



Main Content: UNIT 1 MATHEMATICSI.Text OrganizationParts ParagraphsMain IdeasPart One Paras. 1-3 Game theory can be defined as the science ofstrategy which studies both pure conflicts(zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperativeforms.Part Two Paras.4-11 There are two distinct types of strategic interdependence: sequential-move game and simultaneous-move game.Part Three Paras.12-19The typical examples of game theory are givenas the basic principles such as prisoners’dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves,bargaining, concealing and revealinginformation.Part Four Para. 20 The research of game theory has succeeded inillustrating strategies in situations ofconflict and cooperation and it will focus onthe design of successful strategy in future. nguage PointsThe games it studies range from chess to child rearing and from tennis to takeovers. (Para.1)Paraphrase: The games it (game theory) studies extends from chess to child bringing-up and from tennis to handovers.range: v. to vary between limits, extend, run in a linee.g. (1) The price ranges from $ 30 to $ 80. (2) The boundary ranges from north to south.takeover: n. the act or an instance of assuming control or management of or responsibility for sth. 接收、接管e.g. The economy of Hongkong goes well after its takeover. Game theory was pioneered by Princeton mathematician John von Neumann. (Para.2)pioneer: v. to be a pioneer; to originate (course of action etc., followed later by others)e.g. The new treatment for cancer was pioneered by the experts of state hospital.pioneer: n. original investigator of subject or explorer or settler; initiator of enterprisee.g. The young generation was greatly motivated by the pioneers’exploits.That is, the participants were supposed to choose and implementtheir actions jointly. (Para.2)Paraphrase: That is, the players were expected to select and carry out their actions together.…he must anticipate and overcome resistance to his plans. (Para.3) anticipate: v. 1) to expect or realize beforehand; to foresee e.g. The experts are anticipating the negative effects of air pollution.anticipate: v. 2) to deal with or use before proper time 预支e.g. Ted was not used to saving monthly and he would always anticipate his income.The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. (Para.4)Paraphrase: The key principal of a game is that player strategies are dependent on each other.essence: n.1) the quality which makes a thing what it is; the inner nature or most important quality of a thinge.g. The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.essence: n. 2) extract obtained from a substance by taking out as much of the mass as possiblee.g. milk essence; essence of peppermint (椒薄荷、椒薄荷油) interdependence: n. the quality or fact of depending on each otherinter-为前缀,意为between each other, 类似的词还有interchange、intermarry、international、interview等。

秦狄辉 科技英语写作教程答案答案2001年版

秦狄辉 科技英语写作教程答案答案2001年版

练习 1 (on page 8)II. 将下列句子译成英语1.Nonlinear distortion can be caused by too large an input signal.输入信号太大会引起非线性失真(nonlinear distortion)。

ing the definition of slope, we can derive the equation which represents a straight line.利用斜率(slope)的定义,我们能导出(derive)表示直线的方程。

3.The expression f(x + h) – f(x) is frequently used in the study of calculus.f(x + h) – f(x)这一表达式(expression)经常用在微积分(calculus)方面。

4.An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in oneunknown.能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数(unknown)的线性方程(linear equation)。

5.In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible.在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟频率(clock rate)工作。

6.The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.该电容器(capacitor)上的电压(voltage)为零点零几伏(volt )。

7.The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only onefifth its present output].十年前该厂的产量(output)仅为现在的五分之一。



Practice: XIII, p. 202
• 1. We can solve Eq. (3) for an, thus obtaining… • 2. Fig. 3 shows a transmission line with a length of L and a characteristic impedance of 50Ω。 • 3. although there are many ways to produce random numbers, the procedure for producing them is quite complicated. • 4. As is known, when one reads a Chinese character, he or she doesn’t consider … • 5. We have obtained a recognition rate of 86.3%. • 6. After being processed, … • 7. …developed an algorithm for recording… • 8. The Hash algorithm is scheme by which data of any length can…. • 9. Unlike what is described in literature/reference [2], … • 10. The number of times this value occurs in the obserbations is given…
Practice: IV,165
• 1. An Analysis of EMI Spectrum at the Input of SMPS and its Supression • 2. Also, a quantitative expression for the effect of all these factors on the performance of the system is derived, on the basis of which an improved system is presented. • 3. The performance of the system has been improved by 14~30dB on condition that the complexity of the system remains unchanged. • 4. Measurements are generally of three goups: those made of capacitance, those made of current and those made of voltage. • 5. This devices can detect whether an IC functions properly or not and identify the type of an unknown chips. • 6. This paper deals with the extension of the RELAX algorithm … • 7. …, with its its spectrum de-extension performance in the spectrum extension system analyzed. • 8….so as to get its solution displayed on the computer screen. • 9…to one-third that of the conventional one. • 10. …when embedded in …



练习1I、在下列每个句子的空白处填上适当的冠词(如果必要的话),然后将句子译成汉语:1. There has been _____ ever greater interest in this subject.2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate without too great _____ rise in temperature.3. Its primary disadvantage is _____ increase in noise.4. _____ successful design of the equipment requires _____ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications.5. In _____ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _____ single electron revolves around _____ single proton in a circle of radius R.6. The unit of frequency is _____ hertz.7. If _____ voltage is applied across _____ circuit, _____ electric current will flow in _____ circuit.8. _____ Fig. 5-1 shows _____ Oersted’s experiment.9. We should use _____ 18-volt battery here.10. _____ machine is _____ device for transmitting force to accomplish _____ definite purpose.11. _____ hydraulic press will be considered in _____ Chapter 14.12. _____ study of fluids in motion is one of _____ more difficult branches of mechanics because of _____ diversity of phenomena that may occur.13. It is easy to determine _____ value of _____ parameter μ.14. By _____ Eq. (2-1) we have _____ following relation.15. It is necessay to use _____ S-shaped tube here.16. The authors work at _____ University of Texas at _____ Arlinton.17. This is _____ R-bit transformer.18. _____ XOR gate must be used here.II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确地使用冠词:1、这是一个h参数(parameter)。



练习1II冠词1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.(Emmet博士2001年毕业于哈弗大学)2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’anUniversity of Technology in 1988.(李教授1998年在西安理工大学获得机械工程博士学位)3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.(现在我们转向(turnto)讨论一下局域网)4.The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the opticalspectrometer.(质谱仪是与光谱仪一样重要的仪器)5.How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment?(做这个实验需要多长时间?)6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.(压力的增加总会引起体积的减少)7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).(图(2-5)画出了式(2-2)所表示的情况)8.The unit of inductance is the henry.(电感的单位是亨利)III、改错1.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure.(UASMA协议采用了独特的帧结构)2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.(最后,用这种方法设计了宽带阶梯阻抗变换器)3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation of the security of a proactive secret sharingsystem(先应秘密共享系统安全性的动态分析和评估)4.The approach can be applied to the one-dimensional potential barrier with anarbitrary profile.(该方法适用于任意形状的一维势垒)5.We propose a numerical method based on Newton’s iterative method.(我们提出了一种基于牛顿地带发的数值方法)练习21. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.(该电路是由一个电池、一个电感器和一个电容器组成)2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.(试计算在a、b、c三点处的电场。




[写作内容]*唾液样本:saliva sample[写作要求]只能用5个句子表达全部内容;[评分标准]句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。

写作之科技篇专项练习参考答案【参考范文】DNA DetectionWe can use saliva sample to detect whether people have major illnesses, predict whether people are particular about food and remind people to take proper exercise. People should pay 125 pounds for it. It takes four to six weeks to finish the report. After detection we can realize we should strengthen our bodies. It may cause too many worries.解析:对于基础写作用5个句子概括医疗新技术,要求必须用上所有的要点,不能遗漏。


