



英翻汉Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your career.Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener to be sensitive toward others’ needs to take criticism well.3) People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes and take their share of blame which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.4) That’s why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.Sensitive in their dealings with others they are well liked everywhere.People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.When confronted with a mistake they let their ego get in the way.They deny responsibility and became moody or angry. They mark themselves as ―prickly有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。



关于“请小心衣服弄脏你的口红”的翻译2090214132王俊1.图片说明●图片来源:李宁专卖店更衣室●图片:●文字功能:我们可以看到此图片中的中文标语是“请小心衣服弄花您的口红”,对应英文翻译是”Please the careful clothes mishandle flowers you the lipstick !”.此条标语是李宁专卖店内用来提醒顾客试衣服的时候不要把口红沾到衣服上,以免将其弄脏。


2.分析●分析该图片标语: 从整个译本来看,这条标语完全是按照字面直译过来,首先语法是完全错误。

请小心衣服弄脏您的口红,这句话是一个祈使句,并且用于提示作用,译文中careful 是形容词,前应跟be动词,在此句中前是定冠词the ,若是按照此版本来译,首先缺乏系动词。

在选择单词上也有不适,例如“mishandle”的本意是“粗暴的对待,虐待,胡乱的处置”,,显然这里对应的是弄,花的对应翻译就是flower,而根据原中文版本,句中弄花一起应是作为谓语动词的,表示把整洁好的东西弄脏,而对应的翻译mishandle flower 不仅词性不对,意义更是让人一头雾水。

●分析同等或类似功能的英语:还看到另外一个翻译版本是“Carefully try to avoidlipstick touch on clothes” .先从后半分看起,此标语是为了提醒试衣服的顾客不要把口红印到衣服上,而对应的英文翻译是“avoid lipstick touch on clothes ”,很显然,在基本意思,信息对等上是符合的。




Lexical Features
There„s never been a better Time. • 常用动词有: make, come, get, go , know, have, 从未有过的好时代。 keep, look, see, need, love, use, take, feel, (《时代周刊》) like, start, taste, save, choose etc. Minolta, finest to put you finest 。 • 常用形容词有: new, good/better/best (比较级 和最高级), free/fresh , delicious , full, sure, 第一流的美能达, clean, wonderful, special, crisp, fine, big , 第一流的你。 great, easy , bright, The real,Self-Made safe, rich, extra, woman. first-class, up-to-date, top-quality, home‟s living better all the time . made (复合词), She super构成的形容词 (supercalendered 尤为光洁的, supercooked熟透 白手起家的女性,生活得更加美好。 的, superfine极为精细的 , supertaste高级品位) (这是美国著名的女性杂志名 Self, etc. 用这个名称构成的复合词 有力地表现了这本杂志鼓励 女性独立的精神。)
1. Provision of Information 提供信息 2. Acquisition of Customers 赢得顾客 3. Maintenance of Demand 保持需求 4. Exploration of Mass Markets 扩大市场 5. Guarantee of Quality 确保质量



Course Name:Applied Translation 应用文体翻译2012级本科英语专业2013-2014学年上学期Content: Practical translation drills翻译方法实训(第二周)Goal: to employ translation skills covered in the previous week flexibly in translation practice. Emphasis: not to be confined to specific translation skills, but rather different versions are encouraged with special attention to the boldface in the following sentences.Assignment & Summary: First render the following into Chinese and do back-translation and finish translation diary after class.(1) Each of these U.S. companies is attempting to offer convenient services to customers by centering on their strong business lines._______________________________________________________________________________ (2) An increasing number of Japanese discount stores and other retailers import and sell low-priced Japanese music CDs pressed abroad._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (3) Long-term interest rates have soared almost fourfold in the past three months after the rates hit a record low in mid-June._______________________________________________________________________________ (4) The primary task facing WTO members at the latest meeting was to pave the way for a broad agreement on issues discussed at the trade round launched in 2001._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (5) The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nation’s economic growth, is a major concern._______________________________________________________________________________ (6) International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs._______________________________________________________________________________ (7) Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago._______________________________________________________________________________ (8) Huge investment costs, such as those for developing environment-friendly technology, have made it difficult for an automaker to survive competition on its own._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (9)This consideration decided our invitation to the mayor for the first China National Stone Products Fair._______________________________________________________________________________ (10) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we’dcertainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (11) The change in plan resulted from a misjudgment on the part of the firm’s top management on what the company’s employees and business partners wanted._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (12) The success or failure of terrestrial digital broadcasting hinges on the prices of television sets and the development of new services._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (13) A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (14) International countertrade is a practice whereby a supplier commits contractually—as a condition of sale—to reciprocate and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (15) A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (16) Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Translation Diary:Translation skills you consider the most useful and state the reasons_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Difficult points you find in the above drills_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Contrast the original version with the one the lecturer has explained and find out the differences ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please find time to do back-translation and try to commit useful English expressions to memory and write down the difficulties you encounter in the process._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。



