An American Tragedy解析




Unit10 American literature 重难点解析(1)词汇词组详解1.shabby adj.破旧的,寒酸的(1)肮脏破旧的,破烂不堪的a shabby old hat破旧的帽子(2)衣衫褴褛的,寒酸的a shabby old man一位衣衫褴褛的老人(3)卑鄙的,无耻的,吝啬的,不公平的What a shabby trick, driving off and leaving me to walk home!多卑劣的恶作剧,把车开走了让我走路回家! up(1)固定住,扣上,系上This skirt does up at the back.这条裙子是在后面系扣的。

(2)do oneself up梳妆打扮,化妆(3)do sth. up用……固着……He never bothers to do his jacket up.他总是不愿意系外衣的扣子。

(4)修理,重新装饰装修(房子、房间等)If we decide to buy the cottage,we’ll have to do it up.我们若决定购买这座别墅,就得重新进行装修。

3.worn adj. 破烂的,损坏的(1)(经使用或穿戴)破烂的,损坏的These shoes are looking rather worn.这双鞋子不成样子了。

(2)(指人)看起来精疲力竭的She came back worn and worried.她回来时既疲惫又忧虑。

4.let down使某人失望,不帮助Tom will never let you down,you can always depend on him to help you. 汤姆将永不会置你与不顾,你永远可以依赖他的帮助。 length终于,最后(1)At length,the bus arrived,forty minutes late.公共汽车终于来了,晚了四十分钟。



走遍美国文本及笔记3-3第一篇:走遍美国文本及笔记3-3ACT 3-1 “你很幸运有关心你的家人。

” 你很幸运有关心你的家人。


Eisa 和祖父 Malcolm 互相告别。

[On the Amtrak train later that day.The train is arriving in New York City.] Voice: Ladies and gentlemen, Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City.The train will be stopping in five minutes.Please check to be sure you have your belongings.And have a good stay in the Big Apple.Thank you.Eisa: Well, here we are.It was so nice meeting you, Mr.Stewart.Grandpa: And nice meeting you, too, Mrs.Tobin.Please look us up.We're in the phone book.Dr.Philip Stewart, in Riverdale.Eisa: Your son? Grandpa: That's right.And have a good time in New York.Eisa: And don't be so independent.You're very lucky to have a caring family.【语言点精讲】语言点精讲】1.Amtrak Amtrak 是火车公司的名字,一般译为“美国火车公司”。



英美文学选读自考题模拟17(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Ⅰ.Multiple Choice(总题数:40,分数:40.00)1.The belief of the eighteenth-century neoclassicists in England led them to seek the following EXCEPT ______.(分数:1.00)A.proportionB.graceC.harmonyD.spirit √解析:[解析] 本题主要考查的知识点为新古典主义时期作家们的创作追求。


2."Graveyard School" writers are the following sentimentalists of ______.(分数:1.00)A.James Thomson and William Collins √B.William Collins and William BlakeC.Robert Burns and James ThomsonD.Thomas Jackson and James Thomson解析:[解析] 本题主要考查的知识点为古墓派诗人的成员。


3.The most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English is Samson Agonistes by ______.(分数:1.00)A.John Milton √B.William BlakeC.Henry FieldingD.William Wordsworth解析:[解析] 本题主要考查的知识点为《力士参孙》的作者。



美国文学1.殖民地时期及独立革命战争时期的美国文学Philip Freneau(菲利普﹒弗瑞诺)(1)He was considered as the “Poet of the American revolution” as the most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century. (2)He was a satirist, a bitter polemicist. (3)He wrote many poems encouraging revolution and encouraging the glory that would be won by overcoming the British.The Wild Honey Suckle 《野金银花》The Indian Burying Ground 《印第安人的殡葬地》The British Ship《英国囚船》The Rising Glory of America 《美洲光辉的兴起》(1)The Wild Honey Suckle is Freneau’s best lyric (2)It anticipated the 19th—century use of simple nature imagery.The Indian Burying Ground anticipated romantic primitivism and the celebration of the “Noble Savage”.Thomas Jefferson(托马斯﹒杰弗逊)The Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》(1)The Declaration of Independence was adopted July 4, 1776. (2)It not only announced the birth of a new nation, but also expounded a philosophy of human freedom. (3)It lists 13 cruelties committed by the King of Britain. (4)The famous lines are: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”(5) Thomas Jefferson’s thought was inspired by the thoughts of John Locke.浪漫主义时期的美国文学Calvinism(加尔文主义)(1)Calvinism refers to the religious teachings of John Calvin and his followers. (2) Calvin taught that only certain persons, the elect, were chosen by God to be saved, and these could be saved only by God’s grace. (3) Calvinism forms the basis for the doctrines and practices of the Huguenots, Puritans, Presbyterians, and the Reformed churches.American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义)(1) American Romanticism is one of the most important periods in the history of American literature.(2) It was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism. For romantics, the feelings ,intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense. They emphasized individualism, placing the individual against the group. They affirmed the inner life of the self, and cherished strong interest in the past, the wild, the remote, the mysterious and the strange. They stressed the element “Americanness” in their works.(3)It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Gra ss. (4) Being a period of the great flowering of American literature, it is also called “the American Renaissance.” (5) American Romantici sts include such literary figures as Washington Irving, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, WilliamCullen Bryant, Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman and some others.Transcendentalism(超验主义)(1) Transcendentalism refers to the religious and philosophical doctrines of Ralph Waldo Emerson and others in New England in the middle 1800’s, which emphasized the importance of individual inspiration and intuition, the Over—soul, and Nature. Other concepts that accompanied Transcendentalism include the idea that nature is ennobling and the idea that the individual is divine and, therefore, self—reliant. (2)New England Transcendentalism is the product of a combination of native American Puritanism and European Romanticism.Free verse(自由体诗歌)(1)Free verse means the rhymed or unrhymed poetry composed without paying attention to conventional rules of meter.(2) Free verse was originated by a group of French poets of the late 19th century. (3)Their purpose was to free themselves from the restrictions of formal metrical patterns and to recreate instead the free rhythms of natural speech. (4)Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass is, perhaps, the most notable example.Symbol(象征)(1) Symbol means an act, a person, a thing, or a spectacle that stands for something else, usually something less palpable than the named symbol. (2) The relationship between the symbol and its referent is not often one of simple equivalence. Allegorical symbols usually express a neater equivalence with what they stand for than the symbols found in modern realistic fiction.Theme(主题)(1) Theme means the unifying point or general idea of a literary work. (2) It provides an answer to such questions as “What is the work about”(3)Each literary work carries its own theme or themes. For example, King Lear has many themes, among which are blindness and madness.现实主义与自然主义时期的美国文学American Naturalism(美国自然主义)The American Naturalists accepted the more negative interpretation of Darwin’s evolutionary theory and used it to account for the behavior of those characters in literary works who were regarded as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.American Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. It is no more than a gloomy philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.Dreiser is a leading figure of his school.Darwinism(达尔文主义)Darwinism is a term that comes from Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory.Darwinist think that those who survive in the world are the fittest and those who fail to adapt themselves to the environment will perish. They believe that man has evolved from lower forms of life. Humans are special not because God created them in His image, but because they have successfully adapted to changing environmental conditions and have passed on their survival-making characteristics genetically.Influenced by this theory, some American naturalist writers apply Darwinism as an explanation of human nature and social reality.Local Colorists(乡土作家)Generally speaking, the writing of local colorists are concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region or province. The characteristic setting is the isolated small town.Local colorists were consciously nostalgic historian of a vanishing way of life, recorders of a present that faded before their eyes. Yet for all their sentimentality, they dedicated themselves to minutely accurate descriptions of the life of their regions. They worked from personal experience to record the facts of a local environment and suggested that the native life was shaped by the curious conditions of the locale.Major local colorists include Hamlin Garland, Mark Twain , Kate Chopin, etc.Theodore Dreiser(西奥多·德莱塞)He is generally acknowledged as one of America’s literary naturalists.Works Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》(1) Sister Carrie tells about a poor country girl (Carrie Meeber) who goesto Chicago to pursue the American Dream.(2) The novel shows Dreiser’s naturalistic view about life by illustratingthe purposelessness of life.(3) The dominant symbol of the novel is the rocking chair that is the rocking chair that is indicative of the uncertainty of life.Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》Trilogy of Desire《欲望》三部曲a. The Financier《金融家》b. The Titan《巨人》c. The Stoic《斯多葛》The Genius 《天才》An American Tragedy 《美国的悲剧》(1) An American Tragedy is Dreiser’s greatest work and the title of theBook implies Dreiser intention to tell us that it is the social pressurethat makes Clyde’s downfall inevitable.(2) Clyde’s tragedy is a tragedy that depends upon the American socialsystem which encouraged people to pursue the “dream of success ” atall costs.Sherwood Anderson (舍伍德·安德森)He has been called the first of America’s “psychological writers” because he first explored the motivations and frustrations of his fictional characters in terms of Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychology.He tremendously influenced such writers as Hemingway and Faulkner.Works Winesburg, Ohio《小镇畸人》(1) Winesburg, Ohio is a collection of 23 interrelated stories ofsamll-town life. These stories sound morbid and grotesque, butUnderneath them runs a strong desire to communicate, and love andbe loved.(2) It won the author a foremost position in contemporary Americanliterary.现代时期的美国文学The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代)The Lost Generation is a term first used by Gertrude Stein to describe the post-World War I generation of American writers: men and women haunted by a sense of betrayal and emptiness brought about by the destructiveness of the war.Full of youthful idealism, these individuals sought the meaning of life, drank excessively, had love affairs and created some of the finest American literature to date.The three best-know representatives of Lost Generation are F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos.Others usually included among the list are Sherwood Anderson, Kay Boyle, Hart Crane, Ford Maddox Ford and Zelda Fitzgerald.Imagism (意象派诗歌)Imagism came into being in Britain ans U.S. around 1910 as a reaction to the traditional English poetry to express the sense of fragmentation and dislocation.The imagists, with Ezra Pound leading the way, hold that the most effective means to express these momentary impressions is through the use of one dominant image.Imagism is characterized by the following three poetic principles:i) direct treatment of subject matter;ii) economy of expression;iii) as regards rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of metronome.Ezra Pound’s In a Station of the Metro is a well-known imagist poem.The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代)The members of the Beat Generation were new bohemian libertines, who engaged in a spontaneous, sometimes messy, creativity.The beat writers produced a body of written work controversial both for its advocacy ofnon-conformity and for its non-conforming style.The major beat writings are Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Allen Ginsberg’s Howl. Howl became the manifesto of the Beat Generation.American Dream (美国梦)American Dream refers to the dream of material success, in which one, regardless of social status, acquires wealth and gains success by working hard and good luck.In literature, the theme of American Dream recurs. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby comes from the west to the east with the dream of material success. By bootlegging and other illegal means he fulfilled his dream but ended up being killed. The novel tells the shattering of American Dream rather than its success.Expressionism (表现主义)Expressionism refers to a movement in Germany early in the 20th century, in which a number of painters sought to avoid the representation of external reality and, instead, to project a highly personal or subjective vision of the world.Expressionism is a reaction against realism or naturalism, aiming at presenting a post-war world violently distorted.Works noted for expressionism include: Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones, James Joyce’s Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, and T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, etc..In a further sense, the term is sometimes applied to the belief that literary works are essentially expressions of their own authors’ moods and thoughts; this has been the dominant assumption about literature since the rise of Romanticism.Feminism (女权主义)(1) Feminism incorporates both a doctrine of equal rights for women and an ideology of social transformation aiming to create a world for women beyond simple social equality.(2) In general, feminism is the ideology of women’s liberation based on the belief that women suffer injustice because of their sex. Under this broad umbrella various feminists offer differing analyses of the causes, or agents, of female oppression.(3) Definitions of feminism by feminists tend to be shaped by their training, ideology or race. So, for example, Marxist and Socialist feminists stress the interaction within feminism of class with gender and focus on social distinctions between men and women. Black feminists argue much more for an integrated analysis which can unlock the multiple systems of oppression.Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄)Hemingway Hero, also called code hero, is one who, wounded but strong, more sensitive, enjoys the pleasures of life (sex, alcohol, sport) in face of ruin and death, and maintains, through some notion of a code, an ideal of himself.Barnes in The Sun Also Rises, Henry in A Farewell to Arms and Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea are typical of Hemingway Hero.Harlem Renaissance (哈莱姆文艺复兴)(1)Harlem Renaissance refers to a period of outstanding literary vigor and creativity that occurred in the United States during the 1920s.(2)The Harlem Renaissance changed the images of literature created by many black and white American writers. New black images were no longer obedient and docile, instead they showed a new confidence and racial pride.(3) The leading figures are Langston Hughs, James Weldon Johnson, Wallace Thurman, etc.. Impressionism (印象主义)Impressionism is a style of painting that gives the impression made by the subject on the artist without much attention to details. Writers accepted the same conviction that the personal attitudes and moods of the writer were legitimate elements in depicting character or setting or action. Briefly, it is a style of literature characterized by the creation of general impressions and moods rather than realistic moods.现代时期的美国文学Ezra Pound(1) He was identified as the father of modern American poetry and the most influential leader of the Imagist Movement.(2) He had an enormous influence on the modernist writers in Britain and America after WWII.Works The Cantos《诗章》In a Station of the Metro 《在地铁站里》(1) In a Station of the Metro serves as a typical example of the Imagist ideas.(2) The one-image poem is an observation of the poet of the human faces seen in a Paris subway station.(3) “Apparition” suggests a visible appearance of something not present, and especially of a dead person. Here the faces of people in the subway station are compared to petals on a wet, black bough.A Pact 《盟约》(1) A Pact is a poem in which Pound started to find some agreement between “Whitmanesque” free verse, which he had attacked for its carelessness in composition.(2) In the poem “broke the new wood” means that Whitman made experiments with the conventions of traditional poetry. “commerce” means the exchange of views or attitudes. The poem indicates that Pound would like to learn from the free verse and show respect to Whitman.。

