
If I were a student in Class 2 of Year 7, my name would be Ma Li. I would like to share with you what a typical day in my life would be like.
Once I reach school, the first thing I would do is attend the morning assembly. This is where all the students gather in the school hall for announcements and the singing of the national anthem. After the assembly, I would head to my classroom and start my lessons for the day.
Firstly, my day would start early in the morning. I would wake up at 6:30 am and get ready for school. My mom would prepare breakfast for me, usually something quick like toast and jam or a bowl of cereal. After breakfast, I would brush my teeth, put on my school uniform, and pack my bag with all my books and stationery.


鼠标 负责姿势 更,方法是右 角方块内按住 键后移动 地球人都知道鼠标右是 制高潮,方法同 。
战斗画面内镜头标志是 换镜头用的。
F1F2F左等等是 能键。
作用自己尝试,按第二 后复原。
反 我被剧情模式雷的是外焦里嫩,里面不光有电车之狼的爱花被 倒时候的角色扮演剧情,也有 种出AL出AME游戏角色的对白,再 女 角紫子的超~~~~~~~~~~强力吐槽和 醋 有天然呆对话实在雷到无语了。
在看到剧情模式里琥珀角色扮演的妹妹说的那番话后,雷的我是内牛满面(KEY社游戏),穿越了!真穿越了!!!!!!看到 方角色扮演(某神秘游戏)姐姐那狂 慈祥的爱对话后,我彻 被 倒了...........啊.........不能想不能想。
转身做伟人状遥指前方说:谈 一话 !!!!自由模式:所谓的自由模式 实是 种小结局收集模式,俗话 战斗后感想,一共有19个小结局 感想 有的也有喷饭效果,有爱的可以收集全。
....谈 一话 !!!!技 :游戏看似动作多,剧情多,实则鸡肋之及,毫无研究操作可言。
实可以 么理解,到了安全期有小结局对话, 方提醒明天可是安全期哦。
什么要特意提醒安全期 点?因 里有个情绪因素在内,战斗内 多的话女 角紫子会不高兴的,表示情绪的脸也就会 怒。
什么不高兴?她 是学生,自己想 .吃分: 有一种说法就是本来是表示情绪的脸谱不是用来表示情绪,而是换 颜色来表示安全期的?由安全到危险等级依次 蓝>黄>红, 体是那种,最好有人能给 个官方资料来,原文没翻译的也可以,悬念啊悬念.吐舌有两点要素要注意。
四心后直接点发射,不要去问女 角舒不舒服?怎么样?累了?再忍耐会?等等问话,直接发射,那么就吐舌, 实也可以问,但是要在女 角对话结束前发射. 实吐舌头后该怎么滚轴 怎么滚,该怎么玩 怎么玩.没有什么改 ,也不知道多 个设定有什么用,难道 了 结局之一?是兴奋点调频。
现代大学英语精读2unit1 Another school year——what for

现代大学英语精读2Unit 1 Another school year------what for?又是一个新学年——为什么上大学?约翰查尔迪首先,给大家讲讲我教书生涯刚开始的时候经历过的一次失败吧。
Vice Principals《副校长(2016)》第二季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

副校长第二季第二集《副校长》前情提要你真的从没想过为什么你中枪了Have you never really considered why you got shot-罗素却没受伤吗 -你这话什么意思- and Russell didn't? - What are you talkin' about?-李·罗素是不是你开的枪 -当然不是- Lee Russell, did you shoot me? - Of course, I didn't!但我一直在寻找谁是凶手But I have been trying to figure out who would.看来我树敌不少啊Sure have made a lot of enemies.不过你也交下了一个朋友But, you've also made a friend.我之所以把你叫回来The reason that I brought you back here就是因为我需要你was because I need your help.马上就会有大面♥积♥反抗了There's a full-on revolt comin'.我没想到当个校长会这么难I don't know that I have what it takes.我回归了我也准备好下狠心收拾你们了I'm back, and I'm ready to put my foot inside someone's ass! 你学会了吗That's how it's done.你能再核对一遍库存清单吗Will you double-check the inventory list?菲莉西亚我需要你回到前台来Felicia, I need you back up front.我天你得换双新球鞋了Goddamn, motherfucker. You need a new pair of kicks.你这鞋也太破了吧Them right there are raggedy as fuck.这是我的幸运球鞋瑞吉These are my lucky sneakers right here, Reggie.这也太脏了They nasty as hell.鞋上都是酱汁Got damn marinara sauce on 'em.这是甘比先生的血That's Mr. Gamby's blood right there.当我发现他遭到枪击时I was wearing these我正穿着这双鞋when I found his ass all shot up outside.你穿着带血的鞋子You've been walking around here在这里走来走去还说这鞋幸运with blood on your shoes talkin' about they lucky?-没错这是幸运球鞋 -才不是呢- You damn right they lucky. - They ain't lucky.这鞋太他妈邋遢了They crusty as a motherfucker.你的发罩才他妈邋遢Your hairnet is crusty as a motherfucker.好吧坏小子All right, Mr. Bad-Ass.幸运之人The lucky man.三十秒内从大拇指到小指用刀来回扎空隙From thumb to pinky and back again in 30 seconds.我赌一百块你做不到十次Hundred bucks says you can't do it more than 10 times. 这钱真是好赚Shit, that's easy money.-押一百两倍赔率 -没问题- Hundred in, two back? - You got it.-你准备好了吗 -你们都来看- You ready? - Y'all gather round.瑞吉要输掉她的午饭钱了Reggie about to lose her lunch money.那我们就等着瞧Okay, we gonna see about that.你得找人载你回去了You about to need a ride home.因为你坐公交的钱也飞了Your bus fare is gone.你就要失去一根手指了You about to lose a finger.-我们等着瞧 -来吧朋友- We gonna see. - Call it, friendo.-你就吹吧 -准备好了吗- Talkin' shit. Go. - You ready?谁给我照个相我可他妈厉害着呢Somebody take a fuckin' picture. I'm a bad motherfucker.该死Shit.刀尖贯穿了It's all the way in there.副校长第二季第二集放开我我什么也没干Get off me, man! I didn't do nothin'!闭嘴兰德里Shut your mouth, Landry.我跟踪了你一周半I've been tailing your ass我知道你就是枪击我的凶手for a week and a half. I know you're my shooter!现在威罗警官将找到一把And right now, Officer Willows is about to find a 9mm handgun 裹在大衣里的9毫米口径手♥枪♥wrapped in a trench coat可能还有一个勇士面具with possibly a warriors' mask.没有甘比No, Gamby.你说的东西我一样也没看到I'm not seein' any of that.看看诺顿文学选集下面那里有什么Look under that Norton anthology book. What's there?《阳光下成长》下面What's under Raisin in the Sun---我没有枪老兄 -闭嘴- I don't got no gun, man! - Shut up!只是个科学计算器It's a scientific calculator.那好吧去上课该死All right, fine. Get to class, goddamn it.赶紧走兰德里Keep walkin', Landry.别跳舞你这臭小子Do not dance-- You son of a bitch.该死的甘比你真的Damn it, Gamby. You really让我相信那孩子很危险made me believe that kid was dangerous.我差点抓了他I almost tased his ass.或许你应该这么干Well, maybe you should have,他的舞蹈玷污了你的名声the way he's dancing on your reputation.你已经让我逮捕三个学生了You've had me put handcuffs on three kids now.我不能继续跟着你瞎闹了老兄I can't keep following your crazy leads, man.再也不会了No more.-或许我自己就能破案威罗 -很好- Maybe I'll just solve this case on my own, Willows! - Good! "很好" 你♥他♥妈♥给我等着瞧"Good"? Fuckin' watch!妈的你为什么不说一声你要过来Jesus. Why don't you announce yourself?我是尼尔·甘比我过来了Neal Gamby. I'm here.看到我的表情了吗我正试图抑制心中的怒火Do you see my face? I'm trying to control my anger.-你知道原因吗 -我不知道- Do you know why? - No, I have no clue.你还穿着那件运动衫You're still wearing that damn sweatshirt.我们是老虎甘比We are the Tigers, Gamby,而不是勇士not the Warriors.我喜欢这衣服舒适又合身I like how this fits. It's comfy. It's broken in.它显得你很胖坐下It makes you look fat. Sit down.-见鬼 -我把我的电♥话♥藏在了休息室里- Goddammit. - I hid my phone in the lounge.-正在给教师会议录音 -"录音"- It's recording the teachers' meeting. - "Recording"?我听说这些会议是滋生异议的温床I've heard that these meetings are a hotbed for dissent.我要做只墙上的苍蝇I'm gonna be a fly on the wall,意指悄无声息洞悉一切的人找到那个煽风点火的人find out who the shit-talkers are.你要让纳什也参与进来吗You're gonna have Nash in here?你不觉得这有点超出她的职权范围了吗Don't you think this is a little above her pay grade?我想让她打进高层圈子甘比I'm trying to work her into the inner circle, Gamby.我想在外I want to be out there和员工打成一片mixin' it up with the crew, you know?我独自工作我可没有什么搭档好吗I work alone. I do not have fuckin' partners, okay?你♥他♥妈♥说什么呢你和我搭档啊What the fuck are you talking about? You partnered with me. 好吧别挡我的路Fine. Stay out of my fucking way.我好像听到他们来了I think I hear them coming.欢迎大家过来Welcome, all.我想我们挨过了期中I assume we've survived the midterm.你在开玩笑吗Are you kidding?我现在就能喝掉五杯苹果马提尼I could use about five appletinis right now.