
最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性2 托尼莫里森《柏油孩子》的后殖民生态批评解读3 《第二十二条军规》的荒诞性解读4 An Analysis of Language Features of Desperate Housewives56 欧·亨利作品中人生的真正意义7 中美肥胖问题比较研究8 从语用角度谈英汉称赞语及其回应策略9 生与死的抗争——《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读10 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征11 文明的樊笼—解读《野性的呼唤》12 英汉习语的概念隐喻对比研究13 An Analysis of American Dream--A Case Study of The Great Gatsby14 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读15 《干旱的九月》米妮.库珀和《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》艾米丽的人物性格分析16 浅析多丽丝莱辛《金色笔记》中安娜的个性化历程和小说形式的关系17 从电影功夫字幕翻译谈文化负载词的翻译18 顺应论视野下茶文化负载词的英译策略19 A Study on Problems and Solutions to JEFC Teaching under Multi-level Modes20 文档所公布均英语全英原创毕业论文。
原创⑦⑨⑨⑦⑤⑦⑨③⑧21 合作性学习在教学中的作用22 老纽约下的女性悲剧——对《纯真年代》中两位女性的分析23 英语委婉语负面影响研究24 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读25 浅析《双城记》中狄更斯的浪漫现实主义26 文化差异对英汉翻译的影响27 论《麦田里的守望者》中的象征体系及霍尔顿的精神世界28 论新闻翻译中译者的主体性29 动机理论在英语教学中的应用30 《小妇人》中的家庭教育及它对现代家庭教育的意义31 从《简爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化32 反译法在英译汉中的应用33 基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究34 析《虹》中的象征意义35 中文菜名英译的失误与分析36 从弗洛伊德的精神分析法分析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿考尔菲德的成长37 论《红字》中的清教主义思想38 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析39 《吉檀迦利》中的泛神论思想40 浅析古希腊文化对欧美文化的影响41 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读42 从功能对等的角度浅谈商标翻译43 英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究44 凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的意识流技巧研究45 小王子旅途的象征意义46 英语外贸信函的特点及翻译47 商务谈判中的模糊语的使用48 “金玉良缘”与“幸福终点”——浅析中西婚姻差异49 论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质50 中美家庭教育文化对比及其根源分析51 The Multiple-Personality in the Hero of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde52 《外星人》电影海报的多模态话语解析53 莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中男主人公性格分析54 伏尼契小说《牛虻》中主人公性格分析55 Who Was to Blame:The Influence of Community on Pecola56 马斯洛需求理论视角下《嘉莉妹妹》主人公命运评析57 《红楼梦》两英译本中习语翻译的比较58 A Study of Corporate Crisis Management through Sanlu Tainted Milk Powder Incident59 《雾都孤儿》中的童话模式解读60 《简爱》的浪漫主义解读61 The Comparison between“the Mean”of Confucius and“the Mean”of Aristotle62 The Comparison of the Chinese Spring Festival with the Western Christmas Day63 从“房间”意象看英国当代社会悲剧——哈罗德品特作品解读64 从接受美学角度看儿童文学的翻译65 英汉衔接手段对比分析--基于The Old Man and the Sea及其译本的对比分析66 The Strategies and Translation of Politeness in English Business Letters67 论《某人住在一个多美的小城镇》的语言艺术(开题报告+文献综述+论文)68 On the Techniques and Principles in English-Chinese Translation of Movie Titles6970 On the Irony in Pride and Prejudice71 新闻英语中的委婉语及其翻译策略72 《善良的乡下人》的喜剧性分析73 浅析英语新闻标题的语言特征74 从《阿甘正传》看美国乐观主义75 从歧义和语用角度分析幽默76 分析简爱的美77 Advertising and Its Application78 A Comparative Study on Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai79 宋词英译中的归化和异化80 《美国的悲剧》中主人公克莱德悲剧性解析81 中英文颜色词的非对应翻译82 英汉“走类”动词短语概念隐喻的对比研究83 浅析苔丝悲剧命运的形成原因84 浅析电影《我是山姆》中的反智主义85 中国英语与中式英语之比较86 从商业广告看文化因素对广告翻译的影响87 浅析《老人与海》中人与自然的和谐之美88 从麦琪的礼物中折射出欧亨利对已故妻子的爱89 马克吐温悲观主义及其产生原因初探90 《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯思特里克兰德的追寻自我91 影响中国高中英语课堂中任务型教学实践的因素92 从合作原则分析《生活大爆炸》中字幕幽默的翻译93 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读94 A Preliminary Study on Racial Discrimination in America95 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读96 A Study on Problems and Strategies in Phonetic Teaching of Spoken English in JEFC97 试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象98 约翰福尔斯《法国中尉的女人》中主角萨拉女性意识的体现99 从好莱坞电影看美国的文化霸权100 英语语句模糊性分析101 英语习语的认知分析102 从生态批评视角解读《野性的呼唤》103 动之以情,晓之以理---浅析语法情景教学在中学英语课堂中的设计与运用104 中西方文化中家庭观念差异研究——以电影《推手》为例105 《麦田里的守望者》主人公的性格分析106 A Study of Chinglish as Found in Students’ Writings107 沮丧与感情的冲突108 《红楼梦》两英译本文化不可译性之管窥109 从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合110 中西节日的对比研究111 《名利场》中男性与女性形象解析112 《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯特伍德人生悲剧113 商务英语谈判的翻译技巧114 从电影《阿甘正传》看二战后美国价值观115 《哈利波特》中的励志精神116 从《所罗门之歌》看美国的黑人文化117 解析喜福会中美籍华裔妇女的冲突和身份问题118 英语词汇的记忆方法119 A Contrastive Study of the Associative Meanings of Plant words in English and Chinese120 英汉禁忌语及其对跨文化交际策略的比较研究121 从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响122 The Important Role of Body Language in American Daily Life123 The English Translating of Chinese Neologisms in Political Documentation: Methods and Strategies124125 On Application of TBLT to Junior High School Oral English Teaching126 从接受理论看赛珍珠的《水浒传》翻译127 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的人物分析128 A Comparison of the English Color Terms129 从《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中儿童的观察和语言分析世纪的美国社会130 庄子和梭罗自然观比较——以《庄子》与《瓦尔登湖》为例131 论了不起的盖茨比的悲剧132 中西方文化中的“红色”内涵异同133 文化背景知识在英语教学中的作用134 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述135 从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响136 浅析俚语在美国亚文化群中的使用及其成因137 新闻翻译中“编译”的合理性分析138 英语汉源借词研究139 挣脱世俗枷锁,定义自我人生意义——解读毛姆《人生的枷锁》中的人生哲学140 论海明威的《老人与海》141 浅析商务谈判中的恭维语应用142 从《红字》看霍桑的道德思想观143 关于高中英语课堂内自主学习的思考144 《汤姆索亚历险记》的艺术魅力145 伊迪斯华顿《纯真年代》中的新女性形象146 新闻中新兴词语的翻译原则及策略147 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义148 艾伦金斯堡及其《嚎叫》之于二十世纪六十年代美国文化的影响149 狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想150 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感151 关于商务英语教材编写的几点思考--基于教材特点的比较分析152 中西方社交礼仪差异研究——以商务礼仪为例153 欧亨利短篇小说的特点154 接受美学指导下的电影字幕翻译——以《冰河世纪II》为例155 基于认知的颜色词隐喻研究156 从“水”的隐喻看中西文化的差异157 英语中天气隐喻的认知解读158 浅析《天路历程》中基督徒的成长历程159 小学英语教学中的体态语应用160 Two Trapped Roses—A Comparative Study on Emily and Miss Havisham161 The Translation of English Film Title162 《林湖重游》中的静态美分析163 Salinger, a True Man: A Study of Salinger Based on The Catcher in the Rye164 中西文化差异对跨文化商务谈判的影响165 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的英译166 浅析《红字》中的森林意象167 从苔丝的悲剧到托马斯哈代的宿命论168 Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms169 The Exploration of Black Female Characters in Toni Morrison’s Novels170 中国特色词汇及其翻译171 王尔德家庭道德观在《认真的重要性》中的体现172 自救或被救: 小说《红字》分析173 Symbolic Meanings of Babel in The Dogs of Babel174 On Aesthetic Value of Thomas Hardy’s Poems175 马斯洛需要层次理论下的《奥兰多》176 从作品人物塑造看海明威生命意识的转变177 通过弗洛伊德人格结构理论分析弗兰纳里奥康纳《好人难寻》的主人公性格178 论《老人与海》中的英雄主义179 Influence of Western Food Culture upon Chinese People180181 On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Multinational Corporations182 魔幻现实主义在《所罗门之歌》中的应用183 中美家庭教育比较184 Foreign Publicity Translation185 从人文主义角度解读《失乐园》中撒旦的形象186 从文化角度浅析新闻英语的翻译187 中美新闻价值观的差异在灾难性新闻报道中的体现188 《青春》中的孤独主题分析189 战争隐喻在体育新闻报道中的运用190 功能对等视角下的汉语数字成语英译策略研究191 《呼啸山庄》中的哥特元素分析192 透析《劝导》中的新女性形象193 马丁伊登的自杀根由194 Analyzing Rhett’s Character in Gone With The Wind----the Mixture of Fire and Ice 195 从《少年派的奇幻漂流记》论人性与兽性196 论《宠儿》中的母爱197 从弗洛姆的社会过滤理论看中国诗词翻译中的文化传递198 目的论视角下公益广告的翻译199 凯特肖邦《觉醒》中女主人公女性意识的觉醒200 从福柯的后人道主义视角看赫尔米娜之死——解读赫尔曼黑塞作品《荒原狼》。

