
The sixth day:
Ⅰ. CABDBBBⅡ. NhomakorabeaFFTT
The seventh day:
Ⅰ. 1.It’s a rabbit. 2. I go to bed at 8:30 every night. 3. No, I don’t. 4. The bees are very busy. 5. The watermelon is big and sweet.
Ⅱ. water, off, very much, have, back to
Ⅲ. sad, can’t, mother, not, garden
The eighth day:
The ninth day:
Ⅱ. son, expensive, chocolates, picks, Mother’s
The tenth day:
Ⅱ. 1. He is in Class Two, Grade Four. 2. Yes, he is. 3. He gets to school at 8:20.4. Miss Li 5. Yes, she does.
The first day:
The second day:

精心整理小学四年级英语寒假作业参考答案(一)I :1.water 2. dress 3. vest 4. apple 5. skirt 6. potatoII :1. Canda 2. kite 3. water 4. raincoat 5. fruitIII :ABBABIV : V : VI : (二)I : II : TJTV: III : IV : V : VI (三)I : II : III :CACBBIV :1. What is that?2. It’s a cucumber.3. Are you sure?4. What’s this in English?5. Let’s play a game.V:略VI:1. I , water 2. apples, bananas 3. on, sweater 4. eight , seven(四)I:CCABAII:CDBCIII:IV:(五)I:II:III:IV:V:(六)I:II:1III:IV:ACBCC BAAAAV:1.banana 2. apple 3. pineapple 4. orange 5. watermelon 6. pear 7.mango VI:BECFDA(七)I:AC df fh HJ JK NP QS pr UW CE wy VXII:1.nine 2. oranges 3. kite 4. water 5. shirtIII:1. a tomato 2. it isn’t 3. rainy 4.Five Four 5. China 6. pandasIV:EBAFCD(八)I:ABC:基础知识L: 大写字母L UFO: 不明飞行物PLA:人民解放军M: 大写字母M WHO:世界卫生组织II:DEBCAIII:fat-thin big-small old-new cold-hot warm-cool tall-short-longIV:V:(九)I:略II:III:IVV:VI:VII:(十)I:Kk Oo Qq Ss Pp Mm Bb Jj Ww LlII:CDABCIII:ABBBAAIV:1.pears 2. ears 3. three 4. seven 5. teacher 6. tall 7. vest 8. eight(十一)I.tomato pineapple cap sweater skirtII.1. go,see 2. don’t, or 3. have, at, shoe s 4. is, new III.ABCAIV.BBABB BBAB(十二)I.Fruit: pear watermelon orangeNumbers: twenty five twelve(十三IV.BBABBV.1. long 2. big 3. small 4. short(十四)I.1. an apple 2. fly kite 3. go swimming4. 生日快乐5. 踢足球6. 去购物II.BADCIII.1. big small 2. oranges pineapples 3. dress new 4. seven eight 5. kite 6. nurseIV.略V.DCEABV I.√××√√(十五)I.a, i, e, a, y, a, o, o, a, i!。

小学四年级上学期英语寒假作业答案小学四年级上学期英语寒假作业答案Exercise One一、英汉互译1.看一看2.老师节3.给你4、three ball pens二、补全以下单词1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋5.oo 一个书签6.e 一本笔记本三、A F E C B D四、e in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook五、a book May pencil rubber for六、I e May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye七、Her your my his His八、e in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye九.1.May I have that ball pen for David?2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.Exercise two一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔二、this dresses she thin u photos三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. √8.X 得意的四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ your pandas五.A C A B C六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来6.in a toy shop7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler七、C F D A G H E B八、1.That is a cat.2.Is your rubber?3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.4.Can I have a look?Sure,here you are.九.Can May like nice for think十.X√X√Exercise Three一.pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he二.1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书三.D A C D四.Jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket五.1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.over there8.on the desk9.have alook10excuse me六.AACBCABCBAAAAAC。

