CL302C使用说明书 (1)
![CL302C使用说明书 (1)](
2、主要特点●能检定交直流指示仪表的各项指标;●输出电压源、电流源和功率源均为高精度、高稳定度标准源,软件校准;●采用超大规模CPLD芯片设计自己的专用IC使电路简化并提高了可靠性;●采用大功率(150W以上)集成功率放大器件,具有完善的自我保护功能;●数字移相,相位调节细度为0.01°;●可使用旋转编码器调节参数;●输出电压、电流实现闭环控制,可保证低漂移及年稳定度;●各项输出采用动态负载自动调整,使负载趋于恒定,降低负载调整率;●设计有大容量的FLASH ROM,可存贮检定数据和将数据传输到上层计算机;●采用大屏幕LCD结合弹出式中文菜单显示,操作简单、方便、直观;●提供RS232和RS-485接口,可与PC机或笔记本电脑连接进行检定和进行档案管理,具有IEEE-488接口选件;●主要元器件采用国外名牌厂家产品,生产工艺要求极为严格,从而保证了产品的可靠性;●自动故障检测,可显示出现故障部位;●软件及专用IC可免费升级;●采用德国标准机箱。
3、CL302C主要技术参数输出交流电压输出交流电流输出交流功率输出交流电压、电流频率输出交流电压、电流失真度0.05级:<0.2%(非容性负载)0.1级:<0.5%(非容性负载)最大输出负载容量电压输出25VA,电流输出30VA输出直流电压指标测试参考条件环境温度: 23℃±1℃工作温度: 0℃~40℃,湿度:≤85%工作电源围:220VAC±15%,50Hz4、工作原理框图图15、前后面板说明5.1 前面板说明1——大屏幕液晶显示窗2——方向键3——旋转编码器4——直流电压输出端子,最大输出电压840V,红色端子为正端,黑色端子为负端5——直流电流输出端子,最大输出电流30A,红色端子为正端,黑色端子为负端6——交流电流输出端子,黄、绿、红色端子分别为A相、B相、C相电流正端,黑色端子为负端7——交流电压输出端子,黄、绿、红色端子分别为A相、B相、C相电压正端,黑色端子为公共端。
通道闸机使用说明书CPW-321HS北京西莫罗智能科技有限公司目录1. 简介通道闸机结构稳定可靠,外型美观。
设备配备标准的电气接口,很容易与读写系统设备集成如磁卡、条码卡、ID卡和IC 卡。
2. 安全保护措施常见安全注意事项通道闸机是根据最新的技术进行设计生产和检测的,虽然产品离开工厂时是完全可运行和安全的状态,但这些都要在正确的安装来实现,因此操作说明书必须仔细阅读,安全注意事项必须遵守。
302 ECDLF 产品说明书
![302 ECDLF 产品说明书](
( Blank)About this manualThis manual applies to the combined unit302ECDLF.Always read the separate Safety Instruction Manual part No21741before operating the equipment.This manual is published by:Glunz& Jensen A/SLindholm Havnevej295800NyborgDenmarkPhone:+4557688181E-mail:*******************Internet:Copyright©June,2018by Glunz& Jensen A/SThe equipmentUnintended use of the equipmentGlunz&Jensen does not take any responsibility for any damage or accidents caused by unintended use of the equipment.It is absolutely prohibited to make any modifications,electrical or mechanical,of the equipment.If however this prohibition is disregarded,Glunz&Jensen's warranty will no longer apply.Intended use of the equipmentDevelopment and/or processing of flexographic plates as specified in Technical Specifications in the Service Manual.This equipment is a part of a full range dedicated for the treatment of flexographic printing plates.This range includes exposure,processor,dryer and light finisher.InstallationWARNING:The equipment must be installed in restricted access locations only.•Never install the equipment in explosive environments.•It is the responsibility of the owner and operator(s)of the equipment that the installation is made in accordance with local regulations,and by engineers authorized to carry out electrical,compressed air and HVAC installations.•The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by incorrect installation of the equipment.•Installation,service and repair must be performed only by service technicians who are trained in servicing the equipment.The installation procedure is described in the chapter'Installation'in the Service Manual.Service assistanceIf help is needed to correct any problem with the equipment,please contact your local supplier.Daily useGeneralThis equipment is designed to-expose-post-expose/light finish-dryof flexographic printing plates.The operator interface is made by a color touch screen which ensures a very easy control.•When the emergency button is released the red square turns to green.•To disarm the equipment,keep the green square depressed for two seconds(countdown of two seconds will appear)and following screen will be displayed.•To switch the equipment on,keep the"ON"button depressed for two seconds(countdown of two seconds will appear).The main screen is then displayed.•To switch the equipment off,press"OFF"button.Display DescriptionALARM This button allows access to the alarm history screen.SERV By pressing this button it is possible to access the service menu.(See Service Manual.) JOB This button allows access to the job/plate table.OFF By pressing this button it is possible to switch the equipment off.Exposure sectionBy pressing"EXPO"button following screen is displayed.From this screen it is possible to choose the plate to expose by using"arrow up"and"arrow down"(to move in one job/plate up or down)or"double arrow up"and"double arrow down"(to move in fivejobs/plates up or down).The back and main exposure time is loaded automatically.It is possible to start,stop and reset back or main exposure cycle by pressing the corresponding button.The"LI"field below the"BACK EXPOSURE:"and"MAIN EXPOSURE:"indicates whether light integrator is in use during back and/or main exposure.In the example above,the light integrator is used for back exposure,but not for main exposure.If"LI"field flashes after start of the exposure,it indicates recalculating of the exposure time.Below the back and main exposure times are displayed fields"to do:"which display remaining time of the back or main exposure.Countdown of the remaining time starts after pressing"START"button.At the bottom part of the screen are displayed the temperatures of the exposure lamps and the exposure table(in°C or°F depending on the setting-see later in this manual)as well as the vacuum pressure(in kPa).It is possible to start or stop vacuum pump by pressing"ON"or"OFF"button.