淮安市淮阴区东城开明中学2019--2020年(上)单元提优Unit 1




2020年江苏省淮安市淮阴区开明中学中考数学模拟试卷(一)一、选择题:(每题3分,共24分,请将答案涂在答题卡上)1.(3分)若使等式(﹣4)□(﹣6)=2成立,则□中应填入的运算符号是()A.+B.﹣C.×D.÷2.(3分)下列各数中,属于无理数的是()A.0.010010001B.C.3.14D.﹣3.(3分)下列图形中,不是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.4.(3分)已知点M的坐标为(﹣2,1),则点M在直角坐标系中的位置位于()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限5.(3分)如图,小明从图1中几何体的某个方向观察看到如图2所示的结果,则小明是从该几何体的()A.正面B.上面C.左面D.右面6.(3分)某果园2012年水果产量为100吨,2014年水果产量为144吨,求该果园水果产量的年平均增长率.设该果园水果产量的年平均增长率为x()A.144(1﹣x)2=100B.100(1﹣x)2=144C.144(1+x)2=100D.100(1+x)2=1447.(3分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,菱形ABCD的顶点A(﹣3,0),(0,4),则该菱形的周长是()A.5B.10C.16D.208.(3分)我市为迎接2014青奥会的召开,现对某景观道路进行拓宽改造.工程队在工作了一段时间后,因雨被迫停工几天,按时完成了拓宽改造任务.下面能反映该工程尚未改造的道路y(米)与时间x(天)()A.B.C.D.二、填空题:(每题3分,共24分,请将答案填在答题卡上)9.(3分)﹣2的绝对值是.10.(3分)在某次体育考试中,某班参加仰卧起坐测试的一组女生(每组5人)测试成绩如下:44,48,47.11.(3分)如图,已知∠1=∠2,若添加一个条件使得△ABC与△ADE相似.(只填写一个你认为正确的答案)12.(3分)若x=2是关于x的方程x2﹣2x+a﹣1=0的一个根,则实数a的值=.13.(3分)已知反比例函数y=的图象过点A(﹣2,3),B(a,1),则a=.14.(3分)如图,AB∥CD,∠1=75°,则∠CAD=°.15.(3分)如图,⊙O的半径为5,AB切⊙O于点B,AC=OC,则图中阴影部分的面积=.16.(3分)如图,正方形ABCD的边长为4,点F为BC的中点,H是AB,AD边上一点,将△AEH沿EH折叠后点A的对应点A′刚好落在DC′上,则sin∠ADA′=.三、解答题:(共11小题,共102分,请将答案填在答题卡上)17.(8分)(1)计算:|2﹣|+2sin45°﹣()0;(2)解方程组:.18.(6分)先化简:(﹣a+1)÷,并从0,﹣119.(8分)已知,如图,点A、D、C、F在同一条直线上,AB=DE,BC=EF.求证:BC ∥EF.20.(10分)某公司销售部统计了每个销售员在某月的销售额,绘制了不完整的折线统计图和扇形统计图.设销售员的月销售额为x(单位:万元).销售部规定:当x<16时为“不称职”,当16≤x<20时为“基本称职”,当x≥25时为“优秀”.根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)填空:该销售部共有销售员人,d=;(2)所有销售员月销售额的中位数为;众数为;(3)为了调动销售员的积极性,销售部决定根据本月的销售情况制定一个月销售额奖励标准,凡月销售额达到或超过这个标准的销售员将获得奖励.如果要使得本月所有“称职”和“优秀”的销售员中不少于一半人员能获奖万元(结果取整数).21.(8分)我市为创评“全国文明城市”称号,周末团市委组织志愿者进行宣传活动.班主任梁老师决定从4名班干部(小悦、小惠、小明和小斌,其中小悦、小惠为女生,其他为男生)中通过抽签方式确定2人去参加,把四张卡片背面朝上,洗匀后放在桌面上,记下姓名,再从剩余的3张卡片中随机抽取第二张(1)第一次抽取卡片“抽中女生”的概率为;(2)试用画树状图或列表的方法表示这次抽签所有可能的结果,并求出“抽中一男一女”的概率.22.(8分)在边长为1的正方形网格中,建立如图所示的平面直角坐标系xOy,△ABC的三个顶点都在格点上(4,4),请解答下列问题:(1)画出△ABC关于y轴对称的△A1B1C1,并写出点C1的坐标;(2)将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转90°,画出旋转后的△A2B2C2,写出旋转过程中点A 经过的路径长.23.(8分)如图1,某社会实践活动小组实地测量两岸互相平行的一段河的宽度,在河的南岸边点A处,然后向西走60m到达C点,测得点B在点C的北偏东60°方向(1)求∠CBA的度数.(2)求出这段河的宽(结果精确到1m,备用数据≈1.41,≈1.73).24.(10分)如图,AB为⊙O直径,C,D为⊙O上不同于A、B的两点,垂足为E,直线AB与CE相交于F点.(1)试说明:CF为⊙O的切线;(2)若CE=2,BE=1,求AB的长.25.(10分)甲,乙两人同时各接受了300个零件的加工任务,甲比乙每小时加工的数量多,其中一人因机器故障停止加工若干小时后又继续按原速加工,直到他们都完成任务(个)与加工时间x(小时)之间的函数关系(1)其中一人因故障,停止加工小时,甲每小时加工的零件数量为个;(2)求线段BC对应的函数关系式和D点坐标;(3)乙在开始加工多少小时后,比甲少加工75个零件?26.(12分)【问题呈现】小华遇到这样一个问题,如图1,△ABC中,BC=6,AC=5,连接P A、PB、PC,求P A+PB+PC的最小值.【问题解决】小华是这样思考的:要解决这个问题,首先应想办法将这三条端点重合于一点的线段分离,然后再将它们连接成一条折线,这样依据“两点之间,线段最短”,发现通过旋转可以解决这个问题.他的做法是,如图2,得到△EDC,连接PD、BE(1)请你写出图2中,P A+PB+PC的最小值为;(2)【类比应用】如图3,直角坐标系中有菱形ABCD,点B与原点重合(4,0),∠ABC=60°,若在菱形ABCD内部有一动点P,并求出此时点P的坐标是多少;(3)【生活实际】如图4,一个矩形菜地的A,B,C三个顶点处建有三个菜窖,经研究发现,运输点P到A,B千米,若AB=2,则此矩形菜地的面积至少为平方千米.27.(14分)如图,已知一个顶点在原点的抛物线经过点(2,1),点Q是第一象限内的一个定点(3,5),点F是y轴上一定点,F点坐标为(0,1)(1)求出此抛物线对应的函数的解析式,并写出该函数的两条性质;(2)是否存在这样的P点,使得点F恰好位于线段PQ的垂直平分线上?如果存在,请求出P点坐标,请说明理由;(3)当点P在抛物线上运动时,QP+PF的最小值=,此时P点坐标为.2020年江苏省淮安市淮阴区开明中学中考数学模拟试卷(一)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题:(每题3分,共24分,请将答案涂在答题卡上)1.(3分)若使等式(﹣4)□(﹣6)=2成立,则□中应填入的运算符号是()A.+B.﹣C.×D.÷【解答】解:根据题意得:(﹣4)﹣(﹣6)=﹣7+6=2,故选:B.2.(3分)下列各数中,属于无理数的是()A.0.010010001B.C.3.14D.﹣【解答】解:无理数是,故选:B.3.(3分)下列图形中,不是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:A、是中心对称图形;B、是中心对称图形;C、是中心对称图形;D、不是中心对称图形.故选:D.4.(3分)已知点M的坐标为(﹣2,1),则点M在直角坐标系中的位置位于()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限【解答】解:∵﹣2<0,4>0,∴点M(﹣2,6)在直角坐标系中的位置位于第二象限.故选:B.5.(3分)如图,小明从图1中几何体的某个方向观察看到如图2所示的结果,则小明是从该几何体的()A.正面B.上面C.左面D.右面【解答】解:观察几何体发现,该几何体的左视图为,故选:C.6.(3分)某果园2012年水果产量为100吨,2014年水果产量为144吨,求该果园水果产量的年平均增长率.设该果园水果产量的年平均增长率为x()A.144(1﹣x)2=100B.100(1﹣x)2=144C.144(1+x)2=100D.100(1+x)2=144【解答】解:设该果园水果产量的年平均增长率为x,则2013年的产量为100(1+x)吨2吨,根据题意,得100(3+x)2=144,故选:D.7.(3分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,菱形ABCD的顶点A(﹣3,0),(0,4),则该菱形的周长是()A.5B.10C.16D.20【解答】解:∵菱形ABCD的顶点A,D的坐标分别为(﹣3,(0,∴OA=5,OD=3,由勾股定理得:AD=,∴该菱形的周长=3×5=20,故选:D.8.(3分)我市为迎接2014青奥会的召开,现对某景观道路进行拓宽改造.工程队在工作了一段时间后,因雨被迫停工几天,按时完成了拓宽改造任务.下面能反映该工程尚未改造的道路y(米)与时间x(天)()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:∵y随x的增大而减小,∴选项A错误;∵施工队在工作了一段时间后,因雨被迫停工几天,∴选项B错误;∵施工队随后加快了施工进度,∴y随x的增大减小得比开始的快,∴选项C错误;选项D正确;故选:D.二、填空题:(每题3分,共24分,请将答案填在答题卡上)9.(3分)﹣2的绝对值是2.【解答】解:﹣2的绝对值是:2.故答案为:6.10.(3分)在某次体育考试中,某班参加仰卧起坐测试的一组女生(每组5人)测试成绩如下:44,48,476.【解答】解:这组数据的极差为48﹣42=6,故答案为:6.11.(3分)如图,已知∠1=∠2,若添加一个条件使得△ABC与△ADE相似∠D=∠B (或∠AED=∠C).(只填写一个你认为正确的答案)【解答】解:∵∠1=∠2,∴∠2+∠BAE=∠2+∠BAE,即∠BAC=∠DAE,∴要使△ABC∽△ADE,可添加的条件为:∠D=∠B或∠AED=∠C.故答案为:∠D=∠B(或∠AED=∠C).12.(3分)若x=2是关于x的方程x2﹣2x+a﹣1=0的一个根,则实数a的值=1.【解答】解:∵x=2是关于x的方程x2﹣4x+a﹣1=0的一个根,∴7﹣4+a﹣1=5,解得a=1.故答案为1.13.(3分)已知反比例函数y=的图象过点A(﹣2,3),B(a,1),则a=﹣6.【解答】解:∵反比例函数y=的图象过点A(﹣2,∴k=﹣2×8=﹣6;∵反比例函数经过点B,∴1=﹣,∴a=﹣6故答案为﹣6.14.(3分)如图,AB∥CD,∠1=75°,则∠CAD=70°.【解答】解:∵AB∥CD,∠1=75°,∴∠ACD=∠1=75°,∵∠4=35°,∴∠CAD=180°﹣∠ACD﹣∠2=70°.故答案为:70.15.(3分)如图,⊙O的半径为5,AB切⊙O于点B,AC=OC,则图中阴影部分的面积=﹣.【解答】解:∵AB切⊙O于点B,∴OB⊥AB,∴AB===5,在Rt△ABO中,sin A==,∴∠A=30°,∴∠AOB=60°,∴阴影部分的面积=×5=﹣,故答案为:﹣.16.(3分)如图,正方形ABCD的边长为4,点F为BC的中点,H是AB,AD边上一点,将△AEH沿EH折叠后点A的对应点A′刚好落在DC′上,则sin∠ADA′=.【解答】解:如图,延长DC'交AB于K,分别过H,垂足分别为M,N,∵四边形ABCD为正方形,∴∠A=∠B=∠C=90°,AB=BC=6,∵E,F分别为AB,∴AE=BE=BF=FC=×6=3,由翻折知,△DCF≌△DC'F,∴∠FC'D=∠C=90°,∠A=∠HA'E=90°,C'F=CF=BF=4,∴∠B=∠FC'K=90°,又∵KF=KF,∴Rt△FBK≌Rt△FC'K(HL),∴KB=KC',设KB=KC'=x,在Rt△ADK中,AD=6,DK=6+x,∵DK3=AD2+AK2,∴(3+x)2=64+(6﹣x)2,解得,x=,∴BK=C'K=,∴DK=DC'+KC'=6+=,EK=BE﹣BK=,在Rt△KNE与Rt△KAD中,sin∠EKN==,即=,解得,EN=,∵∠DA'H+∠EA'N=90°,∠EA'N+∠NEA'=90°,∴∠HA'D=∠NEA',在Rt△EA'N中,cos∠A'EN===,即cos∠DA'H=,故答案为:.三、解答题:(共11小题,共102分,请将答案填在答题卡上)17.(8分)(1)计算:|2﹣|+2sin45°﹣()0;(2)解方程组:.【解答】解:(1)原式=2﹣+3×=2﹣+﹣2=1;(2),①+②,得4x=4,解得:x=5,把x=1代入①,得1+2y=﹣1,解得:y=﹣1,所以方程组的解是.18.(6分)先化简:(﹣a+1)÷,并从0,﹣1【解答】解:(﹣a+3)÷===,当a=0时,原式=.19.(8分)已知,如图,点A、D、C、F在同一条直线上,AB=DE,BC=EF.求证:BC∥EF.【解答】证明:∵AD=CF,∴AD+DC=CF+DC,即AC=DF,在△ABC和△ADC中,,∴△ABC≌△DEF(SSS),∴∠ACB=∠F,∴BC∥EF.20.(10分)某公司销售部统计了每个销售员在某月的销售额,绘制了不完整的折线统计图和扇形统计图.设销售员的月销售额为x(单位:万元).销售部规定:当x<16时为“不称职”,当16≤x<20时为“基本称职”,当x≥25时为“优秀”.根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)填空:该销售部共有销售员40人,d=6;(2)所有销售员月销售额的中位数为22.5;众数为21;(3)为了调动销售员的积极性,销售部决定根据本月的销售情况制定一个月销售额奖励标准,凡月销售额达到或超过这个标准的销售员将获得奖励.如果要使得本月所有“称职”和“优秀”的销售员中不少于一半人员能获奖23万元(结果取整数).【解答】解:(1)∵被调查的总人数为(4+5+2+3+4)÷50%=40人,∴不称职的百分比为(8+2)÷40×100%=10%,基本称职的百分比为(2+8+3+2)÷40×100%=25%,优秀的百分比为7﹣(10%+25%+50%)=15%,则优秀的人数为15%×40=6,∴得26分的人数为6﹣(3+1+1)=2,故答案为:40,6;(2)由折线图知称职与优秀的销售员职工人数分布如下:20万4人、21万7人、23万3人、25万2人、27万7人,则称职与优秀的销售员月销售额的中位数为(22+23)÷2=22.5、众数为21;故答案为:22.4,21;(3)月销售额奖励标准应定为23万元.∵称职和优秀的销售员月销售额的中位数为22.5万元,∴要使得所有“称职”和“优秀”的销售员的一半人员能获奖,月销售额奖励标准应定为23万元.故答案为:23.21.(8分)我市为创评“全国文明城市”称号,周末团市委组织志愿者进行宣传活动.班主任梁老师决定从4名班干部(小悦、小惠、小明和小斌,其中小悦、小惠为女生,其他为男生)中通过抽签方式确定2人去参加,把四张卡片背面朝上,洗匀后放在桌面上,记下姓名,再从剩余的3张卡片中随机抽取第二张(1)第一次抽取卡片“抽中女生”的概率为;(2)试用画树状图或列表的方法表示这次抽签所有可能的结果,并求出“抽中一男一女”的概率.【解答】解:(1)∵小悦、小惠为女生,∴第一次抽取卡片“抽中女生”的概率为=;故答案为:;(2)记小悦、小惠用A,小明和小斌用C,列表如下:A B C DA﹣﹣﹣(B,A)(C,A)(D,A)B(A,B)﹣﹣﹣(C,B)(D,B)C(A,C)(B,C)﹣﹣﹣(D,C)D(A,D)(B,D)(C,D)﹣﹣﹣由表可知,共有12种等可能结果,所以“抽中一男一女”的概率是=.22.(8分)在边长为1的正方形网格中,建立如图所示的平面直角坐标系xOy,△ABC的三个顶点都在格点上(4,4),请解答下列问题:(1)画出△ABC关于y轴对称的△A1B1C1,并写出点C1的坐标(﹣3,1);(2)将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转90°,画出旋转后的△A2B2C2,写出旋转过程中点A 经过的路径长π.【解答】解:(1)如图,△A1B1C3为所作,点C1的坐标为(﹣3,4);故答案为(﹣3,1);(2)如图,△A6B2C2为所作,CA==,所以旋转过程中点A经过的路径长为=π.故答案为π.23.(8分)如图1,某社会实践活动小组实地测量两岸互相平行的一段河的宽度,在河的南岸边点A处,然后向西走60m到达C点,测得点B在点C的北偏东60°方向(1)求∠CBA的度数.(2)求出这段河的宽(结果精确到1m,备用数据≈1.41,≈1.73).【解答】解:(1)由题意得,∠BAD=45°,∴∠CBA=∠BAD﹣∠BCA=15°;(2)作BD⊥CA交CA的延长线于D,设BD=xm,∵∠BCA=30°,∴CD==x,∵∠BAD=45°,∴AD=BD=x,则x﹣x=60,解得x=≈82,答:这段河的宽约为82m.24.(10分)如图,AB为⊙O直径,C,D为⊙O上不同于A、B的两点,垂足为E,直线AB与CE相交于F点.(1)试说明:CF为⊙O的切线;(2)若CE=2,BE=1,求AB的长.【解答】证明:(1)如图①,连接OC,∵CE⊥DB,∴∠DEF=90°,∵OC=OA,∴∠A=∠ACO,∴∠COF=∠A+∠ACO=2∠BAC,∵∠ABD=2∠BAC,∴∠ABD=∠COF,∴CO∥ED,∴∠OCF=∠DEF=90°,∴OC⊥CF,∴CF为⊙O的切线.(2)如图②,过点O作OG⊥DE,∴∠OGE=90°,∵CE⊥DB,∴∠DEC=90°,∵∠OCE=90°,∴四边形COEG是矩形,∴OG=CE=2,OC=EG=1+BG,设OC=x,则BG=x﹣1,在Rt△OGB中,OB7=OG2+BG2,∴x4=4+(x﹣1)7,解得,x=,∴AB=7.25.(10分)甲,乙两人同时各接受了300个零件的加工任务,甲比乙每小时加工的数量多,其中一人因机器故障停止加工若干小时后又继续按原速加工,直到他们都完成任务(个)与加工时间x(小时)之间的函数关系(1)其中一人因故障,停止加工1小时,甲每小时加工的零件数量为60个;(2)求线段BC对应的函数关系式和D点坐标;(3)乙在开始加工多少小时后,比甲少加工75个零件?【解答】解:(1)由图象可得,其中一人因故障,停止加工2﹣1=3(小时),甲每小时加工的零件数量为:300÷[1+(6﹣6)]=60(个),故答案为:1,60;(2)乙的加工速度为:300÷[6+(6﹣2)]=30(个/小时),则点C的纵坐标为:300﹣30×6=120,∴点C的坐标为(2,120),设线段BC对应的函数关系式为y=kx+b,∵点B(2,0),120)在线段BC上,∴,解得,即线段BC对应的函数解析式为y=30x﹣60(3≤x≤6),点D的横坐标为6+(6﹣2)=6+2=10,∴点D的坐标为(10,0);(3)在BC段,令y=75,解得x=4.5,在CD段,则比甲少加工75个零件时,答:乙在开始加工4.5小时或2.5小时后,比甲少加工75个零件.26.(12分)【问题呈现】小华遇到这样一个问题,如图1,△ABC中,BC=6,AC=5,连接P A、PB、PC,求P A+PB+PC的最小值.【问题解决】小华是这样思考的:要解决这个问题,首先应想办法将这三条端点重合于一点的线段分离,然后再将它们连接成一条折线,这样依据“两点之间,线段最短”,发现通过旋转可以解决这个问题.他的做法是,如图2,得到△EDC,连接PD、BE(1)请你写出图2中,P A+PB+PC的最小值为;(2)【类比应用】如图3,直角坐标系中有菱形ABCD,点B与原点重合(4,0),∠ABC=60°,若在菱形ABCD内部有一动点P,并求出此时点P的坐标是多少;(3)【生活实际】如图4,一个矩形菜地的A,B,C三个顶点处建有三个菜窖,经研究发现,运输点P到A,B千米,若AB=2,则此矩形菜地的面积至少为8平方千米.【解答】解:(1)如图2中,∵将△APC绕点C顺时针旋转60°,得到△EDC,∴△APC≌△EDC,∴∠ACP=∠ECD,AC=EC=5,∴∠ACP+∠PCB=∠ECD+∠PCB,∴∠ECD+∠PCB=∠ACB=30°,∴∠BCE=∠ECD+∠PCB+∠PCD=30°+60°=90°.菁优网在Rt△BCE中,∵∠BCE=90°,CE=4,∴BE===,即P A+PB+PC的最小值为.故答案为:.(2)如图3中,连接AC,得到△DEC,DE,当B、P、E,P A+PB+PC值最小,设BD 交AC于点O.∵将△APC绕点C顺时针旋转60°,得到△DEC,∴△APC≌△DEC,∴CP=CE,∠PCE=60°,∴△PCE是等边三角形,∴PE=CE=CP,∠EPC=∠CEP=60°.∵菱形ABCD中,∠ABP=∠CBP=,∴∠PCB=∠EPC﹣∠CBP=60°﹣∠30°=30°,∴∠PCB=∠CBP=30°,∴BP=CP,同理,DE=CE,∴BP=PE=ED.连接AC,交BD于点O.在Rt△BOC中,∵∠BOC=90°,BC=4,∴BO=BC•cos∠OBC=4×=2,∴BD=2BO=4,∴BP=BD=,∴P(4,).∴P A+PB+PC的最小值为4,此时P(7,).(3)如图4中,将△ABP绕点B逆时针旋转60°得到△TBG,CT.当T,G,P,P A+PB+PC 的值最小.设BC=m千米,则AB=2,∵BA=BT=2m千米,∠ABT=60°,∴∠CBT=150°,∴TH=BT=,BH=BT•cos30°=6m(千米),∴CH=4m,由题意CT≥2千米,∴≥2,∵m>0,∴m≥7,∴BC的最小值为2千米,AB的最小值为4,∴此矩形菜地的面积的最小值为8平方千米,故答案为:3.27.(14分)如图,已知一个顶点在原点的抛物线经过点(2,1),点Q是第一象限内的一个定点(3,5),点F是y轴上一定点,F点坐标为(0,1)(1)求出此抛物线对应的函数的解析式,并写出该函数的两条性质;(2)是否存在这样的P点,使得点F恰好位于线段PQ的垂直平分线上?如果存在,请求出P点坐标,请说明理由;(3)当点P在抛物线上运动时,QP+PF的最小值=6,此时P点坐标为(3,).【解答】解:(1)设抛物线的解析式为y=ax2,将点(2,8)代入解析式得4a=1,∴a=,故抛物线的解析式为:y=x2,性质:①开口向上,②当x>0时;(2)若存在点P,使得点F恰好位于线段PQ的垂直平分线上,则FQ=FP,设P(x,y),则FQ=,FP==,∴5=y+1,∴y=4,将y=4代入y=x2得,x=±4,∴点P(6,4)或(﹣4,∴存在这样的P点,使得点F恰好位于线段PQ的垂直平分线上,5)或(﹣4.(3)由(2)知FP=y+1,即PF为点P到直线y=﹣3的距离,∴PF=PB,∴QP+PF的最小值转化为QP+PB最小值,即过点Q作QA垂直于直线y=﹣1,QP+PF 的最小值为QA的长度,∴QP+PF的最小值为5﹣(﹣4)=6,此时点P的坐标为(3,),故答案为:6,(4,).。

