中英文资料对照外文翻译外文资料Moving Object Counting with an Infrared Sensor NetworkBy KI, Chi KeungAbstractWireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a hot research topic recently. Great benefit can be gained through the deployment of the WSN over a wide range of applications, covering the domains of commercial, military as well as residential. In this project, we design a counting system which tracks people who pass through a detecting zone as well as the corresponding moving directions. Such a system can be deployed in traffic control, resource management, and human flow control. Our design is based on our self-made cost-effective Infrared Sensing Module board which co-operates with a WSN. The design of our system includes Infrared Sensing Module design, sensor clustering, node communication, system architecture and deployment. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the system performance which demonstrates the efficiency of our Moving Object Counting system.Keywords:Infrared radiation,Wireless Sensor Node1.1 Introduction to InfraredInfrared radiation is a part of the electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength lying between visible light and radio waves. Infrared have be widely used nowadays including data communications, night vision, object tracking and so on. People commonly use infrared in data communication, since it is easily generated and only suffers little from electromagnetic interference. Take the TV remote control as an example, which can be found in everyone's home. The infrared remote control systems use infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to send out an IR (infrared) signal when the button is pushed. A different pattern of pulses indicates the corresponding button being pushed. To allow the control of multiple appliances such as a TV, VCR, and cable box, without interference, systems generally have a preamble and an address to synchronize the receiver and identify the source and location of the infrared signal. To encode the data, systems generally vary the width of the pulses (pulse-width modulation) or the width of the spaces between the pulses (pulse space modulation). Another popular system, bi-phase encoding, uses signal transitions to convey information. Each pulse is actually a burst of IR at the carrier frequency. A 'high' means a burst of IR energy at the carrier frequency and a 'low' represents an absence of IR energy. There is no encoding standard. However, while a great many home entertainment devices use their own proprietary encoding schemes, somequasi-standards do exist. These include RC-5, RC-6, and REC-80. In addition, many manufacturers, such as NEC, have also established their own standards.Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a hot research topic recently. Great benefit can be gained through the deployment of the WSN over a wide range of applications, covering the domains of commercial, military as well as residential. In this project, we design a counting system which tracks people who pass through a detecting zone as well as the corresponding moving directions. Such a system can be deployed in traffic control, resource management, and human flow control. Our design is based on our self-made cost-effective Infrared Sensing Module board which co-operates with a WSN. The design of our system includes Infrared Sensing Module design, sensor clustering, node communication, system architecture and deployment. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the system performance which demonstrates the efficiency of our Moving Object Counting system.1.2 Wireless sensor networkWireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network which consists of a vast number of autonomous sensor nodes using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, acoustics, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. Each node in a sensor network is typically equipped with a wireless communications device, a small microcontroller, one or more sensors, and an energy source, usually a battery. The size of a single sensor node can be as large as a shoebox and can be as small as the size of a grain of dust, depending on different applications. The cost of sensor nodes is similarly variable, ranging from hundreds of dollars to a few cents, depending on the size of the sensor network and the complexity requirement of the individual sensor nodes. The size and cost are constrained by sensor nodes, therefore, have result in corresponding limitations on available inputs such as energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth. The development of wireless sensor networks (WSN) was originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. Due to the advancement in micro-electronic mechanical system technology (MEMS), embedded microprocessors, and wireless networking, the WSN can be benefited in many civilian application areas, including habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, and home automation.1.3 Types of Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless sensor network nodes are typically less complex than general-purpose operating systems both because of the special requirements of sensor network applications and the resource constraints in sensor network hardware platforms. The operating system does not need to include support for user interfaces. Furthermore, the resource constraints in terms of memory and memory mapping hardware support make mechanisms such as virtual memory either unnecessary or impossible to implement. TinyOS [TinyOS] is possibly the first operating system specifically designed for wireless sensor networks. Unlike most other operating systems, TinyOS is based on an event-driven programming model instead of multithreading. TinyOS programs are composed into event handlers and tasks with run to completion-semantics. When an external event occurs, such as an incomingdata packet or a sensor reading, TinyOS calls the appropriate event handler to handle the event. The TinyOS system and programs are both written in a special programming language called nesC [nesC] which is an extension to the C programming language. NesC is designed to detect race conditions between tasks and event handlers. There are also operating systems that allow programming in C. Examples of such operating systems include Contiki [Contiki], and MANTIS. Contiki is designed to support loading modules over the network and supports run-time loading of standard ELF files. The Contiki kernel is event-driven, like TinyOS, but the system supports multithreading on a per-application basis. Unlike the event-driven Contiki kernel, the MANTIS kernel is based on preemptive multithreading. With preemptive multithreading, applications do not need to explicitly yield the microprocessor to other processes.1.4 Introduction to Wireless Sensor NodeA sensor node, also known as a mote, is a node in a wireless sensor network that is capable of performing processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with other connected nodes in the network. Sensor node should be in small size, consuming extremely low energy, autonomous and operate unattended, and adaptive to the environment. As wireless sensor nodes are micro-electronic sensor device, they can only be equipped with a limited power source. The main components of a sensor node include sensors, microcontroller, transceiver, and power source. Sensors are hardware devices that can produce measurable response to a change in a physical condition such as light density and sound density. The continuous analog signal collected by the sensors is digitized by Analog-to-Digital converter. The digitized signal is then passed to controllers for further processing. Most of the theoretical work on WSNs considers Passive and Omni directional sensors. Passive and Omni directional sensors sense the data without actually manipulating the environmen t with active probing, while no notion of “direction” involved in these measurements. Commonly people deploy sensor for detecting heat (e.g. thermal sensor), light (e.g. infrared sensor), ultra sound (e.g. ultrasonic sensor), or electromagnetism (e.g. magnetic sensor). In practice, a sensor node can equip with more than one sensor. Microcontroller performs tasks, processes data and controls the operations of other components in the sensor node. The sensor node is responsible for the signal processing upon the detection of the physical events as needed or on demand. It handles the interruption from the transceiver. In addition, it deals with the internal behavior, such as application-specific computation.The function of both transmitter and receiver are combined into a single device know as transceivers that are used in sensor nodes. Transceivers allow a sensor node to exchange information between the neighboring sensors and the sink node (a central receiver). The operational states of a transceiver are Transmit, Receive, Idle and Sleep. Power is stored either in the batteries or the capacitors. Batteries are the main source of power supply for the sensor nodes. Two types of batteries used are chargeable and non-rechargeable. They are also classified according to electrochemical material used for electrode such as NiCd(nickel-cadmium), NiZn(nickel-zinc), Nimh(nickel metal hydride), and Lithium-Ion. Current sensors are developed which are able to renewtheir energy from solar to vibration energy. Two major power saving policies used are Dynamic Power Management (DPM) and Dynamic V oltage Scaling (DVS). DPM takes care of shutting down parts of sensor node which are not currently used or active. DVS scheme varies the power levels depending on the non-deterministic workload. By varying the voltage along with the frequency, it is possible to obtain quadratic reduction in power consumption.1.5 ChallengesThe major challenges in the design and implementation of the wireless sensor network are mainly the energy limitation, hardware limitation and the area of coverage. Energy is the scarcest resource of WSN nodes, and it determines the lifetime of WSNs. WSNs are meant to be deployed in large numbers in various environments, including remote and hostile regions, with ad-hoc communications as key. For this reason, algorithms and protocols need to be lifetime maximization, robustness and fault tolerance and self-configuration. The challenge in hardware is to produce low cost and tiny sensor nodes. With respect to these objectives, current sensor nodes usually have limited computational capability and memory space. Consequently, the application software and algorithms in WSN should be well-optimized and condensed. In order to maximize the coverage area with a high stability and robustness of each signal node, multi-hop communication with low power consumption is preferred. Furthermore, to deal with the large network size, the designed protocol for a large scale WSN must be distributed.1.6 Research IssuesResearchers are interested in various areas of wireless sensor network, which include the design, implementation, and operation. These include hardware, software and middleware, which means primitives between the software and the hardware. As the WSNs are generally deployed in the resources-constrained environments with battery operated node, the researchers are mainly focus on the issues of energy optimization, coverage areas improvement, errors reduction, sensor network application, data security, sensor node mobility, and data packet routing algorithm among the sensors. In literature, a large group of researchers devoted a great amount of effort in the WSN. They focused in various areas, including physical property, sensor training, security through intelligent node cooperation, medium access, sensor coverage with random and deterministic placement, object locating and tracking, sensor location determination, addressing, energy efficient broadcasting and active scheduling, energy conserved routing, connectivity, data dissemination and gathering, sensor centric quality of routing, topology control and maintenance, etc.中文译文移动目标点数与红外传感器网络作者KI, Chi Keung摘要无线传感器网络(WSN)已成为最近的一个研究热点。
Temperature Control Using a Microcontroller:An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Engineering Design ProjectJames S. McDonaldDepartment of Engineering ScienceTrinity UniversitySan Antonio, TX 78212AbstractThis paper describes an interdisciplinary desig n project which was done under the author’s supervision by a group of four senior students in the Department of Engineering Science at Trinity University. The objective of the project was to develop a temperature control system for an air-filled chamber. The system was to allow entry of a desired chamber temperature in a prescribed range and to exhibit overshoot and steady-state temperature error of less than 1 degree Kelvin in the actual chamber temperature step response. The details of the design developed by this group of students, based on a Motorola MC68HC05 family microcontroller, are described. The pedagogical value of the problem is also discussed through a description of some of the key steps in the design process. It is shown that the solution requires broad knowledge drawn from several engineering disciplines including electrical, mechanical, and control systems engineering.1 IntroductionThe design project which is the subject of this paper originated from a real-world application.A prototype of a microscope slide dryer had been developed around an OmegaTM modelCN-390 temperature controller, and the objective was to develop a custom temperature control system to replace the Omega system. The motivation was that a custom controller targeted specifically for the application should be able to achieve the same functionality at a much lower cost, as the Omega system is unnecessarily versatile and equipped to handle a wide variety of applications.The mechanical layout of the slide dryer prototype is shown in Figure 1. The main element of the dryer is a large, insulated, air-filled chamber in which microscope slides, each with a tissue sample encased in paraffin, can be set on caddies. In order that the paraffin maintain the proper consistency, the temperature in the slide chamber must be maintained at a desired (constant) temperature. A second chamber (the electronics enclosure) houses a resistive heater and the temperature controller, and a fan mounted on the end of the dryer blows air across the heater, carrying heat into the slide chamber. This design project was carried out during academic year 1996–97 by four students under the author’s supervision as a Senior Design project in the Department of Engineering Science at Trinity University. The purpose of this paper isto describe the problem and the students’ solution in some detail, and to discuss some of the pedagogical opportunities offered by an interdisciplinary design project of this type. The students’ own report was presented at the 1997 Nat ional Conference on Undergraduate Research [1]. Section 2 gives a more detailed statement of the problem, including performance specifications, and Section 3 describes the students’ design. Section 4 makes up the bulk of the paper, and discusses in some detail several aspects of the design process which offer unique pedagogical opportunities. Finally, Section 5 offers some conclusions.2 Problem StatementThe basic idea of the project is to replace the relevant parts of the functionality of an Omega CN-390 temperature controller using a custom-designed system. The application dictates that temperature settings are usually kept constant for long periods of time, but it’s nonetheless important that step changes be tracked in a ―reasonable‖ manner. Thus the mai n requirements boil down to·allowing a chamber temperature set-point to be entered,·displaying both set-point and actual temperatures, and·tracking step changes in set-point temperature with acceptable rise time, steady-state error, and overshoot.Although not explicitly a part of the specifications in Table 1, it was clear that the customer desired digital displays of set-point and actual temperatures, and that set-point temperature entry should be digital as well (as opposed to, say, through a potentiometer setting).3 System DesignThe requirements for digital temperature displays and setpoint entry alone are enough to dictate that a microcontrollerbased design is likely the most appropriate. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the students’ design.The microcontroller, a MotorolaMC68HC705B16 (6805 for short), is the heart of the system. It accepts inputs from a simple four-key keypad which allow specification of the set-point temperature, and it displays both set-point and measured chamber temperatures using two-digit seven-segment LED displays controlled by a display driver. All these inputs and outputs are accommodated by parallel ports on the 6805. Chamber temperature is sensed using apre-calibrated thermistor and input via one of the 6805’s an alog-to-digital inputs. Finally, a pulse-width modulation (PWM) output on the 6805 is used to drive a relay which switches line power to the resistive heater off and on.Figure 3 shows a more detailed schematic of the electronics and their interfacing to the 6805. The keypad, a Storm 3K041103, has four keys which are interfaced to pins PA0{ PA3 of Port A, configured as inputs. One key functions as a mode switch. Two modes are supported: set mode and run mode. In set mode two of the other keys are used to specify the set-point temperature: one increments it and one decrements. The fourth key is unused at present. The LED displays are driven by a Harris Semiconductor ICM7212 display driver interfaced to pins PB0{PB6 of Port B, configured as outputs. The temperature-sensing thermistor drives, through a voltage divider, pin AN0 (one of eight analog inputs). Finally, pin PLMA (one of two PWM outputs) drives the heater relay.Software on the 6805 implements the temperature control algorithm, maintains the temperature displays, and alters the set-point in response to keypad inputs. Because it is not complete at this writing, software will not be discussed in detail in this paper. The control algorithm in particular has not been determined, but it is likely to be a simple proportional controller and certainly not more complex than a PID. Some control design issues will be discussed in Section 4, however.4 The Design ProcessAlthough essentially the project is just to build a thermostat, it presents many nice pedagogical opportunities. The knowledge and experience base of a senior engineering undergraduate are just enough to bring him or her to the brink of a solution to various aspects of the problem. Yet, in each case, realworld considerations complicate the situation significantly.Fortunately these complications are not insurmountable, and the result is a very beneficial design experience. The remainder of this section looks at a few aspects of the problem which present the type of learning opportunity just described. Section 4.1 discusses some of the featuresof a simplified mathematical model of the thermal properties of the system and how it can beeasily validated experimentally. Section 4.2 describes how realistic control algorithm designs can be arrived at using introductory concepts in control design. Section 4.3 points out some important deficiencies of such a simplified modeling/control design process and how they can be overcome through simulation. Finally, Section 4.4 gives an overview of some of the microcontroller-related design issues which arise and learning opportunities offered.4.1 MathematicalModelLumped-element thermal systems are described in almost any introductory linear control systems text, and just this sort of model is applicable to the slide dryer problem. Figure 4 shows a second-order lumped-element thermal model of the slide dryer. The state variables are the temperatures Ta of the air in the box and Tb of the box itself. The inputs to the system are the power output q(t) of the heater and the ambient temperature T¥. ma and mb are the masses of the air and the box, respectively, and Ca and Cb their specific heats. μ1 and μ2 are heat transfer coefficients from the air to the box and from the box to the external world, respectively.It’s not hard to show that the (linearized) state equationscorresponding to Figure 4 areTaking Laplace transforms of (1) and (2) and solving for Ta(s), which is the output of interest, gives the following open-loop model of the thermal system:where K is a constant and D(s) is a second-order polynomial.K, tz, and the coefficients ofD(s) are functions of the variousparameters appearing in (1) and (2).Of course the various parameters in (1) and (2) are completely unknown, but it’s not hard to show that, regardless of their values, D(s) has two real zeros. Therefore the main transfer function of interest (which isthe one from Q(s), si nce we’ll assume constant ambient temperature) can be writtenMoreover, it’s not too hard to show that 1=tp1 <1=tz <1=tp2, i.e., that the zero lies between the two poles. Both of these are excellent exercises for the student, and the result is the openloop pole-zero diagram of Figure 5.Obtaining a complete thermal model, then, is reduced to identifying the constant K and the three unknown time constants in (3). Four unknown parameters is quite a few, but simple experiments show that 1=tp1 _ 1=tz;1=tp2 so that tz;tp2 _ 0 are good approximations. Thus the open-loop system is essentially first-order and can therefore be written(where the subscript p1 has been dropped).Simple open-loop step response experiments show that,for a wide range of initial temperatures and heat inputs, K _0:14 _=W and t _ 295 s.14.2 Control System DesignUsing the first-order model of (4) for the open-loop transfer function Gaq(s) and assuming for the moment that linear control of the heater power output q(t) is possible, the block diagram of Figure 6 represents the closed-loop system. Td(s) is the desired, or set-point, temperature,C(s) is the compensator transfer function, and Q(s) is the heater output in watts.Given this simple situation, introductory linear control design tools such as the root locus method can be used to arrive at a C(s) which meets the step response requirements on rise time, steady-state error, and overshoot specified in Table 1. The upshot, of course, is that a proportional controller with sufficient gain can meet all specifications. Overshoot is impossible, and increasing gains decreases both steady-state error and rise time.Unfortunately, sufficient gain to meet the specifications may require larger heat outputs than the heater is capable of producing. This was indeed the case for this system, and the result is that the rise time specification cannot be met. It is quite revealing to the student how useful such an oversimplified model, carefully arrived at, can be in determining overall performance limitations.4.3 Simulation ModelGross performance and its limitations can be determined using the simplified