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.Light finisher sectionBy pressing"LF"button following screen is displayed.From this screen it is possible to choose the plate to light finish by using"arrow up"and"arrow down"(to move in one job/plate up or down)or"double arrow up"and"double arrow down"(to move in fivejobs/plates up or down).The UVA and UVC light finishing times with their delays are loaded automatically. It is possible to start,stop and reset light finishing cycle by pressing the corresponding button.Below the UVA and UVC light finishing times are displayed fields"to do:"which display remaining time of the UVA and UVC light finishing.Countdown of the remaining time starts after pressing"START"button. Here is as well displayed the temperature of the light finisher lamps(in°C or°F depending on the setting-see later in this manual).To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.DryerBy pressing"DRY1"button following screen is displayed.From this screen it is possible to choose the plate to expose by using"arrow up"and"arrow down"(to move in one job/plate up or down)or"double arrow up"and"double arrow down"(to move in fivejobs/plates up or down).The drying time is loaded automatically.It is possible to start,stop and reset dryer1cycle by pressing the corresponding button.Below the drying time is displayed field"to do:"which displays remaining time of the back or main exposure.Countdown of the remaining time starts after pressing"START"button.At the bottom part of the screen are displayed the temperature setpoint for the dryer heaters and the actual temperature in the dryers1/2(in°C or°F depending on the setting-see later in this manual).It is possible to start the heaters by pressing"ON"button.The button changes to"OFF".To stop it,press the button again and it will change back again.To activate automatic switch off of the heating resistors in dryer1/2at the end of the last cycle,press (green)"SELF-OFF"button.The button flashes and changes color to red.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.NOTE:The same kind of functionality is available on the Dryer3screen.By pressing"DRY2"button following screen is displayed.From this screen it is possible to choose the plate to expose by using"arrow up"and"arrow down"(to move in one job/plate up or down)or"double arrow up"and"double arrow down"(to move in fivejobs/plates up or down).The drying time is loaded automatically.It is possible to start,stop and reset dryer1cycle by pressing the corresponding button.Below the drying time is displayed field"to do:"which displays remaining time of the back or main exposure.Countdown of the remaining time starts after pressing"START"button.At the bottom part of the screen are displayed the temperature setpoint for the dryer heaters,the actual temperature in the dryers1/2(in°C or°F depending on the setting-see later in this manual)and the status of the heating resistors in dryer1/2.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.NOTE:The same kind of functionality is available in the Dryer4section.Equipment statusTo see the status of all processes in the equipment,press on the machine view on the main screen. Following screen is then displayed.Next to the status of a process which is running or interrupted is displayed its remaining time.For drying processes is stated as well the status of heating resistors.In the bottom of the screen is displayed date and time.From this screen it is possible to access hours and cycles counters as well as digital and analog inputs/outputs status screens.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.CountersBy pressing"HOURS"button,the screen displaying hours counters appears.By pressing"CYCLE"button,the screen displaying cycles counters appears.To reset the counter of a process,press its"RESET"button.In the pop-up window enter the user password"963"to confirm the counter reset.To reset the maximum value of a process,press on it(white fields).In the pop-up window enter the user password"963".Type required value and press"ENTER".If the maximum value of a process counter is set to"0",the warning of the counter is disabled.