【关键词】托尼.莫里森小说作品、美国黑人音乐文化特征、描述、描写、象征意义、传承、变迁、重要性、贡献1. 引言1.1 介绍【托尼.莫里森小说作品】《托尼·莫里森小说作品中的美国黑人音乐文化特征》托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)是一位备受推崇的美国作家,她的作品多次获得文学奖项,包括诺贝尔文学奖和普利策奖。




要 :嘻哈 文化 源于美国底 层黑人街 头 文化 ,是 美国 当代青年 文化的重要 组成部分 。
在发展成 为全球性 的青年文化的今天 ,嘻哈 文化作 为反抗 主流社会 的歧视 和隔
离 ,表达 黑人青 年真 实生活状 态和 自我认 同的栽体 ,对黑人青年 ,尤其是 对他
中的黑人数 量不断 上升 。到 1 9 7 0 年 ,美 国黑人人 口 中8 1 . 3 %为城市 居 民[ 2 ] 。高 度的城市 化人 口形成 了一 系列 问题 。庞大 的黑人人 口遭到 了其他 种族 的抵 制 , 白人 中产 阶级纷 纷迁 往郊 区 ,形 成 白人居 住 的郊 区 化 ,和黑人聚居区的城 市中心化 ,白人和黑人在居住
嘻 哈音乐 为主的艺术形式作为表达对 主流社会 的不满 和 院 的手段 ,而哈莱姆文艺复兴和黑人文化运动则都
觉醒的结果 ,黑人精英群体力求向主流社会展现出积极
的 民族形象 ,而黑人文化运动则是伴随 6 0 年代美 国民
赎 ,而前两次文化运动 的对象则是 白人主流社会 ,是
对与主流社会关 系的一次文化探索 。在艺术表现形式 上 ,嘻哈文化的说唱乐影响最大 ,这种音乐以西非文 化 中的鼓 点和 口述传统 为基础 ,采用非洲 音乐传统 , 体现出纯粹的非洲艺术特色 ,而前两次文化运动虽然
~ 一
步 造成 了黑人青 年在就业 竞争 中的不利 地位 。
嘻哈文化起源于底层黑人青年 ,他们居住在城市贫 民 区 ,在经济 、政治和社会上处 于边缘地位 ,受 困于美

2352018年33期总第421期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS说唱音乐中非裔美国人英语的词汇分析文/刘雪莹一、简介说唱作为现代音乐文化中最流行的音乐形式。
1)“ -ing ”的变化,例如,单词的后缀“ing”经常变为“in”。
说唱音乐中最常出现的词是“outta”来表示“out of”。
4)“you all”的改变。
“y’all”被用作“you all”。
nigger(黑人)变为nigga,ganster(黑帮)变为黑帮,motherfucker(混账东西)变为mothafucka6)because通常缩短为cuz7)“don’t know”缩短为“dunno”8)在Rap歌词中,“come on”这句话经常被缩短为“c’mon”。