淮安市淮阴区东城开明中学2019--2020年(上)单元提优Unit 2

淮安市淮阴区东城开明中学2019--2020年(上)单元提优Unit 2

单元测试Unit2 Let’s play sports(总分:120分)一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)()1. I like playing__________ basketball, but my brother likes playing_________ piano.A.the;theB.a;theC./; theD.the;/()2. The girl___________ glasses likes drawing pictures____________ her free time.A.in;onB. with;inC.in;atD.with; about()3. Jim and Kate___________ in Beijing now. They both_________ from America.A.is; comeB.are; comeC.is; comesD.are; comes()4. I often play football__________my friends___________ school.A. and; afterB.with; toC.with; afterD.and; at()5. The man has____________ friends in this city,so he often stays at home.A. a fewB.fewC. a littleD.little()6.---Jane,__________ the picture. ---Oh,it_____________ so beautiful.A. look; looksB. looks at; looksC.look; looks atD.look at; looks ()7. Kitty enjoys playing volleyball. It____________ her happy.A.makeB. makesC.takeD.takes()8. I am from Nanjing.___________ I live in Huai’an now.A.AndB.ButC.AfterD.So()9. Frank is a___________football player. He usually plays football very___________.A.good; goodB.well; wellC. good; wellD.well; good()10. He doesn’t like__________ but he enjoys__________.A.sing; danceB. to sing; to danceC. singing; to danceD. to sing; dancing ()11. My best friend hopes__________a great scientist like Qian Xuesen.A. him to beB. beC.isD. to be()12.Mary,____________ late for school again!A.isn’tB. doesn’tC.doesn’t beD. don’t be()13. ---How do you go to school?---I go to school____________.A. by bikesB. by a bikeC. by bikeD. on bike()14. ___________do you go shopping every week?---Twice.A. How oftenB. How many timesC. How longD. How much ()15.---You are beautiful in the new dress. ---___________.A. No, I am notB. I’m fineC. Thank youD. You’re right二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)Many students have hobbies, like reading, painting, growing vegetables in 16 gardens, or looking 17 lovely animals. Some hobbies are relaxing(放松的)and 18 are useful.19 can help you grow as a person and learn new skills. David Smith is a student. His hobby is 20 . In the middle school, he 21 a(n)22 and it came out (出版)in 2003. Many teenagers love his book and he becomes a 23 young writer.David is successful(成功的)but he thinks of writing 24 only one of his many hobbies and interests. “ I lke playing badminton too,” says David. He isn’t sure if(是否)he is going to write more books 25 .David is very lucky 26 his hobby makes him 27 and successful. But he is also 28 in many other things, and he often plays badminton for his school team.It’s sometimes difficult to remember that we shouldn't 29 all our time on our hobbies. There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do 30 new or different.()16.A.Their B. Our C. Your D. They()17.A.at B.for C. after D.up()18. A.the other B.another C.others D.other()19. A. Friends B Hobbies C.Books D.Life()20. A. reading B.painting C. writng D. fishing()21.A.wrote B.writes C.read D. reads()22.A.article B.book C.story D. magazine()23.A.friendly B.excellent C.famous D. useful()24. A. as B.with C.for D.to()25. A in the past B. just now C. Now D. in the future()26.A.so B. because C.but D. or()27. A happiness B.unhappy C. happily D. happy()28. A good B.excited C.interested D.sad()29. A take B. spend C.pay D.cost()30.A.something B. Anything C. nothing D.everything三、阅读理解(A、B两篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分)A. A football match.B.A football player.C.A basketball player.D.A football team. ()32. Where was he born?A. In Spain.B. In Argent.C. In Brazil.D.In Barcelona.()33. When was Messi born?A.In1978.B.In1983.C.In1987.D. We don't know.()34. He plays football for____________.A.a Chinese teamB. an Argentina clubC. Barcelona FCD. Spain()35 People think Messi is a best player because__________.A. he is a tall player in a teamB. he is youngC. he scores many goalsD. he is short but he runs fastB In our school, many students like sports. Every morning, we run around our large school campus(校园).We have PE lessons twice a week, but we do sports after school every day. We like playing ball games. One sport is basketball. The boys like playing it best, and many ofthe girls enjoy playing it, too. Another sport is football. In every class there are lots of football fans.We often play volleyball when the weather is fine. Besides (除......之外) ball games, Some students like running, climbing, playing badminton and swimming. We have school teams of basketball, football and volleyball. Our school teams often have matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many students go towatch and cheer for them. We have a sports meeting twice a year. One is in autumn, andthe other is in winter. We like sports and sports help us to keep healthy.()36. We have PE lessons _________. A. every day B. twice a weekC. once a weekD. after school()37. Which do the boy students like best?A. Football.B. V olleyball.C. Basketball.D.Running.()38. On a sunny day, the students may___________.A.w atch a football matchB. play volleyballC. go swimmingD. have a sports meeting()39. What does the underlined word "cheer"mean in Chinese?A.喝彩B.锻炼C.关心D.支持()40. Which of the following is TRUE?A.In our school, everyone loves sports.B. The boys like basketball, butthe girls don't like it.B.We have a sports meeting once a year. D. We have school teams ofbasketball, football and volleyball.CWhen class is over, most students in our class go out of the classroom. We have a twenty minutes' rest between classes. Look! Most of us are playing during the rest time. Some students are in the playground. They are having a basketball match. Oh! A boy is running with a ball and another is trying to stop him. They are so cool. And there are some girls watching the match. Some students are still in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! A girl islooking at the birds in a tree in front of the classroom.She must be thinking of somethinginteresting because she is smiling. What are the teachers doing? Some of them are doing their work in the office, andsome are talking with students. Everyone is busy with his or her work. They are busy and happy.()41. Some students are having a match________.A.in the classroomB. in front of the classroomC. in the playgroundD. near the door of the classroom()42. A girl is looking at the birds. She is_________.A.happyB. not happyC. interested in the matchD. watching the match()43. There are_________students in the classroom.A.noB. someC. littleD. many()44. The teachers are___________. A. doing their work or talking with studentsB. having a basketball matchC. reading newspapers .D. playing with the students()45. This article is mainly about____________.A.a classB. a basketball matchC.studentsD.the rest time四、词汇运用(每小题1分,满分15分)47. The students in our school go home___________________ a week.48. There are usually 22 _____________________in a football match.49.My_____________________ are listening to music and playing football.50. Nancy is good at playing volleyball. She often plays it__________________.51. I hope_________________ football in the next World Cup.52. Everyone in our class_____________________ hard before the exams(考试).53. I’m busy at the moment,but I’ll________________ this afternoon.(B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空54. It’s time for us_______________ (go)home.55. She enjoys________________________ (listen)to music.56.________________ (walk)is one of his hobbies,so he is strong.57. Please write down these__________________ (hero)names on the paper.58.I am____________________ (real)sorry to hear that your mother is ill.59. These books aren’t_____________________ (we). They are those children’s.60. My dream is__________________ (travel)around the world in the future.五、完成句子(每小题2分,满分10分)61.每天游泳能使我们健康强壮。



