
1978年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学(理科考生五,六两题选做一题六两题选做一题,不要求做第七题)一.(下列各题每题4分,五个题共20分) 1.分解因式:x 2-4xy+4y 2-4z 2.解:原式=(x-2y)2-(2z)2=(x-2y-2z)(x-2y+2z)2.已知正方形的边长为a ,求侧面积等于这个正方形的面积,高等于这个正方形边长的直圆柱体的体积解:设底面半径为r ,则底面周长2πr=a则.42,2222πππππa a a a r a r =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⋅==体积3.求函数)2lg(x y +=的定义域解: ∵lg(2+x)≥0,∴2+x ≥1.故x ≥-1为其定义域4.不查表求cos800cos350+cos100cos550的值解:原式=sin100cos350+cos100sin350=sin(100+350)=sin450=22 5.化简: 二 .(本题满分14分)已知方程kx 2+y 2=4,其中k 为实数对于不同范围的k 值,分别指.254:.)()1.0()4(41 21214323121b b a ab =⋅⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛−−−−原式解出方程所代表图形的内形,并画出显示其数量特征的草图解:1)k>0时,方程的图形是椭圆,中心在坐标原点,此时又可分为:①k>1时,长轴在y 轴上,半长轴=2,半短轴=k2;②k=1时,为半径r=2的圆; ③k<1时,长轴在x 轴上,半长轴=k2,半短轴=22)k=0时,方程为y 2=4图形是两条平行于x 轴的直线2±=y如图 3)k<0时,方程为三.(本题满分14分)(如图)AB 是半圆的直径,C 是半圆上一点,直线MN 切半圆于CY Y YXX y=-214422=+−y k x点,AM ⊥MN 于M 点,BN ⊥MN 于N 点,CD ⊥AB 于D 点, 求证:1)CD=CM=CN. 2)CD 2=AM ·BN 1)证:连CA ,CB ,则∠ACB=900∠ACM=∠ABC ∠ACD=∠ABC ∴∠ACM=∠ACD ∴△AMC ≌△ADC∴CM=CD 同理CN=CD CD=CM=CN2)∵CD ⊥AB ,∠ACD=900∴ CD 2=AD ·DB 由1)知AM=AD ,BN=BD∴CD 2=AM ·BN四.(本题满分12分)18361818181836181818log 9(2),18 5.log 45.:185,log 5.log 59log 5log 9log 45.log 182log 18log 22b b a a b a ba=≠==∴=⋅++===⋅+−已知求解五.(本题满分20分)已知△ABC 的三内角的大小成等差数列,tgAtgC=32+求角A ,B ,C 的大小又已知顶点C 的对边c 上的高等于a ,b,c的长(提示:必要时可验证324)31(2+=+)M C NA B D212:1802.60,1202tgA tgC (1-tgAtgC)tg(A C)3(1)(2)tgA,tgC x (320.:1,2,1,245,A B C B A C B A C tgAtgC x x x A C tgA tgC A C ++=︒=+∴=︒+=︒=++=+==+−+++===+<==∴=︒解又而由可知是的两根解这方程得设则得12045758;cos 45cos 60 4.c a b c AD DB b a =︒−︒=︒∴=====+=︒+︒=又知上的高等于六.(本题满分20分)22222224223sin 2sin 1,:3sin cos 2.33sin 22sin 20,:sin 2sin 23sin cos ..2sin 2cos 9sin cos 9sin 9sin 1.1sin ()3sin(2)sin cos 2cos sin 2sin (3sin )cos (3sin cos ) αβαβαββαααβαααααααβαβαβααααα+==−===∴+=+∴=∴=+=+=+由得由得为锐角22 3sin (sin cos )3sin 1.2ααααπαβ=+==∴+=七.(本题满分20分,文科考生不要求作此题) 已知函数y=x 2+(2m+1)x+m 2-1(m 为实数) 1)m 是什么数值时,y 的极值是0?2)求证:不论m 是什么数值,函数图象(即抛物线)的顶点都在同一条直线L 1上画出m=-1、0、1时抛物线的草图,来检验这个结论3)平行于L 1的直线中,哪些与抛物线相交,哪些不相交?求证:任.22:0,2sin2-3sin2 ,1sin 2sin 3,,:22πβαβαβαβα=+==+求证且为锐角已知一条平行于L 1而与抛物线相交的直线,被各抛物线截出的线段都相等解:用配方法得:2214545.24450,450,421452.(,),242m 11455x -,,22443:..4,,,,m m m y x y m m m m m m y m x y m m +++⎛⎫=+−∴− ⎪⎝⎭+==−++−−++==−−=−=−−−=的极小值为所以当极值为时函数图象抛物线的顶点坐标为即二式相减得此即各抛物线顶点坐标所满足的方程它的图象是一条直线方程中不含因此不论是什么值抛物线的顶点都在这条222.1,0,1,,115193(),(),().424242m x y y x y x y x =−+=−+=++=+直线上当时之间函数关系为图略 3.设L :x-y=a 为任一条平行于L 1的直线与抛物线y=x 2+(2m+1)x+m 2-1方程联立求解,消去y ,得x 2+2mx+m 2-1+a =0∴(x+m)2=1-a因而当1-a ≥0即a ≤1时,直线L 与抛物线相交,而a >1时,直线L 与抛物线不相交而这与m 无关因此直线L 被各抛物线截出的线段都相等一九七八年副题)1(222)]1()1[(45,1.1,1.1,1a a m a m L L a m a m L a m x a −=−−−−−+−∴︒−+−−−−−±−=≤于被抛物线截出的线段等直线它的倾斜角为的斜率为因直线为与抛物线两交点横坐标即直线时当1.(1)分解因式:x 2-2xy+y 2+2x-2y-3 解:原式=(x-y-1)(x-y+3)(2)求的值65cos 4030sin 2ππ−+︒−︒ctgtg 解:原式=3/4(4)已知直圆锥体的底面半径等于1cm ,母线的长等于2cm ,求它的体积解:)(3312131322cm V ππ=−⋅⋅= .)35()9125(30)5001()52(10)5( 2121211的值计算+−+−−解:原式=302.已知两数x 1 ,x 2满足下列条件:1)它们的和是等差数列1,3,…的第20项; 2)它们的积是等比数列2,-6,…的前4项和求根为211,1x x 的方程 略解:x 1 +x 2=39,x 1x 2=-401/x 1+1/x 2=-39/401/x 1·1/x 2=-1/40所求方程为:40x 2+39x-1=0.3.已知:△ABC 的外接圆的切线AD 交BC 的延长线于D 点,求证:为所求之定义域且且解的定义域求函数12.01,0525:.1)525lg()3( −≠<∴≠+>−+−=x x x x y x xCDBDAC AB ACD ABC ==∆∆22的面积的面积证:因为AD 是△ABC 的外接圆的切线,所以 ∠B=∠1∴△ABD ∽△CAD22AC AB ACD ABC =∆∆∴的面积的面积 作AE ⊥BD 于点E ,则.2121CDBDAE CD AEBD ACD ABC =⋅⋅=∆∆的面积的面积4.(如图)CD 是BC 的延长线,AB=BC=CA=CD=a ,DM 与AB ,AC 分别交于M 点和N 点,且∠BDM=α求证:ααααtg atg CN tg atg BM −=+=34,34证:作ME ⊥DC 于E ,由△ABC 是等边三角形,在直角△MBE 中,1,,22,122BE BM ME BM ME tg BM ED a BM α==∴==∴=−类似地,过N 作NF ⊥BC 于F ,在直角△NFC 中,可证:ααtg atg CN −=345.设有f(x)=4x 4-4px 3+4qx 2+2p(m+1)x+(m+1)2.(p ≠0)求证:AB E F D1)如果f(x)的系数满足p 2-4q-4(m+1)=0,那么f(x)恰好是一个二次三项式的平方2)如果f(x)与F(x)=(2x 2+a x+b)2表示同一个多项式,那么 p 2-4q-4(m+1)=0222432222222222222222224:1)1,444()4442()4444 (2x )(4)(2)()4444 (2x )2(2x )()444 (2x ).4()p qm p q p q f x x px qx p x p q p q px p q x px p q p q px px p q px f x −+=−−∴=−++⋅+−−=−−−+⋅+−−=−−−⋅+−=−−∴证等于一个二次三项4322224322222222)4442(1)(1)(2) 44(4)2,44(1)44(2)2(1)2(3)(1)(4)4(1)(2)4,(3x px qx p m m x ax b x ax a b x abx b p a q a b p m abm bq p a p b a b −+++++=++=−++++−=⎧⎪=+⎪∴⎨+=⎪⎪+=⎩−=−=式的平方由可得代入得将的表达式代入2224),2(1)2,4[44(1)]0.0,44(1)0.q p p m p p p q m p p q m −+=−⋅∴−−+=≠∴−−+=得6.已知:a sinx+bcosx =0.………………………………①Asin2x+Bcos2x=C.………………………………②其中a ,b 不同时为0求证:2a bA+(b 2-a 2)B+(a 2+b 2)C=02222cos ,sin :ba a y ba b y +=+−=设证则①可写成cosysinx-sinycosx=0, ∴sin(x-y)=0∴x-y=k π(k 为整数), ∴x=y+k π又sin2x=sin2(y+k π)=sin2y=2sinycosy= 222b a ab+−cos2x=cos2y=cos 2y-sin 2y=2222ba b a +−代入②,得22222222222(),2()()0.abA a b B C a b a babA b a B a b C −−+=++∴+−++= 7.已知L 为过点P )23,233(−−而倾斜角为300的直线,圆C 为中心在坐标原点而半径等于1的圆,Q 表示顶点在原点而焦点在)0,82(的抛物线设A 为L 和C 在第三象限的交点,B 为C 和Q 在第四象限的交点1)写出直线L 、圆C 和抛物线Q 的方程,并作草图2)写出线段PA 、圆弧AB 和抛物线上OB 一段的函数表达式3)设P '、B '依次为从P 、B 到x 轴的垂足求由圆弧AB 和直线段BB '、B 'P '、P 'P 、PA 所包含的面积解:1)直线L 、圆C 和抛物线Q的方程为222::1:x 2L y x C x y Q y =+==草图如图Y X2)由2211:(),(y x A x x y PA f x x x ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪+=⎩=≤≤解得点横坐标线段的函数表达式为2222321:():().(03)7.241.471().244y x B x x y AB f x x OB f x x POP OAB BOB ππ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪+=⎩=≤≤=≤≤'∆=='∆==+解得点横坐标圆弧的函数表达式为抛物线上一段的函数表达式为的面积扇形的面积的面积故所求面积图中阴影部分YL P。

