
















bec中级考试试题库BEC(Business English Certificate)中级考试是专为非英语国家中希望提高商务英语水平的人士设计的,它涵盖了商务环境中的听、说、读、写四个方面。

以下是BEC中级考试试题库的模拟内容,供参考:BEC中级考试模拟试题库一、听力部分Section A:短对话理解1. 听下面的对话,选择正确的答案。

- 问题:What is the man's job?- 对话:Woman: "I heard you're working at the newmarketing firm downtown."Man: "Yes, I'm a marketing specialist there."2. 听下面的对话,选择正确的答案。

- 问题:Why is the woman upset?- 对话:Woman: "I can't believe the company didn't give us a raise this year."Man: "I know, it's disappointing."Section B:长对话理解听下面的长对话,回答以下问题:- 问题1:What is the main topic of the meeting?- 问题2:What is the woman's suggestion for improving sales?二、阅读部分Section A:快速阅读阅读以下商务邮件,回答以下问题:- 问题1:What is the purpose of the email?- 问题2:What is the deadline for the project mentioned?Section B:深度阅读阅读以下商务报告,回答以下问题:- 问题1:What are the main findings of the report?- 问题2:What recommendations does the report make for the company's future?三、写作部分Task 1:商务邮件撰写根据以下情景撰写一封商务邮件:- 情景:你是一家国际公司的市场部经理,需要给潜在客户发送一封介绍公司产品并邀请他们参加产品展示会的邮件。







14. BEC口语中高频犯错词汇小整理
20. BEC口语考试-问题讨论&解决复习指导





《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用书)》(初级)是旨在为BEC Preliminary考试提供全面有效复习的学生用书。

