ASTM B 604-97 塑料件电镀涂装铜+镍+铬标准规范(中文)






1.2 本标准包含了镀件使用中表面沉积金属薄膜或沉积薄膜后敲打电镀层的要求。

1.3 以下是第6节,附录A1,附录X2,X3,X4部分的测试方法标准,该标准不阐述使用中出现的所有安全的问题。


2.参考文件2.1 ASTM标准B368 铜加速盐雾测试方式(CASS测试)B487 通过显微检测金属及氧化物镀层厚度方法B489 金属管件电镀沉积或自动沉积金属层弯曲测试延伸率方法B504 电量分析法测金属镀层厚度方法B530 电镀沉积镍层在磁性和非磁性状态下用电磁法测镀层厚度方法B532 电镀塑件表面处观标准B533 金属电镀塑件剥离强度测试方法B556 用点滴法测铬层厚度方法B567 用贝塔粒子反射法测镀层厚度方法B568 用X射线分光计测镀层厚度方法B602 样本中金属或无机物镀层属性测试方法B659 测试金属或无机物镀层厚度指南B727 电镀塑件材料准备的应用B764 同时测试多层镍层沉积物中每层镍层的厚度以及每层电化学应力D1193 试剂水的标准E50 化学法分析金属时,试验仪器、试剂以及试验安全性预防3.种类3.1按本标准根据不同应用条件可将电镀层分为五种等级以及根据含铜、镍、铬的多少可分为多种形式的镀层。

3.2 使用条件3.2.1 根据镀件暴露严重程度可分为五种规模的电镀等级SC5——特别严重级SC4——比较严重级SC3——严重级SC2——中等级SC1——普通级3.2.2 应用条件数在附目X1中有进一步的定义3.3镀层类别数——镀层分类数意味着电镀形式以及每一个电镀等级镀层的合适厚度。

它由以下几部分组成3.3.1 可电镀塑件表示为PL/3.3.2 铜元素(Cu)3.3.3 铜层的最小厚度(µm)3.3.4 小写字母为铜电镀沉积形式3.3.5 镍元素(Ni)3.3.6 M层的最小厚度(µm)3.3.7 小写字母为镍电镀沉积的形式3.3.8 铬元素(Cr)3.3.9 小写字母为Cr的形式(见3.4和6.3.3)3.4 种类表达式的含义——以下小写字母必须用在镀层种类数中来描述镀层的形式a ——表示从酸性溶液中沉积出来的铜b ——表示单层镍d ——表示双层或3层Ni电镀层r ——表示常规的Crmc ——表示常规微晶粒的Crmp ——表示多微孔的Cr3.5 例子——一个塑件镀层含有最少15µm的可延长性酸式铜,最小15µm双层镍层以及最小0.25µm多微孔的铬层则其分类数表达式可表示为:PL/Cu 15aNi15d Cr mp。





1.2 本标准包含了镀件使用中表面沉积金属薄膜或沉积薄膜后敲打电镀层的要求。

1.3 以下是第6节,附录A1,附录X2,X3,X4部分的测试方法标准,该标准不阐述使用中出现的所有安全的问题。


2.参考文件2.1 ASTM标准B368 铜加速盐雾测试方式(CASS测试)B487 通过显微检测金属及氧化物镀层厚度方法B489 金属管件电镀沉积或自动沉积金属层弯曲测试延伸率方法B504 电量分析法测金属镀层厚度方法B530 电镀沉积镍层在磁性和非磁性状态下用电磁法测镀层厚度方法B532 电镀塑件表面处观标准B533 金属电镀塑件剥离强度测试方法B556 用点滴法测铬层厚度方法B567 用贝塔粒子反射法测镀层厚度方法B568 用X射线分光计测镀层厚度方法B602 样本中金属或无机物镀层属性测试方法B659 测试金属或无机物镀层厚度指南B727 电镀塑件材料准备的应用B764 同时测试多层镍层沉积物中每层镍层的厚度以及每层电化学应力D1193 试剂水的标准E50 化学法分析金属时,试验仪器、试剂以及试验安全性预防3.种类3.1按本标准根据不同应用条件可将电镀层分为五种等级以及根据含铜、镍、铬的多少可分为多种形式的镀层。

3.2 使用条件3.2.1 根据镀件暴露严重程度可分为五种规模的电镀等级SC5——特别严重级SC4——比较严重级SC3——严重级SC2——中等级SC1——普通级3.2.2 应用条件数在附目X1中有进一步的定义3.3镀层类别数——镀层分类数意味着电镀形式以及每一个电镀等级镀层的合适厚度。

它由以下几部分组成3.3.1 可电镀塑件表示为PL/3.3.2 铜元素(Cu)3.3.3 铜层的最小厚度(µm)3.3.4 小写字母为铜电镀沉积形式3.3.5 镍元素(Ni)3.3.6 M层的最小厚度(µm)3.3.7 小写字母为镍电镀沉积的形式3.3.8 铬元素(Cr)3.3.9 小写字母为Cr的形式(见3.4和6.3.3)3.4 种类表达式的含义——以下小写字母必须用在镀层种类数中来描述镀层的形式a ——表示从酸性溶液中沉积出来的铜b ——表示单层镍d ——表示双层或3层Ni电镀层r ——表示常规的Crmc ——表示常规微晶粒的Crmp ——表示多微孔的Cr3.5 例子——一个塑件镀层含有最少15µm的可延长性酸式铜,最小15µm双层镍层以及最小0.25µm多微孔的铬层则其分类数表达式可表示为:PL/Cu 15aNi15d Cr mp。



后附五金(电镀)/塑胶件缺点定义及判断附表一五金件:电镀 / 喷漆部分外观查验标准Item Class I Class II Class III Class IV Remark刮伤宽宽宽线与线 > 50mm 长 : 10mm长: 12mm长: 20mm露底材不接受 .接受 2 line接受 2 line接受 2 line凹点直径直径直径露底材不接受深深深接受1点接受 1 点 by one 接受 2 点side异物 ,突点直径直径直径点到点>高高高150mm.接受3点接受3点接受4点银色部分银色点 :银色点 :银色点 :点到点 >50mm 污点 / 凹点 / 凸D<0.4 mm D<0.5 mm D<0.5 mm在同一地区内只接点接受2点接受 2点接受 2点受 1 个黑点和一个高黑色点 :黑色点 :污点黑色点 :接受 2点接受 3点高接受2点银色部分银色部分银色部分银色部分线状异物宽宽宽长 : 5mm长: 5 mm长: 10 mm接受1 条接受2 条接受2 条电镀部分亮点 :亮点污点 ,凸点直径接受接受 ,3mm地区内直径超出 6点不接受高其余地区,点到接受2点点 >20mm.黑点 dot:直径高接受1点电镀靠谱度测试(如有要求,需做以下试验)盐水喷雾试验:1.试验条件 : Na Cl 浓度 5%,温度 35℃± 1℃ ,时间 48h2.测试样品数目 :5pcs.3.判断方法 : 除掉盐渍后无显然色彩变化及剥落现象抽样计划(依照uec 零组件进料查验规范QA-0100C)1.外观抽样依照MIL-STD-105E 一般Ⅱ级随机抽样2.判断标准为0 收 1退判断。

