

莱温斯基TED2015演讲稿The price of shame.

莱温斯基TED2015演讲稿The price of shame.

The price of shameYou're looking at a woman who was publicly silent for a decade. Obviously, that's changed, but only recently.It was several months ago that I gave my very first major public talk at the Forbes 30 Under 30 summit:1,500 brilliant people, all under the age of 30. That meant that in 1998, the oldest among the group were only 14, and the youngest, just four. I joked with them that some might only have heard of me from rap songs. Yes, I'm in rap songs. Almost 40 rap songs.But the night of my speech, a surprising thing happened. At the age of 41, I was hit on by a 27-year-old guy. I know, right? He was charming and I was flattered, and I declined. You know what his unsuccessful pickup line was? He could make me feel 22 again. I realized later that night, I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not want to be 22 again.At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss, and at the age of 24, I learned the devastating consequences.Can I see a show of hands of anyone here who didn't make a mistake or do something they regretted at 22? Yep. That's what I thought. So like me, at 22, a few of you may have also taken wrong turns and fallen in love with the wrong person, maybe even your boss. Unlike me, though, your boss probably wasn't the president of the United States of America. Of course, life is full of surprises.Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of my mistake, and I regret that mistake deeply.In 1998, after having been swept up into an improbable romance, I was then swept up into the eye of a political, legal and media maelstrom like we had never seen before. Remember, just a few years earlier,news was consumed from just three places: reading a newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, or watching television. That was it. But that wasn't my fate. Instead, this scandal was brought to you by the digital revolution. That meant we could access all the information we wanted, when we wanted it, anytime, anywhere, and when the story broke in January 1998, it broke online. It was the first time the traditional news was usurped by the Internet for a major news story, a click that reverberated around the world.What that meant for me personally was that overnight I went from being a completely private figure to a publicly humiliated one worldwide. I was patient zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.This rush to judgment, enabled by technology, led to mobs of virtual stone-throwers. Granted, it was before social media, but people could still comment online, email stories, and, of course, email cruel jokes. Newssources plastered photos of me all over to sell newspapers, banner ads online, and to keep people tuned to the TV. Do you recall a particular image of me, say, wearing a beret?Now, I admit I made mistakes, especially wearing that beret. But the attention and judgment that I received, not the story, but that I personally received, was unprecedented. I was branded as a tramp, tart, slut, whore, bimbo, and, of course, that woman. I was seen by many but actually known by few. And I get it: it was easy to forget that that woman was dimensional, had a soul, and was once unbroken.When this happened to me 17 years ago, there was no name for it. Now we call it cyberbullying and online harassment. Today, I want to share some of my experience with you, talk about how that experience has helped shape my cultural observations, and how I hope my past experience can lead to a change that results in less suffering for others.In 1998, I lost my reputation and my dignity. I lost almost everything, and I almost lost my life.Let me paint a picture for you. It is September of 1998. I'm sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights. I'm listening to the sound of my voice, my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. I'm here because I've been legally required to personally authenticate all 20 hours of taped conversation. For the past eight months, the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head. I mean, who can remember what they said a year ago? Scared and mortified, I listen, listen as I prattle on about the flotsam and jetsam of the day; listen as I confess my love for the president, and, of course, my heartbreak; listen to my sometimes catty, sometimes churlish, sometimes silly self being cruel, unforgiving, uncouth; listen, deeply, deeply ashamed, to the worst version of myself,a self I don't even recognize.A few days later, the Starr Report is released to Congress, and all of those tapes and trans, those stolen words, form a part of it. That people can read the trans is horrific enough, but a few weeks later, the audio tapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online. The public humiliation was excruciating. Life was almost unbearable.This was not something that happened with regularity back then in 1998, and by this, I mean the stealing of people's private words, actions, conversations or photos, and then making them public -- public without consent, public without context, and public without compassion.Fast forward 12 years to 2010, and now social media has been born. The landscape has sadly become much more populated with instances like mine, whether or not someone actually make a mistake, and now it's for both public and private people. The consequences for some have become dire, very dire.I was on the phone with my mom in September of 2010, and we were talking about the news of a young college freshman from Rutgers University named Tyler Clementi. Sweet, sensitive, creative Tyler was secretly webcammed by his roommate while being intimate with another man. When the online world learned of this incident, the ridicule and cyberbullying ignited.A few days later, Tyler jumped from the George Washington Bridge to his death. He was 18.My mom was beside herself about what happened to Tyler and his family, and she was gutted with painin a way that I just couldn't quite understand, and then eventually I realized she was reliving 1998, reliving a time when she sat by my bed every night, reliving a time when she made me shower with the bathroom door open, and reliving a time when both of my parents feared that I would be humiliated to death,literally.Today, too many parents haven't had the chance to step in and rescue their loved ones. Too many have learned of their child's suffering and humiliation after it was too late. Tyler's tragic, senseless death was a turning point for me. It served to recontextualize my experiences, and I then began to look at the world of humiliation and bullying around me and see something different. In 1998, we had no way of knowing where this brave new technology called the Internet would take us. Since then, it has connected people in unimaginable ways, joining lost siblings, saving lives, launching revolutions, but the darkness, cyberbullying, and slut-shaming that I experienced had mushroomed. Every day online, people, especially young people who are not developmentally equipped to handle this, are so abused and humiliated that they can't imagine living to the next day, and some, tragically, don't, andthere's nothing virtual about that. ChildLine, a U.K. nonprofit that's focused on helping young people on various issues,released a staggering statistic late last year: From 2012 to 2013, there was an 87 percent increase in calls and emails related to cyberbullying. A meta-analysis done out of the Netherlands showed that for the first time, cyberbullying was leading to suicidal ideations more significantly than offline bullying. And you know what shocked me, although it shouldn't have, was other research last year that determined humiliation was a more intensely felt emotion than either happiness or even anger.Cruelty to others is nothing new, but online, technologically enhanced shaming isamplified, uncontained, and permanently accessible. The echo of embarrassment used to extend only as far as your family, village, school or community, but now it's the online community too. Millions of people, often anonymously, can stab you with their words, and that's a lot of pain, and there are no perimeters around how many people can publicly observe you and put you in a public stockade. There is a very personal price to public humiliation, and the growth of the Internet has jacked up that price.For nearly two decades now, we have slowly been sowing the seeds of shame and public humiliation in our cultural soil, both on- and offline. Gossip websites, paparazzi, reality programming, politics, news outlets and sometimes hackers all traffic in shame. It's led to desensitization and a permissive environment online which lends itself to trolling, invasion of privacy, and cyberbullying. This shift has created what Professor Nicolaus Mills calls a culture of humiliation. Consider a few prominent examples just from the past six months alone. Snapchat, the service which is used mainly by younger generationsand claims that its messages only have the lifespan of a few seconds. You can imagine the range of content that that gets. A third-party app which Snapchatters use to preserve the lifespan of the messages was hacked, and 100,000 personal conversations, photos, and videos were leaked online to now have a lifespan of forever. Jennifer Lawrence and several other actors had their iCloud accounts hacked, and private, intimate, nude photos were plastered across the Internet without their permission.One gossip website had over five million hits for this one story. And what about the Sony Pictures cyberhacking? The documents which received the most attention were private emails that had maximum public embarrassment value.But in this culture of humiliation, there is another kind of price tag attached to public shaming. The price does not measure the cost to the victim, which Tyler and too many others, notably women, minorities,and members of the LGBTQ community have paid, but the price measures the profit of those who prey on them. This invasion of others is a raw material, efficiently and ruthlessly mined, packaged and sold at a profit. A marketplace has emerged where public humiliation is a commodity and shame is an industry.How is the money made? Clicks. The more shame, the more clicks. The more clicks, the more advertising dollars. We're in a dangerous cycle. The more we click on this kind of gossip, the more numb we get to the human lives behind it, and the more numb we get, the more we click. All the while, someone is making money off of the back of someone else's suffering. With every click, we make a choice. The more we saturate our culture with public shaming, the more accepted it is,the more we will see behavior like cyberbullying, trolling, some forms of hacking, and online harassment. Why? Because they all have humiliation at their cores. This behavior is a symptom of the culture we've created. Just think about it.Changing behavior begins with evolving beliefs. We've seen that to be true with racism, homophobia, and plenty of other biases, today and in the past. As we've changed beliefs about same-sex marriage, more people have been offered equal freedoms. When we began valuing sustainability, more people began to recycle. So as far as our culture of humiliation goes, what we need is a cultural revolution. Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop, and it's time for an intervention on the Internet and in our culture.The shift begins with something simple, but it's not easy. We need to return to a long-held value of compassion -- compassion and empathy. Online, we've got a compassion deficit, an empathy crisis.Researcher Brené Brown said, and I quote, "Shame can't survive empathy." Shame cannot survive empathy. I've seen some very dark days in my life, and it was the compassion and empathy from my family, friends, professionals, and sometimes even strangers that saved me. Even empathy from one person can make a difference. The theory of minority influence, proposed by social psychologist Serge Moscovici, says that even in small numbers, when there's consistency over time, change can happen. In the online world, we can foster minority influence by becoming upstanders. To become an upstander means instead of bystander apathy, we can post a positive comment for someone or report a bullying situation. Trust me, compassionate comments help abate the negativity. We can also counteract the culture by supporting organizations that deal with these kinds of issues, like the Tyler Clementi Foundation in the U.S., In the U.K., there's Anti-Bullying Pro, and in Australia, there's Project Rockit.We talk a lot about our right to freedom of expression, but we need to talk more about our responsibility to freedom of expression. We all want to be heard, but let's acknowledge the difference between speaking up with intention and speaking up for attention. The Internet is the superhighway for the id, but online, showing empathy to others benefits us all and helps create a safer and better world. We need to communicate online with compassion, consume news with compassion, and click with compassion. Just imagine walking a mile in someone else's headline. I'd like to end on a personal note. In the past nine months, the question I've been asked the most is why. Why now? Why was I sticking my head above the parapet? You can read between the lines in thosequestions, and the answer has nothing to do with politics.The top note answer was and is because it's time: time to stop tip-toeing around my past; time to stop living a life of opprobrium; and time to take back my narrative. It's also not just about saving myself. Anyone who is suffering from shame and public humiliation needs to know one thing: You can survive it.I know it's hard. It may not be painless, quick or easy, but you can insist on a different ending to your story. Have compassion for yourself. We all deserve compassion, and to live both online and off in a more compassionate world.Thank you for listening.莫妮卡·莱温斯基主讲人:莫妮卡莱温斯基主题:耻辱的代价时间:2015年3月19日主办:Ted大会【编者按】17年前白宫性丑闻事件的当事人,前白宫实习生莫妮卡莱温斯基在沉默了十年之后,走上Ted大会的讲台,呼吁抵制网络欺凌。



莱温斯基T E D演讲-中英对照(共18页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--The price of shame主讲人:莫妮卡莱温斯基主题:耻辱的代价You're looking at a woman who was publicly silent for a decade. Obvious ly, that's changed, but only recently.站在你们面前的是一个在大众面前沉默了十年之久的女人。


It was several months ago that I gave my very first major public talk at t he Forbes 30 Under 30 summit:1,500 brilliant people, all under the age o f 30. That meant that in 1998, the oldest among the group were only 14, and theyoungest, just four. I joked with them that some might only have heard o f me from rap songs. Yes, I'm in rap songs. Almost 40 rap songs.几个月前,我在《福布斯》杂志举办的“30岁以下”峰会(Under 30 Summit)上发表了首次公开演讲。