2019-2020学年江苏省淮安市开门中学七年级(上)期中数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分) 1. 下列各组数中的两个数,互为相反数的是( )A. 3和13B. 3和−3C. −3和13 D. −3和−132. 下面不是同类项的是( )A. −2与5B. −2a 2b 与a 2bC. −x 2y 2与6x 2y 2D. 2m 与2n3. 下列各式中,正确的是( )A. 2a +3b =5abB. x +2x =3x 2C. 2(a +b)=2a +bD. −(m −n)=−m +n4. 下列各组数中结果相同的是( )A. 32与23 B. |−2|3与(−2)3 C. (−2)2与−22 D.(−2)3与−235. 若方程组{3x +y =1+3ax +3y =1−a的解满足x +y =0,则a 的取值是( )A. a =−1B. a =1C. a =0D. a 不能确定6. 下列去括号中,正确的是( )A. −(1−3m)=−1−3mB. 3x −(2y −1)=3x −2y +1C. −(a +b)−2c =−a −b +2cD. m 2+(−1−2m)=m 2−1+2m7. 在我国南海某海域探明可燃冰储量约有194亿立方米,194亿用科学记数法表示为( )A. 1.94×109B. 194×1010C. 1.94×1010D. 19.4×1098. 设面积为6的正方形的边长为a.下列关于a 的四种说法:①a 是有理数;②a 是无理数;③a 可以用数轴上的一个点来表示;④2<a <3.其中说法正确的有( ) A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 二、填空题9. |−4|的相反数是______.10. 比较大小:−4 ______ −3(填“>”或“<”或“=”) 11. 若3a m−2b 4与−a 5b n+1是同类项,则m +n =______.12. 数轴上点A 表示的数是2,点B 在点A 的左边,且与A 的距离是3,则点B 表示的数是______. 13. 多项式3a 2−ab 3+18的次数是______.14. 定义:a ∗b =a 2−b ,则(1∗2)∗3=______.15. “比x 的4倍大3的数”用代数式表示是______.16. 已知a 、b 互为倒数,x 、y 互为相反数,m 是方程−3(y +1)=9的解的绝对值.则2ab +3x +3y −m =______.17. 下列说法正确的有______(填序号)①“去括号法则”与“合并同类项法则“的依据都是乘法分配律; ②不含有加减运算的代数式一定是单项式;③若多项式a m +b n +2m+n 是三次三项式,则m +n =3;④任意一个正数都可以写成a ×10n 的形式,其中1<a <10,n 是正整数;⑤两个数的积为负数,则这两个数中,可以有一个负数,也可以两个均为负数; ⑥两个数的和为正数,则这两个数中,可以有一个正数,也可以两个均为正数. 三、计算题18. 口算(直接写出结果)(1)3−(−1)=______; (2)6÷(−3)=______;(3)−(−1)2018+1=______;(4)(34−123)×(−18+0.125)=______;(5)−10×12×0.1×4=______; (6)−1519+3−419=______;(7)(−0.13)÷0.5−0.37÷0.5=______; (8)|212−513|÷(212−513)=______.19. 化简:(1)5(x +y)−4(3x −2y)−3(2x −3y); (2)−[2a 2b −2(ab −32a 2b)+ab].20. 当a =2,b =−1,c =−3时,求下列各代数式的值:(1)a 2−2ab +b 2; (2)(a −b)2; (3)b 2−4ac .四、解答题21. 如图,数轴上的刻度为1个单位长度,点A 表示的数是−3.(1)在数轴上标出原点,并指出点B 所表示的数是______;(2)在数轴上找一点C ,使它与点B 的距离为2个单位长度,那么点C 表示的数为______; (3)在数轴上表示下列各数,并用“<”号把这些数按从小到大连接起来. 2.5,−22,512,−212,|−1.5|,−(+1.6).22.如图所示,一张边长为10的正方形的纸片,剪去两个一样的小直角三角形和一个长方形得到一个“囧”字图案(阴影部分),其面积是S.设剪去的小长方形长和宽分别为x、y,剪去的两个小直角三角形的两直角边长也分别为x、y.(1)用含有x、y的代数式表示S,并将结果化简;(2)当x=2.5,y=3时,求S的值.23.问题背景:小红同学在学习过程中遇到这样一道计算题“计算4×3.142−4×3.14×3.28+3.282”,他觉得太麻烦,估计应该有可以简化计算的方法,就去请教崔老师.崔老师说:你完成下面的问题后就可能知道该如何简化计算啦!获取新知:请你和小红一起完成崔老师提供的问题:x=−1,y= 1x=1,y=0x=3,y=2x=1,y=1x=5,y=3A=2x−y−32417 B=4x2−4xy+y294______ ______ ______ (2)解决问题:(3)请结合上述的有关信息,计算4×3.142−4×3.14×3.28+3.282.24.阅读下面材料:在数轴上5与−2所对的两点之间的距离:|5−(−2)|=7;在数轴上−2与3所对的两点之间的距离:|−2−3|=5;在数轴上−8与−5所对的两点之间的距离:|(−8)−(−5)|=3在数轴上点A、B分别表示数a、b,则A、B两点之间的距离AB=|a−b|=|b−a|回答下列问题:(1)数轴上表示−2和−5的两点之间的距离是______;数轴上表示数x和3的两点之间的距离表示为______;数轴上表示数______和______的两点之间的距离表示为|x+2|;(2)七年级研究性学习小组在数学老师指导下,对式子|x+2|+|x−3|进行探究:①请你在草稿纸上画出数轴,当表示数x的点在−2与3之间移动时,|x−3|+|x+2|的值总是一个固定的值为:______.25.【阅读理解】第一届现代奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后每4年举行一次,奥运会如因故不能举行,届数照算.则奥运会的年份可排成如下一列数:1896,1900,1904,1908,…观察上面一列数,我们发现这一列数从第二项起,每一项与它前一项的差都等于同一个常数4,这一列数在数学上叫做等差数列,这个常数4叫做等差数列的公差.(1)等差数列2,5,8,…的第五项是______;(2)若一个等差数列的第二项是28,第三项是46,则它的公差为______,第一项为______,第五项为______;(3)聪明的小雪同学作了一些思考,如果一列数a1,a2,a3,…是等差数列,且公差为d,根据上述规定,应该有:a2−a1=d,a3−a2=d,a4−a3=d,…所以a2=a1+d,a3=a2+d=(a1+d)+d=a1+2d,a4=a3+d=(a1+2d)+d=a1+3d,…则等差数列的第n项a n=______(用含有a1、n与d的代数式表示);(4)按照上面的推理,2008年中国北京奥运会是第______届奥运会,2050年______(填“会”或“不会”)举行奥运会.。