What Is a SketchThe mechanic must not only know how to read the language of the industrial world but must also know how to write it. He must be able to give his own ideas and describe an object to someone else. It is often necessary to make just a part for a machine. However, there is no time to make a drawing of it with instruments, no time either for a draughtsman to make a drawing. Sometimes only one piece of a machine part is to be made and, therefore, it would be inconvenient to have the draughtsman make a mechanical drawing.Sketches are important because they show ideas and dimensions of a machine part. The cleverest idea, however, may result in a great mistake if the sketch is poorly done. We must learn to make clean sketches to be easily read by others as well as by ourselves.Machine ElementsA machine consists of a number of machine elements. The most useful machine element in power transmission is the gear. The gear is virtually a wheel with a number of teeth. Gears must work in pairs. A pair of gears with different number of teeth will increase or decrease the speed of rotationPulleys and belts are very common in power transmission. They can also change speeds on machine tools. Gears or pulleys rotate on shafts. Theshaft must rest in bearings. Sometimes there may be couplings between shafts. We may use clutches to start or stop shaft motion.Some machine elements may be very large. Others may be very small. However, each of them plays a part in the construction of a machine.Cutting ToolsThe metal cutting tool separates chips from the workpiece in order to cut the part to the desired shape and size. There is a great variety of metal cutting tools. Each of them is designed to perform a particular job or a group of metal cutting operations in an efficient manner. For example, a twist drill is designed to drill a hole which has a particular size, while a turning tool may be used to turn a variety of cylindrical shapes.There are three basic types of metal cutting tools: single-point tools, multiple-point tools, and abrasives. A single-point metal cutting tool has a single cutting edge and is used for turning, boring, shaping, and planning. The most common machine tool that employs the single-point cutting tool is the engine lathe. Multiple-point tools have two or more cutting edges such as drills, reamers, and milling cutters. The cutting edge is that part of the tool where cutting is actually done. Grinding wheels are an example of abrasive cutting tools. Each grinding wheel hasa lot of abrasive grains which act as very small cutting tools.Limits and TolerancesMachine parts are manufactured so they areinterchangeable. In other words, each part of a machineor mechanism is made to a certain size and shape so itwill fit into any other machine or mechanism of the same type. To make the part interchangeable, each individual part must be made to a size that will fit the mating part inthe correct way. It is not only impossible, but alsoimpractical to make many parts to an exact size. This isbecause machines are not perfect, and the tools becomeworn. A slight variation from the exact size is alwaysallowed. The amount of this variation depends on the kindof part being manufactured. For example, a part might bemade 6 inches long with a variation allowed of 0.003( three thousandths ) inches above and below this size.Therefore the part could be 5.997 to 6.003 inches and stillbe the correct size. These are known as the limits. Thedifference between upper and lower limits is called the tolerance.When the tolerance is in both directions from the basic size, it is known as a bilateral tolerance ( plus and minus ). Sometimes the limit is allowed in only one direction. This is known as unilateral tolerance. For example, a hole may have to be 2 inches minus 0.000 inches, or plus 0.005 inches. This means that the hole must not be smaller than 2 inches, but can be as large as 2.005 inches.Surface FinishWithin recent years a great deal of attention has been given to the invesigation of the surface texture produced by various machining and finish operations, and, although we have not yet reached the stage when surface finish requirements can be specified and produced just as it is possible for a given dimension, information is being built up which may in the end bring this about.If a machine surface is reproduced to a large enough magnification it will be found to have a wevy profile, the character and shape of the waves varying for different machining methods. Equipment is now available which will produce an enlarged contour of a surface by traversing a needle-like probe over it, the instrument at the same time plotting on a chart a greatly magnified reproduction of the up-and-down movement of the probe with its longitudinal traverse.。