But the night of my speech, a surprising thing happened. At the age of 4 1, I was hit on by a 27-year-old guy. I know, right He was charming and I was flattered, and I declined. You know what his unsuccessful pickup line was He could make me fe el 22 again. I realized later that night, I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not want to be 22 again. 但是,在我演讲当晚,发生了一件令人吃惊的事——我作为一个41岁的女人,被一个27岁的男孩示爱。



0:11 You're looking at a woman who was publicly silent for a decade. Obviously, that's changed, but only recently.0:22 It was several months ago that I gave my very first major public talk at the Forbes 30 Under 30 summit: 1,500 brilliant people, all under the age of 30. That meant that in 1998, the oldest among the group were only 14, and the youngest, just four. I joked with them that some might only have heard of me from rap songs. Yes, I'm in rap songs. Almost 40 rap songs. (Laughter)0:57 But the night of my speech, a surprising thing happened. At the age of 41, I was hit on by a 27-year-old guy. I know, right? He was charming and I was flattered, and I declined. You know what his unsuccessful pickup line was? He could make me feel 22 again. (Laughter) (Applause) I realized later that night, I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not want to be 22 again. (Laughter) (Applause)1:46 At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss, and at the age of 24, I learned the devastating consequences.1:58 Can I see a show of hands of anyone here who didn't make a mistake or do something they regretted at 22? Yep. That's what I thought. So like me, at 22, a few of you may have also taken wrong turns and fallen in love with the wrong person, maybe even your boss. Unlike me, though, your boss probably wasn't the president of the United States of America. Of course, life is full of surprises.2:35 Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of my mistake, and I regret that mistake deeply.2:44 In 1998, after having been swept up into an improbable romance, I was then swept up into the eye of a political, legal and media maelstrom like we had never seen before. Remember, just a few years earlier, news was consumed from just three places: reading a newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, or watching television. That was it. But that wasn't my fate. Instead, this scandal was brought to you by the digital revolution. That meant we could access all the information we wanted, when we wanted it, anytime, anywhere, and when the story broke in January 1998, it broke online. It was the first time the traditional news was usurped by the Internet for a major news story, a click that reverberated around the world.3:51 What that meant for me personally was that overnight I went from being a completely private figure to a publicly humiliated one worldwide. I was patient zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.4:14 This rush to judgment, enabled by technology, led to mobs of virtual stone-throwers. Granted, it was before social media, but people could still comment online, email stories, and, of course, email cruel jokes. News sources plastered photos of me all over to sell newspapers, banner ads online, and to keep people tuned to the TV. Do you recall a particular image of me, say, wearing a beret?4:52 Now, I admit I made mistakes, especially wearing that beret. But the attention and judgment that I received, not the story, but that I personally received, was unprecedented. I was branded as a tramp, tart, slut, whore, bimbo, and, of course, that woman. I was seen by many but actually known by few. And I get it: it was easy to forget that that woman was dimensional, had a soul, and was once unbroken.5:40 When this happened to me 17 years ago, there was no name for it. Now we call itcyberbullying and online harassment. Today, I want to share some of my experience with you, talk about how that experience has helped shape my cultural observations, and how I hope my past experience can lead to a change that results in less suffering for others.6:09 In 1998, I lost my reputation and my dignity. I lost almost everything, and I almost lost my life.6:23 Let me paint a picture for you. It is September of 1998. I'm sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights. I'm listening to the sound of my voice, my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. I'm here because I've been legally required to personally authenticate all 20 hours of taped conversation. For the past eight months, the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head. I mean, who can remember what they said a year ago? Scared and mortified, I listen, listen as I prattle on about the flotsam and jetsam of the day; listen as I confess my love for the president, and, of course, my heartbreak; listen to my sometimes catty, sometimes churlish, sometimes silly self being cruel, unforgiving, uncouth; listen, deeply, deeply ashamed, to the worst version of myself, a self I don't even recognize.7:55 A few days later, the Starr Report is released to Congress, and all of those tapes and transcripts, those stolen words, form a part of it. That people can read the transcripts is horrific enough, but a few weeks later, the audio tapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online. The public humiliation was excruciating. Life was almost unbearable.8:31 This was not something that happened with regularity back then in 1998, and by this, I mean the stealing of people's private words, actions, conversations or photos, and then making them public -- public without consent, public without context, and public without compassion.8:57 Fast forward 12 years to 2010, and now social media has been born. The landscape has sadly become much more populated with instances like mine, whether or not someone actually make a mistake, and now it's for both public and private people. The consequences for some have become dire, very dire.9:24 I was on the phone with my mom in September of 2010, and we were talking about the news of a young college freshman from Rutgers University named Tyler Clementi. Sweet, sensitive, creative Tyler was secretly webcammed by his roommate while being intimate with another man. When the online world learned of this incident, the ridicule and cyberbullying ignited. A few days later, Tyler jumped from the George Washington Bridge to his death. He was 18.10:06 My mom was beside herself about what happened to Tyler and his family, and she was gutted with pain in a way that I just couldn't quite understand, and then eventually I realized she was reliving 1998, reliving a time when she sat by my bed every night, reliving a time when she made me shower with the bathroom door open, and reliving a time when both of my parents feared that I would be humiliated to death, literally.10:47 Today, too many parents haven't had the chance to step in and rescue their loved ones. Too many have learned of their child's suffering and humiliation after it was too late. Tyler's tragic, senseless death was a turning point for me. It served to recontextualize my experiences, and I then began to look at the world of humiliation and bullying around meand see something different. In 1998, we had no way of knowing where this brave new technology called the Internet would take us. Since then, it has connected people in unimaginable ways, joining lost siblings, saving lives, launching revolutions, but the darkness, cyberbullying, and slut-shaming that I experienced had mushroomed. Every day online, people, especially young people who are not developmentally equipped to handle this, are so abused and humiliated that they can't imagine living to the next day, and some, tragically, don't, and there's nothing virtual about that. ChildLine, a U.K. nonprofit that's focused on helping young people on various issues, released a staggering statistic late last year: From 2012 to 2013, there was an 87 percent increase in calls and emails related to cyberbullying. A meta-analysis done out of the Netherlands showed that for the first time, cyberbullying was leading to suicidal ideations more significantly than offline bullying. And you know what shocked me, although it shouldn't have, was other research last year that determined humiliation was a more intensely felt emotion than either happiness or even anger.12:55 Cruelty to others is nothing new, but online, technologically enhanced shaming is amplified, uncontained, and permanently accessible. The echo of embarrassment used to extend only as far as your family, village, school or community, but now it's the online community too. Millions of people, often anonymously, can stab you with their words, and that's a lot of pain, and there are no perimeters around how many people can publicly observe you and put you in a public stockade. There is a very personal price to public humiliation, and the growth of the Internet has jacked up that price.13:50 For nearly two decades now, we have slowly been sowing the seeds of shame and public humiliation in our cultural soil, both on- and offline. Gossip websites, paparazzi, reality programming, politics, news outlets and sometimes hackers all traffic in shame. It's led to desensitization and a permissive environment online which lends itself to trolling, invasion of privacy, and cyberbullying. This shift has created what Professor Nicolaus Mills calls a culture of humiliation. Consider a few prominent examples just from the past six months alone. Snapchat, the service which is used mainly by younger generations and claims that its messages only have the lifespan of a few seconds. You can imagine the range of content that that gets. A third-party app which Snapchatters use to preserve the lifespan of the messages was hacked, and 100,000 personal conversations, photos, and videos were leaked online to now have a lifespan of forever. Jennifer Lawrence and several other actors had their iCloud accounts hacked, and private, intimate, nude photos were plastered across the Internet without their permission. One gossip website had over five million hits for this one story. And what about the Sony Pictures cyberhacking? The documents which received the most attention were private emails that had maximum public embarrassment value.15:38 But in this culture of humiliation, there is another kind of price tag attached to public shaming. The price does not measure the cost to the victim, which Tyler and too many others, notably women, minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community have paid, but the price measures the profit of those who prey on them. This invasion of others is a raw material, efficiently and ruthlessly mined, packaged and sold at a profit. A marketplace has emerged where public humiliation is a commodity and shame is an industry. How is the money made? Clicks. The more shame, the more clicks. The more clicks, the more advertising dollars. We're in a dangerous cycle. The more we click on this kind of gossip, the more numb we get to the human lives behind it, and the more numb we get, the more weclick. All the while, someone is making money off of the back of someone else's suffering. With every click, we make a choice. The more we saturate our culture with public shaming, the more accepted it is, the more we will see behavior like cyberbullying, trolling, some forms of hacking, and online harassment. Why? Because they all have humiliation at their cores. This behavior is a symptom of the culture we've created. Just think about it.17:30 Changing behavior begins with evolving beliefs. We've seen that to be true with racism, homophobia, and plenty of other biases, today and in the past. As we've changed beliefs about same-sex marriage, more people have been offered equal freedoms. When we began valuing sustainability, more people began to recycle. So as far as our culture of humiliation goes, what we need is a cultural revolution. Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop, and it's time for an intervention on the Internet and in our culture.18:10 The shift begins with something simple, but it's not easy. We need to return to a long-held value of compassion -- compassion and empathy. Online, we've got a compassion deficit, an empathy crisis.18:28 Researcher Brené Brown said, and I quote, "Shame can't survive empathy." Shame cannot survive empathy. I've seen some very dark days in my life, and it was the compassion and empathy from my family, friends, professionals, and sometimes even strangers that saved me. Even empathy from one person can make a difference. The theory of minority influence, proposed by social psychologist Serge Moscovici, says that even in small numbers, when there's consistency over time, change can happen. In the online world, we can foster minority influence by becoming upstanders. To become an upstander means instead of bystander apathy, we can post a positive comment for someone or report a bullying situation. Trust me, compassionate comments help abate the negativity. We can also counteract the culture by supporting organizations that deal with these kinds of issues, like the Tyler Clementi Foundation in the U.S., In the U.K., there's Anti-Bullying Pro, and in Australia, there's Project Rockit.19:51 We talk a lot about our right to freedom of expression, but we need to talk more about our responsibility to freedom of expression. We all want to be heard, but let's acknowledge the difference between speaking up with intention and speaking up for attention. The Internet is the superhighway for the id, but online, showing empathy to others benefits us all and helps create a safer and better world. We need to communicate online with compassion, consume news with compassion, and click with compassion. Just imagine walking a mile in someone else's headline. I'd like to end on a personal note. In the past nine months, the question I've been asked the most is why. Why now? Why was I sticking my head above the parapet? You can read between the lines in those questions, and the answer has nothing to do with politics. The top note answer was and is because it's time: time to stop tip-toeing around my past; time to stop living a life of opprobrium; and time to take back my narrative. 21:17 It's also not just about saving myself. Anyone who is suffering from shame and public humiliation needs to know one thing: You can survive it. I know it's hard. It may not be painless, quick or easy, but you can insist on a different ending to your story. Have compassion for yourself. We all deserve compassion, and to live both online and off in a more compassionate world.21:54 Thank you for listening.21:57 (Applause)。