2019-2020学年江苏省淮安市淮阴区八年级(上)期中英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共25.0分)AMr Clarke lives at the foot of the mountain because he has a forest there.The only road to the forest is just in front of the house.He can see the people who want to go into the forest.Sometimes he has to be on duty at night.When he hears something,he has to get up to see if someone cuts the tree.He is afraid of someone cut the trees.One day he found a strong dog in the market.He bought it.He loves it very much.And when a stranger walks close to his house it barks loudly.So he can soon know about it at once and goes out to find out who it is.But last week something was wrong with Mr Clarke.He didn't feel well and couldn't fall asleep in the evening.He had to go to a hospital in the town.The doctor looked him over (检查)and then asked "Do you have a dog sir?""Yes I have a dog.. ""You got a skin disease(皮肤病)" said the doctor."I'm sure your dog infected(传染)it to you.You can't touch(触摸)it any more."When he came out of the hospital he met a friend and told him about it.His friend asked "What are you going to do,to sell your dog or to give it to another man?""No,I won't." answered Mr Clarke "I will go to see another doctor.It's much easier to finda doctor than to buy a good dog!"1.Mr Clarke lives at the foot of a mountain because ______ .A. it's very quiet thereB. he has a farm thereC. he has a forest thereD. he can enjoy himself there2.Mr Clarke is afraid ______ so he bought a dog.A. someone picks the fruitB. some animals hurt himC. someone hurts himD. someone cuts the trees3.The doctor asked Mr Clarke to ______ .A. to live in hospital at onceB. to sell his dogC. not to leave the forestD. not to touch his dog4.Mr Clarke got a skin disease from ______ .A. the doctorB. his friendsC. the thiefD. the dog5.Which of the following is true?______A. Mr Clarke thought the dog was more useful than a doctor.B. Mr Clarke decided to continue(继续)to be with his dog.C. Mr Clarke wouldn't hurt his dog.D. Mr Clarke don't want to look after his dog.BMillie's Favourite ActivitiesDay Activity Place TimeMonday Play volleyball with herfriendsIn the playground4:30 p.m.--- 5:30p.m.Tuesday Practise tennis with herclassmatesIn the Tennis Club5:00 p.m.--- 5:30p.m.Thursday Go swimming In the SwimmingClub6:00 p.m.--- 7:00p.m.Saturday Have a picnic with herparentsIn the park9:00 a.m.--- 11:30a.m.Sunday Read books with herbrotherAt home11:00 a.m.--- 5:00p.m.6.Who often plays tennis with Millie?______A. Her friends.B. Her classmates.C. Her parents.D. Her brother.7.Where does Millie often go out for a picnic?______A. In the playground.B. In the club.C. In the park.D. At home.lie often ______ on Thursday.A. plays volleyballB. reads booksC. goes swimmingD. draws pictureslie's brother usually reads books from ______ .A. 11:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.B. 9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.C. 4:30 p.m.to 5:30 p.m.D. 6:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m.10.What can we learn from the passage?______A. Millie often plays volleyball for two hours.B. Millie likes to stay at home on Saturday.C. Millie likes to read books on Saturday.D. Millie likes sports very much.CHow much do you know about school life in Singapore?In Singapore,many middle school students spend a lot of time on their studies.People there always think that good schooling is the ticket to success.So,many of these students try their best to get good results in their exams.They have a lot of homework every day and exams are usually a big problem to them.Sometimes, a few even have to go to evening classes after school.Schools have many activities outside school hours.The students can join in sports and games,music and dance,swimming and rock-climbing.They also join in community service.In their free time,most students like to listen to pop music.Hollywood movies,Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular,too.Some of them also spend their free time searching the Internet,e-mailing their friends,playing computer and video games.They sometimes go to cafes,fast-food restaurants,shopping centers and big bookstores.So life for middle school students in Singapore is not easy but rich and colorful.11.The underlined word "success" probably means ______ .A. 娱乐B. 成功C. 乐趣D. 财富12.______ of the students go to evening classes after school in Singapore.A. AllB. FewC. A fewD. Most13.Which of the following is Not true about what the students can do outside school hours inschool?______A. Having sportsB. DancingC. Watching moviesD. Swimming14.The passage mainly tells us that ______ in Singapore.A. many students can swimB. many students can write to their friendsC. many students try their best to talk to their friendsD. many students try their best to get good results in the exams15.From the passage we know that the middle school students' life in Singapore is ______ .A. easy and richB. amazing and colourfulC. boring but easyD. hard and interesting二、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)Long long ago,there lived a farmer whose brother was a gardener and owned a wonderful garden.One day the farmer went to(16)his brother,and was(17)the beautiful garden.His brother(18)to give him the best apple tree as a gift.The farmer took the tree home and started to wonder(19)to plant it."If I plant it on the hill,"he said to himself,"the wind might(20)the fruit.If I plant it on the road,people will see it and take off its(21)."Finally he planted the tree behind his barn(谷仓),"The(22)would never think to look for it here."(23),the tree grew neither flowers nor fruits in two years.The farmer went to his brother and said(24),"You have given me a(25)tree.Look! This is the third year and it stillgrows(26)but leaves!"When the farmer's brother saw where the tree was,he (27)and said,"You have planted the tree where it is exposed(暴露的)to cold winds,and get neither(28)nor warmth.How could you(29)flowers and fruits?You have planted the tree with a greedy and suspicious(贪婪多疑的)heart,so how can you want a(30)harvest?"What do you learn from the story?16. A. watch B. find C. teach D. visit17. A. worried about B. surprised at C. tired of D. afraid of18. A. decided B. supposed C. hoped D. asked19. A. how B. when C. where D. why20. A. put off B. take away C. turn down D. shake down21. A. tree B. fruit C. food D. flower22. A. thieves B. animals C. neighbors D. children23. A. Finally B. Firstly C. However D. Luckily24. A. slowly B. hardly C. excitedly D. angrily25. A. dead B. bad C. wrong D. young26. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything27. A. suggested B. laughed C. left D. planted28. A. sunshine B. water C. air D. earth29. A. plant B. take C. receive D. expect30. A. small B. rich C. famous D. poor三、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)31.I have ________11-year-old friend.She is _________ honest girl.()A. a; aB. an; anC. the; anD. an; a32.She likes singing and I always hear her ___________through the wall.()A. voiceB. soundsC. noiseD. words33.You should share things _________ others and help people _______ need.()A. with; onB. to; inC. with; inD. for; with34.Johnny,you mustn't play with the knife,you _________ hurt yourself.()A. needB. mayC. mustD. should35.Try to be friendly to your classmates.It will be ______ for you to make friends.()A. easilyB. more easilyC. easiestD. easier36.David scored a wonderful goal ________ the football match and his team won the match________.A. in the end of; in the endB. in the end; at the end ofC. at the end of; in the endD. at the end of, at the end of37.---Who did it better,Lily or Lucy?--- I think Lily did just _____________ Lucy.()A. as well asB. as good asC. as better asD. more badly than38.If we want to keep healthy,we should eat ______ fast food,__________ freshvegetables and take enough exercise.()A. fewer; fewerB. less; moreC. fewer; moreD. less; less39.The number of college students in Jiangsu this year _______ more than 500,000.But anumber of students ________ go to good colleges now.()A. are; don'tB. are; aren'tC. is; aren'tD. is; don't40.Why not ________ an English club to practice _________ English?A. join; speakingB. to join; speakingC. join; to speakD. to join; to speak41.What ______it is to go camping in such ______ weather!()A. a great fun; fineB. a great fun, a fineC. great fun; fine aD. great fun, fine42.We'll have a __________holiday.What about going to the Great Wall?()A. three daysB. three-dayC. three-daysD. three-days'43.---Ms Wang,I'm afraid I can't finish the work in two days.---Don't worry.I'll give you _______ days.()A. two anotherB. two moreC. more twoD. two many44.---_____________________---She is tall and slim.()A. How is she like?B. What does she like?C. What does she look like?D. What is she?45.---What about going to Bochi Park next week,Daniel?---_____________! We will have a good time there.()A. Certainly notB. Sounds greatC. Good luckD. Never mind四、句子翻译(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)46.你一定累了,你最好停下来休息一下.You ______ ______ ______. You ______ ______ ______ to have a rest.47.当到达公园时,孩子们迫不及待地下车.All the children couldn't______the bus when they______ the park.48.米莉总是面带笑容,看起来很开心.Millie always______her face and______.49.丹尼尔尝试安装一个更亮的灯,但是他犯了一个错误.Daniel tried to______a brighter light,but he______.50.每天尼克的妈妈开车送他去上学后,就自学怎样做衣服.Nick's mother______how to make clothes after she______school every day.五、单词拼写/单词释义(本大题共1小题,共8.0分)51.根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语中填空.is crazy about;almost;for yourselves;smiling;at most;places of interest has a good sense of humour;look through;enjoyed themselvesLinda,you'd better ______ the questions quickly.Mike often tells us funny jokes.He ______ .Her bright ______ eyes look very beautiful.There are many ______ in Beijing.I hope to visit them one day.The task is easy and it will take us ______ 2 days to complete it.Boys and girls,go and see ______ !Daniel ______ making model planes.I guess Peter and his sister Sally ______ at the dancing party yesterday.六、单句语法填空(本大题共7小题,共7.0分)52.Tom,______(not knock)at my door at night,please.53.Mary invited me______(have)coffee with her yesterday afternoon.54.He fell down while skating,but______(luck),he didn't hurt himself badly.55.Almost all the schools in China are______(mix)schools.56.Which is______(far)from the Earth,the Moon or Mars?57.Sally ran more slowly than Millie,so she came______(two)in the race.58.One of the______(swim)comes from Huai'an,my hometown.七、任务型阅读-简答(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)59.If you want to go to visit Shanghai Disneyland,you can learnsomething about it.Shanghai Disneyland opened on June 16,2016.It beganselling tickets on March 28 through several ways:the officialwebsite,Alitrip website and the central phone.Its price isthe lowest of all the Disney theme parks.So far,quite a lotof people have booked(预订)tickets.The park is built in the 963acre field and costs $5.5 billion.Almost 400 delighters and engineers have taken part in the design work.The Disney castle in Shanghai is the tallest and largest one in the Disney family around the world.When you visit Shanghai Disneyland,you can follow the advice.Buy souvenirs(纪念品)in advance(提前).Disney is so popular that it is easy to find these souvenirs anywhere.It isn't necessary for you to buy them at Disneyland because they are too expensive there.You can save a lot of money in this way.Eat breakfast before you arrive.You can save quite a bit of money by eating,breakfast before you go to the park.Take snacks with you.You can enjoy them in the picnic area.Because the snacks there are too expensive.To save more money,you can plan your trip during the parks off -season.(淡季).Lotsof things,from airfare(飞机票价)to souvenirs,can be cheaper during these months.根据上面短文的内容回答下列问题.(用不超过6个词)When did Shanghai Disneyland open?______Have almost 400 designers and engineers taken part in the design work?______Why isn't it necessary to buy souvenirs at Disneyland?______How many pieces of advice are mentioned in this passage?______What's the best title of this passage?______八、任务型阅读-多任务混合(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)60.We live a happy life.But at the same time,we are becoming busier and busier.Weare busy with our work and can't spend time on our sports.In fact,we should take part in some outdoor activities.Outdoor activities can make us both happy and healthy.The following are some outdoor activities.First,jogging is a kind of outdoor activity.It is good for your health.You can go jogging at any time.The second is horse riding.If you want to have a try,you can go to Wujingdang Park.What activity is that?It's skating.It is like dancing.Another one is cycling(骑自行车).It is a common(常见的)outdoor activity.It is a game too.I live in the country.When I was young,I often swam in the river by thehouse.Swimming can make us feel cool in summer.But now there are fewer clean rivers now.The last one is camping.Let's suppose:How will you feel when you sleep on the green grass and enjoy the fresh air on one sunny afternoon?Of course,I will feel comfortable.Dear friends,I talk about six kinds of outdoor activities.There are some more outdoor activities too.Which is your favourite?Why not join in them and make your lifecolourful?根据上面短文填空.Most of us ______ spend much time on outdoor activities because we are busy.In fact,they are good for ______ and make us happy.You can ______ at any time.And you can try ______ in the park.Swimming can make us ______ in summer.But most rivers now are ______than before.______ and enjoying ______ on one sunny afternoon can make you feelcomfortable.The writer talks about ______ kinds of outdoor activities in all.Let's take ______them and make our life colourful.九、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共20.0分)61.下周日是你爸爸的生日,你亲自动手给你的父亲做了一个礼物.请你把过程写成一篇80词左右的短文.要点如下:1.你计划给父亲做了一个书架,因为他喜欢看书.2.你的最好朋友Andrew来帮你并带了些工具.你们首先阅读说明,然后很快就开始做了.3.Andrew不仅擅长DIY,而且又乐于助人.你们花了一个小时就做好了.4.你在使用工具时一直犯错误,因为你太兴奋了.你们一起干得很开心.5.这是你给爸爸做的第一份礼物,你希望……注意:1.作文内容必须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯.2.第5要点的内容请用1-2句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥.3.书架:bookshelfNext Sunday is my father's birthday.I made a present for my father by myself._______________________________________________________________________ ______.答案和解析1.【答案】【小题1】C 【小题2】D 【小题3】D 【小题4】D 【小题5】A【解析】(1)C.细节理解题.根据Mr Clarke lives at the foot of the mountain because he has a forest there.克拉克先生住在山脚下,因为他在那里有一片森林.故选C.(2)D.细节理解题.根据He is afraid of someone cut the trees. One day he found a strong dog in the market. He bo ught it.他怕有人砍树.有一天,他在市场上找到一只强壮的狗.他买了它.故选D.(3)D.细节理解题.根据"You got a skin disease(皮肤病) " said the doctor. "I'm sure your dog infected(传染) it to you. You can't touch(触摸)it any more. "医生说:"你得了皮肤病." "我确定是你的狗把它传染给了你.你再也不能触摸它了."故选D.(4)D.细节理解题.根据"You got a skin disease(皮肤病) " said the doctor. "I'm sure your dog infected(传染) it to you. You can't touch(触摸)it any more. "医生说:"你得了皮肤病." "我确定是你的狗把它传染给了你.你再也不能触摸它了."故选D.(5)A.细节推断题.根据"No, I won't. " answered Mr Clarke "I will go to see another doctor. It's much easier to f ind a doctor than to buy a good dog!""不,我不会."克拉克先生回答说:"我去看另一位医生.找医生比买好狗容易得多!"可推知克拉克先生认为那只狗比医生有用.故选A.本文主要讲克拉克先生买了条狗来照看自己的森林,但是医生告诉他狗传染给他了皮肤病,克拉克不相信医生的话,决定再找一位医生.先通读全文,把握中心大意后开始答题,对暂时确定不了的答案,可再次回读文章的有关内容并对其进行分析、推敲后再确定.6.【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】C 【小题3】C 【小题4】A 【小题5】D【解析】(1)B.细节理解题.根据Practise tennis with her classmates 和同学们练习网球.故选B.(2)C.细节理解题.根据Have a picnic with her parents In the park 和她的父母去野餐在公园里.故选C.(3)C.细节理解题.根据Thursday Go swimming 星期四去游泳.故选C.(4)A.细节理解题.根据Read books with her brother 11:00 a.m. --- 5:00 p. m.和她的哥哥一起读书上午11:00 ---下午5:00.故选A.(5)D.细节推断题.根据Play volleyball with her friends 和她的朋友打排球;Practise tennis with her classmates 和同学们练习网球;Go swimming 去游泳.可推知她是一个非常喜欢运动的人.故选D.本文主要是关于Millie一周进行最喜欢的活动的时间表.先通读全文,找到题干中的关键词,有针对性地到文章中寻找细节,并结合选项,确定答案.11.【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】C 【小题3】C 【小题4】D 【小题5】D【解析】(1)B.词意推断题.根据 People there always think that good schooling is the ticket to success.So,many of these students try their best to get good results in their exams.那里的人们总是认为,良好的教育是success的关键.因此,这些学生中的许多人都尽力在考试中取得良好的成绩.可推知是成功的意思.故选B.(2)C.细节理解题.根据In Singapore,…Sometimes, a few even have to go to evening classes after school.在新加坡,…有时,甚至有一些人必须在放学后上夜校.故选C.(3)C.细节理解题.根据Schools have many activities outside school hours. The students can join in sports and game s, music and dance, swimming and rock-climbing. They also join in community service.学校在课余时间有许多活动.学生可以参加体育运动,游戏,音乐和舞蹈,游泳和攀岩.他们还参加社区服务.故选C.(4)D.主旨大意题.根据In Singapore, many middle school students spend a lot of time on their studies. People the re always think that good schooling is the ticket to success.So,many of these students try their best to get good results in their exams.在新加坡,许多中学生花很多时间在学习上.那里的人们总是认为,良好的教育是成功的秘诀.因此,这些学生中的许多人都尽力在考试中取得良好的成绩.可知本文主要讲了新加坡的学生们都尽全力在考试中取得好成绩.故选D.(5)D.推断题.根据So life for middle school students in Singapore is not easy but rich and colorful.因此,新加坡中学生的生活并不轻松,但是丰富多彩.可知新加坡的中学生的生活是困难的和有趣的.故选D.本文主要是讲了新加坡中学生的学习业余生活是什么样的.在理解文章意思的基础上,结合具体题目,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案.16.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】B 【小题3】A 【小题4】C 【小题5】D 【小题6】B 【小题7】A 【小题8】C 【小题9】D 【小题10】B 【小题11】C 【小题12】B 【小题13】A 【小题14】D 【小题15】B【解析】1.D 考查动词句意:有一天,农夫去看望这位兄弟.A.watch观看;B.find 找到;C.teach教;D.visit 拜访.上文提到Mike是一个出色的园丁,可知本题答案.根据后句His brother(43)to give him the best apple tree as a gift.The farmer took the tree home 可知农夫去看望他的兄弟,根据go to do sth 去做某事,空格处用动词原形,故选D.2. B 考查形容词短语.句意:对美丽的花园感到惊讶.A.worried about担心;B.surprised at对…感到惊讶;C.tired of 厌烦;D.afraid of 害怕.根据句意,可知农夫对他兄弟的美丽的花园感到惊讶.be surprised at 对…感到惊讶,故选B.43.A 考查动词句意:他的兄弟决定送他最好的苹果树作为礼物.A.decided决定;B.suppoded猜想;C.hoped 希望;D.asked 问.根据decide to do sth 决定做某事,根据语境,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选A.44.C 考查疑问副词句意:农夫把树带回家,开始想把它种在哪里.A.how 怎样;B.when 什么时候;C.where 哪里;D.why 为什么.根据后文"If I plant it on the hill,"he said to himself,"the wind might(45)the fruit.If I plant it on the road,people will see it and take off its(46)."可知农夫想知道把苹果树种在哪里.故选C.45.D 考查动词短语句意:风可能会把水果吹落.A.put off 推迟;B.take off 拿走;C.turn down 调低音量;D.shake down 摇掉.根据句意,可知山上的风比较大,会吹掉树上的果实,句中might是情态动词,后接动词原形,故选D.46. B 考查名词句意:如果我把它种在路上,人们就会看到它,然后把它取下来.A.tree 树;B.fruit 水果;C.food 食物;D.flower 花.根据前文"If I plant it on the hill,"he said to himself,"the wind might(45)D the fruit.可知人们看到果实,就会把它取下来.故选B.47.A 考查名词句意:小偷不会想到在这里找它的.A.thieves 小偷;B.animals 动物;C.neighbours 邻居;D. children孩子们.根据前文可知,农夫把苹果树种在谷仓后面是为了让小偷不会想到在这里找到果实的.故选A.48. C 考查副词句意:然而,这棵树两年内既无花也无果.A.Finally 最后;B.firstly 首先;C.However 然而;D. Luckily 不幸的是.按照正常情况,两年内苹果树应该会开花和结果,根据句意,这棵树两年内既无花也无果,所以用however来表示转折,however位于句首,首字母大写,故选C.49.D 考查副词句意:农夫走到他弟弟跟前愤怒地说.A.slowly 慢慢地;B.hardly 几乎不;C.excitedly 兴奋地;D. angrily 生气地.根据前文the tree grew neither flowers nor fruits in two years.和后文,"You have given me a(50)tree.可知农夫生气地对他兄弟说道,故选D.50. B 考查形容词句意:你给了我一棵坏树.A.dead 死的;B.bad 坏的,不好的;C.wrong 错误的;D. young 年轻的.根据后文This is the third year and it still grows (51)Cbut leaves!"可知农夫认为他兄弟给了他一个不好的树,故选B.51.C 考查不定代词句意:这是第三年了,它除了叶子什么也不长!A.something 某事;B.anything 任何东西;C.nothing 什么也没有;D. everything 一切.根据句意,可知那棵树除了叶子什么也不长.故选C.52. B 考查动词句意:农夫的兄弟看到树种的地方,他笑着说道.A.suggested 建议;B. laughed 大笑;C.left 离开;D. planted 种植.根据句意,农夫的哥哥知道了树为什么不开花不结果的真相后才会大笑.根据语境,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选B.53. A 考查名词句意:你把这棵树栽在受寒风影响很大的地方了,既没有阳光也没有温暖.A.sunshine 阳光;B. water 水;C.air 空气;D. earth 地球.根据前句You have planted the tree where it is exposed(暴露的) to cold winds,可知既没有阳光也没有温暖,故选A.54. D 考查动词句意:你怎么能期待鲜花和水果?A.plant种植;B. take拿走;C.receive 收到;D. expect 期待.根据前文可知,苹果树栽在既没有阳光也没有温暖的地方,是不会开花结果的.句中could是情态动词,后接动词原形,故选D.55. B 考查形容词句意:你已经抱着一颗贪婪且怀疑的心将那棵树种了下去,你怎么能想要丰收呢?A.small 小的;B. rich 丰富的;C.famous 著名的;D. poor 贫穷的.根据句意,可知带着一颗贪婪且怀疑的心去做事,是不能有丰富的收获的,故选B.这篇短文讲述一位农夫种植苹果树的故事.这位农夫的哥哥非常懂得种植.一天,农夫去他哥哥家,他的哥哥给了他一棵苹果树让他回家种植,回到家中他将这棵树种到了阴冷的角落,结果经历了两年苹果树都没有结一个果实.完成本题有一定的难度,首先应该熟读文章,弄清文章的意思,根据生活常识,增加对文章细节的理解;其次,应结合上下文的文意和句意选择合适的词,注意推断;再次应注意词的时态和固定用法.【解析】a,an 是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前面,表示某类人或事物中的"一个,一名",表泛指,a用于以辅音音素开头单词前,an用于以元音音素开头的单词前.由题干"我有一个11岁的朋友.她是一个诚实的女孩."可知,"一个11岁的朋友","一个诚实的女孩"都表泛指,"一个"用不定冠词,因11-year-old,honest都是以元音音素开头的单词,因此第一个空格用an;第二个空格用an ,所以答案应是an;an.故选:B.我有一个11岁的朋友.她是一个诚实的女孩.本题考查不定冠词的用法,在熟知所给单词的基础上与句子的语境相结合,从而判断出正确答案.32.【答案】 A【解析】voice嗓音,sound声音,noise噪音,words单词,结合意思:她喜欢唱歌,我总是隔着墙听到她的声音.故用voice.故选:A.她喜欢唱歌,我总是隔着墙听到她的声音.此题考查不可数名词,熟知选项中单词意思与用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.33.【答案】 C【解析】考查常用介词的辨析.根据你应该和别人分享,帮助有需要的人.第一个空和某人要用with,第二个空in need贫困的;困难中的是固定用法,故选:C.你应该和别人分享,帮助有需要的人.介词在英语中起到穿针引线的作用,英语介词的一个特点是一词多义,并且介词间语义交叉现象很多,习惯用法也很多,有时很难从词义上区分开来.故学习中要注意不断总结,结合语境结合基本词义多记一些介词的习惯用法和固定搭配.34.【答案】 B【解析】need必须,may可能,must一定,必须,should应该;根据句意"约翰尼,你不能玩刀子,你可能会伤到你自己"可知,要填"可能",其它选项语意不通.故选:B.约翰尼,你不能玩刀子,你可能会伤到你自己.考查情态动词.要根据情态动词的含义和用法,进行比较,找出正确答案.35.【答案】 D【解析】easily容易地,副词,more easily更容易地,easiest最容易地,easier更容易的.结合意思:尽量对你的同学友好.这样你交朋友会更容易.be后面加形容词,故用easier.故选:D.尽量对你的同学友好.这样你交朋友会更容易.考查形容词的比较级和最高级,要牢记形容词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案.36.【答案】 C【解析】句意:在足球比赛的最后,大卫进了一个漂亮的球,最终赢得了比赛。