美 国 黑 人 灵 歌 的产 生 及 发 展 , 与 美 国 黑 人 的 文 化 生 活 、黑人英 语的发展 关系密切 。所 以黑人灵歌 的语言及 用 词 经 常 偏 离 标 准 英 语 。仅 词 汇 方 面 , 就 经 常 出 现 一 些 新造词和临时词汇 。
如 在 W d e W t 中 , o 'a o g t o b e a ei t ae n h r G d - i t u l t s g n o r eh
目 曼语 的离究 歌 言偏研
( )语音偏离 1 在 交际 中,说话者通 常会避 免一些会 引起歧 义或含 糊 不清 的语 言。但在某 些特殊情 况下 ,说话者会 故意用
歌有其独 特 的语 言特征及文 体形式 。对 黑人灵歌 语言 的
偏离研 究 ,有 助于我们进 一步 了解 美国黑人 历史和文 化
口 康 曼 宋晓 云 河北大学外国 语学院
【 摘
要】黑人 灵歌作为极具特色 的世界文化遗产 ,在语 言的运用方面 ,有其独到 的特 点,能够充分反映
出 黑 人 英 语 的 文 化 特 色 。 本 文 根 据 语 言 偏 离 理 论 , 对 多 首 黑 人 灵 歌 从 语 音 、词 汇 、 语 法和 字 音 等 四方 面 ,进 行 了偏 离现 象 的分 析 , 以说 明黑 人 灵 歌 的语 言特 色 ,也 在 一定 程 度 上揭 示其 背后 的 文 化 内涵 。 【 键词】 关 黑人 灵歌 ;偏 离 ;语 言特 色 【 圈 分 类 号 】 00 I 献标 识 码 】 【 章 编 号 】 0 966 (020 —0 8 2 中 H — 文 A 文 10.172 1)802 . 0
国内许 多学者对 偏离现 象也做 了研究 。 申丹和 张德 禄指 出 ,偏 离应和 变异 区别开来 ;王 守元 将偏 离分为 两

一、黑人灵歌的原型——野营会歌曲北美殖民地是在欧洲各国一系列海外扩张和殖民活动下形成的,因此形成许多教派,但都被英格兰国教的官方教会看做是异端邪教加以排斥和迫害,这样就引发了为争取宗教自由的信仰复兴运动,也就是1730年的大觉醒运动(TheGreat Awak ening)。

说唱乐中所折射出的一些美国社会问题一. 本课题意义:从1960年摇滚乐兴起以来,说唱音乐以一种与从不同的方式席卷了美国。
Rap –说唱这个词,是由黑人所创造出来的一个俚语。
我们都知道,它是一种美国式的黑人音乐形式并且在1979年时,在一首叫做 "Rapper's Delight"的说唱乐的冲击后,有了很迅速很长足的发展。
在最后,是对各种各样种类的说唱音乐的简单介绍,它们分别是:alternative rap, bass rap, crossover rap, east coast rap,gangsta rap,hardcore rap, jazz rap,old school rap,underground rap和west coast rap。

据估计HIP HOP是源自美国纽约的黑人社区BRONX,他们将生活上的娱乐发展成为现今多样的HIP - HOP 文化,发挥黑人独有的特质,如节奏感及歌声进而舒缓情绪和消遣。
因带有乐观开朗的特质,逐渐慢慢的在全美蔓延开来,进而扩散到全世界;潮流劲hit的Hip Hop舞有型又好睇,难怪年青人热爱有加,纷纷加入跳舞热潮,但要留意这种舞的动作难度较高,不是人人适合。
但如果想对Hip Hop文化有更深入的认识,或想加入跳舞行列;就要留意详细介绍:Hip-Hop起源于80年代,B.P.M约在90-110拍,中文翻译为嘻哈。
Hip-Hop前生是Rap 和一点点的R&B,再加上各种磨片的音效声,属于80年代开始年轻人爱玩的音乐。
Hip-Hop 舞从字面上来看Hip 是臀部;Hop是单脚跳,Hip-Hop则是轻扭摆臀,可以看出它的出处。
HIP - HOP的组成可分成五个要素:音乐、舞蹈、涂鸦、刺青和衣著。

2、用数字表示某些字眼。由于有些字眼和阿拉伯数字发音相同,因此直接用数字代替,如to用2,for用4,night用9,而Straight之ai曲t部分常用8代表,写成Str8,形成又有字母又有数字的新英文。而有些数亨也是必须知道的,如之前上映过的电影187,所指的即是“加州杀人犯的刑罚号码”,而有位饶舌歌手即取名187Fac,或是饶舌团体The Whi tehead brother的成名曲“My Loveris a 187”也都是用187当代号。其它和数字有关的代号,则多与枪枝有关。

【关键词】关键词:托尼.莫里森、美国黑人音乐、小说、文化特征、重要性、描写、情感、象征意义、独特性、深刻影响、理解1. 引言1.1 托尼.莫里森小说作品中的美国黑人音乐文化特征托尼·莫里森是美国著名的黑人女作家,她的作品中经常涉及美国黑人音乐文化。
2. 正文2.1 美国黑人音乐对于托尼.莫里森小说的重要性美国黑人音乐对于托尼.莫里森小说的重要性可以从多个方面来分析。

关键词:反语言黑人说唱反社会身份认同中图分类号:H315.9文献标识码: A文章编号:1672-1578(2014)3-0007-021 引言反语言是社会方言的极端形式,根源于主流语言又与主流语言相对立而存在。
黑人说唱(US rap)指的是非裔美国人为主导并在黑人青年中产生广泛影响并具有重要地位的说唱形式。
2 黑人说唱的重新词汇化反语言与主流语言是一种寄生依附的关系,通过“重新词汇化”(relexicalization)完成其演变过程。