An American Tragedy

An American Tragedy

Main Characters
• • • • Clyde Griffith (克莱德· 格里菲思 ) Sondra Finchley (桑德拉· 芬琪雷) Robert Alden (罗伯塔· 奥尔登) Hortense Briggs ( 霍旦丝· 布里格斯)
• 第一卷描写克莱德这个天真幼稚的青年人 怎样受到外部世界腐蚀与毒害,逐渐演变 成为一个玩世不恭、怙恶不悛的人,一直 到汽车碾死女孩,逃离堪萨斯城为止,这 是小说故事的准备阶段。 • 第二卷描写克莱德与富商伯父萨缪尔· 格里 菲思邂逅后,以穷亲戚的关系来到莱柯格 斯厂内充当工头助手,随后陷入与穷女工 罗伯塔、阔小姐桑德拉的三角恋情。为了 高攀桑德拉,克莱德甘愿违悖自幼接受的 基本道德准则,牺牲罗伯塔,于是,他就 通过翻船阴谋干掉了这个被他诱奸而怀孕 的年轻的女工。事后,克莱德却落荒出逃, 逍遥法外。

• 作者说过,“我只是想按照生活 的本来面目描写生活”,《美国 的悲剧》就是遵循这一现实主义 原则创作出来的公认的成功之作。 • 小说出版后,美国著名作家舍伍 德· 安德森深有感慨地说:“毫 无疑问,在文坛上有两种人:一 种是对人类,对人的生命充满着 真情实感的作家;另一种则是以 卖弄词藻,制造廉价小说而自诩 的作家。二者具有明显的区别, 是不能相提并论的。”他充分肯 定了德莱塞的成就。
• 《美国的悲剧》是批判“美国梦”虚妄的一 部力作。“美国梦”由来已久,在美国建国 初期,许多人相信在这样一个没有传统等级 制度的新兴国家里,人人都有发财并获得幸 福的机会。到19世纪末,通俗小说家阿尔 杰等人,还有不少为豪富们作粉饰的传记作 家们,大肆宣扬只要个人奋斗便可从“衣衫 褴褛的穷小子变为百万富翁”的神话。



Appreciation of An American TragedyAbstract:An American Tragedy is one of Theodore Dreiser 's important representative works, the longest novel among his works and an important literary work in American literature. An American Tragedy wa s written during the peak of Theodore Dreiser 's art creation and its publication made Dreiser gain great popularity at his age.Key Words: Theodore Dreiser; An American Tragedy; Naturalism; American DreamTheodore Dreiser (1871—1945) was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, the twelfth of thirteen children of German immigrants. His family was extremely poor but very religious. He has limited school education and left home to work at the age of 15. He had a variety of working experiences. He ever worked as a reporter for many newspapers and magazines. His works are The Genius(1915), Dreiser Looks at Russian(1928), Sister Carrie(1900), Jennie Gerhardt(1911), Trilogy of Desire:The Financier(1912), The Titan(1914), The Stoic(1947) and so on. From that, we can conclude he was prolific in many genres and he was excellent in short stories and novels.1.2 History backgroundTheodore Dreiser is a representative naturalist writer. When Dreiser began his career on literature, There were big changes in the society in many aspects. American witness the emergence of "Modern America." The economy and industry developed fast. New ideas about man and man's place in he universe began to take root in America.[2] The Darwinian concepts like "the survival of the fittest" and "the human beast" became popular catchwords and standards of moral reference in an amoral world. The literary climate of the country was also changing. Some young writers, like Dreiser, accepted the naturalism which is a new and harsher realism. They torn the mask of gentility and focus on the evil,ugly and miserable side of life. They usually presented characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment and heredity.2.Analysis of the novel2.1 Information about the novelAn American Tragedy was written in 1925. And later the novel was adapted to film version. In 2005, the book was listed by Time Magazine as one of the top 100 novels written in English since 1923.2.1 Plot summaryThe ambitious but immature Clyde Griffiths, raised by poor and devoutly religious parents who force him to participate in their street missionary work, is anxious to achieve better things. His troubles begin when he takes a job as a bellboy at a local hotel. The boys he meets are much more sophisticated than he, and they introduce Clyde to the world of alcohol and prostitution. Clyde enjoys his new lifestyle and does everything in his power to win the affections of the flirtatious Hortense Briggs. But Clyde 's life is forever changed when a stolen car in which he's traveling kills a young child. Clyde flees Kansas City, and after a brief stay in Chicago, he reestablishes himself as a foreman at the collar factory of his wealthy long-lost uncle in Lycurgus, New York, who meets Clyde through a stroke of fortune. The uncle does his best to help Clyde and advances him to a position of relative importance within the factory. Although Clyde vows not to consort with women in the way that caused his Kansas City downfall, he is swiftly attracted to Roberta Alden, a poor and very innocent farm girl working under him at the factory. Clyde initially enjoys the secretive relationship (forbidden by factory rules) and virtually coerces Roberta into sex, but his ambition forces him to realize that he could never marry her. He dreams of the elegant Sondra Finchley, the daughter of a wealthy Lycurgus man and a family friend of his uncle's. As developments between him and Sondra begin to look promising, Roberta discovers that she is pregnant. Having unsuccessfully attempted to procure an abortion for Roberta, who expects him to marry her, Clyde procrastinates while his relationship with Sondra continues to mature. When he realizes that he has a genuine chance to marry Sondra, and after Roberta threatens to reveal their relationship unless he marries her, Clyde hatches a plan to murder Roberta in a fashion that will seem accidental. Clyde takes Roberta for a canoe ride on BigBittern Lake in upstate New York and rows to a remote area. As he speaks to her regarding the end of their relationship, Roberta moves towards him, and he strikes her in the face with his camera, stunning her and capsizing the boat. Unable to swim, Roberta drowns while Clyde, who is unwilling to save her, swims to shore. The narrative is deliberately unclear as to whether he acted with malice and intent to murder, or if he struck her merely instinctively. However, the trail of circumstantial evidence points to murder, and the local authorities are only too eager to convict Clyde, to the point of manufacturing additional evidence against him. Following a sensational trial before an unsympathetic audience, and despite a vigorous defense mounted by two lawyers hired by his uncle, Clyde is convicted, sentenced to death, and executed.2.2 American DreamFrom this great novel, we can clearly conclude Dreiser 's naturalism for Clyde Griffiths is representative of the American Dream gone astray. From an early age, Clyde is a social and economic outcast. He wanted to better himself. His life has been changed because he made a few bad decisions. For Clyde, each section of life further weakens his morals. The poster child for the futility of the American Dream is Clyde Griffiths. During his short life, he wants only wealth, social status, and sex. In the end, the little boy became a murderer. This process is the boy's own degraded experience, but it has its social reasons. In a way, it reflected the social environment. We can deeply analyze the social root of the cause his tragic fate. Clyde is just one of the victim of all the young generation who are in corrosion of American lifestyle. So we can say Clyde 's tragedy is not only the tragedy of young Americans, is also the tragedy of decadent American society. So the author called the book An American Tragedy. At that time, Americans was really rich. The economy developed fast and the material wealth increased, which made the United States as the world's most affluent countries. American bourgeoisie enjoyed the dream of prosperity. However, Prosperity can not hide social contradictions and injustice. People lost themselves and can not find their faith. That is so-called American tragedy. An American Tragedy was published by the critical realism writer Dreiser when the capitalist world was in aflourishing scene, which really shook the the United States.3.ConclusionIn a word,An American Tragedy is an outstanding realistic masterpiece, is also Dreiser 's most successful and beat-known work. Dreiser ponts out how evil the American capitalist system is through describing Clyde 's tragedy origin. Regarding Dreiser, he faced every form of attack that a series artist could encounter, like misunderstanding, isolation and commercial flop in his lifetime. But he still survived to lead the naturalist rebellion of the 1900s.参考文献:。

An American Tragedy英美文学

An American Tragedy英美文学
An American Tragedy
Theodore Dreiser

The Author Plot Summary The Review My Understanding
Theodore Dreiser Nhomakorabea

Dreiser was born in poor immigrant family in Indiana Ungraduate in middle school, he came out earning his living when 12 years old. Work as a newsboy, dishes washer, bill collector, coal miner, farm backman. In 1888, subsidized from young female teacher, he enrich himself in college one year . In 1892, worked as a news reporter. In 1897, begun career in literature.
Plot Summary
Part Ⅰ From the beginning, Clyde is antagonistic toward his parents' beliefs and activities. He is entranced by the material world that his parents shun. As a teenager, Clyde gets a series of jobs in increasingly glamorous settings—from newsboy to department store basement to drugstore to upscale hotel—that take him farther and farther from his parents' dingy life. All the while, Clyde daydreams about his rich Uncle Samuel who owns a factory in Lycurgus, New York.