塑胶件外观查验标准一.缺点定义:1点 (含杂质 ):拥有点的形状,丈量时以其最大直径为其尺寸2毛边:在塑料部件的边沿或联合线处线性突出(往常为成型不良所致 )3银丝:在成型中形成的气体使塑料部件表面褪色(往常为白色 )。

ASTM B 塑料件电镀涂装铜 镍 铬标准规范 中文

ASTM B 塑料件电镀涂装铜 镍 铬标准规范 中文




1、范围1.1 本规范涉及的要求用于电镀铜+镍+铬塑料素材的几种等级和类型,而这些素材的外观,耐用性和热循环都对服务性能非常重要。


1.2 本规范涉及使用的涂装要求,是在应用自动角媒的金属膜之后使用的,或者在应用自动触媒后任何涂装的应用之后使用的。

1.3 以下只属于此规范测试方法的笫六部分,附录A1,附录X2,附录X3和附录X4。



2 参考文献2.1 ASTM标准:B 368 方法用于铜加速盐雾试验(CASS试验)B 487 试验方法用于交叉部分检验金属和氧气涂装厚度的测量B 489 条例用于金属涂装电镀和自动触媒延展性的弯曲试验B 504 试验方法金属涂装厚度的测量B 530试验方法用磁性的方法测量涂装厚度:磁性的非磁性素材的镀镍涂装B 532 规范用于电镀塑料表面或外观B 533试验方法用于电镀金属塑料件脱层强度B 556 指南用于通过斑点测试对薄铬层的测量B 567 试验方法用于通过Beta Backscatter方法测量涂装厚度B 568试验方法用于通过X光谱测量涂装厚度B 602 试验方法用于金属和非有机涂装样件性能B 659 指南用于金属和非有机涂装厚度测量B 727 条例用于电镀塑料材料的准备B 764 试验方法用于多层电镀镍中单层厚度和电化学潜力的决定(STEP试验)D 1193 试剂规范E 50 条例用于金属化学分析的仪器,试剂和安全防护措施3 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 重要表面———通常为可视表面(直射或反射),当正常装车后损坏表面的产品来源时,对产品的外观或服务性能起重要作用的表面。



注塑、涂装、电镀、硅胶、IML产品品质通用检验标准1. Purpose目的为使本公司产品能达到并维持一定的品质水准,并清晰地向客户阐明所提供产品的品质标准及检验方法,特制定本标准.2. Scope范围本公司提供给客户的注塑制品、涂装制品、IML制品的品质规格要求.3. Definitions定义3.1抽样方案:采用国家标准GB2828.1-2003idt国际标准ISO2859-1:1999计数型抽样检验程序单次抽样为本公司出货检验抽样标准。

合要求.MAJ重缺点:对产品组装功能、外观有影响,或两个轻缺点构成一个重缺点.MIN轻缺点:产品有一定瑕疵,但不影响产品外观、组装、功能者.3.2 外观等级分类及定义:A面: 产品正常工作状态下可见的表面,通常包括顶面、前面B面: 产品正常工作状态下不直接可见的表面,通常包括侧面和背面C面: 产品正常工作状态下不可见的表面,通常包括底面和内部3.3 检查基准:3.3.1 照度: 400~800 Lux光线的照明下, 以45度角,视力在1.0或以上无色盲的检查者进行检查。

3.3.2 A级面50cm的距离观察5秒钟以内发现不了缺点时判定为接受B.C级面50cm的距离观察3秒钟以内发现不了缺点时判定为接受(注:客户没有特别指示时缺点距离定为20mm,C面一般不作外观要求).3.3.3 跟外观不良限收样板比较检查,基准值以下判定为接受3.3.4 跟设计承认样品比较检查, 基准值以下判定为接受3.3.5 跟设计承认书及图面比较检查(外观及尺寸关联事项)4. Note 注意事项:4.1 本《通用品质检查标准》为我司所供应的注塑、喷涂、电镀、硅胶及IML制品之基本检测项目标准。


则产品价格将据品质成本的增加而有所变化.4.2 客户指定的供应商所供的物料或是客户直接提供的物料,按客户要求进行检验(或免检),如发生品质问题,需及时反馈。


6.5 GB/T 4955-1997
3.4.4测试条件:参考及《ASTM B117-73盐雾实验标准》及《盐雾试验机操作指引》



后附五金(电镀)/塑胶件缺陷定义及判定附表一五金件:电镀/喷漆部分外观检验标准电镀可靠度测试(若有要求,需做以下试验)盐水喷雾试验:1.试验条件: Na Cl浓度5%,温度35℃±1℃,时间48h2.测试样品数量:5pcs.3.判定方法: 除去盐渍后无明显色泽变化及剥落现象抽样计划(依照uec 零组件进料检验规范QA-0100C)1.外观抽样依据MIL-STD-105E 一般Ⅱ级随机抽样2.判定标准为0 收1退判定。

塑胶件外观检验标准一.缺陷定义:1 点(含杂质):具有点的形状,测量时以其最大直径为其尺寸2 毛边:在塑料零件的边缘或结合线处线性凸起(通常为成型不良所致)3 银丝:在成型中形成的气体使塑料零件表面退色(通常为白色)。




11同色点: 指颜色与部品颜色相接近的点;反之为异色点。

12流水纹:由于成形的原因﹐在浇口处留下的热溶塑料流动的条纹13熔接痕:由于两条或更多的熔融的塑料流汇聚,而形成在零件表面的线性痕迹14装配缝隙:除了设计时规定的缝隙外,由两部组件装配造成的缝隙15细碎划伤:无深度的表面擦伤或痕迹(通常为手工操作时造成)16硬划伤:硬物或锐器造成零件表面的深度线性伤痕(通常为手工操作时造成) 17凹痕缩水:零件表面出现凹陷的痕迹或尺寸小于设计尺寸(通常为成型不良所致)18颜色分离:塑料生产中,流动区出现的条状或点状色痕(通常由于加入再生材料引起)19不可见:指瑕疵直径<0.03mm为不可见,LENS透明区除外(依每部品材料所订定之检测距离)20碰伤:产品表面或边缘遭硬物撞击而产生的痕迹21油斑:附着在对象表面的油性液体22漏喷:应喷漆之产品表面部份因异常原因而导致油漆没有喷到露出底材之现象23修边不良:产品边缘处因人工修边而产生缺口等不规则形状24毛屑:分布在喷漆件表面的线型杂质。





















1.2 典型应用。























1.2 典型应用。





ASTM B368 CASS测试标准ASTM B533 剥落测试标准(没动过手)ASTM B571 粘附力测试的标准惯例锯磨测试ASTM B604 塑料件上的装饰性铜、镍和铬静电涂层标准说明书,里面简要介绍了沉积法和活性腐蚀设置。





