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.Analog and digital inputs/outputsBy pressing"I/O-A"button,the screen displaying status of analog inputs/outputs appears.By pressing"I/O-D"button,the screen displaying status of digital inputs/outputs appears.These screens display the actual status of analog inputs/outputs of MAD42and TS562units and the actual status of digital inputs/outputs of ID211and OD212placed in the electronics cabinet.Green color indicates that the input/output is on,red color indicates that the input/output is off.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.JobsIt is possible to store up to40jobs/plates with their process parameters(in fact only38as first job is called burning and serves for burning the lamps and one more is the test one).By pressing the"JOB"button from the main screen,the job table is displayed.Here are listed all jobs/plates.Scroll through the list is possible by using"arrow up"and"arrow down"(to move in one job/plate up or down)or"double arrow up"and"double arrow down"(to move in fivejobs/plates up or down).To see/edit parameters of required job/plate,move to the required job/plate(to be selected green)–in this example job no3–and press"JOB"button.To enter a new job/plate,move the empty job/plate to the green field and press"JOB"button.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.By pressing the"JOB"button from the Job table screen,the selected job/plate parameters are displayed.If the job plate protect function is enabled,it is necessary to enter user password"963"first.Here is possible to edit job/plate name and its parameters.By using"arrow up"and"arrow down"it is possible to move in one job/plate up or down.All jobs/plates stored in the control panel can be transferred to the PLC unit and vice versa by pressing on the corresponding button–green"PANEL--->PLC"or red"PANEL<---PLC".The button shortly flashes once.To turn back to the job table,press"ESC"button.All changes are stored automaticaly.Alarms and warningsWhen an alarm or warning occurs,depending on the type–alarm or warning–the corresponding sign is flashing on the top of the screen and the text message is running below.AlarmThe sign indicates an alarm.The alarm will stop the equipment and require an operatoraction.There is acoustic signal for the alarm too.By pressing this sign,Alarm history screenis accessed.For further details regarding Alarm history screen please refer to the next page. WarningThe sign indicates a warning.The warning will not stop the equipment.There is acousticsignal for the warning too.By pressing this sign,Alarm history screen is accessed.Forfurther details regarding Alarm history screen please refer to the next page.Alarms and warnings historyAs well it is possible to access the Alarm history screen by pressing"ALARM"button from the main screen.The Alarm history screen looks like below.Here is displayed list of alarms or warnings recorded on the equipment and its time of appearance (day/hour:minute).By pressing"arrow up"or"arrow down"button it is possible to scroll up or down the list.Alarms or warnings displayed blue indicates already resolved alarms or warnings.Alarms or warnings displayed red indicates still active alarms or warnings.To confirm them resolving, press on active alarm or warning and this changes to green.To turn back to the main screen,press"ESC"button.Making platesStarting an exposure cycleWARNING:For handling the plates use a safety gloves.•Open the top lid and put the plate on the cooled table to make the back or main exposure.When doing main exposure on conventional plate,put the vacuum foil on top of the plate(not needed for backexposure or digital plates).•Select the required plate type.•Make sure the back and main exposure times are correct.•Close the top lid.•Start the vacuum pump(if vacuum foil is in use)and check the vacuum level.•To start an exposure,press"START"button.•During the exposure process,the"to do:"field displays the remaining time for back or main exposure.If light integrator is in use,the time of an exposure can differ as it depends on UV intensity and lightintegrator calibration.•At the end of the cycle the buzzer sounds(if this function is enabled)and remaining time displays"0".•Stop the vacuum pump,if it was used in the cycle.NOTE:Prior to starting another cycle,it is necessary to confirm the end of the previous cycle bypressing on the"RESET"button or remove the plate.At this point the remaining time displays "0".The equipment is now ready to start another cycle.NOTE:It is possible to stop an ongoing cycle by pressing on the"STOP"button.NOTE:If emergency stop button is activated during an ongoing cycle,the cycle stops.Afterreleasing an emergency stop button and switching the equipment on,it is possible to continue thecycle by pressing"START"button.Starting a light finisher cycleWARNING:For handling the plates use a safety gloves.