进行具体叙述时:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息。

2. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态及一般将来时。

3. 注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。







Appendix I Reference AnswersUnit 1 MathematicsPart I EST ReadingReading 1Section A Pre-reading TaskWarm-up Questions: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.1. Who is Bertrand Russell?Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872 –d.1970) was a British philosopher, logician, essayist and social critic best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. His most influential contributions include his defense of logicism (the view that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic), his refining of the predicate calculus introduced by Gottlob Frege (which still forms the basis of most contemporary logic), his defense of neutral monism (the view that the world consists of just one type of substance that is neither exclusively mental nor exclusively physical), and his theories of definite descriptions and logical atomism. Russell is generally recognized as one of the founders of modern analytic philosophy, and is regularly credited with being one of the most important logicians of the twentieth century.2. What is Russell’s Paradox?Russell discovered the paradox that bears his name in 1901, while working on his Principles of Mathematics (1903). The paradox arises in connection with the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. Such a set, if it exists, will be a member of itself if and only if it is not a member of itself. The paradox is significant since, using classical logic, all sentences are entailed by a contradiction. Russell's discovery thus prompted a large amount of work in logic, set theory, and the philosophy and foundations of mathematics.3. What effect did Russell’s Paradox have on Gottlob Fregg’s system?At first Frege observed that the consequences of Russell‘s paradox are not immediately clear. For example, ―Is it always permissible to speak of the extension of a concept, of a class? And if not, how do we recognize the exceptional cases? Can we always infer from the extension of one concept‘s coinciding with that of a second, that every object wh ich falls under the first concept also falls under the second?Because of these kinds of worries, Frege eventually felt forced to abandon many of his views.4. What is Russell’s response to the paradox?Russell's own response to the paradox came with the development of his theory of types in 1903. It was clear to Russell that some restrictions needed to be placed upon the original comprehension (or abstraction) axiom of naive set theory, the axiom that formalizes the intuition that any coherentcondition may be used to determine a set (or class). Russell's basic idea was that reference to sets such as the set of all sets that are not members of themselves could be avoided by arranging all sentences into a hierarchy, beginning with sentences about individuals at the lowest level, sentences about sets of individuals at the next lowest level, sentences about sets of sets of individuals at the next lowest level, and so on Using a vicious circle principle similar to that adopted by the mathematician Henri Poincaré, and his own so-called "no class" theory of classes, Russell was able to explain why the unrestricted comprehension axiom fails: propositional functions, such as the function "x is a set," may not be applied to themselves since self-application would involve a vicious circle. On Russell's view, all objects for which a given condition (or predicate) holds must be at the same level or of the same "type."5. Have you ever heard of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.? Can you give an account of it?Contradictions like Russell‘s paradox arose from what was later called the unres tricted comprehension principle: the assumption that, for any property p, there is a set that contains all and only those sets that have p. In Zermelo‘s system, the comprehension principle is eliminated in favour of several much more restrictive axioms:a.Axiom of extensionality. If two sets have the same members, then they are identical.b.Axiom of elementary sets. There exists a set with no members: the null, or empty, set. Forany two objects a and b, there exists a set (unit set) having as its only member a, as well as a set having as its only members a and b.c.Axiom of separation. For any well-formed property p and any set S, there is a set, S1,containing all and only the members of S that have this property. That is, already existing sets can be partitioned or separated into parts by well-formed properties.d.Power-set axiom. If S is a set, then there exists a set, S1, that contains all and only thesubsets of S.e.Union axiom. If S is a set (of sets), then there is a set containing all and only the membersof the sets contained in S.f.Axiom of choice. If S is a nonempty set containing sets no two of which have commonmembers, then there exists a set that contains exactly one member from each member of S.g.Axiom of infinity. There exists at least one set that contains an infinite number ofmembers.With the exception of (b), all these axioms allow new sets to be constructed from already-constructed sets by carefully constrained operations; the method embodies what has come to be known as the ―iterative‖ conception of a set.Section C Post-reading TaskReading Comprehension1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with the main idea.Part 1 (Para. 1): Brief introduction to Russell‘s paradoxPart 2 (Paras. 2-5): The effect of Russell‘s paradox on Gottlob Frege‘s system.Para. 2: Russell‘s paradox dealt a heavy blow to Frege‘s attempts to develop a foundation for all of mathematics using symbolic logic.Para. 3: An illustration of Russell‘s paradox in terms of setsPara. 4: Contradiction found in the set.Para. 5: Frege noticed the devastating effect of Russell‘s paradox on his system and inability to solve it.Part 3 (Paras. 6-8): Solutions offered by mathematicians to Russel‘s paradoxPara. 6: Russell‘s own response to the paradox with his "theory of types."Para. 7: Zermelo's solution to Russell's paradoxPara. 8: What became of the effort to develop a logical foundation for all of mathematics?Part 4 (Para. 9): Correspondence between Russell and Frege on the paradox2. Directions: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.1)What is the basic idea of Russell‘s paradox?2)How to explain Russell‘s paradox in terms of sets?3)Can you explain the contradiction found in the sets related to Russell‘s paradox4)Is Russell‘s own response to the paradox workable?5)Do you know Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory?(open)3. Directions: Read the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words you’ve learned in the text.Russell's own response to the paradox came with the development of his theory of types in 1903. It was clear to Russell that some restrictions needed to be placed upon the original comprehension (or abstraction) axiom of naive set theory, the axiom that formalizes the intuition that any coherent condition may be used to determine a set (or class). Russell's basic idea was that reference to sets such as the set of all sets that are not members of themselves could be avoided by arranging all sentences into a hierarchy, beginning with sentences about individuals at the lowest level, sentences about sets of individuals at the next lowest level, sentences about sets of sets of individuals at the next lowest level, and so on. Using a vicious circle principle similar to that adopted by the mathematician Henri Poincaré, and his own so-called "no class" theory of classes, Russell was able to explain why the unrestricted comprehension axiom fails: propositional functions, such as the function "x is a set," may not be applied to themselves since self-application would involve a vicious circle. On Russell's view, all objects for which a given condition (or predicate) holds must be at the same level or of the same "type".Vocabulary and Structure1. Directions: Give the correct form of the word according to the indication in the brackets. Then complete the sentences using the right form for each word. Use each word once.1) The math may not have been new, but Duchin enjoyed the process of discovery, and she gotto work collaboratively with half a dozen other math whizzes.2) Packages can be sealed and can contain personal correspondence if it relates to the contentsof the package.3) New research indicates that the brain region may prefer symbolic notation to other numericrepresentations.4) To do this, an ideal model based on the equality paradigm was constructed and thencompared with a neutral model reflecting the further education system as it existed before the Act took effect.5) Is this not in flagrant contradiction to Einstein's rule that signals do not travel faster than thevelocity of light?6) Sequential organization has the major advantage that the records are stored in a logicalorder, presumably that sequence to which the records are normally required for printing and for soft copy reports.7) The mathematical description of a zero-sum two-person game is not difficult to construct,and determining the optimal strategies and the value of the game is computationally straightforward.8) The proof we now know required the development of an entire field of mathematics thatwas unknown in Fermat's time.9) Williams adds that many cou rses in geometry, ―the one high school class that demandsformal reasoning,‖ have already been ―gutted‖ and are no longer proof-based.10)The concept of total aircraft ownership will become increasingly important should thetraditional trade structure be unable to cover the expanse of technologies economically.2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.1)The key to unraveling such apparent paradoxes is to characterize the initial set ofpossibilities ("initial" meaning before you receive any extra information) and then to eliminate possibilities based on that extra information.2)Indeed, this separation of meaning is reflected by the definition of"weak" in the OALD,with a distinct sense reserved for its use when pertaining to that of solutions.3)The resulting radical pollution control programme outlined by Nixon, calling for a 90 percent reduction in vehicle emissions by 1980, not only led to him being credited (albeitbriefly) as policy initiator of an environmental clean-up but also provided him with the chance to deal a blow to one of his most important opponents in the 1972 elections, Edmund Muskie.4)While most of us are used to representing physical objects in the terms of one, two, or threedimensions (or four, if one considers time ) , Mandelbrot came up with a wayof representing another ―dimension‖ of an object —that is, its degree of roughness andirregularity.5)In this work he was led to topology, a still new kind of mathematics related to geometry,and to the study of shapes (compact manifolds) of all dimensions.6)If there is no allowable string which spans the whole graph, then we can search in the sameway as described above, but wherever the required path does not exist in the tree, check if that position in the tree is flagged for end-of-word.7)During the past century, steps forward in physics have often come in the form of newlyfound particles; in engineering, more complex devices; in astronomy, farther planets and stars; in biology, rarer genes; and in chemistry, more useful materials and medications.8)A second reason for measurements is the more theoretical, put by Love as " the discoveryof numerical relations between the quantities that can be measured to serve as a basis for the inductive determination of the form of the intrinsic energy function. "9)Thus the optimum conditions for coastal terrace development would seem to be areas withsmall tidal ranges. Finally, tidal range is an important factor in the generation of tidal currents which may locally become of geomorphological importance.10)The original double entrance doors to the booking hall had been replaced by an utterlyincongruous picture window as had adjacent booking hall and waiting room windows.3. Directions: Reorder the disordered parts of a sentence to make a complete sentence.1)A simple way to describe topology is as a 'rubber sheet geometry' - topologists study thoseproperties of shapes that remain the same when the shapes are stretched or compressed.2)Since the mid-1990s scientists have floated the idea that representations of numericquantities, whether expressed as digits or as written words, are codified by the parietal cortex, a higher-processing region in the brain located just above the forehead.3)As activity was monitored, located just above the forehead ,researchers noted changesunder the assumption that the brain reduces activity as it becomes accustomed to a stimulus and then reactivates when a novel stimulus is presented.4)That has not stopped physicists from devising new algorithms for the devices, which cancalculate a lot faster than ordinary computers—in fact, exponentially faster, in quite a literal sense.5)Such a device would be made of metamaterial, a thicket of metal rings or other shapes thatbends light in funny ways.4. Directions: Change the following sentences into nominalized ones.1)The passage of night could be marked by the appearance of 18 of these stars.2)The full proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is contained in these two papers.3)The concept of fixed-length hours, however, did not originate until the Hellenistic period.4)There is a probability that my first sock is red because only one of the remaining threesocks is red.5)The importance of accurate data in quantitative modeling is central to using Bayes'stheorem to calculate the probability of the existence of God.Discourse UnderstandingDirections: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 1-5, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks.1. C.2. E.3. G.4. A.5. F.Reading 2Section A Pre-reading TaskWarm-up Questions: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.1. Who discovered the Mandelbrot set?This is not a trick question, not easy to answer. Many people including Mandelbrot have laid claim to the discovery.2. Why was the set named after Benoit B. Mandelbrot?. The set is named after Benoit B. Mandelbrot, a mathematician at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center because He coined the term fractal to describe phenomena (such as coastlines, snowflakes, mountains and trees) whose patterns repeat themselves at smaller and smaller scales.3. Why has there been so much controversy about who discovered the Mandelbrot set?Mandelbrot claims that he and he alone discovered the Mandelbrot set, but there are other mathematicians who have challenged his claim.4. What did the challengers say about Mandelbrot’s claim of discovery?Two mathematicians said that they independently discovered and described the set at about the same time as Mandelbrot did. And another mathematician also asserted that his work on the set not only predated Mandelbrot's efforts but also helped to guide them5. Why di d some professors support Mandelbrot’s claim?Mandelbrot deserves to have the set named after him, because his efforts brought the set to the attention of both the public and of the pure-mathematics community.Section C Post-reading TaskReading and Understanding1. Choose the best summary of the passage.C2. Complete the sentences based on the text.1)The term Mandelbrot set is used to refer both to a general class of fractal sets and to aparticular instance of such a set.2)In general, a Mandelbrot set marks the set of points in the complex plane such that thecorresponding Julia set is connected and not computable.3)The Mandelbrot set is the set obtained from the quadratic recurrence equationz_(n+1)=z_n^2+c with z_0=c, where points in the complex plane for which the orbit of z_n does not tend to infinity are in the set.4)Setting z_0equal to any point in the set that is not a periodic point gives the same result.5)The Mandelbrot set was originally called a molecule by Mandelbrot. J. Hubbard and A.Douady proved that the Mandelbrot set is connected.Language in Use1.Match the Chinese in the left column with the English in the right column.2. Join the following short sentences into longer ones.1)In addition to coining the term "fractal" to describe objects and surfaces which are irregularat various dimensions of scale, he also introduced such concepts as "fractal dimensions"and the particular fractal known as the Mandelbrot set, frequently represented with the mathematical formula z → z2 + c.2)It appeared that things were settling into a pleasant and fruitful routine, with his schoollessons supplemented by long talks with his uncle about classical analysis, the iterative work of Pierre Fatou and the equally fascinating Julia Sets generated by Gaston Julia.3)Just as the youthful Mandelbrot had passed his college entrance exams by translatingalgebraic problems into geometrical problems, and solving them by intuitively deducing the "perfected" shape, he here realized there was something deeper, something mathematical, behind these strange patterns.4)But the beauty in Mandelbrot's models was not that they generated a deceitful randomness,but that they could generate graphed data whose visual pattern accurately mimicked the visual patterns created by real phenomena。

