












Unit7TheShelter课文翻译大学英语三资料讲解U n i t7T h eS h e l t e r课文翻译大学英语三Unit 7 The ShelterRod SerlingSeveral neighbors hope to find safety in the only bomb shelter on their street when an announcement comes over the radio that enemy missiles are approaching. Can it shelter all of them? Does its owner let them in?Here is the story……SYNOPSIS OF ACT ONE: On a summer evening, a birthday celebration is going on at Dr. Stockton's. Among those present are his neighbors: the Hendersons, the weiss's and the Harlowes. In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a state of emergency of for suspected enemy missiles approaching. The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home. However, shortly afterwards they return one after another to the stockton house for the simple reason that they want to survive —— want to share with the Stocktons the bomb shelter which is the only one on their street.ACT TWO(abridged)OUTSIDE STOCKTON HOMEHENDERSON: It'll land any minute. I just know it. It's going to land any minute——MRS. HENDERSON: (grabs hold of him) What are we going to do?Throughout above and following dialogue, a portable radiocarried by one of the children carries the following announcement:ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. We are still in a state of Yellow Alert. If you are a public official or government employee with an emergency assignment, or a civil defense worker, you should report to your post immediately. If you are a public official or governmen t employee……MRS. HARLOWE: Jerry, ask again.HARLOWE: Don't waste you time. He won't let anyone in. He said he didn't have any room or supplies there and it's designed for three people.MRS.HENDERSON: What'll we do?HARLOWE: Maybe we ought to pick out just one basement and go to work on it. Poll all our stuff. Food, water, everything.MRS.HARLOWE: It isn't fair. (she points toward Stockton house) He's down there in a bomb shelter completely safe. And our kids have to just wait around for a bomb to drop and ——HENDERSON: Let's just go down into his basement and break down the door?A chorus of voices greet this with assent.As HENDERSON rushes through toward the basement entrance, HARLOWE overtakes him saying:HARLOWE: Wait a minute, wait a minute. All of us couldn't fit in there. That would be crazy to even try.WEISS: Why don't we draw lots? Pick out one family?HARLOWE: What difference would it make? He won't let us in. HENDERSON: We can all march down there and tell him he's got the whole street against him. We could do that.HARLOWE: What good would that do? I keep telling you. Even if we were to break down the door, it couldn't accommodateall of us. We'd just be killing everybody and for no reason.MRS. HENDERSON: If it saves even one of these kids out here——I call that a reason.The voice comes up again.WEISS: Jerry, you know him better than nay of us. You're his best friend. Why don't you go down again? Try to talk to him. Pleased with him. Tell him topick out one family —— Draw lots or something ——HENDERSON: One family, meaning yours, Weiss, huh?WEISS: (whirls around to him) Why not? I've got a three-month-old infant——MRS. HENDERSON: What difference does that make? Is your baby's life any more precious than our kids?WEISS: (shouting at her) I never said that. If you're going to start trying to argue about who deserves to live more than the next one ——HENDERSON: Why don't you shut your mouth, Weiss? (with a wild, illogical anger) That's the way it is when the foreigners come over here. Aggressive, greedy, semi-Americans——WEISS: (his face goes white) Why you garbage-brained idiot you——MRS. HENDERSON: It still goes, Weiss! I bet you're at the bottom of the list——WEISS suddenly flings himself through the crowd toward the man and there's a brief, hand-to-hand fight between them broken up by HARLOWE who stands between them breathless.HARLOWE: Keep it up, both of you. Just keep it up. We won't need a bomb. We can slaughter each other.MRS.WEISS: (pleading) Marty, go down to Bill's shelter again.Ask him ——WEISS: I've already asked him. It wouldn't do any good.One again the siren sounds and the people seem to move closer together, staring up toward the night sky. Off in the distance we see searchlights.HARLOWE: Searchlights. It must be coming closer.HENDERSON: (as he suddenly pushes HARLOWE aside and heads for the steps) I'm going down there and get him to open up that door. I don't care what the rest of you think. That's the only thing left to do.MAN # 1: He's right. Come on, let's do it.INSIDE THE SHELTERGRACE is holding tight to PAUL. STOCKTON stands close to the door listening to the noises from outside as they approach. There's a pounding on the shelter door that reverberates.OUTSIDE THE SHELTERHENDERSON: Bill? Bill Stockton? You've got a bunch of your neighbors out here who want to stay alive. Now you can open the door and talk to us andfigure out with us how many can come in there. Or else you can just keep doing what you're doing —— and we'll fight our way in there.HARLOWE appears and pushes his way through the group and goes over to the shelter door.HARLOWE: Bill. This is Jerry. They mean business out here.STOCKTON'S VOICE: And I mean business in here. I've already told you, Jerry. You're wasting you time. You're wasting precious time that could be use for something else……like figuring out how you can survive.NAM # 1: Why don't we get a big, heavy log to break thedoor down? HENDERSON: We could go over to Bennett Avenue. Phil Kline has some giant logs in his basement. I've seen them. Let's get one. And we'll just tell Kline to keep his mouth shut as to why we want it.WEISS: Let's get hold of ourselves. Let's stop and think for a minute——HENDERSON: (turning to face WEISS) Nobody cares what you think. You or your kind. I thought I made that clear upstairs. I think the first order of business is to get you out of here.With this he strikes out, smashing his fist into WEISS's face in a blow so unexpected and so wild that WEISS, totally unprepared, is knocked against the wall. His wife screams and, still holding the baby, rushes to him. There's a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISS's side trying to help him to his feet. Once again the sirens blast.HENDERSON: (should over the noise and commotion) Come on, let's get something to smash this door down.They start out of cellar toward the steps.