
Unit 21.送报纸deliver newspapers2.发表演讲deliver/address/give a speech3.用光了零花钱run out of pocket money4.卖光了书sell out books5.举办一场聚会throw/hold a party6.陪我旅行acpany me on the trip7.艺术展an art exhibition8.更糟糕的是to make matters worse= worse still= what’s worse9.克制,隐藏bottle up10.点外卖order takeout/takeaway1.由于飞行员的罢工as a result of pilots’ strike2.阻止病毒的传播stop the spread of virus3.创建一个公司set up/found/start a business4.仅次于be secondary to5.次要of secondary importance6.报名参加sign up for7.保持身材苗条keep the figure slim8.把海报粘到墙上stick posters on the wall9.给之前最聪明,最有前途的学生之一荣誉honor one of the brightest and mostpromising former pupils10.培养批评性思维develop the critical thinking1.隐私信息private information2.个人隐私personal privacy3.经济独立financial independence4.金融危机financial crisis5.从长远看in the long term/run6.很有可能chances are that7.条件是on condition that8.靠边停车pull up/over9.进行演讲give a presentation10.设备齐全的wellfurnished11.抱怨make a plaint12.看电子屏幕太长look at the electronic screen for too long13.攀岩rock climbing14.纸质书printed books15.一位助理教授an assistant professor1.参加毕业典礼attend the graduation ceremony2.收费charge a fee ( fine 罚款)3.一季度一次once a quarter4.有紧急会议have an urgent meeting5.做兼职do a parttime job6.不敢尝试don’t dare to try it/ daren’t try it7.自拍take photos of oneself/ take a selfie8.拍短视频shoot short videos9.陈列,公开展出on display10.上网课take online courses1.很好的描述a pretty good description2.弄清楚,弄明白figure out3.开设外语课hold foreign language classes4.灰心lose heart= be disappointed= be disheartened5.有前进的驱动力have the drive to go forward6.让同学们开心,团结make classmates happy and united7.禁止某人做某事forbid/ban/prohibit sb from doing sth8.位列第一rank first9.对……开放be open to10.母语mother tongue11.被诊断为be diagnosed with12.注意力障碍attention disorder13.开创了一个全新的世界open up a whole new world14.厌烦于be tired/sick of15.一看到at the sight of16.视力差poor eyesight17.是……必不可少的一部分be part of18.紧盯着电子屏幕be glued to the electronic screen19.从……分离be separated from20.改善失眠improve sleeplessness21.倒时差deal with jet lag22.乘电梯take the elevator23.由……引起arise from24.和某人讨价还价bargain with25.遭受suffer from26.邀请某人(名词短语)extend an invitation to sb27.唯恐for fear that28.乞求beg for29.因为……表扬praise sb for sth30.没有办法还钱there is no way to give back money31.从……逃跑escape from32.报名参加驾驶课sign up for driving lessons33.承担额外的工作take on extra work34.喜欢亮色be fond of bright colors35.为了我的毕业论文做调查do a survey for my final paper36.作为一名记者as a reporter/journalist37.为签证随身携带护照take with the passport for visa38.身份证ID card(identity card)39.一个后悔的眼神a regretful look1.经历一段快速发展的时期go through a period of rapid development2.体验身心变化experience physical and mental changes3.解决问题deal with/ cope with/ address/solve problems4.转变成一场争吵turn into a battle5.与某人就某件事看法一致see eye to eye with sb on sth6.激烈的争吵heated arguments7.导致lead to8.紧张的家庭关系family tensions9.对……担忧、焦虑be anxious/concerned about10.渴望be eager to do= be anxious for= long to do11.以……速度at the speed/rate of= at the …rate12.窜高shoot up13.远远落后get left far behind14.成为你发火的首要对象be the first targets of your anger15.进入中间地带enter a middle ground16.平衡不断发展的心理需求balance the developing mental needs17.进入大学enter a university18.从政enter politics19.报名参加比赛enter for a game20.订立协议enter into an agreement21.不完全是一个大人not quite an adult22.渴望独立have a desire for independence23.自己做决定make decisions on one’s own24.放手let sth go25.一个艰难的过程a rough ride26.把大目标分解为小目标break big goals down into small ones27.出乎意料地out of expectations= unexpectedly28.战争爆发The war broke out29.分手,关系破裂break up30.在科技中取得重大突破break through in scientific technologies31.定期坦诚的交流regular and honest munication32.换位思考put oneself in others’ shoes33.经历同样的痛苦go through the same pain34.充分考虑并改善这种情况think through and improve the situation35.打消顾虑address concerns36.学会何时让步/承认错误learn when to back down37.努力解决压力struggle with stress38.紧张的亲子关系parentchild tensions39.结果是turn out to be40.为成年做准备prepare sb for adulthood1.鉴于,考虑到in view of2.超越国界transcend national boundaries3.为心仪的大学奋斗struggle for the desired university4.达到预期的效果achieve desired results/effects5.出生率birth rate6.犯罪mit a crime7.小气的老板雇佣了员工来使用武力增加了失业率The mean employer employedemployees to employ force, increasing unemployment rate.8.我认为,就我而言as far as I’m concerned9.摇滚乐rock music10.请求晋升ask for promotion11.要求带薪休假几天request paid vacation days12.浏览小册子look through a brochure13.顺便拜访drop by/in on sb, drop by/in at spl(某地)14.担心食宿问题worry about the acmodation15.测体温take one’s temperature16.对……生气be annoyed with sb about sth17.取消航班cancel/call off the flight18.酒店职员a hotel clerk19.筋疲力尽be exhausted/tired= be worn out20.专为……设计,目的是be designed for/ to do21.故意by design= on purpose= purposefully= deliberately22.帮你走向成年help you along the journey to adulthood23.青少年的身心健康teenagers’ physical and mental health24.浏览文章look through articles25.发帖提出问题post the problem26.在修理东西方面擅长be expert in repairing things27.在压力下under stress/pressure28.做……没有意义there is no point/sense (in) doing29.没有必要做……there’s no need to do30.把我和我的朋友们比较pare me with my friends31.定期坦诚沟通regular and honest munication32.对我的成绩满意/不满意be satisfied/dissatisfied with my grade33.令某人满意的是to one’s satisfaction34.取得满意的结果achieve satisfactory results35.春节是中国特有的Spring Festival is unique to China.36.一次难得的机会a unique opportunity37.对某人严厉be strict with/tough on/ hard on sb38.在……中扮演被动的角色take/play a passive role in39.鼓励,劝说某人做某事push sb to do sth=push sb into doing sth40.竞争会推动你做的更好petition can push you to do better.41.振奋精神cheer up= lift up= lift one’s spirits42.对……有影响have an influence/impact/effect on1.做调查do a survey2.闹钟响了The alarm goes off.3.给……搭便车give sb a lift/ride4.不是你的错it’s not your fault5.因为某事责备某人blame sb for sth6.应对……负责sb be to blame for7.覆水难收it’s no use crying over the spilled milk.8.投诉,抱怨make a plaint9.享受烟花秀enjoy a firework display10.谋生earn/make a living11.克服他老婆去世的痛苦overe/get over the pain of his wife’s death12.他的车间烧为平地his workshop burnt to the ground.13.他对员工的责任his responsibility to the staff1.开/销户open/close an account2.决不on no account3.由于on account of4.对……进行生动形象地描述give a vivid account of5.解释……原因,占比例account for6.依赖,指望count on= depend on/upon7.(不)把某人算在内count sb out/in8.清点/数出来钱count out money9.供出租的公寓the flat/apartment for rent10.饶有兴趣地with anxious interests11.我们热切地簇拥在桌旁。