1. 对于运用自然音的坚守一般而言,音乐中所使用的音乐性音响素材包括乐音和噪音两大类别。

能真 正尊 重他 们 自己的 文化 和风 俗 ,他们 希望黑 人 不要
当然 ,他们 中的一 些 人开 始转 变 ,尽管 部 分 词语 依
忘记 自己的历史 ,尤其是那些 已经走 出贫 民窟的黑人 。丛 林 兄弟 的《承认 自己 的历 史》中写 到 :“红 是 我们 f10鲜 血 黑是 我们 的肤 色 ,绿 色是牛 我养 我的土 地 的颜 色 。”[21
60年代以来就一直被黑人和拉丁裔人所 占据。虽然 民 了以黑人 民权 运动为 主题 的“黑人嘻 哈乐”运 动 。人 民公 权运 动取 得 了一 定 的胜利 ,但黑 人教 育 水平低 ,经济 地 敌 的主唱卡尔 顿。赖 德奥尔极 具煽动 性的说 唱是 因为他
位落 后 的 因素使 得他 们仍 无法 同 白人享 受 同等 的资源 唱 出了当地黑 人 日常生 活的话题 。其领袖查 克 D无条件
生计 ,过上好 生活 。但 他们 日益坚持 并酷 爱 的饶 舌文化 显生 硬的歌词 中却暗含 着黑人 的无奈与 困境 。
不仅 仅给他们 带来 了维持 生计 的面包 ,而是更 多。