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.GRACE (looks up) Bill? Who were those people?STOCKTON (turning to stare toward the door) "Those people?" Those are our neighbors, Grace. Our friends. The people we've lived with and alongside for twenty years. (then in a different fixed expression and in a different tone) Come on. Paul. Let's put stuff up against this door. Everything we can.The man and boy then start to pile up a barricade, using furniture, the generator, books, any movable object they can get their hands on.OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERThe mob marches down the street carrying a large heavy log that is perhaps fifteen feet long. Their own shouts mix with the sound of the intermittent siren and with the voice of the announcer on the Conelrad station.ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: We've been asked to once again remind the population that they are to remain calm, stay off the streets. This is urgent. Please remain off the streets. Everything possible is being done in the way of protection. But the military and important civil defense vehicles must have the streets clear. So you're once again reminded to remain off the streets. Remain off the streets!The minute the mob gathers before the STOCKTON house, they smash into it, carrying the giant log. They move down the cellar steps. As the log smashes into the shelter door, the siren goes up louder and more piercing and it is at this moment that we see both WEISS and HARLOW join the men on the heavy log to lend their support to it.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON and Paul lean against it as it starts to give under the weight, under the pressure. The air is filled with angry shouts, the intermittent siren, the cries of women and children.INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERAnd it all reaches one vast pitch just as the door is forced open. PAUL and STOCKTON are pushed back into the shelter and just at this moment the lightgo on in the basement. The siren also reaches its top and then suddenly goes off and there is absolute dead silence for a long moment. Then from the portable radio in the corner comes ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad.Remain turned for an important message. Remain tuned for an important message. (a pause) The President of the United States has just announced that the previously unidentified objects have now been definitely identified as being satellites. Repeat. There are no enemy missiles approaching. Repeat, there are no enemy missiles approaching. The objects have been identified as satellites. They are harmless and we are in no danger. Repeat. We are in no danger. The state of emergency has officially been called off. We are in no danger. Repeat. There is no enemy attack. There is no enemy attack.MRS.WEISS: (her eyes closed and crying softly) Thank God. Oh, thank God. WEISS: (in a whisper, his face bruised and blood clotted) Amen to that. HENDERSON: Hey, Marty ...... Marty (I)went crazy. You understand that, don't you? I just went crazy. I didn't mean all the things I said. (he wets his lips, his voice shaking) We were all of us …… we were so scared ……so confuse. (he holds out his hands in a gesture) Well, it's no wonder really, is it? I mean…… well, you can understand why we blew our tops a little ——There's a murmur of voices, a few half-hearted nods, but they're all still in a state of shock.HARLOWE: I don't think Marty's going to hold it against you. (then turning to STOCKTON) I just hope Bill won't hold this ——(he points to the wreckage around him) against us. We'll pay for the damage, Bill. We'll take up a collection right away.As STOCKTON walks past them across the cellar and up toward the stairs, all eyes are on him and there's an absolute dead silence.WEISS: (his voice shaky and nervous) We could …… we could have a block party or something tomorrow night. A bigcelebration. I think we deserve one now.He looks around smiling at the others, a nervous smiles born of a carry-over of fear and the realization that something has taken hold of all of them now. Something deadening in its effect and disquieting beyond words. STOCKTON takes a step up on the stairs then stops and turns back toward them. His face is expressionless.HARLOWE: (with phony laughter desperately trying to relieve situation) Block party's not a bad idea. (looking around at the others) Anything to get back to normal.STOCKTON: (looks from face to face and slowly shakes his head) Normal? (a pause) I don't know. I don't know what "normal" is. I thought I did, but I don't any more.HARLOWE: I told you we'd pay for the damages——STOCKTON: (stares at him) The damages? (he nods) I wonder if we realize just what those damages are? (he looks from face to face again) Maybe the worst of them was finding out just what we're like when we're normal. The kind of people we are. Just underneath the surface. I mean all of us. A lot of naked animals who attach such great importance to staying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege. (he leans against the stairway wall, suddenly desperately tired, very softly as he turns awa y from them) We were spared a bomb tonight……but I wonder if we wer en't destroyed even without it.He continues up the steps.防空洞第一幕的内容提要:某个夏夜,斯道克顿家正在举行生日庆祝会。

