


?Subway trains make a lot of noise, not only when they are arriving and departing but also when they are idling on the tracks as passengers get on and off. In addition, passengers are exposed to

dangerously high decibel levels during their ride, which in some cases can be even louder than the sounds they're exposed to on the plaforms. For example, researchers at Columbia Udwwddniversity in 2006 found that passengers in New York subways had routine exposure to sounds in excess of 80 decibels. Over an extended period of time, this noise has the potential to permanently damage


Heavy Crowding

?In most cities, subway systems are used by tens of thousands of people every day and crowding is a real issue -- especially at peak times. People who get nervous or anxious when crowded in a tight

space may prefer other forms of transportation, and overcrowded subway platforms create a major public danger. Researchers at the China Academy of Safety Science and Technology showed in a

2009 study that evacuation times for subway stations were dangerously high and that an emergency situation could lead to a high human death toll.

Criminal Activity

?Pickpocketing, muggings and assaults occur in subway systems around the world. While closed-circuit cameras, security guards and a heavier police presence can combat these problems, the resources do not exist to outfit every subway station in a municipal system with these safeguards,

leaving passengers vulnerable to these threats. In some major cities around the world, crime in

subways continues to trend up, with many municipalities lacking the resources to beef up security and policing in their city's subway stations.

Spread of Diseases

?Being in close proximity to other people and touching surfaces that thousands of other people touch during the course of a day can lead to the spread of bacteria and viruses. You can mitigate these risks by practicing proper hand sanitation, but even the most careful passenger can still pick up an

infectious disease on the subway. A controlled Columbia University study in 2005 showed that

people who travel in automobiles have a much lower risk of contracting an infectious disease than people who regularly take the subway.

If you live in a major city that offers the option of traveling by subway, you’re in luck. Although you may at first miss the freedom of traveling in your automobile, you’ll soon discover that subway transit can be far superior. Traveling by subway is inexpensive, convenient, safe and environmentally friendly.


?If you think it’s cheaper to drive your car to work rather than take the subway, you’re probably mistaken. When you take into account car repairs, fuel, loan payments, parking fees, insurance, taxes and licensing, you’ll be surprised at how much you spend. AAA reports that the average automobile driver spent over $9,000 in 2009 (over $24 per day), and that’s before car loans were considered. On the other hand, subway transportation is economical. Many subway systems offer an unlimited

monthly pass for a reasonable rate (Bos ton’s MBTA offers such a pass for only $59 in 2010). Some employees, such as federal workers in Washington D.C., can be reimbursed for their subway transit costs.


?In cities where congestion is an issue, subway travel is much quicker than other modes of transportation. In this respect, subways even have the edge over public buses, as they can avoid any street congestion by literally going underneath it. Subway travel also has other conveniences. For

instance, you won’t have to worry about auto ma intenance or buses breaking down.


?Although subway accidents make for sensational news stories, they are actually quite safe.

According to https://www.360docs.net/doc/2a5681971.html,, ditching the car and taking public transit saves 200,000 deaths every year. If you are you worried about subways becoming potential terror targets, many subway systems now feature state-of-the-art cameras and chemical sensors for your safety. Environmental Friendliness

?Subway travel is extremely green. Not only is it more environmentally friendly than automobile travel, it is also has the advantage over public bus systems, as subways do not emit harmful exhaust fumes into the air.

