软件:SPICE; 设计技术特点:电路模拟和版图的设计验证
➢ 第二代IC CAD系统
技术特点: (1)以原理图为基础的EDA系统,以仿真和自动布局布线为核心 (2)自动综合器使被动的对设计结果的分析验证转为主动去选 择一个最佳的设计 结果。
➢ 第三代IC CAD系统
技术特点: (1)在用户与设计者之间开发了一种虚拟环境。 (2)各种硬件描述语言的出现(VHDL、Verilog HDL等) (3)高级抽象的设计构思手段(框图、状态图和流程图)
行为级设计 算法描述 寄存器传输级 门级 电路级
2. CMOS集成电路制造技术
2.1 半导体材料-硅(Silicon)
➢ 集成电路制造中最常用的一种材料,本征状态下是一种半导体 材料。
➢ 硅片的制备(西门子工艺:冶金级 SGS )
1. SiC(s)+ SiO2(s) 2. Si(s) + 3HCl(g) 3. 2SiHCl3(g) + 2H2(g)
2.2 硅片的制备 (7)
一个净化过的空间,它以超净空 气把芯片制造与外界的沾污隔离开 来。
级别 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
0.1μm 3.50×10 3.50×102
0.2μm 7.70 7.50×10 7.50×102
0.3μm 3.00 3.00×10 3.00×102
➢ 更广(产品种类越来越多) ➢ 更快(设计周期越来越快) ➢ 更精(设计尺寸越来越精细) ➢ 更准(一次成功率越来越高) ➢ 更强(工艺适用性和设计自动化程度越来越高)
VLSI复习题型:缩写5题10分简答12题60分计算3题30分Chapter 011.How to evaluate performance•Cost•Reliability•Speed (delay, operating frequency)•Power dissipation2.Regenerative property3.Delay :Chapter 021.Inverter layout2.Photolithography process1)Oxidation layering(氧化层)2)Pthotoresist coating(涂光刻胶)3)Stepper exposure(光刻机曝光)4)Photoresist development and bake(光刻胶的显影和烘干)5)Acid etching(酸刻蚀)6)Spin, rinse, and dry(旋转,清洗和干燥)7)Various process steps:Ion implantation(离子注入)Plasma etching(等离子刻蚀)Metal deposition(金属沉淀)8)Photoresist removal( or ashing) 去除光刻胶(即“沙洗”)Chapter 031.Linear/ Saturation mode2.Long channel vs short channel3.Capacitances= structure capacitances+channel capacitances+MOS diffusion capacitances4.Resistance=MOS sructure resistance+source and drain resistance+cantact resistance+wiringresistanceWith silicidation R方块ˆ is reduced to the range 1 to 4 Ω/方块(source and drain resistance)Chapter 041.C wire = C pp + C fringe + C interwire2.Dealing with resistance:1)Use better interconnect materials2)More interconnect layers3.RC Mode•Lumped RC model–total wire resistance is lumped into a single R and total capacitance into a single C–good for short wires; pessimistic and inaccurate for long wires•Distributed RC model–circuit parasitics are distributed along the length, L, of the wire4.DelayDelay of a wire is a quadratic function of its length, LThe delay is 1/2 of that predicted (by the lumped model)5.Reflection coefficient【画传输图(or 波形),计算题】Chapter 051.V M∝(W/L)p/(W/L)nIncreasing the width of the PMOS moves V M towards V DD,‰Increasing the width of theNMOS moves V M towards GND.2.Delay3.Power in CMOS1.Dynamic power consumption: charging and discharging capacitors;Not a function of transistor sizes;Need to reduce C L,Vdd,and f to reduce power.2.Short circuit currents: short circuit path supply rails during switching;Keep the input and output rise/fall times the same;If Vdd<Vtn+|Vtp|,then short-circuit power can be eliminated.3.Leakage: leaking diodes and transistors4.Technology scaling modelsFull scalingFixed voltage scalingGeneral scalingChapter 061.Static CMOS- output connected to either Vdd or GND via a low-resistance path⏹High noise margins⏹Low output impedance, high input impedance⏹No steady state path between Vdd and GND⏹Delay is a function of load capacitance and transistor resistanceDynamic CMOS--relies on temporary storage of signal values on capacitance of high-impedance circuit nodes.⏹Simpler, faster gates⏹Increased sensitivity to noise2.Static vs dynamic circuit⏹In static circuit at every point in time (except when switching) the output is connectedto either GND or V DD via a low resistance path.--fan-in of N requires 2N devices⏹Dynamic circuits rely on the temporary storage of signal values on the capacitance ofhigh impedance nodes--requires only N+2 transistors--takes a sequence of precharge and conditional evaluation phases to realize logicfunctions.