Section I: Listening Comprehension (30 points)In this section, you will hear 30 short conversations and 10 short passages. Each conversation and passage is followed by some questions. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet with a single line through the center.Conversations (10 points)1. A) The man is planning to travel.B) The woman is helping the man find a travel agency.C) The woman is a travel agent.D) The man is looking for a job.2. A) The woman is going to visit her friend.B) The woman is planning to move to a new house.C) The woman is looking for a new apartment.D) The woman is renovating her house.3. A) The man is suggesting they go to a movie.B) The woman is trying to change the man's mind.C) The man is not interested in watching a movie.D) The woman is worried about the man's health.Passages (20 points)Passage 1: The Resumption of the GaokaoQuestions 4-64. What was the main reason for the suspension of the Gaokao?A) The need to focus on political campaigns.B) The desire to improve the quality of education.C) The impact of the Cultural Revolution.D) The difficulty in managing the exam process.5. How did the resumption of the Gaokao impact Chinese society?A) It led to a decrease in the number of college graduates.B) It increased the competition for university places.C) It improved the overall quality of education in China.D) It resulted in a decline in the number of students studying abroad.6. What is the author's opinion about the resumption of the Gaokao?A) It was a necessary step for China's development.B) It has caused unnecessary stress for students.C) It has had a positive impact on the Chinese education system.D) It has not been effective in improving the quality of education.Section II: Structure and Vocabulary (40 points)In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences. Each sentence has a blank space and four options marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet with a single line through the center.7. The students were eager to know ___________ their exam results would be announced.A) whenB) whereC) howD) why8. The professor's lecture was so fascinating that the students couldn't ___________ the time.A) noticeB) recognizeC) observeD) understand9. The company has decided to invest in a new ___________ to improve its production efficiency.A) machineryB) equipmentC) facilityD) apparatus10. The government has announced a new policy to ___________ pollution and protect the environment.A) decreaseB) reduceC) diminishD) lowerSection III: Reading Comprehension (50 points)Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.Passage 1: The History of the GaokaoQuestions 11-15Read the passage about the history of the Gaokao and answer the questions.11. What was the original purpose of the Gaokao?A) To select students for military service.B) To assess the knowledge of all students.C) To select the best students for university education.D) To determine the eligibility for government positions.12. How did the Gaokao system change during the Cultural Revolution?A) It was suspended and replaced with political evaluations.B) It was expanded to include more subjects.C) It was simplified to focus on basic skills.D) It was replaced with a more comprehensive assessment.13. What was the impact of the resumption of the Gaokao on Chinese society?A) It increased the number of students studying abroad.B) It led to a decline in the quality of education.C) It created a more competitive educational environment.D) It resulted in a decrease in the number of college graduates.14. According to the passage, what is the current role of the Gaokao in Chinese society?A) It is the only method for college admission.B) It is a supplement to other assessment methods.C) It is a means of identifying talented students.D) It is used to assess the overall performance of the education system.15. What is the author's main argument about the Gaokao?A) It is an effective way to assess the knowledge of students.B) It is a necessary step for the development of higher education.C) It has had a significant impact on the Chinese education system.D) It has become too competitive and stressful for students.Section IV: Writing (30 points)Write an essay of about 200 words on the following topic:The Importance of the Gaokao in China's Education SystemYou should use your own ideas, knowledge, and experience to support your argument.---This sample exam paper reflects the structure and content of an English exam that might have been given in China during the first year of the resumption of the Gaokao after its suspension during the Cultural Revolution. The questions are designed to test a range of skills, including listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing.。