关键词:黑人英语;说唱乐;语言特点;社会影响ABSTRACTNowadays, the American Black Rap music has been attracting more and more attention all over the world. Some of the musicians of different countries even feel proud for having their own typical Rap music. It is Rap music’s inheriting the characteristics of American Black English that makes it achieve such a great success. As a result, this thesis analyzed the representative characteristics of the English language used in Rap music. The English itself even has been changed by Rap music because of its great influence, especially in American English. Rap music is especially hot among youths and has made great influence on both their language and their behaviors, no matter whether it is in the United States or European countries, even in some third world countries. This thesis also covered some of this aspect.Key words:Black English; rap music; language features; social influenceContents1.Introduction (2)2.Researches on Black English and Rap music (3)2.1 Researches on Black English home and abroad (3)2.2 Researches on Rap music home and abroad (3)3. The Black English in Rap music (6)3.1 Definition of Black English (6)3.2 Characteristics of Black English (7)3.3 Language Features of the Black English in Rap (8)3.3.1 Stylistic Features (8)3.3.2 Phonological Features (12)3.3.3 Grammatical Feature (12)3.3.4 Lexical features (15)4. Influences of Rap music on American society (18)4.1 Social Values of Rap lyrics (18)4.2 Impact of Rap Music on Youths (19)5. Conclusion (22)Acknowledgements (23)References (24)1.IntroductionLanguage can be regarded as a communicative medium and carrier of culture and music historically has been a medium for social expression. This social expression can take many forms, from triumph and hope to utter frustration and despair. Regardless of the catalyst that creates it, music serves to stimulate the mind, stir the soul, and elicit emotions [1]. Rap or Hip Hop music, emerging in the rough and tumble of America's predominantly black inner city neighborhoods, is one of the most fashionable musical genres in popular culture today. The combinative product of language and music employs its unique strength to shake and move people's hearts, especially those of American youth.My interest in the study of rap music was prompted by those excellent records that rap songs achieved even in this competitive art circle. It has been said that music is a reflection of the cultural and political environment from which it is born. Rap music emerged as an aesthetic cultural expression of urban African American youth in Bronx, New York, in the early 1970s. It has been denoted as the poetry of the youth who are often disregarded as a result of their race and class [1]. The United States is acknowledged for its advance in modernization, democracy and freedom but is also notorious for the violence, drug, crimes, political scandals, etc. All of these issues are exhibited incisively and vividly by rap artists with the frequent use of Black English. Therefore, the study on rap music would be a new visual angle for us to explore African American English variety and subculture of the United States.In spite of that, recent studies are not very encouraging in the field of this specific language variety for its special combination with the black music culture. Most sociologists, linguists and psychologist believe that Rap becomes a means of self-differentiation that helps forge group identity, solidarity and ethnic pride, and the language used in Rap is often a kind of passive resistance to oppression, discrimination or cultural aggression. Likewise, it's a fact that Black English has become an important constituent of American English with the flourish of Rap music.The last but not the least important reason for taking up the present study is the great influence of Black English on American English as a result of the rapid development of popular culture. In addition, with the Rap music's entry into China, the zeal for the western popular culture is higher than ever before. That would not only benefit Chinese people's English learning a lot, but also push the development of Chinese Rap music into a new stage.2 Researches on Black English and Rap music2.1 Researches on Black English home and abroadBlack English is the term used for English variants spoken by some African-Americans, and some studies show that some none-African-Americans even speak it. Edwards W.F. pointed out, “It has gone through decades before getting the term of “African-American vernacular English”, which sometimes is shortened as AAE in his Sociolinguistic Behavior in a Detroit Inner-city Black Neighborhood [2]93-115. Before Black English, a number of names have been used, such as Ebonics and Black Vernacular English. During the mid and late 1960s, the name Negro-None-Standard English was often used in Zhao Shuguang’s research during the writing Prelimilary Exploration of the Impact on the Development of South and North America’s Music from Black English[3]. It is obvious that the terms for this language variety change more or less in step with terms of self-identification that speak for it.Sociologists, linguists and psychologists generally believe that it is common for oppressed people (like African slaves in the Americas) to choose a different dialect from their oppressors. This is done to subtly rebel against the oppressor and his culture, and to differentiate themselves, as well as to cultivate pride among their community. Zhang Ming laid out his view above in the article The coming into being and features of Black English [4]23-26.Like other studies, the main purpose of studying Black English is better to serve the society. Those are the favorite subjects for western linguistics, whereas studies on Black English in China are not as heated as that of America.Studies on relationship between society and language in China maybe traced back to the beginning of civilization. However, the notion of sociolinguistics has been introduced in China in 1980s with the introduction of the foreign monographs. From then on, a discipline called sociolinguistics has been set up in China. But studies of Black English are really scant compared with that of America, because the main purpose of the study is to benefit society. There are more general introductions ofsociolinguistics than detailed descriptions of Black English, which is certainly determined by the situations of China. There are still some papers or chapters in books introducing what Black English is and what features it possesses, though they come out much later and have no breakthrough in researching, just representing what have already been found in USA.2.2 Researches on Rap music home and abroadThe Oxford English Dictionary defines “Rap” as “a style of popular music (developed by New York Blacks in the 1970s) in which words (usually improvised) are spoken rhythmically and often in rhyming sentences over an instrumental backing”. Its original meaning is to identify and signify a particular sound that is made when one solid object is struck against another and the sound of a Rap is sometimes used as a means of signaling anything heavier than what would be an ordinary blow. As Chen Daoming put, “Rap itself is a musical genre, which combines unsung rhythmical rhyming texts with beats, which are in fact the same that funk music uses”, in The Feelings towards Colored Skin─Culture of Black Americans’Music [5]47-80.Greg Dimitriadis[6]58-95 explores the fascinating subject of black youth's textual readings and dynamic usage of Hip Hop and Rap music in his book Performing Identity or Performing Culture. His fresh point is the effort to link his claim about the performativity of identity to grounded pedagogical practice and policy initiatives.In African American English, Green [7]124-146presents an overview of speech events, within which braggadocio style, signification and toasts are discussed in Rap lyrics.Spears [8] examines Rap from a historical standpoint, by concentrating on form and content in Race and Ideology: Language Symbolism, and Popular Culture. He holds that the language of Rap is primarily AAE, and Rap can be understood as a form of cultural resistance.Why white kids love Hip-Hop unmasks the reason why Hip Hop appeal to white youth. Kitwana [9]45-49largely concerns Hip Hop itself, especially the terrain of popular culture, youth culture, economics and politics, where Black and white kids interact.Based on the previous researches, it's can be found that Rap has always been a topic examined in the context of sociology, and little study linked to microlinguistics can be found, namely, the researches of Rap slang are limited. Furthermore, there is hardly any book about American Rap music in China since it is still on its way of formation and most of Chinese people, especially the older generation misread and reject this popular culture.3. The Black English in Rap music3.1 Definition of Black EnglishBlack English is a form of American English spoken primarily by African American. Although a Black English speaker’s dialect may display regional variation, there are still many salient features. The speaker’s idiolect could contain all these features; it is also called Black Vernacular English (BVE) or Ebonics [10]. African-Americans have developed this distinct dialect due to a set of special historical