英美散文选读 课后部分答案整理

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UNIT 1 Of Marriage and Single Life Francis Bacon 弗兰西斯。培根

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of a married life according to Bacon? Advantages:

1.Be responsible for family and careful;

2.Hortative, put men in mind of their wives and children ,for soldiers;

3. A kind of discipline of humanity , grave natures led by custom are commonly loving


4.Wives are young men’s mistress , companions for middle age , and old men’s nurses Disadvantages:

1.giving hostages to fortune

2.impediments to great enterprises

3.an abatament of a man’s riches and a family will bing a man bonds and shackles

UNIT 4 Letter to Lord Chesterfield Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔。约翰逊

2.What is the importance of this letter in the history of English literature?

1.John’s letter has been described as literature’s “Declaration of

Independence”;Independence of writers

2. It’s a poor writer to the big man’s indictment-like , showing contempt for the writer of

the elite.

3. It has been the subject of critical comment over since in the literary world.

4.It represents the English new bourgeoisie(资产阶级)’ resistance against feudalism(封建


5.It embodies the author’s rebellion.


***Writing features in the letter

1、beautiful , elegant statement(陈述)and long sentences.

2、the use of Triple parallelism(三联排比).

3、the use of irony , satire(讽刺)and humor(幽默).

4、the combination of metaphor (比喻)and allusion(暗指,影射).

UNIT 7 How to Grow Old Bertrand Russell 伯特伦德。罗素

3.What ,in the opinion of the author , is the best way for an old person to overcome the fear of death?

Apart from a hereditary factor , he points out that the best way for the aged to live a long life is to develope wide and impersonal hobbies . (Thus , old people could avoid reminiscence of their youth and excessive concern for their grown-up children . Also they may find it easier to overcome the fear of death and make their life part of the universal one.)

Universities and Their Function Alfred North Whitehead阿尔佛雷德。诺思。怀特海德4.What does Whitehead see as the chief function of a university ? Why is a university an ideal place to develope this talent ?

Thus the proper funcion of a university is the imaginative acquisition of knowledge.The task of a university is to weld together imagination and experience.

The justification for a university is that it preserves the connection between knowledge and the zest of life , but uniting the young and the old in the imaginative consideration of learning . The university imparts(传授) information , but it imparts it imaginatively.At least ,