美国悲剧中的艺术特点 The Artistic Characteristics of An American Tragedy

美国悲剧中的艺术特点	The Artistic Characteristics of An American Tragedy

The Artistic Characteristics of An American T ragedyTheodore Dreiser (1871—1945) is a representative naturalist writer. An American Tragedy is his masterpiece based on reality for its fundamental plots so as to add the authenticity to it. The author constructs the novel with three different parts but mutually relate d to demonstrate the three artistic themes—the plots construction based on reality, the progressive theme of art, the artistic expression, which cannot be denied to be Theodore’s sparking point of his artistic design. Besides, this novel is awash with the impact of the art with the melting of thought and art.I.the plots construction based on realityThe author makes great effort to collect and study numerous realistic materials before starting his writing of the novel so as to make his opus authentic. The author discovers that there appear a large number of homicide cases in the American press①. The causes of the murderers not only lie in hatred usually, but often also are out of a kind of extremely strong desire for making a rise in life, which happens to be a forceful criticism of the American hypocritical ethics. These sorts of murders are always related to secrete affairs. From the moment of his realization of this on, Theodore began to research no less than ten of such murders conscientiously from 1914. Among the cases, there is one case that becomes the main framework of An American Tragedy. That is the one happening in 1906 in a remote place in Empire State where a man named Chester Gillette drowned his girlfriend called Grace. After his rascality was discovered, the man was sentence to death. As far as Theodore is concerned, what causes the people become a murderer cannot blame for themselves, but the American society. Only a few people could live up to the ridiculous value, which is the worship of worldly desire and money and was prevailing in that American society at that time. It is the American value, as well as lots of studies of the realistic data that Theodore’s novel An American Tragedy gives birth to.II.the progressive theme of artIn An American Tragedy, we can see Theodore’s description of the hero Clyde’s whole growing-up history step by step under the evil influence of the society, from a naive boy to a murderer. There are three themes in the novel.The first one is to reveal how the American society of the capitalist class unscrupulously instills the evil qualities into the young generation’s mind: The poverty is the most vicious, while to make great fortune is the most virtuous; it’s competent to climb up to the top of the career ladder byclimbing up on other’s back and it’s intelligent to implement tricky scheme s②.The young Clyde grew up under this fallen circumstance and degenerated in it at last. The American society full of material desire and the indifference from the people stimulated him to go downhill increasingly, from a little naïve boy to an impenitent and cynical murderer.The second theme is exposure of the essence of love under the capitalist system so as to demonstrate that love is no more than a kind of competitive weapon of human beings for their existence. The second part of the novel is description of Clyde’s love with a poor working girl, Roberta Alden, and a rich woman, Sondra Frinchley. In order to marry the rich one, Clyde murders his pregnant love, but is executed for his crime ultimately, the plot of which is based on the realistic case mentioned above. In this part, we can see how evil and fallen the social morality in that American society. What happens is not only Clyde and Roberta’s tragedy, but also that whole society’s.The third theme of this novel is to criticize the corruption of the judicial organ and the political system so as to point out the inexistence of justice and the existence of conspiracy and hypocrisy prevailing in that society, through the description of Clyde’s arrest, trail and conviction. More ironically, during Clyde’s trail, the author intentionally plots a scandal of political speculation between the two main American Parties.It is this kind of progressive theme of art that builds up the novel’s three main parts depending on each other. Clyde’s tragedy happens under the American social system. In other words, his self-extermination is largely caused by the deterioration of his thought and behaviors under the influence of the decay of that American social morality and life style. An American Tragedy is like a mirror that shows the evil things of the American life.III.the artistic expressionAn American Tragedy not only criticizes the reality acutely, but also has powerful artistic impact with the melting of thought and art. Firstly, its artistic impact is originated from its sense of reality through the author’s specific depiction of the details faithfully based on a large number of document and news③. Secondly, there are lots of situations with stark contrasts in the novel, including the life of the slumn and the luxury of the restaurants, the house of the poor farmer and the mansion of the factory owner and the contrast of characters’ personality, and so on. These contrasts show the readers the extreme disparity and the impassable class gap between the rich and the poor. These contrasts stimulate Clyde a lot and lead him to a road of no return. As for the contrast of the characters’personality, we can see an example in the depiction of the upright and honest of Clyde’s father and the imperiousness and callousness of the factory owner Samuel. Such contrast prevailing in the novel is Theodore’s artistic creation.IV.ConclusionAn American Tragedy is an outstanding realistic masterpiece, is also Theodore’s most successful work. Theodore points out how evil the American capitalist system is through describing Clyde’s tragedy’s origin. Based on plenty of realistic materials, the novel develops step by step under the progressive theme of art, among which the characters’ traits are demonstrated clearly with the author’s creative writing means——the stark contrasts. Therefore, this novel marks that Theodore’s art of writing and his expression of thought have achieved the perfect melting.Notes①杜磊吕华刁若菲《浅析《美国悲剧》中的现实主义色彩》文学语言学研究2009.02.②③吴珊《浅析德莱塞<美国的悲剧>的艺术特色》时代文学2010.06.。



专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4单项选择题1. ______ was the only female American prose writer in the 19th century.A.Emily DickinsonB.Jane AustinC.George EliotD.Harriet Beecher Stowe答案:D美国19世纪唯一的女散文作家是Harriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)。

Emily Dickirson(艾米丽·迪金森)是女诗人。


2. Harriet Beecher Stowe's works mainly focus on ______.A.romanticismB.local colourismC.naturalismD.transcendentalism答案:BHarriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)的作品充满了乡土气息。

3. Which of the following is the masterpiece by Harriet Beecher Stowe?A.Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal SwampB.Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories'C.Uncle Tom "s CabinD.The Gilded Age答案:CSwamp(《德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事》)和Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories(《山姆·罗森的炉边故事》)也是她的作品,但没有前者有名。

The Gilded Age(《镀金时代》)是Mark Twain(马克·吐温)的作品。

4. ______ is the masterpiece written by William Dean Howells.A.The Rise of Silas LaphamB.The Innocents AbroadC.The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead WisonD.The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg答案:AThe Rise of Silas Lapham(《塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹》)是威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯的名作。



A Place in the Sun (film)
《自然和超自然的戏剧》( Plays of e Natural and Supernatural ,1916)
《得心应手》(The Hand of the Potter,1918 )
Your company slogan
Part Three
Theodore Dreiser
Sister Carrie
New York
Be an actress Earn a lot of money
Famous and popular
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
The silent way to the end!
Part Four
An American Tragedy
小组成员:汪红红 上官芸
宋洁 任文盼 宋蔚风
Part one Part one
西奥多· 德莱塞 (Theodore Dreiser,1871—1945)
以资本主义社会的彻 底批判者的姿态登上 美国文坛,成为美国 现实主义传统文学的 一种标识。
Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)
Theodore Dreiser
西奥多莱赛 德
Your company slogan



AN ANTHOLOGY OF THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA 外贸122宣琦1207022047Class:Business English 122Name:宣琦Subject:An Anthology of the Englishand American DramaStudent Number:1207022047AN ANTHOLOGY OF THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA外贸122宣琦1207022047Analysis of Blanche’s Tragedy布兰奇悲剧分析Abstract: This paper seeks to probe into the reasons leading to Blanche’s tragedy who is the protagonist in A Street Car Named Desire.In order to have a deep understanding of Blanche, this paper will study the tragedy of Blanche from two primary causes:external causes and internal causes,in which historical origin,economic environment,and women’s tragedy contribute to the external causes and Blanche’s character and failure of marriage will contribute to the internal causes.Many readers subjectively consider Blanche as a women being unpure or even evil after reading this novel.However,to get a full understanding of a person’s virtue,one should put this person into a background-supported world. Blanche is a victim of the social code,but,at the same time,her distinctive characters also contribute to the process of her perishing.In a word,this paper is written with the hope of provide readers some clues to form an objective perspective so as to give Blanche an appropriate assessment.摘要:《欲望号街车》是田纳西最受欢迎的剧本之一,也是他的成名作,《欲望号街车》是一部具有高度艺术性的现实主义作品。