circumstance. African-Americans were slaves until just 150 years ago and their ancestors were Africans who at first spoke many different languages. Also, they have been by and large segregated from all other sections of the population until as recently as 40 years ago, and they have endured frequent harsh treatment and racist government policies [10]. All these conditions combined have led to the dialect that is different from the whites’ language and has become a sign of group identity.Most of the time when people question whether black English is a language, they mean, is it a separate system from English in the way German, Chinese, or Jamaican Creole are separate systems? In this sense, a dialect is a complete system that overlaps to a great degree with some other, super- system [11]. Thus Bavarian German is a dialect of German-in-general(but is not a dialect of Swiss German); London English is a dialect of English, and U.S.A. “Broadcast Standard”English is also a dialect of English.Black English is an English dialect. Most of its components in the dimensions of grammar, lexicon, and pronunciations are widely shared with English─either standard American English, or with Southern White English, or with vernacular dialects of English around the world[12]112-113. So it’s not as separate as German English or Jamaican Creole, which all have very different grammars and lexicons, and which are all unintelligible to monolingual speakers of American English. On the other hand, Black English does have its own distinctive features and functions. It can be spoken badly, or imitated inaccurately, by whites (or blacks) unfamiliar with its rules; and it symbolizes community and cultural values for its speakers that no other dialect of English in the world can convey.3.2 Characteristics of Black EnglishLanguages are primarily spoke phenomenon, and only secondly written. But it is a historical fact that written languages is more prestigious than unwritten ones. This has nothing to do with the complexity or richness or the systematic nature of a language’s grammar, however, unwritten languages are just as rich, complex and systematic as written ones.Black English dose not have a vocabulary separate from other varieties of English. However, Black English speakers do use some words, which are not found in other varieties and furthermore use some English words in the ways that differ from the standard dialects. A number of words used in Standard English may also have their origin in Black English or at least in the West African languages that contributed to Black English’s development [12]. A discussion of Black English vocabulary might proceed by nothing except that words can be seen to be composed of a form (a sound signal) and a meaning. In some cases both the form and the meaning are taken from West African sources. In other cases the form is from English but the meaning appears to be derived from West African sources. Some cases are ambiguous and seen to involve what the late Fredric Cassidy called a multiple etymology.Black English and Standard English pronunciation are sometimes quite different. People frequently attach significance to such differences in pronunciation or accent .The study of phonology as the systematic patterning of sounds in language is an important part of sociolinguistics. It should be noted that phonology has nothing to do with spelling [13].The way something is spelt is often not a good indication of the way it “should be”, or much less is pronounced.Since Afro-American English is first used exclusively by black people with relatively poor education, the spelling of words used is generally very easy[14]. When a fairly complicated meaning needs to be put across, the words involved are still much fewer and much simpler than those used in standard English. For instance, “cool” can indicate meanings including “admirable’, “OK”, “very good”, “keeping calm”; “screw” can take place of “doubtful”, “deceive”, “make a bad work of something” and “make love with somebody”. A simple “Shit” comes to mean “bad work”, “waste”, “little boy or girl” and in some cases “drugs” are like heroin. “Stuff” can refer to “thing”, “food”,“ability”, “money” and “marijuana” [13].Simple words, short sentences and grammar lacking many complicated rules which are indispensable in formal English result from the poor education of black American, and render Black English the quality of being easy to speak out. To illustrate, “You ok?”—“Are you all right?”, “Wha the fuck?”—“ What is wrong?” or “ What is this all about?” And in many cases, be –verb is left out, for instance, “Y ou the man” cuts the verb “are”, “ He nice” neglects “is”; When there is a need to use be-verb, invariablely “be” functions as the omni potent be-verb, taking place of all others like “is” , “are” , “was” and “were”, as in “ I be student now” , “ He be my father”, “ She be my girlfriend then”. Attributive clause and other relatively complicated grammar are rarely seen in Black American English. A random combination of simple words without being meticulous about grammar can work.3.3 Language Features of the Black English in RapWhat makes Rap so popular in America Society? With reference to the top 10 most popular Rap songs, we may find that the wide spreading of Rap music owes much to the unique lyrics which employ the typical Black English. Black English arises primarily from an oral tradition that gives voice to Black consciousness, lifestyle, struggle and resistance to the dominant American culture. In the English used in Rap (or we may say Rap English), some words have changed their pronunciations; some have simplified their conjunctions while the grammar also has been changed to a certain extent. Now let us discuss some of the language features of the Black English in rap.3.3.1 Stylistic Features(1) RhymeRap, in particular, exemplifies the close links between African American English and rhyme, and the rhythmic qualities of Black English long antedate the Hip-Hop culture beat. The root or source of this distinctive rhythmic approach lies in the cultures of West Africa. In America, this influence has been particular by evidence in the Black church and African-American conventions of phrasing and delivery in preaching, praying and singing. In the Rap music, the lyrics need a lot of rhythmic effect to make the songs fluent and easy. For example, in the song “Hot in here”, theyused 27 words ended with “-in”:“I was like, good gracious ass bodacious Flirtatious, tryin to show patience. Lookin for the right time,.. Lookin for,.. I’m leavin, please believin,.. I feedin, No decevin, nothin,.. no teasin,.. askin for,.. bustin,.. like touchin you,.. gettin,.. poppin,.. fuckin,.. drivin,.. hittin,.. sweatin,.. Checkin,.. tellin,.. gettin,.. placin,.. wastin,.. kiddin,.. somethin,.. fittin,.. cuttin”.(2) ConcisenessConciseness is another essential stylistic feature of the Black English used in Rap lyrics. Copula absence, short forms of words, brief expressions and so on make the style very concise. The conciseness of Rap lyrics is not only reflected in grammar, but also reflected in other aspects, from phonology, lexis, semantics to discourse. Conciseness is well illustrated by simplified pronunciation, spelling and expressions, sometimes even “over” simplified. For example, on phonological level a lot of sounds are often omitted, as we have analyzed, and some sounds like/l/ and /r/ are never pronounced. On the level of lexis, words are usually simplified according to Rap convention, “ya”, “cuz”being the most popular in Rap. The sentences in Rap are never too long or too complicated. Inside the Rap lyrics, short and simple sentences are the majority and most expressive.Conciseness of Rap lyrics fits its function very well. Since Rap is a style of popular music in which words, usually improvised, are spoken rhythmically and fast and often in rhyming sentences over an instrumental backing. The complicated and formal words or sentence structures do not fit it. People listen to Rap for leisure and entertainment. They need a break-through from the conventional or complicated classical style. Besides, the Rap language is concise in order to convey more interesting information or story-telling in the shortest possible time to attract the impatient, vigorous and “busy” young people. That is also a very important factor for the commercial value of Rap music.(3) NoveltyThe English language used in Rap music is inventive, continuously creating new words and phrases. When the rappers invent new words and employ them in the songs,they will soon be widespread by the Black and White people who try to imitate them[14]. Later they may be accepted by the White Culture and be used in a very different way. Then, the rappers will surely create some new ones in time. They also have to be inventive as people always want to hear something fresh from that music. So the rappers make a lot of efforts to produce new and fresh albums. Sometimes they can be so novel that people find it difficult to understand the new words and expressions, even for the inner citizens of New York. Therefore, there is a kind of Rap vocabulary only for the songs’lyrics and there are many different versions of Rap dictionaries. In short, novelty is a very important feature of Rap English which fits the music function and attracts young people who always want freshness.