1979年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试一、[33分]本题分11个小题.每小题提出了四上答案,其中只有一个答案是正确的.选出你认为正确的答案,把它的号码填写在本小题后的圆括弧内.每小题选出正确答案的,得3分;选错的,扣1分;不答的,不得分,也不扣分.每小题只许选一个答案.如果选了两个答案,其中必然有错的,本小题扣1分.1.通过一个电阻的电流是5安培.经过4分钟时间通过这电阻的一个截面的电量是(1)20库仑(2)50库仑(3)1200库仑(4)2000库仑2.把电阻是1欧姆的一根金属丝截成等长的十段,把这十段金属丝并联起来,这样并联的一组金属丝的总电阻是(1)0.01Ω(2)0.10Ω(3)10Ω(4)100Ω3.单摆的周期在发生下述情况时将增大:(1)摆锤的质量增大(2)摆长减小(3)单摆从赤道移到北极(4)单摆从海平面移到高山上4.放在光滑斜面上加速下滑的物体受到的力是(1)重力和斜面支持力(2)重力、下滑力和斜面支持力(3)重力、斜面支持力和加速力(4)重力、斜面支持力、下滑力和正压力5.光线透过空气中的平行平面厚玻璃板,问下图所示四种情形中哪一种是正确的?(1)α粒子(2)质子(3)中子(4)β粒子7.把100克0℃的冰投入100克50℃的水中,混合时与外界无热量交换,达到热平衡后的温度是(1)25℃(2)-15℃(3)0℃(4)4℃8.一个平行板电容器充电后,把电源断开,再用绝缘的工具把电容器的两金属板拉开一些.这使(1)电容器中的电量增加(3)电容器的电压不变(2)电容器的电容增加(4)电容器的电压增加9.一条绳能承受的最大拉力是100牛顿(超出此值,绳就被拉断).用这条绳拉一个质量是2千克的物体在光滑的水平面上运动,绳和水平面的夹角是60°.在绳不被拉断的条件下,物体的最大加速度可以达到(1)12.5米/秒2 (2)25米/秒2(3)43米/秒2 (4)100米/秒210.质量是5吨的汽车在水平路面上以加速度a=2米/秒2起动,所受阻力是1.0×103牛顿.汽车起动后第1秒末的瞬时功率是(1)2千瓦(2)11千瓦(3)20千瓦(4)22千瓦11.一个长螺线管通有交流电.把一个带电粒子沿管轴射入管中,粒子将在管中(1)作圆周运动(3)作匀加速直线运动(2)沿轴线来回运动(4)作匀速直线运动二、[10分]一架显微镜物镜的焦距f1=0.3厘米,目镜的焦距f2=2厘米,目镜和物镜相距16厘米.如果从这显微镜观察到的像离目镜25厘米,被观察的物体离物镜多远?三、[10分]一个潜水艇位于水面下200米.艇上有一个容积V1=2米3的贮气钢筒,筒内贮有压缩空气.将筒内一部分空气压入水箱(水箱有排水孔和海水相连)排出海水10米3.此时筒内剩余气体的压强是95个大气压.设在排水过程中温度不变,求贮气钢筒内原来的压缩空气的压强.(计算时取1个大气压=1.0千克/(厘米)2,海水密度取1.0×103千克/米3)四、[13分]有一质量是m的小球Ⅰ用长度是l的绳子悬挂在O点.把球Ⅰ拉到A点,OA是水平线,如图所示.另一质量相等的小球Ⅱ静止放在B点OB的中点).当在A点的小球Ⅰ从静止下落到B点时,跟小球Ⅱ作弹性碰撞使小球Ⅱ沿轨道BC滑出(不考虑摩擦).求小球Ⅱ经过D点时对轨道的压力.(圆弧轨道BD所对的圆心角θ=60°,m=1千克,g用10米/秒2计算)五、[13分]有电路如图,R1=3000Ω,V A是内阻为6000Ω的电压表,V B是内阻为3000Ω的电压表.已知:K1断开,K2接到A时,电压表的读数是4伏特;K1接通,K2接到A时,电压表的读数是8伏特;K1接通,K2接到B时,电压表的读数是7.5伏特.求R2的值.六、[13分]在加速行驶的火车上固定一斜面,斜面角是θ(见图).有一物体静止在斜面上.如果火车加速度小于某一值a0,物体就会下滑.设物体和斜面间的静摩擦系数是μ,推导a0的表达式.七、[8分]本题分2小题.每小题提出了五个答案,其中只有一个答案是正确的.选出你认为正确的答案,把它的号码填写在本小题后的圆括弧内.每小题选出正确答案的得4分;选错的扣1分;不答的不得分,也不扣分.每小题只许选一个答案.如果选了两个答案,其中必然有错的,本小题扣1分.1.两条直导线互相垂直(如图),但相隔一个小的距离,其中一条AB是固定的,另一条CD能自由活动.当直流电流按图中所示方向通入两条导线时,导线CD将(1)不动(2)顺时针方向转动,同时靠近导线AB(3)逆时针方向转动,同时离开导线AB(4)顺时针方向转动,同时离开导线AB(5)逆时针方向转动,同时靠近导线AB2.一闭合线圈放在均匀磁场中,线圈的轴线与磁场方向成30°角,磁感应强度随时间均匀变化.在下述办法中(如需要改绕线圈,用原规格的导线),用哪一种办法可以使线圈中的感生电流增加一倍?(1)把线圈的匝数增加一倍(2)把线圈的面积增加一倍(3)把线圈的半径增加一倍(4)改变线圈轴线对磁场的方向(5)把线圈的匝数减少到原来的一半1979年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试一、1.(3) 4.(1) 7.(3) 10.(4)2.(1) 5.(2) 8.(4) 11.(4)3.(4) 6.(1) 9.(2)评分标准:全题33分;每小题正确答案3分,错误答案-1分,不答的,不给分.二、0.31厘米参考解法:v2=-25厘米,f2=2厘米∴物体距物镜距离u1=0.31厘米评分标准:全题10分,(1)6分,(2)3分.(3)1分.(1)能正确利用公式计算目镜物距,给6分.只正确写出透镜公式,不知道目镜的像是虚像,须用负数代入的,只给2分.如果说明是虚像,但未用负数代入的,给3分.透镜公式写错但知道目镜所成的像是虚像,像距用负数计算的,给2分.(2)求出物镜的像距,给3分.不会用显微镜结构来计算物镜的像距,不给分.(3)求出物镜的物距,给1分.三、200个大气压.参考解法:设贮气筒内原有压缩空气的压强为P1,筒内剩余气体的质量为原有质量的x倍.(1)潜水艇水箱中空气压强应等于该深度海水的压强,为P2=hdg+P0 (P0)为海面大气压〈1〉=21(大气压)(2)对水箱中的空气,P2V2=21×10=(1-x)P1V1〈2〉对贮气筒内剩余气体,P3V1=95V1=xP1V1〈3〉〈2〉+〈3〉得(P2V2+P3V1)=P1V1 〈4〉P1=(21×10+95×2)/2=200(大气压)∴贮气筒内原有气体的压强为200大气压.评分标准:全题10分.(1)4分,(2)6分.(1)正确算出水箱中空气压强的,给4分.漏算海面大气压的,扣1分.只列出<1>,没有代入数据计算的,只给2分.<1>式中没有写g,但计算正确的,不扣分.单位不配套的,扣1分.(2)正确算出贮气筒中原有气体压强的,给6分.只列出〈2〉式、〈3〉式的,各给1分.只导出或只直接写出〈4〉式的,给4分.四、35牛顿参考解法:V1是球Ⅰ达到B点时的速度.〈1〉(2)Ⅰ、Ⅱ两球在B点作弹性碰撞,由动量守恒和能量守恒得出球Ⅱ碰撞后的速度VⅡ:VⅡ- VⅠ(3)球Ⅱ在D点的速度VⅡ'可以如下算出:(4)设P'是在D点轨道对球Ⅱ的压力,那么=mg[3cosθ+2]=35牛顿球Ⅱ对轨道的压力P同轨道对球Ⅱ的压力P'大小相等方向相反.∴P=P'=35牛顿评分标准:全题13分.(1)2分,(2)3分,(3)3分,(4)5分.(1)知道利用能量守恒并写出公式〈1〉,给2分.(2)知道m1=mⅡ的两球作弹性碰撞时,VⅠ=VⅡ,并求出VⅡ的表达式〈2〉的,给3分,根据能量守恒和动量守恒定律只写出公式而未算出VⅡ的表达式的,只给2分.(4)知道求压力时考虑向心力和重力,得出正确答案,给5分.未说明轨道对球的压力和球对轨道压力的关系的,不扣分.扣去〈2〉中的3分,如只未说明速度交换的,扣1分;如对能量守恒,动量守恒和速度交换作了文字说明,虽未写出中间过程的公式,不扣分.在分析压力时,知道要考虑向心力,但方向分析错误,或知道向心力,但对重力未分解或分析错误,扣3分.五、2500欧姆参考解法:(3)设电源电动势是ε,内阻是r当K1闭合,K2接通A时当K1闭合,K2接通B时当K1断开,K2接通A时(4)令(R3+r=R),解〈1〉、〈2〉得ε=10伏特,R=500欧姆代入<3>得评分标准:全题13分.(1)1分,(2)1分(3)9分(4)2分.(1)计算R1与V A并联的总电阻,1分.公式错、运算错不给分,不写单位不扣分.(2)计算R1与V B并联的总电阻,1分.公式错、运算错不给分,不写单位不扣分.(3)正确列出方程〈1〉、〈2〉、〈3〉,给9分(每方程3分).如果不把电压表的内阻计入电路参数,虽然形式列出三个方程,仍扣3分.(因为不合物理原理).(4)算出R2,2分.如果没有提到r或设r为零解题,同样给分.参考推导:设斜面上物体的质量是m,正压力是P.(1)在平行于斜面的方向上:ma0cosθ=mgsinθ-μP〈1〉(2)在垂直斜面的方向上:ma0sinθ=p-mgcosθ〈2〉(3)由〈1〉、〈2〉解得评分标准:全题13分.〈1〉5分,〈2〉5分,〈3〉3分.(1)正确写出〈1〉式,给5分.(1)式有错误,但能正确写出这三项的大小的,给2分.漏掉一项的,不给分.(2)正确写出〈2〉式,给5分.(2)式有错误,但能正确写出这三项的大小的,给2分.漏掉一项的,不给分.(3)由〈1〉、〈2〉式解出〈3〉式的,给3分.答案中还出现正压力的,不给分.按其他方向分解,例如在竖直和水平方向进行分解的,参照上述标准给分.用惯性力概念分析(即把ma 方向反转,然后按静力学的方法计算),得到结果的也参照上述标准给分.七、1.(5) 2.(3)评分标准:全题8分;每小题正确答案4分,错误答案-1分,不答的,不给分.。



Slowing down can contribute significantly to personal growth. Taking the time 1 (rest) allows us to develop a deeper sense of 2 (self-aware). When we slow down, we create space to reflect on our thoughts and emotions, which helps us identify important areas of our lives and 3 (give) us the opportunity to make right choices. To practise this, we need to establish clear 4 (boundary) in our personal and professional life.(2024·北京·高考真题)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。
On April 5, 2024, John Tinniswood 5 (name) the world’s oldest living man. And when 6 (ask) about his new title, he shared the secret: moderation (适度). Tinniswood, 7 doesn’t smoke and rarely drinks, credited moderation for helping him stay healthy during his long life. “If you eat too much or do too much of anything, you’re going to suffer eventually,” he said.(2024·北京·高考真题)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。

1958—1965年的高考英语试卷采用的主要测试形式有: 英译汉;汉译英;阅读测验;回答问题;用所给单词完成句子。
1977年的高考试题由各省、自治区和直辖市自行命制, 各地在英语试卷中采用的主要题型有: 写出单词的变化形式;用英语回答问题;用动词的适当形式填空;补全句子;英译汉(短文);汉译英;单句填空;阅读短文回答问题;命题作文;语态变化;介词填空;词组造句;句子分析;句型转换;改错;连词成句;英汉单词或词组互译等。
