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1. 在这个问题上,大家意见不同.

Different people have different ideas on this issue . /Opinions are divided on this issue .

2. 60%的接受调查的学生反对收门票.

According to the sunvey , 60% of the students interviewed are against the idea of entrance fees. 3. 另一方面, 40%的学生认为应该收门票.

On the other hand , 40%of the students think that the entrance ticket should be charged .

4. 简言之, 学生对此未达成一致.

In short , the students have not reached /arrived at /come to any agreement yet .

5. 最近, 我们班对北京动物园是否应该搬出城进行了热烈的讨论.

Recently , our class have had a heated discussion about whether the zoo of Beijing should be moved out of the city .

6. 一些学生同意搬迁, 而另外一些同学反对搬迁. 他们认为北京动物园有着100年的历史. Some of the students are in favor of the move . However , other students are against the idea , saying that the Beijing Zoo has a history of 100 years, and is well known at and abroad .

7. 2005年5月18日, 第5届全国图书展开幕式在天津举行.

On May 18, 2005, the opening ceremony of the 15th National Book Fair was held in Tianjing . 8. 来自全国各地各行各业的6000多人出席了开幕式.

More than 6000 people from all parts of China and all walks of life attended the ceremony .

9. 我国正在致力于构建和谐社会. 我认为每个公民都有义务为实现这一目标而努力.

Our govenment is aiming to build a narnonious society . I think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal .

10. 作为高中生, 我们应该怎么做呢? 首先, 我们应该..., 其次..., 最后..., 至于我自己, 我愿意....

As a high / senior student , what should we do ? Firstly , we should .... secondly .... Thirdly .... Personally / As for myself , I want to .../ I'd like to ...


1. 在这个问题上,大家意见不同.

2. 60%的接受调查的学生反对收门票.

3. 另一方面, 40%的学生认为应该收门票.

4. 简言之, 学生对此未达成一致.

5. 最近, 我们班对北京动物园是否应该搬出城进行了热烈的讨论.

6. 一些学生同意搬迁, 而另外一些同学反对搬迁. 他们认为北京动物园有着100年的历史.

7. 2005年5月18日, 第5届全国图书展开幕式在天津举行.

8. 来自全国各地各行各业的6000多人出席了开幕式.

9. 我国正在致力于构建和谐社会. 我认为每个公民都有义务为实现这一目标而努力.

10. 作为高中生, 我们应该怎么做呢? 首先, 我们应该..., 其次..., 最后..., 至于我自己, 我愿意....

1. 我们从现在开始, 每时每刻不遗余力地努力.

Let's staet right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day , every hour and every minute .

2. 如图所示, 1998年至2003年人们的饮食习惯有了很大的变化.

The tale shows that there were great changes in people's diet from 1998 to 2003.

3. 主要有两个原因导致这种变化.

There are two main reasons for these changes .

4. 在城里生活有弊有利.

There are both advantages and disadvanges in living in the city .

5. 再者, 运动可以使我们放松大脑,保证睡眠.

In addition , doing sports can make our brains relaxed and enable us to have a good sleep every night .

What's more , sports make our brains relaxed and enable us to have a good sleep every night

6. 总之, 全身心地投入学习才是最重要的.

In a word , nothing is more important than to devote ourselves to our study .

7. 随着科技的发展, 人们与亲戚之间问候的方式有了更广泛的选择.

With the development of science and technologe , people have a wider choice of sending greeting to their friends and relatives .

8. 政府应该采取措施限制或禁止一次性木筷的生产以保护森林资源和环境.

The govenment should take measures to limit or forbid producing the throw-away chopsticks to protect the forest resources and our evironment .

9. 图书馆开放的时间: 周一至周五, 早上九点到下午七点, 周末闭馆.

The library is open from 9:oo to 7:00 pm from Monday to Friday and closed at/on weekends . 10. 最近我们就高中生的阅读兴趣做了调查.

Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students .


1. 我们从现在开始, 每时每刻不遗余力地努力.

2. 如图所示, 1998年至2003年人们的饮食习惯有了很大的变化.

3. 主要有两个原因导致这种变化.

4. 在城里生活有弊有利.

5. 再者, 运动可以使我们放松大脑,保证睡眠.

6. 总之, 全身心地投入学习才是最重要的.

7. 随着科技的发展, 人们与亲戚之间问候的方式有了更广泛的选择.

8. 政府应该采取措施限制或禁止一次性木筷的生产以保护森林资源和环境.

9. 图书馆开放的时间: 周一至周五, 早上九点到下午七点, 周末闭馆。

10. 最近我们就高中生的阅读兴趣做了调查.