牛津高中英语Module 7 重点句翻译

牛津高中英语Module 7 重点句翻译



2.John Logie 于1928年制造出第一台彩色电视机,但直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目到1951年才得以在美国定期播出。




5. 直到20世纪50年代初,大多数磁带录音机才开始使用塑料磁带,就跟现在一样。








6.总的来说,the Amish的心理健康程度高于大多数人。




2. 一年以后,即1900年,阿司匹林被制成片剂在药店出售。




第七章 习语与翻译

第七章 习语与翻译

• • • • • •
in a pig‟s whisper低声地;顷刻间 draw blood伤人感情;惹人生气 hang on sb‟s lips对某人言听计从 to be full of beans精神旺盛;精力充沛 get cold feet开始感到怀疑、胆怯或害怕 bury one‟s head in the sand采取鸵鸟政策
• 试比较: • 1)If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. • 译文1:同时追两兔,全都抓不住。 • 译文2:同时干两事,全都干不好。 • 2)初生牛犊不怕虎。 • 译文1:New-born calves make little of tigers. • 译文2:Young people are fearless.
试比较: • 1)Waste not, want not. • 译文1:不浪费,不愁缺。 • 译文2:俭以防匮。 • 2)A good beginning makes a good ending. • 译文1:有了好的开头,才有好的结果。 • 译文2:欲善其终必先善其始。
• • • • •
试比较: 1)Men may meet but mountains never. 译文1:山和山无法碰头,人和人总会相遇。 译文2:人也许会相见,可是山头却不会。 2)Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. • 译文1:不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。 • 译文2:一个从来没有尝过苦味道的人是不知 道什么叫甜味的。
• 东施效颦 试比较: • 译文1: crude imitation with ludicrous effect • 译文2:Du Shi imitating Xi Shi. Xi Shi was a famous beauty in the ancient Chinese Kingdom of Yue. Dong Shi was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways. • 译文3:ugly woman trying to imitate a famous beauty knitting her brows -- blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish


