《美国的悲剧》的主人公克莱德堕落的成因分析 --毕业论文

《美国的悲剧》的主人公克莱德堕落的成因分析 --毕业论文

《美国的悲剧》的主人公克莱德堕落的成因分析 --毕业论文【标题】《美国的悲剧》的主人公克莱德堕落的成因分析【作者】覃勤【关键词】西奥多?德莱塞;悲剧;克莱德;美国梦【指导老师】李雷【专业】英语【正文】I. IntroductionA. A Brief Introduction to Theodore DreiserTheodore Dreiser (1871-1945) was one of the greatest criticalrealistic writers in American literature. He seemed like a fighter, struggling and marching alone. And he broke away from the Victorian conventions and opened the door towards the natural, realistic and critical portrayals of life.He was thus said to be a man who had liberated the American novel. Theodore Dreiser is generally acknowledged as one of America’s literary naturalists. He possessed none of the usual aids to a writer’s career: no money, no friend in power, no formal education worthy of mention, no family tradition in letters. With every disadvantage piled upon him, Dreiser, by his strong will and his dogged persistence eventually burst out and became one of the important American writers.He is probably the one who should held greater fame. He brokethrough the traditional noble and elegant style, and directed his works at attacking the corrosive influence of the American society and the unscrupulous evil means toward wealth. Before his An American Tragedy, Dreiser had writtenseveral other works. But all the novels were not welcomed at that time because they all sharply made konwn that clear position of the rich and the poor and criticized the degenerated life style of the bourgeoisie. Theodore Dreiser’s novels were not recognized by the people until the successfulpublishment of An American Tragedy in 1925, which brought him aworld-widefame.There were some people who judged Theodore Dreiser. In 1919 Sherwood Anderson wrote about Dreiser: “... he is very, very old. I do not know howmany years he has lived, perhaps forty, perhaps fifty, but he isvery old. Something grey and bleak and hurtful, which has been in the world perhaps forever, is personified in him.” 1 And “He had an enormous influence onAmerican literature during the first quarter of the century-and for a timehe was American literature, the only writer worth talking about in the same breath with the European masters. Out of his passions,contradictions, and sufferings, he wrenched the art that was his salvation from the hungers anddepressions that racked him. It was no wonder that he elevated the creative principle to godhead and encouraged by word and exampletruthful expression in others.”2B. A Brief Introduction to An American TragedyAn American Tragedy tells about a tragic story. The story was based on a popular murder case. In the story, Clyde was a less successful young man, driven by the desire for sex and money to murder his lover, and he did that in order to marry wealth. Finally, he was convicted and executed to death.Whatever of social and spirit, he was victim. From the book, Dreiser expressed a degree of critical and commercial success. Clyde, the protagonist in An American Tragedy, on account of his wrong outlooks on life and values, embarked on the road of degeneration and destruction. However, the formation of his outlooks had a close connection with the American social environment.Many people had illustrated this novel. For example, “Clyde is the typicalimages in European and American literature history who use anydevice to get promoted.”3 “An American Tragedy is the reflection of disillusionment of the American Dream in the perspectives of the tragedy of a mortal, the tragedy of American society, and the tragedy of the American Dream.”readers can know that the American Dream is one of the factors which constituted the tragedy. “An American Tragedy was the masterpiece oftheAmerican novelist Theodore Dreiser. Its subject was neither a crimeor a murder, nor a success story of a social climber, which was in fashion those days. The author exposed the luxury and voluptuous life style in the American society which exterminated the good and honest nature of the youth.”4 the people, who are mentioned, analyzed the author and the work in their ownway.In this pa per, a brief introduction is given to Dreiser’s life and the critical story of An American Tragedy, and then the causes ofClyde’s transformation are analyzed. Clyde’s transformation is also a tragedy. The real origin of the tragedy is exposed to be the evil capitalist social system, and Clyde’s tragedy is also the tragedy ofthe whole American society. Up to today, the questions raised in the novel are still wroth thinking about over and over.II. Internal causes of his degenerationA. His egoismClyde is an egoist, whose egoism is one of the reasons of his degeneration. He felt the embarrassment caused by poverty, so he lefthis home to earn money. During that time, he began his degeneration life. Whenever aconflict was made between his personal inter est and other’s need,he always made up his mind to meet his own needs. He cheated his parents and killed a little girl in an car accident. When he began to work, the thing that most interested Clyde at first was how, if at all, he was to keep the major portionof all this money he was making for himself. For ever since he had beenworking and earning money, it had been assumed that he would contribute a fair portion of all that he receive at least three-fourths of the smallersalaries he had received up to this time toward the upkeep of the home. But now, if he announced that he was receiving at least twenty-five dollars aweek and more and this entirely apart from the salary of fifteen a month and board his parents would assuredly expect him to pay ten or twelve.Clyde had a dream all the time that he can buy more and morebeautiful clothes and make himself pretty. At that time, he can pretend to be “anybody” butnot “nobody”. And now, he had the chance to make his dream come true. Sohe can’t contro l himself from the temptation of hisdream.Accordingly, he decided to say to his mother that all of the tips he received aggregated no more than a dollar a day. And, in order togive himself greater freedom of action in the matter of disposing of his spare time, he announced that frequently, he was expected to take the place of other boys who were sick or set to doing other things, in addition to the long hours demanded of him every other day. And also, he explained that the management demanded of allboys that they look well outside as well as inside he hotel. Hecould not long be seen coming to the hotel in the clothes that he now wore. It was the first phase of the inflation of his egoism, which was strengthened by a traffic accident.Clyde with his colleagues at the hotel had a traffic accident on the way back to the hotel after an excursion in a car. They ran over a girl in the accident. His mind was full of the fear of police and the fantasize of the future. He must get out of this. He must not be caught here. Think of what would happen to him if he were caught, how he would suffer shame and punished probably, his fine world would disppearquickly before he can say a word. His mother would also be sad and look down upon by everyone. Most certainlyhe would go to jail. Oh, how terrible that thought was—grinding really likea macerating wheel to his flesh. And now, Clyde, as suddenly sensing what capture would mean—how all his fine thoughts of pleasure would mostcertainly end in disgrace and probably prison, so he began running.5 According to that, readers can found that Clyde’s only thought was hispersonal interest. He was afraid that the accident would break his dream. In fact, the police would have only given him a warming. But he concentratedso much on his own interest that he fled to evade punishment. He wants to have nothing to do with the dead girl. It is easy to see the expansion of his egoism.B. His weak willClyde, with a weak will, was not able to resist the temptation of pleasureand gain. Although sometimes he was conscious that his behavior had been immoral, he did not rein in at the brink of the precipice. Because Clyde took everything as its good aspects and never close up the bad thing, when he go to the brothel, he should dislike it. However, because of his weak will, he was quite fascinated instead of being sickened. He was deeplyattracted by these sexual scenes. After all, here was beauty of a gross, fleshly character, revealed and purchasable. And there were no difficultiesof mood or inhibitions to overcome in connection with any of these girls. One of them, a quite pretty brunette in a black and red costume with a band of red ribbon across her forehead, seemed to be decidedly at home with Highboy, for already she was dancing with him in the back room to a jazz melody most irrationally hammered out upon the piano.6“And now, seated here, she had drawn very close to him and touched his hands and finally linking an arm in his and pressing close to him, inquiredif he didn’t w ant to see how pretty some of the rooms on the second floor were furnished. And seeing that he was quite alone now—not one of the entiregroup with whom he had come around to observe him—and that thisgirl seemedto lean to him warmly and sympathetically.”7 He allowed himself to be led up that curtained back stair and into a small pink and blue furnished room, while he kept saying to himself that this was an outrageous and dangerous proceeding on his part, and that it might well end in misery for him. Hemight contract some dreadful disease. She might charge him more than he could afford. He was afraid of her, himself and everything, really quite nervous and almost dumb with his several fears and qualms. “And yet he went, and,the door locked behind him, this interestingly well-rounded and gracefulVenus turned the moment they were within and held him to her, then calmly, and before a tall mirror which revealed her fully to herself and him, began to disrobe.”8The effect of this adventure on Clyde has been expected in connection witha new and strange world like this. In spite of all that deep and urgent curiosity and desire that had eventually led him to that placeand caused him to yield, still, because of the moral precepts with which he had so longbeen familiar, and also because of the nervous esthetic inhibitions which were characteristic of him, he could not but look back upon allthis as decidedly degrading and sinful. His parents were probably right when they preached that this was all low and shameful. And yet this whole adventure and the world in which it was laid, once it was all over, was lit with a kind of gross, pagan beauty or vulgar charm for him. And until other and more interesting things had partially effaced it, he could not help thinkingback upon it with considerable interest and pleasure. In a word, his weak will lead to his degeneration also.C. His ambitionIn An American Tragedy, the shabby and miserable life of Clyde’s family formed a sharp contrast to the Rich’s sumptuous l ife he witnessed, and he clearly felt the sharp contrast, which led to hisgreat ambition. This restlessness promoted Clyde to seek after fame and wealth. Being stung with desire, he did one immoral things one after another. Clyde happens to runinto a rich uncle at a hotel in Chicago. The uncle, moderately impressed with his nephew’s appearance and attitude, offers the young man a job athis collar factory in Lycurgus, New York. Clyde jumps at the opportunity, picturing him rising quickly at the factory into a world of wealth and privilege. The reality turns out to be quite the opposite. His uncle is indifferent to Clyde’s presence, rarely inviting him out to the family estate and starting him at the lowest, dirtiest job in the factory. A cousinnamed Gi lbert also proves troublesome to Clyde’s aspirations.Gilbert sees his poor cousin as a real threat to his own position asheir apparent at the factory. Moreover, Gilbert and Clyde are astonishingly similar in appearance. Despite these obstacles, Clyde is optimistic that he will win over his cousin and uncle after a few months time. In order to make his ambition come true, he took all the measures to climb up to the upper class by his uncle’s family.Soon he worked as the head of a department which had 25 girls. Then, Clyde appeared important and prosperous. Anxious for promotion, and desirous of happiness imbued with zeal for self-satisfaction, he fell in love with ayoung and beautiful working girl, Roberta Alden, who was employed in hisdepartment. After a time of ogling and flirting, their relationship became intimate. As to marriage, he always dreamed to marry with a rich young beautiful girl to climb up upper status. So he never thought of marring Roberta. The kind girl did not know the thought. Clydeassociated with Roberta in order to spend his space-time. His dream was to become a personof better status and entered upper class. Under his blandishment, soon after he had sex with Roberta, and made her pregnant. Before long, he met a friendof his cousin, Sondra Finchley, by accident, and he was deeply attracted by her. Then, he made Sondra fell in love with him gradually. Thanks to Sondra’s help, Clyde frequently took part in all kinds of parties. It made him feel that was a beautiful way of life like his imagination, and soon he forget his girlfriend Roberta. Sondra was the daughter of the owner of the Finchley Electronic Company. Compared to Sondra, Roberta was just a poor working girl, a daughter of a poor farmer, and could not help him to jointhe luxurious party. So, from the beginning, Clyde was not going to marry Roberta, just wanted to make love with her although he really loved her. However, as to Sondra, he always dreamed to marry her, and then he could enjoy the luxurious life that Sondra had. He always dreamed that if he could marry Sondra, he would be the manager of the Finchley Electronic Company soon. In order to avoid marrying Roberta and fulfill his dream of marrying Sondra, Clyde planned to kill Roberta in the Grass Lake. But in the critical moment, he was hesitating. Dramatically, Roberta was drowned in an accident.Because of his ambition, Clyde formed the wrong outlooks on love and marriage which also resulted in his degeneration. Love and marriage were contaminatedwith all sorts of material factors. Clyde, like many young Americans, held a reckless attitude toward love and marriage, and did not want to take the responsibilities for love and marriage. Love was no longer eternal, and waschanged according to individual ambition.III. External causes of his degenerationA. The influence of his familyHe was born in a poor missionary family; Clyde Griffiths lived a poverty-stricken life since his childhood. At that time, he was naiveand lived with his parents. He always had to sing hymn of praise in American street everyday with his family. “A tall and as yet slight figure,surmounted by an interesting head and face—white skin, dark hair—he seemedmore keenly observant and decidedly more sensitive than most of the others.”9 A ctually, he was dissatisfied with his actual position. The things, which he were most interested in, were not the religious or pagan but the beautiful society. Although as yet he was not fully aware of this. All that could be truly said of him now was that there was no definite appeal in all this for him. He was too young, his mind much too responsive to phases of beauty and pleasure which had little, ifanything, to do with the remote and cloudy romance which swayed the minds of his mother and father.How ever Clyde’s parents did not understand his inner world and psychological growth. Actually they had proved impractical in the matter of the future of their children. They did not understand the importance or the essential necessity for some form of practical or professional training for each and every one of their young ones. Instead, being wrapped up in the notion of evangelizing the world, they had neglectedto keep their children in school or stay in one place. They had moved here and there,sometimes even in the middle of the trem which is important to Clyde because of their preach. And there were times, when, the work proves highly unprofitable and Asa being unable to make much money. At the two things he most understood—gardening and canvassing for one invention or another—they were quite without sufficient food or decent clothes, and the children could not go to school. In the face of such situations as these,whatever the children might think, Asa and his wife remained as optimisticas ever, or they insisted to themselves that they were, and had unwavering faith in the Lord and His intention to provide. If hisparents can pay more attention to Clyde, and help him form a good world view and life habit, his degeneration can be avioded.B. The influence of his work environmentThe two places, the hotel and the factory of Clyde’s uncle, arevery important for Clyde, where foreshadowed his later degeneration. His first job was an assistant to a soda water clerk in a drugstore, where he touchedthe dazzling outside world for the first time. Clyde found that the outside world was completely different from his family life. 10 He envied the leisured classes and their comfortable lifestyle. Then Clyde considered wearing a handsome coat and taking to a pretty girl as an achievement. Having entered his puberty, he had an obscure sexual consciousness. He began to pay attention to girls. It is normal for adults to have this kind ofconsciousness. While for Clyde, without any good family or school education,it became an underlying danger threatening to bring about crime.Later, when he worked as a bellboy at Green-Davidson Hotel, his outlook onlife marked by a desire of possessing money, seeking pleasure, and establishing social status took initial shape. The big hotel was an epitome of the American society, which was full of vulgarity, luxuries and immorality. The grand hotel luxuriously furnished exerted a luring effect on Clyde who had always lived in poverty. It was a turning point in Clyde’slife. There he witness the wealth’s life style, drew benefit from the tips offered by customers, and saw the arrogant attitude ofadministrative personnel. Many people used the hotel for purposes that were immoral in terms of Clyde’s understanding and the values of h is parents. They led a lifeof degeneration, wasting money, drinking, and having sexual affairs. It would have been unimaginable to him before, and he could not decide whether living like that was right or wrong. Under the influence of the hotelculture, he developed a new habit, he began to drink, visit prostitutes and spend money on girls.11Actually, those two places are microcosm of the corrosive society. There the rich people’s luxurious life, selfish principle of life and money relationship all deeply influence Clyde. He wants to live a better life and has the desire of achieving something. There everyone spends money like water, which makes him admire them very much. He wants to go after such kind of life. From that time, he goes to the deep degeneration step by step.C. The influence of the American DreamClyde’s degeneration was significant. It showed in the history that American society at that time, American Dream were very prevalent in America. The idea of American Dream is that all Americans have the opportunity to improve themselves economically and socially.12 In America, it is said, every person is equal At birth place have no limit on his or her potential; people can make of themselves whatever they choose and rises high as they are willing to climb. The American Dreamwas based on the assumption that each person, no matter what his origins are, could succeed in life in the sole basic of his or her own skill and effort. It “describesan attitude of the hope and faith that looks forward to thefulfillment ofthe human wishes and desire.” Regarding equality, in fact, American did not give everyone an equal opportunity to develop themselves.There is a big distance between the poor and the rich. Clyde and his cousin Gilbert, who was from h is powerful and wealthy uncle’s family, had distinctly different fates. Gilbert, with no efforts, could gain everything that Clyde longed for by the right of inheritance. Clyde had to rack his brains in order to improve his life. Without money, Clydelost the rightof receiving education. As a result, he did not have proficiency in any particular line. Thus Clyde, without any skills, had to look for some dishonest ways to realize his desires. The American Dream preached by thecapitalists that anyone could make good money and makes a name for them, like a mirage brilliant and magnificent, appeared before Clyde’s eyes. The initiators of the American Dream, the capitalist class, didnot point out any path to the dream for the poor. Innocent Clyde infused the American Dreaminto his outlook on life and considered it as the object of struggle. He did not find any road to reach the object; so he himself created aroad filled with evil and crime. Its terminal point was not Clyde’s success, but his destruction.At the very beginning, Clyde is just an innocent child. The American Dream drives him to degenerate. Clyde’s eagerness to move upward has made him risk. Clyde is not destined for success and he fails to fulfill his American dream. Clyde’s tragedy lies in t he illusion which he wants to attain his American Dream by marriage with the rich. Clyde wants to climb the social ladder, to seek money and social position. Clyde’s degeneration shows us the disillusionment of the American Dream.IV. ConclusionIn An Am erican Tragedy, readers can see Clyde’s personal tragedy.As a young man, he did not have his feet planted on solid ground, but cherished illusions for success in society. Indulging in fantasy, heheld the idea of leaving things to chance. He believed that he waslikely to succeed bygood fortune. As a result, instead of quietly immersing himself in hard work, he looked for other channels. With a weak will, he was not able to resist the temptation of fame and gain. On account of his strong ambition, he waseasily corrupted by decadent ideas. His defects in character partly took responsibility for his degenerating and destruction.The most important thing is that readers can see an American tragedy. The gist of the masterpiece is embedded in the title of the novel. When readersget to the bottom of Clyde’s tragedy-the Poor’s tragedy, readers discoverthat it is actually an American tragedy. Clyde was a typical individual in American in the early 20th century. People in lower strata of society, including Clyde, had ideals and dreams for their lives. However, their expectations were fruitless. Indeed, if someone wants to be successful, he must make efforts. Right goals, an individual’s ability, hard work, intelligence, spunk, confidence and willpower, are all factors that arenecessary for personal success. However, these are not the only factors leading to success. The society provides people with external conditions. In America of the early 20th century, the society did not create good conditions for the young longing for success. At that time, though higher education flourished in America, its beneficiaries were the children of the wealthy. For most American people, poverty stopped them from receiving better education. Clyde was deceived by the so-called American Dream.Without favorable social conditions, he had to take for some unusual ways, which threw him on to the road of crime.Even nowadays many people’s experience is similar to Clyde’s, thoughsocial conditions have been improving to some extent. Some young peoplecommit crimes not because they are short of money but because they are perplexed about the meaning of life. Keeping material equality is one of the essential ways to solve the problem. The other essential factors are to help the young establish positive outlooks on life and to supply themwith a sound social environment so that they may grow in the right direction. With regard to this point, all kinds of societies need to pay more attention to the growth of the young people, for whether the younger generation willbe able to develop well or not determines a nation’s prospects and the world’s future.。