E0301你死了上了天堂按了个按钮You died, went to heaven, pressed a button,他们就把你的身材变成了码吗and they turned you into a size ?是这样的Pretty much.太不公平了That is so unfair.《美女上错身》前情提要Previously on "Drop Dead Diva"你不打算告诉格雷森吗You're not telling Grayson?我现在是简了I'm Jane now.他爱的是黛比He loved Deb.你相信爱能战胜一切吗Do you believe that love conquers all?我想相信I want to.让他去主动爱上你吧Let him fall in love with you.我是杜威与皮尔斯事务所的瓦内萨·海明斯Vanessa Hemmings with Dewey & Pierce.他看她的眼神和以前看我的一模一样He looks at her the same way he used to look at me.那个还是黛比的"我"Well, Deb.就是我们做完水中有氧操后看匹萨的眼神Mm, the way we look at pizza after swim aerobics.对Yeah.我不知道原因And I don't know why我只是一个一时迷失的小女孩I'm just a little girl lost in the moment我很害怕但我知道我必须放手I'm so scared, I know I've got to let it go我和格雷森算是彻底没戏了Any chance I had with Grayson is gone.但你们知道办公室恋情向来无疾而终吧But you know those office romances never work out, right?没有睡前一吻吗No good-night kiss,还是你们只在办公室才做那种事or you only do that at the office?你不能通过告诉他你是黛比而让他爱上你You can't make him love you by telling him that you're Deb. -史黛西我打算告诉他了-天啊- Stacy, I'm gonna tell him. - Oh, my god.我有重要的事想告诉你I've got something important to tell you.简你愿意...Jane, will you...做我的伴郎吗be my best man?-不-什么- No. - What?简Jane!格雷森Grayson!!求你格雷森不要Please, Grayson. Please.黛比Deb?现在隆重推出新一季的《美女上错身》The new season of "Drop Dead Diva" begins now.不好意思你好Excuse me. Hi.我想找格雷森·肯特I'm looking for Grayson Kent.他刚被救护车送到这里He was just brought in by an ambulance.好格雷森·肯特Okay. Grayson Kent.很抱歉他已经去世了I am so sorry. He didn't make it.什么What?请您节哀顺变I'm very sorry for your loss.简简Jane! Jane!是我啊格雷森It's me -- Grayson!我死了但是当我到了天堂之门I died, but when I went upstairs,我按下了返回键I pressed the return button,然后我就进驻到这副躯体里复活了and now I'm back in this body.还有简我知道你其实是黛比And, Jane, I know you're really Deb.天啊Oh, my god.格雷森Grayson.-简-我现在没空先生- Hey, Jane. - Oh, not now, sir.是我啊格雷森But it's me -- Grayson.我死了但是当我到了天堂之门...I died, but when I went upstairs...你好啊简Yo, Jane!宝贝是我啊格雷森Baby, it's me -- Grayson.我死了但是当我到了天堂之门I died, but when I went upstairs ---简是我啊-简是我- Jane? I-it's me. - Jane, it's me.简是我啊格雷森Jane, it's me -- Grayson.简真的是我Jane! It's really me.女士你还好吗Ma'am, are you okay?你一直在说梦话You were talking in your sleep.我没事I'm fine.他怎么样有什么变化吗How's he doing? Any change?暂时没变化No, nothing yet.别这样抛下我Don't leave me this way{\fnArial}♪我无法生存I can't survive{\fnArial}♪没有你的爱我一刻也无法生存I can't stay alive without your love{\fnArial}♪亲爱的Oh, baby{\fnArial}♪别这样抛下我不要Don't leave me this way, no{\fnArial}♪我无法生存I can't survive{\fnArial}♪没有你的爱我一刻也无法生存No, I can't stay alive without your love{\fnArial}♪别这样抛下我Don't leave me this way{\fnArial}♪亲爱的Baby{\fnArial}♪我的心中充盈着对你的爱欲My heart is full of love and desire for you{\fnArial}♪快来做你应做的事So come on down and do what you got to do{\fnArial}♪来满足我内心的需求Come and satisfy the need in me{\fnArial}♪只有你的爱才能让我重获自由Only your good loving can set me fre-e-e-e-e-e{\fnArial}♪快来让我重获自由Come on and set me free and set me free{\fnArial}♪快来让我重获自由Come on and set me free and set me free{\fnArial}♪亲爱的Baby{\fnArial}♪我的心中充盈着对你的爱欲My heart is full of love and desire for you{\fnArial}♪快来做你应做的事So come on down and do what you got to do{\fnArial}♪来满足我内心的需求Come and satisfy the need in me{\fnArial}♪只有你的爱才能让我重获自由Only your good love can set me fre-e-e-e-e-e-e{\fnArial}♪简简Jane. Jane!-你还好吗-还好- Are you okay? - Yeah.我又做了那个相同的梦I just had that same dream,只不过这次不是雷鬼音乐而是迪斯科舞曲except for this time it was disco instead of reggae.宝贝他肯定很快就会醒过来的Oh, sweetie, I'm sure he's gonna wake up real soon.是啊Yeah.然后呢And then what?什么"然后呢""And then what" what?史黛西当他被车撞了之后Stacy, after he was hit by the car,他直视着我的眼睛叫我"黛比"he looked directly at me and called me "Deb."我是说当他再次清醒看到的会是谁呢I mean, when he wakes up again, who's he gonna see -- 是简还是黛比Jane or Deb?-是弗雷德-才不是- Fred. - No.他打电话来了He's calling.-嗨-他情况如何- Hey. - How's he doing?-还是老样子-我想你- About the same. - I miss you.我一小时之前刚刚见过你I just saw you like an hour ago.如果被撞的是你我真的不知道该怎么办I don't know what I'd do if you were hit by a car. 跟我保证过马路之前要向左看向右看Promise me you'll always look left, right,然后再向左看and then left again.我保证还有弗雷德I promise. And...Fred?-怎么了-我也想你- Yeah? - I miss you, too.我能和简说几句吗Hey, uh, can I talk to Jane?他想和你说话He wants to talk to you.她很...忙Um, she's...busy.我要挂了Oh. I got to go.有什么能帮您的吗Can I help you?我想找一下金·卡斯维I'm looking for Kim Kaswell.非常遗憾地通知您I regret to inform you卡斯维小姐已经不在了that Ms. Kaswell is no longer with us.真遗憾Oh, I'm so sorry.是的很令人伤感Yeah, it's sad,但她去了更好的地方but she's in a better place.我的天哪Oh, my god.女士她很好只是辞职了而已Lady, she's fine. She just quit the firm.你有病啊What is wrong with you?这是卡斯维小姐的新地址Uh, you know what? This is ms. Kaswell's new address.谢谢Thank you.我不明白弗雷德So, I'm confused, freddy.金都走了你还赖着她的办公桌干嘛With kim gone, why are you still on her desk?这里有免费的咖啡和办公用品Free coffee, free office supplies,而且我正在"开心农场"建种植园呢And I am building a plantation on "Farmville."我干嘛要走Why would I leave?-帕克-我刚刚去见过医生- Parker. - I just saw the doctor.说他随时可能醒来Said he could wake up anytime.对啊Yeah.我们只需要...等待We're just...waiting.咱们能到那边谈谈吗Can I talk to you out here?走Go.已经过了三天了Look, it's been three days.你应该回去工作了It's time to get back to work.好啊但是目前我没有客户Fine, but at the moment, I don't have any clients.你有可能会接到一位鲸鱼客户Oh, potentially, you have a whale.你那么说太过分了That is highly insensitive.也许那个客户的甲状腺有问题呢Maybe the client has a thyroid problem.{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}鲸鱼的食量很大只能靠不断地进食来补充足够的能量{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}而甲亢患者具有类似的症状所以呆黛才会这么说囧不是的Oh, no.亲爱的我们管有钱的客户叫"鲸鱼"Sweetie, a "whale" is what we call a wealthy client.就在庭审当天早晨Tim Kline just fired his lawyer提姆·克莱因炒了他的律师on the morning of his trial.天哪那个电影明星Oh, my god. Tim Kline,-提姆·克莱因就是你的鲸鱼吗-有可能- the movie star, is your whale? - Potentially.他因为开车肇事逃逸而被起诉Oh, he's charged with a hit and run --受害者是一个十二岁女孩-year-old girl.-被撞得很惨-没错- She's in bad shape. - Yep.简你一个小时后要跟他见面Jane, you're gonna meet him in an hour.-不要-在威弗利山庄的游泳池边吗- No. - Poolside at the Waverly?他所有的会议都是在那儿开的It's where he takes all of his meetings.也就是在那里他把酒店房间搞得乱七八糟It's also where he trashed his hotel room,录了性爱录影带Made a sex tape,还醉醺醺地把自己的风流韵事发到了微博上and drunk twittered about his affair.-我不想接这个案子-你疯了吗- I don't want the case. - Are you crazy?!他之所以炒掉他的律师He only fired his attorney只是因为想把庭审拖延到because he wants to delay the trial他拍完《仇恨》之后until he can finish shooting "Bad blood ."而且我认为他有罪And besides, I think he's guilty.好吧虽说他的法拉利在案发后第二天早上Well, sure, his Ferrari was found dumped off Mulholland 被发现遗弃在了穆赫兰道下面the morning after the accident,而且他也没有不在场证明and he doesn't have an alibi,但是每个电影明星都有权得到公平的辩护but every movie star deserves fair representation.这是《权利法案》上的原话It's in the Bill of Rights.简你必须去赴约Jane, you're going to that meeting.我们俩都去不行We both are! Oh, no!实话实说你能看见我鼻子上的痘痘吗Be honest -- can you see the pimple on my nose?我知道就在这儿我能感觉得到I know it's there. I can feel it.我不能顶着青春痘去见提姆·克莱因I cannot meet Tim Kline with a zit.我什么都看不出来I don't see anything.-那就好-对不起就算要去- Okay. - Even if I was going, I'm sorry,我也不能带上个朋友but I can't bring a friend.的确不能带朋友但可以带实习生No, but you can bring an intern.无薪实习Unpaid.她了解案情的细节可以让你集中精力Oh. She knows all the details. She can keep you focused.我的瑜伽教练说有时候我的精力过于集中My yoga instructor says I'm so focused,就好像脑子里空无一物that sometimes it's like there's nothing in my head.双关同样是说小黛没有脑子我告诉过瓦内萨在她回来之前I told vanessa that I would stay with Grayson我会陪着格雷森所以...until she got back, so ---你好瓦内萨-你好- Hey, vanessa. - Hi.简谢谢你陪着他Jane, thank you for staying with him.没什么Oh, of course.要是你需要我继续留在这里我不...If you need me to stick around, I'm not...不用了我能行Oh, no, we'll be fine.咱们去见见那条鲸鱼吧Well, let's go meet the whale.金Kim.佩妮你好Penny. Hi.你在咖啡馆里工作吗You're working in a coffee shop?对这只是暂时的Yeah. It's a temporary situation.你好吗How are you?我好极了Oh, I'm great.还行吧Fine.不怎么样Not so good.请坐吧Oh. Well, have a seat.发生什么事了What's going on?你还记得凯文吗You remember Kevin?记得你那个劈腿的前夫Yeah, your cheating ex-husband?离婚的时候咱们狠狠捞了他一票We got him pretty good in the divorce.几周前他打电话来说他去接受了治疗A few weeks ago, he called and said he'd been to therapy 而且已经改过自新了and that he was a changed man.然后呢Okay.我请他过来吃晚饭I invited him over for dinner,然后一来二去...and one thing led to another...你就跟他上床了You slept with him.然后他就杳无音讯了And then I never heard from him again.混蛋Jackass.没错Yeah.我能帮上什么忙Well, how can I help?我想起诉他I want to sue him.告他什么打电话找你上床吗For what? For...a booty call?这个理由可以吗Can I do that?实际上我认为是可以的Actually, I think you can.我会拟好诉讼事由I'll work up a cause of action,提起诉讼中午前他就会接到传票File a complaint, and he'll be served by noon.好极了还有一件事Great. Oh, there's one more thing.我听说你和帕克分手了I-I heard you and Parker broke up.那是最好的选择It's for the best.我想凯文会雇用帕克做他的律师I'm thinking Kevin will hire Parker to be his lawyer.他们是俱乐部里认识的朋友They're friends from the club.那会有问题吗Will that be a problem?我没问题Not for me.好的谢谢Good. Thanks.你可以在工作时间到威弗利来You get to go to the Waverly in the middle of the day而且还能报销with an expense account.你这工作简直酷毙了You have the coolest job ever!我知道很酷对吧I know, right?六点钟方向秀色可餐哦Ooh! Eye candy, :.-宾格温小姐-是- Miss Bingum? - Yes.你好我是马克提姆的经纪人Hi, I'm Mark, tim's manager.-你好-也是他的哥哥比他大四岁- Hello. - And his brother, four years older.-处女座-没错您是哪位- A Virgo. - That's right. And you are?宾格温小姐的实习生史黛西Miss Bingum's intern, Stacy.很高兴见到二位Pleasure to meet both of you.提姆在棚子里等着呢Tim's waiting in a bungalow.很好Great.我知道大家会怎么想--I know how it looks --我在关键时刻把律师给炒了Me firing my lawyer at the th hour.但我能怎么办呢那家伙很不称职But what can I say? The guy's incompetent.为什么要等到庭审日才炒他Why wait till the day of the trial?因为他保证过这一天永远不会到来Because he promised this day would never come.他说指控会被驳回He said the charges were gonna be dismissed.你现在面临着十年监禁的指控You are looking at years in jail.你考虑过抗辩吗Have you considered a plea?没有因为我是无辜的No. Because I'm innocent.有人偷了我的车撞了那个女孩Someone stole my car and hit that girl, okay?我那天整晚都独自在家我发誓I was home alone the whole night. I swear.我完全相信你I totally believe you.问题是The thing is,我不确定我是否相信你I don't know if I believe you.好吧我们感激你的直率Well, then, we appreciate your candor,我们到此为止吧But we're done here.不不不等等简是个很棒的律师No, no, no, no, wait! Jane is a great lawyer.她曾获过奖和你所获的人民选择奖不一样She's won awards. I mean, nothing like your People's Choice, {\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}人民选择奖是每年一届的美国娱乐奖项\N在美国有"民间奥斯卡"之称是真正的律师奖but real lawyer awards.赶紧说几句Say something.如果连我都不相信你If I don't believe you,你觉得陪审团会相信吗good luck with a jury.提姆提姆·克莱因Tim. Tim Kline.我是《号外》节目的杰森·亨德勒I'm Jason Hendler with "Extra."他现在不能接受采访It's not a good time right now.我很抱歉打扰你I'm sorry to bother you,你今天早晨真的把你的律师解雇了吗but is it true you fired your attorney this morning?是的Yes, it is.这是你为了完成电影拍摄而实施的拖延策略吗Is it a delay tactic so you can finish filming your movie? 不我...No, I, um...这并不是...并不是什么新鲜事It's not -- it's not that uncommon.求你了求你了Please, please, please?这是常有的事这... 这...It's fairly common. This is -- this is...打扰一下"号外"先生Excuse me, Mr. "Extra extra,"克莱因先生案件的陪审团还在选定当中but to blind-side Mr. Kline just when his jury你现在对他进行中伤is being impaneled将损害他受到公平审判的权利Compromises his right to a fair trial.先生您真的想成为正义的拦路虎吗Do you, sir, really want to stand in the way of justice?你是谁Who are you?她叫简·宾格温Her name's Jane Bingum.她是我的新律师And she's my new lawyer.克莱因先生案件的陪审团还在选定当中But to blind-side Mr. Kline just when his jury你现在对他进行中伤is being impaneled将损害他受到公平审判的权利compromises his right just when histo a fair trial."先生您真的想成为正义的拦路虎吗""Do you, sir, really want to stand in the way of justice?"真不错史黛西That's good, Stacy.如果他们要重拍《永不妥协》If they remake "Erin Brockovich,"我绝对准备好了I am so ready.{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}茱莉亚罗伯茨主演你是谁Who are you?她叫简·宾格温她是我的新律师Her name is jane bingum, and she's my new lawyer.坏小子提姆·克莱因这一年几经波折Bad boy Tim Kline has had a rough year.先是被指控与他的普拉提教练偷情First, accusations of infidelity with his pilates instructor.然后是他的妻子拉娜在结婚三年后Then his wife, Lana, files for divorce提出了离婚诉讼请求after three years of marriage.这是警察报告犯罪现场照片和证词副本Police reports, crime-scene photos, deposition transcripts. 还有法院来过电话And the clerk called.法官驳回了你审判延期的请求The judge denied your petition for a continuance.说她不会延期审判Said she won't delay the trial让你的客户拍完他的电影so your client can finish the movie.但我还没准备好But I'm not ready.那我们最好马上开工Then we better get to work.卡斯维小姐Ms. Kaswell.很高兴你能回来It's nice to have you back.我是来参加你所要求的和解会议的I'm here about the settlement conference you requested.我给你留了十多条信息I've left you a dozen messages.很抱歉我吻了克莱尔I apologize for kissing Claire.那对我毫无意义It meant nothing to me.我过来不是为了谈咱俩的事I'm not here about us.金...Kim...帕克谈案子Parker, the case.好吧Fine.你的控诉没有法律依据Your complaint has no merit.你不能因为变味的一夜情而提起上诉You can't sue for a booty call gone bad.我有三个诉讼原由:触犯民法Three causes of action -- civil battery,过失导致他人精神痛苦negligent infliction of emotional distress,以及不正当性行为and general sexual misconduct.最后一条我不太理解I don't even understand that last one.我没指望你能理解I wouldn't expect you to.好吧我们正在请求撤诉Okay. We're seeking an order to dismiss.那你为什么要召开这次会议Then why did you even call this meeting?为了见到你To see you.如果一场和解会议And if a settlement conference是我唯一能见到你的方法...was the only way I could get through to you --我们谈完了法庭上见We're done. I'll see you in court.根据刹车痕迹和和初始撞击位置Based on skid marks and the initial impact,可得知艾米·罗宾逊是于晚上:左右I concluded that Amy Robinson was struck在比弗利山被一辆南向行驶的车所撞by a southbound car on Beverly Glen at approximately : p.m. 你在第二天早晨找到了这辆车And you found this vehicle, a Ferrari ,法拉利The following morning?是的在月桂谷底部找到的Yes, at the base of Laurel Canyon.车主是提姆·克莱因Registered to Tim Kline.我们认为有人将车推下了穆赫兰道的车道We believe it was pushed off of Mulholland drive试图躲避当局的追查in an attempt to hide it from authorities.你确定是被告的车撞了艾米吗Are you certain it was the defendant's car that struck Amy?是的车子栏栅上的头发纤维和血迹Yes -- hair, fiber, and blood on the car's grille-都与受害人一致-谢谢- are consistent with the vicTim. - Thank you.警官Detective,有人看到我的委托人撞到了艾米·罗宾逊吗did anyone see my client hit Amy Robinson?-没有-是否可能有人偷了提姆的车- No. - Is it conceivable that someone stole Tim's car,然后这个偷车贼撞了艾米·罗宾逊呢And the person who stole the car hit Amy Robinson?没有证据表明司机另有其人There's no evidence there was another driver.警官我想请你看一下Detective, I'd like to call your attention我实习生的鼻子to my intern's nose.巴奈特小姐请向警官招招手Ms. Barrett, please wave to the detective.史黛西Stacy.她的皮肤看上去完美无瑕是吗She appears to have flawless skin, doesn't she?是的I guess.其实她鼻子上有颗痘痘She actually has a pimple on her nose.几乎看不出来It's barely noticeable.你当时说完全看不出来You said it wasn't noticeable.-法官大人-律师你在干什么- Your honor? - Counselor, what are you doing?我想要提醒陪审团I'm trying to remind the jury证据缺失并不代表没有证据that the absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.换句话说你看不到的东西In other words, just because you can't see something并不代表它不存在doesn't mean it doesn't exist.就像巴奈特小姐的痘痘Like Miss Barrett's pimple.警官你没有找到证据Detective, just because you didn't find evidence证明其他人开过提姆的车that someone else was driving Tim's car这不能说明确实没有别人doesn't mean that someone else wasn't,开过提姆的车对吗in fact, driving Tim's car, correct?应该是这样但是...I suppose that's true, but --没有问题了No more questions.在艾斯丘威·艾斯丘案例中法院裁定In Askewv. Askew, the court ruled,"司法部门无权管理"The judiciary should not attempt人类社会活动to regulate the human condition.两性关系错综复杂无章可循"Relationships beget complications which defy reason."因此我们恳请您驳回起诉That is why we're asking you to dismiss.但此案的情况有所不同This case is factually distinct.作为一对离婚夫妇他们的关系特殊As a divorced couple, they had a special relationship,而不像是同事关系这只是打个比方not unlike two co-workers, for instance.你的意思是...Your point is?布瑞克先生应该非常清楚Mr. Brecker should have known exactly他的行为会伤害到我的委托人how his behavior would have harmed my client.她也应该清楚不该有所奢望And she should have known what to expect.有得必有失It's a double-edged sword.我同意这个案件没有法律依据I agree. This case has no merit.等一下法官大人Hold on, your hon.凯文明确告诉佩妮他改过自新了Kevin specifically told penny that he had changed.由于他对自己的实际情况表述失实Given his material misrepresentation也就是声称自己不再是沾花惹草的人渣了that he was no longer a skirt-chasing dirt bag,我们要修正我们的指控We would like to amend our complaint改为控告他进行虚假宣传to include false advertising.-什么我反对-你当然反对了- What? No. I object. - Of course you do.我的委托人信任她前夫向自己的宣传My client relied on how her husband advertised himself -- 他说去看了心理医生已经改过自新了that he had gone to therapy and was a changed man.但她被骗了She was duped.法官大人她这是在嘲弄法庭Your honor, she's making a mockery of your court.我没什么意见但虚假宣传案的索赔I don't disagree. False advertising claims需要一名商业仲裁员的参与should be brought before a commercial arbitrator,因此我要移交复审本案and that's where I'm remanding this case.法官将由我妹妹来担任In fact, my sister was just appointed.她明早将听取双方的证词She'll hear testimony tomorrow morning.史黛西Stacy.你在这儿干嘛What are you doing here?我听泰丽说我们要在这里向委托人作简报I heard from Teri that we're briefing our client here.不只是开个小会不是作简报Oh, no, no. It's just a meeting. It's not a briefing.我带了防晒霜和游泳衣Oh, and I brought sunscreen and bathing suits说不定我们能有空午休一下in case we have time for a siesta.亲爱的抱歉但你不该来的Sweetie, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be here.少来了你们好啊提姆马克Oh, come on. Hey, Tim. Hi, mark.你们好很抱歉我们迟到了Hey. So sorry we're late.-我们该开始了-是的没错- We should get started. - Yes, we should.-太激动了-我知道快走快走- I'm so excited! - I know. Walk. Walk.虽然我们已经有了一些进展Well, we made some headway.但没有不在场证明情况还是不乐观But without an alibi, we're in trouble.提姆有没有可能别人开过你的车Tim, did anyone have access to your car?朋友或是手下Friends or employees?那车价值二十万美元It's a $, car.所有人都知道它是我的最爱Everyone knows it's my favorite.除了我谁也不能碰No one drives it but me.-那你呢马克-什么- What about you, Mark? - Excuse me?《人物》杂志上说你住在提姆的客房里According to "People" Magazine, you live in Tim's guesthouse 而且对名贵跑车很有研究and have a taste for expensive cars.我很喜欢他的法拉利但我从没开过I loved his Ferrari, but I never drove it.有人不请自来了Oh, we have company.宾格温小姐我们能谈谈吗Miss Bingum, can we talk?如果你想和解那就别浪费时间了If you're here to offer a deal, don't waste our time.我的委托人是无辜的My client is innocent.艾米·罗宾逊一个小时前死了Amy Robinson died an hour ago.指控将被改为二级谋杀The indictment will be amended to second-degree murder.早上好阳光美女Good morning, sunshine.宝拉·阿巴杜Paula Abdul?{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}著名舞蹈家兼歌手《美国偶像》评委我爱死你这埃及棉的床单了Mm. I love your Egyptian cotton sheets.让我猜猜是针的吗Let me guess -- it's, um, thread count?对了这个枕套是真丝的Oh, and this pillowcase is silk.我有个好主意I have a great idea!早餐吃蓝莓烤饼如何Blueberry pancakes for breakfast?好的但为什么你会在我床上Okay, but why are you in my bed?坑姐呢我们昨晚都共度良宵了Really? After last night?-什么-开玩笑的- What?! - Just kidding!说正经的简我之所以在这里But really, Jane, the reason I'm here是因为我觉得我们该谈谈了is because I think it's time we had one of our talks.好的Okay.谢谢你但我知道你想说什么了Thank you, but I knowk it's time what you're gonna say.我才智过人健康无比还有一头秀发I am smart, I'm healthy, and I have gorgeous hair.我的人生完全由我自己做主And I can do whatever I want with my life.总而言之我简直就是个女超人Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm practically superwoman.我要说的是你该长大了简I was gonna say, "you need to grow up, Jane."什么What?你一直都对格雷森求之若渴念念不忘You've been pining after Grayson for so long --不他当时睁开眼叫了声"黛比"No, he opened his eyes and said "Deb."他知道是我He knows it's me.那可怜的家伙昏迷了The poor guy's in a coma.他的未婚妻一直陪在他身边His fiancee is by his side.你只应该做个给予他支持的朋友The only thing you need to be is a supportive friend,仅此而已nothing more.她说得对简She's right, Jane.我只想说宝拉·阿巴杜说得很在理I'm just saying, Paula Abdul makes an excellent point.{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}他们在模仿并调侃《美国偶像》三位评委的评价模式开玩笑吧两票对一票Really? Two against one?说真的弗雷德从我床上滚下去Seriously, Fred, out of my bed.除非你闭上眼睛Not until you close your eyes.什么为什么What? Why?因为是时候醒来了Because it's time to wake up.醒醒Wake up!离上庭还有半个小时We're due in court in half an hour.好的Okay.我做了个超级疯狂的梦I just had the craziest dream.疼你干嘛要掐我Ouch! Why did you do that?我只想确认我是不是还在做梦I just wanted to make sure I wasn't still dreaming.你该掐你自己才对Well, you're supposed to pinch yourself.但我比你更容易起淤青But I bruise more easily than you do.此话不假快起来So true. Now, up and at 'em.史黛西...Stacy...当格雷森最终睁开眼的时候When Grayson finally opens his eyes,我想让他知道我是黛比而不是简I want him to know that it's me-- Deb-- not Jane.那样做有错吗Is that so wrong?心存希望没有什么错There is nothing wrong with hoping.但如果当他睁开眼睛不知道你是黛比的话...But if he opens his eyes and he doesn't know it's you... 那我只能做个给予他支持的朋友仅此而已Then I need to be a supportive friend, nothing more? 没错Exactly.好了亲爱的我们该工作了Now, sweetie, we have to get to work.先说清楚Now, let me be perfectly clear.我哥哥之所以把这个案子交给我My brother only kicked me this case只是因为我错过了他去年的生日because I missed out on his last birthday.卡斯维女士简单地说Ms. Kaswell, cutting through the legalese,你是因为一夜情而提出上诉的吗you're suing today because of a booty call. Is that correct?是由虚假宣传而引发的一夜情A booty call caused by false advertising.那么现在案子的关键就是Now, the only issue of law is whether Mr. Brecker布瑞克先生自称已经改过自新falsely represented that he was a changed man是否只是为了欺骗他前妻与他发生性关系in order to convince his ex-wife to have sex with him.那么布瑞克先生你告诉你前妻Now, Mr. Brecker, it says here that you told your ex-wife你在看心理医生对吗that you're seeing a psychiatrist?-是的没错-很好- Yes, that's true. - Perfect.通知那位医生今天下午来出庭作证Have the doctor here later this afternoon to testify.作证证明什么Testify? Testify to what?证明你的委托人确实已经改过自新了To testify that your client is a changed man.从法律上来说车祸是导致艾米·罗宾逊Under the law, Amy Robinson's death。



