



Kabel und Leitungen Starkstromleitungen mit Nennspannungen bis 450/750 V (U0/U) Teil 2-41: Starkstromleitungen für allgemeine Anwendungen Einadrige Leitungen mit vernetzter SilikonIsolierung
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement
4.1 Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring – H05S-U and H05S-K................................... 5 4.2 Non-sheathed cables for internal wiring – H03S-K .................................................. 5 4.3 Braided cables for fixed wiring – H05SJ-U and H05SJ-K ......................................... 6 4.4 Sheathed cables for fixed wiring – H05SS-K ........................................................... 6 Annex A (normative) Tests for cables to EN 50525-2-41........................................................ 8 Annex B (normative) General data......................................................................................... 9 Annex C (normative) Requirements for compatibility test ..................................................... 11 C.1 Test conditions ..................................................................................................... 11 C.2 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 11 Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 12

IEEE Std 1159-1995,IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality

IEEE Std 1159-1995,IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality

IEEE Std 1159-1995 IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power QualitySponsorIEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 22 onPower QualityApproved June 14, 1995IEEE Standards BoardAbstract: The monitoring of electric power quality of ac power systems, definitions of power quality terminology, impact of poor power quality on utility and customer equipment, and the measurement of electromagnetic phenomena are covered.Keywords: data interpretation, electric power quality, electromagnetic phenomena, monitoring, power quality definitionsIEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in partici-pating in the development of the standard.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, mar-ket, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and com-ments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every Þve years for revision or reafÞrmation. When a document is more than Þve years old and has not been reafÞrmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reßect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership afÞliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in docu-ments should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to speciÞc applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appro-priate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned inter-ests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason IEEE and the members of its technical com-mittees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE Standards Board445 Hoes LaneP.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAIntroduction(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1159-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality.)This recommended practice was developed out of an increasing awareness of the difÞculty in comparing results obtained by researchers using different instruments when seeking to characterize the quality of low-voltage power systems. One of the initial goals was to promote more uniformity in the basic algorithms and data reduction methods applied by different instrument manufacturers. This proved difÞcult and was not achieved, given the free market principles under which manufacturers design and market their products. However, consensus was achieved on the contents of this recommended practice, which provides guidance to users of monitoring instruments so that some degree of comparisons might be possible.An important Þrst step was to compile a list of power quality related deÞnitions to ensure that contributing parties would at least speak the same language, and to provide instrument manufacturers with a common base for identifying power quality phenomena. From that starting point, a review of the objectives of moni-toring provides the necessary perspective, leading to a better understanding of the means of monitoringÑthe instruments. The operating principles and the application techniques of the monitoring instruments are described, together with the concerns about interpretation of the monitoring results. Supporting information is provided in a bibliography, and informative annexes address calibration issues.The Working Group on Monitoring Electric Power Quality, which undertook the development of this recom-mended practice, had the following membership:J. Charles Smith, Chair Gil Hensley, SecretaryLarry Ray, Technical EditorMark Andresen Thomas Key John RobertsVladi Basch Jack King Anthony St. JohnRoger Bergeron David Kreiss Marek SamotyjJohn Burnett Fran•ois Martzloff Ron SmithJohn Dalton Alex McEachern Bill StuntzAndrew Dettloff Bill Moncrief John SullivanDave GrifÞth Allen Morinec David VannoyThomas Gruzs Ram Mukherji Marek WaclawlakErich Gunther Richard Nailen Daniel WardMark Kempker David Pileggi Steve WhisenantHarry RauworthIn addition to the working group members, the following people contributed their knowledge and experience to this document:Ed Cantwell Christy Herig Tejindar SinghJohn Curlett Allan Ludbrook Maurice TetreaultHarshad MehtaiiiThe following persons were on the balloting committee:James J. Burke David Kreiss Jacob A. RoizDavid A. Dini Michael Z. Lowenstein Marek SamotyjW. Mack Grady Fran•ois D. Martzloff Ralph M. ShowersDavid P. Hartmann Stephen McCluer J. C. SmithMichael Higgins A. McEachern Robert L. SmithThomas S. Key W. A. Moncrief Daniel J. WardJoseph L. KoepÞnger P. Richman Charles H. WilliamsJohn M. RobertsWhen the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on June 14, 1995, it had the following membership:E. G. ÒAlÓ Kiener, Chair Donald C. Loughry,Vice ChairAndrew G. Salem,SecretaryGilles A. Baril Richard J. Holleman Marco W. MigliaroClyde R. Camp Jim Isaak Mary Lou PadgettJoseph A. Cannatelli Ben C. Johnson John W. PopeStephen L. Diamond Sonny Kasturi Arthur K. ReillyHarold E. Epstein Lorraine C. Kevra Gary S. RobinsonDonald C. Fleckenstein Ivor N. Knight Ingo RuschJay Forster*Joseph L. KoepÞnger*Chee Kiow TanDonald N. Heirman D. N. ÒJimÓ Logothetis Leonard L. TrippL. Bruce McClung*Member EmeritusAlso included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:Satish K. AggarwalRichard B. EngelmanRobert E. HebnerChester C. TaylorRochelle L. SternIEEE Standards Project EditorivContentsCLAUSE PAGE 1.Overview (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Purpose (2)2.References (2)3.Definitions (2)3.1Terms used in this recommended practice (2)3.2Avoided terms (7)3.3Abbreviations and acronyms (8)4.Power quality phenomena (9)4.1Introduction (9)4.2Electromagnetic compatibility (9)4.3General classification of phenomena (9)4.4Detailed descriptions of phenomena (11)5.Monitoring objectives (24)5.1Introduction (24)5.2Need for monitoring power quality (25)5.3Equipment tolerances and effects of disturbances on equipment (25)5.4Equipment types (25)5.5Effect on equipment by phenomena type (26)6.Measurement instruments (29)6.1Introduction (29)6.2AC voltage measurements (29)6.3AC current measurements (30)6.4Voltage and current considerations (30)6.5Monitoring instruments (31)6.6Instrument power (34)7.Application techniques (35)7.1Safety (35)7.2Monitoring location (38)7.3Equipment connection (41)7.4Monitoring thresholds (43)7.5Monitoring period (46)8.Interpreting power monitoring results (47)8.1Introduction (47)8.2Interpreting data summaries (48)8.3Critical data extraction (49)8.4Interpreting critical events (51)8.5Verifying data interpretation (59)vANNEXES PAGE Annex A Calibration and self testing (informative) (60)A.1Introduction (60)A.2Calibration issues (61)Annex B Bibliography (informative) (63)B.1Definitions and general (63)B.2Susceptibility and symptomsÑvoltage disturbances and harmonics (65)B.3Solutions (65)B.4Existing power quality standards (67)viIEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality1. Overview1.1 ScopeThis recommended practice encompasses the monitoring of electric power quality of single-phase and polyphase ac power systems. As such, it includes consistent descriptions of electromagnetic phenomena occurring on power systems. The document also presents deÞnitions of nominal conditions and of deviations from these nominal conditions, which may originate within the source of supply or load equipment, or from interactions between the source and the load.Brief, generic descriptions of load susceptibility to deviations from nominal conditions are presented to identify which deviations may be of interest. Also, this document presents recommendations for measure-ment techniques, application techniques, and interpretation of monitoring results so that comparable results from monitoring surveys performed with different instruments can be correlated.While there is no implied limitation on the voltage rating of the power system being monitored, signal inputs to the instruments are limited to 1000 Vac rms or less. The frequency ratings of the ac power systems being monitored are in the range of 45Ð450 Hz.Although it is recognized that the instruments may also be used for monitoring dc supply systems or data transmission systems, details of application to these special cases are under consideration and are not included in the scope. It is also recognized that the instruments may perform monitoring functions for envi-ronmental conditions (temperature, humidity, high frequency electromagnetic radiation); however, the scope of this document is limited to conducted electrical parameters derived from voltage or current measure-ments, or both.Finally, the deÞnitions are solely intended to characterize common electromagnetic phenomena to facilitate communication between various sectors of the power quality community. The deÞnitions of electromagnetic phenomena summarized in table 2 are not intended to represent performance standards or equipment toler-ances. Suppliers of electricity may utilize different thresholds for voltage supply, for example, than the ±10% that deÞnes conditions of overvoltage or undervoltage in table 2. Further, sensitive equipment may mal-function due to electromagnetic phenomena not outside the thresholds of the table 2 criteria.1IEEEStd 1159-1995IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR 1.2 PurposeThe purpose of this recommended practice is to direct users in the proper monitoring and data interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena that cause power quality problems. It deÞnes power quality phenomena in order to facilitate communication within the power quality community. This document also forms the con-sensus opinion about safe and acceptable methods for monitoring electric power systems and interpreting the results. It further offers a tutorial on power system disturbances and their common causes.2. ReferencesThis recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the follow-ing standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.IEC 1000-2-1 (1990), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)ÑPart 2 Environment. Section 1: Description of the environmentÑelectromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems.1IEC 50(161)(1990), International Electrotechnical V ocabularyÑChapter 161: Electromagnetic Compatibility. IEEE Std 100-1992, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms (ANSI).2IEEE Std 1100-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment (Emerald Book) (ANSI).3. DeÞnitionsThe purpose of this clause is to present concise deÞnitions of words that convey the basic concepts of power quality monitoring. These terms are listed below and are expanded in clause 4. The power quality commu-nity is also pervaded by terms that have no scientiÞc deÞnition. A partial listing of these words is included in 3.2; use of these terms in the power quality community is discouraged. Abbreviations and acronyms that are employed throughout this recommended practice are listed in Terms used in this recommended practiceThe primary sources for terms used are IEEE Std 100-19923 indicated by (a), and IEC 50 (161)(1990) indi-cated by (b). Secondary sources are IEEE Std 1100-1992 indicated by (c), IEC-1000-2-1 (1990) indicated by (d) and UIE -DWG-3-92-G [B16]4. Some referenced deÞnitions have been adapted and modiÞed in order to apply to the context of this recommended practice.3.1.1 accuracy: The freedom from error of a measurement. Generally expressed (perhaps erroneously) as percent inaccuracy. Instrument accuracy is expressed in terms of its uncertaintyÑthe degree of deviation from a known value. An instrument with an uncertainty of 0.1% is 99.9% accurate. At higher accuracy lev-els, uncertainty is typically expressed in parts per million (ppm) rather than as a percentage.1IEC publications are available from IEC Sales Department, Case Postale 131, 3, rue de VarembŽ, CH-1211, Gen•ve 20, Switzerland/ Suisse. IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.2IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.3Information on references can be found in clause 2.4The numbers in brackets correspond to those bibliographical items listed in annex B.2IEEE MONITORING ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY Std 1159-1995 3.1.2 accuracy ratio: The ratio of an instrumentÕs tolerable error to the uncertainty of the standard used to calibrate it.3.1.3 calibration: Any process used to verify the integrity of a measurement. The process involves compar-ing a measuring instrument to a well defined standard of greater accuracy (a calibrator) to detect any varia-tions from specified performance parameters, and making any needed compensations. The results are then recorded and filed to establish the integrity of the calibrated instrument.3.1.4 common mode voltage: A voltage that appears between current-carrying conductors and ground.b The noise voltage that appears equally and in phase from each current-carrying conductor to ground.c3.1.5 commercial power: