
1.1A Closer Look at the Processor and PrimaryStorage仔细看看处理器和主存储器We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。
计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 7

Unit 7 The Fundamentals of ComputerSoftwareText 1 Data StructureA data structure is a data type. Its values are composed of component elements that are related by some structure.Since a data structure is a data type, it has a set of operations on its values. In addition, there may be operations that act on its component elements. The operations of a structured data type might not only act on the values of the data type, they might also act on component elements of the data structure.The data type’s arrays and record s are native to many programming languages. By using the pointer data type and dynamic memory allocation, many programming languages also provide the facilities for constructing linked structures. The first two higher-level abstract data types are stacks and queues. They are extremely important to computing.A stack is a data type. Its major attributes are the way the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most recently. Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior.Queues are familiar to us. The line of people waiting for service at a bank is an example of queues. The main feature of queues is that they follow a first-come/first-served rule. In queues, the earliest element inserted is the first served. In social settings, the rule appeals to our sense of equality and fairness.There are many applications of the first-in/first-out (FIFO) protocol of queues in computing. For example, the line of I/O requests waiting for access to a disk drive might be a queue. The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might also be a queue.参考译文数据结构数据结构是一种数据类型,其值是由通过某种结构相互关联的组成元素所构成的。
计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 10

Unit 10 Program DesignText 1 Computer LanguagesComputer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions—machine language. These instructions were represented by long strings of ones and zeroes. Soon, assembly language was invented. It maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.In time, higher-level languages evolved, such as PASCAL, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, and JA V A. These languages let people work with something approximating words and sentences, such as Let I = 100. These instructions were translated back into machine language by interpreters and compilers. An interpreter translates a program as it reads it, turning the program instructions, or code, directly into actions. A compiler translates the code into an intermediary form. This step is called compiling, and produces an object file. The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.Because interpreters read the code as it is written and execute the code on the spot, interpreters are easy for the programmer to work with. Compilers, however, introduce the extra steps of compiling and linking the code, which is inconvenient. Because the time-consuming task of translating the source code into machine language has already been accomplished, compilers produce a program that is very fast each time it is run.The problems programmers are asked to solve have been changing. Today's programs use sophisticated "user-friendly interfaces," involving multiple windows, menus, and dialog boxes. The programs written to support this new approach are far more complex than those written just ten years ago. Generally, as programming requirements have changed, both languages and the techniques used for writing programs have evolved.参考译文计算机语言自从第一批电子计算机诞生以来,计算机语言已经发生了戏剧性的变化。

2.(P17)The most important piece of graphics hardware is the graphics card, which is the piece of equipment that renders out all images and sends them to a display. There are two types of graphics cards: integrated and dedicated. An integrated graphics card, usually by Intel for use in their computers, is bound to the motherboard and shares RAM (Random Access Memory) with the CPU, reducing the total amount of RAM available. This is undesirable for running programs and applications that use a large amount of video memory. A dedicated graphics card has its own RAM and Processor for generating its images, and does not slow down the computer. Dedicated graphics cards also have higher performance than integrated graphics cards. It is possible to have both dedicated and integrated graphicscard, however once a dedicated graphics card is installed, the integrated card will no longer function until the dedicated card is removed.

计算机专业英语试题 2 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。
)(共10分,每题1分)1.operating system2.white box testing3.hard disk4.management information system5.electronic commerce 6.relational database7.software engineering8. software maintenance9. menu bar10.network security(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
) (共10分,每题1分)1.只读存储器 2.广域网3.传输控制协议 4.文件传送[输]协议5.通用串行总线 6.面向对象编程7.集成开发环境 8.结构化查询语言9.数据库管理系统 10.开放系统互连(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similarin meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。
)(10分,每空1分)1. application software a.音频2. machine language b.应用软件3. structured programming c.机器语言4. functional testing d.软件测试5. memory e.结构化程序设计6. relational database f.内存7. firewall g.功能测试8. software testing h.关系数据库9. hacker i.黑客10. audio j. 防火墙1. 6.2. 7.3. 8.4. 9.5. 10.Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below,and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。

英语翻译成汉语:1、In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of a sequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer.If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to program.The task of developing programs for the soultion of computational problems is referred to as programming.Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow.In general,this process will help us resolve a problem,which is either too tedious (冗长的) or difficult to work out otherwise.So programming is breaking a task down into small steps.译:为解决计算问题,其解决方案必须被指定在一个计算步骤的序列,每一个可能由一个人或一个数字计算机。

CHAPTER 619. SYSTEM UNIT (P150)The system unit, also known as the system cabinet, is a container that houses most系统单元该系统的单位,又称系统机柜,是一个容器,里面大部分构成一个计算机系统的电子元件。
微型计算机中,有四种基本类型:桌面系统的单位,笔记本电脑系统的单位,平板电脑系统的单位,掌上电脑系统的单位2. SYSTEM BOARD (P153)The system board is also known as the motherboard. The system board is the系统板也被称为主板。
21. (P154)Sockets provide a connection point for small specialized electronic parts called套接字提供了一个小的芯片专门的电子零件的连接点。
22. MICROPROCESSOR (P155)In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit (CPU) or processor is 在微机系统中,中央处理单元(CPU)或处理器包含一个单一的芯片上称为微处理器。
计算机专业英语教程 第四版 部分翻译和简答题

翻译:1、C++’s advantages include strong typing, operator overloading, and less emphasis on the preprocessor.C++的优点包括强类型,运算符重载和较少地强调预处理器。
2、A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an address.程序指令和数据是存储在主存中一个特殊的位置,称为地址空间3、A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various instructions. This is possible not because computer processors are now so technologically advanced that they can ‘understand’ these langu ages. You should translate from programming languages into machine language which can be understood by the computer processors. Compilers can accomplish this task. This does mean that a high-level language program is not directly executable: it must be compiled to produce processor program, which is executable.高级语言是一门人工的我们可以写入各种各样指令的语言。