BEC考试入门帖——剑桥商务,职场铺路(BEC考试常见问题解答)剑桥商务英语(BEC)官方考试手册(初中高级)剑桥商务英语(BEC)官方考试报告(初中高级)——通过率官方数据剑桥商务英语教师手册(剑桥大学出版社)考前阅读帖之答题卡填涂须知考前阅读帖之压惊篇——岂曰无衣,与子同袍教材篇新编剑桥商务英语初级第三版:[/color]学生用书及配套听力教师用书同步辅导新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版:学生用书学生用书配套听力mp3教师用书同步辅导新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版:学生用书学生用书配套听力mp3教师用书同步辅导[color=darkorange]新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册(中高级)新编剑桥商务英语初级学生用书•教师用书•同步辅导三册全集(第二版)初级学生用书第二版配套听力mp3新编剑桥商务英语中级第二版:学生用书学生用书配套听力教师用书同步辅导新编剑桥商务英语高级第二版:学生用书学生用书配套听力教师用书同步辅导环球高级商务英语讲义(针对经科教材第二版)BEC中级模拟试题册听力mp3下载BEC高级模拟试题册听力mp3下载TEST BIBLE:30天突破BEC高级1000题[商务英语BEC]剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)30天突破听力材料:[初级+中级+高级][全]新编剑桥商务英语高级自测练习及解答(附配套听力)人邮版新剑桥商务英语高级课本配套听力mp3新编剑桥商务英语初级mp3(华夏版)BEC高级英文原版教程每日商务英语——全书PDF新版剑桥大学出版社——商业交流英语剑桥商务英语授课教案剑桥高级英语语法书第二版(PDF)李朝——使用商务英语翻译教程BASIC ENGLISH USAGE_OXFORD真题篇剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第二辑剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第二辑配套听力剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第三辑剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第三辑配套听力剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第四辑剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第四辑配套听力剑桥BEC真题集(中级)第二、三辑听力下载(附件形式)剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第二辑剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第二辑配套听力剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第三辑剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第三辑配套听力剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第四辑剑桥BEC真题集(高级)第四辑配套听力剑桥BEC真题集(初级)第三辑听力mp3BEC中级真题听力原文及作文范文(精致word版,适合打印朗读背诵)新东方商务英语考试学习资料大全【强力推荐】新东方BEC中高级备考伴侣强化班网络课程BEC真题详细解析系列之一:第四辑T1P1公司的明日之星BEC真题详细解析系列之二:第四辑T1P2 收购(关于7选6)BEC真题详细解析系列之三:第四辑T1P3 工作场所的创造力BEC真题详细解析系列之四:第四辑T1P4 电子商务的成功秘诀BEC真题详细解析系列之五:第四辑T1P5 客户会议(改错题)BEC真题详细解析系列之六:第四辑T2P1 OutsourcingBEC真题详细解析系列之七:第四辑T2P2 最合适的人BEC真题详细解析系列之八:第四辑T2P3 Critical PathBEC真题详细解析系列之九:第四辑T2P4 Fighting FitBEC真题详细解析系列之十:第四辑T2P5 面对艰难时刻BEC真题详细解析系列之十一:第四辑T3P1 定价BEC真题详细解析系列之十二:第四辑T3P2 猎头公司BEC真题详细解析系列之十三:第四辑T3P3 劝的艺术BEC真题详细解析系列之十四:第四辑T3P4 在线交易BEC真题详细解析系列之十五:第四辑T3P5 年度进步总结BEC真题详细解析系列之十六:第四辑T4P1 处理收购BEC真题详细解析系列之十七:第四辑T4P2 当两个品牌强于一个BEC真题详细解析系列之十八:第四辑T4P3 说顾客的语言BEC真题详细解析系列之十九:第四辑T4P4 胜利的又一年BEC真题详细解析系列之二十:第四辑T4P5 无纸化办公室神话BEC真题详细解析系列之二十一:第二辑T1P1 coachingBEC真题详细解析系列之二十二:第二辑T1P2 自助餐领域BEC真题详细解析系列之二十三:第二辑T1P3 怎样开发自己BEC真题详细解析系列之二十四:第二辑T1P4 PlanningBEC真题详细解析系列之二十五:第二辑T1P5 客户服务总监BEC真题详细解析系列之二十六:第二辑T2P1 ListeningBEC真题详细解析系列之二十七:第二辑T2P2 找到合适的人BEC真题详细解析系列之二十八:第二辑T2P3 百货商店魔力BEC真题详细解析系列之二十九:第二辑T2P4 处理好与上司的关系BEC真题详细解析系列之三十:第二辑T2P5 年度个人助理BEC真题详细解析系列之三十一:第二辑T3P1 管理你的老板BEC真题详细解析系列之三十二:第二辑T3P2 SELL SELL SELLBEC真题详细解析系列之三十三:第二辑T3P3 团队合作的麻烦BEC真题详细解析系列之三十四:第二辑T3P4 人力资源政策BEC真题详细解析系列之三十五:第二辑T3P5 起作用的会议BEC真题详细解析系列之三十六:第二辑T4P1 连锁BEC真题详细解析系列之三十七:第二辑T4P2 员工评估BEC真题详细解析系列之三十八:第二辑T4P3 市场准入—先驱者BEC真题详细解析系列之三十九:第二辑T4P4 Business Meeting BEC真题详细解析系列之四十:第二辑T4P5 何时招人?BEC真题详细解析系列之四十一:第三辑T1P1 关于Flacks公司的BEC真题详细解析系列之四十二:第三辑T1P2 评估董事局的表现BEC真题详细解析系列之四十三:第三辑T1P3 跨洋英国公司BEC真题详细解析系列之四十五:第三辑T1P5 消费者行为BEC真题详细解析系列之四十六:第三辑T2P1 成功的时间管理BEC真题详细解析系列之四十七:第三辑T2P2 员工评估BEC真题详细解析系列之四十八:第三辑T2P3 IT行业的问题BEC真题详细解析系列之四十九:第三辑T2P4 主席报告BEC真题详细解析系列之五十:第三辑T2P5 职业论坛BEC真题详细解析系列之五十一:第三辑T3P1 年度企业家大奖BEC真题详细解析系列之五十二:第三辑T3P2 制定评估计划BEC真题详细解析系列之五十三:第三辑T3P3 天才,还是浪费时间?BEC真题详细解析系列之五十四:第三辑T3P4 培训获益BEC真题详细解析系列之五十五:第三辑T3P5 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[商务英语BEC][初级写作]新东方-初级商务英语flash-写作-刘军[商务英语BEC][写作]商务英语信函模板[商务英语BEC][写作]中级作文分册[商务英语BEC][写作]商务英语写作指南[商务英语BEC][写作]商务写作[商务英语BEC][写作]国际商务书信大全[商务英语BEC][写作]高级写作词汇分册[商务英语BEC][写作]常见商务文体写作范例[商务英语BEC][辅导]常见商务文体写作范例[商务英语BEC][词汇]BEC高级写作词汇分册商务英语BEC高级备考:写作范文大汇总商务英语合同写作经典句子及其词组剑桥商务英语(BEC)写作考试应试技巧剑桥商务英语(BEC)段落写作训练汇总剑桥商务英语BEC中级写作精品讲义商务英语合同写作经典句子及其词组商务写作:要求升迁面试常用表达商务英语合同写作经典句子及其词组[商务英语BEC][写作]商务信函的书写规则汇总商务英语辅导:BEC段落写作训练汇总BEC的写作应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级写作讲义.rar口语篇:BEC高级口语资料(内部培训版)剑桥商务英语中级新东方老师讲义整理(口语非常有用!!)新东方BEC口语高级网络课堂word文档新东方BEC口语--许乃夫课件全集BEC中级口语新东方谢娇岳环球网校:BEC考官口语讲座专家谈剑桥BEC口语考试的制胜法BEC中级口语新东方讲义教你一招轻松对付bec口语考试部分[商务英语BEC]BEC口语笔记[商务英语BEC]BEC高级口语讲义(新东方)[商务英语BEC]商务英语初级@高级口语doc格式[商务英语BEC]商务英语初级@高级口语chm格式[商务英语BEC][高级口语]新东方-高级商务英语flash-口语-李淼[商务英语BEC][初级口语]新东方-初级商务英语flash-口语-李淼[商务英语BEC][口语]最常用商务口语200句[商务英语BEC][口语]中级口语分册[商务英语BEC][口语]银行英语口语[商务英语BEC][口语]新东方商务英语口语教程[商务英语BEC][口语]外贸英语口语[商务英语BEC][口语]听力口语篇[商务英语BEC][口语]商务英语口语900句[商务英语BEC][口语]高级商务英语口语讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]高级商务英语口语讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]高级口语分册[商务英语BEC][口语]BEC中级口语分册讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]初级商务英语口语讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]BEC高级口试真题及应考提示[商务英语BEC][口语]BEC中级口试全真试题剑桥商务英语BEC高级考试辅导(听力口语)专家谈剑桥商务英语BEC口语考试的制胜法宝剑桥商务英语(BEC)口语考试的制胜法宝BEC剑桥商务英口语测试范围及其应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级口语精品讲义剑桥商务英语口语测试范围及其应试技巧实用篇:999句最常用英语口语1-4合集999句最常用英语口语(mp3_同步字幕)4999句最常用英语口语(mp3_同步字幕)3999句最常用英语口语(mp3_同步字幕)2999句最常用英语口语(文本_mp3_同步字幕)1BBC步入商界NO-BOOK商务英语口语(含文本)NO-BOOK听会语法NO-BOOK傻瓜机从零开始学英语(含文本)NO-BOOK口语中级(含文本)商务英语:外贸价格用词英美货币小知识英语商务电子邮件中的常用词汇外贸服装出口英语词汇大全NO-BOOK口语提高版(含文本)NO-BOOK口语极短句(含文本)NO-BOOK口语初级版(含文本)大家网李阳疯狂英语365句(文本_mp3_同步字幕)5李阳疯狂英语365句(mp3_同步字幕)完整版李阳疯狂英语365句(mp3_同步字幕)4李阳疯狂英语365句(mp3_同步字幕)3李阳疯狂英语365句(mp3_同步字幕)2李阳疯狂英语365句(文本_mp3_同步字幕)1[商务英语].Business.English.CD1-5合集!链接已修复[商务英语].Business.English.CD.5.-.Presentation.iso [商务英语].Business.English.CD.4.-.Negotiations.iso [商务英语].Business.English.CD.3.-.Meetings.iso [商务英语].Business.English.CD.2.-.Telephoning.iso [商务英语].Business.English.CD.1.-.Testing.iso Liveabc.商务英语必备1000字1.X脱口说-商务英语口语商务计划书写作汇总话题商务英语终级汇总。