】Step 4: Careful reading (20mins)1. Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions. (Individual work )Q1. What may happen between parents and children?◆Our dinner with our parents turn into a battle.◆Our warm and open conversations bee cold and guarded.◆We cannot see eye to eye with our parents on anything.Q2. What does “ You are not alone.” mean?Heated arguments and coal sentences are mon between teenagers and their parents.【设计意图:通过阅读第一段,让学生了解父母和孩子之间可能存在哪些矛盾,并且让学生们意识到这些矛盾是普遍存在的。
】3. Read paragraph 2 and answer the following questions(Individual work )Q1: What physical changes might teenagers worry about?Q2: Which physical change troubles you most?【设计意图:第二段内容较为简单,结构清晰,主要让学生联系自身实际谈谈青春期的烦恼,深化对语言的灵活运用。
】4. Read paragraph 3 and answer the following questions. (Individual work )Q1: What does “middle ground” refer to?Q2: What developing mental needs should we balance?(fill in the blanks)【设计意图:第三段内容和结构均较为复杂,主要通过梳理、分析、推断等高阶思维活动,提升学生思维品质。
Unit 2 Let's talk teens单词全解(上)- 高一上学期英语牛津译林版(2020)

江苏英语新高考教材单词全解(必修一)Unit 2 Let’s talk teens(下)1、argue词性:v. 争论,争辩,争吵课文内容:P19 argue with each other 互相争吵搭配:argue with sb about/over sth 和某人争论某事argue for sth/doing sth 为某事论证,争辩argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做/不做某事2、skin词性:n. 皮肤;兽皮,毛皮课文内容:P19 be anxious about his skin 对他的皮肤感到忧虑3、design词性:v. 设计,制订课文内容:P20 we have designed Teenhealthweb 我们已经设计了青少年健康网站搭配:design sth for sb 为某人设计某物词性:n. 设计,设计艺术派生掌握:designer n. 设计者4、forum词性:n. 论坛,讨论会5、expert词性:n. 专家课文内容:P20 our health expert 我们的健康专家6、likely词性:adj. 可能的,有希望的,预料的课文内容:P20 it is likely that... 有可能是....引申:be likely to do 可能做某事Not likely!绝不可能,绝对不会a likely story 好像有这么一回事,煞有介事7、unique词性:adj.独一无二的,独特的,独具的,特有的课文内容:P21 everyone is unique 每个人都是独特的引申:be unique to sb/sth 某人/某物特有的派生掌握:uniquely adv. 独特地Uniqueness n. 独特性8、passive词性:adj. 消极的,被动的课文内容:P21 take a passive role in the relationship 不要在关系中处于被动地位引申:passive resistance 消极反抗passive smoking 被动吸烟派生掌握:passively adv. 消极地passivity n. 被动,消极状态9、performance词性:n. 表现,表演,执行,履行课文内容:P21 have a bad influence on your performance 在你的表现是造成坏影响引申:live performance 现场演出派生掌握:perform v. 履行,执行;演出,表演;工作,运转performer n. 表演者10、cheer up 变得高兴,振奋起来11、press词性:v. 催促,逼迫,按,压,挤,推课文内容:P22 keep pressing me to study 一直逼着我学习词性:n. 报刊杂志,报刊(the press)12、eager词性:adj. 热切的,渴望的,渴求的课文内容:P22 i’m eager for my parents’ love 我渴望我父母的爱引申:be eager for sth/ to do sth 渴望某物,渴望做某事派生掌握:eagerly adv.eagerness n.13、youth词性:n. 青春时期,青春;年轻人课文内容LP22 youth is a time for adventure 青春时期是探险的时光引申:youth club 青年俱乐部youthful 年轻人的,青年的14、adventure词性:n. 冒险,奇遇引申:sense of adventure 冒险精神adventure stories 冒险故事派生掌握:adventurer n. 冒险者adventurism n. 毛线注意adventurous adj. 冒险精神的15、be on one’s back about sth 缠磨,烦扰课文内容:P22 they are always on my back about something 他们总是有事烦扰着我16、kangaroo词性:n. 袋鼠17、flexible词性:adj. 灵活的,可变动的,柔韧的课文内容:P22 be more flexible 变得更灵活一些引申:flexible working hours 弹性工作时间派生掌握:flex v. 曲伸,活动Flexibility n. 灵活性Flexibly adv. 灵活地18、account词性:n. 账户;描述;解释课文内容:P25 mom and her account 妈妈和她的账户引申:by all accounts 根据报道by your account 据你所述give a good account of yourself 自己表现的好of no account 无足轻重on sb’s account 因为某人的缘故take account of/ take sth into account 考虑到...词性:v. 认为是,视为搭配:account for 是...的说明/原因派生掌握:accountable adj. 负有责任,有说明义务的accountancy n. 会计工作accountant n. 会计19、rent词性:n. 租金课文内容:P25 for the rent 付房租词性:v. 租用,出租搭配:rent sth from sb. 从...租用...rent sth to sb. 把...租给...20、grocery词性:n. 食品杂货(店)课文内容:P25 for the groceries 买杂货(的钱)21、secure词性:adj. 安心的;可靠的;牢固的课文内容:P25 a warm and secure feeling 一种温暖又安全的感觉引申:feel secure 感到安心be secure against/from 免于...词性:v. 获得;拴牢;使不受侵害搭配:secure sth for sb 为某人获得某物secure sth to sth 把...拴牢在...secure againt 保卫,使不受侵害派生掌握:security n. 安全Securely adv. 安全地22、graduate词性:v. 毕业课文内容:P25 graduate from grammar school 从文法学校毕业搭配:graduate from 从...毕业graduate sb from sth 授予某人学位graduate from sth to sth 逐渐发展词性:n. 毕业生派生掌握:graduation n. 毕业23、gather词性:v. 聚集,召集课文内容:P25 gather aroun the table 聚集在桌子旁搭配:gather together 聚集Gather sb up 把某人聚起来From what i can gather 从我了解的情况来看派生掌握:gatherer n. 收集者,采集者Gathering n. 聚会,聚集24、emergency词性:n. 紧急情况,突发事件课文内容:P25 sudden emergency 突发事件引申:emergency brake 紧急刹车emergency room 急救室emergent adj. 新兴的,处于发展初期的25、volunteer词性:n. 志愿者词性:v. 自愿做搭配:volunteer to do 自愿做某事volunteer sb for/as sth (未经同意)举荐某人担任某职位派生掌握:voluntary adj. 自愿的voluntarily adv. 自动地,主动地26、pipe词性:n. 烟斗;管子课文内容:P25 take his pipe out of his mouth 把烟斗从嘴里拿出来27、figure词性:n. 数字,身材,人物,体型28、downtown词性:n. 市中心课文内容:P26 go downtown 去市中心29、draw sth out of sth 提取,支取课文内容:draw money out of mama’s bank account 从妈妈的银行账户取钱30、operation词性:n.手术,运转,操作引申:do an operation on sb 给某人做手术派生掌握:operate v. 操作,动手术operator n. 操作工0perating system 操作系统0perating table 操作台0perational adj. 操作的,运转的,运营的0perational research 运筹学31、lap词性:n.大腿部介词搭配IN课文内容:P26 put it in her lap 把(支配)放在她大腿上引申:lap 还有“圈”的意思,do a lap of honour 绕场一周庆祝32、teller词性:n. 出纳33、scene词性:n. 场面,片段;地点,现场,风光课文内容:P26 scene one 场景一34、flat词性:n. 公寓课文内容:P27 the living room of a flat 一间公寓的会客厅词性:adj.平坦的,瘪了的引申:比较级、最高级:flatter flattest35、response词性:n. 回应,反应,响应课文内容:P27 wait for a response 等待一个回应引申:response to sb/sth 对...的答复In response to 作为回复派生掌握:respond v. 回应,回答,回复responsible adj. 负责任的responsibility n. 责任responsive adj. 反应敏捷,积极的。

1.nest [nest] n.鸟窝;巢穴,窝2.roof [ruːf] n.屋顶,顶部3.battle [ˈbætl] n.&v. 争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争4.argument [ˈɑːɡjumənt] n.争吵,争论;论点5.teenager n.青少年6.tension [ˈtenʃn] n.紧张关系;紧张;拉伸7.anxious [ˈæŋkʃəs] adj.忧虑的,担心的;令人焦虑的;渴望的e.g. 1) You may feel anxious that you re developing at a different rate to your friends.2) Your parents are really ________ for you. You shouldn’t have left home without saying a word.3) I was ________ about the operation. My head was full of fears and worries.4) I am _________ to urge the word to do everything possible to help those in need.8.rate [reɪt] n.速度;率v.评价,评估9. spot [spɒt] n.粉刺;斑点;污渍;地点,场所e.g.1) You might worry about your changing voice, weight problems or_________.2) I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot.3) After the traffic accident happened, the police were soon on the spot.4) They are now in a spot.5) I bought a black and white spotted dress.6) By accident we spotted the young man ________(climb) upstairs.7) An ambulance was ____ the spot within minutes.10. target [ˈtɑːɡɪt] n.