第一课练习题1.将下列单词从易到难排序:chip, computer, algorithm, software,desktop2.将下列单词从中文翻译为英文:程序设计,硬件,操作系统,输入,输出3.请解释下列缩略语的全称:RAM,CPU,OS答案1.desktop, chip, computer, software, algorithm2.programming, hardware, operating system, input, output3.RAM(Random Access Memory),CPU(Central Processing Unit),OS(Operating System)第二课练习题1.请翻译下列句子:计算机的功能越来越强大,它可以执行许多任务。
2.请解释下列单词的意思:interface,protocol,server,router答案puters are becoming more and more powerful and they canperform many tasks.2.interface(接口), protocol(协议),server(服务器),router(路由器)第三课练习题1.请将下列单词按字母顺序排列:database,file,program,server,storage2.请填写下列句子的空格:计算机会读取从硬盘 __ (into)内存。

(1)终端产品:end product (2)外部设备:external device(3)光缆:fiber—optic cable (4)闪存:flash memory(5)主机:host computer (6)超文本链接:hypertext link(7)中断信号:intertupt signal (8)设计、安排、展示:layout(9)输出端口:output part (10)科学计数法:scientific notation二、写出以下缩率与的完整形式和中文意思。
1)UDP:user datagram protocol 用户控制协议(2)DVD-ROM:digital versatile disc,read-only只读数字化光盘(3)AI:artificial intelligence 人工智能(4)NCP:network control protocol 网路控制协议(5)OOD:object-oriented design 面向对象设计(6)RDRAM:rambus dynamic random access memory动态随机访问存储设备(7)ACM:association for computing machinery 美国计算机协会(8)RTOS:real-time operating system 实时操作系统(9)ASP:active server pages 动态服务器页面(10)PPP:point-to-point protocol 点对点通讯协定(11)CRT:阴极射线管(cathode ray tube)(12)CPU:中央处理器(central process unit)(13)LCD:液晶显示器(liquid crystal display)(14)NIC:网卡(network interface card)(15)LAN:局域网(local area network)(16)HTML:超文本链接标识语言(hypertext mark language)(17)CGI:公共网关接口(common gateway interface)(18)DOS:磁盘驱动系统(disk operating system)(19)API:application programming interface应用编程接口(20)PHP:hypertext preprocessor超文本预处理语言。

Chapter 11.multi-core processor(多核处理器)------It is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing units called “cores”, which are the units that read and execute program instructions.它是集成了两个或两个以上称为“核”的处理单元的计算部件,具有读取和执行程序指令的单元。
2.graphics processing unit(GPU)(图形处理单元)------A graphics processing unit, also occasionally called visual processing unit(VPU),is a specialized processor. It is designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.它是一个图形处理单元,有时也被称为视觉处理单元VPU,一个专门的处理器。
3.Wearable computer(可穿戴电脑)------A wearable computer, also known as a body-borne computer or wearable ,is a miniature electronic device that is worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing.穿戴式电脑,也被称为人体电脑或穿戴电脑,是一种微型电子设备,由持有者佩戴在身上或者衣服上。