说到这个Speaking of which,我打电♥话♥订到了我们的老位子I called ahead and got our usual table.大家都来参加发薪日酒会吗Is everyone up for payday drinks?-是的 -是的- Yes. - Oh, yes."发薪日酒会" 这群精英混球"Payday drinks," the elitist motherfuckers.事实上我去不了Actually, I can't.抱歉我要去见布莱恩Sorry. I'm meeting Brian.布莱恩神秘的布莱恩Brian. The elusive Brian.我们什么时候能见见他When do we get to meet him?见他绝不可能Meet him? Um, never.听起来斯♥诺♥格拉斯和另一个男人好上了Sounds like Snodgrass is getting railed by another man. 闭嘴罗素Shut up, Russell.我现在就能喝一杯我不骗你I could use a drink right now. I'm telling you.今早我闻到了罗素的口臭I got a whiff of Russell's breath this morning,我现在还能闻到I can still smell it.这是奥克塔维亚·勒布朗That's Octavia Leblanc.没人觉得她有趣Nobody thinks she's funny.看在上帝的份上漱漱口吧Wash your mouth, for Christ's sake.靠闻的你就知道他来了You can smell him coming.谁知道他是在哪儿买♥♥的戏服吗Can you tell me where he buys his little costumes?那真是我看到过的最花哨的衣服了Those are the loudest clothes I've ever seen.难以置信Unbelievable.还有他喷的古龙水天呐And that cologne, my God.闻起来像杀虫剂Smells like Raid.每次他走过我的眼睛都熏得疼Lord, it burns my eyes every time he walks by.他的头发亮瞎了我的眼老兄His hair burns my eyes, man.没错大背头Yes. Frosted tips?又不是九十年代那会的格雷戈·金尼尔You're not Greg Kinnear in the '90s.-我讨厌他 -好的好吧好吧- I hate him. - Okay. All right. All right.我们现在知道了我们以前不知道的东西I think we know now what we didn't know from before.所以如果你不介意So, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna...我要去确认一下这个硬盘make sure that this hard drive is...是否有备份backed up.房♥子挺旧的了但仍很吸引人It's old, but it's got charm.最近的邻居在哪里Where's the closest neighbor?大约沿着这条路走1.6公里About a mile down the road.想进去看一眼吗Want to take a look inside?好Yeah.主卧在楼下楼上还有两个房♥间Master bedroom is downstairs and there's two more upstairs. 味道真难闻这儿死过人吗It smells like shit. Did somebody die in here?确实有人死了Somebody actually did die.那是什么也是我的吗What about that? Is that mine too?那个仓库吗没错The barn? Yep.这项房♥产将近十亩地Property sits on 10 acres.我买♥♥了I'll take it.我不想毁了买♥♥卖♥♥I-- I-- I don't want to jeopardize my sale,不过我觉得在你作出决定之前but I-- I do feel it's my duty to at least我有责任带你看看show you the whole place before...这里的整体情况any decisions are made.跟你说实话吧罗比·雷克斯I'll be honest with you, Robbie Rex.最近有人想要Recently, someone tried to对我进行一级谋杀commit first degree murder against my body.现在凶手仍然逍遥法外And that killer is still at-large.-天啊 -"天啊"就对了- Oh dear. - "Oh dear" is right.所以我才要找一个That's why I'm looking for a place戒备森严的藏身之处that can be secluded, heavily fortified.这样我就能在周围设下复杂的陷阱So that I can plant intricate booby traps around the property, 把这里变成一个坚不可摧的堡垒turn this place into an impenetrable fortress.我就告诉你吧'Cause let me tell you something.杀我的凶手一定会回来My killer, he's coming back.等到那时And when he does,我他妈会准备好一切来迎接I'm gonna be fucking ready.我想你一定会喜欢这里I think you're really gonna like the place.是的此心安处是吾乡Yeah. Home is where the heart is.老兄这肋排太好吃了Man, these are some tasty-ass ribs.味道好极了Good looking out, man.-谢了哥们 -这么说你是...- Thank you, man. - So you, um...甘比先生的弟弟Mr. Gamby's brother?没什么好笑的盖尔That's not funny. Gale,我们可以做兄弟we could be brothers.我和雷的感情很深Ray and I share a very deep bond.不过我们确实不是亲兄弟No, we're not brothers though.他娶了这位女士而她是我前妻He's married to the woman. She used to be my wife.生了我女儿She bore me the girl.戴肖恩是我在学校里最好的朋友之一Dayshawn is one of my bestest friends at the school.事实上他是第一个In fact, he's the first one发现我中枪的人that came across my bullet-riddled body.他还去追赶凶手He actually gave chase to the shooter.牛逼Damn.戴肖恩我今天请你来的真正原因Dayshawn, the real reason I brought you here today... 是想看你能否帮我指认凶手well, to see if you could help me to identify the shooter. 天啊Oh, good Lord.贾内尔宝贝儿Janelle, baby,拿上吃的去那边看电视好吗why don't you take your food, go watch TV?好的Yes!贾内尔不许看R级片Janelle, don't watch any R-rated films.那天我抓到她在看《菜鸟大反♥攻♥》You know, I busted her watching Revenge of the Nerds the other day. 你知道那电影有暴露镜头You know, that movie shows bush.戴肖恩这个活页夹里Dayshawn, in this binder are全是对我怀恨在心的人all the individuals who hold a grudge against me.凶手可能是他们其中任何一个人The shooter could be any one of these people.这书够厚的That's a thick-ass book.真奇怪只有这么少人I'm surprised there aren't more.看见没所以我跟她过不下去See? This is why I'm not married to her.好吧Yeah.戴肖恩我要你仔细看看这个文件夹里Now, Dayshawn, I want you to look through this binder有没有你看着眼熟的人and see if any of these people look familiar to you.不这个人吗No. Him?这人眼熟吗Does this seem familiar?不不肯定不是他No. No, that's not it at all.这个呢是不是他从我背后跑过来Is this, if he was running behind, going...-不是他 -这个像凶手吗- No. - Does that look like who that could have been?不一点也不像No, nothing like that.甘比先生这些孩子全是黑人Mr. Gamby, all these black kids, man.对你说过凶手是黑头发Yeah, you said that the shooter had black hair.对我是说发色是黑的Yeah, black like the color black,而不是黑人发型not black like Afro.好吧你还说他头发油腻腻的Okay, you also said the hair was greasy.是混混那种油腻腻It was greasy as a motherfucker.好吧你还说凶手跑得很快Okay, and you also said that the shooter was fast.所以戴肖恩在我看来So, you see, Dayshawn, this to me all points凶手就是一个非裔美国人to a Afro-American.老兄凶手是印度人那种黑发Man, this dude had black hair like an Indian.像甘地那种吗Like Gandhi?甘地没头发Gandhi ain't have no hair.那个人像《烟火讯号♥》里的男孩This is like your boy from, uh, Smoke Signals.你看过《烟火讯号♥》吗You ever seen Smoke Signals?不我从没看过那部电影No, I've never seen that film.你能找个更好的参照对象吗Can you use a better reference?那黑色就像It's black like, uh,玩重金属乐魔鬼崇拜的那种混混them heavy metal devil-worshipping motherfuckers. -魔鬼崇拜 -没错老兄- Devil-worshiper? - Yeah, man.见鬼找到了Oh, shit. There you go.-就是他 -罗宾·山卓尔- That's it. - Robin Shandrell.这就有意思了Very interesting.你好奥克塔维亚Hello, Octavia.一准儿没好事Oh, this ought to be good.早上好李Good morning, Lee.要是学校里没有这么多Oh, well, it would be a very good morning爱八卦的臭八婆我会非常开心if we didn't have so many gossip hounds in this school. 难道你不知道在别人背后Don't you know that it's rude说三道四是非常不礼貌的行为吗to talk about other people behind their backs?你说什么我不懂To what is it that you refer?我很清楚你们全都是I just know that you are喜欢给人使绊子的贱♥人♥all mean people who like to cut others down.想伤害我的感情那得祝你们好运了Well, good luck trying to hurt my feelings,因为你猜怎么着没门儿because guess what? You can't.我是说好啊如果你愿意的话I mean, yeah, if you want it.好了我爱你Well, I love you.再见Bye.-是他吗 -是你啊- Was that him? - Oh, hi.你说谁Uh, who?电♥话♥里那个男人On the phone. The man.-什么男人 -没什么- What man? - Nothing.-是我妈 -我本来是想说- Uh, it was my mom. - Oh, 'cause I was gonna say,你对他说这话有点太快了that's a little soon to be saying that to him.说什么Saying what?"我爱你""I love you."-我不是说我爱你 -我知道- I mean, I'm not saying that. - No.我是说你对他说那句话I'm saying if you were saying it to him,是的我明白Yeah, no--如果是他的话那就太快了if it had been him, then that would have been too soon.