(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子vt.把…作为攻击目标;面向11. anger [ˈæŋɡə(r)] n.怒气,怒火12. mental [ˈmentl] adj.思想的,精神的,智力的13. adult [ˈædʌlt] n.成年人14. desire [dɪˈzaɪə(r)] n.&vt.渴望,希望e.g. 1) You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents’ love and support.2) Everyone has a _______ for success but success only belongs to the hardworking people.3) It’s glad to know that you have a great preference for Chinese kung fu and have a strong ________ to learn it soon.4) If you _______ to challenge yourself, you don’t need to care about others’ thoughts.15. struggle [ˈstrʌɡl] vi.&n.奋斗;斗争;搏斗e.g. 1) On the other hand, when you are struggling to control your feelings, you wish they could be more caring and patient.2) Workers are _________ for a clean canteen and healthy food.3) This was the first time I _________ to learn a song, because my voice cracked as I switched to a head voice.4) I ________ to my feet, took unsteady steps forward and hugged my father tightly.5) Inspired by his _________ with deafness, the poser produced some amazing pieces.16.r egular [ˈreɡjələ(r)] adj.频繁的;有规律的17.c alm [kɑːm] vt.使平静,使镇静adj.镇静的,沉着的calm down 平静,镇静,安静18.v iew n.看法;视线;景色vt.把…视为;观看from one’s point of view 从某人的角度、观点出发e.g.1) When you disagree with your parents, take a minute to calm downand try to understand the situation from their point of view.2) The streets were empty and there was nobody in view.3) In my view, you must believe in yourself. Don’t lose heart and don’t be anxious about the difficulties.4) The pany is trying to improve production efficiency in view of the growing demand for this type of medicine.5) Administrators often don’t view teaching excellence as a way to increase enrolment or funding.19.t hink sth. through 充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透20.c oncern [kənˈsɜːn] n.担心,忧虑;关心vt.涉及;让(某人)担忧e.g.1) After you have thought it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully, and address their concerns.2) I’m writing to show my great concern for the environment in my hometown.3) While some people believe it is crucial for scientific advancement, others have raised moral _______.4) He didn’t concern himself with the details.5) Why are scientists ________ about nutria?6) As far as I’m ________, it’s wise not to spend much time playing withsmart phones.7) All cases _______ children are dealt with in a special children’s court.21.b ack down 承认错误,认输22.n ormal [ˈnɔːml] adj.正常的,一般的n.常态,通常标准23.stress [stres] n.精神压力,紧张;强调vt.强调,着重e.g.1) Just remember that it is pletely normal to struggle with the stress that parentchild tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.2) Nice to have received your letter. I understand that you are under a lot of stress now.3) But the sport’s strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips.4) These stories can relieve my stress and broaden my horizons.5) Teachers often stress the importance of diligence on the way to success.6) How often do we arrive at work or school, stressed out, tired and angry?24.editor n. 主编,编辑,剪辑师25.a rgue vi.争吵,争辩,争论;vt.说理,论证e.g. 1) Recently we have argued with each other a great deal.2) We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.3) Thus, I argued against copying previous architectural styles.4) They argued with each other about/ over the best place for a holiday.26.s kin n.皮肤;(兽)皮,毛皮27.d esign vt.设计;制定n.设计;设计艺术;打算,意图e.g. 1) So, we have designed TeenHealthWeb to help you along the journey to adulthood.2) The book is designed as a reference manual.3) This method is specifically designed for group activities.4) Each chapter concludes with a collection of practices, which are designed to help you act on the big ideas of the chapter.5) Lucy made the noise by design to express her dissatisfaction.6) After struggling for quite a while, I made a difficult decision—leaving my job and studying my design course full time.28.e xpert n.专家,行家adj.熟练的,内行的,专家的29.u nique adj.独一无二的;独特的;独具的,特有的30.passive adj.消极的,被动的31.p erformance n.表现;表演;执行,履行32.c heer up (使)变得高兴,振奋起来33.p ress [pres]v.催促,逼迫;按,压;挤,推n.报章杂志,报刊;(the press)新闻工作者,新闻界e.g.1) He pressed a card into her hand before leaving.2) I felt that if I had pressed him he would have lent me the money.3) I pressed my face against the window.4) The press exaggerated the whole affair wildly.5) The acmodation for the press was makeshift at best.34.e ager [ˈiːɡə(r)]adj.热切的,渴望的,渴求的e.g. 1) Everyone was eager to win the match.2) They were eager for a second bite of the cherry.35.y outh [juːθ]n.青年时期,青春;(the youth)年轻人e.g. Youth is simply an attitude of mind.36.a dventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]n.冒险,冒险经历,奇遇e.g. The desire for adventure is a human one.37.b e on sb’s back about sth. 缠磨,烦扰38.k angaroo [ˌkæŋɡəˈruː]n.袋鼠39.f lexible [ˈfleksəbl]adj.灵活的,可变动的;柔韧的e.g.1) We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.2) Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.40.a ccount [əˈkaʊnt]n.账户;描述;解释vt.认为是,视为e.g.1) We all felt very good because we did not have to go downtown and draw money out of Mama’s Bank Account.2) On no account should you leave the baby alone in the house.3) Multiple regions have recently called on more residents to actively donate blood under strict guidelines on account of a shortage of blood.4) I’d appreciate it if you could take my remendation into account.5)We all account him a qualified coach, and with the help of him, wehave made great progress.6) However , those choosing to read English books and visit English learning websites only account for 18% and 12%.41.r ent [rent]n.租金v. 租用;出租e.g.1) I decided to hire a professional photographer for the wedding.2) We will need to rent a car for our vacation.42.g rocery [ˈɡrəʊsəri]n.食品杂货;食品杂货店43.s ecure [sɪˈkjʊə(r)]adj.安心的;可靠的;牢固的44.g raduate [ˈɡrædʒuət]v.毕业n.毕业生45.g ather [ˈɡæðə(r)]vi.聚集,集合vt.收拢;搜集,收集;聚集e.g.1) We’re going to gather at the park for a picnic this weekend.2) She gathered all the necessary documents for the presentation.3) From what I’ve gathered, they’re planning a surprise party for him.46.e mergency [iˈmɜːdʒənsi]n.