中译英参考答案Unit 1A computer system consists of hardware system and software system. The hardware of the computer is usually divided into three major parts or three primary subsystems: the CPU, the memory subsystem, and the I/O subsystem.The CPU performs many operations and controls computer. The memory subsystem is used to store program being executed by the CPU, along with the program’s data. The I/O subsystem allows the CPU to interact with input and output devices such as the keyboard and monitor of a personal computer. The components of the computer are connected to the buses.The part of the computer that performs the bulk of data processing operations is called the central processing unit and is referred to as the CPU. In microcomputer, it is often called the microprocessor. The CPU is made up of three major parts: control unit, ALU, and register set.Memory is also known as internal memory or main memory. It refers to the circuits in the computer that hold whatever programs and data are available for immediate use by the CPU.I/O subsystem includes I/O devices and interface. There are a wide variety of I/O devices, such as mouse, printer, sensor, disk, and so on. Input-output interface provides a method for transferring information between internal storage and external I/O devices. Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links for interfacing them with the CPU. The purpose of the communication link is to resolve the differences that exist between the central computer and each peripheral.Unit 2Storage hardware provides permanent storage of information and programs for retrieval by the computer. Hard disk drives store information in magnetic particles embedded in a disk. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly.Although fixed hard drive systems offer faster access and have a higher storage capacity than optical discs, optical disc systems use removable media –a distinct benefit. Optical discs –primary CDs and DVDs – are much more widely used than removable hard drive systems. They are the standard today for software delivery, as well as commonly used for storing high-capacity music and video files. There are also versions of both CD and DVD drives available for home audio and home theater use. Optical discs are commonly referred to as compact discs.CD and DVD discs are read by CD and DVD drives. The speed of a CD or DVD drive is rated as 24x, 32x, 36x, and so on. These labels describe how fast the drive is compared to the first version of that drive. For example, a 36x drive is 36 times the speed of the baseline unit that was originally manufactured. Most optical discs have a title and other text printed only on one side and they are inserted into the drive with the printed side facing up. When inserting such a CD or DVD, be careful not to get dirt, fingerprints, scratches, or anything else that might hinder light reflectivity on the disc’s surface.Unit 3(a) A program is a list of instructions or statements for directing the computer to perform arequired data processing task. Programming is a multistep process for creating that list of instructions.(b) It is important to understand the difference between a class and an object of that class. A class is simply a specification for creating objects. Thus, a single class may create multiple objects.(c) Java is an object-oriented, network-friendly high-lever programming language that allows programmers to build applications that can run on almost any operating system.(d) ActiveX is a set of controls, or reusable components that enables programs or content of almost any type to be embedded within a Web page. Whereas a Java must be downloaded each time you visit a Web site, with ActiveX the component is downloaded only once, then stored on your hard disk for later, repeated use.(e) Programming involves a great deal of creativity. The design is guide to the function or purpose of each component, but the programmer has great flexibility in implementing the design as code. No matter what language is used, each program component involves at least three major aspects: control structures, algorithms, and data structures.Unit 4The software system can be divided into two broad categories: application software and system software. Application software consists of the program for performing tasks particular to the machine’s utilization. In contrast to application software, system software comprises a large number of programs. These programs start up the computer and function as the principle coordinator of all hardware components and application software. Without system software loaded into RAM of your computer, your hardware and application software are useless.System software can be grouped into three basic parts: operating system, utility software, and language translators. The majority of an installation’s utility software consists of programs for performing activities that are fundamental to computer installations yet not included in the operating system. In a sense, utility software consists of software units that extend the capabilities of the operating system.A computer’s OS is the main collection of programs that manage its activities. The primary chores of an OS are management and control. The OS ensures that all actions requested by a user are valid and processed in an orderly fashion. It also manages the computer system’s resources to perform these operations with efficiency and consistency.Application software is the software designed to help you solve problems specific to business or perform specific business tasks. Application software then is the layer of software closest to you. Basically, there are four categories of application software: productivity software, business and specialty software, entertainment software and education/reference software.Unit 5A computer network is often classified as being either a local area network (LAN), a metropolitan area network (WAN), or a wide area network (WAN). The connection of two or more networks is called an internetwork. The worldwide Internet is a well-known example of an internetwork.LANs are privately owned networks within a single building or campus of up to a few kilometers in size. They are widely used to connect personal computers and workstations incompany offices and factories to share resources and exchange information.In general, a given LAN will use only one type of transmission medium. Various topologies are possible for LANs. The most common LAN topologies are bus, ring and star.A MAN is basically a bigger version of a LAN and normally uses similar technology. MAN is designed to extend over an entire city. It may be a single network such as a cable television network, or it may be a means of connecting a number of LANs into a large network so that resources may be shared LAN-to-LAN as well as device-to-device. For example, a company can use a MAN to connect the LANs in all of its offices throughout a city.A W AN spans a large geographical area that may comprise a country, a continent, or even the world. It provides long-distance transmission of data, voice, image, and video information over large geographical area.In contrast to LANs, W ANs may utilize public leased, or private communication devices, usually in combinations, and can therefore span an unlimited number of miles.Unit 6Transmission media are used to transfer messages over a network. For instance, the transmission media used in a network may be a privately owned set of cables, the public phone lines, or a satellite system. Transmission media can either be wired or wireless.The three types of wired media most commonly used to carry messages are twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable. One of the most successful developments in transmission media in recent years has been fiber optics. Fiber-optic cable is commonly used for the high-speed backbone lines of a network, or for Internet infrastructure.Wireless transmission media have become especially popular in recent years. They support communications in situations in which physical wiring is impractical or inconvenient, as well as facilitate mobility. Wireless media are commonly used to connect devices to a network, to share information between computers, to connect wireless mice to a computer, and for handheld PCs, wireless phones, and other mobile devices. Radio signals transferred through the air are the heart of most types of wireless media. In addition to conventional broadcast radio application, the microwave, cellular, and satellite transmission media also use radio signals to transmit data.Radio transmissions require the use of a transmitter to send the radio signals through the air.A receiver (usually containing some type of antenna) accepts the date at the other end. When a device functions as both a receiver and transmitter, it is commonly called a transceiver or transmitter-receiver.Unit 7(a) Since many database systems users are not computer trained, developers hide the complexity from users through several levels of abstraction, to simplify user’s interactions with the system: physical level, logical level, and view level.(b) A database schema is specified by a set of definitions expressed by a special language called a data-definition language (DDL). The result of compilation of DDL statements is a set of tables that is stored in a special file called data dictionary, or data directory.(c) The structured query language (SQL) is the most widely used and standard query language for relational database management systems. It is a kind of non-procedural language.(d) An entity is a “thing”or “object”in the real world that is distinguishable from otherobjects. For example, each person is an entity, and bank accounts can be considered to be entities. Entities are described in a database by a set of attributes.(e) Data warehouse is one of the newest and hottest buzzwords and concepts in the IT field and the business environment. A data warehouse is a logical collection of information——gathered from many different operational databases——that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks.Unit 8Animation is the term used to describe a series of graphical images that are displayed one after the other to simulate movement. Cartoons on television are one example of animation.Video differs from animation in that it usually begins as a continuous stream of visual information that is broken into separate images or frames when the video is recorded. When the frames are projected—typically at a rate of 30 frames per second—the effect is a smooth reconstruction of the original continuous stream of information. As you might imagine, at 30 frames per second, the amount of data involved in displaying a video during a multimedia presentation can require a substantial amount of storage space. Consequently, video data—like audio data—is often compressed. A variety of compression standards exist. Some of the most common video file formats are .avi, .mpeg, .mov, .rm.For multimedia presentation, video may be recorded using a standard (analog) video camera and then converted to digital form as it is input into a computer. Alternatively, the film can be recording digitally using a digital video camera. Streaming video is frequently used on Web pages to reduce file size. Similar to streaming audio, Streaming video files can begin playing once a portion of the video has been downloaded.Unit 9(a) AI is currently being applied in business in the form of knowledge systems, which use human knowledge to solve problems. The most popular type of knowledge-based system is the expert system. An expert system is a computer program that attempts to represent the knowledge of human experts in the form of heuristics. The term heuristic is derived from the same Greek root as the word eureka, which means “to discover”.