




Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa。

I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life。 This week,we’ll plant kohlrabi together again,perhaps for the last time but I hope not。I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is。And the funny thing about it is, well,I don’t know quite how to tell you this,Dad.....I don’t even like kohlrabi.......but I like planting it with you。

I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today。Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions,graduations,and weddings。It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi,’54 Chevrolets, and fly—fishing。It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn,who know everything and won’t listen to anyone。It’s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking。It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it never had to end。

I love you, Dad。


There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them。

In fact, fathers love is as strong as mothers, but normally,fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings。 Fathers love is deep and silent, thats why most people think their father love them less。

If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them,though they never said it out loud how much they love you,fathers like a shelter when the storm coming, fathers like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free。 So please cheer for the love of father!


You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it。You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other,father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions,hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys。

The Father—Daughter Duel of 54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the 54 Chevy whether you liked it or not。 The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father—daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old。You were so decent about it,Dad,and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life。

Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked,and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left。 We didnt have a television set,you know,and we had to entertain ourselves somehow。I didnt know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but

I didnt have to wait long to find out。 Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now。 When I see you with all your grandchildren,I know youve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give。 Youve given them yourself。


My father is a nice man。 He likes to play computer games。He is an owner of a factory which produces many things 。He is good at designing。 He works very hard。 I love him very much because, sometimes, I can help him to do something in his factory 。He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time 。Therefore,he does n’t have any time to play with me but I don’t blame him for that。 I often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so I have something to do。 My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn’t listen to her。 So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don’t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late。

I love my father but not his job!


Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything, perhaps because we’ve learned there isn’t much worth disagreeing about. However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn’t all you’ve cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...

I’ve been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didn’t see you getting older.

I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together,

rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day. Or maybe I saw my own.


【导语】掌心留存父亲的温暖,血管流淌父亲的激情,脸庞再现父亲的青春, 眼神继承父亲的刚毅,父亲节到了,祝所有的父亲身体健康,节日快乐。整理“有关父亲节的英语作文5篇”,以供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,感谢 大家的阅读与支持! 【篇一】有关父亲节的英语作文 Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa。 I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life。 This week,we’ll plant kohlrabi together again,perhaps for the last time but I hope not。I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is。And the funny thing about it is, well,I don’t know quite how to tell you this,Dad.....I don’t even like kohlrabi.......but I like planting it with you。 I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today。Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions,graduations,and weddings。It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi,’54 Chevrolets, and fly—fishing。It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn,who know everything and won’t listen to anyone。It’s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking。It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it never had to end。 I love you, Dad。 【篇二】有关父亲节的英语作文 There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them。


父亲节的英语作文 关于父亲节的英语作文范文(通用5篇) 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编为大家整理的关于父亲节的英语作文范文(通用5篇),欢迎大家分享。 父亲节的英语作文1 6月19日是父亲节。 June 19 is fathers day. 这一天上午,爸爸在驾校练过车后,我给辛苦的爸爸捶了捶背;中午,妈妈请我们一家吃了丰盛的大餐,并祝爸爸节日快乐;下午,妈妈还给外公、姥姥送了许多节日礼物,有西瓜、甜瓜、桃子、饮料等,因为爷爷、奶奶在方庄老家,爸爸、妈妈没空回老家,爸爸通过电话给爷爷进行了节日问候。 This morning, after my father practiced in driving school, I thumped my hard-working father on the back; at noon, my mother invited our family to have a big meal, and wished my father a happy holiday; In the afternoon, my mother also sent many festival gifts to Grandpa and grandma, including watermelon, melon, peaches, drinks, etc. because grandpa and grandma were in Fangzhuangs hometown, my father and mother didnt have time to go back to their hometown, and my father gave my grandfather holiday greetings by phone. 我祝全世界的父亲节日快乐,身体健康! I wish fathers day all over the world happy and healthy! 父亲节的英语作文2 “6月20日,翻开了日历,今天是父亲节,没记错哦!”我小声的说了起来。 "June 20, opened the calendar, today is fathers day, no