写作答案-科英(课件) (DEMO)

写作答案-科英(课件) (DEMO)

写作练习参考答案练习 1 (on page 8)II.6. The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.7. The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only one fifth its present output].8. The difference between these two values is 13 parts in 104.III.1.The newly designed instrument is good inquality [或:… is of good quality].2.This engine needs to be cleaned [或:cleaning].3.This running machine will stop of itself in aminute or two [或:… in one or two minutes].4.In this case, the input does not fall; the outputdoes not fall, either. [或:…; neither [nor] does the output.]5.The resistance of a conductor depends not onlyon the material of which the conductor is made, but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.6.Another comsat was launched on the morningof the 8th of October. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..练习 2 (on page 23)II.2.Of the first four chapters, Chapter 3 is the most important.4.In this case, current leads voltage by 90o. 7.Now it is necessary for us to solve this equation for that unknown.8.Upon substitution of these values, it is found that v is equal to the velocity of light. 12.In their study of electricity, physicists defined electric field intensity.14.This coefficient remains to be determined.15.Here we use two metallic balls two meters apart.III.1.That professor is much[或:very much]interested in this topic.2.These multimeters are much alike in size andweight.3.This voltage can hardly be measured.4.In this laboratory, this instrument is better thanany other one [或:… than any one else].5.To repair the machine, the serviceman has toremove the cover. [或:Before the machine can be repaired, the cover has to be removed.]6.The preface to this book is well written. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………练习 3 (on page 31)II.10. Here we must use wires one thousandth the diameter of a silk thread.14.AC can be changed into DC, a process called rectification.16.An instrument for measuring current, voltage and resistance, the multimeter is widely used/has found wide application in the work having connection with electricity.19.This curve shows the fall in[或:of] conductivity with increasing [或:increased] temperature.III.1.The features of this device are small size and light weight.2.Other types of electric motor are also widely used in industry.3.No students[或:None of the students] can solve this special kind of equation.4.Not until the invention of the microscope did the real study of bacteria become possible.5.They do not know if this material could stand solarge a force [或:… whether this materialcould stand so large a force or not].6.The machine will automatically start to operate again in two hours. …………………………………………………………………………………………………6. None of these windows can withstand so large a force.8. No textbooks available [OR: None of the textbooks available] have mentioned this point.18.The darker the color, the more lightis/will be absorbed.19.The greater the resistance of a wire, themore energy will be dissipated in it.III.1.This experiment begins at eight o’clock/inMay/tomorrow.2.The voltage across the resistor is measured involts.3.Both the engineers are busy (in) designing anew type of computer. [OR: … busy with the design of….]4.Copper is a kind of matter and so is air.5.We find this concept very difficult to explain.6.They will leave for Beijing to attend aninternational conference on communications. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….1.It is quite possible for us to solve thisequation.2.It takes only a few months to design a newtype of airplane with the help of a computer.3.It remains now for us to calculate theresistance in this circuit.4.It is left as a problem to the reader to showthat this formula holds.6. This valley is used as the foundation on which to build the dam.7. There are many types of multimeters to choose from.9. Let it be required to find out this angle.10. Let t o be equal to zero.12. The farther the target (is), the longer (time) it takes for the echo to return.14. For this series to converge, x must be less than 1.15. The ability of a capacitor to store a charge is affected/influenced by a few factors.17.For Q2to conduct, its base must be about 1.8 volts.III.1.Substituting Eq. (7) in/into Eq. (8), weobtain/have/get a=b. [或:Substitution of Eq.(7) into/in Eq. (8) gives/yields/results in a=b.]2.Sound travels less fast than light does.3.Every one/Each of the methods has itsadvantages and disadvantages.4. Work equals/is equal to force multiplied bydistance [或:Work equals force timesdistance. 或:Work is the product of forceand distance.]5. Usually we can not see the earth’s shadow, because there is nothing for it to fall on.6. This equipment has quite a few advantages all its own.IV.1.T his new method has the advantages of highefficiency and easy adjustment.2.T he sine law of the variation of the lightintensity with the cylinder diameter has been emphasized.3.O ur method is different from thosedescribed/presented in the papers available on/discussing the same problem. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….练习 6 (on page 49)II.9. By finding any two points in this straight line, we can draw the line/it.12.These integrated circuits were designedwith one or two uses in mind.13.Let us construct a circle of radius R, withthe origin as the center.14.The equation to the circle with the centerat the origin and of radius a is x2 + y2 = a2. III.1.By observing the effect of a new drug on thepatients, one/we can see its therapeutic effect.2.Iron is almost as good a conductor asaluminium.3.It is easy for us to determine the weight of thebody.4.Friction makes the work put into a machinegreater than the useful work accomplished by it.5.On being heated,the air in the bottle willexpand.6.Many of the principles of a receiver also applyto a transmitter.IV.1.O nly through the study of[OR: Only bystudying] the performance of the system, can one/we appreciate/understand its advantages. 2.I f the self-bias circuit is of poor design [OR: isnot designed well/properly], chopping oscillations will take place in the LC oscillator.3.T his paper presents a CAD method forincreasing the printing speed and improving the printing quality. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………练习7 (on page 54)II.1.Heat rays are emitted by all (material) bodiesno matter how low their temperatures are. 2.Small as they are,atoms are made up of stillsmaller units.3.The measurement of angles is unique in thatthe unit is dimensionless.4.The body is in such a state that it can do work.5.These double-angle formulas can be used anytime we have expressed one angle as twice another.6.The problem was not to be solved until aradically new and different concept was introduced.7.Something further must be done to thesesignals before they are fed to the subsequent stage.8.Every substance, be it[或:whether it be] asolid, a liquid, or a gas, consists of atoms.9.There are various indications [或:Allindications are] that the price of computers will continue to fall.10.There is no evidence that energy can becreated or destroyed.11.In this case there is no assurance that the circuit is tuned to that frequency.12.These experiments lead to the result that with/for a constant force, the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass.13.The idea that everything is made up of very small particles was known to the Greeks over two thousand years ago.14.Since then, there have been speculations whether life exists on other planets.15.This is due to the fact that there exists capacitance in the circuit.16.Besides the fact that the properties of the material should be included in the analytical model, we must take other factors into account.17.The term follower comes from the fact that the output voltage follows the signal voltage quite closely.ing the fact that the curve passes through (2, 1), we can evaluate the constant. 19.The usefulness of the Karnaugh map lies in the fact that adjacent cells can be grouped visually to eliminate redundant variables.20.This series of experiments leads to the resultthat with a constant force, the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass.III.1.A ir exerts pressure in every direction.2.T he hotter the body (is), the more energy itradiates.3.T his is the largest aircraft that has ever beenmanufactured in China.4.S emiconductors will be discussed in Chapter2.5.T he ability of some elements to give offradiations is referred to as radioactivity.6.T o do all this, a sound knowledge of computerscience is necessary.IV.1.The mathematical description of and thefull-compensation conditions for the 3-axis steady-tracking principle are also given.2.A comparison of STM and ATM is made,which shows that ATM will be the basis of BISDN. [或:A comparison between STM and ATM shows that ATM will be the basis of BISDN.]3.A detailed analysis of the ability of thecomponents to carry loads is made. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..