被动语态 2

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被动语态 (二)
1.接双宾语的动词 tell, send, give, show, lend, pass (get, buy)变被动语态时,可把直接宾语(物)拿到前面 做主语,但在间接宾语(人)前需加上for/to,(间接宾语 拿到前面做主语无需加to/for. He told us an interesting story. An interesting story was told to us by him. We were told an interesting story. I bought him a book. A book was bought for him by me. He was bought a book by me .
1.Her pen pal sent her some postcards two days ago.
She was sent some postcards by her pen pal two days ago.
Some postcards were ____ ____ ___ sent to her by her pen pal two days ago.
2. She lent me a dictionary just now. I was lent a dictionary by her just now. was lent A dictionary _____ ___to ____me by her just now.
2.使役动词let, make, have 和感官动词see, watch, look at
notice, listen to, hear主动语态 to省略,变被动语态to需加上。 The boss made us work all day. We were made to work (by the boss) all day. I always see him play with a pen.
3.感官系动词无被动语态 sound, look,feel,smell,taste
The apple smell very good. 4. happen, take place, belong to 无被动语态
5. sell 主语为物可用主动语态表被动意义。
ThHale Waihona Puke Baidus kind of shoes sells well.
He is always seen to play with a pen by me.
I heard her sing in the next room just now. was heard to She _____ ____ _____ sing in the next room just now. I noticed him enter the office a moment ago. was_____ noticed to He _____ ______ enter the office a moment ago.