突发事件,紧急情况e.g.1) The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake.2) His departure was hastened by an emergency.47.v olunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)]v.主动建议(或告诉);自愿做,义务做e.g.1) Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.2) Most people cannot control these involuntary muscles which are affected by their emotions.3) Finding a volunteer to write the puter program isn’t a problem.48.p ipe [paɪp]n.烟斗;管子;管乐器49.f igure [ˈfɪɡə(r)]n.数字;人物;体型,身材e.g.1) He removed the figure from the board.2) A cube is a solid figure.3) The figure in the report shows a steady increase in online sales.4) The figure of the man could be seen against the setting sun.5) He was a key figure in the campaign.6) Clever tailoring can flatter your figure.50.d owntown adv.在市中心,往市中心e.g.1) He lived in the downtown.2) He worked downtown.3) We went downtown to buy a new pair of shoes.51.o peration [ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]n.手术;运转,操作e.g.1) So many things came out of the Little Bank that year: Christine’s dress for the school play, my little sister Dagmar’s operation.2) And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her leg.3) Costs would be cut and operations would be more efficient across the board.4) Temporary traffic controls are in operation on the new road.5) It is announced that the new rules will e into operation from next month.6) The doctor is operating on the man who had a car accident.52.l ap [læp]n.大腿部53.t eller n.出纳员;叙述者e.g. My father wants me to work as a teller after college.54.s cene [siːn]n.(戏剧等);场景,片段;地点,现场;景象,风光55.f lat [flæt]n.公寓adj.平坦的;瘪了的e.g.1) She lives in a cozy flat in London.2) He rented an apartment in New York City.3) The road ahead is pletely flat.4) He got a flat tire on his way to work.56.r esponse [rɪˈspɒns]n.回复;反应,响应e.g.1) He waits for a response but doesn’t get one.2) Susan made no response to Tom’s words.3) It’s not necessarily performed in response to a deeprooted urge.4) For example, stress could serve as a cue that one responds to byeating.。
Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens词汇讲解课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册

5. tension:n. 紧张局势(或关系、状况),(情绪上的)紧张,烦躁,拉伸
We laughed and that helped ___e_a_s_e__th__e_t_e_n__si_o_n_______. 我们笑了,因而使紧张的
tense adj. 神经紧张的,担心的,不能松弛的
He felt angry __a_t______the injustice of the situation. 他对这种不公的现象感到愤愤
10. desire : n./v. 愿望,欲望,渴望 desirable adj. 向往的;可取的;值得拥有的 ;值得做的 have a strong desire for sth/to do sth 有做某事的强烈的愿望 desire to do sth渴望去做某事 desire sb to do srh 渴望某人去做某事 a strong desire for power 强烈的权力欲
8. spot: n. 粉刺,斑点,污渍,地点,场所 v. 注意到,发现,使有污渍 过去式:spotted 过去分词:spotted on the spot 当场,在现场 spot sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事 be spotted with ...满是...斑点污渍
His jacket was covered with_s_p__o_t_s__o__f__m__u__d____.他的上衣满是泥点。 He answered the question __o__n__t_h__e__s_p__o__t__. 他当场就回答了那个问题。
①.We were anxious for everyone ___t_o__k_n_o__w_____ (know) the truth. ②.We waited with ____a_n_x__ie_t_y____ (anxious) for the news of her safe arrival. ③.She is anxious about not __p_a_s_s_i_n_g___ (pass) the College Entrance Exam. ④.More and more people are __a_n__x_i_o_u_s____ (anxiety) for the quality of the air.

B1U2 知识清单I. Key words1. battle v. & n. 斗争,战斗,争论2. argument n. 争吵→argue v. 争吵→argumentation n. 议论文3. teenager n. 青少年4. tension n. 紧张关系5. anxious adj. 忧虑的,渴望的→anxiety n. 焦虑6. shoot (shot, shot) v. 拍摄,冲,射击7. target n. 目标v. 面向8. anger n. 怒气→angry adj. 生气的9. mental adj. 思想的,精神的→mentally adv. 思想上地10. adult n. 成年人→adulthood n. 成年时期11. desire v. & n. 渴望,希望12. struggle v. & n. 奋斗,斗争13. regular adj. 频繁的→regularly adv. 频繁地14. concern v. 涉及,使担忧n. 担心,忧虑→concerned adj. 有关的,关心的15. normal adj. 正常的n. 常态→normally adv. 正常地→abnormal adj. 不正常的16. stress n. 紧张,压力v. 强调→stressed adj. 高度紧张的17. expert n. 专家→expect v. 期待→except prep. 除……之外18. unique adj. 独一无二的→uniqueness n. 独特性19. passive adj. 消极的,被动的→active adj. 积极的,主动的20. eager adj. 渴求的,热切的→eagerness n. 渴求21. flexible adj. 灵活的→flexibly adv. 灵活地→flexibility n. 灵活性22. secure adj. 安心的,可靠的→security n. 安全23. graduate v. 毕业n. 毕业生→graduation n. 毕业24. emergency n. 紧急情况→emergent adj. 紧急的25. volunteer v. 自愿做n. 志愿者26. operation n. 操作,手术→operate v. 操作27. response n. 回复,反应→respond v. 作出反应II. Key phrases1. see eye to eye with sb. on sth. 在某事上和某人看法一致2. physical changes 生理上的变化3. result in/lead to 导致4. be anxious about sth. 担心某事5. be anxious/eager for sth. 渴望得到某物6. be anxious for sb. 关心某人7. at a different rate 以不同的速度8. shoot up 快速长高9. no longer 不再10. have a desire for sth. 渴望得到某物11. make decisions on one’s own 自己做决定12. struggle to do sth. 努力做某事13. take action/steps/measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事14. calm down 冷静,镇定15. from one’s point of view 在某人看来16. go through 经历,浏览17. think sth. through 仔细考虑18. back down 认错19. turn out 结果是20. press sb. to do sth. 压迫某人做某事21. be happy/satisfied with 对……满意22. take a break 休息一下23. spend time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事24. be on one’s back about sth. 缠扰某人25. protect sb. from being hurt 保护某人不受伤害26. graduate from 从……毕业III. Useful sentences1. The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest munication.保持和平的关键在于要定期真诚地沟通。

Unit2单词讲义nest词性:名词中文意思:鸟巢,窝英文释义:a structure built by birds for laying eggs and sheltering their young词源:来自古英语nest,意为“休息的地方”例句:The bird built a nest in the tree.固定搭配:bird's nest, ant nest, nest egg近义词:burrow, dwelling, homeroof词性:名词中文意思:屋顶,车顶英文释义:the top covering of a building or vehicle词源:来自古英语rof,意为“覆盖物”例句:The roof of the house needs to be repaired.固定搭配:rooftop, flat roof, pitched roof近义词:covering, ceiling, topbattle词性:名词、动词中文意思:战斗,斗争英文释义:a fight between two people or groups; struggle against an enemy or difficulty 词源:来自古英语beltan,意为“战斗”例句:They fought a fierce battle against the enemy.固定搭配:battlefield, battle cry, battleship近义词:fight, bat, struggleargument词性:名词、动词中文意思:争论,辩论;论据,论点英文释义:a disagreement or quarrel; a reason or fact that supports an idea or belief词源:来自拉丁语arguere,意为“争论”例句:They had an argument about politics.固定搭配:argumentative, argue with, make an argument近义词:debate, dispute, controversyteenager词性:名词中文意思:青少年,十几岁的少年或少女英文释义:a young person between childhood and adulthood词源:由“teen”(1319岁的)和“age”(年龄)组成,意为“十几岁的年龄”例句:She is a teenager who loves to listen to music.