1.2 典型应用。





Designation:B604–91(Reapproved2008)Standard Specification forDecorative Electroplated Coatings of Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium on Plastics1This standard is issued under thefixed designation B604;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1This specification covers the requirements for several grades and types of electrodeposited copper plus nickel plus chromium coatings on plateable plastic substrates where ap-pearance,durability and resistance to thermal cycling are important to service performance.Five grades of coatings are provided to correlate with the service conditions under which each is expected to provide satisfactory performance.1.2This specification covers the requirements for coatings applied subsequent to the application of metalfilm by auto-catalytic deposition or subsequent to the application of any strike coatings after autocatalytic deposition.1.3The following caveat pertains only to the test method portions of Section6,Annex A1,and Appendix X2,Appendix X3,and Appendix X4of this specification.This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2B368Test Method for Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray(Fog)Testing(CASS Test)B487Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of Cross SectionB489Practice for Bend Test for Ductility of Electrodepos-ited and Autocatalytically Deposited Metal Coatings on MetalsB504Test Method for Measurement of Thickness of Me-tallic Coatings by the Coulometric MethodB530Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thick-nesses by the Magnetic Method:Electrodeposited Nickel Coatings on Magnetic and Nonmagnetic SubstratesB532Specification for Appearance of Electroplated Plastic SurfacesB533Test Method for Peel Strength of Metal Electroplated PlasticsB556Guide for Measurement of Thin Chromium Coatings by Spot TestB567Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter MethodB568Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by X-Ray SpectrometryB602Test Method for Attribute Sampling of Metallic and Inorganic CoatingsB659Guide for Measuring Thickness of Metallic and Inorganic CoatingsB727Practice for Preparation of Plastics Materials for ElectroplatingB764Test Method for Simultaneous Thickness and Elec-trode Potential Determination of Individual Layers in Multilayer Nickel Deposit(STEP Test)D1193Specification for Reagent WaterE50Practices for Apparatus,Reagents,and Safety Consid-erations for Chemical Analysis of Metals,Ores,and Related Materials3.Terminology3.1Definitions:3.1.1significant surfaces—those surfaces normally visible (directly or by reflection)that are essential to the appearance or serviceability of the article when assembled in normal position or that can be the source of corrosion products that deface visible surfaces on the assembled article.4.Classification4.1Five grades of coatings designated by service condition numbers and several types of coatings defined by classification numbers are covered by this specification.4.2Service Condition Number:4.2.1The service condition number indicates the severity of exposure for which the grade of coating is intended,in accordance with the following scale:1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B08onMetallic and Inorganic Coatings and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeB08.08.03on Decorative Coatings.Current edition approved Aug.1,2008.Published September2008.Originallyapproved st previous edition approved in2003as B604–91(2003).2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---SC5—extended very severe SC4—very severe SC3—severe SC2—moderate SC1—mild4.2.2Service condition numbers are further defined in Appendix X1where they are related to the severity of exposure encountered by electroplated articles.4.3Coating Classification Number —The coating classifi-cation number is a means of specifying the types and thick-nesses of coatings appropriate for each grade and is comprised of the following:4.3.1The symbol for the substrate (PL)indicating it is plateable plastic,followed by a slash mark,4.3.2The chemical symbol for copper (Cu),4.3.3A number giving the minimum thickness of the copper coating in micrometres,4.3.4A lower-case letter designating the type of copper electrodeposit (see 4.4and 6.3.1),4.3.5The chemical symbol for nickel (Ni),4.3.6A number giving the minimum thickness of the nickel in micrometres,4.3.7A lower-case letter designating the type of nickel electrodeposit (see 4.4and 6.3.2),4.3.8The chemical symbol for chromium (Cr),and4.3.9A lower-case letter or letters designating the type of chromium (see 4.4and 6.3.3).4.4Symbols for Expressing Classification —The following lower-case letters shall be used in coating classification num-bers to describe the types of coatings:a —ductile copper deposited from acid-type bathsb —single-layer nickel deposited in the fully-bright condition d —double-or triple-layer nickel coatings r —regular (that is,conventional)chromium mc —microcracked chromium mp —microporous chromium4.5Example of Complete Classification Number —A coat-ing on plastic comprising 15µm minimum ductile acid copper plus 15µm minimum double-layer nickel plus 0.25µm minimum microporous chromium has the classification num-ber:PL/Cu15a Ni15d Cr mp.5.Ordering Information5.1When ordering articles to be electroplated in accordance with this standard,the purchaser shall state the following:5.1.1ASTM designation number.5.1.2Either the classification number of the specific coat-ing required (see 4.3)or the substrate material and the service condition number denoting the severity of the conditions it is required to withstand (see 4.2).If the service condition number is quoted and not the classification number,the manufacturer is free to supply any of the types of coatings designated by the classification number corresponding to the service condition number,as given in Table 1.3On request,the manufacturer shall inform the purchaser of the classification number of the coating applied.5.1.3The appearance required,for example,bright,dull,or satin.Alternatively,samples showing the required finish or range of finish shall be supplied or approved by the purchaser.5.1.4The significant surfaces,to be indicated on drawings of the parts,or by the provision of suitably marked specimens (see 3.1).5.1.5The positions on significant surfaces for rack or contact marks,where such marks are unavoidable (see6.1.1).5.1.6The extent to which defects shall be tolerated on nonsignificant surfaces.5.1.7The ductility if other than the standard value (see6.4).5.1.8The extent of tolerable surface deterioration after corrosion testing (see 6.6.3).5.1.9Sampling methods and acceptance levels (See Section 7).5.1.10Whether thermal cycle and corrosion testing shall be conducted individually on separate specimens as described in6.6and 6.7,or sequentially using the same specimens as described in 6.8,and whether the specimens shall be un-mounted or mounted in a manner simulating assembly when these tests are conducted.5.2The minimum values of the electrochemical potential differences between individual nickel layers as measured in accordance with Test Method B 764within the limits given in6.10.6.Product Requirements 6.1Visual Defects :6.1.1The significant surfaces of the electroplated articles shall be free of visible defects,such as blisters,pits,roughness,cracks,and uncoated areas,and shall not be stained or discolored.On articles where a visible contact mark is un-avoidable,its position shall be specified by the purchaser.The electroplated article shall be free of damage and clean.6.1.2Defects in the surface of the molded plastic,such as cold shots,ejection marks,flash,gate marks,parting lines,splay and others,may adversely affect the appearance and performance of coatings applied thereto despite the observance3“Performance of Decorative Electrodeposited Copper-Nickel-Chromium Coat-ings on Plastics”is a final report on programs conducted by ASTM and ASEP to evaluate the coating classification numbers.A copy of the report has been filed at ASTM Headquarters as RR B-8-1003.TABLE 1Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium Coatings onPlastic AService Condition Number Classification NumberEquivalent Nickel Thicknessµmmils (approx.)SC 5PL/Cu15a Ni30d Cr mc PL/Cu15a Ni30d Cr mp 3030 1.21.2SC 4PL/Cu15a Ni30d Cr r PL/Cu15a Ni25d Cr mc PL/Cu15a Ni25d Cr mp 302525 3PL/Cu15a Ni25d Cr r PL/Cu15a Ni20d Cr mc PL/Cu15a Ni20d Cr mp 252020 2PL/Cu15a Ni15b Cr r PL/Cu15a Ni10b Cr mc PL/Cu15a Ni10b Cr mp 1510100.60.40.4SC 1PL/Cu15aNi7b Cr r70.3AThe minimum copper thickness may be greater in some applications to meet thermal cycling and otherrequirements.