2017四年级寒假作业的答案(英语)(一)i:1.water 2. dres3. vest 4. apple 5. skirt 6. potatoii:1. canda 2. kite 3. water 4. raincoat 5. fruitiii:abbabiv:cadccav:1. twelve 2. six, four 3. four, five, nine 4. nurse 5. two, five 6. eight, three, eleven 7. two 8. englandvi:1. 8 2. c(二)i:fhgicdeajbii:prc: 中华人民共和国 wto: 世贸组织 cctv:中央电视台tjtv: 天津电视台 uk: 联合王国 usa:美国iii:ceadbiv:dgafbcev:abababaavi:略(三)i:dbecaii:nine four seven six five eightiii:cacbbiv:1. what ithat?2. it’a cucumber.3. are you sure?4. what’thiin english?5. let’plaa game.v:略vi:1. i , water 2. apples, banana3. on, sweater 4. eight , seven(四)i:ccabaii:cdbciii:1. a ,dres2. cloud3. three, six 4. banana5. twelveiv:ababbb(五)i:dceabii:1. me 2. on 3. you 4. are 5. at 6. a, at 7. the 8. an 9. on 10. rainyiii:small, big, big, short small, big tall, shortiv:aabcaaabv:aaba(六)i:bedcaii:1 长鼻子 2 短尾巴 3 大嘴巴 4 两支长耳朵5.a fat cat6. a short girl7. a small apple8. a short shirt9. a new vest 10. two tall boysiii:dacebiv:acbcc baaaav:1.banana 2. apple 3. pineapple 4. orange 5. watermelon 6. pear 7.mangovi:becfda(七)i:ac df fh hjk np qpr uw ce wvxii:1.nine 2. orange3. kite 4. water 5. shirtiii:1. a tomato 2. it isn’t 3. rain4.five four 5. china 6. pandasiv:ebafcd(八)i:abc:基础知识 l: 大写字母l ufo: 不明飞行物 pla:人民解放军 m: 大写字母m who:世界卫生组织ii:debcaiii:fat-thin big-small old-new cold-hot warm-cool tall-short-longiv:ccaba bbbbav:dacb(九)i:略ii:1.long 2. sweater 3. cap 4. nice/fine/sunn5. orangesiii:decbaiv:略v:ccacbvi:1. can we have a look at that vest?2. where are myellow shoes?3. an elephant hatwo big earand a short tail.4. shall we go to the zoo?vii:√××√√(十)i:kk oo qq spp mm bjww llii:cdabciii:abbbaaiv:1.pear2. ear3. three 4. seven 5. teacher 6. tall 7. vest 8. eight(十一)i.tomato pineapple cap sweater skirtii.1. go,see 2. don’t, or 3. have, at, shoe4. is, newiii.abcaiv.bbabbbab(十二)i.fruit: pear watermelon orangenumbers: twentfive twelvevegetables: carrot potato cucumberjobs: teacher nurse farmercountries: canada america chinaccciii.your, is, class, in, number, four, friends, goodiv.bbba(十三)i.pineappleapple lemonpearfriendtrousersii.in, a, do, i, itiii.1. let’plaa counting game.2. show me that green cucumber.3. what ithree and seven?4. shall we go to the zoo?5. what iin your pencil-box?iv.bbabbv.1. long 2. big 3. small 4. short(十四)i.1. an apple 2. flkite 3. go swimming4. 生日快乐5. 踢足球6. 去购物ii.badciii.1. big small 2. orangepineapple3. dresnew 4. seven eight 5. kite 6. nurseiv.略v.dceabvi.√××√√(十五)i.a, i, e, a, y, a, o, o, a, iii.1. short 2. small 3. thin 4. hot 5. newiii.5, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2iv.baba2017四年级寒假作业的答案(语文)一、课文有很多描写山水的四子词语,你积累了多少?描写“山”的:皑皑雪山崇山峻岭千山万壑连绵起伏重峦叠嶂三山五岳描写“水”的:涓涓细流滔滔江水滔滔不绝大江东去源远流长水天一色二、鸟类灭绝了多少种?1忆6000万年前,地球上出现了鸟类的祖先始祖鸟,从那时开始,地球上曾经出现过160万种鸟类。

2017小学四年级寒假作业答案14500=7000280280=1240080=30198+36=234250400=100000966=1690010=908016=512524=3000245=1202594=900817+197=700357-135-65=157465+212+188=86538+72+62=172253+25=10049027=0135+45+65=245二、用简便方法计算180+274+126+120=(180+120)+(274+126)=300+400=7001256508=(1258)(650)=1000300=300000 184-35-65=184-(35+65) =184-100=8413537+6537 =37(135+65) =37200=7400 101798-798 =798(101-1) =798100=79800 10425=(100+4)25 =10025+425 =2500+100 =2600 700254=700(254)=700100=7(180+80)25 =18025+8025 =42545+2000 =4500+2000=65002532=2548=1008=800700254=284=1121700(2517)=17001725=10025=4三、求未知数x77+x=394解:x=394-77 x=317x-87=254解:x=87+254 X=341x60=480解:x=60480x=28800864x=32解:x=86432x=27四、列式不计算1、72与46的和,乘350减去143的差,积是多少? (72+46)(350-143)=244262、一个数除2250,商是125,这个数是多少?2250125=183、525除以25的商再减去427与418的差,结果是多少? 52525-(427-418)=124、60的8倍减去480,再除以480,商是多少?(608-480)480=05、96减去35的差,乘63与25的和,积是多少?(96-35)(63+25)=14556、27027除以9的商与36和43的积相差多少?270279-3643=15487、3与9的差除336与474的和,商是多少?(336+474)(9-3)=1358、一个数比96与308的积多36,求这个数.96308+36=296049、最大的两位数与最小的三位数的和与差的积是多少?(99+100)(100-99)=199五、应用题1、服装厂计划6天生产720套服装,实际提前1天完成生产任务,实际每天多生产多少套?720(6-1)-7206=7205-120=144-120=24(套)2、一个农机厂原计划全年生产水泵4500台,实际提前3个月完成了任务,平均每月生产水泵多少台?平均每月多生产水泵多少台?4500(12-3)=45009=500(台)500-450012=500-375=125(台)3、一本集邮本有16页,每页贴6行邮票,每行贴4张邮票;如果每张少贴1行,这本集邮本一共要少贴多少张邮票?164=64(张)或1664-16(6-1)4=64(张)4、小胖明年的年龄乘7,再加上13,正好等于小胖奶奶的年龄。