•Open the drawer and put the plate in.•Close the drawer.•Select the required plate type.•Make sure the times are correct.•To start a light finishing process,press"START"button from the Light finisher screen.•During whole process the display shows remaining times for UVA and UVC cycles.Cycles will start according to their delays.If delay of cycle is set to0,cycle starts immediately.If delay of both cycles is set to0,both cycles start together.•At the end of the cycle the buzzer sounds(if this function is enabled)and remaining time displays"0".NOTE:Prior to starting another cycle,it is necessary to confirm the end of the previous cycle by pressing on the"RESET"button or remove the plate.At this point the remaining time displays "0".The equipment is now ready to start another cycle.NOTE:It is possible to stop an ongoing cycle by pressing on the"STOP"button.NOTE:If emergency stop button is activated during an ongoing cycle,the cycle stops.Afterreleasing an emergency stop button and switching the equipment on,it is possible to continue the cycle by pressing"START"button.。
Eaton Bussmann EBH000 NH水平熔断开关隔离器说明书
![Eaton Bussmann EBH000 NH水平熔断开关隔离器说明书](
BUSSMANNSERIESProduct descriptionEaton’s Bussmann ® series EBH000 NH horizontal fuse switch disconnector isspecifically designed to be used with size 000 NH Fuse links up to 160 A. They have compact dimensions, all energized metal parts are fully protected against accidental contact. These are manually operated switches and the making and breaking is dependent on the speed of the operation.Standard features•Touch for IP 30 from the front•Top/bottom cable termination possibility •Compact dimensions•Test holes provided on the cover to measure the voltage across the link•Various options for cable terminations•Wide range of accessories)NH Horizontal fuse switch disconnectors - EBH000102922Technical Data 10292Effective October 2017NH Horizontal fuse switch disconnectors - EBH000EATON Catalogue symbol:•EBH000 O on mounting plates•EBH000 1 on 60 mm busbar systemsStandard/Approvals:•IEC 60947-1 and 3•EN 60947-1 and 3Compatible fuse links:•Size 000 NH Fuse links up to 160 AT echnical data•Voltage: 690 V a.c. •Current: 160 A•Utilisation category:•AC21B •AC22B •AC23B•DC21BFunctionality•Designed for installation onto 100 mm or 185 mm busbar sys-tem•Making and breaking operation should be done with determined movement•Parrallel moving, double contact system•Suitable for top cable termination connectionOperating conditions•Suitable for installation in environments free of any dust, explosive or aggressive gases•Altitude up to 2000 metres above sea level•Can be used in outdoor environments if they are installed in IP34 cabinets•Relative air humidity should not be higher than 50% tempera-ture of +40o C•Ambient temperature from -25o C to +55o CMounting options•On mounting plates: EBH000 O•On to 60 mm busbar systems : EBH000 1Packaging• 1 per carton.3Technical Data 10292Effective October 2017NH Horizontal fuse switch disconnectors - EBH000EATON T able 1. Technical dataDIN-Rail Mounting plates Busbar4Technical Data 10292Effective October 2017NH Horizontal fuse switch disconnectors - EBH000EATON T able 2.Catalogue numbersCurrent Busbar Catalogue Pack Compatible Fuse Dimensions (mm)EBH000On mounting plates5Technical Data 10292Effective October 2017NH Horizontal fuse switch disconnectors - EBH000EATON Dimensions (mm)EBH000Dimensions and spacing of holes for installation on EBH000 O on mounting platesWith extended terminal shroudsDimensions (mm)EBH000 (60 mm busbar mounting Bottom cable terminal6EATON EatonEMEA HeadquartersRoute de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, SwitzerlandEaton Electrical Products Limited Melton RoadBurton-on-the-Wolds Leicestershire, LE12 5THUnited Kingdom© 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved PDF Only Publication No. 10292 October 2017Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Dimensions (mm)EBH000 (60 mm busbar mountingTop cable terminalChanges to the products, to the informationcontained in this document, and to pricesare reserved; so are errors and omissions.Only order confirmations and technicaldocumentation by Eaton is binding. Photosand pictures also do not warrant a specificlayout or functionality. Their use in whateverform is subject to prior approval by Eaton.The same applies to Trademarks (especiallyEaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). TheTerms and Conditions of Eaton apply, asreferenced on Eaton Internet pages andEaton order confirmations.。