我只是跟我妈说而已I'm just saying it to, um, to my mom.对你们母女这么多年感情Yeah, well, you've known your mom for a long time,说这话很自然so it's natural.那是谁你在干什么Who-- who's that? What you doin'?有什么好玩的事吗Anything fun?是罗宾·山卓尔It's Robin Shandrell.-我的枪击案的头号♥嫌疑犯 -天啊- He's the number one suspect in my shooting case. - Oh, my God. 那文件夹里全是嫌疑犯吗Is that a whole binder of suspects?天啊没错就是这样Oh, my God, yes, it is.你就高兴去吧我没把布莱恩加进去Be very glad I don't put Brian in here.-你说什么 -你听得很清楚- Excuse me? - You heard me.你最好洁身自爱[清鼻涕] 斯♥诺♥格拉斯Why don't you just keep your nose clean, Snodgrass?什么What?斯威夫特给我醒醒Swift, wake your ass up.我要离开学校办点事I'm leaving campus to go run an errand.有人问起就跟他们这么说If anybody asks, just tell 'em that-因为这是真的 -好的- because it's true. - Okay.介意我一起去吗Mind if I come with?纳什其实这趟是单独任务Actually, Nash, this is more of a solo mission.是啊可罗素说Yeah, but Russell said你应该给我讲讲学校的规矩ya supposed to show me the ropes.我可不敢肯定你能不能掌握这些规矩Well, I'm not sure you can handle these ropes.你试试看Try me.好吧我会的Fine, I will.我要对你进行严格考验I'll try you by fire.走吧菜鸟Let's go, rookie.让我看看你有啥能耐Let's see what kind of man you are.纳什有时你得在教学时间Now, Nash, sometimes, you're gonna have to leave school grounds, 离开学校even during school hours if it means调查潜在的杀人嫌疑犯interrogating a potential murder suspect.嫌疑犯Suspect, huh?-你说谁 -罗宾·山卓尔- Who's the perp? - Robin Shandrell.那孩子曾经在北杰克逊高中上学He's a kid who used to go to North Jackson High.被发现藏有大量大♥麻♥烟Found the ultimate payload of all his reefers.当场被抓被学校开除Busted his ass and had him expelled.现在他在这家屠宰场工作Now he's working here at this slaughterhouse,负责杀猪killing fucking pigs.我的看法是My theory?他去年一直在计划复仇之事He's been plotting his revenge for the last year,等待最佳时机动手waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.-你怎么看 -好吧让我瞧瞧- What do you see? - Okay, let's see.两个又高又胖的白人A couple of big, fat white guys --不是他他不胖No, he's not overweight.-他不胖 -好我再看看- He's not overweight. - Okay, let's see.有个留山羊胡子的西班牙人I got a Hispanic with a little goatee,-又高又胖的白人 -他们的毛发不重要- big, fat white guy -- - Doesn't matter what their hair's like, -纳什他不是墨西哥人 -找到了- Nash. He's not Mexican, okay? - All right. Oh...有个古怪的刺头小子出来了Ooh, ooh, freaky, spiky-haired kid coming out now.惨白惨白的Really pasty white.就是他那就是罗宾·山卓尔That's him. That's Robin Shandrell.他当然把头发剪了Of course he cut his hair, huh?他不想引人注意他在避风头He doesn't want to be noticed. He's hiding.这世上所有改头换面的手段All the fucking makeovers in the world也藏不住他肮脏的灵魂won't hide his filthy soul.肮脏至极的灵魂Filthy, filthy fucking soul.跑到他家来感觉有点别扭Feel kind of weird going to his house.没什么可别扭的纳什It's not weird, Nash.你继续看着就行他在做什么Just keep an eye out. What's he doing?天哪Aw, jeez!-不他朝这边来了 -什么- No, he's walking over here! - He's what?该死的纳什Shit, Nash!给我从车里出来甘比Get out of the fucking car, Gamby.冷静点Settle down.罗宾·山卓尔Robin Shandrell.我和我同事不过是来突击检查的Me and my associate here were just doing some fly-bys.我们在找旷课的学生我不知道你住在这We-we were looking for truants. I didn't know you lived here. 你在监视我我打工时看见你了You're spying on me. I saw you at my work.我就是在监视你Maybe I fucking was, huh?我盯上你了你个小杂碎I'm on to you, you freak piece of shit.我知道是你开枪打我的I know you're the one who shot me.我听说了I heard about that.但发生那种事真♥他♥妈♥让我开心Yeah, but I'm really fucking glad that it happened.你知道为什么吗你知道为什么You know why? Do you know why发生那种事让我很开心吗甘比I'm fucking glad that it happened, Gamby?我很开心因为你是个人♥渣♥I'm fucking happy because you're a piece of fucking shit!-说话注意点小流氓 -你♥他♥妈♥闭嘴- Watch it, punk. - Shut the fuck up!你说话注意点你想让我打爆你的头吗You watch it! You want to get your melon knocked off?我要打爆你的头I'll knock your fucking melon off!你给我回来山卓尔坦白你的罪行Get back here, Shandrell. Confess.快向我的语♥音♥信箱坦白Confess into my voice-mail application now!你怎么不干脆像上次那样陷害我甘比Why don't you fucking frame me like the last time, Gamby? 你在说什么胡话山卓尔What the hell are you talking about, Shandrell?你在学校贩毒被我发现You got caught selling drugs at school还因此被开除证据确凿and you got busted. Case closed.我的货从不放在锁柜里I never kept my shit in my locker.我没蠢到那份上I'm not that fucking stupid.-锁柜里的货哪来的 -我怎么知道- How'd it get there? - How the hell am I supposed to know? 是你放进去的'Cause you planted it.你陷害了我就是你干的You framed me. That's what you did.纳什抓住他快快快Nash, get him. Go, go, go!你给我回来Get back here!我♥操♥Oh, shit!操Fuck.你好大的胆子山卓尔How dare you, Shandrell!我们俩跟你没完You haven't heard the last from us!-上帝啊 -纳什到我这来- Oh... God. - Nash, come to me.我很欣赏你服从了命令I appreciate your follow-through there.表现很棒你服从了指示That was good. You followed directions,但你动作得更快点but you need to be quicker.-刚才太慢了 -谢谢- That's not fast enough. - Thanks.和我说说发生什么事了李Tell me what's going on, Lee.过去我和所有教师都是朋友I used to be friends with all the teachers...可我成了校长后他们都开始抱怨then I became principal and they all started complainin', 叨逼叨满嘴喷粪whinin' and talkin' shit.你是一校之长You're the leader of the school.如今你和他们的关系不同了You have a different relationship with them now.我相信你能找到平衡的I'm sure you'll find the balance.有勒布朗女士带领着那群狼没戏Not with Ms. LeBlanc leading the wolfpack.在背后说我口臭Talkin' about my fuckin'-- my breath.你口臭Your breath?我太想弄死她了I wanna kill her so bad.我想像穆♥斯♥林♥一样I wanna do like the Muslims把她该死的脑袋砍下来克里斯汀and chop her fuckin' head off, Christine,还要拍个视频and make a video out of it.好吧我了解你李Okay, well, I know you, Lee,你难过的时候总是乱发飙and when you get upset, you fly off the handle.你可能会让情况变得更糟的You might just make it worse.嘴上抹点蜜要管用得多You catch more flies with honey.你说什么Excuse me?混♥蛋♥的是那些老师The teachers are the ones being assholes.他们才是需要往嘴上抹蜜的人They're the ones who need to use some honey.你个下♥体♥干涸的黄脸婆You dusty old queef.克里斯汀对不起Oh, Christine, I'm sorry.你引我上钩的我不吐不快You set me up. I had to.克里斯汀求你别生气克里斯汀Christine, please don't -- Christine?没人理解我的幽默感Nobody gets my sense of humor.或许友好些是赢得他们忠心的最好方式Maybe the best way to win their loyalty is to be nice. 如果你让他们无从抱怨If you give them nothing to complain about,他们就没办法和你对着干了they have no power against you.友善就是力量Kindness is power.太美了That is beautiful.就是这个味Yeah.他妈的好吃极了Mm. Fuck yeah.枪手你闻到那股味了吗You smell that?大惊喜Surprise, surprise!教师休息室的寿司时间到了It is... sushi time in the teachers' lounge!这位是由贵先生Uh, this is, uh, Yuki San.谢谢他说谢谢 "你好"Arigato. He says arigato. "Hi."他在超♥市♥的鱼柜旁做寿司Uh, he works next to the fish counter at Albertson's, 但我争取到了他一天的时间but I was able to wrangle him for the day.我们有辣金枪鱼鳗鱼We have, uh-- uh, spicy tuna, unagi,三文鱼卷炸虾salmon roll, and shrimp tempura.布鲁斯他还特别为你Oh, and, uh, and Bruce, he's even doing做了奶油芝士味的a little cream cheese thing for you因为你看起来可能会喜欢because you, well, you seem like you might like those. 看起来像是别的地方吃剩的It-it looks left over from another function.