Electrical power furnished by the electric power utility company.c3.1.6 coupling: Circuit element or elements, or network, that may be considered common to the input mesh and the output mesh and through which energy may be transferred from one to the other.a3.1.7 current transformer (CT): An instrument transformer intended to have its primary winding con-nected in series with the conductor carrying the current to be measured or controlled.a3.1.8 dip: See: sag.3.1.9 dropout: A loss of equipment operation (discrete data signals) due to noise, sag, or interruption.c3.1.10 dropout voltage: The voltage at which a device fails to operate.c3.1.11 electromagnetic compatibility: The ability of a device, equipment, or system to function satisfacto-rily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to any-thing in that environment.b3.1.12 electromagnetic disturbance: Any electromagnetic phenomena that may degrade the performance of a device, equipment, or system, or adversely affect living or inert matter.b3.1.13 electromagnetic environment: The totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location.b3.1.14 electromagnetic susceptibility: The inability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.NOTEÑSusceptibility is a lack of immunity.b3.1.15 equipment grounding conductor: The conductor used to connect the noncurrent-carrying parts of conduits, raceways, and equipment enclosures to the grounded conductor (neutral) and the grounding elec-trode at the service equipment (main panel) or secondary of a separately derived system (e.g., isolation transformer). See Section 100 in ANSI/NFPA 70-1993 [B2].3.1.16 failure mode: The effect by which failure is observed.a3.1.17 ßicker: Impression of unsteadiness of visual sensation induced by a light stimulus whose luminance or spectral distribution fluctuates with time.b3.1.18 frequency deviation: An increase or decrease in the power frequency. The duration of a frequency deviation can be from several cycles to several hours.c Syn.: power frequency variation.3.1.19 fundamental (component): The component of an order 1 (50 or 60 Hz) of the Fourier series of a periodic quantity.b3IEEEStd 1159-1995IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR 3.1.20 ground: A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, by which an electric circuit or piece of equipment is connected to the earth, or to some conducting body of relatively large extent that serves in place of the earth.NOTEÑ It is used for establishing and maintaining the potential of the earth (or of the conducting body) or approxi-mately that potential, on conductors connected to it, and for conducting ground currents to and from earth (or the con-ducting body).a3.1.21 ground loop: In a radial grounding system, an undesired conducting path between two conductive bodies that are already connected to a common (single-point) ground.3.1.22 harmonic (component): A component of order greater than one of the Fourier series of a periodic quantity.b3.1.23 harmonic content: The quantity obtained by subtracting the fundamental component from an alter-nating quantity.a3.1.24 immunity (to a disturbance): The ability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without deg-radation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.b3.1.25 impulse: A pulse that, for a given application, approximates a unit pulse.b When used in relation to the monitoring of power quality, it is preferred to use the term impulsive transient in place of impulse.3.1.26 impulsive transient: A sudden nonpower frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage or current that is unidirectional in polarity (primarily either positive or negative).3.1.27 instantaneous: A time range from 0.5Ð30 cycles of the power frequency when used to quantify the duration of a short duration variation as a modifier.3.1.28 interharmonic (component): A frequency component of a periodic quantity that is not an integer multiple of the frequency at which the supply system is designed to operate operating (e.g., 50 Hz or 60 Hz).3.1.29 interruption, momentary (power quality monitoring): A type of short duration variation. The complete loss of voltage (< 0.1 pu) on one or more phase conductors for a time period between 0.5 cycles and 3 s.3.1.30 interruption, sustained (electric power systems): Any interruption not classified as a momentary interruption.3.1.31 interruption, temporary (power quality monitoring):A type of short duration variation. The com-plete loss of voltage (< 0.1 pu) on one or more phase conductors for a time period between 3 s and 1 min.3.1.32 isolated ground: An insulated equipment grounding conductor run in the same conduit or raceway as the supply conductors. This conductor may be insulated from the metallic raceway and all ground points throughout its length. It originates at an isolated ground-type receptacle or equipment input terminal block and terminates at the point where neutral and ground are bonded at the power source. See Section 250-74, Exception #4 and Exception in Section 250-75 in ANSI/NFPA 70-1993 [B2].3.1.33 isolation: Separation of one section of a system from undesired influences of other sections.c3.1.34 long duration voltage variation:See: voltage variation, long duration.3.1.35 momentary (power quality monitoring): A time range at the power frequency from 30 cycles to 3 s when used to quantify the duration of a short duration variation as a modifier.4IEEE MONITORING ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY Std 1159-1995 3.1.36 momentary interruption:See: interruption, momentary.3.1.37 noise: Unwanted electrical signals which produce undesirable effects in the circuits of the control systems in which they occur.a (For this document, control systems is intended to include sensitive electronic equipment in total or in part.)3.1.38 nominal voltage (Vn): A nominal value assigned to a circuit or system for the purpose of conve-niently designating its voltage class (as 120/208208/120, 480/277, 600).d3.1.39 nonlinear load: Steady-state electrical load that draws current discontinuously or whose impedance varies throughout the cycle of the input ac voltage waveform.c3.1.40 normal mode voltage: A voltage that appears between or among active circuit conductors, but not between the grounding conductor and the active circuit conductors.3.1.41 notch: A switching (or other) disturbance of the normal power voltage waveform, lasting less than 0.5 cycles, which is initially of opposite polarity than the waveform and is thus subtracted from the normal waveform in terms of the peak value of the disturbance voltage. This includes complete loss of voltage for up to 0.5 cycles [B13].3.1.42 oscillatory transient: A sudden, nonpower frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage or current that includes both positive or negative polarity value.3.1.43 overvoltage: When used to describe a specific type of long duration variation, refers to a measured voltage having a value greater than the nominal voltage for a period of time greater than 1 min. Typical val-ues are 1.1Ð1.2 pu.3.1.44 phase shift: The displacement in time of one waveform relative to another of the same frequency and harmonic content.c3.1.45 potential transformer (PT): An instrument transformer intended to have its primary winding con-nected in shunt with a power-supply circuit, the voltage of which is to be measured or controlled. Syn.: volt-age transformer.a3.1.46 power disturbance: Any deviation from the nominal value (or from some selected thresholds based on load tolerance) of the input ac power characteristics.c3.1.47 power quality: The concept of powering and grounding sensitive equipment in a manner that is suit-able to the operation of that equipment.cNOTEÑWithin the industry, alternate definitions or interpretations of power quality have been used, reflecting different points of view. Therefore, this definition might not be exclusive, pending development of a broader consensus.3.1.48 precision: Freedom from random error.3.1.49 pulse: An abrupt variation of short duration of a physical an electrical quantity followed by a rapid return to the initial value.3.1.50 random error: Error that is not repeatable, i.e., noise or sensitivity to changing environmental factors. NOTEÑFor most measurements, the random error is small compared to the instrument tolerance.3.1.51 sag: A decrease to between 0.1 and 0.9 pu in rms voltage or current at the power frequency for dura-tions of 0.5 cycle to 1 min. Typical values are 0.1 to 0.9 pu.b See: dip.IEEEStd 1159-1995IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR NOTEÑTo give a numerical value to a sag, the recommended usage is Òa sag to 20%,Ó which means that the line volt-age is reduced down to 20% of the normal value, not reduced by 20%. Using the preposition ÒofÓ (as in Òa sag of 20%,Óor implied by Òa 20% sagÓ) is deprecated.3.1.52 shield: A conductive sheath (usually metallic) normally applied to instrumentation cables, over the insulation of a conductor or conductors, for the purpose of providing means to reduce coupling between the conductors so shielded and other conductors that may be susceptible to, or that may be generating unwanted electrostatic or electromagnetic fields (noise).c3.1.53 shielding: The use of a conducting and/or ferromagnetic barrier between a potentially disturbing noise source and sensitive circuitry. Shields are used to protect cables (data and power) and electronic cir-cuits. They may be in the form of metal barriers, enclosures, or wrappings around source circuits and receiv-ing circuits.c3.1.54 short duration voltage variation:See: voltage variation, short duration.3.1.55 slew rate: Rate of change of ac voltage, expressed in volts per second a quantity such as volts, fre-quency, or temperature.a3.1.56 sustained: When used to quantify the duration of a voltage interruption, refers to the time frame asso-ciated with a long duration variation (i.e., greater than 1 min).3.1.57 swell: An increase in rms voltage or current at the power frequency for durations from 0.5 cycles to 1 min. Typical values are 1.1Ð1.8 pu.3.1.58 systematic error: The portion of error that is repeatable, i.e., zero error, gain or scale error, and lin-earity error.3.1.59 temporary interruption:See: interruption, temporary.3.1.60 tolerance: The allowable variation from a nominal value.3.1.61 total harmonic distortion disturbance level: The level of a given electromagnetic disturbance caused by the superposition of the emission of all pieces of equipment in a given system.b The ratio of the rms of the harmonic content to the rms value of the fundamental quantity, expressed as a percent of the fun-damental [B13].a Syn.: distortion factor.3.1.62 traceability: Ability to compare a calibration device to a standard of even higher accuracy. That stan-dard is compared to another, until eventually a comparison is made to a national standards laboratory. This process is referred to as a chain of traceability.3.1.63 transient: Pertaining to or designating a phenomenon or a quantity that varies between two consecu-tive steady states during a time interval that is short compared to the time scale of interest. A transient can be a unidirectional impulse of either polarity or a damped oscillatory wave with the first peak occurring in either polarity.b3.1.64 undervoltage: A measured voltage having a value less than the nominal voltage for a period of time greater than 1 min when used to describe a specific type of long duration variation, refers to. Typical values are 0.8Ð0.9 pu.3.1.65 voltage change: A variation of the rms or peak value of a voltage between two consecutive levels sustained for definite but unspecified durations.d3.1.66 voltage dip:See: sag.IEEE MONITORING ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY Std 1159-1995 3.1.67 voltage distortion: Any deviation from the nominal sine wave form of the ac line voltage.3.1.68 voltage ßuctuation: A series of voltage changes or a cyclical variation of the voltage envelope.d3.1.69 voltage imbalance (unbalance), polyphase systems: The maximum deviation among the three phases from the average three-phase voltage divided by the average three-phase voltage. The ratio of the neg-ative or zero sequence component to the positive sequence component, usually expressed as a percentage.a3.1.70 voltage interruption: Disappearance of the supply voltage on one or more phases. Usually qualified by an additional term indicating the duration of the interruption (e.g., momentary, temporary, or sustained).3.1.71 voltage regulation: The degree of control or stability of the rms voltage at the load. Often specified in relation to other parameters, such as input-voltage changes, load changes, or temperature changes.c3.1.72 voltage variation, long duration: A variation of the rms value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time greater than 1 min. Usually further described using a modifier indicating the magnitude of a volt-age variation (e.g., undervoltage, overvoltage, or voltage interruption).3.1.73 voltage variation, short duration: A variation of the rms value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time greater than 0.5 cycles of the power frequency but less than or equal to 1 minute. Usually further described using a modifier indicating the magnitude of a voltage variation (e.g. sag, swell, or interruption) and possibly a modifier indicating the duration of the variation (e.g., instantaneous, momentary, or temporary).3.1.74 waveform distortion: A steady-state deviation from an ideal sine wave of power frequency princi-pally characterized by the spectral content of the deviation [B13].3.2 Avoided termsThe following terms have a varied history of usage, and some may have speciÞc deÞnitions for other appli-cations. It is an objective of this recommended practice that the following ambiguous words not be used in relation to the measurement of power quality phenomena:blackout frequency shiftblink glitchbrownout (see (when not further qualiÞed)bump outage (see ground power surgeclean power raw powercomputer grade ground raw utility powercounterpoise ground shared grounddedicated ground spikedirty ground subcycle outagesdirty power surge (see 4.4.1)wink。



