meter to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of FIVE YEARS from their date ofrst consumer purchase. NK willrepair or replace any defective product or part when noti ed within thewarranty period, and will return the product via domestic ground shipping or NK’s choice of method of international shipping at no charge.The following shall be excluded from warranty coverage: damage due to improper use or neglect (including corrosion); damage caused by severe or excessive impact, crushing or mechanical harm; modi cations or attemptedrepairs by someone other than an authorized NK/Kestrel repair agent; impeller failure not caused by a manufacturing defect; normal usage wear; failed batteries; and accuracy issues resolvable by recalibration. Recalibration is provided free of charge within thirty (30) days of purchase if necessary.Except for the warranties set forth herein, NK disclaims all other warranties, expressed,implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or tness for a particular purpose. Any implied warranties that may be imposed byapplicable law are limited to the term of this warranty. In no event shall NK be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of business, loss of pro ts, loss of data or use, whether in an action in contract or tort or based on awarranty, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of an NK product, even if NK has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You agree that repair, and (upon availability) replacement, as applicable, is your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to anybreach of the NK Limited Warranty set forth herein. All product liability and warranty optionsKestrel® 3000 Pocket Weather® Meter13are governed exclusively by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.Your warranty period will be measured from your date of purchase. The best way to ensure full warranty coverage is to REGISTER your NK product promptly on our website: <> . We keep your registration information strictly con dential and do not sell it, share it, or use it for anything but product-related information bulletins (which you may decline receiving). If you do not register and cannot provide proof of purchase, your warranty period will be measured from our date of manufacture, determined by serial number.We request that you contact NK if you feel your product is not working properly. We can often solve product issues by phone or e-mail, saving you the time and expense of returning the unit. If we require the product to be returned, we will issue a Return Authorization to expedite the handling of your warranty claim.The Kestrel Pocket Weather Meters are covered by the following patents: 5,783,753,5,939,645, 6,257,074, and 7,059,170.LIFETIME CUSTOMER CARE WARRANTYNK wants you to be an NK customer for life, so we take care of you even beyond the terms of the above warranty with our Customer Care Program. Trade-in any Kestrel Pocket Weather Meter, no matter the age or condition, and receive a generous discount on the replacement product. Our Customer Care Program applies only as long as we manufacture the product.CALIBRATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND SERVICEEvery NK product is tested and calibrated before it leaves our factory. We guarantee that it will perform within speci cations when you receive it. Each Kestrel comes with a Certi cate of Conformity, with the stated speci cations for that product on the back. If you feel anNK product is not meeting specs when you receive it, call us and we’ll make sure you are operating it correctly. If it still appears that it may be out of spec, return it to us within 30 days of purchase and we will test and recalibrate all values at no charge. Beyond 30 days, we o er reasonably-priced tests, calibration services and N.I.S.T. certi ed calibrations as well as Kestrel tune-ups.All of our measurements are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, ensuring the highest level of accuracy. Our primary Calibration Standards are sent for calibration in accordance with N.I.S.T. requirements and based on a regular schedule.Only approved laboratories and N.I.S.T themselves are used for these calibration services. Incoming and outgoing data is supplied with the certi cate of calibration.We also o er full factory service on every product we manufacture for as long as we make the product (and as long after as component availability permits). If we can’t repair a product, we will o er you a brand-new replacement under our Customer Care Program (even for accidental damage and misuse).。