固定搭配:teenage years, teenage life, teenage rebellion近义词:adolescent, youth, youngstertension词性:名词中文意思:紧张,拉力英文释义:a state of nervousness or emotional strain; the force that tends to stretch or press something词源:来自拉丁语的"tentio",意为"拉紧"或"紧张"例句:The tension between the two countries is high.固定搭配:high/low tension, relieve tension, create tension近义词:stress, pressure, strainanxious词性:形容词中文意思:焦虑的,担心的英文释义:feeling worried, uneasy, or apprehensive about something with an uncertain oute词源:来自古法语的"ancien",意为"旧的",后来演变为"焦虑的"例句:She was anxious for her son's safety.固定搭配:anxious about, anxious for, anxious to do近义词:worried, concerned, uneasyrate词性:名词/动词中文意思:速度,比率,评价英文释义:1) a ratio or proportion expressed in numbers; 2) to assess or judge the quality, value, or extent of something词源:来自古英语的"rædan",意为"计算"或"评估"例句:The rate of inflation has increased. / I would rate this movie as excellent.固定搭配:interest rate, tax rate, rating system近义词:ratio, proportion, assessmentshoot词性:动词中文意思:射击,拍摄,射出英文释义:to fire a gun or other weapon; to take photographs of someone or something; to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction词源:来自中古英语的"schouten",意为"射击"或"发射"例句:He shot an arrow at the target. / They will shoot the new movie next week. / The car shot forward when the light turned green.固定搭配:shoot down, shoot up, shoot out, shoot off近义词:fire, launch, dischargetarget词性:名词/动词中文意思:目标,靶子,瞄准英文释义:1) a person or thing that is intended to be hit, attacked, criticized, etc.; 2) to aim at something or someone with a weapon or criticism词源:来自古法语的"targete",意为"靶子"或"目标"例句:The hunter aimed his gun at the target. / Our pany's target for this year is to increase sales by 20%. / She was targeted by the critics for her controversial views.固定搭配:hit target, miss the target, set a target, target market近义词:goal, objective, aimmental词性:形容词中文意思:心理的,精神的英文释义:of or relating to the mind or intellect词源:来自拉丁语“mentalis”,意为“思考的”例句:He suffered a mental breakdown after the death of his wife.固定搭配:mental health, mental illness, mental capacity近义词:psychological, intellectual, cognitivedesire词性:名词/动词中文意思:欲望,渴望;希望,要求英文释义:a strong feeling of wanting to have something or do something; to wish for something earnestly词源:来自拉丁语“desiderare”,意为“渴望”例句:She has a strong desire to travel around the world.固定搭配:desire for, fulfill one's desire, express desire近义词:longing, yearning, wishstruggle词性:动词/名词中文意思:努力,奋斗;斗争,搏斗英文释义:to try hard to do something; a difficult and painful process of trying to achieve something词源:来自古英语“strēglian”,意为“挣扎”例句:They struggled to climb the steep hill.固定搭配:struggle against, struggle with, lifeanddeath struggle近义词:fight, strive, endeavorrough词性:形容词/副词中文意思:粗糙的,崎岖的;粗暴的,粗鲁的英文释义:not smooth or even; not gentle or kind; in a way that is not careful or gentle词源:来自古英语“rūf”,意为“粗糙的”例句:The road was very rough and bumpy.固定搭配:rough surface, rough sea, go through a rough patch近义词:coarse, harsh, rudebreakdown词性:名词/动词中文意思:故障,损坏;分解,分析;崩溃,破裂英文释义:a failure of a machine or system; an analysis of something into its parts; a sudden failure of someone's mental or physical health词源:来自英语“break down”,意为“分解”或“失败”例句:There was a breakdown in munication between the two countries.regular词性:形容词中文意思:有规律的,定期的,常规的英文释义:happening, done, or occurring at fixed intervals; not occasional or rare词源:来自拉丁语regula,意为“规则”例句:I have a regular exercise routine.固定搭配:regular customer(常客),regular meeting(例会)近义词:usual, typical, consistentview词性:名词中文意思:观点,看法,视野,景色英文释义:a personal opinion or belief about something; a sight that can be seen from a particular place词源:来自古英语frecan,意为“看”例句:What is your view on this matter?固定搭配:in my view(在我看来),wide view(广阔的视野)近义词:opinion, perspective, outlookconcern词性:名词/动词中文意思:关心,关注,担忧,涉及英文释义:an interest in or feeling about something; to worry about something词源:来自古法语concerner,意为“挂念”例句:We are concerned about the safety of our children.固定搭配:be concerned with(与...有关),concern oneself with(关心,忙于)近义词:worry, care, attentionnormal词性:形容词中文意思:正常的,平常的,标准的英文释义:conforming to a standard or pattern that is usual or expected词源:来自拉丁语normalis,意为“规范的”例句:It's normal for people to feel nervous before a job interview.固定搭配:normal behavior(正常行为),normal temperature(正常体温)近义词:typical, regular, usualstress词性:名词/动词中文意思:压力,紧张,强调,重读英文释义:a state of mental or emotional strain or tension; to emphasize or give importance to something词源:来自古英语strǣcan,意为“挤压”例句:She is under a lot of stress at work.固定搭配:stress relief(减压),stress management(压力管理)近义词:pressure, strain, tensionargue词性:动词中文意思:争论,辩论英文释义:to express a strong belief or opinion in an angry, determined, or assertive way词源:来自拉丁语的arguere,意为“争辩,争论”例句:They argued about politics for hours.固定搭配:argue with sb. about sth.(与某人争论某事)近义词:debate, dispute, quarreldesign词性:名词/动词中文意思:设计,计划英文释义:a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function of something before it is built or made词源:来自古法语的dessiner,意为“画,描绘”例句:The building was designed by a famous architect.固定搭配:design a product(设计产品)近义词:plan, scheme, programforum词性:名词中文意思:论坛,讨论会英文释义:a public meeting place where people can express their opinions on a particular topic 词源:来自拉丁语的forum,意为“市场,公共集会场所”例句:The forum was full of people discussing the new policy.固定搭配:online forum(在线论坛)近义词:meeting, conference, seminarexpert词性:名词/形容词中文意思:专家,熟练的英文释义:a person who has a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area词源:来自拉丁语的expertus,意为“熟练的,有经验的”例句:She is an expert in puter programming.固定搭配:an expert opinion(专家意见)近义词:specialist, skilled, proficientunique词性:形容词中文意思:独特的,独一无二的英文释义:existing only in one place or thing; not like anything else词源:来自拉丁语的unicus,意为“单一的,唯一的”例句:Her style of painting is quite unique.固定搭配:unique opportunity(独特的机会)近义词:oneofakind, special, exceptionalpassive词性:形容词中文意思:被动的,消极的英文释义:not active; not taking an initiative词源:来自拉丁语passivus,意为“受苦的”例句:He has a passive attitude towards life.(他对生活持消极态度。

1.nest n.
2.roof n.
3.battle n.& vt.& vi. 争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争
4.teenager n. 青少年
5.shoot vi.& vt. (使朝某方向)冲,奔;射击;射杀;摄影
6.spot n.
7.adult n.
13.kangaroo n. 袋鼠
14.rent n.
vi.& vt.