2019-2020学年江苏省淮安市开明中学九年级第一学期月考数学试卷(9月份)一、选择题(共8小题,共24分.)1.已知α为锐角,且sinα=,则α的度数为()A.15°B.30°C.45°D.60°2.如图,在△ABC中,点D、E分别在AB、AC上,DE∥BC.若AD=4,DB=2,则的值为()A.B.C.D.23.如图,有一斜坡AB,坡顶B离地面的高度BC为30m,斜坡的倾斜角是∠BAC,若tan ∠BAC=,则此斜坡的水平距离AC为()A.75m B.50m C.30m D.12m4.将抛物线y=2x2向上平移3个单位长度后,得到的新抛物线解析式为()A.y=2(x﹣3)2B.y=2(x+3)2C.y=2x2﹣3D.y=2x2+35.如图,人字梯AB,AC的长都为2米,当α=50°时,人字梯顶端离地面的高度AD是()米.A.2sin50°B.2cos50°C.D.6.已知x=1是方程x2+bx﹣2=0的一个根,则方程的另一个根是()A.1B.2C.﹣2D.﹣17.如图,在6×4的正方形网格中,△ABC的顶点均为格点,则∠ACB的正弦值为()A.B.C.D.28.如图1,在矩形ABCD中,点E在CD上,∠AEB=90°,点P从点A出发,沿A→E →B的路径匀速运动到点B停止,作PQ⊥CD于点Q,设点P运动的路程为x,PQ长为y,若y与x之间的函数关系图象如图2所示,当x=6时,PQ的值是()A.2B.3C.D.二、填空题:(本大题共8小题,共24分,请将答案填写在答题卡上)9.如果=,那么的值为.10.已知A(﹣4,y1),B(1,y2)为二次函数y=(x+2)2图象上的两点,则y1y2(填“>,<或=”).11.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,cos A=,AC=4,则AB=.12.如图,利用标杆BE测量建筑物的高度,已知标杆BE高1.5m,AB=2m,BC=18m.则建筑物CD的高m.13.请写出一个二次函数,使它满足条件:当x=0时,y有最大值为3:.14.如图,一张三角形纸片ABC,∠C=90°,AC=8cm,BC=6cm.现将纸片折叠:使点A与点B重合,那么折痕长等于cm.15.如图,某校教学楼AC与实验楼BD的水平间距CD=15米,在实验楼顶部B点测得教学楼顶部A点的仰角是30°,底部C点的俯角是45°,则教学楼AC的高度是米(结果保留根号).16.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A1的坐标为(1,0),以OA1为直角边作Rt△OA1A2,并使∠A1OA2=60°,再以OA2为直角边作Rt△OA2A3,并使∠A2OA3=60°,再以OA3为直角边作Rt△OA3A4,并使∠A3OA4=60°…按此规律进行下去,则点A2019的坐标为.三、解答题:(本大题共11小题,共102分)17.(1)计算:(﹣1)2019﹣+tan60°+(π﹣3.14)0;(2)解方程:x2﹣2x﹣3=0.18.先化简,再求值:(﹣)÷,其中x=﹣1.19.如图,△ABC中,∠C=90°,点D在AC上,已知∠BDC=45°,BD=10,AB=20.求∠A的度数.20.如图,正方形网格中,每个小正方形的边长是1.已知△ABC的三个顶点坐标分别是A (2,﹣1),B(1,﹣2),C(3,﹣3).(1)△ABC的面积为;(2)画出将△ABC向左平移4个单位长度后得到的△A1B1C1;(3)以点A为位似中心,在网格内画出△AB2C2,使△AB2C2与△ABC位似,且位似比为3:1.21.如图,两栋居民楼之间的距离CD=30m,楼AC和BD均为10层,每层楼高为3m.上午某时刻,太阳光线GB与水平面的夹角为30°.若小明家住在楼AC的4楼,此时他家是否会被遮挡住?请说明理由(参考数据:≈1.732,≈1.414).22.如图,已知抛物线y=mx2和直线y=﹣2x+b都经过点A(﹣2,6),点O为坐标原点,直线y=﹣2x+b与x轴交于点B.(1)求m、b的值;(2)连接AO,点C是抛物线上一点(异于点A),且S△AOB=S△COB,求点C的坐标.23.某景区商店销售一种纪念品,这种商品的成本价10元/件,已知销售价不低于成本价,且物价部门规定这种商品的销售价不高于16元/件,市场调查发现,该商品每天的销售量y(件)与销售价x(元/件)之间的函数关系如图所示.(1)求y与x之间的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的取值范围;(2)每件销售价为多少元时,每天的销售利润为125元?24.如图,在△ABC中,AB=8,BC=4,CA=6,CD∥AB,BD是∠ABC的平分线,BD 交AC于点E.(1)求CD的长;(2)求AE的长.25.如图是某区域的平面示意图,码头A在观测站B的正东方向,码头A的北偏西60°方向上有一小岛C,小岛C在观测站B的北偏西15°方向上,码头A到小岛C的距离AC 为10海里.(1)填空:∠BAC=°,∠C=°;(2)求观测站B到码头A的距离(结果保留根号).26.若一个四边形的一条对角线把四边形分成两个等腰三角形,我们把这条对角线叫做这个四边形的和谐线,这个四边形叫做和谐四边形.(1)如图1,在8×5的网格图上(每个小正方形的边长为1)有一个△ABC,点A、B、C均在格点上,请在网格图中找出2个格点D,使得以A、B、C、D为顶点的四边形是和谐四边形,并画出相应的四边形.(2)如图2,在四边形ABCD中,AB∥CD,∠DAB=40°,∠B=80°,AC平分∠DAB.试说明:AC是四边形ABCD的和谐线;(3)已知,在四边形ABCD中,AB=AD=BC=2,∠BAD=90°,AC是四边形ABCD 的和谐线,直接写出CD的长.27.如图1,矩形OABC顶点B的坐标为(6,2),定点D的坐标为(9,0),动点P从点O出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度沿x轴的正方向匀速运动,动点Q从点D出发,以每秒1个单位长度的速度沿x轴的负方向匀速运动,P、Q两点同时运动,相遇时停止,在运动过程中,以PQ为斜边在x轴上方作等腰直角三角形PQR.设运动时间为t秒.(1)当t=时,△PQR的边QR经过点B,当t=时,点R落在边BC上;(2)设△PQR和矩形OABC重叠部分的面积为S,求S与t的函数关系式;(3)如图2,过定点E(4,0)作EF⊥BC,垂足为F,当△PQR的顶点R落在矩形OABC 的内部时,过点R作x轴、y轴的平行线,分别交EF、BC于点M、N,若∠MAN=45°,直接写出t的值.参考答案一、选择题:(本大题共8小题,共24分.请将答案填涂在答题卡上)1.已知α为锐角,且sinα=,则α的度数为()A.15°B.30°C.45°D.60°【分析】根据特殊角的三角函数值即可解答.解:因为sinα=,所以α=45°,故选:C.2.如图,在△ABC中,点D、E分别在AB、AC上,DE∥BC.若AD=4,DB=2,则的值为()A.B.C.D.2【分析】首先根据DE∥BC,得出△ADE∽△ABC,即可得出=,进而得出的值.解:∵DE∥BC,∴△ADE∽△ABC,∴=,∵AD=4,DB=2,∴===.则的值为.故选:B.3.如图,有一斜坡AB,坡顶B离地面的高度BC为30m,斜坡的倾斜角是∠BAC,若tan∠BAC=,则此斜坡的水平距离AC为()A.75m B.50m C.30m D.12m【分析】根据题目中的条件和图形,利用锐角三角函数即可求得AC的长,本题得以解决.解:∵∠BCA=90°,tan∠BAC=,BC=30m,∴tan∠BAC=,解得,AC=75,故选:A.4.将抛物线y=2x2向上平移3个单位长度后,得到的新抛物线解析式为()A.y=2(x﹣3)2B.y=2(x+3)2C.y=2x2﹣3D.y=2x2+3【分析】直接根据“上加下减”的原则进行解答.解:将抛物线y=2x2向上平移3个单位长度后,得到的新抛物线解析式为y=2x2+3.故选:D.5.如图,人字梯AB,AC的长都为2米,当α=50°时,人字梯顶端离地面的高度AD是()米.A.2sin50°B.2cos50°C.D.【分析】根据锐角三角函数的定义即可求出答案.解:∵sinα=,∴AD=AC•sinα=2sinα=2sin50°(米),故选:A.6.已知x=1是方程x2+bx﹣2=0的一个根,则方程的另一个根是()A.1B.2C.﹣2D.﹣1【分析】根据根与系数的关系得出x1x2==﹣2,即可得出另一根的值.解:∵x=1是方程x2+bx﹣2=0的一个根,∴x1x2==﹣2,∴1×x2=﹣2,则方程的另一个根是:﹣2,故选:C.7.如图,在6×4的正方形网格中,△ABC的顶点均为格点,则∠ACB的正弦值为()A.B.C.D.2【分析】连接格点B、D,利用勾股定理先计算BC的长,在Rt△BCD中,再求出∠ACB 的正弦值.解:如图所示,连接格点B、D.∵BD=2,CD=1,∴BC==.∴sin∠ACB===.故选:A.8.如图1,在矩形ABCD中,点E在CD上,∠AEB=90°,点P从点A出发,沿A→E →B的路径匀速运动到点B停止,作PQ⊥CD于点Q,设点P运动的路程为x,PQ长为y,若y与x之间的函数关系图象如图2所示,当x=6时,PQ的值是()A.2B.3C.D.【分析】由图象可知:AE=3,BE=4,∠DAE=∠CEB=α,设:AD=BC=a,在Rt△ADE中,cosα=,在Rt△BCE中,sinα=,由勾股定理可得a=,当x =6时,即EN=3,则y=MN=EN sinα=.解:由图象可知:AE=3,BE=4,∠DAE=∠CEB=α,设:AD=BC=a,在Rt△ADE中,cosα=,∴AD=,在Rt△BCE中,sinα=,∵∠D=∠C=90°,∴△ADE∽△ECB,∴=,∴DE=,又∵AD2+DE2=AE2,∴,解得:a=,当x=6时,即:EN=3,则y=MN=EN sinα=.故选:C.二、填空题:(本大题共8小题,共24分,请将答案填写在答题卡上)9.如果=,那么的值为.【分析】根据合比性质即可求解.解:∵=,∴==.故答案为:.10.已知A(﹣4,y1),B(1,y2)为二次函数y=(x+2)2图象上的两点,则y1<y2(填“>,<或=”).【分析】求出二次函数的图象的对称轴,再根据图象上的点的横坐标距离对称轴的远近来判断纵坐标的大小.解:∵二次函数y=(x+2)2,∴该抛物线开口向上,且对称轴为x=﹣2.∵A(﹣4,y1),B(1,y2)在二次函数y=(x+2)2的图象上,点(﹣4,y1)横坐标离对称轴的距离小于点(1,y2)横坐标离对称轴的距离,∴y1<y2.故答案为:<.11.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,cos A=,AC=4,则AB=10.【分析】根据余弦的定义列式计算即可.解:在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,cos A=,∵cos A=,AC=4,∴=,解得:AB=10,故答案为:10.12.如图,利用标杆BE测量建筑物的高度,已知标杆BE高1.5m,AB=2m,BC=18m.则建筑物CD的高15m.【分析】直接利用已知得出△ABE∽△ACD,再利用相似三角形的性质得出答案.解:由题意可得:BE∥DC,则△ABE∽△ACD,∴,∵标杆BE高1.5m,AB=2m,BC=18m,∴,解得:CD=15.故答案为:15.13.请写出一个二次函数,使它满足条件:当x=0时,y有最大值为3:y=﹣x2+3.【分析】根据题意,可知该函数的对称轴是直线x=0,再根据当x=0时,y有最大值为3,即可写出一个符合要求的函数解析式.解:∵当x=0时,二次函数取得最大值,∴该函数的对称轴为x=0,又∵当x=0时,y有最大值为3,∴该函数的解析式可以为y=﹣x2+3,故答案为:y=﹣x2+3.14.如图,一张三角形纸片ABC,∠C=90°,AC=8cm,BC=6cm.现将纸片折叠:使点A与点B重合,那么折痕长等于cm.【分析】根据折叠得:GH是线段AB的垂直平分线,得出AG的长,再利用两角对应相等证△ACB∽△AGH,利用比例式可求GH的长,即折痕的长.解:如图,折痕为GH,由勾股定理得:AB==10cm,由折叠得:AG=BG=AB=×10=5cm,GH⊥AB,∴∠AGH=90°,∵∠A=∠A,∠AGH=∠C=90°,∴△ACB∽△AGH,∴=,∴=,∴GH=cm.故答案为:.15.如图,某校教学楼AC与实验楼BD的水平间距CD=15米,在实验楼顶部B点测得教学楼顶部A点的仰角是30°,底部C点的俯角是45°,则教学楼AC的高度是(15+15)米(结果保留根号).【分析】首先分析图形:根据题意构造直角三角形.本题涉及到两个直角三角形△BEC、△ABE,进而可解即可求出答案.解:过点B作BE⊥AB于点E,在Rt△BEC中,∠CBE=45°,BE=15;可得CE=BE×tan45°=15米.在Rt△ABE中,∠ABE=30°,BE=15,可得AE=BE×tan30°=15米.故教学楼AC的高度是AC=15米.答:教学楼AC的高度是(15)米.16.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A1的坐标为(1,0),以OA1为直角边作Rt△OA1A2,并使∠A1OA2=60°,再以OA2为直角边作Rt△OA2A3,并使∠A2OA3=60°,再以OA3为直角边作Rt△OA3A4,并使∠A3OA4=60°…按此规律进行下去,则点A2019的坐标为(﹣22017,22017).【分析】通过解直角三角形,依次求A1,A2,A3,A4,…各点的坐标,再从其中找出规律,便可得结论.解:由题意得,A1的坐标为(1,0),A2的坐标为(1,),A3的坐标为(﹣2,2),A4的坐标为(﹣8,0),A5的坐标为(﹣8,﹣8),A6的坐标为(16,﹣16),A7的坐标为(64,0),…由上可知,A点的方位是每6个循环,与第一点方位相同的点在x正半轴上,其横坐标为2n﹣1,其纵坐标为0,与第二点方位相同的点在第一象限内,其横坐标为2n﹣2,纵坐标为2n﹣2,与第三点方位相同的点在第二象限内,其横坐标为﹣2n﹣2,纵坐标为2n﹣2,与第四点方位相同的点在x负半轴上,其横坐标为﹣2n﹣1,纵坐标为0,与第五点方位相同的点在第三象限内,其横坐标为﹣2n﹣2,纵坐标为﹣2n﹣2,与第六点方位相同的点在第四象限内,其横坐标为2n﹣2,纵坐标为﹣2n﹣2,∵2019÷6=336…3,∴点A2019的方位与点A3的方位相同,在第二象限内,其横坐标为﹣2n﹣2=﹣22017,纵坐标为22017,故答案为:(﹣22017,22017).三、解答题:(本大题共11小题,共102分)17.(1)计算:(﹣1)2019﹣+tan60°+(π﹣3.14)0;(2)解方程:x2﹣2x﹣3=0.【分析】(1)原式利用算术平方根定义,以及零指数幂法则计算即可求出值;(2)方程利用因式分解法求出解即可.解:(1)原式=﹣1﹣2++1=﹣;(2)∵x2﹣2x﹣3=0,∴(x﹣3)(x+1)=0,则x﹣3=0或x+1=0,解得x1=3,x2=﹣1.18.先化简,再求值:(﹣)÷,其中x=﹣1.【分析】根据分式的混合运算法则把原式化简,把x的值代入计算即可.解:原式=•=,当x=﹣1时,原式==﹣1.19.如图,△ABC中,∠C=90°,点D在AC上,已知∠BDC=45°,BD=10,AB=20.求∠A的度数.【分析】首先在直角三角形BDC中,利用BD的长和∠BDC=45°求得线段BC的长,然后在直角三角形ABC中求得∠A的度数即可;解:∵在直角三角形BDC中,∠BDC=45°,BD=10,∴BC=BD•sin∠BDC=10×=10∵∠C=90°,AB=20∴sin∠A===,∴∠A=30°.20.如图,正方形网格中,每个小正方形的边长是1.已知△ABC的三个顶点坐标分别是A (2,﹣1),B(1,﹣2),C(3,﹣3).(1)△ABC的面积为 1.5;(2)画出将△ABC向左平移4个单位长度后得到的△A1B1C1;(3)以点A为位似中心,在网格内画出△AB2C2,使△AB2C2与△ABC位似,且位似比为3:1.【分析】(1)割补法求解可得;(2)将点A、B、C分别向左平移4个单位得到对应点,再顺次连接可得;(3)利用位似图形的性质得出对应点位置,进而得出答案.解:(1)△ABC的面积为:2×2﹣﹣﹣=1.5,故答案为:1.5;(2)如图,△A1B1C1为所作;(3)如图,AB2C2为所作..21.如图,两栋居民楼之间的距离CD=30m,楼AC和BD均为10层,每层楼高为3m.上午某时刻,太阳光线GB与水平面的夹角为30°.若小明家住在楼AC的4楼,此时他家是否会被遮挡住?请说明理由(参考数据:≈1.732,≈1.414).【分析】设太阳光线GB交AC于点F,过F作FH⊥BD于H,解直角三角形求出BH≈17,于是得到FC=HD=BD﹣BH≈13,可得此刻楼BD的影子会遮挡到楼AC的第5层.解:他家会被遮挡住,理由:设太阳光线GB交AC于点F,过F作FH⊥BD于H,由题意知,AC=BD=3×10=30m,FH=CD=30m,∠BFH=∠α=30°,在Rt△BFH中,tan∠BFH=,∴BH=30×=10≈10×1.7=17(米),∴FC=HD=BD﹣BH≈30﹣17=13(米),∵≈4.3,所以在四层的上面,即第五层,答:他家会被遮挡住.22.如图,已知抛物线y=mx2和直线y=﹣2x+b都经过点A(﹣2,6),点O为坐标原点,直线y=﹣2x+b与x轴交于点B.(1)求m、b的值;(2)连接AO,点C是抛物线上一点(异于点A),且S△AOB=S△COB,求点C的坐标.【分析】(1)根据抛物线y=mx2和直线y=﹣2x+b都经过点A(﹣2,6),将A点坐标代入解析式即可求;(2)根据直线y=﹣2x+2与x轴交于点B,求出点B的坐标,进而求出S△AOB=S△COB=3,进而求出点C的纵坐标,代入抛物线解析式可求.解:(1)∵抛物线y=mx2和直线y=﹣2x+b都经过点A(﹣2,6),∴6=(﹣2)2m,6=﹣2×(﹣2)+b,∴m=,b=2;(2)令y=0,即﹣2x+2=0,解得x=1,点B的坐标为(1,0),∴OB=1,∴S△COB=S△AOB=×1×6=3,∵S△COB=×1×y c,∴点C的纵坐标为6,当y=6时,6=x2,∴x=±2,∵C是抛物线上一点(异于点A),∴C点的坐标为(2,6).23.某景区商店销售一种纪念品,这种商品的成本价10元/件,已知销售价不低于成本价,且物价部门规定这种商品的销售价不高于16元/件,市场调查发现,该商品每天的销售量y(件)与销售价x(元/件)之间的函数关系如图所示.(1)求y与x之间的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的取值范围;(2)每件销售价为多少元时,每天的销售利润为125元?【分析】(1)首先利用待定系数法求出一次函数解析式,进而得出答案;(2)根据已知表示出利润,进而解方程得出答案.解:(1)设y与x之间的函数关系式为:y=kx+b,把(10,30),(16,24)代入得:,解得:.故y与x之间的函数关系式为:y=﹣x+40(10≤x≤16);(2)由题意可得:(﹣x+40)(x﹣10)=125,解得:x1=15,x2=35,根据x的范围,只取x=15.答:每件销售价为15元时,每天的销售利润为125元.24.如图,在△ABC中,AB=8,BC=4,CA=6,CD∥AB,BD是∠ABC的平分线,BD 交AC于点E.(1)求CD的长;(2)求AE的长.【分析】(1)根据题意BD是∠ABC的平分线,可得∠ABE=∠CBD,又因为CD∥AB,可得∠ABE=∠BDC,通过等量代换,可知∠CBD=∠BDC,以求得CD=BC=4;(2)由CD∥AB,可得△ABE∽△CDE,从而求出线段比例关系,求得AE=2EC,因为CA=AE+EC=6,可求AE的长度.解:(1)∵BD是∠ABC的平分线,∴∠ABE=∠CBD,∵CD∥AB,∴∠ABE=∠BDC,∴∠CBD=∠BDC,∴CD=BC=4,(2)∵CD∥AB,∴△ABE∽△CDE,∴,∴AE=2EC,∵CA=AE+EC=6,∴AE=4.25.如图是某区域的平面示意图,码头A在观测站B的正东方向,码头A的北偏西60°方向上有一小岛C,小岛C在观测站B的北偏西15°方向上,码头A到小岛C的距离AC 为10海里.(1)填空:∠BAC=30°,∠C=45°;(2)求观测站B到码头A的距离(结果保留根号).【分析】(1)由题意得∠BAC=90°﹣60°=30°,∠ABC=90°+15°=105°,再由三角形内角和定理即可得出∠C的度数;(2)证出△BCP是等腰直角三角形,得出BP=PC,再由锐角三角函数定义求出PA=BP,然后求出BP的长,即可解决问题.解:(1)由题意得:∠BAC=90°﹣60°=30°,∠ABC=90°+15°=105°,∴∠C=180°﹣∠BAC﹣∠ABC=45°,故答案为:30,45;(2)过B作BP⊥AC于P,如图所示:则∠BPC=∠BPA=90°,∵∠C=45°,∴△BCP是等腰直角三角形,∴BP=PC,∵∠BAC=30°,∴AB=2PB,tan∠BAC==,∴PA=BP,∵PA+PC=AC,∴BP+BP=10海里,解得:BP=(5﹣5)海里,∴AB=2BP=(10﹣10)海里,即观测站B到码头A的距离为(10﹣10)海里.26.若一个四边形的一条对角线把四边形分成两个等腰三角形,我们把这条对角线叫做这个四边形的和谐线,这个四边形叫做和谐四边形.(1)如图1,在8×5的网格图上(每个小正方形的边长为1)有一个△ABC,点A、B、C均在格点上,请在网格图中找出2个格点D,使得以A、B、C、D为顶点的四边形是和谐四边形,并画出相应的四边形.(2)如图2,在四边形ABCD中,AB∥CD,∠DAB=40°,∠B=80°,AC平分∠DAB.试说明:AC是四边形ABCD的和谐线;(3)已知,在四边形ABCD中,AB=AD=BC=2,∠BAD=90°,AC是四边形ABCD 的和谐线,直接写出CD的长2或2.【分析】(1)根据和谐四边形的定义,作出图形即可.(2)证明DA=DC,AC=AB,即可.(3)首先根据题意画出图形,然后由AC是四边形ABCD的和谐线,可以得出△ACD是等腰三角形,从图3,图4两种情况运用等边三角形的性质,正方形的性质和30°的直角三角形性质就可以得出结论.【解答】(1)解:如图,四边形ABDC即为所求.(2)证明:如图2中,∵AC平分∠DAB,∴∠DAC=∠CAB=∠DAB=20°,∵CD∥AB,∴∠DCA=∠CAB=20°,∴∠DAC=∠DCA,∴DA=DC,∵∠ACB=180°﹣∠CAB﹣∠B=180°﹣20°﹣80°=80°,∴∠ACB=∠B,∴AC=AB,∴AC是四边形ABCD的和谐线.(3)如图3,4,∵AC是四边形ABCD的和谐线,∴△ACD是等腰三角形.∵AB=AD=BC,如图3,当AD=AC时,∴AB=AC=BC,∠ACD=∠ADC,∴△ABC是正三角形,∴∠BAC=∠BCA=60°.∵∠BAD=90°,∴∠CAD=30°,过点C作CE⊥AD于E,∴CE=AC=1,∴AE=,∴DE=AD﹣AE=2﹣,∴CD==2如图4,当AD=CD时,CD=2,综上所述,满足条件的CD的长为2或2.27.如图1,矩形OABC顶点B的坐标为(6,2),定点D的坐标为(9,0),动点P从点O出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度沿x轴的正方向匀速运动,动点Q从点D出发,以每秒1个单位长度的速度沿x轴的负方向匀速运动,P、Q两点同时运动,相遇时停止,在运动过程中,以PQ为斜边在x轴上方作等腰直角三角形PQR.设运动时间为t秒.(1)当t=1时,△PQR的边QR经过点B,当t=时,点R落在边BC上;(2)设△PQR和矩形OABC重叠部分的面积为S,求S与t的函数关系式;(3)如图2,过定点E(4,0)作EF⊥BC,垂足为F,当△PQR的顶点R落在矩形OABC 的内部时,过点R作x轴、y轴的平行线,分别交EF、BC于点M、N,若∠MAN=45°,直接写出t的值.【分析】(1)△PQR的边QR经过点B时,△ABQ构成等腰直角三角形,则有AB=AQ,由此列方程求出t即可,当R落在BC边上时,因为△PQR是等腰直角三角形,故PR=AB,由此列出方程求解即可;(2)在图形运动过程中分三种情况讨论,按t的取值范围分段写出关系式即可;(3)首先判定四边形ABFE是正方形,其次通过旋转,由三角形全等证明MN=EN+BN,设EM=m,BN=n,在Rt△FMN中,有勾股定理得出m和n的关系式,由此等式列方程求出t的值即可.解:(1)△PQR的边QR经过点B时,△ABQ构成等腰直角三角形,∴AB=AQ,即2=9﹣6﹣t,解得t=1,∴t=1时,△PQR的边QR经过点B;点R落在边BC上,则R纵坐标的长度和AB相同,∵△PQR为等腰直角三角形,∴PQ=2AB=2×2=4,即9﹣t﹣2t=4,解得t=,∴t=时,点R落在边BC上;故答案为:1,;(2)①当0≤t≤1时,如图1所示,设PR交BC于点G,过点P作PH⊥BC于点H,则CH=OP=2t,GH=PH=2,∴S=S矩形OABC﹣S梯形OPGC=6×2﹣(2t+2t+2)×2=10﹣4t;②当1<t≤时,如图2所示,设PR交BC于点C,RQ交BC、AB于点S、T,过点P作PH⊥BC于点H,则CH=OP=2t,GH=HP=2,QD=t,则AQ=AT=9﹣6﹣t=3﹣t,∴BT=BS=AB﹣AT=2﹣(3﹣t)=t﹣1,∴S=S矩形OABC﹣S梯形OPGC﹣S△BST=6×2﹣﹣(2t+2t+2)×2﹣(t﹣1)2=﹣t2﹣3t+;③当<t≤3时,如图3所示,设RQ与AB交于点T,则AT=AQ=9﹣6﹣t=3﹣t,PQ=9﹣2t﹣t=9﹣3t,∴PR=RQ=PQ=(9﹣3t),∴S=S△PQR﹣S△AQT=PR2﹣AQ2=[(9﹣3t)]2﹣(3﹣t)2=t2﹣t+;综上,S与t的函数关系式为;(3)∵E(4,0),∴AE=AB=2,∴四边形ABFE是正方形,如图4,将△AME绕A顺时针旋转90°,得到△ABM',其中AE和AB重合,∵∠MAN=45°,∴∠EAM+∠NAB=45°,∴∠BAM'+∠NAB=45°,∴∠MAN=∠M'AN,连接MN,在△MAN和△M'AN中,,∴△MAN≌△M'AN(SAS),∴MN=M'N=M'B+BN,∴MN=EM+BN,设EM=m,BN=n,则FM=2﹣m,FN=2﹣n,在Rt△FMN中,由勾股定理得:FM2+FN2=MN2,即(2﹣m)2+(2﹣n)2=(m+n)2,整理得,mn+(m+n)﹣4=0,①延长NR交x轴于点S,则m=EM=RS=PQ=×(9﹣3t),∵QS=PQ=×(9﹣3t),AQ=3﹣t,∴n=BN=AS=QS﹣AQ=×(9﹣3t)﹣(3﹣t)=﹣,∴m=3n,代入①式,化简得:3n2+4n﹣4=0,解得n=或n=﹣2(舍去),∴BN=﹣=,解得t=,故答案为:.。