1.Not all cars created equal.(⽇本三菱汽车⼴告)【译⽂】独⼀⽆⼆,三菱汽车。

2.You know who you are.(法国Peugeot汽车⼴告)【译⽂】标致,只有⾃⼰知道。

3.Now you can have your cake and diet too.(蛋糕⼴告)【译⽂】有了减肥蛋糕,还犹豫什么,开动吧!4.A deal with us means a good deal to you.(百货公司⼴告)【译⽂】与我们交易,您受益良多。

5.Give a SEIKO to all,and to all a good time.(⽇本精⼯⼿表⼴告)【译⽂】精致时间,精⼯打造。

6.Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant?【译⽂】换做是你怀孕了,你会更为谨慎吗?7.If you are what you eat,a visit to North Carolina could make you a veryinteresting person,indeed.【译⽂】⾷物造就⼈的品质,北卡罗来纳成就您的康乐。

8.The driver is safer when the road is dry;the road is safer when the driver is dry.(交通⼴告)【译⽂】道路不沾⽔,司机更安全;司机不沾酒,道路更安全。

9.No Excuses,Guaranteed,Best for Quality,Always Available,Right Price,At YourService.(ASDA超市⼴告)【译⽂】顾客⾄上,放⼼产品,质量最佳,⽅便实⽤,价格合理,竭诚服务。



非文学翻译练习英译汉1一般应用文体翻译:公司新闻稿DE BEERS REORGANISES DTC SALES AND MARKETING INTO TWOSEPARATE DIVISIONS钻石巨头戴尔比斯公司进行重组De Beers announced recently the reorganisation of the Diamond Trading Company (DTC). The reorganisation means that the former DTC marketing department will now become a separately managed, independent division called De Beers Group Marketing. All other activities previously conducted by the DTC will continue under the DTC management.戴尔比斯公司最近对其子公司钻石销售公司(DTC)进行改组,此举意味着以前的DTC钻石销售部门更名为戴尔比斯销售集团,变成一家单独经营、独立自主的分公司。


De Beers Group Marketing will focus on three core activities:•the development and marketing of “big ideas” like Trilogy which have proved so successful at driving demand•the continuing exploration and development of the FOREVERMARK programme•maintaining consumer confidence in diamonds戴尔比斯销售集团主要开展以下三项核心业务:·像Trilogy一样,发展并推广“大理念”事实证明,这种办法能成功拉动钻石需求·不断探索开发“永恒的印记”项目·维持消费者对钻石The DTC will focus on being the most effective distribution channel for rough diamonds by focusing on maximising value for its clients and producer partners:DTC将通过专注于实现其顾客和合作生产商的价值最大化,建立最有效的原钻分销渠道。



第二章新闻报刊文体2.1 新闻用词的特点及汉译要点Practice 1The huge earthquake that hit off the coast of northeastern Miyagi prefecture earlier this year was a harsh reminder of the more elemental dangers that can threaten economic activity on the crowded and seismically vulnerable Japanese archipelago. Weighing the full implications of the natural disaster will take time. Yet the earthquake at the very least throws a huge question mark over an economic recovery that economists had hoped would gather steam in 2011 after stalling in the last three months of 2010. Although the areas worst hit are far less economically significant than the coastal industry zones, which suffered widespread stoppages after the 1995 Kobe earthquake, the disaster could heighten recent uncertainty among consumers and investors about the prospects for Japan’s continued recovery from its worst postwar recession.Learning from the lessons of the devastating disaster in 1995, the government and insurance companies have been actively encouraging even smaller companies to draw up detailed “business continuity plans” intended to minimize losses and aid quick recoveries. In the longer term, the earthquake is certain to force heavy spending on construction and public works in the affected region. The terrifyingfootage of tsunami carrying away whole buildings makes it clear that dealing with the damage will require huge effort and heavy investment. (212 words)【译文】今年年初,一场强地震重创了日本东北部宫城地区海岸。



