







供电电压:5v micro usb供电电流:约70ma,拔掉背光跳线<1ma放电电流:0.1a-3.5a,步进0.1a。

电池放电截止电压:0-12v, 1mv步进。





电池截止电压参考设置选择种类适用电池标称电压终止电压值Ue镍镉氢 1.2-1.5V 1.0V磷酸锂 3.0-3.3V 2.5V锂池 3.6-3.8V 3.0V移动源 4.8-5.2V 4.0V铅酸电池12-14v 10.5v使用方法:图1 :主控板图2 :主控板背面图1(主控板)中,上面数第一个为启动键,2,3为+-键,最下面为选择键。


四线制接线:图2 (主控板背面),从左到右A+ A- V- V+。

V+ A+,从电池正极引出,A- V- 从电池负极引出,A+ A- 要用粗线,放电电流从这里经过。

V+ V- 可以用细线。

若用两线制,直接在主控板上,把V- A-短接, V+ A+短接。


图3 :开机界面1.开机启动以后,进入图3 :开机界面。





图4 放电主界面2.进入放电模式以后,参看图4 :放电界面。

第一行显示放电电压,放电电流,放电电流有可能不断变化,是仪器在进行电流反馈,电流变化范围不超过5ma 。




电池测试仪器使用方法说明书一. 介绍电池测试仪器是一种用于测量电池性能和容量的设备。



二. 检查设备1. 外观检查:首先检查设备的外观是否完好。


2. 电源连接:将电池测试仪器连接到稳定的电源,确保设备能够正常启动和工作。

3. 电缆连接:将测试仪器的测试电缆连接到正确的测试接口,确保电缆连接牢固,不松动。

三. 准备测试电池1. 选择电池:根据需要测试的电池类型,选择适合的测试模式。


2. 清洁电池:使用干净的布或纸巾清洁电池表面,确保没有灰尘或脏污。

四. 进行测试1. 连接电池:将待测试的电池正确地连接到测试仪器上。


2. 设置参数:根据电池测试仪器的操作界面,设置输入测试的相关参数,如电流范围、电压范围和测试时长等。

3. 启动测试:确认参数设置无误后,启动测试仪器,开始进行电池测试。


4. 测试结果:待测试完成后,测试仪器将会显示出电池的测试结果,包括电流、电压、电阻和容量等信息。

五. 结束测试1. 断开连接:测试完成后,先将电池测试仪器断开电池,再将测试电缆从测试仪器上拔出。

2. 关机:关闭电池测试仪器的电源,并确保设备处于安全状态。

3. 整理设备:清理并整理测试仪器及相关配件,放置在干燥、通风的环境中,以便下次使用。

六. 注意事项1. 安全操作:在操作过程中,要注意电池测试仪器的使用安全,避免电击和其他意外伤害。

2. 参数设置:在进行测试前,要确保测试仪器的参数设置正确,以获得准确的测试结果。

3. 电池兼容性:在选择测试设备时,要注意设备是否与待测试的电池兼容,避免因电压或电流不匹配而损坏设备或电池。

4. 保养维护:定期检查和维护电池测试仪器,确保设备的正常运行和准确测试。

电池综合测试仪 操作手册说明书

电池综合测试仪 操作手册说明书

惠州精惠仪器设备有限公司HUIZHOU JINGHUI INSTRUMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD电池综合测试仪操作手册安全需知警告!严禁电池正负极反接!提醒!开机前保证夹具不能接负载!不要在测试过程中中止测试,会导致测量数据不准确警告危险:当你发现有以下不正常情形发生,请立即终止操作并断开电源线。



















目录前言 (1)功能概述 (3)仪器外观 (5)接线方式 (7)主功能菜单 (7)电池静态参数测量模式 (13)电池容量测量模式 (14)单独充电模式 (15)单独放电模式 (15)程控电源模式 (15)程控电子负载模式 (16)电压与内阻表模式 (17)仪器特性指标 (18)上位机软件前言常见的可充电电池包含锂电池,镍镉电池,镍氢电池,以及密封铅酸蓄电池等。

IDCE-4815CT MINI蓄电池组容量测试仪使用说明书说明书

IDCE-4815CT MINI蓄电池组容量测试仪使用说明书说明书










1.3设备型号本测试仪型号为:IDCB-XX YY CT表征:IDCE一諾电池容量测试仪型号X一放电电压等级YY一放电电流等级CT一彩色触摸显示屏1.4产品功能特点5.7英寸超大触摸屏采用大尺寸触摸屏,可直接在屏上进行点击操作,简单明了。













3)内阻测量范围:0~999 mΩ最小分辨率0.1mΩ
5.2.3在选择“1.Static Test(静态参数测量功能)”后,进入相应设置界面:
7)电压和内阻表功能; 8)仪器校准功能