美国电压标准美国电压标准美国电压标准(ANSI C84-la-1980)的规定:1.供电系统设计要按“范围A”进行,出现“范围B”的电压偏差范围应是极少见的,出现后应即采取措施设法达到“范围A”的要求。



460~480V系统:(包括480/277V三相四线制系统) 有照明时:用电设备处440~500V;供电点456~504V。





美国的工业用电为三相四线制227V/480V;民用是单相3线制120V 60HZ(工作零线和保护零线是分开的).在我国,长期是以单相二线和三相四线向居民供电,工业、民用混在一个系统,干扰很大。




100V、110~130V被归类低压如美国、日本、等以及船上的电压,为因此它的设备都是按照这样的低电压设计的,注重的是安全;220~240V则称为高压,其中包括了中国的220伏及英国的230伏和很多欧洲国家.注重的是效率按照美国电压标准(ANSI C84-la-1980)的规定,即范围A供电规定,应当符合下面这些要求的标准联邦电力法规定供电电压为115~120V,但我们通常也可以认为是110V,接110V设备并不会损坏,一切设备都有一个至少125%的富余设计容量。




低压电器标准规范中英文对照—技术标准1. GB/T 998-1982 低压电器基本试验方法Basic testing methodof low voltage apparatus2. GB/T 1003—1980 三相插头插座型式、基本参数与尺寸Types,basic parameters and dimensionsof three phase plugs and sockets3. GB 1444-1987 防爆灯具专用螺口式灯座Edison screw lampholders specially used forexplosion—proof luminaires4。

GB/T 1497—1985 低压电器基本标准The basic standard for low—voltage apparatus5。

GB 2099-1980 单相、三相插头插座技术条件Technical requirements for single —phase andthree- phase plugs and sockets6。

GB/T 2900.18—1992 电工术语低压电器Electrotechnical terminology—Low voltageapparatus7. GB/T 3783-1994 船用低压电器基本要求General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships8。

GB/T 3797-1989 电控设备第二部分: 装有电子器件的电控设备Electric—driving controlgear—Part2:Electric—driving controlgear incorporating electronic devices9. GB 3836。

1-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备通用要求Electrical apparatus for explosiveatmospheres-—General requirements10。



MET Lab = Manufacturers Enjoyed Test Lab
4)电源输入,输出连接 固定式连接:导线管 , 现场布线,直推式(Put-in) 电缆式或直插式:Minimum 18AWG, minimum 1.5 m (5 ft) in length, for dry location only shall be Type SP-2, Type SPE-2, Type SPT-2, or heavier. Rated for outdoor use by a surface marking ―W‖ or ―Water Resistant.‖ 非与电源线连接的导线或接头: A unit with multiple supply or load connections where interconnection could cumulatively exceed Class 2 or LVLE limits shall be provided with polarized connectors that inhibit such interconnection. Output connectors mounted on the enclosure and intended for direct connection of accessories shall provide a secure connection between mating parts. The connections shall be polarized if the output is direct current or if multiple outputs are provided. Coaxial cable connectors shall not be used for output connections.