model of Figure 6, but there are a number of other aspects of the closed-loop system whose effects on performance are not so simply modeled. Chief among these are·quantization error in analog-to-digital conversion of the measured temperature and· the use of PWM to control the heater.Both of these are nonlinear and time-varying effects, and the only practical way to study them is through simulation (or experiment, of course).Figure 7 shows a SimulinkTM block diagram of the closed-loop system which incorporates these effects. A/D converter quantization and saturation are modeled using standard Simulink quantizer and saturation blocks. Modeling PWM is more complicated and requires a customS-function to represent it.This simulation model has proven particularly useful in gauging the effects of varying thebasic PWM parameters and hence selecting them appropriately. (I.e., the longer the period, the larger the temperature error PWM introduces. On the other hand, a long period is desirable to avoid excessive relay ―chatter,‖ among other things.) PWM is often difficult for students to grasp, and the simulation model allows an exploration of its operation and effects which is quite revealing.4.4 The MicrocontrollerSimple closed-loop control, keypad reading, and display control are some of the classic applications of microcontrollers, and this project incorporates all three. It is therefore an excellent all-around exercise in microcontroller applications. In addition, because the project isto produce an actual packaged prototype, it won’t do to use a simple evaluation board with theI/O pins jumpered to the target system. Instead, it’s necessary to d evelop a complete embedded application. This entails the choice of an appropriate part from the broad range offered in a typical microcontroller family and learning to use a fairly sophisticated development environment. Finally, a custom printed-circuit board for the microcontroller and peripherals must be designed and fabricated.Microcontroller Selection. In view of existing local expertise, the Motorola line of microcontrollers was chosen for this project. Still, this does not narrow the choice down much. A fairly disciplined study of system requirements is necessary to specify which microcontroller, out of scores of variants, is required for the job. This is difficult for students, as they generally lack the experience and intuition needed as well as the perseverance to wade through manufacturers’ selection guides.Part of the problem is in choosing methods for interfacing the various peripherals (e.g., what kind of display driver should be used?). A study of relevant Motorola application notes [2, 3, 4] proved very helpful in understandingwhat basic approaches are available, and what microcontroller/peripheral combinations should be considered.The MC68HC705B16 was finally chosen on the basis of its availableA/D inputs and PWMoutputs as well as 24 digital I/O lines. In retrospect this is probably overkill, as only oneA/D channel, one PWM channel, and 11 I/O pins are actually required (see Figure 3). The decision was made to err on the safe side because a complete development system specific to the chosen part was necessary, and the project budget did not permit a second such system to be purchased should the firstprove inadequate.Microcontroller Application Development. Breadboarding of the peripheral hardware, development of microcontroller software, and final debugging and testing of a customprinted-circuit board for the microcontroller and peripherals all require a development environment of some kind. The choice of a development environment, like that of themicrocontroller itself, can be bewildering and requires some faculty expertise. Motorola makes three grades of development environment ranging from simple evaluation boards (at around $100) to full-blown real-time in-circuit emulators (at more like $7500). The middle option was chosen for this project: the MMEVS, which consists of _ a platform board (which supports all 6805-family parts), _ an emulator module (specific to B-series parts), and _ a cable and target head adapter (package-specific). Overall, the system costs about $900 and provides, with some limitations, in-circuit emulation capability. It also comes with the simple but sufficient software development environment RAPID [5].Students find learning to use this type of system challenging, but the experience they gain in real-world microcontroller application development greatly exceeds the typical first-course experience using simple evaluation boards.Printed-Circuit Board. The layout of a simple (though definitely not trivial) printed-circuit board is another practical learning opportunity presented by this project. The final board layout, with package outlines, is shown (at 50% of actual size) in Figure 8. The relative simplicity of the circuit makes manual placement and routing practical—in fact, it likely gives better results than automatic in an application like this—and the student is therefore exposed to fundamental issues of printed-circuit layout and basic design rules. The layout software used was the very nice package pcb,2 and the board was fabricated in-house with the aid of our staff electronics technician.5 ConclusionThe aim of this paper has been to describe an interdisciplinary, undergraduate engineering design project: a microcontroller- based temperature control system with digital set-point entry and set-point/actual temperature display. A particular design of such a system has been described, and a number of design issues which arise—from a variety of engineering disciplines—have been discussed. Resolution of these issues generally requires knowledge beyond that acquired in introductory courses, but realistically accessible to advance undergraduate students, especiallywith the advice and supervision of faculty.Desirable features of the problem, from a pedagogical viewpoint, include the use of a microcontroller with simple peripherals, the opportunity to usefully apply introductorylevel modeling of physical systems and design of closed-loop controls, and the need for relatively simple experimentation (for model validation) and simulation (for detailed performance prediction). Also desirable are some of the technologyrelated aspects of the problem including practical use of resistive heaters and temperature sensors (requiring knowledge of PWM and calibration techniques, respectively), microcontroller selection and use of development systems, and printedcircuit design.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and ability shown by the students involved in this project: Mark Langsdorf, Matt Rall, PamRinehart, and David Schuchmann. It is their project, and credit for its success belongs to them.References[1] M. Langsdorf, M. Rall, D. Schuchmann, and P. Rinehart,―Temperature control of a microscope slide dryer,‖ in1997 National Conference on Undergraduate Research,(Austin, TX), April 1997. Poster presentation.[2] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, Temperature Measurementand Display Using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489,1990. Motorola SemiconductorApplicationNote AN431.[3] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, HC05 MCU LED DriveTechniques Using the MC68HC705J1A, 1995. MotorolaSemiconductor Application Note AN1238.[4] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, HC05MCU Keypad DecodingTechniques Using the MC68HC705J1A, 1995. MotorolaSemiconductor Application Note AN1239.[5] Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, RAPID Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment User’s Manual, 1993. (RAPID wasdeveloped by P & E Microcomputer Systems, Inc.).11。
Single chip brief introductionThe monolithic integrated circuit said that the monolithic micro controller, it is not completes some logical function the chip, but integrates a computer system to a chip on. Summary speaking: A chip has become a computer. Its volume is small, the quality is light, and the price cheap, for the study, the application and the development has provided the convenient condition. At the same time, the study use monolithic integrated circuit is understandsthe computer principle and the structure best choice.The monolithic integrated circuit interior also uses with the computer function similar module, for instance CPU, memory, parallel main line, but also has with the hard disk behave identically the memory component7 what is different is its these part performance is opposite our home-use computer weak many, but the price is also low, generally does not surpass 10 Yuan then Made some control electric appliance one kind with it is not the 'very complex work foot, We use now the completely automatic drum washer, the platoon petti-coat pipe: VCD and so on Inside the electrical appliances may see its form! It is mainly takes the control section the core part.It is one kind of online -like real-time control computer, online -like is the scene control, needs to have the strong antijamming ability, the low cost, this is also and the off-line type computer (forinstance home use PC,) main differenceThe monolithic integrated circuit is depending on the procedure, and may revise. Realizes the different function through the different procedure, particularly special unique some functions, this is other component needs to take the very big effort to be able to achieve, some are the flowered big strength is also very difficult to achieve. One is not the very complex function, if develops in the 50s with the US 74 series, or the 60s's CD4000 series these pure hardware do decides, the electric circuit certainly arc a big PCB board ! But if, if succeededin the 70s with the US puts in the market the series monolithic integrated circuit, the result will have the huge difference. Because only the monolithic integrated circuit compiles through you the procedure may realize the high intelligence, high efficiency, as well as redundant reliabilityThe CPU is the key component of a digital computer. Its purpose is to decode instruction received from memory and perform transfers, arithmetic, logic, and control operations with data stored in internal registers, memory, or I/O interface units. Externally, the CPU provides one or more buses for transferring instructions, data, and control information to and from components connected to it. A microcontroller is present in the keyboard and in the monitor in the generic computer; thus these components are also shaded. In such microcontrollers, the CPU may be quite different from those discussed in this chapter. The word lengths may be short, the number of registers small, and the instruction sets limited. Performance, relatively speaking, is poor, but adequate for the task. Most important, the cost of these microcontrollers is very low, making their use cost effective.Because the monolithic integrated circuit to the cost is sensitive, therefore present occupies the dominant status the software is the most preliminary assembly language7 it was except the binary machine code above the most preliminary language, since why were such preliminary must use?Why high-level did the language already achieve the visualization programming level not to use? The reason is very simple, is the monolithic integrated circuit docs not have home computer such CPU, and also has not looked like the hard disk such mass memory equipment. Inside even if a visualization higher order language compilation script only then a button, also will achieve several dozens K the sizes! Does not speak anything regarding the home use PC hard disk, but says regarding the monolithic integrated circuit cannot accept. The monolithic integrated circuit in the hardware source aspect's use factor must very Gao Caixing, therefore assembly, although primitive actually massively is using, Same truth, if attains supercomputer'son operating system and the application software home use PC to come up the movement, home use PC could also not withstand.It can be said that the 20th century surmounted three "the electricity" the time, namely the electrical time, the Electronic Age and already entered computer time. However, this kind of computer, usually refers to the personal computer, is called PC machine. It by the main engine, the keyboard, the monitor and so on is composed. Also has a kind of computer, most people actually not how familiar. This kind of computeris entrusts with the intelligence each kind of mechanical monolithic integrated circuit (also to call micro controller). , This kind of computer's smallest system only has used as the name suggests a piece of integrated circuit, then carries on the simple operation and the control. Because its volume is small, usually hides in is accused the machinery "the belly". It in the entire installment, plays is having like the human brains role, it went wrong, the entire installment paralyzed. Now, this kind of monolithic integrated circuit's use domain already very widespread, like the intelligent measuring appliance, the solid work paid by time control, the communication equipment, the guidance system, the domestic electric appliances and so on, Once each product used the monolithic integrated circuit, could get up causes theeffect which the product turned to a new generation, often before product range crown by adjective ‘ intelligence ' , like intelligence washer and so on. Nowsome factory's technical personnel or other extra-curricular electronic exploiter do certain products, are not the electric circuit are too complex, is the function is too simple, and is imitated extremely easily. Investigates its reason, possibly on card, in the product has not used on the monolithic integrated circuit or other programmable logical component.单片机简介单片机又称单片微控制器,它不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个计算机系统集成到一个芯片上。
它们的主要工作原理是:通过编码键盘可以为PT2262提供输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ 的载波上并调制红外发射二极管,再将其辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收信号并解调出原始的信息内容,由PT2272对原信号进行解码,从而驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作指令和操作要求。
1 绪论1.1 课题研究的背景及意义目前,在世界范围内,红外数据通信技术是被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被许多的硬件和软件平台所支持。
单片机温度控制系统论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献原文题目:Single-chip microcomputer temperature control system DescriptionThe at89s52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM) and 128 bytes RAM. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51™ instruction set and pinout. The chip combines a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel at89s52 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications.Features:• Compatible with MCS-51™ Products• 4K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash Memory• Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles• Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz• Three-Level Program Memory Lock• 128 x 8-Bit Internal RAM• 32 Programmable I/O Lines• Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters• Six Interrupt Sources• Programmable Serial Channel• Low Power Idle and Po wer Down ModesThe at89s52 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the at89s52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM,timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power Down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.Pin Description:VCC Supply voltage.GND Ground.Port 0Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When is are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs.Port 0 may also be configured to be the multiplexed loworder address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode P0 has internal pullups.Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required during program verification.Port 1Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register.Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification.Port 3Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pullups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the at89s52 as listed below:Port pin alternate functionsP3.0 rxd (serial input port)P3.1 txd (serial output port)P3.2 ^int0 (external interrupt0)Port 3 also receivessome control signals forFlash programming andverification. RSTReset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is runningresets the device.ALE/PROGAddress Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address duringaccesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming.In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory.If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSENProgram Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory.When the at89s52 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPPExternal Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset.EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions.This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage(VPP) during Flashprogramming, for parts that require 12-volt VPP.XTAL1Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit. XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.Oscillator CharacteristicsXTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifierwhich can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 1. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 2. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed. P3.3 ^int1 (external interrupt1) P3.4 t0 (timer0 external input) P3.5 t1 (timer1 external input) P3.6 ^WR (external data memory write strobe) P3.7^rd (external data memory read strobe)Idle ModeIn idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the onchip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the special functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset.It should be noted that when idle is terminated by a hard ware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory.Status of External Pins During Idle and Power Down Modesmode Program memory ALE ^psen Port0 Port1Port2Port3idle internal 1 1 data data data DataIdle External 1 1 float Data data Data Power down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Power down External 0 0 float data Data data Power Down ModeIn the power down mode the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the power down mode is terminated. The only exit from power down is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize.Program Memory Lock BitsOn the chip are three lock bits which can be left unprogrammed (U) or can be programmed (P) to obtain the additional features listed in the table below:Lock Bit Protection ModesWhen lock bit 1 is programmed, the logic level at the EA pin is sampled and latchedduring reset. If the device is powered up without a reset, the latch initializes to a random value, and holds that value until reset is activated. It is necessary that the latched value of EA be in agreement with the current logic level at that pin in order for the device to function properly. Programming the Flash:The at89s52 is normally shipped with the on-chip Flash memory array in the erased state (that is, contents = FFH) and ready to be programmed.The programming interface accepts either a high-voltage (12-volt) or a low-voltage (VCC) program enable signal.The low voltage programming mode provides a convenient way to program the at89s52 inside the user’s system, while the high-voltage programming mode is compatible with conventional third party Flash or EPROM programmers.The at89s52 is shipped with either the high-voltage or low-voltage programming mode enabled. The respective top-side marking and device signature codes are listed in the following table.Vpp=12v Vpp=5vTop-side mark at89s52xxxxyywwat89s52xxxx-5yywwsignature (030H)=1EH(031H)=51H(032H)=FFH (030H)=1EH (031H)=51H (032H)=05HThe at89s52 code memory array is programmed byte-bybyte in either programming mode. To program any nonblank byte in the on-chip Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory, the entire memory must be erased using the Chip Erase Mode. Programming Algorithm:Before programming the at89s52, the address, data and control signals should be set up according to the Flash programming mode table and Figures 3 and 4. To program the at89s52, take the following steps.1. Input the desired memory location on the address lines.2. Input the appropriate data byte on the data lines.3. Activate the correct combination of control signals.4. Raise EA/VPP to 12V for the high-voltage programming mode.5. Pulse ALE/PROG once to program a byte in the Flash array or the lock bits. Thebyte-write cycle is self-timed and typically takes no more than 1.5 ms. Repeat steps 1 through 5, changing the address and data for the entire array or until the end of the object file is reached.Data Polling: The at89s52 features Data Polling to indicate the end of a write cycle. During a write cycle, an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of the written datum on PO.7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data are valid on all outputs, and the next cycle may begin. Data Polling may begin any time after a write cycle has been initiated.Ready/Busy: The progress of byte programming can also be monitored by theRDY/BSY output signal. P3.4 is pulled low after ALE goes high during programming to indicate BUSY. P3.4 is pulled high again when programming is done to indicate READY.Program Verify: If lock bits LB1 and LB2 have not been programmed, the programmed code data can be read back via the address and data lines for verification. The lock bits cannot be verified directly. Verification of the lock bits is achieved by observing that their features are enabled.Chip Erase: T he entire Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory array is erased electrically by using the proper combination of control signals and by holdingALE/PROG low for 10 ms. The code array is written with all “1”s. The chip erase operation must be executed before the code memory can be re-programmed.Reading the Signature Bytes: The signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H, 031H, and 032H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 must be pulled to a logic low. The values returned are as follows.(030H) = 1EH indicates manufactured by Atmel(031H) = 51H indicates 89C51(032H) = FFH indicates 12V programming(032H) = 05H indicates 5V programmingProgramming InterfaceEvery code byte in the Flash array can be written and the entire array can be erased by using the appropriate combination of control signals. The write operation cycle is selftimed and once initiated, will automatically time itself to completion.译文题目:单片机温度控制系统描述at89s52是美国ATMEL公司生产的低电压,高性能CMOS8位单片机,片内含4Kbytes 的快速可擦写的只读程序存储器(PEROM)和128 bytes 的随机存取数据存储器(RAM),器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准MCS-51产品指令系统,片内置通用8位中央处理器(CPU)和flish存储单元,功能强大at89s52单片机可为您提供许多高性价比的应用场合,可灵活应用于各种控制领域。