【导语】爸爸的关爱如山,伴我成长;爸爸的疼爱似海,润我生命;爸爸的宠爱如雨,浸我人生。父亲节到了,谢谢您的爱,我也爱您,愿您身体健康,笑口常开!以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.父亲节英语作文范文 A special holiday is coming, which is father's day. I also hope my father can be happier. In the morning, I got up early and thought, what gift should I give my father? My parents celebrate children's day for me every year. When we help my father celebrate, I think of cake and bread. I had an idea and thought of the "strategy" of helping my father celebrate his birthday. I saw that my father didn't get up, so I immediately started. I drew a card on the paper with crayon and wrote the words "happy holidays". He ran downstairs again, took the bread, wrote "Dad eats bread" with his father's favorite ketchup, and put it in his father's seat. My heart is always sweet because I helped my father celebrate the festival. I thought again: every time I have a holiday, dad will take me out to play. At noon, dad goes out to socialize. I'm going to buy a cake! I thought happily. I went to the department store to buy cake alone. I went to pick up a cheap and good cake. Happy to go home, I put the cake in the fridge for fear that he would melt. It happened that my father had just come back. Dad looked at my cake and said: our Xinxin has grown up! I hope my father is healthy and my father will always be by my side 2.父亲节英语作文范文 Sunday is father's day. I go to learn painting in the afternoon. I thought along the way, what gift should I give to my grandfather and father, but grandpa is still in the first place, because he is the person who treats me in the world! The content of today's class is landscape painting. When I


父亲节英语作文(20篇) 父亲节英语作文第1篇: Hi, my name is Cindy。 I have a good father。 I like him very much。 My father is a policeman。 He is tall and strong。He looks very cool in the black police uniform。 He works in the police station and he is very busy every day。He likes helping people。 So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle。 When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people。 He is a good policeman。 And many people like him very much, too。 They often say: “Mr Li, you are a good policeman。 We like you very much。” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty。 My father likes reading books very much。 Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend。 So he reads books after work every day。 Sometimes he plays games with me。 We are very happy。 I like him very much,because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend。 This is my father。 He is a good father。 I like my father very much! 父亲节英语作文第2篇: Dear Dad,


【导语】一年一个轮回,掐指一算,又迎来了一个父亲节。以下是为大家精心 整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关父亲节的英语作文 Father's Day is coming soon. It's a holiday for us to express our love for our father. But this festival is the one I have been avoiding. Because, for me, this is a festival without a father. I haven't seen my father since I can remember, and I don't know who he is? What do you do? What do you look like? It's even more impossible to realize what fatherly love is like. I remember when I was in the first grade of primary school, all the students had a father to pick me up, but I didn't, so I asked my mother, "where's my father?" Mom smiled and said, "dad lives in other cities and doesn't care about us. But it doesn't affect our own life. Mom will work harder to take care of you." "Well, mom! I'll protect you!" Since then, I have never asked about my father again. Although I lost my father's love, my mother took care of me harder; Although I haven't seen my father, I believe my father won't forget me. He just has his own family; Although that love may be small and subtle, it belongs to my father's love. No matter how old you are, you will understand that your parents divorced and your father didn't explain anything to your mother. I was raised by my mother alone, and I wanted to open up. Without my father, our future still needs to continue. Try to do it in your own harbor! Repay my mother who shoulders the burden of taking care of me! Without sunshine, there will be no warm days; Without rain and dew, there will be no bumper crops; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, we have no ourselves; Without family affection, the world will be lonely and dark. Although I lack my


父亲节英语作文【十篇】 【篇一】父亲节英语作文Once, when I was a teenager,my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus。 Finally, there was only one family between us and the ticket counter。 This family made a big impression on me。 There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12。 You could tell they didnt have a lot of money。 Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean。 The children were well―behaved, all of them standing in line, two―by―two behind their parents, holding hands。They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, elephants,and other acts they would see that night。 One could sense they had never been to the circus before。 It promised to be a highlight of their young lives。The father and mother were at the head of the pack, standing proud as could be。 The mother was holding her husbands hand, looking up at him as if to say,“Youre my knight in shining armor。” He was smiling and basking in pride, looking back at her as if to reply,“You got that right。” The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he


父亲节英语作文范文(通用5篇) 父亲节英语作文范文(通用5篇) 在学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是小编整理的父亲节英语作文范文(通用5篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 父亲节英语作文1 Tomorrow is fathers day, I want to send two gifts for dad. I take everyone to take a nap at noon, I took out fifty yuan pocket money to buy a gift, to the flower shop, I dont know which one to buy, this I see that look, finally found the right flowers, gave the money to the boss. I went and bought several packets of paper folding wishing star, came home, I put the flowers in the vase, add some water inside, then hid the flowers where nobody pay attention to. Ok so, I started to fold the wishing star, every star, I wrote a blessing, a star, the two stars were folded · · · · · · one hundred and seventy-nine, dont look at these small stars, but each star in with my blessing to my father. Wishing star after the discount, I put it in a nice little gift box, can look forward to come tomorrow. Early the next morning at six o clock, I quietly walked into the room, I put the flowers and wishing star on the table, I was out of the room. Slowly fragrance filled the room, dad was smoked aroma woke up and found it still reads: dad happy fathers day. Dad smiled on his face. 父亲节英语作文2 Today is fathers day, thinking of what my father had always so hard, I decided to send a gift for dad, but I dont know what is good, all of a sudden, I think of mom and dad so good, there must be some good advice.