二、注意事项在使用电池测试仪之前,请务必仔细阅读以下注意事项,以确保安全和正确的操作:1. 请将电池测试仪保持干燥,远离水源,以避免设备损坏或危险情况的发生。

2. 使用电池测试仪前,请确保仪器已接通电源,并处于正常工作状态。

3. 在测试电池前,请检查电池表面是否有破损或异物,并确保接触端清洁。

4. 请按照电池测试仪用户手册中的规定选择合适的测试模式和参数。

5. 在测试过程中,严禁将电池测试仪接触到易燃或易爆物质附近。

6. 若发现电池测试仪异常情况,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务。

三、使用步骤以下是使用电池测试仪的详细步骤说明:1. 准备测试仪器- 将电池测试仪连接到电源,确保仪器工作正常。

- 按照使用手册要求,选择适用的测试模式和参数。

2. 连接电池a) 将测试仪的测试夹具与电池端子连接。


b) 检查连接,确保仪器和电池之间不存在异常情况。

3. 进行测试a) 启动电池测试仪,等待仪器完成自检并进入待机模式。

b) 按下仪器上的开始按钮,开始进行电池测试。

c) 根据仪器上的显示屏或指示灯,观察测试进程和结果。

4. 结果分析a) 测试完成后,屏幕将显示测试结果。

b) 根据测试结果,判断电池性能是否达到预期要求。

c) 如有需要,根据仪器用户手册进行测量数据的进一步分析和处理。

5. 结束测试a) 将电池测试仪设为待机模式,或将其关闭并断开电源。

b) 断开电池与测试仪之间的连接,并清理测试仪器。


以下是一些常见故障及其解决方法:1. 仪器无法启动:- 检查电源是否连接正常,确保电池测试仪的电源正常工作。

- 检查电池是否充电或更换电池。

2. 测试结果异常或不准确:- 检查连接是否良好,确保电池测试仪与电池之间的连接正常。



1BC BC--7000CAPACITY TESTEROPERATIONS MANUALCOFKO LLC.COPYRIGHT © 2013To buy, sell, rent or trade-in this product please click on the link below:https:///Power-Products-BC-7000-Battery-Charger.aspxUNPACKINGAs you unpack your new BC-7000 battery capacity tester, inspect the tester for signs of shipping damage. If shipping damage is present, stop and contact the shipping company for damage claims information. The box should contain the BC-7000 tester, operators instruction manual, AC power cord, USB cable, battery disconnect (7017-2), 2 battery adapter cables, and BC Report software.IMPORTANT: Save the shipping box and packaging material. They should be used to repack the tester if it needs to be shipped back for warranty or service.2INTRODUCTIONCongratulations on acquiring your new BC-7000 battery capacity tester. The BC-7000 battery capacity tester has been designed to provide the operator with accurate battery capacity testing and ease of operation.The features of the BC-7000 are:- Adjustable constant current load in 0.1 Ampere increments from 0.5 Ampere to 15 Ampere.- Adjustable constant current load in 1.0 Ampere increments from 15 Ampere to 55 Ampere.- Universal AC power input 85~264Vac 1 PH (47 to 63Hz)- LCD display.- 10mv voltage resolution.- Over temperature protection.- Audio warning when capacity test is complete or malfunction of the unit.- USB 2.0 port for PC connection.- Windows TM XP or Higher compatible BC Report Utility software for test data hardcopy print out.- Real time internal clock with battery backup.- 1 year warranty.Before operating your new BC-7000 battery capacity tester, familiarize yourself with this operators manual and the unit.Questions?Call: (909) 705-6267 Mon.-Fri.8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PST or *****************Thank you,COFKOManual: BC-7000Revision: C Date: 04/05/133CONTENTS PAGEBC-8000 History of Revisions (5)BC-7000 SAFETY NOTES ………………………………………………………………….…….................................................… 6,7BC REPORT UTILITY AND REAL TIME CLOCK SETUP (8)BC-7000 OPERATION …………………………………………......................................................................…....……. 9,10,11BC-7000 REPORT PRINTING (11)BC-7000 CARE (12)BC-7000 TECHNICAL DATA ……………………………………………………………………………......................…..................….. 13,14BC-7000 LIMITED WARRANTY (15)BC-7000 NOTES (16)BC-7000 CERTIFCATION OF FACTORY CALIBRATION (17)4History of RevisionsRevision #Effective Date Description of Change Approval ByA11/11/2010Initial issue M.C.B10/23/2012Increase Maximum Operation Altitude from 6000’ to 6500’ M.CB10/23/2012Change Description of Box Contents M.C.C04/05/2013Minimum and Maximum Operation Temperature M.C.56SAFETY NOTESYour new BC-7000 battery capacity tester has been designed with operator safety as a function of its design,construction, and operation. Understanding how to safely operate the BC-7000 battery capacity tester is important. Failure to follow the operation and safety guidelines when using the BC-7000 can result in personal injury to the operator and damage to the BC-7000. Always review the battery manufacturer’s battery capacity testing guidelinesbefore testing batteries.Look for this symbol to identify Safety and Danger precautions. Be Alert- Your safety isinvolved! Personal injury or equipment damage can occur if guidelines are not followed. PRECAUTIONS:Precautions:1 CAUTION: Aircraft batteries are certified to have a certain minimum capacity for emergency operations inthe event of an electrical generator system failure. Never “jump start” an aircraft that has a discharged or“dead” battery.2 WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Do not touch un-insulated portions of the connector or the batteryterminals. A possibility of serious electrical shock exists. Do not lay tools or other metal objects on thebattery as arcing or explosion could occur. Remove conductive jewelry before working around battery,charger, or test equipment.3 CAUTION: ELECTRIC BURN HAZARD. Do not wear conductive rings, belt buckles, or other jewelry whenworking with batteries, chargers, or test equipment. Do not lay tools or other metal objects on the batteryas arcing and severe burns could occur.4 WARNING: Batteries on charge or discharge produce hydrogen gas, which can explode if ignited. Do notsmoke, use an open flame, or cause sparking near a battery. Charge, service or test a battery only in a wellventilated area. The use of exhaust fans may reduce the risk of explosion.5 WARNING: Batteries contain sulfuric acid which will cause burns . DO NOT TOUCH EYES AFTER TOUCHINGBATTERY . Do not get acid in your eyes, or on your skin, or clothing. In the event of acid in the eyes, flushthoroughly with clean cool water for several minutes. Get professional medical attention. Refer to batteryMSDS for additional information.6 WARNING: Wear proper eye, face and hand protection at all times when working with batteries. Know thelocation and use of emergency eyewash and shower nearest the battery charging area.7 CAUTION: To prevent damage to the connector, arc burns, or explosion, batteries should never beconnected or disconnected while being charged or discharged. Batteries must be connected or disconnected only when the circuit is open. Ensure the aircraft battery switch, external power source, or thecharger/analyzer is in the “OFF” position before connecting or disconnecting the battery. Battery terminal protectors should be installed whenever the battery is not connected in the aircraft or to the testequipment.8 CAUTION: Batteries contain hazardous materials. Know the location and proper use of emergency responsematerials. Refer to battery Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for additional information.9 Caution / Warning: Only constant potential charging may be done on the aircraft. DO NOT constant currentcharge a battery on the aircraft. There could be a serious risk of injury to personnel and / or damage to the aircraft or aircraft systems due to high voltage and generation of explosive gases when charging constant current.10 DANGER: Never connect or disconnect BC-7000 tester main power connector with the switch on. Connectingor disconnecting the BC-7000 tester with discharge current applied can cause a spark and possible battery explosion.11 DANGER: Never capacity test batteries without first inspecting all battery wires and connection for conditionand tightness. Replace all defective wires and bad connections before capacity testing batteries. Defective wiring and bad connections can cause overheating during a capacity test.12 DANGER: never connect the BC-7000 capacity tester to batteries with voltage or capacity currents outsidethe ratings of the tester. The BC-7000 tester is designed for 12 and 24 volt batteries. Connecting the tester to batteries with different voltages can permanently damage the tester and endanger the operator. Anyquestionsthatariseaboutthebatteryortesterratings,**********************13 DANGER: never obstruct the BC-7000 tester air intake or hot air exhaust openings. Obstructing eitheropening can cause the tester to overheat.7BC Report Utility and Real Time