●conditions on output1) once the optput of a dynamic gate is discharged, it cannot be charged again until thenext precharge opreation.2) Inputs to the gate can make at most one transition during evaluation.3) Output can be in the high impedance state during and after evaluation(PDN off), stateis stored in C L.●Properties of Dynamic Gates1)Logic function is implemented by the PDN only–number of transistors is N + 2 (versus 2N for static complementary CMOS)–should be smaller in area than static complementary CMOS2)Full swing outputs (VOL = GND and VOH = VDD)3)Nonratioed--sizing of the devices is not important for proper functioning (only for performance)4) Faster switching speeds5) Power dissipation should be better- consumes only dynamic power –no short circuit power consumption since the pull- up path is not on when evaluating-lower C L--both C int(since there are fewer transistors connected to the drain outpu t) and C ext(since there the output load is one per connectedgate, not two) -by construction can have at most one transition per cycle – no glitching6) Needs a percharge clockbinational vs Sequential logic4.Why PMOS in PUN and NMOS in PDN?Threshold drops5.Ratioed logic: Pseudo-NMOS→Small area and load, but static power dissipationChapter 07tch vs Register⏹Latch: level sensitive----As for positive: passes inputs to Q when the clock is high----transparent mode;When clock is low----hold mode⏹Flip-flop: edge sensitive2.Bistable circuit:The cross coupling of two inverters results in a bistablecircuit (a circuit with two stable states)⏹Have to be able to change the stored value by making A (or B) temporarily unstable byincreasing the loop gain to a value larger than 1Done by applying a trigger pulse at Vi1 or Vi2the width of the trigger pulse need be only a little larger than the total propagation delayaround the loop circuit (twice the delay of an inverter)⏹Two approaches used1.cutting the feedback loop (mux based latch)2.overpowering the feedback loop (as used in SRAMs)3.MS ET timing properties⏹Set-up time: time before rising edge of clk that D must be valid⏹Propagation delay: time for QM to reach Q⏹Hold time: time D must be stable after rising edge of clk4.Pipelining5.Schmitt Trigger(rise—P; fall—N)Chapter 091.Cross Talk: An unwanted coupling from a neighboring signal wire to a network nodeintroduces an interference that is generally called cross talk.2.Dealing with Capacitive Cross Talk•Avoid floating nodes•Protect sensitive nodes•Make rise and fall times as large as possible•Differential signaling•Do not run wires together for a long distance•Use shielding wires•Use shielding layers3.Cross Talk and Performance: when neighboring lines switch in opposite direction of victimline, delay increases.4.Impact of resistance is commonly seen in power supply distribution:–IR drop–Voltage variationsChapter 101.Clock Nonidealities:⏹Clock skew: Spatial variation in temporally equivalent clock edges;⏹Clock jitter: Temporal variations in consecutive edges of the clock signal⏹Variation of the pulse width2.Clock Uncertainties----Source of clock uncertainty(图形填空)(重点)简答题:•Clock‐Signal Generation (1)•Manufacturing Device Variations (2)•Interconnect Variations (3)•Environmental Variations (4 and 5)•Capacitive Coupling (6 and 7)3.Impact of Positive/Negative Clock Skew and Clock jitter (重点)1.Positive clock skew:Clock and data flow in the same direction2.Negative clock skew: Clock and data flow in opposite directions3.Jitter cause T to vary on a cycle-by-cycle basisCombined impact of skew and jitter:Constraints on the minimum clock period (positive)4.To reduce dynamic power, the clock network must support clock gating (shutting down(disabling the clock ) units)5. Clock distribution techniques--Balanced paths(H-tree network, matched RC trees)--Clock grids: minimize absolute delay6.Matched RC trees, represents a floor plan that distributes the clock signal so that the interconnections carrying the clock signals to the functional subblocks are of equal length.7. 