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7上Units 1-4




1 一只MP4 an MP4

2 擅长跑步be good at running

3 享受听音乐enjoy listening to music

4 在周末购物shop at weekends

5 戴眼镜的那个男孩the boy with/wearing glasses

6 观看电视排球赛watch the volleyball matches on TV

7 在开放日on the Open Day

8 开家长会have a parents’ meeting

9 穿白衬衫的那位男士the man in a white shirt

10 电话上听不清某人can’t hear sb well on the phone

11 教我们生物和地理teach us Biology and Geography

12 乘车上学take the bus to school

go to school by bus/on the bus

13 从早上七点营业到晚上五点be open from 7:00a. m. to 5:00p.m.

14 叫醒他wake him up

15 在每周三every Wednesday/on Wednesdays

16 互相聊天chat with each other

17 练习做课外活动practice doing after-school activities

18 去上舞蹈课go to one’s dancing lessons

19 祝我们队好运wish our team good luck

20 做早操do morning exercises


1 我是高邮人,但现在我和家人住在扬

州。I come from Gaoyou, but now I live with my family in Yangzhou.

2 那个留着短发的男孩戴着一副眼镜。The boy with short hair wears a pair of


3 在她闲暇时间,听音乐使她高兴。In her free time, listening to music makes

her happy.

4 他每天花大约半小时步行上学。It takes him about half an hour to walk

to school every day.

5 该是我们吃早饭的时候了吗?Is it time for us to have breakfast ?

6 这家商店早上七点开门,每天营业12

个小时。The shop opens at 7:00 a.m. and it is open for 12 hours every day.

7 周三下午放学后我弟弟从不训练游

泳。My brother never practises swimming after school on Wednesday afternoon.

8 你们多久进行一次运动?一周三次。How often do you exercise/do exercise?

Three times a week..

9 做早操帮助我们为一天做好准备。Doing morning exercises helps us get

ready for the day.

10 你爸爸每天花多长时间骑车上班?How long does it take your father to go

to work by bike ?

11 一些狗就是不知道如何取乐。Some dogs just don’t know how to have


12 我住在离学校大约两公里远。I live about two kilometers away from my


13 我希望他的梦想会实现。I hope his dream will come true.

14 那个留着黑色长发的女士教她数学。The women with long black hair teaches her


15 我认为在阳光下看书对我们健康没

好处。I don’t think reading in the sun is good for our health..




1 .Simon usually __________(go)to school by bike.He __________(not walk)to school.

2. Millie ________(be)from England and Daniel _________(come)from America.

3. What time _______his mother _______(do) the housework?

4. ________ Mike________( read ) English every day?

5.Who___________( cook) breakfast in your family on Sundays? My father _______(do). 用正确的代词填空