【导语】父爱如风,风平浪静;父爱如雨,盥灌洗心灵;父爱如灯,照亮前程;父爱如路,路路畅通;父爱如钟,警钟长鸣;父爱如水,伴我一生。祝老爸,节日快乐!为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.父亲节英语作文 Tomorrow is father's day. My father's busy figure is swinging around in front of me. How can I express my love for my father? I think about it. Oh, yes, let's use this method. My father is very busy every day. I am going to help him wash the car at 5 a.m. I opened the water pipe and washed it. How difficult it is to wash the car! The roof has to use that long thing. What should I do? Oh, yes, use a mop. I cleaned the mop and wiped the car clean. At 6 o'clock, dad got up and was in the bathroom. He made breakfast at this time. Dad came out and looked at it. He was very surprised. What happened? I came out to hold my father tightly and said, "happy father's Day!" Dad, you worked hard. Here, I wish you a happy holiday! 2.父亲节英语作文 Today is Sunday. I got up early before dawn. I quietly came to my father and mother's room and saw that they were sleeping soundly! Today is father's day. I want to give my father a special gift. I hurried into my bedroom, took out my composition paper, and began to write my father. Because I once asked my father what he most wanted me to give him on father's day. My father told me: "dad doesn't want anything, as long as you write me a good composition." I carefully wrote the composition, quietly put it on my father's bedside, and then went back to my bedroom to pretend to sleep. After a while, I really fell asleep. A noise woke me up. I ran out of bed quickly. Suddenly my father picked me up. I said to my father, "Dad, I wish you a happy holiday!" I live


【导语】父爱是山,呵护生命的火;父爱是火,点燃希望的灯;父爱是灯,照亮前行的路;父爱是路,引领我的一生。为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考 阅读。 1.关于父亲节的英语作文 Father, have you slept yet? At this moment, I suddenly think of you. I have too much to say, but I can't say... Will you forgive me for those words that hurt you and young frivolous thoughts? I lie in the dormitory and think of my father. I had a quarrel with him before I returned to school, because last week I heard from my mother that my father would take me to the temple fair next weekend. The temple fair used to be my father alone. This time, the organizer of the temple fair gave my father a table, I was very proud and excited about this, but my uncle invited more guests because he was the sole master. My father wronged me and gave me my place! In a fit of pique, I turned down my father's proposal to let me sit in an extra seat. I think that's what I cried to my grandmother. I don't care! The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. It's like there's a fire of expectation in my heart. However, when a basin of cold water comes down, there's only sad smoke left, which makes my eyes red. He loves me, his mother and his grandparents. Our family starts from "love". Dad awed me out of his love. His filial love for his grandparents, his love for his mother's lover, his love for me, his penetration of love is like water, which cannot be cut off. I admit that my father is ordinary. He can't meet my needs. He also looks simple and honest. But he still has a high image in my heart, not because of how much he cares for me, but because of how much he cares for anyone. I can have no father's love, but I will still fear him. Slow down, don't let your father grow old again; I would like


父亲节英语作文FathersDay5篇 父亲节英语作文80字Fathers Day1 My father is a nice man. He likes to play *r games. He is an owner of a factory which produces many things 。He is good at designing. He works very hard. I love him very much because, sometimes, I can help him to do something in his factory 。He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time Therefore, he doesnt have any time to play with me but I dont blame him for that. I often spenda lot of my time on the *r, so I have something to do. My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesnt listen to her. So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I dont like my father in a sense that he always gets home late. I love my father but not his job! 父亲节英语作文80字Fathers Day2 Yesterday was father“s day. i had planned to give my father a present. buti didn"t remember it until in the morning.it was too late to post a card to him.so i decided to buy something. when i was in the department store. i found itwas not easy for me to