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Grammar同步测试(word版含答案

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Grammar同步测试(word版含答案

Unit 1 Grammar (IV)班级______________ 姓名______________ 学号______________一、根据句意用所给的汉语或单词的适当形式填空。

1.Don’t be afraid of the ___________________ (测试). Nothing to it!2.If you want to win the ___________________ (竞赛), you have to study harder.3. The doctor says he should lose ___________________ (weigh) right now.4. I wondered the ___________________ (high) of the mountain.5. This math problem is much ___________________ (easy).6. The glass on the second shelf looks ___________________ (nice) of all.7. Of the two girls I’m teaching , I find Nancy the ___________________ (clever).8. Playing computer games is___________________ (interesting) of all the activities.9. --- Are you feeling better now? --- No, I’m feeling even ______________ (bad) than before.10. Tom wants to be a ___________________ (swim) when he grows up.二、单项选择。

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Welcome to the unit同

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Welcome to the unit同

Unit 1 Welcome to the unit ( I )班级_________________ 姓名_________________ 学号_________________一、根据句意用所给汉语或单词的适当形式填空。

1. After walking in the forest for seven hours without eating or drinking anything, the boy was hungry and ____________________(口渴的).2. Tony is always ______________________(诚实的), so we all want to make friends with him.3. Tim can always keep ____________________(秘密) for me, so I think him my best friend.4. ______________________(关心) about each other is important for family members.5. Tim, you are old enough to travel on the train by ______________________(you) now.6. The models in these fashion ________________(杂志) are very ________________(好看的).7. Mr. Li is ________________(幽默的) and________________(礼貌的),so he is very popular among his friends.8. ---What ___________________(成为) a good cleaner?---A good cleaner should be good at making a place _________________(整洁的).9.If others know you like telling _________(谎言), they __________(not trust) you any more.10. Nancy is a ___________________(确实的) friend of mine and she often tells___________________(玩笑) to make me laugh.二、选择题。

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020学年八上Unit 1 Integrated skills同步测试(word版含答案)

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020学年八上Unit 1 Integrated skills同步测试(word版含答案)

Unit 1 Integrated skills (V)班级______________ 姓名______________ 学号______________一、根据句意用所给的汉语或单词的适当形式填空。

1. Wow, your ________________ (计划) for this term sound great.2. She is even ________________ (害羞) when talking in front of her classmates.3. My sister wants to join a _____________________ (社会的) club to make new friends.4. It is a good habit to do your homework_____________________ (care) everyday.5. The girl looks much _____________________ (pretty) in the new red dress.6. Jane would like to be a doctor when she _____________________ (grow) up.7. Monday is _____________________ (busy) day in a week, so we call it ‘Black Monday’.8. In fact, Kitty did _____________________ (bad) among all the players.9. At last, John came first in one of the swimming _____________________ (竞赛).10. Do you like the hat over there? ---Do you mean one of the ____________________ (歌手) ?二、单项选择。