练习8 (on page 58)II.6. It can happen/such a case may happen that the overall phase shift becomes zero.7. At first glance it does not appear that this integral fits any of the forms presented in this chapter.10. It is necessary to determine under what conditions this equation is true.11.It often happens/It is common/It is often thecase that we may obtain different formsof solution.16.Current changes with what is calledresistance.18. The reader can understand what the function of this device is [或:… what this device can do/perform.]III.1.By power is meant the speed , or rate, of doingwork[或:… or rate, at which work is being done].2.In this case[OR: Under this condition], thewheel will rotate (by/through) 360o.3.The temperature of the water is read attwo-minute intervals.4.The direction of an electric current was/hadbeen decided before electrons were discovered.5.Neither those receivers nor this transmitter isout of order.6.The question (that/which) we are discussingnow is what radio waves are.IV.1.There are m polygons altogether/in all, each ofwhich has N vertexes. [或语法上正确、但很不好的一个句型:…, the number of vertexes of each of which is N.]2.This is due to the fact that there exists acapacitance across the PN junction. [或更简洁的一个句型:… due to the existence of a capacitance across the PN junction.]3.This method requires accurate location, thusmaking [OR: which makes]its realization somewhat difficult.……………………………………………………………………………………………………..练习9 (on page 68)II.3. We shall first discuss the waves whose frequency is constant.6. The special frequency at which X L= X C is called the resonant frequency.10. We must calculate the distance the body is lifted.13. I1is much greater than I2, in which case I2 can be neglected.18. It is generally possible to write down more loop equations than are needed.III.1.N ot only do temperature and light affect theconductivity, but the addition of impurities to semiconductors will also make it change greatly.2.S atellites are frequently launched to obtaininformation about/on space.3.O ur semiconductor industry came into being atthe end of the 1950s.4.T he direct current flows always in onedirection.5.A n 8-volt battery must be used here.6.M y colleagues and I would like to express ourthanks to Professor W. Smith for his great help.IV.1.The recognition of A and the determination ofB are the prerequisites for the use of thismethod.2.Finally, some problems that deserve to benoted in implementing this method and their solutions are presented.3.A new technique for estimating the Dopplerfrequency rate is proposed which gives a high accuracy and requires a small amount of computation.……………………………………………………………………………………………………..练习10 ( on page 75)II.3. Should anything happen, let us know as soon as possible.6. This comes from the necessity that the output be stable.9. Everything around us, be it air, water or wood, is matter.12. It is this impedance with which we are concerned. [OR: It is this impedance which/that we are concerned with.]14. The speed with which sound waves move through a medium does depend on the properties of the medium.III.1.G iven resistance and current, one candetermine voltage.2.T he price of this instrument is high.3.T his device takes up/occupies too muchroom/space.4.A robot is a special kind of electronic device.5.T housands of components are used in thisdevice. [注:也有外国人用several thousands of这一表达方式的]6.T his scientist said,/:“Electrons move round thenucleus.”IV.1.The minimum entropy technique for estimatingthe Doppler frequency rate is presented, which has the advantages over the classical techniques of a high accuracy and a small amount of computation.2.We have developed/established the function ofthe Doppler frequency rate against/vs.range.[OR: … the function of the variation of the Doppler frequency rate with range.]3.The simulation results show/indicates thatboth the schemes are easy to implement.4.The model and algorithm proposed in thispaper are to a certain degree superior in performance to the conventional BP algorithm.[注:本句的汉语在逻辑上存在有问题]5.The interpretation of [OR: (given) by] the newalgorithm is quite different from that of/by the Gerchberg algorithm, but the computed results by the new algorithm are the same as those by the Gerchberg algorithm.6.The result has been obtained that the number of 2-edge self-complementary graphs with p vertexes isa p = Z ( S p(2); 1, 3, 1, 3, …)………………………………………………………………………………………………..练习11 (on page 90)II.4. The problem often arises how theseunknowns can be determined.6. Shown in Fig. 8 is a transformer havingmutual inductance M.11. Let us select as the reference the nodecommon to these two conductances.24. It is necessary to determine the effect on thedevice of changing the ambient temperature. III.1.The current starts flowing at the very moment(when) we close the circuit.2.They did the experiment three hours ago.3.Besides/In addition to the electron, a hydrogenatom also contains a positive proton.4.There are a few exceptions to this rule.5.They have been designing a new type ofcomputer these six months/for the last six months.6.A physical change is one in which the structureof particles is unchanged and no new substance is formed.IV.1.Improvement of the accuracy of range alignment in ISAR imaging by using the super resolution technique2.Analysis of the ability of a quartz flexibility accelerometer to resist adverse/bad environment3.An analysis of the EMI spectrum at the input of the SMPS and its suppression4.Also, a quantitative expression for the effect of all these factors on the performance of the system is derived, on the basis of which an improved system is presented [OR: proposed].5.The performance of the system has been improved (by) 14-30 dB on condition that the complexity of the system remains unchanged.6.Measurements are generally of three groups: those made of capacitance, those (made) of current and those (made) of voltage.7.The model successfully explains the experimental curves of the variation of the base surface current with the gate current.8.Measuring the time delay of devices andequipment with/by the method of linear phase comparison, we/one can obtain a high measuring accuracy (only) by using very simple instruments. [OR: If one measures the time delay of devices and equipment by the method of linear phase comparison, the measuring accuracy obtained is high and the instruments required/used/needed are very simple.] [or: Me asuring … leads to a high measuring accuracy (only) by using very simple instruments.]9.This paper deals with the extension of the RELAX algorithm from data domain to correlation domain.10.The product is made from high quality soybean s produced in northeast China, by using the most advanced facilities and high technology. The product contains various amino acid s, unsaturated fatty acid, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, inorganic salts and varied vitamins. It is characterized by high protein, low fat, no cholesterol and pure, strong smell of soybeans. It does not contain any artificial syntheticadditive. So it is the best fully/completely natural nutritious drink.…………………………………………………………………………………………………。



练习1I、在下列每个句子的空白处填上适当的冠词(如果必要的话),然后将句子译成汉语:1. There has been __an___ ever greater interest in this subject.2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate without too great __a_ rise in temperature.3. Its primary disadvantage is __an___ increase in noise.4. __The___ successful design of the equipment requires ___a__ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications.5. In __the___ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, ___a__ single electron revolves around ___a__ single proton in a circle of radius R.6. The unit of frequency is ___the__ hertz.7. If __a___ voltage is applied across ___a__ circuit, ___an__ electric current will flow in __the___ circuit.8. ____ Fig. 5-1 shows _____ Oersted’s experiment.9. We should use ___an__ 18-volt battery here.10. ___A__ machine is __a___ device for transmitting force to accomplish ___a__ definite purpose.11. ___The__ hydraulic press will be considered in _____ Chapter 14.12.___The__ study of fluids in motion is one of _ the____ more difficult branches of mechanics because of __the___ diversity of phenomena that may occur.13. It is easy to determine __the___ value of __the___ parameter μ.14. By _____ Eq. (2-1) we have _the____ following relation.15. It is necessay to use __an___ S-shaped tube here.16. The authors work at __the___ University of Texas at _____ Arlinton.17. This is __an___ R-bit transformer.18. ___An__ XOR gate must be used here.II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确地使用冠词:1、这是一个h参数(parameter)。

英语 科技英语写作习题和答案

英语 科技英语写作习题和答案




(要求把“计算机”用作为主语的“主谓宾”结构的句型)5、月球的质量为地球的1/ 80.6、不久的将来对这种设备的需求量(demand)为现在的20倍。





当我们拾起(pick up)一块冰时,我们感到冷,因为其温度低于我们手的温度。

在喝了一杯咖啡后,我们可能把它说成(refer to … as …)“热的”,“温的”(lukewarm)或“很糟的”(atrocious)。



【英语文本】The voltage on this capacitor is zero point zero several volt.2、【汉语原文】这物体比那物体重四倍。

