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Unit 3 Orga ni zati on and Culture of a Compa ny

Backgro und

〔.Corporate culture

Huma ns are social bein gs. This is how ideas and beliefs spread. In an ideal culture, people do the right thing, even when no one ' s looking. Not because they' ll be punished or rewarded but because it ' s the culturally accepted thing to do.

Bottom-li ne adva ntages of a stro ng corporate culture in clude:

Motivati on.

Low employee turnover/ reduced payroll cost.

Atte ndan ce.


Creative/ i ndepe ndent problem sol ving.


Pers onal acco un tability.

En terprise value.

2. Differe nt departme nts in a compa ny

HR Department人力资源部

R&D Departme nt 研发部

PR Department 公关部

Marketi ng Departme nt 市场部

Finance Departme nt 财务部

Quality Control Departme nt 质管部Sales Departme nt 销售部

Customer Service Departme nt 客服咅E

Logistics Departme nt 后勤咅E

Purchas ing Departme nt 采购部

Producti on Departme nt 生产部

Legal Affair Departme nt 法务部IT Departme nt 信息技术部Network Operatio nal Departme nt 网络运营部

Admi nistratio n Departme nt 行政咅E

Gett ing Ready

12. The Purchas ing Departme nt buys materials and equipme


13. The HR Department is responsible for employing new people

and training the staff.

14. The Import Departme nt buys goods from other coun tries.

15. The Export Department sells products to foreign coun tries.

Key to Getti ng Ready


2.Productio n




5.Customer Service

6.R&D 7丄 ogistics 8.PR

9.Market ing 1O.Quality Co ntrol 11.Fi nance

12.Purchasi ng 13.HR 14.Import 15. Export

Text A 1. Hav

e the students first listen to the recording o

f the

new words and expressions, and then have them read them

aloud and get familiar with their meanin gs. (10 min.)

2. Have the students listen to the recording of the text, and read

the text more carefully and do the exercise in

“Understanding your reading ” . (25 min.)

3. Have the students check their answers with each other and

then ask some students to give their final answer.

(10 mi n.)

4. Ensure the students have a deep understanding of the

text by explaining the Ianguage points. If time permits,

have the stude nts practice using them by compos ing new

senten ces. (25 min.)

5. After an in-depth reading of the text, have the

students work in groups to summarize the secret of Google' s

corporate culture. (10 min.)

Key to Text A Exercise

Language Poi nts Paragraph 1

1 .in a row连续,接连

This is her third win in a row.这是她连续获得的第二次胜利。

In flati on has falle n for the third month in a row. 通货膨胀连


【拓展】row n. 一排,一列,一行

We sat in a row at the back of the room. 我们在屋子的后面坐