Infrared Remote And Chips Are IntroducedPeople's eyes can see the visible wavele ngth from long to short accord ing to the arrangement, in order to red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet. One of the red wavelengths for 0.62 ~ 0.76 mount, Purple is 0.38 wavelength range ~ mount. Purple is shorter than the wavelength of light called ultraviolet ray, red wavele ngths of light is Ion ger tha n that of in frared light. In frared remote control is to use wavelength for 0.76 ~ 1.5 mount between the near in frared to tran sfer con trol sig nal.Commo nly used in frared remote con trol system of gen eral poi nts tran smit and receive two parts. The main component part for the launch of infrared light emitting diode. It is actually a special light emitting diode, due to its internal material differs from ordinary light emitting diode, resulting in its ends on certain voltage, it is a rather infrared light. Use of infrared light emitti ng diode the in frared wavele ngths, for 940nm appeara nee and ordin ary, just the same light emitting diode five different colors. Infrared light emitting diode gen erally have black and blue, tran spare nt three colors. Judgme nt of infrared light emitting diode and judgment method, using a millimeter to ordinary diode electric block measure of infrared light emitting diode, reverse resista nee. The in frared light emitti ng diode lumin esce nce efficie ncy to use special instrument to measure precise, and use only spare conditions to pull away from roughly judgment. Receiving part of infrared receiving tube is a photose nsitivediode.In actual application of it receiving diode to reverse bias, it can work normally, i.e., the infrared receiving circuit application in diode is used to reverse, higher sensitivity. Infrared receiving diode usually have two round and rectangular. Due to the power of infrared light emitting diode (or less commonly 100mW), so ir receiving diode received signals is weak, so will increasehigh-gain ones.the amplifiercircuit.In com mon CX20106A, etc. PC1373H moo n in frared receivi ng special amplifier circuit. In recent years both amateur or formal products, mostly using in frared recei vinghead fini shed. The head of in frared recei ving product packages gen erally has two kin ds: one kind USES sheet shield ing, A kind of plastic packaging. There are three pin, namely the power is (VDD), power negative (GND) and data output (VO or OUT). Infrared receiving head foot arrangement for types varied, manufacturer's instructions. Finished the advantages of infrared receiving head is not in need of sophisticated debugg ing and shell scree n, use rise as a tran sistor, very convenient. But whe n used in the infrared receivingattention finished first carrier frequency.In frared remote com mon carrier freque ncy for 38kHz, this is tran smitted by using 455kHz Tao Zhe n to decide. At the launch of crystals were in teger freque ncy, freque ncy coefficie nts, so com mon ly 12, so 455kHz 宁12 hun dredth kHz 38kHz hun dredth 379,000. Some remote con trol system adopts 36kHz, 56kHz, etc. general 40kHz launched by thecrystals of oscillation freque ncy to decide.In frared remote characteristic is not in flue nee the surro unding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot pen etratewalls, so the room can use com mon household applia nee of remote control without mutual interferenee, Circuit testing is simple, as long as give n circuit connection, gen erally does not n eed any commissi oning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control. Because each manufacturer produces a great deal of infrared remote application-specific integrated circuit, when need press diagram so jip. Therefore, the infrared remote now in household applia nces, in door close (less tha n 10 meters) in the remote control is widely used.Multiple infrared remote control system of infrared emission control buttons, there are many parts general representative of different control function. Whe n pressed a butt on, corresp ondin gly in the receiver with differe nt output.Receiving the output state can be roughly divided into pulse, level, selflock ing and in terlock, data five forms. "The pulse output is accordi ng to laun ch" whe n the butt on, the receiver output term in als output corresp onding "effective", a pulse width 100ms in gen eral. "Level" refers to the output launch press butt on, the receiver output corresp onding output level ", "effective transmit to loosen the receiver" level "disappears. This"effective pulse" and "effective", may be of high level is low, and may also depe nd on the output corresp onding static state, such as feet for low, static "high" for effective, As for the static, "low" high effective. In most cases, "high" for effective. "Since the lock" refers to launch the output of each time you press the butt on, a receiver output corresponding change, namely originally a state for high level into a low level, originally for low level into high level. The output power switch and mute as control etc. Sometimes also called the output form for "inv ert". "The in terlock" refers to multiple outputs each output, at the same time only one output. The TV sets of this case is selected, the otheris like the light and sound in put speed, etc."Data" refers to launch the output some key, use a few output form a bi nary nu mber, to represe ntdiffere nt keystroke.Normally, the receiver except a few data output, but also a "valid" output data, so the timely to collect data. This output form with single-chip microcomputer or are com monly used in terface. In additi on to the above output form outside, still have a "latch" and "temporary" two forms. The so- called "latch" refers to launch the output signal of each hair, the receiver output corresponding ", "new store until you receive signals. "Temporary" output and the introductionof "level" output is similar.Remote dista nce (Remote Con trol effect of RF Remote Con trol dista nce) are the major factorsasfollows:un ched in power tran smissi on power: while dista nee, but great power consumpti on, easy to gen eratenterfere nee.2.and receiving the receiver sensitivity, receiving, remote distanee in creased sen sitivity to improve, but easy to cause disturba nee maloperati on or abuse.3.antenna, using linear antenna, and parallel, remote distanee, but occupies a large space, in use the antennaspin, pull can in crease the remote dista nee.4.and the higher height: antenna, remote farther, but by objective eon diti ons.5. a nd stop: curre nt use of wireless remote use of UHF band stipulated by the state, the propagation characteristics of approximate linear transmission, light, small, transmitters and receivers diffraction between such as walls are block ing will greatlydisco un ted remote dista nee, if is rein forced eon crete walls, due to theabsorpti on effect eon ductor, radiowaves.Con sideri ng the desig n of hardware volume small to be embedded in the remote control, so we chose 20 foot single-chip chip AT89C2051. Below is the introduction of the function.(1)AT89C2051 internal structure and performaneeAT89C2051 is a byte flash 2K with programmable read-only memory can be erased EEPROM (low voltage, high performanee of eight CMOS microcomputer. It adopts ATMEL of high-density non-volatile storage tech no logy manu facturi ng and in dustrial sta ndard MCS - 51 in structio n set and lead. Through the comb in ati on of sin gle chip in gen eral CPL1 and flash memory, is a strong ATMEL AT89C2051 microcomputer, its application in many embedded control provides a highly flexible and low cost solutions. The compatible with 8051 AT89C2051 is CHMOS micro eontroller, the Flash memory capacity for 2KB. And CHMOS 80C51 process,have two kinds of leisure and power saving operation mode. The performanee is as follows.5.CUP, 2KB Flash memory,Worki ng voltage range 2.7-6V, 128KB data storage.The static worki ng way: 0-24MHz,15 root input/output line.A programmable serial, 2 a 16-bit timing/counters.There is a slice of in sideprecisio nsimulatio n comparator, 5thei nterrupt sources,2 priority.Programmable serial UART channel, Directly LED driver output,The internal structureof AT89C2051 is shown in figure 1.Figure 1 AT89C2051 in terior structure(2)AT89C2051 chip pin andfunctionIn order to adapt to the requirement of intelligent instrument, embedded in the chip foot AT89C2051 simplified configuration, as shown in figure b. The major cha nges to: (1) the lead foot from 20 to 40 wires, (2) in creased a simulated comparator.=DiagrambAT89C2051 foot figure.AT89C2051 pin fun ctio n:1.the VCC: voltage.1.to GND.1.P1 mouth: P1 mouth is an 8-bit two-way I/O port. P1.2 ~ P1.7 mouth pin theinternal resista nee provides. P1.0 and P1.1 requireme nts on the exter nal pull-up resistors. P1.0 and P1.1 also separately as piece in side precisi on simulati on comparator with in put (AIN0) and reversed-phasei nput (AIN1). Output buffer can absorb the P1 mouth 20mA current and can directly LED display driver. Whe n P1 mouth pin into a "1", can make its in put. Whe n the pin P1.2 ~ P1.7 as in put and exter nal dow n, they will be for the internal resista nee and flow curre nt (IIL). I n flash P1 mouth duri ng the procedure and program code datareceiving calibration.2.P3: the P3.0 ~ P3.5 P3, P3.7 is the in ternal resista nce with seven twoway I / 0 lead. P3.6 for fixed in puts piece in side the comparator output sig nal and it as a gen eral I/O foot and in accessible. P3 mouth buffer can absorb 20mA curre nt. When P3 mouth pin in to "1", they are the internal resista nee can push and in put. As in put, and the low exter nal P3 mouth pin pull-up resistors and will use curre nt (IIL) outflow. P3 mouth still used to impleme nt the various fun etio ns, such as AT89C2051 show n in table P3 mouth still receive some for flash memory programming and calibration of program con trol sig nals.5.RST: reset in put. RST once, all into high level I/O foot will reset to "1". When the oscillator is running, continuous gives RST pin two machine cycle of high level can finish reset. Each machine cycle to 12 oscillator or clock cycle.6.XTAL1: as the oscillator amplifier in put and inv erse internal clock gen eratori nput.7.XTAL2: as the oscillator reversed-phase the amplifier's output.P3 mouth function as isshown in table 1.Table 1(3)the software and hardware constraintsAT89C2051Due to the foot of the chip AT89C2051, no set limits of external storage in terface, so, for exter nal memory read/write in structio ns as MOVX etc.Due to 2KB ROM, so, the space to jump instruction should pay attention to the destination address range (transfer 000H - 7FFH), beyond the range of addresses, will not meet wrong results. The scope of data storage is OOH (7FH --whe n stack man ipulatio n), alsoshould be no ticed.The in put sig nal is simulated by the origi nal P3.6 foot into the microcontroller, sothe original P3.6 foot.Un able to exter nal use. Simulati on comparator can compare two simulation, if the size of the voltage external A D/A converter and its output as A comparator an alog in put, and by simulat ing the comparator ano ther in put voltage to be measured, through the introduction of the software method can realize the A/D con versi on.8.the Flash memory AT89C2051)Provide a 2KB of si ngle-chip AT89C2051 in Flash memory chips, which allows theonline program to modify or use special programming program ming.(1)Flash memory en crypti onAT89C2051 SCM has 2 encryption, can programming (P) or programming (U) to obtain different encryption functionality. Encryption functionality table asshown in table 1-1.En crypt a conten terased only through chips to eraseoperatio n.(2)Flash memory program ming and procedures the piece in side chip AT89C2051 Flash memory program ming.Note:1.the cou nters RESET at an EPROM in side the risi ng edge, and 000HRESET to XTAL1 by foot is executed,pulse count.2.piecesof 10ms to erasePROG pulse.3.duri ng the programmi ng P3.1 pulled low RDY/BSY in structio ns.⑶AT89C2051 SCM in Flash memory chips program ming steps are as follows:1.in the seque nee is the VCC GND pin, add worki ng voltage, XTAL1 pin RESET, receiving GND pin, other than the abovetime, waiting for 10ms.2.In P3.2 pin RESET,heighte ning level.3.In P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.7 pinjadd model multilevel.4.P1.0 P1.7 -- for the 000H un itadd data bytes.5.RESET to increasethe 12V activation programming.6.P3.2 jump to a one byte programming or encryption.7.calibration has been programming, data from 12V to RESET logic level "H" and setP3.3 P3.7 -- for the correct level, and can output data in P1 mouth.8.For the n ext addresses) in the unit XTAL1 byte program ming, a pulse, make address counter add 1, in mouth add programming data.9.programming and calibration circuit figure c, d.Figure c programming circuitFigure d calibration circuit Explanation:(1)P3.1 during programming instructionsto below RDY/BSY,(2)single erasingthe PROG 10ms need,(3)internal EEPROM address coun ter on the rising edge RESET, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot pulses are executed.Along with the rapid developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy, huma n society has un derg one earth-shak ing cha nges. Make our life more colorful. I n these cha nges, the remote control tech no logy has bee n widely permeatesTV, aerospace,military, sports andother product ion, all aspects of life. From the broad sense, all equipped with electric locomotive facility or electrical switches, if feel some n ecessary, can con sider to improve existi ng with remote control device, the operation fixed switch to realize the remote operation of the original equipment,stop, the variable,etc. Function.switch, for example, can be used to control the electric control switch the light switch, We design the infrared remote control system to realize the opponent switch quantity control. Infrared remote characteristic is not in flue nce the surro unding en vir onment and does not in terfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use com mon household applia nce of remote con trol without mutual in terfere nce, Circuit testi ng is simple, as long as give n circuit conn ecti on, gen erally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote con trol.红外遥控人的眼睛能看到的可见光按波长从长到短排列,依次为红、橙、黄、 绿、青、蓝、紫。
外文原文Based on infrared alarm technology security systems1 the introduction1.1 the research significance of this topic research situation at home and abroad .With the development of society and science and technology unceasing development, people's living standards been improved greatly, and to the private property protection means in the unceasing enhancement, the intelligent facilities for anti-theft puts forward new requirements. This design is to meet the need of modern residential anti-theft designed family electronic alarm system. It in previous devices based on improved greatly, because use the single-chip processor signal, not only can used for single residential area, also can be used in a large-scale residential security systems. It's the job of the performance is good, do not appear to report and misstatement phenomenon, safe and reliable.In our country, the present market condition alarm basically has triggered alarm system pressure switch electron and alarm system and pressure shading triggered alarm system, etc. Various kinds of alarm, but this several common alarm there are some shortcomings. This system USES a human pyroelectric infrared sensor in the human body detector in the flied, passive pyroelectric infrared detectors because of its low cost, easy fabrication, low cost, installation is more convenient, anti-theft performance is stable and high sensitivity, safe and reliable, has attracted broad family characteristics such as popular with the customers. And alarms installation concealment, not easily by rogue found.1.2 infrared alarm technology introduction1.2.1 nature objects of the infrared radiationThe nature of any object, as long as the temperature above absolute zero (273 ℃), constantly outward issued infrared radiation, and travel at the speed of light energy. Object radiate outward infrared radiation of energy and the object of temperature and infrared radiant wavelength. Assuming objects launching infrared radiation of peak wavelength for a few, its temperature for T, the radiation energy equals infrared radiation of peak wavelength gerben and object product temperature T. This product is a constant, namely:The higher the temperature of the objects, emit infrared radiation of the smaller peak wavelength, send out infrared radiation energy is bigger also.1.2.2.pyroelectric effectPassive infrared detector also called pyroelectric infrared detector, its main working principle is pyroelectric effect. Pyroelectric effect means if make some strong dielectric material (such as qin batio3, qin wrong acid lead P (zT), etc.) of the surface temperature changes, then with the temperature rise or fall, material surface occurs polarization, namely on the surface of the charge will be produced change, and material surface charge lost balance and eventually charge will change withvoltage or current form output.1.2.3 pyroelectric infrared sensor basic structurePyroelectric infrared sensors from sensor detection yuan, interference filters and mosfet verifier three parts. According to the number of detecting yuan to points, pyroelectric infrared sensors have unit, double yuanhe four yuan to wait for a few kinds, for human detection of infrared sensor adopts double yuan or four yuan type structure. According to pyroelectric infrared sensor utility cent, have the following kinds: used for measuring temperature sensor, it's the job of the wavelength of (1-20) nano, Used for flame detection sensor, it's the job of the wavelength for0.435 + / - 0.15 nano, For human detection sensor, it's the job of the wavelength of 7 to 15 feet. Figure 1.2 is a double detection yuan pyroelectric infrared sensor structure schematic drawing. The sensor will two opposite polarity, special1.2.4 pyroelectric infrared detector basic principlePyroelectric infrared sensor by receiving mobile human radiation that certain wavelengths of infrared radiation, can be transformed into and human body movement speed and distance, the direction of low-frequency signals about. When pyroelectric infrared sensor by ir radiation sources of radiation, its internal sensitive materials temperatures will rise, polarization intensity is abate, surface charge reduce, usually will release this part of the charge called pyroelectric charge. Because of pyroelectric charge how many can reflect material changes of temperature, so by pyroelectric charge by circuit transformed into the output voltage can also reflect material changes in temperature, thus detect ir radiation energy changes.2 hardware system design2.1 infrared anti-theft alarm system hardware designBecause this design focuses on family guard against theft, real-time monitoring of a narrower range, so this design by simply using a passive infrared detector is enough. Therefore, infrared intelligent anti-theft alarm system, and the specific design requirements for:(1)completes to high sensitive infrared sensor design, make its can warning of what happened real-time and accurate detection.(2) automatic alarm (automatic dial-up alarm audible and visual alarm). We design the system must have the following function module:1.passive infrared detector,2.sound-light alarm,3.telephone automatic dial-up function;4.continued uninterrupted power supply,According to the system to complete functions, we adopt single chip microcomputer as the core of the system unit, electronic detection, intelligent control and telephone tong2.2 telephone automatic dial-up alarm circuit designIn order to simplify the whole system design process, we do not adopt MT880 chip dialing. Realization process is as follows:First in telephone storage inside put on domestic host cell phone numberor alarm call 110. From MCU pins p2.0 and p2.1 drawn two wiring connect relays, a pick telephone keyboard MianDiJian, another connect telephone keyboard keys, automatic weighing dial because the phone keypad scanning is similar microcontroller keypad scanning, so can make SCM give fitst p2.0 a signal, lets telephone h-f, then give the p2.1 a signal, let relay connected, automatic weighing dial the key a potential, let telephone automatic dial-up, so they could finish the system alarm function.2.3 system working principleThe whole system hardware part mainly includes six parts: MCU module; Infrared detector, Acousto-optic alarm circuit; Telephone automatic dial-up alarm circuit; Power supply circuit, Working state instructions circuit. Its system working principle for: the sensors will be detected signals to lead signal processor processing, microcontroller judgment to P1.0 mouth have pulse falling edge jumping signal immediately transferred to the acousto-optic alarm program, at this moment, the red light buzzer alarm rapid flashes, lasted 30s. In the 30s inside if someone press the switch, then eliminate alarm remove alarm. if this time no one remove alarm, the proof nobody at home in 30s system will automatically triggers telephone finish the whole system of police work project. Later, microcontroller will continue to cycle back ? sentenced2.4 system total diagramIn proteus simulation system, the system circuit by crystals circuit, sound-light alarm circuit composed. Among them, we use connect the dedication of the P1.0 simulated infrared sensors, requirement when switch when pressed by the high jump, level is low, the equivalent of, sensor detects the state of man, the telephone line with P2.0 and P2.1 derivation, here without simulation telephone circuit diagram.Figure 3.53 software system design3.1 control module design programMicrocomputer in the initial plus electric, voltage is not steady state, causing instability, at this time the SCM in commonly after power up to system with a piece of delay. Time-lapse after detecting P1 mouth microcontroller state, detection levelsignal whether mutations, if is then calls the police processing procedure, including automatic dialup audible and visual alarm procedures, if no changes, ChuXiang level detection continues to P1 mouth state.Figure 4.1 main program flowchart3.2 system development adopted by the programming and commissioning of the platformThis system language using assembly language preparation, so choose wave6000, he has the microcontroller program edit, compile and debugging, etc., and generate hexadecimal. Files, through: machine TOPWIN burning software writeable microcontroller program memory. The simulation software use Proteus, he is from Britain Labcenter electronics company EDA software. The circuit of the simulation is interactive, aiming at the microprocessor application, still can directly based on schematic diagram of the virtual prototype programming, and implementing software source code level of real-time debugging, if have display and output, still can see after the operation of input and output effect.4 system debugging and test4.1 software debuggingAdopt modularization program design thought, fitst debugging subroutines, then gradually superposition debugging, through Proteus simulation software debugging, proof program can realize its function.4.2 system debuggingThrough the circuit of welding, each module function commissioning. I put the hardware that occur errors adjusted, in addition, infrared that piece, because is employing redirected of pyroelectric switch modified, so in must be taping photoconductive resistance to rise, has arrived in the days and nights can alarm function. The total system commissioning, through, error meets the requirement.5 closingThis system uses a pyroelectric infrared sensor, its make simple low cost and installation are more convenient and anti-theft performance is stable and strong anti-jamming capability, high sensitivity, safe and reliable.外文翻译基于红外报警技术的防盗系统1 绪论1.1 本课题的研究现状及研究意义随着社会的不断进步和科学技术不断发展,人们生活水平得到很大的提高,对私有财产的保护手段在不断的增强,对防盗设施的智能化提出了新的要求。
