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郭晶 S10020205025 研究生(1)班产业经济学





Abstract:IPO is Initial Public Offering stock, which means a company commission investment bank or an intermediary organ to put stock on sale at the market in an open manner for the first time who want to extensive latent investor, collects capital for the project and the investment. IPO underpricing is that the closing price of a majority of new stock much higher than the Issue price on the first day of listed in the secondary market, resulting much higher return than the average on the market or the same industry.

IPO is the first step that AG transition from minority hold shares to the public hold them . Pricing issue is the core of the publication business links,pricing is whether reasonable not only related to the effects of raise funds and the distribution of benefits among the issuer , investor and underwriter ,but also related to the resource allocation function of the stock market. Therefore, IPO pricing is a not only theoretical but also practical issue of long-term. Domestic stock market beginning from 90's to now have already close to 20 years, whether the investment philosophy of the investors or the purpose of the stock market have gradually changed. The interests of investors are increasingly concerned about and the market-oriented reform process is in-depth step by step also.

In this paper, the sample data of factors that could impact IPO underpricing is collected, and establish multiple linear regression models, make an empirical study on IPO underpricing phenomenon of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Finally, put forward a number of recommendations to the development of IPO market in China.

Keywords: IPO, underpricing, new share distribution, listed company



到目前为止,对新股发行价格低估现象还很难找到一个较好的理论解释,西方学者对IPO定价问题所提出的不同解释促进了新理论的产生与发展。占主流地位的是rock(1986)从信息经济学相关理论来解释该现象,他提出了“赢者诅咒”假设,认为为了吸引非知情投资者参与认购,新股发行不得不低定价,低到足以弥补非知情者由于逆向选择而造成的损失,还据此进一步假设,如果考虑中签率和认购成本,那么非知情投资者应获得无风险资产的报酬率。Hughes和Thakor(1992)提出了在均衡信息条件下的避免法律诉讼假说,他们指出发行人或者承销商通过抑价,可以减少其法律责任。Stoughton和Zwchner(1998)证明,承销商需要通过抑价来产生购买股票的动力,在散户投资者面前创造积极的外在形象,但相对散户投资者来讲,机构投资者在配售中往往受到了优待。Loughran 和Ritter(2004)进一步研究了承销商和发行者之间的委托代理关系,认为如果承销商有权决定股票配售,这种决定将不会自动服务于发行公司的最大利益,必要时,承销商可能故意低定价发行,将更多的钱搁置起来,然后将这些股票配售给买方客户,并以造福买方客户换取客户的相关条件。部分学者还从配售方式及其股票交易方式上寻求对抑价的解释1。

国内学者对我国股市IPO抑价现象的研究主要集中在两个方面,一方面是检验国外学者提出的理论模型在中国股市的适用性;另一方面是利用计量经济的方法,研究影响中国股市IPO抑价的具体因素。对于理论模型的检验,国内学者的研究结论比较一致,即国外学者提出的理论模型不能很好解释中国股市的IPO 抑价现象。