(b) The user interface enables the manager to enter instructions and information into the expert system and to receive information from it. The instructions specify the parameters that guide the expert system through its reasoning processing. The information is in the form of values assigned to certain variables.(c) The knowledge base contains both facts that describe the problem area and knowledge representation techniques that describe how the facts fit together in a logical manner. The term problem domain is used to describe the problem area.(d) An expert system, also called a knowledge-based system, is an artificial intelligence system that applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion. Expert systems are excellent for diagnostic and prescriptive problems.(e) The DSS is not intended to replace the manager. The computer can be applied to the structured portion of the problem, but the manager is responsible for the unstructured portion——applying judgment or intuition and conducting analyses.Unit 10The linked list (see figure 1) consists of a series of nodes, which are not necessarily adjacent in memory. Each node contains the element and a link to a node containing its successor. We call this the next link. The last cell’s next link references null.To execute printList or find(x) we merely start at the first node in the list and then traverse the list by following the next links. This operation is clearly linear-time, as in the array implementation, although the constant is likely to be larger than if an array implementation were used. The findKth operation is no longer quite as efficient as an array implementation; findKth(i) takes O(i) time and works by traversing down the list in the obvious manner. In practice, this bound is pessimistic, because frequently the calls to findKth are in sorted order (by i). As an example, findKth(2), findKth(3), findKth(4), and findKth(6) can all be executed in one scan down the list.The remove method can be executed in one next reference change. Figure 2 shows the result of deleting the second element in the original list.The insert method requires obtaining a new node from the system by using a new call and then executing two reference maneuvers. The general idea is shown in figure 3. The dashed line represents the old next reference.figure 1figure 2figure 3Unit 11(a) A set is pure if all of its members are sets, all members of its members are sets, and so on. For example, the set containing only the empty set is a nonempty pure set.(b) A language is a describable set of finite strings, drawn from a fixed alphabet. A grammar is one way to "describe" the language. The grammar consists of a finite list of rules, where each rule replaces one substring with another. The string on the left must contain at least one nonterminal. The first string "produces" or "generates" the second. Thus a rule is also called a production.(c) A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton(FA)is a mathematical abstraction sometimes used to design digital logic or computer programs. It is a behavior model composed of a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and actions, similar to a flow graph in which one can inspect the way logic runs when certain conditions are met.(d) Sometimes it is inconvenient or impossible to describe a set by listing all of its elements. Another useful way to define a set is by specifying a property that the elements of the set have in common. The notation P(x) is used to denote a sentence or statement P concerning the variable object x. The set defined by P(x) written {x | P(x)}, is just a collection of all the objects for whichP is true.Unit 12(a) Because drawings are typically displayed in 3D, CAD is especially helpful in designing automobiles, aircraft, ships, buildings, electrical circuits (including computer chips), and even clothing.(b) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing approach of using computers to control the entire production process. This integration allows individual processes to exchange information with each other and initiate actions. Through the integration of computers, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone, although the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes.(c) In addition to supporting decision making, coordination, and control, information system may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new products.(d) Knowing the history and evolution of ERP is essential to understanding its current application and its future developments.(e) In addition to monitoring operational activities such as tracking the status of orders and inventory levels, enterprise system also improve organization-wide reporting and decision making.Unit 13(a) There are a wide variety of educational application programs available. Educational software is designed to teach one or more skills, such as reading, math, spelling, a foreign language, world geography, or to help prepare for standardized tests.(b) Electronic business (e-business) is the use of information technology and electronic communication networks to exchange business information and conduct transactions in electronic, paperless form.(c) Word processing software allows you to use computers to create, edit, store, and print documents. You can easily insert, delete, and move words, sentences, and paragraphs——without ever using an eraser.(d) What is a spreadsheet? Spreadsheet software takes its name from the accountant’s columnar worksheet, which it imitates. A spreadsheet is a worksheet consisting of a collection of cells formed by the intersection of rows and columns. Each cell can store one piece of information: a number, word or phrase, or formula.Unit 14(a) A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data. In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis and database technology.(b) The GPS receiver uses the messages it receives to determine the transit time of each message and computes the distance to each satellite. These distances along with the satellites' locations are used to compute the position of the receiver. This position is then displayed, perhaps with a moving map display or latitude and longitude; elevation information may be included.(c) Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in the real world. Most current virtual reality environments areprimarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones.Unit 15(a) The software development process is sometimes called the software development life cycle (SDLC), because it describes the life of a software product from its conception to its implementation, delivery, use, and maintenance.(b) How can the CMM help your organization? There are three key roles the CMM plays. First, the CMM helps build an understanding of software process by describing the practices that contribute to a level of process maturity. The second role of the CMM is to provide a consistent basis for conducting appraisals of software processes. The CMM’s third key role is to serve as a blueprint for software process improvement.(c) The UML offers a standard way to write a system’s blueprints, including conceptual things such as business processes and system functions as well as concrete things such as programming language statements, database schemas, and reusable software components. The UML represents a collection of the best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems.(d) Object modeling is a technique for identifying objects within the system environment and the relationships between those objects. The object-oriented approach to system development is based on several concepts, such as object, attribute, behavior, encapsulation, class, inheritance, polymorphism, persistence, etc.Unit 16“Security” is an all-encompassing term that describes all the concepts, techniques, and technologies to protect information from unauthorized access. There are several requirements for information security.Confidentiality: hiding data, usually with encryption, to prevent unauthorized viewing and access.Authenticity: the ability to know that the person or system you are communicating with is who or what you think it is.Access control: once a person or system has been authenticated, their ability to access data and use systems is determined by access controls.Data integrity: providing assurance that an information system or data is genuine.Availability: making sure that information is available to users in a secure way.To prevent unauthorized access, some type of identification procedure must be used. These vary from passwords to physical access object (access cards, etc.) to biometric devices that verify some type of personal characteristic, such as a fingerprint.Some of the most secure access control systems address both identification and authentication. Identification involves verifying that the person’s name or other identifying feature is listed as an authorized user; authentication refers to determining whether or not the person is actually who he or she claims to be.Unit 17A distributed system is a collection of independent computers which appear to the users of system as a single computer. Nearly all large software systems are distributed. For example, enterprise-wide business systems must support multiple users running common applications across different sites.A distributed system encompasses a variety of applications, their underlying support software, the hardware they run on, and the communication links connecting the distributed hardware. The largest and best-known distributed system is the set of computers, software, and services comprising the World Wide Web, which is so pervasive that it coexists with and connects to most other existing distributed systems. The most common distributed systems are networked client/server systems. Distributed systems share the general properties described below.●Multiple nodes●Message passing or communication●Resource sharing●Decentralized control●Concurrency or parallelism●Fault tolerance●Heterogeneity●OpennessDistributed systems have many inherent advantages, especially over centralized systems. Some applications are inherent distributed as well. In general, distributed systems:●Yield higher performance●Allow incremental growth●Allow one user to run a program on many different machines in parallel●Provide higher reliability。

