英文CV模板范文Personal Information:Name:Address:Phone:Email:Objective:Education:- Bachelor's Degree in [Field of Study], [University Name], [Year]- High School Diploma, [School Name], [Year]Skills:- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)- Strong problem-solving and decision-making abilities- Ability to work effectively in a team as well as independently- Time management and organizational skills- Attention to detail and accuracyExperience:- Assisted the team in various administrative tasks, such as data entry, filing, and organizing documents- Prepared presentations and reports for team meetings- Coordinated meetings and travel arrangements for executives- Assisted customers in placing orders and provided product information- Maintained customer records and updated the database with new information- Collaborated with the sales team to meet monthly targets3. Volunteer, [Organization Name], [Dates]- Assisted in organizing and promoting fundraising events- Managed social media platforms and created content to increase awareness- Provided support to the team during events and handled inquiries from attendeesAdditional Information:- Languages: Fluent in English, Intermediate in [Language]- Interests: Traveling, reading, photography- References: Available upon requestOverall, I am a dedicated and hardworking individual with a passion for excellence. I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality work under tight deadlines. I believe my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for any role I undertake. I am confident that I would be an asset to your organization and contribute to its success.。
一般情况下,CV简历模板主要包含以下几个模块,仅供参考:A. Education Background: 简单罗列如入学时间,就读院校,就读专业和学位,GPA等信息。
B. Standard Tests: 简单罗列TOEFL、IELTS、GRE、GMAT等考试成绩。
C. Professional Experience: 包括专业背景、科研经历等,简要罗列自己的参与时间,具体职责,所获成绩。
D. Publications:简要罗列论文,发表时间和期刊等信息。
E. Work Experience or Internship:简要罗列工作/实习的时间、单位、岗位以及所获成绩等信息。
F. Activities: 简要罗列在校内外参加的活动时间\项目等信息。
G. Honors & Awards: 简要罗列在校内外所获的各项奖励,可标明时间和颁奖单位。
H. Skills: 简要罗列在计算机、语言、艺术等等方面擅长的技能。
美国研究生申请cv模板CURRICULUM VITAEName:***M/F:MaleDate of Birth:Nationality:ChineseAddress:写清楚Phone:E-mail:如果你对自己的形象很有信心,可以贴一张照片在右面。
Academic BackgroundSummary of research分别列出你在本科及硕士阶段参与或完成的科研工作题目并略加说明,这样可以让对方导师很容易看到你的学术兴趣及经验。
Education IBachelor of Science(200*-200*)-Major:-校名-Ranking:Top**%out of**students in the classGPA:**/100I Master of Science(200*up to the present,degree expected in****)-Major:-校名.-Supervisor:***Research Techniques and Skills列出你掌握的实验技术,但不要单纯罗列,在每项后对你利用该技术做什么略加说明。
例如:Plant transformation techniques:Experience in Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation.I nduction and establishment of hairy root cultures.PCR Analysis for the rol B and rol C.Molecular marker u sing RAPD.Journal list列出你发表过的所有文章,无论中文英文无论是第几作者,下划线或加粗你的名字。
有一些在准备或已投出的文章最好也列出来,后面注明in prepared或submitted即可。
Research experience详细说明你的科研经历,在什么时候做了什么,利用哪些方法得到那些结论。
PERSONAL INFORMATIONReplace with First name(s) Surname(s)[All CV headings are optional. Remove any empty headings.]Replace with house number, street name, city, postcode, country Replace with telephone number Replace with mobile numberState e-mail address State personal website(s)Replace with type of IM service Replace with messaging account(s) SexEnter sex | Date of birth dd/mm/yyyy | NationalityEnter nationality/-iesWORK EXPERIENCE[Add separate entries for each experience. Start from the most recent.]EDUCATION AND TRAINING[Add separate entries for each course. Start from the most recent.]PERSONAL SKILLS[Remove any headings left empty .]JOB APPLIED FORPOSITIONPREFERRED JOB STUDIES APPLIED FOR PERSONAL STATEMENTReplace with job applied for / position / preferred job / studies applied for / personal statement (delete non relevant headings in left column)Replace with dates (from - to)Replace with occupation or position heldReplace with employer’s name and locality (if relevant, full address and website) ▪ Replace with main activities and responsibilitiesBusiness or sector Replace with type of business or sectorReplace with dates (from - to)Replace with qualification awardedReplace with EQF (or other) level ifrelevantReplace with education or training organisation’s name and locality (if relevant, country) ▪ Replace with a list of principal subjects covered or skills acquiredMother tongue(s)Replace with mother tongue(s)Other language(s)UNDERSTANDINGSPEAKINGWRITINGListening Reading Spoken interactionSpoken productionReplace with languageEnter level Enter level Enter level Enter level Enter levelReplace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.Replace with languageEnter levelEnter levelEnter levelEnter levelEnter levelReplace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for LanguagesCommunication skillsReplace with your communication skills. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example: ▪ good communication skills gained through my experience as sales managerOrganisational / managerial skillsReplace with your organisational / managerial skills. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example:▪ leadership (currently responsible for a team of 10 people)ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONANNEXESJob-related skillsReplace with any job-related skills not listed elsewhere. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example:▪ good command of quality control processes (currently responsible for quality audit)Digital competenceSELF-ASSESSMENTInformation processingCommunicationContent creationSafetyProblem solvingEnter level Enter level Enter level Enter level Enter levelL evels: Basic user - Independent user - Proficient user Digital competences - Self-assessment gridReplace with name of ICT-certificate(s)Replace with your other computer skills. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example: ▪ good command of office suite (word processor, spread sheet, presentation software) ▪ good command of photo editing software gained as an amateur photographerOther skillsReplace with other relevant skills not already mentioned. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example: ▪ carpentryDriving licenceReplace with driving licence category/-ies. Example: BPublications PresentationsProjects Conferences SeminarsHonours and awardsMemberships References Citations Courses CertificationsReplace with relevant publications, presentations, projects, conferences, seminars, honours and awards, memberships, references. Remove headings not relevant in the left column. Example of publication:▪ How to write a successful CV , New Associated Publishers, London, 2002. Example of project:▪ Devon new public library. Principal architect in charge of design, production, bidding and construction supervision (2008-2012).Replace with list of documents annexed to your CV . Examples: ▪ copies of degrees and qualifications;▪ testimonial of employment or work placement; ▪ publications or research.。
留学干货出国留学申请文书CV模板出国留学CV模板分享CURRICULUMVITAEName:M/F: MaleDate of Birth:Nationality: ChineseAddress: 写清楚Phone:E-mail:如果你对自己的形象很有信心,可以贴一张照片在右面。
Academic BackgroundSummary of research分别列出你在本科及硕士阶段参与或完成的科研工作题目并略加说明,这样可以让对方导师很容易看到你的学术兴趣及经验。
Educationl Bachelor of Science (200-200)- Major:-校名- Ranking: Top % out of students in the classGPA:/100l Master of Science (200 up to the present, degree epected in )- Major:-校名:- Supervisor:Research Techniques and Skills列出你掌握的实验技术,但不要单纯罗列,在每项后对你利用该技术做什么略加说明。
例如:Plant transformation techniques: Eperience in Agrobacterium rhizogenes -mediated transformation. Induction and establishment of hairy root cultures. PCR Analysis for the rol B and rol C. Molecular marker using RAPD.Journal list有一些在准备或已投出的文章最好也列出来,后面注明in prepared 或submitted即可。
Research eperience详细说明你的科研经历,在什么时候做了什么,利用哪些方法得到那些结论。
你需要用gpa证明你的一般学习能力,用gt证明你的英语水平及标准化考试能力,用cV 囊括你这大学三年的专业建树,用ws来表现专业研究的具体水平,用ps从另一个角度展示个性化因素,用Rl从其他侧面旁敲侧击勾勒出申请者的另一个形象,用we表示你申请该校的诚意及个人需要。
比如cV里写到发表了一篇论文,然后可以说参见ws,ws里附上论文英文版;或者cV 里写到参加了某某专业活动,ps里写自从参加了这个活动之后,我的专业生涯兴趣发生了什么飞跃/变化之类。
CV,两个字加三个符号Be Professional 一定要看上去专业,CV是你的门面,你的脸,所有的申请,读书也好实习也好工作也好征婚也好,了解一个人,就凭这张纸,把自己化妆得漂亮点,关键是要让人信得过,让人觉得你靠谱,让人觉得你professional 我三年前申请的时候,也没有任何人教,到处查CV的模板,自己反复改了很多遍改到烦死了,最后就递交了算了,时间也来不及。
那么Pirate Radio(非常好看英伦摇滚电影海盗电台)里面说,能承认错误的,才称得上是个男人。
比如RESUME里你一句话“2007年担任iCow社团主席” 而CV里在这句话下面加五个标记点“2007年担任iCow社团主席- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;- 为社区以及大学学生生产了13加仑的有机牛奶;- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法” 明白不过,聪明的人呢,如果自己的履历是如此,就不会在RESUME上放“2007年担任iCow社团主席”这句话,因为RESUME上这么点空间字字是金,放这句话力道不够。
CV,两个字加三个符号:Be Professional!!!一定要看上去专业,CV是你的门面,你的脸,所有的申请,读书也好实习也好工作也好征婚也好,了解一个人,就凭这张纸,把自己化妆得漂亮点,关键是要让人信得过,让人觉得你靠谱,让人觉得你professional!我三年前申请的时候,也没有任何人教,到处查CV的模板,自己反复改了很多遍改到烦死了,最后就递交了算了,时间也来不及。
那么Pirate Radio(非常好看英伦摇滚电影海盗电台)里面说,能承认错误的,才称得上是个男人。
比如RESUME里你一句话“2007年担任iCow社团主席”而CV里在这句话下面加五个标记点:“2007年担任iCow社团主席:- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;- 为社区以及大学学生生产了13加仑的有机牛奶;- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法”明白?不过,聪明的人呢,如果自己的履历是如此,就不会在RESUME上放“2007年担任iCow社团主席”这句话,因为RESUME上这么点空间字字是金,放这句话力道不够。
Kelly Bryant *********************/~kbryant/ 3435 Cesar Chavez, Suite 306 San Francisco, CA 94110 c.415 902-3462 EducationUniversity of California, Berkeley - School of InformationMasters of Information Management and Systems, May 2006Concentration in Human-Computer Interaction, User Interface Design, Information Visualization and Database Management3.79 GPAKeene State CollegeBachelor of Arts, Mathematics, Minor: Art, May 1998Member of Kappa Mu Epsilon, Mathematics Honor Society3.53 GPA cum laudeExperienceInteraction Designer - Educational Technology Services – UC BerkeleyOctober 2005 - presentDesigned user interaction for an online equipment reservation systemCommunicated design recommendations to a development team using wireframing techniquesPerformed heuristic evaluation and provided design recommendations for open source course management systemGraduate Student Researcher - Uhle Collections @ Berkeley – UC BerkeleyJanuary 2005 - May 2005Created a user interface design that enables easy search and browse of a large archaeology collectionUsed several prototyping techniques to perform user testing at various stages of aniterative design processInformation Designer – Endres Ware - Architects EngineersAugust 2001 - October 2005Designed and implemented company website that showcases architecture and engineering projectsDeveloped an intranet site to manage in house processes and information for quickreferenceCreated promotional materials including postcards, brochures, business cards, statement of qualificationsRestructured file/data storage using logon scripts to increase efficiency and utilize resourcesHelpdesk Administrator - Sapient - TEK SystemsNovember 2000 - February 2001Provided first level technical support to advanced usersParticipated in support team, 70% field support 30% call tracking in Remedy Help DeskKelly Bryantpage 2 of 2Experience ContinuedHelpdesk Technician - Keene State College - Campus Technology ServicesOctober 1998 - September 2000Managed daily activities of a technical support center in an academic setting including seven techniciansProvided first line technical support for over 550 faculty and staff membersCreated and maintained documentation related to technical policies and procedures ProjectsiBuyRightCreated a proof of concept user interface for a mobile phone application that will provide social and environmental information about products to consumers allowing them to make informed choices.Served as Project Manager for Masters final project team to set project goals andmilestones as well as to communicate progress with stakeholdersPlayed a key role in the visual and interaction design of