BEC全真试题参考答案及听力文字材料READING1. C2. B3.A4.B5.A6.D 7C 8.F 9.G 10.E 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.G 15.F 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.G 20.E 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.D 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.THERE 37.CORRECT 38.ARE 39.CORRECT 40.TO 41.IMPORTANT 42.FIND 43.INCLUDING 44.IS 45.THOROUGHLYWRITINGLISTENING1.Worldwide Holidays2.invitation cards3.business reception4.4005.Marketing Manager6.Sales Planning7. foreign languages8. 3 July9.rising costs 10. department budgets 11. buildings manager 12. laptop 13. D 14.F 15.C 16.G 17.A 18.C 19.H 20.E 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.A 30.BTranscriptsPart I1.F: Good morning, Lewis & Thorn Printers.M: Hello, it’s Oliver Martin here. Can I speak to Mark Hanson?F: I’m afraid he is not in the office now. Can I take a message?M: Yes, I’m phoning from Worldwide Holidays. I made an order recently. Mark was dealing with it. There were several things, mainly brochures and pricelists. We’ve received those and they are fine, but we haven’t got the invitation cards that were ordered.F: When did you order them?M: It was about a week ago, last Thursday, I think. But it’srather urgent now. They’re for a business reception at the end of the month. And they need to be sent to the tour operators and hotel managers.F: We’re quite busy at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll get them to you for tomorrow. How is it for?M: It was originally 300, but can you make that 400? We may need more than we thought.F: Yes. Fine. Has Mark the details?M: He should have. If there’s a problem, I can fax them.F: Thanks, Mr. Martin. I’ll phone you if we need them.2.F: Hello, Mike. It’s Carrion here. I’ve just been reading the paper and the job in there with Alba, the publishing group. I think it will be perfect for you.M: Oh, what’s t he job?F: They want a marketing manager. Isn’t that the kind of thing you’re looking for?M: Yes. Does it say what the job involves?F: There’s a quite a big job description, but the main thing seems to be that you’ll be in charge of sales planning. Sounds quite interesting.M: Well, it will be better than the administration work I’m doing at the moment. What sort of qualifications are they looking for? I suppose they want you to have an MBA.F: No, there’s nothing here about that. But it does say that they’re looking for someone who can speak foreign languages. Well, that’s OK for you because you’ve lived abroad and you speak German, don’t you?M: Yes, and Spanish, too. When do the applications have tobe in by?F: What’s it today? The 9th of June. So you’ve plenty to time. The 3rd of July is the closing date. Do you want me to fax you the adverts so you can see yourself.M: Yes. That’ll be great. Thanks.F: OK. I’ll do it now.3.M: Hello! Mike here.F: Mike. It’s Angela.M: Oh, Hi.M: Oh, look, Mike. I’m phoning because I’m quite worried about last month’s figures.M: They don’t make pretty reading, do they?F: No, they don’t. I think we need to have a meeting to talk about the rising costs.M: Sounds like a good idea. When were you thinking of?F: As soon as possible. I think we should try to put together new department budgets. Each department will then have set limits for their spending.M: Yes. I’m sure that will help. Who would you specially like to have at the meeting?F: Well, us, obviously. And can you make sure that the sales coordinator is available. And also the buildings manager? We’ll need their input.M: Sure. I’ll get on to them. And I’ll book the boardroom.F: Oh, can you make sure that there’ll be a laptop available there on the day. I’d like to show the figures for this year and last year.M: No problem. I’ll get back to you later to confirm the details.F: Fine. Thanks.Part II13. Very useful indeed! The general manager and the research director showed us around their high-tech production unit and there was a presentation of some of the products they’re planning. They’re certainly coming up with plans for some innovative products. I’m fairly sure we can come to some agreement about working together on at least two of them, though there’ll be some hard bargaining, I should think.14. They were really excellent. The best group I’ve ever worked with. I was able to cover the theoretical ground very quickly and got to the practical stuff earlier than I’d expected. This meant that they had much more practice than other groups and won’t need too much support from us, even in the initial stage of using the program.15. They weren’t easy, Mark. They were not easy! They asked us extremely detailed questions about our products and our ability to meet deadlines. In fact, at one point I thought we’re going to have to withdraw because it looked as if we wouldn’t be able to meet all their requirements. But then they made a number of concessions. In the end I think we’ve managed to get a good deal. Certainly it’s the biggest contract I’ve been involved with.16.The first day was particularly useful because there were some interesting speakers, mainly from big multinationals, talking on such as I’m interested in, like the international aspects of industrial relations and employment law. Then in the evening I had some extremely interesting conversations withspeakers. I hope there’ll useful contacts in the future. But other delegates thought it wasn’t very well attended, because the organizers ad decided against having an exhibition area so fewer people came.17. We revealed the month’s work and discussed next month’s targets. We decided that we definitely need some extra help with the personnel selection because there’s just too much for one person. Generally I think we’re a pretty good team. Of course there’re a few problems now and again, but we always discuss them in a very calm and sensible way and come up with solutions that work, so far, anyway.18. All I can say is that I’d stood out as the best applican t straight away or they took an instant dislike to me. I’d expected it to last at least 45 minutes, and possibly to involve 2 sessions. But I left I managed to go for a swim and do some shopping before I got back to the office for lunch.19. I’ve b een over all the obvious things I knew they would ask me with a colleague and I practiced all my answers over and over again. I felt sure I could deal with anything they’d put to me. Well, they started asking me what I though my weaknesses were. I just had n’t prepared for that, but because I had done so much preparation for other questions I managed to come up with a really good answer.20. Well, I got there and I thought I am really well prepared for this. I was wearing my best suit. I arrived on time and so did the other three applicants. But they kept us waiting for an hour and a half while they tried to sort themselves out. By the time I went I was so patient with the company I didn’t want the job any more.21. It’s fine, isn’t it. I can do it now. I knew what they weregoing to ask me. But when you are under all that pressure and all those questions are coming at you, something let you down. And whatever you say, you know you haven’t got the message across right and they haven’t understo od what you really meant. If only could get a second chance.22. I got home late from the meeting than I before () andI was really tired, but I lay awake all night. I guess I should have thought more carefully about wearing the right sort of things. But I was a bit disorganized and rushed out of the flat as if it was just an ordinary day and then felt like an odd one out when I got there and saw everyone else in suits. I was so embarrassed.Part IIIF: With me today is Peter Williams from Kingston University. Welcome! Peter.M: Thank you.F: Peter, you recently a large research study on training in small businesses. What made you focus on small businesses? After all, most of your experience has been with the huge multinational Cleantex. And in fact you eventually you ran their training department, didn’t you?M: Well, you are partly right. You see, when I joined the university a year ago they wanted me to start a training program for small businesses. I’d j ust sold my own small business, which I’d started when I left Cleantex. The 8 years I ran my own business taught me more about training than all my years with Cleantex. But I felt I couldn’t base a training program on my experience alone. So I decided to do research first.F: And how much training did you find in most small companies. Can they afford to do much training?M: Well, firstly small businesses are often accused of notdoing enough training. But that is the opinion of big businesses of course. It’s true that the government is encouraging small firms to increase their training budgets. They’re trying to introduce financial assistance for this. But I have to say I find lots of training going on. The real problem is that most small bu sinesses don’t always know how much training they’re providing or how much it’s actually costing them.F: But surely businesses have budgets and training records.M: Unfortunately most small companies don’t set aside a specific training b udget. It’s not that they don’t want to spend the money but that they operate differently. You see, things change very quickly in small firms and it’s impossible to predict the training needs. An employee can be moved to a new project very suddenly and then training has to be organized within days. And most small businesses prefer to use their experienced staff to do any training on the job.F: Did you manage to work out the costs of training?M: Well, it took time to work out the indirect costs. You see, most small business managers don’t include these costs in their calculations. Most of them keep records of obvious expenses, like, many expenses like external courses, travel, training manual, and videos, etc. But not many firms have specific training accounts and they don’t include the time managers spend on training, waste of materials, lost of productivity and so on. I spent hours with company accountants trying to see where these hidden costs were.F: How much are small firms spending on training?M: More than half of the businesses I surveyed spent at least 1% of their annual salary bill on training. And some of these spentup to 5% of their pay roll. In fact smaller firms are investing on average over 10% more on training per employee than larger firms.F: How good is that training?M: As I said, small firms usually get an experienced employee to show new staff how to do that job. This can be useful if the person is carefully selected and well-trai ned himself. But it’s not really enough. The trainee needs to do the job with the experienced employee on hand for guidance and feedback. This gets trainees much better skills than any packaged courses.F: And has your study helped you plan new courses for small businesses?M: Definitely. I now understand what they want and how they want it delivered. I now know that small firms were only investing in training if it immediately helped their enterprise. But most formal training focuses on long-term business needs. Most small businesses can’t plan far ahead. They want direct results from training in skills they need now. New technologies and IT skills are identified as a priority by all the firms I surveyed.F: What is the first course the university offer small businesses?M: Up till now most of short courses for companies in general have dealt with helping businesses grow. These aren’t really appropriate for small companies as growth can be very risky for them. They obviously need to grow but they’re afraid of fast growth. I’m going to start with courses on IT and software the small companies are likely to require because of the business growth to come later. And they’ll need to be changed to make them more relevant to small businesses.F: Well, I wish you every success with the course.。



剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)-第2章剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)⾼级真题及详解(第3辑)-TeTest 3READING 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1-8Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the opposite page from the annual reports of five mobile phone companies.Which company (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer toFor each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (0).Example:0 This company has no direct competition.1 This company is still making a financial loss.2 This company is having part of its business handled by an outside agency.3 This company has grown without undue expense.4 This company is trying to find out what the market response will be to a newproduct.5 This company continues to lose customers.6 This company aims to target a specific group of consumers.7 This company is finding it less expensive than before to attract new customers.8 This company has rationalized its outlets.AOur management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year, we will focus our marketing on professional young adults, who represent the high value segment of the market and who according to independent research are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy, and we have been successful in reversing the customer loss of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes. A restructuring programme, resulting from changing marketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to 6,100 people. BAs the only network operator in the country, our marketing is aimed at expanding the size of the market. In the business sector, we have targeted small and medium-sized businesses by offering standardised services, and large customersby offering tailored telecommunications solutions. We have been at the forefront of introducing new telecommunications technology and services and have recently distributed 150 of our most advanced handsets to customers to assess the likely demand for advanced data services. Last year, the industry recognized our achievement when we won a national award for technological progress.CA new management team has driven our improved performance here. It is committed to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year. We are focused on delivering rising levels of customer service and an improvement in the quality and utilization of our network. Good progress has been made on all these fronts. The cost of acquiring new subscribers has been reduced and new tariffs have been introduced to encourage greater use of the phone in the late evening.DWe have continued to expand our network in a cost-efficient manner and have consolidated our retail section by combining our four wholly-owned retail businesses into a single operating unit. We expect this to enhance our operational effectiveness and the consistency of our service. Our ambition is to give customers the best retail experience possible. We were, therefore, delighted earlier this yearwhen we won a major European award for customer service. This was particularly pleasing to us as we have always given high priority to customer satisfaction and operational excellence.EHere, we are focused on continuously realizing cost efficiencies as well as improving the level of customer satisfaction and retention. We have already taken effective measures to reduce customer loss and to strengthen our delivery of customer service. The quality of our network has improved significantly over the past year and an increase in the utilization of our network is now a priority. The operation of our customer service centre has been outsourced to a call centre specialist and this has led to a substantial increase in the level of service.【答案与解析】1. C 这家公司依旧财政亏损。