SCM is an integrated circuit chip,is the use of large scale integrated circuit technology to a data processing capability of CPU CPU random access memory RAM,read—only memory ROM,a variety of I / O port and interrupt system, timers / timer functions (which may also include display driver circuitry,pulse width modulation circuit,analog multiplexer, A / D converter circuit) integrated into a silicon constitute a small and complete computer systems。
SCM is also known as micro—controller (Microcontroller),because it is the first to be used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor。
The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system,smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. The Z80 INTEL is the first designed in accordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors will be parting ways。
红外遥控系统毕业论文外文文献翻译Infrared Remote Control SystemAbstractRed outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application.The purpose that design this system is transmit customer’s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplishcustomer’s operation demand.Keywords:Infrare dray;Code;Decoding;LM386;Redoutside transceiver1 Introduction1.1 research the background and significanceInfrared Data Communication Technology is the world wide use of a wireless connection technology, by the many hardware and software platforms supported. Is a data through electrical pulses and infrared optical pulse switch between the wireless data transceiver technology.Infrared transceiver products with low cost, small, fast transmission rate, the point-to-point transmission security, not subject to electromagnetic interference and other characteristics that can be achieved between the different products, rapid, convenient and safe exchange and transmission, In short distance wireless transmission have a very distinct advantage.Infrared transceiver products in the portable product of a great role. At present, the world's 150 million piece of equipment used infrared technology in electronic products and industrial equipment. medical equipment and other fields widely used. For example, 95% of the notebook computers on the installation of infrared transceiver interface the majority of the cell phone is also the allocation of infrared transceiver interface. With the exchange of quantitative data, infrared data communications will enable cell phone data transmission more convenient. With infrared data transmission technology matures, perfect, low costs, Infrared Transceiver in short distance communications will be more widely applied.This chapter first describes the infrared transceiver IC design issues to the background and significance. then briefed theinfrared data communications technology features and applications, and infrared transceiver product characteristics, domestic and international situation and development trend of the last under infrared remote transceiver system in practical application to establish a task of design orientation.1.2 Infrared Remote ControlTransceiver SystemInfrared remote control system is divided into single-channel and multi-channel remote control. Only a command signal transmission channel, called single-channel remote control system; with more than two instructions signal transmission channel known as a multi-channel remote control system. Relatively simple single-channel remote control, in general, only a launcher directive Key receivers and only one circuit implementation. While in the receiving circuit to add more stable memory circuits that can be activated commands to launch a number of key, so that the receiver circuit multistable memory circuit repeatedly to change the state, to realize many of the functional control, But such a state of change is the order. If we are to achieve an arbitrary control, resort to the use of multi-channel remote control system. Multi-channel remote control can be realized by the object of arbitrary multi-function remote control. As for the choice of several routes and what control methods, according to the actual situation (such as object, operational requirements and cost accounting, etc.) to decide. General infrared remote transceiver system by infrared remote control transmitter signal coding, infrared remote control signal receivers and decoders (or decoder chip MCU) and the external circuit consisting of three parts. Signal transmitter remote control code used to generate pulses of infrared emission-driven output infrared remote control signal, receiver completion of the remotecontrol signal amplification and detection, plastic and demodulation encoding pulse. Infrared remote control coded pulse is going to obtain a continuous serial binary code, and for most of the infrared transceiver system, This serial code as micro-controller of the remote control input signals from the internal CPU completion of the remote control instruction decoder, on the other infrared remote control transceivers, the designers of electronic products, The internal micro-controller of the remote control decoder directive is not accessible.Therefore, people are using infrared encoder / decoder chip and microcontroller developed various generic infrared remote transceiver system, In various equipment infrared signals between the transceiver.Remote transceiver system generally transmitters and receivers is composed of two parts. Launchers from the general direction keys, coded instructions circuit modulation circuit, driving circuit, firing circuit of several parts. When pressed a key, the directive coding circuit, in the corresponding instructions encoded signal, the encoder signal to the carrier modulation, Driven by the power amplifier circuit after circuit fired from the field after firing instructions coded modulation signals. General receiver by the receiving circuit, the amplifier circuit, demodulation circuits, instruction decoder circuit, driving circuit, circuit implementation of several parts. Receiving Circuit will launch vehicles have been coded modulation signal receiving instructions from, and to enlarge evacuation demodulation circuit. Demodulation circuit will have the coding modulation signal demodulation, namely, reduction of signal coding. The instruction decoder to the encoder signal decoding, Driven by the final circuit to drive the implementation of variousinstructions circuit to control the operation.1.3 infrared remote control transceiver product profiles 1.3.1 infrared remote control transceiver product structure and type Currently infrared transceiver in accordance with the mode of transmission rate and can be divided into four categories : Serial mode, the highest rate of 115.2 Kbps; medium-speed model : the highest rate of 0.567 Mbps and 1.152Mbps; High-speed mode : The maximum rate of 16 Mbps.Also according to the size chip power consumption can be divided into low-power consumption and standard two categories, low-power type normally used 3 V power supply, transmission distance closer to about 0 - 30cm, which is commonly used standard 5V power supply, transmission distance away at least 1mabove.1.3.2 infrared remote control transmitters of the status quo at home and abroadInfrared communication technology in the development stage and there are several infrared communication standards, between different standards for infrared equipment can not infrared communication. To have all the infrared equipment to interoperability in 1993 by more than 20 large manufacturers initiated the establishment of an Infrared Data Association (IRDA) unified the infrared communication standards , which is currently widely used in infrared data communication protocols and standards, also known as the IRDA standard.Since 1993 IRDA since the establishment of the Infrared Data Association members have developed to more than 150. IRDA standards of the industry has been widely recognized and supported. Has been developed with the infraredcommunications equipment have been as many as 100 species. IR module, installed capacity has reached 150 million sets. Although there is also a short distance wireless Bluetooth technology, But in infrared communication technology low cost and broad compatibility advantages, Infrared data communication in the future will still be a very long time inherent short-range wireless data communications fields play an important role.1.3.3 Infrared Transceiver product development trendIn various infrared transceiver products, although the transmission rate, transmission distance and other characteristics, But infrared transceiver products has been towards improving the transmission rate, increase the transmission distance and lower power consumption, expanding launch reception angle of development. In particular, as the technology development and maturity, the means of transmission is moving in the direction of point-to-multipoint. Therefore infrared remote control transceiver products have broader prospects for development.2 Infrared communication of knowledge2.1 infrared ray foundation knowledge2.1.1 infrared outlinedInfrared is actually a kind of electromagnetic wave. From the analysis of various natural component of the electromagnetic wave reflected spectrum is :-ray, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave and radio wave. From the viewpoint of form, and they did not seem to, but if the wavelength in descending order, and we will find him all the only visible light spectrum of the entire 0.38 μm - 0.76μm so long little area, and adjacent to the visible light and infrared (including the far infrared, mid-infrared and near infrared foreign) accounts for the spec trum of 0.76 μm -1000μm of a major. Which micron wavelength range also includes UV, visible, near infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared, microwave.From the above analysis shows that infrared is a very rich spectrum resources, it currently has in production, life, military, medical, and other aspects have been widely used, such as infrared heating, medical infrared, infrared communication, infrared camera, infrared remote control, and so on. Infrared remote control is the many applications of infrared part of the current household appliances widely used in TV remote control, VCR remote control, VCD remote control, high-fidelity audio remote control, are used infra-red remote control, It allows the control of these appliances have become very easy.2.1.2 infrared propertiesInfrared lies between visible light and microwave a wave, it is with certain clinical characteristics of the wave. In the near-infrared, visible light and its adjacent, it is visible in certain characteristics, such as straight-line transmission, reflection, refraction, scattering, diffraction, can be certainobjects and can be absorbed through the lens of their focusing. In the far-infrared region, owing to its neighboring microwave, it has some characteristics of microwave, If a strong penetrating power and can run through some opaque substances. Since in any object, natural profession, regardless of whether its own luminescence (referring to visible light), as long as the temperature is above absolute zero (-273 °C), moment will be kept around to infrared radiation. Only higher temperature of objects strong infrared radiation, low-temperature objects infrared radiation weaker. Therefore infrared feature is the greatest common in nature, it is called thermal radiation calledthermal radiation. Infrared cameras, infrared night market pyroelectric infrared detectors and some other missiles aiming at is the use of this characteristic of infrared work.Infrared and visible light compared to another characteristic of a variety of colors. As the longest wavelength of visible light is a wavelength of the shortest times (780 nm-380 nm), So is called an octave. And infrared wavelength is the longest shortest wavelength of a times, and the longest wavelength infrared is the shortest wavelength of 10 times, that is, 10 octave. Therefore, if visible light can be expressed as seven colors, infrared may performance 70 colors, showing the rich colors. Infrared smoke through the good performance, which is also one of its features.Because not visible to the infrared, it has little effect on the environment. By the wave infrared rays than the long wavelength radio waves, infrared remote control will not affect the nearby radio equipment. Another wavelength of less than 1.5μm near infrared light, transparent atmosphere in the visible light transmission characteristics much better than, because it close to the visible edge of the red light, linear transmission, reflection, refraction and absorption material and the physical characteristics very similar to visible light. Therefore, it can be used with similar visible focusing lens and other optical devices. Because infrared remote control is not as remote as the radio through the barrier to control the object's ability to control, so in the design of household appliances infra-red remote control, wireless remote control as unnecessary, each set (transmitters and receivers) have different frequency or remote coding (Otherwise, wall will control or interference with neighbors household appliances), all similar products in the infrared remote control, The same can control the frequency orcoding, and no remote control signal "drop." This universal infrared remote control provides a great convenience. Infrared to visible light, is very subtle and confidentiality, therefore, the security, Alert and other security devices have been widely used. Infrared remote control is simple in structure and easy, low-cost, anti-interference capability, high reliability are a number of advantages, is a close-up remote control, especially in indoor remote control optimized manner.2.1.3 infrared diode characteristicsInfrared is not visible, people here are not aware of. Electronic technology is used infrared light emitting diode (also known as the IR emission diode) to generate infrared. Infrared remote control transceiver is using near-infrared transmission control instructions 0.76μm wavelength of ~ 1. 5μm. Near-infrared remote control as a light source, because there infrared light emitting diodes and infrared receiving device (photodiode. Transistor and PV) and the luminescence peak wavelength of light by the general 0.8μm ~ 0. 94μm. in the near-infrared band, both of the spectrum is the coincidence to a good match, access to higher transmission efficiency and higher reliability. Commonly used infrared diode, and its shape is similar LED light emitting diodes, Its basic circuit shown in figure 2 -2. The triode plans for the switch, when the base added a driving signal, Transistor saturated conduction infrared LED D is also Wizard Lin k, issued infrared (near infrared about 0.93 μm). D.The pressure drop of about 1.4 V and the current general for 10-20mA. To adapt to the working voltage of the D loop resistance often as a series of infrared diode current limit resistance.When the circuit diagram of the infrared emission controlcorresponding to the controlled device, the control of the distance and D is proportional to the transmitting power. In order to increase the distance of infrared control, infrared diode D should work on the pulse state that work is the lifeblood of current. Because pulse light (optical modulation) the effective transmission distance and pulse is proportional to the peak current, only maximize peak current Ip, will increase the infrared distance. Ip increase is a way to reduce the pulse duty cycle, that is compressed pulse wi dth τ some TV infrared remote control, its infrared luminescence of the pulse duty cycle of about 1/4-1/3; Some electrical products infrared remote control, its duty cycle of 1 / 10. Decreasing pulse duty cycle also enable low-power infrared LED distance of the greatly increased. Common infrared light emitting diodes, power is divided into small power (1 mW - 10mW). Chinese power (20mW - 50mW) and power (50mW - 100mW more) three categories. Use different power infrared LED, the allocation should be driven by the corresponding power control. Figure 2 -2 by the reflected infrared light-emitting diodes to make produce optical modulation, Drivers only need to add the control of a certain frequency pulse voltage.Infrared transmitter and receiver in the way the two kinds of straight, and the second is reflective. Luminescence pointed straight pipe and tube receiver placed in a relatively controlled and fired on the two ends, a certain distance away from the middle; Reflective means luminescent tube and pipe parallel with the receiving peacetime, without always receiving tube light, luminescence only in possession of the infrared light reflected fromencountered, the receiving tube received from the reflected infrared before work.2.2 infrared communication basic tenets2.2.1 infrared communication PrincipleCommunication is the use of infrared wavelength of 900 nm-infrared waves from 1000 to serve as an information carrier, through infrared technology between the two close communication and confidentiality of information transmitted. Infrared communication system structure include : part launcher, channel, the receiver part.Launcher source letter issued after the binary signal from the high-frequency modulated infrared LED sent, receiving device regard the reception of high-frequency signals from the infrared receiver tube after receiving further demodulation photoelectric conversion of the original information of a mass communication lose way. Afterwards the former Information received after receiving part of the drive circuit connected to the expected completion of the various functions. To which the modulation coding style pulse width modulation (by changing the pulse width modulated signal PWM) and pulse modulation time (through change the pulse train interval time between the modulation signal PPM) two.2.2.2 infrared communication system elements(1) Launches : Currently there is a infrared wireless digital communications system sources of information including voice, data, images. Its methods of work for the launch of the receiver can be divided into different layout LOS way (Light-of-Sight , intracardiac way), diffuse (diffuse) mode. LOS way directional, it has good channel characteristics such advantages, but the existence of a "shadow" effect. difficult to achieve roaming function. Roaming means the main features of non-directional, and easy to implementroaming function, but its channel quality is better sometimes LOS way. Transmission of signals required for a few of (the sampling was quantified), the general need for baseband modulation, transmission, modulation, sometimes signal source coding, the above-driven signals from photoelectric converter complete optical signal transmission. Infrared wireless digital communications system and its scope of work-for-fired power distribution, the quality of the communication. While using various methods to improve optical transmitter power, the other using spatial diversity, holographic films and so on so diffuse light for the launch of space optical power evenly distributed.(2) Channel : infrared wireless digital communication channel refers to the transmitters and receivers in the space between. Due to natural light and artificial light sources such as light signals in the context of intervention, and the source - Electrical Equipment, The optical noise and disturbances, infrared wireless digital communications in some occasions, poor quality, At this point needed to channel coding. Infrared wireless communication system, the optical signal reflection, light scattering and background noise and interference effects, Infrared wireless digital channel presence multi-path interference and noise, This is to improve the quality and access for high-speed applications should be addressed. Infrared wireless digital communication channel often used by the major optical components, optical filter, condenser, their role is : plastic, filter, depending on the field transformation, the band division, the lens can be used as launch-ray focusing, the use of optical filters filter out stray light, the use of optical lenses to expand the field of view receiver, able to make use of optical components for the link frequency division multiplexing, etc.. Infrared wireless communication channeloptical noise : the natural noise (sunlight) and anthropogenic interference (fluorescent lighting). can be modulated by the transmission technology such as filters and adding to be addressed.(3) receivers : Channel optical signal from the optical receiver partially photoelectric conversion, In order to remove noise and intersymbol interference and other functions. Infrared wireless digital communications system receiver include optical receiver parts and follow-up sampling, filtering, judgment, quantity, balanced and decoding part. Infrared wireless optical receiver often used amplifier, and called for large-bandwidth, high gain, low noise and low noise, frequency response and channel impulse response matched. To be suppressed by low-frequency noise and human disturbance needs a band-pass filter. To obtain large optical receiver scope and instantaneous field of view, often using spherical optical lens.2.2.3 infrared communications featureWireless communications are a lot of ways, some using infrared communication with the following characteristics : The high frequency, wave length, and fired the energy concentrated space propagation attenuation coefficient can ensure the effective signal transmission;infrared is the invisible li ght, strong confidentiality and use it as an information carrier. device when there is no visual pollution, it does no harm to the human body;dissemination without limitation, and there is no question of frequency interference with radio-wave pattern, not on the spectrum resources to the relevant authorities for the application and registration, easy to implement;has a good point, when the transmission equipment andinfrared receiver ports line up straight, deviation of not more than about 15 degrees when infrared devices running the best effect;through infrared or not bypassed and objects, data transmission, optical path can not be blocked;currently produce and receive infrared signals in the technology is relatively mature, components small size, low cost production of simple, easy to produce and modulation advantages.2.3 infrared communication code based on the knowledgeUsually, infrared remote control transmitters will signal (pulse binary code) modulation at 38 KHz carrier, After buffer amplified sent to the infrared light-emitting diodes, infrared signals into firing away. Pulse binary code in a variety of formats. One of the most commonly used code is PWM (pulse width modulation code) and the PPM code (Pulse Code Modulation). The former said in a pulse width, pulse indicated 0. The latter pulse width, but the width of code-not the same, the codes represent a bit - and the digits represent narrow 0.Remote coding pulse signal (PPM code as an example) are usually guided by the code, the system code, the anti-code system, a feature code, functional anti-code signal components. Guide the code name for the initial code, by the width of 9 ms and the margin width of 4.5 ms to the low-level components (different remote control systems in the low-level high width of a certain distinction), remote coding used to mark the beginning of pulsed signals. System identification code is also called code, which used to indicate the type of remote control system, in order to distinguish other remote-control system, prevent the remote control system malfunction. Functional code is also calledscripts, which represents the corresponding control functions, Receiver of the micro-controller functions under the numerical code to complete the various functions operating. Anti-code system and function codes are anti-system code and the functional code against code Anti-code can be joined to the receiver synchronization transmission process leads to errors. In order to improve performance and reduce interference power consumption, The remote control will be coded pulse frequency of 38 KHz (for the cycle of 26.3 ms) of the carrier signal pulse reshuffle system (PAM), and then sentto the buffer amplified infrared LED, the remote control signal transmitter away.Address code and data codes are composed of different pulse width expressed that the two narrow pulse "0"; 2 pulse width "1"; a narrow pulse width and pulse expressed an "F" is the code addresses "vacant."Is the first part of a group a group of code, each code synchronization between separated. The plan is to enlarge the second half of a group code : a code from 12 AD (the address code plus data code For example, eight address code plus four data code), each with two AD-Pulse's : Pulse said the two "0"; 2 pulse width "1"; a narrow pulse width and pulse expressed an "F" is the code addresses "vacant."Realize fired at each fired at least four groups code, PT2272 only twice in a row to detect the same address code plus data code data will be the code "1" is driven The data should be output to drive margin and VT terminal for synchronous serial.红外遥控系统摘要红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。