第七章 参考译文

第七章 参考译文

第七章参考译文随堂练习11.The purposes of his journey were both military and political.这次旅行既有军事上的目的,又有政治上的目的。

2.Some of the gases in the air are fairly constant in amount, while others are not.空气中有些气体的含量相当稳定,有些就不稳定。

3.You may apply in person or by letter.你可以本人亲自去申请或寄信去申请。

4.Some go only for one year, many for two, but never longer, unless the ship which is to bring them out cannot reach their base.(W. M. Smith: In the Antarctic)有些人在这里呆一年,也有人要呆两年,但绝对不会再久,除非去接他们的船只到不了基地。

5.He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair)他是个聪明人,很好相处,就是学习不肯用功;老是东挪西借,还喜欢上酒馆喝上两口。

随堂练习21.—Did you enjoy your time in Nanjing?—Yes, I did.——你在南京过得愉快吗?——是的,我过得很愉快。

2.—Is matter in constant motion and in constant change?—Yes, it is.——物质是在不断地运动和变化着吗?——是的,物质是在不断地运动和变化着。



第七章增补与省略Addition & Omission in Translation课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意补译省略部分使句式结构完整(参考译文)1.The purposes of his journey were both military and political.【译文】这次旅行既有军事上的目的,又有政治上的目的。

2.Some of the gases in the air are fairly constant in amount, while others are not.【译文】空气中有些气体的含量相当稳定,有些就不稳定。

3.You may apply in person or by letter.【译文】你可以本人亲自去申请或寄信去申请。

4.Some go only for one year, many for two, but never longer, unless the ship which is to bring them out cannot reach their base.(W. M. Smith: In the Antarctic)【译文】有些人在这里呆一年,也有人要呆两年,但绝对不会再久,除非去接他们的船只到不了基地。

5.He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair)【译文】他是个聪明人,很好相处,就是学习不肯用功;老是东挪西借,还喜欢上酒馆喝上两口。

课堂互动2:翻译句子,注意补译替代部分使句意完整(参考译文)1.—Did you enjoy your time in Nanjing?—Yes, I did.【译文】——你在南京过得愉快吗?——是的,我过得很愉快。


5)In this mood, I went to diplomatic circles, earnest but only sketchingly informed.
6)Her child, her work, her friends were more than enough to fill her time.
【译文】我喜Leabharlann 那地方的原因恰恰是你不喜欢它的原因。
9)The old people, weary but excited, decided to have a rest.
10)He spoke hopefully of the success of the movement.
7) In the course of the same year, war broke out in that area.
8) Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy.
15)Although schoolmistresses’ letters are to be trusted no more nor less than churchyard epitaphs; yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his 1ife, who is really deserving of all the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, chi1d, wife or husband; who actually does leave a disconsolate family to morn his loss; …

第七章 定语从句翻译2

第七章 定语从句翻译2
第七章 定语从句
Review :
1. 这就是帮过我的人。 这就是帮过我的人。 This is the man who helped me. 2.还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那一天吗?(用which和 还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那一天吗?(用 还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那一天吗?( 和 when来译 来译) 来译 译1:Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? ? 译2:Do you remember the day when you joined our : club? ? 3. 所有能够做的都已经做了。 所有能够做的都已经做了。 All that can be done has been done. 4. 这是我看过的最好的一部英语电影。 这是我看过的最好的一部英语电影。 This is the best film that I have ever seen.
2.2. where 指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 . 指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 其先行词一般是表示地点的名词, 其先行词一般是表示地点的名词,有时可以是有 地点意义的抽象名词。 地点意义的抽象名词。 例: I began to love you in Gao Laozhuang where I met you the first time. 我第一次在高老庄见到你就爱上你了。 译:我第一次在高老庄见到你就爱上你了。
1:We have only three books when we : need five. 虽然我们需要五本书, 虽然我们需要五本书,却只有三本 2:It was raining when we started : 我们动身时正下着雨
虽然; 【3】whereas;although.虽然;尽管 】 虽然 例:She stopped short when she ought to have continued. 尽管她应该继续下去, 尽管她应该继续下去,她却突然停止了 考虑到, 【4】considering that;if 考虑到,如果 】 例:How can he get good grades when he won’t study? 他不用功的话怎么拿高分呢? 他不用功的话怎么拿高分呢?