伴随而来的还有寒假作业,为了帮助同学们减轻假日学习负担,以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的四年级上册2017英语寒假作业答案(新课标),希望能给大家带来帮助!【第 3 页】第一题1.B2.B3.C4.C5.A第二题make a fruit salad我们的玩具动物play table tennis给你fifteen crayons在垫子上an elephant一些紫色的葡萄how many stickers一个热樱桃蛋糕第三题can not coolcoolhorselovelythey'relet us第四题[B] this 改成 those或 [C] pandas 改成 panda[A] orange 改成 oranges[C] some 改成 any[A] do 改成 would第五题monkeys ; doyearsplay footballpiescarsanytigerscan't第六题(10)(8)(1)(5)(7)(3) (6)(2)(9)(4)【第 6 页】第一题(阅读解题方法:在原文章中划出每道题目的'答案出处的句子,并标上题目序号)It is Dick's bedroom.Yes,I can.It's under the bed.No,it isn't.No.(A little cat is on the chair.)第二题1.D2.S3.S4.S5.D6.S第三题toy animalslike pandashave a pineapplehave a lookplay basketballhow many孩子们 / 男孩女孩们在汽车里一些贴纸十三辆汽车第四题1.How2.What3.Whose4.Who第五题1.C2.E3.D4.B5.A第六题1--How many eggs would you like? --Fifteen.2.--Where is my bag,Mum?--It's in your bedroom.3.--Can you swim?--No,I can't. But I can skate.第七题1.B2.B3.A4.A5.B【第 9 页】第一题1.C2.B3.C4.C5.C6.C7.A8.C9.C 10.B第二题1.B2.A3.A4.C5.C第三题1.B2.B3.A4.A5.B第四题1.F2.T3.T4.F5.F6.F7.F【第 12 页】第一题1.F2.F3.F4.T5.T第二题1.×2.√3.√4.√5.×6.√7.×8.√第三题1.B2.B3.B4.A5.A第四题[葡萄—grape] [米饭—rice] [溜冰—skate] [鱼—fish] [13—thirteen] [狗—dog] [跳—jump] [菠萝—pineapple] [15—fifteen] [马—horse]第五题1. 2-4-3-1-52. 3-1-4-2-5 【第 15 页】第一题1.book2.puzzle3.puppet4.short5.bike6.word7.shoe 8.scarf 9.glove10.cake第二题1.C2.C3.A4.A第三题1.[C] for 改成 in2.[B my 去掉] 或 [C a 去掉]3.[B] to 去掉4.[B] playing 改成 play5.[D] puppet 改成 puppets第四题1.B2.A3.A4.B5.C6.C7.A8.A第五题1.Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do.2.Look at those fat lions.3.Can you play football? No, I can’t.4.Let us make a fruit salad.5.I can not jump.【第十八页】第一题1.Do; anysomeHow manytwo2.Canhecanswim3.skatecan; aboutcan’tHave第二题1.[B] waters 改成 water2.[A] What改成 Why3.[A] looks 改成 look4.[C] I 改成I’m5.[A] Do 改成 Are第三题1.T2.T3.T4.F5.F第四题1.She’s2.his3.too4.on5.Whose第五题1. ( T ) —与tea同音,表示“茶”2. ( B ) —与bee同音,表示“蜜蜂”3. ( C ) —与sea同音,表示“海”4. ( Y ) —与why同音,表示“为什么”5. ( I ) —与eye同音,表示“眼睛”6. ( elephant ) —大象【第 21 页】第一题1.A2.B3.B4.A5.A6.B第二题【Mike】:两个鸡蛋; 一个冰激凌【Su Yang】:米饭;茶【Yang Ling】: 汉堡;第三题1.F2.T3.T4.T5.F第四题1.I don’t like toy elephants.2.Do you like this panda?3.What do you have here?4.How many toy grapes do you have here?5.Do you have any apples here?6.Yes, he can. No, he can’t.【第 24 页】第一题1.D2.B3.C4.F5.A6.E7.H8.G( D和E内容一样,所以可以互换)第二题1.T2.F3.F4.T第三题(首字母大写)1.We have a fridge in the living room.2.They are all very cool.3.That is a nice cat.4.Can you help me?5.Is your toy elephant in the bathroom? 第四题1.B2.C3.C4.B5.B第五题1.A2.A3.C4.C5.B6.C7.C8.C【第 27 页】第一题1.C2.D3.A4.E5.B第二题(注意大小写和标点符号)1.I like this cat.2.How many balls do you have?3.Can you play table tennis?4.What would you like?5.You have seventeen crayons.第三题[umbrella] [socks] [fan] [shoes] [twenty-eight] [twenty] [forty-five] [forty] [fifty] [thirty]第四题1. O2.B3.C第五题(一)1.T2.F3.T4.F(二)1. big; nice2. kites3. on; desk4. pair(题目印错了)5. like【第 30 页】第一题1.A: Good morning. What would you like?B: I’d like a pair of shoes and a pair of socks, please.(shoes 和socks可互换)How much are they?A: Eighteen yuan, please.B: What about the fan?A: It’s five yuan.B: OK, here you are.A: Thanks.2.A: What are those in the tree?B: They’re balloons.A: How many balloons can you see?B: Five.第二题1.T2.F3.F4.T5.F第三题放鞭炮—连— Happy New Year!南瓜脸—连— Happy Halloween!圣诞老人—连— Merry Christmas!生日蛋糕—连— Happy birthday!第四题My; can; sing; dogs; cats;第一题1.D2.G3.J4.E5.B6.H7.F8.C9.A 10.I第二题1.B2.A3.B4.C5.B第三题(5)(1)(7)(2)(6)(3)(8)(4)【第 36 页】第一题颜色如下图字母颜色red红 yellow黄 purple紫第二题1.T2.F3.T4.F5.T第三题(作文可自主发挥,答案仅供参考) He is a boy.His eyes are small.His leg is long.He can skate very well.第四题1.(2)2.(3)3.(5)4.(1)5.(4)第五题(注意大小写和标点符号)1.I’d like a cup of coffee.2.What about a glass of juice?3.Would you like some noodles?4.I would like a big sandwich.5.I have two cups of tea.6.How many fish do you have?第一题Cat dog horse lion panda 第二题1.A2.B3.C第三题1.A:Do you like pigs?B:No, I don’t.I like pandas, they’re cute.2.A:What’s that?B:It’s a cow.A:Do you like cows?B:Yes, I do.A:Me, too.