英文翻译Actual problem ability contacting actual solving by the fact that graduation practice, improves theory; Going deep into waiting for relevance hardware knowledge to interface technology understands rise; Have 8279's control words interposition , mechanics , programming principle and PC interface method in hand. Deepen the characteristic and operating principle understanding the successive approximation law modulus converter's , have the ADC0809 interface method and A/D input program design in hand and test method. It is known to all that not caring now is enterprise , a factory , is still a family, having realized an automation mainly , be that a little intellectualized equipment has been used , such has been provided immense going to the lavatory to the user. Thought and operation intellectualized , being to have let treatment element replace person, come to control the outside equipment job.The relay, is that a representative example (modern times automates to have circuital mutual a electron and electricity linkup problem in control system , one side needs to make the electronic circuit pilot signal be able to control the circuital electricity implementation component (electric motor , electromagnet , electric lamp etc.); Electricity being going to be an electronic circuit again on one hand provide fine electricity isolation, to protect the electronic circuit and person's safety, the electron relay just can accomplish this one bridge effect). Should design the aspect being to have embodied a little intelligence. Come to reach the purpose reaching electrical equipment , the electric motor job under the control of changing simulation amounts unceasingly. Be concretely: The chip centering on 8086, 0809, 8255 grades, uses single file to simulate the amounts coming to simulate real physics the amounts , to carry out acquisition by 0809, in the light of different entering and the person size simulating amounts and then the action controlling LED guiding lights , relay , electric motor.Know well that the microcomputer appearing draws Da Liang Shi Yong with human society as well as having entered a new times. The monolithic microcomputer (be called the monolithic machine for short) is all playing very important role in a lot of fields such as being acting as very important role among them , automating in industrial control , data collect and instrument appearance. Have known well that the C51 series monolithic machine is core with 80, system has introduced whose structure principle and applied technique. Main content including monolithic machine ABC, structure and principle, instruction system, assembly language programming, monolithic machine inside parallel application, interruption technology, regular time counting technology, serial communicate by letter technology, system extended technology, A/D and D/A converter interface, monolithic machine apply and develop technology andso on knowledge. With the development of electron technology and computer art, the monolithic machine technology already becomes a distinctive branch of computer art , industry test control waits for a field to have got broad application in civil sum.The monolithic machine is had volume is small , the function is strong , reliability is tall , price hangs down , usage designs that convenient and systematic nimbly to wait for a characteristic. At present, monolithic machine navar is substituting tradition electronic control system with unparalleled speed. Technical ability that the engineers and technicians who studies the monolithic machine and grasps the person designing that the usage technology already becomes the present age college student and a few must prepare for, many enterprise requires that a great quantity is skilled urgently grasping the monolithic machine technology, can develop , apply the engineers and technicians who manages monolithic machine navar high level and defend together. This system has adopt the monolithic machine to realize the multi-path long-range data collect and monitor , this practice has used two machine , the far end monolithic machine has controlled the multi-path data collect implement , the monolithic machine has controlled the far end monolithic machine local place , communication has carried out two machine with RS-232C standard, debugging passing soft hardware, owing system jobs , evidence , system such as treatment , data display , key-in and system warning being able to realize a data is feasibleIn computer extensive use data collect significance is very notable today. Simulations and figures such as the data being collected , being being to refer to the secondary sensor and other wait for measuring equipment is measured the process collecting information voluntarily in the element. The data collect system is certainly definition consumer measurement system coming true nimbly coming soft hardware product combining with computer-based measurement. It is the bridge that the computer and the outside physics world link. Various type signal collect difference difficult to exchange degree is very big. Noise also may bring about a few when reality is collected, inconvenient. Some basal principle needs to pay attention to when data collect, still has more actual problems needing to solve.System adopt capital pair of CPU control , the lead plane uses with being from the machine CPU the monolithic machine. Data being responsible for collecting seven roads from CPU, respond to the order that host CPU dispatches at the same time. Host CPU carries out a data handling , the data display , key-in, system give an alarm, pronunciation broadcasts the voltage value reporting passage. In host CPU and the communication from CPU, adopt the international standard RS232C interface, and use gleam to be short most (need only two. System has realized remote multi-path one kind of the pragmatic type having pronunciation broadcasting newspaper ,high-performance , high intelligence that pronunciation hint data collect system.Industry measurement system often must handle to coming from many signal source signals carrying out digitization coming to realize this handling, but adopt several kinds way. And then simulate multipath multiplex implement (MUX) making one's option in the entering signal coming from 8 simulation sensors, MUX makes a present of the output signal giving signal adjustment an amplifier , the signal adjusts an amplifier that the output signal is made a present of giving a modulus converter (ADC). But IC adopt integrated multipath multiplex implement and ADC at present commonly, also can a purchase the component parting for.System function 1, realizes the scene analog signal producing an implement , is to pass theself-restraint one sine wave generator , make use of sillster to change oscillating frequency,messenger frequency changes in 200 Hz ~ 2 kHz range, 1 v shifting last (200 Hz correspondence exporting 1 ~ 5 corresponding vs direct current pressure again after frequency voltage, 2 kHz are corresponding 5 vs) 2, road data collect implement data collect implement the first roads entering self-restraint 0 V ~ 5 V direct current pressure, 2nd ~ 7 roads import 5 V , 4 V , 3 V , 2 V , 1 V , 0 V direct current pressure coming from the direct-current source respectively (every road imports but not demanding accuracy from mark pressure implement creation). The analog signal changes every road respectively becoming 8 binary digit signals, in classics and/ the circuit varying string, use serial code to send in the transmission circuit.3, the master control implement collects and shows by the fact that the serial transmission circuitis in progress to every road data. Collect way collecting (namely 1 roads , 2 roads including cycling, ... 7 roads , 1 roads, ,) And choose acquisition (let choose a single file) two species way. Demonstrate the can demonstrate address at the same time and corresponding data of part. 4, the lead plane realizes pronunciation handling a hint and broadcasts every passage the voltage function , malfunction give an alarm function.Design that front preparation job develops person after receiving some item missions , need in general carrying out the following job first before the concrete design being in progress: 1, feasibility the purposesurveying feasibility surveying, is to analyse the possibility accomplishing this project. The job carrying out this aspect's, may consult home and abroad in connection with the data , looks at if somebody had carried out the similar job. If having , may analyse others then is the job how to carry out this aspect, what merits and demerits to have , what have to be to be worth drawing lessons; If not needing then doing surveying going a step further ,in priority now Ying Fang whether can realize this link, first, analyse , discuss the possibility coming true from being in progress theoretically, what be demanded if objective condition have (means , the instrument design that ,the fund waits if the environment , tests), and then be tied in wedlock reality , the problem to whether can set up a project to decide again. 2, the system overall plan designs design surveying the queen , being a system overall plan if being able to set up a project , will work next step in the feasibility being in progress.May consult this on one hand detailed , more concrete data on the priority Ying Fang technology degree of difficulty working in that project, now, the function consulting home and abroad the samekind product, brings forward the rational but feasible technology index , compile and compose out design specification , accomplish system overall plan design thereby according to the systematic different part and the function needing to come true.Design plan thin melt 3,ascertains soft hardware function ? ? once the overall plan decides down , job next step is to will owe a project thin melt , needs namely making clear that which part uses hardware to come to be completed , which part uses software to come to be completed. Therefore since the hardware structure and the software scheme may influence each other,aspect thinks from flexibility and General Availability facilitating the circuit structure , cost reduction , cutting down a fault rate , raising system , the function encouraging a software to be able to come true comes to be completed as far as possible from the software; But also should think that the essence replacing a hardware with the software being to reduce system real time nature , increases by handling the price being in progress being's, the software designs that cost , lead time will also increase by and , therefore, the systematic soft, hardware function assignment responds to according to the systematic request and reality but the rational arrangement , unification think. On the basis ascertaining the soft hardware function, designer's job starts the concrete problem dealing with one Yu right away, if the instrument volume and the master plan with the hardware realization scheme , software that the concrete technology index responds to relatively etc.Behind ascertaining personnel division of work , laying on job schedule , regulation the interface parameter, will must think that hardware , the software concre have designed a problem. ? ? is discussing this wants to emphasize an once too the front , here designing a problem concretely , that this several parts work above is essential, otherwise, the entirety may lead to a design plan changes , possibility leads to even a scheme to have no way to realize the dissipation bringing about manpower and material resources to a concrete application system design, To some extent , with regard to, this designs that De Lai talks , should pay attention to twice as much. A monolithic machine application system hardware design includes two most content:The monolithic machine system expansion part designs that first. It expands including that memory expanding and preparing an interface. Thatthe expansion , interface pointing to EPROM , EEPROM and RAM expand the memory expansion is to point to 8255 , 8155 , 8279 and other function component expansion. Two is every function module design. Controlling the function module , the man-machine conversation function module , exchanging the sincere message function module if the signal measures the function module , the signal and so on, demands to deploy ancillary equipment such as corresponding A/D , D/A , keyboard , display , printer according to system function. ascertain the circuital overall plan, needs the demonstration carrying out the detailed technology together. So-called circuital hardware population is designed , is to be to be to realize the electricity company line principle picture owing possessions needed by all fundamental project functions hardware. The first time contact this aspect job design personnel , sometimes be anxious to ask begin to make plate and debug in designing that the overall plan mounts more reluctant flower time , he urges a field excessively. This method not only no appropriate, and sometimes be an effect lose more than gain. Circuital every part is a rapid and intense relevance , is in harmony each other because of the hardware system comes to talk right away,any part of circuit's considers insufficiency , that the city brings the effect, hard to predict to effect hard to predict other part, makes the system entirety structure be destroyed gently then , weight is that population is big fruit the hand doing poorly done work over again , bringing about from this being to be imaginable lead to hardware. Therefore, we hope that the designer is not more stingy than on the overall plan the institute spends time. Judging from time, the good sometimes in initial scheme design stage , one design plan of hardware design most amount of work sometimes is able to have the effect getting twice the result with half the effort. Job next step is only capable to do proceeding as planned and without a hitch very much revise even if needing to do a part once the overall plan ascertains that down,a few being in progress also only here on the basis perfect the entirety working, but being able to not bring about doing poorly done work over again. When the overall plan in the hardware being in progress is designed, the what be related that to concrete circuit may use the job that others carries out in this respect for reference. Sometimes have certain rationality because of the circuit have debuged and testing process others (this also may exactly be experience location although these circuits are often no completely consistent with the circuit providing on the textbook and the handbook). Revise if carrying out a few combining with self design purpose here on the basis,be that one kind is simple and convenient , rapid method of work. The circuit needs self design certainly , a little bit , copying completely is not very possible. ? pi deceives to comfort the emergency quail saying the male plait fertilizer guaranteeing ? requiring the principle working to the person to have more incisive analysis and understand that , knowswhose applicability according to whose job mechanism , ascertains the possibility that the person transplants and the place needing to revise thereby; To the circuit that some critical Buddhist monks understand no completely,need careful analysis, And carry out an experiment before design first, to ascertain this circuital part correctness, job carrying out the ordeal, especially dummy load part , needing the aspect carrying out this more in aspect such as reliability and accuracy. That is makes the hardware design as far as possible rational , is based on experience, systematic wiring design should pay attention to several the following aspect: 1, chooses as far as possible standardizing , the modularized model is circuital, improve the success rate designing that and architectural flexibility; 2, goes down in allowable condition of condition , select and use a function as far as possible strong, high circuit of integration level or chip. Because of adopt this component to may replace some parts of circuit, not only component quantity , connector assembly and mutual company line fall off , messenger system reliability increases by, and cost sometimes is lower than using the circuit that the component realizes muchly to be than.,3, pays attention to choosing the strong , plentiful of marketplace source of goods component of General Availability, problem should pay attention to this aspect especially more to the occasion needing mass production. Whose merit is: Once certain, kind of component has no way to gain , also can use other component to substitute directly or to do slightly to the circuit changing the queen using other component to replace. 4, is in when population structure thinks to hardware system , same need to pay attention to the General Availability problem. To a more complicated system, the designer sometimes hopes with whose modularization, be that the centring bend controls an element , the halving piece importing an interface , exporting the interface , man-machine interface carries out a entire system designing, and then adopt certain edge taking over way that whose combination is become. The way in such circumstances, linking up appears very important right away , may select and use GPI way sometimes, if adopt STD highway structure , PC highway structure , GPIB highway structure etc.Because of the edge to these highways structure takes over the comparison applying at present,Many manufacturer already develops out being suitable to the interface board in these highways structure , exporting board , A/D board if importing board, and so on. Under necessary situation, select and use ready-made module board being the systematic part , be able to shorten lead time greatly , raise working efficiency although cost is partial to height a little bit. Certainly, in some special case and minor systematic occasion,the consumer must design an interface by self , define company line way. Need to pay attention to the interface agreement now, the module designer should observe that interface way one by one once the interface way ascertainsthat down. allowing some leeway , to prepare for future to revise, expanding on the basis satisfying the application system functional requirement. In fact, the circuit designs a success but not doing the condition that any revises is very few's, do poorly done work over again all round if being forced to be in progress in leeway , later stage designing that has not had any left for the first time probably because of to some extent little changing or expansion. Select and use 2764 the above chips for example , when carrying out ROM expansion, to the full, such escalates not only in the future going to the lavatory , the meeting also reduces cost; During the period of the expansion carrying out RAM, go to the lavatory for using system promotion or increasing memory, systematic RAM space should reserve enough location , do not insert a chip well even though designing one RAM socket more than normal,; During the period of the expansion carrying out the IO mouth, also should be given to a certain margin out, such has gone to the lavatory extremely to the passage or controlled member increasing a little measurement for a short time.中文单片机通过毕业设计,提高理论联系实际的解决实际问题的能力;提高对接口技术等相关硬件知识的深入理解;掌握8051的控制字的设置、工作方式、编程原理和微机接口方法。