Clock SetupNOTE: The BC Report Utility software MUST be installed on the computer used to connect to the BC-7000 tester first. Do not connect the USB communication cable to the BC-7000 until this is done.1 Remove the BC Report Utility CD from the protective sleeve and place disk into the PC CD drive. The BC Report Utility will automatically start installing. (Manual installation can be done with commands: Start\Run\ d:\setup.exe2 Windows Application Security Warning dialog box may prompt you about installing the BC Report Utility. To continue installing the BC Report Utility, click on the INSTALL button. The installation may take some time as Windows TM installs all the necessary software.3 When prompted to install the Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART bridge driver, click the INSTALL button to install all needed drivers. (C:\Program Files\Silabs\MCU\CP210x\) Note: The CP210x drivers are on the BC Report Utility CD disk.4 After the BC Report Utility software installation is completed, remove the BC Report Utility CD disk from the drive and return to the protective sleeve. Now restart the PC .5 The Windows TM desktop should now contain the BC Report Utility program icon. Plug the USB cable supplied with the BC-7000 into a working USB port on the PC with the BC Report Utility installed. Connect the AC power cord to the BC-7000 and set the power switch to the ON position. Now plug the remaining USB cable end into the USB port located on the right side rear of the BC-7000. If the connection is made between the PC and the BC-7000 the PC may respond with an audio sound confirming a device has been found.6 To run the BC Report Utility, place the mouse pointer on the icon and press the left mouse button. This action will start the BC Report Utility program and display the program window.7 Before updating the BC-7000 internal date and clock, check the computer date and time for proper setting and adjust if needed. This is the date and time the BC-7000 will use. Located in the lower middle of the BC-7000 Report window is the SET Date & Time button. To set the BC-7000 Date & Time place the mouse pointer on the Set Date & Time button and click the left mouse button. The status bar located in the lower left corner will display a series of messages showing the communications activity between the BC-7000 and the PC. The first message displayed is Searching for BC-7000. Second message is Setting Date and Time. And the final message will be Done. With the date and time set, the BC-7000 is now ready to test batteries and print test result reports.8 If any difficulties are experienced with communications between the BC-7000 and the PC, check cable connections first and review BC Report Utility installation second. Lastly make sure the PC USB port drivers are installed and working. Review your Windows TM software help menu for guidelines in checking USB ports.89BC-7000 OPERATIONNOTE: Before capacity testing a battery, review all testing procedures as required by the batterymanufacturer. Failure to do so can result in inaccurate test date.NOTE: Before capacity testing a battery, RECHARGE THE BATTERY FOLLOWING THE MANUFACTURERS RECHARGING GUIDELINES.NOTE: Before putting the BC-7000 into service the REAL TIME clock must be set. See instruction in the BC Report Utility section. Failure to do so will result in incorrect printed time on test reports.1. Make sure the power switch is in the OFF position. Connect the AC power cord female end into the powerreceptacle located in the left rear side of the BC-7000. Connect the male end of the power cord into the AC power outlet. Now connect the gray BC-7000 battery connector to the battery to be tested.DANGER: Never attempt to connect the BC-7000 capacity tester to a battery using anything but the proper connector. Doing so can damage the tester, battery, or cause injury to the operator . Capacity testing data will be invalid if incorrect connections are made.2. Place the OFF/ON power switch to the ON position. The BC-7000 LCD display will flash tester model andsoftware version.NOTE: If Replace Clock Coin Battery is displayed on screen, remove case top and install new coin battery. Replacement battery number is 3V #CR2032. Use BC Report Utility software to update date and time after battery10replacement. See BC Report Utility Software section for instructions.3. First select which Mode? CAPACITY or DISCHARGE to 1 Volt. Use the UP or DOWN button to change youselection. DISCHARGE mode is used to discharge Nickel Cadmium batteries.4. Push the NEXT button. Now select the battery voltage to be tested. Pressing the DOWN button will changebattery testing voltage to 12 volts.NOTE: If incorrect battery voltage is selected the BC-7000 display will inform the operator.5. Push the NEXT button . Select the End Point Voltage (EPV) cutoff. The default EPV is 20 volts for 24 volt battery and 10 volts for a 12 volt battery. The BC-7000 allows for EPV adjustment from the default values. For a 24 volt battery the EPV can be lowered to 18 volts. For 12 volt batteries the EPV can be lowered to 9 volts. Check with your battery manufacturer for specified EPV points.6. Push the NEXT button. Select the battery manufacturer C1 (one hour) battery discharge amperage rate. Press the UP or DOWN buttons. Pressing the UP button will increase the discharge amperage rate.7. Press the NEXT button to display the start test menu.8. To start the test, press the NEXT button again. If you wish to stop the test before the End Point Voltage (EPV) is reached, press the NEXT button and the BC-7000 will stop testing. If testing is stopped before EPV is reached the battery must be recharged following the battery manufacturer’s recharge procedures before retesting.9. After pressing the NEXT button to start the test, the BC-7000 cooling fan motor will start and the LCD display will show the C1% reading, battery voltage, flash TESTING , and test amperage. Note: While the BC-7000 is testing or at the conclusion of the test, pressing the UP button will display the test run time in minutes. The LCD will display TM: 60.2’ (The symbol ‘ indicates minutes)10. Upon reaching the EPV the BC-7000 test will stop. The cooling fan motor will stop and the audio warning beeperwill beep. The display will show C1% battery capacity. Test amperage and Pass or Failed is displayed.If the BC-7000 COOLING FAN MOTOR FAILS TO START press the NEXT button stopping the test. Place the OFF/ON switch to the OFF position and return the BC-7000 for service.“Passing” is based upon a battery capacity of 85% or greater of its C1 rating.“Failing” is a battery with less than 85% of its C1 rating.Before returning the battery to service follow the battery manufacturer’s recharging procedure.REMEMBER SAFETY FIRST!BC-7000 Report Printing1. Disconnect the BC-7000 from the test battery. Place the OFF/On power switch to the OFF position. Connect the USB cable from the PC to the BC-7000 USB port located in the rear of the tester. Start the PC and run the BC Report Utility software located on the Windows TM desktop.2. With the BC Report Utility window active on the desktop, type the battery serial number into the Battery Serial Number: box. Make sure the data source is From BC-7000 by highlighting the indicator circle.3. Place the mouse cursor on the Load Data button and press the left mouse button. The status bar in the lower left corner of the BC Report Utility window will display program activity and status messages as data is transferred.4. To print the report, place the mouse cursor on the Print Report button and press the left mouse button. The Windows TM print preview window will appear showing the report available to print. Place the mouse cursor on the printer icon and press the left mouse button.TIP: A paperless report copy can be obtained by using a print driver that will create a PDF file. These drivers are available for sale or freeware and install in the Windows