mobile prototypesPerformed needs and usability analysis using interview, surveys and comparative analysis Empty Orchestra/~kbryant/emptyorchestra.phpDesigned and implemented a database of karaoke studios and songs that alleviatessearch and browse problems with current karaoke systemsImplemented design using MySQL and PHP and documented system design in a written reportUFOVis:8000/academics/courses/is247/f05/projects/ufovis/Created a visualization of UFO sighting data to facilitate potential spatial and temporal pattern recognition for information visualization courseImplemented design using Yahoo! Maps APISkillsVery familiar with principals of graphic design and visual communicationStrong logical and analytical approach to problem solvingExperience with the following software:Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, GoLive, Flash including ActionScript, Flash Lite,Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Omnigraffle, Microsoft Office products, MS Project, Visio Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, Java, XML。
出国留学申请CV模板个人资料姓名:性别:出生日期:国籍:联系方式:电子邮箱:教育背景(按时间倒序排列)1. 留学目标国家的高中/大学名称- 时间:开始日期 - 结束日期- 学位:所获学位2. 当前所在的高中/大学名称(如果适用)- 时间:开始日期 - 结束日期- 学位:所获学位工作经验(如果适用)1. 公司/组织名称- 时间:开始日期 - 结束日期- 职位:担任职位名称,简述职责和成就2. 公司/组织名称- 时间:开始日期 - 结束日期- 职位:担任职位名称,简述职责和成就个人技能- 语言技能:列出你掌握的语言及级别,如英语(流利),法语(熟练),汉语(母语)- 计算机技能:列出你熟悉的计算机软件、编程语言或其他相关技能- 其他技能:列举其他相关的技能,如领导力、团队合作能力等志愿活动与社区服务(如果适用)1. 组织名称- 时间:开始日期 - 结束日期- 职位:担任职位名称,简述活动内容和成就2. 组织名称- 时间:开始日期 - 结束日期- 职位:担任职位名称,简述活动内容和成就获奖与荣誉- 按时间倒序排列你获得的奖项、荣誉或证书,包括学术、体育、艺术等领域个人陈述- 在这一节中,你可以陈述你为什么选择留学、你的个人目标和未来规划,以及你的优势和特点。
参考人员- 列出你可以提供作为参考人的人员,包括老师、导师、雇主等。
XXXAddress:C-610 Zhonglan Community,No.100 Pingleyuan ,Chaoyang District,Beijing,P. R. ChinaTel: +86-138********E-mail: linzhe1986lin@Objective:To obtain an offer of acceptance into the Master Program in Statistics or related fieldEducation:Degree: Bachelor of Science Major: Information and Computing Science (Applied Mathematics) GPA: 3.57/4.0 (overall) 3.7/4.0 (major)Rank: 4/102Research Experience:11/2007-05/2008 Research on Accelerated Life Test with Error of Test StressesAltered the traditional Accelerated Life Test model by applying EV model and Taylorexpansion so as to obtain the more accurate ALT model; calculated the errorthrough matlab programming aiming at the new model and traditional model andanalyzed the results to draw conclusion that the error is lower than the traditionalmodel compared with the model I established09/2006 China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling of 2006Conducted the modeling design aiming at the resources allocation of the PublishingHouse, assumed that the Publishing House mainly published the publications liketeaching materials, the head office conducted analysis according to the production planapplication, human resources condition and market information submitted by thebranch, allocated the number of ISBNs to various branches rationally so as to get thebest economic return from publications. Because the total number of ISBNs neededsubmitted by various branches exceeded the head office ones, the head office shalloptimize the resources allocation according to the principle of promoting the supporttoward high-caliber products. After the completion of resources allocation, variousbranches resumed the plan-making on each course belonging to subject according tothe assigned number of ISBNs and allocated rationally in terms of the former yearssales data and customer’s preference. I also used SAS and Matlab to program andcalculate the allocation result.09/2007 China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling of 2007Modeled the Query system of Public Transportation Routes Transfer in Beijing,designed the new system according to the data of original public transportation routesand offered the optimum choice of public transportation transfer according to minimumtransfer times and distance to meet demands of various residents; completed the systemdesign with matlab software programming according to the minimum distance andshortest time to get the final resultInternship:Collected data of the sales status of hard disk of computer in BeijingConducted survey on the sales status of hard ware of various computer hard wareretailers quarterly, and statistics on the channel and price of the data, contrastiveanalysis on data from various companies to get the needed data information10/2004-01/2005 Nationwide Olympic Games-welcoming Activity in Pingleyuan Community of Chaoyang DistrictOrganized and masterminded this activity, which mainly aimed at the elderly andchildren in community to take part in the Welcome Olympic Games, Study Englishactivity; formulated course, arranged activity time and utilized video discs, books,cards shorthand and dialogues as teaching aids so as to improved the per capita Englishproficiency of the community; publicized Olympic Games knowledge and sportscompetition knowledge04/2006-08/2007 Sunshine (Yangguang) V oluntary Group of Beijing Institute of TechnologyPublicized Olympic Games information in campus and the related knowledge of Olympic GamesSkillful at programming software: C/C++ programming, Java, compilation and C#Skillful at statistics software: R, Matlab, Excel, SAS and SPSSProficient in database software: Sql, Delphi, SQL and SeverSkillful at Windows, Linux system and programming command12/2005-12/2006 won the honor of Excellent Student Leader of the university annually09/2006-09/2007 won the prize of involvement in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling12/2006 won the honor of Triple-A Student from 2005-200607/2008 won the honor of Excellent Undergraduate Student of Beijing06/2008 won the award of Excellent Thesis at university level in the graduation papers evaluation。