15.grocery n. 食品杂货;食品杂货店
16.secure adj. 安心的;可靠的;牢固的
17.volunteer vt.& vi. 主动建议(或告诉);自愿做,义务做
18.pipe n. 烟斗;管子;管乐器
6. stress 7. expert 8. likely 9. flexible 10.graduate 11. gather 12.operation 13.scene 14.response
n.精神压力,紧张;强调 vt.强调,着重 n.专家,行家 adj.熟练的,内行的,专家的 adj.可能的,预料的,有希望的 adj.灵活的,可变动的;柔韧的 vi.& vt.毕业 n.毕业生 vi.聚集,集合 vt.收拢;搜集,收集;聚集 n.手术;运转,操作 n.(戏剧等)场;场面,片段;地点,现场;景象,风光 n.回复;反应,响应
6.back down
7.cheer up

Unit 2 单词记忆(二)1.skin n.皮肤;(兽)皮,毛皮2.forum n.论坛,讨论会,公共集会场所3.design vt.设计;制订n.设计;设计艺术记:de(向下)+sign(标志,标记)——在图纸上写下各种标记——设计designer n.设计师Who designed this building? I also want to be a designer. 是谁设计的这座建筑物?我也想成为一名设计师。
design sb./sth.为某人/某物设计某物be designed for...为……而设计be designed to do...意欲做……;目的是……(1) If you're looking for some exciting and new music, download the app that is designed young people.(2) “The most famous_ (design) are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says.(3) HUNCH is designed (connect ) high school classrooms with NASA engineers.(4) The sky is dotted(点缀) with kites of different (design), such as dancing butterflies, dragons andswimming fish.4.expert n.专家,行家adj.熟练的,内行的,专家的an expert on/in/at ……领域的专家be expert on/in/at 擅长……My mother is an expert at dressmaking. 我妈妈做裁缝活可是行家。

B1U2 Let’s talk teens一、重点单词变形1.n.鸟窝;巢穴,窝2.n.屋顶,顶部3.n.&vt.&vi.争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争4.(在某事上)与某人看法一致5.n.争吵,争论;论点→vi.争吵,争辩,争论vt.说理,论证6.→7.n.紧张关系;紧张;拉伸→adj.紧张的 v.变得紧张;使拉紧8.adj.忧虑的,担心的;令人焦虑的;渴望的_______________=w =c adv.焦虑地;焦急地 n.忧虑,担心9.n.速度;率vi.&vt.评价,评估10.vi.&vt.(使朝某方向)冲,奔;射击;射杀;摄影11.过去式过去分词12.快速长高,蹿个儿13.n.粉刺;斑点;污渍;地点,场所14.n.(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子 vt.把…作为攻击目标;面向15.n.怒气,怒火→adj.生气的→adv.生气地16.adj.思想的,精神的,智力的 adj.身体的,物质的17.n.&vt.渴望,希望18.vi.&n.奋斗;斗争;搏斗19.adj.艰难的;粗糙的;不确切的→adv. →n. 20.n.(关系)破裂;故障21.adj.频繁的;有规律的→adv. →反义词22.__________vt.使平静,使镇静adj.镇静的,沉着的→短语平静,镇静,安静23.n.看法;视线;景色vt.把…视为;观看24.从某人的角度、观点出发25.充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透26.n.担心,忧虑;关心vt.涉及;让(某人)担忧27.→adj.担心的;与...有关的→prep.关于,涉及28.承认错误,认输29.adj.正常的,一般的n.常态,通常标准__________→adv.正常地→30.n.精神压力,紧张;强调vt.强调,着重__________→adj.焦虑不安的,紧张的(修饰人)→adj.令人紧张的(修饰sth.)31.n.主编,编辑;剪辑师→v.32.n.皮肤;(兽)皮,毛皮33.vt.设计;制订n.设计;设计艺术________________→n.设计师34.n.论坛,讨论会;公共集会场所35.n.专家,行家adj.熟练的,内行的,专家的36.V.期待,预计,预料37.adj.可能的,预料的,有希望的38.adj.独一无二的;独特的;独具的,特有的39.adj.消极的,被动的→adj.主动的,积极的40.n.表现;表演;执行,履行_____________→v.表演,表现→n.演员,表演者41.__________________(使)变得高兴,振奋起来v.→干杯→ adj.欢呼的,快乐的42.vt.&vi.催促,逼迫;按,压;挤,推n.报章杂志,报刊;(the press)新闻工作者,新闻界_________43.adj.热切的,渴望的,渴求的→adv. →n. 44.n.冒险,冒险经历,奇遇→adj.勇于冒险的,有冒险精神的,大胆开拓的45.n.青年时期;青春年轻人46.缠磨,烦扰47.adj.灵活的,可变动的;柔韧的48.n.账户;描述;解释vt.认为是,视为49.n.租金vi.&vt.租用;出租50.n.食品杂货;食品杂货店51.adj.安心的;可靠的;牢固的→adv.→n.安全→a52.vi.& vt.毕业n.毕业生→n.毕业;毕业典礼53.vi.聚集,集合vt.收拢;搜集,收集;聚集→n. 54.n.突发事件,紧急情况→adj.紧急的;突然出现的55.vi.& vt.自愿做,义务做n.志愿者→adj.志愿的→adv. 56.n.烟斗;管子;管乐器57.n.数字;人物;体形;身材v.认为,明白58.adv.在市中心,往市中心59.提取,支取60.n.手术;运转,操作→ v做手术;运转,经营,操作61.n.出纳员;叙述者→ v叙述,讲述62.n.(戏剧等)场;场面,片段;地点,现场;景象,风光63.n.公寓adj.平坦的;瘪了的→更平坦的→最平坦的64.n.回复;反应,响应→vi.回答;响应二.短语65.melt away_______________66.渴望做某事______________________________67.日复一日_______________68.变成一场战斗_______________________69.激烈的争吵_______________70.导致_______________ 71.由于_______________72.以不同的速度_______________________73.身体变化_______________74.精神需要_______________75.中间地带_______________76.两者都_______________77.对...有需求_______________78.准备好做某事_______________________79.做决定_______________80.独自_______________81.放手_______________82.一方面...,另一方面______________________________83.体贴又耐心_______________84.一段艰难的旅程_______________85.期待某人做某事_______________86.采取行动做某事_______________87.做...的关键_______________88.保持和平_______________89.一直做某事_______________90.经历_______________91.设法解决某人的顾虑_______________92.要求某人做某事_______________93.共同努力_______________94.所有事情最后都会变好_____________________________________________ 95.说实话,老实说_______________96.看医生_______________97.施加压力到某人身上98.一直99.look through_______________100.It's likely that+句子_______________101.至少_______________102.reply to_______________103.压力很大_______________104.把A和B对比________________________ 105.做...无意义______________________________ 106.对某人严格_______________107.对某事严格_______________108.leave sb. alone_______________109.take a break_______________110.once in a while______________111.关心_______________112.照顾_____________________________________________ 113.保护某人免受..._______________114.meet in the middle_______________115.未能做某事_______________116.改善关系_______________117.make a deal (with sb.)_______________118.put yourself in one's shoes_______________ 119.做...有困难_______________120.第一,首先______________________________121.第二_______________122.此外______________________________123.最后______________________________124.数数_______________ 125.向上看;高看_______________ 126.向下看;低看_______________ 127.放弃做某事_______________ 128.去市中心_______________ 129.依赖,依靠_______________ 130.第一次_______________。

Unit 2 Let’s talk teens(必修第一册)第一部分语言知识问题:本单元有哪些与主题话题相关的核心词汇?这些词汇有多少是课标中必须掌握的?这些词汇学生应该掌握到什么程度?词汇教学该如何与高考对接?活动一核心词汇请根据句意或所给提示词用适当形式填空。
1. There’s a strong ____________ (argue) for lowering the price of oil.2. Some hospital patients experience high levels of ____________ (anxious).3. It would seem more sensible to apply standards ____________ (flexible).4.The project, due to begin next month, will be ____________ (volunteer) rather than compulsory.5. Carl took a long deep breath, ____________ (struggle) to control his own emotions.6. The company _____________ (target) by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drug trials since 2018.7. All cases____________ (concern) children are dealt with in a special children's court.8. Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a ____________ (unique) fragile environment.9. Your role as ____________ (edit) is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.10. She has shown enthusiasm in the ____________ (perform) of her duties.【答案】1.argument2. anxiety3. flexibly4. voluntary5. struggling6. has been targeted7. concerning8. uniquely9. editor 10. performance 活动二重点短语问题:本单元中有哪些重要短语和固定搭配?如何更好地运用这些短语和搭配?根据句意选择方框中所给短语并用适当形式填空。
Unit 2 Let's talk teens单词全解(下)- 高一上学期英语牛津译林版(2020)