彩图9:The unbalanced load creates a large skew, by careful tuning of the wire width, the load is balanced, minimizing the skew.8. Dealing with Clock Skew and Jitter•To minimize skew, balance clock paths using H-treeor matched-tree clock distribution structures. •If possible, route data and clock in opposite directions;eliminates races at the cost of performance.•The use of gated clocks to help with dynamic power consumption make jitter worse.•Shield clock wires (route power lines –VDD or GND –next to clock lines) to minimize/eliminate coupling with neighboring signal nets.•Use dummy fills to reduce skew by reducing variations in interconnect capacitances dueto interlayer dielectric thickness variations.•Beware of temperature and supply rail variations and their effects on skew and jitter. •Power supply noise fundamentally limits the performance of clock networks.Chapter 111.Full adder(P=A+B)2.Static vs dynamic Manchester Carry ChainStatic dynamic3.Square Root Carry Select Adder (PPT 24)4.Wallace‐Tree Multiplier(PPT 32)5.Logarithmic ShifterChapter 121.Semiconductor Memory Classification2.Bit line & word line3.Memory Timing(DRAM vs SRAM)DRAM: Multiplexde AddressingSRAM: Self-timed Address Switching/Changing 4.MOS OR ROM5. SRAM vs DRAM6. DRAM Timing7. SRAM ATD(Address Transition Detection)Chapter 131.Two Important Test Properties•Controllability ‐measures the ease of bringing anode to a given condition using only the input pins•Observability ‐measures the ease of observing thevalue of a node at the output pins2.Test Approaches•Ad‐hoc testing•Scan based test•Self test3.Scan Register11。
超大规模集成电路CAD 第一章 VLSI设计的概述教材
1952 年,英国皇家雷达研究所的达默第一次提出“集成电 路”的设想; 1958年美国德克萨斯仪器公司基尔比为首的小组研制出世 界上第一块集成电路了双极性晶体管(由12个器件组成的 相移振荡和触发器集成电路),并于1959年公布—这就是 世界上最早的集成电路,是现代集成电路的雏形或先驱 ; (基尔比于2000年获得诺贝尔物理学奖) 1960年成功制造出MOS管集成电路; 1965年戈登· 摩尔发表预测未来集成电路发展趋势的文章, 就是“摩尔定律”的前身; 1968年Intel公司诞生。
2019/4/12 4
第1章 VLSI概述
集成电路的发展除了物理原理外还得益于许多新工艺的 发明:
50年美国人奥尔和肖克莱发明的离子注入工艺; 56年美国人富勒发明的扩散工艺; 60年卢尔和克里斯坦森发明的外延生长工艺; 60年kang和Atalla研制出第一个硅MOS管; 70年斯皮勒和卡斯特兰尼发明的光刻工艺,使晶体管从点接触 结构向平面结构过渡并给集成电路工艺提供了基本的技术支持。 因此,从70年代开始,第一代集成电路才开始发展并迅速成熟。
图1 – 1 “点接晶体管放大器” 2019/4/12 3
路 漫 漫 其 修 远 兮 吾 将 上 下 而 求 索
第1章 VLSI概述
1948年,威廉· 肖克莱(William Shockley)—“晶体管之 父” ,提出结型晶体管的想法; 1951年,威廉· 肖克莱领导的研究小组成功研制出第一个可 靠的单晶锗NPN结型晶体管;(温度特性差、提纯度差、表面防护能力差(稳定性
路 漫 漫 其 修 远 兮 吾 将 上 下 而 求 索
中国科学院大学 段成华 VLSI 超大规模集成电路 期末复习笔记(1到10章)
MOS 管 耗尽区电荷以及宽度
饱和区: 与 Vgs-Vt 平方成正比
Vds 较小时忽略平方项,就是线性关系
增加 Vds 会使漏结的耗尽区变大,缩小了有效沟道长度。 影响为:Vds 会增大 ID
Vdd Vdd 0 'Supply' VgspVdd gatep dc='Supply' Vgsngaten Gnd dc='Supply'
.dc Vgsp0 'Supply' 'Supply/20' .dc Vgsn0 'Supply' 'Supply/20'
.print dc I1(mp) .print dc I1(mn)
* Set TSMC 0.18um library
*.model pch PMOS level=49 version = 3.1 *.model nch NMOS level=49 version = 3.1
.options list node post measout * Option List: Prints a list of netlist elements, node connections, and values for components, voltage and current sources, parameters, and more. * Option Node: Prints a node cross-reference table. * Option Post: Saves simulation results for viewing by an interactive waveform viewer. * Option Measout: Outputs .MEASURE statement values and sweep parameters into an ASCII file.