(4) PopularityPopularity is another important feature of the English used in Rap music. At first Rap was just a kind of underground music, which became popular in the 1980s and is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Its popularity is achieved not only by its rebellious, stirring and exciting ideas and emotions but also by its fresh, simple, direct and unique words and expressions, which the rappers always strive for because most young people appreciate them. With the popularity of Rap music, Black English also becomes popular among many communities, including the White people. The Black English vocabulary and expressions are more and more acceptable and popular in the American society, e.g. “yam” for sweet potato, “what’s up” for greetings, etc. When the language is becoming more popular, the Rap songs are more acceptable. That is why it has become a kind of mainstream music form for many people all over the world and has produced great profits every year.(5) FlexibilityFlexibility is also one of the essential characteristics of the English used in Rap music. The various ways of word formation, the free transformational parts of speech and the varied, fresh sentence structure and expressions, all reflect the great flexibility in Rap. Among those ways of flexibility the best known would be its treatment of the verb “be”, especially the lack of verb conjugation in its present tense(6) VividnessRap songs are always vigorous and enthusiastic with a strong beat. It usually starts with a vivid description or story telling, in which colorful literary and rhetorical devices are used together with so many specific verbs, adjectives and invented words.The vivid language of Rap songs attract the audience and make the Rap songs popular among millions of young people, for a good song is not only determined by its music but also by its meaning.(7) Non-standardnessFrom the lyrics of Rap songs, one can find out that almost everything in them is non-standard compared with Queen’s English or General American English, including pronunciation, word spelling, grammar, etc, as Black English is based on an oral tradition and subject to continuous innovation.The root of Black English lies in the experience of slavery and in the cultural collision between a multitude of African languages and an English speaking dominant culture[15]87-95. To a certain sense, Rap music can also find its root in the culture of West Africa. Black English is non-standard, but it does not fall into another language. It is, first of all, intelligible as many other forms of English and spoken by a people who are racially distinct from the majority of Americans, but share with them a common basic culture and certainly a closer affiliation than one would find between African Americans and native Africans.In conclusion, the Black English used in Rap music is rhythmic, concise, novel, popular, flexible, vivid and non-standard. These stylistic features profile the Rap music a unique and more and more popular music form with lyrics written in Black English. These features also help best achieve its style functions: to be rhythmic is to fit the nature of music; to be concise is to rap faster and allow people to understand; to be vivid and novel is to attract more audience; to be popular is to meet the majority’s requirement and thus produce the greatest commercial effect; to be flexible and non-standard is to fit its oral style, its fast development and to meet the requirement of its audience, especially those rebellious young African Americans. In a word, a rhythmic, concise, novel, popular, flexible, vivid and non-standard language style of Black English enables Rap music to achieve billions of dollars of commercial valuesevery year.3.3.2 Phonological FeaturesBesides those stylistic features, we can not overlook the pronunciation features in Black English. Because of the usage of liaisons, many spellings of words were simplified, so are the words’ pronunciations. Wussup with the Luv is a song from the Digital Underground. It seems not so easy to understand the title because of these odd English words. Are they really English? After the following analyses, hope you may find the truth.The most common transformation is to change “er” with “a”. For example, the denounced word of Blacks─”nigger”is changed to “nigga”and “motherfucker”is simplified to “muthafucha”. In the words ended with “ks”, “ks”is changed by “x”since their pronunciations are the same. For example, “thanks” is changed to “thanx”and “chex” instead of checks. And the use of o is also very distinctive, e.g. “love” is shifted to “luv”. What’s more, the “s” is usually changed to “z”. For instance, “cause”is changed to “cuz” while “EZ” is just another form of easy. There are two usages that had been popularized all over the United States. “T hey are going to” and “want to”changed into “gonna” and “wanna”, and “kind of” and “sort of” changed to “kinda”and “sorta”. Both of them have been listed into the English grammar. Since the “r” or “e” in words can merely be heard under the fast singing of Rap, they are omitted, such as more is changed to “mo” and for into “fo”, or they will just use 4. The omitting of “g” in “-ing” also has been known by all of the Americans. Because of Rap’s rapid murmuring of words, some words have changed their pronunciations. For example, the “g h” in through is mute and the pronunciation of “th” is /θ/. But in Rap, it has been changed to /t/. The spelling is changed into “thru” while the pronunciation is the same as true. However, there are also some exceptions, e.g. the spelling of with is changed to “wit” while the pronunciation is still /wiθ/. So, according to these analyses, the song I have mentioned above is actually what’s up with the Love.3.3.3 Grammatical FeatureAs the above-mentioned spelling and pronunciation changes have been introduced, it can be concluded that Rap song has a tendency to keep the words or phrases asshort as possible, with no exception of grammatical structures as well. The changes in grammar are not as evident as those in spelling and pronunciation. However, the specific grammar rules of Rap song are always prominent in the following aspects:(1) Changes of "be"Be plays a very special role in African American English, as one of the three main verbs─have, do, be. Be has the most verb forms in English, and some of them are beyond the control of the not-well-educated part of the American population, hereby it can be assumed that it seems too difficult for rappers to remember all the different forms of the verb, so they only use be, been, is and was to replace the existing verbal forms. The following is the detailed explanation of the changes of “be”in Rap English.(1)Absence of the copula – the verb “be”– in the present tense.“She real nice.They out there.He not American.”“If you good, you going to heaven.”(Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin) (Where the copula appears in “exposed” position, as in I know what it is, or is she? it is always present.)(2) Use of invariant be for habitual aspect.“I be catchin'bitches while bitches be catchin'feelin's.”(Dr. Dre featuring Eminem and Xzibit: What is the difference between you and me?)“I be a gangsta, a nigga till I die for show... ”(50cent: This is 50.)(3) Generalization of is and was for plural and second person subjects (i.e, instead of are and were) as in“You should know between us we was like makes?”(Eminem: Spend Some Time) “You was more so the shalon type I chose.”(Dr. Dre and Eminem: Forgot the Dre)(4) Use of unstressed been for AE "has/have been" (present perfects).“But I been low key hated on by most these niggaz with no cheese... ”(Eminem: One Shot 2 Shot)“I been tryna call you allday mothafucka where you at?”(2) C hanges of “do”Firstly, "do ", both as an auxiliary and a main verb in grammatical structure, is another frequently used word. The typical lyrics is subject-verb disagreement in Simple Present Tense of third person singular.“...Heaven knows what the cocaine do,Heaven knows what you got to prove... ”(Garbage: I think I’m paranoid)“But knock on wood; I got this bitch (what) excuse me.She don't like to be called a bitch, try not to lose me.The rules we go by, where I'm from, she don't know.”(Dmx: Good Girls Bad Guys )Secondly, “done” is used to emphasize a completed act.“I done messed around and forgot my tec…“I never seen no shit like this is my life before.” (Garbage: I think I’m paranoid)(3) Changes of "Negation"Use of “ain't” as a general preverbal negatron, means "am not," "isn't", "aren't", "hasn't", "haven't" and "didn't". Ain't cannot be considered as absolutely substandard. It has become more and more widely spread all over the world and has earned its importance in the past thirty years throughout the US and other English speaking countries.“It took all your might, but you ain't quit on life.” (LL Cool J: Big Mamma FT K-ci n jo-jo)“Man for twelve years I had to run (OH THAT'S CRAZY)And ain't a threat in my family, dog (THAT'S CRAZY)Courthouse got my name in the law (OHTHAT'S CRAZY)And they ain't care if my name Sean John? (OH THAT'S CRAZY)” (P. Diddy: That’s Cracy)(4) Use of "double negation"It has been widely used in English, creating an emphasis for what is to be expressed. It often appears in colloquial AAE as well as Rap music:“I can't get no sleep。
嘻哈文化对美国黑人的意义和影响 -毕业论文