美国ATC Diversified SLA系列三相电压监测器-中文手册说明书

美国ATC Diversified SLA系列三相电压监测器-中文手册说明书

Style "A"Style "N"Style "E"Phase Monitors • Available up to 480 VAC(625 VAC with "E" style)153154Diversified Electronics 800.727.5646 STYLE "E"STYLE "E"STYLE "E"STYLE "N"STYLE "N"Figure 4Figure 5Figure 1 RB-08 or OT-08Figure 2 RB-11Figure 3 70-463-1155Diversified Electronics 800.727.5646 ORDERING INFORMATIONMODEL NUMBER OPERATING VOLTAGETYPE OF ADJUSTMENT DROP-OUT VOLTAGE AGENCYAPPROVAL OUTPUT RATINGS1 Ø LOW 3 Ø LOWSLA-120-ALA 95-130 AdjLock Shaft79-10885-117—DPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC.Figure 2SLA-120-ASA Screwdriver SPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 1SLA-120-ASB SPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 3SLA-230-ALA 190-270 Adj.Lock Shaft158-224171-243DPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 2SLA-230-ASA ScrewdriverSPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 1SLA-230-ASB SPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 3SLA-380-ASA 350-440 Adj.290-365315-396—SPDT,360 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 1SLA-440-ASA 430-480 Adj.357-398387-432SUA-120-ALA 95-130 Adj.Lock Shaft79-10885-117SPDT,345 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 1SUA-120-ALAU*SUA-230-ALA 190-270 Adj.158-224171-243SUA-230-ALAU*SUA-380-ASA 350-440 Adj.Screwdriver290-365315-396SPDT,10 AmpsResistive @ 240 VAC,Figure 1SUA-440-ASA430-480 Adj.357-398387-432*UL Listed only when used with RB-08 relay socket;5 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC.All voltages referenced on this page are phase-to-phase.Models also available with fixed operating voltages.Consult factory.MODEL NUMBER OPERATING VOLTAGE DROP-OUT VOLTAGE RESET AGENCYAPPROVAL OUTPUT RATINGS1 Ø LOW 3 Ø LOW SLA-120-ALE 95-130 Adj.79-10885-117Automatic DPDT,211 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 120 VAC.Figure 4SLA-120-ALER Manual DPDT,211 VA Inductive;10 Amps Resistive @ 120 VAC.Figure 4SLA-230-ALE 190-270 Adj.158-224171-243Automatic DPDT,345 VA Inductive;5 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC.Figure 4SLA-230-ALER Manual DPDT,345 VA Inductive;5 Amps Resistive @ 240 VAC.Figure 4SLA-380-ALE 350-440 Adj.290-365315-396Automatic DPDT,360 VA Inductive;3 Amps Resistive @ 600 VAC.Figure 4SLA-380-ALER Manual SPDT,360 VA Inductive;3 Amps Resistive @ 600 VAC.Figure 5SLA-440-ALE 430-480 Adj.357-398387-432Automatic DPDT,360 VA Inductive;3 Amps Resistive @ 600 VAC.Figure 4SLA-440-ALER Manual SPDT,360 VA Inductive;3 Amps Resistive @ 600 VAC.Figure 5SLA-575-ALE525-625 Adj.436-519473-563AutomaticDPDT,360 VA Inductive;3 Amps Resistive @ 600 VAC.Figure 4All voltage referenced are phase-to-phase.—Models also available with fixed operating voltages.Consult factory.MODEL NUMBER OPERATING VOLTAGETYPE OF OPERATIONDROP-OUT VOLTAGE AGENCYAPPROVAL1 Ø LOW 3 Ø LOWSLA-120-AFN 120Fixed 100108SLA-208-AFN 208Fixed 173187SLA-220-AFN 220Fixed 183198SLA-240-AFN240Fixed 199216SPDT 180VA @ 120VAC; 72VA @ 24VAC; All voltage referenced are phase-to-phase.SPDT 180 va @ 120 vac, 72 va @ 24 vac.STYLE A PLUG-INSTYLE E SURFACE MOUNTED ENCLOSURESTYLE N EPOXY ENCAPSULATED——IND .CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496YIND . CONT . EQ 496YIND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496Y IND . CONT . EQ 496YP H A S E V O L T A G E M O N I T O R SS L A S e r i e s。

美国AST系列压力传感器选型表 - 中国环保设备网重点

美国AST系列压力传感器选型表 - 中国环保设备网重点

美国AST系列压力传感型号大类别产品描述主要技术参数AST4000UL/cUL508认证AST 4000采用整体不锈钢感应元件,可应用在各种要求结构坚固、使用寿命长,以及对不锈钢无腐蚀及损坏的领域,以实现其优秀和长期的测压性能。

为方便机械和电器连接,AST 4000提供了多种螺纹的压力接口及电信号输出以供选择。

精度:<+/-0.5% BFSL(高精度)稳定性(1年):+/-0.25%FS,(典型值)压力限制:2X额定压力爆破压力:5X or 20,000 PSI,(取小值)零点漂移:< +/-2% FS满量程误差:< +/-2% FS压力周期:>100百万工作温度:-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)储存温度:-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)AST4100 AST 4100是一种小型而价廉的不锈钢压力传感器。

AST 4100兼容的液压和气压范围可由0至10000 PSI,应用范围十分广阔。

AST 4100可选择10mV/V输出,或其它放大信号输出。

精度:<+/-0.5% BFSL(高精度)稳定性(1年):+/-0.25%FS,(典型值)超范围保护:2X额定压力压力周期:<100百万整个压力周期介质温度: -55 to 125°C (-65 to 250°F)储存温度: -40 to 125°C (-40 to 250°F支持条款:马达控制、控制面板满足UL508压力装置/连接:1/8" MNPT, 1/4"-18 NPT NPT Male,7/16"-20 UNF Male主体材料:介质接触部分为17-4PH的不锈钢材料(也可以使用316L)电器连接:2英寸长的电缆(标准条件下)包装条件:冷轧钢板AST4200 面板专用压力传感器为了简化压力传感器在控制面板上应用安装,美国传感器技术公司推出了AST4200贴板式压力传感器。



±100ppm/°C ±50ppm/°C ±25ppm/°C
包装方式: P (散装)
11K 110K 1M
11KΩ 110KΩ 1MΩ
04 of 04
Version 2014
GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.24 ΔR≤±(0.5%R+0.01Ω) ΔR≤±(2%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.21 ΔR≤±(0.4%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.25 ΔR≤±(2.0%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.18/3.29/3.16 ΔR≤±(0.15%R+0.01Ω)
Version 2014
03 of 04
RN65 型号: RN55, RN60, RN65, RN70. 额定功率 (W)
编码 RN55 RN60 RN65 RN70 RN55 RN60 RN65 RN70 温度 额定功率 (W) 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 0.1 0.125 0.25 0.5
RN 模压金属膜超精密电阻器
பைடு நூலகம்
阻值公差 (%)
编码 B C D F 阻值公差 ±0.1 ±0.25 ±0.5 ±1.0
70 °C
温度系数 (ppm/°C)
编码 C1 C2 C3 溫度系數
125 °C
阻值 (Ω):
编码 10R 100R 1K1 阻值 10Ω 100Ω 1.1KΩ



GBT533785汽车电器灯具和仪表名词术语UDC 629.113汽车电器、灯具和外表名词术语06:001.4Nomenclature and terminology for GB/T 5337—85automotive electrical equipment,lighting andinstrumemtation本标准规定了汽车电器(不包括蓄电池、火花塞及其他特种用途的电器)、灯具和外表的名词、术语的定义,并用英语进行了对比。