-新鲜吗 -不能更新鲜了- Is it fresh? - Oh, it is so fresh.鱼都是每日现捕的It is caught daily.我付的钱我知道有多新鲜And I paid for it, so I know that it's fresh.我知道花了我多少钱I know how much it costs.快来大伙你们在等什么Well, come on, y'all. What's the hold up?由贵会伤心的Yuki is gonna get his feelings hurt.我想我们只是没心情吃寿司I think we're just not in the mood for sushi.没心情Not in the mood?拜托大伙Oh, come on, y'all.我只想证明我还是过去那个酷酷的老李Look, I'm just trying to be good ol' Cool Hand Lee here 让你们知道一切都没变to let y'all know that nothing's changed.我的新任务是成为这世界上Look, my new mission is to be the coolest最他妈酷的上司goddamn boss in the whole world.她在笑She is laughing.她她在笑She is... she's laughing.我讲笑话了吗勒布朗女士Was that a... a joke, Ms. LeBlanc?"上司" 你以为自己是头儿吗"Boss"? That's how you see yourself?我是校长Well, I'm the principal,所以严格来讲我就是所有人的上司so I am technically the boss of everyone.不算我我为区政♥府♥工作Not me. I work for the district.不你为我工作Uh, no, you work for me.不我是为区政♥府♥工作的No, actually, for the district.这太幼稚了Look, this is childish,我不会因为这事和你吵起来and I'm not gonna get into an argument with you. 我不必向这里的任何人I don't have to prove to anyone here证明校长的职位the position of the principal是位于众人之上的and where he is on the -- on the top of the heap.-如果你 -如果不是另外两个人栽跟头- If you were -- - You wouldn't even be the principal 你根本当不上校长if two other people hadn't crapped out on us.你才不是人中之王You are not the king of the heap.不过是只剩下你一个罢了You are the last man standing.好吧大伙我明白了Okay, y'all. Well, I get it.我想我还是走吧I guess I'll just leave,这样你们就能谈论我的发型so that you can talk about my hair或是我的口气or my breath或是我的着装如何傻♥逼♥or how stupid I look in my clothes.我把寿司留给你们吧I'll just leave this sushi for... all of you here.我把这些寿司放在...I'll just put it in a place where... where you can get it to...你要干什么What are you doing?李李Lee! Lee!这个还有这个别忘了这个奶油乳酪Here, here's this. Let's not forget the cream cheese.老天呐Jesus Christ!对了And oh, my word,为什么不在这上面加点酱然后...why not have some sauce with this and have some...住手Stop!你们可以很有爱地收下我的好意You can take my attempt at a loving gesture趴在地上把它们吃掉and eat it off the fucking floor.大威罗拿上你的冲♥锋♥枪♥Big Willows, grab your Uzi.我们要去搜捕开枪射我的那混♥蛋♥We're gonna go bust the a-hole that shot me.我跟你说过了甘比不要再提供线索了I already told you, Gamby. No more leads.我找到真正的嫌疑犯了他叫罗宾·山卓尔I have a real suspect now. His name is Robin Shandrell,他基本上已经承认他谋杀未遂了and he basically already confessed to the attempted murder. 如果是这样的话我需要搜查令Well, if that's so, I would need a warrant去他家搜查而我并没有to do a home search, and I don't have one.该死的威罗你这个文员Goddammit, Willows. You pencil-pusher.你是说要我自己搞定吗Are you saying I gotta take care of this on my own? 不是我完全没这个意思No, I'm not saying that at all.我的意思是什么都别做What I'm saying is do nothing.你要是自己去搜查那孩子的家You go over there trying to bust that kid yourself, 你就会触犯很多条法律you'd be breaking all kinds of laws.你明白吗Do you understand?能把你的配枪和墨镜借我一下吗Can I borrow your sidearm and your sunglasses? 没门Hell no.我现在知道"威罗"有什么说头了I guess now I know what "Willows" stands for. "怂包威罗""Pussy Willows."妈♥逼♥的甘比Goddammit, Gamby.罗素我要早点下班Russell, I need to split out of here early.你没意见吧Is that okay with you?你没事吧You okay?我现在孤立无援了甘比I'm all alone, Gamby.老师们都讨厌我The teachers hate me now.你是我唯一的真正盟友You are my one true ally.得了吧Come on, man.谁在乎讨不讨那些老师喜欢Who cares if the teachers don't like you?他们从没喜欢过我我才不在乎呢They've never liked me. I don't give a shit.你拿着金先生的螺栓剪干什么What are you doing with Mr. King's bolt cutters?你是要准备干什么大坏事吧You're gonna do something fucked up, aren't you?不只是搞点调查No, it's just part of my investigation.调... 你搞调查不带上我Invent... You're doing investigation stuff without me?我说过我能帮上你甘比I told you that I would help you with that, gamby.我知道罗素I know, Russell,但你贵为校长我只是不想把你牵扯进来but you're the principal. I'm just trying to keep you out of it因为我做的事都是违法的since I'm doing off-the-record type stuff.拜托去他妈的Please. Fuck that.我想干点坏事就像上个学期那样I wanna get my hands dirty, like last semester.不知道罗素这可能会有点...I don't know, Russell. This could get a little...我正想干一票呢That's what I'm countin' on.好吧我要从侧窗钻进他家Okay, I'm gonna go through the side window and penetrate that. 我要你到前面去分散注意力I need you to go to the front and create a diversion.分散... 什么我没准备好呢A diver-- Uh, no! What? I'm not ready for that.-我该怎么做 -不是吧罗素- What am I supposed to do? - Come on, Russell.你可是校长掌控局面You're the principal, man. Command the situation.好...Yeah...我他妈可是校长。

于是,明宇总爱在童珍执行任务的地方出现,暗中帮助童珍……3,色即是空1 超级好看恩植长得粗犷健壮,只可惜脑子有点笨,高中毕业后像其他进不了大学的青年一样进了部队。

流程表12月22日AM 11:00 §保育园§看见天道在偷窥爱美12月23日 PM 12:00 §保育园§救起快被货车撞到的园儿-庆子(爱)“要如何感谢你呢?”☆(主)“一起去喝茶” (8)12月24日 §ATARU§←——————┐此事在救起园买天狗录影带│儿庆子至24日├→PM 05:00之前§学校3楼演剧部仓库§│去做都可以。
借圣诞老人衣服←——————┘PM 07:00~ §保育园§扮圣诞老人,给庆子天狗录影带之後圣诞老人衣服被天道拿走12月26日 §保育园§(天)“终於见到你了!!”(爱)“不要....不要这样子啦!”§88车站§(爱)“那个人....就叫做天道吗?”(主)“对、他是88学园的老师”§自宅§(天)“哈...我见到...我的天使”12月27日 §保育园§(爱)“啊!啊!啊!...够了”§芳树的家§(爱)“天道先生...真的是老师吗?” .. (9)12月28日 §88公园§(天)“爱美!!我好想见你!!”(爱)“真是的!!真伤脑筋!!”PM 05:00~ §自宅§爱美前来约谈天道的事☆(主)“前往88公园” (10)12月29日 §保育园§(爱)“说是可以说.....我喜欢的....是圣诞老公公”被揭发扮圣诞老人的事 (12)12月31日 PM 06:00 §自宅§(爱)“可以和我一起到保育园吗?”☆(主)“今天非常有空”§保育园§☆(主)“自己也喜欢她”..........(H) (14)1月 7日告白2=筱原泉美(しのはらいずみ)重点1)在咖啡店内依约请客2)射箭练习场见面3)要与泉美一起去看电影4)约泉美去温泉旅行概要1)12月22日在自宅前可以等到泉美。
Vice Principals《副校长(2016)》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本

副校长第二季第一集等我成了校长第一件事就是把你开除First thing I'm gon' do when I become Principal is fire you.等我成了校长第一件要做的事Well, the first thing I'ma do when I become Principal,是留着你给我当奴隶is keep you on staff as my slave.《副校长》前情提要先生们这位是北杰克逊高中的新校长Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet the new Principal at North Jackson! -惊喜吧 -妈的- Surprise! - Fuck!爸你不喜欢这个惊喜吗Dad, you don't like the surprise?我没得到那份工作I didn't get the job.要对付那么多孩子肯定很不容易Must be tough wranglin' all them kids.我不知道你是怎么做到的I don't know how you do it.如果我告诉你我刚刚撬走了别人的老婆孩子If I told you I just stole a man's wife and family,你就会知道我是怎么做到的了you'd understand how to do that.大家都觉得你很混♥蛋♥ 尼尔Everyone thinks you're an asshole, Neil.你就会吹牛皮You come off as a blow hard.把贝琳达·布朗那个老肥婆Belinda Brown needs to take her big ol' butt赶回费城back to Philadelphia.她炒掉了所有她共事过的副校长She's firing every other Vice Principal she's ever worked with.要结盟吗Shall we align?一起干翻那个小婊砸Let's take that bitch down.现在是痛扁她的好时机Now is the time to strike.我本来也不想搞成这样This is not what I signed up for.我的房♥子着火了My house is on fire.你这是牛子痒了You tryin' to get your little dick wet.我看到了不一样的你I've seen a different you.那是真正的我That was the real me.我不想无礼I'm just trying to be respectful.下次贝琳达·布朗张嘴喷粪时我要全录下来Next time Brown starts runnin' her mouth, I'ma get it on video. 