克莱默夫妇对白You swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?I do.Now, Mrs. Kramer, would you tell the court how long you were married?Eight years.And would you describe those years as happy?The first two, yes.But after that it became increasingly difficult.Mrs. Kramer, did you hold a job before you were married?Yes, I did. When I first got out of Smith......l worked in the art department of Mademoiselle magazine for years.Did you continue to work after you were married?No. I did not.Did you wish to?Yes, but every time I talked to Ted-- To my ex-husband about it, he wouldn't listen.He refused to discuss it in any serious way.He said that I probably couldn't get a job... that would pay enough to hire a babysitter.Tell me, are you employed at the present time?I'm a sportswear designer here in New York.And what is your present salary?I make $31 ,000 a year.Mrs. Kramer, do you love your child?Yes, I do, very much.And yet you choose to leave him.Yes.During the last five years of our marriage......l was becoming more and more unhappy. More and more troubled. And I really needed somebody to help me... .but when I turned to Ted, he just......wasn't there for me. So we became more isolated from one another... ...more and more separate.He was very involved in his career.And because of his attitude towards my fears... ...and his inability to deal with my feelings... ...l had come to have almost no self-esteem.I was scared and I was very unhappy.In my mind I had no choice but to leave.At the time I left, I felt that there was something wrong with me... ...and that my son would be better off without me.And it was only after I got to California that I realized......after getting into therapy, that I wasn't a terrible person.And just because I needed some kind of creative or emotional outlet......other than my child, that didn't make me unfit.I would like to submit in evidence a report by Mrs. Kramer's therapist......Dr. Eleanor Freedman.Objection, Your Honour. The report is irrelevant and not binding on the respondent.Overruled.Can you tell the court why you are asking for custody?Because he's my child... and because I love him.I know I left my son.I know that that's a terrible thing to do.Believe me, I have to live with that every day of my life.But in order to leave him... l had to believe it was the only thing I could do... and that it was the best thing for him.I was incapable of functioning in that home.And I didn't know what the alternative was... so I thought it was not best that I take him with me.However, I have since gotten some help... and I have worked very, very hard to become a whole human being.I don't think I should be punished for that.I don't think my little boy should be punished.Billy's only 7 years old. He needs me.I'm not saying he doesn't need his father... but I really believe he needs me more.I was his mommy for five and a half years...and Ted took over that role for 1 8 months.But I don't know how anybody can possibly believe that I have less of a stake in mothering that little boy... than Mr. Kramer does.I'm his mother.I'm his mother.Thank you, Mrs. Kramer.I have no further questions.Now then, Mrs. Kramer... .you say that you were married for eight years, is that correct?yesIn all that time did your husband ever strike you or physically abuse you?No.Did he ever strike or physically abuse his child in any way?NoWould you describe your husband as an alcoholic?NoA heavy drinker?NoWas he unfaithful?NoDid he ever fail to provide for you in any way?NoI can certainly see why you left him.Objection.How long do you plan to live in New York, Mrs. Kramer? Permanently.How many boyfriends have you had, permanently?Objection on grounds of vagueness.I'll allow it.I don't recall.More than three, less than 33, permanently?-Objection. -Overruled. The witness will answer, please. Somewhere in between.Do you have a lover now?Your Honour, I would request a direct answer to a direct question. Does she have a lover?I'll allow that. The witness will answer, please.Yes, I'm seeing someone now.Is that...permanent?I don't know.We don't know when you say permanently... ...if you plan to live in New York, or keep your child, for that matter...since you've never done anything that could be regarded as permanent.Objection. I request the counsel be prevented from harassing the witness.Sustained.I'll put it another way, counsellor.What was the longest personal relationship in your life... utside of parents or girlfriends?I suppose that would be my child.Whom you've seen twice in a year. Mrs. Kramer, yourex-husband....wasn't he the longest personal relationship in your life? 点头Would you speak up? I couldn't hear you.Yes.How long was that?We were married a year before the baby... and seven years after.So you were a failure at the most important relationship in your life. -Objection. -Overruled. The witness's opinion on this is relevant.I was not a failure.What do you call it, a success? The marriage ended in divorce.I consider it less my failure than his.Congratulations. You've just rewritten matrimonial law. You were both divorced.Objection!Your Honour, I would like to ask what this model of stability... and respectability has ever succeeded at.Were you a failure at the one most important relationship in your life?It did not succeed.-Not it, Mrs. Kramer, you.Were you a failure at the one most important relationship in your life?Were you?!No.Is that a yes, Mrs. Kramer?点头No further questions.。













