1 通用性术语general terminology1.1 标称电压nomina1 voltage,basic system voltage指汽车电气系统的名义电压:6伏、12伏或24伏。

1.2 额定电压rated voltage额定运行时的端电压。


1.3 单线制single wire system利用车体金属部分作为电气回路的接线方式。

1.4 搭铁earth,ground在单线制中,产品外壳与车体相连接作为电回路的导电体。


1.5 负极搭铁negative earth蓄电池的负极与车体相连接。

1.6 接线柱terminal post带螺纹(或不带螺纹)的接线端。


1.7 接线片blade terminal带片状的接线端。

2 充电系统charging system2.1 直流发电机DC generator,dynamo经换向器换向输出为直流电的发电机。

2.1.1 前端盖drive end bearing bracket发电机(交、直流)、起动机或小型电动机驱动端支承电机转子的支承座。


2.1.2 后端盖commutator(slip ring)end bearing brackel 发电机(交、直流)、起动机或小型电动机非驱动端支承电机转子的支承座。

高精度芯片抑制器PAT3042 4556 3060H产品说明书

高精度芯片抑制器PAT3042 4556 3060H产品说明书

ɾAttenuator for coaxial lines/circuit ɾAttenuator for measuring instrumentation
˗Part numbering system
Series code Size ɿPAT3042,PAT4556,PAT3060H
Impedance: C=50Ω
Packing quantity: T=Tape (T1/T2), B=Bulk
Attenuation toleranceʢ PAT3042/4556)
Attenuation来自˗Electrical Specification
1"5 1"5)
4ZNCPM 8 U 8 8 8 - -
ʶ ʶ ʶ
ʔ ʶ
ʶ ʶ ʶ ʶ ʶ
PAT series W type High frequency surface mount components 3BUJPUPSBUFEQPXFSʢˋʣ

Operating frequency
%$ ʙ ()[
%$ ʙ ()[
Rated power
Rated operating temperature
Operating temperature
Packaging quantity
High Precision Chip Attenuator



型号 Type
Miltary Number
BNC-50KY-1 27.0 3.3
BNC-50KY-2A 30.15 6.6 21-0002 UG1094A-U
咨询电话: 0510-85219650 传真:0510-85215738 e-mail: gtvac@
BNC 型:外导体内径为 6.5mm(0.256in)、卡口锁定、特性阻抗为 50Ω 该连接器适用于低功率,它利用卡口连接结构以获得快速连接和分离,并能与国外同类产品 相互换,广泛地用于无线电设备和电子仪器中连接射频同轴电缆。 Type BNC:with inner diameter of outer conductor 6.5 mm(0.256 in) With bayonet lock-Characteristic impedance 50Ω These connectors are for low power,quick connect/disconnect applications using a bayonet type coiping mechanism and can be interchangeable with the same-type connectors of abroad。
6.4 SDY-4 SYV-75-4
弯式插头 Angle plugs
BNC-JW3 3.0 BNC-JW4 4.2 BNC-JW5 5.3 BNC-JW12 5.3

美国电池标准(ANSI battery standards)

美国电池标准(ANSI battery standards)
ANSI T1.411-2001
Telecommunications - Network-to-Customer Installation Interfaces - Analog Voicegrade Enhanced 911 Switched Access Using Network-Provided Reverse-Battery Signaling
ANSI C18.3MPart 1-2005
Portable Lithium Primary Cellsand Batteries - Generaland Specifications
ANSI C18.3MPart 2-2004
Portable Lithium Primary Cellsand Batteries - Safety Standard
ANSI/ASTM E973M-1996
Test Method for Determination of the Spectral Mismatch Parameter between a Photovoltaic Deviceand a Photovoltaic Reference Cell(Metric)
ANSI/CSA AmericaFC 1-2004
Fuel Cell Power Plants(same as CGA 12.10)
Portable Fuel Cell Power Systems

METRACLIP 85 电压多功能仪说明书

METRACLIP 85 电压多功能仪说明书

Start GuideClamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85 EnglishYou have just acquired an METRACLIP 85 clamp multimeter and we thank you.For best results from your device :• read this user manual attentively, • observe the precautions for its use.Meanings of the symbols used on the deviceDanger. The operator agrees to refer to this data sheet whenever this dangersymbol is encountered.Application or withdrawal authorized on uninsulated or bare conductors atdangerous voltages.9 V battery.The CE marking indicates compliance with European directives.Double insulation or reinforced insulation.Selective sorting of wastes for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment within the European Union.In conformity with directive DEEE 2002/96/EC: this equipment must not betreated as household waste.AC – Alternating current.AC and DC – Alternating and direct current.Earth.Risk of electric shock.English Clamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85PRECAUTIONS FOR USEThis device complies with safety standards IEC-61010-1 and 61010-2-032 for voltages of 1000V in category III or 600V in category IV at an altitude OF less than 2000m, indoors, with a degree of pollution not exceeding 2.These safety instructions are intended to ensure the safety of persons and proper operation of the device. If the tester is used other than as specified in this data sheet, the protection provided by the device may be impaired.▪The operator and/or the responsible authority must carefully read and clearly understand the various precautions to be taken in use.▪If you use this instrument other than as specified, the protection it provides may be compromised, thereby endangering you.▪Do not use the instrument in an explosive atmosphere or in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.▪Do not use the instrument on networks of which the voltage or category exceeds those mentioned.▪Do not exceed the rated maximum voltages and currents between terminals or with respect to earth.▪Do not use the instrument if it appears to be damaged, incomplete, or not properly closed.▪Before each use, check the condition of the insulation on the leads, housing, and accessories. Any element of which the insulation is deteriorated (even partially) must be set aside for repair or scrapped.▪Use leads and accessories rated for voltages and categories at least equal to those of the instrument. If not, an accessory of a lower category lowers the category of the combined Clamp + accessory to that of the accessory.▪Observe the environmental conditions of use.▪Do not modify the instrument and do not replace components with "equivalents". Repairs and adjustments must be done by approved qualified personnel.▪Replace the battery as soon as the symbol appears on the display unit. Disconnect all cords before opening the battery compartment cover.▪Use personal protective equipment when conditions require.▪Keep your hands away from the unused terminals of the instrument.▪When handling the test probes, crocodile clips, and clamp ammeters, keep your fingers behind the physical guard.▪As a safety measure, and to avoid repeated overloads on the inputs of the device, we recommend performing configuration operations only when the device is disconnected from all dangerous voltages.Clamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85 EnglishMEASUREMENT CATEGORIESDefinitions of the measurement categories :CAT II: Circuits directly connected to the low-voltage installation.Example: power supply to household electrical appliances and portable tools.CAT III: Power supply circuits in the installation of the building.Example: distribution panel, circuit-breakers, fixed industrial machines or devices.CAT IV: Circuits supplying the low-voltage installation of the building. Example: power lines, meters, and protection devices.1 PRESENTATIONItem Designation1Jaws with centring marks (see connection principles)2 Physical guard3 Switch4 Function keys5 Display unit6 Terminals7 TriggerEnglish Clamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85 1.1 THE SWITCHThe switch has six positions. To access the , , , , , functions, set the switch to the desired function. Each setting is confirmed by an audible signal. The functions are described in the table below.1.2 THE KEYS OF THE KEYPAD1 2 34 5 6Item Function1 OFF mode – Switches the clampmultimeter off2 AC, DC voltage measurement (V)3 Continuity testResistance measur ement ΩDiode test4 AC, DC current measurement (A)5 Temperature measurement (°C/°F)6 Adapter functionItem Function1 Storage of values, disabling of displayZero correction A DCCompensation of the resistance of the leadsin the continuity and ohmmeter function2 Selection of the type of measurement (AC,DC)3 Activation or de-activation of thebacklightingof the display unit4 Activation or de-activation of the MAX/MINmodeActivation or de-activation of the INRUSHmode in A5 Frequency measurements (Hz)6 Activation of ΔREL mode – Display ofdifferential and relative valuesClamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85 English1.3DISPLAY51.3.1The symbols of the display unitSymbol DesignationAC Alternating current or voltage DC Direct current or voltage∆REL Relative value, with respect to a reference ∆RefReference valueStorage of the values and hold of the display M ax Maximum RMS value Min Minimum RMS value V Volt Hz Hertz A Ampere % Percentage ΩOhmItem Function1Display of the modes selected (keys)2Display of the measurement value and unit3 Display of the MAX/MIN modes4 Type of measurement (AC or DC) 5Display of the selected modes (switch)6Spent battery indicationEnglish Clamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85m Milli- prefix kKilo- prefixCompensation of the resistance of the leadsContinuity testDiode testPermanent display (automatic switching off de-activated)Spent battery indicatorThe O.L (Over Load) symbol is displayed when the display capacity is exceeded.1.1THE TERMINALSThe terminals are used as follows:1 2Item Function 1 Cold terminal (COM) 2Hot terminal (+)Clamp Multimeter METRACLIP 85 English22 USE2.1 COMMISSIONINGInsert the battery supplied with the device as follows:1. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screw of the battery compartment cover (item 1) onthe back of the housing and open it.2. Place the battery in the compartment (item 2), taking care to get the polarities right.3. Close the battery compartment cover and screw it to the housing.2_Ed1_1/212。