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---of the best electroplating practice.Accordingly,the electroplat-er’s responsibility for defects in the coating resulting from the plastic-molding operation shall be waived (Note 1).N OTE 1—To minimize problems of this type,the specifications cover-ing the items to be electroplated should contain appropriate limitations on the extent of surface defects.Practice B 532distinguishes between defects that arise primarily in molding and those that arise in electroplating operations.6.2Pretreatments —Proper preparatory procedures are es-sential for satisfactory performance of electrodeposited coat-ings on plastics.Procedures described in Practice B 727may be followed.In the case of patented processes,the instructions provided by the suppliers of those processes shall be followed.6.3Process and Coating Requirements —Following prepa-ratory operations,plastic articles are placed in electroplating solutions as required to produce the composite coating de-scribed by the specific coating classification number or by coating one of the specified classification numbers listed in Table 1appropriate for the specified service condition number.6.3.1Type of Copper —Ductile copper shall be deposited from acid-type baths containing organic additives that promote leveling by the copper deposit.6.3.2Type of Nickel —For double-or triple-layer nickel coatings,the bottom layer shall contain less than 0.005mass %sulfur (Note 2).The top layer shall contain greater than 0.04mass %sulfur (Note 3),and its thickness shall be not less than 10%of the total nickel thickness.In double-layer coatings,the thickness of the bottom layer shall be not less than 60%of the total nickel thickness.In triple-layer coatings,the bottom layer shall be not less than 50%nor more than 70%.If there are three layers,the intermediate layer shall contain not less than 0.15mass %sulfur and shall not exceed 10%of the total nickel thickness.These requirements for multilayer nickel coatings are summarized in Table of Chromium Deposit —The minimum per-missible thickness of the chromium deposit shall be 0.25µm on significant surfaces.The thickness of chromium is designated by the same symbol as the type instead of by numerals as in the case of copper and nickel (see 4.4).N OTE 2—The sulfur content is specified in order to indicate which type of nickel electroplating solution must be used.Although no simple method is yet available for determining the sulfur content of a nickel deposit on a coated article,chemical determinations are possible using speciallyprepared test specimens.See Appendix X2for the determination of sulfur in electrodeposited nickel.N OTE 3—It will usually be possible to identify the type of nickel by microscopical examination of the polished and etched section of an article prepared in accordance with Test Method B 487.The thickness of the individual nickel layers in double-layer and triple-layer coatings,as well as the electrochemical relationships between the individual layers can be measured by the STEP test in accordance with Test Method B 764.6.4Ductility —The minimum value of the ductility shall be 8%for copper and for nickel when tested by the method given in Appendix X3.Greater ductility may be requested but shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manu-facturer.6.5Coating Thickness :6.5.1The minimum coating thickness shall be as designated by the coating classification number.6.5.2It is recognized that requirements may exist for thicker coatings than are covered by this specification.6.5.3The thickness of a coating and its various layers shall be measured at points on the significant surfaces (see 4.2and Note 4.)N OTE 4—When significant surfaces are involved on which the specified thickness of deposit cannot readily be controlled,such as threads,holes,deep recesses,bases of angles,and similar areas,the purchaser and the manufacturer should recognize the necessity for either thicker deposits on the more accessible surfaces or for special racking.Special racks may involve the use of conforming,auxiliary,or bipolar electrodes,or nonconducting shields. coulometric method described in Test Method B 504may be used to measure thickness of the chromium,the total thickness of the nickel,and the thickness of the copper.The STEP test,Test Method B 764,which is similar to the coulometric method,may be used to determine the thicknesses of individual layers of nickel in a multilayer coating. microscopical method described in Test Method B 487may be used to measure the thickness of each nickel layer and of the copper layer. beta backscatter method described in Test Method B 567may be used when the total thickness of a copper/nickel/chromium composite coating is to be measured,without any indication of the thickness of each individual layer. methods may be used if it can be demon-strated that the uncertainty of the measurement is less than 10%,or less than that of any applicable method mentioned in 6.4.3.Other methods are outlined in Test Methods B 530and B 568and Guides B 556and B 659.6.6Corrosion Testing :6.6.1Coated articles shall be subjected to the corrosion test for a period of time that is appropriate for the particular service condition number (or for the service condition number corre-sponding to a specified classification number)as shown in Table 3.The test is described in detail in the referenced ASTM standard.N OTE 5—There is no direct relation between the results of an acceler-ated corrosion test and the resistance to corrosion in other media because several factors,such as the formation of protective films,influence the progress of corrosion and vary greatly with the conditions encountered.The results obtained in the test should,therefore,not be regarded as a direct guide to the corrosion resistance of the tested materials in all environments where these materials may be used.Also,performance ofTABLE 2Summary of the Requirements for Double-and Triple-Layer Nickel CoatingsLayer Type ofNickel SpecificElongation Sulfur ContentThickness Relative to TotalNickel Thickness Double-Layer Triple-Layer Bottom(s)8%less than 0.005%equal to or greater than 50%equal to or greater than 50%Middle (high-sulfur (b))...greater than0.15mass %...10%max Top (b)...greater than 0.04%equal to or greater than40%equal to or greater than 40%Test MethodAppendix X3A ...BA See Note 2in the text of this specification.BSee Note 3in the text of thisspecification.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---different materials in the test cannot always be taken as a direct guide to the relative corrosion resistance of these materials in service.6.6.2After subjecting the article to the treatment described in the relevant test method,it shall be examined for evidence of corrosion penetration to the substrate or the copper layer,and for blistering of the coating.Any evidence of copper corrosion,blistering of the coating,or substrate exposure shall be cause for rejection.It is to be understood that occasional widely scattered corrosion defects may be observed after the testing period.In general,“acceptable resistance”shall mean that such defects are not,when viewed critically,significantly defacing or otherwise deleterious to the function of the electroplated part.6.6.3Surface deterioration of the coating itself is expected to occur during the testing of some types of coatings.The extent to which such surface deterioration will be tolerated shall be specified by the purchaser.6.7Thermal Cycle Testing :6.7.1Coated articles shall be subjected to three cycles of the thermal cycle test as outlined in Annex A1.The specified service condition number of the coating (or the service condition number corresponding to the specified classification number)shall correspond to the service condition number in Annex A1for determining the temperature extremes as out-lined therein.6.7.2After having been subjected to three cycles of the appropriate thermal cycle test,the coated article shall show no visible defects,such as cracking,blistering,peeling,sink marks,and distortions.N OTE 6—There is no direct relation between the results of thermal cycle testing and performance in service,because it is not always possible to predict and control the thermal exposure of the coated article in service or during storage.Therefore,the results of thermal cycling should be used to control the quality of electroplated plastic articles and not as direct guide to performance in service.6.8Combined Thermal Cycle and Corrosion Testing :6.8.1Corrosion testing may be combined with thermal cycle testing for articles electroplated according to the require-ments of SC5,SC4,and SC3by using the same coated articles in each test in sequence as described in this section.The use of combined thermal cycle and corrosion testing obviates the need to conduct the individual tests described in 6.6and the coated articles to one 16-h cycle according to the procedures outlined in Method B 368(CASS test).6.8.3Parts shall be rinsed with demineralized water only after each CASS test cycle.6.8.4Subject the electroplated articles to the thermal cycle test procedure given in Annex A1.6.8.5Steps 6.8.2through 6.8.4represent one cycle of combined thermal cycle and corrosion testing.For articles electroplated to SC5or SC4,repeat for two additional times.For articles electroplated to SC3,repeat one additional time.6.8.6Coated articles shall be examined for defects after each cycle of combined thermal cycle-corrosion testing as indicated in 6.6.2and —Test Method B 533provides a procedure for measurement of the peel strength (adhesion)of metal-electroplated plastics using standard specimens.Since there is no direct correlation between results obtained on standard specimens and actual molded parts,the method is useful to determine that processing solutions are capable of giving acceptable results.The thermal cycle test described in 6.7and the subsequent examination of the electroplated articles de-scribed in 6.7.2,or alternatively,the combined thermal cycle test described in 6.7.2,or alternatively,the combined thermal cycle and corrosion tests described in 6.8,are recommended instead of other tests.6.10STEP Test Requirement :6.10.1The electrochemical potential differences between individual nickel layers shall be measured for multilayer coatings corresponding to SC5,SC4,and SC3in accordance with Test Method B 764(STEP test).See Note7.N OTE 7—Universally accepted STEP values have not been established but some agreement exists for the required ranges.The STEP values depend on which two nickel layers are being measured:(a )the STEP potential difference between the semi-bright nickel layer and the bright nickel layer is within the range of 100to 200mV .For all combinations of nickel layers,the semi-bright nickel layer is more noble (cathodic)than the bright nickel;(b )the STEP potential difference between the high-activity nickel layer and the bright nickel layer in triple-layer nickel coatings is within the range of 15to 35mV .The high-activity layer is more active (anodic)than the bright nickel layer;and (c )the STEP potential difference between the bright nickel layer and a nickel layer between the bright nickel layer and the chromium layer is within 0to 30mV .The bright nickel layer is more active (anodic)than the nickel layer applied prior to the chromium.6.11Sulfur Content :6.11.1The sulfur content of the nickel deposit shall meet the maximum or minimum values as stated in 6.3.2and Table for sulfur determinations are given