The Masque of Red Death中英文对照

The Masque of Red Death中英文对照

THE ”Red Death”had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal,or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal ——the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains,and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores,with dissolution。

The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow—men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease,were the incidents of half an hour.”红死病"蹂躏这个国度已有多时。





But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious。

When his dominions were half depopulated,he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light—hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court,and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys。



• 拉链门事件导致美国民众对政治家的信任度下降 • 如:克林顿的支持率下降,民众对政治家的道德问题持 不同看法
• 政治家需要建立良好的政治信任,以维护政治形象和公 信力 • 政治家需要加强与民众的沟通,以增进民众对政治的理 解和支持
• 克林顿在事件中表现出较强的应变能力,试图平息事态 • 如:在拉链门事件中,克林顿多次公开道歉,试图挽回 形象
• 莱温斯基在事件中表现出一定的心理问题 • 如:担心自己的隐私被曝光,以及在媒体面前的压力
1999年2月,参议院对弹劾条款进行表决,克林顿未被定 罪• 参议院以45票反对、55票赞成的结果,未能通过对克林顿的弹劾
• 克林顿完成了完整的总统任期
• 克林顿在拉链门事件后,虽然未被定罪,但形象受损 • 如:在2000年总统选举中,克林顿未能连任
• 《华盛顿邮报》报道了克林顿与莱温斯基的亲密关系 • 克林顿在电视上首次回应,表示他与莱温斯基的接触是“不恰当的”,但否认有 性关系
• 克林顿在电视上公开否认与莱温斯基有性关系,称他们之间的接触是“完全合适的” • 莱温斯基在电视上首次回应,表示她与克林顿的接触是“真诚的”