申请国外博士个人简历(CV)第一篇:申请国外博士个人简历(CV)XXXGender:MaleDate of Birth: 10/20/1987Add: Nanjing University of Information Science & TechnologySchool of Environmental Science and EngineeringSchool OfficeNo.219, Ningliu Road, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210044, P.R.ChinaE-mail:Tel: 86-***EducationSeptember 2008-PresentλNanjing, China λλResearch ExperienceλFebruary 2011-PresentResearch Projects:⌝ The modification of the antifungal Fluconazole;⌝Synthesis of carbohydrate compounds containing β-amino alcohol via HenryReaction;⌝The synthesis and applications of oxazolidinone compounds.Main Responsibility:⌝Search literature, optimize experimental methods under the guidance;⌝Carry out reactions and purify the products.λMarch-December 20101.Research Projects:⌝Design and Applications of Functional Macrocyclic Compounds(CollegeStudents' Science and Technology Innovation Training Projects of Jiangsu Province(No.xxx and No.xxxx))2.Chinese Patent:⌝ The Synthesis and Applications of Macrocyclic Compounds Containing TheStructure of Arylamine(Application No.xxxxxxxxx.x).3.Publication⌝Synthesis and characterization of the novel shape-persistent nanosized cavitymacrocycle,synthetic metals 2011, XXX, XXXX-XXXX.Research Interestsλ Synthetic organic chemistry in natural products;λ Asymmetric synthesis.English ProficiencyλIELTS: 6.5(Listening 6.5, Reading 7.5, Writing 6, Speaking 6.5)Professional SkillsChemistryλ Proficient in literature review, spectrum analysis and normal laboratory techniques;λEnable to conduct reactions with air sensitive reagents using a double manifold;λ Monitor reactions with TLC, HPLC, GC;λPurify and separate products using column puterλ Specialized software: ChemBio Office, Origin, Endnote, etc.;λLiterature searching online.Extracurricular Activities and AwardsλλλλλPresident Scholarship, NUIST, Oct.2011 Award of Pacemaker to Merit Student, NUIST, Oct.2011 Award of Excellent Student Cadre, NUIST, Oct.2011 Pei Zhi Scholarship, NUIST, Jan.2011 First Prize in the 2nd Chemical Experiment & Skills Contest of NUIST, Jan.2011Hobbiesλ Badminton, Jogging, Reading, Music第二篇:CV英文个人简历personal Information:Name: XXXSex: MaleDate of Birth: XX XXth XXplace of birth: XX, p.R.ChinaMarital Status: XX Health: GoodMobile :13XXXXXXXE-mail:********************.comObjective:Application Engineer, Technical and Electronics cation Background:2002.9??2006.6 XXXX.Bachelor of Electronic informationn engineeringMajor subjects: Circuit principle, Single Chip Computer principle and Application, Digital Electronic Technology, Analog Electronic Technology, Interfacing and Application of Computer, principle of Communication,Work Experiences:2006.7-present XXX As a computer software engineer, Responsibilites includes :1.Solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducte systems analysis on new computer profuctsto ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity2.And responsible for System compatibility and integration test.Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards.3.Assist engineers from Hp wIth installation and trobleshooting of Hp Bussiness pC softwareEnglish Skills1.pass CET-42.Have a good command of spoken and written municate and negociate withclients fluently in English.3.Skilled in reading documents relating to Electronics and ComputerOthersIndependent and be able to work under pressue.Have coordination skills,teamwork spirit.Studiousnature and dedication are my greatest strengths第三篇:(CV)英文个人简历正规格式DENG XIAO PENGMobile: XXXXXX;Email: XXXXXXX Career(Part-time & Intern in Australia)2010.4-2011.9Australia Starmart Cleaning Co.Accountant♣Helped the company design and develop management software of staff database ♣♣ Assisted the Finance Manager in issuing series of financial invoices Reviewed and organized the company’s financial statements and tax forms♣ Delivered the bank documents and dealt with some daily routines of the office2009.5-2010.1Australia Telecommunication Company(now Vodafone)Sales Representative for 3G Mobiles♣ Worked for the market survey and promotion of 3G new mobile products♣ Participated in the sales and contract signing for new 3G mobiles♣ Helped the company maintain good after-sale services for main customers2007.10-2008.11CPA Australia OfficeTrainee♣Received professional trainings on corporate finance, accounting and corporatemanagement♣Assisted the office in completing the audit and reimbursement of monthly expenses ♣Worked for some administration and logistics issues for the office2007.7-2007.8IDP Education AustraliaStudent Representative, Marketing Department♣Discussed cooperation with Australian universities in campus marketing issues♣Managed the distribution of stuff and gifts used for campus marketing and promotionsEducation2008.9-2011.11The University of XXXXXXXXX, AustraliaBachelor of Marketing(Business Administration & Marketing) 2006.9-2008.8XXXXXXX AustraliaDiploma and Certificate in Accounting(Accounting & Finance) Main CoursesCorporate Finance, Accounting Principle, International Marketing,Marketing Research, Integrated Marketing Communications, Sales Management, Marketing of Service,Retail Marketing and Distribution, Consumer Behavior Strength♣♣♣♣English language skill: fluent in using English for work and communications Computer skills: proficient in using office software including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher Have mastered comprehensive expertise in business management, accounting and marketing, and have the ability of quick learning Fast adaptation to new working environment and dedicated to efficient team workOthersGender: male Height: 177CM DOB: Oct.1986 Hukou: XXXXX第四篇:(CV)英文个人简历正规格式DENG XIAO PENGMobile: XXXXXX;Email: XXXXXXXName:Gender: maleE-mail:Tel:Experience2011-2012English intern in a poor mountain village elementaryschool.2012-2013college student union.Manage the things that used in some big cation2012.9-presentstudy in Wenzhou University, major in Business English.Main Courses American CultureHistory and Anthology of English LiteratureMicro-economyReading Course in American and British News Publications English-Chinese Translation The Art of Public Speaking A Survey: Major English-Speaking Countries Oral English Computer SkillsStrength♣ English language skill: fluent in using English for work and communications♣Fast adaptation to new working environment and dedicated to efficient teamwork♣♣♣Strong experience in team building, project management and coordination.Project planning, budget control and manage deliverables on schedule.Business development and customer oriented communication.InterestsPlaying music, badminton, chatting with friends, reading, English films,writing.