1.集成电路的发展过程经历了哪些发展阶段?划分集成电路的标准是什么?集成电路的发展过程:•小规模集成电路(Small Scale IC,SSI)•中规模集成电路(Medium Scale IC,MSI)•大规模集成电路(Large Scale IC,LSI)•超大规模集成电路(Very Large Scale IC,VLSI)•特大规模集成电路(Ultra Large Scale IC,ULSI)•巨大规模集成电路(Gigantic Scale IC,GSI)划分集成电路规模的标准2.超大规模集成电路有哪些优点?1. 降低生产成本VLSI减少了体积和重量等,可靠性成万倍提高,功耗成万倍减少.2.提高工作速度VLSI内部连线很短,缩短了延迟时间.加工的技术越来越精细.电路工作速度的提高,主要是依靠减少尺寸获得.3. 降低功耗芯片内部电路尺寸小,连线短,分布电容小,驱动电路所需的功率下降.4. 简化逻辑电路芯片内部电路受干扰小,电路可简化.5.优越的可靠性采用VLSI后,元件数目和外部的接触点都大为减少,可靠性得到很大提高。
第1章VLSI概论 1.1复杂性与设计 1.1.1设计流程举例1.1.2VLSI芯片的类型 1.2基本概念 1.3本书安排 1.4参考资料第1部分硅片逻辑第2章MOSFET逻辑设计 2.1理想开关与布尔运算 2.2MOSFET开关 2.3基本的CMOS逻辑门 2.3.1非门(NOT门) 2.3.2CMOS或非门(NOR门) 2.3.3CMOS与非门(NAND 门) 2.4CMOS复合逻辑门 2.4.1结构化逻辑设计 2.4.2异或门(XOR)和异或非门(XNOR) 2.4.3一般化的AOI和OAI逻辑门 2.5传输门(TG)电路逻辑设计 2.6时钟控制和数据流控制 2.7参考资料 2.8习题第3章CMOS集成电路的物理结构第4章CMOS集成电路的制造第5章物理设计的基本要素第2部分从逻辑到电子电路第6章MOSFET的电气特性第7章CMOS逻辑门电子学分析第8章高速CMOS逻辑电路设计第9章CMOS逻辑电路的高级技术第3部分VLSI系统设计第10章用Verilog——硬件描述语言描述系统第11章常用的VLSI系统部件第12章CMOS VLSI运算电路第13章存储器与可编程逻辑第14章系统级物理设第15章VLSI时钟和系统设计第16章VLSI电路的可靠性与测。
第一章集成电路设计进展一、基本概念1.集成电路制造工艺发展水平的衡量标准(1)特征尺寸一般是指集成电路在设计与生产中可以达到的最小线宽,也代表MOS 晶体管栅极在制造时可达到的最小沟道长度L。
这一时期半导体制造在IC产业中充当主角,IC 设计和半导体工艺密切相关且主要以人工为主;第二次变革以芯片代工厂和集成电路设计公司的专业分工为标志。
这一时期是集成电路产业的一次大分工,设备产能提高,生产成本提高,相关厂家开始承接对外加工,形成了Foundry加工和Fabless 设计的专业分工,IC产业进入了以客户为导向的阶段,EDA工具的发展,使IC设计工程可以独立于生产工艺;第三次变革以设计、制造、封装和测试四业分离为标志。
★ 功能要求越来越复杂:电路规模 ★ 性能要求越来越优良:速度、功耗 ★ 成本相对来讲最好低一点:尺寸
由于集成电路在电子系统中的核心作用,集成电路在系统功能、 性能和成本中所起的作用是关键性的
(仅适用于Part 1) 中文版 《现代VLSI设计——系统芯片设计》(原书第三版)
[美]韦恩•沃尔夫 著 科学出版社
该书的前半部分 (Chap1-6)
英文版 Modern VLSI Design: System-on-Chip Design, 3th
by Wayne Wolf
绪 论
1. IC:从设计、制造、封装、测试到芯片产品
IC设计与EDA技术/EDA工具 (1)