计算机专业英语翻译参考1.(P1) Computer science deals with the theoreticalfoundations of information and computation, together with practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations, such as programming language theory, computational complexity theory, computer graphics and human-computer interaction.计算机科学涉及信息和计算的理论基础,以及这些基础的实施和应用的实际技术,如编程语言理论,计算复杂性理论,计算机图形学和人机交互。
2.(P17) The most important piece of graphics hardware isthe graphics card, which is the piece of equipment that renders out all images and sends them to a display.There are two types of graphics cards: integrated and dedicated. An integrated graphics card, usually by Intel for use in their computers, is bound to the motherboard and shares RAM (Random Access Memory) with the CPU, reducing the total amount of RAM available. This is undesirable for running programs and applications that use a large amount of video memory. A dedicated graphics card has its own RAM and Processor for generating its images, and does not slow down the computer. Dedicated graphics cards also have higher performance than integrated graphicscards. It is possible to have both dedicated and integrated graphics card, however once a dedicated graphics card is installed, the integrated card will no longer function until the dedicated card is removed.最重要的一块图形硬件是显卡,是一件呈现出所有的图像,并将它们发送到一个显示器的设备。

单词①、The Evolution of Computers ----------------计算机的发展②、Components of Computer Systen-----------计算机系统的组成③、Software Engineering -------------------------软件工程④、Data Structure-----------------------------------数据结构⑤、Operating System-------------------------------操作系统⑥、Programming Design---------------------------程序设计⑦、Office Automnation ----------------------------办公自动化⑧、Electronic Business-----------------------------电子商务⑨、Computer Security-----------------------------计算机安全⑩、Virtual Reality-----------------------------------虚拟现实翻译句子①、Computer is an electronic equipment which can make anithmetic and logical calculation,process information rapidly and automatically.计算机是一种能够高速、自动地进行算术和逻辑运算及信息处理的电子设备。
②、Real-time control is the control of procedure in the process of practical productions where conputers are applied.实时控制是指计算机应用于实际生产过程中的过程控制。

●计算机专业英语翻译部分●Data is a collection of un-organized facts, which can include words, numbers, images, andsounds.●数据是未经组织的事实的集合,数据可以包括单词,数字,图像和声音.● A computer consists of a variety of hardware components that work together with software toperform calculations(计算), organize data, and communicate with other computer.●计算机由许多硬件部件构成,这些硬件与软件一起工作,以便执行计算,组织数据及与其他计算机通信的任务.●These hardware components include input devices, output devices, a system unit, storagedevices, and communications devices.●硬件部件包括输入设备,输出设备,系统单元,存储设备和通信设备.●An input device allows a user to enter data and commands into the memory of a computer.●输入设备让用户向计算机存储器输入数据和命令.●Storage differs from memory ,which can hold these items permanently(永久的),whereasmemory holds these memory holds items only temporarily(暂时的)。
●外存储器与内存储器不同,外存储器能永久保存数据而内存储器仅临时保存.●Four common storage devices are a floppy disk drive, a hard disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, and aDVD-ROM drive.●四种常用的外存设备分别是:软盘驱动器,硬盘驱动器,CD-ROM驱动器和DVD-ROM驱动器.●Television?and?data?can?be?mixed?on?one?cable.?●宽带能用于多个方面。