---文档均为word文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印---摘要作为20 世纪美国最后的草根艺术,20世纪70年代出现的美国嘻哈文化如今已经成为全球性文化。
关键词:嘻哈文化;美国黑人;价值;影响The Significance and Influence of Hip-Hop Culture forAfrican AmericansABSTRACTThe American hip-hop culture which emerged from the 1970s has now become a global culture. There are a group of hip-hop youth that wears fat pants rocking their body all over the world. As resistance to discrimination and isolation in mainstream society, hip-pop could show the real life of black people. We could conclude that hip-hop is important to Negro in American. Through the analysis of the background of hip-hop culture, and the oppression of black people. the paper analyzes the value of hip-hop culture, and the influence of hip-hop culture on black Americans. Hip-hop culture has been gradually integrated into the lives of black Americans. And the influences are mainly manifested in behavior, language and psychology. Black Americans began to participate in social affairs, create slang, and gradually strengthen their sense of identity.Keywords: Hip-hop culture; African Americans; Value; impactTable of Contents摘要................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

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最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 The Inharmonious Elements in The Old Man and the Sea from an Ecological Perspective2 A Comparison of the English Color Terms3 多媒体技术在英语语境教学中的应用4 礼貌原则在英汉语言文化差异中的应用5 包法利夫人的悲剧简析6 浅析理发师陶德一剧中歌词的妙用7 汉英亲属称谓词的文化差异及翻译8 小学任务型英语教学中的课堂游戏研究9 英语动结式V+PP的语义整合研究10 小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的精神力量分析11 英语委婉语的内涵12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
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Comparison of the English Color Terms80 从《蝴蝶夫人》到《蝴蝶君》的蜕变81 《劝导》中安妮•艾略特的道德判断82 中英动物习语的跨文化分析83 初中生英语自主学习现状调查与分析84 Analysis of Cross Cultural Business Communication Failure85 命运与性格--浅论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧因素86 任务型语言教学在高中英语课堂中的应用87 浅析《警察与赞美诗》中欧亨利的写作风格88 克林顿总统就职演说之体裁分析89 《麦田里的守望者》中的霍尔顿形象分析90 PPT课件在理论课教学中的应用及思考91 《荆棘鸟》女性意识浅析92 从关联理论解读《家庭战争》的幽默93 劳伦斯与安妮宝贝小说中的女性形象94 关联理论视角下唐诗的翻译95 从文化角度浅析新闻英语的翻译96 目的论指导下的电影片名翻译97 论《重返巴比伦》中女性的身份的自我建构98 从语言学的角度解析幼儿双语教学中存在的误区99 On Translation of Culture-Loaded Words in Subtitle of Ashes of Time Redux 100 从象征主义手法的运用浅析弗图纳多之死101 功能对等翻译理论指导下的汽车商标名的汉英互译102 论身势语的跨文化交际应用103 中西跨文化交际中的礼貌问题之比较分析104 探究《蝇王》中的人性105 《蝇王》中的象征106 从功能对等理论看汉语文化负载词的英译107 《汤姆索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中人物形象的对比分析108 论法律翻译中译者的主体性109 论《好人难寻》中的哥特特征110 现代叙事艺术与海明威的《永别了武器》111 基于语料库的中英色彩词文化差异研究112 浅析《威尼斯商人》中的金钱观113 中英文化差异与英语教学114 A Comparison of the English Color Terms115 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森116 The Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter117 论杰里米·边沁的功利主义118 合作性学习在教学中的作用119 试析英语广告中双关语的翻译120 An Analysis of Sexism in English Proverbs121 礼貌原则在英语商务信函中的运用122 英语经济新闻标题翻译在模因传播中的分析123 Advertising and Its Application124 英汉广告中的双关语及其互译125 杰克•伦敦《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义分析126 弗洛伊德人格理论视角下《夜访吸血鬼》人物解读127 What to Love and Hate ----on "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" 128 浅析英语动物类习语的翻译129 On Application of TBLT to Junior High School Oral English Teaching130 [毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)多元文化中跨国企业绩效管理131 中外教师教学体态语的意义差异研究132 从新闻用语特点对比中西方文化差异133 斯佳丽,在逆境中成长134 探究中西方委婉语产生的文化背景135 阿法——《多芬的海》中的加勒比人136 论标示语汉英翻译中的等效问题137 《呼啸山庄》的叙事策略138 从功能对等角度看信用证英语的翻译139 A Comparison of the English Color Terms140 项目教学法在英语写作课中的应用141 《祝福》两个英译本翻译中文化缺失现象的对比研究142 从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异143 中国的乒乓球文化和美国的棒球文化的比较研究144 浅谈中西方非言语交际中身势语差异145 基于语料库的同义词辨析方法—词块辨析法146 从《红楼梦》两个译本论归化翻译和异化翻译147 商务英语翻译中的隐喻研究148 《卖花女》中莉莎人物形象分析149 浅析《莳萝泡菜》中的意识流技巧运用150 中式菜肴名称的语言特点及其英译151 矛盾的思想者——《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的二分性152 从女性主义角度解读惠特曼的《草叶集》153 浅谈故事在小学英语教学中的运用154 新加坡英语和英国英语比较研究155 从后殖民主义角度分析《日常用品》中三位美国非裔女性的自我迷失156 对话中语用意义的理论视角157 从精神分析学的角度论劳伦斯小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》158 科马克•麦卡锡的小说《路》中的象征艺术手法159 论中西方零售业企业文化的对比160 跨国企业广告语在中国本土化体现的文化价值观差异161 目的论视角下电影字幕的翻译162 网络环境下英语专业学生学习策略研究163 论多丽丝•莱辛《野草在歌唱》中玛丽的悲剧成因164 On Translation Strategies of Online Subtitle Translation Group165 一个纯洁的女人的毁灭—苔丝的悲剧性色彩浅析166 浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习167 Comparative Studies on Metaphors with Animal Images in Chinese and English 168 On English Film Title Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie169 Gender Difference in Daily English Conversation170 《加里波利的坟墓》的反讽与对话171 英语汉源借词研究172 文化差异对于中美商务谈判的影响173 On Integrity Management in Modern Enterprises174 托马斯·哈代《无名的裘德》中的异化175 设计中国际主义风格与民族主义风格的平衡176 初中英语教学中教师课堂用语的构建与应用177 英汉动物习语中隐喻用法的对比分析178 从目的论看《红楼梦》中成语的翻译179 Advertising Translation from a German Functionalist Approach180 从任务型教学模式谈英语课堂沉默现象的预防策略181 拉尔夫•埃里森《隐形人》中的凝视与自我建构182 习语的文化现象及翻译策略研究183 从功能目的论看化妆品广告的英汉翻译184 The Symbolic Meanings of Colors in Chinese and Western Cultures185 中西酒店文化比较及探讨186 东西方人名文化与翻译—以英汉人名为例187 A Comparison of the English Color Terms188 从小说到电影改编的创造性背叛的研究——以《冷山》和《红字》为例189 职场女性的言语行为的礼貌原则190 The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter191 A Comparison of the English Color Terms192 从文化角度分析《论语》中特殊词语的翻译——以“仁”为个例193 A Comparative Study on the Heroines in Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Injustice to Dou E 194 中英文颜色词的文化内涵及翻译195 Translation Strategy on Culturally-loaded Expressions in Prison Break196 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策197 英汉习语中隐喻的民族性及其翻译策略198 中西商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究199 奇幻作品中所反映的欧洲民族神话—以《指环王》为例200 英汉灾难性新闻导语写作手法初探。