【导语】幼小无助时,父亲的怀抱给我们温暖;青春叛逆时,父亲刚强威严给我们管教;长大成人时,父亲默默给我们支持帮助;父亲节到了,儿女们无以回报,祝父亲健康平安!以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.父亲节英语作文范文 My father is a gentle and sometimes very irascible father. I remember once, my father and I went fishing on a sunny day. It was 11 o'clock. My father and I set out to go fishing in the nearest river. It took me more than an hour to catch three small fish, but my father caught a lot of big and fat fish. My heart was angry and wanted to cry, so I went to my father and asked him, "why did I catch only three small fish when you caught so many fish?"? My father said to me: son, fishing needs patience. Don't think fishing is very simple. Do you think you put the bait in the water and there will be a fish on the hook right away? I'll tell you, of course, you can't catch it right away. You need to be patient, okay? At this time I seem to understand something. I immediately ran back to my position and waited for the fish to bite. After waiting for nearly 20 minutes, I finally got a fish hooked. At that time, I was so happy. When I caught him on the bank, I saw that the fish was really big. At this time, my father said to me: Yes! That's it. Can't you wait for a big fish? Dad wanted to say it, but dad caught a fish on his hook. It was also a big fish. In the evening, dad and I came home happily and ate a lot of fish. Dad said to me, am I really good to you? Dad suddenly asked a very strange question. I hurriedly replied: of course it's good for me! Dad may not be at home tomorrow. Remember to sleep well tomorrow alone. I said why, dad did not answer. Later, I learned that it was because I couldn't get along with the son of the boss of my father's company. One day, he scolded me and I beat the boss's son. My father went to talk to the boss about this. Because he couldn't talk, he also let the boss' son


父亲节满分英语作文5篇 父爱是宽阔的海洋,拥有包容一切的力量,把温暖纳入胸膛,把坚强放在身旁,为儿女撑起幸福的阴凉,为孩子洒下万丈的阳光。云和风相遇,是为了化作雨;您教育我,是为了让我成才;爸爸,您是我的守护神,我的精神支柱。父亲节就要到了,下面是小编整理的关于父亲节英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望能帮助到大家,谢谢! 父亲节满分英语作文1 In my dearest memories have so a person, or standing or bend, have impression has been etched deeply in my heart. The man has a thin white hair, round face was full of years trace, fat body is very thick, the shoulder is very wide, like a can rely on the mountain. This man is the pillar of my home, I the most dear father. "Dad" is a good word, called "BaBa" when I was a kid, that's my favorite food, is also he gave me his family of food and clothing. Dad always love "nag". See at most as a child is the father of my cousin and cousin, talking about some life planning. Because my cousin and cousin are bigger than me, than I'll consider some problems naturally. Sometimes annoyed me and my brother elder sister is not his children, he was so concerned about what to do. But I am afraid to speak these words, and he is still like a father taught his children. Later grew up some, when they talk about again, I will be listening in. Looking daddy serious faces and brother elder sister to admire eyes, suddenly understand why dad in our this generation


感恩父亲节英语作文精选5篇 (父亲节)就像一个感恩父爱的日子,我总是会在这一天好好感谢一下父亲。下面就是我给大家带来的感恩父亲节(英语(作文)),希望大家喜欢! 感恩父亲节英语作文(1) Today is fathers day. Im going to buy a gift for my dad with my pocket money, so I kill the little fat piggy bank. I walked into the room and said to my father, dad, I broke something. Father got angry, blew his beard and stared, and he kicked me in the ass without saying a word. I was kicked out. I took my pocket money and didnt go back to the shoe store. At the shoe store, I said to my bosss shoes, buy an adults shoes. The boss say: you are a child, how can buy adults https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a19372505.html, shoes? I told my boss it was for my father. The boss asked me again, how big is your fathers foot? I turned my butt up and showed him the footprints of my father. The boss was surprised at first, but he immediately responded, laughing and saying, youve got your size on your ass. 感恩父亲节英语作文(2) Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. Everyone likes them. Flowers portray love, happiness, joy and all the other positive emotions. Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival. But there has been a misconception. Flowers are mainly associated with feminine gender. It is forgotten that men to have a soft side to them. Gift your father a bouquet of flowers on Fathers Day and he surely will be overjoyed. Flowers, especially architectural and bold like tropical flowers, which are


父亲节英语作文 父亲节英语作文(精选5篇) 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家整理的父亲节英语作文(精选5篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 父亲节英语作文1 Dear Dad, Today is fathers day, for so many years Ive been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it! Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. Im blessed to have you. Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life. Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that its capacity not scores that really counts. Dad, I love you and I will love you forever! Yours beloved, Li Ming 父亲节英语作文2 Dear Dad,