1.发展的代价与代价的发展——发展与代价的关系辨析 [J], 陆昱
2.无耻之尤立此存照——不知羞耻的"满蒙同志协进会致国际联盟电" [J], 范国平
3.无耻之尤立此存照——不知羞耻的“满蒙同志协进会致国际联盟电” [J], 范国平
心理根源 [J], 王佳鹏
5.正视代价降低代价——对现代化代价的若干思考 [J], 杨吉华



























比利我爱你I Iove you, Billy.我也爱你妈咪l love you too, Mommy.晚安Night-night.好好睡Sleep tight.别让臭虫咬了Don't let the bedbugs bite.明天早上见l'll see you in the morning light.我爱你l love you.他们要我当助理艺术指导所以肯尼说They're going to make me an assistant art director. So Kenny says:替自己买♥♥件名牌外套"You get yourself a Burberry coat.要在麦迪逊大道工作就得穿得体体面面lf you're gonna be Madison Avenue, you have to look it."所以周六下午我出门天气很冷Saturday afternoon, l go out, and it's cold.我去一家专卖♥♥名牌衣服的店l go to this place that specializes in Burberrys...说"我要一件 37号♥短码大衣"...and say, "l want a Burberry coat, 37 short."他们让我试穿穿来很好看They put it on, and l look beautiful in it.我说 "把它包起来"l say, "l'll buy it."就在此时我开始冒汗And right then, l start to sweat.我拿出支票簿开始签支票我的手开始抖l take my checkbook out, start to sign the check, and my hand shakes... 因为我很害怕...because l'm so scared.-晚安各位 -你去哪里-Good night. -Where you going?-回家 -天啊我得走了-l gotta get home. -Oh, Jesus, l gotta go.好让我说完Okay, so let me finish.所以我签了我的手开始抖So l sign it, and my hand starts shaking....-是谁丹尼对不对 -计程车Who is this? Danny, right? Taxi!-来我有话告诉你 -不行我得回家了-Come on, l gotta tell you something. -l can't. l gotta get home.我有重要的事告诉你Gotta talk to you about something important.我要你负责大西洋航♥空♥的客户l'm putting you in charge of the Mid-Atlantic account.年底前我们会让它到达一千万By the end of the year, we'll have them up to 1 0 million.如果这次宣传活动进行顺利他们lf this campaign works out the way l know it will...会让我入股...they'll offer me a partnership.太棒了That's terrific!我要你知道我会让你一起入股When that happens, l just want you to know l'm taking you along. 真是太棒了Wow! Wow! That's terrific.乔安娜Joanna.我回来了l'm home.我忘了带钥匙我得赶快打电♥话♥回办公室l forgot my keys. l gotta call the office before they go.你会以我为荣的我有好消息Jo, you're gonna be real proud of me. l got good news.-泰德 -等等让我先打电♥话♥-Ted. -One second. Let me just do this.认识会计部的杰克爱德华吗他自杀了You know Jack Edwards in accounting? He committed suicide.喂我是泰德克莱默Yeah, hi. Ted Kramer.明早要把照片从修图师那里拿回来l gotta get those photos from the retoucher by tomorrow morning. -我要离开你 -亲爱的静一静我听不到-l'm leaving you. -Honey, please. l can't hear.好你也是谢谢明天见Okay, you too. Thanks a lot. See you tomorrow.你们吃过饭了没有Did you guys eat?我要离开你l'm leaving you.这是我的钥匙Here are my keys.这是我的美国运通卡这是百货公♥司♥信♥用♥卡♥ Here's my American Express, my Bloomingdale's card...还有支票簿我从共同帐户里提出两千元...my checkbook. l've taken $2000 out of our savings account.那是我在我们结婚时的存款That's what l had when we got married.-你在开玩笑吗 -这是清洁和洗衣收据-ls this a joke? -Here's the cleaning, laundry ticket.你在周六可以去拿You can pick them both up on Saturday.-你得去拿 -怎么回事-You. You have to pick them up. -What's wrong?房♥租和水电的帐单我付过了电♥话♥费我也付过了--l paid the rent, the Con Ed bill, and the phone bill, so--你真会挑时间You really pick your times to....抱歉我回来晚了但我忙着赚钱养家好吗l'm sorry l was late, but l was busy making a living, all right?别闹了吧Come on, okay? Can we stop now?那么就这样了So that's everything.够了知道吗Enough, enough. All right?你在做什么What are you doing?你要去哪里告诉我我做了什么不可原谅的事Where are you going? Just tell me what l did that's so terrible.-不是因为你 -那是为什么-lt's not you. -Then what?是我都是我的错lt's me. lt's my fault.你只是娶错人了You married the wrong person.-你的要求我做不到 -让我们进去吧-l can't hack it. -Let's just go inside.我不行我试过我发誓--l can't, l tried. l swear--乔安娜拜托我很抱歉Joanna, please, just--l'm sorry.-求求你不要逼我进去 -我只是要谈谈-No, please don't make me go in there. -l just want to talk.否则我发誓总有一天lf you do, l swear, one day...- 我会跳楼自杀 -拜托你-...l'll go right out the window. -Oh, please.比利怎么办Come on, now. What about Billy?我不带他一起走我对他没好处l'm not taking him with me. l'm no good for him.没把他照顾好l'm terrible with him.我没耐心l have no patience.他没有我比较好He's better off without me.乔安娜拜托Joanna, please.我不再爱你了And l don't love you anymore.-你要去哪儿 -我不知道-Where are you going? -l don't know.玛格丽特我是泰德我太太在那边吗Hi, Margaret. This is Ted. ls my wife there?对乔安娜有去找你吗Yeah. Joanna come in?我们吵架了我想她可能去找你We had a little fight. l thought she might have stopped by.如果她有去请她回来或打电♥话♥给我lf she comes in, tell her to come up or just give me a ring.还好她没拿行李箱应该不会走远Don't worry. She didn't take her suitcase. She won't get very far. 我还有事要忙见到她请她打给我谢谢l got work to do. lf she comes in, tell her to call me.也该是时候了lt's about time.乔安娜这是你做过最迟钝的--玛格丽特Joanna, that's the most insensitive--Hi, Margaret.-她收拾行李箱 -没什么真的-She packed a suitcase? -Look, it's nothing serious, really.她有说要去哪里吗She tell you where she was going?-你告诉我啊 -我怎么会知道我又不在场-You tell me. -How would l know? l wasn't here.显然我太太和你背着我谈过很多我的缺点Clearly, you two had many talks about my shortcomings...我很乐意和你谈...which l haven't been privy to. And l'd love to talk...但我早上有个重要的报告...but l have a major presentation in the morning...得把工作做完所以拜托你--...and l gotta get my work done. So please allow me--你好像不了解我们的问题很严重You don't realize we have a serious problem.错这是"我的"问题你只需走出门Wrong. Me. l got the problem. All you gotta do is...下楼去然后回家睡觉...go out the door and go back to bed.-事实是---六个月以来-The fact is---For six months...我拼命去争取最大的客户给公♥司♥...l've been spitting blood to get this agency its biggest account.今天下午五点我们争取到了And at five, we got it.八点副总裁说我是下一任创意总监At eight, the vice president tells me l'll be the next creative director. 我进门要和我太太分享l come through this door to share with my wife...生命中最美好五天中的一天她冷漠以对...one of the five best days of my life, and she looks at me...说要和我分手...and tells me she doesn't want to live with me!你了解她对我做了什么吗Can't you understand what she's done to me?她破坏你最美好五天中的一天She loused up one of the five best days of your life.你真的很棒天啊你真的You're terrific. Boy, you're....多谢了真的Thanks very much, really.真是姐妹情深Sisterhood.谢谢你来逗我开心但--Thank you for coming to cheer me up, but--我不是来逗你开心l didn't come to cheer you up.我来是因为我关心乔安娜l'm concerned about Joanna.或许你可以回家慢慢关心Maybe you can be concerned in the privacy of your own apartment. 你和查理分手前乔安娜和我都没问题Joanna and l never had any problems until you and Charley split up. 我真不敢相信Oh, l don't believe you.告诉我实话可以吗Just tell me the truth, okay?是你叫我太太这样的吗Did you set her up to this?我没有叫乔安娜这样做No, l didn't put her up to this.-你有怂恿她吗 -没有我没有-Give her a little pep talk? -No, l didn't.我们是谈过很多Joanna and l talk a great deal.乔安娜是个很不快乐的女人And Joanna is a very unhappy woman.她是鼓足勇气才走出这家门And it took a lot of courage for her to walk out of here.要鼓起多大勇气才能丢下孩子How much courage does it take to walk out on your kid?妈咪呢Where's Mommy?-什么 -妈咪呢-What? -Where's Mommy?几点了What time is it?小针在7 大针在9 妈咪呢The little hand's on the 7, the big hand's on the 9. Where's Mommy?天啊好我告诉你你要知道妈咪去哪里Oh, God. Okay, l'm gonna tell you. You want to know where Mommy is? -她应该要带我去学校 -她叫我带你去-She's supposed to take me to school. -She told me to do it.我老实告诉你她去哪里Okay, l'll tell you where she went.有时候你和朋友会处得不好会吵架You know when you and your friends don't get along and fight?你会想单独去别的地方静一下And you want to go and be alone for a while?有时候爹地和妈咪处不好Sometimes Mommy and Daddy don't get along...其中一个想到别的地方...and one of them wants to go and be by themselves for a while.-妈咪什么时候回来 -快了很快就回来了-When is Mommy coming back? -Soon.现在你和我要一起吃早餐知道吗就我们两个Now we are gonna have breakfast! Okay? Just you and me.-你想吃什么 -法国土司-What do you want? -French toast.要法国土司就给你法国土司You want French toast, you got it.煮点水给爹地泡咖啡Put up a little water for Daddy to have some coffee.我们要几个蛋一个人两个We got how many eggs? Two for you and two for me.我们有牛奶We got milk.还有奶油We got butter.有五块钱We got $5.我有五块钱你坐在这里l got $5. Here, you sit here.好你可以当我的首席助手吗Okay, can you be my number one helper?看好用一只手Watch this. One hand.就像这样Here we go.你知道最出色的大厨都是男的吗Did you know that all the best chefs are men?这不是很棒吗我们要常常这样lsn't this terrific? We gotta do this more often.-有一些蛋壳掉进去了 -没关系-You dropped some shell in it. -That's okay.吃起来脆脆的你喜欢吃脆的法国土司吧Makes it crunchier. You like it crunchy, don't you?你把蛋打一下我来做其他的事Why don't you beat them, and l'll get everything else going.-你几点要到学校 -八点半-What time is school? -8:30.那我们得快点我得洗澡刮胡子洗头Gotta get the show on the road. l gotta shower, shave and shampoo. 我要见客户l got people to see.爹地还要赚钱开饭And Daddy's gotta bring home the bacon...还要把饭煮熟...and he's gotta cook it.我们很高兴吧妈咪把平底锅放在--We're having a good time! Where does Mommy keep the--?-烤箱里 -锅在烤箱里-ln the stove. -The pan. The stove.首先要点火First, we need a nice fire.不对不是那样No, you're not doing it right.这样不对你要打得很快看到没用腕力Look, you gotta do it fast. See? lt's the wrist.这样才会打散So the gucky part dissolves.然后拿土司然后Then you take the bread, and we....然后我们We....折起来就这样我们把土司折起来We fold the French toast. That's what we do.-你忘了加牛奶 -我没忘牛奶最后加-l think you forgot milk. -l didn't. Milk comes last.高兴的时候就会忘记最重要的事When you're having a good time you forget things.我是想看你有没有注意到l just wanted to see if you're paying attention.很好玩吧妈咪上次让你进厨房♥是什么时候Fun, isn't it? When's the last time Mommy let you in the kitchen? 我不喜欢碎的l don't like it in pieces.碎的和整片吃起来味道一样面包就是面包lt tastes the same whether it's in pieces or whole. Bread is bread. 还有法国土司都是折起来的Besides, French toast is always folded.你到全世界最好的餐厅去看法国土司都是折起来的ln the best restaurants, you see folded French toast.这样吃起来比较多对吧You get more bites that way.同时爹地要泡一些咖啡And while that's going, Daddy's gonna make coffee.好玩吗You having a good time?我不记得上回这么高兴是什么时候l don't remember the last time l had such a good time.我要泡点咖啡Daddy's gonna make himself coffee.-太多了 -不会我喜欢喝浓一点-That's too much! -No, l like it strong.妈咪泡得太淡Mommy always makes it too weak.我可以喝柳橙汁吗Can l have some orange juice?柳橙汁好马上来Right. One OJ coming up for the kid.爹地烧焦了Daddy, it's burning!-什么 -锅子烧焦了-What? -lt's burning!天啊该死Damn it! Goddamn her!真该死Oh, shit.没关系没事我们我们很好Just take it easy. Everything is fine. We're terrific.没关系Just....没关系Just take it easy. Nothing is the matter.-怎么了 -你的手在流汗-What? -Your hand's sweaty.-妈咪什么时候回来 -很快我说过很快-When's Mommy coming back? -Soon. l told you.-她会接我放学吗 -可能吧如果她没去我就会去-ls she gonna pick me up? -Probably. lf she doesn't, l will. -如果你忘了呢 -我不会忘记-What if you forget? -l won't.-万一你被撞死了呢 -那妈咪会去接你-What if you get run over? -Mommy will pick you up.-小姐你几年级 -一年级-Miss! What grade are you in? -First.他叫比利克莱默一年级This is Billy Kramer. He's in first grade.麻烦你我要搭计程车我迟到了计程车Take care of him. l gotta get a taxi, l'm late. Taxi!计程车Taxi!-恭喜你接到大西洋航♥空♥客户 -谢谢-Congratulations about Mid-Atlantic. -Thanks.-恭喜 -修图师的东西拿回来了没-Congratulations. -ls the stuff back from the retoucher? -真是好消息泰德 -谢了-Great news, Ted. -Thanks a lot.早安十一点和威克航♥空♥开会-- Morning. 1 1 :00, meeting with Airwick---从修图师那拿回来的东西呢 -就在这儿-Where's the stuff from the retoucher? -Right here.-我太太有打电♥话♥来吗 -没有-Did my wife call? -No.取消威克航♥空♥十一点半的会议You're gonna have to cancel the Airwick at 1 1 :30.她从来没有这么夸张过She's never gone this far before, but in the past...以前我会知道她在生气...l've known when she's upset because...因为她会沉默不语...she gets very quiet.通常我会说 "怎么了 "Our pattern has been that l've said, "What's the matter?"...她会静静♥坐♥在那里...and she'll kind of sit on it.但我必须承认过去两三周或几个月But in the last few weeks, maybe couple of months...从我们忙着争取客户以来我疏忽了...since we've been going crazy with this account, l've been remiss. 