Unite 1Section A: 1、artificial intelligence 人工智能2、paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器3、Optical computer 光学计算机4、Neural network 神经网络5、Instruction set 指令集6、Parallel processing 并行处理器7、Difference engine差分机8、Versatile logical element 多用途逻辑元件9、Silicon substrate 硅衬底10、Vaccum tube 真空管11、数据的存储与管理the storage and management of data12、超大规模集成电路large-scale integrated circuit13、中央处理器central processing unit14、个人计算机personal computer15、模拟计算机analog computer16、数字计算机digital computer17、通用计算机general purpose computer18、处理器芯片processor chip19、操作指令operating instructions20、输入设备input devicesSection B1、artificial neural network 人工智能神经网络2、Computer architecture 计算机体系结构3、Robust computer program 健壮的计算机程序4、Human-computer interface 人机接口5、Knowledge representation 知识代表6、数值分析numerical analysis7、程序设计环境programming environment8、数据结构data structure9、存储和检索信息store and retrieve information10、虚拟现实virtual realityUnit 2Section A:1、function key 功能键2、V oice recognition module 声音识别调制器3、Touch-sensitive region 触敏扫描仪4、Address bus 地址总线5、Flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪6、Dot-matrix printer 矩阵式打印机7、Parallel connection 并行连接8、Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管9、Video game 电子游戏10、Audio signal 音频信号11、操作系统operating system12、液晶显示liquid crystal display13、喷墨打印机inkjet printer14、数据总线data bus15、串行连接serial connection16、易失性存储器volatile memory17、激光打印机laser printer18、磁盘存储器floppy disc19、基本输入输出系统basic input/output system20、视频显示器video displaySection B:1、interrupt handler 中断处理程序2、Virtual memory 虚拟内存3、Context switch 上下文转换4、Main memory 主存5、Bit pattern 位模式6、外围设备peripheral device7、进程表process table8、时间片time slice9、图形用户界面graphics user interface10、海量存储器mass storageUnit 3Section A:1、storage register 存储寄存器2、Function statement 函数语句3、Program statement 程序语句4、Object-oriented language 面向对象语言5、Assembly language 汇编语言6、Intermediate language 中间语言7、Relational language 关系语言8、Artificial language 人工语言9、Data declaration 数据声明10、SQL 结构化查询语言11、可执行程序executable program12、程序模块program module13、条件语句conditional statement14、赋值语句assignment statement15、逻辑语言logic statement16、机器语言machine language17、函数式语言functional language18、程序设计语言programming language19、运行计算机程序run a omputer program20、计算机程序员computer programmerSection B1、native code 本机代码2、Header file 头文件3、Multithreaded program 多线程程序4、Java-enabled browser 支持Java的浏览器5、Mallicious code6、机器码machine code7、汇编码assembly code8、特洛伊木马程序trojan9、软件包software package10、类层次class hierarchyUnit 4Section A1、inference engine 推理机2、System call 系统调用3、Compiled language 编译执行的语言4、Parellel computing 并行计算5、Pattern matching 模式匹配6、Memory location 存储单元7、Interpreter program 解释程序8、Library routine 库程序9、Intermediate program 中间程序10、Source file 源文件11、解释执行的语言interpreted language12、设备驱动程序device driver13、源程序source program14、调试程序debugger15、目标代码object code16、应用程序application program17、实用程序utility program18、逻辑程序logic program19、黑盒ink cartridge20、程序的存储与执行storage and execution of program Section B1、Messaging model 通信模式2、Common language runtime 通用语言运行时刻(环境)3、Hierarchical namespace 分层的名称空间4、Development community 开发社区5、CORBA 公共对象请求代理体系结构6、基本组件basic components7、元数据标记metadata token8、虚拟机VM virtual machine9、集成开发环境IDE(intergrated development environment)10、简单对象访问协议SOAP(simple object access protocol) Unit 5Section A1、system specification 系统规范2、Unit testing 单元测试3、Software life cycle 软件的生命周期4、System validation process 系统验证过程5、Evolutionary development process 进化发展过程6、Simple linear model 简单线性模型7、Program unit 程序单元8、Throwaway prototype 一次性使用原型9、Text formatting 文本格式10、System evolution 系统演变11、系统设计范例paradigm for system design12、需求分析与定义Requirements analysis and definition13、探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach14、系统文件编制system documentation15、瀑布模型waterfall model16、系统集成system integration17、商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf software18、基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering19、软件维护工具software maintenance tool20、软件复用software reuseSection B1、check box 复选框2、Structured design 结构化设计3、Building block 构建模块4、Database schema 数据库模式5、Radio button 单选按钮6、系统建模技术system modeling techniques7、模型驱动开发MDD(model-driven development)8、数据流程图data flow diagram9、下拉式菜单drop-down10、滚动条scroll barUnit 6Section A1、end user 终端用户2、Atomic operation 原子操作3、Database administrator 数据库管理员4、Relational database model 关系数据库模型5、Local data 本地数据6、Object-oriented database 面向对象的数据库7、Database management system 数据库管理系统8、Entity-relationship model 实体关系模型9、Distributed database 分布式数据库10、Flat file 展开文件11、二维表two-dimensional table12、数据属性data attributes13、数据库对象database object14、存储设备storage device15、数据类型data type16、数据插入与删除insertion and deletion17、层次数据库模型hierarchical18、数据库体系结构database architecture19、关系数据库管理系统ralational database management system20、全局控制总线global control busSection B1、nonvolatile storage system 易失性存储系统2、Equitment malfunction 设备故障3、Wound-wait protocol 损伤等待协议4、Exclusive lock 排它锁5、Database integrity 数据库完整性6、共享锁shared lock7、数据库实现database implementation8、级联回滚cascading rollback9、数据项data item10、分时操作系统time sharing operating system ;Unit 7Section A1、microwave radio 微波无线电2、digital television 数字电视3、DSL 数字用户线路4、analog transmission 模拟传输5、on-screen pointer 屏幕上的指针6、computer terminal 计算机终端7、radio telephone 无线电话8、cellular telephone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机9、decentralized network 分散型网络10、wire-based internal network 基于导线的内部网络,有线内部网11、光缆fiber-optic cable12、传真机fax machine13、线通信wireless communications14、点对点通信point-to-point communications15、调制电脉冲modulated electrical impulse16、通信卫星communication(s) satellite17、电报电键telegraph key18、传输媒体transmission medium (或media)19、无绳电话cordless telephone20、金属导体metal conductorSection B1、bit map 位图2、parallel port 并行端口3、direct memory access (DMA) 直接存储器存取4、universal serial bus 通用串行总线5、general-purpose register 通用寄存器6、电路板circuit board7、串行通信serial communication8、数码照相机digital camera9、存储映射输入/输出memory-mapped I/O10、有线电视cable televisionUnit 8Section A1、file server 文件服务器2、carrier sense 载波检测3、Protocol suite 协议族4、Peer-to-peer model 点对点模型5、bus topology network 总线拓扑网络6、inter-machine cooperation 计算机间合作7、Ethernet protocol collection 以太网协作集8、Proprietary network 专有网络9、utility package 实用软件包10、star network 星形网络11、局域网local area network (LAN)12、令牌环token ring13、无线网络wireless network14、封闭式网络closed network15、环形拓扑网络ring topology16、客户/服务机模型client/server model17、网络应用程序network application18、进程间通信interprocess communication19、打印服务机printer server20、广域网wide area networkSection B1、routing path 路由选择通路2、dual-ring topology 双环形拓扑结构3、extended star topology 扩展星形拓扑结构4、backbone network 基干网,骨干网5、mesh topology网络拓扑结构6、同轴电缆coaxial cable7、逻辑拓扑结构logical topology8、无冲突连网环境collision-free networking environment9、树形拓扑结构tree topology10、目的地节点destination nodeUnit 9Section A1、cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2、IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3、autonomous system 自主系统4、dial-up connection 拨号连接5、network identifier 网络标识符6、binary notation 二进制记数法7、mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8、Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9、name server 名称服务器10、Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11、助记地址mnemonic address12、网吧cyber cafe13、宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14、顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15、因特网编址Internet addressing16、点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17、因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18、专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19、主机地址host address20、硬件与软件支持hardware and software support Section B1、incoming message 来报,到来的报文2、application layer 应用层3、utility software 实用软件4、sequence number (顺)序号,序列号5、remote login capabilities 远程登录能力6、端口号port number7、软件例程software routine8、传输层transport layer9、文件传送协议FTP(File Transfer Protocol)10、万维网浏览器Web browserUnit 10Section A1、mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列表2、proprietary software 专有软件3、cc line 抄送行4、bcc line 密送行5、forwarded e-mail messages 转发的电子邮件6、e-mail convention 电子邮件常规7、click on an icon 点击图标8、confidential document 密件,秘密文件9、classified information 密级信息10、recovered e-mail message 恢复的电子邮件11、常用情感符commonly used emoticon12、已删除电子邮件deleted e-mail13、电子系统electronic system14、附件行Attachments line15、版权法copyright law16、电子邮件网规e-mail netiquette17、信息高速公路information superhighway18、签名文件signature file19、电子数据表程序spreadsheet program20、文字处理软件word processorSection B1、web-authoring software 网络写作软件2、template generator 模版生成程序3、navigation page 导航页面4、corporate logo 公司标识5、splash page 醒目页面,过渡页6、导航条navigation bar7、节点页面node page8、网站地图site map9、可用性测试usability testing10、图形交换格式gif(Graphics Interchange Format)Unit 11Section A1、customized marketing strategy 定制的营销策略2、B2G transaction 企业对政府交易3、mobile telephone 移动电话4、dot-com bust 网络不景气5、smart card 智能卡,灵巧卡6、digital piracy 数字盗版7、dot-com boom 网络繁荣8、C2C transaction 消费者对消费者交易9、Web auction site 拍卖网站10、fingerprint reader 指纹读取器11、射频识别装置radio-frequency identification (RFID) device12、电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)13、库存管理技术inventory management technology14、知识产权intellectual property15、条形码bar code16、货币兑换currency conversion17、电子图书electronic book18、视网膜扫描仪retina scanner19、个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)20、企业对企业电子商务B2B electronic commerceSection B1、software suite 软件套件2、text box 文本框3、virtual checkout counter 虚拟付款台4、static catalog 静态目录5、browser session 浏览器会话期6、动态目录dynamic catalog7、购物车软件shopping cart software8、供应链supply chain9、企业资源计划软件enterprise resource planning (ERP) software10、税率tax rateUnit 12Section A1、encryption program 加密程序2、deletion command 删除命令3、authorized user 授权的用户4、backup copy 备份5、voltage surge 电压浪涌6、circuit breaker 断路器7、electronic component 电子元件(或部件)8、data-entry error 数据输入错误9、electronic break-in 电子入侵10、power line 电力线,输电线11、检测程序detection program12、电源power source13、破坏性计算机程序destructive computer program14、计算机病毒computer virus15、软件侵权software piracy16、硬盘驱动器hard-disk drive17、病毒检查程序virus checker18、主存储器primary storage19、电子公告板electronic bulletin board20、浪涌电压保护器surge protectorSection B1、phishing attack 网络钓鱼攻击2、graphics card 显(示)卡3、heuristic analysis 试探性分析4、infected file 被感染文件5、virus dictionary 病毒字典6、数据捕获data capture7、恶意软件malicious software8、病毒特征代码virus signature9、防病毒软件antivirus software10、内存驻留程序memory-resident program。