我要往你车上撒尿I'ma pee on your car.这是你啊贱♥人♥ 你可以辞职了This is you, bitch. You can resign.我希望你们能担任临时联合校长I'm asking you serve as co-interim Principals.我总有种奇怪的感觉I can't shake this feeling that Brown好像布朗就藏在某个角落伺机偷袭is hiding behind the corner waiting to strike.勇士的骄傲永不灭快醒醒爸爸Wake up, Daddy.-爸爸 -我♥操♥- Daddy. - Fuck!这他妈的怎么回事What the hell's going on?你又在睡着后大叫了You were screaming in your sleep again.肯定是睡前吃太多至尊墨西哥卷了Must be those Burrito Supremes I had before bedtime.爸爸你的状况会有好转的一天吗Daddy, are you ever gonna get better?或许吧Perhaps.但我永远不会像从前一样了But I'll never be the same again.副校长第二季第一集那么多破事过后So then after all that...超♥市♥停车场一个位置都没有了they didn't have any spaces in the Harris Teeter lot,我不得不又开了五分钟才找到停车的地方and so I had to park, like, five minutes up the street.按雷医生的医嘱Well, Dr. Ray prescribes one foot rub睡前要来一次足底按♥摩♥taken before bedtime.是吗Oh, does he now?-早上好李崔普一家 -尼尔- Good morning, Liptrapps. - Neal...你不需要再用楼梯升降椅了you don't need to use the stair chair anymore.保险那些人两周前就叫你还回去了The insurance people said to return it like two weeks ago. 我需要盖尔Yes, I do, Gale.如果我的臀部受到任何压力If I put all my weight on my hip,我可能会瘫倒我的腿会爆♥炸♥I could collapse and my leg would explode-然后散架 -他的伤口或许愈合了- and fall off. - His wounds may be healing,但不要小看but don't underestimate他正在面对的创伤后应激综合征the post-traumatic stress he's dealing with.没错谢谢你Yes. Thank you.要知道如果没有你这位居家护士You know, I wouldn't even be this far along in my recovery 我不会恢复得这么好if you weren't my live-in nurse.你人最好了雷我是真心的You're the best, Ray. I mean that.盖尔别再往嘴里塞吃的了Gale, stop putting food in your face.我需要你帮我准备一盘早餐I need you to prepare me a plate of breakfast.我想在楼上用餐I wish to dine upstairs.-我不是你的佣人尼尔 -盖尔- I'm not your servant, Neal. - Gale,当雷提议让我住在这when Ray offered for me to stay here疗养那些不好的经历所造成的创伤to recuperate with all that had befallen me,那当真是善举that was a very kind gesture.-那不只是我的提议 -没错- It wasn't just me. - It wasn't.好吧当雷和贾内尔Okay, fine. When Ray and Janelle提议让我在这养伤offered for me to recover here,那当真是善举但你知道吗that was a kind gesture. But you know what?你那副蛮横的小嘴脸盖尔With your sassy little looks, Gale,完全毁了他们的善举you are ruining that gesture.伙计们她把你们的善举毁了Guys, she's ruining your gesture.-好吧给你 -还要白吐司盖尔- All right. Fine. Here you go. - White toast as well, Gale. 我喜欢白吐司I'd like white toast.-但也不要那么多 -拿好你的盘子- Not that much of it. - Take your plate.你巴不得我早点滚蛋是不是You can't wait to get my ass out of here, can you?有点同情心吧你看在老天份上Have some compassion, for God's sake.杀手的子弹夺走了我的尊严An assassin's bullet took my dignity,我的工作我的双腿my job, and my legs.不你的双腿还在尼尔No -- You have legs, Neal.你的腿好使着呢是你不愿意Working legs. You just choose --好吧好吧All right, now. All right.祝你在学校过得开心贾内尔Have a good day at school, Janelle. 我会的I will.-我爱你宝贝 -我也爱你- Love you, baby. - Love you too.开车的学生Student drivers.孤身的枪手Lone gunman.这人会是谁Who could this be?两车爆♥炸♥ 一人中枪"恐惧降临本地高中"Terror strikes local high school,副校长遭枪击"vice principal shot."枪手行踪不明凶手Murderer.印第安枪手Indian gunman.奇怪的面具Weird mask.糟糕的枪法Terrible shot.没打中任何重要器官Missed all vital organs.贝琳达·布朗Belinda Brown.有黑道朋友肯定是她Had to be her.布朗教授布朗教授布朗教授Dr. Brown, Dr. Brown, Dr. Brown.是她干的She did this.你以为你能逍遥法外贝琳达·布朗Thought you could run, Belinda Brown. 我很想知道布朗教授I was wondering, Dr. Brown,朝我开枪你内疚吗do you feel bad about shooting me?我也内疚So am I.以眼还眼以牙还牙An eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth.吃我一颗子弹Bullet in your fucking mouth.朝我开枪你内疚吗Do you feel bad about shooting me?我也内疚So am I.你好布朗教授很高兴见到你Hello, Dr. Brown. It's good to see you.你的微笑很迷人You have a beautiful smile.张嘴吃我一枪Put my fucking gun in it.审判日到了贝琳达·布朗It's judgment day, Belinda Brown.暴♥力♥永远不是答案Violence is never the answer.但暴♥力♥是解决方案But it is the solution.我手里什么都没有我没有武器My hands are empty. I have no weapons. 骗你的Psych.骗你的Psych.布朗Oh, Brown.我也内疚So am I.宝贝怎么能用木镶板Baby, baby, wood paneling?我们这是要改造我们的梦想之家宝贝We're remodeling our dream home, baby,不是要建乡巴佬小木屋not some fucking hillbilly cabin.别紧张李Relax, Lee.不过是个主意而已It was just an idea.但是个坏主意Well, it's a bad idea!你从来不看家居频道吗Have you never watched HGTV?庭院设计师来过电♥话♥了Oh, and the landscape guy called.你是怎么跟他说的And what did you tell him?我告诉他你想要最大最高级的锦鲤池I told him you wanted the biggest, fanciest koi pond they have. 我要看着水哗哗淌I want to see the water flow!我爱你宝贝I love you, baby!我得挂了Gotta go!我来I got it.我把他的止痛药带来了Brought his painkillers.-你真是我的救星李 -不雷- You're a lifesaver, Lee. - No, Ray...这些才是你的救星[口哨糖品牌]These are Life Savers.黄油朗姆酒味你还记得Butter rum. You remembered.尼尔你的药贩子来了Hey, Neal, your drug dealer is here!你看上去很累盖尔You look tired, Gale.我们的病人把你怎么了How's our little invalid treating you?他真是个大♥麻♥烦He's a pain in my ass.你去休息会吧Well, you go get some rest.我来接手I'll take it from here.你脸上的皱纹There are more lines on your face比东京交通地图上的线路都多than a Tokyo road map.尼尔Neal?我吃两颗Two for me.尼尔·甘比吃一颗And one for Neal Gamby.我才不要你的人造止痛药I don't need your artificial painkillers.我看我的鸭子就好I have my ducks.看看它们画面多么祥和Look at 'em. So peaceful.我真是很享受这两周一次的相会I really enjoy these biweekly rendezvous.罗素Russell!你♥他♥妈♥在干嘛What the fuck are you doing?那是一条新鲜的面包罗素That's a new loaf of bread, Russell!它们会被包装纸噎住的They're gonna choke on the wrapper.我才不管这些鸭子会怎样I don't give a fuck about these ducks.你知道我为什么会过来Now, you know why I'm here.我的回答还是不行Answer's still no.尼尔·甘比应该待在北杰克逊高中Neal Gamby belongs at North Jackson High School, 而不是宅在家看囊胞性纤维症广♥告♥not some cystic fibrosis commercial.难道没有人得囊胞性纤维症吗Ain't nobody got cystic fibrosis?可能你还没有被确诊吧Maybe you haven't been diagnosed yet.难道你就不能一个人当校长吗What, you can't be principal all by yourself?我当得可好了Oh, trust me, I'm doing fine.我在学校就像是个著名的国王I'm like a fucking famous king over there.我就像是法老王图坦卡蒙I'm like King Tut.图坦卡蒙是被毒死的King Tut died 'cause he was poisoned.关我屁事反正我是国王I don't give a shit. I'm the king!真高兴一切都那么顺利因为我很忙Glad that things are going good 'cause I'm busy.-我在追击贝琳达·布朗 -又来了- I'm hunting Belinda Brown. - Again with this.你听到警♥察♥们说的了You heard what the cops said.枪手只是偷音响的是你吓到了他It was a stereo thief and you spooked him.拜托你真的相信这个说法吗Come on, do you really believe that?当然不信No, of course not.某人烧了我们的车还把你打爆菊了Precious torched our cars and popped a fucking cap in your ass. 但你要告诉警♥察♥这些吗But is that what you're gonna tell the cops?你想让他们发现我们做的所有蠢事吗You want them to uncover all the fucked up shit that we did?是时候了Now, it's time.你得朝前走了You need to move forward.我该怎么向前走罗素How am I supposed to move forward, Russell?我他妈都没法走路I can't even fucking walk.我瘸了I'm crippled.我都认不出你来了I don't even recognize you anymore.你干嘛不洗个澡Why don't you take a fucking bath?