【英语文本】This object is four times heavy than that one is.3、【汉语原文】除非另有说明,我们假设使用的是硅管、I CBO可以忽略不计。

【英语文本】 Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that silicon transistors are used andI CBO can be neglected.4、【汉语原文】这个电路的优点是结构简单、容易调整。

【英语文本】This circuit has the advantage of simpe in structure、easy to adjust.5、【汉语原文】图1、2、3画出了这个过程。



高考英语作文及答案高考英语作文题目:题目:"The Impact of Technology on Our Daily Lives"作文要求:1. 描述科技对我们日常生活的影响。

2. 阐述科技带来的正面和负面影响。

3. 给出你的观点。

范文:In the era of rapid technological advancement, it is undeniable that technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, work, learn, and even entertain ourselves.On the positive side, technology has made our lives more convenient and efficient. For instance, smartphones and computers have revolutionized communication, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family across the globe with just a few taps. Online learning platforms have made education accessible to millions, breaking down geographical barriers and providing opportunities for continuous learning.However, the pervasiveness of technology also comes with its downsides. Excessive reliance on gadgets can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to health issues such as obesity and lack of physical activity. Additionally, theconstant exposure to screens can affect our mental well-being, leading to issues like anxiety and depression.In my view, while technology has undoubtedly made significant contributions to our lives, it is crucial to strike a balance. We should embrace the benefits of technology while being mindful of its potential negative impacts. Engaging inregular physical activities and setting boundaries for screen time can help us maintain a healthy relationship with technology.答案:The essay provided effectively addresses the prompt by discussing both the positive and negative impacts of technology on our daily lives. It also includes a personal perspective on how to maintain a balance with technology, which is a thoughtful addition to the argument.The positive impact is highlighted through the example of communication and education, showing how technology has broadened our reach and opportunities for learning. The negative impact is illustrated with the potential health and mental well-being issues that can arise from overuse of technology.The essay is well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that explore both sides of the argument, and a conclusion that presents the writer's viewpoint. It meets the requirements of the prompt and provides a comprehensive response to the topic.。




[写作内容]*唾液样本:saliva sample[写作要求]只能用5个句子表达全部内容;[评分标准]句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。

写作之科技篇专项练习参考答案【参考范文】DNA DetectionWe can use saliva sample to detect whether people have major illnesses, predict whether people are particular about food and remind people to take proper exercise. People should pay 125 pounds for it. It takes four to six weeks to finish the report. After detection we can realize we should strengthen our bodies. It may cause too many worries.解析:对于基础写作用5个句子概括医疗新技术,要求必须用上所有的要点,不能遗漏。


进行具体叙述时:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息。

2. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态及一般将来时。

3. 注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。







科技英语写作答案25. In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible.6. The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.7. The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only one fifth its present output].写作练习参考答案练习 1 (on page 8)II.1. Nonlinear distortion can be caused by too large an input signal.2. Using the definition of slope, we can derive the equation which represents a straight line.3. The expression f(x + h) –f(x) is frequently used in the study of calculus.4. An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in one unknown.5. In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible.6. The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.7. The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only one fifth its present output].8. The difference between these two values is 13 parts in 104.9. Tin does not have as high a melting point as lead (does).10. This average velocity is half the final velocity.11. It is necessary to find how long a time it takes [或:is required; is needed; is necessary] to solve this equation.12. This wire is four times thicker than that one.13. Electricity can be easily changed into other forms of energy.14. In 1831, Joseph Henry in the United States discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.15. A receiver consists of several units [或:parts]. III.1.The newly designed instrument is good inquality [或:… is of good quality].2.This engine needs to be cleaned [或:cleaning].3.This running machine will stop of itself in aminute or two [或:… in one or two minutes].4.In this case, the input does not fall; the outputdoes not fall, either. [或:…; neither [nor] does the output.]5.The resistance of a conductor depends not onlyon the material of which the conductor is made, but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.6.Another comsat was launched on the morningof the 8th of October.IV.1.The period with which a body undergoessimple harmonic motion is the time required for it to make one complete oscillation. In the case of a spring, the period is the time the spring spends in going from its maximum extension, through its maximum compression and back to its maximum extension once more. For all types of simple harmonic motion, the period T is given [或:expressed; denoted; represented] by T = 2π√ˉ-Sˉ/aˉ ,where the acceleration a is that experienced by the body when it is at its specified position.2.××: male, professor, advisor for doctoralstudents, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Department of Radar at the Institute of the Communications Engineering of the People’s Liberation Army of China in 1953.After graduation he remained at the Institute as a faculty member. He successively held the posts of head of a teaching and research section, chairman of a department, and vice president of the Institute. From 1984 to 1992 he served as president of Xidian University. He is currently chairman of the Academic Commission of Xidian University and chairman of the Academic Commission of the National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing. He is also member of the Committee of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Youths, and fellow of the Chinese Institute of Electronics.He has long been engaged in research and teaching in the fields of radar and informationprocessing. In recent years, his research interests focus on statistical signal processing, array signal processing, and self-adaptive signal processing. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..练习 2 (on page 23)II.1.This book is of great help to electronicengineers.2.Of the first four chapters, Chapter 3 is themost important.3.This problem can be solved with great ease.4.In this case, current leads voltage by 90o.5.Through the analysis of the parameters ofthis device [或:By analyzing the parameters of this device], we can understand its performance.6.For x> 0, there is no solution to the equation.7.Now it is necessary for us to solve this equationfor that unknown.8.Upon substitution of these values, it is foundthat v is equal to the velocity of light.9.Capacitance is measured in farads.10.This computer is very small in size.11.These waves travel only in one direction.12.In their study of electricity, physicists defined electric field intensity.13.This answer appears correct.14.This coefficient remains to be determined.15.The two equations below will be used often in later chapters.16.Here we use two metal balls two meters apart.17.This paper contains nothing new. [或:There is nothing new in this paper.]18.The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.19.This rule can be used for [或:… can be applied to] all integers, both positive and negative.20. A neutron has a slightly larger mass than a proton. [或:… has a mass slightly larger than that of a proton.]21.Electrons are the smallest particles present in ordinary matter. [或:… particles that exist in ordinary matter.]22.All the textbooks available discuss thisproblem.23.Accurate in operation and high in speed[或:In view of their accurate operation and high speed],computers have found wide applications.24.Medium-size computers now perform aslarge computers not long ago [或:of near past] did.25.The input voltage goes negative and theenergy stays constant.26.These rays seem to come from the image.27.Impedance in an ac circuit plays the samerole that resistance does in a dc circuit.28.Two parallel wires a distance (of)δapartcarry the current i.29.The equations here are of great importance.30.We shall use a cable 10 meters long.III.1.That professor is much[或:very much]interested in this topic.2.These multimeters are much alike in size andweight.3.This voltage can hardly be measured.4.In this laboratory, this instrument is better thanany other one [或:… than any one else].5.To repair the machine, the serviceman has toremove the cover. [或:Before the machine can be repaired, the cover has to be removed.] Opening the door, a picture jumped into my eyes.6.The preface to this book is well written.IV.1.The primary winding of a transformer is thecoil which is fed with an alternating current, and [或:while] the secondary winding is the coil to which power is transferred via the changing flux. The designations of the primary and thesecondary depends only on how the transformer is connected; either winding may be the primary, and the other is then the secondary.2.×××: male and born in Funing County,Jiangsu Province in 1962. He graduated from Xidian University and earned the B. Eng.Degree, the M. Eng. Degree, and the Ph. D.degree in 1982, 1985, and 1990 respectively. In 1994 he was exceptionally promoted to professor. Presently he holds the posts of dean of the School of TelecommunicationsEngineering of Xidian University and director of the Research Institute of Information Science. He is an advisor for doctoral students, a fellow of the Chinese Institute of Communications, a senior member of IEEE, and a senior member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics. He was granted the title of “Expert with Distinguished Achievements” of both Shaanxi Province an d the Ministry of Electronics Industry. He is a recipient of the Government Special Subsidy.He is engaged in the research in the fields of mobile communication, personalcommunication, and so on. He has obtainedone “National Invention” patent and wonquite a few Science and TechnologyProgress Awards at provincial andministerial levels. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………练习 3 (on page 31)II.1. Since feedback plays an important role inelectronic circuits, its study is of greatimportance.2. The black hole is invisible, but its presence can be deduced.3. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speedof light, and require no material for theirpassage.4. From its definition as the ratio of distanceto time, speed is expressed in meters persecond.5. Their difference in this case is 13 parts in a million [或:per million; in 106].6. Our analysis of the diode will be of great significance.7. This facilitates their use in circuit analysis.8. The success in design depends on our correct choice of the circuit.9. It is necessary to take into account their collisions with each other.10. Here we must use wires one thousandth the diameter ofa silk thread.11. This law holds (true) for [或:applies to] the bodies the speed of a rocket.12. W e must frequency modulate the carrier.13. This device is radio controlled.14.AC can be changed into DC, a processcalled rectification.15.To solve this problem, we must takeeverything into account, a complicated procedure.16.An instrument for measuring current,voltage and resistance, the multimeter is widely used in the work having connection with electricity.17.This paper deals with advantages of ACover DC.18.The answers to these problems appear in theback of the book.19.This curve shows the fall in[或:of]conductivity with increasing [或:increased] temperature.20.These materials are pressure sensitive.III.1.The features of this device are small size and light weight.2.Other types of electric motor are also widely used in industry.3.No students[或:None of the students] cansolve this special kind of equation.4.Not until the invention of the microscope did the real study of bacteria become possible.The real study of bacteria did not become possible until the invention of the microscope.5.They do not know if this material could stand solarge a force [或:… whether this material could stand so large a force or not].6.The machine will automatically start to operate again in two hours.IV.1.The second law of motion provides a methodfor measuring what is called the “inertial mass”of a body. All one needs to do is [OR: All that is necessary is; One only needs] to apply the same force in turn to a standard of mass and to an unknown mass and then to compare their accelerations, something that [OR: …, which] can be done anywhere in the universe with the same results. No matter where we are, we can always tell a wooden ball from a lead ball of the same size by throwing them.2.×××:male, born in 1938, professor, andadvisor for doctoral students. He graduatedfrom the Xi’a n Military Telecommunications Engineering Institute in 1964 and remained there as a faculty member. He has long been engaged in the teaching and research in the field of radar. Through close cooperation with quite a few radar research institutes and enterprises, he has successively undertaken or taken charge of more than twenty national defence key preliminary research projects and engineering projects with many practical achievements, most of which have been popularized and applied, or used to equip the armed forces, thus making contributions to the development of radar technology in China. …………………………………………………………………………………………………练习4 (on page 39)II.1.This equipment, it is said, was commerciallyavailable three years ago. [OR: It is said that ….; This equipment is said to have been commercially available three years ago.]2.h fe is a parameter which we think is veryimportant.3.Now we connect a conductor charged with, let us say, positive electricity, to the ground.4.√-1√-1, it was agreed, should be replaceable by –1 at will.5.V elocity, we have noted before, is a vector quantity.6.None of these windows can withstand so large a force.7.All the computers in our laboratory are not very good in quality.8.No textbooks available [OR: None of the textbooksavailable] have mentioned this point.9.Students are familiar with none of these parameters. [OR: No students are familiar with these parameters.]10.In this shop all these components are not available.11.As early as the 1820s, it had been realized that this metal could/can be used in industry.12.They have been developing a special kind of robot since 1998.13.Full use must be made of the equipmentavailable. [OR: The equipment availablemust be made full use of.]14.It is expected that, by the time the devicearrives at that research institute, the technicalpersonnel there will have studied itsprinciple of operation.15.Attention must be paid to the polarities ofthis battery. [OR: The polarities of thisbattery must be paid attention to.]16.Sound travels much more rapidly inhydrogen than in air.17.Some developed countries use as much as60 kilograms of paper for each person in ayear.18.The darker the color, the more lightis/will be absorbed.19.The greater the resistance of a wire, themore energy will be dissipated in it.20.Of all these instruments, this one is mostcommonly used.21.This astronomical observatory is thelargest in our country.III.1.This experiment begins at eight o’clock/inMay/tomorrow.2.The voltage across the resistor is measured involts.3.Both the engineers are busy (in) designing anew type of computer. [OR: … busy with the design of….]4.Copper is a kind of matter and so is air.5.We find this concept very difficult to explain.6.They will leave for Beijing to attend aninternational conference on communications. IV.1.When a wire loop surrounds a stationarymagnet, no current flows in the loop. What Faraday and Henry discovered was that moving the magnet causes a current to flow in the loop.It does not matter whether the magnet or the loop is actually being moved; the origin of the current lies in the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field.2.A lever is a rigid rod pivoted at a certain pointcalled the fulcrum. Fig. 12-1 shows the most familiar type of lever, with a load at one end being balanced by an applied force at the other.The condition for equilibrium is that thetorques produced by F in and F out be the same in magnitude.3.×××: male and born in December 1941. He graduated from the Xi’an Milita ry Telecommunications Engineering Institute (the predecessor of Xidian University) and remained at the institute as a faculty member. From 1981 to 1983 he stayed at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. for further studies, engaged in the research on image analysis & processing and radar imaging. From 1989 to 1990 he went to the United States and Britain successively as a visiting scholar. Currently he serves as president of Shenzhen University, being an advisor for doctoral students of Xidian University in the academic area of signal and information processing. He has been in charge of and undertaken quite a few projects, all with high-level achievements. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….练习 5 (on page 43)II.1.It is quite possible for us to solve thisequation.2.It takes only a few months to design a new type of airplane with the help of a computer.3.It remains now for us to calculate the resistance in this circuit.4.It is left as a problem to the reader to show that this formula holds.5.The program to be executed is stored in this unit.6.This valley is used as the foundation on which to build the dam.7.There are many types of multimeters to choose from.8.The velocity of light is too great to be measured in/with simple units.9.Let it be required to find out this angle.10.L et t o be equal to zero.11.T his equation is very difficult to solve.12.T he farther away the target (is), the longer it takes for theecho to return.13.W e find this problem easy to solve.14.F or this series to converge, x must be less than 1.15.T he ability of a capacitor to store a chargeis affected/influenced by a few factors.16.T his is a pen to draw pictures with.17.F or Q2to conduct, its base must be about1.8 volts.18.W e have to find out how large to make r soas for the series to converge.III.1.Substituting Eq. (7) in/into Eq. (8), weobtain/have/get a=b. [或:Substitution of Eq.(7) into/in Eq. (8) gives/yields/results in a=b.2.Sound travels less fast than light does.3.Every one/Each of the methods has itsadvantages and disadvantages.4. W ork equals/is equal to force multiplied bydistance [或:Work equals force timesdistance. 或:Work is the product of forceand distance.]5. Usually we can not see the earth’s shadow, because there is nothing for it to fall on.6. This equipment has quite a few advantages all its own.IV.1.T his new method has the advantages of high。