(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文对照外文翻译文献The introduction to The DS18B201. DESCRIPTIONThe DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature1measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user programmable upper and lower trigger points. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by definition requires only one data line for communication with a central microprocessor. It has an operating temperature range of -55°C to +125°C and is accurate to ±0.5°C over the range of -10°C to +85°C. In addition, the DS18B20 can derive power directly from the data line (―parasite power‖), eliminating the need for an external power supply.Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple DS18B20s to function on the same 1-Wire bus. Thus, it is simple to use one microprocessor to control many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications that can benefit from this feature include HV AC environmental controls, temperature monitoring systems inside buildings, equipment, or machinery, and process monitoring and control systems.2.FEATURES●Unique 1-Wire® Interface Requires Only One Port Pin for Communication●Each Device has a Unique 64-Bit Serial Code Stored in an On-Board ROM●Multi-drop Capability Simplifies Distributed Temperature-Sensing Applications ●Requires No External Components●Can Be Powered from Data Line; Power Supply Range is 3.0V to 5.5V●Measures Temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F)●±0.5°C Accuracy from -10°C to +85°C●Thermometer Resolution is User Selectable from 9 to 12 Bits●Converts Temperature to 12-Bit Digital Word in 750ms (Max)●User-Definable Nonvolatile (NV) Alarm Settings●Alarm Search Command Identifies and Addresses Devices Whose Temperature isOutside Programmed Limits2●Software Compatible with the DS1822●Applications Include Thermostatic Controls, Industrial Systems, ConsumerProducts, Thermometers, or Any Thermally Sensitive System3.OVERVIEWFigure 1 shows a block diagram of the DS18B20, and pin descriptions are given in the Pin Description table. The 64-bit ROM stores the device’s unique serial code. The scratchpad memory contains the 2-byte temperature register that stores the digital output from the temperature sensor. In addition, the scratchpad provides access to the 1-byte upper and lower alarm trigger registers (TH and TL) and the 1-byte configuration register. The configuration register allows the user to set the resolution of the temperature to-digital conversion to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits. The TH, TL, and configuration registers are nonvolatile (EEPROM), so they will retain data when the device is powered down.The DS18B20 uses Maxim’s exclusive 1-Wire bus protocol that implements bus communication using one control signal. The control line requires a weak pull up resistor since all devices are linked to the bus via a 3-state or open-drain port (the DQ pin in the case of the DS18B20). In this bus system, the microprocessor (the master device) identifies and addresses devices on the bus using each de vice’s unique 64-bit code. Because each device has a unique code, the number of devices that can be addressed on one DS18B20 bus is virtually unlimited. The 1-Wire bus protocol, including detailed explanations of the commands and “time slots,‖ is covered i n the 1-Wire Bus System section.Another feature of the DS18B20 is the ability to operate without an external power supply. Power is instead supplied through the 1-Wire pull up resistor via the DQ pin when the bus is high. The high bus signal also charges an internal capacitor (CPP), which then supplies power to the device when the bus is low. This method of deriving power from the 1-Wire bus is referred to as ―parasite power.‖ As an alternative, the DS18B20 may also be powered by an external supply on VDD.3Figure 1.DS18B20 Block Diagram4.OPERATION—MEASURING TEMPERATURThe core functionality of the DS18B20 is its direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The resolution of the temperature sensor is user-configurable to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits, corresponding to increments of 0.5°C, 0.25°C, 0.125°C, and 0.0625°C, respectively. The default resolution at power-up is 12-bit. The DS18B20 powers up in a low-power idle state. To initiate a temperature measurement and A-to-D conversion, the master must issue a Convert T [44h] command. Following the conversion, the resulting thermal data is stored in the 2-byte temperature register in the scratchpad memory and the DS18B20 returns to its idle state. If the DS18B20 is powered by an external supply, the master can issue ―read time slots‖ (see the 1-Wire Bus System section) after the Convert T command and the DS18B20 will respond by transmitting 0 while the temperature conversion is in progress and 1 when the conversion is done. If the DS18B20 is powered with parasite power, this notification technique cannot be used since the bus must be pulled high by a strong pull up during the entire temperature conversion.The DS18B20 output temperature data is calibrated in degrees Celsius; for Fahrenheit applications, a lookup table or conversion routine must be used. The temperature data is stored as a 16-bit sign-extended two’s complement number in the temperature register (see Figure 2). The sign bits (S) indicate if the temperature is4positive or negative: for positive numbers S = 0 and for negative numbers S = 1. If the DS18B20 is configured for 12-bit resolution, all bits in the temperature register will contain valid data. For 11-bit resolution, bit 0 is undefined. For 10-bit resolution, bits 1 and 0 are undefined, and for 9-bit resolution bits 2, 1, and 0 are undefined. Table 1 gives examples of digital output data and the corresponding temperature reading for 12-bit resolution conversions.5.64-BIT LASERED ROM CODEEach DS18B20 contains a unique 64–bit code (see Figure 3) stored in ROM. The least significant 8 bits of the ROM code contain the DS18B20’s 1-Wire family code: 28h. The next 48 bits contain a unique serial number. The most significant 8 bits contain a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) byte that is calculated from the first 56 bits of the ROM code. The 64-bit ROM code and associated ROM function control logic allow the DS18B20 to operate as a 1-Wire device using the protocol detailed in the 1-Wire Bus System section.5MSB LSB MSB LSB MSBFigure 3.64-Bit Lasered ROM Code6.MEMORYThe DS18B20’s memory is organized as shown in Figure 4. The memory consists of an SRAM scratchpad with nonvolatile EEPROM storage for the high and low alarm trigger registers (TH and TL) and configuration register. Note that if the DS18B20 alarm function is not used, the TH and TL registers can serve as general-purpose memory.Byte 0 and byte 1 of the scratchpad contain the LSB and the MSB of the temperature register, respectively. These bytes are read-only. Bytes 2 and 3 provide access to TH and TL registers. Byte 4 contains the configuration register data. Bytes 5, 6, and 7 are reserved for internal use by the device and cannot be overwritten. Byte 8 of the scratchpad is read-only and contains the CRC code for bytes 0 through 7 of the scratchpad. The DS18B20 generates this CRC using the method described in the CRC Generation section.Data is written to bytes 2, 3, and 4 of the scratchpad using the Write Scratchpad [4Eh] command; the data must be transmitted to the DS18B20 starting with the least significant bit of byte 2. To verify data integrity, the scratchpad can be read (using the Read Scratchpad [BEh] command) after the data is written. When reading the scratchpad, data is transferred over the 1-Wire bus starting with the least significant bit of byte 0. To transfer the TH, TL and configuration data from the scratchpad to EEPROM, the master must issue the Copy Scratchpad [48h] command.67.CONFIGURATION REGISTERByte 4 of the scratchpad memory contains the configuration register, which is organized as illustrated in Figure 5. The user can set the conversion resolution of the DS18B20 using the R0 and R1 bits in this register as shown in Table 2. The power-up default of these bits is R0 = 1 and R1 = 1 (12-bit resolution). Note that there is a direct tradeoff between resolution and conversion time. Bit 7 and bits 0 to 4 in the configuration register are reserved for internal use by the device and cannot be overwritten.8.1-WIRE BUS SYSTEMThe 1-Wire bus system uses a single bus master to control one or more slave devices. The DS18B20 is always a slave. When there is only one slave on the bus, the system is referred to as a ―single-drop‖ system; the system is ―multi-drop‖ if there are multiple slaves on the bus. All data and commands are transmitted least significant bit first over the 1-Wire bus. The following discussion of the 1-Wire bus system is7broken down into three topics: hardware configuration, transaction sequence, and1-Wire signaling (signal types and timing).9.TRANSACTION SEQUENCEThe transaction sequence for accessing the DS18B20 is as follows:Step 1. InitializationStep 2. ROM Command (followed by any required data exchange)Step 3. DS18B20 Function Command (followed by any required data exchange)It is very important to follow this sequence every time the DS18B20 is accessed, as the DS18B20 will not respond if any steps in the sequence are missing or out of order. Exceptions to this rule are the Search ROM [F0h] and Alarm Search [ECh] commands. After issuing either of these ROM commands, the master must return to Step 1 in the sequence.(1)INITIALIZATIONAll transactions on the 1-Wire bus begin with an initialization sequence. The initialization sequence consists of a reset pulse transmitted by the bus master followed by presence pulse(s) transmitted by the slave(s). The presence pulse lets the bus master know that slave devices (such as the DS18B20) are on the bus and are ready to operate.(2)ROM COMMANDSAfter the bus master has detected a presence pulse, it can issue a ROM command. These commands operate on the unique 64-bit ROM codes of each slave device and allow the master to single out a specific device if many are present on the 1-Wire bus. These commands also allow the master to determine how many and what types of devices are present on the bus or if any device has experienced an alarm condition. There are five ROM commands, and each command is 8 bits long. The master device must issue an appropriate ROM command before issuing a DS18B20 function command.81.SEARCH ROM [F0h]When a system is initially powered up, the master must identify the ROM codes of all slave devices on the bus, which allows the master to determine the number of slaves and their device types. The master learns the ROM codes through a process of elimination that requires the master to perform a Search ROM cycle (i.e., Search ROM command followed by data exchange) as many times as necessary to identify all of the slave devices. If there is only one slave on the bus, the simpler Read ROM command can be used in place of the Search ROM process.2.READ ROM [33h]This command can only be used when there is one slave on the bus. It allows the bus master to read the slave’s 64-bit ROM code without using the Search ROM procedure. If this command is used when there is more than one slave present on the bus, a data collision will occur when all the slaves attempt to respond at the same time.3.MATCH ROM [55h]The match ROM command followed by a 64-bit ROM code sequence allows the bus master to address a specific slave device on a multi-drop or single-drop bus. Only the slave that exactly matches the 64-bit ROM code sequence will respond to the function command issued by the master; all other slaves on the bus will wait for a reset pulse.4.SKIP ROM [CCh]The master can use this command to address all devices on the bus simultaneously without sending out any ROM code information. For example, the master can make all DS18B20s on the bus perform simultaneous temperature conversions by issuing a Skip ROM command followed by a Convert T [44h] command. Note that the Read Scratchpad [BEh] command can follow the Skip ROM command only if there is a single slave device on the bus. In this case, time is saved9by allowing the master to read from the slave without sending the device’s 64-bit ROM code. A Skip ROM command followed by a Read Scratchpad command will cause a data collision on the bus if there is more than one slave since multiple devices will attempt to transmit data simultaneously.5.ALARM SEARCH [ECh]The operation of this command is identical to the operation of the Search ROM command except that only slaves with a set alarm flag will respond. This command allows the master device to determine if any DS18B20s experienced an alarm condition during the most recent temperature conversion. After every Alarm Search cycle (i.e., Alarm Search command followed by data exchange), the bus master must return to Step 1 (Initialization) in the transaction sequence.(3)DS18B20 FUNCTION COMMANDSAfter the bus master has used a ROM command to address the DS18B20 with which it wishes to communicate, the master can issue one of the DS18B20 function commands. These commands allow the master to write to and read from the D S18B20’s scratchpad memory, initiate temperature conversions and determine the power supply mode.1.CONVERT T [44h]This command initiates a single temperature conversion. Following the conversion, the resulting thermal data is stored in the 2-byte temperature register in the scratchpad memory and the DS18B20 returns to its low-power idle state. If the device is being used in parasite power mode, within 10µs (max) after this command is issued the master must enable a strong pull up on the 1-Wire bus. If the DS18B20 is powered by an external supply, the master can issue read time slots after the Convert T command and the DS18B20 will respond by transmitting a 0 while the temperature conversion is in progress and a 1 when the conversion is done. In parasite power mode this notification technique cannot be used since the bus is pulled high by the strong pull up during the conversion.102.READ SCRATCHPAD [BEh]This command allows the master to read the contents of the scratchpad. The data transfer starts with the least significant bit of byte 0 and continues through the scratchpad until the 9th byte (byte 8 – CRC) is read. The master may issue a reset to terminate reading at any time if only part of the scratchpad data is needed.3.WRITE SCRATCHPAD [4Eh]This comm and allows the master to write 3 bytes of data to the DS18B20’s scratchpad. The first data byte is written into the TH register (byte 2 of the scratchpad), the second byte is written into the TL register (byte 3), and the third byte is written into the configuration register (byte 4). Data must be transmitted least significant bit first. All three bytes MUST be written before the master issues a reset, or the data may be corrupted.4.COPY SCRATCHPAD [48h]This command copies the contents of the scratchpad TH, TL and configuration registers (bytes 2, 3 and 4) to EEPROM. If the device is being used in parasite power mode, within 10µs (max) after this command is issued the master must enable a strong pull-up on the 1-Wire bus.5.RECALL E2 [B8h]This command recalls the alarm trigger values (TH and TL) and configuration data from EEPROM and places the data in bytes 2, 3, and 4, respectively, in the scratchpad memory. The master device can issue read time slots following the Recall E2command and the DS18B20 will indicate the status of the recall by transmitting 0 while the recall is in progress and 1 when the recall is done. The recall operation happens automatically at power-up, so valid data is available in the scratchpad as soon as power is applied to the device.6.READ POWER SUPPL Y [B4h]The master device issues this command followed by a read time slot to11determine if any DS18B20s on the bus are using parasite power. During the read time slot, parasite powered DS18B20s will pull the bus low, and externally powered DS18B20s will let the bus remain high.10.WIRE SIGNALINGThe DS18B20 uses a strict 1-Wire communication protocol to ensure data integrity. Several signal types are defined by this protocol: reset pulse, presence pulse, write 0, write 1, read 0, and read 1. The bus master initiates all these signals, with the exception of the presence pulse.(1)INITIALIZATION PROCEDURE—RESET AND PRESENCE PULSES All communication with the DS18B20 begins with an initialization sequence that consists of a reset pulse from the master followed by a presence pulse from the DS18B20. This is illustrated in Figure 6. When the DS18B20 sends the presence pulse in response to the reset, it is indicating to the master that it is on the bus and ready to operate.During the initialization sequence the bus master transmits (TX) the reset pulse by pulling the 1-Wire bus low for a minimum of 480µs. The bus master then releases the bus and goes into receive mode (RX). When the bus is released, the 5kΩ pull-up resistor pulls the 1-Wire bus high. When the DS18B20 detects this rising edge, it waits 15µs to 60µs and then transmits a presence pulse by pulling the 1-Wire bus low for 60µs to 240µs.12TimingBus master pulling lowDS18B20 pulling lowResistor pullupFigure 6.Initialization Timing(2)READ/WRITE TIME SLOTSThe bus master writes data to the DS18B20 during write time slots and reads data from the DS18B20 during read time slots. One bit of data is transmitted over the 1-Wire bus per time slot.1.WRITE TIME SLOTSThere are two types of write time slots: ―Write 1‖ time slots and ―Write 0‖ time slots. The bus master uses a Write 1 time slot to write a logic 1 to the DS18B20 and a Write 0 time slot to write a logic 0 to the DS18B20. All write time slots must be a minimum of 60µs in duration with a minimum of a 1µs recovery time between individual write slots. Both types of write time slots are initiated by the master pulling the 1-Wire bus low (see Figure 7).To generate a Write 1 time slot, after pulling the 1-Wire bus low, the bus master must release the 1-Wirebus within 15µs. When the bus is released, the 5kΩ pull-up resistor will pull the bus high. To generate a Write 0 time slot, after pulling the 1-Wire bus low, the bus master must continue to hold the bus low for the duration of the time slot (at least 60µs).The DS18B20 samples the 1-Wire bus during a window that lasts from 15µs to 60µs after the master initiates the write time slot. If the bus is high during the1314sampling window, a 1 is written to the DS18B20. If the line is low, a 0 is written to the DS18B20.DS18B20Write Time SlotSTART OF SLOTVccBus master pulling low Resistor pullupFigure 7.DS18B20 Write Time Slot2.READ TIME SLOTSThe DS18B20 can only transmit data to the master when the master issues read time slots. Therefore, the master must generate read time slots immediately after issuing a Read Scratchpad [BEh] or Read Power Supply [B4h] command, so that the DS18B20 can provide the requested data. In addition, the master can generate read time slots after issuing Convert T [44h] or Recall E 2 [B8h] commands to find out the status of the operation.All read time slots must be a minimum of 60µs in duration with a minimum of a 1µs recovery time between slots. A read time slot is initiated by the master device pulling the 1-Wire bus low for a minimum of 1µs and then releasing the bus (see Figure 8). After the master initiates the read time slot, the DS18B20 will begin transmitting a 1 or 0 on bus. The DS18B20 transmits a 1 by leaving the bus high and transmits a 0 by pulling the bus low. When transmitting a 0, the DS18B20 will release the bus by the end of the time slot, and the bus will be pulled back to its high idle state by the pull up resister. Output data from the DS18B20 is valid for 15µs after the falling edge that initiated the read time slot. Therefore, the master must release the bus and then sample the bus state within 15µs from the start of the slot.VccBus master pulling lowResistor pullupDS18B20 pulling lowFigure 8.DS18B20 Read Time Slot15DS18B20介绍1.说明DS18B20数字式温度传感器提供9位到12位的摄氏温度测量,并且有用户可编程的、非易失性温度上下限告警出发点。
Infrared Remote Control SystemAbstractRed outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, not by the electromagnetic interference etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application.The purpose that design this system is transmit customer’s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attain enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish customer’s operation demand.Keywords:Infrared;Code;Decoding;LM386;Redout-side transceiver1 Introduction1.1 research the background and significanceInfrared Data Communication Technology is the world wide use of a wireless connection technology, by the many hardware and software platforms supported. Is a data through electrical pulses and infrared optical pulse switch between the wireless data transceiver technology.Infrared transceiver products with low cost, small, fast transmission rate, the point-to-point transmission security, not subject to electromagnetic interference and other characteristics that can be achieved between the different products, rapid, convenient and safe exchange and transmission, In short distance wireless transmission have a very distinct advantage.Infrared transceiver products in the portable product of a great role. At present, the world's 150 million piece of equipment used infrared technology in electronic products and industrial equipment. medical equipment and other fields widely used. For example, 95% of the notebook computers on the installation of infrared transceiver interface the majority of the cell phone is also the allocation of infrared transceiver interface. With the exchange of quantitative data, infrared data communications will enable cell phone data transmission more convenient. With infrared data transmission technology matures, perfect, low costs, Infrared Transceiver in short distance communications will be more widely applied.This chapter first describes the infrared transceiver IC design issues to the background and significance. then briefed the infrared data communications technology features and applications, and infrared transceiver product characteristics, domestic and international situation and development trend of the last under infrared remote transceiver system in practical application to establish a task of design orientation.1.2 Infrared Remote Control Transceiver SystemInfrared remote control system is divided into single-channel and multi-channel remote control. Only a command signal transmission channel, called single-channel remote control system; with more than two instructions signal transmission channel known as a multi-channel remote control system. Relatively simple single-channel remote control, in general, only a launcher directive Key receivers and only one circuit implementation. While in the receiving circuit to add more stable memory circuits that can be activated commands to launch a number of key, so that the receiver circuit multistate memory circuit repeatedly to change the state, to realize many of the functional control, But such a state of change is the order. If we are to achieve an arbitrary control, resort to the use of multi-channel remote control system. Multi-channel remote control can be realized by the object of arbitrary multi-function remote control. As for the choice of several routes and what control methods, according to the actual situation (such as object, operational requirements and cost accounting, etc.) to decide. General infrared remote transceiver system by infrared