in Ap-pendix X2.6.12Density and Measurement of Discontinuities in Chro-mium :6.12.1The density of cracks or pores in microcracked or microporous chromium deposits shall meet minimum values.Microcracked chromium shall have more than 30cracks/mm in any direction over the whole of the significant surface.Mi-croporous chromium shall contain a minimum of 100pores/mm 2in any direction over the whole of the significant surface.The cracks and pores shall be invisible to the unaided eye.6.12.2Methods for measuring the discontinuities are given in Appendix X4.See X4.4for a means of determining corrosion sites by corrosion testing.TABLE 3Corrosion Tests Appropriate for Each ServiceCondition NumberService Condition NumberDuration of Corrosion (CASS)Test ASC 5three 16-h cycles B SC 4two 16-h cycles B SC 3one 16-h cycle B SC 28h SC1...A See MethodB 368.BEach 16-h CASS test cycle shall consist of 16h of exposure followed by removal from the test cabinet,rinsing in water,and inspection.The test specimen shall not be out of the test cabinet for more than 8h betweencycles.7.Sampling Requirement7.1A random sample of the size required by Test Method B 602shall be selected from the inspection lot (see 7.2).The articles in the lot shall be inspected for conformance to the requirements of this specification and the lot shall be classified as conforming or not conforming to each requirement accord-ing to the criteria of the sampling plans in Test Method B 602.N OTE 8—Test Method B 602contains three sampling plans for the original inspection of coated articles.Two are to be used where the test methods are nondestructive,that is,the test method does not make the article nonconforming.The third plan is used where the test method is destructive.If it is not clear if the test is destructive or not,the purchaser should identify which test methods are destructive,and which are nondestructive.In some instances,both nondestructive and destructive test methods may exist for the testing of the conformance of a coating to a particular requirement.The purchaser should state which is to be used.7.2An inspection lot shall be defined as a collection of coated articles that are of the same kind,that have been produced to the same specifications,that have been coated by a single supplier at one time,or at approximately the same time,under essentially identical conditions,and that are submitted for acceptance or rejection as a group.7.3If separate test specimens are used to represent the coated articles in a test,the specimens shall be of the nature,size,and number and be processed as required in Annex A1and Appendix X2,Appendix X3,and Appendix X4.Unless a need can be demonstrated,separately prepared specimens shall not be used in place of production items for nondestructive tests and visual examination.For destructive tests including determination of ductility,sulfur content,the number of discontinuities,thermal cycle and corrosion testing,and STEP testing,separately prepared specimens may be used.ANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.Thermal Cycling of Electroplated PlasticsN OTE A1.1—This test method is used to ensure compliance of electro-plated plastics with the thermal cycle requirements given in 6.7and 6.8.A1.1Apparatus —The apparatus shall consist of a circulat-ing air heating chamber and cooling chamber sufficiently powered,insulated,and controlled to closely maintain the preset temperature.The two chambers may be separate,or may be built so as to constitute a single chamber.The controller and recorder used for chamber control,calibration,and records shall be accurate to 61°C.All points within the working area of the test chamber shall remain within 63°C of the set temperature.The air circulation shall be controlled to permit a consistent rate of heating or cooling of the parts during the test.A1.2Elapsed Time After Electroplating —The elapsed time between completion of the electroplating operation and thermal cycle testing may influence the results.The elapsed time shall be 2462h.A1.3Procedure:A1.3.1Parts may be introduced into the chamber un-mounted,or mounted in a manner simulating assembly as specified by the purchaser.A1.3.2Load the chamber with the desired quantity of parts to be tested.A1.3.3Record the location of parts within the chamber,the loading and the size of the parts being tested.A1.3.4The thermal cycle temperature limits corresponding to the specified service condition number shall be chosen from Table A1.1.A1.3.5Each thermal cycle shall consist of either placing the samples in a room-temperature chamber and heating the chamber to the high limit,or placing the samples directly into a chamber at the high limit,and performing the following:A1.3.5.1Expose the parts for one hour at the high limit.A1.3.5.2Allow the parts to return to 2063°C and maintain at this temperature for 1h.This is frequently accomplished by removing the parts from the chamber.A1.3.5.3Expose the parts for one hour at the low limit.A1.3.5.4Allow the parts to return to 2063°C and maintain at this temperature for 1h.Steps A1.3.5.1through A1.3.5.4constitute one full thermal cycle.A1.3.6When the number of cycles specified in 6.7and 6.8has been completed,inspect the parts for coating defects produced by thermal cycling.See Specification B 532,Table 1,for the limits established for visual defects.A1.4Recording of Test Results —The recording of the test results shall include the following:TABLE A1.1Recommended Thermal Cycling Temperature LimitsService Condition NumberTemperature Limits,°C High Low SC5—Extended very severe 85−40SC4—Very severe 80−40SC3—Severe 80−30SC2—Moderate 75−30SC1—Mild60−30--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---A1.4.1A statement that the test was performed according to Specification B604,Annex A1.A1.4.2The service condition number for which the part was tested.A1.4.3The tray construction(if a tray is used)and chamber loading.A1.4.4The last calibration date of the controller and records.A1.4.5The extent,nature,and location of the defects.A1.5Precision and Bias—The precision and bias of this test method have not been established.APPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES OF SERVICE CONDITIONS FOR WHICH THE V ARIOUS SERVICECONDITION NUMBERS ARE APPROPRIATEX1.1Service Condition No.SC5(Extended Very Severe)—Service conditions that include likely damage from denting, scratching,and abrasive wear in addition to exposure to corrosive environments where long-term protection of the substrate is required;for example,conditions encountered by some exterior components of automobiles.X1.2Service Condition No.SC4(Very Severe)—Service conditions that include likely damage from denting,scratching, and abrasive wear in addition to exposure to corrosive envi-ronments;for example,conditions encountered by exterior components of automobiles and by boatfittings in salt water service.X1.3Service Condition No.SC3(Severe)—Exposure that is likely to include occasional or frequent wetting by rain or dew or possibly strong cleaners and saline solutions;for example,conditions encountered by porch and lawn furniture, bicycle and perambulator parts,hospital furniture andfixtures. X1.4Service Condition No.SC2(Moderate)—Indoor exposure in places where condensation of moisture may occur; for example,in kitchens and bathrooms.X1.5Service Condition No.SC1(Mild)—Indoor exposure in normally warm,dry atmospheres with coating subject to minimum wear or abrasion.X2.DETERMINATION OF SULFUR IN ELECTRODEPOSITED NICKELThe following two methods for the determination of sulfur in electroplated nickel are given as guidelines for use to test compliance of the type of nickel deposit with the appropriate definition given in6.3.2.They represent methods that have been used with success commercially;they are not ASTM standards,nor is it the intent in publishing these methods to preclude the use of other methods or variations in these methods.X2.1Total Sulfur in Electroplated Nickel byCombustion-Iodate TitrationX2.1.1Scope—This method covers the determination of sulfur in concentrations from0.005to0.5mass%.X2.1.2Summary of Method—A major part of the sulfur in the sample is converted to sulfur dioxide(SO2)by combustion in a stream of oxygen using an induction furnace.During the combustion,the SO2is absorbed in an acidified starch-iodide solution and titrated with potassium iodate solution.The latter is standardized against steels of known sulfur content to compensate for characteristics of a given apparatus and for day-to-day variation in the percentage of sulfur recovered as pensation is made for the blank because of accelera-tors and crucibles.N OTE X2.1—Instruments are available for measuring the sulfur dioxide from combustion by infrared detection methods and using built-in computers to integrate and display the sulfur content as a percentage.X2.1.3Interferences—The elements ordinarily present in electroplated nickel do not interfere.X2.1.4Apparatus—Induction heating apparatus for deter-mination of sulfur by direct combustion as described in Practices E50(Apparatus No.13).X2.1.5Reagents:X2.1.5.1Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests.Unless otherwise indicated,it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemi-cal Society,where such specifications are available.4Other grades may be used,provided it isfirst determined that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determination.X2.1.5.2Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, reference to water shall be understood to mean reagent water conforming to Specification D1193.X2.1.5.3Hydrochloric Acid(3+97)—Mix3volumes of concentrated hydrochloric acid(HCl)(sp gr1.19)with97 volumes of water.X2.1.5.4Iron(Low-Sulfur)Accelerator—Chips.4“Reagent Chemicals,American Chemical Society Specifications,”Am.Chemi-cal Soc.,Washington,DC.For suggestions on the testing of reagents not listed by the American Chemical Society,see“Reagent Chemicals and Standards,”by Joseph Rosin,D.Van Nostrand Co.,New York,NY,and the“United StatesPharmacopeia.”--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。