transformer; ● the second bushings are connected to the
outgoing line; ● the third bushings are connected to the
incoming line.
Therefore there is no traditional BusBar, i.e. the BusBar is realized within the PASS M0 by means of the first and second bushings.
The disconnector/earthing switch may, in an emergency, be operated manually by means of a crank.
Current Transformer
PASS M0 is equipped with a conventional current transformer, to meet customer requirements, e.g. for retrofitting. Several combinations of cores for protection and measurements with different burdens are available. Up to 5 cores can be fitted into the current transformer.
Single BusBar
Double BusBar
Incoming Outgorcuit-breaker
Life Cycle Cost
OSCAR Optimal Substation Concept And Research

ASTM D4951-2002

ASTM D4951-2002

Designation:D 4951–02An American National StandardStandard Test Method forDetermination of Additive Elements in Lubricating Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4951;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers the quantitative determination of barium,boron,calcium,copper,magnesium,phosphorus,sulfur,and zinc in unused lubricating oils and additive pack-ages.1.2The precision statements are valid for dilutions in which the mass %sample in solvent is held constant in the range of 1to 5mass %oil.1.3The precision tables define the concentration ranges covered in the interlaboratory study.However,both lower and higher concentrations can be determined by this test method.The low concentration limits are dependent on the sensitivity of the ICP instrument and the dilution factor.The high concentration limits are determined by the product of the maximum concentration defined by the linear calibration curve and the sample dilution factor.1.4Sulfur can be determined if the instrument can operate at a wavelength of 180nm.1.5The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:D 1552Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (High-Temperature Method)2D 4057Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products 3D 4307Practice for Preparation of Liquid Blends for Use asAnalytical Standards 3D 4628Test Method for Analysis of Barium,Calcium,Magnesium,and Zinc in Unused Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 3D 4927Test Methods for Elemental Analysis of Lubricant and Additive Components—Barium,Calcium,Phospho-rus,Sulfur,and Zinc by Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy 3D 5185Test Method for Determination of Additive Ele-ments,Wear Metals,and Contaminants in Used Lubricat-ing Oils and Determination of Selected Elements in Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)3D 6299Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance Techniques to Evaluate Analytical Measurement System Performance 43.Summary of Test Method3.1A sample portion is weighed and diluted by mass with mixed xylenes or other solvent.An internal standard,which is required,is either weighed separately into the test solution or is previously combined with the dilution solvent.Calibration standards are prepared similarly.The solutions are introduced to the ICP instrument by free aspiration or an optional peristaltic pump.By comparing emission intensities of ele-ments in the test specimen with emission intensities measured with the calibration standards and by applying the appropriate internal standard correction,the concentrations of elements in the sample are calculable.4.Significance and Use4.1This test method usually requires several minutes per sample.This test method covers eight elements and thus provides more elemental composition data than Test Method D 4628or Test Methods D 4927.In addition,this test method provides more accurate results than Test Method D 5185,which is intended for used lubricating oils and base oils.4.2Additive packages are blends of individual additives,which can act as detergents,antioxidants,antiwear agents,and1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.03on Elemental Analysis.Current edition approved Jan.10,2002.Published March 2002.Originally published as D 4951–st previous edition D 4951–00.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 05.01.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 05.02.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 05.03.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.标准分享网 免费下载The standard is downloaded from so forth.Many additives contain one or more elements covered by this test method.Additive package specifications are based,in part,on elemental composition.Lubricating oils are typi-cally blends of additive packages,and their specifications are also determined,in part,by elemental composition.This test method can be used to determine if additive packages and unused lubricating oils meet specifications with respect to elemental composition.5.Interferences5.1Spectral —There are no known spectral interferences between elements covered by this test method when using the spectral lines listed in Table 1.However,if spectral interfer-ences exist because of other interfering elements or selection of other spectral lines,correct for the interference using the technique described in Test Method D 5185.5.2Viscosity Index Improver Effect —Viscosity index im-provers,which can be present in multi-grade lubricating oils,can bias measurements.However,the biases can be reduced to negligible proportion by using the specified solvent-to-sample dilution and an internal standard.6.Apparatus6.1Inductively-Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer —Either a sequential or simultaneous spectrom-eter is suitable,if equipped with a quartz ICP torch and r-f generator to form and sustain the plasma.6.2Analytical Balance ,capable of weighing to 0.001g or 0.0001g,capacity of 150g.6.3Peristaltic Pump,(Recommended)—A peristaltic pump is strongly recommended to provide a constant flow of solu-tion.The pumping speed must be in the range 0.5to 3mL/min.The pump tubing must be able to withstand at least 6h exposure to the dilution solvent.Fluoroelastomer copolymer 5tubing is recommended.6.4Solvent Dispenser,(Optional)—A solvent dispenser calibrated to deliver the required weight of diluent can be advantageous.Ensure that solvent drip does not affect accu-racy.6.5Specimen Solution Containers ,of appropriate size,glass or polyolefin vials or bottles,with screw caps.6.6Vortexer,(Optional)—V ortex the sample plus diluent mixture until the sample is completely dissolved.6.7Ultrasonic Homogenizer,Optional —A bath-type or probe-type ultrasonic homogenizer can be used to homogenizer the test specimen.7.Reagents and Materials7.1Purity of Reagents —Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests.Unless otherwise indicated,it is intended that all reagents conform to the specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society where such specifications are available.67.2Base Oil ,U.S.P.white oil,or a lubricating base oil that is free of analytes,having a viscosity at room temperature as close as possible to that of the samples to be analyzed.(Warning —Lubricating base oils can contain sulfur.For preparation of sulfur standards and blending of additive pack-ages,white oil is recommended.)7.3Internal Standard,(Required)—An oil-soluble internal standard element is required.The following internal standards were successfully used in the interlaboratory study on preci-sion:Ag,Be,Cd,Co (most common),La,Mn,Pb,Y .7.4Organometallic Standards —Multi-element standards,containing known concentrations (approximately 0.1mass %)of each element,can be prepared from the individual metal concentrates.Refer to Practice D 4307for a procedure for preparation of multicomponent liquid blends.When preparing multi-element standards,be certain that proper mixing is mercially available multi-element blends (with known concentrations of each element at approximately 0.1mass %)are also satisfactory.7.4.1More than one multi-element standard can be neces-sary to cover all elements,and the user of this test method can select the combination of elements and their concentrations in the multi-element standards.It can be advantageous to select concentrations that are typical of unused oils.However,it is imperative that concentrations are selected such that the emission intensities measured with the working standards can be measured precisely (that is,the emission intensities are significantly greater than background)and that these standards represent the linear region of the calibration curve.Frequently,the instrument manufacturer publishes guidelines for determin-ing linear range.5Fluoroelastomer copolymer is manufactured as Viton,a trademark owned by E.I.duPont de Nemours.6Reagent Chemicals,American Chemical Society Specifications ,American Chemical Society,Washington,DC.For suggestions on the testing of reagents not listed by the American Chemical Society,see Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals ,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,U.K.,and the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary ,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.TABLE 1Elements Determined and Suggested Wavelengths AElement Wavelength,nmBarium 233.53,455.40,493.41Boron B 182.59,249.68Calcium 315.88,317.93,364.4,422.67Copper 324.75Magnesium 279.08,279.55,285.21Phosphorus B 177.51,178.29,213.62,214.91,253.40Sulfur B 180.73,182.04,182.62Zinc202.55,206.20,213.86,334.58,481.05A These wavelengths are only suggested and do not represent all possible choices.BWavelengths for boron,phosphorus,and sulfur below 190nm require that a vacuum or inert gas purged optical path beused.7.4.2Some commercially available organometallic