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spend /cost /pay /take

I ______fifty yuan on the coat.

A. cost

B. pay

C. spend


I ______fifty yuan buying the coat.

A. cost

B. pay

C. spend


He _______ three days on the work.

A. cost

B. paid

C. spent


He ______ three days (in) doing the work.

cost B. paid C. spent D.took

It will ______ me two days to do the work.

A. cost

B. pay

C. spend


I'm interested in animals, so I _____________ every Saturday working in an animal hospital。

A. pay

B. get

C. take

D. Spend

This science book ____ me a great amount of money。

A. took

B. cost

C. used

D. spent



2. They spend too much time ______ the report [ ri'p:t ](报道).

A. writing

B. to write

C. on writing

D. write

3. --What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be expensive

[ iks'pensiv ](贵).

--No,they only_____l0 yuan.

A.spent B.took C.paid D.cost

4. --Will you please _____ for my dinner Peter?


A. spend

B. pay

C. cost


5. It will _____ me too much time to read this book.

A. take

B. cost

C. spend



( ) 1. ----How do you come to school?

----By bike. Taking a bus may _____ much money. And walking ______ too much time.

A. take; pays

B. cost; takes

C. pay; costs

D. pay; takes ( ) 2. She usually ________ much time shopping in the supermarkets.

A spends

B costs

C takes

D pays

( ) 3. American students spend ________ time _________ homework than Chinese students.

A. fewer, doing

B. less, to do

C. less, doing

D. least, doing


( ) 1. This kind of computer _______ too much. I can't afford one. (08泰州)


B. spends

C. pays

D. costs

( ) 2. It will ________ us several years to learn a foreign language well. (09无锡)

A. cost

B. take

C. spend

D. use

3. Since June 1st, 2008, when we want plastic bags in the supermarket, we have to ________(付款) them. (09连云港)

4. He likes English. He spends lots of time __________(read) it every day. (09宿迁)

5. 昨天他花了10分钟乘公共汽车去动物园。(09淮安)

It ____________________________________ yesterday.