第四题1.E2.B3.F4.A5.D6.C第五题1.A2.B3.D4.A5.C【第 42 页】第一题1.√2.×3.√4.×5.√6.√第二题1.B2.B3.A4.C5.B6.C第三题1. our2. classrooms3. toy; animals4. peaches; one5. can’t6. me7. stories第四题1.D2.A3.E4.F5.B6.C第五题1. looks2. swim3. either4. His5. short6. play7. men8. have【第 45 页】第一题1.C2.A3.E4.H5.D6.F7.B8.G 第二题(注意大小写和标点符号)1. our new house2. 过来看一看3. in the bedroom4. 你的红裙子5. fifteen clocks6. 你好吗?7. under the desk/table8. 一只饥饿的鸟9. Here you are.10. 我想要第三题1. bus3. very4. for5. pen6. cat7. Our8. on第四题1.C2.E3.B4.D5.A第五题 (写作略)【第 48 页】第一题1.T2.F3.F4.T第二题1. a banana2. 多少3. some horses4. 又可爱又胖5. two cats6. 玩具动物7. like dogs8. 一个很棒的机器人9. make a cake10. 给你。

为大家提供了四年级英语寒假作业全部答案,供大家参考!I:1.water 2. dress 3. vest 4. apple 5. skirt 6. potatoII:1. Canda 2. kite 3. water 4. raincoat 5. fruitIII:ABBABIV:CADCCAV:1. twelve 2. Six, Four 3. four, five, nine 4. nurse 5. Two, Five 6. eight, three, eleven 7. two 8. EnglandVI:1. 8 2. C(二)I:FHGICDEAJBII:PRC: 中华人民共和国WTO: 世贸组织CCTV:中央电视台TJTV: 天津电视台UK: 联合王国USA:美国III:CEADBIV:DGAFBCEV:ABABABAAVI:略(三)I:DBECAII:nine Four Seven six five eightIII:CACBBIV:1. What is that?2. It’s a cucumber.3. Are you sure?4. What’s this in English?5. Let’s play a game.V:略VI:1. I , water 2. apples, bananas 3. on, sweater 4. eight , seven (四)I:CCABAII:CDBCIII:1. a ,dress 2. cloudy 3. Three, Six 4. bananas 5. twelveIV:ABABBB(五)I:DCEABII:1. me 2. on 3. you 4. are 5. at 6. a, at 7. the 8. an 9. on 10. rainy III:small, big, big, short small, big tall, shortIV:AABCAAABV:AABA(六)I:BEDCAII:1 长鼻子2 短尾巴3 大嘴巴4 两支长耳朵5.a fat cat6. a short girl7. a small apple8. a short shirt9. a new vest 10. two tall boysIII:DACEBIV:ACBCC BAAAAV:1.banana 2. apple 3. pineapple 4. orange 5. watermelon 6. pear 7.mangoVI:BECFDA(七)I:AC df fh HJ JK NP QS pr UW CE wy VXII:1.nine 2. oranges 3. kite 4. water 5. shirtIII:1. a tomato 2. it isn’t 3. rainy 4.Five Four 5. China 6. pandas IV:EBAFCD(八)I:ABC:基础知识L: 大写字母L UFO: 不明飞行物PLA:人民解放军M: 大写字母M WHO:世界卫生组织II:DEBCAIII:fat-thin big-small old-new cold-hot warm-cool tall-short-long IV:CCABA BBBBAV:DACB(九)I:略II:1.long 2. sweater 3. cap 4. nice/fine/sunny 5. orangesIII:DECBAIV:略V:CCACBVI:1. Can we have a look at that vest?2. Where are my yellow shoes?3. An elephant has two big ears and a short tail.4. Shall we go to the zoo?VII:√××√√(十)I:Kk Oo Qq Ss Pp Mm Bb Jj Ww LlII:CDABCIII:ABBBAAIV:1.pears 2. ears 3. three 4. seven 5. teacher 6. tall 7. vest 8. eight (十一)I.tomato pineapple cap sweater skirtII.1. go,see 2. don’t, or 3. have, at, shoes 4. is, newIII.ABCAIV.BBABB BBAB(十二)I.Fruit: pear watermelon orangeNumbers: twenty five twelveVegetables: carrot potato cucumberJobs: teacher nurse farmerCountries: Canada America ChinaCCCIII.Your, is, class, in, number, four, friends, goodIV.BBBA(十三)I.pineapples apple lemons pears friends trousersII.In, a, do, I, itIII.1. Let’s play a counting game.2. Show me that green cucumber.3. What is three and seven?4. Shall we go to the zoo?5. What is in your pencil-box?IV.BBABBV.1. long 2. big 3. small 4. short(十四)I.1. an apple 2. fly kite 3. go swimming4. 生日快乐5. 踢足球6. 去购物II.BADCIII.1. big small 2. oranges pineapples 3. dress new 4. seven eight 5. kite 6. nurseIV.略V.DCEABVI.√××√√(十五)I.a, i, e, a, y, a, o, o, a, iII.1. short 2. small 3. thin 4. hot 5. new III.5, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2IV.BABA。