stan-dards are prepared from metal sulfonates and therefore contain sulfur.For sulfur determinations,a separate sulfur standard can be required.A sulfur standard can be prepared by blending NIST SRM1622with white oil.7.4.3Metal sulfonates can be used as a sulfur standard if the sulfur content is known or determined by an appropriate test method such as Test Method D1552.7.4.4Petroleum additives can also be used as organometal-lic standards if their use does not adversely affect precision nor introduce significant bias.7.5Dilution Solvent—Mixed xylenes,o-xylene,and kero-sine were successfully used in the interlaboratory study on precision.8.Internal Standardization(Required)8.1The internal standard procedure requires that every test solution(sample and standard)have the same concentration(or a known concentration)of an internal standard element that is not present in the original sample.The internal standard is usually combined with the dilution solvent.Internal standard compensation is typically handled in one of two different ways, which can be summarized as follows.8.1.1Calibration curves are based on the measured intensity of each analyte divided(that is,scaled)by the measured intensity of the internal standard per unit internal standard element concentration.Concentrations for each analyte in the test specimen solution are read directly from these calibration curves.8.1.2For each analyte and the internal standard element, calibration curves are based on measured(unscaled)intensi-ties.Uncorrected concentrations for each analyte in the test specimen solution are read from these calibration curves. Corrected analyte concentrations are calculated by multiplying the uncorrected concentrations by a factor equal to the actual internal standard concentration divided by the uncorrected internal standard concentration determined by analysis.8.2Dissolve the organometallic compound representing the internal standard in dilution solvent and transfer to a dispensing vessel.The stability of this solution must be monitored and prepared fresh(typically weekly)when the concentration of the internal standard element changes significantly.The concen-tration of internal standard element shall be at least100times its detection limit.A concentration in the range of10to20 mg/kg is typical.N OTE1—This test method specifies that the internal standard is combined with the dilution solvent because this technique is common and efficient when preparing many samples.However,the internal standard can be added separately from the dilution solvent as long as the internal standard concentration is constant or accurately known.9.Sampling9.1The objective of sampling is to obtain a test specimen that is representative of the entire quantity.Thus,take lab samples in accordance with the instructions in Practice D4057. The specific sampling technique can affect the accuracy of this test method.10.Preparation of Apparatus10.1Instrument—Design differences between instruments, ICP excitation sources,and different selected analytical wave-lengths for individual spectrometers make it impractical to detail the operating conditions.Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the instrument with organic solvents. Set up the instrument for use with the particular dilution solvent chosen.10.2Peristaltic Pump—If a peristaltic pump is used, inspect the pump tubing and replace it,if necessary,before starting each day.Verify the solution uptake rate and adjust it to the desired rate.10.3ICP Excitation Source—Initiate the plasma source at least30min before performing an analysis.During this warm up period,nebulize dilution solvent.Inspect the torch for carbon build-up during the warm up period.If carbon build-up occurs,replace the torch immediately and consult the manu-facturer’s operating guide to take proper steps to remedy the situation.N OTE2—Carbon that accumulates on the tip of the torch injector tube can be removed by using nebulizer gas that consists of approximately1% oxygen in argon.10.3.1Generally,carbon build-up can be minimized by increasing the intermediate argonflow rate or lowering the torch,or both,relative to the load coil.N OTE3—Some manufacturers recommend even longer warm up peri-ods to minimize changes in the slopes of the calibration curves.10.4Wavelength Profiling—Perform any wavelength profil-ing that is specified in the normal operation of the instrument.10.5Operating Parameters—Assign the appropriate oper-ating parameters to the instrument taskfile so that the desired elements can be determined.Parameters to be included are element,wavelength,background correction points(optional), interelement correction factors(refer to5.1),integration time, and internal standard compensation(required).Multiple inte-grations(typically three)are required for each measurement.A typical integration time is10s.11.Preparation of Test Specimens11.1Diluent—Diluent refers to the dilution solvent contain-ing the internal standard(refer to8.2).11.2Test specimen solutions are prepared in the same way that calibration standards are prepared(refer to12.2).The mass %oil in diluent must be the same for calibration standards and test specimen solutions.11.2.1Lubricating Oil Specimens—Weigh appropriate amount of the test specimen to the nearest0.001g.The weight of the test specimen taken will vary depending upon the metal concentration of the specimen.Dilute by mass with the diluent. Mix well.11.2.2Additive Packages—The concentrations of additive elements in additive packages are typically ten times the concentrations in lubricating oils.Therefore,additive packages arefirst blended with base oil before adding diluent. appropriate amount of the additive package to the nearest0.001g.The weight of the test specimen taken will vary depending upon the metal concentration inthespecimen.Add approximately ten times this amount of base oil,weighed to the nearest 0.001g.Dilute this mixture by mass with diluent.Mix well.11.3Record all weights and calculate dilution factors by dividing the sum of the weights of the diluent,sample,and base oil (if any)by the weight of the sample.TABLE 2RepeatabilityN OTE 1—X =mean concentration,mass %.Element Range,mass %Sample Repeatability,mass %Ba 0.13Oil0.011Ba 3.4Additive 0.20B 0.01–0.02Oil0.0017B 0.11–0.13Additive 0.0093Ca 0.012–0.18Oil0.0145(X +0.152)0.67Ca 0.8–4.1Additive 0.0363XCu 0.01–0.02Oil0.0008Cu 0.11Additive 0.0054Mg 0.05–0.14Oil0.0159X 0.7Mg 0.35–0.82Additive 0.0473X P 0.05–0.12Oil0.0264XP 0.7–1.3Additive 0.0313(X +0.294)S 0.3–0.8Oil0.016S 3.0–3.2Additive 0.14Zn 0.05–0.13Oil0.0212(X +0.0041)Zn0.7–1.4Additive0.035TABLE 3ReproducibilityN OTE 1—X =mean concentration,mass %.Element Range,mass %Sample Reproducibility,mass %Ba 0.13Oil0.019Ba 3.4Additive 0.66B 0.01–0.02Oil0.0035B 0.11–0.13Additive 0.016Ca 0.012–0.18Oil0.0208(X +0.152)0.67Ca 0.8–4.1Additive 0.114X Cu 0.01–0.02Oil0.0017Cu 0.11Additive 0.016Mg 0.05–0.14Oil0.0624X 0.7Mg 0.35–0.82Additive 0.198X P 0.05–0.12Oil0.101XP 0.7–1.3Additive 0.115(X +0.294)S 0.3–0.8Oil0.061S 3.0–3.2Additive 0.372Zn 0.05–0.13Oil0.0694(X +0.0041)Zn0.7–1.4Additive0.115TABLE 4Calculated Precision,mass %,at Selected Concentrations,mass %ElementConcentration0. repeatability 0.011reproducibility 0.019B repeatability 0.00170.0093reproducibility 0.00350.016Ca repeatability 0.00430.00500.00580.036reproducibility 0.00610.00710.00830.114Cu repeatability 0.00080.0054reproducibility 0.00170.016Mg repeatability 0.00200.00320.024reproducibility 0.00760.01240.099P repeatability 0.00130.00260.041reproducibility 0.00510.01010.149S repeatability 0.016reproducibility 0.061Znrepeatability 0.00110.00220.035reproducibility0.00370.00720.11512.Preparation of Calibration Standards and CheckStandards12.1Diluent—Diluent refers to the dilution solvent contain-ing the internal standard(refer to8.2).12.2The user of this test method has the option of selecting the dilution factor,that is,the relative amounts of sample and diluent.However,the mass%sample in diluent(for calibration standards and test specimens)must be constant throughout this test method,and the mass%sample in diluent must be in the range of1to5mass%.12.2.1All references to dilute and diluting in this test method refer to the user-selected dilution.12.3Blank—Prepare a blank by diluting the base oil or white oil with the diluent.12.4Working Standards—Weigh to the nearest0.001g, approximately1to3g of each multi-element standard(refer to 7.4)into separate bottles.Dilute by mass with the diluent. 12.5Check Standard—Prepare instrument check standards in the same manner as the working standards such that the concentrations of elements in the check standards are similar to the concentrations of elements in the test specimen solutions.It is advisable to prepare the check standard from alternative sources of certified organometallic standards.13.Calibration13.1The linear range of all calibration curves must be determined for the instrument being used.This is accomplished by running intermediate standards between the blank and the working standards and by running standards containing higher concentrations than the working standards.Analyses of test specimen solutions must be performed within the linear range of the calibration curve.13.2At the beginning of the analysis of each set of test specimen solutions,perform a two-point calibration using the blank and working standard.13.3Use the check standard to determine if each element is in calibration.When the results obtained with the check standard are within5%(relative)of the expected concentra-tions for all elements,proceed with the analysis.Otherwise, make any adjustments to the instrument that are necessary and repeat the calibration.13.4Calibration curves can be constructed differently,de-pending on the implementation of internal standard compen-sation.13.4.1When analyte intensities are ratioed to internal stan-dard intensities,the calibration curve is,in effect,a plot of I(Re)versus analyte concentration and:I~Re!5~I~e!2I~Be!!