Eaton EGS3020FFBEaton Series G molded case circuit breaker, EG-frame, EG,Complete breaker, Fixed thermal, fixed magnetic trip, Three-pole, 20A, 600Y/347 Vac, 85 kAIC at 240 Vac, 35 kAIC at 480 Vac, 22 kAIC at 600Y/347 Vac, Bolt-on, 50/60 HzGeneral specificationsEaton Series G complete molded case circuit breakerEGS3020FFB 7866853821112.99 in 5.5 in3 in 2.9 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.CE Marked UL ListedCSA CertifiedIEC RatedProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertificationsSeries G85 kAIC at 240 Vac35 kAIC at 480 Vac22 kAIC at 600Y/347 Vac Complete breakerEGEG50/60 HzComplete breakerBolt-on600Y/347 Vac20 AFixed thermal, fixed magnetic Three-pole Application of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit Breakers Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsPower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aidMulti-wire lugs product aidCurrent limiting molded case circuit breaker module for series G, JG and CLStrandAble terminals product aidHigh performance operating handles for Series G circuit breakers product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aidMolded case circuit breakers providing higher levels of selective coordination product aidSeries G MCCB quick selectorMotor protection circuit breakers product aidComprehensive circuit protection for control panel applicationsCircuit breaker motor operators product aidMOEM MCCB Product Selection GuideCurrent limiting molded case circuit breaker module product aid Breaker service centersMolded case circuit breakers catalogEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionEG-frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker DrawingEG-Frame Circuit Breaker 15-160 Amperes Technical DataEaton Specification Sheet - EGS3020FFBMOEM MCCB product selection guideNG and ND-Frame molded case circuit breakersEaton Series G type EGB, EGE, EGS, EGH, EGC, and EGK circuit breakersSeriesInterrupt ratingTypeFrameCircuit breaker type Frequency ratingCircuit breaker frame type TerminalsVoltage rating Amperage RatingTrip TypeNumber of poles Application notesBrochuresCatalogsDrawingsSpecifications and datasheets Time/current curvesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
AyTs C20,C30,控制器操作手册
![AyTs C20,C30,控制器操作手册](
主电源 相失去
主电源 相返回
此功能仅在电源1是3NBL, 4NBL 和 41NBL型电网时可用 1 如果检测到故障,电源可用1 将不显示 1
断路器输入模式:断开断路器电源 2
301 位置1信号辅助触点
302 位置0信号辅助触点
303 位置2信号辅助触点
304 可编程输入1
305 可编程输入2
316 特殊供电电压
RJ 遥控界面
特性 440 VAC (相-相) 最大 254 VAC (相-地) 最大 440 VAC (相-相) 最大 从9VDC到30VDC 干触点 5A AC1/ 250 V 5 A AC1/ 250 V
溯高美说明书号: 532 214 A
控制器 ATyS C20/C30系列 ATyS C20/C30 接 线
控制器 ATyS
ATyS C20/C30整合了2个输入电源(104-106, 203-205), 并且考虑到选择可用电源来保证产 品运转 当直流型产品端子电压>100VAC时,仅有1路 电源输入
开关状态 2个绿色led - 开关1状态 - 开关2状态 * 仅限 ATyS C30
复位后显示 (断电3分钟后允许复位)
键盘 退出
技术说明书 ISC200型EXA ISC两线制感应式电导率仪GS 12D6A2-EISC200是用户可编程仪器,采用电磁感应测量原理,用于测量过程液体的电导率。
ISC40传感器可与ISC200两线制感应式电导率变送器配套使用,在仪器温度范围(-20℃-130℃)内,该系统在所有的量程范围(1-2,000,000 μS/cm)内精度均可以保证为0.5%,并且不用更换电极或重新进行校准。
不锈钢体传感器被封装于性能极佳的塑料(Victrex PEEK)中,以延长在磨蚀性和化学腐蚀较强的应用环境中的使用寿命。
SC302使用说明书SC302使用说明书一.简介1.该控制器具有远程控制功能.2.该控制器可对单机组操作, 也可进行网络操作.3.该线控器系列型号SC302,配合MCH03/AHM01系列控制板使用;二.使用条件1.适用电压:AC220VAC+10%/50-60Hz2.操作温度:0℃∽60℃3.适用湿度:0∽95%RH4.额定功率:8W5.抗干扰标准:GB4343.2-1999三.单机操作说明1.时钟设置●时钟设置即设置本线控器的当前时间.●用细笔按压“SET TIME”键(即7号和8号键之间的小孔), 时间闪烁,“时钟设置”点亮, 再通过操作“小时”、“分钟”和“星期”这三个键调整时间, 然后再次按压“SET TIME”键, 即完成时钟设置.2.开/关机操作●如果当前状态显示“关机”,按下“开/关”键, 机组进入开机状态, LCD会显示“开机”,指示灯点亮.●如果当前状态显示“开机”,按下“开/关”键, 机组进入关机状态, LCD会显示“关机”,指示灯熄灭.3.模式操作●模式选择包括“制冷”和“制热”两项.●在关机状态, 按压“模式”键即可, 相应的模式字符和图标会点亮.●单冷机组按压“模式”键无效。
4.参数浏览●参数浏览包含“制冷回水”设置温度、“制热回水”设置温度、“冬季防冻温度”设置、“制冷出水防冻”温度设置、“除霜间隔”时间设置、“除霜时间”时间设置共六项参数.●按下“▼”键两秒钟进入参数浏览, “制冷回水”和对应的制冷回水设置温度点亮, 通过操作“▼、▲”键可查阅其它几项参数值.●按下“▲”键三秒钟, 退出浏览, 返回到当前“进水温度”显示.●常态下按压“▲”键, 将显示线控器周围环境温度5秒.5.定时开/关机操作●定时设置仅完成一次开机或关机指令, 此项设置只对单台机组有效.●定时设置范围:0-15小时, 每按压“定时”键一次, 定时值加1小时.●按下“定时”键, “定时设置”和相应的定时时间点亮, 定时时间调整后按“确定”键即可。
康必达ECM302智能三相电力数显仪表 用户手册
![康必达ECM302智能三相电力数显仪表 用户手册](
继电器下限值,最高可设定到 120%额定值, 最低不能低于 0(下限值必须小于上限值)。
⑤ 继电器延时时间:取值 0~99,单位为秒。 当继电器控制设定为本地时,该值表示继电 器动作延迟时间;当继电器控制设定为远程 时,该值表示继电器返回延迟时间。注意: 若设定值为 0 时,在本地控制下表示立即动 作,而在远程控制时 表示动作后不返回。
二.ECM302 外形和安装尺寸
ECM302 产品说明书 (单位 mm)
三.ECM302 三相智能电力仪表订货说明
ECM302—□ □ ①②
① :标识仪表能够测量的电参量,以下字母说明相应的电气参数(只能选其一)。
U 电压
电压 + 电流 + 有功功率
Q 电压 + 电流 + 无功功率
4. CT 变比:外部 CT 一次侧额定值与二次侧额 定值的比值;例如,如果用户选择的外部 CT 参数为 500/5,那么变比值为 100。
ECM302 产品说明书
5. 通讯地址:仪表的 MODBUS 协议地址。
6. 通讯波特率:只可以支持 4800 和 9600。
4. 有功功率表依次显示的类型为:电压、电流、 不同测量功能的仪表所具备的项目也是不完全一