没有看见先兆所以她有点--And l just didn't look at the writing on the wall, so she's kind of-- 我想她昨晚是为了让我注意l think this is a way of making me stop, look and say:"我和你的工作一样重要""l'm as important as your work."有第三者吗ls there another guy?我想没有她不是那种人l don't think so. She's not the type.她有个住楼下的朋友叫玛格丽特She's got this friend, Margaret, downstairs...是个妇女解放者我想这是她们一手导演的...you know, women's lib. l think they may have cooked this up. 这一招奏效了lt worked.我快疯了l'm going crazy!别担心Look, not to worry.她会回来的She'll be back.没想到会发生在我身上l didn't know it would happen to me!小子别被这件事击垮你Don't let it get you down.不会我知道她会回来的我很好真的l know she'll be back. l'm terrific, really.-你是有个麻烦 -你说什么麻烦-You do have a problem, Ted. -Yeah, what's that?你要怎么安置比利What are you gonna do about Billy?这件事昨晚才发生的我想乔安娜回来时会--This just happened last night. l'm sure when Joanna comes back--这不是我的事我不问lt's none of my business. l'll butt out.我想听你的意见Listen, l want to hear your thoughts.我很感谢你花时间和我谈l appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.好这听起来也许有点刺耳May sound a little rough, but...我想你该把比利送到亲戚家一阵子...l think you ought to send Billy away to stay with relatives for a while. 你是说直到乔安娜回来You mean, until Joanna comes back?万一乔安娜不回来呢Suppose Joanna doesn't come back?天啊我不知道Gee, l don't know....泰德听我说Ted, listen to me.我才告诉上司们你负责大西洋航♥空♥l just told the boys upstairs you're handling the Mid-Atlantic account.知道吗这种机会每五六年出现一次You know? A gig like that comes along once every five, six years.公♥司♥很多人很不爽因为我把这个客户交给你There's guys here eating their hearts out because l gave that spot to you. 这很重要别搞砸了This is important. Don't blow this.我必须依靠你我必须110%依靠你l gotta depend on you. l gotta count on you for 1 1 0 percent...我得一周7天一天24小时完全仰赖你...7 days a week, 24 hours a day. l gotta have that.我不能顾虑你担心孩子流鼻水l can't be concerned about you worrying about a kid.你可以一天25小时仰赖我一周8天也没问题First, you can count on me 25 hours a day, 8 days a week.因为我不是失败者Because l'm not a loser, Jim.我不会让私事影响公事l never let anything at home come into the office.你要我跟你倾诉You asked me to unload in this office.我出了这里一切都罩得住你要知道这点When l go outside, l'm on top of it. l want you to know that.我不会被击败的l'm a survivor.你给这个机会我不会搞砸的You've given me a shot here. l'm not gonna let anything blow it. 好吗Okay?晚一点我们去喝一杯真的我很好我得Let's have a drink later. l'm all right. l gotta...在11点我要好好修理威克航♥空♥...blow smoke up Airwick's ass, 1 1 :00.我很好好吗l'm all right!别担心You don't worry.谢谢Thank you.我爱你混♥蛋♥l love you, you bastard.爹地Daddy?爹地Daddy?好等等我想把这个弄完Yeah, honey, just wait a second. l just want to finish this idea. 我得把这个原稿弄好再跟你说话Let me get this copy done, and then l'll talk.大象什么时候坐在篱笆上What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?就是要换新篱笆的时候Time to get a new fence.拜托我刚才想出一句Honey, please--l just got this sentence.爹地Daddy! Daddy!该死Goddamn it! Goddamn it!去沙发上坐着别动Get over there and sit on that couch and don't move!我就知道会这样l knew this was gonna happen! l knew it!不是叫你别在这里喝东西Who told you not to drink this stuff here?-抱歉 -是啊你抱歉-Sorry. -Yeah, you're sorry.我告诉过你在餐厅喝果汁不准再把东西带到这里Told you to keep that juice in the dining room!抱歉Sorry.是谁带你去公园把你想要的东西都买♥♥给你Who took you to the park, gave you everything you wanted?-是谁买♥♥冰淇淋给你 -是你-Who bought you an ice cream? -You.是谁答应爹地回家以后别吵他工作And who promised Daddy that when we got home, you'd let him work? -都毁了不能救了 -抱歉-That's ruined. l can't fix that. -Sorry.早就超过你上♥床♥时间了你何不去睡觉lt's past your bedtime. Why don't you go to sleep?刷牙上完厕所要冲水And brush your teeth and flush the toilet.-买♥♥了纸巾还要什么 -还要清洁剂-Paper towels. What else? -We need detergent.好走吧All right.妈妈都是买♥♥上面有橘色圈圈这种No, Mommy buys the kind with the orange circles on it.-这两种没什么不同 -妈妈说这种最好-There's no difference. -Mom said it was the best.-我们走 -拿粉红色那种-Let's go. -Get the pink stuff.好走了All right, come on.好就这样Okay. That's it.我们还要谷类食品We need some cereal.好哪种颜色的Okay, what color?比利Hey, Billy!比利我说过妈妈会在这星期写信来Billy! Told you Mommy would write before the week was up.-她什么时候回来 -马上就知道了-When is she coming back? -That's what we're gonna find out now. 好我们来念信吧Okay. Let's read it."我亲爱的比利 ""My dearest, sweet Billy."就是你That's you.妈咪走了"Mommy has gone away.世界上有时候Sometimes in the world...爹地走了...daddies go away...妈咪留下来把小朋友带大...and mommies bring up their little boys.有时候妈咪也会走But sometimes, a mommy can go away too...你爹地会把你带大...and you have your daddy to bring you up.我走的原因是我要替自己l have gone away because l must find...找些有趣的事做...something interesting to do for myself in the world.大家都得这么做我也是Everybody has to, and so do l.当你的妈咪是一件事但世界上还有其他事Being your mommy was one thing, but there are other things too... 这就是我必须做的...and this is what l have to do.我一直没机会告诉你这些事l did not get a chance to tell you this...所以我写信给你...and that is why l'm writing you now.我永远都是你的妈咪l will always be your mommy...我会永远爱你...and l will always love you.虽然我不能当你家里的妈咪l just won't be your mommy in the house...但仍是你心中的妈咪...but l'll be your mommy at the heart.现在我得离开去做一个我必须做的人And now l must go and be the person l have to be."我们改天再念这封信好吗We'll read this another time.我无所谓l don't care.泰德和乔安娜克莱默 1969年4月4日成婚-吉姆晚安 -泰德进来-Good night, Jim. -Come on in.-喝一杯 -不行我迟了-Have a drink. -l can't, l'm late now.急什么我们要替诺曼办个派对他在这里待五年了What's the rush? We're having a party for Norman. Five years here. 你能相信吗Can you believe it?我想留下来但我迟到了我要去接比利Wish l could, but l'm late. l gotta pick up Billy.你认识宣传部门的杰瑞吗You know Jerry Hoover, in media?我要跟你说他的一件糗事Tell you something funny.我得走了周一见Gotta go. See you Monday.计程车Taxi!计程车Taxi!-拿去不用找了 -谢谢-Here, keep the change. -Thanks.克莱太太很抱歉我迟到了Hi, Mrs. Kline. l'm sorry l'm late.没关系但比利有点不高兴That's all right, but Billy is upset.小子你好吗Hey, how's it going, sport?我下班时公♥司♥有点事l had a little trouble getting away from the office.抱歉走吧我们走了Sorry. Come on, let's get going.谢谢你来比利等一下Thanks for coming, Billy. Oh, wait a minute.-别忘了糖果袋 -多谢了-Don't forget your goody bag. -Thanks very much.-再见 -谢谢了-Bye. -Thanks a lot.-你玩得高兴吗 -你迟到了-So, did you have a lot of fun? -You're late.-没那么久只迟二十分钟 -你要打赌吗-l'm not that late. Only 20 minutes. -Want to bet?其他的妈妈都比你早来All the other mothers were there before you.你为何这么小题大做路上很塞车Why are you making such a big deal of it? There was traffic. 如果你想做个大男孩lf you want to be a big boy...就得学着别人说抱歉时...you learn that when somebody says they're sorry...不要心存怨恨让人家不好受...you don't hold a grudge and make them feel bad for...难过很久很久...a long time afterwards.好吃吧Okay, go ahead.不要用手吃拜托比利Don't eat with your fingers. Come on, Billy.你知道怎么做You know better than that. Here.用叉子Use a fork.好坐好Come on, come on. Sit up, sit up, sit up.今天在学校如何How was school today?和平常一样Same as usual.尼克队今天赢了l see the Knicks finally won a game.我无所谓l don't care.什么意思What do you mean?-我喜欢波士顿队 -波士顿为何喜欢波士顿队-l like Boston. -Boston? Why do you like Boston?因为妈咪是波士顿人Because Mommy's from Boston.好吧坐好吃多一点Sit up and try to eat. Come on.我可以先离席吗我想睡觉了Can l be excused? l want to go to bed.吃太多生日蛋糕了吗Too much birthday cake?大概是吧Yeah, l guess.很抱歉l'm sorry. Excuse me.露薏丝来帮我一下Louise, give me a hand.你迟到15分钟You're 1 5 minutes late.-康诺先生很生气 -就这些-Mr. O'Connor is very upset. -This all of it?-是的你要现在看信吗 -不要有谁留话吗-Yes. Do you want your mail now? -No, just give me the messages. 提醒我午餐时买♥♥个哭泣娃娃Remind me to get a Crying Chrissie doll at lunch.好Okay, okay.抱歉我迟到了Sorry l'm late.下周二4点学校有家长会And there's a PTA meeting at the school on Tuesday at 4.好谢谢你Right, thanks.把鸡放进冰箱Put the chicken in the refrigerator.知道查理现在和谁约会吗Know who Charley's seeing now?谁Who?离婚的女人有两个女儿和金还有佩缇一样大A divorced woman with two little girls the same age as Kim and Petey. -你开玩笑吗 -没有-Are you kidding? -No.你怎么知道的How do you know?我就是知道l know.你和查理分手多久了How long has it been since you two broke up?一年半Year and a half.那么久了吗That long?我说过你们分手时Did l ever tell you how sorry...我和乔安娜多遗憾多难过吗...how sad Joanna and l were when you guys split?看看那两个可爱的小男生Look at that cute little boy over there.你想你会再婚吗You think you'll ever get married again?-我是说和任何人 -不会-l mean, to anybody. -No.为什么Why?也许没有小孩会不同但Maybe it's different if you don't have children, but...就算查理和我不住在一起...even if Charley and l aren't living together, and even if we're...就算我们都和别人上♥床♥ 或查理再婚...sleeping with other people, even if he were to get married again...他还是我先生...he's still my husband...和孩子的爸爸...and he's still the father of my children and....俗话说"至死不渝"是没错的That stuff about "till death do you part," that's really true.那我问你如果查理的中年危机结束Let's say Charley finishes his midlife crisis...和别的女人玩够了来敲门要你原谅他...he's had it with his flings and comes asking for forgiveness.你会怎么做What would you do?我想当初如果他真的爱我l think that if he really loved me...就不会让我跟他离婚...he wouldn't have let me divorce him.你还是想着他对不对You still think about him, don't you?只是常常吧Only all the time.-你想念乔安娜吗 -没想过-Think about Joanna? -Never.骗人Liar.半斤八两Some pair, boy.我不相信l don't believe it.-你错过闭幕礼 -我很抱歉-You missed the closing. -l'm sorry.听好我要告诉你我很紧张Look, l gotta tell you something. l'm getting very nervous here.自从你太太离开你之后有八个月吗Ever since your wife left you. ls it eight months now?你并没好转You're not getting any better.什么意思What do you mean?听好我不能让你的私事影响我的责任Look, l can't let your family problems interfere with my responsibilities. 我有公♥司♥要经营l got a shop to run.我很懊悔我答应你这不会再发生了l regret it, and l promise you it will never happen again.好吗Okay?喂Yeah?等一下Yeah, wait a minute.-你的电♥话♥ 接461线 -是谁-lt's for you, pick up 461 . -Who is it?接461Pick up 461 .哪位Yeah?比利怎么了Oh, hi, Billy. What's up?不行每天看电视一小时这是规定No, one hour of television a day. That's the rule.不行No.我不管其他人的妈妈怎么做比利我们说好的l don't care what the other mothers do, Billy. We made a deal.我现在不方便谈我在忙l can't talk now. l'm busy.等我晚上回家再说好吗We will talk about it tonight when l get home, all right?双份巧克力脆片我记得Double chocolate chip. l remember.我开始很紧张了l'm getting very nervous.把东西放下吃你的晚饭Put that down and eat your dinner.这是什么烂东西What is this crap?-这是汤汁肉饼 -我讨厌吃-lt's Salisbury steak. -l hate it.你上周吃过你说你喜欢You had it last week and you loved it.我没说我讨厌这些咖啡色的东西很恶心No, l didn't. l hate the brown stuff. lt's gross.-好那些是洋葱和肉汤汁 -我对洋葱过敏-lt's onions and gravy. -l'm allergic to onions.你没有对洋葱过敏你上周才吃过You are not. You had this last week...还记得我说这是我最喜欢吃的你说你也是...and l said it was my favorite and you said, "lt's my favorite too." -我没说 -你有说-l did not. -Yes, you did.这是汉堡肉饼lt's regular hamburger.吃一口就好很好吃Take a bite. lt's delicious.现在又怎么了What's the matter?我要吐了l'm gonna throw up.-不你不会吐 -好恶心-No, you're not. -lt's yucky.才不恶心比利吃下去lt is not yucky, Billy. Eat it.你记得买♥♥ 巧克力脆片冰淇淋吗Did you bring the chocolate chip ice cream home?我记得买♥♥巧克力脆片冰淇淋Yes, l brought the chocolate chip ice cream home...但你现在不能吃除非吃完你的晚餐--...and you can't have it until you eat all your dinner--你要去哪里马上回来Where are you going? Get back here now.听到没Did you hear me?你最好别这样You'd better not do that.小子你最好立刻住手我警告你You'd better stop right there. l'm warning you.听到没Did you hear me?给我听好别耍聪明Now, you listen to me. Don't be smart.把它放回去先吃完晚餐Put that back until you finish your dinner.好我警告你敢吃一口你就麻烦大了lf you take one bite out of that, you're in trouble.你敢你敢吃Don't you dare. Don't you dare do that.听到没住手给我停下来You hear me? Hold it right there.你敢把冰淇淋放进嘴巴你就有很大很大的麻烦You put that ice cream in your mouth and you are in very big trouble. 不准放进嘴巴马上放下。


