术语定义1. 镀镍层说白了,就是通过电镀的方法在物体表面形成的一层镍金属层。



2. 基体材料这个呢,就是被镀镍的那个东西本身。



3. 附着力你可以想象一下,镀镍层就像贴在基体材料上的贴纸,如果贴纸很容易就掉下来,那肯定不行。



正文1. 化学成分- 镍含量在镀镍层中,镍的含量是一个重要的指标。










GB/T4955-1997金属覆盖层覆盖层厚度测量阳极溶解库仑法GB5270-1985金属基体上的金属覆盖层附着强度试验方法GB/T12306-1990金属覆盖层工程用银和银合金电镀层GB/T12332-1990金属覆盖层工程用镍电镀层GB/T12333-1990金属覆盖层工程用铜电镀层GB/T16921-1997金属覆盖层厚度测量X 射线光谱方法GB/T9799-1997金属覆盖层钢铁上的锌电镀层GB/T9800-88电镀锌和电镀隔层的铬酸盐转化模GB/T12599-2002金属覆盖层锡电镀层技术规范和试验方法GB/T9797-1997金属覆盖层镍+铬和铜+镍+铬电沉积层GB/T13913-92自催化镍-磷镀层技术要求和试验方法3.术语、分类3.1 术语3.1.1 主要表面指工件上某些已镀覆或待镀覆的表面,该表面上的镀层对工作的外观和(或)功能是极为重要的。

通常电镀条件不易镀到表面,如孔内部、深凹处等,一般不作为主要表面, 若因特殊需要而必须按规定厚度镀覆时应在图纸或工艺文件上注明。

3.1.2 最小局部厚度在一个工件的主要表面上所测得的厚度最小值,也称最小厚度。

3.2 分类3.2.1 按不同金属覆盖层分为:电镀铜、镀镍、镀铬、、镀银、镀锌、镀锡。

3.2.2 按零件大小分为:大零件——每件表面面积 1 平方分米以上;中零件——每件表面面积0.3—1 平方分米;小零件——每件表面面积0.3 平方分米以下。





2规范性引用文件GB4955 金属覆盖层厚度测定阳极溶解库仑方法GB6460 金属覆盖层铜加速醋酸盐雾试验(CASS)GB6462 金属和氧化物覆盖横断面厚度显微镜测定法GB12600 金属覆盖层塑料上铜+镍+铬电镀层GB/T12610 塑料上电镀层热循环试验3镀层要求各种ABS件的镀层体系、分层厚度、耐蚀性、结合力都应符合表1的规定。


3.2 铜镀层由于塑料和镀层的热膨胀系数不同,为保证镀层与基体之间有良好的结合强度,需镀上一层延展性好的镀层作底镀层,镀层主要表面厚度值,应符合表1的规定。

3.3 镍镀层作为中间镀层或底镀层,主要表面的最小厚度应符合表1要求,双层、三层镍还应符合表2的要求。

3.4 铬镀层3.4.1 作表面镀层主要表面的最小厚度一般为0.3μm,若外观光泽要求比较高的微孔铬和微裂纹铬层厚度可增加到0.6μm;若要求达到具有裂纹图型微裂纹的厚度要有0.8μm。

3.4.2 微裂纹铬层在任一方向上,每厘米长度内的裂纹数不少于250条;微孔铬层每平方厘米内不少于10000个小孔。

3.5 结合强度镀层试验周期为2个周期,其结合强度应符合表1的规定。


3.6 耐蚀性能镀件应进行16h耐腐蚀试验,试验后不应为铜层腐蚀、塑料基体露出、镀层起泡等缺陷。






用装2BJ-0402所使用的螺丝、螺母、介子等试装孔位。将螺丝、介子、螺母等上到孔位上,扭力计调到12KGf•CM;用扭力计将螺丝锁紧。使其承受扭力矩为12 KGf•CM。将打好螺丝的产品静置15分钟,再将螺丝打开,受螺丝扭矩压力的油漆不允许有脱漆,开裂、折皱等现象。