第7次练习参考答案截稿时间:2012年12月10日(星期二)晚:12点一、Put the following advertisement slogans into Chinese:1. Feel Good, Fast Food.快餐,感觉就是好。

2. Small deposit, Big return.小额存款,巨额收益。

(银行广告)3. Things go better with Coca-Cola.可口可乐,万事如意。

(饮料广告)4. Tide’s in. Dirt’s o ut.汰渍放进去,污垢洗出来。

(洗衣粉广告)5. We’re Siemens. We can do that.我们是西门子,我们能办到。

(电器)6. Every time a good time.分分秒秒欢聚欢笑。

(麦当劳)7. The choice is yours. The honor is ours.任君选择,深感荣幸。

(汽车广告)8. Good to the last drop. (Maxwell)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

(Maxwell)9. Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota.车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。

(汽车广告)10. No problem too large. No business too small. (IBM)没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意。

(IBM)11. M & M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hands.只溶在口,不溶在手。

(巧克力)12. Go well, use shell.行万里路,用壳牌油。

(石油)13. All the Tast e —None of the Waste.喝喝美味,绝无浪费。

(咖啡)14. Start Ahead.成功之路,从头开始。

(飘柔)15. A diamond lasts forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传(第比尔斯)16. Focus on life.瞄准生活。



contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece.当代的经典作,永久的计时器(手 表广告) 小身材,大味道。 出自: Kisses巧克力 To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. .对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却一直 是彩色的(轩尼诗酒)
PaLeabharlann ody仿拟My love’s like a Red Rose!红玫相机新奉献。这个 广告词模仿英国诗人罗伯特· 彭斯一首著名的爱情诗 句 “My love’s like a red,red rose”(我的爱像一 朵红红的玫瑰) (仿拟parody) Hero Meets Hero.(某招聘广告)这是仿拟谚语 “Like Knows Like.(英雄识英雄)”,广告商换了谚语 中的原词。此广告暗示伯乐欲求千里马之意,用大 家比较熟悉的谚语、名句给人留下深刻印象。
Catchword repetition顶针
出自: 万家乐电器

A new year, a new career. Going with the world giant in telecommunication. 新的一年,新的职业, 同电信界的世界巨人一道成长。(招聘广告)
Whatever you’re eating, drink Maeus Rose. Always light, always fresh, always chilled, always right.(某酒广告)这则酒广告重复用了四个“always”, 突出强调该酒质量,口碑一直都很好,宣传效果不 凡。


























练习材料第一单元地理篇No Giant SkyscrapersChicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Its buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance1. California is earthquake country2.The San Andreas Fault3 is a cause of earthquakes. It is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger4.The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city. They looked at the buildings that did not fall in the earthquake5 and they learned more about building in California.Tall buildings can be dangerous6 in earthquakes. Today California has codes7 that say how a building must be built and how tall it can be.Los Angeles has several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move8 a little and everyone takes a deep breath. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened. People who grew up in California say, “We’re used to it!”Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder9. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Bonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission Church. The Century City Complex is near the ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build in California.水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。



练习材料第一单元地理篇No Giant SkyscrapersChicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Its buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance1. California is earthquake country2.The San Andreas Fault3 is a cause of earthquakes. It is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger4.The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city. They looked at the buildings that did not fall in the earthquake5 and they learned more about building in California.Tall buildings can be dangerous6 in earthquakes. Today California has codes7 that say how a building must be built and how tall it can be.Los Angeles has several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move8 a little and everyone takes a deep breath. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened. People who grew up in California say, “We’re used to it!”Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder9. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Bonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission Church. The Century City Complex is near the ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build in California.水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。



非文学翻译练习英译汉1一般应用文体翻译:公司新闻稿DE BEERS REORGANISES DTC SALES AND MARKETING INTO TWOSEPARATE DIVISIONS钻石巨头戴尔比斯公司进行重组De Beers announced recently the reorganisation of the Diamond Trading Company (DTC). The reorganisation means that the former DTC marketing department will now become a separately managed, independent division called De Beers Group Marketing. All other activities previously conducted by the DTC will continue under the DTC management.戴尔比斯公司最近对其子公司钻石销售公司(DTC)进行改组,此举意味着以前的DTC钻石销售部门更名为戴尔比斯销售集团,变成一家单独经营、独立自主的分公司。