TM printer devices. This report format allows BC-7000 test reports to be sent electronically by means of e-mail attachments .5. To print a BC-7000 battery test report that has been already down loaded, use the From Disc function to print the report. Change the file source From BC-7000 to From Disc. The data file uses the file extension .tdf. The file name is a combination of battery serial number, date, and time and can be found in the Concord file located at C:\Concord\BC-7000. Place the mouse cursor on the Load Data button and press the left mouse button. The Open test data file window will open on the desktop. Choose the data file that is to be printed by selecting the file with the left mouse button. Click Open at the bottom of the window. Place the mouse cursor on the Print Report button and press the left mouse button. The Print Preview window will become active on the disk top. To print report, left mouse click the printer icon.11BC-7000 CAREYour BC-7000 battery capacity tester should be treated as precision test equipment, misuse will shorten its ability to perform accurate battery testing. Some simple guidelines of care will insure years of trouble free operation.1. Do not drop the BC-7000 or expose it to rough handling.2. Do not expose the BC-7000 to water or fluids of any kind.3. Do not operate the BC-7000 in a closed up area.4. Do not connect the BC-7000 to batteries of improper voltage ratings.5. Do not operate the BC-7000 with the air intake or exhaust outlet blocked or restricted.6. Do not carry the BC-7000 by the main power cable.7. Do not operate the BC-7000 near flammable materials.8. Do not expose the BC-7000 to direct sunlight during operation.9. Do not expose the BC- 7000 to any other heat sources.10. Always call the technical support line for questions on BC-7000 safety and operation.PH:(909)705-6267,***********************REMEMBER SAFETY FIRST!12TECHNICAL DATABC-7000 SPECIFICATION:AC Input Voltage ………………………………......................................................... 90~264VAC 1 Phase (47 to 63Hz)AC Input Current ………………………………......................................................... 0.75A @115VAC ; 0.50A @ 230VACMaximum Battery Input Voltage ……………………………………………………………………………......... 28.0VDCMinimum Battery Input Voltage ………………………………………………………………….....…............. 9.0VDCMaximum Operating Altitude1………………………………....……………………………….................... 6500ft(1828.8m)End Point Voltage (EPV)212V Battery EPV …………………………………………………………………………........….. 10VDC IEC24V Battery EPV ………………………………………………………………………….........…. 20VDC IECConstant Current Load ………………………….…………………......................................….. 0.5Adc to 15Adc 0.1A steps (+ - 1.5%) ……………………………….......................................................... 15Adc to 55Adc 1A steps (+ - 1%)13Testing Operational Temperature3…………………………………………………………….............………….....… 59°F or higherOperation Temperature Range ………………………………............................................................... -20 to 50 Deg. CCase Length ……………………………………………….………………...............…....……. 12 in(304.8mm)Case Width …………..………………………………………………………..............……...… 9 in(228.6mm)Case Height ……………..……………………………………………............……......…..…… 7.5 in(190.5mm)Weight ……….………………………………………………………………..............….... 10 lbs(4.5kg)PC Communication Port ……….………………………………………………………………...............…... USB 2.0BC REPORT Utility Software ……….…………………………………………………..……............................ Windows TM XP or Higher1. Consult factory for testing above maximum altitude rating.2. Consult battery manufacturer for End Point Voltage (EPV).3. Based upon 24 hour battery temperature stabilization in a 59°F or higher environment before testing battery. Consultbattery manufacturer for capacity testing at higher or lower temperatures.14BC-7000 LIMITED WARRANTYSTATEMENT OF WARRANTYCOFKO LLC warrants to the original purchaser (end user) of the BC-7000 battery capacity tester that it will be free of defects in workmanship and materials. This warranty is void if COFKO LLC finds that the BC-7000 battery capacity tester has been subjected to improper care, abnormal operation, or modification.WARRANTY PERIOD:The warranty period covers the original purchaser (end user) from the date of shipping.1 Year: Covers each BC-7000 battery capacity tester for workmanship, material, and labor.TO OBTAIN WARRANTY COVERAGE:You are required to notify COFKO LLC, of any defects within the warranty period. Written notification is recommended.WARRANTY REPAIRS:If upon inspection COFKO LLC confirms the existence of a defect covered by this warranty, the defect will be corrected by repair or replacement at COFKO LLC option.WARRANTY COST:The purchaser must bear the cost of shipping the BC-7000 to COFKO LLC as well as the return shipping cost.IMPORTANT WARRANTY LIMITATIONS:1. COFKO LLC will not accept responsibility for repairs made without authorization.2. COFKO LLC shall not be liable for consequential damages (such as lost business, etc.) caused by a defect orreasonable delay in correcting a defect to the BC-7000 battery capacity tester.3. COFKO LLC liability under this warranty shall not exceed the cost of correcting the defective BC-7000 batterycapacity tester.4. This written warranty is the only expressed warranty covering the BC-7000 battery capacity tester. Allwarranties implied by law such as Warranty of Merchantability are limited to the duration of this limitedwarranty of the BC-7000 battery capacity tester. Check your local legal rights for further rights you may have.15BC-7000 NOTES1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________________________________6. ___________________________________________________________________________7. ___________________________________________________________________________8. ___________________________________________________________________________9. ___________________________________________________________________________10. ___________________________________________________________________________16COFKO LLC.5517 RIVERVIEW DR.RIVERSIDE, CA. 92509(909) 705-6267support@CERTIFICATION OF FACTORY CALIBRATIONEQUIPMENT: BATTERY CAPACITY TESTERMODEL#: BC-7000Application : Automatic battery capacity tester for 12/24volt Lead-Acid aircraft batteries with C1 testratings between 0.5 to 50 ampere-hourSpecification:Universal AC Powered: 85~264vac (47 to 63Hz)Operation Voltage Range : 28VDC to 9VDCOperator Selected Battery Voltage: 24-12VdcOperator Selected C1 amperage level: 0.5 - 50AdcOperator Selected Test Amperage Steps: 0.1Adc steps 0.5A to 15Adc;1Adc steps 15A to 50Adc.(16X2) LCD Information Display.Displayed Voltage Resolution 10mvCutoff Voltage 12V Battery 10.00Vdc (IEC 60952-1) +/-100mvCutoff Voltage 24V Battery 20.00Vdc (IEC 60952-1) +/-100mvDisplayed Battery Capacity (C1) Percent %Displayed Pass or Fail Battery ConditionWindows TM Compatible Test Data Print Utility (BC Report Utility)Notes: Calibrated with NIST traceable equipment.Test Equipment Manufacturer: Model: Serial# Control#Volt Meter #1 HP 3456A 2015A01818 12617Volt Meter #2 HP 3455A 1622A11888 12618Frequency Counter HP 5316A 2632A10545 12693Shunt Deltec WB 100 100 NA. 137317MLQA5Product: Automatic Battery Capacity TesterModel: BC-7000Calibration Due: Once A YearShipped Condition: Calibrated within Specified Tolerance _____- PassedProcedure: CF1_FINALCALCOFKO LLC. CERTIFIES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED TEST EQUIPMENT MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL SPECIFIED TOLERANCES. THE TESTER STATED ABOVE HAS BEEN CALIBRATED WITH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY(NIST) TRACEABLE EQUIPMENT LISTED ABOVE.DATE MANUFACTURED:____/____/_______ S/N: ________________________1SIGNATURE:__________________________-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of First Use: ____/____/______ Signature:________________________1. BC-7000 serial number location- bottom of case.17。