计算机专业英语复习题注:本答案解释及翻译属本人分析,如有错误,敬请谅解!I.Choose the best answerI.选择最佳答案。
1.When you run your computer, A will be first started.A.Operation systemB. system softwareC. office softwareD. driven software译:当你运行你的电脑时,XX是首先被启动。
所以选A2. Post is the short form for AA. power on self-testB. post office system testC. power on system-testD. personal operating system text 译:post是____的缩写。
The short from for某某的缩写形式。
A是开机自检B是办公系统测试C 是开机系统自检D是个人操作系统文本。
3. One of the benefits of video conferencing is low costs.A. specially equipped conference roomsB. saving travel timeC. low costsD.linking of local sites译:视频协商(视频会议)的好处之一是_____。
Benefit 好处,益处conference协商,讨论,商谈A是特别的协商会议室B是减少旅游时间C是低花费D是连接本地地址4. The menu bar of word 2003 has C menus orders.A. sevenB. eightC. nineD. ten Word 2003的菜单栏中有9个菜单命令。

Unit 1A:Para 1 Computer hardware can be divided into four categories:(1)input hardware,(2)storage hardware,(3)processing hardware, and (4)output hardware.计算机硬件可分为四类:(1)输入硬件,(2)存储硬件,(3)加工处理硬件,(4)输出硬件。
Para 5 The central processing unit(CPU) is the brain of the computer .It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing activities that must take place.The design of the CPU affects the processing power and the speed of the computer,as well as the amount of main memoru it can use effectively.with a well-designed CPUin your computer ,you can perform highly sophisticated tasks in a very short time .中央处理器(CPU)是计算机的大脑,它读取、解释软件指令并协调必须执行的加工处理任务。
B:People“capture”data in a variety of ways一for example,by reading,listening,or seeing.Then they may record the data on a document.For instance,Roger Shu records his name on an employee timecard by first entering the letter R.This letter,and each of the remaining letters in his name,is an element of data,as are the numbers 12/22 and 5,used to indicate the date and the number of overtime hours worked.By themselves,these data elements are useless;we must process them to make them mean something.The report produced when Roger’S data is Fun through a computer—based employee records system gives US information--for example,the amount of money due Roger for his overtime work.人们“捕捉”信息的办法各种各样,例如通过读、听或看。

