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认识价值是一切投资活动的依据和前提。上市公司的投资价值分析,从某种角度 讲既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。它需要综合运用经济学、财务会计、投资学等方面 的知识,也要求对企业经营管理、实际运作有所了解,还需要对证券市场的深入认识, 具备良好的市场感觉和悟性。上市公司的投资价值分析应该是一个理论研究和实践应 用相结合的过程。
关键词:上市公司 投资价值 基本面分析 EVA 法
As we know,recognizing value is the basement of any investment activities. To evaluate a listed company’s investment value is not only a sort of science,but also a sort of art. Generally it takes complex knowledge and skills of economics,accounting,investment and management and so on. In fact,analysis of investment value is a procedure linking theoretical research with practical application to securities market.
Key Words: Investment Value;Listed Companies;Fundamental Analysis; EVA Modal
摘 要................................................................. I ABSTRACT ............................................................. II 1 绪论 ................................................................ 1
Finally,this paper gives some suggestions about how to analysis the investment value of the listed companies.
The investment value analysis of the listed company is a problem that is very complicated. This paper want to show a precise analysis frame,by which the investor can analysis all factor in the market and gain the exact value of the listed companies.
本文通过“三段论”的形式对上市公司的投资价值分析进行了深入探讨。 首先,本文对国内外投资价值分析理论和方法进行总结和评析,简要介绍和比较 了基本分析和技术分析的理论基础、优缺点及适用范围,并介绍和比较了各种估值方 法模型的计算方法、优缺点及适用范围。 然后,本文引入了实际案例具体分析——上市公司万科股份的投资价值分析,以 此进一步说明上市公司的投资价值分析方法和技术。在分析中,本文主要是基于基本 分析的原理,运用 EIC(Economy-Industry-Company Analysis)分析法对万科公司进行 综合分析,并运用经济增加值(EVA)的二阶段模型对公司内在价值进行估算。在与 运用市盈率法和市净率法估算结果进行比较,并分析估价变化趋势的基础上,给出投 资建议。 最后,本文阐述了在对上市公司投资价值分析过程中需要注意的问题,主要包括: 倡导理性的价值判断;投资者应提高基本分析水平;估算公司价值需选择恰当的估价 模型、计算公式和计算参数。 本文通过分析,力图提供的是一个严谨的分析框架,系统考虑影响公司价值的因 素,最终准确的评估一个公司的价值。
Secondly,this paper gives a case analysis—the analysis of investment value for : China Vanke Co., Ltd.(SZ000002). Vanke is a real estate company listed on Shenzhen Securities Exchange. Mainly by the EIC(Economy—Industry—Company)approach and the Economic Value Added(EVA)models in two stages, I evaluate this company’s investment value and try to give an investment recommendation.
This paper is mainly attending to explore the analysis of investment value for listed companies,it includes three sections as follows:
Firstly,this paper gives a comprehensive overview of the theories and methods for analysis of investment value. then it goes on showing the differences between the existing evaluation systems and models of the listed companies,together with where and how to use them.