0 目录0 目录-------------------------------------------------------11 简介-------------------------------------------------------12 技术描述---------------------------------------------------53操作特性--------------------------------------------------164维护保养--------------------------------------------------205简单故障排除----------------------------------------------21附录------------------------------------------------------251 简介1.1 安全操作1.2 前言1.3 版权1.4 使用须知1.5 专业名词缩写1.6 选装部件1.1 安全操作美必盛自动门的设计、检验和生产是依据严格的国际标准进行的。
美必盛自动门地址:联系电话:网址:1.2 前言操作手册是专门为自动门的用户提供的,它向你提供如下信息:门的操作门的结构门的维护1.3 版权本操作手册是由公司提供和认可的。
输入2 4~20mADC
10 11
24VDC 电源
1~5V/4~20mADC 输出1
+45 1~5V/4~20mADC
+ mV-
4~20mADC /1~5VDC
当仪表工作不正常时,要对仪表进行维修。由于本仪表为功能模块结构,维修 时,只需对模块各引出端进行检查;供电电压端是否为24V DC(21.4~26.6)V
DC,受信信号端是否为(0.2~1.0)V DC,输出端是否为(1~5)V DC或(4~ 20)mA DC。若不正常,查明原因后给予处理。模块本身在正确使用中不易损坏,一 旦损坏后,只能另换新的模块。
3 +
12 +-
24VDC 1~5V/4~20mADC
隔离器(单通道) SWP8047 输入
7+ 8 -
SWP-8038 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输入1 7 +8 - 输入2 10 +11-
SWP-8034 输入1
4~20mADC +-
1. 向两线制变送器提供电源;
2. 将两线制变送器的(4~20mADC信号转换为(1~5)VDC的信号;
3. 具有隔离功能,即实现了输入/输出/电源三者之间的相互隔离,有效地防止了各种干扰进入
防爆技术指标 防爆标志:[Exia Ga]ⅡC 认证参数:(端子 4/6 间、1/3 间) Um=250V Uo=28V Io=93mA Po=655mW Co=50nF Lo=2.4mH
技术指标 工作电源:24VDC±10% 功 耗:≤1.2W(1 入 1 出)
≤1.8W(1 入 2 出) ≤2.4W(2 入 2 出) 输入信号:危险区 配电模式,2 线制 4~20mA 隔离模式,4 线制 4~20mA
输入/电源,≥2000VAC(1min) 输出/电源,≥1000VAC(1min) 本安/非本安,≥2000VAC(1min) 绝缘电阻:输入/输出/电源,≥100MΩ(500VDC)
Hazardous area 危 危危 / 现 现
Safe area 安 安危 / 控 线控 电 电电 电电
型号规格 产品型号 MSB302E-C0C0 MSB302E-C0CC MSB302E-CCCC
输入 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输入 2 信号 无输入 2 无输入 2
输出 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输出 2 信号 无输出 2 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
配电电压:配电模式,16V@20mA 配电保护:最大短路电流,40mA
最高开路电压,28V 输入阻抗:隔离模式,≤200Ω 输出信号:4 线制 4~20mA,安全区 输出负载:0~350Ω 转换精度:±0.1%F.S 温度漂移:±0.01% F.S/℃ 绝缘强度:输入/输出,≥2000VAC(1min)
功能 本产品兼容配电和隔离 2 种模式:配电模式,向危险场所的 2 线制变送器提供工作电源,采样变送器输出 的 2 线制电流信号,经过隔离处理后转换为 4 线制电流信号输出;隔离模式,采样 4 线制电流信号,经过 隔离输出 4 线制电流信号。通过产品上侧内置的拨动开关可设置输入模式。可选 1 入 1 出、1 入 2 出、2 入 2 出。隔离栅限制从本安端子窜入危险场所的能量,从而确保系统本安防爆。
MSC301直流信号隔离器MSC301直流信号隔离器,用于标准的4〜20mADC 或1〜5VDC 直流信号隔离转换为 4〜20mADC 直流信号输出当某一略输入感■出不用时*球应的 端子金邮最空(NC ) $供电电源:24VD ± 10%; 精 度:±0.1% F.S 绝缘强度:1000VAC/1min④⑤⑥MSC302隔离配电器MSC302隔离配电器向现场二线制变送器提供工作电源,同时将现场二线制变送器的电流信号转化为4〜20m A D C或1〜5V D C直流信号当慕一路输入或输出不用时.对逾的端子金aw空(NC} oMSC304热电阻温度变送器,将现场热电阻的电势信号隔离转换为一路或二路与温度范围相对应的直流信号输出。
主要技术指标供电电源:24VDC± 10%;激励电流:< 0.3mA 精度:±0.1% F.S (A R>200欧姆)±0.2% F.S (20 欧姆>△ R>10欧姆)线性:输岀于被测温度呈线性关系。
温度漂移:±50 PPM厂C绝缘电阻:100MQ /500VDC 绝缘强度:1000V/1min 功耗:W1.5W型号说明MSC 304- 匸二II III IV 热电阻温度变送器输入1信号 1 Pt1002 Cu503 Cu1004 Pt50G 其他热电阻输入2信号0 无输入2输出1信号2 0 〜5VDC3 1 〜5VDCB 0~ 20mADCC 4~ 20mADC G 其他量程输出2信号0 无输岀22 0 〜5VDC3 1 〜5VDCB 0~ 20mADCC 4~ 20mADCG 其他量程当幕一踣笹入或输出不舄时.对应的端子稣忌空(NC)•1RTD-12RTD-23RTD-3斗NC5NC6NCMSC303热电偶温度变送器,将现场热电偶的电势信号隔离转换为温度范围相对应的直流信号输岀主要技术指标供电电源:24VD± 10%; 精输出负载:电流输出W750C、电压输出绝缘电阻:100MD/500VDC±0.2% F.S (10mV^>5Mv )±50 PPM/ C1000V/1min 功耗:W1.5W型号说明II III IV 热电偶温度变送器输入i信号1 K型热电偶2 S型热电偶3 E型热电偶4 B型热电偶5 R型热电偶6 T型热电偶7 J型热电偶G 其他热电偶输入2信号0 无输入2输出1信号2 0 〜5VDC3 1 〜5VDCB 0~ 20mA DCC 4~ 20mA DC G 其他量程输出2信号0 无输岀22 0 〜5VDC3 1 〜5VDCB 0~ 20mA DCC 4~ 20mA DCG 其他量程CNCJ .亂:F■补儀趴度:±0.1% F.S ( △>10mV)>500kQ 温度漂移:绝缘强度:⑩ Ifi) J212TC+3TC-/Du50 ②4MCNCe NC①②③MSC305型滑线电阻变送器,将滑线电阻滑动臂的电阻变化信号隔离转换为与其阻值对应的4〜20mADC或1〜5VDC直流信号输出供电电源:24VD± 10% 激励电流:<0.3Ma 精度:±).1% F.S线性:输出于被测电阻呈线性关系。
SmartPM3000中低压配电管理系统操作说明书@珠海派诺科技股份有限公司目录第一章系统运行环境............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统硬件配置 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统的运行环境 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
打印机设置 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第二章系统基本操作............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统登陆与退出 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
系统登陆 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
系统退出 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
系统画面操作 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
主菜单进入 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
菜单栏 ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
工具栏及右键菜单.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
告警显示.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
向现场2/3线制变送器提供工作电源,同时采样变送器 的输出电流,经过隔离转换后,输出到DCS 或PLC 。
工作电源:24VDC ±10% 功 耗:≤2.5W
输入阻抗:电流采样等效电阻≤100Ω 输出负载:电流输出,≤350Ω
电压输出,≥5k Ω
温度漂移:±0.015% F.S/℃ 绝缘强度:输入/输出,≥2000VAC (1min )
输入/电源,≥2000VAC (1min )
输出/电源,≥1000VAC (1min ) 绝缘电阻:输入/输出/电源,≥100M Ω(500VDC )
工作温度:0~50℃ 存储温度:-40~85℃ 相对湿度:10~90%RH 大气压力:86~106kPa
35mm 导轨卡装;主机与底座可以插拔分离
外形尺寸图 120mm*95mm*23mm。
Velonex V-3050三相隔离器测试设备用户手册说明书
![Velonex V-3050三相隔离器测试设备用户手册说明书](
Maximum continuous current to load 25A RMS per phase, maximum intermittent loading of 30A per phase.