1978—1984年期间的高考英语试卷中出现的测试形式有: 选择填空;短文填空;阅读理解(选择、填空、回答问题);汉译英;英译汉;动词填空;正误辨认;拼写单词;改错;句型转换;连词成句;单词辨音;完成句子;词类转换;单词释义;综合填空。
1984年高考全国卷各大题的排列设计如下:1单词辨音;2词类转换;3单词释义;4完成句子;5选择答案;6动词填空;7综合填空;8阅读理解(附加题) ;9综合填空。
以下为1989年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语试卷的题型结构:1991年,原国家教委在《关于印发< 高中毕业会考后普通高校招生全国统一考试工作方案(试行) > 的通知》中第一次对高考明确定性:“会考后的高考,在考查基础知识的同时,注重考查能力”。
同年,原国家教委有关部门对高考各科试卷设计明确提出了以下要求:1、考试时间由120分钟增加为150分钟;2、分值由10分提高到150分;3、试卷难度由0. 55降低为0.65;4、试卷内容要有新意1992年,原国家教委决定英语学科的考试时间由150分钟减为120分钟,全卷分数仍为150分。

1978全国统一考试高考真题英语一、选择法填空(划出各句中所需要的词或词组):(本题满分为30分,每空1分)例:It is time class.A. toB.inC.for1. There no water in the glass.A. hasB. areC. is2. This pen was given me by my mother. It's.A. myB. mineC. to me3. tractors helpful to the commune members?A. Is thisB. Are theseC.Are theirs4. Which subject do you like,Physics or chemistry?A. the mostB. the bestC. better5. The Yellow River is the secondriver in China.A. longB. longerC. longest6. The boat is passing the bridge.A. underB. throughC. across7. He went to NankingOctober, 1977.A. inB. onC. at8. Taiwan is the east of Fukien.A. inB. atC. to9. His "Selected Poems" first published in 1965.A. wereB. wasC. has been10. Did you to his talk yesterday?A. hearB. heardC.listen11. Who is of you three?A. olderB. oldestC. the oldest12. My aunt to see us. She'll be here soon.A. comesB. is comingC. had come13. Mathematics the language of science.A. isB. are going to beC. are14. people attended the meeting last night.A. A hundred ofB. HundredC. Hundreds of15. What do you usually do?A. in an eveningB. in the eveningC. on the evening16. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun.A. was shiningB. shoneC. has shone17. He is very old, he still works very hard.A. butB. ifC. when18. He has already worked forhour.A. theB. anC. a19. My brother is very goodping-pong.A. inB. forC. at20. The poor peasants all had alife before liberation.A. sufferedB. cruelC. bitter21. I' ve heard himabout you often.A. spokeB. speaksC. speak22. When did youmy letter?A. receiveB. acceptC. got23. I need a day or two.A. to think it overB. to think over itC. of thinking24. We mustthe importance of the four modernizations.A. learn by heartB. keep in mindC. know by heart25. Wea spare-time study group last week.A. set upB. put upC. have established26. My fatherme to become a doctor.A. thinksB. saysC. hopes27. He is thin.A. fairlyB. ratherC. little28. We waitedfor the bus.A. for long timeB. a long timeC. some long time29. In this factory, it' s hard to tell cadresworkers.A. fromB. toC. about30. IHsiao Li since she was a little girl.A. knewB. knowC. have known二、句型转换:(本题满分为10分,每小题2分)A. 就划线部分提问:1. This is my dictionary.2. She often carries water for Granny Wang.B. 改成否定句:3. I think he' ll go there tomorrow.C. 改成被动语态:4. We chose Chang Hua League secretary.5. Our teacher always takes good care of us.三、汉译英:(本题满分为20分,其中1-5句每句3分,第6句5分)1. 他已到了参军年龄。

[判断题] *对错(正确答案)2、1一人不排队挤上公交车,众人批评他:“不要挤嘛,讲一点儿社会公德。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)3、23. 下列对传统文化常识的表述不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.冬奥会展示了我国“二十四节气”,清明是“二十四节气”之一,也是我国的传统节日。
(正确答案) C.“记”是古代一种文体,通过记事、记物、记人、记景来抒发作者的感情或见解。
4、下列句子没有运用比喻修辞手法的一项是()[单选题] *A.过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了。
5、下列关于名著《红楼梦》的说明,不正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.《红楼梦》中,在抄检大观园时,王夫人令凤姐和王善保家的一起抄检。
6、26. 选出填入下面语段横线处的词语最恰当的一项()。

A few months ________(early), Stephanie Heller, had finished her workout in the gym when she ________(notice)a woman in the parking lot struggling to bend down. Ms. Heller offered to help her. The woman blamed old age for her incapacity, ________(explain)that she was 70. But Ms. Heller was 71. "This woman felt every bit her age." she recalled. "I don't let age stop me. I need a good mood, really. I love singing and dancing with all the young friends I ________ (make)over the years. I'm only as old as I feel."Each of us has ________actual age, the number we celebrate on birthdays. But some 50-, 60-and 70-year-olds look and feel ________(youth), while others do not. Scientists measure these differences by looking at age-related things like skin elasticity, blood pressure and so on, finding some ________(connect)among them. People ________a healthy lifestyle and a fortunate genetic inheritance(继承)tend ________(score) "younger" on these assessments.When scientists ask, "How old do you feel, most of the time?" the answer can reflect the state of people's physical and mental health. The age given is a virtual one, ________is called "subjective age".【答案】earlier;noticed;explaining;have made;an;youthful/young;connection/connections;with;to score;which【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,有的人看起来比实际年龄小,是因为健康的生活方式,好的遗传基因让人看起来更年轻,研究发现一个人的心态可以反应他的主观年龄。