科技英语写作试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the most common method of communication in scientific research?A. EmailB. ConferenceC. Journal publicationD. Social media2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic ofscientific writing?A. ObjectivityB. ClarityC. SubjectivityD. Precision3. In scientific writing, what is the purpose of an abstract?A. To provide a detailed description of the research methods.B. To summarize the main points of the research.C. To list all the references used in the paper.D. To give a comprehensive review of the literature.4. What does APA stand for in academic writing?A. American Psychological AssociationB. Association of Professional AuthorsC. Academic Publishing AssociationD. Advanced Publishing Association5. Which of the following is the correct order of a scientific paper?A. Introduction, Results, Discussion, ConclusionB. Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, DiscussionC. Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, ReferencesD. Abstract, Results, Methodology, Introduction, Discussion答案:1. C2. C3. B4. A5. C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. The _______ is a vital part of a scientific paper that provides a brief overview of the research.[Answer: Abstract]7. When writing a scientific paper, it is essential to use _______ language to ensure clarity and precision.[Answer: technical]8. The _______ section of a scientific paper details the procedures used to carry out the research.[Answer: Methodology]9. Scientific papers are often peer-reviewed to ensure_______ and reliability.[Answer: validity]10. Proper citation of sources in scientific writing helps to avoid _______ and gives credit to the original authors.[Answer: plagiarism]三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. Explain the importance of using correct citation formats in scientific writing.[Answer: Using correct citation formats in scientific writing is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to avoid plagiarism by giving proper credit to the original authors. Secondly, it allows readers to locate the original sources easily for further reading or verification. Lastly,it maintains the integrity and credibility of the scientific community by upholding academic standards.]12. What are the key elements of a scientific abstract?[Answer: The key elements of a scientific abstract include the background or context of the research, the purpose or objective, the methodology used, the main results, and a brief conclusion or implication of the findings.]13. Describe the role of peer review in the publication process of scientific papers.[Answer: The role of peer review in the publicationprocess of scientific papers is to ensure the quality, validity, and originality of the research. Peer reviewers,who are experts in the field, evaluate the paper for its scientific merit, methodology, and presentation. They provide feedback and recommendations that can help the authorsimprove their work before it is published.]14. Discuss the ethical considerations in scientific research and writing.[Answer: Ethical considerations in scientific researchand writing include honesty in reporting results, avoiding fabrication or falsification of data, maintainingconfidentiality when necessary, and ensuring that theresearch has been conducted with informed consent and adherence to ethical guidelines. Researchers must also avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that their work does notharm the participants or the environment.]四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)15. Discuss the impact of technology on scientific communication and the challenges it presents.[Answer: Technology has significantly impacted scientific communication by enabling faster and more efficient dissemination of research findings through digital platforms. It has also facilitated collaboration among researchersacross the globe through tools like cloud computing andvirtual labs. However, it presents challenges such as information overload, the need for data security, and the potential for misinformation or "fake news" to spread rapidly.Researchers must be adept at navigating these challenges to ensure that their communication remains accurate and trustworthy.]16. Analyze the role of language in scientific writing and the strategies to enhance clarity and precision.[Answer: Language plays a crucial role in scientific writing as it is the medium through which researchers convey their findings and ideas. To enhance clarity and precision, writers should use concise and unambiguous language, avoid jargon when unnecessary, and employ active voice whenever possible. Additionally, structuring the text logically, using appropriate headings and subheadings, and carefully proofreading for grammar and spelling errors are essential strategies to improve the quality of scientific writing.]。