I:1.water 2. dress 3. vest 4. apple 5. skirt 6. potatoII:1. Canda 2. kite 3. water 4. raincoat 5. fruitIII:ABBABIV:CADCCAV:1. twelve 2. Six, Four 3. four, five, nine 4. nurse 5. Two, Five 6. eight, three, eleven 7. two 8. EnglandVI:1. 8 2. C(二)I:FHGICDEAJBII:PRC: 中华人民共和国 WTO: 世贸组织 CCTV:中央电视台TJTV: 天津电视台 UK: 联合王国 USA:美国III:CEADBIV:DGAFBCEV:ABABABAAVI:略(三)I:DBECAII:nine Four Seven six five eightIII:CACBBIV:1. What is that?2. It’s a cucumber.3. Are you sure?4. What’s this in English?5. Let’s play a game.V:略VI:1. I , water 2. apples, bananas 3. on, sweater 4. eight , seven(四)I:CCABAII:CDBCIII:1. a ,dress 2. cloudy 3. Three, Six 4. bananas 5. twelveIV:ABABBB(五)I:DCEABII:1. me 2. on 3. you 4. are 5. at 6. a, at 7. the 8. an 9. on 10. rainyIII:small, big, big, short small, big tall, shortIV:AABCAAABV:AABA(六)I:BEDCAII:1 长鼻子 2 短尾巴 3 大嘴巴 4 两支长耳朵5.a fat cat6. a short girl7. a small apple8. a short shirt9. a new vest 10. two tall boysIII:DACEBIV:ACBCC BAAAAV:1.banana 2. apple 3. pineapple 4. orange 5. watermelon 6. pear 7.mangoVI:BECFDA(七)I:AC df fh HJ JK NP QS pr UW CE wy VXII:1.nine 2. oranges 3. kite 4. water 5. shirtIII:1. a tomato 2. it isn’t 3. rainy 4.Five Four 5. China 6. pandasIV:EBAFCD(八) I:ABC:基础知识 L: 大写字母L UFO: 不明飞行物 PLA:人民解放军 M: 大写字母M WHO:世界卫生组织II:DEBCAIII:fat-thin big-small old-new cold-hot warm-cool tall-short-longIV:CCABA BBBBAV:DACB(九)I:略II:1.long 2. sweater 3. cap 4. nice/fine/sunny 5. orangesIII:DECBAIV:略V:CCACBVI:1. Can we have a look at that vest?2. Where are my yellow shoes?3. An elephant has two big ears and a short tail.4. Shall we go to the zoo?VII:√××√√(十)I:Kk Oo Qq Ss Pp Mm Bb Jj Ww LlII:CDABCIII:ABBBAAIV:1.pears 2. ears 3. three 4. seven 5. teacher 6. tall 7. vest 8. eight(十一)I.tomato pineapple cap sweater skirtII.1. go,see 2. don’t, or 3. have, at, shoes 4. is, newIII.ABCAIV.BBABB BBAB(十二)I.Fruit: pear watermelon orangeNumbers: twenty five twelveVegetables: carrot potato cucumberJobs: teacher nurse farmerCountries: Canada America ChinaCCCIII.Your, is, class, in, number, four, friends, goodIV.BBBA(十三)I.pineapples apple lemons pears friends trousersII.In, a, do, I, itIII.1. Let’s play a counting game.2. Show me that green cucumber.3. What is three and seven?4. Shall we go to the zoo?5. What is in your pencil-box?IV.BBABBV.1. long 2. big 3. small 4. short(十四)I.1. an apple 2. fly kite 3. go swimming4. 生日快乐5. 踢足球6. 去购物II.BADCIII.1. big small 2. oranges pineapples 3. dress new 4. seven eight 5. kite 6. nurseIV.略V.DCEABVI.√××√√(十五)I.a, i, e, a, y, a, o, o, a, iII.1. short 2. small 3. thin 4. hot 5. newIII.5, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2IV.BABA第一页一、1、十2、十万百亿3、54、40503020 四千零五十万三千零二十5、1二、B C A C三、1331414312 7600000 1350600四、﹤﹥﹤﹥﹥五、280809 28960 28906 2889033000 30300 30030 30003第二页一、全错二、770000 700700 700070 77000 70700 70007三、○ ○ △ △四、26万 785万 450万 9亿五、9 4 4 7六、5310第三页一、1、无无限一2、百万一千百万3、长短4、锐角 90 1805、2 46、两条射线二、B A A B三、略四、略第四页一、× √ × × √ √ ×二、略三、周角锐角直角平角四、略第五页一、去掉C边二、120304050698796076万千位是0、1、2、3、4的数75万千位是5、6、7、8、9的数第六页一、1、十万 10 一千万2、千亿一千亿3、千位十万位4、高5、99999996、 7 百万 6个百万万 4个一万十 5个十7、4 88、10700020 一千零七十万零二十二、四百二十万五千一百九十八一亿零七千零七十三千四百一十万零九百七千零五十亿零八十一万五千四千万六千五百三、3576100 80050 300050005 82000603 1000000000四、222000 220200 200202 第七页一、1、12 千万 3个千万2、直锐3、度°4、角 0刻度线5、120° 60° 120° 360°二、√ × × √ ×三、略四、1 2 110第八页一、略二、30千米/小时四五 2000三、3198 6500 9338 69360四、120 240 360 420 480五、27×169=4563195×28=5460六、136×48=6528(元)第九页一、5 时间路程 917 83二、9112三、﹤﹤﹥四、√ √五、135×14+30=192090×125=112508×24×60=11520 短些第十页略第十一页一、垂直平行平行垂线垂线不稳定二、× × × √三、略四、9 18五、略第十二页一、略二、1、D 2、B三、280×52=14560 208×35=7280 36×225=810040×330=13200四、1、120×30=3600(米)2、(47+30)×4=308(千米)第十三页一、略二、692÷31≈23 321÷43≈8 846÷91≈99 93÷30≈3561÷79≈7 420÷58≈7三、1、一两 2、一 20 7 4四、4800÷60=80 820÷40=2020×15=300 46×20=920五、1、60÷10=6(个) 2、79÷20≈4 3、200÷50=4(节)4、1550÷30=55(个) 5、80÷18≈4(天)6、三年级203÷40≈5(件) 四年级300÷52≈6(件)第十四页一、(2)(3)是长方体 (6)是正方体 (2)(3)(5)(6)(8)是平行四边形(1)(4) 是梯形二、1、× 2、× 3、× 4、×三、略第十五页一、略二、260÷50=5...10 160÷40=4 570÷70=8 (10)320÷60=5 (20)三、略四、1、7 2、7 3、19 151五、1、200÷40=5(天) 2、98÷20=4(个)…18(根)3、310÷60≈6(辆)第十六页上课注意听讲,认真完成作业。

2020寒假作业小学四年级寒假作业英语参考答案(人教版)_0360文档EDUCATION WORD寒假作业小学四年级寒假作业英语参考答案(人教版)_0360文档前言语料:温馨提醒,教育,就是实现上述社会功能的最重要的一个独立出来的过程。
