Unit my home 新蕾 快乐英语二年级下册PPT PT课件

Happy home
My home
This is my home. You can see a…. I like my home.
This is my home. I have
a small….
This is my home. I have a big ……
I’m a red pig. This is my home. You can see a red bedroom, a red bathroom, a red living room a red kitchen . Welcome!
Copy these words twice: bedroom bathroom living room kitchen
Make a dialogue like this:
This is my home. You can see a…. I like my home.
My Home
a happy homusee no
red bed book room
Bedroom, bedroom, in the bedroom,
sleep in the bedroom.
Bathroom, bathroom, in the bathroom, black blue brown yellow green
I’ m a pig. This is my home. You can see a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen. Welcome!
bathroom, ,a
(新蕾)快乐英语二年级下册教案 unit1 Happy English Book 4

Happy English Book 4本册书的主人公是天天、津津、Coco,天天是一个6岁的小男孩,津津是一个可爱的7岁小女孩。
第一课(共2页)1、在情景中语言的呈现2、相关主题的词汇知识扩展第二课(共1页)A chant,与主题内容联系的歌谣,是根据呈现的词汇编写的,主要目的是培养学生对语言的感觉,形成正确的语流,语音和语调。
⏹教学建议:⏹整体呈现解歌谣⏹调动学生参与,说一说大意⏹让学生跟着节奏拍手、摆手或摇摆手臂等等⏹播放录音让学生跟着说第三课(共1页)A song,与主题内容联系的歌曲。
2、本课最后一项Let’s listen.为情境化的听力赏析栏目,将本单元词汇置于一个完整的语言情境中,让学生学会听关键词,理解对话、短文、或歌谣的大意,体会英语语言的韵味美,体验到学习英语的快乐和成功。
unit1 新蕾快乐英语二年级下册教案新部编本

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校新蕾快乐英语二年级下册教案Unit1 LooksLesson1 I’m tall教学目标1. 知识目标:The students should be teached to learn these words: tall, short, young, old, strong. They are required to be able to speak, write and use these new words.2.能力目标:The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English.3. 情感目标:the teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning. in other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boreing job.过程与方法The teacher shoule make full use of CAI and all kinds of tools to make the English classes vivid and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enable students to master the new knowledge.教学重点The new words: tall, short, young, old, strong.教学难点Enable students to speak and write these new words freely.教学工具课件,单词卡片,等等。
外研版小学英语二年级下册Module 1《Unit 1 What’s the weather lik

It’s on the sofa.
Let’s go to the park! 让我们去动物园!
Let’s= let us
take our hats.
Let’s take our hats.
英美人谈论天气(weather),除个 别情况是实实在在地了解天气外, 其他绝大多数都不是为了天气而谈 天气,而是为了引入新的话题。因 为这一话题人人都可以发表见解, 而且不涉及他人私事,也不至于失 礼或引起误解。所以谈论天气已经 成为外国人的一种习惯。
What’s the weather like?
It’s rainy / raining.
It’s sunny .
What’s the weather like? It’s snowy / snowing.
What’s the weather like?
What’s the weather like? It’s________r_a_in_i_n_g.
What’ the weather like?
Is it windy?
No, it isn’t.
What’s the weather like?
Is it windy? Yes, it is.
Words to know
T: What’s the weather like ?
Ss: It’s srwhcauionnnltiddnyyg
Read and remember them.
What’s the weather like ?
It’s sunny. It’s windy. It’s cold. It’s hot .
Unit my home 新蕾 快乐英语二年级下册PPT PT课件

a happy homusee no
red bed book room
Bedroom, bedroom, in the bedroom,
sleep in the bedroom.
Bathroom, bathroom, in the bathroom,
wash in the bathroom.
livinging room, in the living room,
watch in the living room.
What can you see in the kitchen? I can see…
purple pink
orange red black blue brown yellow green
I’ m a pig. This is my home. You can see a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen. Welcome!
bathroom, ,a
Copy these words twice: bedroom bathroom living room kitchen
Make a dialogue like this:
This is my home. You can see a…. I like my home.
Bedroom, bedroom, in the bedroom,
sleep in the bedroom. Bathroom, bathroom,
in the bathroom, wash in the bathroom. Living room, living room,

小学英语学习材料金戈铁骑整理制作新蕾快乐英语二年级下册教案Unit1 LooksLesson1 I’m tall教学目标1. 知识目标:Th e stu d ent s sh ould b e t ea ch ed t o l ea rn t h es e word s: t all, s h ort, y oung, old, st ron g. T h ey a rerequired to be able to speak, write and use these new words. 2.能力目标:T h e s t u d e n t s a r e r e q u i r e d t o b e a b l e t o s p e a k a n d u s e t h e s e n e w w o r d s f r e e l y i n d a i l y l i f e.T h eteacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to sp eak English.3. 情感目标:the teacher should create a condition where the students can enjo y themslves much whilethey are learning. in other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boreing job.过程与方法T h e t e a c h e r s h o u l e m a k e f u l l u s e o f C A I a n d a l l k i n d s o f t o o l s t o m a k e t h e E n g l i s h c l a s s e s v i v i d and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enabl e students to masterthe new knowledge.教学重点The new words: tall, short, young, old, strong.教学难点Enable students to speak and write these new words freely.教学工具课件,单词卡片,等等。