电池测试分析仪 说明书

电池测试分析仪 说明书

电池测试分析仪 使用说明书 Battery Tester使用前请仔细阅读本 说明书并妥善保存以 备日后参考之用 Before operation the appliance,Please read this instruction manual completely & keep it handy for future reference.新 一 代新 选 择第一章 电池测试系列产品介绍与测试参数精度、范围说明1. 概述本测试仪设计精巧,集合了多项的高新技术,手持式设计,在移动的时代,让你的测试也真正的移动起来,功能全,可以测量电池的开路电压,内阻,识别电阻,热敏电阻,充电,放电性能,锂电池的功能还有过电流保护,保护时间等功能,并测出过相应的数值,极大的方便了电池的生产和售前售后服务工作,采用非常有效的和更直观的判断电池的性能和好坏,同时也具有快速筛选的功能,可以设定测量参数的上限和下限,可以容易的从一批电池成品中快速检测出不良电池,提高的生产效率。






3.BAT系列产品型号:BAT-188 电池电压内阻分析仪 (适用于50V以下的电池组)BAT-688 电池综合测试仪 (适用于10V以下的电池组)BAT-788 电池综合测试仪 (适用于20V以下的电池组)4.功能说明及测试参数范围4-1.测试项目1. VOLT………………2. Chg ………………3. Imp ………………4. Ocur ………………5. Dis …………………6. OCUR-DT …………7. RS(A) ……………8.RT(B) ……………电池静态电压值 V 充电电压变化值 V 内阻值mΩ短路电流值 A放电电压变化值 V 短路保护延时值 mS 热敏电阻值KΩ识别电阻值KΩ4-2.测试功能说明4-2-1 电池静态电压值-VOLT电池静态电压检测(对于已经处于保护状态的锂电池,可自动充电唤醒)4-2-2充电电压变化值CHG(电池的充电性能)以恒定的电流充电,同时记录电池充电电压变化值Vchg。