本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】四年级寒假作业英语参考答案四年级英语参考答案Thefirstday:BCBII.DABECThesecondday:I.ABABCAAAII.CABBCThethirdday:I.CBCDAII.FFTFTThefourthday:II.manager,busy,works,office,jobThefifthday:I.1.Myschoolbagisn’tonth efloor.2.IsthisMary'sskirt?3.Myu ncleisold.4.Wherearethestars?5.Whatclassisyourfriendin? II.FTFTFThesixthday:Ⅰ.CABDBBBⅡ.TFFTTTheseventhday:Ⅰ.1.It’sarabbit.2.Igotobedat8:30everynight.3.No,Idon’t .4.Thebeesareverybusy.5.Thewatermelonisbigandsweet.Ⅱ.water,off,verymuch,have,backtoⅢ.sad,can’t,mother,not,gardenTheeighthday:Ⅰ.BADCADⅡ.TFFFTTheninthday:Ⅰ.AABDDAⅡ.son,expensive,chocolates,picks,Mother’sThetenthday:Ⅱ.1.HeisinClassTwo,GradeFour.2.Yes,heis.3.Hegetstoschool at8:20.4.MissLi5.Yes,shedoes.。

1. 元旦节 6. Sports Day2. 散步 7. watch the running race3.在我的前面 8. Japanese Cartoons4. 四月二日 9. dress up in costumes5. 在农场10. Let’s wait and see.二、选择。
( )1.-----What _______ is it today? -----Tuesday.A. dayB. dateC. time( )2. Did you________ a big lunch last Spring Festival?A. hadB. hasC. have( )3. My father often _________ to work from Monday to Friday.A. goesB. goC. went( )4. There ________ a pen and two books in my school bag a moment ago.A. wasB. wereC. is( ) 5._______Saturday morning, Mr. Black walked to the park.A. InB. AtC. On( )6. This is my bike. _________ is over there.A. HisB. HerC. She( )7. Oh, my glasses are on the ground. Please________for me.A. pick it upB. pick up itC. pick them up( )8. Do you like playing _________ volleyball?A. /B. theC. a( )9. It’s time _________ lunch.A. haveB. forC. to( )10.----Where ________ you two days ago? ----I ________ in Beijing.A. was, wasB. was, wereC. were, was三、用所给词的适当形式。

人教版四年级英语寒假作业答案xx 寒假的时候,就是和亲人朋友好好的在一起,来给大家分享寒假作业的答案了,这里是四年级英语寒假作业答案,希望对你们有所帮助哦。
1—5 ACBAB(A) 6—10 ACBBC(B) 11—15 YYNYN(A) 16—20 CBCAA(B) 21—25 YNNYN26.box 27.pencils 28.them 29.sing 30.sad(A) 31.puter 32.nurse 33.cake 34.hot 35.plane(B) 36.is singing 37.rain 38.leaves 39.go to bed40.having a holiday / on holiday / on vacation(C) 41.The girl can’t hear the music.42.What are you going to do?43.Are there ten rulers in the pencil case?44.What a nice day it is!45.How many friends do you have?46—50 BADAC 51—55 ABCDB(A) 56—60 ACCBD(B) 61—65 CADFE66.player 67.was 68.in 69.children’s 70.toys(A) 71.It’s ten to seven / six fifty in the morning.72.The girl with a schoolbag on her back is Linda73.She’s in the plane.74.No,it isn’t.75.我和我的朋友们在去学校的路上。
(B) 76.fly kites77.in bushes78.twin brother79.Peter80.他们看见彼得在树上82.It’s the moon83.3 (一个人有两只胳膊,六个人有12只胳膊,一张椅子有四条腿,12÷4=3)84.B(所给图片从第2个图形开始,每个顺时针倾斜30度)85.I’m a carrot.86.A一、英汉互译1. 看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens二、补全以下单词1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋5.oo 一个书签6.e 一本本三、A F E C B D四、e in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook五、a book May pencil rubber for六、I e May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye七、Her your my his His八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye九.1.May I have that ball pen for David?2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔二、this dresses she thin u photos三、1.X书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. √8.X 可爱的。

(10分)( ) 1. A. Twenty B.twenty—one C.Thirty ( ) 2. A. gtrd B. dog C. Boy ( ) 3. A. red B.bed C.desk ( ) 4. A. twrn B.go C.right ( ) 5. A. left B. down C.right 二、英汉互译。
(10分)1. long2. run3. man4. let’s5. station6.汤 7. 你的 8. 骑 9.花生 10.糖果三、选词填空。
(20分)so by with can on of do don’t at what 1.I like sweets.2. I have some vegetables.3. I’m going to the highjump. 4. We’re going piane. 5. is the boy doing? 6.let’s get the bus.7. Tom is piaying a toy train. 8. I live No.2, ParkStreet. 9. There are lots bwks. 10. Tkank you much.四、单项选择。