1978年全国统一高考数学试卷(附加题)一、解答题(共7小题,满分100分)1.(14分)(1)分解因式:x2﹣2xy+y2+2x﹣2y﹣3.(2)求,(3)求函数y=的定义域.(4)已知直圆锥体的底面半径等于1cm,母线的长等于2cm,求它的体积.(5)计算:的值.2.(14分)已知两数x1,x2满足下列条件:(1)它们的和是等差数列1,3,…的第20项;(2)它们的积是等比数列2,﹣6,…的前4项和.求根为的方程.3.(14分)已知:△ABC的外接圆的切线AD交BC的延长线于D点,求证:.4.(14分)(如图)CD是BC的延长线,AB=BC=CA=CD=a,DM与AB,AC分别交于M点和N 点,且∠BDM=α.求证:.,.5.(14分)设有f(x)=4x4﹣4px3+4qx2+2p(m+1)x+(m+1)2.(p≠0)求证:(1)如果f(x)的系数满足p2﹣4q﹣4(m+1)=0,那么f(x)恰好是一个二次三项式的平方.(2)如果f(x)与F(x)=(2x2+ax+b)2表示同一个多项式,那么p2﹣4q﹣4(m+1)=0.6.(14分)已知:asinx+bcosx=0 ①,Asin2x+Bcos2x=C ②,其中a,b不同时为0,求证:2abA+(b2﹣a2)B+(a2+b2)C=07.(16分)已知L为过点P且倾斜角为30°的直线,圆C为圆心是坐标原点且半径等于1的圆,Q表示顶点在原点而焦点是的抛物线,设A为L和C在第三象限的交点,B为C和Q在第四象限的交点.(1)写出直线L、圆C和抛物线Q的方程,并作草图.(2)写出线段PA、圆弧AB和抛物线上OB一段的函数表达式.(3)设P′、B′依次为从P、B到x轴的垂足,求由圆弧AB和直线段BB′、B′P′、P′P、PA所包含的面积.1978年全国统一高考数学试卷(附加题)参考答案与试题解析一、解答题(共7小题,满分100分)1.(14分)(1)分解因式:x2﹣2xy+y2+2x﹣2y﹣3.(2)求,(3)求函数y=的定义域.(4)已知直圆锥体的底面半径等于1cm,母线的长等于2cm,求它的体积.(5)计算:的值.考点:对数函数的定义域;根式与分数指数幂的互化及其化简运算;棱柱、棱锥、棱台的体积.专题:计算题.分析:(1)把(x﹣y)看做一个整体,整式即:(x﹣y)2+2(x﹣y)﹣3(2)应用特殊角的三角函数值.(3)分母不为0,对数的真数大于0.(4)先求出圆锥的高,代入体积公式计算.(5)使用分数指数幂的运算法则化简每一项,然后合并同类项.解答:解:(1)原式=(x﹣y)2+2(x﹣y)﹣3=(x﹣y﹣1)(x﹣y+3)(2)原式=﹣0+1﹣=(3)∵25﹣5x>0,且x+1≠0.∴x<2且x≠﹣1,∴所求定义域为:(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(﹣1,2).(4)(5)原式=10•(﹣2 )﹣+30•=10﹣20﹣10+30=﹣20+30•=﹣20+点评:(1)体现整体的数学思想.(2)记住特殊角的三角函数值.(3)分式的分母不为0,对数的真数大于0.(4)直接使用圆锥的体积公式.(5)分数指数幂的运算法则的使用.本题的最后一项可能不对.2.(14分)已知两数x1,x2满足下列条件:(1)它们的和是等差数列1,3,…的第20项;(2)它们的积是等比数列2,﹣6,…的前4项和.求根为的方程.考点:利用导数研究函数的单调性;一元二次方程的根的分布与系数的关系.分析:1由等差数列通项公式求出第二十项2由等比数列求前n项和求出前四项和3接下来可以求解x1,x2.也可利用技巧直接求出两根之和两根之积.解答:解:x+x2=39 ①,x1x2=﹣40 ②,故得:1/x1+1/x2=1由②式得.=由初中所学一元二次函数根与系数关系得所求方程为:40x2+39x﹣1=0.点评:本题考查数列通项公式和前n项和公式以及一元二次方程根与系数关系3.(14分)已知:△ABC的外接圆的切线AD交BC的延长线于D点,求证:.考点:相似三角形的判定.专题:证明题.分析:由AD是△ABC的外接圆的切线得到角相等进而得两个三角形相似,可得三角形的面积比与相似比的平方的关系,再结合三角形面积公式即可证得.解答:证:因为AD是△ABC的外接圆的切线,所以∠B=∠1∴△ABD∽△CAD∴作AE⊥BD于点E,则故得证.点评:本题主要考查相似三角形的判定,在圆中找相等的角,依据是弦切角和同弧所对的圆周角相等相等,再根据相似三角形的判定即可得到.4.(14分)(如图)CD是BC的延长线,AB=BC=CA=CD=a,DM与AB,AC分别交于M点和N点,且∠BDM=α.求证:.,.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:证明题.分析:由题意及图形作ME⊥DC于E,由△ABC是等边三角形,在直角△MBE中利用正切的定义即可;同理,过N作NF⊥BC于F,在直角△NFC中也可求得CN.解答:证明:证作ME⊥DC于E,由△ABC是等边三角形,在直角△MBE中,,∴,∴.类似地,过N作NF⊥BC于F,在直角△NFC中,可证:点评:此题考查了学生的识图能力,还考查了解三角形及正切函数定义,还考查了学生的计算能力.5.(14分)设有f(x)=4x4﹣4px3+4qx2+2p(m+1)x+(m+1)2.(p≠0)求证:(1)如果f(x)的系数满足p2﹣4q﹣4(m+1)=0,那么f(x)恰好是一个二次三项式的平方.(2)如果f(x)与F(x)=(2x2+ax+b)2表示同一个多项式,那么p2﹣4q﹣4(m+1)=0.考点:函数与方程的综合运用.专题:证明题.分析:(1)利用配方法和因式分解法的方法将该函数表达式进行因式分解.(2)利用多项式相等建立各项系数的相等关系,将无关的系数消掉,建立起字母p,q,m的关系.解答:证明:(1)∵,∴===∴f(x)等于一个二次三项式的平方(2)∵4x4﹣4px3+4qx2+2p(m+1)+(m+1)2=(2x2+ax+b)2=4x4﹣4ax3+(a2+4b)x2+2abx+b2,∴由(1)可得a=﹣p代入(2)得将a,b的表达式代入(3)得,∴p[p2﹣4q﹣4(m+1)]=0.∵p≠0,∴p2﹣4q﹣4(m+1)=0.点评:本题考查多项式的因式分解,考查待定系数法.注意配方法和分组分解因式的方法.注意多项式相等的转化方法.6.(14分)已知:asinx+bcosx=0 ①,Asin2x+Bcos2x=C ②,其中a,b不同时为0,求证:2abA+(b2﹣a2)B+(a2+b2)C=0考点:三角函数恒等式的证明.专题:证明题.分析:可先,通过①可得x=y+kπ,进而可求出sin2x和cos2x代入②即可得证.解答:证明:则①可写成cosysinx﹣sinycosx=0,∴sin(x﹣y)=0∴x﹣y=kπ(k为整数),∴x=y+kπ又sin2x=sin2(y+kπ)=sin2y=2sinycosy=cos2x=cos2y=cos2y﹣sin2y=代入②,得,∴2abA+(b2﹣a2)B+(a2+b2)C=0.点评:本题主要考查三角函数恒等式的证明.证明此类问题时应考虑:异名化同名,异角化同角,公式的正用、逆用、变形用.7.(16分)已知L为过点P且倾斜角为30°的直线,圆C为圆心是坐标原点且半径等于1的圆,Q表示顶点在原点而焦点是的抛物线,设A为L和C在第三象限的交点,B为C和Q在第四象限的交点.(1)写出直线L、圆C和抛物线Q的方程,并作草图.(2)写出线段PA、圆弧AB和抛物线上OB一段的函数表达式.(3)设P′、B′依次为从P、B到x轴的垂足,求由圆弧AB和直线段BB′、B′P′、P′P、PA所包含的面积.考点:直线与圆锥曲线的综合问题;直线的一般式方程;圆的标准方程;抛物线的标准方程.专题:综合题;数形结合.分析:(1)由题意代入点斜式求直线方程,代入标准式求圆的方程和抛物线的方程;(2)分别联立直线、圆和抛物线的方程,求出交点的横坐标,再通过图形表示出线段PA、圆弧AB和抛物线上OB一段的函数表达式,注意范围;(3)先作出图形再把图形进行分割,再由(2)求的点A、B的坐标求每一部分的面积,最后再求和.解答:解:(1)由题意知,直线L的方程为y+=(x+),即y=x;圆C的方程为x2+y2=1,抛物线Q的方程为草图为:(2)由,解得A点横坐标.∴线段PA的函数表达式为:由,解得B点横坐标.∴圆弧AB的函数表达式为:∴抛物线上OB一段的函数表达式为:.(3)如下图所求的面积为图中阴影部分,由(2)和题意知,P'点的横坐标为﹣和点P,∴∵A点横坐标,B点横坐标,∴∠AOB==,∴扇形OAB的面积为∴所求面积(图中阴影部分).点评:本题涉及的内容多且层次分明,考查了求直线方程、圆的方程和抛物线的方程,还把几何图形和函数联系在一起,是一道新颖的直线与圆锥曲线综合强的题.。

1978年高考英语试题·附答案1978年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷一、选择法填空(划出各句中所需要的词或词组)(本题满分为30分,每空1分)1. There ______ no water in the glass.A. hasB. areC. is2. This pen was given me by my mother. It’s ______.A. myB. mineC. to me3. ______ tractors helpful to the commune members?A. Is thisB. Are theseC. Are theirs4. Which subject do you like ______, Physics or chemistry?A. the mostB. the bestC. better5. The Yellow River is the second ______ river in China.A. longB. longerC. longest6. The boat is passing ______ the bridge.A. underB. throughC. across7. He went to Nanking ______ October, 1977.A. inB. onC. at8. Taiwan is ______ the east of Fukien.A. inB. atC. to9. His “Selected Poems”______ first published in 1965.A. wereB. wasC. has been10. Did you ______ to his talk yesterday?A. hearB. heardC. listen11. Who is ______ of you three?A. olderB. oldestC. the oldest12. My aunt ______ to see us. She’ll be here soon.A. comesB. is comingC. had come13. Mathematics ______ the language of science.A. isB. are going to beC. are14. ______ people attended the meeting last night.A. A hundred ofB. HundredC. Hundreds of15. What do you usually do ______?A. in an eveningB. in the eveningC. on the evening16. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun ______.A. was shiningB. shoneC. has shone17. He is very old, ______ he still works very hard.A. butB. ifC. when18. He has already worked for ______ hour.A. theB. anC. a19. My brother is very good ______ ping-pong.A. inB. forC. at20. The poor peasants all had a ______ life before liberation.A. sufferedB. cruelC. bitter21. I’ve heard him ______ about you often.A. spokeB. speaksC. speak22. When did you ______ my letter?A. receiveB. acceptC. got23. I need a day or two ______.A. to think it overB. to think over itC. of thinking24. We must ______ the importance of the four modernizations.A. learn by heartB. keep in mindC. know by heart25. We ______ a spare-time study group last week.A. set upB. put upC. have established26. My father ______ me to become a doctor.A. thinksB. saysC. hopes27. He is ______ thin.A. fairlyB. ratherC. little28. We waited ______ for the bus.A. for long timeB. a long timeC. some long time29. In this factory, it’s hard to tel l cadres ______ workers.A. fromB. toC. about30. I ______ Hsiao Li since she was a little girl.A. knewB. knowC. have known二、句型转换:(本题满分为10分,每小题2分)A. 就划线部分提问:1. This is my dictionary.2. She often carries water for Granny Wang.B. 改成否定句:3. I think he’ll go there tomorrow.C. 改成被动语态:4. We chose Chang Hua League secretary.5. Our teacher always takes good care of us.三、汉译英:(本题满分为20分,其中1—5句每句3分,第6句5分)1. 他已到了参军年龄。

• 21. I' ve heard him about you often. • A. spoke B. speaks C. speak
• 22. When did you my letter? • A. receive B. accept C. got
• • • •
23. I need a day or two A. to think it over B. to think over it C. of thinking
the east of Fukien. C. to
• 9. His "Selected Poems" first published in 1965. • A. were B. was C. has been
• 10. Did you to his talk yesterday? • A. hear B. heard C. listen
• 14. people attended the meeting last night. • A. A hundred of • B. Hundred • C. Hundreds of
• • • •
15. What do you usually do A. in an evening B. in the evening C. on the evening
• 24. We must the importance of the four modernizations. • A. learn by heart • B. keep in mind • C. know by heart
• 25. We a spare-time study group last week. • A. set up • B. put up • C. have established

1978年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学(理科考生五,六两题选做一题六两题选做一题,不要求做第七题)一.(下列各题每题4分,五个题共20分) 1.分解因式:x 2-4xy+4y 2-4z 2.解:原式=(x-2y)2-(2z)2=(x-2y-2z)(x-2y+2z)2.已知正方形的边长为a ,求侧面积等于这个正方形的面积,高等于这个正方形边长的直圆柱体的体积解:设底面半径为r ,则底面周长2πr=a则.42,2222πππππa a a a r a r =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⋅==体积3.求函数)2lg(x y +=的定义域解: ∵lg(2+x)≥0,∴2+x ≥1.故x ≥-1为其定义域4.不查表求cos800cos350+cos100cos550的值解:原式=sin100cos350+cos100sin350=sin(100+350)=sin450=22 5.化简: 二 .(本题满分14分)已知方程kx 2+y 2=4,其中k 为实数对于不同范围的k 值,分别指出方程所代表图形的内形,并画出显示其数量特征的草图.254:.)()1.0()4(41 21214323121b b a ab =⋅⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛----原式解解:1)k>0时,方程的图形是椭圆,中心在坐标原点,此时又可分为:①k>1时,长轴在y 轴上,半长轴=2,半短轴=k2;②k=1时,为半径r=2的圆; ③k<1时,长轴在x 轴上,半长轴=k2,半短轴=22)k=0时,方程为y 2=4图形是两条平行于x 轴的直线2±=y如图 3)k<0时,方程为三.(本题满分14分)(如图)AB 是半圆的直径,C 是半圆上一点,直线MN 切半圆于C 点,AM ⊥MN 于M 点,BN ⊥MN 于N 点,CD ⊥AB 于D 点,Y Y YXX y=-214422=+-y k x求证:1)CD=CM=CN. 2)CD 2=AM ·BN 1)证:连CA ,CB ,则∠ACB=900∠ACM=∠ABC ∠ACD=∠ABC ∴∠ACM=∠ACD ∴△AMC ≌△ADC∴CM=CD 同理CN=CD CD=CM=CN2)∵CD ⊥AB ,∠ACD=900∴ CD 2=AD ·DB 由1)知AM=AD ,BN=BD∴CD 2=AM ·BN四.(本题满分12分)18361818181836181818log 9(2),18 5.log 45.:185,log 5.log 59log 5log 9log 45.log 182log 18log 22b b a a b a ba=≠==∴=⋅++===⋅+-已知求解五.(本题满分20分)已知△ABC 的三内角的大小成等差数列,tgAtgC=32+求角A ,B ,C 的大小又已知顶点C 的对边c 上的高等于a ,b,c的长(提示:必要时可验证324)31(2+=+)M C NA B D212:1802.60,1202tgA tgC (1-tgAtgC)tg(A C)3(1)(2)tgA,tgC x (320.:1,2,1,245,A B C B A C B A C tgAtgC x x x A C tgA tgC A C ++=︒=+∴=︒+=︒=++=+==-++===<==+∴=︒解又而由可知是的两根解这方程得设则得12045758;sin 60sin 45cos 45cos 60 4.c a b c AD DB b a =︒-︒=︒∴====︒︒=+=︒+︒=又知上的高等于六.(本题满分20分)22222224223sin 2sin 1,:3sin cos 2.33sin 22sin 20,:sin 2sin 23sin cos ..2sin 2cos 9sin cos 9sin 9sin 1.1sin ()3sin(2)sin cos 2cos sin 2sin (3sin )cos (3sin cos ) αβαβαββαααβαααααααβαβαβααααα+==-===∴+=+∴=∴=+=+=+由得由得为锐角22 3sin (sin cos )3sin 1.2ααααπαβ=+==∴+=七.(本题满分20分,文科考生不要求作此题) 已知函数y=x 2+(2m+1)x+m 2-1(m 为实数) 1)m 是什么数值时,y 的极值是0?2)求证:不论m 是什么数值,函数图象(即抛物线)的顶点都在同一条直线L 1上画出m=-1、0、1时抛物线的草图,来检验这个结论3)平行于L 1的直线中,哪些与抛物线相交,哪些不相交?求证:任.22:0,2sin2-3sin2 ,1sin 2sin 3,,:22πβαβαβαβα=+==+求证且为锐角已知一条平行于L 1而与抛物线相交的直线,被各抛物线截出的线段都相等解:用配方法得:2214545.24450,450,421452.(,),242m 11455x -,,22443:..4,,,,m m m y x y m m m m m m y m x y m m +++⎛⎫=+-∴- ⎪⎝⎭+==-++--++==--=-=---=的极小值为所以当极值为时函数图象抛物线的顶点坐标为即二式相减得此即各抛物线顶点坐标所满足的方程它的图象是一条直线方程中不含因此不论是什么值抛物线的顶点都在这条222.1,0,1,,115193(),(),().424242m x y y x y x y x =-+=-+=++=+直线上当时之间函数关系为图略 3.设L :x-y=a 为任一条平行于L 1的直线与抛物线y=x 2+(2m+1)x+m 2-1方程联立求解,消去y ,得x 2+2mx+m 2-1+a =0∴(x+m)2=1-因而当1-a ≥0即a ≤1时,直线L 与抛物线相交,而a >1时,直线L 与抛物线不相交而这与m 无关因此直线L 被各抛物线截出的线段都相等一九七八年副题)1(222)]1()1[(45,1.1,1.1,1a a m a m L L a m a m L a m x a -=-----+-∴︒-+-----±-=≤于被抛物线截出的线段等直线它的倾斜角为的斜率为因直线为与抛物线两交点横坐标即直线时当1.(1)分解因式:x 2-2xy+y 2+2x-2y-3 解:原式=(x-y-1)(x-y+3)(2)求的值65cos 4030sin 2ππ-+︒-︒ctgtg 解:原式=3/4(4)已知直圆锥体的底面半径等于1cm ,母线的长等于2cm ,求它的体积解:)(3312131322cm V ππ=-⋅⋅= .)35()9125(30)5001()52(10)5( 2121211的值计算+-+--解:原式=302.已知两数x 1 ,x 2满足下列条件:1)它们的和是等差数列1,3,…的第20项; 2)它们的积是等比数列2,-6,…的前4项和求根为211,1x x 的方程 略解:x 1 +x 2=39,x 1x 2=-401/x 1+1/x 2=-39/401/x 1·1/x 2=-1/40所求方程为:40x 2+39x-1=0.3.已知:△ABC 的外接圆的切线AD 交BC 的延长线于D 点,求证:为所求之定义域且且解的定义域求函数12.01,0525:.1)525lg()3( -≠<∴≠+>-+-=x x x x y x xCDBDAC AB ACD ABC ==∆∆22的面积的面积证:因为AD 是△ABC 的外接圆的切线,所以 ∠B=∠1∴△ABD ∽△CAD22AC AB ACD ABC =∆∆∴的面积的面积 作AE ⊥BD 于点E ,则.2121CDBDAE CD AEBD ACD ABC =⋅⋅=∆∆的面积的面积4.