第五篇:申请国外大学博士的计划书Research Interest Proposal I am the Doctor degree applicant Xu Zhiwei.From September 2008 to June 2013, I studied the laboratory medicine at Nantong University.In September 2013 I was recommended to the graduate school by the professors due to my excellent assessment.Through undergraduate studies, I contacted such theories as molecular biology, cellular biology , immunology and so on.However, keenly conscious that my current acquisition is far from enough for me to meet the needs of the fast developing medicine, I am eager to pursue further studies in Chinese medical sciences.With my hard working, I know about the basic knowledge of medical immunology.Up to now, I have known a lot about the University of Macau.The graduate school of university plays a prominent role in theacademic research and transforms Macao into a knowledge-based society.I am dedicated to pursuiting medical research and hoping to come to the university of Macau for rich experiences and success in PhD program.I am now applying for Chinese Medical Science in the University.This planned research has the following aims: The deubiquitinating enzyme USP14 has been identified and biochemically studied, but its mechanisms in cancer remains to be elucidated.Protein glycosylation with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine(O-GlcNAc)is a reversible post-translational modification occurring onserine or threonine residues.Intriguingly, it has been observedthat O-GlcNAcylation is particularly abundant on cancer cells.The aim of this study was to evaluate the O-GlcNAcylation of USP14 in patients with cancer and to define its mechanisms in cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis.a.To demonstrate that O-GlcNAcylation of USP14.b.To explore Interplay between USP14 O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation c.To determinehowO-GlcNAcylationregulatesmetabolic reprogrammingand Signaling in cancer cells.d.To test whether O-GlcNAcylation regulates proliferation and apoptosis.2.Research ContextDeregulating cellular energetics is emerging as a characteristichallmark of cancer cells.Withinsuch cells, glucose and glutamine are used at an increasedrate, resulting in the production ofATP in a manner independent of oxygen concentration.Elevated glucose and glutamine flux areneeded not only to serve the energetic demands of cancer cells,but also to provide the essential carbon and nitrogen usedinmacromolecule synthesis, fueling the rapid growth and proliferation seen in tumors.This increasein glucose and glutamine uptake can alter multiple metabolicand signaling pathways in cancer cells, including for examplethe hexosamine biosynthetic pathway(HBP).The HBP relies on glucose and glutamine uptake, and approximately 3%–5% of the total glucose entering a cell is shunted intothis pathway.This critical metabolite isrequired for the biosynthesis of a variety of extracellular glycopolymers, including both N-and O-glycans, however, it also serves as the substrate for O-linked b-N-acetlyglucosamine (O-GlcNAc)transferase(OGT).O-GlcNAcylation is directly involved in growth hormone(gibberellic acid)signalling in plants, and both SPY and SECRET AGENT(SEC)encode O-GlcNAc transferases.Mutations in either SPY or SECcause severe growth defects;simultaneous mutation of both genes islethal.Unlike plants, mammals and insects seem to have only a single gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the O-GlcNAc transferase(OGT)Gene disruption in miceestablishedthatOGTisrequired forembryonic-stem-cell viability20.Tissue-targeted disruption in miceshowed that O-GlcNAcylation is essential to several cell types.OGTdeletion causes hyperphosphorylation, which is followed by cell death, induces T-cell apoptosis and causes growth arrest infibro blasts.Cre–lox-mediated deletion of OGT in cultured fibroblastsresults in death as pre-existing OGTprotein levels diminish.This modification can be removed by theglycoside hydrolase O-GlcNAcase(OGA)that catalyzes cleavage of O-GlcNAc from proteins.This modification can alter protein functiondirectly or, in some cases, by competing with phosphorylationsites.O-GlcNAc and O-phosphate site-mapping studies suggest that there areat least four different types of dynamic interplay between O-GlcNAcand O-phosphate.First, there is competitive occupancy at thesame site, for example that which occurs in the transcription factorc-Myc25 and oestrogen receptor-β26, and on the oncoprotein SV-40 largeT-antigen27 and endothelial nitric oxide synthase28.Second, competitiveand alternative occupancy occur at adjacent sites, such as that observedin the tumour suppressor p53 and synapsin I.Third,there is a complex interplay whereby some O-phosphate attachmentsites on a given protein are the same as some O-GlcNAc sites, whereasothers are adjacent to, or even distant from, each other, such as on theC-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II and on cytokeratins32.The final type of interplay involves proteins in which this relationship has yet to be clearly defined.The interplay between O-GlcNAcand