你臭得像整天You stink like a fucking finger插在菊花里的手指that's been stuck up an ass all day.她不付出代价我是没法向前看的I just can't move forward until she pays the price. 等我找到她了When I finally find her,我会走近她给她看我的双手I will approach her, and I'll show her my hands 然后我会说"我没有武器"and I'll say "I have no weapons."之后我就会问她And then I'll ask her,"朝我开枪你内疚吗""Do you feel bad about shooting me?"她可以肯定或否定She can say yay or nay.而我的回答始终是同一个 "我也内疚"My response will be the same for each: "So am I." 射她肩膀Shoot her in her shoulder,射她臀shoot her in her hip,-炸飞她的车以牙还牙 -"我也内疚"- blow up her vehicle, even-stevens. - "So am I"? 这怎么能算是回答了How is that even a response to"朝我开枪你内疚吗"这个问题呢"Do you feel bad about shooting me"?你语法都错了It should be, "So do I."你别管我我和鸭子们呆着就好Just leave me alone with my birds.别管你我才不会让你继续和它们呆着Leave you alone? I'm not gonna leave you with your birds. -我不能别罗素 -你没瘸- I can't-- Stop, Russell! - You're not a cripple!甘比你是笼中困兽Gamby, you're a caged beast.现在是时候放这头野兽出来耍耍了Well, it's time for that beast to come out and play!罗素Russell!你到底在干嘛罗素What the fuck are you doing, Russell?你问我在干什么吗The fuck you mean what am I doing?起来Get up!你♥他♥妈♥快起来Get your fat ass up!你没发现吗Don't you see?你一直在推开所有人You're pushing everybody away.你已经推开了斯♥诺♥格拉斯Now, you've already done it to Snodgrass你也要把我推开了and you're about to do the same thing to me.如果你现在不站起来...If you don't stand up right now...你特么的不给老子站起来的话Get off your fat fucking ass right now!-停下 -我就和你绝交- Stop! - ...I'm done with you!站起来Now get up!你就像头搁浅的鲸鱼Like a beached whale.真没种What a pussy.这才是我所认识与深爱的勇猛野兽之子Now that is the savage son of a beast I know and love.勇往直前雷尼尔祝你早日康复爱你的阿曼达欢迎回来甘比先生Welcome back, Mr. Gamby.你想在好位置停车吗Don't you want to park in the good spot?-你指残疾人车位 -对- The handicapped spot? - Well, yeah.我不需要任何特别待遇I don't need any special treatment.谨代表优等生联合会On behalf of the Honor Society,我们被您的英雄气概和勇敢所折服we would like to thank you for your heroism and bravery 并送上慰问花篮以表谢意with this get well basket.我已经康复了你们留着吧I've already got myself well. Keep it.我们会帮你拿进去的We'll carry it in for you.-金属探测器 -没错- Metal detectors? - Yeah.事故发生后就装了Ever since the incident.难道我们是在警♥察♥局上学吗What, do we live in a damn police state now?接下来呢在我们的脑门上贴条形码吗What's next, barcodes stamped on our flippin' foreheads? -你又是哪位 -威罗警官- Who in the hell are you? - Officer Willows.由当地警局任命派遣预防意外发生Appointed by the local PD. Trained to prevent incidents. 那个红丝带是怎么回事What's going on with that red ribbon there?现在是乳腺癌关爱月吗Is it titty cancer awareness month?不甘比先生这个是为你而戴的No, Mr. Gamby. That there is for you,象征着你流过的鲜血to symbolize the blood you spilled.先生你是一位真正的英雄You, sir, are a true hero.就是这样快点快进去吧That's right. Come on now, get in there.小心你的臀Take it easy on that hip.可能是因为我的手表Probably my watch?没关系你没问题Oh, that's all right, baby. You're good.快点快进来Come on now. Get your asses in there.音乐开始他马上就到了Cue the music please. He's almost here.*你还会记得我的名字吗**Would you know my name*欢迎回家尼尔·甘比Welcome home, Neal Gamby.*如果我在天堂遇见你的话**If I saw you in heaven**你还与从前一样吗**Would you be the same**如果我在天堂遇见你的话**If I saw you in heaven*这是在做什么What is this?为你办的英雄欢迎会It is a real-life hero's welcome for you.-我不想要这个 -没关系的- I do not want this. - That's okay.*我必须坚强**I must be strong**并坚持下去**and carry on**因为我知道我并不属于天堂**Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven*他不属于天堂对吧北杰克逊No, he doesn't belong in heaven, does he, North Jackson? 他属于这里He belongs right here和我们相伴人世间on the earthly plain with us!尼尔·甘比被一名Neal Gamby was shot懦弱的音响小偷枪击by a stereo thief, a coward,就在我们这所学校的停车场里in the parking lot of this very school.但他回到了我们之中But he returns to us继续去做他在这世上最钟爱的事to do what he loves more than anything in the world, 那就是当一名副校长and that is being a vice principal.我知道他的回归让北杰克逊高中激动不已Now, I know North Jackson is thrilled to have him back. 向我们归来的真英雄致敬To our returning real life hero,尼尔·甘比Neal Gamby!-拜托罗素 -说就是了- Please, Russell... - Just do it.没人通知我No one, uh, informed me今晚有这个项目that this program was happening today,我没有准备好说话稿so I didn't prepare any words.那你就...随便说两句Oh, well, you-- Then you don't-- Then just make it up. 随便点...Just...很有意思A, uh, very funny thing中枪后你会...about when you get shot is that you...失眠尖叫着醒来have trouble sleeping, you wake up screaming,你满身是汗害怕愤怒covered in sweat, scared, angry,不是生朝你开枪的人的气not at the person who shot you,而是没有让你死掉的上帝but at God for not letting you die.很高兴能回来谢谢大家It's, uh, good to be back. Thank you.慢慢来[楼梯]Baby steps.楼梯已经够多了That-- that's enough steps.老虎们我希望大家和我一起Uh, Tigers, I want you to join me关爱他...in helping bring about some--别惹他了创伤后应激症不是开玩笑的Just leave him alone please. PTSD is serious.-别惹到他了 -不我没有创伤后应激障碍- Please just leave him alone. - No, I don't have PTSD.不要这样说好吗谢谢Just don't tell people that, okay? Thank you.请和我一起扮猛虎...Please join me with a big Tiger...-不 -我们爱你尼尔·甘比- No. - We love you, Neal Gamby.好吧能不能别往我身上打光了Okay, the light needs to stop shining on me now.照他去该死的Back to him, goddammit.光打这里照我Put it right here, on me.你为什么非要毁了大家的兴致Why do you gotta be such a party pooper?这个学校已经不是我离开时那样了The school doesn't even look like the same place I left. 你为什么不告诉我发生了这些变化Why the hell didn't you tell me about all these changes? 因为我知道你会讨厌的Because I knew that you would hate it.但是我们得在枪击事件后重新树立形象But we had to rebrand after the shooting."勇士"总让大家"Warriors" makes everybody想到打仗和谋杀未遂think of fighting and attempted murder.而"老虎"让我想到拉了一坨臭狗屎Well, "Tigers" makes me think about taking a dog shit. 你们这些混♥蛋♥Ya punks!我要好好教训一下你们这帮小瘾君子I'll take you little reefer addicts all the way to the mat. 这个男人婆是谁Who the fuck's the butch?她是副校长纳什Oh, that's Vice Principal Nash."副校长纳什""Vice Principal Nash"?-你雇了个副校长 -你能放松点吗- You hired a vice principal? - Will you fucking relax? 你不在我需要个有威慑力的人You were gone and I needed a little muscle.再说了你会爱死纳什的Besides, you're gonna love Nash.她健壮如玉米芯烟斗骂起人来就像个水手She's built like a corncob pipe, swears like a sailor,她除了喜欢教训人外and the only thing she唯一的喜好就是舔逼likes better than kicking ass is eating pussy.还有我觉得你们去的是同一家理发店Plus, I think y'all go to the same barber.金比[瘸子]副校长你好啊Vice Principal Gimpy, how are ya?我叫甘比The name's Gamby.我知道我只是开个玩笑Yeah, I know. I'm... I'm just joshing ya.别跟我开玩笑好吗Well, don't josh me, okay?我不觉得拿我的遭遇I don't think it's funny when开玩笑有什么好笑的people make jokes about what happened to me.抱歉无意对你失礼My apologies. No... no disrespect.杰森·迪弗斯和菲利普·西蒙斯在这里干什么What did Jason Deevers and Phillip Simmons do here?这些小杂种觉得吸毒These lowlifes thought smoking dope比去你的纪念仪式更重要was more important than going to your memorial ceremony. 是吗两个瘾君子吗Oh, a couple of dopers, huh?