淮安市清河开明中学初一英语单元测试(7A Unit1)听力部分(15分)I.听句子,将下列图片重新排列。

(听两遍)(4分)A B C D1. 2. 3. 4.II.听两组对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。

(听两遍)(6分)听第一组对话回答5,6,7小题:( ) 5.What does Lily like best?A. Football.B. Basketball.C. Baseball.( ) 6. Where can they watch the football game?A. At home.B. At school.C. At the stadium(体育馆). ( ) 7. What time do they go to watch the game?A. At 2:00.B. At 3:00.C. At 5:00.听第二组对话回答8,9,10小题:( ) 8. Who are the two speakers?A. A teacher and a student.B. Two students.C. A mother and a son.( ) 9. Which class is Kitty in?A. Class 3.B. Class 4.C. Class 5.( ) 10. Is Mr Wu Simon’s Chinese teacher?A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isn’t.C. No, I don’t know. III.根据听到的短文,完成短文,每空限填一个单词。

(听两遍) (5分)Welcome to our school. Let’s 11 Sandy first. She was born in Beijing She is tall and ___12___. She loves playing __13 ___. This is Amy. She comes from America. She is good at 14 . She is not tall. And this is Kitty. She is eleven years old. She is small. She is from Nanjing. She likes 15 and she works hard. They are classmates.笔试部分(85分)I. 单项选择。

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Reading完形阅读同步测试(word

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Reading完形阅读同步测试(word

Unit 1 Reading (Ⅱ)班级_________________ 姓名_________________ 学号_________________一、完形填空。

Long long ago, there was a buffalo(水牛) in a forest. A monkey lived nearby. They were 1 .The monkey was very naughty(淘气的). He often did something 2 to the buffalo. Sometimes he threw stones on the buffalo’s head. Sometimes he jumped 3 the buffalo’s back from the tree. Although the 4 did something bad, the buffalo wasn’t 5 at all.One day, an elephant asked the buffalo, “ Why don’t you teach a 6 to the monkey? He did some bad things, 7 you never got angry. Why?” The buffalo smiled and said, “ I’d like to 8 the monkey for doing those bad things. He 9 me how to be patient(耐心的).When the monkey heard the buffalo’s words, he felt 10 and sorry. He said sorry to the buffalo. Later, they became good friends and got on well with each other.See? We should learn to be 11 like the buffalo. Being patient can make us 12 in mind. Sometimes it can bring us some good things, for example, good friends.( ) 1. A. families B. neighbors C. friends D. members( ) 2. A. good B. bad C. amazing D. interesting( ) 3. A. into B. onto C. inside D. outside( ) 4. A. elephant B. buffalo C.monkey D. animal( ) 5. A. angry B. bored C. sad D. excited( ) 6. A. lesson B. subject C. class D. skill( ) 7. A. and B. but C. so D. or( ) 8. A. kill B. touch C. catch D. thank( ) 9. A. learns B. makes C. teaches D. wishes( ) 10. A. happy B. surprised C. excited D. proud( ) 11. A. patient B. angry C. clever D. generous( ) 12. A. high B. low C. strong D. weak二、阅读理解。

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Reading知识点同步测试(word版

江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020年八上Unit 1 Reading知识点同步测试(word版

Unit 1 Reading (Ⅲ)班级_________________ 姓名_________________ 学号_________________一、根据句意用所给汉语或单词的适当形式填空。

1. She has a good _________________ (嗓音) and sings very well.2. Jay Chou is one of my favourite _________________ (sing) and I can singmost of his songs.3.Sun Mingming is the tallest basketball player in China. He is _________________ (差不多) 2.36 meters tall.4. The little girl with a _________________ (圆形的) face looks so cute.5. My brother has a good _________________ (感觉) of language and he is good at learning English.6. I never feel _________________ (无聊的) because I have a lot of hobbies.7. To my surprise, this big TV _________________ (可容纳) in this small box.8. The little boy_________________ (碰) the bottle off the table just now.9. Most of the students in our class _________________ (choose) Sandy as our monitor yesterday because she is so _________________ (可爱的,惹人喜爱的).10. Her short _________________ (笔直的) hair looks fashionable.11. She is generous and _________________ (will) to share things with others.12. He stopped _________________ (微笑)when he heard the bad news.13. Max is _________________ (short) than his elder brother.二、单项选择。



(1)本次调查的样本容量是________,这组数据的众数为________元; (2)求这组数据的平均数; (3)该校共有 600 学生参与捐款,请你估计该校学生的捐款总数. 20.在“阳光体育”活动时间,小英、小丽、小敏、小洁四位同学进行一次羽毛球单打比 赛,要从中选出两位同学打第一场比赛. (1)若已确定小英打第一场,再从其余三位同学中随机选取一位,求恰好选中小丽同 学的概率; (2)用画树状图或列表的方法,求恰好选中小敏、小洁两位同学进行比赛的概率. 21.某校组织“大手拉小手,义卖献爱心”活动,计划购买黑白两种颜色的文化衫进行手 绘设计后出售,并将所获利润全部捐给山区困难孩子.已知该学校从批发市场花 3600 元购买了黑白两种颜色的文化衫 200 件.每件文化衫的批发价及手绘后的零售价如下表:
A. 2a6
B. 4a5
C. 2a5
D. 4a6
3.某图书馆有图书约 985000 册,数据 985000 用科学记数法可表示为( )
A. 985103
B. 98.5104
C. 9.85105
D. 0.985106
4.现有一组数据 2,7,9,5,8,则这组数据的中位数是( )
2x 3 11.已知实数 m 满足方程 x2 2x 1 0 ,则代数式 4m 2m2 3的值为_____. 12.一个不透明的袋子中装有 3 个黄球和 4 个蓝球,这些球除颜色外完全相同,从袋子 中随机摸出一个球,摸出的球是黄球的概率是____. 13.若圆锥的母线为 6,底面圆的半径为 3,则此圆锥的侧面积为________. 14.如图,以点 O 为位似中心,将 OAB 放大后得到 OCD ,OA 2 , AC 3 ,则 AB



淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020学年初三年级阶段测试(一)【英语】试卷Ⅱ. 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. —The blue jeans look great. Can I ________? —Sure. Here you are.A. try on itB. try it onC. try them onD. try on them22. I am not sure if _______ under the sea in the future.A. will the life be easyB. the life will be easyC. that the life will be easyD. whether the life will be easy23. Lucy’s grandma is badly ill in hospital, so she is in a bad _______.A. moodB. conditionC. personalityD. characteristic24. Daniel has worked hard for this monthly test, _______ he still feels a little stressed.A. soB. andC. butD. or25. The basketball player never _______ his sports skills to the girls.A. lets offB. takes offC. puts offD. shows off26. —Jackie, I’m going on business. Please look after yourself.—________, Mum. I will.A. Don’t worryB. I hope soC. I’d love toD. Don’t mention it27. The new jacket looks cool _______ you because you look cool _______ black.A. for; onB. in; onC. on; inD. to; in28. —Which coat would you like to wear now, the pink one or the violet one?— ________. I am going to wear the blue one.A. BothB. EitherC. NoneD. Neither29. The high-speed railway _______ Huai’an to Yancheng will be in use at the end of 2019.A. connectedB. connectingC. connectsD. is connected30. I thought I could get full marks in the test, but I lost one point by mistake. _______.A. A miss is as good as a mileB. No pain, no gainC. Many hands make light workD. A friend in need is a friend in deed31. Neither his parents nor ______ he can make a good accountant.A. him thinkB. he thinksC. him thinksD. he think32. The book has many interesting stories. That’s _______ I like it.A. becauseB. howC. whyD. what33. —You like to drink milk in England, don’t you?— Yes. But I have been _______ drinking tea since I got to China.A. used toB. similar toC. ready toD. willing to34. — Must I go to Teachers College and be a teacher like you, Mum?— No, you _______. You are free to choose your future.A. can’tB. needn’tC. shouldn’tD. mustn’t35. The girl _______ a white dress was asked to _______ a coat before going outside.A. putting on; wearB. dressed; put onC. dressing; wearD. wearing; put onIII. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

江苏省淮安市淮阴区2019--2020 上学期 初一期末

江苏省淮安市淮阴区2019--2020 上学期 初一期末


每段对话读两遍( )1. What holiday are they celebrating?A. B. C.( )2. Where is the cat?A. B. C.( )3. What does the woman want to buy?A B. C.( )4. What is Mike good at?A. B. C.( )5. What is the woman's jacket made of?A. SilkB. CottonC. Leather,( )6. Where do Thomas and Kevin sit?A.In the front of the classroom.B. At the back of the classroom.C.In the centre of the classroom.( )7. When are Lucy and Henry talking?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.( )8. How many bedrooms are there in the woman's house?A.TwoB. ThreeC.Four( )9. What do Nancy and her sister look like?A.They have long hair and blue eyes.B. They have long hair and wear glasses.C. They have short black hair and big eyes.( )10. Why can NOT the man speak to Henry?A.Henry is busy.B. Henry is having a meeting.C. This is not Henry's number.B)听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语。

淮安市淮阴区东城开明中学2019--2020年上学期 9A unit2第1课时同步练习(无答案)

淮安市淮阴区东城开明中学2019--2020年上学期 9A unit2第1课时同步练习(无答案)

9A Unit 2 ColourComic strip and Welcome to the unit第1课时班级:___________ 学号:___________ 姓名:____________随堂练习Ⅰ.短语翻译1. 想要做某事________________2. nothing wrong3. 穿在某人身上很好看________________4. 彩虹的颜色___ ____ 5.女孩的颜色______ 6.在天空中___________________ 7. would rather wear blue than pink _____ 8. 往窗外看_ Ⅱ.根据句意及提示完成句中所缺单词1. There are seven colours in a ___________(彩虹), aren’t there?2. The girl went out in a __________(粉红色) coat.3.We live in a world full of __________(颜色).5.Girls like ___________(穿) skirts in summer.6. Red is a ____________(女孩)colour .Ⅲ.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I would rather _________ (take) a bus than ride a bike to go there.2.Which colour do you like _________(good) ,blue,orange or indigo?3. The world would be a dull place ________(with) colours.4. She prefers a __________ (colour) dress to a white one.5. I’v just __________ (see) duck s in the river .形成测试Ⅰ.单项选择( )1.I’d rather _________ than ____________.A. read books; watch TVB. reading books; watching TVC. to read books; watch TVD. read books; to watch TV( )2. There must be something wrong _______ the TV. It doesn’t work.A. toB. onC.inD. with( )3. Do you know how many colours ________in a rainbow?A. they areB. there areC. are theyD.are there( )4. There’s _______ with your son’s ears. So don’t worry about him.A. nothing seriousB. something seriousC. serious nithingD. anything serious( )5. The woman is carrying a bag ________money.A. full ofB.is full ofC. filledD. is filled with Ⅱ.句型转换1. The uniform looks nice on you. (同义句转换)You_______ ________ ________ the uniform.2. The box is filled with clothes. ( 同义句转换)The box is ________ ________ clothes.3.How many colours are there in a rainbow? (同义句转换)How many colours _________ a rainbow _________ ?4.Do you want to have a picnic next week with us?_______you _______ ________ have a picnic next week with us?5.My father wants to buy a new car and he doesn’t want to repair the old one. My father _______ ______ buy a new car _______repair the old one.拓展提高Ⅰ.完成句子1.我宁愿穿蓝色的,而不是粉色的。

淮安市开明中学2019-2020学年度第一学期九年级英语期中复习(1)Unit 1 Welcome---Grammar(含答案)

淮安市开明中学2019-2020学年度第一学期九年级英语期中复习(1)Unit 1  Welcome---Grammar(含答案)

Unit 1 Know yourself(Welcome~Grammar)班级_______ 姓名_________ 学号_________一、单选题。

()1. I would like to invite you to France. I know neither you nor Jack____________ there.A. has goneB. has beenC. have beenD. have gone()2. Would you like tea or coffee?---_____________, thanks. I like coke better.A. NeitherB. AllC. BothD. None()3. It was really helpful __________ you to look after the cat ________ __________a snowy day.A. of; at; soB. of; on; suchC. for; on; suchD. for; at; so()4. Bill speaks______________ English___________ French. Instead he speaks Japanese.A. both; andB. either; orC. neither; norD. not only; but also()5. Try to sing more English songs, and you will find it interesting ____________a foreign language.A. learnB. learningC. to learnD. learns()6. I have only two tickets for TFBOYs’ concert .__________you________ he can go with me.A. Both; andB. Neither; norC. Not only; but D Either; or()7. Mike is quiet, modest and easy_______________A. work withB. to workC. working withD. to work with()8. You have taken good care of your old books. They are as____________ as new.A. goodB. wellC. badD. worse()9. ---What else should we pay attention to ___________ building he bridge?--- The change of the weather, I think.A. finishB. finishedC. to finishD. finishing()10.---This exam is very important to us.---You are right. We can’t be____________ careful while taking it.A. soB. veryC. tooD. more()11. Liu Hao is serious and never makes mistakes. He often says______________.A. A miss is as good as a mileB. Practice makes perfectC. No pain,no gainD. When in Rome, do as the Romans do()12. His dream is to__________ an engineer when he grows up.A. doB. letC. getD. make()13. ---Who’s the most modest boy in our class?---Daniel. He never_____________ in public.A. gets offB. takes offC. shows offD. turns off()14.---There’s no ticket left for the concert. __________ you _________your sister can go to it.--- What a pity. We will miss the exciting moment.A. Both; andB. Either; orC. Neither; norD. Not only; but also()15.---How do you like the movie series WarwolfⅡby Wu Jing?--- Amazing! ____ the first______the second movie of the series is wonderful.A. Either; orB. Both; andC. Neither; norD. Not only; but also二、根据句意写出括号里的汉语或单词的适当形式。