莱温斯基TED演讲稿主讲人:莫妮卡莱温斯基主题:羞辱的代价(The price of shame)莱温斯基TED演讲稿陈述了网络语言欺凌受害者的苦楚,这里从莱温斯基22岁的时候担任白宫实习生开始,因为她爱上了她的老板,也就是克林顿总统,然之莱温斯基被贴上了丑恶的标签,这次站在TED演讲上表达了她的想法,以下是中英文两种版本。





















《付出尊严的代价》高一英语作文Little J is my good friend. He recently shared with me an incident that he thought was very lucky. He always wins when he makes bets with his classmates. He told me a particularly interesting bet: Classmate A and Classmate B made a bet that if Classmate B did not swear on that day, A would give B a bottle of Yibao brand mineral water; if B swore, A would give Little J a Mentos candy. In order to get the candy, Little J tried every means to make B swear at him accidentally. As a result, Little J got what he wanted and got the delicious candy.After hearing this story, I thought it was funny at first, but gradually, I felt uncomfortable in my heart, as if something important was lost. Yes, he endured the insults of others for a piece of candy, a piece of branded candy. Where is your dignity? Where is your self-discipline and self-love? My heart cried out loudly. Even if this is just a game, you can't afford to play this game! No one can afford to play it!Little J was still talking nonstop, relishing his "great achievements", which seemed to have surpassed Yue Fei's loyalty to his country, and the only thing missing was an in-depth analysis of Marxist-Leninist theory. What do you think, I interrupted his long speech and coldly said, "Is it worth sacrificing your dignity for a candy bar?" Little J was silent and walked away thoughtfully.I think, if a person loses his dignity, what does he have left? Life? Morality? What is the meaning of these? I asked my friend: "In your opinion,what is worth your dignity?" My friend replied: "Family affection. Sometimes when I encounter something that concerns myself, I may give up my dignity for family affection. Of course, this is not absolute, and the choice of dignity depends on the situation." Is it family affection? Or something else? I still can't come up with a definite answer. However, I understand that paying the price of dignity is painful and requires deep reflection. When Xiao J wakes up, he will definitely regret it, and perhaps he will also understand some truths because of this incident.Finally, I just want to say: "Candy is what I want; dignity is what I want. If I can't get both at the same time, then I will give up candy and choose dignity."。



被压迫者的特权原文作者:佚名《我唾弃你的坟墓》I Spit on Your Grave (1978 美国)导演:梅尔·扎奇制片人:梅尔·扎奇编剧:梅尔·扎奇摄影师:努里·哈维夫演员:卡米莉·基顿、艾龙·塔波尔、理查德·佩斯、安东尼·尼可拉斯《我唾弃你的坟墓》中毫不避讳的暴力和强奸镜头曾带给观众和影评人惊人的震撼,因此被列入“世界十大禁片”之列。























英语轭式搭配英语轭式搭配zeugma 定义为“a figure of speech by which a single word is made to modify or to govern two or more words in t he same sentence , eit her properly applying in sense to only one of them , or applying to t hem in different senses.《辞海》这样来解释拈连:“修辞学上辞格之⼀。




”(⼀) Zeugma 的表现⽅式(1)“动词+ 宾语”结构:1. Two bandits killed t he man and t he luggage.两个匪徒⼲掉了那个⼈并抢了⾏李。

2. Lawsuit consumes time, and money, and rest, and friends.诉讼使⼈耗费时间、⾦钱并使⼈失去安宁和朋友。

3. Children suck the mother when they are young and t he father when they are old.孩⼦⼩时吃娘奶, ⼤了吃爹的。

(2) “形容词+ 名词”的结构:4. It is better to have a patched jacket than to have a patched character .打补丁的⾐服要⽐有缺陷的品⾏好得多。

5. When commemorating t he great soul , the friends of his went to t he graveyard wit h weeping eyes and hearts.在墓地纪念这位伟⼈时, 他朋友的⼀双双眼睛在流泪, ⼀颗颗⼼灵在哭泣。

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网络图片不想回到22岁几个月前,我在《福布斯》杂志举办的“30岁以下”峰会(Under 30 Summit)上发表了首次公开演讲。








































CFP 图让我来描绘这样一幅场景:1998年9月的一天,我坐在美国独立检察官办公室一间没有窗的屋子里,头顶上的日光灯嗡嗡作响。
















CFP 图什么是网络欺凌2010年9月的一天,我正在和我的母亲通电话,我们在讨论一则新闻,关于罗格斯大学的一个名叫泰勒克莱门蒂的大一新生。















































