BEC中级口试全真试题 Part IPhase II: Good morning/afternoon。

I’m … and this is my colleague …. S/he’s just going to list en to us。

Could I have your mark sheets, please?(To A) What’s your name? Where are you from? A:回答I: Thank you。

(To B) And you? B:回答I: Thanks。

Do you work or are you a student, B? B: 回答I: (What do you do? What do you study?) B:回答I: What about you, A? (What do you do? What do you study?) A:回答I: What do you like most about your job/studies, A? A:回答I: (Why?) A:回答I: What about you, B? B:回答Phase II1I: A, which specific skills will you need most in your career?(Why?) A:回答I: How about you, B? (Why?) B:回答I: B, what qualities does a good employee need to have? (Why?) B:回答I: What do you think, A? A:回答I: A, to what extent is it possible to train people in interpersonal skills?(Why/Why not?) A:回答I: B, which special qualities do you think managers need to have?(Why?) B:回答2。





一、BEC中级概述1. 考试内容BEC中级考试分为三个部分:阅读理解、写作和听力。


2. 考试时间BEC中级考试时间为2小时30分钟。

3. 考试难度相较于其他英语考试,BEC中级难度较高,需要具备一定的商务英语知识和实际运用能力。


二、BEC中级备考资料推荐1. 教材《剑桥商务英语(BEC)Vantage 5》是一本经典的教材,包含了大量的商务英语词汇、句型和表达方式,并提供了丰富的例句和练习题。

《剑桥商务英语(BEC)Vantage 5》还提供了真实的商务场景案例,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握商务英语。

2. 阅读材料BEC中级考试的阅读理解部分需要考生阅读商务类文章,并回答相关问题。


3. 听力材料BEC中级考试的听力部分需要考生听取商务场景下的对话或短文,并回答相关问题。


4. 词汇书籍BEC中级备考过程中需要掌握大量的商务英语词汇,并能够准确地应用到实际场景中。


5. 模拟题库备考过程中需要进行大量的模拟练习,以便更好地了解自己的水平和弱点,并进行有针对性的提高。

可以使用一些BEC中级模拟题库来进行练习和检测,例如《剑桥商务英语(BEC)Vantage 5模拟试题》等。

三、BEC中级备考技巧1. 建立学习计划备考过程中需要有一个明确的学习计划,包括每天的学习时间、学习内容和练习方式等。




Unit11.electric 激动的,刺激的2.throw/cast new light on…提供线索、情况,帮助弄清楚4.赠票Complimentary ticket5.交易会将延期一周左右开幕。