你们知道什么和大♥麻♥最配吗You guys know what goes good with ganja?爆米花Popcorn.我们现在不做围坐谈话了We don't do circles anymore.我知道你有多讨厌那套肉麻玩意I know how much you hated that touchy-feely bullshit.我们重新执行校内停学了We're back to in-school suspension.好吧Oh, okay. Yeah.去他的围坐F circles.好吧停学All right, fine. ISS.我带你去跟我来I will lead you. Come with me.还是这么着让纳什去跑腿吧You know what, let's let Nash do the dirty work.我想带你看看我的办公室的新变化I wanna show you what I did to my office.你一定要看看You have to see it.校长李·罗素好吧继续走...Okay, keep walking...好吧继续走... 停Okay. Keep walking... and stop.还没完成Still a work in progress,-但你已经领略到精粹了 -很赞- but you get the idea. - It's fantastic.孩子们在向你敬礼I mean, the children are saluting you还有老虎...and there's tigers and---你知道我在追求什么 -是啊- You get what I'm going for. - Yeah.简直就是个自助式中餐馆I mean, it's almost like a Chinese buffet,但是更时髦些but, you know, classier.看这个上面写着"校长李·罗素"Look at this. That says "Lee Russell. Principal."校长呢That's what this says.看这个你之前坐过这种椅子吗Watch this. You ever done this before?很不错很不错Pretty great. Pretty great.是是是你的胯张得可真开Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got really open hips.你好甘比先生Oh, hey, Mr. Gamby.很高兴看见你It's so good to see you.这些是大家送给你的礼物和卡片Um, here are some gifts and cards that people sent for you.我也很高兴看见你但我不想要这个Oh, it's good to see you, too, but I don't want this.我不知道为什么I don't know why the hell人人都要送我该死的礼篮everyone's giving me a fucking gift basket.-拿着吧甘比 -不我不想要- Oh, take it, Gamby. - No, I don't want it.我拿这个干什么What am I gonna do with it?-大家都很关心你 -快拿走我不想要- People care about you. - Get it out of here 'cause I don't want it. -大家只是想欢迎你回来 -我不想要泰迪熊- People just want to welcome you back. - I don't need a teddy bear气球之类的破烂玩意and balloons and suckers.罗素你上哪去了Russell, where the hell have you been?我不明白... 甘比I don't understand-- Gamby!真高兴你回来了Ha! So good to have you back!罗素先生哈斯主管要见你Mr. Russell, Superintendent Haas is here to see you.谢谢你的及时提醒斯威夫特女士Thank you for the timely notice, Mrs. Swift.你这个白♥痴♥ 快走把盒子拿走You fucking idiot. Go. Take that box.吃了一记子弹是什么感受So what's it feel like to get hit with a bullet?我的身子相当不好受了Did not make my body feel good.我想象得出I can only imagine!瞧现在这世道Oh, the world we live in, huh?我们稍后再聊Well, we'll have to catch up later因为我和李有些事要讨论'cause Lee and I have some issues to discuss.不是吗李Don't we, Lee?是的我觉得或许我们该让Yes. I-- I think maybe we should let甘比好好转转熟悉一下Gamby do the rounds so that he can get reacquainted学校发生的所有变化with all of the changes in the school我们就在这谈事while you and I talk.好主意That's a good idea.很高兴回来办公室改造得很漂亮罗素Well, good to be back and great work on the office, Russell. 看起来美极了It looks terrific. Uh...门开着还是关上Open or closed?-开着 -关上- Open. - Closed.他说要关上He-- he said to do closed.坐吧李Have a seat, Lee.至少这把椅子在预算内At least the chair's in the budget.我只是想改善下I'm just trying to improve-整体的气氛 -想干什么- the general atmosphere-- - Trying to do what? 那是什么东西What the hell is that?那可不是沙发那是埃及的驳船That's not a couch. It's an Egyptian barge!托尼Tony.你好啊Oh, hey.看看是谁回归了[回城]Look who's back in town.很明显是座虎城Tiger Town, apparently.是啊这里变化很大Yeah, there have been a lot of changes.-你屁♥股♥怎么样了 -挺惨的- So, uh... how's the old hip? - Pretty much sucks. 全是淤青和伤痕It's all black and rotten.青的红的伤疤It's green and reddish scabs还有结的硬痂肿块...and crust, bumps...开玩笑的没有烂I'm just kidding. It's not corroded.已经好了只不过现在留下了疤It-- it's healed. It's just like a scar now.尼尔我给你打了很多电♥话♥Neal, I called you a bunch of times.我想去医院看你I tried to visit you in the hospital.-给你送了水果篮 -我从没收到过水果篮- Sent you a fruit basket, you know-- - I never got a fruit basket. 你一个电♥话♥也没有回给我I didn't get a phone call.阿曼达可能是因为Well, Amanda, it's probably just because因为身体原因我打不了电♥话♥physically, I wasn't capable of making phone calls.你知道我不得不重新学着去做很多事You know, I've-- I've had to learn how to redo a lot of things大多数人都可以轻松办到的事that most people just take for granted.比如走路You know, like walking弯曲脚趾or wiggling your toes,-拿起电♥话♥ -好吧可是- holding a telephone. - Okay, but...我觉得你这样跟我断了联♥系♥有点奇怪I thought it was a bit weird that you cut me off like that.-好啊 -搞什么-Hi. - What the fuck?抱歉我碰到弹孔了吗Sorry. Did I hug the bullet hole?我不是故意的只是太想你了Didn't mean to do that. I just missed you so much.你的头发怎么了What happened to your hair?你觉得怎么样What do you think?我觉得这发型让你的脸像骡子一样长I think it makes your face look long like a mule.是啊很棒Yeah, yeah. Cool.我尊重有自知之明的人I can respect a guy who knows what he likes.我还有课所以I have a class to teach, so--实际上我更得走了Actually, I have to leave even more.很高兴遇见你俩It was a pleasure catching up with you two.天啊是的非常高兴Oh, my God, yes, such a pleasure.他说"很高兴和你们聊天"He said, "Nice talking to you guys."甘比先生拄着拐杖走路Mr. Gamby walking with a cane and shit.老兄你看起来就像苗条冰山Man, you look like Iceberg Slim.那是什么人Who's that?是个拉皮条的老兄He was a pimp, man.著名的皮条客大概写了七本书A famous pimp. He wrote like seven books.我可以向你保证戴肖恩Well, I can assure you, Dayshawn,我什么都能做就是不可能拉皮条My condition is anything but pimp.我知道是你发现我被子弹打了个窟窿I understand you're the one who found my bullet-riddled shot body. 没错是我老兄Yeah, I did, man.满地都是血Blood leaking all over the place and shit.我是说大部分是血I mean, most of it was blood.我想你可能刚上过厕所老兄I think you might have used the restroom on yourself, man.你裤子前面全湿了Front of your pants was all warm and dark.不那是汗戴肖恩Mm-mm. No, that was sweat, Dayshawn.不那是小便老兄No, that was tee-tee, man.那不是小便戴肖恩It was not tee-tee, Dayshawn.你不用不好意思You ain't gotta be embarrassed.你的前列腺失控了那又怎么样So what? Your prostate went apeshit.-我们能不提这事了吗 -好的- Can we please just move on from this? - Okay.你要什么回报What's the payback gonna be?回报什么The payback for what?你救了我的命戴肖恩You saved my life, Dayshawn.我要怎么回报你说吧What do I gotta do to pay you back? Name it.甘比先生你不欠我任何人情Oh, Mr. Gamby, you don't owe me nothing for that.我不会把你丢在那儿I wasn't gonna leave you浑身是血可能还有尿out there bloody and possibly full of piss.我很感激戴肖恩你是真正的朋友Well, I appreciate that, Dayshawn. You're a true friend. 但我确实欠你一次人情But do owe you a debt而我不喜欢欠债and I like to make sure that all my debts are clean.你要是想帮兄弟一次If you want to do a brother a favor,那就批准我早点开溜you could let me duck out a little bit early today.你可以早点下班You can squirt out early.你能回来真好老兄It's good to have you back, man.现在你的救命之恩还清了Now that we're totally square for you saving my life, 我想问你一个问题戴肖恩I'd like to ask you a question, Dayshawn.好的Okay.布朗博士在哪儿Where's Dr. Brown?我不知道老兄I ain't got no idea, man.我跟她没那么铁I was never really tight with her like that.你们不是很铁吗You guys weren't tight,你们有...共同之处you know, despite... your similarities?-你是指我们都是黑人 -我没那么说- You mean 'cause we both black? - Well, I didn't say that.你说了你就是这个意思Yeah, you did. You said that.-不我没说 -你话里暗示了- No, I didn't. - There was insinuation somewhere in there. 我没暗示不过你说得对就是这样There was no insinuations, but, yes, you were right. It's true. 那位女士没跟我说过一个字That lady never spoke a single word to me.她总是派斯威夫特女士来跟我说事She'd always send, um, Ms. Swift in there to talk to me.斯威夫特女士Ms. Swift?斯威夫特Swifty.她在哪儿Where is she?什么谁在哪儿What? Where-- where is who?你知道我在说谁You know who I'm talking about.你是她最亲密的盟友她的得力助手You were her closest ally, her right-hand woman.我知道她把去向告诉了你I know she told you where she went.-你说布朗博士吗 -正是- You mean Dr. Brown? - Yeah.她离开之后我一直没有她的消息I haven't heard from her since she skipped town.好吧我相信你Well, I believe you,。