remote control transmitter signal coding, infrared remote control signal receivers and decoders (or decoder chip MCU) and the external circuit consisting of three parts. Signal transmitter remote control code used to generate pulses of infrared emission-driven output infrared remote control signal, receiver completion of the remote control signal amplification and detection, plastic and demodulation encoding pulse. Infrared remote control coded pulse is going to obtain a continuous serial binary code, and for most of the infrared transceiver system, This serial code as micro-controller of the remote control input signals from the internal CPU completion of the remote control instruction decoder, on the other infrared remote control transceivers, the designers of electronic products, The internal micro-controller of the remote control decoder directive is not accessible.Therefore, people are using infrared encoder / decoder chip and micro-controller developed various generic infrared remote transceiver system, In various equipment infrared signals between the transceiver.Remote transceiver system generally transmitters and receivers is composed of two parts. Launchers from the general direction keys, coded instructions circuit modulation circuit, driving circuit, firing circuit of several parts. When pressed a key, the directive coding circuit, in the corresponding instructions encoded signal, the encoder signal to the carrier modulation, Driven by the power amplifier circuit after circuit fired from the field after firing instructions coded modulation signals. General receiver by the receiving circuit, the amplifier circuit, demodulation circuits, instruction decoder circuit, driving circuit, circuit implementation of several parts. Receiving Circuit will launch vehicles have been coded modulation signal receiving instructions from, and to enlarge evacuation demodulation circuit. Demodulation circuit will have the coding modulation signal demodulation, namely, reduction of signal coding. The instruction decoder to the encoder signal decoding, Driven by the final circuit to drive the implementation of various instructions circuit to control the operation.1.3 infrared remote control transceiver product profiles 1.3.1 infrared remote control transceiver product structure and typeCurrently infrared transceiver in accordance with the mode of transmission rate and can be divided into four categories : Serial mode, the highest rate of 115.2 Kbps; medium-speed model : the highest rate of 0.567 Mbps and 1.152Mbps; High-speed mode : The maximum rate of 16 Mbps.Also according to the size chip power consumption can be divided into low-power consumption and standard two categories, low-power type normally used 3 V power supply, transmission distance closer to about 0 - 30cm, which is commonly used standard 5V power supply, transmission distance away at least 1mabove.1.3.2 infrared remote control transmitters of the status quo at home and abroadInfrared communication technology in the development stage and there are several infrared communication standards, between different standards for infrared equipment can not infrared communication. To have all the infrared equipment to interoperability in 1993 by more than 20 large manufacturers initiated the establishment of an Infrared Data Association (IRDA) unified the infrared communication standards , which is currently widely used in infrared data communication protocols and standards, also known as the IRDA standard.Since 1993 IRDA since the establishment of the Infrared Data Association members have developed to more than 150. IRDA standards of the industry has been widely recognized and supported. Has been developed with the infrared communications equipment have been as many as 100 species. IR module, installed capacity has reached 150 million sets. Although there is also a short distance wireless Bluetooth technology, But in infrared communication technology low cost and broad compatibility advantages, Infrared data communication in the future will still be a very long time inherent short-range wireless data communications fields play an important role.1.3.3 Infrared Transceiver product development trendIn various infrared transceiver products, although the transmission rate, transmission distance and other characteristics, But infrared transceiver products has been towards improving the transmission rate, increase the transmission distance and lower power consumption, expanding launch reception angle of development. In particular, as the technology development and maturity, the means of transmission is moving in the direction of point-to-multipoint. Therefore infrared remote control transceiver products have broader prospects for development.2 Infrared communication of knowledge2.1 infrared ray foundation knowledge2.1.1 infrared outlinedInfrared is actually a kind of electromagnetic wave. From the analysis of various natural component of the electromagnetic wave reflected spectrum is :-ray, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave and radio wave. From the viewpoint of form, and they did not seem to, but if the wavelength in descending order, and we will find him all the only visible light spectrum of the entire 0.38 μm - 0.76μm so long little area, and adjacent to the visible light and infrared (including the far infrared, mid-infrared and near infrared foreign) accounts for the spectrum of 0.76 μm - 1000μm of a major. Which micron wavelength range also includes UV, visible, near infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared, microwave.From the above analysis shows that infrared is a very rich spectrum resources, it currently has in production, life, military, medical, and other aspects have been widely used, such as infrared heating, medical infrared, infrared communication, infrared camera, infrared remote control, and so on. Infrared remote control is the many applications of infrared part of the current household appliances widely used in TV remote control, VCR remote control, VCD remote control, high-fidelity audio remote control, are used infra-red remote control, It allows the control of these appliances have become very easy.2.1.2 infrared propertiesInfrared lies between visible light and microwave a wave, it is with certain clinical characteristics of the wave. In the near-infrared, visible light and its adjacent, it is visible in certain characteristics, such as straight-line transmission, reflection, refraction, scattering, diffraction, can be certainobjects and can be absorbed through the lens of their focusing. In the far-infrared region, owing to its neighboring microwave, it has some characteristics of microwave, If a strong penetrating power and can run through some opaque substances. Since in any object, natural profession, regardless of whether its own luminescence (referring to visible light), as long as the temperature is above absolute zero (-273 °C), moment will be kept around to infrared radiation. Only higher temperature of objects strong infrared radiation, low-temperature objects infrared radiation weaker. Therefore infrared feature is the greatest common in nature, it is called thermal radiation called thermal radiation. Infrared cameras, infrared night market pyroelectric infrared detectors and some other missiles aiming at is the use of this characteristic of infrared work.Infrared and visible light compared to another characteristic of a variety of colors. As the longest wavelength of visible light is a wavelength of the shortest times (780 nm-380 nm), So is called an octave. And infrared wavelength is the longest shortest wavelength of a times, and the longest wavelength infrared is the shortest wavelength of 10 times, that is, 10 octave. Therefore, if visible light can be expressed as seven colors, infrared may performance 70 colors, showing the rich colors. Infrared smoke through the good performance, which is also one of its features.Because not visible to the infrared, it has little effect on the environment. By the wave infrared rays than the long wavelength radio waves, infrared remote control will not affect the nearby radio equipment. Another wavelength of less than 1.5μm near infrared light, transparent atmosphere in t he visible light transmission characteristics much better than, because it close to the visible edge of the red light, linear transmission, reflection, refraction and absorption material and the physical characteristics very similar to visible light. Therefore, it can be used with similar visible focusing lens and other opticaldevices. Because infrared remote control is not as remote as the radio through the barrier to control the object's ability to control, so in the design of household appliances infra-red remote control, wireless remote control as unnecessary, each set (transmitters and receivers) have different frequency or remote coding (Otherwise, wall will control or interference with neighbors household appliances), all similar products in the infrared remote control, The same can control the frequency or coding, and no remote control signal "drop." This universal infrared remote control provides a great convenience. Infrared to visible light, is very subtle and confidentiality, therefore, the security, Alert and other security devices have been widely used. Infrared remote control is simple in structure and easy, low-cost, anti-interference capability, high reliability are a number of advantages, is a close-up remote control, especially in indoor remote control optimized manner.2.1.3 infrared diode characteristicsInfrared is not visible, people here are not aware of. Electronic technology is used infrared light emitting diode (also known as the IR emission diode) to generate infrared. Infrared remote control transceiver is using near-infrared transmission control instructions 0.76μm wavelength of ~ 1. 5μm. Near-infrared remote control as a light source, because there infrared light emitting diodes and infrared receiving device (photodiode. Transistor and PV) and the luminescence peak wavelength of light by the general 0.8μm ~ 0. 94μm. in the near-infrared band, both of the spectrum is the coincidence to a good match, access to higher transmission efficiency and higher reliability. Commonly used infrared diode, and its shape is similar LED light emitting diodes, Its basic circuit shown in figure 2 -2. The triode plans for the switch, when the base added a driving signal, Transistor saturated conduction infrared LED D is also Wizard Link, issued infrar ed (near infrared about 0.93 μm). D.The pressure drop of about 1.4 V and the current general for 10-20mA. To adapt to the working voltage of the D loop resistance often as a series of infrared diode current limit resistance.When the circuit diagram of the infrared emission control corresponding to the controlled device, the control of the distance and D is proportional to the transmitting power. In order to increase the distance of infrared control, infrared diode D should work on the pulse state that work is the lifeblood of current. Because pulse light (optical modulation) the effective transmission distance and pulse is proportional to the peak current, only maximize peak current Ip, will increase the infrared distance. Ip increase is a way to reduce th e pulse duty cycle, that is compressed pulse width τ some TV infrared remote control, its infrared luminescence of the pulse duty cycle of about 1/4-1/3; Some electrical products infrared remote control, its duty cycle of 1 / 10. Decreasing pulse duty cycle also enable low-power infrared LED distance of the greatly increased. Common infrared light emitting diodes, power is divided into small power (1 mW - 10mW). Chinese power (20mW - 50mW) and power (50mW - 100mW more) three categories. Use different power infrared LED, the allocation should be driven by the corresponding power control. Figure 2 -2 by the reflected infrared light-emitting diodes to make produce optical modulation, Drivers only need to add the control of a certain frequency pulse voltage.Infrared transmitter and receiver in the way the two kinds of straight, and the second is reflective. Luminescence pointed straight pipe and tube receiver placed in a relatively controlled and fired on the two ends, a certain distance away from the middle; Reflective means luminescent tube and pipe parallel with the receiving peacetime, without always receiving tube light, luminescence only in possession of the infrared light reflected fromencountered, the receiving tube received from the reflected infrared before work.2.2 infrared communication basic tenets2.2.1 infrared communication PrincipleCommunication is the use of infrared wavelength of 900 nm-infrared waves from 1000 to serve as an information carrier, through infrared technology between the two close communication and confidentiality of information transmitted. Infrared communication system structure include : part launcher, channel, the receiver part.Launcher source letter issued after the binary signal from the high-frequency modulated infrared LED sent, receiving device regard the reception of high-frequency signals from the infrared receiver tube after receiving further demodulation photoelectric conversion of the original information of a mass communication lose way. Afterwards the former Information received after receiving part of the drive circuit connected to the expected completion of the various functions. To which the modulation coding style pulse width modulation (by changing the pulse width modulated signal PWM) and pulse modulation time (through change the pulse train interval time between the modulation signal PPM) two.2.2.2 infrared communication system elements(1) Launches : Currently there is a infrared wireless digital communications system sources of information including voice, data, images. Its methods of work for the launch of the receiver can be divided into different layout LOS way (Light-of-Sight , intracardiac way), diffuse (diffuse) mode. LOS way directional, it has good channel characteristics such advantages, but the existence of a "shadow" effect. difficult to achieve roaming function. Roaming means the main features of non-directional, and easy to implementroaming function, but its channel quality is better sometimes LOS way. Transmission of signals required for a few of (the sampling was quantified), the general need for baseband modulation, transmission, modulation, sometimes signal source coding, the above-driven signals from photoelectric converter complete optical signal transmission. Infrared wireless digital communications system and its scope of work-for-fired power distribution, the quality of the communication. While using various methods to improve optical transmitter power, the other using spatial diversity, holographic films and so on so diffuse light for the launch of space optical power evenly distributed.(2) Channel : infrared wireless digital communication channel refers to the transmitters and receivers in the space between. Due to natural light and artificial light sources such as light signals in the context of intervention, and the source - Electrical Equipment, The optical noise and disturbances, infrared wireless digital communications in some occasions, poor quality, At this point needed to channel coding. Infrared wireless communication system, the optical signal reflection, light scattering and background noise and interference effects, Infrared wireless digital channel presence multi-path interference and noise, This is to improve the quality and access for high-speed applications should be addressed. Infrared wireless digital communication channel often used by the major optical components, optical filter, condenser, their role is : plastic, filter, depending on the field transformation, the band division, the lens can be used as launch-ray focusing, the use of optical filters filter out stray light, the use of optical lenses to expand the field of view receiver, able to make use of optical components for the link frequency division multiplexing, etc.. Infrared wireless communication channel optical noise : the natural noise (sunlight) and anthropogenic interference (fluorescent lighting). can be modulated by the transmission technology such as filters and adding to be addressed.(3) receivers : Channel optical signal from the optical receiver partially photoelectric conversion, In order to remove noise and inter-symbol interference and other functions. Infrared wireless digital communications system receiver include optical receiver parts and follow-up sampling, filtering, judgment, quantity, balanced and decoding part. Infrared wireless optical receiver often used amplifier, and called for large-bandwidth, high gain, low noise and low noise, frequency response and channel impulse response matched. To be suppressed by low-frequency noise and human disturbance needs a band-pass filter. To obtain large optical receiver scope and instantaneous field of view, often using spherical optical lens.2.2.3 infrared communications featureWireless communications are a lot of ways, some using infrared communication with the following characteristics :• The high frequency, wave length, and fired the energy concentrated space propagation attenuation coefficient can ensure the effective signal transmission;• infrared is the invisible light, strong confidential ity and use it as an information carrier. device when there is no visual pollution, it does no harm to the human body;• dissemination without limitation, and there is no question of frequency interference with radio-wave pattern, not on the spectrum resources to the relevant authorities for the application and registration, easy to implement;• has a good point, when the transmission equipment and infrared receiver ports line up straight, deviation of not more than about 15 degrees when infrared devices running the best effect;• through infrared or not bypassed and objects, data transmission, optical path can not be blocked;• currently produce and receive infrared signals in the technology is relatively mature, components small size, low cost production of simple, easy to produce and modulation advantages.2.3 infrared communication code based on the knowledgeUsually, infrared remote control transmitters will signal (pulse binary code) modulation at 38 KHz carrier, After buffer amplified sent to the infrared light-emitting diodes, infrared signals into firing away. Pulse binary code in a variety of formats. One of the most commonly used code is PWM (pulse width modulation code) and the PPM code (Pulse Code Modulation). The former said in a pulse width, pulse indicated 0. The latter pulse width, but the width of code-not the same, the codes represent a bit - and the digits represent narrow 0.Remote coding pulse signal (PPM code as an example) are usually guided by the code, the system code, the anti-code system, a feature code, functional anti-code signal components. Guide the code name for the initial code, by the width of 9 ms and the margin width of 4.5 ms to the low-level components (different remote control systems in the low-level high width of a certain distinction), remote coding used to mark the beginning of pulsed signals. System identification code is also called code, which used to indicate the type of remote control system, in order to distinguish other remote-control system, prevent the remote control system malfunction. Functional code is also called scripts, which represents the corresponding control functions, Receiver of the micro-controller functions under the numerical code to complete the various functions operating. Anti-code system and function codes are anti-system code and the functional code against code Anti-code can be joined to the receiver synchronization transmission process leads to errors. In order to improve performance and reduce interference power consumption, The remote control will be coded pulse frequency of 38 KHz (for the cycle of 26.3 ms) of the carrier signal pulse reshuffle system (PAM), and then sentto the buffer amplified infrared LED, the remote control signal transmitter away.Address code and data codes are composed of different pulse width expressed that the two narrow pulse "0"; 2 pulse width "1"; a narrow pulse width and pulse expressed an "F" is the code addresses "vacant."Is the first part of a group a group of code, each code synchronization between separated. The plan is to enlarge the second half of a group code : a code from 12 AD (the address code plus data code For example, eight address code plus four data code), each with two AD-Pulse's : Pulse said the two "0"; 2 pulse width "1"; a narrow pulse width and pulse expressed an "F" is the code addresses "vacant."Realize fired at each fired at least four groups code, PT2272 only twice in a row to detect the same address code plus data code data will be the code "1" is driven The data should be output to drive margin and VT terminal for synchronous serial.红外遥控系统摘要红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。
中英文对照外文翻译单片机单片机也被称为微控制器(Microcontroller Unit),常用英文字母的缩写MCU表示单片机,它最早是被用在工业控制领域。
随着INTEL i960系列特别是后来的ARM系列的广泛应用,32位单片机迅速取代16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。