计算机专业英语翻译及课后答案Unit Nine: The InternetUnit Nine/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. research2. ICANN或the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers3. router; gateway4. temporary/dial-up; permanent/dedicated5. ISP或Internet service provider6. network; host7. decimal8. mnemonicII. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2. IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3. autonomous system 自主系统4. dial-up connection 拨号连接5. network identifier 网络标识符6. binary notation 二进制记数法7. mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8. Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9. name server 名称服务器10. Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11. 助记地址mnemonic address12. 网吧cyber cafe13. 宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14. 顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15. 因特网编址Internet addressing16. 点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17. 因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18. 专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19. 主机地址host address20. 硬件与软件支持hardware and software supportIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:Early computer networks used leased telephone company lines for their connections. Telephone company systems of that time established a single connection between sender and receiver for each telephone call, and that connection carried all data along a single path. Whena company wanted to connect computers it owned at two different locations, the company placed a telephone call to establish the connection, and then connected one computer to eachend of that single connection.The U. S. Defense Department was concerned about the inherent risk of thissingle-channel method for connecting computers, and its researchers developed a differentmethod of sending information through multiple channels. In this method, files and messagesare broken into packets that are labeled electronically with codes for their origins, sequences,and destinations. In 1969, Defense Department researchers in the Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (ARPA) used this network model to connect four computers into a network called theARPANET. The ARPANET was the earliest of the networks that eventually combined to become what we now call the Internet. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, many researchers in the academic community connected to the ARPANET and contributed to the technological developments that increased its speed and efficiency.IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 因特网只是提供了将许许多多的计算机连接在一起的物理与逻辑基础结构。
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Text Aputer is an electronic equipment which can make arithmetic and logical calculation process information rapidly and automatically.计算机是一种能够高速、自动地进行算术和逻辑运算及信息处理的电子设备。
3.The purpose of inventing and developing computer is to make arithmetic calculations rapidly accurately.发明和开发计算机的目的是使算术运算快速准确。
4.Production management ,data counting,office automation,traffic dispatching,information retrieval all belong to this field.生产管理,数据统计,办公自动化,通信调度,信息检索都属于这一领域。
5.Real-time means that the time of computer’s calculating and controlling may match the time of controlled object’s practical running or working. 实时意味着计算机的计算和控制的时间符合受控对象的实际运行或工作的时间。
Text B1.Perhaps the most significant date in the history of computers is the year 1936.it was in this year that the first “computer”was developed。
It was created by Konrad Zuse and dubbed the ZI Computer.也许在计算机历史上最显著日期是今年1936.它是在今年的第一个“电脑”被开发,它由康拉德·楚泽创建,并冠以ZI计算机。
2.While expensive, these machines started the trend for computers within common households.虽然昂贵,这些机器启动电脑的趋势在普通家庭。
3.Two years later ,the Harvard Mark I computer was developed, furthering the science of computing两年后,哈佛大学马克一号电脑的开发,促进了科学计算。
Text A1.The following table helps you to under the differences between the different processors that Intel has introduced over the years.下表给你介绍了因特尔公司公司在过去几年推出了的不同处理器之间的区别。
2.You can see that the number of transistors on a single chip has risen steadily over the years.你可以看到,在过去几年单芯片上晶体管的数量在稳步上升。
5.Clock speed is the maximum rate that the chip can be clocked at. Clock speed will make more sense in the next section.时钟速度是芯片的时钟频率以最大速率。
Text B1.The memory is that part of a computer in which programs and data are stored. 存储是计算机用来存储程序和数据的部分。
2.When the computer is off,the main memory is empty;when it is on ,the main memory is capable of receiving and holding a copy of the software instructions and data necessary for processing.当计算机处于关闭状态,在主存储器是空的;当它打开时,在主存储器是能够接收和保持的软件指令和数据复制所必需的处理。
4.For comparable amounts of storage ,the EPROM is more expensive than PROM ,but it has the advantage of multiple-update capability.对于可比的存储空间,对EPROM比PROM更昂贵,但它具有多个更新的能力的优点。
5.Some computers are designed with cache memory to increase the speed of transfer of instructions and data from secondary storage to the processor. 某些计算机都设计有高速缓冲存储器,以增加从二级存储器传输指令和数据的处理器的速度。
Text A1.Telephone lines ,for instance ,may connect communications,equipment,which the same building. 电话线,例如,可连接通信设备,在同一建筑物。
2. Networks with computers and peripheral devices in close physical proximity --within the same building ,for instance,are called Local Area Networks(LANs).网络计算机和近距离的外围设备--同一建筑物,例如,被称为本地区域网络(LAN)。
3.Wide Area Networks(WANs) are countrywide and worldwide network.广域网(WAN)是全国和全世界的网络。
5.The computer design of a computer network and the networking software requires the solution of many problems and is a very complicated matter. 计算机网络和网络软件的计算机设计需要许多问题的解决方案,是一个非常复杂的问题。
Text B1.The coverage of one or more interconnected access points--called a hotspot--can comprise an area as small as a single room with wireless-opaque walls or as large as many square miles covered by overlapping access points. 覆盖一个或多个相互连接的接入点——称为热点——可以包括如一个房间般小的地区作为无线不透明的墙或大到许多平方英里的覆盖重叠的接入点。
3.When wireless networking technology first entered the market many problems ensued for consumers who could not rely on products from different vendors working together.当无线网络技术第一次进入市场很多问题引发消费者不信任来自一起工作的不同厂商的产品。
4.The price of chipsets for Wi-Fi continues to drop,marking it an economical networking option included in ever more devices.Wi-Fi芯片价格继续下降,标志着它的经济网络选项包括在更多的设备。
Text A2.Since then people began to associate a word “e-commerce”with the ability of purchasing various goods through the Internet using secure protocols and electronic payment services.自那以后,人们开始将电子商务一词与有能力购买各种各样的商品通过互联网使用的安全协议和电子支付服务相关联。
3.E-commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. 电子商务一般被认为是电子商务方向的销售。
4.The first online information marketplace,including online consulting,was likely the American Information Exchange,another pre-Internet online system introduced in 1991.第一次网上信息市场的需求,包括网上咨询,可能是美国信息交换,另一个前互联网联机系统介绍于1991年。
5.On the institutional level,big corporations and financial institutions use the Internet to exchange financial data to facilitate domestic and international business.在制度层面上,大公司和金融机构使用互联网来交换金融数据,促进国内和国际商务。