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原创Q 175 567 12 4810 文化对在校英语学习的重要性11 An Analysis of Snobbery in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Mansfield Park12 《道林•格雷的画像》中的现实元素(开题报告+论)13 杰克•伦敦《野性的呼唤》的生态解读14 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译15 从跨文化角度看文化空缺翻译16 论哥特式手法在《呼啸山庄》中的应用17 浅析中西方颜色词所隐含的文化差异及翻译策略18 Analysis of the Subtitle of White Collar under Skopostheorie19 吸血鬼传说对英国文化的影响20 傲慢与偏见的电影与原著比较21 论斯嘉丽对南方的背叛22 解析《宠儿》的象征意义23 试析《伊坦弗洛美》中细娜的药品与乡村生活的不和谐性24 Hemingway’s Individual Heroism from Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea25 跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析26 从中国特色词汇的翻译看其文化内涵27 《雾都孤儿》中南希双重性格分析28 莎士比亚悲剧中的人文思想29 论英语俚语的汉译—以奈达的功能对等理论为指导30 Analyzing How Shakespeare Created Hamlet:Shakespeare’s Reflections in His Creation of Hamlet31 接受美学视角下的英汉音译研究32 从跨文化的角度研究故事影片名字的英汉翻译33 从春节与圣诞节习俗看中西方文化差异34 埃兹拉庞德意象派诗歌解析:以《在地铁站里》为例35 英汉拒绝言语行为表达方式比较36 莎士比亚《李尔王》中的女性角色塑造37 刺激学生学习英语的情感因素的手段的研究38 骑士精神对现代社会的影响39 中西方酒类广告的文化互文性研究40 欧•亨利《警察与赞美诗》中的黑色幽默41 英语中的性别歧视42 A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China43 透过《格列佛游记》看斯威夫特的讽刺艺术44 从标记理论看英语词汇性别歧视现象45 The Research of Language Art in English Class46 从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒47 译员主体性在歌曲《我有个梦》歌词翻译中的体现48 从文化视角看中西方婚礼习俗的差异49 Love and Death in The Awakening50 论《老人与海》中圣地亚哥性格的双重性51 从《永别了,武器》与《老人与海》浅析海明威的战争观52 An American Nightmare: A Naturalistic Approach To Clyde in An American Tragedy53 教师在英语自主学习中的作用54 以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象55 从目的论角度看英语广告中双关语的翻译56 布什总统演讲词中幽默话语的语用功能分析57 《红字》中女权主义意识探析58 概念隐喻理论在英语词汇教学中的应用59 A Comparative Study on Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai60 影视英文在初中口语教学中的运用性研究61 论《推销员之死》中的父子关系62 浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中的象征色63 试析《飘》中女主人公斯佳丽的传统意识64 浅析《到灯塔去》中女性主义思想在两位女主人公身上的体现65 文化视角下的英汉习语对译(开题报告+论文+)66 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究67 从电影《伴你高飞》看美国文化中人与自然的和谐主题68 简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度69 从《死者》看都柏林人的精神瘫痪70 浅析马克思主义女性主义视角下的凯瑟琳71 企业英文简介中的概念语法隐喻分析72 奈达等值理论于商务英语翻译中的理解和应用73 合作学习在中学英语口语教学中的应用74 从文化差异看英文电影片名的汉译75 论《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘一代”的反叛与抗争76 析《远大前程》主人公匹普的性格成长历程77 高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策78 浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突79 从时代背景看《唐璜》中个人主义到人道主义的升华80 英汉语言中的性别歧视现象81 心理效应对后进生学习影响之探究82 从异化归化角度看汉语四字词组的英译策略—以中国苏州古典园林为例83 马斯洛需要层次理论下的《奥兰多》84 任务型教学法在高中英语写作中的应用85 从《永别了,武器》中看战争对人性的影响86 浅析《贫民窟的百万富翁》中的宿命论色彩87 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒88 An Analysis of Fagin in Oliver Twist8990 简述托马斯哈代和苔丝悲剧命运的原因91 An Analysis of Life and Death in Mrs. Dalloway92 从《法国中尉的女人》看约翰•福尔斯的女性主义思想及其局限性93 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语94 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的女性主义形象分析95 简析美国个性化教育对家庭教育的积极影响96 任务教学法在初中英语阅读中的应用97 语境理论在初中英语词汇教学中的应用98 国际商务谈判中的文化障碍及策略研究99 从感观的角度看汉语外来词的翻译100 历史与个人叙事:拉什迪《午夜之子》的后殖民解读101 Comparing the Reasons for Hester Prynne’s and Tess D’Urbervilles’s Tragedies102 怎样提高非英语专业学生的阅读理解103 从关联理论看《阿甘正传》的字幕翻译104 情景法在新概念英语教学中的应用——以杭州新东方为例105 Women and Art: A Historical Review of Women’s Role in Western Art106 英美国家政治委婉语的文化解读107 浅析初中学生英语阅读理解障碍及解决对策108 从功能对等看《丰乳肥臀》中习语翻译109 论英语委婉语的构成与翻译110 从爱情观的转变谈《飘》中斯嘉丽的成长历程111 英语模糊限制语的分类界定及其语用功能112 商务英语中模糊限制语的语用学研究113 The Struggle of Women—On the Image of Mary in The Grass Is Singing114 浅析翻译中的文化缺省及其补偿策略115 撒旦和孙悟空的形象和文化内涵对比116 从功能对等理论看“赶”的英译117 浅析电影字幕翻译中文化意象的重构——《冰河世纪》两个翻译版本的对比分析118 爱丽斯沃克小说《紫色》的妇女主义话语119 关联理论视角下《诗经》中爱情隐喻的英译研究120 欧美电影对英语学习者英语口语的影响121 The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching122 《都柏林人》——一座城市的精神瘫痪123 学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响124 Biblical Ideas on Women and Sex125 从跨文化交际视角谈品牌翻译策略126 论田纳西•威廉斯《欲望号街车》中的逃遁主义127 浅谈奥巴马演讲中的语用策略128 A Brief Study of the Impact of Affective Factors on English Teaching in Middle School129 “自爱这罪恶占据着我的眼睛”:莎士比亚《十四行诗》中的自恋情结130131 从美国妇女社会地位的提升看英语歧视性词汇的变化132 论英语电影在英语学习中的作用133 浅论《儿子与情人》中劳伦斯的心里分析技巧134 On Contradiction Between Comprehension and Expression in Translation135 从尊卑与平权的词汇看中西方文化的差异136 论哈罗德•品特三部剧作中的权力斗争主题137 从《纯真年代》的女性角色看旧纽约的女性地位138 爱默生的自然观--生态批评视域下的《论自然》139 浅析《紫色》中西丽的成长历程140 Differences Between English and Chinese Euphemisms and Influences on Cross-cultural Communication141 称呼语的语用分析—个案分析:以《傲慢与偏见》中的称呼语为例142 中美时间观文化对比研究143 会计英语缩略词特点及翻译研究144 中西方文化差异在初中英语词汇教学中的体现145 An Analysis of Scarlett’s Character146 麦当劳的制胜之道147 马斯洛需要层次理论下的《奥兰多》148 社会阶层与语言关系在《雾都孤儿》中的投射研究149 The Interpretation to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology150 幻灭的美国梦:《夜色温柔》的象征意义解读151 对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究152 从花语的不同含义浅析中西方文化差异153 浅析英语新闻标题的语言特征154 《虹》中生态女性主义简析155 中西方在养老孝道方面的差异156 浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象157 高中英语课堂师生互动研究158 The Analysis of Promotion Strategy of L’Oréal in China159 关于《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿悲剧人生的分析160 英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例161 《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究162 从《嘉利妹妹》看德莱塞的女性观163 从文化的角度理解《喜福会》中的母女关系164 《夜访吸血鬼》中的模糊性别观165 对《草叶集》两个汉译本的比较研究166 从翻译角度浅析英语写作中的中式英语问题167 灰姑娘文学形象在西方文化中的发展和演变研究168 王尔德童话中的死亡意象解析169 美国总统就职演说中隐喻的语用功能分析170 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移171 从绝望到适应——鲁滨逊在孤岛上的心理变化172 浅析凯特肖邦短篇小说中的女性意识173 广告英语标题翻译的修辞特点174 英语外教与中国英语教师写作教学风格对比研究175 The Growth of Humphrey Weyden in The Sea Wolf176 欧•亨利作品中的人生的价值探索177 《榆树下的欲望》埃本悲剧命运探析178 从主角与配角之间关系的角度探讨《老人与海》中的生存主题179 奥斯卡•王尔德童话中的理想与现实180 A Comparison of the English Color Terms181 英汉典故及文化内涵的比较分析182 双语环境对第二语言习得的影响183 从释意学理论看中英口译184 The Application of Situational Approach in Middle School English Teaching185 浅析理发师陶德一剧中歌词的妙用186 从好莱坞电影看美国的文化霸权187 英语广告的批评性话语分析188 论英语新词对现代英语的影响189 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究190 On the Translation of Names of Scenic Spots191 双关语的修辞功能及日常应用192 [毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)从湖南卫视《爸爸,去哪儿》看媒体市场营销193 经典英文电影台词的文体分析194 浅析电视媒体的品牌战略195 电影《当幸福来敲门》中蕴涵的美国文化解读196 从功能翻译理论看企业简介汉英翻译197 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析赵丽蓉的小品198 从语言学的角度解析幼儿双语教学中存在的误区199 论商标翻译的原则及策略200 The Application of Situational Teaching Approach in the Lead-in of Middle School English Classes。