O-phosphate is also underscored by the recent finding that OGTtransiently forms complexes containing the catalytic subunit of proteinphosphatase 1(PP1c).Cancer cells, however, uptake glucose at a higher rateand produce lactic acid rather than metabolizing pyruvate throughthe tricarboxylic acid(TCA)cycle.This adaptive metabolic shift is termed the Warburg effect, leading to anaerobic glycolysis, and is thought toprovide an evolutionary advantage to cancer cells by providingboth increase bioenergetics and biosynthesis.Many protooncogenes(e.g., Ras and Myc)and tumor suppressors(e.g.,p53)influence metabolism,and mutations in these genes can upregulateglucose uptake in cancer cells and promote a metabolic phenotype supportingtumorcellgrowthandproliferation.Elevatedglucose uptake in cancer cells can be applied to monitor the location of primary and metastatic tumor sites;for an example, usingF-18 fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG), a glucose analog, with a combination of positron emission tomography/computed tomography(PET/CT).Recent study has providedinsights into the mechanism ofpost-translational modification of molecules in cancer cells theregulation of many molecules andsuggestedimportantimplicationsincancer development.Additionally, lines ofevidence of global proteomic analysis havesuggested that post-translational modifications of USP14 are likely not limited to phosphorylation.Other forms of modifications, such asO-GlcNAcylationappear to occur as well,suggesting a more sophisticated regulatorynetwork of USP14.In this study, we would evidence that O-GlcNAcylation within cancer cells regulates cancer cell metabolism via regulation of phosphorylation and its downstream target genes.Mechanistically, we wonder which signaling pathway has participated in the regulation.Furthermore, we will discusswhether decreased O-GlcNAcylation leads to reduced proliferation and apoptosis incancer cells.In addition, we hypothesized that human cancers containing high USP14 levels also containelevated OGT and O-GlcNAcylation.Importantly, we will explore in overallcancer patients, lower OGA expression correlates withpoor clinical outcome.Thus,we will confirm that O-GlcNAcylation serves as a criticallink between the key pathways thatare critical for cancer cell survival via regulation of glycosylation.Method: a.To demonstrate that O-GlcNAcylation of USP14.Here, the O-GlcNAc moietyon the protein is labelled with UDP-GalNAz using a mutantgalactosyltransferase GalT1 Y289L(mGalT1)with an azidederivative of UDP-GalNAc(UDP-GalNAz)as donor substrate,followed by labelling with biotin alkyne.After in vitro O-GlcNAcylation, USP14 was subjectedto mGalT1 labelling and then detected by probing withstreptavidin-conjugated HRP.b.To explore Interplay between USP14 O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation.Wewill explore that whether increasing USP14 O-GlcNAc modification with GlcN orPUGNAc treatment inhibits NF-κB activation a nd have delineatedthe molecular mechanisms of this effect.We will demonstrate that USP14 is a target for O-GlcNAc modification inGlcN or PUGNAc treated cells, and that this post translationalmodification prevents its phosphorylation in response to TNF-α,su ggesting a reciprocal relationship between O-GlcNAcylation andphosphorylation of USP14 in cancer cells.We would further showthat, in cancer cells pretreated with GlcN or PUGNAc, levels of O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation of USP14 was changed.c.To determinehowO-GlcNAcylationregulatesmetabolic reprogrammingand Signaling in cancer cells.Since OGT and O-GlcNAc has been associated with regulationof metabolic diseases such as insulin resistance, we hypothesized that OGT could serve as an importantregulator of glycolytic metabolism to regulate cancer cell growth.T o test this idea, we initially examined the effect of OGT reduction on metabolites from human cancercells using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(LC-MS).The metabolic profile of cancer cellscontaining OGT knockdown with RNAi demonstrated a generaldecrease in glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway(PPP)metabolites and an increase in tricarboxylic acid(TCA)cycle metabolites, consistent with a reversalof the Warburg effect and inhibition of cancer cell growth underthese conditions that we and othershave previously shown.d.To test whether O-GlcNAcylation regulates proliferation and apoptosis.Glucose deprivation and antiglycolytic drugs can selectivelyinduce tumor cell proliferation and death;thus, we examined the effect of reducing O-GlcNAcylation on proliferation and apoptosis in nontransformed immortalized mammary epithelial cells compared tocancer cells.In cancer cells stablyexpressing control siRNA or OGT siRNA at day 8 post-infection,we we tested whether cell rounding and detachment of cancer cells containing OGT knockdown, while cancer cells attached to the plate.To further investigate the effect of OGT SiRNA on cellular proliferation, we used chemically synthesized siRNA to knockdown endogenous OGT in cancer cells.The efficiency of the OGT-targeted siRNA-mediateddown-regulation was assessed by Western blot analysis.Aspredicted, siRNA knocked down the protein expression of OGT as compared withnegative control siRNA and mocktreatment.T o determine the effect of OGT knockout on cancer cell proliferation, OGT-siRNA, negative control-siRNA and mock treatment cancer cell proteins were testedby Western blot.We would explore that expressed decreased OGT levels hadelevated cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-8, and upto 50%–70% of cells were examined for annexin V.。