(如图)CD 是BC 的延长线,AB=BC=CA=CD=a ,DM 与AB ,AC 分别交于M 点和N 点,且∠BDM=α求证:ααααtg atg CN tg atg BM -=+=34,34证:作ME ⊥DC 于E ,由△ABC 是等边三角形,在直角△MBE 中,1,,22,122BE BM ME BM ME tg BM ED a BM α==∴==∴=-类似地,过N 作NF ⊥BC 于F ,在直角△NFC 中,可证:ααtg atg CN -=345.设有f(x)=4x 4-4px 3+4qx 2+2p(m+1)x+(m+1)2.(p ≠0)求证:AB E F D1)如果f(x)的系数满足p 2-4q-4(m+1)=0,那么f(x)恰好是一个二次三项式的平方2)如果f(x)与F(x)=(2x 2+a x+b)2表示同一个多项式,那么 p 2-4q-4(m+1)=0222432222222222222222224:1)1,444()4442()4444 (2x )(4)(2)()4444 (2x )2(2x )()444 (2x ).4()p qm p q p q f x x px qx p x p q p q px p q x px p q p q px px p q px f x -+=--∴=-++⋅+--=---+⋅+--=---⋅+-=--∴证等于一个二次三项4322224322222222)4442(1)(1)(2) 44(4)2,44(1)44(2)2(1)2(3)(1)(4)4(1)(2)4,(3x px qx p m m x ax b x ax a b x abx b p a q a b p m abm bq p a p b a b -+++++=++=-++++-=⎧⎪=+⎪∴⎨+=⎪⎪+=⎩-=-=式的平方由可得代入得将的表达式代入2224),2(1)2,4[44(1)]0.0,44(1)0.q p p m p p p q m p p q m -+=-⋅∴--+=≠∴--+=得6.已知:a sinx+bcosx =0.………………………………①Asin2x+Bcos2x=C.………………………………②其中a ,b 不同时为0求证:2a bA+(b 2-a 2)B+(a 2+b 2)C=02222cos ,sin :ba a y ba b y +=+-=设证则①可写成cosysinx-sinycosx=0, ∴sin(x-y)=0∴x-y=k π(k 为整数), ∴x=y+k π又sin2x=sin2(y+k π)=sin2y=2sinycosy= 222b a ab+-cos2x=cos2y=cos 2y-sin 2y=2222ba b a +-代入②,得22222222222(),2()()0.abA a b B C a b a babA b a B a b C --+=++∴+-++= 7.已知L 为过点P 23,233(--而倾斜角为300的直线,圆C 为中心在坐标原点而半径等于1的圆,Q 表示顶点在原点而焦点在)0,82(的抛物线设A 为L 和C 在第三象限的交点,B 为C 和Q 在第四象限的交点1)写出直线L 、圆C 和抛物线Q 的方程,并作草图2)写出线段PA 、圆弧AB 和抛物线上OB 一段的函数表达式3)设P '、B '依次为从P 、B 到x 轴的垂足求由圆弧AB 和直线段BB '、B 'P '、P 'P 、PA 所包含的面积解:1)直线L 、圆C 和抛物线Q的方程为222::1:x 2L y x C x y Q y =+==草图如图Y X2)由22121:(),(y A x x y PA f x x x ⎧=⎪=-⎨⎪+=⎩=≤≤解得点横坐标线段的函数表达式为2222321:()2:().(023)7.241.471().244y x B x x y AB f x x OB f x x POP OAB BOB ππ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪+=⎩=≤≤=≤≤'∆=='∆==+解得点横坐标圆弧的函数表达式为抛物线上一段的函数表达式为的面积扇形的面积的面积故所求面积图中阴影部分YL。

For college students, graduation signals an exciting new beginning. 16 Many students wonder: What do I do now? What career is best for me? Most expert advice on choosing careers boils down to the following points.Knowing YourselfWhat are your interests? Abilities? Skills? 17 The results may surprise you! These can be useful, but they’re not the last word.InvestigatingInvestigating occupations is much more difficult. For most people, there isn’t just one ‘right’ job, but several that could be satisfying. 18 Talk to people who have occupations that interest you. Find out what they like and dislike about their job.19Many people choose their careers because they believe strongly in a particular cause. Some might choose to work in areas like medicine, charity or environmental protection. Some have a strong interest in history or a love for the arts. 20 So in cases like these, the field is often chosen first, rather than the occupation itself. So if you’ve chosen a field, self-assessment will help you find your place in it. Invest some time and effort, and find the right career for you.A. Try a self-assessment quiz.B. Search through books and Web sites.C. Finding your place.D. But it can also bring a lot of uncertainty and confusion.E. Serious research helps narrow the possibilitiesF. Research your chosen field carefully. What work needs to be done? What training is needed?G. Then they might think about education, museums or art production.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

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【高考试题】1978年全国统一高考英语试题一、选择法填空(划出各句中所需要的词或词组):(本题满分为30分,每空1分)例:It is time class.A. toB.inC.for1. There no water in the glass.A. hasB. areC. is2. This pen was given me by my mother. It's .A. myB. mineC. to me3. tractors helpful to the commune members?A. Is thisB. Are theseC.Are theirs4. Which subject do you like ,Physics or chemistry?A. the mostB. the bestC. better5. The Yellow River is the second river in China.A. longB. longerC. longest6. The boat is passing the bridge.A. underB. throughC. across7. He went to Nanking October, 1977.A. inB. onC. at8. Taiwan is the east of Fukien.A. inB. atC. to9. His "Selected Poems" first published in 1965.A. wereB. wasC. has been10. Did you to his talk yesterday?A. hearB. heardC.listen11. Who is of you three?A. olderB. oldestC. the oldest12. My aunt to see us. She'll be here soon.A. comesB. is comingC. had come13. Mathematics the language of science.A. isB. are going to beC. are14. people attended the meeting last night.A. A hundred ofB. HundredC. Hundreds of15. What do you usually do ?A. in an eveningB. in the eveningC. on the evening16. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun .A. was shiningB. shoneC. has shone17. He is very old, he still works very hard.A. butB. ifC. when18. He has already worked for hour.A. theB. anC. a19. My brother is very good ping-pong.A. inB. forC. at20. The poor peasants all had a life before liberation.A. sufferedB. cruelC. bitter21. I' ve heard him about you often.A. spokeB. speaksC. speak22. When did you my letter?A. receiveB. acceptC. got23. I need a day or two .A. to think it overB. to think over itC. of thinking24. We must the importance of the four modernizations.A. learn by heartB. keep in mindC. know by heart25. We a spare-time study group last week.A. set upB. put upC. have established26. My father me to become a doctor.A. thinksB. saysC. hopes27. He is thin.A. fairlyB. ratherC. little28. We waited for the bus.A. for long timeB. a long timeC. some long time29. In this factory, it' s hard to tell cadres workers.A. fromB. toC. about30. I Hsiao Li since she was a little girl.A. knewB. knowC. have known二、句型转换:(本题满分为10分,每小题2分)A. 就划线部分提问:1. This is my dictionary.2. She often carries water for Granny Wang.B. 改成否定句:3. I think he' ll go there tomorrow.C. 改成被动语态:4. We chose Chang Hua League secretary.5. Our teacher always takes good care of us.三、汉译英:(本题满分为20分,其中1-5句每句3分,第6句5分)1. 他已到了参军年龄。