练习1I、在下列每个句子的空白处填上适当的冠词(如果必要的话),然后将句子译成汉语:1. There has been _____ ever greater interest in this subject.2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate without too great _____ rise in temperature.3. Its primary disadvantage is _____ increase in noise.4. _____ successful design of the equipment requires _____ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications.5. In _____ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _____ single electron revolves around _____ single proton in a circle of radius R.6. The unit of frequency is _____ hertz.7. If _____ voltage is applied across _____ circuit, _____ electric current will flow in _____ circuit.8. _____ Fig. 5-1 shows _____ Oersted’s experiment.9. We should use _____ 18-volt battery here.10. _____ machine is _____ device for transmitting force to accomplish _____ definite purpose.11. _____ hydraulic press will be considered in _____ Chapter 14.12. _____ study of fluids in motion is one of _____ more difficult branches of mechanics because of _____ diversity of phenomena that may occur.13. It is easy to determine _____ value of _____ parameter μ.14. By _____ Eq. (2-1) we have _____ following relation.15. It is necessay to use _____ S-shaped tube here.16. The authors work at _____ University of Texas at _____ Arlinton.17. This is _____ R-bit transformer.18. _____ XOR gate must be used here.II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确地使用冠词:1、这是一个h参数(parameter)。

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)2、the; a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。


)4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。

)5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R的圆周运转。


)7、an (这是一个h参数。

)8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted的实验。

)9、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。


)11、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。

)12、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。

)13、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。

)14、an(甚至当积分区间并不是无穷时,能够恰当地显示一个时函数的傅氏变换的仪器是多么重要啊!)II、1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering Xi’anUniversity of Technology in 1988.3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.4.Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as instrumentspectrometer.5.或How much time] is required to this experiment?6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).8.III、1.2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation security of proactive secret sharingsystem4.The approach can be applied one-dimensional potential barrierarbitrary profile.5.练习2I、1. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.3. This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.5. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 deal with transmission lines.II、1. Its error is six parts in 1012.2. This computer stores four times more information than that one (does).3. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.4. The voltage across this component is a few tenths of a volt.5. Now its internal pressure is one sixteenth what it was.III、1. This object is is.2. Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that CBOcan be neglected.3. This circuit4. 1, 2, and 3 show this process in detail.5. consult references [3, 5, 9].练习3I、1. This new type of computer has many advantages over the general type.2. It is not difficult to solve this differential equation for the unknown quantity.3. Of these five new chapters, the first one deals with the basic principles of negative feedback.4. At this point/time, current differs in phase from voltage by 90o.5. By analyzing [By the analysis of] the parameters of the instrument, we can understand its performance.6. We will find out its average velocity over this distance.7. The science of electronics is too important in the world today.8. They solved this problem with great difficulty.II、1. For x>1, this equation holds..2. Upon [On] substituting [substitution of] these values into [in] theequation, we obtained the following expression..3. This circuit is similar in operation to that of Fig. 1-10.4. This computer is very good in performance.5. These waves travel only in one direction.III、2. The influenceof the 8th of October.4. V5. They will练习4I、1. The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.2. The three coefficients here remain to be determined.3. The two equations below will be often (frequently) used in later chapters/in the chapters which follow.4. Here we use two metal balls 10 cm apart.5. The output remains/stays constant/unchanged/fixed/unaltered/the same.6. All the textbooks available discuss this problem.7. Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers have found wide applications.8. The answer to this problem looks correct.9. Two parallel wires a distance (of)δapart will be used.10. The problem now is how to measure the voltage across this component.11. These data will be sent to the computing center 2 kilometers away.12. Upon rearranging the equation above, we obtain the following expression.13. These charges can interact with other charges present.14. Forces can be transmitted without contact, contrary to the common belief.15. This coefficient is typically 0.35 (典型值为0.35)II、1. In this case, the input does not fall; nor [neither]does the output. […; the output does not fall, either.]2. The resistance of a conductor on the the conductor is made, but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.3. These scientists5. In this laboratory, this instrument is more expensive than one/ any one6. The练习5I、1. This equation can be solved ways。