二、设备概述:1. 设备外观:电池综合测试仪整机由金属外壳、操作面板、显示屏、连接端口等组成。


2. 主要功能:该设备具有电池充放电测试、内阻测试、容量测试、循环测试等多种功能,能够满足不同类型电池的测试需求。

三、操作步骤:1. 准备工作:a. 将电池综合测试仪放置在平稳的工作台面上,并连接设备电源。

b. 检查设备连接端口和电源线是否连接稳固,确保设备和电源供应正常。

c. 准备待测的电池,并确保其电量剩余充足。

2. 开机与设置:a. 按下设备的电源开关,待设备启动完成后,进入主界面。

b. 使用操作面板上的多功能按键,选择设备的测试类型和测试参数。

c. 在显示屏上确认所设置的测试参数,并按下确认键,完成设置。

3. 连接电池:a. 根据电池的连接类型,选择合适的连接线和电池夹,将测试仪与待测电池连接。

b. 确保连接稳固可靠,并避免接触不到位或短路等问题。

4. 进行测试:a. 按下设备上的开始测试按键,设备将开始执行所设置的测试方案。

b. 在测试过程中,可以通过显示屏上的数据及时了解电池的测试结果。

5. 测试结果分析:a. 当测试完成后,设备将自动显示出测试结果。

b. 根据测试结果,对电池的性能进行分析和评估,并根据需要进行数据记录、报告打印等操作。

6. 设备维护:a. 在操作指导书中提供设备维护及保养的详细说明,建议用户定期对设备进行检查和维护,以确保设备的正常运行。

四、注意事项:1. 在连接电池和设备时,务必确保电源已关闭,以避免电流冲击或其他安全隐患。

2. 使用正确的测试参数和测试方法,以确保测试结果的准确性和可靠性。

3. 注意设备的工作环境、温度、湿度等因素,避免长时间暴露在高温或潮湿环境中。





二、设备安装与连接1. 设备安装将电池测试仪放置在平稳的工作台面上,并确保其周围环境干燥、通风良好。

2. 电源连接将电池测试仪的电源线插入工作室电源插座,并保证电压稳定。

3. 电池连接将待测试的电池正确连接至电池测试仪上,确保正负极连接正确,防止短路等安全隐患。

三、操作流程1. 打开电池测试仪按下电源按钮,电池测试仪将进入启动模式,此时屏幕将显示相关指示信息。

2. 设置测试参数使用仪器面板上的按钮或旋钮,根据需要设置测试参数,如电流、电压、温度等。


3. 开始测试确保测试参数设置正确无误后,按下“开始测试”按钮。


4. 监控测试过程在测试过程中,及时观察屏幕上显示的测试数据,特别注意异常或不稳定的情况。


5. 完成测试测试完成后,电池测试仪将显示测试结果。


四、安全注意事项1. 在操作过程中,务必佩戴防护手套和护目镜,以防止意外伤害。

2. 严禁操作者擅自拆解设备或对设备进行未经授权的修理维护。


3. 在连接电池时,务必确认正负极连接正确。


4. 使用设备时,避免操作者手部或金属物品接触电池测试仪的触点,以防止触电或短路。

5. 对于不同类型或规格的电池,确保选择正确的测试模式和参数,并按照设备说明书操作。

六、维护与保养1. 定期清洁定期清洁电池测试仪的外壳和触点,保持设备外表干净整洁。

2. 保持干燥避免电池测试仪受潮或长时间曝晒在阳光下,以免影响设备正常工作。

Extech BT100 电池容量测试仪用户手册说明书

Extech BT100 电池容量测试仪用户手册说明书

User ManualBattery Capacity TesterModel BT100Additional User Manual Translations available at IntroductionThank you for selecting the Extech Model BT100. The Battery Tester is designed for measuring the internal resistance and output voltage of batteries including lead storage cells, nickel-cadmium batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and nickel-metal hydride batteries.This device is shipped fully tested and calibrated and, with proper use, will provide years of reliable service. Please visit the Extech Instruments website () to check for the latest version of this User Guide.Features∙Accurate results are achieved using a four-terminal measurement method that eliminates lead and contact resistance.∙1kHz test current with up to 10µΩ resistance resolution.∙Dual display simultaneously indicates the internal resistance and the battery voltage.∙Comparator function with storage of up to 99 sets of resistance and voltage data for battery deterioration characterization.∙Pin type and alligator type 4-terminal Kelvin leads for quick and accurate resistance measurements.∙Memory capacity to store up to 999 (manual datalogging) or 9600 (automatic datalogging) data points.∙Supplied RS232 PC port and Windows compatible software.SafetyInternational Safety SymbolsThis symbol, adjacent to another symbol or terminal, indicates the user must refer to themanual for further information.This symbol, adjacent to a terminal, indicates that, under normal use, hazardous voltagesmay be presentDouble insulationMeter Description1. Power button: Power ON/OFF2. R READ button:① Press R button to start manually loggingreadings.② Press R READ button again to stop logging.3. M MEMORY button:① Under the manual logging mode, the testerstores a single set of logged readings to thememory by pressingM MEMORY button.② Press and hold M MEMORY button for 2seconds to enter continuous (automatic) loggingmode. Press again to stop logging.4. V-RANGE button: Select the voltage range. (4V,40V)5. HOLD button:① Press HOLD to freeze or unfreeze the displayedreading.② Press and hold the HOLD button for 2 secondsthen release, to enter the interval time (samplerate) setting for continuous data logging. Set from1 to 255 seconds. Press Set button to save andexit.6. Ω- RANGE button: Select the resistance range. (40mΩ, 400mΩ, 4Ω, 40Ω)REL button:7.① Press to move the cursor to the right.② Press REL (Relative) to zero the reading.button: Press to increase the displayed value.8.SET button:9.①Press SET to switch the comparator mode on or off.② Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to enter the comparator-setting mode. Pressagain to store the setting in memory.10. button: Press to decrease the displayed value.11.① Press to move the cursor to the left.②12. RS-232 connector: PC interface connector.13. – Input jack: Black test lead plug connection.14. + Input jack: Red test lead plug connection.15. LCD display (LED test status indicators are located below the LCD display)16. AC adaptor inputDisplay Description1. Measured resistance reading (or High/Low resistance limit when setting up the comparator)2. Measured voltage reading (or High/Low voltage limit when setting up the comparator)3. The comparator set number (there are 99 sets total)4. The memory location for manually logged data.Symbols:mΩ: Milliohm (resistance)V: VoltageHOLD : Hold function (display freeze)Comparator function enabledLow-BatteryBeeper enabledDATA R : Manual datalogging enabledM : Continuous datalogging enabled (flashes each time data is stored)INTV: Interval time setting for the continuous datalogging function. (1 to 255 seconds) COMP.SET : Comparator settings modeHIGH: High limit setting (threshold) for the comparatorLOW: Low limit setting (threshold) for the comparatorLED Test Status IndicatorsPASS (green LED): Battery is good (within the tolerances of the comparator’s preset limits) WARNING (yellow LED): Battery is beginning to deteriorateFAIL (red LED): Battery has failedThe LED status indications listed above are active when the High/Low comparator limits for internal resistance and the comparator threshold value for voltage are properly configured.OperationPreparation and SafetyThe following safety information must be observed to ensure maximum personal safety during the operation of this tester.∙To avoid electric shock when replacing the batteries: Disconnect the test leads from the device under test before attempting to replace the batteries.∙Check the battery polarity carefully when inserting the batteries. Refer to the battery replacement section (under Maintenance) later in this User Guide.∙Be sure to dispose of used batteries properly.∙Do not attempt to measure DC voltage exceeding 50V.∙Do not attempt to measure AC voltages; this could result in personal injury or damage to the unit.∙To avoid personal injury and/or damage to the unit, do not attempt to measure the voltage of a generator. This will result in an AC voltage being applied tothe voltage generating output terminals.∙After measuring a high voltage battery, and before continuing to measure alow voltage battery, short the measurement leads by touching the lead tipstogether. This will discharge the DC-elimination capacitor (connected acrossthe leads); otherwise a dangerous condition can exist where an excessivevoltage may be applied to the low voltage battery.Test LeadsTwo sets of test leads are supplied with the meter. Both sets provide four (4) terminal Kelvin connections which eliminate lead resistance and probe contact resistance. The application will dictate whether the alligator type or the press-probe type should be used.Testing ProcedureConnect the red test lead to the “+” jack and the black test lead to the “-” jack.1. Press the Power button to switch the tester ON.2. Use the V-RANGE or Ω-RANGE buttons to select the desired Voltage or Resistance range.3. Perform a REL Zero adjustment (see next section) each time the range is changed.4. Connect the red test probe to the positive battery terminal, and the black test probe to thenegative battery terminal.5. Read the battery’s internal resistance and the DC voltage directly on the meter’s display.Note: When the measured DC voltage or battery internal resistance value is over range, “OL” is displayed. When the AC test current faults “- - - -” will be displayed.REL Adjust (ZERO)The REL function zeros the selected range. The reading displayed when the REL button is pressed will be taken as zero and will be used to ‘offset’ subsequent measurements.1. Short the four (4) probe tips of the red and black test leads as shown in the accompanyingdiagrams.2. Press the REL button and the display will show the ‘R’ icon and the resistance and voltagevalues will zero.3. Connect the test leads to the battery to be tested.4. The REL zero adjust must be performed each time the range of the meter is changed, the testleads are swapped, or after switching between resistance and voltage tests.Comparator (99 sets)The comparator function compares the measured values with preset High and Low limit values for internal resistance and threshold voltage level, and determines the range that the measurement should fall into. Then, according to the following conditions, switches ON the corresponding LED, and sounds an audible alert as shown in the table below for the WARNING and FAIL conditions. Comparator Settings1. Press and hold the SET button for 3 seconds then release, the display will showindicating the comparator mode is enabled. 