De Beers Group Marketing will focus on three core activities:•the development and marketing of “big ideas” like Trilogy which have proved so successful at driving demand•the continuing exploration and development of the FOREVERMARK programme•maintaining consumer confidence in diamonds戴尔比斯销售集团主要开展以下三项核心业务:·像Trilogy一样,发展并推广“大理念”事实证明,这种办法能成功拉动钻石需求·不断探索开发“永恒的印记”项目·维持消费者对钻石The DTC will focus on being the most effective distribution channel for rough diamonds by focusing on maximising value for its clients and producer partners:DTC将通过专注于实现其顾客和合作生产商的价值最大化,建立最有效的原钻分销渠道。


Lecture Four
General Introduction to Practical Writings and Their Translation
I. Review and homework checking II. General Introduction to practical writings III. The basic rules and strategies of practical
I. Review and homework checking
我不时地试探明眼的朋友,想了解他们看见了些什么。不 久前一 位好友来看我,她刚从林中散步回来,我问她看到 了什么, 她说一切平淡无奇。若不是我早就听惯了这种回

有I时. 我R把e手v轻ie轻w地放a在n小d树h上o,m运气e好w的o时r候k,c我h能e感c到ki枝n头g鸟
drink, and be merry,” but most people would be
chastened by the certainty of impending death.
有时候我M想os,t o把f u每s t一ak天e 都life当fo做r 生gra命n的ted最. W后e一k天no来w过th,at也on许e是da一y 种
If each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a 但视视而fwt力不eeowa和见ucdlhd听,ahmy力充ismaa从耳ktteh未不sehoi受闻jmmoye到,mst损对ioomfre伤所esoad的见upunp人所rdirne.却闻gcih很漫aitsi少不vee充经aorlf分心ysl运,iigfeh用 毫.t;D他无sail们鉴reknn的赏cees天珍sw赋惜ou。之ld他意们。 事情往往是这样,失却之物,方知珍惜;生了病才知道健康之可贵 。


翻译者要忠实、正确、流畅、优雅地将文学 作品翻译成功,准确传达原作者的思想情感。 4
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文学体裁一般共分为: 诗歌 散文 戏剧 小说
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21. 1 诗歌翻译〔Translation of Poetry〕
诗歌是文学的极品。它通过有节奏和 韵律的语言来反映生活、抒发情感,属于 韵文的范畴。
第二十一章 文学文体的翻译
21. 1 诗歌翻译
诗歌欣赏1:今天与明天 诗歌欣赏2:没有快船比书卷 诗歌欣赏3:能否把你比作夏日璀璨 诗歌欣赏4:墓志铭 诗歌欣赏5:红玫瑰 诗歌欣赏6:乡村墓园挽歌
21. 2 散文翻译 21. 3 小说翻译
散文欣赏1 散文欣赏 2 散文欣赏3 小说欣赏1 小说欣赏 2 小说欣赏3
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只要是诗歌,不管是英语诗还是 汉语诗,在形式上大都追求平行对 仗押韵,风格上追求创新立异,富 有诗意;美感上追求意境美和音韵 美,抑扬顿挫富有音韵节奏感、带 有音乐美。
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汉英语言构造完全不同,而诗的语言 更为复杂,加之汉英文诗都有自己的一套 格律,所以在翻译时很难用中文既表达出 英文诗的内容,又表达出英文诗的格律形 式。
21. 4 戏剧翻译

诗歌翻译练习 1 诗歌翻译练习 2
小说翻译练习 1 小说翻译练习 2
散文翻译练习 1 散文翻译练习 2
Translation of English Literary Writings
文学是语言的艺术,文学作品是用语言创造的 艺术品。它用语言




1.Not all cars created equal.(日本三菱汽车广告)【译文】独一无二,三菱汽车。

2.You know who you are.(法国Peugeot汽车广告)【译文】标致,只有自己知道。

3.Now you can have your cake and diet too.(蛋糕广告)【译文】有了减肥蛋糕,还犹豫什么,开动吧!4.A deal with us means a good deal to you.(百货公司广告)【译文】与我们交易,您受益良多。