2. This baseball will soon come to rest because of the ground.the ratio of a force to a length, we can see that k has the same unit as work (does).the machine is of great significance.6. ThisII、1. This police car is equip ped with2. are used to connect these components.these equipments/devices..5. AC can be changed/turned/converted/transformed into/to DC,6. A7. Computers are capable ofthe multimeter is widely used in electrical engineering.III、1. Sec s.1.1 and 1.22. Problems are listed/given on pp.1-5.3. In the equations above, all h’s are the hybrid parameter s.4. The mass of the standard pound is equal to 0.4535924277 kilogram s.5. All a’s and b’s in Eq. (5-1) are related to the impedance R o.6. We must take the effect of temperature on [upon] semiconductors intoaccount.7. In this case, the variation of output with input is very small.8. This curve shows the dependence of distance on/upon speed.IV、.这类特殊的微分方程2. They do not know whether this material can stand so large a force or not.3. 共有M个多边形,其每个顶点数均为NThere are M polygons altogether, each of which has N vertexes.4. These two engineers are busy (in) designing a new kind of software.一种新的软件5. Iron is almost as good a conductor as aluminum.练习6I、1. This image, it will be noticed, is a real image.2. This technical problem, we hope, will be solved soon.3. 210is approximately 1000, a fact that we think is very useful in the study of digital electronics.4. A resistor of say 100 ohms should be used here.II、1. None of those textbooks have/has mentioned this point.2. All of these x values cannot satisfy the equation.3. Neither of the two condition s is satisfied here.4. In the preceding/previous chapter, we discussed energy.method for designing aircraft.6. By the end ofradars.7. Since 2008, this research institute has been developing a special kind of robot.III、1. In Section 1.2, the concept of force was introduced.2. As early as the 1940s, it was found that semiconductors are very useful. 人们发现3. This result can also be arrived at in another way.4. At that time no use was made of this phenomenon/…, this phenomenon was madeno use of.5. This point will be dealt with in the next section.IV、1. This computer works much better than that one (does)/This computer is much better in performance than that one (is)..2. This computer requires many more components that that one (does).3. The distance of the moon from the earth is as great as 240 000 miles.4. The greater the resistance, the longer time it takes for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage.5. The current as small as 0.1 A cannot produce enough heat.V、1. It is easy for us to determine the weight of the body.2. The two engineers are busy (in) designing a new type of computer.3. We find this concept very difficult to explain.4. None of these windows can withstand so large a force.5. Work equals [is equal to] force multiplied by/times distance.6. The results obtained agree with the experimental values. [are in agreement with ]吻合练习7I、1. It will take a few month s to design this kind of aircraft with the help of a computer.2. It is left as a problem to [for] the reader to show that this expression hold s.3. The program to be executed is stored in this unit.4. This valley acts as the foundation on which to build the dam.5. In this laboratory there are many kinds of instrument for students to choose from.6. Let t0 equal/be equal to zero. 设t0等于零7. The farther away the target (is), the longer time it takes for the echo to return.8. For the series to converge, x must be less than 1. 为使该级数收敛9. We find this concept very difficult to understand.10. This method make s it much easier to detect targets.11. This factor will affect the ability of a computer to store information.计算机储存信息的能力12. We have to find out how large to make r so as for the series to converge.使r为多大时才能使该级数收敛13. This is a pen to draw picture s with.14. Elasticity is the tendency of a body to return to its original condition after being deformed.15. Ordinary matter is said to be electrically neutral.16.This property makes it possible for metals to be made into any shape.17. This table is unfit for a student to do experiments on.18. Now we consider what path of integration to take.II、1. The sine law of has been emphasized.2. Not only temperature and light affect the conductivity, but the addition ofW. Smith for his great help.练习8I、1. The amplifier amplifies the received signals.2. Moving molecules have kinetic energy.3. Speed equals distance divided by time.4. V oltage equals/is equal to current multiplied by resistance.5. The resistance(阻力) of air increases with the increased/increasing speed.6. A transformer is a device consisting of two or more coils wound on/round an iron core.7. It is necessary to find out the current flowing through this component.8. This book, properly used, will be of great help to the reader.9. Flowing through a circuit, the current will lose part of its energy.10. Given/Knowing time and speed, we/one can find out distance.11. Having studied this chapter, the student will understand the principle of a computer.12. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary method s.13. Several comsats were launched, all of them (being) high-altitude satellites.14. Called“the mother of all networks,”the Internet is a widely used international network.15. This force can be resolved into two components, one (being) horizontal and the other vertical.II、1.Let us construct/draw a circle with the origin as the center and of radius R.2.This parameter should be measured with E grounded.3. With no resistance in the circuit, the current will increase indefinitely.4. With this in view(由于考虑到这一点), we have written this book.5. This paper introduces a new design method, with emphasis on its principle.III、1.Let us consider designing a computer.2.We refer to these components as being passive.3.This involve s(涉及)taking the Fourier transform.4.On/Upon rearranging the above equations, we obtain the following set ofequations.5.In using this equation, it does not matter which plane is considered as 1.IV、 The current starts flowing at the very moment we close the circuit.5. They have been designing a new type of computer these six months.练习9I、1. The problem was not solved until a completely different concept was introduced.2. Nearly 100 years passed before the existence of subatomic particles was confirmed by experiment.3. The year this device was invented, World War II broke out.4. Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller particles.5. These two resistors should be selected/chosen so that the transistor can operate normally.6. The body is in such a state that it can do work(做功).II、1. The relation that voltage is the product of current and resistance applies to all the dc circuits.2. The discovery that magnetism can produce current is extremely important in the field of electricity(电学领域).3. An equation is an algebraic statement that two algebraic expressions are equal.4. There is evidence that no life exists on the moon.5. The question now arises whether the algorithm is of practical use.6. In this case there is no guarantee that the series is convergent.7. There is a growing/an increasing awareness that these techniques/methods are very useful.8. One of the most noteworthy achievements at that time was the realization that light consists of electromagnetic waves.9. This is due to/is caused by/results from the fact that there are many free electrons in conductors.10. Besides/In addition to the fact that the properties of the material should be included in the analytical model, we must take other factors into account.III、1.These features make it difficult for electronic counter-measure systemsto intercept, analyze and jam this kind of signal.2. The existence of and the ability to control these phenomena make those devices possible.3. The variation of/in the number of the filter’s teeth has a greater effect on the performance of its passband than the variation of/in its dimensions.4. Scalar detection will result in the loss of some phase information.5. Fig. 6 shows the schematic diagram of measuring scatter parameters by the natural parameter transformation method.练习10I、1. Now it remains to be determined when the series converges.2. It is clear from Dubamel’s Theorem that this limit exists.3. It follows from Maxwell’s hypothesis that whenever there is a change in an electric field, a magnetic field is produced.4. It does not matter whether the magnet is moved in this case.5. Temperature determines in what direction the transfer of heat will take place.6. It is now a well-known fact that all matter consists of tiny particles.II、1. What a generator(发电机) does is (to) change mechanical energy into electrical energy.2. What this chapter describes/What is described in this chapter is of great importance.3. Matter is what can occupy space.4. What we have discovered in this experiment is the entirely new realm of electrical phenomenon.5. This direction is opposite to what has been assumed.6. Magnitude, direction, and place of application are what we call the three elements of a force.7. These numbers constitute what is known as the real number system.8. In what follows, we shall acquaint ourselves with some basic concepts.III、1. An x-band wave-guide test system is shown in Fig.7.2. This method lower s the requirement for the hardware of a sample network.3. On the basis of the above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial, a novel configuration results. [或:The above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial results in a novel configuration.]4. Finally, an analysis of packet loss probability is made by computer simulation.5. The sparse ratio of the resulting impedance matrix is as high as 40%.练习11I、1. The meter (that/which) we use to measure the voltage across a resistor is called a voltmeter.2. Computers are the most efficient assistants (that) man has ever had.3. Now this disease is no longer the serious problem (that) it once was.4. Radar can measure the time (that) it takes for the radio echo to return.5. We must calculate the distance (that/through which) the body is lifted.6. The direction (that/in which) a body moves is also very important.7. The number of times (that/by which) this particle vibrates per/a second is called/termed/named/known as/spoken of as/referred to as frequency.8. We equate these two ratios, from which the simplest formula follows/results.9. It is necessary to determine the time when/that the y-component has decreased to zero.10. The curve the y-coordinate of each point on which is zero is just the x-axis.II、1. The point at which the circle cuts the axis of reals is whereα= ω.2. The force of gravity means the force with which the earth attracts a body.3. The surface of a picture tube upon which the electrons produce the picture is called the screen.4. The author would like to express thanks to the editors of the series to which this book belongs/of which this book is a part.5. This is a parallelogram of which the two given vectors are/form sides.6. The pressure is equal to the total force divided by the area over which it is exerted.7. The two elements of which water consists are hydrogen and oxygen.8. This depends on the efficiency with which electrons are produced.9. These two laws are the foundation on which all other laws are built.10. The temperature at which water freezes is generally 0o C.III、1. As the title indicates, this chapter will discuss nonlinear equations.2. As the name shows, a fluid is a substance which flows readily.3. This single force produces the same effect as is produced by those forces together.4. Now we are able to solve such differential equations as occur in physics.5. This function can be accomplished by using the full adder as was described in the previous section.6. These concepts enable us to understand a wide range of phenomena in electrostatics, or “static electricity,” as it is called.7. This current is, as predicted, very small,8. First let us consider the simplest circuit as shown on page 2.IV、1. This is a slightly higher value than we predicted.2. This reactor can produce more fuel than it consumes.3. Let us consider the case when the torque is zero.4. We must determine the values of currents and voltages after the switch closes.5. During the ten years since this book was first published, significant changes have taken place/have been seen in metal-making.V、1. Even in this case these protocols can provide a limited number of the acceptable quality of voice service.a 386 personal computer.[A detailed analysis is made of the effect of equalization parameters on equalization performance.]4. Each receiver channel in Fig. 1 contains an RF amplifier, a mixer, an IF amplifier, anetc.”的黑点重合在一起了)5. The larger the abnormal extent (is), the larger is the residual mismatch, with the curve going up.练习12I、1. be grounded;2. be carried;3. be raised;4. be;5. not try;6. be; be satisfied;7. be;8. be; was; have; 10. were concentrated; 11. had been; 12. were moving; 13. is going to rain; 14. be; 15. leakII、1. Should anything abnormal happen, switch/turn off the power supply at once/immediately.2. Had electronic computers not been used, it would have taken them a long time to solve this problem.3. It is very important that all solutions (should) be checked in the original equation.4. It is suggested that this design (should) be modified at once.5. Without semiconductors, satellite communications would be impossible.6. We could also have used Theorem (6) to derive the result.7. The requirement that energy (should) be conserved must be satisfied.8. Everything here, be it a component or a device, is home-made.III、1. It was this scientist who/that discovered this phenomenon a century ago.3. The speed with which sound waves move through a depend on the properties of the medium.4. It is not clear yet under what conditions it is that this formula can be used.5. This property we call inertia.IV、1. The author is engaged in the and the computer vision, and image processing and recognition.2. Let P and Q be two Boolean permutations of the same order, then their composition is a new Boolean permutation.3. Three algorithms are presented, which can remarkably reduce the time to raise the pen, thus raising the drawing efficiency.4. What this paper describes is of great interest to communications engineers.5. The minimum entropy technique for estimating the Doppler frequency rate is presented, which has the advantages over the classical techniques of high accuracy and a small amount of computation.练习13II、1. By electromagnetic force is meant the potential difference across the battery when there is no flow of current.2. In the table below/which follows are listed various parameters of familiar computers.3. An element cannot be decomposed, nor can it be broken up by chemical methods.4. Only when x = 8, does this equation hold/apply.5. Of particular importance/Especially important are the two concepts which follow.6. Such a set we call the mathematical system.7. Rarely does one know this function with precision.8. This interrelationship between electric and magnetic fields makes possible such things as the electromagnet and the electric motor.9. Not until 1818 was the diffraction of light interpreted/explained.10. By no means do electrons move from the positive terminal to the negative terminal ina wire.II、1. The effect of air resistance is discussed in Chapter 15, and the decrease in acceleration with altitude in Chapter 17.2. It is necessary to determine the charge on and the voltage across this capacitor.3. In this case, no standard is needed, but only a numerical convention.4. This voltage is greater than or equal to 0.4 volt.5. The cathode, when heated, emits electrons.6. Every body, whether accelerated or not, is considered (to be) in equilibrium.7. If necessary, the wire will be covered with some insulation.8. The transistor has its materials arranged p-n-p, hence the name pnp transistor.III、1. An initial analysis is made of the performance of the device.2. The magnetic field is the space around a magnet occupied by the magnetic lines of force.3. This leads to the battery voltage in the model of 500 mV.4. This graph shows the variation with frequency of the resistance of the resistor.5. This is responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land.6. The question now arises how these unknowns can be determined.7. It is necessary to determine the effect on the device of changing the ambient temperature.8. The assumption has been made that the pressure always remains constant during the test.IV、1. The simulation results show that both the schemes are easy to implement.2. The model and algorithm proposed in this paper are to a certain degree/extent superior in performance to the conventional BP algorithm.3. A new technique for estimating the frequency deviation is proposed which gives a high accuracy and requires a small amount of computation.4. Improvement of the accuracy of range alignment in ISAR imaging (by) using the super resolution technique5. Research on and the realization of DTMF in a Cipher Coder6. Analysis of the ability of a quartz flexibility accelerometer to resist bad environment。
