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1、What are the benefits for playing sports?Well, in general,playing sports gives us physical fitness and psychological enjoyment.Sports help people to become stronger and healthier.Activities increase the heart rate, which will lead to several hours ofalertness.Thus,people become energetic and can improve their working efficiency.Moreover,

a regular eXercise routine can make fatigue problems disappear.

2、What are the advantages for a country to hold major international sport events?Well, holding major international sports events makes a country win a wider reputation.Now more and more people in the world have got to know that China is developed and powerful enough to hold the Olympics.Thus, it increases the opportunities for foreign investment, tourism,eXports and other international cooperation.

3、What are the common ways for Chinese people to keep fit?They are different among different groups of people.Young people would like to play basketball, football, volleyball in schools, while those working people prefer jogging or taking a walk.Old people usually go to the park to play Taiji or dance in the morning.

4、What are the sport facilities like in your city?I am glad to say that we have more sport facilities in our city now.People can easily access those facilities and do eXercise.In every community,we have outdoor facilities and they are free.Fitness centers or stadiums are thoughtfully distributed in the whole city.

5、Do you believe that the sport a person likes can reflect his personality?Yes, I think so.People who like participating in games are more competitive in personality.Some people like team sports, such as basketball, football, which require team spirit among team members.So people of this type are more cooperative in teamwork.


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