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Whereas : The in formatio n resources and tech no logy of _____ Comp any ") are con fide ntial and can bring about market ben efits;

鉴于: _____________________ (下称公司”)的信息资源及技术具有保密性及市场效益。

Whereas : ________________ (here in after referred to as You") will, duri ng your service with the Company,

directly or in directly touch with, know, un dersta nd and gras p the bus in ess in formati on and tech ni cal in formatio n of the Company, and such bus in ess in formati on and tech ni cal in formati on are not known to the p ublic, can bring econo mic ben efits to the Company, have bee n treated by the Company as con fide ntial, and bel ong to the Company ‘ s trade secrets

鉴于: ______ (下称 你”)在公司工作期间,将直接或间接地接触、知悉、了解和掌握公司的经营信息和

技术信息,而该经营信息和技术信息均属于不为公众所知悉、能为公司带来经济利益,并已由公司采取保 密措施,系属公司的商业秘密;

Whereas : You un dersta nd and ack no wledge that, if you disclose to any exist ing or poten tial comp etitors any

above-me nti oned bus in ess in formati on and tech ni cal in formati on, such disclosure will cause the Company to be in a very disadvantageous competitive position and d amage the Company ‘ s interests;cifi are employed by or serve any enterprise competitive with the Company, the employment or service will necessarily cause irremediable damage to the Company;

鉴于:你了解并承认,若你向公司现有或潜在的竞争对手披露任何前述经营信息和技术信息,将会导致公 司处于非常不利的竞争地位并损害公司的利益;若你就职或服务于与公司相竞争的企业,则必定会对公司 造成无可补救的损害;

Therefore, accord ing to the Company ‘ s no disclosure system, both the Company and you (here in after collectively referred to as both parties ") agree upon as follows through consultation:

因此,根据公司的保密制度,你与公司双方(以下合称 双方”)经协商,达成如下协议条款:

1 Non-Com petition 竞业禁止

1.1 Com petition Behavior 竞业行为

You agree that duri ng your employment with the Company you shall in no eve nt and without any claims for

any forms of compen sati on con duct any Comp etition Behavior (as defi ned below).

你同意在公司任职期间不可从事任何 竞业行为(定义如下)

You further agree that for the p eriod of 6 (six) mon ths follow ing the term in ati on of your employment with

the Company or one of its affiliates (regardless of the reas ons for termi natio n) ( Po st-em ployment Non-

com pete P eriod ” ), you will not con duct any Comp etiti on Behavior (Post Emplo yment Comp etition

Behavior) in China area.

你进一步同意在结束与公司或其关联企业的劳动关系后的六个月内(无论离职原因为何)(“ 职后竞业禁止

期”),你不可在中国境内从事任何竞业行为 (或离职后竞业行为)

Comp etition Behavior refers to your behavior to, without first obta ining the exp ress writte n consent of the

Company, whether on your own acco unt or for any other person, firm or company and whether or not for

compen sati on, directly or in directly (whether as princip al, serva nt, age nt, con sulta nt or otherwise) be en

gaged as follows:

竞业行为是指你未事先获得公司的书面同意,无论是为自己或为他人或为其它企业或公司,无论 有偿或无

偿,直接或间接的从事以下行为 :

Op erate, for yourself or for any other person, any p roduct or bus in ess the same as or similar to the

Company ’ products or bus in ess, or directly or in directly in vest in any company and/or enterp rise an

d/or other econo mic en tity en gagi ng in any p roducts or bus in ess the same as or similar to the Company ‘ s p roducts or bus in ess;

(here in after referred to as the a)