• EDA(Electronic Design Automatic,电子设计自动化) 是指以计 算机为工作平台的电子CAD工具软件集 • EDA工具使得设计者的工作仅限于利用软件的方式,就能完成对 系统硬件功能和性能的实现 • 集成电路设计从一开始就依赖于EDA技术及工具,离开EDA技术 集成电路设计将寸步难行。而且随着技术的进步,集成电路的设 计越来越依赖EDA工具
• 数字IC中,数字ASIC与FPGA/CPLD 的区别 – ASIC:需制作掩模
• 设计时间长,硬件不能升级 • 芯片面积小,性能可以得到较好的优化 • 适合芯片需求量大的场合:片量用于平摊昂贵的光罩掩模制版 费,降低单片生产成本
– FPGA/CPLD:可以编程,不需要后端设计/制作掩模
• • • • 开发门槛较低,设计时间较短,可方便和快速地升级优化硬件 芯片面积大,性能不够优化 适合芯片需求量小的场合:不用支付昂贵的光罩掩模制版费 作为数字ASIC设计流程中的必要步骤:ASIC设计中前端设计 的FPGA原型验证(HDL功能验证)
VLSI设计基础复习资料1.为什么CMOS(含BiCMOS)工艺成为VLSI主流工艺?其最大特点是什么?在微电子技术领域,集成电路的制造有两个主要的实现技术:双极技术与MOS 技术。
它与BJT基本工作原理的区别是什么?MOS器件基于表面感应的原理,是利用垂直的栅压V GS实现对水平I DS的控制。
3.为什么说硅栅工艺优于铝栅工艺?硅栅工艺是利用重掺杂的多晶硅来代替铝做为MOS管的栅电极,使MOS电路特性得到很大改善,它使|V TP|下降1.1V,也容易获得合适的V TN值并能提高开关速度和集成度。
VLSI设计基础复习资料1.为什么CMOS(含BiCMOS)工艺成为VLSI主流工艺?其最大特点是什么?在微电子技术领域,集成电路的制造有两个主要的实现技术:双极技术与MOS 技术。
它与BJT基本工作原理的区别是什么?MOS器件基于表面感应的原理,是利用垂直的栅压VGS 实现对水平IDS的控制。
3.为什么说硅栅工艺优于铝栅工艺?硅栅工艺是利用重掺杂的多晶硅来代替铝做为MOS管的栅电极,使MOS电路特性得到很大改善,它使|VTP |下降1.1V,也容易获得合适的VTN值并能提高开关速度和集成度。
超大规模集成电路设计导论课程设计介绍超大规模集成电路(Very Large-Scale Integration,简称VLSI)是指将许多电子器件、电子元件和电路系统高度集成在一起,形成一个功能强大的芯片。
VLSI 技术是电子信息科学与技术的重要分支之一,应用范围广泛,从计算机芯片到计算机网络、通信系统、控制系统等领域都有广泛的应用。
1、MOS集成电路的加工包括哪些基本工艺?各有哪些方法和工序?答:(1)热氧化工艺:包括干氧化法和湿氧化法;(2)扩散工艺:包括扩散法和离子注入法;(3)淀积工艺:化学淀积方法:1 外延生长法;2 热CVD法;3 等离子CVD 法;物理淀积方法:1 溅射法;2 真空蒸发法(4)光刻工艺:工序包括:1 涂光刻胶;2 预烘干;3 掩膜对准;4 曝光;5 显影;6 后烘干;7 腐蚀;8 去胶。
3、说明MOS晶体管的工作原理答:MOS晶体管有四种工作状态:(1)截止状态:即源漏之间不加电压时,沟道各电场强度相等,沟道厚度均匀,S、D之间没有电流I ds=0;(2)线性工作状态:漏源之间加电压Vds时,漏端接正,源端接负,沟道厚度不再均匀,在D端电位升为V d,栅漏极电位差为Vgs-Vtn,电场强度变弱,反型层变薄,并在沟道上产生由D到S的电场E ds,使得多数载流子由S端流向D端形成电流I ds,它与V ds变化呈线性关系:I ds=βn[(V gs-V tn)-V ds/2]V ds(3)饱和工作状态:Vs继续增大到V gs-V tn时,D端栅极与衬底不足以形成反型层,出现沟道夹断,电子运动到夹断点V gs-V ds=V tn时,便进入耗尽区,在漂移作用下,电子被漏极高电位吸引过去,便形成饱和电流,沟道夹断后,(V gs-V tn)不变,I ds 也不变,即MOS工作进入饱和状态,I ds=V gs-V tn/R c(4)击穿状态:当Vds增加到一定极限时,由于电压过高,晶体管D端得PN结发生雪崩击穿,电流急剧增加,晶体管不能正常工作。