留学申请cv模板留学个人简历模板(英文)PersonalInformationName:WangBinSex:MaleDateofBirth:July12,1971Address:Room301,Dormitory20,LanzhouUniversity,Lanzhou,Ga nsu,730000,ChinaTelephone:+86-931-8912xxx;+86-136931xxxxE-mail:Education9/2005-presentLanzhouUniversityCandidateforMasterinEconomicsinJune,2009MajorinCorporateFinance,SchoolofEconomicsRanked2/45inclass,CoreGPA:3.3/49/2001-6/2005LanzhouUniversityBachelorinEconomicsMajorinCorporateFinance,SchoolofEconomicsRanked2/45inclass,CoreGPA:3.3/4AwardedNationalExcellentUndergraduateStudentScholarshipExperience7/-11/2006SummerTeam:ExpandJobChannelsforStudentsGotintouchwith10companies,visited4companiesandfoundtheir talentdemandsMadeagreementswith4companiesthattheywouldrecruitgraduate sinLanzhouUniversity10/2006–1/2007VolunteerTeacherfortheHongshanSchoolinLanzhouTaughtthecourseofEnglishfortheruralworkers’childreninth eschoolAcademicCapabilityFluentinEnglish.CET-6:85.5;TOEFL(IBT):98;GRE:1380Graded2ofGansuComputerRankExaminationforUniversityStudentsBeProficientinOfficeAutomation(MicrosoftExcel,PowerPoint )andWebSurfingPublicationsTheInfluenceofEconomicDensitiesofCityPropersontheInfrast ructureInvestmentbyLocalGovernmentspublishedinScienceandEng ineeringResearch,2005,2英国留学宿舍注意事项1、学生一般在预定宿舍以后,到了那里就要住进自己被分配的房间里面(随机分配的)。
XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: 10/20/1987Add: Nanjing University of Information Science & TechnologySchool of Environmental Science and EngineeringSchool OfficeNo. 219, Ningliu Road, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210044, P. R. ChinaE-mail: mr.xxx@Tel: 86-137********EducationNanjing University of Information Science & Technology September 2008- Present●Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry Nanjing, China●Anticipated Graduation : June 2012●Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.56/4.0 (89/100);Integrated Ranking: 1/53Research Experience●Professor W’s Group February 2011-PresentResearch Projects:➢The modification of the antifungal Fluconazole;➢Synthesis of carbohydrate compounds containing β-amino alcohol via Henry Reaction;➢The synthesis and applications of oxazolidinone compounds.Main Responsibility:➢Search literature, optimize experimental methods under the guidance;➢Carry out reactions and purify the products.●Associate Professor M’s Group March-December 20101.Research Projects:➢Design and Applications of Functional Macrocyclic Compounds( College Students' Science and Technology Innovation Training Projects of Jiangsu Province(No.xxx and No.xxxx) )2.Chinese Patent:➢The Synthesis and Applications of Macrocyclic Compounds Containing The Structure of Arylamine (Application No. xxxxxxxxx.x).3.Publication➢Synthesis and characterization of the novel shape-persistent nanosized cavity macrocycle, synthetic metals 2011, XXX, XXXX-XXXX.Research Interests●Synthetic organic chemistry in natural products;●Asymmetric synthesis.English Proficiency●IELTS: 6.5 (Listening 6.5, Reading 7.5, Writing 6, Speaking 6.5)Professional SkillsChemistry●Proficient in literature review, spectrum analysis and normal laboratory techniques;●Enable to conduct reactions with air sensitive reagents using a double manifold;●Monitor reactions with TLC, HPLC, GC;●Purify and separate products using column chromatography.Computer●Specialized software: ChemBio Office, Origin, Endnote, etc.;●Literature searching online.Extracurricular Activities and Awards●President Scholarship, NUIST, Oct. 2011●Award of Pacemaker to Merit Student, NUIST, Oct. 2011●Award of Excellent Student Cadre, NUIST, Oct. 2011●Pei Zhi Scholarship, NUIST, Jan. 2011●First Prize in the 2nd Chemical Experiment & Skills Contest of NUIST, Jan. 2011 Hobbies●Badminton, Jogging, Reading, Music。
出国CV模板范文以及常见问题一、CV范文以及常见问题1. CV的内容要充满,不要出现半页的情况。
2. 注意文字的竖对齐。
3. 邮箱地址。
4. 页眉要注重。
不管是PS还是简历,页眉上写“Resume, Seven Teen, iCow University, Fall 2017”。
在简历的第二页上,最好附上类似于“TEEN, PAGE 2” 的标志。
或者可以写在页脚,或者插入页码,页码的格式一定是要“1 of 3”, 而不是单单的”-1-”,人家就知道一共有几页,有没有弄丢。
ResumeName:xxxx Gender: xxxDate of Birth: xxxxxxxx Place of Birth: xxxxAddress: xxxxxxxxxxxxxMobile: +86xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxAugust 2010—December 2010, xxxxxxxxx University, United States•Major: Master of Business Administration (M.B.A)•Major academic courses highlights: Operation Management, Leadership and Leadership DevelopmentSeptember 2006--- July 2010, B.S., xxxxxxxxx University•Major: International Economy and Trade•Major academic courses highlights: Advanced Mathematics、Liner Algebra、Microeconomics、Macroeconomics、Financial Management、Statistics、etc•Graduation thesis: Utilization of foreign capital to improve manufacturing industrial competitiveness of ShanghaiSeptember 2003---July 2006, High School, xxxxxxxxxx Middle School•Second-class(5% in the grade) outstanding student scholarship of university in the first and second semester respectively during 2006 to 2007•Second-class(5% in the grade) and third-class outstanding student scholarship of university in the first and second semester respectively during 2007 to 2008 •Second-class(5% in the grade) and third-class outstanding student scholarship of university in the first and second semester respectively during 2008 to 2009 •Second-class(5% in the grade) outstanding student scholarship of university in the first semester in 2009 to 2010March 2010----May 2010, Shanghai Haiming Biological Science and Technology Co., LtdMarketing Specialist, Marketing development department•Marketing statistics analysis•Translations of Import Agencies’ materials survey•Got familiar with the enterprise management system•Proposed marketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area networking and database productsJuly 2009----August 2008, China Merchants BankBank Counter•Served on consulting client service teams•Prepared offering memoranda•Performed due diligence•Diagnosed problems, conducted analyses, developed conclusionsSep 2006---July 2010, Shanghai University of Engineering Science•Chaired 38-member body representing each academic department and student perspectives on