Maximum continuous DC current to load 20A.
When operating loads close to the above specified current limits, a voltage drop of less then 10% can be expected at the load. An additional 7.5A of capacitive current per phase will be required when operating at 277VRMS per phase with proportionally less at lower vol tages.
AC Line Voltage:
\1aximul1l line voltage to load. lSOV R\TS, SO/60Hz phase to phase and 277V per phase to neutral (Y only). LIp to 250V /\. Up to 277v per single phase.
The r\-10del V-30S0 Surge Coupler/Isolation l!nit employes an active dIgital interlock system for operator protection. L.E.D. annunciators tell the status of any interlock. If an interlock opens, the automatic shut-down of the surge and three-phase power follows. High voltage shielded cables are used to couple surge ~ignab b~l\\een ~ystem units ror o[J~rator ~dfety. Circuit breaker protection is employed for all three-phase power to the E. U.T.
例2:输入4~20mADC,输出1为4~20mADC,输出2为4~20mADC,一入二出,则型号为MSC301-C0CC 例3:输入1为4~20mADC,输入2为4~20mADC,
+-powe r su ppl y
+-powe r su ppl y
Curren t S ou rce
+-DCS AI-2
Curren t S ou rce
Curren t S o
Curren t S o。
闸机的使用说明通道闸机使用说明书CPW-321HSV3.0北京西莫罗智能科技有限公司目录1. 简介 (5)2. 安全保护措施 (5)2.1常见安全注意事项 (5)2.2安全注意事项 (5)3.产品描述 (6)3.1技术细节 (6)3.2主要技术参数 (6)4.设备定义 (7)4.1产品分类 (7)4.2通行模式术语定义 (7)4.3设备外形尺寸 (8)5.产品结构和工作原理 (8)5.1产品结构 (8)5.2系统工作原理 (9)5.3闸机系统构成 (9)6.产品的安装和调试 (10)6.1闸机的安装 (10)6.2闸机的状态检查 (11)6.3产品功能调试 (12)7.常见故障与排除 (15)8.闸机维护 (15)附录A................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
A.1软件指南..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
A.2相应的标注 ................................ 错误!未定义书签。
附录B.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1. 控制板与电脑主机通讯协议......... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1初始化并读取控制板参数:...... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2通过主机设置控制板参数 ......... 错误!未定义书签。
2. 控制板发送指令说明:................. 错误!未定义书签。
3. 控制板接收指令说明:................. 错误!未定义书签。
1. 简介通道闸机结构稳定可靠,外型美观。
CA-IS3020, CA-IS3021 I2C 隔离器 数据手册说明书
![CA-IS3020, CA-IS3021 I2C 隔离器 数据手册说明书](
CA-IS3020, CA-IS3021上海川土微电子有限公司ObjectiveCopyright © 2020, Chipanalog Incorporated上海川土微电子有限公司CA-IS302x 低功耗双向通讯I 2C 总线隔离器1. 产品特性• 隔离双向通讯,兼容I 2C 总线通讯协议 • 信号传输速率:DC to 1MHz • 宽电源电压范围:3V to 5.5V • 宽温度范围: -55°C to 125°C •开漏输出• A 侧具有3.5mA 电流下拉能力 • B 侧具有35mA 电流下拉能力 • 优异的电磁抗扰度 • CMTI::±150kV/µS • 浪涌:10kV • ESD :8kV• 高达5kV RMS 的隔离电压 • 隔离栅寿命: >40年• 封装:SOIC8、宽体SOIC8 •符合RoHS 标准2. 应用• 隔离I 2C 总线• SMBus 和 PMBus 接口 • 电机驱动系统 •I 2C 电平转换3. 概述CA-IS3020和CA-IS3021芯片为兼容I 2C 接口的双向通讯低功耗隔离器,隔离器的输入侧与输出侧具备电气隔离特性,该电气隔离屏障由二氧化硅构成的高压隔离电容构成。
CA-IS302x 系列隔离器具有高达5kVrms 的超高绝缘能力,可以防止数据总线或其他电路上的噪声和浪涌进入本地接地端而干扰或损坏敏感电路。
高达150kV/µS 的CMTI 抗干扰的能力可以保证信号在恶劣噪声环境下的正确传输。
CA-IS3020芯片的数据传输通道(SDA )和时钟传输通道(SCK )均具有双向传输功能;CA-IS3021芯片的数据传输通道支持双向通信而时钟通道为单向通道。
CA-IS3020芯片适用于多主机(Master )应用而CA-IS3021芯片适用于单主机应用。
如果在实际应用场景中,存在从机(Slave )下拉时钟线的可能性,则需要使用CA-IS3020芯片。
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输入参数(Input): AC0~250V
辅助电源: DC12V±10% Power Supply: DC12V±10%
输出参数(Output): DC4~20mA
输入范围、输出范围和辅助电源。 Please check the Type, Input range, Output range and Power supply at your order.
输出 DC Output
O1: 0~5V, O2: 1~5V, O3: 0~20mA, O4: 4~20mA, O5: RS485.