1 VLSI设计的层次以及每一层主要关注的对象,未来VLSI Design Flow and Abstraction; Future.Major levels of abstractionSpecification,技术规范设计用户提出对芯片用途、运行速度等的说明,规范多数是不完全的,只是一组要求Behavior,行为级设计行为描述比规范说明详细,规范通常用文字描述,而行为通常用可执行程序建模来描述Register-transfer,寄存器传输级设计系统的时间行为是完全确定的,一直每个时钟周期内的输入信号和输出信号而逻辑信号并不是以逻辑门形式给出的,系统功能由存储在抽象存储单元中的布尔函数来定义,从不而落就函数中仅仅能得到粗略的延时和面积估计Logic逻辑设计根据逻辑门、锁存器和触发器的布尔逻辑特性进行系统设计,尽管已知系统结构,但还是不能计算完全的精确延时Circuit电路设计由晶体管实现电路系统Layout版图设计及早前的最后一级设计,由版图提取出寄生电阻和电容,然后加到所描述的电路中,从而进行更精确的仿真。
FutureVLSI technology is going to 14nm, and will scale down to the limit of molecule or atom level (Stability?)– Power: Important for portable device to decrease leakage current.– Interconnect: When VLSI technology scale down, the delay of interconnect is more and more important, because the RC of interconnect is almost no changed (the switch time of transistor is decreased)– 3D transistor and 3D IC– Wafer level package–Design complexity: Integrated with biologic and optic device, and MEMS, and co-design with software, the ICs will be more intelligent --How to reuse?C-nanotube, successors?在碳纳米管的内部可以填充金属、氧化物等物质,这样碳纳米管可以作为模具,首先用金属等物质灌满碳纳米管,再把碳层腐蚀掉,就可以制备出最细的纳米尺度的导线,或者全新的一维材料,在未来的分子电子学器件或纳米电子学器件中得到应用。
0: Introduction
CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed.
nMOS Operation
Body is usually tied to ground (0 V) When the gate is at a low voltage: – P-type body is at low voltage – Source-body and drain-body diodes are OFF – No current flows, transistor is OFF
n+ p substrate
p+ n well
p+n+来自substrate tap
well tap
0: Introduction
CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed.