curricular issues•Organized couples of basketball and football matches among different classes in the faculty and New year’s singing and dancing parties•Coordinated the relationship between classmates in the daily campus life and united the entire class to make greater progressCollege English Test Band 6 : 535IELTS overall band score 6.5TOEFL: 82 (Writing:24)Auto Cad intermediate certificate;UG qualification certificate•Microsoft Office、TradeCRM、TradeMail、C++、Visual Basic、FoxPro更多留学问题请咨询小麦姐:QQ1344314558Magic Essay留学文书服务中心:RESUMEName—Mr./Miss. XXXXXDate of BirthAddressEducationThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University September 2005 – June 2009 BBA Major: Global Supply Chain ManagementMinor: Finance●Scholarships for mainland Chinese students 2005 – 2009 ●Dean’s list 2007 – 2008 ●Certificates of Merit 2007 – 2009Extra-Curricular ActivitiesSemifinals, ‘L’Oreal e-Strategy’ Competition Dec. 2006 – Feb. 2007 Student Exchange Program, Yonsei University, South Korea Sep. 2007 – Dec. 2007 Community Service: Sky Angel Program, KoreaCommunity Service: HKSKH Lady Maclehose Centre Feb. 2006 – Jun. 2006Work ExperienceInternship: Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited Jun. 2008 – Sep. 2008●Monitoring trading positions●Calculating swap points and profits and losses●Applying for approvals to exceed trading limits●Observing money market trends (mainly CNY-USD)●Internship: Corporate Service, Schenker China Limited May. 2007 – Aug. 2007●Handling cases and claims from freight forwarding and warehousing companies●Composing minutes of internal staff training and external business meetings●Attending contract negotiations●Drafting contracts and amendments●Drafting monthly risk management reportsInternship: Petro-China East Asia Marketing Company May. 2006 – Sep. 2006●Drawing up daily distribution agenda for supervisors●Contacting subsidiaries and petrol stations to acquire updates of logistics data●Monitoring inventory status throughout eastern ChinaLanguagesNative in Mandarin, fluent in Cantonese, fluent in English, basic level KoreanComputer SkillsMicrosoft office SPSS。
其实,用人单位及对方教授在招收的时候,往往并不是想单单从这一项里看出你的出色,而多数时候,他们只想了解“我们是什么样的人”,“我们适不适合这里”--—---从以下特征中找出一两个“最近接自己的样子”,才是正确的CV personalities写法:Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。
Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力.Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable。
个性稳重、具高度责任感.Work well with a multi—cultural and diverse work force。
Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。
Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。
Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。
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CV,两个字加三个符号:Be Professional一定要看上去专业,CV是你的门面,你的脸,所有的申请,读书也好实习也好工作也好征婚也好,了解一个人,就凭这张纸,把自己化妆得漂亮点,关键是要让人信得过,让人觉得你靠谱,让人觉得你professional!我三年前申请的时候,也没有任何人教,到处查CV的模板,自己反复改了很多遍改到烦死了,最后就递交了算了,时间也来不及。
那么Pirate Radio(非常好看英伦摇滚电影海盗电台)里面说,能承认错误的,才称得上是个男人。
比如RESUME里你一句话“2007年担任iCow社团主席”而CV里在这句话下面加五个标记点:“2007年担任iCow社团主席:- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;- 为社区以及大学学生生产了13加仑的有机牛奶;- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法”明白?不过,聪明的人呢,如果自己的履历是如此,就不会在RESUME上放“2007年担任iCow社团主席”这句话,因为RESUME上这么点空间字字是金,放这句话力道不够。
比如我省去了13加仑牛奶的生产,原因是建立奶牛农场这个事实可以让人推测出当然会生产牛奶,所以每个像素格子都是金子的RESUME里不要提供重复信息,CV中则可以详细比如‘出席会议’这类内容不能足以强有力的表现你做了什么,what did you do individually? what did you initiate? 你独立出品了虾米?这些,哪怕是再大的名堂,“我去听了奥巴马在哥本哈根关于全球气候的演讲,我离他只有一米都不到”,都不如你“我辅导了一个初中生英语,半个学期把她的英语水平从60提高到90”,这样的小事来的有力道。
你再小一桩事,我只是改变了一个初中女生的英语成绩,但这体现了你,1. 英语好,2. 有做老师的耐心和技巧,3. 有很好的inter-personal skill和communication skill,这些都是这里非常看重的素质,一看就是个好TA的料。
懂?之前定义了CV和RESUME的不同,我在这里实习和找工作都发现,employer 公司的用词都是请提供你的RESUME,而不是CV,我在这里见到的CV的场合都是上网翻到一个教授的个人主页,上面提供链接看他的CV,那就是他的编年史,打开来,每年发表的论文,题目,地方,做的project。
1. CV的内容要充满,不要出现半页的情况。
2. 注意文字的竖对齐。
3. 邮箱地址。
建议大家申请GMAIL邮箱,名字这样取(这是美国这里的professional信箱的取法):名点姓@举例,我的名是Seven,姓是Teen的话,我的信箱是“S.Teen@xxxx”这样人家看到信箱就可以称呼你:Ms. Teen而且跟另一个同姓的区分(美国这边重名的多,姓少)如果已经被注册了,那不妨就用你的全名,“Seven.Teen@xxxx”如果还被注册,你再加个MIDDLE NAME,可以是你想要的英文名字,”Seven.Alice.Teen@…”总之要是重复被注册了自己想办法拉!关键是要BE PROFESSIONAL我看到很多给我发信的童鞋们名字叫虾米SUNNY了虾米MOON,希望不要放到你们正式跟教授更招生沟通的简历上去!警告。
4. 页眉要注重。
不管是PS还是简历,页眉上写“Resume, Seven Teen, iCow University, Fall 2017”这样人家万一弄丢了或者从学校传到学院传到教授手上,你的原先的申请包裹早就四分五裂的分尸各地了,这个时候一拿过来建立,一目了然的知道你到底是来干嘛的,提高人家工作效率,也让人家觉得你PROFESSIONAL。
在简历的第二页上,最好附上类似于“TEEN, PAGE 2” 的标志。
或者可以写在页脚,或者插入页码,页码的格式一定是要“1 of 3”, 而不是单单的”-1-”,人家就知道你一共有几页,有没有弄丢。
什么意思呢?你分栏下,啊还是拿这个为例:“2007年担任iCow社团主席:- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;- 为社区以及大学学生生产了13加仑的有机牛奶;- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法”我上面这样写不够对仗,正式的简历,如果想好了以动词开头,每一个句子的第一个词都要动词开头,如果是副词“独立担当了”,下一个就要以“团队形式地合作了”,要词性对仗,懂?所以我以上应该改成:“ iCow社团主席2007- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;- 生产了13加仑的有机牛奶为社区以及大学学生;- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法”我把第二句的顺序移动了,这样人家一瞟眼RESUME的一扫,第一竖列,都是动词,都是行为,句子都是动宾结构,这样让人家很容易看懂,你颠来倒去,人家只要有一个wonder,你到底在写什么,马上心里的好感会降下来,马上会引起心烦,那你present你的RESUME是要设想,是一个给教授按摩的过程,把人家弄舒服,人家才愿意招你一起合作。
BTW,以动宾开头最好,action 的动词很catch人家的眼球。
6. 每一件事情发生的时间要标出来。
7. GPA尽量算成4分制。
美国按照4分制的, 国内有些学校按照5分的,换算成4分制,否则来个4.XX 的GPA这里还要给你重新算,那你还不如最开始就用最能把自己的GPA算高的算法算出来呈现给对方呢8. 用逗号分隔句子,而不是用分号.分号在英语里的用法我到现在都吃不准,和中文里的分号用法是不一样的。
Conducted research on…. , managed team project xxx, and developed xxxx而不是Conducted reseach on… ; managed team project xx x; developed xxxx9. 给没有研究背景的非牛牛们再来一道法子: Course project我在这里第一个学期读研究生的时候,才读了几个月,实习的招聘会就开始了。
对方说,不要慌,大部分学生都没研究背景的,把你学的课程列出来,你的课业里的作业列出来,就把那些作业作为你的project experience。
就业中心的指导说,把这类作业写到你的简历里去,比如你的一门作业,老师布置,每个学生采集一头奶牛的奶水样本,你在简历上就写:- 独立采集大学有机奶牛农场牛奶样本写得好听一点呢,可以说:- 在大学有机奶牛农场做牛奶生产检测很多学工科的学生,大多有些实验课,把这些课的内容写出来:- 研究了17种传感器的工作原理,包括……社会学科和商科大多有调查课题:- 调查了17头奶牛哺乳期的心理活动,对此撰写了一份17页的英文调查报告,并正式演讲了调查发现( formally presented the results / findings / it )就业指导说,大家都是学生,就是没有什么特别尖锐的学术研究背景的,就把课堂里的作业写出来,真的一个一个去想去列做过哪些作业,认真的漂亮的措词写到CV上,就会变成一份很丰富的简历,人家一看你做过很多事情。