化学镀镍相关标准与规范化学镀镍过程的标准和规范有许多,几乎各国都有自己的标准,这些标准和规范是由许多学科的专业人员共同制定的,为了方便我国技术人员参考,现将其中比较重要的一些标准名称列出:国际标准:ISO 4527(1987),ISO/TC107 自催化镍磷镀层-规范和试验方法(Autocatalyticnickel-phosphoruscoatings-specification and test methods)中国:自催化镍-磷镀层技术要求和试验方法 GB/T 13913-92美国:ASTM B733-97 金属上自催化镍磷镀层标准规范(Standard Specification for Autocatalytic (Electroless) Nickel-Phosphorous Coatings on Metal)ASTMB656-91 工程用金属自催化镍磷沉积标准(Standard Guide for Autocatalytic (Electroless)Nickel-Phosphorus on Metals for Engineering Use)ASTM B656-79 金属上工程用自催化镀镍标准实施办法(该标准于2000年废止)MILC 26074B-军用规范,化学镀镍层的技术要求(Coatings,Electroless Nickel Requirements for Military)AMS 2404A-航空材料规范化学镀镍(Electroless Nickel Plating)AMS 2405-航空材料规范化学镀镍,低磷(Electroless Nickel Plating,Low Phosphrous) NACE T-6A-54 美国腐蚀工程师学会文件化学镀镍层英国:DEE STD 03-5/1 材料的化学镀镍层(Electroless Nickel Coatings of Material)法国:NFA 91-105 化学镀镍层特性和测试方法(Dépôt Chimiques de Nickel-PropciétésCaractéristiques atMéthodes Déssais德国:DIN 50966(1987) 功能化学镀镍层RAL-RG 660(第二部分)(1984)硬铬和化学镀镍层的质量保证苏联标准:ΓOCT 9.305-84奥地利:ÖNOrm c2550(1987) 化学镀镍磷镀层-技术要求和测试日本标准:JISH 8654-89 金属上自催化镍磷镀层H8645-99 ??解ンツケル?りんめフき11.1 国际标准ISO4527该国际标准于1987年发布,论述了含磷2~15wt%的化学镀镍,并阐述了实际的沉积和预处理步骤。




3. 参考标准3.1 ASTM B604-91 塑料基体铜+镍+铬的装饰电镀层的技术规范3.2 EN248-2002 镍、铬电镀通用技术规范3.3 ASTM B368-97 铜加速醋酸盐雾实验标准方法3.4 CSA 125-2000 水暖配件3.5 GB/T 10125-97 人造气氛腐蚀试验盐雾试验(等效ISO 9227-90)3.6 GB6461-86 金属覆盖层对底材为阴极的覆盖层腐蚀试验后的电镀试样的评级(等效ISO 4540-80)3.7 GB5944-86 轻工产品金属镀层腐蚀试验结果的评价3.8 GB/T 12610-90 塑料上电镀层热循环试验3.9 GB 6462 金属和氧化物覆盖层横断面厚度显微镜测量方法3.10 GB 4955 金属覆盖层厚度测定阳极溶解库仑方法4.定义4.1.功能性外观缺陷:功能性表面缺陷是指产品构件的基材在产品使用过程中被腐蚀。







通常在零件边缘出现云雾(Cloudy) 镀层呈现乳白色毛面(Dull)表面不象镜子般平滑、光亮镀层包裹痕(Entrapment Lines) 连续或有很小间隙的线状突起,但不是镀层粘附性缺陷,在锌合金压铸中常见镀层毛刺(Glove Snagger) 镀层表面尖锐的小突起,往往能将柔软抹布中的纤维挂出。



镀铬试验要求镍-铬与铜-镍-铬装饰电镀层1 范围本标准规定了汽车零件(钢铁基体或塑料基体)上镍-铬与铜-镍-铬装饰电镀层得要求。



2 规范性引用文件下列文件中得条款通过本标准得引用而成为本标准得条款。


GB 4955-97 金属覆盖层厚度测定阳极溶解库仑方法GB 5270-85 金属基体上金属覆盖层(电沉积层与化学沉积层)附着强度试验方法GB 6460-86 金属覆盖层铜加速醋酸盐雾试验(CASS试验)GB 6461-86 金属覆盖层对底材为阴极得覆盖层腐蚀试验后得电镀试样得评级GB 6462-86 金属与氧化物覆盖层横截面厚度显微镜测量方法GB 12600-90 塑料上铜+镍+铬电镀层GB/T 9797-97 金属覆盖层镍+铬与铜+镍+铬电沉积层GB/T 12610-90 塑料上电镀层热循环试验GB/T 12611-90 金属零(部)件镀覆前质量控制技术要求GB/T 13911-92 金属镀覆与化学处理表示方法QC/T 625-99 汽车用涂镀层与化学处理层DIN 50017 Condensation water test atmospheres3 术语3、1主要表面汽车用装饰性镍-铬与铜-镍-铬电镀层(以下简称装饰性电镀层)镀覆前后得规定表面,此表面对镀件得外观与(或)使用性极为重要。


4 需提供给供方得信息4.1 本标准规定得相关技术参数等必要信息。

4.2 基体材料与表明镀层服役环境得使用条件号或所需特定镀层得分级号如果只提供基体材料号与使用条件号,而未提供镀层分级号,供方可以在满足产品要求得前题下确定。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。




1、范围1.1 本规范涉及的要求用于电镀铜+镍+铬塑料素材的几种等级和类型,而这些素材的外观,耐用性和热循环都对服务性能非常重要。


1.2 本规范涉及使用的涂装要求,是在应用自动角媒的金属膜之后使用的,或者在应用自动触媒后任何涂装的应用之后使用的。

1.3 以下只属于此规范测试方法的笫六部分,附录A1,附录X2,附录X3和附录X4。



2 参考文献2.1 ASTM标准:B 368 方法用于铜加速盐雾试验(CASS试验)B 487 试验方法用于交叉部分检验金属和氧气涂装厚度的测量B 489 条例用于金属涂装电镀和自动触媒延展性的弯曲试验B 504 试验方法金属涂装厚度的测量B 530试验方法用磁性的方法测量涂装厚度:磁性的非磁性素材的镀镍涂装B 532 规范用于电镀塑料表面或外观B 533试验方法用于电镀金属塑料件脱层强度B 556 指南用于通过斑点测试对薄铬层的测量B 567 试验方法用于通过Beta Backscatter方法测量涂装厚度B 568试验方法用于通过X光谱测量涂装厚度B 602 试验方法用于金属和非有机涂装样件性能B 659 指南用于金属和非有机涂装厚度测量B 727 条例用于电镀塑料材料的准备B 764 试验方法用于多层电镀镍中单层厚度和电化学潜力的决定(STEP试验)D 1193 试剂规范E 50 条例用于金属化学分析的仪器,试剂和安全防护措施3 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 重要表面———通常为可视表面(直射或反射),当正常装车后损坏表面的产品来源时,对产品的外观或服务性能起重要作用的表面。