• 7.2.2英语特殊结构汉译时主语的选择 •英语的被动句 • 英语的被动句表述客观的实事和态度, 多用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍、 景物描写等,汉语被动句表示发生的不 愉快的事实。 • 一,保留主语,谓语动词可用“被”结 构,也可转换为主动语态。 • 例13:They were defeated by themselves, rather than by their enemies.
• 5, They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems,which involve moral judgment. • 2006年全国英语考研翻译试题
• 例14:Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth’s crust. • 例15:A prototype of another display, called the Military E-book, should be completed next January or February. • 二,用“我们、人们、大家”等表泛指的 代词充当译语主语。 • 例16:The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. • 例17:After many years, regular mail carriers on horseback were hired.
第七章英汉句子翻译 7.1 英汉句子结构对比
• • • • • • • • 英语 主语突出 常用无灵主语 叙述多呈静态 组句多焦点透视 句式呈树式结构 思维重逻辑 句式严谨规范 • • • • • • • • 汉语 主题突出 有灵主语 叙述多呈动态 组句多散点透视 句式呈竹状结构 思维重语感 句式灵活多变



Unit7课文翻译课文ASurviving an economic crisis经济危机中求生存1.许许多多的人正经历的这场经济萧条发端于美国。



















第七章 翻译

第七章  翻译
11. well worth our risk
12. still far from perfect
13. this is not necessarily the case
14. meet the minimum standards set by the university
No sooner had I got home
being nowhere
than go to lessons
100take this opportunity
have / get access to
take the risk(of)trying
interfere with
that I have no way to concentrate on my study
If you manage to get in touch with Mr. Smith
are entitled to free admissions
as far as the service is concerned
had to be operated manually
via E-mail instead of telephone
he devoted himself to the community work
the match has been called off / cancel(l)ed
75but I'll make an exception in your case
We'll have to put off the vacation
I didn't mean to give you a lot of trouble



英语国家社会与文化第四版上册翻译第七章翻译The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy,the head of state is a king or a queen.The United Kingdom is governed,in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty’s Government.The System of parliamentary government is not based on a written constitution,the British constitution is not set out in any single document.It is made up of statute law,common law and conventions.The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes.联合王国是君主立宪制国家,国家的首脑是国王或女王。




Elizabeth II,her title in the United Kingdom is“Elizabeth the Second,by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Other Realms and Territories,Queen,Head of the Commonwealth,Defender of the Faith.伊莉莎白二世,她的全称是“上帝神佑,大布列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及她的其他领土和领地的女王,英联邦元首,国教保护者伊莉莎白二世。








































英语第7单元翻译【1】No one can say exactly (what it looks like) when a planet takes ill, but it probably looks a lot like earth.•当一个星球突然生病的时候没有人可以准确地说出它看起来像什么,但是它可能看起来很像地球。

Never mind what you‟ve heard about global warming as a slow-motion emergency (t hat would take decades to play out).不用担心,你所听到的全球变暖是一个缓慢的过程,需要几十年才能结束。

Suddenly and unexpectedly, the crisis is upon us•突然和意外的是,这场危机正在接近我们。

【2】It certainly looked that way last week as the atmospheric bomb that was Cyclone Larry—a Category 4 storm with wind bursts that reached 125 m.p.h (mile per hour) –exploded through northeastern Australia.(这个现象)的确看起来是这样的:上周的大气炸弹也就是赖瑞飓风——一种伴随着每小时125英里的风暴风阵——引爆了澳大利亚的东北部It certainly looked that way last year as curtains of fire and dust turned the skies of Indonesia orange, thanks to drought-fueled blazes sweeping the island nation.(这个现象)的确看起来是这样的:去年由于燃料猛烈地燃烧席卷了印尼这个岛国,火灾和灰尘将印尼的天空变成了橘黄色。