2. Use the or button to change the comparator number from 01 up to 99. 3. Use the V-RANGE or Ω-RANGE buttons to set the desired voltage and resistance measurementrange. 4. Press once, the LOW icon and the left two digits of the low limit resistance will be flashing.(Use the & buttons to select the desired value.) 5. Press once, the right two digits of the low limit resistance will be flashing. (Use theand buttons to select the desired value.) 6. Press once, the HIGH icon and the left two digits of the high limit resistance will be flashing.(Use the and buttons to select the desired value.) 7. Press once, the right two digits of the high limit resistance will be flashing. (Usethe and buttons to select the desired value.) 8. Press once, the left two digits of the threshold voltage will be flashing. (Use theand buttons to select the desired value.)9. Press once, the right two digits of the threshold voltage will be flashing. (Use theand buttons to select the desired value.)10. Repeat step 2 to step 9 to set the next comparator number. 11. Press SET again to exit the comparator setting mode.Comparator Start / Stop Controls1. Press SET to activate the comparator function, the COMP indication will appear on the display. The comparator will operate once measurements are taken.2. Use the and buttons to select the desired comparator number. The selected comparator number remains in memory even when the power is switched off. alert.4. Press SET again to switch off the comparator function.DataloggingManual Data Logging (999 sets)1. Log readings one at a time to the internal memory by pressing the MEMORY button.“DATA M NO XXX” will appear on the LCD for one second to indicate the memory location.2. Press READ button to review logged readings. The display will show “DATA R NO XXX”.3. Use the and buttons to scroll the logged readings.4. Press READ again to discontinue viewing the logged readings.Continuous Data Logging1. Press HOLD for 2 seconds, then release, and the display will show the INTV icon.2. Use the or button to select the desired interval time (datalogging sample rate) from 1second to 255 seconds.3. Press SET to save and exit the interval time setting mode.4. Press and hold MEMORY for 2 seconds to enter the continuous (automatic) logging mode, thedisplay will show the icon.5. The will flash each time a reading is stored.6. Press MEMORY again to exit the continuous datalogging mode.7. Data stored using the continuous datalogging mode cannot be read directly on the tester’sdisplay, it must be downloaded to a PC using the supplied software.Clearing the Datalogger MemoryWhen the internal memory is full, the Full icon will appear on the display and datalogging will stop.1. Press to switch OFF the tester.2. Press and hold the MEMORY button, and while continuing to hold the MEMORY button, pressthe button. The display will show the CLr icon and all datalogged readings will be cleared from memory.SpecificationsResistance measurement method Four (4) terminal Kelvin connectionsA/D conversion Dual slopeDisplays Dual LCD for measurements and programming iconsThree (3) test status LEDsDatalogger Sampling rate 1 to 255 seconds (interval time between logged readings) Open-circuit terminal voltage 3.5Vpp maxMeasurement frequency 1KHz ± 10%Input over range “OL” displayLow battery indication displayTest current fault detect “- - - -” displayAuto power off After approximately 30 minutesZero (Relative) function Circuit offset voltage is displayed as 0VHold function Display freezesAudible Alarm function Audible alert for Warning and Failure conditions (can be setON or OFF)Comparator settings Resistance High/Low limits and Voltage threshold point Number of comparator configurations 99 setsComparator output Test status LEDs for Pass (green), Warning (yellow), and Fail(red) results (audible tone for Warning and Fail conditions)Manual Datalogging memory 999 sets can be stored in meter’s internal memory Continuous (automatic) Datalogging 9600 sets can be stored in meter’s internal memory Operating conditions 0° to 40°C (32 to 104°F)80%RH (non-condensing)Storage conditions -10° to 50°C (14 to 122°F)80%RH (non-condensing)Power source Six (6) ‘AA’ 1.5V batteries; Optional 9V AC adaptor Maximum power consumption 1.0VAMaximum continuous operation 7 hours approx.Altitude 2000m max.Dimensions 250 x 100 x 45mm (9.8 x 3.9 x 1.7”)Weight 500g (1.1 lbs.) approx. (including batteries)Accessories Test Leads and batteriesOptional equipment AC adaptor (9V output)Electrical SpecificationsTo ensure accuracy the ambient temperature should be 23°C ± 5° with a humidity of 80% RH (maximum) non-condensing. In addition, perform a Zero adjustment after each range change.Resistance measurements Temperature coefficient: (±0.1% rdg ± 0.5digits)/°C Measurement frequency: 1KHz ± 10% Measurement burden voltage: 1.5mVACRange Resolution Measurement current Accuracy40m Ω 10µΩ 37.5mA approx.±(1% reading ± 10digits)400m Ω 100µΩ 3.75mA approx.4Ω 1m Ω 375µA approx. 40Ω 10m Ω 37.5µA approx.Voltage MeasurementsTemperature coefficient: (±0.1%rdg ±0.5digits)/ °CRange Resolution Accuracy4V 1mV±(0.1% reading ± 6digits)40V 10mVMaximum Input Voltage: 50VDC maximum No AC voltage input permittedMaximum voltage allowed between input terminals and ground: 60VDC/ACMaintenanceCleaning1. Repair or service not covered in this User Guide should be performed by qualified personnel only.2. Periodically wipe the case with a dry cloth; do not use abrasives or solvents.Battery Check & ReplacementThe symbol will be displayed when the batteries need replacement.1. Disconnect the test leads from the meter and from devices under test2. Switch OFF the power to the tester3. Open the battery compartment cover with a screw driver4. Replace the batteries observing polarity5. Replace and secure the battery coverBattery Safety Reminders∙Please dispose of batteries responsibly; observe local, state, and federal regulations with regard to battery disposal at all times.∙Never dispose of batteries in a fire. Batteries may explode or leak.∙Never mix battery types. Always install new batteries of the same type.As consumers, users are legally required to take used batteries to appropriate collectionsites, the retail store where the batteries were purchased, or wherever batteries are sold.not dispose of this instrument in household waste. The user is obligated to take end‐of‐lifedevices to a designated collection point for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipmentPC SoftwareOverviewThe supplied software combines data acquisition and datalogger functionality.Refer to the Software Help document that comes with the software on how to operate the software.Copyright © 2013‐2016 FLIR Systems, Inc.All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any formBT100-en-GB_V4.0 11/1611。