An American TragedyAn American Tragedy on the basis of the true history of crime fact, published in 1925. The novel has received widespread critical acclaim and praise when it published. Critics say, Dreiser produced a profound ,vivid and influential novels, and a description in modern society young people lonely life’s novels. This is a social reality that the real American tragedy.The ambitious but immature Clyde Griffiths, raised by poor and devoutly religious parents who force him to participate in their street missionary work, is anxious to achieve better things. His troubles begin when he takes a job as a bellboy at a local hotel. The boys he meets are much more sophisticated than he, and they introduce Clyde to the world of alcohol and prostitution. Clyde enjoys his new lifestyle and does everything in his power to win the affections of the flirtatious Hortense Briggs. But Clade's life is forever changed when a stolen car in which he's traveling kills a young child. Clyde flees Kansas City, and after a brief stay in Chicago, he reestablishes himself as a foreman at the shirt-collar factory of his wealthy long-lost uncle in Lycurgus, New York, who meets Clyde through a stroke of fortune. While remaining aloof from him as a kinsman and doing nothing to embrace him personally or advance him socially, the uncle does give Clyde a job and ultimately advances him to a position of relative importance within the factory.Although Clyde vows not to consort with women in the way that caused his Kansas City downfall, he is swiftly attracted to Roberta Alden, a poor and innocent farm girl working under his supervision at the factory. Roberta falls in love with him. Clyde initially enjoys the secretive relationship (forbidden by factory rules) and ultimately persuades Roberta to have sex with him rather than lose him, but Clade's ambition precludes marriage to the penniless Roberta. He dreams instead of the elegant Sondra Finchley, the daughter of a wealthy Lycurgus man and a family friend of his uncle's.Having unsuccessfully attempted to procure an abortion for Roberta, who expects him to marry her, Clyde procrastinates while his relationship with Sondra continues to mature. When he realizes that he has a genuine chance to marry Sondra, and after Roberta threatens to reveal their relationship unless he marries her, Clyde hatches a plan to murder Roberta in a fashion that will seem accidental.Clyde takes Roberta on a row boat on Big Bittern Lake in upstate New York and rows to a remote area. As he speaks to her regarding the end of their relationship, Roberta moves towards him, and he strikes her in the face with his camera, stunning her and capsizing the boat. Unable to swim, Roberta drowns while Clyde, who is unwilling to save her, swims to shore. The narrative is deliberately unclear as to whether he acted with malice and intent to murder, or if he struck her merely instinctively. However, the trail of circumstantial evidence points to murder, and the local authorities are only too eager to convict Clyde, to the point of manufacturing additional evidence against him. Following a sensational trial before anunsympathetic audience, and despite a vigorous defense mounted by two lawyers hired by his uncle, Clyde is convicted, sentenced to death, and executed. The jailhouse scenes and the correspondence between Clyde and his mother stand out as exemplars of pathos in modern literature.Dreiser based the book on a notorious criminal case. On July 11, 1906, resort owners found an overturned boat and the body of 20-year-old Grace Brown atBig Moose Lake in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. Chester Gillette was put on trial and convicted of killing Brown, though he claimed that her death was an accident. Gillette was executed by electric chair on March 30, 1908.[1] The murder trial drew international attention when Brown's love letters to Gillette were read in court. Dreiser saved newspaper clippings about the case for several years before writing his novel, during which he studied the case closely. He based Clyde Griffiths on Chester Gillette, deliberately giving him the same initials.The protagonist Clyde of the An American Tragedy is a tragic culture under the background of sad people. According to Deviser's view that human is the subject, biology and environmental determinism dominated, that is to say, people's behavior is decided by the premise of reason. Throughout the whole novel, it is a series of accidents interact , and interaction opportunities and causality. With the "opportunity", Clyde got a job in the grand style of Green's Hotel, Dreiser use,"Twilight", "wall" to evoke images of destruction and futile by enantiosis. The "wall" to Clyde is like a dream city, but then the story clearly shows Clyde’s weakness and a fatalistic power struggle between the material world, there is no love, brutal, fatalistic, and often dirty world. In such a law of the jungle world, Clyde is neither a superman, nor a beast of prey, this is Dreiserian view of others -- a helpless creature living in determined by uncontrollable forces the cruel world. Like her parents, Clyde know nothing at all of the hotel's life. In order to emphasize the character of Clyde "dangerous" influence, the insertion of a passage about temptation inherent in Clade's work. Clyde is a model, the material pursuit like the Abbey believer pursuit with an air almost of idiocy. Behind the hotel is Clyde worldly church. His luxury temple worship and his previous life in stark contrast. He saw the young men and women together as if through the gates of heaven . The earthly paradise that Clyde is full of fantasy. The new world in this full of music, luster, luxurious will constantly be rewarded, but the reward is in the church to be not. As an outsider, Clyde felt that a new world unfathomable charm. He can't see through the inner sanctuary. He saw a splendid panoramic as a unified world, the organization, enjoyable activities and rich atmosphere give him a deep impression; Clyde saw wealth seemed to come from the Arabian nights. As the saying goes, "all that glitters is not gold", this is the view of Dreiser. He explained to us by the worship of Clyde is nothing but work in the constantly changing, impermanent, no personality environment. The value Clyde learned is false. In order to illustrate Clydes pursuit of wealth and woman with a universal, several other luggage in pursuit of the same things are also described by the author. Their conversations are mostly match, ball, car, hotel and entertainment. They try to understand their own economic conditions; why people can enjoy the glory, splendor, wealth and rank. They are in need of money, need a lot of money, but they don't want to be so greedy. And it wastold Clyde appearance is everything, no matter how a bellboy heart, he must look polite, have rules. Must use civilization without self-interest performance to cover commercial hypocrisy.Let us further analysis of Clydes complex personality and his innermost thoughts and feelings, in the novels of the second volume we see a desire of the prisoners, a process of dying or tragedy. Clyde eventually nightmare in his own fantasy. Coming of age, he is eager to become a big shot, he find the idol. Samuel Kerry Faith to his nephew has such an ideal satisfied; that to be a successful American hero. Clyde even put his authority has the ability to cousin Gilbert as the ideal character, but he's not Gilbert. Unfortunately, his look beyond his role in Leke city. As he stared at his uncle's home and on the streets and beautiful girl, he fell five in the cloud. Body calendar to he and affinity between Kerry Faith, his dream of the future, and the nostalgic feelings, even think that he can deal with Ho dance now. He can't see his aunt's invitation to the dinner party is just a courtesy, thus further fantasy Kerry Faith a nice quiet life, but Clyde is the envy of his cousin's power. And the Kerry Faith family spent a night after, he again fantasy and like Sandra socialite women love. His promotion and fired his imagination; he thinks he experienced, have the ability, essence of life abundant.Confusing not Clyde pursuit of things, but he is a dual character, beneath the surface of Clydes social success of the surge of lack of confidence in the deep flow. He didn't know his relative silence is anger or joy. Eager and sorrow, he be very much puzzled by Sandra, making her circumspect, half believe and half doubt, uncertainty. Although Clyde wants to stop the relationship with Lou Buda, but he was too weak, too feel helpless. Clyde into what is for social status in pursuit of Sandra, or to meet the great contradiction of sex Subnodal in pursuit, he was a temptation, unwilling to give up another. Although not regarded himself as a "decision" of the animal, their pursuit of moral freedom and remain free life. In a world full of causality and accidental, Clyde problem is the arrangement of an accident. According to the Christian view of original sin, the devil and caught Clyde; although due to ethical reasons and feel hesitated uneasiness, the thought of murder has entered his mind. He often seem insanity, psychologically and rational and irrational. Because of the money, drive status desire and to pay no heed to their actual situation, he thought his survival depends on the death of Lou Buda. He is the pursuit of Sandra -- his "golden dream", is to get rid of the "clouds" Subnodal. In fact, his ultimate dream turned to nightmare. When aware of weakness of his dream, he came to make herself with destruction.What kind of impact can a social system produce on people? Dreiser used this book to explain this for us, he also said: the success of this book is not only because it is a tragedy, but because it is the tragedy of the United States of America.From this story to start, the protagonist Clyde in pursuit of happy life, he decided to leave home and go out battles. Later, when an accident happened at a time during they going out, he and his friends are scared away. An accidental opportunity, he met his rich uncle again, his uncle gave him the opportunity to work in factories. During working in the factory, he met a poor women Balta, and then there had been a lot of stories, they fell in love. A chance encounter, let Clyde met the girl Sandra, in order to benefits from Sandra contacts, he abandoned already pregnant, Balta, even cruel design to kill her,finally he fall into a brutal thugs and murderers, he was eventually sentenced to death, push on the electric chair.From the front, I appreciate Clyde’s determination and courage in order to pursue life , and also I admire him to seize more opportunities in a short period of time. However, his vanity nature gradually exposed, in order to buy decent clothes, under the cruel deception actually hurt the poor mother, not for the sake of the family instead of thinking about eating, drinking, or even to discuss other people favor to borrow money at the expense of the mother's struggling requests. Is this silly? No, not at all. It is the seed of Clyde evil nature. For a rich and beautiful girl and money and status, he abandoned pregnant poor women Balta, it makes me appreciate and admire from initial to disdain and contempt. Later, under the Lou Balta threat, he was ruthless under heart designed to kill her, it makes me more angry. And then, Clyde also got his punishment, not only he was jailed several times, but the appeal is invalid, his mother get his appeal fee to speech everywhere, finally trades or upheld, he died of electrocution. The outcome, I actually took a pity and sympathy.I just read this book as a simple story, also do not understand the profound meaning of the title,but now savor it, I found a lot of places worthy of reflection. First, the gap between rich and poor, serious polarization between the rich and the poor. Rich people do fun things, while poor people is to make a living and travail, they eat coarse food, and live in broken homes. After Clyde Husserlian murder and was sent to prison, the United States Republican and Democratic and the judicial organ to use the case to make a fuss, resort to deceit, intrigue despicable behavior let me carelessly. This story is not only rich in content and deep meaning, but the figure is vivid. Impressed me most is that after Clyde read the article drowning reported, moving from that psychological kill read descriptions, both real and rich, vivid contradictions at that time the heart of Clyde, romance and want to abandon her pursuit of the girl Sandra's contradiction most of Lou Balta, finally or evil nature prevailed, although Clyde has said that a quarter in their hands, but we can not deny is fundamental to Clyde is killed, the murderer Balta. Striking one snag after another plot and detailed psychological description, comparison of different scenes, language features a unique personality, the novel has strong shock breathtaking artistic.Like Clade's life tragedy, it is the so-called "American civilization", the United States social system is to create a hotbed of Clyde tragedy. This novel was published in 1925, nearly 80 years, it cannot say the United States social system is immutable and frozen in the political, economic, cultural, legal and other fields, it has undergone tremendous changes, but there is no change. This book let me know the United States of America in the past, also let me know the great American realistic writer dresser and the representative. This book exposes and criticizes the American social system at that time, I have to certainly writing, imagination and vision of the dresser."An American Tragedy" is the representative work of Dreiser, although is a description of the United States two, thirty in the social life, the society still has practical significance and reference value, the tragic effect strong in the novels, moral power, high art and profound psychological description, we show that the United States of America society reality.Let's study the great Dreiser wrote the novel at the end of thesignificance. Inevitably, at the end of the novel is all what happened inevitable outcome. Like Clyde, the other prisoners to their nature and the environment "chemical mechanism" to respond. Here, a sign of death is crying, pray, mad. However terrible continues to. Dreiser paints a vivid picture of Clydes inner world, he realizes he waiting in jail, before he has been waiting for other people, some will be after him to wait. Think if I follow his mother taught him how life will not at the same time, Clyde knew how to overcome his impulse and desire. Even in the admission of his guilt, Clyde also fought for his judge, because no one, even his mother did not have his own pain. Be yourself, mechanical system lock into the iron, Clyde dreams of his doom -- just so; soldiers put him into a door is shut quickly, no return.This is contagious orgasm, Dreiser as a novelist of all means of art, a detailed description of the Dante's death row -- narrow walls, white solid iron bar it, incandescent light dazzling, bad food, no personal freedom and desperate moaning and screaming. All these miserable scene, and the death row to become a moral figure, the narrator as a pathologist social system to diagnose the sick. The exposure of form, the social death row charges for excess unconstrained cruel world, stupid, devastating, torture people in the world, a criminal sentenced to die before the one thousand world. Therefore, to the last, nightmare and reality closer together, finally. Before that Clyde thought not consistent with the actual action produces causation. Even in death in prison, Clyde was more attracted by the nihilistic life and refused to face the reality of life. Despite the still smoldering jealous, Clyde still took his previous life as a stupid fanatics, and when he saw Sandra unsigned note in the evening, the last gleam of his vain fantasy have disappeared. The court refused to accept his defense, the honorable Macmillan convinced him that, only the afterlife will be meaningful. Clyde did not make his mother to understand his success -- the United States -- the ideal dream as Klee described as vulgar, miserable, because its outcome is often fatal. Although Macmillan that Clyde would go to heaven, Clyde difficult to the last door, he only saw his nightmare in the terrible chair.Griffith. The story of Clyde is looking for a to provide the ideal story, but unfortunately, it has been a kind of nothingness of the mirage, who pay the price is so heavy and sad, brooding. The novel tells us: the symbol of success for a person in the society is not only the acquisition of wealth, beauty and power, especially in this penance bitter world with realization of personal value to obtain a reliable position practical.It is self-evident, the ideal and the reality should be unified, divorced from reality to consider individual development and even the interests and social individual is relatively resistant to violate the laws of social development, the inevitable result is the sad, this is quite the lessons and Enlightenment for the young people in social change.Now in China, we go a different socialist road from American, even though China is not the United States of America so strong, but we firmly believe that, as long as we do not move or retreat to go on, China will be even better tomorrow!。