UNIT3: Let’s sing
Sunny Rainy
Cloudy Snowy
How’s the weather today? It’s windy. Cool! Let’s fly kites together.
UNIT4: vehicles
Let’s go by plane.
by taxi by plane by bike
by bus
by ship
UNIT4: Let’s chant!
How do you go to Beijing? How do you go to Shanghai? How do you go to Hongkong? How do you go to Dalian? By bus?OK By train?Oh,yes. By plane? Oh,great. By ship? Oh,super!
UNIT1: Let’s sing!
Is he tall? Is she tall,too? She’s short. I’m tall. I can help her.
Yes,he is. No,she isn’t. Look at me. I’m strong. Great! Great! Let’s help her.
Bathroom, bedroom, study and ketchen.
They are all nice rooms.
UNIT5: Let’s sing!
Look at my home. A very nice home. Here’s the living room, living room. Here’s my bedroom, my bedroom. Come to the dining room and come to the kitchen. This is my study and this is the bathroom. I like my home, my nice home.

二年级下册快乐英语第一单元第一课教学设计Unit 1 Looks (1) Let’s listen and say学习目标一、语言要素(一)词汇tall short young old strong(二)语言目标1、快乐掌握单词:tall short young old strong2、快乐的掌握句型:I’m tall.(三)话题呈现:Let’s listen and say(四)任务设计:Let’s listen and say二、能力目标:让学生在真实的语言环境中,通过听、说、读、演,小组学习,合作学习等一系列方法,能够快乐学习单词:tall short young old strong , 快乐地学习句型:I’m tall. 。
四、教学重点:本课教学重点是:tall short young old strong五、教学难点:本课的教学难点是:I’m tall.六、教具:课件单词图片单词卡片,课文录音。
八、教法学法:本课重点运用情境教学法,合作学习法,游戏法教学过程一、热身:老师进了教室和学生用英语打招呼,学生和老师一起唱Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. Good morning, good morning, good morning children. ,歌曲,使学生迅速进入到学习英语氛围中。
二、学习新单词和句型(一)单词一tall short1、导入:老师找来两个学生比高低,引出新单词2、出示新单词:tall short3、板书新单词:tall short(把课题,单词和板书提前写好,打好四线格,单词写在四线格里,句子写在一线格上,用白纸盖上,这样节省时间)4、朗读新单词:tall short(老师领读—学生齐读—男女生对读—分行读—找学生读—自读)老师领读:看老师的手势。
新蕾快乐英语二年级下册课件-Unit 1 -Let's chant

Don’t forget your raincoats!
How’s the weather? It’s sunny.
How’s the weather?
It’s cloudy.
How’s the weather?
It’s snowy.
? ______________________
Put on your ____c_a_p____ .
It’s a ___r_a_i_ny____ day. Let’s _r_e_a_d_b_o_o_ks__ . Put on your__r_a_in_c_o_a_t__ .
IItIt’sIt’Is’tst_’_s’s__r___as_s_ui_n_un__yn_n__ny___yiin_inniniBCHnehXaiaSnjin’igaangznngc.hy.haou.un. .
It’s . ______________________
Let’s chant.
How’s the weather?
It’s windy.
How’s the weather?
It’s cloudy.
How’s the weather today? It’s snowy.
Let’s chant.
Unit 3 Let’s chant
小学二年级 英语
Part 1 情境导入 Leading in
Let’s look and say.
Let’s play a game.

新年快乐英语二年级下Unit1《Looks》教案二:形容词的分类和用法深度解析Adjectives are words that we use to describe nouns. They can be classified into different categories based on their usage. The three most common categories are descriptive, quantitative, and demonstrative.Descriptive AdjectivesDescriptive Adjectives are the most commonly used type of adjective. They are used to describe the appearance, color, size, shape and other features of a thing, person or place. For example:-The cat is small and furry.-The flower is beautiful and colorful.-The mountain is tall and majestic.Descriptive adjectives can also be used to describe the personality traits of a person or animal, such as:-The boy is kind and generous.-The dog is loyal and friendly.-The teacher is patient and understanding.Quantitative AdjectivesQuantitative adjectives are used to give specific information about the quantity or amount of a noun. They answer the questions "How much?" and "How many?" For example:-The box is full of books.-I have three apples.-The movie is two hours long.Demonstrative AdjectivesDemonstrative adjectives are used to indicate a specific noun or group of nouns. They are often used to distinguish between one thing and another. The most common demonstrative adjectives are "this," "that," "these," and "those." For example:-This car is expensive.-That book is excellent.-These shoes are comfortable.-Those houses are old.Demonstrative adjectives can also be used to indicate a certain position or location. For example:-The box on the right is mine.-The people in the back row can't see.-The restaurant at the end of the street is closed.In conclusion, the use of adjectives is an important part of English language learning. By understanding the different types of adjectives and how they are used, we are able to communicate more effectively and efficiently. This year,let's continue to learn about the wonderful world of English grammar and usage! Happy New Year!。