(20分)( )1. Are you going to run sports doy? A. on B. in C. at ( )2. Do you want some ?A. soupB. soupsC. milks( )3. She is listening music.A. atB. forC. to ( )4.I live No.2, Park Street.A. atB. inC. on ( )5. There are five in the photo.A. potatoB. potatoesC. potatos( )6. is the meat’It’s ten yuan. A. How about B. How old C. How mueh (A. Yes, you can’t.B. Yes, you can.C. No,you can. ( )8. There are ten boys the bike.A. onB. inC. at( )9. Can I cone in? A. Yes, you are. B. Yes, ofcowrse. C. Yes,it is. (A. Yes,I can.B. No. You can.C. Yes,I can’t. 五、改错。

人教版四年级英语寒假作业答案(3)一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的机6. 你怎么啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed二.A B B C B C B C三.1.Su Hai 。
e and have supper2.What’s the matter,Liu Tao.3.Here is a glass of milk for you.4.Are you hungry?5.Why do n’t you go to the bed now?6.Please have some tea and bread7.It is thirty six in the morning8What a nice car!四.the hungry is for dress It’s五.1.你累吗?不我病了2.什么问题?我累了,为什么不去睡啊?3.今天好热啊!是啊,为什么不穿裙子啊?好主意4.你渴吗?不,但是我饿了。
一.on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on二. kite car ruler key car three forty三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen6.four cats7.a pair of jeans8.that pencil case9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber四.GFEBCAD五.BBDCADDBC一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A二.1.May I e in,Miss Liu?2.May I have a bookmark for Li Ming?3.You are sure here.4.This is puter for you.5.The book and the bookmark are for you.三.What’s monkey How that it panda desk camer h ave a look四.F T T F T一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s book I don’t know a picture it is it’s cat It’s on二.E A C B D三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?4.Thank you very much.非常谢谢5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊四.B A C C A B C A五.BCBBAACBAB一. 1.Here’s a big one.2.That ruler is too long.3.Whose shorts are they?4.Are they his jeans?5.I’d like some juice and some b read.二.F J H I A C B G D E三.四.略五.略六.FFFTT TFTTF Desk hamburger breakfast you二.1.你能在教室里吃东西吗?2.谁的围巾啊?3.这牛仔裤太长了。
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2017人教版小学四年级英语寒假作业答案2017小学四年级英语寒假作业答案人教版1—5 ACBAB(A) 6—10 ACBBC(B) 11—15 YYNYN(A) 16—20 CBCAA(B) 21—25 YNNYN26.box 27.pencils 28.them 29.sing 30.sad(A) puter 32.nurse 33.cake 34.hot 35.plane(B) 36.is singing 37.rain 38.lea*es 39.go to bed 40.ha*ing a holiday / on holiday / on *acation(C) 41.The girl can’t hear the music.42.What are you going to do?43.Are there ten rulers in the pencil case?44.What a nice day it is!45.How many friends do you ha*e?46—50 BADAC 51—55 ABCDB(A) 56—60 ACCBD(B) 61—65 CADFE66.player 67.was 68.in 69.children’s 70.toys(A) 71.It’s ten to se*en / six fifty in the morning.72.The girl with a schoolbag on her back is Linda73.She’s in the plane.74.No,it isn’t.75.我和我的朋友们在去学校的路上。
(B) 76.fly kites77.in bushes78.twin brother79.Peter80.他们看见彼得在树上82.It’s the moon83.3 (一个人有两只胳膊,六个人有12只胳膊,一张椅子有四条腿,12÷4=3)84.B(所给图片从第2个图形开始,每个顺时针倾斜30度)85.I’m a carrot.86.A一、英汉互译1. 看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens二、补全下列单词1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋5.oo 一个书签6.e 一本笔记本三、A F E C B D四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case ruadfdser red notebook五、a book May pencil ruadfdser for六、I come May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye七、Her your my his His八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye九.1.May I ha*e that ball pen for Da*id?2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔二、this dresses she thin u photos三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. √8.X 可爱的四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ yo ur pandas五.A C A B C六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来6.in a toy shop7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler七、C F D A G H E B八、1.That is a cat.2.Is your ruadfdser?3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.4.Can I ha*e a look?Sure,here you are.