The trade fair will be put back a week or so.请尽快回复我的电话。

Please get back to me asap.6.sole: being the only one; only 唯一的eg: Practice is the sole criterion of truth.Unit21.sole: being the only one; only 唯一的eg: Practice is the sole criterion of truth.2.alike: in the same or a similar manner adj/adv相似的/一样地eg: They are much alike in character.3.evolve/evolution: develop gradually逐步发展evolve into:发展成;evolve from:由...进化/发展eg: It evolved into a big company.Popular music evolved from folk songs.4.interior design: indoor design and decoration室内装修5.dine: give dinner to; host for dinner 进餐,宴请6.semi-private 半私人的/半私有的7.mezzanine:intermediate floor just above the ground floor中间层/夹楼8.catering requipment: requirement of providing food and services用餐要求cater for: to provide food, services, etc 供9.spare:save or relieve from an experience or action节省,省去10.chit-chat: informal chat/conversationUnit31.Inflow: all the money coming into the company2.Outflow: all the money going out of the company3.over-tradingto figure out a quicker way ofturning those sales into cashmarginsTurnoverTo finance贸易透支找到销售变现(把销售额变成现金)的快捷方法利差,毛利营业额融资,筹措.return 赢利,利益,汇报,报告business returns营业收入annual returns年度报告small profits and quick returns薄力多销publicity宣传,宣扬;公开;广告;关注;名声bonus points (消费)积分loyalty scheme忠实(顾客)奖励计划brand loyalty顾客对品牌的忠诚air miles=air mails awards里程奖remainder 剩余物a shortage of cash 现金短缺average monthly turnover 平均月营业额financing cost 融资成本cash on delivery 货到付款pay in 3 installments 分期付款(三次)margin 利润order books 订货本penalty 处罚/罚金CF from operating activities经营活动产生的现金流量CF from investing activities投资活动产生的现金流量CF from financing activities筹资活动产生的现金流量Capital expenditure 资本开支Depreciation 折旧(sales) turnover营业额early settlement discount 提前付款折扣labor cost 劳动力成本Credit sales赊帐销售Collection policy/collection period 收款期Tighten credit policy 收紧赊帐Loosen credit policy 放宽赊帐Cash receipt 现金收讫Cash disbursement 现金支出Day-to-day operation 日常营运credit terms 信用期限outstanding 剩余的outstanding balance 剩余金额Sporty 轻便的,运动型的Extra 额外费用Advert 广告,宣传Monthly service contract包月Different tarrifs at different times of the day不同时段的收费One-year all inclusive package包年套餐Kitchen appliances 厨房家电Ozone layer 臭氧层CFC chlorofluorocarbon 含氯氟Make 品牌;型;样式 a well-known makeenvironmental-friendliness user-friendlinessown-label clothingcut-priceretail food market mortgagesavings accountestate agent 对环境无害用户使用方便贴自己品牌的服装削价的食品零售市场(住房)按揭,抵押储蓄帐户房产商bonus pointsloyalty schemebrand loyaltyair miles=air mails awards vouchertarget customer customer-focused (消费)积分忠实(顾客)奖励计划顾客对品牌的忠诚里程奖优惠奖券销售对象,目标客户以顾客为中心的No-claims discount = no-claims bonus无索赔折扣/奖金:An amount subtracted from the money paid to an insurance company, because no claims have been made for a particular period.Within days:don’t need to wait for a very long time 几天内Fixed rate固定利率Reward points 奖励积分Cover 给...上保险。



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[商务英语].Business.English.CD.1.-.Testing.iso Liveabc.商務英語必備1000字1.X脱口说-商务英语口语09新编剑桥商务英语(中级)-学生用书-经济科学出版社商务计划书写作汇总话题商务英语终级汇总剑桥商务英语email系列汇总听力BEC中级大礼包【口语听力阅读写作】剑桥BEC真题集第二辑中级听力MP3bec中级听力_新东方高媛媛bec中级非常全面的资料,口语,听力,词汇BEC中级辅导电子版(口语,听力,写作,阅读)剑桥商务英语BEC中级阅读、口语、听力资料大汇集BEC高级听力真题精华人邮版BEC中级真题(第三辑)听力MP32008年bec听力应试技巧BEC中级听说指南听力MP3BEC中级教材配套听力MP3剑桥商务英语证书初级试题及听力MP3集萃[2008.4.24更新] BEC高级教材(经科版)+听力MP3+教师用书新版BEC听力高级听力[剑桥商务英语BEC]中级和高级经济科学出版社配套听力bec中级辅导(听力阅读口语写作)[商务英语BEC]剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)30天突破听力材料:[初级+中级+高级][全][商务英语BEC][口语]听力口语篇[商务英语BEC][经验]商务英语证书考试及其听力考试浅谈[商务英语BEC][听力]中级听力分册[商务英语BEC][听力]高级听力分册[商务英语BEC][听力]剑桥听力文本1-6[商务英语BEC][听力]BEC中级听力全真试题及答案剑桥商务英语BEC高级考试辅导(听力口语)商务英语BEC听力水平提高的方法剑桥商务英语(BEC)听力考试应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级听力精品讲义商务英语证书考试听力考试浅谈剑桥商务英语BEC中级听力讲义阅读剑桥商务英语(bec)中级阅读全真试题(彩色版)商务英语bec高级:极速阅读[PDF+WORD双版本]bec中级阅读_新东方耿耿恩波机构BEC高级阅读讲义剑桥商务英语(bec)中级阅读全真试题商务英语高级阅读真题[商务英语BEC][阅读]中级阅读全真试题[商务英语BEC][阅读]中级阅读分册[商务英语BEC][阅读]剑桥商务英语阅读全真试题及答案[商务英语BEC][阅读]高级阅读分册[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading-five 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剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)真题汇编及详解(第3辑 初级)(1-2章)【圣才出品】

剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)真题汇编及详解(第3辑 初级)(1-2章)【圣才出品】



BEC考试改革后,于2002年实行的新版BEC考试分为三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary)、BEC中级(BEC Vantage)和BEC高级(BEC Higher)。