同级生2超详细全攻略同级生2全攻略-1. 鸣泽美佐子重点提示:1)12月24日的PM11:00在客厅发现美佐子身上有酒味。
在1月6日AM2:00到客厅,选择“我好喜欢美佐子”就可与之H流程22日PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(看·调查窗户上的人影,爬上树,和樱子说话)23日PM2:00 咖啡店(看到青蛙叔叔调戏美佐子)……好感度12PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(看樱子的头发,“喜欢长头”)24日PM2:00 咖啡店(看到青蛙叔叔调戏美佐子)PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(“你有没有女朋友”,“当然没有”)PM11:00 客厅(美佐子身上有酒味...........)25日PM2:00 咖啡店(看到青蛙叔叔调戏美佐子)PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(和樱子聊天)26日AM0:00 客厅(美佐子喝醉了)PM2:00 咖啡店(青蛙叔叔调戏美佐子...........)PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(“已不生气”)27日PM2:00 咖啡店(痛打青蛙叔叔)……13PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(和樱子聊天)28日AM1:00 客厅(美佐子又喝醉了)PM2:00 咖啡店(“因为你为了我,用身体来保护我”)……14PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(定下30日晚上的约会)29日PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(和樱子聊天)30日PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(没有看到樱子)PM9:50——10:21 市民医院(约会,吻樱子)31日PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(樱子不在病房里)1日PM2:00——5:00 市民医院(以为樱子死了)深夜浴室(美佐子帮忙主角洗背...........)4日AM7:00 (美佐子吞吞吐吐的,好像有话要说)5日AM7:00 客厅(约定在凌晨两点)6日AM2:00 客厅(“我好喜欢美佐子”)……157日告白2. 鸣泽唯重点提示:1)12月24日PM8:00在客厅帮睡着的唯披上外套。

想要了解更多精彩的朋友可以持续关注店铺网,我们将会为你奉上最全最新鲜的内容哦! 店铺,因你而精彩。
睡在我上铺的兄弟 友情 故事

其中有一个比较诗意——NEAR BY!英文的意思,永远都在你身边的意思。

时间与空间的狭间?我将要面对巨大的灾难?到底……是什么,是梦么?====================================== ============================ 【4.11】(调查青色的蝴蝶可以用来存档)也许是旅行导致的疲劳吧,头一直疼的厉害,到家后,想到以后一年就要在这里度过,不免有许多感慨呢,吃饭的时候如同一家人的寒暄,可是叔叔却被电话叫了出去,果然警察的工作很忙呢,表妹到是意外的成熟,只是模仿电视里卡通人物“JUNES”唱歌的时候会表现出童真的一面,打开冰箱里面还有吃的,只是味道就,唉,果然,叔叔生活的也是一塌糊涂呢。
夜晚是如此的漫长,诡异的梦境,绵延的迷雾中,我与那个人影厮杀着,他是谁,我又在做什么,所谓密团又是什么,不想让我知道真相,可恶,狡猾的家伙,居然跑掉了……====================================== ============================= =========== 【第一部分,怪雾和杀人案】【4.12】自我介绍中,选择【谁是败逃武士啊】勇气UP回家的途中道路居然被封锁了,搞什么,早上学校下雾不让大家回家从遇到的叔叔口中得知道,原来,发生了猎奇杀人事件……山野真由美,现在已经成为了一具尸体,被挂在了房子顶上。
大家倍受惊愕,只能各自回家了====================================== ============================= =========== 【第二部分:困惑的前辈】【4.13】杨介为我的到来进行了小小的庆祝,我也认识了小西早纪前辈,不过看上去她好似有什么烦恼呢。



u校园陈向京大学英语2听力原文Further practice in listeningShort conversationsScriptsConversation 1W:It is the third time my paper has been rejected by journals because of language problems.M:You know,there is a writing center on campus.I had never got a grade better than C for any of my term papers before they helped me out.Q:What can we learn from the conversation?Conversation 2M:You said you would choose Spanish as your second foreign.Why did you finally choose French instead?W:My grandfather speak fluent French and he says that French is a language that any truly cultured person must know.Q:Why dose the women choose to learn French?Conversation 3W:You seem to have no problem understanding native speakers now.How about Dr.Brown’s speech last night.M:Excellent.But it was still too fast for me tofollow,especially when Dr.Brown talked about those abstract theories.Q:What did the man do last night?Conversation 4M:It seems to me that Melissa is in a bad mood today.What’s wrong with her?W:Melissa forgot to bring her identification card yesterday and she was not allowed to enter the contest.You know she had prepared for the contest for months.Q:What made Melissa unhappy?Conversation 5W:I think my time at school is wasted because it is just studying books and doing tests.M:But you also learn new ideas and new ways of thinking.And more importantly you meet people and develop your understanding of people at school.Q:What dose the man think of the woman’s opinion?Answers1 B2 D3 D4 C5 A。

两名新同学加入了我们班英语作文Two New Students Joined Our ClassThis semester, our class has welcomed two new students - Lily and Alex. Lily is a friendly and outgoing girl from Canada, while Alex is a quiet and studious boy from Japan. Their arrival has brought some fresh energy to our class and I am excited to get to know them better.Lily has quickly made friends with many of us with her warm smile and easy-going nature. She is always eager to participate in class discussions and group activities. It is clear that she is a hardworking student who takes her studies seriously. Despite being in a completely new environment, Lily has adapted well and is already making good progress in her English proficiency.Alex, on the other hand, is a bit more reserved and prefers to observe before jumping into conversations. However, once he warms up to you, you will find that he is a kind and considerate friend who is always willing to help others. Alex is incredibly talented in mathematics and science, and I am sure that he will excel in these subjects as well as in English.As a class, we have made an effort to welcome Lily and Alex into our community. We have organized study groups, groupprojects, and other activities to help them feel included and a part of our class. It is heartwarming to see them both fitting in so well and enjoying their time with us.In conclusion, having Lily and Alex join our class has been a positive experience for all of us. They have brought new perspectives, talents, and friendships that have enriched our classroom environment. I look forward to seeing their continued growth and success in the coming semester. Welcome to our class, Lily and Alex!。



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1 只讓紫子高潮(本条件与结局5有冲突,所以只高潮一次就可以)
2 讓除了紫子以外的三人高潮
3 選擇可以插入的行為2個然後4个女主角各在2個行為中高潮一次
4 在安全日或危險日選擇菊花交射精或絕頂數回
5 選擇可以插入的行為與紫子同時絕頂數回
6 選擇可以插入的行為一插入就射精
7 在安全日或危險日選擇4个部位外出一次,比方说打飛機、菊花交、咬、高段分別各外出1回
8 選擇咬口爆數次
9 在通常日選擇可以插入的行為中出數回
15插入後,切换位置數次(不是体位) 讓女方高潮時選擇4.忍一忍,就是我慢啥啥的那
18 1~17都達成後選擇夕方校舎裏(这就是回想模式里的最后一个,完美结局,其实这不是结局,而是寂寞,你会明白的....)。