江苏英语新高考教材单词全解(必修一)Unit 2 Let’s talk teens1、nest词性:n. 鸟窝;巢穴,窝课文内容:P15 leave the nest 离开鸟巢引申:nest egg 备用的钱,储备金2、roof词性:n. 屋顶,顶部(复数:roofs)课文内容:P16 strangers under the same roof 在同一屋檐下的陌生人引申:go through the roof 飞涨,激增hit the roof 非常生气,暴怒have a roof over your head 有栖身之所3、battle词性:n. 争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争课文内容:P16 turn into a battle 变成一场争论引申: a battle with/against/for 和...斗争/为...斗争a battle of wills 意志的斗争half the battle 最关键的时候,最艰难的时候词性:v. 争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争搭配:battle with/against sb for sth 为了....和...斗争派生掌握:battlefield n. 战场battleship n. 战舰4、See eye to eye with sb(on sth)(在某事上)与某人看法一致5、argument词性:n. 争论,争吵;论点课文内容:P16 heated arguments 激烈的争论引申:get into an argument with 和...吵起来派生掌握:argue v. 争论,争吵;论点6、teenager词性:n. 青少年课文内容:P16 teenagers’physical changes 青少年的身体变化派生掌握:teenage adj. 青少年的teenage probelm 青少年问题teenaged adj. 青少年的7、tension词性:n. 紧张关系,紧张,拉伸课文内容:P16 family tension 家庭紧张引申:international/racial/political tension 国际紧张局势/种族紧张局势/政治紧张局势派生掌握:tense adj. 神经紧张额,担心的tensely adv.tenseness n.8、anxious词性:adj. 忧虑的,担心的课文内容:P16 feel anxious 感到忧虑引申:be anxious about 对...焦虑be anxious to do sth/for sth 渴望做某事/渴望某个东西be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望某人去做某事派生掌握:anxiously adv. 忧虑地,担心地anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑9、rate词性:n. 速度,率课文内容:P16 develop at a different rate 以一个不同速率发展引申:at a rate of... 以...速率at any rate 无论如何词性:v. 评价,评估10、shoot词性:v. 冲,奔,射杀,射击,摄影(shot;shot)课文内容:P16 shoot up in height 个子突然蹿高搭配:shoot at sb/sth 向...射击shoot sb down 射倒,击毙Shoot off 迅速离去shoot up 快速长高11、spot词性:n. 粉刺,斑点,污渍,地点,场所课文内容:P16 weight problems or spots 体重问题或者粉刺引申:on the spot 当场Be spotted with 满是...斑点派生掌握:spotless adj. 极清洁的Spotlight n. 聚光灯12、target词性:n. 目标,对象;靶子课文内容:P16 the first targets of your anger 你愤怒指向的首要目标词性:v. 把...作为攻击目标,面向搭配:be targeted by 被...认作目标13、anger词性:n. 怒气,怒火引申:be filled with anger 充满怒火In danger 气愤地派生掌握:angry adj. 愤怒的14、mental词性:adj. 思想的,精神的,智力的课文内容:P16 mental needs 精神需求引申:go mental 气疯了Mental age 心理年龄派生掌握:mentality n. 心态,思想状况Mentally adv. 精神上地15、adult词性:n. 成年人课文内容:P17 not quite an adult 不是一个完全的成年人引申:adult education 成人教育16、desire词性:n.渴望,愿望课文内容:P17 a new desire for independence 一个希望独立的新渴望引申: a desire for sth/ to do sth 渴望某事/渴望做某事词性:v. 渴望,愿望17、struggle词性:v. 奋斗;斗争;搏斗课文内容:P17 struggle to control your feelings 挣扎于控制自己的感觉搭配:struggle for sth 为...奋斗struggle against/with sb/sth 与...斗争struggle with sb for sth 与某人为某物而争斗词性:n. 奋斗;斗争;搏斗引申: a struggle for freedom/independence 为自由/独立而斗争18、rough词性:adj. 艰难的,粗糙的,不确切的课文内容:P17 a rough ride 艰难的历程引申:at a rough guess 粗略估计rough time 艰难时刻派生掌握:roughness n.Roughly adv. 大约;粗鲁地;粗糙地Roughen v. 使粗糙19、breakdown词性:n. 关系破裂,故障课文内容:P17 lead a breakdown in your relationship 导致你的关系破裂引申:break down 故障,坏掉break away 挣脱,逃脱break in 闯入break off 折断,脱落,中断break out 爆发,突然开始break through 重大突破break up 破裂,分手20、regular词性:adj. 频繁的,有规律的课文内容:P17 regular and honest communication 频繁且真诚的交流派生掌握:regularly adv. 有规律地,正常地,间隙均匀地regularity n. 规律性,经常性regulation n. 章程,规章制度21、calm词性:v. 使平静,使镇静课文内容:P17 take a minute to calm down 花一分钟时间冷静下搭配:calm sb down 使某人镇静词性:adj. 镇静地,沉着地引申:keep/remain calm 保持镇静派生掌握:calmly adv.calmness n.22、calm down 平静,镇静,安静23、view词性:n. 看法,视线,景色课文内容:P17 from their point of view 从他们的观点来看引申:view about/on sth 对...的看法take the view 持有...看法in full view of 全部看的见,在眼皮底下in view of 鉴于,考虑到with a view to sth/ to doing sth 为了,指望...词性:v. 把...看作,观看搭配:view...as 把...看作view...with 以某种方式看待派生掌握:viewer n. 电视观众viewpoint n. 观点24、from one's point of view 从某人的角度,从某人的视角来看25、think sth through 充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透课文内容:P17 think it through 把它想通26、concern词性:n. 担心,忧虑;关心课文内容:P17 address their concerns 解决他们的担忧引申:concern about/for/over sth/sb 担心忧虑...cause for concern 引起关切词性:v. 涉及,让...担忧搭配:be concerned with 与...有关/涉及Be concerned about 对...担心27、back down 承认错误,认输课文内容:P17 learn when to back down 学会何时认错28、normal词性:adj. 正常的,一般的课文内容:P17 it is completely normal to struggle with the stress 和压力斗争完全正常引申:反义词:abnormal 不正常的词性:n. 常态,通常标准引申:above/below normal 在标准之上/下派生掌握:normality n. 常态,正常的形势29、stress词性:n. 精神压力,紧张;强调引申:under stress 压力之下stress management 压力管理词性:v. 强调,着重搭配:it must be stressed that 必须要强调的是...派生掌握:stressed adj. 焦虑不安的,心力交瘁的stressful adj. 压力重的,紧张的30、editor词性:n. 主编,编辑;剪辑师课文内容:P19 dear editor 亲爱的主编。

AThe last school bell rings and your kids are off for the summer.For most kids those thoughts of schoolwork and lessons are a distant memory that they won't be thinking about again until fall.So it's important for them to continue some learning.Have Your Kids Hit the LibraryEncourage your kids to read by taking them to the library during the summer.If they don't have a library card,get them one.Many local libraries sponsor(主办)summer reading clubs that keep your kids wanting to read.Be sure to let your kids pick their own books out;summer is for fun reading.Have Your Kids Read Every DayAsk your kids to read outside in the sun.Join them,read aloud their favourite books,no matter how many times you have read them.Pick a time every day when you all stop and read as a family together.Nothing will stimulate a child to read than to have adults reading with them.Find Other Ways to Encourage the KidsIf you are planning a family trip,have them check out the map.Let your kids go online and research where you are going.Have your kids check the weather report in the newspaper or what big event is happening and then have them report back on it at dinner time.Have your kids check out magazines or websites for recipes(食谱)that can be prepared.Learning to express your thoughts.The writing in a logical(合逻辑的)manner is a skill that is often lost.To help your kids,have them write about things during the summer.If your kids love something such as animals,have them write short report about them to share with the family.If you are going on a trip,have your kids keep a travel journal.【语篇解读】本文主要告诉父母如何利用暑假让孩子学习。
Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens 单课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册

10. in anger = angrily; a bird full of anger; be angry with sb. / at sth / to do sth / that…; angrily; angrier; angriest;
11. be in mental health; physically and mentally healthy. e.g., Being in physical health doesn’t equal being mentally healthy.
4. unique
a unique style
5. passive a. passively adv.