4 分类4.1 本规范涉及了服务条件代指定折五个涂装等级,和由分类号定义的几种涂装类型。

4.2 服务条件代号4.2.1服务条件代号指,以涂装等级为目的的曝光严重度,根据以下规格:SC5——非常严重SC4——很严重SC3——严重SC2——中等CS1——轻度4.2.2 服务条件代号与电镀件相关时曝光严重度在附录X1有进一步定义。

4.3 涂装分类号——涂装分类号是一种涂装特定类型和厚度编号,适用每个等级并由以下组成:4.3.1 素材符号(PL)表示塑料,划斜线4.3.2 铜化学符号(CU)4.3.3 铜涂装最小厚度,单位微米4.3.4 下标字母指定电镀铜类型(见4.4和6.3.1)4.3.5 镍化学符号(Ni)4.3.6 给出镍的最小厚度数,单位微米4.3.7 下标字母指定电镀镍类型(见4.4和6.3.2)4.3.8 铬化学符号(Cr)4.3.9下标字母指定电镀铬类型(见4.4和6.3.3)4.4 表达分类的符号——将会使用以下下标字母作为涂装分类代号以描述涂装类型。

a——在酸性中延展铜沉淀b——在全光亮条件下单层镍沉淀d——双层或多层镍涂装r——规则(也就是常规)铬mc——微裂纹铬mp——微渗透铬4.5完全分类号例子——一种由最小15um酸铜+15um双层镍+0.25um微渗透铬组成的塑料涂装件,分类号为PL/Cu15a Ni 15d Cr mp。

5 订单信息5.1 当根据此标准对电镀件下订单时,买方将陈述以下事实:5.1.1 ASTM文件编号5.1.2 或者要求特定涂装的分类编号(见4.3),或者要求注明严重度条件的素材材料和服务条件编号(见4.2),如果只引用服务条件编号的任何涂装类型,如表一,根据要求,生产商将通过买方通知涂装使用的分类编号。

表一 铜+镍+铬的塑料件A涂装服务条件编号 分类编号 相同镍厚度um mils(大约) SC5 PL/Cu 15a Ni 30d Cr mc 30 1.2PL/Cu 15a Ni 30d Cr mp 30 1.2SC4 PL/Cu 15a Ni 30d Cr r 30 1.2PL/Cu 15a Ni 25d Cr mc 25 1.0PL/Cu 15a Ni 25d Cr mp 25 1.0SC3 PL/Cu 15a Ni 25d Cr r 25 1.0PL/Cu 15a Ni 20d Cr mc 20 0.8PL/Cu 15a Ni 20d Cr mp 20 0.8SC2 PL/Cu 15a Ni 15b Cr r 15 0.6PL/Cu 10a Ni 10b Cr mc 10 0.4PL/Cu 10a Ni 10b Cr mp 10 0.4SC1 PL/Cu 15a Ni 7b Cr r 7 0.3A 铜最小厚度在某些运用时为了满足热循环或其它要求可以稍大。

5.1.3 例如要求外观明亮,灰白或光滑,可选择供应的成品是要求品质的或在成品范围内,或者由买方认可。

5.1.4 重要表面应该在样件图纸上指示,或者在样件上标出(见3.1)5.1.5 重要表面上物品架或接触标记不可避免。

5.1.6 延伸到非重要表面缺陷可以接受。

5.1.7 除标准值之外的延性(见6.4)。

5.1.8 腐蚀测试之后可接受表面缺陷延展(见6.6.3)。

5.1.9 抽样方法和接受水平(见7部分)。


5.2 单层镀镍层之间电镀潜在差别最小值根据方法B764,在6.10给出限度之内。

6 产品要求6.1 可视缺陷6.1.1 电镀件可视表面不可有缺陷,如水泡,坑,粗糙,裂纹或末涂装区域;不应有污点或脱色。


6.1.2 注塑表面缺陷,如冷料流痕,顶出点,毛边,胶口,分模线,斜面或其它缺陷,即使使用最好的电镀方法,也会严重影响外观和涂装性能。



条款B 532区分了在注塑初期和电镀操作中可能出现的缺陷。

6.2 预处理——正确的准备步骤对电镀塑料件性能至关重要。


6.3 加工和涂装要求——准备之后,根据要求将塑料件放入电镀溶液中,以便产生合成涂层。


6.3.1 铜的类型——延展铜沉淀应在酸性有机添加剂中,提高质量水平。

6.3.2 镍的类型——对于双层或多层镍涂装,最下层应包含的硫重量最多0.005%(见注释2)。




6.3.3 铬沉淀厚度——重要表面上铬沉淀最小厚度为0.25um,铬沉淀厚度由与类型相同的符号指定,而不是铜镍的数据(见4.4)。



表2化 二或三层镍涂装要求概述镍层种类 特殊延长 硫含量 总镍层厚度双层 三层下层 8% 〈0.005% >/=50% >/=50%中层(b)….. >0.15% ….. 最大10%顶层(b) ….. >0.04% >/=40% >/=40%测试方法附录X3AA 见本规范注释2B 见本规范注释36.4 延展性——镍铜最小延展值为8%,测试时根据附录3给出的方法,根据要求延展性可以稍大,但必须由买方和生产商双方同意。

6.5 涂装厚度:6.5.1 最小涂装厚度由涂装分类号指定。

6.5.2 比本规范更厚的涂装可以有其它要求。

6.5.3 涂装厚度及不同涂装层矿工应在重要表面点上测试。

(见4.2 和注释4)注释4——当重要表面涉及到不易控制的沉淀厚度时,比如螺纹,孔,角度和相同区域,买方和制造商都应明白其表面的沉淀可能会厚一点或特殊处理。

特殊处理包括使用一致,辅助物,双电极或非导电体。 Coulomertric 测试方法B504中描述可以用于测试铬层厚度,总镍厚和铜厚,测试步骤,方法B764与Coulomertric方法相同,用于决定多层涂装中单个镍层之厚度。 方法B487中显微镜测试法用于测量每层镍厚和铜厚。 方法B567中B后分散方法可以用于测量末指明单层厚度的铜/铬/镍复合涂装总厚度。 如果可以说明测量的不确定少于10%,或者少于6.4.3应用方法中所述,可以使用其它方法。

其它方法见测试方法B530和B568,指南B556和B6596.6 腐蚀性试验6.6.1 涂装件应根据表3所示,腐蚀测试时间应适用于特殊服务条件号(或者服务条件号与指定分类号相符),此试验细节参见ASTM标准。




表3 每个服务条件号腐蚀测试服务条件编号腐蚀耐性测试A(CASS)SC5 循环3个16H BSC4 循环2个16H BSC3 循环1个16H BSC2 8HSC1 ……A见方法B 368B 样件从试验室内取出后,在水中漂洗并检查,然后进行暴露16H的每个16H CASS 试验循环,样件不应在两次循环之间取出测试箱超过8H。

6.6.2 在根据相关试验方法处理样件后,检验对素材的腐蚀程度,或者镀铜层和涂装的起泡程度。




6.6.3 涂装表面缺陷在某些类型的涂装试验时可能会发生,表面缺陷的伸展度由买卖方指定可以接受范围。