Inverter Mask Set
Transistors and wires are defined by masks Cross-section taken along dashed line
A GND Y VDD SiO2 n+ diffusion n+ n+ p substrate nMOS transistor pMOS transistor p+ n well p+ p+ diffusion polysilicon metal1
0: Introduction
CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed.
p-type anode
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VLSI复习题型:缩写5题10分简答12题60分计算3题30分Chapter 011.How to evaluate performance•Cost•Reliability•Speed (delay, operating frequency)•Power dissipation2.Regenerative property3.Delay :Chapter 021.Inverter layout2.Photolithography process1)Oxidation layering(氧化层)2)Pthotoresist coating(涂光刻胶)3)Stepper exposure(光刻机曝光)4)Photoresist development and bake(光刻胶的显影和烘干)5)Acid etching(酸刻蚀)6)Spin, rinse, and dry(旋转,清洗和干燥)7)Various process steps:Ion implantation(离子注入)Plasma etching(等离子刻蚀)Metal deposition(金属沉淀)8)Photoresist removal( or ashing) 去除光刻胶(即“沙洗”)Chapter 031.Linear/ Saturation mode2.Long channel vs short channel3.Capacitances= structure capacitances+channel capacitances+MOS diffusion capacitances4.Resistance=MOS sructure resistance+source and drain resistance+cantact resistance+wiringresistanceWith silicidation R方块ˆ is reduced to the range 1 to 4 Ω/方块(source and drain resistance)Chapter 041.C wire = C pp + C fringe + C interwire2.Dealing with resistance:1)Use better interconnect materials2)More interconnect layers3.RC Mode•Lumped RC model–total wire resistance is lumped into a single R and total capacitance into a single C–good for short wires; pessimistic and inaccurate for long wires•Distributed RC model–circuit parasitics are distributed along the length, L, of the wire4.DelayDelay of a wire is a quadratic function of its length, LThe delay is 1/2 of that predicted (by the lumped model)5.Reflection coefficient【画传输图(or 波形),计算题】Chapter 051.V M∝(W/L)p/(W/L)nIncreasing the width of the PMOS moves V M towards V DD,‰Increasing the width of theNMOS moves V M towards GND.2.Delay3.Power in CMOS1.Dynamic power consumption: charging and discharging capacitors;Not a function of transistor sizes;Need to reduce C L,Vdd,and f to reduce power.2.Short circuit currents: short circuit path supply rails during switching;Keep the input and output rise/fall times the same;If Vdd<Vtn+|Vtp|,then short-circuit power can be eliminated.3.Leakage: leaking diodes and transistors4.Technology scaling modelsFull scalingFixed voltage scalingGeneral scalingChapter 061.Static CMOS- output connected to either Vdd or GND via a low-resistance path⏹High noise margins⏹Low output impedance, high input impedance⏹No steady state path between Vdd and GND⏹Delay is a function of load capacitance and transistor resistanceDynamic CMOS--relies on temporary storage of signal values on capacitance of high-impedance circuit nodes.⏹Simpler, faster gates⏹Increased sensitivity to noise2.Static vs dynamic circuit⏹In static circuit at every point in time (except when switching) the output is connectedto either GND or V DD via a low resistance path.--fan-in of N requires 2N devices⏹Dynamic circuits rely on the temporary storage of signal values on the capacitance ofhigh impedance nodes--requires only N+2 transistors--takes a sequence of precharge and conditional evaluation phases to realize logicfunctions.●conditions on output1) once the optput of a dynamic gate is discharged, it cannot be charged again until thenext precharge opreation.2) Inputs to the gate can make at most one transition during evaluation.3) Output can be in the high impedance state during and after evaluation(PDN off), stateis stored in C L.●Properties of Dynamic Gates1)Logic function is implemented by the PDN only–number of transistors is N + 2 (versus 2N for static complementary CMOS)–should be smaller in area than static complementary CMOS2)Full swing outputs (VOL = GND and VOH = VDD)3)Nonratioed--sizing of the devices is not important for proper functioning (only for performance)4) Faster switching speeds5) Power dissipation should be better- consumes only dynamic power –no short circuit power consumption since the pull- up path is not on when evaluating-lower C L--both C int(since there are fewer transistors connected to the drain outpu t) and C ext(since there the output load is one per connectedgate, not two) -by construction can have at most one transition per cycle – no glitching6) Needs a percharge clockbinational vs Sequential logic4.Why PMOS in PUN and NMOS in PDN?Threshold drops5.Ratioed