九.Can May like nice for think十.X√X√一. pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he二. 1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书三. D A C D四. Jeans glo*es scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket五. 1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.o*er there8.on the desk9.ha*e a look10excuse me 六.A ACBCABCBAAAAACi一. SSSSDD二. 1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你6.in English7.his puppet8.your puzzle三. ACBBBCABCA四. CBAABCCA五. BFCEGAD六. There Where They Whose their七. 1.Where is the pencil? May I ha*e a pencil?2. There is a notebook.Do you like the toy?3. What’s wrong?A hamburger?一.1.let us2.I am3.I’d4here’s5.four 6.aren’t 7.R 8.fat二.Hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case三.CCCCBABA四.CADBE五.1.That ruler is for you.Thank you.2.What’s this? It’s a bookmark.3. What’s that? It’s an umbrella.4.Is Mike’s jacket?No.一. SSSDSSDD二. 1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short三. CACBACA四. 1.I ha*e a long ruler.2.Whose jeans are they?3.He looks so funny.五.Are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short六.EBCAD七.At Whose is so is my are short八.FFTFT一.1.去上学 2.七点零五 3.一百 4.吃早饭的时间啦 5.at se*en thirty fi*e6.eight fifteen7.ele*en forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.se*en books11.what time12.at six13.ha*e lunch14.go home15.go to bed二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen三.se*en ten time four What’s the time three What’s the time six thirty What’s fifteen plus eighty-fi*e one hundred四.ele*en nine two fi*e four nine four twel*e sixteen C C BA C C EB D A A BC A一. close write Copy Drink draw二.在课上起立全体同学 sit down come in come here三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don’t be late again.2.Now,open your books boys and girls.3.Write the new words in your notebook.4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case?5.Plesse don’t eat that pear,all right.四.1.Don’t close the window,please.请不要关窗户2.Don’t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上3.Don’t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁4.Don’t go to school,please.请不要上学去五.B A B A六.E A D B C七.CBEAD八. What’s It’s my Can Thank you What’s time ten Let’s go Don’tF F F T一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的电话机6. 你怎么啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed二.A B B C B C B C三.1.Su Hai 。
come and ha*e supper2.What’s the matter,Liu Tao.3.Here is a glass of milk for you.4.Are you hungry?5.Why don’t you go to the bed now?6.Please ha*e some tea and bread7.It is thirty six in the morning8What a nice car!四.the hungry is for dress It’s五.1.你累吗?不我病了2.什么问题?我累了,为什么不去睡啊?3.今天好热啊!是啊,为什么不穿裙子啊?好主意4.你渴吗?不,但是我饿了。
一.on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on二. kite car ruler key car three forty三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats 7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big ruadfdser四.GFEBCAD五.BBDCADDBC一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu?2.May I ha*e a bookmark for Li Ming?3.You are sure here.4.This is computer for you.5.The book and the bookmark are for you.三.What’s monkey How that it panda desk camer ha*e a look四.F T T F T一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s bookI don’t know a picture it is it’s cat It’s on二.E A C B D三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?4.Thank you *ery much.非常谢谢5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊四.B A C C A B C A五.BCBBAACBAB一. 1.Here’s a big one.2.That ruler is too long.3.Whose shorts are they?4.Are they his jeans?5.I’d like some juice and some bread.二.F J H I A C B G D E三.四.略五.略六.FFFTT TFTTF Desk hamburger breakfast you二.1.你能在教室里吃东西吗?2.谁的围巾啊?3.这牛仔裤太长了。