美国的悲剧 读书报告

美国的悲剧  读书报告

An American TragedyAn American Tragedy is a very typical work which reflected the American society at that time; it was a symbol of a great achievement of Theodore Dreiser‟s realistic sculpture. When it was published, it caused a great influence on American society, therefore, Theodore Dreiser was well known by the world.Theodore Dreiser uses Clyde as the thread in American tragedy, and he used many kinds of picture of American society. Clyde was a poor young boy; he was born in a family of religious. When he was young, he and his parents led a vagrant life along the street. He was addicted into “American Dream”, and always dreamed to be a millionaire though he was so poor. When he worked in a luxury hotel, he was deep influenced by the magnate; they spent money as water, and led a life of beer and skittles. Profit at another's expense was their life principle. It was a place of intrigue and calculation. So he was anxious to become rich and ignored the poverty of his family, he kept away from his relatives, and deceived girls. He cheated Roberta who expected Clyde to marry her and had pregnancy, but at this time Clyde had fallen in love with Sondra and their relationship continued to mature. When he realized that he had a genuine chance to marry Sondra, he persuaded Roberta to make abortion, but Roberta refused. Therefore, Clyde hatches a plan to murder Roberta in a fashion that will seem accidental. When he was boating with Roberta,both of them fell into the water, Clyde didn‟t save Roberta, thus, Roberta was drowned. However, he was accused of murder. At that time, it was the time of American general election, and the two parties paid much attention to this murder, and they made lots of false evidences. Following a sensational trial before an unsympathetic audience, and despite a vigorous defense mounted by two lawyers hired by his uncle, Clyde was convicted, sentenced to death, and executed. At that time he was only 22 years old. Clyde stands out as example of pathos in modern literature.From the story described, the author uses two aspects to describe what American Dream is. One is the behavior of Clyde, his spirit, his dreams and also his mortals. The really American Dream is too far away from the normal people and it only belongs to the rich and capitalists. It is the best reflection and description of the corruption of Americans. The theory of capitalist, system and also the constitution are both the production of corruption; they are only the tools to the authority but not the normal people. So the normal people are suffering pains and oppress. T he short time of Clyde‟s life is a kind of reflection of American society, his anguish, struggle, corruption and destroys, is closed related to the black and shades-of-gray world. Especially for the capitalist and the social system, their corruption and greedy causes the beginning of the tragedy. The second is the trial of Clyde; the jurors make false testimony only want to make their position steadier and satisfied voters. So theyexaggerated the case and weave the plot. So it is the selfish sent Clyde to death. Theodore once said, the constitution of American seemed to a waste paper. It is only for the people who have money and power. To some extent, Clyde is the production of this system, and also the victim of it. So it was the tragedy of American.In American society, money is the absolute authority, and it is also the only powerful rope to keep relationship tied. Capitalist spent money as water, and lead a life of beer and skittles. Profit at another's expense is their life principle. It is a place of intrigue and calculation. And all of this was revealed in Clyde vividly. This novel deeply criticized there are too many pains and dirty things in people‟s heart, there is little equal opportunities, but in fact, it is the reality of American society. All the Americans were pursing “American Dream”, but what is it? It is only a fact o f “the money‟s value can overwhelm everything”.According to American Tragedy, the destiny of a human being depends on the environmental, economic, social, status and fatalistic forces that act upon him. Clyde attempts to break free of these forces but fails. In Clyde‟s case, these forces include mental and physical traits that he inherited at birth, the surroundings in which he grew up, the financial status and lower-class background of his family. Therefore, we can see that a man is losing struggle against forces, so their destinies are steady and cannot be changed. And also, the American Dream is an impossibledream, most Americans born with the idea that they can achieve success, money and status even though they are now very poor. It is not true, because there are many obstacles prevent them, such as financial, family background, status and the greedy society. So the American Dream is not real and practical.So in this novel, it also criticizes the falsehood of “American Dream”.Clyde…s tragedy is a dual nature, his corruption is his self tragedy, but is also the tragedy of society. It is a terrible revelation of society problem. It proves the corruption of the capitalism and the crisis of people‟s mortals. So it is a typical “American”, the novel is successful because it is not only a tragedy, but also an American Tragedy. It is a real mirror which reflected the nature of American society and capitalism.Reading Report of An American Tragedy班级:外语0842班姓名:孙美玲学号:13。