6. performance n. put on / give a live performance (表演)
v. perform an operation / an experiment 开展
14.rough roughness; under the rough condition; be rough on sb. = be rude to sb. In rough = Roughly speaking;
rough surface; smooth surface; The sea is rough;
On no account shall we copy others’ work. account for 1. 解释......的原因 2. 占比例
14. rent for rent
rent sth from sb
rent sth to sb

Unit 2 单元测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. How was the weather yesterday?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Windy.2. What will Jessie do this Sunday?A. Have a picnic.B. Finish her homework.C. Take a parttime job.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a bookstore.B. In a library.C. In a classroom.4. When will the speakers meet?A. On Saturday afternoon.B. On Sunday morning.C. On Sunday afternoon.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Preparation for a trip.B. A school day.C. A final exam.第二节(共15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. How long did Nancy stay in New Zealand?A. One week.B. Three months.C. Five months.7. Who might Nancy be?A. A travel agent.B. A secretary.C. A marketing manager.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册Unit 2 Let's Talk TeensProject教材分析:本节课教材为牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Project这一单元的教材内容。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握有关青少年生活方式和问题的相关词汇和表达方式。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学知识和技能,进行小组合作、独立研究和展示。
3. 情感目标:培养学生对青少年相关问题的关注和意识,增强学生的合作意识和团队协作能力。
教学重点:1. 学习青少年生活方式和问题的相关词汇和表达方式。
2. 培养学生的调查研究能力和信息整合能力。
3. 鼓励学生运用英语进行沟通和展示的能力。
教学难点:1. 学生在进行调查研究时,可能遇到问题,如如何进行有效的访谈、如何整理和解读数据等。
2. 学生在展示过程中,可能面临如何组织语言,如何清晰表达的难题。
教学方法:1. 合作学习:学生分成小组,进行调查研究,共同完成项目任务。
2. 讨论和展示:鼓励学生在小组内进行讨论,分享彼此的研究成果,并以展示的形式向全班呈现。
3. 个例教学:针对学生在研究和表达过程中可能遇到的问题,进行个别辅导和指导。
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28.operation n.手术;运转,操作 operate v.做手术;运行;运转;操作 operate on给……做手术 29.scene n.(戏剧等)场;场面,片段;地点,现场;景象,风光 the scene of the accident/attack/crime事故/袭击/犯罪现场 at/on the scene在现场;到现场 scenery n.[U]自然美景 30.response n.回复;反应,响应 make a/no response to 对……做出/未做回应 in response to对……做出回应 respond vi.回答;作出反应 respond to对……做出回应
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人与自我 生活与学习
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1.battle n.& vt.& vi.争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争 battle for为了……而斗争 battle against/with与……作斗争 half the battle成功了一半;胜利大有希望 2.rate n.速度;率 vi.& vt.评价,评估 birth rate出生率 unemployment rate失业率 heart rate心率 the success/failure rate成功率/失败率 at a rate of 以……的速度
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7.struggle vi.& n.斗争;奋斗;搏斗 struggle for为……而奋斗 struggle with/against sb/sth 与……做斗争 struggle to do sth努力做某事 struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来 8.rough adj.艰难的;粗糙的;不确切的 rough ground高低不平的地面 a rough idea大体知道 roughly adv.大体上
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9.calm adj.镇静的,沉着的 vt.使平静,使镇静 calm oneself使自己镇静 calm sb使某人镇静下来 calm down安静下来 keep/stay/remain calm保持镇静 10.view n.看法;视线;景色 vt.把……视为;观看 view...as...把……视为…… be viewed as被视为 in view of 鉴于;由于 in one’s view在某人看来 get/have a good view of...观看……视野很好
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26.volunteer vi.& vt.自愿做,义务做 n.志愿者 volunteer to do sth自愿做某事 volunteer for sth自愿做某事 voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的 27.figure n.数字;人物;体型,身材;身影 the latest trade/sales/unemployment,etc.figures最新的贸易/销售/失业 等数字 a leading figure重要人物 a political figure政治人物 figure out理解,弄明白;计算出
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1.It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too. 平衡你正在发展的精神需求也是一个很大的问题。 2.Unfortunately,your parents do not always agree and that makes you feel unhappy. 不幸的是,你的父母并不总是同意,这让你感到不开心。 3.Through this kind of healthy discussion,you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control. 通过这种健康的讨论,你将学会什么时候该让步,什么时候该让父 母放松他们的控制。 4.Whatever happened,we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon. 无论发生什么事,我们都知道我们仍有银行可以依靠。
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19.press vt.& vi.催促,逼迫;按,压;挤,推 n.报章杂志,报刊;(the press) 新闻工作者,新闻界 press v.按,压→pressure n.压力(近义词stress) impress vt.打动;留下印象→impression n.印象 express v.表达→expression n.表达;表情;词组 20.eager adj.热切的,渴望的,渴求的 be eager for sth渴望某物 be eager to do sth渴望做某事 eagerly adv.渴望地;急切地 21.account n.账户;描述;解释 vt.认为是,视为 open/close an account 开立/结清账户 give an account of描述 account for是……的原因;解释;(数量上、比例上)占
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22.rent n.租金 vi.& vt.租用;出租 rent sb sth=rent (out) sth to sb把某物租给某人 rent sth from sb租用某人某物 rent for租金为…… for rent出租;招租 23.secure adj.安心的;可靠的;牢固的 security n.安全;保护措施;保护;保障 airport/hotel security机场/旅馆的安全措施 a sense of security安全感 for security reasons出于安全考虑 job/financial security工作/经济保障
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17.performance n.表现;表演;执行,履行 performer n.表演者 perform vt.表演;演出;表现;做;执行;履行 perform magic tricks表演魔术 perform well/badly表现好/差 perform an experiment/a ceremony做实验/举行仪式 perform an operation做手术 perform a task执行任务 perform an important role in在……发挥重要作用 18.cheer up (使)变得高兴,振奋起来 cheer sb on (尤指在比赛中)为某人加油 cheerful adj.高兴的,兴高采烈的
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24.graduate vi.& vt.毕业 n.毕业生 graduate from毕业于 a graduate of...……的毕业生 graduation n.毕业;毕业典礼 25.gather vi.聚集,召集 vt.收拢;搜集,收集;聚集 gather together聚集起来,合拢 gather round/around聚集,集合 gather in收割,收获 gather speed/force加快速度/加大力量
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5.target n.(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子 vt.把……作为攻击目标;面向 set a target确定目标 meet/achieve/reach a target完成/达到目标 a target area/audience/group目标范围/观众/群体 hit/miss the target中/脱靶 target sth以……为目标 be targeted at目的;旨在;针对 6.desire n.& vt.渴望,愿望 have a desire to do sth=desire to do sth渴望做某事 have a desire for=desire for渴望 desire that sb(should) do sth渴望某人做某事 desired adj.要求的;想要的 the desired effect预期的效果
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11.concern n.担心,忧虑;关心 vt.涉及;让(某人)担忧 show concern for对……关注 as far as sb/sth be concerned就……而言;在……看来 be concerned about/for担心;关心 concerning prep.关于 12.normal adj.正常的,一般的 n.常态,通常标准 return to normal恢复正常 below/above normal低于/高于正常标准 abnormal adj.不正常的 normally adv.通常,平常
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15.design vt.设计;制订 n.设计;设计艺术 design sth to do sth为了做……而设计…… be designed for为……而设计 designer n.设计师 16.likely adj.可能的,预料的,有希望的 be likely to do sth有可能做某事 It is/was likely that...很有可能…… not likely不可能 unlikely adj.不可能的
主题语境 重点词汇 ,紧张;强调 vt.强调,着重 stressed adj.焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的 stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的 14.argue vi.争论,辩论,说服 vt.说理,论证 argument n.争论,辩论;论据 arguable adj.可论证的;可疑的 argue with sb about/over sth与某人争论某事 argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事/接受某种意见 argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事/打消某种念头 argue against 反驳 argue for 赞同;主张 have an argument with sb about/over sth与某人争论某事