二、产品外观及功能介绍1. 外观电池测试仪外观小巧轻便,便于携带。



2. 功能电池测试仪具备以下主要功能:- 电压测试:测量电池的电压值,显示在液晶屏上,以判断电池的电量情况。

- 电流测试:测试电池的放电电流,用于评估电池性能和续航能力。

- 内阻测试:通过内部电路测量电池的内阻,以判断电池的损耗程度。

三、操作指南1. 准备工作在进行测试之前,请确保电池测试仪已经充满电,并将待测电池放置在室温下自然放电一段时间,使其电压稳定。

2. 测试步骤(1)将电池插入测试插槽:将待测电池的正负极分别插入测试插槽的正负极槽口中,确保接触良好。






四、使用注意事项1. 仅供专业人士使用:本产品适用于电池维修与评估领域,使用前请确保具备相关电池测试知识。

2. 安全操作:使用过程中,请勿触摸电池测试仪的接触部件,以免触电或引起其他安全事故。

3. 防止高温:避免将电池测试仪暴露在高温环境下,以免影响其正常工作。

4. 正确存放:在长时间不使用电池测试仪时,请将其存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,避免湿气和灰尘对其造成损害。

5. 保养维护:定期清洁电池测试仪的外壳,并注意避免水或其他液体进入设备内部。



JMRF蓄电池容量放电测试仪说明书目录第一章使用须知 (2)§1.1包装及运输 (2)§1.2 拆箱检查 (2)§1.3使用前的准备工作 (2)第二章系统简介 (3)§2.1概述 (3)§2.2主要特点: (3)第三章主要性能指标与技术参数 (4)§3.1主要技术参数 (4)§3.2主要性能指标 (4)第四章控制面板说明 (5)第五章容量快速测试操作说明 (6)§5.1系统启动 (6)§5.2 参数设置 (7)§5.3容量列表柱状图显示 (8)第六章放电监测操作说明 (9)§6.1系统启动 (9)§6.2参数设置 (10)§6.4放电状态 (12)§6.5停止放电 (13)§6.6修改时间 (14)§6.7 查看曲线 (14)§6.8 告警及其排除 (17)第一章使用须知§1.1 包装及运输本智能设备出厂时使用铝合金仪表箱做外包装,内部用柔性泡沫作防护层,在运输过程中抗震,抗冲击效果好。



§1.2 拆箱检查打开包装后,先检查智能设备是否在运输过程中受到损坏,仔细清点包装箱内物品是否和装箱单一致。


§1.3 使用前的准备工作1.设备的放置1).本设备打开包装后,须放置于无尘、无腐蚀、无热源、防潮湿、防震、干燥、通风的环境中,一般要求置于四季有空调的实验室里。



Amprobe电池容量测试仪 BAT-500 数据手册说明书

Amprobe电池容量测试仪 BAT-500 数据手册说明书

Data SheetBattery Capacity TesterQuick and accurate battery testing without taking the batteries off line. Comparator function with pass/fail indication speeds testing of batteries up to 500Ah. Typical applications include but are not limited to power back-up and UPS systems.BAT-500n Tests battery capacity to calculate its true lifen Works with most batteries, compact storage batteries, alkaline and lead-acid up to 500Ahn Resistance measurement up to 40 ohms, and voltage up to 40V n Tests are performed without shutting down a batteryn Simultaneously measure battery resistance and voltagen Comparator function to quickly access conditions as Pass,Data Sheet SpecificationsBattery Types Tested Compact storage batteries, Alkaline, Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH), Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd),Lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lead-acid batteriesBattery Capacity 0 to 500AHImpedance Measurement Range 40mΩ, 400mΩ, 4Ω, 40ΩResolution 10μΩ, 100μΩ, 1mΩ, 10mΩAccuracy ±(1%reading ±10digits)Open Circuit Voltage 3.5Vpp maxMeasurement Current 25mA approx., 2.5mA approx., 250μA approx., 25μA approxMeasuring current Frequency 1KHz ±10%Voltage Measurement Range 4V, 40VResolution 1mV, 10mVAccuracy ±(0.1% rdg ±6 digits)Data Memory 500 data setsContinuous Data Memory 9600 data sets (only use PC download)ComparatorSetting Resistance upper and lower limits and voltage throughold pointNumber Of Comparator Settings 99 sets of valuesOperating Environment 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) , 80%RH or less, non-condensingMaximum Input Voltage 50 VDCPower Supply or AC Adapter Six size AA 1.5VBattery Life 7 hours approxWeight Approx. 500g (1.1 lb) including batteriesDimensions Approx 250(L) × 100(W) × 45(H)mm (9.8 x 39.4 x 1.8 in)Accessories Instruction manual, Batteries, Test probe, Software, RS232 cableBAT-500 Battery Capacity Tester©2009 Amprobe Test Tools. All rights reserved.7/2009 3520379 Rev A。





二、安全须知1. 在使用锂电池测试仪之前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并确保理解和遵守所有安全须知。

2. 使用过程中,必须正确连接电源和测试样品,避免短路和误用。

3. 在操作锂电池测试仪之前,用户必须确保自己已经了解和熟悉锂电池的相关知识,避免不正确的操作导致危险。

4. 在测试过程中,如有发生异常情况,如闪烁的指示灯、异常发热等,请立即停止使用,并联系专业人员处理。

三、使用步骤1.准备工作a. 确保锂电池测试仪处于工作状态,并连接到可靠的电源。

b. 检查测试仪表面是否有损坏或污染,如有,请清洁或更换。

c. 根据实际需求选择合适的测试夹具和连接线,并确保连接牢固。

2. 连接测试样品a. 将需要测试的锂电池正确连接到测试夹具上,确保正负极正确对应。

b. 若需要测试多个锂电池,在连接之前,请先了解其连接方式,以避免连接错误。

3. 选择测试参数a. 根据需要,选择需要测试的参数,如电压、电流、容量等。

b. 在面板上选择相应的参数,并确保设定正确。

4. 开始测试a. 在确认连接正确并选择了适当的测试参数后,按下“开始测试”按钮,测试仪将开始对锂电池进行测试。

b. 在测试过程中,请耐心等待,以确保测试数据的准确性。

5. 完成测试a. 当测试完成时,屏幕将显示测试结果,用户可以查看所需参数的数值。

b. 按下“停止测试”按钮,断开电源并将测试样品从夹具上拆除。

四、注意事项1. 请勿将锂电池测试仪暴露在高温、潮湿或易燃环境中,以免造成设备损坏或电击。

2. 请勿将锂电池测试仪用于其他用途,严禁与其他仪器或设备连接,以确保测试准确性。

3. 使用完毕后,请将锂电池测试仪断开电源,并妥善存放,避免损坏或丢失。

4. 如需维修或保养,请联系专业维修人员,切勿自行拆解或修理,以免导致设备损坏或伤害。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1. 前言


2. 设备介绍
2.1 外观及功能



2.2 规格参数
- 输入电压:AC 100-240V
- 输出电压:DC 1.2-36V
- 测试范围:0-9999mAh
- 分辨率:1mAh
- 内阻测试范围:0.01-9.99Ω
- 精确度:±1%
3. 操作步骤
3.1 准备工作

3.2 设备开机

3.3 选择测试功能

3.4 进行测试


3.5 结果显示


4. 注意事项
- 在测试过程中,请确保电池正确接入设备,同时注意电池极性方向的正确性,以免发生损坏或安全事故。

- 长时间无操作后,设备将自动进入休眠状态,为了延长设备寿命,请及时关闭电源。

- 如果您对测试结果有疑问或需要进一步的技术支持,请参考厂家提供的联系方式与我们取得联系。

5. 故障排除
- 重新连接待测试电池,确保电池连接牢固;
- 检查电池容量测试仪的电源线是否正确连接;
- 尝试重启设备。


6. 总结