1.2试题分析2002年改革后的BEC初级(BEC Preliminary)考试分笔试、口试两个阶段,由阅读、写作、听力和口语四部分组成。


试卷结构如下所示:(1)阅读BEC初级(BEC Preliminary)阅读共分为七个部分,题型分类为:单选题、搭配题、图表对应题、判断题(对\错\未提及)、多项选择题、完形填空题和填写表格题。











剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)-第2章剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)高级真题及详解(第3辑)-TeTest 2READING 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1-8Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the opposite page from an article about how employees are motivated.Which section of the article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to? ? For ea ch statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. ? You will need to use some of these letters more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (0).Example:0 One of the biggest difficulties that managers face is motivating staff.1 People may perceive the same type of work very differently.2 It is important that staff gain recognition for what they have done.3 The behaviour of staff may be influenced by disappointment with what their organization provides.4 Traditional ways of motivating staff cannot be put into practice these days.5 A good salary alone is no longer enough to motivate staff.6 It is desirable for staff and their employers to have similar objectives.7 Staff should be able to improve their abilities through their work.8 Not all companies see a need to find out what motivates their staff.AEnsuring employees arrive at work geared up and ready to give their all is a major challenge facing managers today. It used to be so easy. A fat pay cheque and the promise of promotion was all that was needed to keep people committed, loyal and happy. But the world of work has changed, and nowadays, organizations cannot rely on the corporate cheque book to give them the edge. Numerous employee surveys have shown that although pay still makes people tick, a whole raft of other issues have entered the motivation equation.BOne of the pro blems is that managers often don’t appreciate they are playing in a completely new ball game, and a reliance on old-style motivational techniques just won’t work in today’s technology-driven, fast-paced business environment. For example, an employee could be working in South Africa, with a boss sitting inLondon and the main client they are dealing with based in Asia. So for someone who is very motivated by face-to-face contact and a collegiate environment, that could be a huge problem.CWhat most employees expect is the chance to work flexibly, on interesting and stimulating tasks that give them the opportunity to develop their skills and talents. Managers on the ground may not always be able to influence pay and working practices but, if they are to extract top performance from their teams, they need to know how to press the right buttons and create a culture that will inspire their workforce, a culture in which achievement is acknowledged and people feel valued.DOrganizations should focus on asking people what they want a relatively simple task that is too often considered unnecessary. However, questions about motivation have to be asked skil lfully, or you won’t get to the bottom of what really makes people go that extra mile. Two people may both say they want an interesting and stimulating job, but have widely divergent ideas of what would constitute such a position: a city trader would probably find business consultancy boring, and a consultant might be scared by the city trader’s job, but both may b e very satisfied with their own job.EThere are huge gaps between what employees expect from employers and what they actually get. For instance, employers” emphasis on employability (equipping workers with “marketable” skills) may be somewhat misguided. One study showed that what people really wanted was not employability but job security. As a result, employees had the feeling that t heir employer wasn’t delivering, which had a detrimental effect onthe employees” workplace performance and attitudes. Th e problem lies partly in a lack of communication: to ensure mutual understanding and to align employees” values and goals with those of the organization, much more conversation is needed.【答案与解析】1. D 人们对同一种工作会有不同的看法。

bec 剑桥商务英语初级口语背诵材料

bec 剑桥商务英语初级口语背诵材料

bec 剑桥商务英语初级口语背诵材料BEC (Business English Certificate) is an internationally recognized qualification that demonstrates proficiency in business English. The BEC exams are offered by the University of Cambridge and are split into three levels: Preliminary, Vantage, and Higher. In this article, we will focus on BEC Preliminary, also known as BEC Preliminary (BEC P) or Business Preliminary.BEC Preliminary is an entry-level exam that assesses candidates' ability to communicate effectively in everyday business situations. The exam consists of four papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Business English. In this article, we will provide some useful material for BEC Preliminary speaking practice.Part 1: IntroductionExaminer: Hello. What’s your name?Candidate: My name is [candidate's name].Examiner: Can I have your mark sheet, please?Candidate: Sure, here you go.Part 2: Describing a photoExaminer: Please look at the two pictures. In the first picture, two people are working in an office. In the second picture, two people are talking in a cafe. Compare and contrast the two pictures.Candidate: In the first picture, the two people are working on a laptop in an office, while in the second picture, the two people are talking over coffee in a cafe. The office looks more formal and professional, while the cafe is more casual and relaxed. The people in the office are dressed in business attire, whereas the people in the cafe are dressed more casually.Examiner: Thank you. Now, let’s talk about your daily routine. Can you describe a typical day for you at work?Candidate: I usually start my day by checking my emails and making a to-do list. Then, I attend meetings and conference calls throughout the day to discuss projects with my team. I also have lunch at the cafeteria with my colleagues. In the afternoon, I focus on completing tasks and meeting deadlines. At the end of the day, I review my work and plan for the next day.Examiner: Thank you. Now, let’s talk about your future plans. What are your career goals?Candidate: My career goal is to climb the corporate ladder and become a manager in my field. I want to gain more experience and knowledge so that I can lead a team and make strategic decisions for the company. I also want to continue learning and growing professionally to achieve success in my career.Examiner: Thank you. That’s the end of the speaking test.In conclusion, practicing these speaking materials for BEC Preliminary will help candidates improve their communication skills and confidence in business English. By mastering these materials, candidates can effectively communicate in various business situations and achieve success in the BEC Preliminary exam.。



BEC商务英语学习资料BEC(Business English Certificate,简称商务英语证书)是剑桥英语考试的一项重要考试之一,旨在考察英语作为商务沟通工具时的应用能力。