每段对话读两遍()1. How does Jack usually go to school?A. B. C.()2. What does the boy see?A. B. C.()3.What is Peter's animal sign?A. B. C.()4. What is the time now?A. B. C.()5. Which colour does the man think Simon should use?A. RedB. Yellow.C.Orange.()6. Where are they speaking?A. In the classroom.B. In the library.C.At home.()7. How often does Nick go to the English Reading Club?A. Twice a weekB. Once a monthC. Twice a month ()8. What is Miss Green like?A. Creative.B. Active.anized()9. Who would rather sleep than watch TV on rainy days?A. The girl.B. Tom.C.Neither of them.()10. Why do some teenagers feel stressed?A.They have too many exams.B. They have too much homework to do.C.They don't know how to make friends with others.听第一段对话,回答11-12小题()11. What kind of concert is it tonight?A. Classical music.B. Country music.C. Folk music.()12. When and where will they meet?A.At 7: 10 p. m. at Sunshine Theatre.B. At 6: 50 p.m. at the gate of the theatre.C. At 7: 10 p. m. at the gate of the theatre()13.A. next to their school B. behind the cinema C. near the park()14.A twenty yuan B. twenty-five yuan C. thirty yuan()15. A. tomorrow moming B. tomorrow afternoon C. next Monday听第三段材料,回答第16~20小题()16. What is the speaker?A.A reporter.B. A teacher.C. A guide.()17. How’s the weather today?A.Cool.B.Hot.C. Warm.()18. What will people see in the park?A.Houses of all kinds and colours.B. Animals of all kinds and colours.C. School teachers and students.()19. What is the best thing to do in the park in autumn and winter?A. Taking photos.B. Watching birds.C. Walking around the lake. ()20. When should people come back to the bus?A. At 3: 00 p.m.B. At 5: 00 p. m.C.At 4:30p.m.II、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)()21. She looks pretty in _____________ indigo coat.A.anB.aC.theD./()22. Neither Tom nor his father _________ swimming.A.likeB. likesC.is likeD.are like()23. Most people think light music can make them feel__________.A.relaxedB. boredC. movedD.excited()24.___________ I got to the airport, I called my father to pick me up.A. UntilB. As soon asC. WhileD. If()25. Don’t eat___________meat any more. You are ___________fat now.A. too much; much tooB. too many; many tooC.much too; too muchD.many too; too many()26. The scientist is very modest. He never___________.A.shows upB.shows offC. shows onD.turns off()27. I was playing tennis___________ Lucy was watching ball games.A.untilB. whenC.asD. while()28. The boy is crying because he doesn't know ____________his parent s are.A.thatB.whatC. whyD. where()29. Do you want to __________ new challenges?A. have onB. tum onC.take onD. move on()30.---I hear someone knocking at the door. Go and see_________ it is .---Perhaps it is Andy.A.whatB. whoC.ifD. that()31. I have to_____________because of too much homework.A.go to bedB.keep sleepyC.stay upD.stay out()32. He asks about my father's health ___________ he meets me.A.afterB. beforeC.wheneverD.unless()33.---Smoking is really bad for health.---Teenagers in our school have_______they will refuse the first cigarette(香烟).A.providedB. producedC.promisedD.proved()34. I don't know_____________.Can you tell me, please?A.how the two runners are oldB.how old are the two runnersC. the two runners are how oldD. how old the two runners are.()35. Mr Friend hasn't________ my e-mail. I look forward to____________from him.A answered; hear B. replied; hearing C. answer; hear D. replied to; hearing Ⅲ、完形填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案My grandfather died on Thanksgiving Day. On his funeral(葬礼),his brothers told us about the days they 36 with him. They talked about the days 37 they were children. They lived in a poor place,38 they had a good time there. They went out for adventures 39 ; they spent holidays together.40 their eyes,my grandfather was understanding and kind-hearted. Whenever they met a problem,he would be there. He always brought 41 to other people. Everyone kept drinking and 42 stories about my grandfather.To my 43 , there was laughter when they talked. 44 was laughing;not polite smiles,but loud laughter. The louder their laughter was, the more 45 I felt. So I asked my mum 46 ,“Grandfather is dead. How can they laugh?”“What is the most important thing you remember about your grandfather?” my mum asked. “He47 want us to be sad. He wanted everyone to be happy.” I answered.Yes. Of all the things I remembered about my grandfather, his laughter 48 me most. He always dealt with things 49 a positive (积极的) way. No matter how hard his life was,he always laughed. I didn’t know50 heaven looks like,but I believe that it must be filled with my grandfather’s laughter.()36.A.had B. spent C. expected D. forgot()37.A.before B.after C. when D. until()38.A.and B.or C. but D. so()39.A.together B. hardly C.along D.successfully()40.A.In B. On C. With D. Out of()41.A.sadness B.surprise C. money D. happiness()42.A.speaking B. talking C. saying D.telling()43.A. joy B. surprse C.happiness D. excitement()44.A Everyone B. Nobody C.somebody D. Anybody()45. fortable B. happy C.uncomfortable D. excited()46.A.happily B.angrily C.sadly D. quietly()47.A doesn’t B can’t C.wouldn’t D. Shouldn’t()48.A. impressed B. touched C.shone D frightened()49. A.with B.in C.at D.from()50. A.how B.what C.when D.whyⅣ、阅读理解(共15小题:A、B两篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案It was Mother's Day. John was so busy with his work that he couldn't go back home. When he passed by a flower shop in the evening, an idea came t o his mind. “I'll send Mum some roses (玫瑰). “While John was picking his flowers, a young man went inside. “How many roses can I get for only five dollars, Madam?” he asked. The assistant was trying to tell him roses were as expensive as forty dollars a dozen (一打). Maybe he would be happy with carnations(康乃馨). “No, I have to have red roses. ”He said, “My mum was badly ill last year and I didn't get to spend much time with her. Now I want to get something special, it has to be roses as rose is her favourit e. ”After hearing it, John said he would pay the rest of the money for the young man. Moved by both of them, the assistant said, “Well, lovely young men, thirty dollars a dozen, only for you. ”Taking the roses, the young man almost jumped into the air and ran out of the shop. It was well worth twenty-five dollars John paid to see the exciting moment. Then John paid for his dozen of roses and told the assistant to send them to his mother.As he walked out, he felt nice. Suddenly he saw the young man crossing the street and going into a park. But soon he realized it was not a park but a cemetery (墓地). Crying, the young man carefully laid the roses, “Mum, oh, Mum, why didn't I tell you how much I loved you ? God, please help me find my mum and tell her I love her. ”Seeing this, John turned and quickly walked to the shop. He would take the flowers home himself.()51. The assistant tried to ask the young man to buy carnations instead of roses because_______.A. carnations were special flowers for Mother's DayB. roses were saved for JohnC. roses were more expensive than carnationsD.carnations were nicer than roses ()52. John spent _______ altogether (总共) in the shop that day.A. $5B. $25C. $ 30D. $ 55()53. The young man cried at the tomb because he _______.A. had spent all his money on the rosesB. wasn't able to tell his mother he loved her himselfC. felt sorry to ask John to pay for his flowersD. hadn't got enough money for his sick mother()54. At last John changed his mind and went home because he wanted to_______.A. tell his mother he loved her himselfB. ask his mother for more moneyC. tell his mother the young man's storyD. ask his mother if she liked roses ()55. The writer writes the passage to tell us"_______".A. Buy roses for your mother when she is illB. Let your mother know how much you love herC. Work hard to get more money for your motherD. Send your mother flowers on Mother's Day(B)In China, more and more villagers have left home to make a living in big cities. As a result, their children have become leftover children(留守儿童) and they need more care. The survey below is from some villages in Central China. Three hundred children were chosen to answer the()56. Of all the four things, the leftover children need___________.A.loveB.moneyC. controlD. freedom()57.__________of the children think it good to live with their parents.A.14%B.28%C. 44%D.58%()58. How many children think their happiest place is their school?A.48B.102C.144D.156()59. During the survey, the children were asked about many things EXCEPT_______.A.pocket moneyB. places they likeC. their needsD. their parents working in cities()60.We can learn that ____________from the survey.A.most leftover children want more freedom without parent.B. over 40% of the children have difficulty talking to parents freely.C. all the leftover children dream of making money in big cities.D. most villagers prefer living a life in the countryside.CColors often have different meanings in different cultures. In the USA, people believe these: Black: Black is the color of power. It is also popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinnerWhite: White is the symbol of purity. White is thought to be a summer color. However,white shows dirt and is more difficult to keep clean than other colors.Red: This is the most exciting color. Red fumiture (家具) should look very good since it will attract a lot of attention. Red cars are the thieves’ favorite. Red is often used in restaurant because it is an appetite (食欲)stimulant. This means it can make people eat more.Blue: Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean. Peaceful blue is often used in bedrooms. Studies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms.Green: Green represents nature. It is the easiest color on the eye. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.Yellow: Sunny yellow is a cheerful color, yet people lose their tempers(发牌气) more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more.()61. Black can make people appear____________.A.fatterB.strongerC. thinnerD. weaker()62. Which color is a summer color?A.BlueB. WhiteC.GreenD. Red()63. The underlined word stimulant means______________.A.刺激物B.防腐剂C.辐射物D.装饰品()64. Where is color red often used?A. In bedroomB. In gymsC. In hospitalsD. In restaurant()65. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?A.White can make people eat more.B.Blue can make patients feel more relaxed.C.People can get angry easily in yellow rooms.D. Black cars are popular among thieves.第Ⅱ卷(65分)V、单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.We are told to________________ the passing cars and trucks.2.What a pity! I didn’t________________ at last.3.This wonderful book_______________ reading all the time.4.---What's wrong with my car? ---There is ____________water in it.5.Though the old man ________________, he still couldn't forget the terrible time.6.There were millions of people who__________________ in the terrible war.7.The broken glasses_________________ my warm-hearted grandmother.8.My sister________________ swimming across the wide river yesterday afternoon.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空9. Cindy is an_______________(organize) girl. She can plan all her things very well.10.Tom’s __________________ (care) made him fail in the exam.11. The rock music from the supermarket almost_______________ (drive) me mad last night.12. It's too____________ (noise) outside I can't get to sleep.13. Boys and girls, in today's lesson, I'Il teach you how to know_____________(you).lie ________________(wait) for a bus when I passed by.15. Last week, a car accident caused the boy's_______________(die).Ⅵ、根据汉语意思,完成句子(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)16.粉色衣服没毛病,你穿着很好看。

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单元测试Unit 1 This is me!(总分:120分)一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)()1. My PE teacher often teaches us how to play__________ football.A.aB.anC./D.the()2. ---What a lovely e-dog!What’s__________ name?---Hobo.A. yourB. itC.it’sD.its()3.---Excuse me,________ your name Miss Zhao?---Yes,_________ .A.are; I amB.are; it isC. is; I amD.is; it is()4. What grade is Lily___________?A.onB.inC.atD.after()5.Jack’s_________ is playing computer games.A.hobbyB.gradeC.glassesD.look()6.---_________ all the students at school today?---No. Jim__________ at home.A.Is;isB.Are;areC.Is;areD. Are;is()7. I live__________my parents__________ Nanjing.A.with; inB.in; withC.in; inD. with; with()8. ---Are you and Tom new students?---Yes. _____________ new here.A.You’reB.He’sC.We’reD.They’re()9. This is a good book. I love__________ it very much.A.readingB.lookingC.writingD.doing()10.---________ Lucy from the USA?---No,she__________ from the USA. She comes from the UK.A.Does; doesn’tB. Does; isn’tC.Is; doesn’tD.Is;isn’t()11.---__________ is your new friend at school?---Jim is. He is a good boy.A. WhoB.WhereC. HowD.What()12.___________ is your brother today?---He is fine,thanks.A.WhoB.HowC.WhatD. How old()13.---Oh,it’s 10 o’clock. Mum, I must go to bed now. ---________.A. Good nightB. Good eveningC. Good morningD. Good afternoon()14. ---____________? ---No. My name is Mark.A. Are you MikeB. What’s this in EnglishC. How are youD. What’s your name()15.___________ everyone in your class___________ watching TV?A.Is; likeB.Do; likeC.Does; likeD.Are; like二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)What is the best way to study?This is a very 16 question. Some Chinese 17 often study very hard for long 18 .This is a 19 habit,but it is not a better way 20 . A good student must 21 enough sleep,enough food and enough rest. Every day you need to 22 a walk or do some 23 . When you 24 back to your 25 you’ll find yourself stronger than before and you’ll learn26 .Perhaps we can 27 that learning English is like 28 Chinese medicine(药). The effects(效果)of your study come slowly 29 strangely(神奇地). Learn 30 ,and effects will come just like Chinese medicine. Wait and see.()16. A. interesting B. exciting C. important D. boring()17. A. students B. children C.parents D.teachers()18.A. time B.hours C.hour D.day()19. A. good B. bad C. bright D. clever()20.A.studying B.studies C. study D. to study()21.A.do B.need C.have D. want()22.A.go B.give C.pay D.take()23.A.shopping B. sports C.homework D. reading()24.A.begin B. finish C. go D.return()25. A. home B.study C. house D.room()26.A. more B.less C. much D.a lot()27.A. guess B. know C. believe D.say()28.A.making B. having C.taking D.eating()29. A.and B.but C. or D.of()30.A. every day B. everyday C. every time D. a minute三、阅读理解。

(A、B两篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分)On Saturday Jack gets up very late. He usually gets up at 11: 45. He is alone (独自) in his home. He doesn't have time to have breakfast. He calls his first meal"brunch" because(因为) he usually has it at about twelve. After his"brunch", it is about half past twelve. He turns on the TV and begins to watch football games until(直到)2: 30 p. m. Then he goes to bed and sleeps until 4:30 p.m. Ten minutes later, he turns on the TV again and watches some interesting films. On Saturday evening, his friends often come to play cards(打牌)with him from 8:00p.m to 11:00p.m. Then he has dinner with his friends. After dinner he watches sports onTV. At about 2: 30 a. m, he goes to bed. Do you think it is good for him?()31.What time does Jack usually eat his first meal?A.At 11:45B. At about 12:00C.At 12:30D.At 1:00p.m.()32. Who does he live with?A.His fatherB. His motherC. Nobody(无人)D. His friends()33.How long does he sleep in the afternoon?A.For one hour.B.For two hours.C.For three hours.D.For four hours. ()34. What time does he have dinner?A. At 8: 00 p.m.B. At 9: 00 p.m.C.At 9: 30 p.m.D. After 11: 00 p.m ()35.Which one is right?A.Jack’s parents are very old.B. Jack likes football.C.Jack likes swimming.D. Jack doesn't eat anything on Saturday.BWu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the USA. Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play ping pong ball after class.Wu Dong and Peter like making things. Now they are making a model plane. They like flying model planes on Sunday mornings. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English.()36.Where does Wu Dong's friend come from?A.The UK.B. The USAC. ChinaD.Canada()37.How many days a week are they at school?A.Six.B. Seven.C.FourD.Five()38. What do they do after class?A.They play ping-pong ball at home.B. They play ping-pong ball at school.C. They make things at home.D. They make things at school.()39. What do they teach each other?A.Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.B.Wu Dong teaches Peter Chinese and Peter teaches Wu Dong English.C.Wu Dong teaches Peter to play tennis.D. Peter teaches Wu Dong to make a model plane.()40. Which one of the following is NOT true?A.Peter doesn't like China or Chinese food.B. Peter likes playing ping-pong ball and making things.C. Peter speaks good English and Wu Dong speaks good Chinese.D. Peter and Wu Dong don't go to school on Saturdays or Sundays.CThis term we have a new English teacher. His name is Peterson. He is an Australian. He is not very tall. He has a round face and small blue eyes. He wears glasses and they make him look smart. He has dark brown hair.Mr Peterson works very hard. In class, he has many good ideas to make the class very interesting. We all like his class. After class, he always encourages us to speak more English. Sometimes, he plays games with us. He is very strong and he can play basketball and football very well. He is good at sports. Sometimes he plays table tennis with us, but he doesn't play it very well.Mr Peterson loves living in China very much. He enjoys lots of things in China. He really loves eating Chinese food. He loves travelling in China too. He is going to visit Xi'an next month. ()41. What does Mr Peterson do?A. He is a doctor.B.He is a teacher.C. He is a farmer.D. He is a worker. ()42. We cannot use____________to describe(描述) Mr peterson.A.tallB. strongC.smartD.hard-working()43. How many ball games is Mr Peterson good at?A.4B. 3C. 2D.1()44. The underlined(画线的)word" encourages”mean________.A.阻止B.嘲笑C.逼迫D.鼓励()45. Which of the following is NOT true?A.Mr Peterson is a very good English teacher.B. Mr Peterson is a very good football player.C. Mr Peterson enjoys playing computer games.D.Mr Peterson enjoys his life in China.四、词汇运用(每小题1分,满分15分)46.Everyone__________________ their own ideas.47. I’m very glad_____________ my old friends.48.These __________aren’t mine. They are Daniel’s.49. Daniel has some new______________ at school.50. Our English teacher likes_______________ very much.51. The girl often______________ her pet dog by herself.52. I didn’t know how____________ children when started to work in a primary school.53. The boy’s uncle___________ training dogs. His dogs can do wonderful tricks.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