范例1 (Example 1): YDD-I-A2-P2-O4
Details: YDD Series Single Phase AC Current Transducer
型号规格 产品型号 MSC302E-C0C0 MSC302E-C0CC MSC302E-CCCC
输入 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输入 2 信号 无输入 2 无输入 2
输出 1 信号 4~20mADC 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输出 2 信号 无输出 2 4~20mADC 4~20mADC
输入参数(Input): AC0~300V
辅助电源: AC220V±15% Power Supply: AC220V±15%
输出参数(Output): DC4~20mA
围、输出范围和辅助电源。 Please check the Type, Input range, Output range and Power supply at your order.
输入参数(Input): AC0~5A
辅助电源: AC220V±15% Power Supply: AC220V±15%
输出参数(Output): DC4~20mA
范例2 (Example 2): YDD-Ur-V3-P2-O4
Details: YDD Series Single Phase AC Real RMS Voltage Transducer
绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance
≥20MΩ (DC500V)
冲击电压 Surge voltage
5KV (峰值 Peak Value), 1.2/50μs
响应时间 Response Time
输入范围 Input Range
AC0~10A、AC0~500V(可选 Optional), 50/60Hz
AC Current / Voltage Transducer
Function & Feature
Transforms the measured AC current/voltage to the DC current /voltage output according to the linear scale Excellent temperature characteristic and good working stability Configuration compactness and briefness
Model Description YDE-类型(Type)-输入(Input)-电源(Power Supply)-输出(Output)-G
类型 Type
I: 单交流电流变送器 U: 单交流电压变送器
I: Single Phase AC Current Transducer U: Single Phase AC Voltage Transducer
Technical Index
执行标准 Standard
精度 Accuracy
整机功耗 Consumption
GB/T 13850-1998, IEC688:1992 0.2%, 0.5% ≤1VA
工作稳定性 Accuracy drift
年变化率(Annual Variation) < 0.2%
工频耐压 AC2.0KV/min·1mA Insulation Voltage (输入~输出/电源间 Between Input ~ Output / Power)
输 输2
24V D C p o w er s u p ply
隔离 配电
备注:1 入 1 出型号,1、3、11、12 脚悬空不接;1 入 2 出型号,1、3 脚悬空不接。 拨动开关设置在靠近底座一侧,输入信号为 4 线制(隔离模式);反之,为 2 线制(配电模式)。
技术指标 工作电源:24VDC±10% 功 耗:≤1.2W(1 入 1 出)
≤1.8W(1 入 2 出) ≤2.4W(2 入 2 出) 输入信号: 配电模式,2 线制 4~20mA 隔离模式,4 线制 4~20mA 配电电压:配电模式,19~26V 配电保护:最大短路电流,40mA
最高开路电压,26V 输入阻抗:隔离模式,≤200Ω 输出信号:4 线制 4~20mA 输出负载:0~350Ω 转换精度:±0.1%F.S 温度漂移:±0.01% F.S/℃ 绝缘强度:输入/输出,≥2000VAC(1min)
准确度高,具有良好的ຫໍສະໝຸດ 价格比。Transforms the measured AC current/voltage to a DC current /voltage output according to the linear scale Excellent temperature characteristic and good working stability Configuronation compactness and briefness
负载电阻 电流输出(Current output): RL≤550Ω Load Resistance 电压输出(Voltage output): RL≥2kΩ
Working environment
Storage conditions
温度(T): -10~50℃ 湿度(RH): 20~90%, 无凝露(Without condensation)
Model Description
YDD-类型(Type)-输入(Input)-电源(Power Supply)-输出(Output)
类型 Type
I: 单交流电流变送器 U: 单交流电压变送器 Ir: 单交流真有效值电流变送器 Ur: 单交流真有效值电压变送器
I: Single Phase AC Current Transducer U: Single Phase AC Voltage Transducer Ir: Single Phase AC Real RMS Current Transducer Ur: Single Phase AC Real RMS Voltage Transducer
输入/电源,≥2000VAC(1min) 输出/电源,≥1000VAC(1min) 绝缘电阻:输入/输出/电源,≥100MΩ(500VDC)
2线 线 或 4线 线 变 变变
2线 线 或 4线 线 变 变变
控 线控
电电 配电
配 电电 电变
输 输1 6
输 输2 3
输 输1
交流输入 AC Input
A1: 0~1A, A2: 0~5A, A3: 0~10A. V0: 0~70V, V1: 0~120V, V2: 0~250V, V3: 0~300V, V4: 0~450V, V5: 0~500V.
P1: AC110V±10%, P2: AC220V±15%,
Power Supply P3: AC110V~330V.
交流输入 AC Input
A1: 0~1A, A2: 0~5A, A3: 0~10A. V0: 0~70V, V1: 0~120V, V2: 0~250V, V3: 0~300V, V4: 0~450V, V5: 0~500V.
P1: DC24V±15%, P2: DC12V±10%,
Power Supply P3: DC15V±10%.
Technical Index
执行标准 Standard
GB/T 13850-1998, IEC688:1992
精度 Accuracy
0.2%, 0.5%
整机功耗 Consumption
工作稳定性 Accutacy drift
年变化率(Annual Variation) < 0.2%
工频耐压 Insulation Voltage (输入~输出/电源间 Between Input ~ Output / Power)
输入参数(Input): AC0~5A
辅助电源: DC12V±10% Power Supply: DC12V±10%
输出参数(Output): DC4~20mA
范例2 (Example 2): YDE-U-V2-P2-O4
Details: YDE Series Single Phase AC Voltage Transducer