/I~is!(1) where:I(Re)=intensity ratio for analyte e,I(e)=intensity for analyte e,I(Be)=intensity of the blank for analyte e,andI(is)=intensity of internal standard element.13.4.2When internal standard compensation is handled by multiplying all results for a certain test specimen by the ratio of the actual internal standard concentration to the determined internal standard concentration,the calibration curve is,in effect,a plot of(I(e)−I(Be))versus analyte concentration.14.Analysis14.1Analyze the test specimen solutions in the same manner as the calibration standards(that is,same integration time,background correction points(optional),plasma condi-tions,and so forth).Between test specimens nebulize dilution solvent for a minimum of60s.14.2When the concentration of any analyte exceeds the linear range of the calibration,prepare another test specimen by mixing the sample with base oil before adding diluent(refer to11.2.2.1,for example).Then,reanalyze.14.3Analyze the check standard after everyfifth test specimen solution.If any result is not within5%of the expected concentration,recalibrate the instrument and reana-lyze the test specimen solutions back to the previous acceptable check standard analysis.15.Quality Assurance/Quality Control(required)15.1Confirm the performance of the instrument and the test procedure by analyzing a control(QC)sample.15.1.1When QA/QC protocols are already established in the testing facility,these may be used to confirm the reliability of the test result.15.1.2When there is no QA/QC protocol established in the testing facility,Appendix X1can be used as the QA/QC protocol.15.2Users of this test method are advised that in contractual agreements,one or more of the contracting parties can and may make Appendix X1a mandatory practice.16.Calculation and Report16.1Calculate concentrations,based on sample,using(Eq 1).Generally,the ICP software performs this calculation automatically.C5S3~W11W21W3!W1(2) where:C=analyte concentration in the sample,mass%,S=analyte concentration in the test specimen,mass% (refer to Section14),W1=sample mass,g,W2=diluent mass,g,andW3=base oil mass(if any),g.16.2For each analyte,report mass%to three significant figures.17.Precision and Bias717.1The precision of this test method was determined by statistical analysis of interlaboratory results.Fourteen partici-pating laboratories analyzed twelve samples in duplicate.Most laboratories performed the analyses at three different levels of dilution,namely,1mass%sample in solvent,2mass%sample and5mass%sample.In this study,dilution solvents were limited to mixed xylenes,o-xylene,and kerosine.The most7Interlaboratory study data are available from ASTM International Headquar-ters.RequestRR:D02-1349.common source of organometallic standards was metal sul-fonates.Most laboratories used a peristaltic pump,and ap-proximately half of the laboratories used background correc-tion.The sample set comprised eight oils,five of which were multi-grade oils,and four additive packages.17.1.1Repeatability—The difference between two test re-sults,obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test material would,in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the values in Table2only in one case in twenty.17.1.2Reproducibility—The difference between two single and independent results,obtained by different operators work-ing in different laboratories on identical test materials,would in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the values in Table3only in one case in twenty.(Also,see Table4.)18.Keywords18.1additive-elements;barium;boron;calcium;copper; emission-spectrometry;ICP;inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry;internal standard;lubricating oils;magnesium;phosphorus;sulfur;zincAPPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.GENERIC QUALITY CONTROL STATEMENT FOR D02TEST METHODSX1.1Confirm the performance of the instrument or the test procedure by analyzing a quality control(QC)sample that is, if possible,representative of the samples typically analyzed. X1.2Prior to monitoring the measurement process,the user of the method needs to determine the average value and control limits of the QC sample(see Practice D6299and MNL78). X1.3Record the QC results and analyze by control charts or other statistically equivalent techniques to ascertain the statistical control status of the total test process(see Practice D6299and MNL78).Any out-of-control data should trigger investigation for root cause(s).The results of this investigation may,but not necessarily,result in instrument recalibration.X1.4In the absence of explicit requirements given in the test method,the frequency of QC testing is dependent on the criticality of the quality being measured,the demonstrated stability of the testing process,and customer requirements. Generally,a QC sample should be analyzed each testing day with routine samples.The QC frequency should be increased if a large number of samples is routinely analyzed.However, when it is demonstrated that the testing is under statistical control,the QC testing frequency may be reduced.The QC sample precision should be periodically checked against the ASTM method precision to ensure data quality.X1.5It is recommended that,if possible,the type of QC sample that is regularly tested be representative of the sample routinely analyzed.An ample supply of QC sample material should be available for the intended period of use,and must be homogeneous and stable under the anticipated storage condi-tions.X1.6Refer to relevant documents(see Practice D6299and MNL7)for further guidance on QC and control charting techniques.X2.AIDS TO THE ANALYSTX2.1Check the temperature control of the ICP and ensure stable environmental conditions.This can include temperature control of the spray chamber.X2.2Employ adequate mixing and sampling procedures. Ultrasonic homogenizers and vortex mixers are recommended. X2.3Use the analytical wavelengths and background correction option specified in the test method.When there is a choice of analytical wavelengths,choose sensitive lines.En-sure that the selected lines are not subject to spectral interfer-ences.X2.4When spectral interferences cannot be avoided,de-termine and implement accurate interference correction fac-tors.X2.5When sulfur is to be determined,be apprised that many commercially-available standards contain non-certified levels of sulfur.Separate sulfur standards can be advantageous.X2.6When preparing multi-element standards,ensure that the various reagents are mutually soluble.X2.7Before use,check the accuracy of element concen-trations of commercially-obtained standards.Either compare with alternative sources or analyze by independent methods.8ASTM MNL7,“Manual on Presentation of Data Control Chart Analysis,6th Ed, Section3:Control Chart for Individuals”,available from ASTM InternationalHeadquarters.X2.8Ensure that all glassware,and so forth,that contacts samples and standards does not contaminate.X2.9Select solvents and other reagents that do not contain significant levels of the analytes.Wavelength scanning can indicate contaminated reagents.X2.10By experiment,determine the frequency of stan-dards preparation.Then,prepare fresh,as needed.X2.11Periodically,as needed,determine the linearity of the calibration curves.Perform quantitative analyses with linear curves only.X2.12Inspect the torch for cracks.Discard defective torches.X2.13Use clean torches that do not have carbon accumu-lation.X2.14After initially igniting the plasma,allow the instru-ment to warm up a minimum of30min.X2.15Inspect the peristaltic pump tubing daily,and replace deteriorating tubing.Daily replacement is recommended.X2.16Prepare and analyze reagent blanks.When blank values are significant,correct for the blank or select alternative reagents that give insignificant blank values.X2.17To minimize memory effects,allow sufficient sol-vent rinse time(minimally,60s)between determinations.X2.18Report results using the number of significantfigures specified in the test method.X2.19Dilute the standard oils and sample oils by the same factor.This factor shall be in the range specified by the test method.X2.20Implement internal standardization as specified by the test method.X2.21When carbon build-up in the torch is problematic, adjust experimental conditions to eliminate the problem.Such adjustments can include(1)reducing the sample uptake rate, (2)increasing the intermediate argon gasflow rate,(3)use a jacketed,chilled spray chamber,(4)lowering the torch,relative to the RF load coil.SUMMARY OF CHANGESSubcommittee D02.03has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D4951-00)that may impact the use of this standard.(1)Updated the requirements for the specimen solution con-tainers in6.5to account for container sizes that fall out of the range previously specified,due to instrument or auto-sampler requirements.(2)Updated the requirements for the base oil specified in7.2.(3)Updated the requirements in11.2.1and11.2.2.1to provide flexibility in the amount of oil or additive package that needs to be weighed for the analysis.(4)Corrected errors in Table4concerning the repeatability value cited for P at0.1mass%,as well as the reproducibility value cited for P at0.05mass%.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。

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