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• 《美国的悲剧》是批判“美国梦”虚妄的一 部力作。“美国梦”由来已久,在美国建国 初期,许多人相信在这样一个没有传统等级 制度的新兴国家里,人人都有发财并获得幸 福的机会。到19世纪末,通俗小说家阿尔 杰等人,还有不少为豪富们作粉饰的传记作 家们,大肆宣扬只要个人奋斗便可从“衣衫 褴褛的穷小子变为百万富翁”的神话。
• 《美国的悲剧》(1925)是德莱塞成就的顶峰。德莱塞对 这部小说的构思由来已久。1906年纽约州发生一件刑事案 件,一个叫契斯特· 吉莱特的青年谋杀了自己的恋人,被 判死刑。德莱塞旁听了对此案的审判,就此萌发了写部小 说的念头。 • 他认为,法庭审判只就事论事,而他则要研究谋杀的动机 及其所产生的社会原因。他从1922年起着手写这部作品。 为了使所写的更为真实并具有典型意义。德莱塞查阅了吉 莱特一案的全部卷宗,摘录了供词以及男女双方的情书等 大量原始材料,考察了谋杀现场和纽约监狱,他还研究了 15宗同类案件的有关资料,详细比较罪犯们的经历及思想 的异同。在坚实的调查基础上,他更加明确了自己要写的 决不是凶手个人的罪恶,而是整个美国社会的悲剧。为此, 他把原定书名《幻景》改为《美国的悲剧》,以突出这一 主题。
• 首先,作品通过克莱特的悲剧深刻揭示出美国社会 和美国生活方式的罪恶。小说既细致描绘了克莱特 的堕落过程,更深刻地剖析了造成他悲剧命运的社 会根源。正是金元帝国和美国生活方式腐蚀毁灭了 千千万万的美国青年,克莱特只不过是其中的一个 受害者和牺牲品。克莱特的悲剧不仅是美国青年的 悲剧,同时也是腐朽的美国社会本身的悲剧,所以 作者称之为“美国的悲剧”。
• 电影改编:《郎心如铁》 • 英文名:《A Place in the Sun》 • 中文名:《郎心如铁》
《美国悲剧》的Байду номын сангаас响
• 黑人作家理查· 赖特(1908—1960) 的名作《土生子》是最明显地受到《美国 悲剧》的影响的。 • 斯科特· 菲茨杰拉德(1896—1940) 甚至誉称德莱塞是当代美国的最伟大的人 物。
• 《美国的悲剧》则用20世纪血污的真实,揭示了 与之相反的一个主题,即“在金元帝国里幸福不 过是幻想”。在这部小说里,德莱塞还写出了他 的一大发现,即美国社会已经演变为一个“有围 墙的世界”,资本主义已经发展到垄断阶段,垄 断资本集团已经成为同中世纪的贵族一样门禁森 严的特权阶级,根本不容外人插足。正如小说中 所述:“贫富间的界限分得清清楚楚,就像用刀 子划过似的”,穷人想越过这条分界线,真比登 天还难。正因为如此,克莱德这位穷亲戚纵然还 有点才干,但总是受到其堂兄弟姊妹们、那些富 家公子小姐们的排挤和戏弄;也正因为如此,他 纵然野心勃勃,且心狠手辣,但总归爬不上去, 相反却跌落到电椅里。当权集团之所以拿他的案 子大作文章,归根结底,也是杀鸡给猴看,警告 那些不自量想翻过“围墙”的穷小子们。
Main Characters
• • • • Clyde Griffith Sondra Finchley Robert Alden Hortense Briggs (克莱德· 格里菲思 ) (桑德拉· 芬琪雷) (罗伯塔· 奥尔登) ( 霍旦丝· 布里格斯)
• 第一卷描写克莱德这个天真幼稚的青年人 怎样受到外部世界腐蚀与毒害,逐渐演变 成为一个玩世不恭、怙恶不悛的人,一直 到汽车碾死女孩,逃离堪萨斯城为止,这 是小说故事的准备阶段。 • 第二卷描写克莱德与富商伯父萨缪尔· 格里 菲思邂逅后,以穷亲戚的关系来到莱柯格 斯厂内充当工头助手,随后陷入与穷女工 罗伯塔、阔小姐桑德拉的三角恋情。为了 高攀桑德拉,克莱德甘愿违悖自幼接受的 基本道德准则,牺牲罗伯塔,于是,他就 通过翻船阴谋干掉了这个被他诱奸而怀孕 的年轻的女工。事后,克莱德却落荒出逃, 逍遥法外。
• 在艺术表现上,小说运用现实主义手法,在广阔 的社会背景和真实的典型环境中塑造出克莱特这 一典型,从而使克莱特成为“发财梦牺牲者”的 代名词。同时,又恰到好处地运用下意识、幻觉、 梦境、性压抑等心理分析描写,揭示出主人公的 深层心理和精神世界。另外,还大量采用文件资 料,用真实案件中的信件、审讯记录等材料,加 强了小说的真实感。
• 小说深刻地揭露了“痛苦和肮脏太多,机会均等 甚少”的美国社会现实,抨击了“美国梦”诲淫 诲盗的本质。“美国梦”就是“金钱的价值压倒 其他一切的强大诱惑”,对处在资本主义社会中 绝大多数普通人来说,虽然永远只是一个“梦”, 却是能毁灭人的灵魂的毒雾,有人一旦受其蛊惑, 就必定“精神上毁灭,生活上堕落,才能永远得 不到发展”。克莱德便是受这种“美国梦”毒害 的一个典型牺牲品。正如作者所说:“这样的事, 每一个在美国小镇上成长的孩子都会遇到。在美 国,这类事发生之频繁,已到了惊人的程度。” 揭露“美国梦”的虚妄,是美国进步文学的一个 传统主题。德莱塞这部小说把这一主题深化到前 所未有的地步。
Clyde 克莱德
• “欲望强烈,而又资质可怜”。他本身并非天生 是个恶人,他从追求物质享受到追求女性,玩弄 女性;从渴望得到伯父的提拨到企图走进上流社 会;从自私自利到走上杀人道路。造成悲剧的不 光是犯罪本身,主要应该归咎于美国社会。因为 当时美国社会崇尚那种接纳少数人的荒谬绝伦的 价值观念,并对两性关系怀有病态的恐惧心理。 冷酷的现实造就了克莱德的自私和卑鄙,社会的 悲剧酿成了个人悲剧,谋杀把他的悲剧推倒了顶 峰。克莱德是美国之梦的一个受害者。
• 另外,作品通过对克莱特全部审判过程的描写,深刻揭示 出美国政治制度和司法制度的黑暗与腐败克莱特案发受审 期间,正值美国两党竞选法官,共和党与民主党全力利用 这一案件捞取政治资本。共和党的候选人梅逊检查官通过 自己控制的法院对克莱特严厉审判,以显示其“公正”, 甚至不惜制造假证,组织一百二十七人出庭作证来证明克 莱特罪大恶极,骗取选民的信任。民主党则通过克莱特的 辩护律师竭力为他辩护,不惜歪曲事实甚至鼓动克莱特在 法庭上发假誓、撒谎抵赖、拒不认罪,以证明共和党的审 判是不公正的,然后取而代之。案件的审判表面上手续完 备,十分民主,但实质上却不过是争权夺利的阴谋和骗人 把戏。通过这场审判,美国民主政治、公平法律的丑恶本 质暴露无遗。
An American Tragedy
Theodore Dreiser
• 约瑟夫· 伍德· 克鲁奇称 《美国悲剧》为“我 们这一代最伟大的美 国小说” • 斯图亚特· 谢尔曼赞扬 说:“这部小说描写 得如此大胆,如此机 智,如此彻底,如此 真实,因而也就具有 如此深刻的道德感染 力,我不知道在美国 小说中,有哪一部可 以与之相比拟。”
• 第三卷主要描写案发之后,克莱德如何被 捕入狱,受审和定罪,及美国共和党与民 主党的政客们为捞取政治资本,借机大做 文章。经过一场表面上手续齐全、公正无 私而内里却隐藏着无数阴谋和花招的审讯 之后,克莱德被送上了电椅,当时他才22 岁。
Robert 罗伯塔
• 罗伯塔则是一个被侮辱被损害的小人物。 她忠厚善良,但有虚荣心,她的爱情里掺 杂着俗气和私心。她的死,罪责在克莱德, 同时也是美国社会所造成的,她的悲剧也 是美国的悲剧

• 作者说过,“我只是想按照生活 的本来面目描写生活”,《美国 的悲剧》就是遵循这一现实主义 原则创作出来的公认的成功之作。 • 小说出版后,美国著名作家舍伍 德· 安德森深有感慨地说:“毫 无疑问,在文坛上有两种人:一 种是对人类,对人的生命充满着 真情实感的作家;另一种则是以 卖弄词藻,制造廉价小说而自诩 的作家。二者具有明显的区别, 是不能相提并论的。”他充分肯 定了德莱塞的成就。
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