外文翻译英文原文:STM32 MicrocontrollerIntroductionRequirements based STM32 family is designed for high-performance, low-cost, low-power embedded applications designed specifically for ARM Cortex-M3 core. According to the performance into two different series: STM32F103 "Enhanced" series and STM32F101 "Basic" series. Enhanced Series clock frequency of 72MHz, the highest performance of similar products product; basic clock frequency of 36MHz, 16-bit product prices get more than 16 products significantly enhance the performance and is 16 product users the best choice. Both series have built-in 32K to 128K of flash memory, the difference is the maximum capacity of the SRAM and peripheral combinations. At 72MHz, executing from Flash, STM32 power consumption 36mA, are 32 products on the market's lowest power, the equivalent of 0.5mA/MHz.STM32F103 Performance Characteristics1) Kernel. ARM32 bit CPU, the maximum operating frequency of 72MHz,1.25DMIPS/MHz. Single-cycle multiply and hardware divide.2) Memory. Integrated on-chip 32-512KB of Flash memory. 6-64KB SRAMmemory.3) Clock, reset, and power management. 2.0-3.6V power supply and I / O interface, the drive voltage. POR, PDR and programmable voltage detector. 4-16MHz crystal. Embedded factory tuned 8MHz RC oscillator circuit. 40 kHz internal RC oscillator circuit. CPU clock for the PLL. With calibration for the RTC 32kHz crystal.4) Low power consumption. Three kinds of low-power mode. Sleep, stop, standby mode. For RTC and backup registers supply VBAT.5) Debug mode. Serial debugging and JTAG interface.6) Direct data storage. 12-channel direct data storage controller. Supported peripherals: timers, ADC, DAC, SPI, IIC and USART.7) Up to a maximum of 112 fast I / O ports. Depending on the model, there are 26,37,51,80, and 112 I / O ports, all ports can be mapped to 16 external interruptvectors. In addition to the analog input, all of them can accept the input of 5V or less.8) Up to a maximum of 11 timers. Four 16-bit timers, each with 4 IC / OC / PWM or pulse counter. 2 16 6-channel advanced control timer: up to 6 channels can be used for PWM output. 2 watchdog timer. Systick timer: 24 down counter. Two 16-bit basic timer for driving DAC.9) Up to a maximum of 13 communication interfaces. 2 IIC interface. 5 USART interfaces. 3 SPI interface, two and IIS reuse. CAN interface. USB 2.0 full-speed interface. SDIO interface.System Function1) Integration of embedded Flash and SRAM memory ARM Cortex-M3 core. And 8/16 equipment compared, ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC processor provides a higher code efficiency. STM32F103xx microcontrollers with an embedded ARM core, so it can be compatible with all ARM tools and software.2) Embedded Flash memory and RAM memory. Built up to 512KB embedded Flash, can be used to store programs and data. Up to 64KB of embedded SRAM clock speed of the CPU can read and write.3) Variable static memory. Variable static memory with 4 chip selects, supports four modes: Flash, RAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND. After three FSMC interrupt lines connected to the OR after the nested vector interrupt controller. No read / write FIFO, except PCCARD, the code is executed from external memory is not supported Boot, the target frequency is equal to SYSCLK / 2, so the time when the system clock is 72MHz, 36MHz conducted in accordance with external access.4) Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller. Can handle 43 maskable interrupt channels, providing 16 interrupt priority levels. Tightly coupled nested vectored interrupt controller to achieve lower latency interrupt handling directly passed to the kernel interrupt vector table entry address, tightly coupled nested vectored interrupt controller kernel interface, allowing early treatment interruption, the latter to be more high-priority interrupt processing, support tail chain, auto-save processor state terrupts automatically restored on interrupt exit, no instructions intervention.5) External interrupt / event controller. External interrupt / event controller consists for 19 to generate interrupt / event requests edge detector lines. Each line can be individually configured to select the trigger event, it can be individually masked. There is a pending interrupt request registers to maintain state. When an external line appear longer than the internal APB2 clock-cycle pulse, the external interrupt / eventcontroller is able to detect. Up to 112 GPIO connected to the 16 external interrupt lines.6) Clocks and startup. At boot time or to the system clock selection, but the reset when the internal 8MHz crystal oscillator is selected as the CPU clock. Can choose a 4-16MHz external clock, and will be monitored to determine the success. During this time, the interrupt controller is disabled and the software management is subsequently disabled. Also, if there is a need, PLL clock interrupt management fully available. Comparator can be used more pre-configuration of the AHB frequency, including high-speed and low-speed APB APB, APB highest frequency of high-speed 72MHz, low-speed APB highest frequency of 36MHz.Architectural AdvantagesIn addition to the new features Enhanced peripheral interfaces, STM32 series also interconnect with other STM32 microcontrollers offer the same standard interface, such sharing of peripherals to enhance the entire product family, application flexibility, so that developers can a plurality of design reuse the same software. New STM32 standard peripherals include 10 timers, two 12-bit ADC, two 12-bit DAC, two I2C interfaces, five USART interfaces and three SPI ports. There are 12 new products peripherals direct data storage channel, there is a CRC calculation unit, like other STM32 microcontrollers, the supports 96 unique identifier.New series also has followed the STM32 microcontroller family of products low voltage and energy saving are two advantages. 2.0V to 3.6V operating voltage range compatible with the mainstream of battery technologies such as lithium batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries, the package also features a battery operation mode dedicated pin Vbat. 72MHz frequency to execute code from flash consumes only 27mA current. There are four low-power mode, the current consumption can be reduced to two microamps. Quick Start from low power mode to save energy too; starting circuit using STM32 internally generated 8MHz signal, the microcontroller from stop mode when you wake up with less than 6 microseconds.中文翻译:单片机STM321 STM32的介绍STM32系列基于专为要求高性能、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门设计的ARM Cortex-M3内核。
单片机的外文文献及中文翻译一、外文文献Title: The Application and Development of SingleChip Microcontrollers in Modern ElectronicsSinglechip microcontrollers have become an indispensable part of modern electronic systems They are small, yet powerful integrated circuits that combine a microprocessor core, memory, and input/output peripherals on a single chip These devices offer significant advantages in terms of cost, size, and power consumption, making them ideal for a wide range of applicationsThe history of singlechip microcontrollers can be traced back to the 1970s when the first microcontrollers were developed Since then, they have undergone significant advancements in technology and performance Today, singlechip microcontrollers are available in a wide variety of architectures and capabilities, ranging from simple 8-bit devices to complex 32-bit and 64-bit systemsOne of the key features of singlechip microcontrollers is their programmability They can be programmed using various languages such as C, Assembly, and Python This flexibility allows developers to customize the functionality of the microcontroller to meet the specific requirements of their applications For example, in embedded systems for automotive, industrial control, and consumer electronics, singlechip microcontrollers can be programmed to control sensors, actuators, and communication interfacesAnother important aspect of singlechip microcontrollers is their low power consumption This is crucial in batterypowered devices and portable electronics where energy efficiency is of paramount importance Modern singlechip microcontrollers incorporate advanced power management techniques to minimize power consumption while maintaining optimal performanceIn addition to their use in traditional electronics, singlechip microcontrollers are also playing a significant role in the emerging fields of the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology In IoT applications, they can be used to collect and process data from various sensors and communicate it wirelessly to a central server Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers rely on singlechip microcontrollers to monitor vital signs and perform other functionsHowever, the design and development of systems using singlechip microcontrollers also present certain challenges Issues such as realtime performance, memory management, and software reliability need to be carefully addressed to ensure the successful implementation of the applications Moreover, the rapid evolution of technology requires developers to constantly update their knowledge and skills to keep up with the latest advancements in singlechip microcontroller technologyIn conclusion, singlechip microcontrollers have revolutionized the field of electronics and continue to play a vital role in driving technological innovation Their versatility, low cost, and small form factor make them an attractive choice for a wide range of applications, and their importance is expected to grow further in the years to come二、中文翻译标题:单片机在现代电子领域的应用与发展单片机已成为现代电子系统中不可或缺的一部分。
D.htmlat89c52单片机中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述at89c52单片机简介中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述AT89C52 Single-chip microprocessor introductionSelection of Single-chip microprocessor1. Development of Single-chip microprocessorThe main component part of Single-chip microprocessor as a result of by such centralize to be living to obtain on the chip,In immediate future middle processor CPU。
Storage RAM immediately﹑memoy readROM﹑Interrupt system、Timer /'s counter along with I/O's rim electric circuit awaits the main microcomputer section,The lumping is living on the chip。
Although the Single-chip microprocessor r is only a chip,Yet through makes up and the meritorous service be able to on sees,It had haveed the calculating machine system property,calling it for this reason act as Single-chip microprocessor r minisize calculating machine SCMS and abbreviate the Single-chip microprocessor。
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Infrared Remote And Chips Are IntroducedPeople's eyes can see the visible wavele ngth from long to short accord ing to the arrangement, in order to red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet. One of the red wavelengths for 0.62 ~ 0.76 mount, Purple is 0.38 wavelength range ~ mount. Purple is shorter than the wavelength of light called ultraviolet ray, red wavele ngths of light is Ion ger tha n that of in frared light. In frared remote control is to use wavelength for 0.76 ~ 1.5 mount between the near in frared to tran sfer con trol sig nal.Com mon ly used in frared remote con trol system of gen eral poi nts transmit and receive two parts. The main component part for the launch of infrared light emitting diode. It is actually a special light emitting diode, due to its internal material differs from ordinary light emitting diode, resulting in its ends on certain voltage, it is a rather infrared light. Use of infrared light emitti ng diode the in frared wavele ngths, for 940nm appeara nee and ordin ary, just the same light emitting diode five different colors. Infrared light emitting diode gen erally have black and blue, tran spare nt three colors. Judgme nt of infrared light emitting diode and judgment method, using a millimeter to ordinary diode electric block measure of in frared light emitti ng diode, reverse resista nee. The in frared light emitti ng diode lumin esce nce efficie ncy to use special in strume nt to measure precise, and use only spare con diti ons to pull away from roughly judgme nt. Recei ving part of in frared recei ving tube is a photose nsitive diode.In actual application of it receiving diode to reverse bias, it can work normally, i.e., the infrared receiving circuit application in diode is used to reverse, higher sensitivity. Infrared receiving diode usually have two round and rectangular. Due to the power of infrared light emitting diode (or less commonly 100mW), so ir receiving diode received signals is weak, so will in crease high-ga in on es.the amplifier circuit.In common CX20106A, etc. PC1373H moon infrared receiving special amplifier circuit. In recent years both amateur or formal products, mostly using in frared recei ving head fini shed. The head of in frared recei ving product packages gen erally has two kin ds: one kind USES sheet shield ing, A kind of plastic packaging. There are three pin, namely the power is (VDD), power negative (GND) and data output (VO or OUT). Infrared receiving head foot arrangement for types varied, manufacturer's instructions. Finished the advantages of infrared receiving head is not in need of sophisticated debugg ing and shell scree n, use rise as a tran sistor, very convenient. But whe n used in the infrared receiving attention finished first carrier frequency.In frared remote com mon carrier freque ncy for 38kHz, this is tran smitted by using 455kHz Tao Zhen to decide. At the launch of crystals were integer frequency, frequency coefficients, so commonly 12, so 455kHz 宁12 hun dredth kHz 38kHz hun dredth 379,000. Some remote con trol system adopts 36kHz, 56kHz, etc. general 40kHz launched by the crystals of oscillation freque ncy to decide.In frared remote characteristic is not in flue nee the surro unding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot pen etrate walls, so the room can use com mon household applia nee of remote control without mutual interferenee, Circuit testing is simple, as long as give n circuit connection, gen erally does not n eed any commissi oning can work, Decod ing easily, can un dertake multiple remote con trol. Because each manufacturer produces a great deal of infrared remote application-specific integrated circuit, when need press diagram so jip. Therefore, the infrared remote now in household applia nces, in door close (less tha n 10 meters) in the remote con trol is widely used.Multiple infrared remote control system of infrared emission control buttons, there are many parts general representative of different controlfunction. Whe n pressed a butt on, corresp ondin gly in the receiver with differe nt output.Receiving the output state can be roughly divided into pulse, level, self-lock ing and in terlock, data five forms. "The pulse output is accord ing to laun ch" whe n the butt on, the receiver output term in als output corresp onding "effective", a pulse width 100ms in general. "Level" refers to the output launch press butt on, the receiver output corresp onding output level ", "effective transmit to loosen the receiver" level "disappears. This "effective pulse" and "effective", may be of high level is low, and may also depe nd on the output corresponding static state, such as feet for low, static "high" for effective, As for the static, "low" high effective. In most cases, "high" for effective. "Si nee the lock" refers to launch the output of each time you press the butt on, a receiver output corresp onding cha nge, n amely origi nally a state for high level into a low level, orig in ally for low level into high level. The output power switch and mute as control etc. Sometimes also called the output form for "i nv ert". "The in terlock" refers to multiple outputs each output, at the same time only one output. The TV sets of this case is selected, the other is like the light and sound in put speed, etc."Data" refers to launch the output some key, use a few output form a bi nary nu mber, to represe nt differe nt keystroke.Normally, the receiver except a few data output, but also a "valid" output data, so the timely to collect data. This output form with single-chip microcomputer or are com monly used in terface. In additi on to the above output form outside, still have a "latch" and "temporary" two forms. The so-called "latch" refers to launch the output signal of each hair, the receiver output corresponding ", "new store until you receive signals. "Temporary" output and the in troducti on of "level" output is similar.Remote dista nee (Remote Con trol effect of RF Remote Con trol dista nee)are the major factors as follows:un ched in power tran smissi on power: while dista nee, but great power con sumpti on, easy to gen erate in terfere nee.2. and receiving the receiver sensitivity, receiving, remote distanee in creased sen sitivity to improve, but easy to cause disturba nee maloperati on or abuse.3. antenna, using linear antenna, and parallel, remote distanee, but occupies a large space, in use the antenna spin, pull can in crease the remote dista nee.4. and the higher height: antenna, remote farther, but by objective eon diti ons.5. a nd stop: curre nt use of wireless remote use of UHF band stipulated by the state, the propagation characteristics of approximate linear transmission, light, small, transmitters and receivers diffraction between such as walls are block ing will greatly disco un ted remote dista nee, if is rein forced eon crete walls, due to the absorpti on effect eon ductor, radio waves.Con sideri ng the desig n of hardware volume small to be embedded in the remote eontrol, so we chose 20 foot single-chip chip AT89C2051. Below is the in troducti on of the fun eti on.(1)AT89C2051 internal structure and performaneeAT89C2051 is a byte flash 2K with programmable read-only memory can be erased EEPROM (low voltage, high performanee of eight CMOS microcomputer. It adopts ATMEL of high-density non-volatile storage tech no logy manu facturi ng and in dustrial sta ndard MCS - 51 in structi on set and lead. Through the comb in ati on of sin gle chip in gen eral CPL1 and flash memory, is a strong ATMEL AT89C2051 microcomputer, its application in many embedded control provides a highly flexible and low cost solutions. The compatible with 8051 AT89C2051 is CHMOS micro eontroller, the Flash memory capacity for 2KB. And CHMOS 80C51 process, have two kinds ofleisure and power sav ing operati on mode. The performa nee is as follows.5. CUP, 2KB Flash memory,Working voltage range 2.7-6V, 128KB data storage.The static working way: 0-24MH z, 15 root in put/output line.A programmable serial, 2 a 16-bit timing/counters.There is a slice of in side precisi on simulatio n comparator, 5 the in terrupt sources, 2 priority.Programmable serial UART channel, Directly LED driver output,The internal structure of AT89C2051 is shown in figure 1.Figure 1 AT89C2051 in terior structure(2)AT89C2051 chip pin and functionIn order to adapt to the requireme nt of in tellige nt in strume nt, embedded in the chip foot AT89C2051 simplified configuration, as shown in figure b. The major cha nges to: (1) the lead foot from 20 to 40 wires, (2) in creased a simulated comparator.=Diagram b AT89C2051 foot figure.AT89C2051 pin fun ctio n:1. the VCC: voltage.2. to GND.3. P1 mouth: P1 mouth is an 8-bit two-way I/O port. P1.2 ~ P1.7 mouth pin the internal resista nee provides. P1.0 and P1.1 requireme nts on the external pull-up resistors. P1.0 and P1.1 also separately as piece in side precisi on simulatio n comparator with in put (AIN0) and reversed-phase in put (AIN1). Output buffer can absorb the P1 mouth 20mA current and can directly LED display driver. Whe n P1 mouth pin in to a "1", can make its in put. Whe n the pin P1.2 ~ P1.7 as in put and external dow n, they will be for the in ternal resista nee and flow curre nt (IIL). I n flash P1 mouth duri ng the procedure and program code data recei ving calibrati on.4. P3: the P3.0 ~ P3.5 P3, P3.7 is the in ternal resista nee with seven two-way I / 0 lead. P3.6 for fixed in puts piece in side the comparator output sig nal and it as a gen eral I/O foot and in accessible. P3 mouth buffer can absorb20mA curre nt. When P3 mouth pin in to "1", they are the in ternal resista nceca n push and in put. As in put, and the low exter nal P3 mouth pin pull-up resistors and will use current (IIL) outflow. P3 mouth still used to implement the various functions, such as AT89C2051 shown in table P3 mouth still receive some for flash memory programming and calibration of program con trol sig nals.5. RST: reset in put. RST once, all into high level I/O foot will reset to "1". When the oscillator is running, continuous gives RST pin two machine cycle of high level can finish reset. Each machine cycle to 12 oscillator or clock cycle.6. XTAL1: as the oscillator amplifier in put and in verse internal clock generator in put.7. XTAL2: as the oscillator reversed-phase the amplifier's output.P3 mouth fun cti on as is show n in table 1.addresses, will not meet wrong results. The scope of data storage is OOH(7FH --whe n stack man ipulatio n), also should be no ticed.The in put sig nal is simulated by the origi nal P3.6 foot into the microcontroller, so the original P3.6 foot.Un able to exter nal use. Simulati on comparator can compare two simulation, if the size of the voltage external A D/A converter and its output as A comparator an alog in put, and by simulati ng the comparator ano ther in put voltage to be measured, through the in troduct ion of the software method can realize the A/D con versi on.8. the Flash memory AT89C2051)Provide a 2KB of si ngle-chip AT89C2051 in Flash memory chips, which allows the online program to modify or use special programming program ming.(1) F lash memory en crypti onAT89C2051 SCM has 2 encryption, can programming (P) or programming (U) to obtain different encryption functionality. Encryption functionality table as shown in table 1-1.En crypt a content erased only through chips to erase operatio n.(2) F lash memory program ming and procedures the piece in side chip AT89C2051 Flash memory program ming.Note:1. the cou nters RESET at an EPROM in side the risi ng edge, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot is executed, pulse count.2. pieces of 10ms to erase PROG pulse.3. during the programming P3.1 pulled low RDY/BSY instructions.(3) A T89C2051 SCM in Flash memory chips program ming steps are as follows:1.in the seque nee is the VCC GND pin, add worki ng voltage, XTAL1 pin RESET, recei ving GND pin, other tha n the above time, wait ing for 10ms.2.In P3.2 pin RESET, heighte ning level.3.In P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.7 pin; add model multilevel.4. P1.0 P1.7 -- for the 000H unit add data bytes.5. RESET to in crease the 12V activati on program ming.6. P3.2 jump to a one byte programming or encryption.7. calibration has been programming, data from 12V to RESET logic level "H" and set P3.3 P3.7 -- for the correct level, and can output data in P1 mouth.8. For the n ext addresses) in the unit XTAL1 byte program ming, a pulse, make address coun ter add 1, in mouth add program ming data.9. programmi ng and calibrati on circuit figure c, d.Figure c program ming circuit Figure d calibratio n circuit Expla nati on:(1) P3.1 duri ng programmi ng in structio ns to be low RDY/BSY,(2) single erasing the PROG 10ms need,(3) internal EEPROM address coun ter on the rising edge RESET, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot pulses are executed.Along with the rapid developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy, huma n society has un derg one earth-shak ing cha nges. Make our life more colorful. I n these cha nges, the remote control tech no logy has bee n widely permeates TV aerospace, military, sports and other producti on, all aspects of life. From the broad sense, all equipped with electric locomotive facility or electrical switches, if feel some n ecessary, can con sider to improve existi ng with remote control device, the operation fixed switch to realize the remote operation of the origi nal equipme nt, stop, the variable, etc. Fun cti on.switch, for example, can be used to control the electric control switch the light switch, We design the infrared remote control system to realize the opponent switch quantity control. Infrared remote characteristic is not in flue nce the surro unding en vir onment and does not in terfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use com mon household applia nce of remote con trol without mutual in terfere nce, Circuit testi ng is simple, as long as give n circuit conn ecti on, gen erally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote con trol.红外遥控人的眼睛能看到的可见光按波长从长到短排列,依次为红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。