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IV. 译成状语
有些定语从句从形式上看是定语,但在意义上与主 句有逻辑状语关系,对主句其原因、结果、目的、条件 、让步等状语作用,翻译时应尽可能按照其语法功能, 译成与汉语相对应的复句。
21. The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an electronic brain.
3. He would be a short-sighted man who did not look beyond. 4. There is something original, independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 5. Here is the man whom you have been looking for. 6. Our two countries are neighbors whose friendship is of long standing.
这位女记者想写篇文章, 以便能够引起公众对那起沉船事件的 注意。(译成目的状语从句)
1. A rocket engine can work in space where there is no air.
2. She has invited me to visit her family, which is very kind of her .
B、 非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只 是对先行词加以说明,描述或解释,或对整个句子所陈 述的事实或现象加以总结、补充说明,其前都有逗号分 开。在汉译时一般译为后置并列分句。如: 11.He blamed me for everything, which I thought very
I. 按照原文顺序译出状语从句
1. If you do not mind, I will turn off the heating. 如果你不介意,我就把暖气关上了。
2. As far as I know, there isn’t such a word in English.
据我所知, 英语里并没有这个单词。
5. Though he was defeated in the election, he became
famous for his fiery speeches against slavery.
,对先行词也有不同程度的修饰限制作用,有时也可 以译为前置定语。 5. The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.

6. He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he
did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。
II . 译成后置定语
III、溶合译法 溶合法就是把原句子中的主语和定语从句溶合在一起 译成一个独立句子的翻译方法。另外,由于限制性定 语从句与主句的关系密切,所以,限制性定语从句似 乎更适合采用溶合法。英语中突出的 “there be” 句型 就是这样处理的。 16. There are many people who want to select this major. 许多人要选这个专业。 17. There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.
第7章 句子翻译 Sentence Translation
状语从句的翻译 名词性从句的翻译
练 习 1、 2、3、4
Attributive clauses are widely used in English. In many cases, sentences are made very long because of attributive clauses. Hence it
24. There is no bad habit that may not be cured by a strong willpower.
只要有坚强的意志,就没有什么坏习惯改不掉。(译成条件状从 )
25. The newswoman wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to shipwreck.
3. Where water resources are plentiful, hydroelectric power
stations are being built in large numbers.
4. Wherever you work, you must always serve the people
I、译成前置定语 一般说来,限制性的定语从句可提前译成定语。还 有一些定语从句,虽然并不明显地带有限制性质,但本 身较短,和被修饰语的关系紧密,也可译成前置定语。 1. To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those people who need them. 诚然,一个宏伟的重建计划也许能为许多需要工作的人 提供就业机会。 2. This is the solider who just returned from the front.
时可在此词之前加指示词“这”、“这些”或人称代 词“他”、“他们”等等,来使译文明确。
7. This volume is prepared as examples for writing
compositions which, as it were, has been taken as a
difficult task.
8. Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms. 物质是由分子组成的,而分子又是由原子组成的。 9. But listen, I met a man, who said you could solve this problem. 听着, 我遇见一个人,这个人说你是有权解决这个问 题的。 10. Day light comes from the sun, which is a mass of hot, glowing gas. 日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体。
18.You are the only person who could do it.
19. He has a son of twenty who is now at the college.
20. This was the first time I had serious trouble with my
15. I told the story to John, who brother.
(=and he) told it to his
这种采取后置的办法来处理非限制性定语从句,一般 也使用指示代词来重复英语关系代词所代表的含义。
is important to have a correct comprehension and an accurate
translation of attribute clauses. Different attributive clauses may express different meaning such as purpose, concession, result and so
II. 状语从句译在主句之前
6. She is sure to come unless she has some urgent business.
7. Please turn off the light when you leave the dormitory.
on. An attributive clause usually follows the word it modifies. This is
different from Chinese. In Chinese there is no post-position attributive and there can’t be too many modifiers preceding the modified word. All this causes changes in translating some sentences which contain attributive clauses.