上海凯仁电子仪器有限公司 KL3000说明书

上海凯仁电子仪器有限公司 KL3000说明书

GAMIC复合气体探测 复合气体探测
四、注意事项 1、该传感器不适用于含铅混合物、硅树脂、含氯 、该传感器不适用于含铅混合物、硅树脂、 的碳氢化合物场合, 的碳氢化合物场合,否则可能暂时停止传感器的正 常工作,应予以标定。 常工作,应予以标定。在危险地区不可更换电池与 充电。其工作温度为-20——+50℃。 充电。其工作温度为 ℃ 2、探测仪在首次使用前应进行充电,建议每个工 、探测仪在首次使用前应进行充电, 作天后对检测仪充电,充电时间2~ 小时 小时。 作天后对检测仪充电,充电时间 ~3小时。 3、探测仪在首次使用前应进行标定,建议每半年 、探测仪在首次使用前应进行标定, 标定一次。标定应使用标准浓度的气体。 标定一次。标定应使用标准浓度的气体。
GAMIC复合气体探测仪 复合气体探测仪
三、术语解释: 术语解释: 1、TWA:时间加权平均值,8小时内时间加权平均 、 :时间加权平均值, 小时内时间加权平均 即以各项的值乘各项时间后求和, 值(即以各项的值乘各项时间后求和,除以总时 间)。 2、STEL:短期暴露限制值,15分钟内的时间加权 、 :短期暴露限制值, 分钟内的时间加权 平均值。 平均值。 3、MAX:自开机始所遇到的最高气体暴露值。 、 :自开机始所遇到的最高气体暴露值。 4、LEL:爆炸极限下限值。 、 :爆炸极限下限值。
Kestrel 4000风速 气象测定仪 风速/气象测定仪 风速
三、操作使用: 操作使用: 5、数据查看: 、数据查看: 5.1 开机后仪器会自动检测出环境气象数据,其功能项有: 开机后仪器会自动检测出环境气象数据,其功能项有: 风速、温度、风冷、湿度、热指数、露点、气压、海拔、 风速、温度、风冷、湿度、热指数、露点、气压、海拔、密 度高度和湿球温度等10种 每种数据又可以通过3种方式来 度高度和湿球温度等 种。每种数据又可以通过 种方式来 查看(即时数据、最大/最小 平均值、 最小/平均值 图表)。 查看(即时数据、最大 最小 平均值、Chart图表)。 图表 5.2 查看单屏信息:按▼或▲翻页可实现连续循环单屏显示 查看单屏信息: 信息。假如开机时显示是时间, 则显示顺序如下: 信息。假如开机时显示是时间,按▼则显示顺序如下:时间 →风速 温度 风冷 湿度 热指数 露点 湿球湿度 气 风速→温度 风冷→湿度 热指数→露点 湿球湿度→气 风速 温度→风冷 湿度→热指数 露点→湿球湿度 海拔高度→密度高度 综合信息1→综合信息 综合信息2→综合信 压→海拔高度 密度高度 综合信息 海拔高度 密度高度→综合信息 综合信息 综合信 时间。 息3→时间。 时间 5.3 在即时数据界面下(时间除外),如果要查看最大 最小 在即时数据界面下(时间除外) 如果要查看最大 最小/ 如果要查看最大/最小 平均值、 图表, 键即可。 平均值、Chart图表,按 ► 或 ◄ 键即可。没有数据时则显 图表 示――。 。
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Kestrel 3000 可提供精确测量值,显示屏下面有 3 个按键,操作简单,可显示当前风速、最大风速、平均 风速、温度、风寒、相对湿度、热度指数数和露点温度。
Kestrel 3000 是旋转风杯式风速仪,体积小巧,方便 携带。采用高精度轴承,轻量叶轮,可精确测量风速值, 即便是在风速很小的情况下。如果叶轮损坏,可更换。 内置温度和相对湿度传感器。
上海拜能仪器仪表有限公司 上海市铁山路 1050 号 2 号楼 415 室,201900 Tel: 021-66751761 66751762, Fax: 021-66751763 E-mail: Hsales@H H
温度传感器 相对湿度传感器防潮等级 震动 源自度电磁兼容性(EMC) 电池
电池寿命 自动关机
122mm×42mm×20mm 122mm×46mm×26mm 65g 37 0.5m 栗色 反射型 3.5 寸 LCD 9mm 1秒 当前风速 平均风速(AVG) 最大风速(MAX) 温度 风寒温度 相对湿度 热度指数 露点温度 数据保持(HOLD) Kt, m/s, km/h, mph, ft/min, Beaufort force(B) 0.4~ 60m/s(0.8~ 135mph) 0.4~ 40m/s(0.8~ 89mph) 读数的±3%或者 ±0.1m/s 小于 1% (7m/s 下操作 100 小时后) 0.1kt, m/s, km/h, mph。 -45~ +125℃ -29~ +70℃ ±1.0℃ 0.1℃ ±1℃ 0%~ 100% 5%~ 95% ±3% 0.1% ±2%(使用 24 个月后) ±2℃(温度在 21.1 和 54.4℃之间时) ±2℃(相对湿度高于 20%) 直径 25mm 高精度叶轮和轴承 用户可更换叶轮 密封、绝热、高精度 电容式高分子传感器,安装在外面的薄壁电离室
物理 显示
传感器 环境 其他
Kestrel®3000 手持式风速仪
尺寸 外壳尺寸
重量 外壳重量
颈带绳 外壳颜色 显示类型 数字高度 显示器更新
风速 温度 相对湿度
风速单位 操作范围 精度范围 轴上精度 校准漂移
分辨率 操作范围 精度范围
精度 分辨率 风寒精度 操作范围 精度范围
精度 分辨率 校准偏移 热度指数精度 露点温度精度
Kestrel®3000 手持式风速仪
测量参数: z 当前风速 z 最大风速 z 平均风速 z 温度 z 风寒指数 z 热度指数 z 露点温度 z 相对湿度
NK3000 特点: z 小巧、坚固耐用 z 数据保持功能 z 大屏幕 LCD 显示 z 防水设计 z 高精度轴承 z 叶轮可更换 z 长寿命锂电池 z 价格低廉 z 可设置风速单位
IP67 经过落地试验,抗震性 MIL-STD-810F 操作范围:-10~ +55℃;存储温度:-30~ +60℃ CE CR2032 锂电池,用户可更换 一般 300 小时 45 分钟后自动关机 出厂已经校准;每一个 Kestrel 风速仪都具有一个 COC 认证证书。如需 其他认证,可与我们联系。 5年
采用低功耗微处理器,明亮 LCD 显示,可读取当前 风速、最大风速、平均风速并能选择风速单位。
采用标准锂电池,可更换,能保证操作至少 300 小 时。如果风速仪在超过 45 分钟都没有任何操作的话,将 会自动切断电源。
应用范围: z 农业 - 农作物喷洒或焚烧状况检查 z 飞行 - 滑行、滑翔、跳伞、氢气球飞行等 z 建筑 - 工作环境、起重机、勘测车灯 z 教育 - 空气流动实验、环境教学、户外活动等 z 热力供应系统- 鼓风机气流、检查过滤网状况等 z 工业 - 空气流动测量,污染控制等 z 科学 - 空气动力学、环境科学和气象学等 z 消防 - 检查火灾情况 z 户外活动 - 游泳、田径、赛艇、风筝比赛、射箭、射