BEC分为初级、中级和高级三个等级,每个等级对应的GSE(Global Scale of English,全球英语等级划分标准)分别为B1、B2、C1。



1. 商务英语词汇掌握商务英语的基本词汇对BEC考试非常重要,因此我们提供以下相关内容,帮助您进行英语词汇的学习和记忆:1.1 商务英语词汇书推荐商务英语词汇书籍:•《ACC 高级财经英语》(English for Accounting)•《大学英语强化教程》(Business English)•《新标准商务英语》(New Standard Business English)•《外贸英语》(English for International Trade)1.2 商务英语词汇APP商务英语词汇APP可以帮助您随时随地进行英语学习,推荐以下商务英语词汇APP:•Quizlet: Quizlet是一款商务英语词汇学习应用程序,具有丰富的卡片库,涵盖了商务运作中的常见术语和短语。


1.3 商务英语词汇练习商务英语词汇练习,您可以参考以下商务英语词汇练习题:•Quizlet词汇学习卡片•Duolingo练习课程•《商务英语建议与建议练习》(Business English Suggestions and Proposals Exercises)•《商务英语阅读理解》(Reading Comprehension in Business English)2. 商务英语语法在BEC考试中,语法问题往往是许多考生考取证书的难点之一。








为了提高听力能力,考生可以通过以下方式进行复习:1. 听商务英语广播和播客:商务英语广播和播客提供了大量真实的商务场景对话和讲话。


2. 参加商务英语听力训练班:有许多培训机构提供商务英语听力训练班,通过参加这些班级,考生可以接受专业的指导和训练,提高自己的听力技巧。



以下是一些提高商务英语阅读能力的方法:1. 阅读商务新闻和杂志:商务新闻和杂志提供了大量的商务英语材料。


2. 解答商务英语阅读理解题:商务英语阅读理解题可以帮助考生熟悉考试题型,并提高自己的解题能力。




以下是一些提高商务英语写作能力的方法:1. 阅读商务英语写作指南:商务英语写作指南提供了撰写商务文档的基本规范和技巧。


2. 练习商务英语写作:考生可以通过练习写商务文档,如报告、备忘录和邮件,来提高自己的写作能力。



剑桥商务英语BEC考试复习材料解析剑桥商务英语BEC考试复习材料解析旧书不厌百回读,熟读精思子自知,以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的剑桥商务英语BEC考试复习材料解析,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)试图扩大在中国的投资银行业务,正考虑投资于第二家中资机构。

苏格兰皇家银行拟收购苏州信托19.9%股权苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)试图扩大在中国的投资银行业务,正考虑投资于第二家中资机构。

Royal Bank of Scotland is considering investing in a second Chinese institution as the banking group seeks to build up its investment banking operations in the country.一位知情人士表示,苏格兰皇家银行正与江苏的苏州信托(Suzhou Trust)洽谈,计划收购其19.9%的股权,并已将相关方案提交监管机构批准。


RBS is discussing taking a 19.9 per cent stake in Suzhou Trust, which is based in China’s Jiangsu province, and has asked regulators for approval, a person familiar with the matter said. However, any agreement could take up to a year to finalise.两年多以前,苏格兰皇家银行牵头的一个财团以31亿美元收购了中国银行(Bank of China) 10%的股权。


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[商务英语].Business.English.CD.1.-.Testing.iso Liveabc.商務英語必備1000字1.X脱口说-商务英语口语09新编剑桥商务英语(中级)-学生用书-经济科学出版社商务计划书写作汇总话题商务英语终级汇总剑桥商务英语email系列汇总听力BEC中级大礼包【口语听力阅读写作】剑桥BEC真题集第二辑中级听力MP3bec中级听力_新东方高媛媛bec中级非常全面的资料,口语,听力,词汇BEC中级辅导电子版(口语,听力,写作,阅读)剑桥商务英语BEC中级阅读、口语、听力资料大汇集BEC高级听力真题精华人邮版BEC中级真题(第三辑)听力MP32008年bec听力应试技巧BEC中级听说指南听力MP3BEC中级教材配套听力MP3剑桥商务英语证书初级试题及听力MP3集萃[2008.4.24更新]BEC高级教材(经科版)+听力MP3+教师用书新版BEC听力高级听力[剑桥商务英语BEC]中级和高级经济科学出版社配套听力bec中级辅导(听力阅读口语写作)[商务英语BEC]剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)30天突破听力材料:[初级+中级+高级][全][商务英语BEC][口语]听力口语篇[商务英语BEC][经验]商务英语证书考试及其听力考试浅谈[商务英语BEC][听力]中级听力分册[商务英语BEC][听力]高级听力分册[商务英语BEC][听力]剑桥听力文本1-6[商务英语BEC][听力]BEC中级听力全真试题及答案剑桥商务英语BEC高级考试辅导(听力口语)商务英语BEC听力水平提高的方法剑桥商务英语(BEC)听力考试应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级听力精品讲义商务英语证书考试听力考试浅谈剑桥商务英语BEC中级听力讲义阅读剑桥商务英语(bec)中级阅读全真试题(彩色版)商务英语bec高级:极速阅读[PDF+WORD双版本]bec中级阅读_新东方耿耿恩波机构BEC高级阅读讲义剑桥商务英语(bec)中级阅读全真试题商务英语高级阅读真题[商务英语BEC][阅读]中级阅读全真试题[商务英语BEC][阅读]中级阅读分册[商务英语BEC][阅读]剑桥商务英语阅读全真试题及答案[商务英语BEC][阅读]高级阅读分册[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading-five 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