logic: Pseudo-NMOS→Small area and load, but static power dissipationChapter 07tch vs Register⏹Latch: level sensitive----As for positive: passes inputs to Q when the clock is high----transparent mode;When clock is low----hold mode⏹Flip-flop: edge sensitive2.Bistable circuit:The cross coupling of two inverters results in a bistablecircuit (a circuit with two stable states)⏹Have to be able to change the stored value by making A (or B) temporarily unstable byincreasing the loop gain to a value larger than 1Done by applying a trigger pulse at Vi1 or Vi2the width of the trigger pulse need be only a little larger than the total propagation delayaround the loop circuit (twice the delay of an inverter)⏹Two approaches used1.cutting the feedback loop (mux based latch)2.overpowering the feedback loop (as used in SRAMs)3.MS ET timing properties⏹Set-up time: time before rising edge of clk that D must be valid⏹Propagation delay: time for QM to reach Q⏹Hold time: time D must be stable after rising edge of clk4.Pipelining5.Schmitt Trigger(rise—P; fall—N)Chapter 091.Cross Talk: An unwanted coupling from a neighboring signal wire to a network nodeintroduces an interference that is generally called cross talk.2.Dealing with Capacitive Cross Talk•Avoid floating nodes•Protect sensitive nodes•Make rise and fall times as large as possible•Differential signaling•Do not run wires together for a long distance•Use shielding wires•Use shielding layers3.Cross Talk and Performance: when neighboring lines switch in opposite direction of victimline, delay increases.4.Impact of resistance is commonly seen in power supply distribution:–IR drop–Voltage variationsChapter 101.Clock Nonidealities:⏹Clock skew: Spatial variation in temporally equivalent clock edges;⏹Clock jitter: Temporal variations in consecutive edges of the clock signal⏹Variation of the pulse width2.Clock Uncertainties----Source of clock uncertainty(图形填空)(重点)简答题:•Clock‐Signal Generation (1)•Manufacturing Device Variations (2)•Interconnect Variations (3)•Environmental Variations (4 and 5)•Capacitive Coupling (6 and 7)3.Impact of Positive/Negative Clock Skew and Clock jitter (重点)1.Positive clock skew:Clock and data flow in the same direction2.Negative clock skew: Clock and data flow in opposite directions3.Jitter cause T to vary on a cycle-by-cycle basisCombined impact of skew and jitter:Constraints on the minimum clock period (positive)4.To reduce dynamic power, the clock network must support clock gating (shutting down(disabling the clock ) units)5. Clock distribution techniques--Balanced paths(H-tree network, matched RC trees)--Clock grids: minimize absolute delay6.Matched RC trees, represents a floor plan that distributes the clock signal so that the interconnections carrying the clock signals to the functional subblocks are of equal length.7. 彩图9:The unbalanced load creates a large skew, by careful tuning of the wire width, the load is balanced, minimizing the skew.8. Dealing with Clock Skew and Jitter•To minimize skew, balance clock paths using H-treeor matched-tree clock distribution structures. •If possible, route data and clock in opposite directions;eliminates races at the cost of performance.•The use of gated clocks to help with dynamic power consumption make jitter worse.•Shield clock wires (route power lines –VDD or GND –next to clock lines) to minimize/eliminate coupling with neighboring signal nets.•Use dummy fills to reduce skew by reducing variations in interconnect capacitances dueto interlayer dielectric thickness variations.•Beware of temperature and supply rail variations and their effects on skew and jitter. •Power supply noise fundamentally limits the performance of clock networks.Chapter 111.Full adder(P=A+B)2.Static vs dynamic Manchester Carry ChainStatic dynamic3.Square Root Carry Select Adder (PPT 24)4.Wallace‐Tree Multiplier(PPT 32)5.Logarithmic ShifterChapter 121.Semiconductor Memory Classification2.Bit line & word line3.Memory Timing(DRAM vs SRAM)DRAM: Multiplexde AddressingSRAM: Self-timed Address Switching/Changing 4.MOS OR ROM5. SRAM vs DRAM6. DRAM Timing7. SRAM ATD(Address Transition Detection)Chapter 131.Two Important Test Properties•Controllability ‐measures the ease of bringing anode to a given condition using only the input pins•Observability ‐measures the ease of observing thevalue of a node at the output pins2.Test Approaches•Ad‐hoc testing•Scan based test•Self test3.Scan Register11。