5.Give a SEIKO to all,and to all a good time.(日本精工手表广告)【译文】精致时间,精工打造。

6.Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant?【译文】换做是你怀孕了,你会更为谨慎吗?7.If you are what you eat,a visit to North Carolina could make you a veryinteresting person,indeed.【译文】食物造就人的品质,北卡罗来纳成就您的康乐。

8.The driver is safer when the road is dry;the road is safer when the driver is dry.(交通广告)【译文】道路不沾水,司机更安全;司机不沾酒,道路更安全。

9.No Excuses,Guaranteed,Best for Quality,Always Available,Right Price,At YourService.(ASDA超市广告)【译文】顾客至上,放心产品,质量最佳,方便实用,价格合理,竭诚服务。



目 录绪论第一章 理解与翻译第二章 新闻报刊文体2.1 新闻用词的特点及汉译要点2.2 英汉语序对比及翻译第三章 论述文体3.1 论述文体的特点及翻译要点3.2 常见的译词法3.3 译词要点第四章 公文文体4.1 公文文体特点及翻译要点4.2 常见的英语长句、难句汉译法第五章 描写及叙述文体5.1 描写及叙述文体的特点及翻译要点5.2 情态动词的翻译5.3 句子的情态翻译第六章 科技文体6.1 科技文体的特点及翻译要点6.2 英语动词的翻译6.3 被动语态的翻译6.4 连词的翻译6.5 英语计数的汉译第七章 应用文体7.1 应用文体的特点及汉译要点7.2 代词的汉译7.3 介词、冠词及名词数的汉译第八章 翻译三论绪论Ⅰ. 将下列词语译成汉语1. bilingualism【译文】双语学2. stylistics【译文】文体学3. semiotics【译文】符号学4. structuralism【译文】结构主义5. constituent analysis【译文】成分分析6. phrase structure analysis【译文】短语结构分析7. semantic field【译文】语义场8. transformational-generative grammar【译文】转换生成语法9. register【译文】语域10. discourse analysis【译文】篇章分析11. SL【译文】源语12. TL【译文】译入语13. syntactic description【译文】句法描写Ⅱ. 判断下列表述正(T)误(F)1. 结构主义是20世纪50年代中期以后欧美句法研究的主流。



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1. 公文翻译






2. 法律翻译:
Unless it is legally or physically impossible, the contractor shall execute and complete the works and remedy the defects therein in strict accordance with the contract to the satisfaction of the engineer.





Computer programs — software — is an area where copyright laws are up in the air. Right now, software is not adequately protected under the copyright laws, but this situation may soon change. However, depending on the circumstances, protection is sometimes available under the “ common law”
of unfair competition and trade secrets.
May 10, 2006
Your Excellency,
The various subjects we discussed yesterday were all matters of very great importance. To avoid possible misunderstanding in our talk, I have composed a
memorandum of the subjects we covered. I beg to sent it herewith to Your Excellency and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therein. I hope you will favor me with a reply at your earliest convenience.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best wishes.
The Embassy of the USA
1)Notes on using your camera correctly
Places to avoid
Do not store or use the camera in the following types of locations:
* in the rain or in very humid, dirty or dusty places.
* in direct sunlight or in places subject to extreme
temperature rises, such as in a closed car in summer.
* extremely cold places
* places subject to strong vibration.
* places subject to strong magnetic fields ( such as near
motors, transformers or magnets).
* in contact with chemicals such as pesticides or next to
rubber for long periods of time.
1. Slide open the batteries box cover on the back of the unit by lightly pressing the portion marked “BATTERY”.
2. Remove used batteries.
3. Put new batteries in order of ①and ②in Figure A, taking care not to reverse battery polarity.
4. 商务函电翻译
Thanks for your offer. But regrets for your prices too high of our market, as goods of Japanese make with similar designs are on sale however at much lower prices. If you reduce your price by 5 %, we’ll order 1000 sets. Please take this matter into consideration and reply as soon as possible. Regards.。