2. 冬天北方比南方冷。
3. 张同志进来时,我正在看报。
4. 文化大革命以来,我们公社里建造了一个水库和一所发电站。
5. 以华主席为首的党中央,正在领导我们进行新的长征。
6. 科学家们受到了全国人民的赞扬,因为他们对科学的发展作出了重要的贡献。
四、在下面短文的每一空格中填入一个在意义上和语法上都正确的词:(本题满分为10分,每空1分)Premier Chou came to my grandmother the first time heTachai. I shouted into Granny' s , "Granny, the Premier' s here.He' s come all the from Peking to see you!""How we are to meet you, Premier Chou!" said Granny. "How did you get here and how are you going to stay?"The Premier said, "I came by , so the journey took me only a few hours.I think I can stay in Tachai very long, because I've got a of work to do in Peking. I be back today."五、阅读下面短文,短文后面每题有A、B、C、D、四个答案供选择, 其中只有一个是正确的。
在你认为是正确的那一个答案下面划一横线:(本题满分为20分,每小题5分)The Gold in the Orchard*There was once a farmer who had a fine orchard. He worked very hard all his life and the orchard always did well. But he knew that his three sons looked down upon farmwork, and were only interested in getting rich quickly.When the farmer was old and knew he was going to die, he called his three sons to him and said, "My sons, there' s a lot of gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you want to have it. "The sons tried to get him to tell them the exact place where the gold was hidden, but he said nothing more.After the farmer was dead, the sons went to look for the gold. Since they didn' t know where the hiding-place was, they decided to begin digging all over the orchard. They dug and dug, but no gold was found. Finally they had to give up the attempt.The next summer, the fruit crop was the biggest they had ever had. This was because of the thorough digging the orchard had got.When the three sons saw the great amount of money they got after they sold the fruit, they suddenly understood what their wise father had meant when he said. "There's gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it."*orchard果园1. When the old farmer was living,A. the orchard gave rich crops each year.B. the orchard gave rich crops only when the weather conditions were good.C. the orchard had an average crop.D. the fruit crop was usually poor.2. Say which of the following statements is true:A. The farmer' s sons were lazy and had never worked on the farm.B. The farmer' s sons did a lot of buying and selling in town so as to get rich quickly.C. The farmer' s sons loved farm work, because their father, who was hardworking all his life, had told them to work hard.D. The farmer' s sons considered farm work worthless.3. When the sons asked their father to tell them the exact place where the gold was hidden , he told them nothing, becauseA. he was dying.B. he thought they undertood what he meant.C. he wanted them to dig the orchard all over.D. the gold could easily be found.4. No gold was found becauseA. the farmer' s sons hadn' t dug the orchard deep enough.B. the gold had been stolen.C. the farmer' s sons didn' t know in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden.D. there was no gold hidden ih the orchard.六、英译汉:(本题满分为10分)A few stars are known which are hardly bigger than the earth , but the majority1 are so large that hundreds of thousands of earths could be packed2inside each and leave room to spare;here and there we come upon a giant star large enough to contain millions of millions of earths. And the total number of stars in the universe3is probably something like the total number of grains of sand on all the seashores of the world. Such is the littleness of our home in space when measured up against the total substance of the universe.1. the majority 大多数2. pack 装入3. universe 宇宙1978年答案一、选择法填空1. C. is2. B. mine3. B. Are these4. C. better5. C. longest6. A. under7. A. in8. C. to9. B. was 10. C. listen 11. C. the oldest12.B.is coming 13. A. is 14. C. Hundreds of15. B. in the evening 16. A. was shining17. A. but 18. B. an 19. C. at20. C. bitter 21. C. speak 22. A. receive23. A. to think it over 24. B. keep in mind25. A. set up 26. C. hopes27. B. rather 28. B. a long time29. A. from 30. C. have known二、句型转换1. Whose dictionary is this?2. Who does she often carry water for?(Whom does she often carry water for?)(For whom does she often carry water?)3. I don' t think he' ll go there tomorrow.4. Chang Hua was chosen League secretary.5. We are always taken good care of by our teacher.三、汉译英1. He is old enough to join the army.2. In winter it is colder in the north than in the south.。